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Lesson Plan 1 Social Studies: Grade 5

Essential Question:
What caused changes in the boundaries of the seven continents? What caused changes in the five oceans?

NCSS Theme:
Time, Continuity, and Change

VA Standard of learning:
USI.2 (a): The student will use maps, globes, photographs, pictures, or tables to locate the seven continents and five oceans. Science 5.7 (e) The student will investigate and understand how Earths surface is constantly changing. Key concepts include changes in Earths crust due to plate tectonics;

Essential understanding:
The landforms of the seven continents and five oceans have changed over time due to history, geographical changes, and scientific changes.

Students will be able to construct a world map to include the seven continents and five oceans. Students will be able to identify key geographic features on maps, globes, diagrams, or photographs. Students will be able to describe why the boundaries of the seven continents have shifted. Students will be able to describe why the oceans are split up into 5 major oceans.

Teacher Materials Blow up globe Fact labels for students PowerPoint: Locating the 7 continents and 5 oceans. Globe Continents and Oceans worksheet YouTube song and video: o Music With Nancy The 7 Student Materials Continents and Oceans worksheet Cutout world maps Pencil Colored Pencils Sticky note

Continents and 5 Oceans o Plate Tectonics for Kids Cutout world maps Colored Pencils Sticky Notes Paper Stop Light

Introduction (10 minutes)

1. Holding up a blow up globe of the Earth, ask students to identify the object. Tell students that they will start the lesson off with a little game. The purpose of the game is to familiarize everyone with features and characteristics of the Earth. 2. Show students PPT slide 2 and read how the game is to be played. 3. Hand out Fact About the Earth slips 4. Teacher starts the game off with a fact/observation then throws the ball to a student to begin the game. 5. Tell students to give a show of thumbs up or thumbs down if this activity helped them to understand the characteristics and features of Earth more.

Procedures (15 minutes)

1. Teacher hold globe and asks student to identify what a large landmass separated from others by oceans is called. The teacher points to all of the major landmasses (the continents). Teacher then points to the bodies of water and asks the student to identify what they are called (oceans). 2. Ask the students if they have ever been to another continent other than North America. 3. Hand out blank Continents and Oceans worksheet 4. Open up and discuss PPT slides 3-8. Call on students to come up to the screen and point to either the continent or ocean defined by the teacher. 5. After the students have had exposure with the names and location of the continents and oceans, show them the actual globe and walk around pointing each of the continents and oceans out to the student. 6. PPT slide 9. YouTube video continents and oceans song: Music With Nancy The 7 Continents and 5 Oceans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P-x4zP9rPo (1:31) 7. During the video walk around the classroom and look at students worksheets to make sure they are completely filled in. (Take note of the students who have not filled in their worksheets completely)

Procedures Cont. (15 minutes)

1. Place students in groups of two. Hand out cutout world maps.

2. Pull up PPT slide 10 and discuss with students. Inform students they will be given 10 minutes to work with their partner. 3. Have a few students share if they thought the continents were ever together at one point and why. Also call on a few students to answer what they think caused a change in the boundaries of the 7 continents and 5 oceans.

Procedures Cont. (10 minutes)

1. Inform students that they will be watching a video that discusses why the continents have changed over time and what results from the shifting of the continents. 2. PPT slide 11. YouTube video: Plate Tectonics for Kids http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcPghqnnTVk (0:52- 5:10) 3. Stop the video at (3:17, 3:27, and 3:47 and use hand motions to demonstrate the shifts) After viewing the PowerPoint slide, have the students turn to a shoulder partner and discuss their thoughts after watching the video and why the shape of the continents have changed over time. (2 minutes) 4. Call on a few students to share their responses.

Summary (15 minutes)

1. As a whole class go over the content learned from this lesson and have students shout out the answers in unison. Ask students: How many oceans are there on Earth? What are the names of the oceans? How many continents are there on Earth? What are the names of the continents? 2. For the next two question call on individual students: What caused the continents to shift? What caused a change in the five oceans? 3. Hand out a sticky note to each student and have them write something they are comfortable with after the lesson or something they still have questions about, or something they do not feel comfortable with after the lesson. The students are to place these sticky notes on a stop light which is located at the front of the classroom. (Have students write their name of the back of their sticky note)

Observation will be used to assess if the students are able to construct a world map to include the seven continents and five oceans. The teacher will walk around and determine if the students worksheets are filled in accordingly. The only geographic features for students need to identify during this lesson are the continents and the ocean. The teacher will point to various places on the globe and question students as to what continent or ocean is being pointed to. Anecdotal notes will be taken to assess specific students and their responses.

Students will have multiple opportunities to talk with a partner to discuss the shifting of the continents and the changes of the ocean. As students are talking with their partner they are also to write down their responses on the back of their Continents and Oceans worksheet. The conversations that the students are having as well as the responses on their individual worksheets will be assessed for their content. At the end of the lesson the students will participate in a whole class discussion to review the facts from the lesson. Each student will be given a sticky and is expected to place it in the appropriate spot on the stop light depending on their needs/comfort level.

Students will have the opportunity to work with a partner to assist them in developing ideas and make them more comfortable with the material being taught. Visuals of the content will be provided to assist all students including ELL, lower level, and students with disabilities to better understand the material from the lesson. These visuals will be used on the student worksheets as well as within the PowerPoint slides and video shown. Students will have exposure to visual, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, and logical learning styles. The teacher will walk around to provide assistance for students.

Extension Have students use a globe to learn more about a specific continent or ocean. Books will be provided from the school and community library. They may choose to write notes about the different continents or oceans or simply read the books for pleasure to increase their knowledge.

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