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J Appl Phycol

DOI 10.1007/s10811-013-0071-y

Effects of experimental thinning on the growth

and maturation of the brown alga Undaria pinnatifida
(Laminariales; Phaeophyta) cultivated in Matsushima Bay,
northern Japan
Xu Gao & Hikaru Endo & Kazuya Taniguchi & Yukio Agatsuma

Received: 17 April 2013 / Revised and accepted: 25 June 2013

# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract In northern Japan, massive production of high- Keywords Cultivation . Thinning . Growth . Maturation .
quality specimens of the kelp Undaria pinnatifida prior to Undaria pinnatifida . Phaeophyta
the traditional harvest season is strongly needed to meet
commercial demand. To address this need, we tested the
effects of controlled thinning by cutting small plants on the Introduction
growth and maturation of sporophytes cultivated in Matsushi-
ma Bay, northern Japan. In early December 2009, the stocking Density dependence and intraspecific competition are closely
densities of cultivated kelps were thinned to 10 and 5 plants linked in plant populations (Begon and Mortimer 1986). In-
per 4 cm thread section in two experimental groups. In con- traspecific competition has been extensively investigated in
trast, no thinning was conducted during cultivation until many agricultural and experimental populations of terrestrial
March 2010 in the control group (about 16–20 plants per plants over the past few decades (Harper 1977; Antonovics
4 cm thread section). Morphological features, photosynthesis, and Levin 1980; Schmitt et al. 1987; Thomas and Weiner
and carbon and nitrogen contents were compared among the 1989; Rice 1990; Jurik 1991; Yastrebov 1996). Most of these
three groups. Compared to kelps of control group, total length, studies have concluded that high population density has a
stipe width, the length and width of sporophyll, and dry negative influence on survival, growth, and reproduction of
weights of blade and sporophyll showed significantly higher the individual plants. Due to genetic differences and timing of
values in kelps of the two experimental groups. However, recruitment, the difference in the initial size of plants occurs,
stipe length of kelps of control group was significantly greater small plants being more affected by intraspecific competition
than those of the two experimental groups. The photosynthetic than larger ones and size inequality increasing with increasing
rates and nitrogen contents of kelps of the two experimental plant densities (Weiner and Thomas 1986; Rice 1990). Light
groups were significantly greater than those of the control competition seems to be significant for terrestrial plants in
from January to March. No significant differences occurred realizing the dominant and inhibiting other individuals, with
in all these parameters between kelps of the two experimental large plants shading small ones (Schmitt et al. 1986).
groups. Based on these results, the growth and maturation of Density dependence has been considerably less studied in
U. pinnatifida sporophytes can be promoted greatly by exper- seaweed stands, although the results of manipulative experi-
imental thinning, and this will improve production of high- ments over the last decade indicated that the algal responses to
quality specimens of kelps and increase economic returns density are in many cases similar to those observed in terrestrial
before the traditional harvest season. plants. Therefore, negative effects of density on survival and
growth, resulting in self-thinning or density-dependent mortal-
ity, are common in macroalgae populations (Reed 1990;
Kendrik 1994; Creed et al. 1996; Arenas et al. 2002). In natural
population of the subtidal kelp Pterygophora californica, den-
X. Gao (*) : H. Endo : K. Taniguchi : Y. Agatsuma sity can strongly influence patterns of growth and reproduction,
Laboratory of Marine Plant Ecology, Graduate School of which may be due to mainly competition for light; however, this
Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi
Prefecture 981-8555, Japan probably varies with other factors such as nutrient dynamics
e-mail: algaepanda69@163.com (Reed 1990; Creed et al. 1996). Similarly, it has been reported
J Appl Phycol

for Laminaria digitata that plants grew more slowly and were Bay (38°32′ N, 141°31′ E) in the summer of 2009. After the
more likely to die at higher densities (Creed et al. 1998). zoospores were released into seawater aquaria, the water was
However, very few studies have focused on the influence of stirred to a homogeneous consistency to make the zoospores
plant density on the cultivated populations of large commercial attach to 2-mm diameter plastic fiber threads at a similar initial
kelps, and little information is available with regard to the settlement density. Culturing was first conducted indoors un-
potential application of thinning in mariculture production. der controlled environmental conditions at 18 °C with a pho-
The annual kelp Undaria pinnatifida (Laminariales; ton flux density of 40 μmol photons m–2 s–1, and a photope-
Phaeophyta) is one of the major commercial seaweeds endemic riod of 12-h light:12-h dark. The culture medium was filtered
to cold temperate waters of Japan (Akiyama and Kurogi 1982), seawater with additional nitrate (PESI; Tatewaki 1966), to
although it has been known as an invasive species (Hay 1990; which GeO2 (20 μg mL–1) had been added to inhibit the
Sanderson 1990; Casas and Piriz 1996; Campbell et al. 1999; growth of diatoms and protozoa. The water was aerated to
Stuart et al. 1999; Silva et al. 2002; Aguilar-Rosas et al. 2004). mix the nitrate and seawater evenly. The culture medium was
This species has been extensively cultivated as one of the most replaced every 15 days. After several months of culture, the
important and popular seafood resources in Asian countries seedlings grew to 1–2 cm long on average. The threads on
(Saito 1972; Yamanaka and Akiyama 1993). In Japan, most which the young sporophytes attached were cut into 4-cm
cultivation of U. pinnatifida occurs along the coasts of Miyagi, sections with an approximated density of four to five plants
Iwate, and Tokushima Prefectures; together these areas account per centimeter. For field cultivation trials, 50 thread sections
for about 90 % of the total production of this species in Japan were individually tucked into three 50 m long, 15 mm
(Tokuda et al. 1994). In northern Japan, high-quality fresh U. diameter ropes at intervals of 1 m. The three ropes
pinnatifida sporophytes are found during the growth period, prepared in this manner were deployed at the sea surface
which can be harvested before the traditional harvest date with floats at intervals of 3 m in Matsushima Bay in
(March), and its price is four to five times higher than normal October. For the experimental groups, small sporophytes
because of its tender thalli and excellent taste. The demand for were cut in early December, and stocking densities were
this kind of sporophyte has increased steadily in recent years, adjusted to ten and five plants per thread section, respec-
and thus the development of new cultivation technology which tively. For the control group, no alteration in stocking
can increase its production is strongly needed. density was made during cultivation.
Saito (1962) noticed a phenomenon while farming U.
pinnatifida: that the growth of sporophytes could be promoted Measurements of morphological features
greatly by experimental thinning. This finding may be due to
the improvement of light and nutrient conditions derived from To examine the changes in morphological features, each three
a reduction in stocking density, but this hypothesis requires sections from each of the two experimental and control groups
testing. All parts of U. pinnatifida sporophytes (blade, stipe, were collected randomly every month from mid-December to
and sporophyll) are important nutritional food, and they have mid-March. These plants were immediately transported to the
different market values, thus it should also be determined that laboratory and then were initially hung for at least 15 min to
the growth of all parts can be promoted by experimental drain excess seawater. Next, measurements of total length,
thinning or not. In addition, to maximize the crop yields, it stipe length, stipe width, sporophyll length, and sporophyll
is necessary to clarify the suitable density after experimental width were taken from ten plants in sequence starting from the
thinning, which could be applied in cultivation production. largest one (Fig. 1). Then, they were carved into midrib, blade,
The objective of the present study was to examine the sea- and sporophyll, and each part was weighed after drying in a
sonal changes in morphological features, photosynthetic rates, convection oven at 60 °C for 1 week.
and carbon and nitrogen contents of cultivated sporophytes after
experimental thinning to different extents and compare these Analysis of carbon and nitrogen contents
parameters with those of control thalli without thinning, and to
develop potential new cultivation techniques for increased pro- One section from each of the two experimental and control
duction of high-quality sporophytes. groups in addition to those for morphological measurements
was collected every month from mid-December to mid-
March, and the four largest plants of each section were
Materials and methods selected for experimentation. Eight discs with the surface
face of approximately 2.0 cm2 were cut from the margins of
Production of seedlings and cultivation trial the meristem. After measurement of the dry weight, the discs
were pulverized and used for analysis of carbon and nitrogen
Gametophytes of U. pinnatifida were obtained by induction of contents by an Elemental Analyzer (EAGER200, Fisons In-
zoospores from mature sporophytes cultivated in Matsushima struments, USA).
J Appl Phycol

experimental environment, and the oxygen evolution pro-

duced from them was then measured every 3 min six to ten
For measurement of photosynthetic rate, the discs were in-
cubated under six temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C)
and a photon flux density of 180 μmol photons m–2 s–1. The
initial nutrient concentrations of sterilized seawater were set to
400 μg L–1 for NO3–N and NH4–N, and 80 μg L–1 for PO4–P.
The nutrient concentrations in seawater were almost below the
limit of detection. Seawater used in experiments was obtained
from the coast of Ishinomaki, which is near the study site and
which had similar temperatures and nutrient conditions
to Matsushima Bay. Eight replicates were used for pho-
tosynthesis measurement.

Statistical analysis

Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to com-

pare the morphological features and carbon and nitrogen
contents among months and among kelps from the three
Fig. 1 Morphological measurements of U. pinnatifida. TL total length, groups. In addition, a separated two-way ANOVA was used
STL stipe length, STW stipe width, SPL sporophyll length, SPW sporo- to analyze the photosynthesis versus temperature (P–T)
phyll width curves among temperatures and among kelps from the three
groups from December 2009 to March 2010. All of the
variables were tested for normality and homogeneity prior
Measurement of photosynthesis to conducting ANOVA. When a significant difference was
identified by ANOVA, Tukey’s multiple comparison test was
One section from each of the two experimental and control used for comparison of means. Differences were considered
groups which had never been previously used in this exper- to be significant at a probability of 5 % (P<0.05).
iment was collected every month from mid-December to
mid-March, and the four largest plants of each bunch were
selected for use in measuring photosynthesis. Two discs with Results
a surface area of approximately 2.0 cm2 were cut from each
plant using a cork borer 1.6 cm in diameter from the margins Morphological features
of the meristem. These discs were incubated in flowing
seawater for 12 h before measurements, to allow recovery The seasonal changes in morphological features of kelps of
from cutting damage. the two experimental groups and the control are shown in
An improved differential gas volumeter called “Product– Fig. 2. All of these morphological parameters differed sig-
meter” (Yokohama et al. 1986) was used to measure rates of nificantly among months for kelps of all three groups
photosynthesis. These discs were placed in a reaction vessel (P<0.05). The average total lengths of kelps of both the
containing 10 mL sterilized seawater (GF/F, Whatman), while two experimental groups were significantly greater than
a control vessel contained 10 mL sterilized seawater only. The those of the control from January to March (P<0.05). Com-
reaction and control vessels were attached to Product-meters pared to kelps of the control group, the average stipe lengths
and immersed in a water bath with a thermostat maintained at of kelps of both the two experimental groups were signifi-
a constant water temperature and shaken by a motor drive at cantly shorter in January and March (P<0.05); however, the
150 rpm. The vessels were illuminated from below by projec- average stipe widths were significantly greater in February
tor lamps with light reflected by mirrors placed under the and March (P<0.05). The average sporophyll lengths of
water bath. Photo slide projectors with incandescent lamps kelps of both the two experimental groups were significantly
(Philips KP–10s 100 V, 300 W) were used as a light source. greater than those of the control in January and February
Irradiances were regulated by using neutral density glass (P<0.05). The average sporophyll widths of kelps of both
filters (Toshiba TND–50, 25, 12.5,) and measured with a the two experimental groups were significantly greater than
quantum photon meter (LI–COR LI–192S, USA). The discs those of the control from January to March (P<0.05). Sig-
were incubated for 30 min to allow them to adapt to the nificant differences in all these parameters were not found
J Appl Phycol

between kelps of the two experimental groups during this 60

experiment (P>0.05).
The seasonal changes in dry weight of blade, midrib, and bB bA
40 bB

Blade (g)
sporophyll of kelps of the two experimental groups and the bA
control are shown in Fig. 3. All of these parameters differed bB
significantly among months for kelps of all three groups 20 bA
(P<0.05). The average dry weights of blade and sporophyll aA aA
of kelps of both the two experimental groups were significantly 0
greater than those of the control in January and February 30

300 bA
bB bB 20

Midrib (g)
Total length (cm)

bB bA bA
200 bB bB
aA aA bA bA
cA 10 aA
aA bcA
100 aA aA aA
0 60
bA bB
Stipe length (cm)

Sporophyll (g)
40 40 bA
bA bB
aA abA abA bB
aA bA
20 abA abA bB
aA 20 bB

0 aA aA aA abA
8 0
Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.
Fig. 3 Seasonal dry weights of thallus, blade, midrib, and sporophyll of
Stipe width (cm)

6 bB
bA bB U. pinnatifida sporophytes of the two experimental groups (ten plants
4 bA per section: filled circles; five plants per section: open circles) and the
aA bA bA control (open squares) cultivated in Matsushima Bay. Different small
2 aA aA and large letters indicate statistical significance (P<0.05) among
aA months and among groups, respectively. N=10 for all groups. Black
0 bars indicate standard deviations
Sporophyll length (cm)

bB bA
30 (P<0.05). However, there were no significant differences in
bA the average midrib weights between kelps of each experimental
20 bB
bB group and the control during this experiment (P>0.05). Simi-
10 aA bcA larly, significant differences in all these parameters did not
aA abA occur between kelps of the two experimental groups during
0 aA
this experiment (P>0.05).
Sporophyll width (cm)

bB Carbon and nitrogen contents

bB Seasonal carbon and nitrogen contents of discs from the
bA margins of the meristems of kelps of the two experimental
aA bA
5 bA groups and the control are shown in Fig. 4. There were no
aA significant seasonal variations in carbon contents of kelps of
Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. all three groups (P>0.05). The carbon contents of kelps of
Fig. 2 Seasonal total length, stipe length, stipe width, sporophyll both the experimental groups were slightly higher than those
length, and sporophyll width of U. pinnatifida sporophytes of the two of the control from December to March (P>0.05). The nitro-
experimental groups (ten plants per section: filled circles; five plants per gen contents of kelps of all three groups showed significant
section: open circles) and the control (open squares) cultivated in
variations among months (P<0.05). The nitrogen contents of
Matsushima Bay. Different small and large letters indicate statistical
significance (P<0.05) among months and among groups, respectively. kelps of both the two experimental groups were significantly
N=10 for all groups. Black bars indicate standard deviations higher than those of the control from January to March
J Appl Phycol

1.2 80
aA aA
Carbon content (mg cm–2)
aA aA aA 60
aA aA aA aA aA bcA cA
0.9 aA aA
bA bcA cA
40 bA
aA bcA aA
0.6 aA
aA bA aA
20 aA
aA aA aA
January cB
0 cB
60 cB
0.2 bB bB
bB bB

Gross photosynthesis rate (µLO2 cm–2 s–1)

40 cA cA
Nitrogen content (mg cm–2)

0.15 bB aA bA
aA bA
bB 20 aA
bB bB bB
bB aA
bA aA
0.1 abA 0
aA 80
aA aA February
0.05 cB cB
60 cB cB

0 bA dB
40 dA
Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. aA dA
aA aA bA
aA cA
Fig. 4 Seasonal carbon and nitrogen contents of the margins of the 20 bcA
meristems in U. pinnatifida sporophytes of the two experimental groups aA
(ten plants per section: grey; five plants per section: black) and the 0
control (white) cultivated in Matsushima Bay. Different small and large
letters indicate statistical significance (P<0.05) among months and 80
among groups, respectively. N=8 for all groups. Black bars indicate
standard deviations 60 cB
(P<0.05). Significant differences in carbon and nitrogen con- aA cA aA
aA bA bcA
tents did not occur between kelps of the two experimental 20
aA b A aA
groups during this experiment (P>0.05). aA aA aA

Photosynthesis 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Temperature ( C)
Gross photosynthetic rates calculated per area of discs from Fig. 5 Photosynthesis―temperature curves at 180 μmol photons m–
2 –1
the margins of the meristems of kelps of the two experimental s per unit area of U. pinnatifida sporophytes of the two experimental
groups (ten plants per section: filled circles; five plants per section: open
groups and the control from December to March are shown in
circles) and the control (open squares) cultivated in Matsushima Bay
Fig. 5. The gross photosynthetic rates increased with the rise from December 2009 to March 2010. Different small and large letters
in temperatures up to 25 °C but decreased thereafter for kelps indicate statistical significance (P<0.05) among temperatures and
of all three groups (P<0.05). No significant differences in among groups, respectively. N=8 for all groups. Black bars indicate
standard deviations
gross photosynthetic rates at all temperatures occurred be-
tween kelps of each experimental group and the control in
December (P>0.05). Although there were no significant dif- in gross photosynthetic rates did not occur at all temperatures
ferences in gross photosynthetic rates of kelps of all three between kelps of the two experimental groups during this
groups at 5–15 °C (P>0.05), significant higher values of kelps experiment (P>0.05).
of both the two experimental groups were found at 15–30 °C
compared to those of the control in January (P<0.05). In
February, significant higher gross photosynthetic rates of Discussion
kelps of both the two experimental groups were found from
20 to 30 °C compared to those of the control (P<0.05). In To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to report the
March, the gross photosynthetic rates of kelps of both the two influence of alteration of stocking density on the growth and
experimental groups were significantly higher than those of maturation of kelps in the order Laminariales. In the present
the control at 20 and 25 °C (P<0.05). Significant differences study, compared to sporophytes of U. pinnatifida without
J Appl Phycol

experimental thinning, two experimental groups of thinned experimental thinning (Fig. 2). This result indicates that the
kelps exhibited a marked increase in most morphological pa- morphological character of the stipe of U. pinnatifida was
rameters and significantly higher photosynthetic rates and ni- greatly influenced by shading effects, which is considered
trogen contents. These results suggest the growth and matura- partially due to the variation of intraspecific competition
tion of U. pinnatifida sporophytes were greatly enhanced by situation for light. This kelp exhibited great capacity to react
experimental thinning, which was thought to be caused by an to the presence or absence of neighbors with changes in the
improvement in ambient environmental conditions. Conse- pattern of morphological development. Similar responses
quently, it is possible to harvest a large amount of high-quality have also been observed in natural populations of other
sporophytes of U. pinnatifida prior to the traditional harvest species. For example, in both kelp and fucoid species, plants
season, and this will improve economic returns because of growing in a high population density became taller than those
higher demand. growing in a low population density because of the stipe
In the present study, the kelps remaining after experimen- elongation (Schiel 1985; Hymanson et al. 1990; Holdbrook
tal thinning showed significant higher values in almost all et al. 1991; Sjøtun and Fredriksen 1995; Arenas et al. 2002;
morphological parameters compared to kelps of control Wernberg 2005).
group without thinning (Figs. 2 and 3). Similar results were In this study, there were no significant differences in all
also obtained in many other macroalgae, which reported a parameters between the remaining experimental kelps after
strong negative correlation between growth rate and stocking thinning to ten and five plants per section. Thus, thinning to
density (Lapointe and Tenore 1981; DeBusk et al. 1986; Wu ten plants per section is suitable to be applied for U.
et al. 1989; Hurtado et al. 2001; Nagler et al. 2003; Pereira pinnatifida cultivation in Matsushima Bay because of its
et al. 2006). On a physiological basis, the photosynthetic higher yield. Additionally, there were no significant differ-
rates of remaining kelps after thinning were strongly en- ences in the growth in blade and sporophyll between kelps of
hanced compared to kelps of control group (Fig. 4). This both the two experimental groups from January to March.
was considered to be partly caused by a notable improve- Thus, we consider that it is suitable to harvest kelps after
ment in the external light environments, as also happens with experimental thinning in January, resulting in an increase in
higher plant (Schmitt et al. 1986). After experimental thin- the rate of utilization of cultivation area. In conclusion, it is
ning, the photosynthesis of remaining plants was stimulated likely that early enlargement of blade and sporophyll by
by an improvement in the external light penetration, which appropriate experimental thinning will improve production
may result in an increase in the concentration of pigments of high-quality specimens of kelps and increase economic
and photosynthetic activity. This supports the report from returns before mid-harvest season. This conclusion provides
Gevaert et al. (2002) stating that Saccharina latissima de- important information that may have a great potential for
veloped higher levels of pigmentation to cope with strong wide application in commercial cultivation of this kelp in
exposure to irradiance. It is generally known that cellular Japan and other parts of the world.
nitrogen content has a great impact on pigments such as
chlorophyll (Chapman et al. 1978; Bird et al. 1982; Lingnell Acknowledgments We sincerely thank Mr M. Ise of the Shiogama
Daiichi Fisheries Cooperative Association for providing the seedlings
and Pedersen 1987; Lapointe 1981) and photosynthetic ac-
used in the present study and for his kind cooperation with kelp
tivity (Levy and Gantt 1990). The remaining kelps after cultivation and collection; the staff of the Miyagi Prefecture Fisheries
thinning in our study also exhibited significantly higher cell Technology Institute for using seawater for culture experiment; and
nitrogen contents in response to the reduction of stocking Assistant Professor K. Ito for helping with the measurement of carbon
and nitrogen content.
density (Fig. 5), which may be related to the improvement of
the nutrient environment. The greater ability of nutrient
accumulation of remaining kelps may induce the concentra-
tion of pigments and support increased photosynthesis and
rapid growth of blade. Then, most of the accumulated re- References
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