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Self Billing is also known as Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) or Payment on Receipt.

When Self Billing is ena led for a particular Supplier Site! standard invoices get created automatically for payment whenever the goods are received. "ne can automatically create invoices with multiple items and distri ution lines that includes ta#. Basic Set $p% 1) Navigation: Purchasing Super User Responsibility > Supply Base > Suppliers. Query the Supplier to be associated ith the Purchase !rder. Select Site button. "n the #eneral $ab% select the Pay and Purchasing chec& bo'es: screen shot () "n the Purchasing $ab o) the Supplier Sites )or* in the Sel) Billing section% the Pay !n and "nvoice Su**ary +evel )ields are set as )ollo s ,this set up is done in Payables): screen shot ( We can select Payment method! &PayOn&asfollows% 'Receipt'( used for material that is not consigned. 'Receipt and $se'( for material that can e either consigned or non(consigned material. '$se'( employed for consigned material."ne can assign ')lternate Pay Site' in case we need to pay in that site an not the default supplier site. *he supplier site is the default pay site. +nvoices can e summarised ased on the selection made in '+nvoice Summary ,evel'. +nvoice summary level can e at% 'Pay Site' ( one invoice is created per supplier pay site. 'Packing Slip' ( one invoice is created per packing slip per supplier pay site. 'Receipt' ( one invoice is created per receipt per supplier pay site. )lso! ena le the '-reate .e it /emo 0rom R*S *ransaction' option if you want the system to automatically create a de it memo in Paya les when you enter a Return *o Supplier (R*S) in Purchasing. *he value for supplier defaults from the Purchasing "ptions window. 1owever! the invoice summary levels are dependent on the 'Pay "n' method selected earlier. +f 'Receipt and $se' has een selected! the invoice summary level availa le is 'Pay Site'. +f '$se' has een selected!

the invoice summary level options are 'Packing Slip'! and 'Pay Site'. *he +nvoice num er that gets created is of the format &ERS(2(Se34&! where &ERS& defaults from the Profile "ptions & PO: ERS Invoice Number Prefix & which is y default set as &ERS& at Site level. Scrren shot 2 depends on the summary level%( a) if summary level 5 Pay Site then 2 5 +nvoice .ate( 6ote% Navigation: Payables > Setup > !ptions > Payables > "nvoice $ab Under #+ -ate Basis% there are )our options. $he accounting date ill be based on the option selected here: "nvoice -ate ,"nvoice date entered on the "nvoice in .ccounts Payable) Syste* -ate ,/urrent0syste* date the invoice as entered in .ccounts Payable) #oods Received 0 "nvoice -ate ,"nvoice date entered on the receipt in .ccounts Receivable) #oods Received 0 Syste* -ate ,/urrent0syste* date the receipt Receivable) ) if summary level 5 Packing Slip then 2 5 Packing Slip 6um er( c)if summary level 5 Receipt then 2 5 Receipt 6um er )nd! Se34 is a uni3ue system generated num er. "nce Receiving is done! Run the Program 'Pay "n Receipt )uto+nvoice' individually or schedule it to run at discrete intervals. Screen shot (7) -hoose *ransaction Source as 'ERS'. (8) Enter a -ommit +nterval. *he -ommit +nterval is a numeric representation of the num er of invoices evaluated efore they are committed. 0or e#ample! if you have a -ommit +nterval of 79! after 79 invoices have een processed! they are committed. +f you then process another :! and the process fails! only : will not e committed. (;) "ptionally enter a Receipt 6um er. 6ote% +f the Receipt 6um er is null! the program will try to process all the receipts that have not een invoiced successfully. +f you enter a Receipt 6um er! only that receipt will e processed. (<) "ptionally enter an )ging Period.*he )ging Period defaults from the PO: ERS Aging Period profile option! ut you can change it here. 0or e#ample! an )ging Period of 8 means that Payment on Receipt processes only those receipts that are 8 or more days old. as entered in .ccounts

(:) -hoose "= and then Su mit Re3uest to egin the process. (>) "nce the 'Pay "n Receipt )uto+nvoice' program is su mitted the 'Paya les "pen +nterface +mport' program also starts running. Ensure that the 'Pay "n Receipt )uto+nvoice' process and the Paya les "pen +nterface +mport process complete successfully. ?iew "utput to check the 'Paya les "pen +nterface )udit Report'. -heck if there are any invoices re@ected in the section 'Paya les "pen +nterface Re@ections Report' and accordingly one can go to the Paya les "pen +nterface window and modify the invoice line A distri ution and resu mit the Paya les "pen +nterface +mport process.

)fter testing with various com ination ! Receipt and Receipt +f Pay on is Receipt and Invoice summary level is Receipt ! then +nvoice is generated as ERS(7;79999;B;<( <9997 -ustomisation of invoice num er ERS(7;79999;B;<( <9997 ERS( -an e customiCed .Eg% 0rom DERSE to D-hainE in profile option of P"% ERS +nvoice 6um er Prefi# at site level 7;79999;B;< F +ts a receipt num er of Purchase "rder <9997( Se3uential num er(cant e customiCed. Reciept )nd Paysite +f Pay on is Receipt and Invoice summary level is Paysite ! then +nvoice is generated as -hain(;9("-*(7;(<9787 -ustomisation of invoice num er -hain(;9("-*(7;(<9787 -hain( -an e customiCed .Eg% 0rom DchainE to DERSE in profile option of P"% ERS +nvoice 6um er Prefi# at site level "-*(7; F +ts a Purchase "rder date <9997( Se3uential num er(cant e customiCed.

Receipt )nd Packing slip +f Pay on is DReceiptE and Invoice summary level is DPacking slipE ! then +nvoice is generated as -hain(7;79999;B<:( <9997 $SE G P)HS+*E +f Pay on is D$SEE and Invoice summary level is DPacking slipE ! then 6o +nvoice is generated $se GReceipt +f Pay on is DuseE and Invoice summary level is DReceiptE ! then 6o +nvoice is generated A error msg cant save $se G Packing slip +f Pay on is DuseE and Invoice summary level is DPacking SlipE ! then 6o +nvoice is generated A error msg cant save RE-EP* G$SE )6. P)H S+*E +f Pay on is DReceipt G useE and Invoice summary level is DPay siteE ! then +nvoice is generated as -hain(;9("-*(7;(<9988

RE-EP* G$SE )6. P)-=+6I S,+P +f Pay on is DReceiptG useE and Invoice summary level is DPacking SlipE ! then 6o +nvoice is generated A error msg cant save RE-+EP* G$SE )6. RE-E+P* +f Pay on is DReceipt G useE and Invoice summary level is DReceiptE ! then 6o +nvoice is generated ERR"R /SI A cant save

How can we debug wha wen wrong! A: We can refer to the log file and check for error messages in poJinterfaceJerrors.

*here could e many errors like % 7. Error "ccurred in routine% createJinvoiceJheader 8) Pay on receipt )utoinvoice does not create any invoice. Please ensure the setup is complete in paya les and Purchasing modules. ;) Hou have a supplier who has a separate site for purchasing and Paya les. When running the ERS (Evaluated Receipt Settlement) it is selecting the purchasing site and therefore does not create the invoice and gets a message that the P"2P"+?% 'pay site is invalid'. <) Purchasing Pay on Receipt )utoinvoice shows multiple occurrences of same receipt num er in multiorg environment. Problem "escri# ion $ou have Purchasing %Pay on Recei# Au oinvoice& showing mul i#le occurances of same recei# number in mul iorg environmen 'A##ly #a ch ()*+,*-'Please download he #a ch from .e alin/ or con ac Oracle Su##or Services o ob ain he #a ch' Ex#lana ion Oracle Purchasing Pay on Recei# Au oinvoice #rogram has new #arame er o selec organi0a ion' 1he recei# numbers shown are now fil ered on he s#ecified inven ory organi0a ion' B) Pay "n Receipt )uto+nvoice errors% poJinvJcrJinvalidJglJperiod. Soln hin : "ele e #urchase order recei# s ha are #ending in he Receiving 1ransac ions In erface' Nex 2 o#en 342 PO2 IN5 #eriods and #erform he #ay on recei#

6' "oes ERS wor/ for unordered recei# s! A: 6o. ERS does not work for unordered receipts. *his means invoice needs to e created manually for those P"Ks that are created from unordered receipts. "' S74 Scri# useful o Pull ERS Invoices' 1he below s8l scri# may be hel#ful to generate ERS report against receiving transactions' In o her way o flag out all P"Ls without SB+ (Self Billing invoice) or receiving with no SB+ generation. SQL Script SE,E-* hou.name! poh.segment7 P"4! poh.typeJlookupJcode! pra.releaseJnum! msi.SEI/E6*7 +tem! papf.fullJname Buyer! rsh.receiptJnum! rsh.creationJ.ate! rcv.M$)6*+*H! api.invoiceJnum! api.+6?"+-EJ.)*E! api.source! pov.vendorJname ! pvs.vendorJsiteJcode 0R"/ rcvJtransactions rcv! apJinvoiceJdistri utionsJall apid! rcvJshipmentJheaders rsh! apJinvoicesJall api! poJheadersJall poh! 1RJ"PER)*+6IJ$6+*S hou! P"J.+S*R+B$*+"6SJ),, pod! /*,JSHS*E/J+*E/S msi! P"J,+6ESJall pla! P"J,ineJ,"-)*+"6SJall plla! P"Jvendors pov! poJvendorJsitesJall pvs! poJreleasesJall pra! perJallJpeopleJf papf W1ERE rcv.*R)6S)-*+"6J+. 5 apid.R-?J*R)6S)-*+"6J+. and rsh.S1+P/E6*J1E).ERJ+. 5 rcv.S1+P/E6*J1E).ERJ+. and api.+6?"+-EJ+. 5 apid.+6?"+-EJ+. and poh.P"J1E).ERJ+. 5 pod.P"J1E).ERJ+. and

poh.poJheaderJid5pla.poJheaderJid and pla.poJheaderJid5plla.poJheaderJid and hou."RI)6+N)*+"6J+. 5poh."RIJ+. and pla.poJlineJid 5 plla.poJlineJid and plla.poJreleaseJid5pra.poJreleaseJid (O) and pla.+*E/J+. 5 msi.+6?E6*"RHJ+*E/J+. and plla.S1+PJ*"J"RI)6+N)*+"6J+. 5 msi."RI)6+N)*+"6J+. and plla.,+6EJ,"-)*+"6J+.5pod.,+6EJ,"-)*+"6J+. and pov.?E6."RJ+. 5 poh.?E6."RJ+. and poh.vendorJid 5 pvs.vendorJid and poh.vendorJsiteJid 5 pvs.vendorJsiteJid and papf.personJid 5 poh.agentJid )6. P)P0.E/P,"HEEJ6$/BER +S 6"* 6$,, )6. *R$6-(SHS.)*E) BE*WEE6 P)P0.E00E-*+?EJS*)R*J.)*E )6. P)P0.E00E-*+?EJE6.J.)*E and rcv.*R)6S)-*+"6J*HPE 5'RE-E+?E' and rcv.S"$R-EJ."-$/E6*J-".E5'P"' and rsh.RE-E+P*JS"$R-EJ-".E5'?E6."R' and api.source 5'ERS' and api.invoiceJnum like 'PERSP' and hou.name like 'P?ision "perationsP'

E. (*wo reports assist in identifying and solving errors% Purchasing +nterface Errors Report Paya les "pen +nterface Report

packing slip num er When you are creating delivery itself you need to pass your packing slip num er to wshJdeliveriesJpu .createJupdateJdelivery. *his will create delivery with your packing slip num er. Whe you are confirming the delivery you will e using the same. +f these two (create and confirm) happen at two different points of time then update delivery name with your packing slip num er first and then confirm the delivery when you are confirming the delivery.

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