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a) Original or Old KP Ayanamsa,
b) KP Straight Line Ayanamsa,
c) New KP Ayanamsa.
2.Original/Old KP Ayanamsa
This Ayanamsa is as given in KP Reader I which had degree and minutes only. After the
adoption of the New KP Ayanamsa in 2003, this is known as Old KP Ayanamsa.
The formula given by Mr. Neville Lang (developer of Astracadabra)
OKPA = B + [T P + (T*T * A)]/ 3600
B = Base = 22 + 1320 / 3600 (22:22:00 @ 1 Jan 1900)
T = (Y-1900), Y= Year for which ayanamsa is required
P = Annual precession rate =Newcomb 50.2388475sec per year
A = Annual precession rate adjustment = 0.000111sec per year
Note: 291 A.D. is taken as the year of coincidence of both Sayana and Nirayana zodiacs
or the year of zero ayanamsa.
3.1. KP Stright Line Ayanamsa
(explained by Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy, developer of KPAstro 2.5)
KPSTLA = T*P/3600
T = fractional/decimal year taking days between given date and 15th April
P = 50.2388475sec per year
Note: The KP Stright Line Ayanamsa such calculated upto the date is called KP Stright
Line (Adjusted) Ayanamsa.
3.2. Shri Raichur says,
There was a lot of discussion on the old kp ayansa, in KP and Astrology, mostly by
Nayyar and others. But the editor simply barred the discussion, and Mr Subbramaniyam
of "sub-lord speaks" just would not change his views, KSK as given 2 figures, 291 and
newcommbs rate of precission as 50...... So a statight line simple formula is assumed,
though KSK never said so. Newcomb rate is to use only for finding the ayanamsa
beyond 2000 and not from the year 291 A.D. as some have incorrectly presumed. The

assumption that the rate of change of ayansa is constant, is not valid. A correction is
made,once in 100 yrs. This correction factor is given by Laheri, by Surys Siddhanta, and
by latest New KPA formula. by applying, the so-called st.-line rule by assuming 0 +
(YR-291)* 50.xxxx, does not match the fiures given by Prof KSK himself, in his 1st
reader (original edition) for 1840 to 2000, year by year. Even In Laheri's Books his
ayansa does not follow a st.line rule.
According to the findings of the Binary Research Institute, compelling scientific data
exists that shows an increase in the calculated precession rates over the last 100 years.
3.3 KP Stright Line Ayanamsa value so very close to Lahiris (within around 40sec) that
it is difficult to differentiate its value from Lahiris. Shri Raichur says,
..this small difference in Ayana used by various KP astrologers need not
bother a new comer, unduly. THE IMPORTANT ELEMENTS IN KP ARE THE STAR
LORD AND THE SUB LORD. In almost all cases, a slight change in the Ayanamsa does
ont change these important elemnts. A new comer should go to the essentials, rather
than worry about the technicalities of Ayanamsa. In fact The Times of Astrolgy publishes
articles, which use Laheri Ayanamsa, dif of 6 min. appr., and the KP SYSTEM of
division. I have found that in allmost all cases, except borderline cases, the STAR/SUB
Lords are same as the ones with accurte Ayanamsas. THE SUB_SUB LORD will change,
as it is more sensitive.
4. Lahiri Ayanamsa

(as in the UTOH by K. Hariharan: Notable Persons & KP, page 138)
LAHIRI = B + [T P + (T*T * A)]/ 3600
B = 80890.1535sec = 22d28m10.1535sec @1 Apr 1,1900
P = 50.2564 (for 1900)
A = 0.000111sec per year
5.1. New KP Ayanamsa
(given by Prof. K. Balachandran, KP & Astrology Year Book 2003; earlier given by M.G. Nair)
NKPA = B + [T P + (T*T * A)]/ 3600
B = 22+1350/3600 = 22-22-30 @ 15 Apr 1900)
P = 50.2388475
A = 0.000111sec per year
Note: date of zero ayanamsa is 23 March, 291 A.D.

5.2. Shri Raichur says,

After lot of discussions, letters etc., the correct KP AYANAMSA fas been fixed
by PROF Balachandran, and is published in the Annual 2003 of KP & Astrology.
K. Subramanium says,
We, the committee members hereby declare that the values of ayanamsa found in the
tables published in this issue is the final table and also these tables supersedes all the
previous Tables of ayanamsa published in K. P. Reader I & all ephemeris (Krishman &
C.) K.P.T.O.H. & H.T.O.H. etc.
5.3. Shri Raichur says,
There is not any significant difference between the OLD and NEW KPAYANs. The New
KPA gives a formula for calculating the ayanamsa correct to seconds, and for sticlkers,
for any date in the year. The old KPA was presumed to be constant for the full
calender year.
6. Shri Raichur says,
Ultimately, it is not a question which Ayanamsa is correct, but 'USING KP
The result of Kanak Bosmia,s research of around 120 life events of 15 AA rated charts
shows that the NKPA is working better than Lahiri in the application of KP rules,
especially at the Sookshma, fourth dasa level.
7.1. Comparison of Ayanamsa Values (As of 1st January)
1000 09-50* 09-50-25 09-53-25 09-51-29


22-22 16



3000 37-45* 37-45-33 37-48-03 37-51-26

OKPA= Old KPA, NKPA= New KPA, KPSTLA= KP Straight Line (Adjusted)
* As per formula of Mr. Neville Lang (developer of Astracadabra) given in the MSN
AstrologyResearch Group saying,

I would like to share with you the formula I have used in Astracadabra to get the correct
ayanamsa values for the Krishanmurti system.
All astrology software programs (at least the ones I know of) calculate planetary
positions in the tropical zodiac (sayana) but then subtract a value (called an "offset" in
programming terms or "ayanamsa" in astrology terms) for a particular date to adjust for
the sidereal position (nirayana) of the planet. The general formula I use is as follows:
Offset = B + (T * (P + (T * A)) / 3600)
B = base offset
T = decimal years in the form Year - 1900
P = precession rate value per year
A = annual precession rate adjustment
As has been the usual practise in astronomy, I am use values set for 1 Jan 1900 at 00:00
For the original Krishnamurti and the Krishnamurti New ayanamsa, the precession rate
value per year is Newcomb's 50.2388475 but I have also included an annual precession
rate adjustment (A) of 0.000111 for proper "fit" of the values used in tables.
The formula for the base offset are as follows:
- Original Krishnamurti = -22 + 1320 / 3600 (-22:22:00 @ 1 Jan 1900)
- Krishnamurti New = -22 + 1335.7 / 3600 (-22:22:15.7 @ 1 Jan 1900)
Here are the comparative results of the now three KP ayanamsas as at 1 Jan 2006:
KP Original............: -23:50:47
KP New................: -23:51:02 (@2003)
KP Linear..............: -23:55:45 (ayanamsa according to Mr. S.P. Khullar)
Lahiri.....................: -23:56:27
As we can see from this example, Mr. Khullar's linear ayanamsa is closer to Lahiri than to either
of the other KP ayanamsas. Since Mr. Khullar works at the Sub Sub lord level for cuspal
interlinks, I leave it to other researchers to investigate these values further.

7.2. It can be seen clearly how the KP Stright line goes out of line for years far away
from 1900.

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