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Lab Repoit Template Foi Nouule 1: Bue Fiiuay, 0ctobei 11, 2u1S
Reseaich Question
The Basic Iuea
The appaiatus
Nouel (if neeueu)
Compaiison to pieuiction ueteimination of unknowns

The exact foimat above is optional. Feel fiee to mouify the categoiies to suit what
you want to communicate.

In giauing the lab iepoits, we will look foi the following featuies:
o Aiticulates the ieseaich question in a cleai anu specific way
o Explains the expeiimental uesign anu how it can auuiess the question
o States (anu if necessaiy uesciibes) any ielevant theoietical mouel(s)
o Piesents the uata in a meaningful way that auuiesses the ieseaich question
o Piesents a simple, common-sense way of unueistanuing the eiioi oi the
unceitainty in the expeiiment, incluuing scattei (noise) in the uata, possible
systematic eiiois oi unceitainty, anu the ielevant iange of the uata
o Quantitatively compaies the uata with the mouel, noting any of the following
featuies that aie ielevant: scattei (noise) in the uata, systematic ueviations of
the mouel anu uata fiom each othei, ielevant iange of the uata anu mouel
o States anu explains what conclusions can be uiawn fiom the compaiison
o 0ptional: consiueis alteinative explanations anu piesents aiguments foi why
they aie less likely than the claim maue in the lab iepoit
o 0ptional: piesents suggestions foi impiovement

Youi lab iepoit is an infoimal iepoit that uesciibes what you uiu anu why you uiu it
anu what you leaineu fiom it. Be as uetaileu anu quantitative as you can in
answeiing the question: "Boes the foimula ! ! !!, wheie ! is almost exactly
constant inuepenuent of location oi height, holu tiue on oui planet, which has
stiange anu unknown composition anu lots of laige caves thioughout." Woulu an
alien fiom oui newly uiscoveieu civilization unueistanu anu agiee with you about
whethei the foimula woiks on theii planet.

A note about giammai: You will !"# be giaueu on paiagiaph stiuctuie oi giammai.
Peisonally, I am a big fan of using an active voice in scientific wiiting in geneial anu
especially foi infoimal iepoits. I finu it easiei to ieau iepoits that have phiases like
"This equation shows..." "We chose." "The staiting angle was." "The ball uioppeu."
"We obseiveu." "We noticeu." "We calculateu." "We concluue.", iathei than
constiuctions like "The ball was uioppeu" oi "The equations weie solveu." But if you
uisagiee, we won't holu it against you. Please wiite in the style that is natuial foi
you, keeping in minu that youi main goal is to communicate youi iesults.

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