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Why human is the highest form of animals? Human is the highest form of animal? Yes.

Some agree with that idea and some are not. This is one of the complicated topics that many argued. Each of them had their own point of view and beliefs regarding this matter. ` Humans, variously called as Homo sapiens, are distinguished by their bipedal character. They have relatively large brain which is fully developed that enable high levels of reasoning, problem solving, language, inventing, etc. They can communicate with the use of self- expression, exchanging ideas, and socialization. Human is classified as an animal. In what way? Because we have the characteristic of a mammal which are: warm-blooded, has hair, the presence of mammary glands and humans have teeth. I believe that humans don't know that they are animals in reality. Because humans are compared to the monkeys. We humans do some of the same things like the animals. We use tools like the monkeys; we look for resources to maintain us; we have a space where we can live; and we breed like animals. We are animals because we act like them. We work, we do our things, but being intelligent doesnt have anything to do with not being animals. Science says that we are evolved monkeys. And also we are animals because we have our own habitat which are cities and anything which has to do with being with others. Humans and animals have several characteristics in common. In terms of their activities and interests, such as; they both eat, they need sleep, they both fight and defend themselves, and they also have sex. But despite the similarities, there is a deeper or meaningful difference between human beings and animals that makes human be classified as the highest form of animals. Human beings have the intelligence that defines their very own existence. They question the meaning and purpose of their existence that sets humans apart from animals. Humans are unique. Lets cite some proof to prove that idea. In the Bible, it claims that humans alone are created in the image of God, and given a mandate to husband or care for the rest of the earth that God created. It includes plants, animals on the sea, on the air, and land. Animals are called beasts in the Bible. It is interesting, that only man has been granted the opportunity to take over anything. Humans have the ability to make moral judgments- things that are not found in any animal species. Humans have the ability to love. Take away that love and they are nothing. Men also have intense degree of mental power to create and use advanced technology. Humans can think, talk, read and write, invent lot of things and display different feelings or affection.

When I ask my friends, Why a human is the highest form of life? One of them replied. According to Hiyasmine Navarro, Humans have brain, can recall the past, live in the present and plan for the future. They have culture, which can be learned and shared through the process of socialization and language to express what they want and to communicate. But in overall, according to bible, angles are greater than human beings. And human are greater than all of the other creatures on earth. A great responsibility that God given on humans.

Fercylyn F. Balbalosa BSED 1-B

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