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ECE TPA Lesson Plan 1. Teacher Candidate Cooperating Teacher 2. Subject 3.

Lesson Title/Focus Darcy Royland Miriam Ritchey Date taught School/District 11.22.13 Franklin lementar y/ Spokane (ntro) 1* min Reading) 1* min

Reading "melia #edelia$s First "pple %ie &erman %arish 'ynne "!ril +indergarten

Field Super!isor 5. Length o Lesson!s"

#. $rade Le%el

&. Acade'ic ( Content Standards !$LEs/EA)Ls/*ation al"

Reading: Literature R'.+.1 , R'.+.Reading: Foundational Skills RF.+.1 , RF.+.. / mphasis on %honemes0 Speaking & Listening S'.+.3 Language '.+.Counting & Cardinality +.CC.#.. Operations & Algebraic Thinking +.1".".1 , +.1".".* Measurement & ata +.MD.".12 +.MD.#.3 1. Descri3e measura3le attri3utes o4 o35ects6 such as length or 7eight. Descri3e se!eral measura3le attri3utes o4 a single o35ect. /Seeing di44erent si8es and shapes o4 apples. 13ser!ing di44erences and 3rie4 e9planation o4 skins.0 2. :nderstand 3et7een num3ers and ;uantities< connect counting to cardinality. 3. :nderstand addition as putting together and adding to6 and understand su3traction as taking apart and taking 4rom. /(n this case6 apples cut into 26 .6

+. Learning ,bjecti%e!s"

-. Acade'ic Language ,bjecti%e!s"

and then = pieces.0 .. >ith prompting and support6 students 7ill demonstrate understanding o4 key details and characters in the te9t. *. Demonstrate understanding o4 the organi8ation and 3asic 4eatures o4 print. &omonyms. Flour ,!s2 Flo7er "ddition o4 pieces. >ords) &1M1?@M. F'1> R. F'1:R. "%%' /S0. AR"?DM". AR"?D%". M1M. D"D. %( . ":T:M?. S@''"#' /S0.

.. Assess'ent %lan >ill re4lect on lesson in groups6 and assess student kno7ledge. 1/. Lesson )ationale Upon what assessment data or previous lessons are you building? "ns7er) >e are 3uilding on the kno7ledge o4 the letter B"C. WHAT requisite skills do students need in order to access the lesson & participate fully? "ns7er) Students 7ill 3e a3le to discuss si8es /3igger6 smaller0 and connect characters to the storyline. How does the content build on what the students already know and are able to do? "ns7er) Students are a7are o4 letter names6 and sounds. Students are also a7are o4 the organi8ation o4 3asic print and the physical appearance o4 3ooks. /e.g. 4ront/3ack co!ers6 characters6 and illustrations0 H W does this lesson fit in the curriculum? "ns7er) This lesson ties in 7ith the letter B"C in &and7riting >ithout Tears. Science) Study o4 trees. Math shapes and counting 4rom 121D. !y teaching this lesson" how will this add to student learning? "ns7er) Students 7ill 3e a3le to tie the concepts presented6 in 7ith progressing lessons 4or math and language arts. How does the lesson build on previous lessons or previous learning? "ns7er) Students 7ill 3e introduced to phonemes6 and 3uild on pre!ious kno7ledge o4 re4lecti!e reading. How will the learning in this lesson be further developed in subsequent lessons? "ns7er) >e ha!e 3een6 and 7ill continue to discuss trees and their en!rironments. 11. 0nstructional Strategies/Learning Tas1s to Su22ort

Learning 'earning Tasks and Strategies Se!uenced "nstruction Teacher$s Role Students$ Role First hal4 o4 3ook Students 7ill participate in 7ill 3e introduced snack acti!ity and during snack time6 preparation 4or a4ternoon a4ter 7e discuss session. They 7ill discuss the di44erent si8es6 apples6 and the parts o4 shapes6 and kinds reading 7e ha!e 3een o4 apples. dealing 7ith throughout the Second hal4 o4 ;uarter. Student !oice 7ill 3e 3ook 7ill 3e read ackno7ledged. in the a4ternoon6 a4ter re4lection o4 4irst hal4. ( 7ill introduce homonyms BF'1:RC and BF'1> RC 4rom the story6 and talk a3out sylla3les. >e 7ill then re4lect on the story6 as ( collect student !oice. Rationale Focus is to integrate math and language concepts into snack and a4ternoon reading acti!ities.

Student Eoice to gather >hat did "melia do 7hen Arandma said6 Bhand me the 4lour.C >hat do you think Arandma really meantF 12. 3i erentiated 0nstruction %lan ?1? 13. )esources and 4aterials %lan "%%' S #11+ F'"S& C"RDS


Rationale %art 1) Snack /apples0 %art 2) &omonyms on 4lash cards 4or re4lection 4rom reading.

1#. 4anage'ent and Sa et5 0ssues %lan


Classroom Management) Students 7ill 3e instructed to 7ithhold ;uestions until a4ter 7e$re done reading.

>ith the small amount o4 time gi!en 4or lesson6 it 7ill 3e appropriate to progress through lesson 7ith limited interruption.

15. Parent ( Co''unit5 Connections %lan Rationale %hotocopies o4 "melia$s apple pie Repetition o4 7ords and home recipe 7ill 3e sent home to re4lection6 7ill aid in retention o4 parents6 as 7ell as homonym in4ormation and !oca3ulary sheet 7ith topic 7ords 4rom 3oth enhancement. snack lesson and reading. 15. Assess'ent )ubric6 */A

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