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Natural Sciences Oriented Basic Contents (OBC) carry out an in-depth study and place within a context the contents introduced in the CBCs of the Essential General Education of ulti!odal Education ("G")# $he ai! is to pro%ide an inte&ratin& scientific education# 'n this %iew( contents will focus on the study and interpretation of natural processes and the interaction of hu!an )ein&s with nature fro! a !ultidisciplinary point of %iew# Students will enhance their capa)ilities in the understandin&( production and application of research in the field of natural sciences# $hus( they will encoura&e en%iron!ental and health i!pro%e!ents# $he contents are di%ided in two chapters( followin& the definition of )i& axes# Chapter *( Natural Sciences( +ealth and the En%iron!ent( further studies the contents in !athe!atics( physics and che!istry necessary for the students to approach co!plex su),ects in the fields of production( en%iron!ent and health# 'n addition( this chapter also considers the !ain !echanis!s and processes that natural sciences use to explain the ori&in and transfor!ations of the Earth and life in history# En%iron!ental issues are also addressed# $he historical perspecti%e of the different ways in which hu!an societies relate to the en%iron!ent is lin-ed to the chan&es introduced )y the different technolo&ies# .lternati%e technolo&ies are analy/ed fro! the perspecti%e of sustaina)le de%elop!ent and en%iron!ental policies# +ealth pro)le!s are approached fro! the personal and collecti%e standpoint( underlyin& the existin& lin-s )etween health and society# Special attention should )e &i%en to episte!olo&ical aspects that ena)le the understandin& and acti%e participation in health protection and pre%enti%e policies# $he en%iron!ent and health su),ects call for a !ultidisciplinary approach# $herefore( the proposed contents will )e closely lin-ed to Social Sciences and Ethical and Ci%ic Education CBCs# Chapter 01 Natural Sciences1 2esearch and 'nter%ention 3rocesses studies natural sciences !odels and theories( as well as the i!ple!entation procedures for )oth research school pro,ects and social inter%ention pro,ects# $hese issues should )e approached fro! an episte!olo&ical perspecti%e and placed in a historical-social context#

II. NATURAL SCIENCES OBC $he structure of the OBC descri)ed here was considered the !ost ade4uate for presentin& this docu!ent# +owe%er( this does not i!ply a reco!!endation for a si!ilar or&ani/ation in ter!s of teachin&# $he Natural Sciences OBC are or&ani/ed in the followin& sections and chapters1 CHAPTER 1: Natural sciences !ealt! an" t!e en#ir$n%ent. SEC$'ON *1 Basic sciences# SEC$'ON 01 $he earth( life and its chan&es# SEC$'ON 51 +u!an-ind and the en%iron!ent# SEC$'ON 61 +ealth( the indi%idual and the co!!unity# CHAPTER &: Natural sciences: researc! an" inter#enti$n 'r$cesses. SEC$'ON *1 7nowled&e )uildin& in the natural sciences field# SEC$'ON 01 Co!!unity inter%ention pro,ects in sanitary and en%iron!ental pro)le!s# Each chapter contains a description and the headin& of the different )loc-s# 'n each section are included1 - . su!!ary of the contents8 - Expected achievements )y the end of the ulti!odal Education8 - Scope of the contents #

III. DESCRIPTION O( THE CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS O( THE NATURAL SCIENCES OBC CHAPTER 1: Natural sciences !ealt! an" t!e en#ir$n%ent Intr$"ucti$n $his chapter presents conceptual and procedural contents related to the fields of -nowled&e specific to oriented education# $he contents loo- for an in-depth -nowled&e( pro%ide a context and specify the Basic Co!!on Contents accordin& to the fields of orientation# $his chapter is di%ided in sections accordin& to natural sciences specific su),ects( depictin& the interaction of hu!an societies with nature# SEC$'ON * Basic sciences includes those contents that pro%ide a wider -nowled&e a)out physical and che!ical pheno!ena presented in the "G" and of so!e !athe!atical aspects necessary for !ale and fe!ale students to approach the specific issues lin-ed to the understandin& of natural world# SEC$'ON 0 $he earth( life and its chan&es studies the structure( dyna!ics and interactions of the different le%els of or&ani/ation reco&ni/ed in the natural world( fro! ele!entary particles to the present )iolo&ical di%ersity# $his approach( considerin& or&ani/ation le%els( incorporates the ti!e or historic axis# $his axis is necessary to account for the current co!plexity of the ecosphere# $his calls for an analysis of the different factors and !echanis!s that inter%ened in its lon& esta)lish!ent process( the &eolo&ical e%olution that supports it( the interdependency of the existin& syste!s and the processes that currently operate on the!# $his -nowled&e( to&ether with the consideration of those social and cultural factors in%ol%ed( will help to understand hu!an inter%ention in the en%iron!ental transfor!ation# SEC$'ON 5 +u!an-ind and the en%iron!ent and section 6 +ealth( the indi%idual and the co!!unity( study and reflect upon the en%iron!ental and sanitary issues# $heir study calls for a close interaction )etween natural sciences( social sciences( ethical( philosophical( technolo&ical and !athe!atical -nowled&e# $hese su),ects &i%e !ale and fe!ale students the possi)ility to study en%iron!ental( natural resources( health and production issues whose understandin& de!ands new analysis le%els# $herefore( the !ultidisciplinary approach ac4uires i!portant si&nificance within this context# oreo%er( students will )e well endea%ored to set up responsi)le inter%ention strate&ies to face i!portant present and future pro)le!s of a personal( social and econo!ic character#

SECTION 1: BASIC SCIENCES Summary So!e physical and che!ical principles are at the )asis of the issues approached in this !odule# $herefore( they should )e addressed and carefully studied# "ro! those contents co!ple!entary to the CBCs of section 3hysical 9orld in the Natural Sciences chapter( ener&y( wa%es and field would )e -ept as structurin& concepts# Conser%ation theore!s( the second principle of ther!odyna!ics and so!e of the aspects of physics de%eloped in this century would )e further analy/ed# $he study of !echanics will )e enlar&ed throu&h the analysis of &ra%itational field !o%e!ents# $he theore!s of conser%ation of !o%e!ent 4uantity and an&ular i!pulse( and their applications( will help the students to understand the i!portance of conser%ation laws for physics# .s a co!ple!ent( an ele!entary study of the fluids dyna!ics will )e carried out# "or their infor!ation( an introduction to the special relati%ity theory would )e offered# Se%eral heat trans!ission !ethods are considered# $here is an introduction to the &as -inetic !odel# echanical and ther!odyna!ic pheno!ena are lin-ed( studyin& related !icroscopic %aria)les and their lin- with those state %aria)les that descri)e the !acroscopic )eha%ior of the syste!# Considerations a)out the yield of any process of ener&y trans!ission introduce the second principle of ther!odyna!ics and the related notions of irre%ersi)ility and entropy# $he funda!ental properties of the electric and !a&netic fields are introduced( as well as the laws that account for the!# $he interactions )etween these two fields are analy/ed to reach a 4ualitati%e explanation for the spreadin& of an electro!a&netic wa%e# $he study of the interactions )etween radiation and !atter( such as the photoelectric and Co!pton effects( is an introduction to 4uantu! !echanics# :ater( further ad%ance!ent could )e !ade towards other su),ects related to 0;th Century physics# .s re&ards co!ple!entary contents to the Natural Sciences CBCs of section atter( structure and chan&es and section :ife and its properties( so!e aspects of structure description and !olecule interactions are analy/ed in depth# $he ai! is to focus on the structure of )iolo&ical !olecules and ad%anced !aterials (poly!ers( cera!ics( co!posites( !etals and se!iconductors)( as well as on the processes related to their synthesis and transfor!ation# Conse4uently( !ale and fe!ale students would ha%e a )asis for addressin& other issues specific to this !odule# olecular for! and char&e distri)utions are studied in their relation with )iolo&ical or technical functionality of !olecules# 'n the )ioche!ical field( this would lea%e scope for an in-depth -nowled&e of )io!olecules( such as structural proteins and en/y!es( &lucids( lipids and nucleic acids( and approachin& the !olecular reco&nition !echanis!s specific of li%in& syste!s# <iscussion and !odelin& of the typical structure and the interactions of the !ain ad%anced !aterials will endow the students with a deeper understandin& of the! and their technolo&ical applications# "or instance( they would )e a)le to consider the properties that a synthetic !aterial should ha%e to )e )ioco!pati)le# Contents related to che!ical transfor!ations are re%iewed here# So!e che!ical processes specific of cellular !eta)olis! and oriented towards production of ad%anced

!aterials are studied# $herefore( the notions of oxide-reduction and catalysis( already addressed in the CBCs( are conceptuali/ed# $he role of the ener&y that participates in che!ical reactions is assessed( analy/in& the possi)ility of its te!porary stora&e in hi&h-ener&y unions# athe!atics appears as a lan&ua&e to express the existin& relations a!on& those %aria)les represented in factual sciences !odels# athe!atical contents are introduced accordin& to the de!ands for the treat!ent of certain physical and che!ical concepts( and of the inte&ration pro)le!s !entioned in this !odule# $hese !athe!atical contents are )asic tools for the treat!ent of experi!ental data and the use of for!al !odels# Statistical contents( such as the study of continuous %aria)le distri)utions( assess the si&nificance of experi!ental data and )uild up functions that approxi!ate the!# Conse4uently( they can )e used as description and prediction tools# ost of the chan&e processes studied )y natural sciences introduce the concept of speed# $he later should )e lin-ed with the notion of deri%ati%e as slope of a cur%e( already addressed in the CBCs# $his is necessary to approach su),ects such as heat flows( !o%e!ent analysis( population &rowth or speed of reaction# oreo%er( the use of inte&rals in calculations will allow !ale and fe!ale students sol%e other interestin& science pro)le!s( for instance( wor- calculation( free ener&y and entropy %ariations or )io!ass# $he intuiti%e treat!ent of &raphs is lin-ed to )iolo&y( health and the en%iron!ent( when studyin& pro)le!s related to philo&eny( &enetic &enealo&ies( etc# Expected achievements Once their ulti!odal Education is co!pleted( the Natural Sciences students will )e prepared to1 - .pply &eneral physics concepts such as conser%ation laws( the second principle of ther!odyna!ics and the fields and wa%es !odels( )oth to natural syste!s as well as to technolo&ical o),ects# $hey will ha%e access to notions included in the !ain theories de%eloped in the 0;th Century# - =se their -nowled&e a)out !olecular structure and che!ical chan&es to explain typical structures of )iolo&ical syste!s and ad%anced !aterials and their specific processes# - =se the !ain !athe!atical tools to express and interpret 4uantitati%ely the existin& relations a!on& those %aria)les participatin& in natural sciences processes or pheno!ena# Proposal about the scope of the contents CONCE3$=.: > .nalysis of the !o%e!ents of particles in the &ra%itational field# Conser%ation of the a!ount of !o%e!ent and the an&ular i!pulse# Special relati%ity ele!ents# "luids dyna!ics# +eat trans!ission !echanis!s# Second principle of ther!odyna!ics# Entropy# Gas -inetic !odel# Electric and !a&netic fields characteristics# Electro!a&netic wa%es# 'nteraction radiation-!atter# Corpuscular )eha%ior of wa%es and wa%e )eha%ior of particles#

> 'nter!olecular and intra!olecular unions# =nion !odels# :in- &eo!etry in si!ple !olecules# Space sy!!etry of !olecules# 'so!eris!# olecular shape( char&e distri)ution and functional &roups# ain )io!olecular factors1 space structure( interactions with the watery !ediu!# <e&radation and )iosynthesis# Structure of !aterials# Synthesis reactions at an industrial scale# 2esponse of !aterials to efforts and a&&ressi%e a&ents# Exo- and endo&enic reactions# Oxide-reduction processes included in !eta)olis!# Ener&y captures in phosphate unions# Catalysts# $he role of en/y!es# > Continuous %aria)le distri)utions1 Nor!al distri)ution in the study of data population distri)utions# $he notion of deri%ati%e applied to the study of physicoche!ical pheno!ena and )iolo&ical processes# $he notion of inte&ral as a tool to calculate areas( its physical !eanin&# Graphs1 intuiti%e treat!ent# PROCEDURAL > Calculation of a syste!?s ener&y )alance( usin& the principles of ther!odyna!ics > .nalysis of physics? historic experi!ents related to the issues under study# > odelin& of the structure and interactions of )io!olecules and structural !aterials# > <esi&n( reali/ation and interpretation of experi!ental results a)out the che!ical transfor!ations in%ol%ed in )iolo&ical and synthesis of !aterials processes# > Search and interpretation of &eneral !aterial on topics such as especial relati%ity( 4uantu! !echanics( )ioco!pati)le !aterials and electro!a&netic wa%es# > =se of !athe!atical notions in the physics( )iolo&y and che!istry !odels# > $he notion of inte&ral as area under the cur%e( to descri)e the )eha%ior of data populations#

SECTION &: T!e eart! li)e an" c!an*es Summary $he contents in this section deepen those correspondin& to section *1 :ife and its 3roperties and 01 3hysical 9orld of the Natural Sciences CBCs of the "G"# $his section ai!s at the students )ein& a)le to understand how the ecosphere reached its present co!plexity# $herefore( it studies those !echanis!s in%ol%ed )oth in the &eolo&ical history of the Earth as well as on its )iolo&ical e%olution# $hese two processes are si!ultaneous and interdependent# $he different uni%erse !odels proposed are studied in separate periods in history# $he current scientific hypotheses a)out the ori&in and e%olution of the uni%erse( the stars and( in particular( the solar syste! are also analy/ed( )earin& in !ind the social and cultural context in which they were for!ulated# So!e notions a)out the technolo&ical resources a%aila)le for the study of this field are included as &eneral )ac-&round# Our planet is studied within the fra!ewor- of the solar syste! and the processes that ha%e an i!pact on it( fro! the first sta&es to date# oreo%er( to incorporate the concept of &eolo&ical ti!e( the su)syste!s that co!pose our planet are analy/ed fro! the point of %iew of the e%olution of their properties( structure and co!position# Chan&es in landscape( resultin& fro! the per!anent interaction of endo&enous and exo&enous processes( are also considered in different ti!e and space di!ensions# +ere is introduced the 3lates $ectonic $heory( the historical aspects of its de%elop!ent and the e%idences that support it# $he existin& conditions in the pri!iti%e Earth durin& the life ori&in process are stated( inte&ratin& the scenarios( processes and e%idence that relate to the different present scientific hypothesis# oreo%er( there is an analysis of the inter%ention of li%in& )ein&s in the transfor!ation processes of the planet# $hose processes ha%e deter!ined se%eral of its present characteristics( such as the co!position of the at!osphere and the soil( the sea salinity and the presence of or&ano&enic roc-s# 'n close lin- with this &eo-chronolo&ical context( !ale and fe!ale students will analy/e the processes in%ol%ed in e%olution chan&e( in the ori&in of new species and the appearance of the !ain &roups of or&anis!s# $he ti!e di!ension is of the ut!ost i!portance in understandin& the history of life( as conductin& thread that un%eils the relations )etween shape( function and )iolo&ical processes( thus creatin& an inte&rated %ision of the!# E%idence is pro%ided )y the fossil re&ister( co!pared anato!y( e!)ryolo&y and )io&eo&raphy that account for the e%olution process# <iscussions a)out the role of fate( deter!inis! and the concept of contin&ency will illustrate different scientific theories that coexist as possi)le explanations of this process# 9ithin the e%olution process( special attention is &i%en to the !ain e%ents in the e%olution of the ner%ous syste! of the %erte)rates and the esta)lish!ent of new and !ore co!plex )eha%ior patterns related to different adapti%e ad%anta&es# :ater( the study of the e%olution of the hu!an species is underta-en# $he )iolo&ic and paleontolo&ic e%idence is analy/ed# $his e%idence places our species within the fa!ily of pri!ates# .t the sa!e ti!e( its specificity related to its cultural and social de%elop!ent is considered# Both aspects are approached fro! the perspecti%e of !odern

scientific hypothesis# $hey assess the processes and patterns in%ol%ed in )iolo&ical and cultural transfor!ation of the hu!an species# 'n addition( they consider the existin& hypothesis a)out the )irth of the !odern hu!an )ein& and the world population routes# $he role of natural selection and other alternati%e !echanis!s in the esta)lish!ent of the -ey features of the omo race will )e discussed# Students will reflect upon the li!itations of )iolo&ical extrapolations fro! social <arwinis! and social-)iolo&y in accountin& for the co!plex issue of hu!an societies# Expected achievements Once their ulti!odal Education is co!pleted( the Natural Sciences students will )e prepared to1 - .naly/e current hypothesis a)out the nature and dyna!ics of the uni%erse# $heir startin& point would )e a )asic -nowled&e of the !ethodolo&ical and technolo&ical aspects in%ol%ed in the research of this field# - 7now and co!pare scientific hypothesis a)out the ori&in of life# 'nterpret the current )iodi%ersity in ter!s of the processes in%ol%ed in its e%olution history# - 'nterpret the e%idence of the si!ultaneous and( in !ost cases( interdependent processes related with the &eolo&ic e%olution of the Earth and of life# - 7now a)out the !ain current )iolo&ical and anthropolo&ical hypotheses that account for the esta)lish!ent process of the hu!an species# $hey should )e aware of the ris-s in interpretin& hu!an society de%elop!ent on the &rounds of )iolo&icist explanations# Proposal about the scope of the contents CONCE3$=.: > =ni%erse !odels proposed in the history of !an-ind# Contri)utions of radioastrono!y and spectroscopy to the study of the history of the uni%erse( the stars and the solar syste!# $he astrono!ical position of the Earth on the solar syste! and its conse4uences# E%olution of properties and at!osphere and hydrosphere co!position# 3lates $ectonics1 e%idence of continental drift and the expansion of the sea)ed# > $he ori&in of life1 !ain explanation !odels# Contri)ution of !olecular )iolo&y# $ransfor!ation processes of the planet related with )iolo&ical acti%ity# 3opulation &enetics and dyna!ics of the e%olution process# utation( natural selection( &enetic drift( !i&ration# $he ori&in of the new species1 !ain !odels# acro-e%olution patterns1 &radual chan&es facin& discontinuous )alances# E%idence of the e%olution process# > E%olution of the ner%ous syste! of the %erte)rates and of the )eha%ior patterns# .dapti%e si&nificance# $he fa!ily of pri!ates# $he first ho!inids# $he ori&in of the omo sapiens sapiens1 ulti-re&ional hypothesis and hypothesis of the .frican ori&in# E%idence# i&rations and world population routes# Biolo&ical and cultural e%olution# 2eflection a)out reductionis!1 social <arwinis!( social-)iolo&y# PROCEDURAL

> <esi&n( construction and analysis of !odels in one( two or three di!ensions( representin& the different cos!olo&ical theories# > 'dentification of e%idence of the !ain &eolo&ic process that operate within the re&ion# $hey should )e place in their correspondin& ti!e and place scales( throu&h the study of roc-s and their relations# > 'dentification of the !echanis!s in%ol%ed in the different types of )iolo&ical chan&es in their correspondin& ti!e scales# > 2epresentation( interpretation and co!parison of the different philo&eny approaches currently proposed for the ho!inids species descri)ed to date# > .ssess!ent of the existin& e%idence a)out hu!an e%olution fro! the standpoint of &radual or discontinuous !odels of e%olution chan&e

SECTION +: LA HU,ANIDAD - EL A,BIENTE Summary $he contents included in this section carry an in-depth study of the CBCs within the Natural Sciences Chapter( sections *( :ife and its 3roperties and 6( Earth Su)syste!s1 Natural 2esources and En%iron!ental 2is-s# $hese contents( to&ether with those socio-cultural aspects introduced in Section 0 of the Social Sciences CBCs( will pro%ide students with a wide-ran&in& approach to the en%iron!ent concept# $he features of natural syste!s and their )eha%ior are descri)ed )y !eans of the !ain concepts and !odels of ecolo&y# $he study of the !ost i!portant physical conditionin&s of the en%iron!ent is approached on a &lo)al scale# Students will )e a)le to analy/e the dyna!ics of the cli!atic !acro-%aria)les in relation to the )io!ass distri)ution of the Earth# 'n order to understand en%iron!ental di%ersity and the dyna!ics of the ecosphere as a whole( populations will )e studied accordin& to their properties and in relation to their ecolo&ical niche# $heir interaction should )e ta-en into account( as well as the concept of co!!unication-e%olution and the !eanin& of co!petition# Co!!unities will )e presented as dyna!ic syste!s( co!parin& the idea of sta)ility with that of on-&oin& chan&e# 9ithin this fra!ewor-( the role of distur)ances will )e analy/ed as part of the natural dyna!ics of ecosyste!s and the pri!ary and secondary succession processes# oreo%er( en%iron!ent is studied fro! a historic perspecti%e# 't is understood as the result of the interactions )etween natural syste!s and societies# "or each historic period( it is necessary to consider the de!o&raphic chan&es( the social or&ani/ation !odels and the successi%e technolo&ical )rea-throu&hs that deter!ine the different ways of relatin& to the en%iron!ent# $hen( students will loo- at the present period as part of a process rooted in the natural world# $herefore( they would )e a)le to approach respectfully different lifestyles and ways of sol%in& situations# .!on& the possi)le su),ects to )e conte!plated1 the relations with the natural en%iron!ent of hunter and far!er populations( chan&es started with the a&ricultural re%olution( features of the )i& a&ricultural pre-industrial societies and chan&es related to the industrial re%olution# .nother possi)ility would )e to present a specific treat!ent of the relation )etween the en%iron!ent and the indi&enous populations of the .r&entinean territory and the en%iron!ental i!pact of the Spanish coloni/ation# On the other hand( different !odels of &rowth and de!o&raphic re&ulation of hu!an species are introduced( descri)in& the en%iron!ental conse4uences of hu!an population# "ood and !aterial production is considered as a process with an i!pact on the )iosphere( loo-in& at the technolo&ical )rea-throu&hs that ena)led it and their i!pact on the replace!ent and si!plification of the ecolo&ical syste!s# 9ithin this fra!ewor- is approached the current en%iron!ental issue that refers to the a%aila)ility( distri)ution and de!and of the !ain natural resources of our county and the other !e!)ers of ercosur# $he pro)le!s of the exploitation of resources and the i!pact of econo!ic and social de%elop!ent on the en%iron!ent should )e also addressed# $o understand the concepts of conser%ation( preser%ation and protection of natural resources( it is necessary to ha%e a clear idea of the %ulnera)ility of the affected syste!s and the !a&nitude of the effects in different ti!e and space scales# En%iron!ental policies are analy/ed )earin& in !ind1 the close relation that exists )etween en%iron!ental and social pro)le!s8 the actors in%ol%ed( their roles and

interests1 and the different conflictin& positions in the de)ate de%elop!ent face to conser%ation# Students will reflect upon the relati%e %alue &ranted to natural resources accordin& to different social and cultural structures# $hus( !ale and fe!ale students will )e introduced into the critical analysis of en%iron!ental le&islation and policies# $hey will de%elop pre%enti%e and correcti%e proposals ade4uate for each local reality and for each period in ti!e# "inally( it will )e ti!e to analy/e the actions and pro&ra!s de%eloped or presented at a national or international le%el )y &o%ern!ents and non-&o%ern!ental or&ani/ations# Expected achievements Once their ulti!odal Education is co!pleted( the Natural Sciences students will )e prepared to1 - .naly/e the !ain features of the dyna!ics of processes affectin& the )iosphere( accordin& to their ti!e-space di!ensions and co!plexity# - =nderstand the current en%iron!ental situation( its pro)le!s and the relations )etween hu!an societies and nature( with due consideration and respect for the existin& cultural di%ersity# - 7now the principal strate&ies for conser%ation( preser%ation and protection of natural resources( e!ployin& plannin& and pre%ision tools that ad%ocate for a sustaina)le use of resources# - Critically assess the !ain en%iron!ental policies and proposals( )earin& in !ind the interests of the different actors in%ol%ed in the decision !a-in& process# Proposal about the scope of the contents CONCE3$=.: > Cli!atic !acro-%aria)les and their relation with the distri)ution of the Earth )io!ass# $he ener&y flow of the Earth# $rophic chains and ener&y pyra!ids# Ecolo&ical efficiency( producti%ity and )io!ass# .dapti%e strate&ies in plants and ani!als# <e!o&raphic &rowth !odels# 'nteraction )etween populations in the short and lon& ter!# Co!!unication-e%olution# Ecolo&ical niche# Co!!unity dyna!ics1 sta)ility face to constant chan&e# 3ri!ary and secondary succession# > 3eople in society and their relations with the natural en%iron!ent in different ti!es and spaces# <e!o&raphic chan&es( social or&ani/ation !odels and correspondin& technolo&ical )rea-throu&hs# +u!an species &rowth and de!o&raphic re&ulation !odels# En%iron!ental i!pact of population &rowth and technolo&ical )rea-throu&hs# > ain natural resources of .r&entina and the other ercosur countries# Econo!ic assess!ent( conser%ation( preser%ation and protection of resources# En%iron!ental i!pacts deri%ed fro! the exploitation of natural resources# En%iron!ental de&radation costs# National and international en%iron!ental le&islation# En%iron!ent law in the National Constitution# En%iron!ental policies# .ctors in%ol%ed# Go%ern!ental and non-&o%ern!ental actions and pro&ra!s#


> 'nterpretation of infor!ation( lin-in& cli!atic characteristics with existin& )io!ass# > <esi&n and de%elop!ent of o)ser%ation and sa!plin& strate&ies for ecolo&ical fieldwor-# > Statistical processin& of ecolo&ical data# > 'dentification of relations )etween population para!eters( usin& de!o&raphic &rowth !odels# > .pplication of analysis cate&ories to assess relations of hu!an societies with nature in different ti!e and space di!ensions#

SECTION .: Healt! 'ers$n an" c$%%unit/ Summary 'n this section are reco%ered and deepened those contents in the Section :ife and its 3roperties of the Natural Sciences CBCs that present any relation with process of health-disease# +ealth and disease are approached as pheno!ena in which social and )iolo&ical( indi%idual and collecti%e are part of an insolu)le union# $hese contents are at the )asis of health pro!otion and protecti%e actions# $hey encoura&e the de%elop!ent of capa)ilities to participate in a conscious and responsi)le way in the do!estic( la)or and co!!unity aspects# "actors related to culture( li%in& and wor-in& conditions and indi%idual life styles ha%e an i!pact on the health-disease process# $he study of these factors points to the conceptuali/ation of the relations )etween health and li%in& standards of the population( throu&h the analysis of the para!eters that characteri/e these %aria)les# 'n this %iew( statistical and episte!olo&ical aspects will )e introduced to 4uantify and relate those factors in%ol%ed in the appearance of diseases and their national and re&ional distri)ution# .n in-depth study of conta&ious diseases( its a&ents( reser%oirs and trans!ission !echanis!s would ena)le their application in the pre%ention of current sanitary pro)le!s# Non conta&ious processes should also )e considered( such as accidents( cardio%ascular( cere)ro%ascular( neoplasic( &enetic and la)or diseases( includin& the analysis of ris- factors and their pre%ention# $he e%olution and or&ani/ation of our national sanitary syste! will )e analy/ed( considerin& the roles and responsi)ilities of each one of the health actors# Students will )e a)le to assess those %aria)les lin-ed with cost and e4uity in health expenditure# .nother i!portant issue would )e the i!pact of the scientific-technolo&ical ad%ances in the dia&nosis and treat!ent of diseases( as well as their econo!ic and ethical i!pact# $he hu!an )ody CBCs are reconsidered( studyin& the relation )etween health and food# $hose cultural and econo!ic factors ha%in& and i!pact on the nutritional state of the population would )e analy/ed# oreo%er( students would consider the &rowth and de%elop!ent processes and their possi)le alterations( in relation with the different nutritional needs accordin& to a&e( physical acti%ity and the physiolo&ical conditions# 9ater will )e studied( )earin& in !ind its sanitary si&nificance and its role as trans!itter of diseases# 't will )e considered as hu!an )ody co!ponent# "urther consideration would )e &i%en to those 4uality re4uire!ents drin-a)le water should fulfill# $he study of so!e of the latest ad%ances in &enetics( !olecular )iolo&y and i!!unolo&y( will pro%ide !ale and fe!ale students with and idea of the applications of )asic research on health# $hose contents related to the !ain &enetic diseases will )e &i%en further consideration( analy/in& the i!pact of !uta&enic a&ents in the tri&&erin& of neo-for!ati%e processes# $he concepts of population &enetics are introduced# $hey allow( for instance( the analysis of &enetic diseases i!pact# 'n addition( they act as a )asis for the identification techni4ues of indi%iduals( fa!ily &roups and populations# '!!une alterations in hu!an )ein&s( either con&enital or ac4uired will )e addressed( includin& the issue of .'<S due to its si&nificance( )ut not li!ited to it# 'n such way( students will )e a)le to approach other issues( for instance self-i!!une diseases and the i!!une connotations of &rafts and transplants# "inally( this section introduces so!e i!!une-dia&nose techni4ues( the therapeutic use of new %accines( and !onoclonal anti)odies and &ene therapies as exa!ples of technolo&ical de%elop!ents applied to health protection and reco%ery#

Expected achievements Once their ulti!odal Education is co!pleted( the Natural Sciences students will )e prepared to1 - 3articipate in health pre%enti%e and pro!otion actions within the co!!unity( reco&ni/in& health as a process with se%eral causes# - 'dentify the !ain sanitary pro)le!s that affect the country and the re&ion( and the pre%enti%e !easures re4uired# - Grasp the structure and functionin& of the sanitary syste!( )eco!in& aware of the need to &uaranty an e4ual access to health for the entire population# - =nderstand the principles of an ade4uate nutrition accordin& to the le%els of physical acti%ity# $his -nowled&e should )e used to !a-e a contri)ution in pri!ary attention actions# - Be aware of the !ain theoretical and technolo&ical ad%ances in &enetics and i!!unolo&y( relatin& the! with the treat!ent and pre%ention of diseases# Proposal about the scope of the contents CONCE3$=.: > 3opulation health and li%in& standards# +ealth in relation with cultural aspects( ran&e of action and indi%idual life styles# +ealth actions1 pro!otion and pre%ention# 2e&ional distri)ution and social si&nificance of diseases# Conta&ious diseases1 trans!ission !echanis!s and pre%enti%e !easures# Non conta&ious processes# 2isand pre%ention factors# > +ealth ser%ices in our country1 participation of the co!!unity( State role and health professionals# '!pact of the scientific-technolo&ical ad%ances# +ealth expenditure1 e4uita)le and ethical aspects# > "ood needs in different situations# +ydric )alance# <rin-a)le water and water trans!itted diseases# Nutrition( diet and physical acti%ity# Nutritional state1 econo!ic and cultural aspects# Growth( de%elop!ent and their !ain alterations# > +ealth contri)utions of !olecular )iolo&y( &enetics and i!!unolo&y# <iseases lin-ed to chro!oso!al and &enetic alterations# Genic diseases and their i!pact on the population# uta&enic and neoplasic diseases# '!!une syste! diseases1 i!!une-deficiencies( self-i!!une diseases# 2esponse to &rafts and transplants# PROCEDURAL > =se of )asic statistical ele!ents for the study of si!ple episte!olo&ical !odels# > 'dentification of ser%ices supplied )y the sanitary institutions in the co!!unity# > Esta)lishin& pro&ra!s of personal food patterns and pro!otin& the! in the fa!ily and the co!!unity# > @uest for infor!ation relati%e to the scope and applications of the !ain hu!an cariotype study techni4ues and !olecular )iolo&y( i!!unolo&y and &enetic en&ineer techni4ues

CHAPTER &: NATURAL SCIENCES: RESEARCH AND INTER0ENTION PROCESSES $his second chapter presents procedures( techni4ues( !ethods( and use of !aterials and resources related to the fields of -nowled&e specific to oriented education# 't presents the episte!olo&ical principles of natural sciences and the necessary procedures to de%elop school research and co!!unity inter%ention pro,ects# 9hen analy/in& the )uildin& process of scientific -nowled&e( it is necessary to introduce the historical context# $he proposed explanations for natural processes ha%e chan&ed accordin& to the different historical contexts# $he conceptual layouts in conflict ha%e ori&inated se%eral de)ates# +owe%er( natural sciences are considered as a part of hu!an -nowled&e that &radually !o%e fro! i&norance to truth( )y !eans of successi%e approaches( independent of the cultural context# $he study of the !ain aspects of the history of natural sciences and its relations with technolo&y tries to sol%e that li!itation( with the contri)ution of ele!ents that assess the i!portance of socio-cultural conditions( )oth as re&ards -nowled&e production as well as its i!pact on society# $herefore( the whole of the scientific !odels and theories considered and their relations with technolo&y should )e critically analy/ed and placed in their correspondin& socio-cultural context# Si!ilarly( the consideration of !ethods( procedures and techni4ues that inter%ene in -nowled&e production is another -ey aspect to analy/e the !odels and explanations that science proposes# $his approach analyses the scope and li!itations of scientific disciplines in each in period of the history of hu!an-ind# 't also presents scientific -nowled&e as a te!porary product that allows for i!pro%e!ents# $his would de%elop a critical and creati%e attitude a!on& the students# $his attention paid to the pro)le!s presented )y the scientific -nowled&e has as an o),ecti%e the possi)ility of arisin& ci%ic awareness as re&ards the exercise of those ri&hts( duties and de!ands deri%ed fro! co!!on &ood rules#

SECTION 1: 1NO2LED3E BUILDIN3 IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES (IELD Summary $he section approaches the -nowled&e )uildin& process in natural sciences# $he contents introduced in the +u!anities chapter of the CBCs of the "G" will )e reconsidered( studyin& in depth those !ethodolo&ical features specific to natural sciences# $here will )e a reflection upon the nature of research pro)le!s( rele%ant %aria)les and the data a%aila)le# O)ser%ation and !easure!ent would )e presented as processes open to inaccuracies# 'ndeed( they are directed )y theories and supported )y statistical &enerali/ations# Scope and li!itations of !odels when descri)in&( predictin& andAor understandin& the pheno!ena or processes under study should )e &i%en due consideration# $his leads on to the reflection upon the te!porary and approxi!ate %alue of scientific theories and the role of the spreadin& of scientific infor!ation in %alidatin& the results of research# $he )i& e%ents in the history of science are studied( analy/in& the relation )etween science( technolo&y and society that existed in the!# $hose periods of slow pro&ress will )e distin&uished fro! those of 4uic- transfor!ations considered as scientific re%olutions# $here will )e a study of the scientific and technolo&ical pro&ress in the 0;th Century# ale and fe!ale students will )e a)le to place the current scientific practice within a &lo)al context 9ithin this fra!ewor-( due consideration should )e paid to the institutional di!ension of scientific de%elop!ent# $his i!plies the study of those institutions that ha%e played a leadin& role in scientific practice in different historic periods( and in particular( the current ones# oreo%er( the relations )etween ethics and science will )e considered( underlyin& the social responsi)ility of scientific acti%ity# Expected achievements Once their ulti!odal Education is co!pleted( the Natural Sciences students will )e prepared to1 - 7now the !ain !ethodolo&ical features of natural sciences( co!pare different ideas a)out the scientific -nowled&e )uildin& process( and understand the reasons why scientific theories should )e loo-ed at as te!porary and approxi!ate# - 'dentify relations )etween science( technolo&y and society in different historic periods# .naly/e the ethical di!ension of scientific acti%ity as re&ards its repercussions on the social and indi%idual life of hu!an )ein&s# Proposal about the scope of the contents CONCE3$=.: > Characteristics of the -nowled&e )uildin& process in natural sciences# O),ects of study1 si/e scale of o),ects and ti!e-space di!ensions of the processes considered# 'dentification and presentation pro)le!s# .nalysis units# 2ele%ant %aria)les# easure!ent( precision and error# $he role of theories in o)ser%ation# $he role of experi!entation and !odels on the -nowled&e )uildin& process# 2ole of alternate explanations in the desi&n of scientific !odels#

> Science and technolo&y as specific -nowled&e fields# 2elations )etween science( technolo&y and society in different historical periods# Chan&e processes in scientific -nowled&e# Scientific re%olutions# Scientific and technolo&ical pro&ress on the 0;th Century# Science and &lo)ali/ation# > $he scientific co!!unity and -nowled&e %alidation# 'nfor!ation circulation within the scientific co!!unity# O),ecti%ity and su),ecti%ity# <ifferent types of scientific institutions and their relations with &o%ern!ental and non-&o%ern!ental or&ani/ations# 2elations )etween science and industry# > $he scientific co!!unities and the social spreadin& of scientific -nowled&e# Ethics and scientific research# Social control of scientific research# PROCEDURAL > 'dentification of the different research strate&ies used in the field of natural sciences# > 'dentification of different si/e scales in )uildin& o),ects of study of the different natural sciences# > .ssess!ent of alternati%e !odels to explain the sa!e pheno!enon( accordin& to the e%idence they pro%ide and their explanatory %alue# > 'dentification of ethical deter!inin& factors and conse4uences in%ol%ed in the specific research situations of natural sciences#

SECTION &: CO,,UNIT- INTER0ENTION PRO4ECTS IN SANITAR- AND EN0IRON,ENTAL PROBLE,S Summary $his section presents the desi&n and de%elop!ent of natural sciences research pro,ects# 't pro!otes its application to socio-co!!unity inter%ention pro,ects# $he procedural contents here presented( ai! at the students inte&ratin& the conceptual and )eha%ioral contents with those relati%e to the -now how( )y !eans of school research wor-s and socio-co!!unity pro,ects# $hese type of pro,ects call for their acti%e participation# $he pro,ects will ha%e a li!ited ti!e-span for their de%elop!ent and assess!ent within a precise and pre-esta)lished period of the school year# $he su),ect and scope of action should )e clearly esta)lished# 't should )e ad,usted accordin& to the s-ill of the students# $hose pro,ects that could continue for !ore that a year or throu&hout the ulti!odal Education should )e planned in such a way that the end of the school year coincides with the end of a sta&e open to assess!ent# $hrou&hout its de%elop!ent( the interaction and or&ani/ation of the &roup will )e considered( as well as the plannin& of the tas-s in ti!e and space( the har!oni/ation of interests and preferences and the selection of those procedures !ost efficient in the achie%e!ent of the pre-esta)lished &oals# Students should carry out an auto-assess!ent process# .n institutional assess!ent should also )e perfor!ed on the whole of the pro,ects de%eloped# $his would allow for the introduction of i!pro%e!ents and corrections in future pro,ects# Expected achievements Once their ulti!odal Education is co!pleted( the Natural Sciences students will )e prepared to1 - <esi&n and de%elop indi%idual and collecti%e school research pro,ects in the natural sciences field# - <esi&n( carry out and assess( under the super%ision of the teachers( a socioco!!unity inter%ention pro,ect related to en%iron!ent( sanitary andAor production issues that affect the co!!unity to which the school )elon&s# Procedural contents involved in the design and development of school research projects. <eter!ination of the su),ect to )e treated and the type of pro)le! to )e researched# Collection and selection of infor!ation a)out theoretical fra!ewor-s and a%aila)le resources# Selection of processes( !aterials andAor de%ices to )e used in the research andAor durin& the fieldwor-# .nalysis of the data collected and their use in %alidatin& possi)le explanations# .c4uisition of s-ills and strate&ies for the production of scientific co!!unications#

Procedural contents involved in the design and development of socio-community projects > Collection and selection of infor!ation related to co!!unity pro)le!s and resources# > <eli!itation of the su),ects to )e addressed andAor the co!!unity pro)le! to sol%e# > 3resentation of the issue in a way that suits the institutional pro,ect and the initiati%es and capa)ilities of the students# > <esi&n of actions and allocation of personal responsi)ilities in the case of collecti%e pro,ects# > '!ple!entation of actions within the fra!ewor- of collecti%e pro,ects > .pplication of !ana&e!ent control instru!ents to the pro,ect# > .ssess!ent of the pro,ect and results#

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