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Secrets inside surround set of {((x, y), (f(x), g(y)), (liable logics language, not allowable scheduling)} mapping

pairing links surround symbolic synchronization of {(clear, not), (amount, event), (invest, implement), (fetch up, until!, blink ad"ust, conserve), (handle hold, hierarchy!, mount into, during!)} dynamics to produce a neat networking of measurable core#s processing$
Said Mchaalia (draft copy of Newt Said Mchaalia, whose brightness supports something clear: compute X inside IR, ecember ! th"#$%&

Secrets inside surround set of {((x, y), (f(x), g(y)), (liable logics language, not allowable scheduling)} mapping pairing links surround symbolic synchronization of {(clear, not), (amount, event), (invest, implement), (fetch up, until!, blink ad"ust, conserve), (handle hold, hierarchy!, mount into, during!)} dynamics to produce a neat networking of measurable core#s processing$ %n fact, the ma"or intentional secrets inside surround set of {((x, y), (f(x), g(y)), (liable logics language, not allowable scheduling)} has to encircle the mapping pair links to any surround symbolic synchronization of {(clear, not), (amount, event), (invest, implement), (fetch up, until!, blink ad"ust, conserve), (handle hold, hierarchy!, mount into, during!)} dynamics to produce a neat networking of measurable core#s processing$ &herefore, the most symbolic ambiguity within this approval proposal approach is to enhance the old complexity of mathematical insight and mode intelligence (see the example of describing 'lbert (instein )*+, or -ax .lanck )*/, for more details)$ (vent though, the basic built in behavior belong to such any across liable logics language is to involve the primordial principle of dictionary logics language as it was thus defined through the main real operating works of 0empel and 1iv (see reference )2, for more details, whereby the main most symbolic logics language of the works of 0empel and 1iv is to introduce the 3intelligence insight of using elementary proceeding such as 3fscanf(fptr, 34c3, pch3 for any possible probable type name or class kind of any corresponding file media format$ 5urthermore, the elementary processing, which has to be involving within the 67implemented, 6887 implementation or 6x7intention 3fscanf(fptr, 34c3, pch3 has to rule any possible probable conservative or conserving conclusion around the &hesis of Said -chaalia (see reference )*, for more details)$ 9ence, using dictionary logics language across the approval proposal approach, we could then progress as below: *$ clear ; not obscured or darkened< any envisage corresponding illustration of se=uential data should be bright$ &he involving environment reality fashion flow of such a dictionary logics language implement the mathematical intelligence insight of 3valuable variable 3clear to be at least mapping pair (s=r)sin(),, s=r)cos(),) for a modulation or correlation dynamics and mechanism$ 5urthermore, the logics language inside any (nglish dictionary, defines 3clear ; free from charges or deductions< net profile for example (verb to clear ; to gain (a given amount) as net profit or earnings) 3$ &hus, the main real operating thread task within such a corresponding mounting investment of 3clear as free from charge or deduction3 has to involve the ma"or real ordering of 3avoid any possible probable obstacle involving within the modeling intelligence and mode inspiration and insight of motor kernel fashion flows across system architecture and signal ad"ustment$ >n the hand, the ma"or manufacturing of the approval proposal approach, which has begun with 3clear as ad"ective or verb3 handle a new neat networking inside the desirable main dynamics and manipulation of mathematical intelligence insight and mode inspiration and integration within any surrounding symbolic society accordingly to any liable logics language of leaf looking for environment reality fashion flow$

?ue to the implemented algorithms of the waveform compression, whereby the 3elementary insight logics language3 was encircle any "ob scheduling based on 3fscanf(fptr, 34c3, pch)3 dynamics, evolves a ratio environment reality fashion flow of possible probable function forms, which could be then used within any fuzzy or genetic or mimetic mechanism and proceeding to implement the basic built in behavior of neat networking of surround mathematical intelligence insight$ &hus, the mapping pair (s=r)cos(),, s=r)sin(),) is the basic built in burrowing any possible probable mathematical intelligence insight involving and including within any (@, A>& @) logics language$ 9ence, the mapping pair (s=r)cos(),, s=r)sin(),) is the basic built in burrowing any possible probable mathematical intelligence insight involving and including within any (@, A>& @) logics language, the ma"or aware purposed aim ob"ect is to search the relationship between the logical links within (Boolean @, A>& @)$ &herefore, the associate Boolean variable @ could the describe a processing inside any envisage corresponding "ob scheduling, whom shadow (not real illustration of the ma"or real operating huge hard hardware), has to be described within a function form belong to liable logics, which has to defined the 3A>&3 logics link as ratio or signed negative of any approval proposal mounting mathematical amount =uantity$ &herefore, consider clear to be e=ual to 3s=r)cos(),3 (or to be used within a focus on correlation or modulation inside the main intelligence insight across system architecture and signal ad"ustment), whose 3A>&3 logics should be then e=ual to ratio of * to 3s=r)cos(),3 or 37s=r)cos(),3$ (vent though, inspiring intelligence insight from fuzzy logics, the 37s=r)cos(),3 could be converted or translated into 3s=r)sin(),3 (which could be used within any corresponding correlation or modulation proceeding belong to se=uential digital data processing)$ 9ence, the main real mathematical illustration of the mapping pair (s=r)cos(),, s=r)sin(),) depict the ma"or most intentional processing across any possible probable main dynamics of focus on following fuzzy function form$ &hus, figure * shows such a processing$
1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

'igure $ : the main real mathematical illustration of the mapping pair (s(r)cos(&*, s(r)sin(&*& depict the ma+or most intentional processing across any possible probable main dynamics of focus on following fu,,y function form

%n fact, the boundary limits of surround symbolic systematic segment )low measurable boundary, high measurable boundary, has to evolve any intentional implemented dictionary logics language of the 3"amb3 word$

&herefore, 3"amb ; either of two members forming the sidepieces for the frame of an opening3, a possible probable of creating a general global function form fashion flow within the encircling enlargement of valuable variable extensible mathematical amount =uantity clear ; (x, y) or clear ; (x, *Cy) or clear ; (f(x), f(y)), thus clear ; ()s=r)cos(),,D)s=r)sin(),, C s=r)s=r)sin(), 7 s=r)cos(),,, s=r)s=r)sin(), 7 s=r)cos(),,C)s=r)cos(),,D)s=r)sin(),,) or clear ; (s=r)tg(),, *Cs=r)tg(),), could then envisage any corresponding dynamics of 3"amb defined as either of the vertical sides of a doorway, window, or other opening3$ 9ence, figure + shows the main primordial principle of using "amb within the approval proposal 3something clear3 to describing within clear ; (f(), g()) such that f() is always distinct from g()$

'igure ": the main primordial principle of using +amb within the appro-al proposal .something clear. to describing within clear / (f(&, g(&& such that f(& is always distinct from g(&0

the new neat networking of 3be clever within any modelling intelligence and implementation of mode insight inside robust control or system economy or financial approach, or transmission transportation dynamics or anything else has to include and wake any possible probable fuzzy fashion flow up$ %n fact, within the new neat networking of involving implemented intentional logics language of mapping pairing dynamics surround symbolic set of {(clear, not), (amount, event), (invest, implement), (fetch up, until!, blink ad"ust, conserve), (handle hold, hierarchy!, mount into, during!)} new neat networking evolving environment reality flow of measurable core#s processing and systematic signed investment or dream cream couple (dark, clear) processing$ &herefore, *$ fist of all the mapping pair (clear, not) is designed for a pure mathematical implementation of any possible probable modeling intelligence and mode inspiration or insight$ ?ue to the basic built in motor kernel of "ob scheduling, which is the symbolic surround set ; one five element set ; {(fetch, decode, schedule, encode, return back (write back to buffer))}, the systematic symbolic simulation within any modeling intelligence or mode insight to enhance the "ob scheduling processing or to illustrate or show its advanced advantages within any possible probable signal ad"ustment across any system architecture$ &hus, clear could be defined to evolve a huge hard hierarchy home of implemented investigation within the mathematical intentional investment across any possible probable modeling intelligence and mode insight or ingratiation$ 6lear within the approval proposal approach (written by {{S'} EE {-%} ; Said -chaalia FF Susanne Geber may be EE Susanne Geber} such that this defined as follows 3new neat networking of involving implemented intentional logics language of mapping pairing dynamics surround symbolic set of {(clear, not), (amount, event), (invest, implement), (fetch up, until!, blink ad"ust, conserve), (handle hold, hierarchy!, mount into, during!)} new neat networking evolving environment reality flow of measurable core#s processing and systematic signed investment or dream cream couple (dark, clear) processing3$ 6lear is better defined to be involving within the following proposal approval under custom#s seal$ Aotice that the custom#s seal is the measurable core#s processing of any possible probable current edge flow$ &hough, to bring the real operating dynamics of any intentional intended implementation of surround advance ad"ustment mounting intelligence insight within any modelling environment reality flow up, the complex or simple easy mathematical integration should be illustrated 3something clear3 inside the approval purpose of

inserting what this a fashion flow of resolve any ambiguity and any fuzzy point overview within the proposal rules and roles of the corresponding envisage mathematical implemented signs across the considered system architecture enveloping any mechanism of mapping pair (incoming inputs, outcoming outputs)$ 5urthermore, clear could then be e=ual to either clear ; (s=r)cos(),, s=r)sin(),), clear ; ()s=r)cos(),,D)s=r)sin(),, C s=r)s=r)sin(), 7 s=r)cos(),,, s=r)s=r)sin(), 7 s=r)cos(),,C)s=r)cos(),,D)s=r)sin(),,) or clear ; (s=r)tg(),, *Cs=r)tg(),), or clear ; (x, y), whereby x cloud be a ratio of * to y and vise verse (x ; *Cy or y ; *Cx)$ &hus, the main real operating =uestion to ask for the utility of such a logics language of surround systematic synchronized signal issues across the new neat networking of involving implemented intentional logics language of mapping pairing dynamics surround symbolic set of {(clear, not), (amount, event), (invest, implement), (fetch up, until!, blink ad"ust, conserve), (handle hold, hierarchy!, mount into, during!)} new neat networking evolving environment reality flow of measurable core#s processing and systematic signed investment or dream cream couple (dark, clear) processing$ 9ence, first of all, the dynamics of mapping pair (encoding, decoding) mechanism re=uires to evolve a proposal approval mathematical insight and modeling intelligence to engender and then decode any possible probable array of se=uential digital data within any transmission#s transportation dynamics$ 5urthermore, the modeling of dream couple (correlation, modulation) to engender or envelop and decode any transaction or waveform or se=uence array of se=uential digital data processing is to investigate and invest any possible mathematical intelligence insight to mount the real operating processing within the basic built in behavior of (strip, scale), whereby this basic built in behavior of (strip ; make slice, scale ; move up down) of any possible (x, y) presentation across the old (uclidean illustration of y ; f(x) or y ; f(z) and x ; g(z) too$ Aotice that the dream cream couple ((x, y),(f(), g()) introduce that x is distinct from y and f() is different from g() forever$ +$ (amount, event): the real organized ad"ustment across the basic built in logics language of any focus on following function form re=uires to involve and evolve any measurable core#s processing across the proposal approval dynamics enveloping any amount =uantity to be identified or to be involved or to be included or to implemented or to enhance any investment of inventive measurable core#s processing$ 5urthermore, event ; surround mapping (integer n such as t;n$&, focus on function fashion of corresponding processing), whereby the liable looking for translation logics could then bring this 3event3 variable value up 3(integer n such as t;n$&, signal behavior S(t))$ /$ (invest, implement) : because 3invest ; to endow with an enveloping or pervasive =uality3, which has to involve any possible probable timing simulation dynamics and mechanism$ 5urthermore, 3 implement ; to put into practical effect3, encircle any possible probable surround mapping pair of (signal advance, signal ad"ustment) dynamics$ Because any signal has to be illustrated for probable possible mounting intentional depicting processing, which handle any holding any hierarchy home of mathematical intelligence insight (inspiration and illustration during a whole deep investigation of any possible trade off mark investment (search the writer of this software codes) of n7instruction statements involving within the ma"or main operating primordial principle of "ob scheduling processing)$ ?ue to the usage of a machine inside any robust control or system economy or financial effect and aspects or implementing intentional manufacturing industry governing surround symbolic synchronized society within (inside) liable leaf looking for intelligence insight or inspiration implementation or systematic surround set of any threads, tasks and "obs to measure the arranged ad"ustment and advance "udgment$ H$ (fetch up, until!, blink ad"ust, conserve) : 9ence 3fetch ; to come or go after and take or bring back3 and 3fetch ; to reach a stopping place or goal, which should be a buffer ready at any possible probable action time to get into scheduling and processing3, the connection of information is based on implemented interface link the whole involving components together$ 5urthermore, 3blink ; to refuse to recognize or face3 and 3blink ; to transmit (a message) with a flashing light3, has to evolve any liable logics language involving within the dictionary dynamics to enhance and evolve any possible probable

token simulation processing$ 2$ (handle hold, hierarchy!, mount into, during!)} &hus, 3handle ; to act or function in a given way while in operation3, the main real ordering token simulation processing is to assign a valuable variation across transaction or waveform of se=uential digital data during approval proposal timing simulation$ (ven though 3mount ; &o provide with scenery, costumes, and other e=uipment necessary for production3 has to evolve a dynamics inside the ma"or intentional surround systematic logical liable links to the proposal under custom#s seal token simulation describing mapping pair in 688 or 6x function form of token strip, scale!, whereby 3strip is to precise sliding widow slice or stairs for any elementary identification for example fscanf(fptr, 34c3, pch) is a dynamics to assign type name or class kind 3char3 to any possible probable byte inside any file type or corresponding media format$ 9ence, scale has to (scale ; &o throw (&o cause to fall off a thin flat ob"ect) so that it soars through the air or skips along the surface of water) pass a throw into main real operating token simulation processing$ 6onserving the main real operating dynamics and mechanism of token surround mapping pair (link, blink) to create a basic built in behavior of envisage corresponding translation logics language, which is defined to throw the old complex ambiguity of any approval proposal logics such as fuzzy logics, genetic and mimetic approaches$ %n fact, this considering under custom#s seal approach has to evolve the main real dynamic of token simulation, which include surround symbolic synchronization to following neat networking: *$ (strip, slice) to identify the conserving transaction of waveform or array of se=uential digital data to be handled within any possible probable intelligence insight$ Aotice that 3conserve ; &o use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste3, depicts the lossyless principles inside any proposal waveform compression or transmission#s transportation#s dynamics$ +$ (schedule, handle) mapping pair in order to bring the conserving transaction or waveform of the approval se=uential digital data into desirable mathematical intentional signs of across modeling intelligence and mode inspiration$ /$ (return feedback, ad"ust): due to the investigation and the investment threads across any possible probable proposal system architecture to be modeled or investigated, the main real illustration processing is to encircle any return feedback for missing processing or correction advises$ 5urthermore, the 3ad"ust ; &o bring into proper relationship3 is the main motor kernel for any proposal possible fashion flow of token simulation principles$ H$ (raw, flow) : is the ma"or identification of memory dynamic design, whereby the raw is a list or array for any conserving byte and the flow is to count the elementary length or size of the approval under consumer#s seal array or raw then to flow within a mapping form of focus on following couple (n in %A, p in %A) , such that n is the number of possible envisage corresponding raw and p is the number of possible probable looping (how many times should a raw be countedI)$ Because the mapping pair (raw, flow) involve and evolve a dynamic implemented of mounting intentional principles of discrete event simulation (to remember this, count a day away to be aware of any across advanced signal within around proposal discrete event simulation principles)$ 5urthermore, the main real principle of discrete event simulation involving within (raw, flow) has to enhance the re=uired environment reality fashion flow of application of electrical energy fashion flow, whereby 3the number of times to exchange a couple of battery pack with any re=uired envisage corresponding electrical energy fashion flow is the ma"or most significant valuable value) $

%n fact, the ma"or manufacturing function form of mode insight and modelling intelligence is to search across the ma"or most significant signs across the symbolic systematic society safe surround devices to be mounted within any secrets engendering meaningfulness of manufacture, of industry, of system architectures, of signal ad"ustment, of application, $$$$ ?ue to the the involving intending logics language, since the open door of sliding slice simulation, which has to define the word 3"amb3 as below: *$ to define "amb, a vertical boundary limits are re=uired,whereby the first one identifies the start up or the setup and the second one end off the last boundary limit$ &his is the ma"or real main operating dynamics of current edge flow to encircle any transmission#s transportation of se=uential digital data arrays during chosen timing simulation$ +$ in fact, the corresponding boundary limit range is )low sliding slice, high sliding slice,$ &hus, for any fuzzy function form flow, the basic built in burrowing mathematical insight and implemented mode inspiration have to involve and include the surround mapping pair (sqr[sin()], sqr[cos()]) for investigation and investment of n7instruction statement set during any application of the primordial principle dynamics and mechanism of "ob scheduling, whose mounting symbolic synchronized themes are : function(class type Ex, type name E@), procedure(), and then transition logics language of (blink, link) mapping pair to generate and mapping pair of (encoding, decoding) proceeding$ &hus, the correlation and modulation are two ma"or dynamics of encoding and decoding proceeding dynamics, the mathematical insight and modelling intelligence of intended implementation of measurable se=uential digital data arrays during the corresponding timing simulation has to evolve any possible probable dynamics of using any mapping pairs such as : mathematical implementation ; mode insight and modeling intelligence to allow measurable amount "ustification of using "ob scheduling within any applied math such that : =uantity within any possible probable {if ( (f() > a) && (f() < b)) then do {instruction statements% many as it could be} dynamic design, whereby something mapping pairing couple + + + + + clear ; ( sin ()cos ()) * sin ( ) 0 cos () , = = ( y= , ) + + y ( sin + () cos +())+ sin () 0 cos ( ) clear = mathematical or mapping pairing couple intentional + + ( y =sin () , , =* y =cos () ) surrounding adjustments or mapping pairing couple mounting * * illustrations ( y =*+ , , =*+ )

sin ()

cos ( )

or mapping pairing couple ( y = tan ( ) ,

* * ,= = + ) y tan ()

1. cou le of (measurable amount quantit!, non measurable amount quantit!) ". cou le of (signed ositi#e, signed negati#e) for an! ossible transaction or $a#eform or custom or arra! or sequence in#ol#ing data.

Because, Said -chaalia within the promising help of .rofessors (dwin Aaroska and .rofessor Jwe Schwiegelsohn did invent his mathematical intentional secret across the mounting fscanf(fptr, 34c3, pch) dynamics to evolve next the simple easy use of this involving and evolving mathematical insight and mode implemented intended intelligence within any manufacturing industry including fuzzy function forms or genetic algorithm or mimetic approach$ %n fact, the main return feedback of any approval proposal insight, or intelligence or investigation or inspection or know how or howto or knowledge or culture implementation of involving installation of any possible surrounding fashion flow of inside function form, is to handle, read and return outcoming outputs of logics language due to any possible systematic and neat research across the under custom#s seal sub"ects$ (ven though, since the logics operating operation of surround set {'A?, >K, @>K, A>&, A'A?, @A>K, etc$$}, the ma"or organized neat networking of application and implementing modeling intelligence and mode inspiration insight is to handle hand on technical dynamics and n7set instruction statement to reach what is desirable and to evolve a new neat working$ &hough, the two type mechanism is to mount ordering symbolic synchronized secret signs at any possible probable dynamics of safe smart system to enhance any life style then to allow people to search wellness inside the approval proposal life style$ &hus, the ma"or involving two types of possible probable scientific researches are involving within the following point overviews defined below: 1. technical installation and manufacturing industr! im lementation% this need to con#ert the en#isage corres onding ro osal a ro#al n&instruction statement set into ne$ neat $or'ing of an! meeting aim aim object e#ol#ing #irtualism or huge hard hierarch! homes of interests. (herefore, installing e) erience is highl! required accordingl! to an! ahead staff handling the major surround s!stem econom! and financial effect and as ects. ". safe scientific surround staff (for this name, *aid +chaalia). (hus, this staff has to deli#er and ro ose intentional ideal ideas. 9ence, accordingly to the main real operating dynamics and mechanism of implementing theoretical aspects and effects within the surround smart looking for huge hard hierarchy homes of high7tech, the implementation and installation of ideal ideas has to rule any mode#s inspiration insight and modeling intelligence$ %s this exactly trueI %n fact, 'lbert (instein, -ax .lanck, Susanne Geber, Jwe Schwiegelsohn and Said -chaalia (not professor ahead at application .rofessor >de" Lao at Berlin &echnical Jniversity, whom surround symbolic synchronized neat networking is to translate the existing technical aspect and effect into new looking for higher huge hard hierarchy homes of moving implemented industrial desirable aim ob"ects describing what leaf like liable laws are ) are looking to manipulate the n7instruction statement set of any approval proposal "ob scheduling to handle the surround situation$ &hus, the .rofessor ahead inside this intentional main 3menus3 is .rofessor (dwin Aaroska, whose valuable variable extensible neat networking is the free compiler of hardware logics language, which is looking for new inventors of driving mapping pairs describing logics languages of (signed negative, signed positive) effects and aspects (see figure M for more details)$

'igure #: -aluable -ariable e1tensible neat networ2ing for free comiler of hardware logics language loo2ing for new in-entors of dri-ing mapping pairs describing logics languages (signed negati-e, signed positi-e& effects and aspects in-ol-ing signal ad+ustments and system architectures0

9ence, figure M is showing the valuable variable extensible neat networking for free comiler of hardware logics language looking for new inventors of driving mapping pairs describing logics languages (signed negative, signed positive) effects and aspects involving signal ad"ustments and system architectures$ %n fact, the best basic built in dynamics is to choose the suitable surround dynamics 3m%s' ; methodology implementing secrets across mathematical symbolization across any3$ 9ence, the heterogeneous choice or the homogeneous choice to bring any ad"ustment advances up inside the arrays of se=uential digital data$

&hus, the heterogeneous and homogeneous dynamics have to choose the basic built in logics language of surrounding according selection for any possible probable array filling within binary amount =uantity se=uences or containing se=uences of transactions of waveform, which have to be defined below$ %ndeed, the definition of measurable amount =uantity inside the se=uences of arrays filling within binary built in logics, has to fix and fill in the main real operating return backs of the measurable core#s processing dynamics$ &herefore, the return back of the measurable core#s processing dynamics is belong to following point overviews: *$ incoming se=uential digital transaction or waveform has to be organized within an offset structure, which generate the dynamics of any possible probable offset of incoming digital se=uential transaction of waveform$ &hus, an offset identifies the location where to hold the incoming amount =uantity se=uences (transactions or waveform) during the waiting processing of setup or start up of any "ob scheduling dynamics for the envisage corresponding timing simulation involving the primordial principle of discrete event simulation { (amount, event), whereby amount ; any measurable se=uential digital transaction or waveform evolving the mounting real operating dynamics of sampling choice:: choose a set of samples belong to defined integers involving within the envisage corresponding event(integer, function form) dynamic processing, in order to define the timing units of starting up or setup dynamics of structured organized heterogeneous or homogeneous "ob scheduling$ 9ence, a heterogeneous structured organized "ob scheduling has to engender many distinct statistical probabilistic and stochastic processing kinds and types to fill in the neat networking of a desirable clear aim ob"ects of corresponding system economy and financial effects and aspects$ (ven though, the structured organized heterogeneous "ob scheduling has to fix a similar same type or kind of se=uential digital data arrays or se=uence or transaction or waveform to be in scheduling dynamics$ +$ because fscanf(f tr, ,-c,, ch) is a primordial principle dynamics to envelop any heterogeneous or homogeneous processing types of se=uential digital transaction or waveform, the main real organization of envisage corresponding measurable core#s processing is to handle the function forms, which should be belong to approval proposal mathematical mode insight and intelligence$ &herefore, many real operating extension types of files such as D$avi or D$mp/ or D$mpH or D$zip should be involved a heterogeneous or homogeneous processing kind to enhance the mode insight and intelligence of any possible probable assignment of mathematical implementation across the surrounding dynamics and mechanism of digital se=uential transaction or waveform processing$ event though, the implemented manufacturing industry dynamic design has to follow the result procedure of methodology inside surround advances to enhance any possible symbolic synchronized aim ob"ect of smart life style, which has to fill in the philosophy meaningfulness of knowledge culture or know how or howto logics languages of associate dynamic designs, which have to investigate and invest surround mounting insight intelligence within the environment reality flows of heterogeneous and homogeneous kinds or heterogeneous or homogeneous types of digital test and verification proceeding mechanism$ /$ due to the mounting intentional of electrical amount =uantity of any possible probable amount =uantity measurable core#s processing within assigned se=uential digital transaction of waveform, the basic primordial principle disciple of fscanf(fptr, 34c3, pch) should be a homogeneous "ob scheduling kind to encircle any heterogeneous type of se=uential digital transaction or waveform processing$ (ven though, the approval proposal special surround media player such as D$mp/ or D$mpH or mp/ and mpH or avi media players have to submit return feedback of special surrounding environment reality flow, which has to enhance the usage of approval under consumer#s (where consumer is defined node to envelop any proposal arithmetic operation within the corresponding proposal "ob scheduling processing) seal homogeneous involvement of any ad"ustment or conserving dynamics of se=uential digital transaction or waveform$ &hus, the main real operating transaction ad"ust, conserve (where to conserve is e=ual to 3&o protect from loss or harm ; avoiding waste3)! or waveform ad"ust, conserve (where to conserve is

e=ual to 3&o protect from loss or harm ; avoiding waste3)! or custom ad"ust, conserve (where to conserve is e=ual to 3&o protect from loss or harm ; avoiding waste3)! or link ad"ust, conserve (where to conserve is e=ual to 3&o protect from loss or harm ; avoiding waste3)! or blink ad"ust, conserve (where to conserve is e=ual to 3&o protect from loss or harm ; avoiding waste3)! could be then used within any approval proposal neat new networking of involving focus on function forms of mounting mode#s insight and intelligence$ Aotice that to blink is e=ual to 3&o close and open one or both of the eyes rapidly ; &o transmit (a message) with a flashing light3, could then define the possible probable dynamic processing within any possible mapping pairing thread or task or "ob or assignment statements of return feedback$ H$ 9ence, the approval mapping pairing surround symbolic secret of .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, in#est = in#estigate && im lement), (fetch<u , until>, blin'<adjust = schedule an! ossible return feedbac' of in#ol#ing sensor, conser#e = hold an! handling scheduling #aluable #ariable ma ing airing cou le of (incoming, outcoming) current edge flo$s> ) d!namics to engender the approval proposal transactions and waveform of se=uential digital data arrays$ 2$ during blinking processing (notice that to blink is e=ual to &o transmit (a message) with a flashing light, whereby the flashing light should be a symbolic synchronized timer to fix focus on samples, thus this is involving within the dynamics design of event(integer n such as t;n$& sliding sample slice, function form ; mode insight and intelligence across mounting modeling investigation and implementation), the main real organized dynamics is to follow the neat natural networking of 3blink ; &o shine with intermittent gleams< flash on and off3 in order to define the main real primordial principles of event transitions within the mapping pairing couple (fetch, hold) se=uences or transaction of ma"or binary basic built in logics languages, whereby the envisage corresponding sliding slices should be then used within the 3inside intentional implemented involvement of evolving 6.J, which encircle the focus on function forms of operating arithmetic and logical links and blinks inside the handling processing of holding heterogeneous and homogeneous transaction or waveform or handling holding heterogeneous or homogeneous transaction or waveform of any possible se=uential digital data array$ N$ 9ence, to blink is e=ual to 3&o shine with intermittent gleams< flash on and off3, this is the main real of in#ol#ing im lemented intentional logics language of ma ing airing surround s!mbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), (in#est, im lement), (fetch<u , until>, blin'<adjust, conser#e), (handle<hold, hierarch!>, mount<into, during>)/ d!namics design in order to following within any neat new networking environment reality flow for any possible probable processing involving measurable core#s processing and processing in order to describe and illustrate the main real proposal approval effect and aspects of enhancing ratios within logics across amount =uantity evolving measurement investigation and implementation$ >n the other hand, the main real operating dynamic design of 3clear3 investigation is to illustrate the effect of 3clear thing is3 logics of 3clear is $$$3 logics or 3this is not clear3 logics language or 3make this clear $$$3 logics language of 3clear day is when $$$3 logics language or 3clear screen allow return feedback to black screen, which should be in a waiting state3$ &hus, the 3clear screen allow return feedback to black screen, which should be in a waiting state3 is a primordial principle logics language of the command line procedure and implemented algorithm insight, the main real organized liable dynamics and illustration of 3something clear better within logics language and links3 inside any possible probable system economy investigation and implementation or financial effects and aspects or robust control investing insight and intelligence to enhance modeling#s mounting mode$ 9ence the mounting mode of modeling processing within signal ad"ustment and system architecture is a primordial principle of mapping pairing (invest or investigate, implement and install) dynamics couple to evolve a basic built in logics of "ob scheduling to encircle the approval proposal under custom#s seal symbolic synchronization for any involving implementation of smart smooth system economy and financial intentional

surrounding architecture mounting insight intelligence ( notice that blink & to shine intermittently, as in signalling, or unsteadily)$ %n fact, the main real operating dynamics within the processing of any se=uential digital data arrays, which have been defined as transactions and then waveform to be involving within any evolving proceeding of binary built in basics across logics language of any possible probable "ob scheduling showing inside the while(constraint condition) do {serial instruction statements or parallel instruction statement (see references of O9?0 or any other hardware description language for more details}$ 9ence, the enhancing neat net, which is defined to be surround symbolic synchronized set of {(clear, not), (amount, event), (process, invest), (fetch up, until!, waveform ad"ust, conserve!} dynamics handling environment reality flow of fuzzy focus on function forms and genetic or mimetic approaches, which support any systematic and smart processing inside system economy and financial "obs or robust control and similar mechanism$ mathematical implementation ; mode insight and modeling intelligence to allow measurable amount "ustification of using "ob scheduling within any applied math such that : =uantity within any possible probable {if ( (f() > a) && (f() < b)) then do {instruction statements% many as it could be} dynamic design, whereby something mapping pairing couple clear ; ( sin + ()cos + ())+ * sin+ ( ) 0 cos + () , = = ( y= , ) y ( sin + () cos +())+ sin+ () 0 cos + ( ) clear = mathematical or mapping pairing couple intentional + + ( y =sin () , , =* y =cos () ) surrounding adjustments or mapping pairing couple mounting * * illustrations ( y =*+ , , =*+ )

sin ()

cos ( )

or mapping pairing couple ( y = tan ( ) ,

* * ,= = + ) y tan ()

Since the advances within system economy and financial effects, the ma"or huge hard hierarchy home of conserving any primordial principle environment reality flow of mode insight within any modeling intelligence$ &hus, P{{S'} EE {-%}} ; apply in#ol#ing im lemented intentional logics language of ma ing airing surround s!mbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), (in#est, im lement), (fetch<u , until>, blin'<adjust, conser#e), (handle<hold, hierarch!>, mount<into, during>)/ d!namics design of function form of thought to assign something clear exactly true inside system economy and financial effectsQ, has to evolve the manufacturing industry involving inside huge hard hierarchy homes of using technology$ &herefore, to apply primordial principle of in#ol#ing im lemented intentional logics language of ma ing airing surround s!mbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), (in#est, im lement), (fetch<u , until>, blin'<adjust, conser#e), (handle<hold, hierarch!>, mount<into, during>)/ d!namics design of function form of thought to assign something clear exactly true inside system economy, financial effects, transmission#s transportation and robust controlQ$

'igure $: main real operating processing within the appro-al proposal surrounding surround symbolic synchroni,ed set of in#ol#ing im lemented intentional logics language of ma ing airing surround s!mbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), (in#est, im lement), (fetch<u , until>, blin'<adjust, conser#e), (handle<hold, hierarch!>, mount<into, during>)/ d!namics design dynamics handling en-ironment reality flow of fu,,y focus on function forms

%n fact, figure * is showing the main real operating processing within the approval proposal surrounding surround symbolic synchronized set of in#ol#ing im lemented intentional logics language of ma ing airing surround s!mbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), (in#est, im lement), (fetch<u , until>, blin'<adjust, conser#e), (handle<hold, hierarch!>, mount<into, during>)/ d!namics design dynamics handling environment reality flow of fuzzy focus on function forms and genetic or mimetic approaches$ thus, the real enhancement explanation of such a new neat networking to blink and link any possible discrete event simulation mechanism is detailed as follows:

'igure ": appro-al proposal neat networ2ing architecture surrounding symbolic synchroni,ed set of in#ol#ing im lemented intentional logics language of ma ing airing surround s!mbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), (in#est, im lement), (fetch<u , until>, blin'<adjust, conser#e), (handle<hold, hierarch!>, mount<into, during>)/ d!namics design dynamics handling en-ironment reality flow of fu,,y focus on function forms0

*$ clear is a mathematical description of any possible probable amount =uantity described inside mode insight and insisting modeling#s intelligence$ 5or example clear ; 7* 8 ratio of * to s=r)cos(), or clear ; 7* 8 ratio of * to s=r)sin(), or clear ; ratio of s=r)cos()Dsin(), to s=r)s=r)sin(), 7 s=r)cos(),, or any other intentional mathematical amount =uantity mounting envisage corresponding secrets across this aim ob"ect dynamics and mechanism, which have to be involving within the following evolving discrete event simulation processing$ +$ not is a logics language of something, which does not exist or which is not yet defined to be in use$ 9ence, the neat networking within the evolving deep implementing logics language across the approval proposal mechanism is to involve the ,not, as a ratio of 1 to ,clear,$ /$ amount is a something clear that is involving within any measurable core#s processing describe the valuable variable inputs and outputs or incoming and outcoming customs or current edge flows$

H$ e#ent = e#ent( integer, function form), where integer is value has to define the setup processing of start up receiving transaction blocks within any proposal discrete event simulation (n, such that t;n$&, start up to receive token)$ &hen another integer (such that p ! n, when t;p$&) value is the value of end off this corresponding dynamics in order to hold the whole transaction blocks within any approval proposal under consumer#s seal buffer to be further in use within the proposal purposing discrete event simulation motor kernel flows$ 2$ fetch<u , until> to'en is a neat networking dynamics to describe the associate figure * and figure +, whereby the fetch up (when to fetch any possible probable proposal transaction or any array of se=uential digital data to be scheduled)$ 5urthermore, the fetch until is a timing unit to defined the end off unit (in time such that t;l$&, where l sis the last integer such that l ! any other integer involving within the proposal discrete event simulation mechanism) of fetching arrays (of mathematical intentional sample amount =uantities)$ N$ $a#eform<adjust, conser#e> to'en defines the mounting of any possible probable refresh memory dynamics or the action of handling holding huge se=uential digital data arrays to be in "ob scheduling$ %n fact, what is 3m%s'3exactly meanI &herefore, 3m%s'3 is 3methodology of implementing something ahead3, which should be an in#ol#ing im lemented intentional logics language of ma ing airing surround s!mbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), (in#est, im lement), (fetch<u , until>, blin'<adjust, conser#e), (handle<hold, hierarch!>, mount<into, during>)/ d!namics design at any probable possible neat desirable timing simulation supporting systematic safe surround signal advance across system architecture$ 9ence, the ma"or most dynamic processing is the pairing mapping couple, whom computing content components are (investigate a surround @, invest within x)$ &hus, the processing of any possible probable investigation re=uires mathematical intentional secrets, which should evolve any convenient mode insight and modeling intelligence (hacking Rodhood for any dynamic design and allow aware ahead to be away within clear neat database of se=uential digital transaction)$ furthermore, the most complex thread task involving any possible probable "ob scheduling is the enhancement of envisage corresponding valuable variable extensible surrounding sub"ects ( for example investigate the dynamics of probabilistic stochastic statistical systematic study of faster high7ways connecting all big cities together, by this way anyone could reach its favorite destination faster as it could be ; rapid transport dynamic design ; "ust choose a convenient electrical motor with huge high valuable value of power ; possible 2/2/2/2/2//2/2/2 Gatt, which is e=ual as below ' & middle(average)sin(*$pi$f$t))+ , middle(average)cos(*$pi$f$t))+ , )cos(phase between current and voltage)+


* 0 cos ( 3 I ) 0 sin ( +$pi$f$"$&) 0 cos ( +$pi$f$"$& ) n+ + =M

+ =n

&hus, the value of @ is a dynamic processing across any possible probable mathematical insight inside the probabilistic stochastic statistical and systematic proceeding, which involves fuzzy function forms and enhance the usage and utility of ratios, whose valuable variables are defined inside the famous focus on segment )M, *,$ 9ence, the approval proposal mathematical illustration of using the mapping pairing couple ( sqr[sin()] ( y =sin + () ) , sqr[cos()] ( , =* y =cos + () )) to engender and envelop any processing within the probabilistic stochastic statistical and systematic processing, is the neat ad"usting dynamics, which encircle the ratio dynamics and emphasizing any usage of following focus on function form:

- & ratio of (s.r)sin()+,s.r)cos()+) to (s.r)s.r)sin()+(s.r)cos()++), where s.r)y+ & y , y$


sin+ () 0 cos + ( ) ( sin + ()cos + ())+

&herefore, the focus on function form S is defined to engender a general global purposing proposal fuzzy processing inside any possible envisage corresponding )M, *, segment$ >therwise, the automatically emphasizing boundary limits are ,M, pi divided H) and ,pi divided H, pi divided +) sliding slice intervals, which should include measurable cores of radiant units to follow with$ >n the other hand, the ma"or aim ob"ect is to manipulate the main basic built in principles of "ob scheduling, which are inviting while(constraint condition) do {in instruction statements} to surround and encircle the desirable aim ob"ect show of the dynamic design of corresponding software threads, and tasks or "ob and networking$ 'ccordingly to the mapping (blink, link) dynamic design of transition events, which describe the driven cycle of (ons, offs) signals surrounding transactions, the ma"or main real operating principles are to investigate the symbolic synchronization to a safe solid study of corresponding system economy and surrounding financial aspects$ &hus, to define any corresponding system economy and financial aspect within (inside the co design processing of mapping paring (hardware, software) couple or (ware, logics language of virtualism, which is e=ual to symbolic synchronization of mode#s insight and modeling#s intelligence) dynamics$ %n fact, the ma"or main operating sub"ects or approval proposal work (of Said -chaalia) is to implement a mathematical intentional secrets across manufacturing industry, whom valuable variable extensible explanation encircle: *$ extension D$mp/ or D$mpH or D$avi or D$zip or D$others extensions, which should be involving surrounding mounting intelligent simulation advancing the main real operating principle of se=uential digital data transaction during corresponding timing simulation dynamic design$ &hus, which the 3 - & ratio of (s.r)sin()+,s.r)cos()+) to (s.r)s.r)sin()+(s.r)cos()++), where s.r)y+ & y , y 3, where the 3() for cos() or sin()3 could become any possible probable valuable variable extensible signal assignment or defined parameter for across (exciting) system#s architecture$ +$ due to transition event dynamics is the fatal focus on application handling the logics language of transaction block (signal *, signal +, signal /, signal H, signal 2, $$$$, signal i, $$$$, signal ", $$$$, signal n)$ &hus, the binary built basic across logics dynamics enhance the usage and utility of transaction blocks to evolve and invent or investigate and invest networking (timing scheduling "obs or threads or tasks, which are events that engender the corresponding transaction blocks, where a transaction block ; event(integer i, function form @), hence the ma"or most intentional sharing advance is to find and define or mount and manufacture the function form @ of envisage corresponding event(integer i, function form @)$ /$ the "ustification and verification processing within any possible probable involving mode#s insight and modelling intelligence, need 3something clear::theory3 describes all possible aspect of probabilistic stochastic statistical and systematic point overviews that show the growing progress within the online or offline measurable core#s threads (processing dynamics, how to measurable the scheduling (outcoming or out7going valuable variable outputs, which could be signal assignment or any other parameter belong to corresponding system architecture))$

H$ reporting supporting neat networking for better enhance any probable possible extensible involvements of according enhancements (see at each end of the (arth#s -oon, the start up of the next month :: event(integer, draw circle at middle average point view)$ &hus, the integer value could reach /NM each (every) year and draw a circle = sin[cos()]$ 2$ involve any probable possible ratio dynamics inside a implemented illustration, which is based on putpixel() function form to describe the verification and "ustification of any growing progress$ (ven though, the centric mounting graphics should be clear$ ?ue to the basic built in behavior of money investigation and whose valuable variable intentional and intended implementation, the ma"or most real operating thread task across any signal ad"ustment involving within system architecture is to decide for any environment reality flow of : *$ financial focus on function form: 9ence, the mounting surrounding device of mapping pairing couple (invest, implement) has to enhance any symbolic synchronized signed accordingly to (investigate, invent) dream cream couple$ &hus, based on the logics language of dictionary logics language (see for more details the net scheduling of 0empel and 1iv across waveform compression since year *TUV, whereby the binary built in basics across such a logics language is the fscanf(fptr, 34c3, pch) function form to encircle any symbolic synchronization within the envisage corresponding waveform compression algorithm)$ +$ 5urthermore, based on the measurable core#s processing of the modeling intelligence across any intended intentional mode#s inspiration, the energy fashion flow of the transmission#s transportation#s dynamics is the supporting securing systematic signed thread or task or "ob or networking of any possible probable system economy and financial effect across and surrounding any dynamic designed any safe scientific aspects across the evolving of human powerful though of inside any systematic securing of missing transmitting efforts$ /$ 9ence, the evolving system economy and financial environment reality flow to support any surrounding systematic securing envisage corresponding symbolic possible probable investigation across the envisage inventing dynamics to evolve any surrounding threads and task or "ob and newt (becoming a=uatic symbolic summit#s faces during the breeding season) to support any systematic surrounding symbolic synchronization of eventual convenient possible investigation of any probabilistic, stochastic, chaotic and statistical study to encircle and optimize the main intentional secrets of such a "ob or such a thread or such a task or such a brilliantly colored clear computing content$ H$ &hus, according to systematic adroit ordering organization of system economy and financial aspects, the ma"or main real neat 3newt3 (in virtualism definition) principles of any mathematical intentional secrets involving within any possible probable investing and investigating networking of mode#s inspiration and modeling intelligence, has to prove a neat clear clean content of systematic securing computing across using symbols, signs, dynamics, mechanism and any other motor kernel flow of possible probable theoretical aspect evolving logics language of evaluating any arithmetic and logic operation to reach the ma"or most neat systematic adroit aim ob"ects$ 2$ &herefore, any brilliantly colored clear computing content is a systematic support of the envisage corresponding mode#s inspiration and modelling intelligence, the accordingly surrounding mathematical intentional symbolic synchronized dynamics and mechanism to encircle any focus on of fuzzy function form during the environment reality flow of elaboration and evolving of "ust logics language of "ob scheduling involving within the logics language of following symbolic presentation or illustration or show of thread and task networking:

$hile (constraint condition) do .statements of serial or arallel instructions0/

>n the other hand, the system economy and "ob scheduling have to involve any evolving fuzzy dynamics across the envisage corresponding searching systematic securing study to invest within any implemented investigation until finishing the proposal approval pro"ect and then to organize any ordering thread task to follow and control the binary basic built in sub"ects of securing a ma"or intentional wins across the approval proposal under custom#s seal sub"ect for any possible probable of money investment pro"ect across the proposal sub"ect of securing the energy fashion flow of electrical evolving low power dynamics and motor kernel flows$ 5urthermore, the ma"or maintaining thread is to search and investigate the mathematical illustration and implementation of the envisage corresponding Psomething clearQ$ Because, the mathematical illustration and implementation has to rule the basic built in principle dynamics across the associate mode#s insight and modeling intelligence, the main advances within the approval proposal approach is to assign the exactly re=uired mathematical intentional surrounding amount =uantities during the elaboration and evolving processing of the envisage corresponding se=uential digital data processing$

mathematical implementation ; mode insight and modeling intelligence to allow measurable amount "ustification of using "ob scheduling within any applied math such that : =uantity within any possible probable {if ( (f() > a) && (f() < b)) then do {instruction statements% many as it could be} dynamic design, whereby something mapping pairing couple clear ; ( sin + ()cos + ())+ * sin+ ( ) 0 cos + () , = = ( y= , ) y ( sin + () cos +())+ sin+ () 0 cos + ( ) clear = mathematical or mapping pairing couple intentional + + ( y =sin () , , =* y =cos () ) surrounding adjustments or mapping pairing couple mounting * * illustrations ( y =*+ , , =*+ )

sin+ ()

cos + ( )

or mapping pairing couple ( y = tan ( ) ,

* * ,= = + ) y tan ()

Since the advances within system economy and financial effects, the ma"or huge hard hierarchy home of conserving any primordial principle environment reality flow of mode insight within any modeling intelligence$ &hus, P{{S'} EE {-%}} ; apply {(clear, not), (amount, event), (process, invest), (fetch up, until!, transaction ad"ust, conserve!)} function form of thought to assign something clear exactly true inside system economy and financial effectsQ, has to evolve the manufacturing industry involving inside huge hard hierarchy homes of using technology$ &herefore, to apply primordial principle of {(clear, not), (amount, event), (process, invest), (fetch up, until!, transaction ad"ust, conserve!)} function form of thought to assign something clear exactly true inside system economy, financial effects, transmission#s transportation and robust controlQ$ %n fact, the ruling processing of any "ob scheduling is to exploit the main real operating threads, task, principles, acts, and dynamics of the symbolic synchronized surrounding set {fetch, decode, execute, encode, write back}$ &hus, the .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/, has to handle any possible probable huge hard hierarchy homes of "ob scheduling involving the primordial principle dynamics of symbolic synchronized surrounding set {fetch, decode, execute, encode, write back}, the associate mode#s insight within such a "ob scheduling processing is defined as follows:

$0 fetch a transaction of signals / amount (uantity of signals in-ol-ing discrete e-ent simulation of ma+or and minor occurrences of surround synchroni,ed symbolic e-ents0 "0 decode en-isage transaction / ad+ust(en-isage transaction& 44 conser-e its entities (components& to be handled inside the proposal processing (+ob scheduling&0 %0 e1ecute / process in-ol-ing any sliding window slice processing within mapping pair fetch<u , until>. 50 encode / using clear / mathematical intentional secrets across modulation processing to en-lop any possible probable se(uential digital transaction (mode6s insight across pairing (clear / f(&, not / ratio of one to clear&&0 70 write bac2 / en-ironment reality flow of transactions to conser-e (store& in-ol-ing discrete e-ent simulation of ma+or and minor occurrences of surround synchroni,ed symbolic e-ents0 (ven though, the surrounding systematic surrounding electrical usage of assigned thought to enhance any symbolic synchronized society within the desirable capable aim ob"ect of safe scientific threads and brilliantly colored clear computing content inside the evolving dynamics of any possible probable mathematical intentional dynamics and methods surrounding ad"ustment, "udgment, arrangement, "ustification, verification, processing, processing, etc $$$ of ma"or most significant convenient investing ideal intentional ideas$ %n fact, cleaner atmosphere to be involving within the symbolic synchronized society, re=uires huge higher hierarchy home of think up think through ahead staff human person to implement and install any modeling intelligence across the envisage corresponding mode insight and maintaining installation$ 9ence, the main real operating dynamics across the safe surrounding environment reality if to assign the re=uired energy fashion flow for any possible probable desirable aim ob"ect whereby the enhancement of alive structures should be the aim ob"ects of the corresponding main organized tasks and threads$ &hus, the electrical cars are nowadays in use, the main real operating dynamics across the envisage corresponding mode inspiration and modeling intelligence to allow higher investigation of the implemented higher technology around the symbolic synchronized sign inside the installed system architectures, it should be ma"or intentional symbolizing procedures to investigate the actual solution for the across technology in order to reduce any mistakes$ 5urthermore, the main real operating dynamics is to assign the re=uired technology for around safe surrounding signal ad"ustment at any possible probable system architecture$ 9ence, the electrical motion needs electrical energy fashion flow as possible as it is wanted, the main real ordering tasks and "ob scheduling is to search an algorithmic design to find any possible probable threads handling the corresponding environment reality flows in order to access the soul#s satisfaction of any software ob"ect such as the mobile robot, which is a machine handling any statue or picture of the best basic built in motor kernel across mode insight and modeling implementation processing, whom dynamics and mechanism have to involve and include the main retrieving focus on of Rodhood at any across accessing point view$ 1e!$ords% at any arriving destination surround any main implemented summit, ad"ust and "udge any handling sources of mode#s insight and modeling#s intelligence, handle and return feedback across symbolic synchronized signs of mathematical investigation arranging and advancing any possible probable signals across system architectures, and investigate the motor kernel of mathematical intentional secrets inside the desirable aim ob"ects such improving the re=uired environment reality flows of information theory or search to enhance any digital se=uential signal to flow and reach any possible probable destination without any conditional attenuation or distortion of its meaningfulness, which defines the lossyless transmission#s transportation dynamics across

se=uential digital data processing at any timing simulation to enhance, to symbolize, to synchronize, and to invent the life style of be ahead at staff and think up to bring the necessary dynamic mechanism of think through accessing overview in order to advance such kind and type of desirable wishes for any human alive person looking to reach the ma"or most significant symbolic signs of desirable actual life$ 23 +ajor most significant s!mbolic signs of desirable actual life% %n fact, the ma"or most significant symbolic signs of desirable actual life has to enhance the dynamic symbolization of systematic improving installation during an intentional implemented environment reality flow of following point7overviews: *$ first of energy fashion flow: hence, any energy fashion flow is the ma"or main real operating dynamic thread and task or "ob of any mechanism and any handling focus on of the function form of desirable aim ob"ect, the mathematical insight across the corresponding mode inspiration has to invent the re=uired necessary signed devices to be mounted, whose maintaining surrounding motor kernels are motion engines to handle across involving intentional inventing sources of any possible probable envisage corresponding energy fashion flow$ +$ second of all: search to surround any possible probable modeling intelligence and mode insight to support the desirable aim ob"ect of ma"or most significant life style inside the think up to bring up the though of assign a sufficient suitable smart signed dynamics of enhancing involvement of desirable ways to resolve any mistakes and access any possible probable "udgment of human person looking to link the following fatal signs of Rodhood to his or her dynamics and mechanism of think up to bring up think up to bring up think through ma"or insight or knowledge culture to support any across ad"ustment and advance inside the desirable environment$ /$ &hus, according to systematic adroit ordering organization of system economy and financial aspects, the ma"or main real neat 3newt3 (in virtualism definition) principles of any mathematical intentional secrets involving within any possible probable investing and investigating networking of mode#s inspiration and modeling intelligence, has to prove a neat clear clean content of systematic securing computing across using symbols, signs, dynamics, mechanism and any other motor kernel flow of possible probable theoretical aspect evolving logics language of evaluating any arithmetic and logic operation to reach the ma"or most neat systematic adroit aim ob"ects$

H$ 5urthermore, neat (which is e=ual to 3not diluted or mixed with other substances3 within dictionary logics language) evolve supporting systematic neat purpose, which is defined to "ustify the surrounding systematic synchronization of any possible probable logics language across the approval proposal mathematical insight and modeling intelligence$ &herefore, the ma"or manufacturing of mobile engine has to reach the neat of 3newt m%s' ; 3ma"or %ntend supporting ' ; {ahead alive ; neat networking of huge hard hierarchy homes of interest}3$ 9ence, what does this meanI &hus, a adroit neat something clear of ordering reduction to be flexible focus on in use$ &herefore, the motor kernel has to follow any possible probable processing of robust control such as follows: 2$ command on line of rotation motion of whole wheels to flow over any possible probable road or way or route or raw dynamic design of solid flat surface$

N$ surround any neat networking of summit comfort such as watch video, listen to music or any other surround sound, eat meal or meat, meet systematic symbolic synchronized newt such as be brilliant at across ad"ustment, etc $$$ 9ence, the mathematical intentional secrets has to support the neat networking of desirable aim ob"ect to symbolize the 3under custom#s seal3 of any possible probable deep investigation across investing time and

money inside the approval proposal plan to encircle any focus on function form to enhance the neat desirable precise aim ob"ect$

'igure $: the main real operating dynamics across accessing any destination for any possible probable arri-ing city0

%n fact, figure $ is showing the the main real operating dynamics across accessing any destination for any possible probable arriving city$ 5urthermore, to follow below, a systematic neat networking of any possible probable mathematical intentional theoretical procedure across probabilistic, stochastic, chaotic and statistical investigation and implemented study should be the supporting surrounding sub"ect to illustrate and show the shining symbolic signed point overview of envisage corresponding approach$ &hus, smaller display in front of the driver usually shows the combination circular speedometerCkGh meter while driving$ &he center of the display is taken up by a digital speedometer, under which is a bar graphically representing the amount of charge and the rated range remaining$ 'long the left edge of the circle is an analog speedometer needle that sweeps upward as you accelerate$ &he right edge is used to measure the amount of energy being expended by the car or being returned to the battery via regenerative braking$ 5urthermore, to the left and right of the speedCkGh meter are the sections of the display that correspond to the steering wheel roller controls$ &he left side shows the current media source and cover art, if available< it also shows an isometric perspective navigation map if a destination is set in the car#s nav system$ &he right section normally shows a minimized version of the main display#s energy gauge, but it changes when the wheel controls

are manipulated to show the climate control temperature or whatever else is being controlled$ &he right side of the display even shows your phone#s contact list and caller information if you have a phone connected$ //0 systematic economical and financial point overview to enhance and encircle the approval proposal purpose of using a solid neat networking of low power logics language inside mounting intended electrical energy fashion flows1 %n fact, the approval proposal purpose of using a solid neat networking of low power logics language inside mounting intended electrical energy fashion flows, is to support any symbolic systematic of missing mode#s inspiration and modeling intelligence$ &hus, missing mode#s inspiration and modeling intelligence across this the approval proposal purpose of using a solid neat networking of low power logics language inside mounting intended electrical energy fashion flows, has to evolve the clear difference inside the huge hard hierarchy homes of interest, whereby the timing simulation is the "ust logics language of processing$ 9ence, 3be faster during a wait instruction statement3 is a clear neat systematic desirable aim ob"ect of using the procedure of 3change battery pack (which has to include two batteries *+ volts inside same car in order to deliver more electrical amount =uantity for envisage corresponding motor kernel function forms)$ 5urthermore, the *+ volt battery pack is necessary during any possible motion in order to allow the timing simulation to schedule any wait7statement as clear higher optimized$
80000000000 70000000000 60000000000 50000000000 40000000000 30000000000 20000000000 10000000000 0

'igure ": main real ordering neat networ2ing of in-ol-ing dynamics of money in-estment

%n fact, figure + is showing the main real ordering neat networking of involving dynamics of money investment for any possible @ kGh to enhance the approval proposal motor kernel flow of rotation motion within the evolving battery pack of envisage corresponding electrical cars$ &herefore, &here#s no getting around the fact that this is an expensive car$ (ven the !# 28h base model#s WN+,HMM price tag is twice what most people would consider paying for a new car$ &hus, some systematic neat allowances have to be made for the -odel S# newness and semi7experimental nature$ &his is no limited7edition test bed like its predecessor, the &esla Koadster$

>n the other hand, this is also not=uite a mass7market automobile$ &he electric powerplant and battery still add considerable overhead to the price$ (ven though, regardless of the source of the numbers, they#re high$ 't the price range for each of the three main -odel S models, &esla is positioned directly against some well7entrenched luxury mar=uesX-ercedes, B-G, 'udi, 0exus, Yaguar, and -aserati$ 5or a luxury sedan to effectively play in the rarified air north of the WVM,MMM mounting mark of possible probable future tradeoff, whereby the =uality bar has been set high$ &he &esla measures up in many waysXparticularly performanceXbut it falls short in others$
1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 'igure %: the ma+or most significant dynamics across the appro-al proposal sqr[sin()] to encircle any possible fu,,y function form inside the systematic surrounding in-estigation of system economy and financial aspects0

%n fact, figure % is showing the ma"or most significant dynamics across the approval proposal s(r)sin(&* to encircle any possible fuzzy function form inside the systematic surrounding investigation of system economy and financial aspects (thus s(r)sin(&* / sin(&9sin(&)$




0 'igure 5: mounting the effect of e-entual intended e1p(ratio& within the sqr[sin()] to encircle any possible fu,,y function

form inside the systematic surrounding in-estigation of system economy and financial aspects

9ence, figure 5 is showing the mounting the effect of eventual intended e) (ratio) within the s(r)sin(&* to encircle any possible fuzzy function form inside the systematic surrounding investigation of system economy and financial aspects$

0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 'igure 7: mounting the effect of e-entual intended e1p(ratio& within the sqr[sin()] to encircle any possible fu,,y function form inside the systematic surrounding in-estigation of system economy and financial aspects

9ence, figure 2 is showing the mounting the effect of eventual intended ratio


a b

( a <b )within the

s=r)sin(), to encircle any possible fuzzy function form inside the systematic surrounding investigation of system economy and financial aspects$ &hus, the envisage corresponding car, which has electric motor allows drivers to accelerate without need of manic gear7shifting, though four gear ratios are offered for those seeking to eke out every drop of performance$ 5urthermore, the ma"or most real operating thread is the moving at legal speeds$ &herefore, at low speeds, the car exhibits the same disconcerting lack of noise as all electric and hybrid vehicles$ &he air conditioning compressor and fan mitigate that somewhatXwith the air on, creeping around a parking lot in the -odel S isn#t that much different from creeping around in a =uiet luxury car$ (lectric car aficionados are likely to notice that when moving slowly, the -odel S displays no hint of computing content across using electrical energy fashion flow in order to reach any neat tendency of electric motors to want to keep their rotors aligned with their magnets at low speed$ &he -odel S# '6 induction motor lacks static poles and so is immune to the issue< it simply provides smooth motion$ &he real7world performance implications are neck7snapping$ Sou mash the pedal and the car move ( goes&< the acceleration will literally bang your head against the headrest if you#re not prepared$ &he motor can immediately deliver HH/ lb7ft of tor=ue (!## Newton:meters) to the drive wheels, and it can do so without the interruption of a down7shift and the noise and delay of an engine revving up into its power band$ %t can punch you back into your seat from a dead stop, or it can punch you back into your seat at ;# miles per hour$ 'nd the only sound the car makes as it yanks your eyeballs back into your head is a faint electric whine$ 9ence the ma"or involving huge hard hierarchy home of interest is to encircle and surround any centric metric dynamics in-ol-ing inside capable measurable core6s proceeding , whereby the investigation and implementation

of any possible probable investing study across probabilistic, stochastic, chaotic and statistical insight and intelligence should be neat networking of corresponding "ob scheduling$ Aotice that the possible probable investing study across probabilistic, stochastic, chaotic and statistical insight and intelligence include fatal focus ons of fuzzy function forms and genetic7mimetic approaches$ ///0 2lobal general conclusion1 4 l! associate d!namics of .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ across an! function form of thought to assign something clear e)actl! true inside s!stem econom! and financial effects = ..*4 = signal adjustment and s!stem architecture/ && .+2 = mode insight and modeling intelligence// %n fact, the ma"or main real operating aim ob"ect of this work is to assign an associate easy simple dynamics involving within a lied d!namics of .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ function form of thought to assign something clear to any signal ad"ustment during deep investigation of system architecture$ 9ence, digital verification rule the test, trip and travel of information#s transportation tests to evolve an exactly true right processing within any environment reality flow of se=uential digital data proceeding$ &hus, the ma"or most significant threads, tasks, and "ob scheduling opportunities are the use of dictionary logics language, which has been started by <empel and =i- since *TUV )2,$ 5urthermore, the ma"or maintaining thread is to search and investigate the mathematical illustration and implementation of the envisage corresponding Psomething clearQ$ Because, the mathematical illustration and implementation has to rule the basic built in principle dynamics across the associate mode#s insight and modeling intelligence, the main advances within the approval proposal approach is to assign the exactly re=uired mathematical intentional surrounding amount =uantities during the elaboration and evolving processing of the envisage corresponding se=uential digital data processing$ mathematical implementation ; mode insight and modeling intelligence to allow measurable amount "ustification of using "ob scheduling within any applied math such that : =uantity within any possible probable {if ( (f() > a) && (f() < b)) then do {instruction statements% many as it could be} dynamic design, whereby something mapping pairing couple clear ; ( sin + ()cos + ())+ * sin+ ( ) 0 cos + () y = , = = ( , ) y ( sin + () cos +())+ sin+ () 0 cos + ( ) clear = mathematical or mapping pairing couple intentional + + ( y =sin () , , =* y =cos () ) surrounding adjustments or mapping pairing couple mounting * * illustrations ( y =*+ , , =*+ )

sin+ ()

cos + ( )

or mapping pairing couple ( y = tan ( ) ,

* * ,= = + ) y tan ()

Since the advances within system economy and financial effects, the ma"or huge hard hierarchy home of conserving any primordial principle environment reality flow of mode insight within any modeling intelligence$ &hus, P{{S'} EE {-%}} ; apply {(clear, not), (amount, event), (process, invest), (fetch up, until!, transaction ad"ust, conserve!)} function form of thought to assign something clear exactly true inside system economy and financial effectsQ, has to evolve the manufacturing industry involving inside huge hard hierarchy homes of using technology$ &herefore, to apply primordial principle of {(clear, not), (amount, event), (process, invest), (fetch up, until!, transaction ad"ust, conserve!)} function form of thought to assign something clear exactly true inside system economy, financial effects, transmission#s transportation and robust controlQ$

%n fact, the ruling processing of any "ob scheduling is to exploit the main real operating threads, task, principles, acts, and dynamics of the symbolic synchronized surrounding set {fetch, decode, execute, encode, write back}$ &hus, the .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/, has to handle any possible probable huge hard hierarchy homes of "ob scheduling involving the primordial principle dynamics of symbolic synchronized surrounding set {fetch, decode, execute, encode, write back}, the associate mode#s insight within such a "ob scheduling processing is defined as follows: !0 fetch a transaction of signals / amount (uantity of signals in-ol-ing discrete e-ent simulation of ma+or and minor occurrences of surround synchroni,ed symbolic e-ents0 >0 decode en-isage transaction / ad+ust(en-isage transaction& 44 conser-e its entities (components& to be handled inside the proposal processing (+ob scheduling&0 ;0 e1ecute / process in-ol-ing any sliding window slice processing within mapping pair fetch<u , until>. ?0 encode / using clear / mathematical intentional secrets across modulation processing to en-lop any possible probable se(uential digital transaction (mode6s insight across pairing (clear / f(&, not / ratio of one to clear&&0 $#0 write bac2 / en-ironment reality flow of transactions to conser-e (store& in-ol-ing discrete e-ent simulation of ma+or and minor occurrences of surround synchroni,ed symbolic e-ents0 **$ Jsing four satellite dish design to acess any possible probable magnetic electronics "ust by inserting an inside switcher within the approval proposal electronics, which has been used within any commercial dish to capture &O pictures and access internet or general se=uential digital data at any time$ &hus, the ma"or most main real operating dynamics across the four satellite dish design for any approval proposal magnetic electronics, involves the dynamic mechanism of possible probable following focus on function form is the evolving mathemtical intentional surrounding architectures across the old mathematical description of &O motion ('mpere -axwell dynamics)$

'igure !: main real operating dynamics across the four satellite dish design

%n fact, figure ! is showing the ma"or most main real operating dynamics across the four satellite dish design for any approval proposal magnetic electronics, whereby the dynamic mechanism of possible probable following focus on function form is the evolving mathemtical intentional surrounding architectures across the old mathematical description of &O motion ('mpere -axwell dynamics)$ &he main real operating thread task is to follow within this focus on function form, which has to mount any mathematical inspiration involving inide :


sin ( )=

something clear *+ something clear

i= M i= n

, whereby the

something clear =-ector0si,e () is the motor

( t = n0@ )

kernel of any se=uential digital transaction due to *$ or

S i=M,$ $$ ,n } $

cos + ()=

something clear * + something clear

i =M i =n

Ghen it is missing Psomething clearQ, which could be a mthematical intentional surrounding amount =uantity to describe any possible probable evolving processsing within signal ad"ustment across any system architecture$ 9ence, the ma"or real operating threads and tasks within the evolving user interface is to satisfy soul#s desirable aim ob"ect, the mounting dynamics is to introduce any similar menu to basic operating menus of start up inside the most operating system leaf like -icrosoft, ?ebian, and any other 0inux distribution$ 9ence, the mode insight and modeling intelligence of signal ad"ustment across system architecture is a surrounding symbolic huge hard hierarchy homes of research and safe scientific procedures, the ma"or most maintaining effect inside the mathematical intentional surrounding symbolic signed system advances is to comply within a safe stronger securing signed liable laws such that those of Rodhood#s dynamics and mehanisms$

'igure >: main real operating interface to acess any arrangement ad-ances of +ob scheduling processing

%n fact, figure > is showing the main real operating interface to acess any arrangement advances of "ob scheduling processing$ ?ue to the ma"or real operating thread and task to conserve a solid robust "ob scheduling design, which has to evolve the re=uired dynamics during any possible probable timing simulation$ &hus, the envisage corresponding "ob scheduling is to process any possible probable sooul#s satisfaction, whereby the ma"or real operating interface of any user has to involve a graphical interface$ 9ence, the ma"or main menu is a basic built in menu to enhance the similar window menus, whereby the user has to communicate any information by Pmouse clicQ during any possible probable communication within the envisage corresponding software$

%n fact, the mathematical intentional surrounding dynamics has to assign any modeling intelligence and mode insight for any possible probable corresponding dynamics and mechanism$ &hus, since the ma"or real operating thread task across symbolic synchronized society, the ma"or most mounting maintaining the dynamic primordial principles across the smart smooth safe scientific society is the mathematical implementation of any possible probable mathematical insight and mode inspiration$ %n fact, the motor kernel dynamics across any possible probable "ob scheduling aim ob"ect is to find any associate structured involving design within the ma"or main real operating principle thread, which is defined as follows (notice that the typename is e=ual to a defined classname: integer, float, string, char, struct, $$$):
template<typename T> T As() const { ... } template<typename T> std::shared_ptr<const T> As() const { return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const T,const Ob ect>(shared_!rom_this())" }

%n fact, the ma"or most real operating thread within Ao1 and ABB is the template class &! class - {}, which could be illustrated as follows:
template<typename T> std::shared_ptr<T> As() { return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T,Ob ect>(shared_!rom_t his())" } template<typename T> bool #s() const { auto do$ncasted % As<T>()" i!(do$ncasted) { return true" } return !alse" }

&hus, the ma"or most tasks is to use the Pmouse on lick()Q processing to assign any possible probable thread to associate software design in order to achieve desirable aim ob"ect$ Aext to use is the defined structured menu communication processing, which has to be shown as follows:
&'#(_)*+O,T -enu::-enu(std::shared_ptr<-enu&andle> menu&andle) : .ase( ), handle( menu&andle ) { i!(menu&andle) { &-)(/ h-enu % menu&andle0>1et&-)(/()" i!(h-enu) { AddTo-enu-ap(h-enu,this)" } } &'#(_)*+O,T =oid -enu#tem::4oOn-enu>ommand(-essa?e2 messa?e) { &'#(_)*+O,T -enu2 -enu::Add3tyle(4'O,4 style) { -)(/#(5O menuin!o % {si6eo!(menuin!o),7}" menuin!o.!-as8 % -#-_3T9:)" 1et-enu#n!o(menuin!o)" menuin!o.d$3tyle ;% style" 3et-enu#n!o(menuin!o)" return <this"

} items % std::ma8e_shared<-enu#tems>(this)" }

On>lic8( )"

5urthermore, the next step within the associate corresponding "ob scheduling, which should achieve any possible probable enhancement inside the approval proposal mathematical intentional secrets is to defined a menu usage as below:
&'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr<.itmap&andle> .itmap&andle:::oad5rom5ile(const 3trin?2 the5ile-ame) { auto !actory % #ma?in?5actory::>reate()" auto decoder % !actory.>reate4ecoder5rom5ilename(the5ile-ame)" auto !rame % decoder.1et5rame(7)" auto result % !rame.As.itmap&andle()" return result" } =oid -y5orm::#nitiali6e-enu.ar() { auto sel! % As<-y5orm>()" auto !ile(e$-enu#tem % ma8e_component<Te@t-enu#tem>(sel!,:A2(e$A)" auto !ileOpen-enu#tem % ma8e_component<Te@t-enu#tem>(sel!,:A2OpenA)" auto !ile3a=e-enu#tem % ma8e_component<Te@t-enu#tem>(sel!,:A23a=eA)" auto !ile3eparator % ma8e_component<3eparator-enu#tem>(sel!)" auto !ile)@it-enu#tem % ma8e_component<Te@t-enu#tem>(sel!,:A)2@itA)" !ile(e$-enu#tem0>On>lic8.connect(B2C(-enu#tem<){ te@t % :A(e$ selectedA" #n=alidate,ect()" })" !ileOpen-enu#tem0>On>lic8.connect(B2C(-enu#tem<){ te@t % :AOpen selectedA" #n=alidate,ect()" })" !ile3a=e-enu#tem0>On>lic8.connect(B2C(-enu#tem<){ te@t % :A3a=e selectedA" #n=alidate,ect()" })" !ile)@it-enu#tem0>On>lic8.connect(B2C(-enu#tem<){ >lose()" })" auto !ile3ub-enu % ma8e_component<3ub-enu#tem>(sel!,:A25ileA)" !ile3ub-enu0>Add(!ile(e$-enu#tem)" !ile3ub-enu0>Add(!ileOpen-enu#tem)" !ile3ub-enu0>Add(!ile3a=e-enu#tem)" !ile3ub-enu0>Add(!ile3eparator)" !ile3ub-enu0>Add(!ile)@it-enu#tem)" auto edit3ub-enu % ma8e_component<3ub-enu#tem>(sel!,:A2)ditA)" auto edit>ut-enu#tem % edit3ub-enu0>Add-enu#tem(:A>u2tA)" auto edit>opy-enu#tem % edit3ub-enu0>Add-enu#tem(:A2>opyA)" auto edit+aste-enu#tem % edit3ub-enu0>Add-enu#tem(:A2+asteA)" edit>ut-enu#tem0>On>lic8.connect(B2C(-enu#tem<){ te@t % :A>ut selectedA" #n=alidate,ect()" })" edit>opy-enu#tem0>On>lic8.connect(B2C(-enu#tem<){ te@t % :A>opy selectedA" #n=alidate,ect()" })" edit+aste-enu#tem0>On>lic8.connect(B2C(-enu#tem<){ te@t % :A+aste selectedA" #n=alidate,ect()" })"

auto =ie$3ub-enu % ma8e_component<3ub-enu#tem>(sel!,:A2Die$A)" auto =ie$Time % =ie$3ub-enu0>Add-enu#tem(:A2TimeA)" =ie$Time0>On>lic8.connect(B2C(-enu#tem<) { 4ateTime no$ % 4ateTime::(o$()" i!(no$.#s4ayli?ht3a=in?Time()) { te@t % no$.To3trin?() E :A 4ayli?ht sa=in? timeA" } else { te@t % no$.To3trin?() E :A 3tandard timeA" } #n=alidate,ect()" })" auto menu.ar % ma8e_component<-enu.ar>(sel!)" menu.ar0>Add(!ile3ub-enu)" menu.ar0>Add(edit3ub-enu)" menu.ar0>Add(=ie$3ub-enu)" 3et-enu(menu.ar)" }

whereby, the ma"or most task is to simplify the general use of global definition of any possible probable environment reality flow of applied "ob scheduling to achieve any digital se=uential processing across the optimization of storage space and the organization of scheduling timing simulation$ 5urthermore, the ma"or most significant dynamics is to define the envisage corresponding communication processing of handling "ob tasks as follows:
&'#(_)*+O,T =oid >ontrol::&andle-essa?e(-essa?e2 messa?e) { s$itch(messa?e.messa?e) { . . case '-_4,A'#T)-: this0>4oOn4ra$#tem(messa?e)" brea8" . . case '-_-)A3/,)#T)-: this0>4oOn-easure#tem(messa?e)" brea8" case '-_-)(/>O--A(4: class -essa?e : public ta?-31

{ public: typedef LRESULT Result; Result result; bool handled; Message() : result( )! handled(false) { "e"set(#h$nd! !si%eof(tagMS&)); '


this0>4oOn-enu>ommand(messa?e)" brea8" . .} }

9ence, any possible probable number, which has been defined within the high holy Book, has to process within a philosophy processing belong to corresponding symbolic synchronized society$ 5urthermore, the main real operating integer number, which has been inside the huge hard high holy Book is the number five P2Q or the number four PHQ or the number ten P*MQ, or the number nine PTQ or the number seven PUQ or the number three P/Q or any other number$ &hus, the symbolic synchronized society is belong to the ma"or main real operating number four PHQ due to the possible probable change of dynamics across any symbolic synchronized scientific + + themes based on the binary basic built in, whereby H =+ =[( M,*)( *, M )] is a ma"or real operating threads and main returning organized tasks to handle any se=uential digital processing across the symbolic synchronized society during any possible probable timing simulaiton$
()*+,E-./RT ()*+,E-./RT std::shared,ptr8Menu(andle9 ()*+,E-./RT 5irtual Menu0ar::Menu0ar() Menu0ar::1reate(andle(){ 5oid : 0ase(1reate(andle()) 6o/nMenu1o""and(Message { (ME+U hMenu : # "essage); ::1reateMenu(); 2ddStyle(M+S,+/T*3404./S); if(;hMenu) typede! struct ta?-31 { ' { ()+6 h$nd; Thro$Last/SError(); U*+T "essage; ' ).2R2M $.ara"; auto result : L.2R2M l.ara"; std::"a<e,shared8Menu(andle9 6)/R6 ti"e; (hMenu!true); ./*+T pt; return result; ' MS&! 7.MS&! +E2R '

7+.MS&! 32R 7L.MS&;

5urthermore, the associate numbesr H =+ =[( M,*)( *, M )] , which has to involve a logics language of P>KQ to handle the possible probable processsing of stochastic, statistical, probabilistic, choatic inside the fatal focus on segment of )#, $* based on assigned function form, which has to be defined within the famous + + + + mathematical insight and mode#s implementation such as sin ( ) or cos () or f ( sin ( ) , cos ()) or


* * , ) or any other similar function form has to evolve mathematical intentional surrounding + sin () cos + ( )

amount =uantity inside the fatal focus on segment )#, $*$ (ven though, some searcher such as 6laude Shannon )7*, did choose to use another function form, which has been defined inside the fatal focus on segment )#, $*$ &hus, that function form was the

* f ()= p0log ( ) whyI Because the associate processing has to involve the p

environment reality flow of information theory, whereby the basic built in principles are transmission#s transportation dynamics and deep investigation of fuzzy implementation across corresponding transaction#s series$ &herefore, the ma"or most serial processing has to evolve and involve timing simulation principles in order to introduce the Pwait forQ, or Pwait untilQ or PwaitQ or the Pwa2e upQ processing of any possible probable process(& dynamic design$

%ndeed, the number of


money source = X is very interesting due to its relationship to the hundred ($##), 2

by nthe way that

*MM =+2=2 + $ 9ence, 2=MMM*M*binary , which has to deliver many philosophy H

processing across system economy, financial effect, transmission#s transportation, safe soul science#s satisfaction, robust control processing, logics language and more$

'igure ;: main real operating dynamics across the mapping pairing effects, whereby the re(uired mathematical intentional secrets are searching measurable core6s processing within mode insight and modeling intelligence0

%n fact, figure ; is showing the main real operating dynamics across the mapping pairing effects, whereby the re=uired mathematical intentional secrets are searching measurable core#s processing within mode insight and modeling intelligence$ &hus, the main real operating thread task of actual symbolic synchronized society to search a suitable symbolic solution to rotation effect to allow a sufficient signed dynamics across electrical motor and to implement a robust controling mechanism across magnetic electronics, whose ma"or intentional effect is the measurable core#s processing across the mapping pairs$ Ghat is a pairI &his is the surrounding

sub"ect of any philosophy processing inside system economy, financial effect, robust control< transmission#s transportation, logics language, and searching liable laws (yes search surrounding liable laws such as laws of Lirchoff, laws of Aewton, natural laws, Rodhood#s laws, etc Z, comply with yeah liable law#s logics language, wherby the ma"or main real operating thread tasks are surrounding architectural mathematical intentional symbolic synchronizations inside any mode insight and modeling intelligence of signal ad"ustment across system architectures$)

'igure ?: main real measurable components to allow a fatal focus on of mathematical intentional surrounding signal ad+ustment across any system architecture

&hus, figure ? is showing main real measurable components to allow a fatal focus on of mathematical intentional surrounding signal ad"ustment across any system architecture$ &herefore, the ma"or main real operating component inside the symbolic synchronized society is the current edge flow, which could be inside any deep investigation implement of virstualism as Pcustom ad"ust, consumer!Q dynamics#s effect, whereby Pcustom ad"ust any probable possible consumer is the dynamic effect of optimization of any measurable amount =uantity to allow fatal focus on processing inside the evovling environment reality flow$ 9ence, the current edge flow is a custom of flow of any posisble probable measurable amount =uantity from a defined corresponding source, which could be easy simple called consumer of node to any another node or consumer, where this custom should be an incoming valuable variable value, which has to be evaluated and then returned to flow agin inside the defined networking processing or PRrid, which is e=ual to scheduling envisage corresponding timing simulation thread, task or "obQ$

'igure $#: main real measurable component inisde the e-ol-ing of any motor 2ernel flow within rotation motion dynamics

%n fact, figure $# is showing the main real measurable component inisde the evolving of any motor kernel flow within rotation motion dynamics, whereby the ma"or primordial processing across this motor kernel dynamics inside the defined aim ob"ect within the processing at any possible probable timing simulation within the envisage corresponding effects and aspects of rotation motion, which has been investigated to implement any manufacturing industry of electrical energy fashion flows of any energy fashion function form$

2=MMM*M*binary ={ M= no }{*= e1istance }{M = false }{*= true }

9ence, the {# / no} is the ma"or huge hard hierarchy home to tell any inability 3no3, the principle thread is to search surround signs, what is (Dthis ; processing of search surround signs), next what is (Dthis) againI &his is a structure of defined elements ( component, entity or nucleus or something clear is something nuclear, which should be e=ual to elementary measurable amount =uantity inside any symbolic shining synchronized signed dynamics, what is a dynamics thenI >ops, this the huge hard hierarchy home of any philosophy processing, "ustification looking for any leaf like liable laws$

System economy

transmission#s transportation

2=MMM*M*binary ={ M$amount }{ *$amount }{ M= false }{*=true }

9ence, the amount =uantity is measurable for any symbolic synchronized signed processing$ Ghat is transmission#s transportationI &hus, any transmission#s transportation is measurable, how thenI

safe soul science#s satisfaction

2=MMM*M*binary ={ M$amount }{ *$amount }{ M= false }{*=true }

Be there where anyone could never reach it$

robust control processing

2=MMM*M*binary ={ M= no }{*= e1istance }{M = false }{*= true }

robust control processing ; choose to suitable flow flexible within things which have damages, dangers, disasters, destructive effects, Z

logics language

2=MMM*M*binary ={ M$amount }{ *$amount }{ M= false }{*=true }

logics language ; symbolic synchronized signed safe surround signal ad"ustment and system architecture to evolve any involving dynamics and mechanism inside structured soul#s satisfaction ; "ustification looking for any leaf like liable laws$

-anufacturing industry

2=MMM*M*binary ={ M= no }{*= e1istance }{M = false }{*= true }

-anufacturing industry ; implement, install, enhance, improve, invent, intend, $$$$, instruction inside intentional aim ob"ects to be achievable for any soul#s satisfaction across mode#s insight and modeling intelligence$

9ence, the

*MM =+2=2 + is very interest and important symbolic synchronized sign to implement, install, H

intend, and enhance instruction across any manufacturing dynamics and mechanism during "ustifying symbolic signed synchronization across knowledge cultures, mode insight, modeling intelligence, mathematical intentional secrets and manufacturing industry$ &herefore,

this =

*MM + =2 is the symbolic synchronized dynamics to proceed within any system economy H

and financial effects in order to allow any component, any nuclear element inside the corresponding society to be alive within his envisage soul#s satisfaction at any time, wherby the motor kernel of such a signed simulation is the timing mechanism to flow any focus on fashion flow#s of energy enhancements inside any possible probable environment reality flow handling function forms across ad"ustment ("udge any advances of possible probable arrangement)$ 5urthermore, the

this =

*MM + =2 has to "udge the symbolic synchronized sign of work and "ob scheduling H

within any smart smooth society, within the mathematical intentional surrounding symbolic ad"ustment

mechanism, "ustification of twenty five (

+2 =1 this =

*MM + =2 ) could then be the first focus on fatal function H

form of discrete event simulation to "udge working dynamics inside the selective signed elementary component involving within any possible probable society$

'igure $$: ma+or most real operating dynamics, which e-ol-e magnetic effects, implemented mathematical insight across mode inspiration and modeling intelligence and in-estigation of any appro-al porposal differential e(uations across under consumer6s seal simulation0

9ence, figure $$ is showing the ma"or most real operating dynamics, which evolve magnetic effects, implemented mathematical insight across mode inspiration and modeling intelligence and investigation of any approval porposal differential e=uations across under consumer#s seal simulation$ &hus, to resolve the approval prposal differential e=ual in such a function form:

+ f ( ) f () a0 + b0 +c0f ()=M (e(uation $) + t t

whereby the f(& is focus on function form of envisage corresponding ma"or mathematical intentional surrounding advancing motor implementation of signal ad"ustment maintaining the proposal system architecture$ (ven though, to resolve the approval proposal differential e=uation for any possible complex system, whose valuable variable extensible components are the inductor#s effects, the capacitor#s aspects, then the motor kernel flows, is huge hard hierarchy homes of intentional investigation across non linear systems and signal ad"ustment for any symbolic synchronized advances within the approval proposal society signs$ &herefore, twenty five years ("7 years) of work should be enough to allow any another to get into working dynamics at any needed time, whose huge hard hierarchy home of soul#s sanctification is to bring a safe security up$ 9ence, the ma"or most signification =uestion is what is a safe soul#s satisfaction surround security$ 9ence, at any timing simulation processing, the ma"or primordial principle is to assign the mapping pairing (start up, end off& for any possible probable token simulation processing$ &hus, the

this =

*MM + =2 rules the ma"or main H

real operating thread task to fix any focus on function form of symbolic synchronized signed safe society, the shining Pstart upQ node (consumer or any real main ma"or operating focal function form) is the age of be able to distinguish between Pthis is trueQ and P this is falseQ$ &herefore, the childhood needs the parenthood to permit a solid sure safe soul#s satisfaction for being at summit of symbolic synchronized safe society involving the smart smooth signs of science to be applied for any human aim ob"ect to reach the desirable symbolic synchronization within the safe scientific symbols$

5urthermore, ($7 years, 77 years) could be the mapping pairing couple for (first start up, last start up& of any possible probable "ob processing (get up into working thread task proceeding)$ 9ence, because the soul#s satisfaction of any human person is searching any safe signed security across summit and symbolic scheduling at any possible probable timing simulation during any period of time starting from the possible probable *27year of be ready to begin a huge hard shining signs of incoming money from different source in order to choose the basic built in processing for a fixing focus on fatal function form, which has to define a reflexive aim ob"ect and desirable wishes$ Because, the random processing, whereby the stochastic, probabilistic, statistical and chaotic dynamics should be always applied to enhance and support any symbolic synchronized effect of making complexity within the fatal focus on segment )#, $*, whereby the ma"or most signed mathematical intentional secrets should engender and envelop any following function form within the mathematical insight as below: application of huge hard high holy Books should be the sub"ect of anyone has interest within this sub"ect$ (ven though, the ma"or main real operating dynamics inside system economy and financial effect is the following focus on function form defined below as follows:
income income income income

X parts=N={

X parts=N , H$ N


X parts=N 2

X parts =N ) N

9ence, the


money source = X 2

is an intentional implementation of incoming money to deliver to any

re=uired dynamics inside the symbolic synchronized society$ &hus, this four times

H$ [

f () ] , whereby f(& is 2

the fatal focus on function form to define the incoming money at any timing simulation$ &herefore, the four ( 5) is a basic built in integer number to progress within any system economy and financial effect during the determining of the suitable smart system inside the financial effect#s measurable processing$

3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0


money source = X 2


'igure $": main real operating -aration across the defined


money source = X eo engender any money incoming 2


dynamics across any possible probable symbolic synchroni,ed society0

%n fact, figure $" is showing the main real operating varation across the defined


money source = X to 2

evolve and engender any money incoming dynamics across any possible probable symbolic synchronized society$


800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0


money source = X 2

'igure $%: main real operating illustration of

money source= X to e-ol-e the se(uential dynamics across mode 2


insight at any symbolic synchroni,ed society searching to de-elop the modeling intelligence mechanism0

9ence, figure $% is showing the main real operating illustration of

money source = X to evolve the 2

se=uential dynamics across mode insight at any symbolic synchronized society searching to develop the modeling intelligence mechanism$ %n fact, the integer number four (H) depicts four primordial principle distinct of symbolic synchronized sign kinds inside any possible probable society$ &hus, these four kinds of symbolic synchronized signs are: (a& nearest components (human persons& to corresponding person in-ol-ing inside


money source = X 2 money source = X 2


(b& losing security6s person belong to the en-isage person such that this person if identified by:


(c& for any person, who has no income belong to any person in-ol-ing inside


money source = X 2

(d& for any person, who does not has enough money to li-e belong to any person in-ol-ing inside


money source = X 0 2

5urthermore, the system eocnomy is evolving within any symbolic synchronized society, whereby the government ahead knows how to identify any kind of the four defined above cathegories, any person involving




money source = X , has to deliver the government system the re=uired money to be delivered to 2

any kind of the four cathegories (defined above) in order to get into the soul#s satisfaction within Pbe smart be my smooth desirable aim ob"ectQ adage and hand ons$ %n fact, the main real operating "ob scheduling is to assign any possible probable symbolic synchronized keyword#s system engendering signal archichtectures and handling signal ad"ustments for any possible probable timing simulation involving within any principle of discrete event simulation$ 9ence, the follow approval proposal surround symbolic synchronized set ; C(clear, not&, (amount, e-ent&, (process, in-est&, (fetchDup, untilE, transactionDad+ust, conser-eE&F function form of thought to assign something clear exactly true, has to rule any se=uential digital transaction during timing simulation$
income income

800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

money source = X ( H$

money source= X incomemoney source= X + ) 2 N

'igure $5: the main real operating -ariation of

income income

money source = X ( H$

money source = X incomemoney source = X + ) to support any sysetm eocnomy and 2 N

financial prediction illustration during synchroni,ing any symbolic society within the signed dynamics in-ol-ing inside any huge hard higher holy Goo20

%n fact, figure $5 is showing the : the main real operating variation of

income income

money source = X ( H$

money source = X income money source = X + ) to support any sysetm eocnomy and 2 N

financial prediction illustration during synchronizing any symbolic society within the signed dynamics involving inside any huge hard higher holy Book$ &herefore, the symbolic synchronized surrounding set ; .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/, has to trace any transaction dynamics across signal#s ( t = n0@ ) ad"ustment and system#s architecture$ &herefore, transaction={ S i=M,$$$ ,n } , "ust choose pairing couple (n, i& to identify the ma"or most signal involving within any possible probable transaction, such that


( t = n0@ )

S i=M,$$$ ,n }

&hus, a transaction is a set of signal to be used within any further processing, the evolving dynamics across signal#s ad"ustment and system#s architecture, whom valuable variable extensible available surrounding measurable intentional symbolic synchronized set ; .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/, has to handle any possible probable fuzzy, genetic and mimetic approaches$ &herefore, mathematical illustration ; clear mapping pair (y; or mapping pair (y; or mapping pair (y;

( sin () cos ( )) sin + () 0 cos + ( )

, z;

sin () 0 cos () ) ( sin +( ) cos+ ())+

sin + ( ) , z ; cos + () )
* * , z ; * + ) + sin () cos+ ()

* +


not(clear& / -irtualism / using in-ol-ing +ob scheduling / CCSH / should ad-ise / while(constraint conditions& do C instruction statementsIFF 44 CMI / mode6s insight / middle a-erage dynamics / C(a/a 44 b /1& JJ (a/1 44 b/b& such that 1 / (aBb&K"FF


any measurable amount (uantity / search surrounding system to be used inside measurable dynamics and mechanism


e-ent / (n such that t/n0@, -alue / something clear to be defined& / deep in-estigation of discrete e-ent simulation

m ; move

to change in position from one point to another, to progress in se(uences, to progress toward a particular state or condition, to follow a specified course, to start offI depart

i ; invest


to damage or brea2 the threads of (of any possible probable conser-ing transaction bloc2&, to mount (any binary basic built in transaction bloc2 to be conser-ed for further use&, to clear of a natural co-ering or growth(to in-ol-e any similar genetic dynamics within corresponding processing&, to fall away (apply main real operating principles of discrete e-ent simulation&

transaction ;


( t = n0@ )

S i=M,$ $$ ,n }

9ence, the real operating dynamics across the mathematical insight is to conserve a robust algorithm, which has to prove advanced "ob scheduling$ &hus, any, "ob scheduling re=uired making processing dynamics, the first thread to evolve is a make file, which could be described as follows: all : executable
e=ecutable : file>?o file@?o gcc Ao e=ecutable file>?o file@?o file>?o : file>?c file>?h gcc Ac file>?c file@?o : file@?c file>?h file@?h gcc Ac file@?c clean : r" file>?o file@?o e=ecutable core

4 make clean

r" file>?o file@?o e=ecutable core r": cannot re"o5e BcoreC: +o such file or directory D "a<e gcc Ac file>?c gcc Ac file@?c gcc Ao e=ecutable file>?o file@?o D touch file@?h D "a<e gcc Ac file@?c gcc Ao e=ecutable file>?o file@?o D touch file@?o D "a<e gcc Ao e=ecutable file>?o file@?o D touch file>?h D "a<e gcc Ac file>?c gcc Ac file@?c gcc Ao e=ecutable file>?o file@?o

'n other example of any make file could be written as follows: 66 ; gcc
13L2&S : A/@ Ac /0ES : file>?o file@?o all : e=ecutable ?c?o : F(11) F(13L2&S) F8 e=ecutable : F(/0ES) F(11) Ao FG F(/0ES)

4 cat -akefile
11 : gcc 13L2&S : A/@ Ac /0ES : file>?o file@?o SR1S : file>?c file@?c all : e=ecutable ?c?o : F(11) F(13L2&S) F8 e=ecutable : F(/0ES) F(11) Ao FG F(/0ES)11 : gcc depend : "a<edepend A*? F(SR1) D cat file>?c Hinclude Ifile>?hI "ain() {' D cat file@?c Hinclude Ifile@?hI Hinclude Ifile>?hI D "a<edepend A*? file>?c file@?c D cat Ma<efile 11 : gcc 13L2&S : A/@ Ac /0ES : file>?o file@?o SR1S : file>?c file@?c all : e=ecutable

?c?o :

F(11) F(13L2&S) F8 e=ecutable : F(/0ES) F(11) Ao FG F(/0ES)11 : gcc depend : "a<edepend A*? F(SR1) H 6/ +/T 6ELETE file>?o: ?Jfile>?h file@?o: ?Jfile@?h ?Jfile>?h all : de5elop"ent?ps inde=?ht"l inde=?ht"l : de5elop"ent?sg"l Kade Aiht"l At sg"l Ad for"ation?dslLHht"l de5elop"ent?sg"l de5elop"ent?te= : de5elop"ent?sg"l Kade At te= Ad for"ation?dslLHprint de5elop"ent?sg"l de5elop"ent?d5i : de5elop"ent?te= Kadete= F8 de5elop"ent?ps : de5elop"ent?d5i d5ips Ao FG F8

all: hello
hello: hello?o "ain?o gcc Ao hello hello?o "ain?o hello?o: hello?c gcc Ao hello?o Ac hello?c A) A)all Aansi Apedantic "ain?o: "ain?c hello?h gcc Ao "ain?o Ac "ain?c A) A)all Aansi Apedantic clean: r" Arf 7?o

"rproper: clean r" Arf hello


13L2&S:A) A)all Aansi Apedantic L63L2&S: E-E1:hello all: F(E-E1) hello: hello?o "ain?o F(11) Ao hello hello?o "ain?o F(L63L2&S) hello?o: hello?c F(11) Ao hello?o Ac hello?c F(13L2&S) "ain?o: "ain?c hello?h F(11) Ao "ain?o Ac "ain?c F(13L2&S) clean: r" Arf 7?o

"rproper: clean r" Arf F(E-E1)


13L2&S:A) A)all Aansi Apedantic L63L2&S: E-E1:hello SR1: hello?c "ain?c /0E: F(SR1:?c:?o) all: F(E-E1) hello: F(/0E) F(11) Ao FG FM F(L63L2&S) "ain?o: hello?h D?o: D?c F(11) Ao FG Ac F8 F(13L2&S)

?.(/+4: clean "rproper clean: r" Arf 7?o "rproper: clean r" Arf F(E-E1)

11:gcc ifeN (F(6E0U&)!yes) 13L2&S:A) A)all Aansi Apedantic Ag L63L2&S: else 13L2&S:A) A)all Aansi Apedantic L63L2&S: endif E-E1:hello SR1: F($ildcard 7?c) /0E: F(SR1:?c:?o) all: F(E-E1) ifeN (F(6E0U&)!yes) Gecho I&OnOration en "ode debugI else Gecho I&OnOration en "ode releaseI endif hello: F(/0E) GF(11) Ao FG FM F(L63L2&S) "ain?o: hello?h D?o: D?c GF(11) Ao FG Ac F8 F(13L2&S)

?.(/+4: clean "rproper


Gr" Arf 7?o

"rproper: clean Gr" Arf F(E-E1)

e=port 11:gcc
e=port 13L2&S:A) A)all Aansi Apedantic e=port L63L2&S: (ELL/,6*R:hello E-E1:F((ELL/,6*R)Jhello all: F(E-E1) F(E-E1): G(cd F((ELL/,6*R) ## F(M2PE))

?.(/+4: clean "rproper F(E-E1) clean: G(cd F((ELL/,6*R) ## F(M2PE) FG) "rproper: clean G(cd F((ELL/,6*R) ## F(M2PE) FG)

SR1: F($ildcard 7?c) /0E: F(SR1:?c:?o) all: F(E-E1) hello: F(/0E) GF(11) Ao FG FM F(L63L2&S) D?o: D?c GF(11) Ao FG Ac F8 F(13L2&S)

?.(/+4: clean "rproper clean: Gr" Arf 7?o "rproper: clean

5urthermore, the ma"or real operating threads and "obs is to evolve "ob scheduling involving some graphical user interface to satisfy any possible probable soul#s satisfaction$ 9ence, the foucs on procedures are evolved as below:
i!(stream) { stream.3ee8(F77,3ee8Ori?in::3tartO!5ile)" .

. . } &'#(_)*+O,T =oid -enu::4oOn-enu>ommand(-essa?e2 messa?e) { On-enu>ommand(messa?e)" i!(Gmessa?e.handled) { int position % messa?e.$+aram" std::shared_ptr<-enu#tem> item % 1et#tem(position)" i!(item) { item0>4oOn-enu>ommand(messa?e)" } } }

&'#(_)*+O,T =oid >ontrol::4oOn-enu>ommand(-essa?e2 messa?e) { On-enu>ommand(messa?e)" i!(Gmessa?e.handled) { &-)(/ h-enu % (&-)(/)messa?e.l+aram" i!(h-enu) { auto menu % -enu::1et5rom-enu-ap(h-enu)" i!(menu) { menu0>4oOn-enu>ommand(messa?e)" } } } } &'#(_)*+O,T =oid >ontrol::4oOn4ra$#tem(-essa?e2 messa?e) { On4ra$#tem(messa?e)" i!(Gmessa?e.handled) { 4,A'#T)-3T,/>T< dra$#tem3truct % (4,A'#T)-3T,/>T<)messa?e.l+aram" i!(dra$#tem3truct 22 dra$#tem3truct0>>tlType %% O4T_-)(/) { -enu#tem< menu#tem % (-enu#tem<)dra$#tem3truct0>item4ata"

i!(menu#tem) { menu#tem0>4oOn4ra$#tem(<dra$#tem3truct)" messa?e.handled % true" messa?e.result % true" } } } } &'#(_)*+O,T =oid >ontrol::4oOn-easure#tem(-essa?e2 messa?e) { On-easure#tem(messa?e)" i!(Gmessa?e.handled) { -)A3/,)#T)-3T,/>T< measure#tem3truct % (-)A3/,)#T)-3T,/>T<)messa?e.l+aram" i!(measure#tem3truct 22 measure#tem3truct0>>tlType %% O4T_-)(/) { -enu#tem< menu#tem % (-enu#tem<)measure#tem3truct0>item4ata" i!(menu#tem) { menu#tem0>4oOn-easure#tem(<measure#tem3truct)" messa?e.handled % true" messa?e.result % true" } } } } &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tem2 -enu#tem::4oOnAdd() { auto menu % +arent-enu()" i!(menu) { -)(/#T)-#(5O in!o" this0>#nitiali6e-enu#tem#n!o(in!o)" auto inde@ % #nde@O!()" menu0>1et&andle()0>#nsert-enu#tem(inde@,true,in!o)" } return <this" }

class -enu#tem : public >omponent { !riend class >ontrol" !riend class -enu" !riend class -enu#tems" std::$ea8_ptr<-enu> parent-enu" . . public: typede! >omponent .ase" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tem( )" &'#(_)*+O,T H-enu#tem( )" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr<-enu#tems> +arent-enu#tems() const" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr<-enu> +arent-enu() const" &'#(_)*+O,T int #nde@O!( ) const" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr<.itmap&andle> .itmap() const" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tem2 3et.itmap(std::shared_ptr<.itmap&andle> the.itmap)" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr<.itmap&andle> >hec8ed.itmap() const" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tem2 3et>hec8ed.itmap(std::shared_ptr<.itmap&andle> the>hec8ed.itmap)" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr<.itmap&andle> /nchec8ed.itmap() const" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tem2 3et/nchec8ed.itmap(std::shared_ptr<.itmap&andle> the/nchec8ed.itmap)" &'#(_)*+O,T bool #s>hec8ed() const" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tem2 3et>hec8ed(bool =alue % true)" &'#(_)*+O,T bool #s4e!ault() const" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tem2 3et4e!ault(bool =alue % true)" &'#(_)*+O,T bool #s4isabled() const" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tem2 3et4isabled(bool =alue % true)" &'#(_)*+O,T bool #s)nabled() const" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tem2 3et)nabled(bool =alue % true)" &'#(_)*+O,T bool #s1rayed() const" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tem2 3et1rayed(bool =alue % true)" &'#(_)*+O,T bool #s&i?hli?hted() const" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tem2 3et&i?hli?hted(bool =alue % true)" boost::si?nalsI::si?nal<=oid ( -enu#tem< sender )> On>lic8"

boost::si?nalsI::si?nal<=oid ( -enu#tem< sender, -)A3/,)#T)-3T,/>T2 measure#tem3truct )> On-easure#tem" boost::si?nalsI::si?nal<=oid ( -enu#tem< sender, 4,A'#T)-3T,/>T2 dra$#tem3truct )> On4ra$#tem" protected: &'#(_)*+O,T =irtual -enu#tem2 4oOnAdd()" &'#(_)*+O,T =irtual -enu#tem2 4oOn,emo=e()" &'#(_)*+O,T =irtual const -enu#tem2 /pdate-enu#tem() const" &'#(_)*+O,T =irtual const -enu#tem2 #nitiali6e-enu#tem#n!o(-)(/#T)-#(5O2 in!o) const" &'#(_)*+O,T =irtual =oid 4oOn-enu>ommand(-essa?e2 messa?e)" &'#(_)*+O,T =irtual =oid 4oOn-easure#tem(-)A3/,)#T)-3T,/>T2 measure#tem3truct)" &'#(_)*+O,T =irtual =oid 4oOn4ra$#tem(4,A'#T)-3T,/>T2 dra$#tem3truct)" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr<-enu> -enu#tem::+arent-enu() const { auto the+arent-enu % parent-enu.loc8()" return the+arent-enu" } class &eader>ontrol5orm : public 5orm { std::shared_ptr<&eader>ontrol> header>ontrol" public: typede! 5orm .ase" &eader>ontrol5orm()" protected: =irtual =oid 4oOn#nitiali6e()" =irtual =oid 4oOn3i6e(-essa?e2 messa?e)" =irtual =oid 4oOn+aint(-essa?e2 messa?e)" }" &eader>ontrol5orm::&eader>ontrol5orm() : .ase() { 3etTe@t(:A&eader>ontrol e@ampleA)" } =oid &eader>ontrol5orm::4oOn#nitiali6e() { .ase::4oOn#nitiali6e()" auto sel! % As<&eader>ontrol5orm>()" header>ontrol % ma8e_control<&eader>ontrol>(sel!)" header>ontrol0>#tems()0>Add(3trin?(:A5irstA))" header>ontrol0>#tems()0>Add(3trin?(:A3econdA))" } int A+#)(T,9 _t'in-ain(&#(3TA(>) h#nstance, &#(3TA(>) h+re=#nstance, :+T3T, lp>md:ine, int n>md3ho$) {

/(,)5),)(>)4_+A,A-)T),(h+re=#nstance)" /(,)5),)(>)4_+A,A-)T),(lp>md:ine)" try { auto application % ma8e_component<Application>()" auto !orm % ma8e_control<&eader>ontrol5orm>()" auto result % application0>,un(!orm)" return result" } catch(std::e@ception2 e@c) { std::cout << e@c.$hat() << std::endl" } catch(...) { std::cout << A/n8no$n e@ceptionA << std::endl" } return 7" } =oid &eader>ontrol5orm::4oOn+aint(-essa?e2 messa?e) { .ase::4oOn+aint(messa?e)" auto dc % std::ma8e_shared<+aint4e=ice>onte@t&andle>(As<>ontrol>())" dc0>4ra$4es8top'all+aper()" } =oid &eader>ontrol5orm::4oOn3i6e(-essa?e2 messa?e) { harlinn::$indo$s::,ectan?le client,ect % 1et>lient,ect()" header>ontrol0>-o=e'indo$(7,7,client,ect.'idth(),IF)" }

class String { public: typedef unsigned long long si%e,type; typedef $char,t 5alue,type; static const si%e,type npos : M2-6)/R6QR; static const $char,t default.ad1haracter : LCL=@ C; String(); String(const String# other); String(si%e,type length! $char,t c); String(const $char,t7 str!si%e,type length!

$char,t pad1haracter : default.ad1haracter ); String(const $char,t7 str>!si%e,type length>! const $char,t7 str@! si%e,type length@! $char,t pad1haracter : default.ad1haracter); String(const $char,t7 str>!si%e,type length>! const $char,t7 str@!si%e,type length@! const $char,t7 strS!si%e,type lengthS! $char,t pad1haracter : default.ad1haracter); String(const $char,t7 str); String(String## other); TString(); String# operator : (const String# other); String# operator : (const $char,t7 str); String# operator : (String## other); int 1o"pareTo(const String# other) const; int 1o"pareTo(const $char,t7 str) const; bool bool bool bool bool bool bool bool bool bool bool bool operator operator operator operator operator operator operator operator operator operator operator operator :: ;: 8: 8 9: 9 :: ;: 8: 8 9: 9 (const (const (const (const (const (const (const (const (const (const (const (const String# String# String# String# String# String# $char,t7 $char,t7 $char,t7 $char,t7 $char,t7 $char,t7 other) other) other) other) other) other) str) str) str) str) str) str) const; const; const; const; const; const; const; const; const; const; const; const;

String# 2ppend(const String# other); String# 2ppend(const $char,t7 str! si%e,type length); String# 2ppend(const $char,t7 str); String 2ppended(const String# other) const; String 2ppended(const $char,t7 str) const; String# operator U: (const String# other); String# operator U: (const $char,t7 str); friend String operator U (const String# str>!const String# str@); friend String operator U (const String# str>!const $char,t7 str@); si%e,type length() const; si%e,type Length() const; const $char,t7 c,str() const; $char,t7 c,str(); si%e,type *nde=/f2ny/f ( const $char,t 7search1hars! si%e,type nu"ber/fSearch1hars! si%e,type start : ) const; si%e,type *nde=/f2ny/f ( const String# search1hars! si%e,type start :

) const;

si%e,type *nde=/f2ny/f( const $char,t7 search1hars! si%e,type start : si%e,type *nde=/f2ny0ut ( const $char,t nu"ber/fSearch1hars! si%e,type start si%e,type *nde=/f2ny0ut ( const String# const; si%e,type *nde=/f2ny0ut( const $char,t7 const; 7search1hars! si%e,type : ) const; search1hars! si%e,type start : search1hars! si%e,type start :

) const;

) )

si%e,type Last*nde=/f2ny/f ( const $char,t 7search1hars! si%e,type nu"ber/fSearch1hars! si%e,type start : npos) const; si%e,type Last*nde=/f2ny/f( const String# search1hars! si%e,type start : npos) const; si%e,type Last*nde=/f2ny/f( const $char,t7 search1hars! si%e,type start : npos) const; si%e,type Last*nde=/f2ny0ut ( const $char,t 7search1hars! si%e,type nu"ber/fSearch1hars! si%e,type start : npos) const; si%e,type Last*nde=/f2ny0ut( const String# search1hars! si%e,type start : npos) const; si%e,type Last*nde=/f2ny0ut( const $char,t7 search1hars! si%e,type start : npos) const; si%e,type *nde=/f( const $char,t 7searchString! si%e,type searchStringLength! si%e,type start : ) const; si%e,type *nde=/f( const String# searchString! si%e,type start : ) const; si%e,type *nde=/f( const $char,t7 searchString! si%e,type start : ) const; si%e,type Last*nde=/f( const $char,t 7searchString! si%e,type searchStringLength! si%e,type start : npos) const; si%e,type Last*nde=/f( const String# searchString! si%e,type start : npos) const; si%e,type Last*nde=/f( const $char,t7 searchString! si%e,type start : npos) const; const String# 1opyTo( $char,t7 buffer! si%e,type bufferSi%e! si%e,type start : $char,t pad1haracter : default.ad1haracter ) const; String SubString ( si%e,type start! si%e,type length : npos) const; String# Upper1ase(); String# Lo$er1ase(); String# Re"o5e(si%e,type start! si%e,type length : npos); String# Re"o5eRange(si%e,type start! si%e,type end); String# Peep(si%e,type start! si%e,type length : npos); String# PeepRange(si%e,type start! si%e,type end); String# *nsert( const $char,t7 te=t! si%e,type te=tLength! si%e,type position ); String# *nsert( const String# te=t! si%e,type position : ); String# *nsert( const $char,t7 te=t! si%e,type position : );

String# Tri"Right(); String# Tri"Left(); String# Tri"(); ';

&'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tems2 -enu#tems::Add(std::shared_ptr<-enu#tem> menu#tem) { i!(menu#tem) { auto pre=ious-enu % menu#tem0>+arent-enu()" auto this-enu % -enu()" i!(pre=ious-enu G% this-enu) { i!(pre=ious-enu) { pre=ious-enu0>#tems()0>,emo=e(menu#tem)" } menu#tem0>parent-enu % this-enu" items.push_bac8(menu#tem)" menu#tem0>4oOnAdd()" } } return <this" }

&'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr<-enu> -enu#tems::-enu() const { i!(o$ner) { return o$ner0>As<harlinn::$indo$s::-enu>()" } return std::shared_ptr<harlinn::$indo$s::-enu>()" }

class -enu#tems { public: typede! std::=ector< std::shared_ptr< -enu#tem > > =ector" pri=ate: !riend class -enu"

-enu< o$ner" =ector items" public: &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tems(-enu< theO$ner)" &'#(_)*+O,T H-enu#tems( )" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr< Te@t-enu#tem > Add-enu#tem( const $char_t< theTe@t )" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr< Te@t-enu#tem > Add-enu#tem( const 3trin?2 theTe@t )" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr< 3eparator-enu#tem> Add3eparator()" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr< 3ub-enu#tem > Add3ub-enu(const $char_t< theTe@t)" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr< 3ub-enu#tem > Add3ub-enu(const 3trin?2 theTe@t)" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr< -enu > -enu() const" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tems2 Add( std::shared_ptr< -enu#tem > menu#tem)" &'#(_)*+O,T -enu#tems2 ,emo=e( std::shared_ptr< -enu#tem > menu#tem)" &'#(_)*+O,T int #nde@O!(std::shared_ptr< const -enu#tem> menu#tem) const" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr< const -enu#tem > #tem(int position) const" &'#(_)*+O,T std::shared_ptr< -enu#tem > #tem(int position)" }"

3$ 4onclusion1
&he main real operating thread task is to cut off the complex processing within the famous fatal focus on fuzzy logics language through the evolving involving mathematical intentional surrounding archtitectures, which is defined as follows (within this focus on function form, which has to mount any mathematical inspiration involving inide) : /$

sin + ( )=

something clear *+ something clear

i= M i= n

, whereby the

something clear =-ector0si,e () is the motor transaction={

( t = n0@ )

kernel of any se=uential digital transaction due to 5$ or

S i=M,$ $$ ,n } $

cos ()=

something clear * + something clear

i =M i =n

Ghen it is missing Psomething clearQ, which could be a mthematical intentional surrounding amount =uantity to describe any possible probable evolving processsing within signal ad"ustment across any system architecture, the ma"or most significant main real organized proceeding is to follow as defined below: *$ first of all satisfy any new looking for "ob engineer or e=uivalent$ 9ence, anyone do not have any opportunity to live with a small money satisfaction: in this chaotic land &unisia, % could not believe that the responsible could not have the opportunity to find any solution to person looking for "obs as me$ &hus, there is no money for anyone looking for "ob to search to find any position within his or her level$ &his, land is a chaotic due to the miss organized configuration$ 9ence, the nice better idea inside the implemented system is to search people working for daily money at any

possible probable firm$ % think, Sir, this idea has to rule the most ma"or significant thread task of be at any super position and to win more money that it would$ &hus, allow people within any possible probable level to work, for thou inside the system economy, where the huge hard higher wins is the basic built in desirable aim ob"ect$ 5urthermore, it is advised to flow within any flexible roles inside the desirable wishes of soul#s satisfactions as below *$ give money out for any huge hard worker to allow financial (banks) organization working within the old effect through the saving accounts, which will be obligation for anyone working with these proposal approval firms$ +$ please to win dominance at any possible probable firm building based on the basic built in principles of (transmit something clear, bring its effect up)$ By this way, the dynamic mechanism of mapping pairing (transmit something clear, bring its effect up) has to work intentionally within the best basic shining symbolic synchronization of any possible probable system economy and financial efforts to build a solid surround system of economical and financial state, whereby the desirable wishes should comply to a saving account procedures$ &hus, the ma"or most operating source of life is the incoming money to be divided to parts, whose valuable variables are function of the economical and financial effects belong to the envisage corresponding person$ 9ence, the best basic chance to success this life is looking to transmit intentional ideas across : *$ system economy ; supporting a mixing dynamics within any involving evolving environment reality flow of wishing wining money form distinct sources, which have to be easy simple defined through a data base, whose searching identification processing is belong to any national or international identification$ +$ financial effects and aspects: hospitals, which have to free for any access by anyone, who has an international or national identification, a manufacturing industrial effort to allow the inner state to become money as higher as it could, a basic built in battleground of subways, buses, driving systems, whereby the basic primordial principles is the speed up at any re=uired time to be there at time$ /$ hence, the ma"or most thread task across any possible probable life procedures have to involve the re=uirement of eating fresh foods, wearing beautiful nicer cloches, feeling wellness within the inside soul#s satisfactions, search a summit position to transmit any intentional idea or other any reflexive single symbolization of 3%7super3 to be belong to any another intentional inside 3-% ; mode insight and modeling intelligence or 3mount 3small x 3 inside 3big @33 processing for any possible probable enhancement inside any symbolic synchronized society looking for liable laws such as the Rodhood#s liable laws$ H$ 0ink {S' ; signal ad"ustment across any system architecture3 } is the ma"or most intentional surrounding symbolic shining surfing internet to write something clear across the 3human have3$ Since, the old processing across 3search %7super3, the ma"or most real operating of 3human have3 is to deliver and control the mathematical intentional of surrounding advance across the manufacturing involvements of knowledge culture, mapping pairing of (think up, think about), mount something clear inside the any, etc Z 2$ intentional money source is the desirable wish of any 3human have3$ 9ence, any human person actually

is looking for any source to satisfy his life (currently and after death) has to defend his intentional ideas by the way that the symbolic synchronized signs, which Said -chaalia or other person is writing have to transmit any possible probable dynamics conserving the 3%7Super3 of any 3human have3$ N$ because inside any philosophy processing, numbers have to rule the ma"or most symbolic signed in deep investigation of implemented theory (for example count a day away to be aware of the primordial principles of the discrete event simulation, or find any fuzzy e=uivalence inside the mathematical intentional signed architectures, or other mode#s inspiration and modeling intelligence processing) dynamics is belong to the huge hard hierarchy home of 3human have3 across possible probable timing simulation< whereby the defined clock timer has to obey to any possible probable modification inside the symbolic synchronized society$ Seah, .resident, the clock timer has to comply within any possible probable modification inside the mathematical intentional secrets such that the reachable achievable time could be thousand years faster than the actual approval proposal time$ &hus, within the symbolic synchronization of huge hard hierarchy homes inside the 3% super3 of signal assignment across system architecture to evolve any mathematical intentional symbolic synchronization of mode insight and modeling intelligence has to invent a mechanical dynamics inside the 3human have3 of any source either 3incoming money3 or liable laws$ U$ because any incoming money is waiting to wake up through the re=uired investments inside the human huge hard hierarchy homes of soul#s satisfactions (invest money within complying to 3% super3 at any timing processing within the street side simulation, whereby the only processing of organization is the saving account rules and roles to obey to the old slices of human been)$ 5urthermore, the liable laws have to comply with any possible probable 3flexible focus on3 of energy fashion flow inside any symbolic synchronized society, which is looking for smart smooth life within the desirable achievable aim ob"ect of any involving human person$ V$ 9ence, 3be symbolic Satan3 inside the proposal approval society is a desirable aim ob"ect of someones$ (ven though, any 3symbolic Satan3 has to bring any opportunity of fatal focus on features (see more details in the basic built in principles of conclusion aspects inside any musical meaningfulness ideas, top star Britney Spears or scooter or &otenhose, or other leaf like Said -chaalia : surround sun, % see again, shin me % need to be, forever there any Sky, % see my life change at any tie, Sylvester where to change there, spot at any time to know my best, think about the life style to see my summit aware, focus on me is not the last stay, however there, my best is done for any for dad for child for smart sign belong to compute across around at time )$ %n fact finance insight is the basic built in motor kernel of the symbolic synchronized society at actual timing processing, 3% super3 choose to use a huge hard hierarchy home of 3swearing signed3 symbolic synchronization to invest inside implemented liable laws, which has to comply within the strength of any 3?avid star3 symbolization$ Ghat does this meanI 9ence, 3?avid star3 symbolization is the basic built in principle of involving a number six (N; M**M binary) inside any organization pushing laws to be applied within the symbolic synchronized society$ T$ 9ence, the integer value of six (N ; M**M binary) is the best basic built in number inside any possible probable symbolic system, this number rules: i$ first of all, the surrounding surfaces, where anyone should be live$

ii$ second of all, the minimal number of signs of any soul#s satisfaction (childhood, money incomes, house, trip, test tasting, be happy) $

iii$ third of all, within any ma"or intentional symbolic mathematical operation, which is the subtraction operation (x 7 N ; y), surround a secret sign of using 3x ; *M3 to get off a number involving the black s=uare secret, which is the number four (H ; four faces, black face, why this four face is belong to the ten by the six (N), due the natural construction of room)$ iv$ as the basic built in principle of mathematical intentional securing dynamics, the ratio operation within the six (a C N) should allow a sum of features inside the cylindrical coordination, whereby +$piCN ; piC/ ; NM degrees, hence it is return back to ND*M ; NM inside the numerical processing$ 5urthermore, the piCN ; /M degrees is the ma"or most symbolic synchronization to secret surrounding Sky#s star (see old books within the star position inside sky)$ v$ %n fact, the main real operating surrounding mathematical intentional amount =uantity to "udge the proposal + approval waveform compression is the often =-ectL0si,e ( )=( sin ( ))( -ectL0si,e ()) , which defines

the number of appearance and occurrence of stored bytes inside the corresponding file$ 9owever, the huge hard home hierarchy is to find the position where should the focus on byte / charM be back stored inside during the decompression mechanism$ &herefore, the synchronization processing has to be involve within the old structure of pipeline architecture first on first outM, to allow the chosen float value to be belong to any first on first outM pipeline structure associate within this waveform compression dynamics$ 9ence, search to identify any possible probable char7position or byte7position within the files envisage for any mechanism of decompression, is the huge hard sub"ect across this waveform comrpession methedology$

( -ectL0si,e () )

5urthermore, the involving of mathematical intentional amount =uantity

sin () =

( *+ -ectL0si,e ( ) )

is the motorr kernel of Pm%s'Q primordial principle, whereby the symbolic synchronization processing to any possible probable mathematical insight of any possible probable waveform compression or system economy or financial effect or robust control or transmission#s transportation aspect including the old structures of huge hard hierarchy homes of ratios

* ( ss = )( ss = p ) for any possible probable p

p [M, * ] , which has to flow

(low = N M)

within the main real operating dynamics of using mathematical insight across the


f ( ) and

( high= N * )

f () for any probabilistic, stochastic, statistical and chaotic processing inside the old structured

p [M, * ] design involving fuzzy, genetic and mimetic dynamics$ &hus, Alaude Shannon )/, since *THV did * define the main real operating p0ln ( ) for any possible probable continuous description of information p theory for any p [M, * ] , which measures the incertainity inside the corresponding mathematical insight$
(ven though, Said Mchaalia )*, did invent, based on the algorithms of <empel and =i- )2, , his aspect effect to engender any possible probable information theory by using a function form of fre=uency processing inside the discrete event simulation principles such that event ; (n such that t;n$&, function form ;

clear =

a sin + () 0 cos + () 0 sin ( f ( fre(uency , time )) 0 e + + + ( sin ()cos ( ))

pi H

$ &hus, this function form of describing any

possible probable se=uential digital data processing inside an amplification of variation level, which could reach the 8infinite ( + ) value to allow any possible level of magnitude amplification within any transmission#s transportation#s kind$

>n the other hand, Said Mchaalia )*,, did evolve the obtanied results to be involving within any fuzzy float processing such that the mapping pairs (y ;

* +

* * , z ; * + + ) or ( y ; + sin ( ) cos ()

( sin +() cos+ ( ))+ ,z; sin + () 0 cos + ( )

sin + () 0 cos + () sin+ ( ) , z ; cos + () ) could then be used + + + ) or ( y ; ( sin ( ) cos ())

inside any possible probable "ob scheduling, which has been created by R0 <0 Orahman since *TNN )+, as follows: inside this example of converting fuzzy into float fuzzy: "ob scheduling I' temperature %S very cold I' temperature %S very cold I' temperature %S very cold @PQN stop fan I' temperature %S middle cold associate math cold x ;

cos + ()
* +

cold ( 1 )=cos + ()=* cold ( 1 )=cos + ()=

I' temperature %S cold @PQN turn down fan

I' ( cold ( 1 )=cos ()>

* ) @PQN turn down fanQ + * ) @PQN Pmaintain levelQ +

hot x ;

I' temperature %S normal @PQN maintain level

I' ( cold ( 1 )=cos ()=

I' temperature %S very hot @PQN speed up fan I' temperature %S very hot @PQN speed up fan I' temperature %S very hot @PQN speed up fan I' temperature %S very hot @PQN speed up fan "ob scheduling I' temperature %S hot @PQN light on redM

sin + ( )

hot ( 1 )=sin + ()=*

hot ( 1 )=sin + ()=
associate math

* +

I' ( hot ( 1 )= <sin ()<* ) @PQN light on redM

* +

I' temperature %S normal @PQN light on greenM

I' ( hot ( 1 )=sin ()=

* ) @PQN light on greenM +

5urthermore, this surrounding architectural mathematical intentional secrets across signal ad"ustment and system advances has to be easy simple implemented within the mobile robot processing, when the main real dyanmics should be the evolving structures of symbolic synchroni,ed .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ mode6s inspiration across modeling6s intelligence0

///0 6eferences1
*$ (dwin Aaroska, Shan= Yang Kuan, 6hia 0in 9o, Said -chaalia, 5eipei 0ai, Jwe Schwiegelsohn (+MM/), P' Aovel 'pproach for digital waveform compressionQ, in .roceedings of 'sia and South .acific ?esign 'utomation conference, pages U*+7U*2) +$ K$ 0$ Rraham, (*TNN)$ 3Bounds for certain multiprocessing anomalies3$ Bell System &echnical Yournal H2: *2N/[*2V*, /$ 6$ ($ Shannon, 3'n algebra for theoretical genetics3, (.h?$ &hesis, -assachusetts %nstitute of &echnology, *THM), -%&7&9(S(SCC*THM[/ , H$ 1adeh, 0$'$ (*TN2)$ 35uzzy sets3, %nformation and 6ontrol V (/): //V[/2/,

2$ 1iv Y$ and 0empel '$ (*TUV), 36ompression of individual se=uences via variable7rate coding3$ %((( &ransactions on %nformation &heory +H(2): 2/M N$ &homas Lofler, P5uzzy 0ogic and (conomic ?ecisionsQ, *TTV U$ 3?as -odell des Spiels in der wissenschaftlichen .lanung3 -athematik und Girtschaft Ao$U, (ast Berlin *TNT V$ Yames .owell (+M >ctober +MMT)$ 3(nd7to7(nd &ransaction &racking with Business &ransaction -anagement3$ (nterprise Systems$ Ketrieved N Yune +M*M

T$ 0owe, ($ Y$ 35orms of &hought: ' Study in .hilosophical 0ogicQ$ Aew Sork: 6ambridge Jniversity .ress, +M*/

(clear, not) is a couple ; pair (increment, event) is a couple but possible probable e=ual to pair (m ; move, i ; invest) is a couple of functional of any focus on form such that move)f(sensor), leaf like a B-G sensor to avoid any possible probable obstacle when moving backwards (scaling up, down!, custom ad"ust, consumer!) is a pair to design philosophical logics across waveform compression: ;) { less bytes, whyI because lossy compression techni=ues} { more bytes, whyI because lossyless compression techni=ues} EE virtualism {custom (3practice followed by people of a particular group or region3) ; edge flow} and {consumer (3 one that consumes, especially one that ac=uires goods or services for direct use or ownership rather than for resale or use in production and manufacturing$3) ; operating node inside 3first on, first off3 pipeline#s principles , 5urthermore, the main real operating huge hard hierarchy homes across the associate approach is to design around similar float values, which could depict any possible variation of or any variation of for many different

processing kinds of using bytes inside ma"or intentional secrets surrounding ad"ustments of and for any corresponding signal ad"usmtent across any possible probable system#s architecture$ , where vector defines the vector position$ 9ence, to resolve the problem of finding easy simple position, where the associate byte has been stored, it is a little bit hard to use this logical language of focus on function form of thought$ to conser-e, conserved, conserving, conserves -0tr0 8$ a$ to protect from loss or harm< preserve: calls to conser-e our national heritage in the face of bewildering change0 b$ to use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste: 2ept the thermostat lower to conser-e energy0 *$ to keep (a =uantity) constant through physical or chemical reactions or evolutionary changes$ 9$ to preserve (fruits) with sugar$ -0intr0 &o economize:tried to conser-e on fuel during the long winter0 transactions 1. @he act of transacting or the fact of being transacted0 *$ Something transacted, especially a business agreement or exchange$ 9$ 6ommunication involving two or more people that affects all those involved< personal interaction: .a rich sense of the transaction between writer and reader.(8illiam =insser&0 H$ transactions 1 a record of business conducted at a meeting< proceedings$ :o rule -0 ruled, ruling, rules -0tr0 8$ to exercise control, dominion, or direction over< govern$ *$ &o dominate by powerful influence$ 9$ &o decide or declare authoritatively or "udicially< decree$ 5$ a$ &o mark with straight parallel lines$ b$ &o mark (a straight line), as with a ruler$ -0intr0 8$ &o be in total control or command< exercise supreme authority$ *$ &o formulate and issue a decree or decision$ 9$ &o prevail at a particular level or rate$ 5$ Slang &o be excellent or superior: &hus, the number of appearances or occurrences of corresponding stored byte, which has to evolve new discrete event simulation based on following focus on dynamics: ;asic built in symbolic synchronized .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ mode#s inspiration across modeling#s intelligence 9ence, this proposal fuzzy genetic mimetic approach, which is a symbolic surrounding .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics, has to replace the old theory across fuzzy procedures due to its ma"or intentional secrets across signal ad"ustments and system architectures$ &herefore, the associate fuzzy rules 1

A>& x ; (* 7 truth(x)) x 'A? y ; minimum(truth(x), truth(y)) x >K y ; maximum(truth(x), truth(y)) could be easy simple implemented within the basic built in symbolic surrounding .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics as follows: A>& x ; (* [ truth(x)) ; not clear function form$ 9ence, to compute within a robust fuzzy inside the proposal approval mapping focus on pair : (
+ y =cos () , + , =* y =sin ()=*truth ( y ) )

to envelop an easy simple signal (waveform) assignment could then be achievable as follows: x ; truth ; cos ()

though, A>& x ; (* [ truth(x)) ;

sin + ( ) $

5urthermore, for a future focal focus on, the main real operating thread task is to search across surrounding intentional mode#s inspiration and modeling#s intelligence to assign a ratio#s function form corresponding to the Pnot clear ; A>& xQ in order to determine the function form corresponding to PclearQ ( clear = f ( ) )$ x 'A? y ; minimum(truth(x), truth(y)) ; x >K y ; maximum(truth(x), truth(y)) ;
HX b , GR c


( clear X = f () , clear R = g ()) ( clear X = f ( ) , clear R = g ())

HX b , GR c


where the

HX b , GR c


() and

HX b , GR c


() are mathematically defined to satisfy the main real primordial

principles of intentional mathematical ad"ustment surrounding signal advances and system architectures$ (xamples: x;
+ + cos () , y ; sin ( )

x HN y ;

* ( 1 =cos + () , y =sin+ ())= = 1 y + HX b , GR c min


cos + () , y ; sin + ( )

x SR y ;

HX b , GR c


( 1 =cos + () , y =sin + ())=*= 1 y

NS@ (x)

* [ truth(x) ; I ;

* +

* cos+ ()

NS@ (y)

* [ truth(y) ; I ;

* +

* + sin ()

@able $: main real mathematical intentional processing

%n fact, table $ is showing the main real mathematical intentional processing across the defined fuzzy genetic mimetic approach$ 9ence, the associate "ob scheduling to that defined fuzzy principle, when it is applied to an example of regulation of temperature, is the following focus of float processing based on the main real principles + + of proposal mapping focus on pair ( y ; cos () , z ; sin ( ) ) envelop (see table " for more details)$ %n fact, table " illustrates a real example of application of involving fuzzy genetic mimetic approach across + + temperature regulation processing$ &hus, the proposal mapping focus on pair ( y ; cos () , z ; sin ( ) ) envelop (see table " for more details), has to play a great rule inside any possible probable "ob scheduling associate within the evolving fuzzy rules as shown within the example of the table "$ "ob scheduling I' temperature %S very cold I' temperature %S very cold I' temperature %S very cold @PQN stop fan I' temperature %S middle cold associate math cold x ;

cos + () * +

cold ( 1 )=cos + ()=*

cold ( 1 )=cos + ()=

I' temperature %S cold @PQN turn down fan

I' ( cold ( 1 )=cos ()>

* ) @PQN turn down fanQ + * ) @PQN Pmaintain levelQ +

hot x ;

I' temperature %S normal @PQN maintain level

I' ( cold ( 1 )=cos ()=

I' temperature %S very hot @PQN speed up fan I' temperature %S very hot @PQN speed up fan I' temperature %S very hot @PQN speed up fan I' temperature %S very hot @PQN speed up fan "ob scheduling I' temperature %S hot @PQN light on redM

sin ( )

hot ( 1 )=sin + ()=* hot ( 1 )=sin + ()=

associate math

* +

I' ( hot ( 1 )= <sin ()<* ) @PQN light on redM

* +

I' temperature %S normal @PQN light on greenM

I' ( hot ( 1 )=sin ()=

* ) @PQN light on greenM +

@able ": main real mathematical intentional processing across the e1ample of temperature regulation

&herefore, by the assignment of the mathematical intentional surrounding arrays to be envelop inside the + + proposal mapping focus on pair ( y ; cos () , z ; sin ( ) ) envelop (see table " for more details), the logics languages, which have been defined within the Boles#s rules inside the processing within Boolean functions (I' X then do Cinstruction statementF, whereby @ should be Boolean, could be easy simple involving within any possible probable mathematical intentional symbolization of <!=, <!&=, < =, < &= or <&= as defined within the example of table "$


hot ( 1 )=sin + ()=* is P&rueQ, when the mathematical amount =uantity hot ( 1 )=sin + ()=* is valid$
hot ( 1 )=sin + ()= * , the +

5urthermore, the same could be done for the mathematical amount =uantity mathematical amount =uantity

cold ( 1 )=cos + ()=

* , the mathematical amount =uantity +

* hot ( 1 )= <sin + ()<* , and so on$ %n fact, the logics language across the mathematical insight has to +
involve the dynamics mechanism of surrounding synchronized logical symbolization around logics language of ! !& & &
a sin + ( ) 0 cos + ( ) 0 sin ( f ( fre(uency , time )) 0 e + + + ( sin () cos ( ))

pi H

3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500

'igure 5: -ariation of the main real operating function form of any possible probable -ariation le-el inside the se(uential digital data processing in-ol-ing within any discrete e-ent simulation engendering )#,

pi *0 H

%n fact, figure 5 depicts the variation of the main real operating function form of any possible probable variation level inside the se=uential digital data processing involving within any discrete event simulation engendering )#,

pi *0 H

9ence, the main real operating processing within any discrete event simulation involving inside the se=uential digital data processing should include the couple of ( )#,

pi pi *, ) , H H

pi *&0 GhyI +

&hus, the main real operating proceeding across fuzzy, genetic mimetic approaches, which have been involved inside system#s economy and financial effect )*,+,/, H,, should then prove the engendering of the environment reality flow of symbolic synchronized society, whereby the smart safe smooth signs should have identification within any probable possible fuzzy, genetic mimetic approaches$

'igure 7: main real primordial principle of fu,,y dynamics

9ence, figure 7 illustrates the main real primordial principle of fuzzy dynamics$ &hough, the variation level inside the main real operating waveforms of any possible probable fuzzy approaches is to start through Plogics language of exactly trueQ or Plogics language of exactly falseQ$

1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 'igure !: main illustration of describing effects inside -ariation le-el logics of mapping pair (something clear is e1actly fu,,y true, something clear is e1actly fu,,y false&0

&hus, using this following focus on of mapping pair ( y ; cos () , z ; sin ( ) ) envelop to engender any possible probable transaction trace#s logics of se=uential digital data processing, an amplification of magnitude should be done$ &herefore, this is could be then achieved, when using the main real principle of involving

sin + () 0 cos+ () magnitude intentional surrounding amplification inside : amplification = ( sin + ()cos + ())+
then all possible digital waveform#s function form could be then involving within:
a sin+ () 0 cos + () wa-eform = 0 sin ( f ( fre(uency , time )) 0 e ( sin + () cos +())+

pi H

amplification =

sin ( ) 0 cos ( ) + + + ( sin ()cos ())

'igure >: in-ol-ing

amplification =

sin+ () 0 cos+ () inside any possible probable dynamics of magnitude ( sin + ()cos + ())+

amplification to achie-e huge hard home hierarchy of magnitude modulation0

9ence, figure > is showing the main real procedure across the mechanisms involving

sin+ () 0 cos+ () amplification = inside any possible probable dynamics of magnitude amplification to ( sin + ()cos + ())+
achieve huge hard home hierarchy of magnitude modulation$ &herefore, the mode#s inspiration and modeling#s intelligence across this .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ is to mount the secret signs of middle average processing, whereby the following focus on "ob scheduling .if(.() = (a5b)3") && ($hile ((a = a && b = )) 66 (a = ) && b = b)))) should be done for any surrounding loop stament$ 5urthermore, the mode#s inspiration has to prove that the ma"or significant sign#s insight is to assign a slice of )#, pi* to any possible probable stair due to its manufacturing insight of being flat surface#s line$ &hus, figure *+ shows more idea#s description to illustrate this main primordial principle of .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics to engender any following focus on fuzzy logics language across system#s economy, financial effects, robust control and transmission#s transportation of heavy transaction traces$ (ven though, comparing to the main intentional dynamics across the .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ mode#s insight, the old fuzzy focus feel weaker due non robust processing, which has to be symbolized within any possible probable synchronization of mathematical intentional secrets to ad"ust any signal architecture$

'igure ;: main intentional dynamics across the .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics to engender any possible probable fu,,y mechanism across mathematical intentional signs surrounding ad+ustments of mode6s inspiration and modeling6s intelligence0

%n fact, figure ; is showing the real main intentional dynamics across the .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics to engender any possible probable fuzzy mechanism across mathematical intentional signs surrounding ad"ustments of mode#s inspiration and modeling#s intelligence$ &hough, comparing to the old dynamics of fuzzy processing$

'igure ?: main old fu,,y dynamics within an e1ample of temperature proceeding6s regulation0

%n fact, figure ? is showing the main real principles of old fuzzy dynamics when this is applied to a regulation#s system of temperature across a robust control mechanism$

Secrets across mapping insight inside surround s!mbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess,
i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ Since, the basic works of mobile robot to improve the ma"or intentional secret across manufacturing insight, which has to investigate mode#s inspiration and modeling#s intelligence signs around mathematical intentional serving signal ad"ustments and system architecture$ 5urthermore, system#s economy and financial effects have to flow inside any possible probable investment design for services at any symbolic synchronized society$

'igure $#: main real operating procedures to in-ol-e within this proposal theory of surround symbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics across mode6s inspiration of modeling6s intelligence0

%n fact, figure $# is showing the main real operating procedures to involve within this proposal theory of surround symbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics across mode#s inspiration of modeling#s intelligence$ 9ence, many old theories have been implemented to support the main real operating proposal mode#s inspiration across the modeling#s intelligence processing$ &hough, this proposal approval theory surrounding symbolic synchronized .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust,

conser#e>)/ dynamics, which is ma"or intentional secret across the mathematical insight surrounding signal ad"ustment and system#s architecture$

'igure $$: all possible probable dynamics and mechanism to be in-ol-ing within the ready e-ol-ing theory surround symbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics across mode6s inspiration of modeling6s intelligence0

9ence, figure $> illustrates the main real states across the possible probable dynamics and mechanism to be involving within the ready evolving theory surround symbolic .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics across mode#s inspiration of modeling#s intelligence$ &herefore, by proposing

clear =

sin + () 0 cos + () , which should depict any waveform inside the mode#s ( sin+ ( )cos + ())+

inspiration of any modeling#s intelligence$ 9ence, starting by a black screen, to get up into the ma"or insight of the proposal approval mechanism inside any progress dynamics either within the system economy and financial effects or within the robust control dynamics and regulation processing to continue within any valid information at the proposal approval black screen, the old theory of putpi1el(& function form could then allow the further processing to identify the environment reality flow of how should a huge hard situation be involving within any possible probable mathematical insight across signal ad"ustment and system#s architecture dynamic designs$

sin + () 0 cos + () &hus, by proposing clear = , a varation level starting from nil (M) to reach the 8infinite ( sin+ ( )cos + ())+ pi value could then be detected within a slice of )#, *0 H
(ven though, the opposite symbolic signed variation level should be involved within the ratio#s theory, during such a processing an assignment for a not clear should be e=ual to

not clear =

( sin + ()cos + ())+ $ &herefore, sin+ () 0 cos+ ( )

for a such variation level of not clear valuable amount =uantity (mathematical intentional surrounding amounts across signal ad"ustment involving as illustrations by putpi1el(& function forms), has to reach the nil (#& at the end of the proposal slice of )#,

pi *0 H

'igure $": ma+or most manufacturing design is to locate the putpi1el(& function form for any possible probable dynamic design across system economy, financial effect and robust control mechanism0

&hus, figure $" is illustrating the ma"or most manufacturing design is to locate the putpi1el(& function form for any possible probable dynamic design across system economy, financial effect and robust control mechanism$ 9ence, the symbolic synchronized .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics has to prove the main real aim ob"ect of the similar to fuzzy, genetic

mimetic approaches$ &herefore,

*$ clear :: ad"ective :: should be a mathematical intentional surrounding any amount =uality across sin + () 0 cos + () measurable implementation$ &hus, clear = is defined to depict the amplification ( sin+ ( )cos + ())+
of any possible probable magnitude, due its variation level from nil (M) to 8infinite value in shortest possible domain, which is e=ual to a slice of )#,

pi *0 5urthermore, the measurable intentional H + + amount =uantity clear =sin ( ) or clear = cos () is defined to identify any possible valuable
amount =uantity inside the proposal approval slice of )#, $*0 (ven though, the main real operating thread tasks across the se=uential digital data processing is to satisfy the function form of focus on as below :
a sin + () 0 cos + () 0 sin ( f ( fre(uency , time )) 0 e + + + ( sin ()cos ( ))


clear =

pi H

, whereby for a such waveform, the

amplification of corresponding magnitude could reach the 8infinite$ &hus, the clear =sin () could then define any possible fre=uency variation inside any possible probable sliding window#s slice$ 5urthermore, the mathematical intentional amount =uantity clear = e is used to enhance the proposal phase modulation within any possible probable se=uential digital data processing mechanism$ Ghat is the basic binary built in of such a mathematical intentional amount =uantity + + sin ( ) 0 cos ( ) amplification = + + + ( sin ()cos ())

pi H

clear = e

pi H

9ence, the phase modulation has to add a mathematical intentional amount =uantity inside the proposal .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ d!namics. 7eat s!stematic surround set .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ & following fatal function form of thought to assign something clear exactly true

'igure $%: measurable intentional illustration of binary built in use of electrical energy6s fashion flow inside mode6s insight to achie-e symbolic synchroni,ed signed society6s dynamics and mechanism

%n fact, figure $% illustrates the main real operating threads and tasks across the measurable intentional illustration of binary built in use of electrical energy#s fashion flow inside mode#s insight to achieve symbolic synchronized signed society#s dynamics and mechanism$ &hus, the ma"or manufacturing industry around the usage and evovling developments inside the battery set and the magnetic electronics effects to be always ready for use within any possible probable speed up dynamics and electrical energy fashion flow to discover any huge hard home hierarchies inside mathematical intentional secrets handling signal#s ad"ustments and system#s architectures$ &herefore, the ma"or main real aim ob"ect is to evolve a system for better signal assignment during any rotation motion to handle all possible probable symbolic synchronization at any timing simulation processing$

5igure *H: overview of depicting dynamics across using the electrical energy#s fashion flow to evolve a huge hard hierarchy home of measurable environment reality flow$

9ence, figure $5 is showing an overview of depicting dynamics across using the electrical energy#s fashion flow to evolve a huge hard hierarchy home of measurable environment reality flow, whereby the main real operating intentional idea is to flow within the pairing maps of couples (pnp, npn& transistors$ &hus, a transistor type conserving the mechanism of amplifying the signal to allow any current edge flow for any possible probable timing simulation$ &hus, the motor kernel flow of current edge flow is to cover any possible production of Pnew electricityQ "ust through using the rotation motion processing$ &herefore, based on the following focus on works of 'mpere7-axwell, the main real measurable intentional secrets is to think up that the production of Pnew electricityQ is easier when the rotation motion has to start up a any timing simulation processing$ &hus, first of all, start up to rotate the re=uired motor, then think up to use the involving mechanism (Protation motion effectsQ) to produce electrical energy#s fashion flows at any possible probable motion#s destinations$ 5urthermore, the main real operating dynamics is to use the Protation motion effectQ involving within 'mpere

-axwell developments to enhance the usage of any possible probable battery set$ &hus, use this Protation motion effectsQ to produce electricity, which should be inserted inside the battery sets to be used again by any possible probable electrical tool within this car$ 9ence, the ma"or intentional secrets across soul satisfaction is to find 3something exactly true3$ even though, other kind of fatal function form of thought is to assign 3something clear exactly true right3$ ?ue to the main real operating advances inside the electrical manufacturing dynamics design, the re=uired environment reality flow is to access so rapid so fast to the manufacturing of electrical cars and electrical trucks$ 9ence, this mechanism is based on the number of times to change double battery set to flow across roads$ &herefore, the primordial principles of robust control is to search symbolic synchronized society to any possible probable discrete event simulation procedures, whereby the main real dynamic design is to assign any , where the n is the number of possibilities to change the double battery set (see figure 2 for more details) during trips and travels across streets and roads$ &herefore, it seems that 3something exactly true3 could never be achievable associate within any symbolic synchronized society due the fatal focus on of any function form of thought, which is e=ual to any assigned(ma"or intentional) study (investigation) in .hilosophical(including introduction) 0ogic (implementing installation of inspiration#s insight) across alive symbolic synchronized society involving any possible probable soul#s satisfaction$

'igure $7: something clear of 3P < models within transaction definitions and processing during any timing simulation

%n fact, figure $7 illustrates something clear of O9?0 models within transaction definitions and processing during any timing simulation$

'igure $!: main real operating 3P < code to generate any memory design across any timing simulation 2ind0

%n fact, figure $! illustrates the main real operating O9?0 code to generate any memory design across any timing simulation kind$ &herefore, the main real operating double pack of battery set has to transmit at any re=uired time the symbolic synchronized dynamic usage of valuable available extensible energy#s fashion flows$ &hough, the huge hard hierarchy homes of interest is to think about the complete usage of operating double pack of battery set inside the switching transaction trace of any possible surround signal architecture$ %n fact, the logics language of Pexactly trueQ has to define its variation level to be the sub"ect of identifying the re=uired logics value, which could then describe the main operating principles of logics language across any possible flows of transaction trace$ 5urthermore, to change any operating double pack of battery set at needed time, the system economy and financial effect should be then an evolving traces to decide whether the developed systems is a functional system across the financial aspects and fashion#s effects$ &herefore, for any street side stop, "ust one operation of change battery set should be done$ 9ow many times should this operation be doneI &his is the =uestion of any magnetic electronics searcher to allow the exactly true right answer for involving discrete event simulation within the symbolic synchronized signs of any actual society$ >n the other hand, the main real operating thread task is to compact any fuzzy genetic mimetic approach by the evolving dynamics of surround symbolic synchronized set, which is e=ual to {(clear, not), (amount, event), (process, i;invest), (stair up, down!, transaction ad"ust, conserve!)} trace$ 9ence< using surround symbolic synchronized set, which is e=ual to .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (stair<u , do$n>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ trace,

is the best binary basic built in dynamics across transmission#s transportation, system economy, financial effects, and robust control$

>rimordial principles of huge hard home hierarchy involving within fatal focus on of any function form of thought based on binary built in logics of ratios1

'igure $>: Gattery set for any possible electrical rotation motion processing

%n fact, figure $> is showing the main real operating double pack of battery set to be used within the symbolic synchronized society to a dynamic usage of valuable available extensible energy#s fashion flows$ 5urthermore, for any possible surrounding stop, it is necessary to think valuable available extensible energy#s fashion flows up$ 9ence, it is so easy simple to change the involving double pack of battery to allow motion again$

'igure $;: the main real -ariation le-el of in-ol-ing symbolic surrounding .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics0 %n fact, figure $; depicts the main real variation level of involving symbolic surrounding .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics, whereby the desirable aim ob"ect is to include the old main real operating logical language of HN M and SRM inside this involving symbolic surrounding .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics$ &herefore, the logics language of across binary built in basics consist to assign a valuable variable of Binfinite ( + ) to any missing variable$ Ghy should this occurI ?ue to the knowledge culture processing across any possible probable logics#s language ad"usting mathematical intentional secrets at any processsing of measurable core#s processing, the measurable intentional surrounding amount =uantity should implement a variable of PmissingQ, Pinvolving within the stochastic chaotic probabilistic statistical finite range )M, *, within the variation level processingQ, P=uit any possible limitatio to become Binfinite ( + ), when the boundary limits have to be investigated withinQ, Pprocess into correlation processing for any possible float processing involving wihtin the proposal approval mathematical amount =uantities across mapping (y ;

* +

* * , z ; * + + )$ 9ence, the main real operation to assign + cos () sin ()

is the logics P>KQ, which could be defined as Pminus operationQ descrived as follows:

y , =(*+

* * * * sin+ () cos+ ( ) )( * + )= = cos + () sin +( ) cos + ( ) sin + () cos + () 0 sin+ ( ) sin + () 0 cos + () ) to depict any possible probable variation ( sin +( ) cos+ ())+

>n the other hand, to reduce the proposal approval range of any possible probable variation, the focal focus on mapping pair ( y ;

( sin +( ) cos+ ())+ ,z; sin + () 0 cos + ()

of the proposal approval mathematical insight across the robust mode#s inspiration to prove any modeling#s

intelligence inside the secrets attaching any signal ad"ustment and system architecture$

figure *T: main real fuzzy focus on function forms of the ma"or most principles involving inside the proposal envisage Symbolic synchronized .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics to engender any possible se=uential digital processing$

%n fact, figure $? illustrates the main real fuzzy focus on function forms of the ma"or most principles involving inside the proposal envisage Symbolic synchronized .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ dynamics to engender any possible se=uential digital processing, whereby, the main real operating idea is to consider four possible probable zones to integrate a fuzzy focus on function forms for any possible probable need across system economy, financial effect, transmission transportation dynamics and robust control mechanism$ Because the proposal approval mathematical insight enhancing the mapping pair ( z ;

lim (
1 pi H

( sin + ()cos + ())+ ) ,y; sin+ ( ) 0 cos + ()

lim (
1 pi H

sin+ ( ) 0 cos + ( ) ) ) having to ( sin + ()cos + ())+

enhance and improve future works across fuzzy, genetic and mimetic dynamic designs$ &hus, a mathematical intentional surrounding amount =uantity of =uantity of

lim (
1 pi H

( sin ()cos ()) ) or an mount + + sin ( ) 0 cos () lim (*+

1 pi +

lim (
1 pi H

sin+ ( ) 0 cos + () ) , or mathematical amount =uantity of ( sin + ()cos + ())+ lim (* +

1 M

* ) , or the cos + ()

mathematical amount =uantity of

* ) or mathematical amount =uantity of cos+ ( )

lim (*+
1 pi +

* * ) , or mathematical amount =uantity of lim (* + + ) could be easy simple + 1 M sin ( ) sin ()

involved within the old principles of fuzzy or "ob scheduling across the using following motor kernel of procedure(&, function(& and main(& programs across processing within any possible probable instruction statement, where the Pmaking decisionQ effect should be a Ptoken simulationQ at any possible probable timing simulation to satisfy the environment reality flow of "ob scheduling, timing simulation, fuzzy processing, discrete event simulation and any possible probable implementation of surrounding mathematical insight across mode#s inspiration and modelling#s intelligence to engender any constraint condition#s processing evolving loop statements$ &herefore, the main real operating processing could be described as follows:

$hile(constraint condition) do . instruction statements /

processing to ad"ust, deliver or store any transaction trace of se=uential digital data$ &hus, during the evolving procedures of "ob scheduling, the main real opeating thread task is to involve dynamics and mechanism to implement real "obs to cover any possible probable desirable and aim ob"ect during timing simulation, whereby the ma"or most significant factor across this proposal approval "ob scheduling is to define a symbolic synchronized timer to control the flowable time inside the corresponding timing simulation$ %n fact, within any intentional mathematical secrets, the ma"or factor is to involve the time unit inside any possible function form processing$ 9ence, (X / "0pi0f0t B phi& is a mathematical intentional amount =uantity to define the variation of the timing simulation across the main real operating threads and tasks, whereby the symbolic synchronized control is a timer$ 5urthermore, the main real timing processing is to develop any possible probable time unit to be inside the ma"or most symbolic synchronized society to access, advance, arrange and ad"ust processing, proceeding, thread, task, "ob, scheduling, simulation, industry, manufacturing, system, signal and so on$ %n fact, the main real operating processing is to use the discrete event simulation principles as it should be real defined, whereby the integer n is "ust an integer number involving a numerical processsing inside Pcount a day away to be awareQ about the secrete signs of any possible probable discrete event simulation principles$ &hen, the main real operating processing is to define the function form of the corresponding processing across (Dthis), where (Dthis) is a pointer mounting the intentional surrounding advances and ad"ustmens concerning any possible probable mode#s inspiration and modeling#s intelligence$ &hus, change battery set is the main real operating desirable ob"ect of robust control inside this usage of electrical car as it should, the mode#s inspiration across electrical car is to evolve a suitable and sufficient system#s architecture to allow faster and smart change of any possible probable battery set during the street side breaks$

'igure "#: main real operating dynamic processing across battery set usage during the ma+or implementation of electrical car inside the corresponding symbolic synchroni,ed society

9ence, figure "# illustrates main real operating dynamic processing across battery set usage during the ma"or implementation of electrical car inside the corresponding symbolic synchronized society to allow the huge hard home hierarchy of applied discrete event simulation principles, whereby the primordial dynamics searches at any timing simulation to define the basic built in binary dream couple event (n ; times of change battery set during the motion processing, value ; function form of electrical energy#s fashion flow inside the corresponding car)$ (hus, the main real o erating thread tas's across discrete e#ent simulation is to assign huge hard home hierarch! d!namics across an! ossible robable surrounding s!mbolic s!nchroni8ation during an! timing simulation to achie#e desirable aim object of mode9s ins iration and modeling9s intelligence during an! signal adjustment rocessing at an! s!stem9s architecture.

'igure "$: Main real operating processing across symbolic synchroni,ed .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (stair<u , do$n>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ trace to impro-e the highest le-el of electrical energy fashion flow inside any synchroni,ed signed society0

%n fact, figure "$ illustrates the main real operating processing across symbolic synchronized .(clear, not), (amount, e#ent), ( rocess, i=in#est), (fetch<u , until>, transaction<adjust, conser#e>)/ trace to improve the highest level of electrical energy fashion flow inside any synchronized signed society$ (herefore,s!mbolic s!nchroni8ed sign .(:this) = 1;;3< = sqr[=] , such that = = ;1;1 inside binar! built in basics across logics/ is the s!mbolic s!nchroni8ed d!namics to roceed $ithin an! s!stem econom! and financial effects in order to allo$ an! com onent, an! nuclear element inside the corres onding societ! to be ali#e $ithin his en#isage soul9s satisfaction at an! time, $hereb! the motor 'ernel of such a signed simulation is the timing mechanism to flo$ an! focus on fashion flo$9s of energ! enhancements inside an! ossible robable en#ironment realit! flo$ handling function forms across adjustment (judge an! ad#ances of ossible robable arrangement). U$+$* Reneral 6onventions for -akefiles

(very -akefile should contain this line: S9(00 ; CbinCsh to avoid trouble on systems where the S9(00variable might be inherited from the environment$ (&his is never a problem with RAJ make$) ?ifferent make programs have incompatible suffix lists and implicit rules, and this sometimes creates confusion or misbehavior$ So it is a good idea to set the suffix list explicitly using only the suffixes you need in the particular -akefile, like this: $SJ55%@(S: $SJ55%@(S: $c $o &he first line clears out the suffix list, the second introduces all suffixes which may be sub"ect to implicit rules in this -akefile$ ?on\t assume that is in the path for command execution$ Ghen you need to run programs that are a part of your package during the make, please make sure that it uses $C if the program is built as part of the make or W(srcdir)C if the file is an unchanging part of the source code$ Githout one of these prefixes, the current search path is used$ &he distinction between $C (the build directory) and W(srcdir)C (the source directory) is important because users can build in a separate directory using the ]77srcdir\ option to configure$ ' rule of the form: foo$* : foo$man sedscript sed 7f sedscript foo$man ! foo$* will fail when the build directory is not the source directory, because foo$man and sedscript are in the source directory$ Ghen using RAJ make, relying on ]O.'&9\ to find the source file will work in the case where there is a single dependency file, since the make automatic variable ]W \ will represent the source file wherever it is$ (-any versions of makeset ]W \ only in implicit rules$) ' -akefile target like foo$o : bar$c W(66) 7%$ 7%W(srcdir) W(650'RS) 7c bar$c 7o foo$o should instead be written as foo$o : bar$c W(66) 7%$ 7%W(srcdir) W(650'RS) 7c W 7o W^ in order to allow ]O.'&9\ to work correctly$ Ghen the target has multiple dependencies, using an explicit ]W (srcdir)\ is the easiest way to make the rule work well$ 5or example, the target above for foo$* is best written as: foo$* : foo$man sedscript sed 7f W(srcdir)Csedscript W(srcdir)Cfoo$man ! W^ RAJ distributions usually contain some files which are not source filesXfor example, %nfo files, and the output from 'utoconf, 'utomake, Bison or 5lex$ Since these files normally appear in the source directory, they should always appear in the source directory, not in the build directory$ So -akefile rules to update them should put the updated files in the source directory$ 9owever, if a file does not appear in the distribution, then the -akefile should not put it in the source directory, because building a program in ordinary circumstances should not modify the source directory in any way$ &ry to make the build and installation targets, at least (and all their subtargets) work correctly with a parallel make$

?(5%A(_RJ%?(JSB%>?S_RJ%?, Mxb2*2UdNT, MxU2fV, Mx**d/, MxVc, MxeM, MxM, Mx+M, MxUV, Mx*2, MxeN, Mx**)< 9?(O%A5> hinfo ; Setup?iRet6lass?evs(EJSB%>?S_RJ%?, AJ00, AJ00, ?%R65_.K(S(A& ` ?%R65_%A&(K5'6(?(O%6()< int i< 6string ?evices)*M,< CC an array of cstrings for (?G>K? i;M< < 88i) { S._%A&(K5'6(_?(O%6(_?'&' %nterface_%nfo< %nterface_%nfo$cbSize ; sizeof(%nterface_%nfo)< CC (numerate device

if (FSetup?i(num%nterface?evice(h%nfo, AJ00, (0.RJ%?) EJSB%>?S_RJ%?,i, E%nterface_%nfo)) { Setup?i?estroy?evice%nfo0ist(h%nfo)< return(i)< } ?G>K? needed< CC get the re=uired lenght Setup?iRet%nterface?evice?etail(h%nfo, E%nterface_%nfo, AJ00, M, Eneeded, AJ00)< .S._%A&(K5'6(_?(O%6(_?(&'%0_?'&' detail ; (.S._%A&(K5'6(_?(O%6(_?(&'%0_?'&') malloc(needed)< if (Fdetail) 9'A?0( hJsb?evice ; 6reate5ile(devicename, R(A(K%6_K('? ` R(A(K%6_GK%&(, M, AJ00, >.(A_(@%S&%AR, M, AJ00)< 6lose9andle( hJsb?evice ) < success ; ?evice%o6ontrol(hJsb?evice, %>6&0_JSB%>?S_S(A?_.'6L(&, E&x.acket, V8&x.acket7!0ength, EKx.acket, V, EnBytes, AJ00)< adefine 6&0_6>?(( ?evice&ype, 5unction, -ethod, 'ccess ) ( b ((?evice&ype) *N) ` (('ccess) *H) ` ((5unction) +) ` (-ethod)) adefine -(&9>?_BJ55(K(? M adefine 5%0(_'AS_'66(SS M adefine 5%0(_?(O%6(_JALA>GA MxMMMMMM++ CC 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 CC adefine ?(06>-_JSB%>_%>6&0_O(A?>K MxMVMM CC Oendor defined adefine %>6&0_JSB%>_GK%&(_.'6L(& 6&0_6>?((5%0(_?(O%6(_JALA>GA, b ?(06>-_JSB%>_%>6&0_O(A?>K8*M,b -(&9>?_BJ55(K(?, b adefine %>6&0_JSB%>_S(A?_.'6L(& Mx+++M+V CC for 6 CC 6ommand .acket Structure define in 6 typedef struct _io.acket{ unsigned char Kecipient< unsigned char ?evice-odel< unsigned char -a"or6md< unsigned char -inor6md< unsigned char ?ata0SB< unsigned char ?ata-SB< unsigned short 0ength< CC length of data extension unsigned char ?ata(xtension)V,< } O(A?>K.'6L(&,D.O(A?>K.'6L(&<

] 6ommand .acket Structure define in OB .ublic &ype .acketStructure Kecipient 's Byte ?evice-odel 's Byte -a"or6md 's Byte -inor6md 's Byte ?ata0SB 's Byte ?ata-SB 's Byte 0ength 's %nt ] length of data extension ?ata(ntension(V) 's Byte (nd &ype int Jsb%o6trl(.O(A?>K.'6L(& p.acket) { J0>AR nBytes< B>>0('A Success< Success ; ?evice%o6ontrol(hJsb, %>6&0_JSB%>_GK%&(_.'6L(&, p.acket, V8p.acket7!0ength, p.acket, V, EnBytes, AJ00) < if(FSuccess ) CC`` ( nBytes F; sizeof(O(A?>K.'6L(&) ) ) { if(Oerbose)-essage.opup (3Jsb%o6trl (rror3,3?evice%o6ontrol call failedF3)< return(7*)< } else return(M)< } 9L(S_0>6'0_-'69%A(bSystemb6urrent6ontrolSetbServicesb?elcombJS B%>?Sb.arameters
Rroup &oken .%? Oalue MMM* *MM* M*M* **M* MM** *M** M*** **** MM*M *M*M ***M M**M **MM **MM *MMM M*MM .acket %dentifier >J& &oken %A &oken S>5 &oken S(&J. &oken ?'&'M ?'&'* ?'&'+ -?'&' '6L 9andshake A'L 9andshake S&'00 9andshake AS(& (Ao Kesponse Set) .K(amble (KK Split .ing


9andshake Special

(he de#ice descri tor of a >*? de#ice re resents the entire de#ice. 4s a result a >*? de#ice can onl! ha#e one de#ice descri tor. 2t s ecifies some basic, !et im ortant information about the de#ice such as the su orted >*? #ersion,

ma)imum ac'et si8e, #endor and roduct 2@s and the number of ossible configurations the de#ice can ha#e. (he format of the de#ice descri tor is sho$n belo$. >ffset M * + H 5ield b0ength b?escriptor&ype bcdJSB b?evice6lass Size * * + * Oalue Aumber 6onstant B6? 6lass ?escription Size of the ?escriptor in Bytes (*V bytes) ?evice ?escriptor (MxM*) JSB Specification Aumber which device complies too$ 6lass 6ode ('ssigned by JSB >rg) %f e=ual to 1ero, each interface specifies it\s own class code %f e=ual to Mx55, the class code is vendor specified$ >therwise field is valid 6lass 6ode$ Subclass 6ode ('ssigned by JSB >rg) .rotocol 6ode ('ssigned by JSB >rg) -aximum .acket Size for 1ero (ndpoint$ Oalid Sizes are V, *N, /+, NH Oendor %? ('ssigned by JSB >rg) .roduct %? ('ssigned by -anufacturer) ?evice Kelease Aumber %ndex of -anufacturer String ?escriptor %ndex of .roduct String ?escriptor %ndex of Serial Aumber String ?escriptor Aumber of .ossible 6onfigurations

2 N U V *M *+ *H *2 *N *U

b?eviceSub6lass b?evice.rotocol b-ax.acketSize idOendor id.roduct bcd?evice i-anufacturer i.roduct iSerialAumber bAum6onfigurations

* * * + + + * * * *

Sub6lass .rotocol Aumber %? %? B6? %ndex %ndex %ndex %nteger

&he bcd?S; field reports the highest version of JSB the device supports$ &he value is in binary coded decimal with a format of MxYY-A where YY is the ma"or version number, - is the minor version number and A is the sub minor version number$ e$g$ JSB +$M is reported as MxM+MM, JSB *$* as MxM**M and JSB *$M as MxM*MM$ &he b@evice4lass, b@eviceSub4lass and b@evice>rotocol are used by the operating system to find a class driver for your device$ &ypically only the b?evice6lass is set at the device level$ -ost class specifications choose to identify itself at the interface level and as a result set the b?evice6lass as MxMM$ &his allows for the one device to support multiple classes$ &he bAax>acketSize field reports the maximum packet size for endpoint zero$ 'll devices must support endpoint zero$ @he idAendor and idBroduct are used by the operating system to find a dri-er for your de-ice0 @he 3endor I is assigned by the TSG:I'0 &he bcd@evice has the same format than the bcdJSB and is used to provide a device version number$ &his value is assigned by the developer$ &hree string descriptors exist to provide details of the manufacturer, product and serial number$ &here is no re=uirement to have string descriptors$ %f no string descriptor is present, a index of zero should be used$ ;num4onfigurations defines the number of configurations the device supports at its current speed$ 6onfiguration ?escriptors ' JSB device can have several different configurations although the ma"ority of devices are simple and only have one$ &he configuration descriptor specifies how the device is powered, what the maximum power consumption is,

the number of interfaces it has$ &herefore it is possible to have two configurations, one for when the device is bus powered and another when it is mains powered$ 's this is a 3header3 to the %nterface descriptors, its also feasible to have one configuration using a different transfer mode to that of another configuration$ >nce all the configurations have been examined by the host, the host will send a Set6onfiguration command with a non zero value which matches the b6onfigurationOalue of one of the configurations$ &his is used to select the desired configuration$ >ffset M * + H 2 N U 5ield b0ength b?escriptor&ype w&otal0ength bAum%nterfaces b6onfigurationOalue i6onfiguration bm'ttributes Size * * + * * * * Oalue Aumber 6onstant Aumber Aumber Aumber %ndex Bitmap ?escription Size of ?escriptor in Bytes 6onfiguration ?escriptor (MxM+) &otal length in bytes of data returned Aumber of %nterfaces Oalue to use as an argument to select this configuration %ndex of String ?escriptor describing this configuration ?U Keserved, set to *$ (JSB *$M Bus .owered) ?N Self .owered ?2 Kemote Gakeup ?H$$M Keserved, set to M$ -aximum .ower 6onsumption in +m' units



Ghen the configuration descriptor is read, it returns the entire configuration hierarchy which includes all related interface and endpoint descriptors$ &he w:otalBength field reflects the number of bytes in the hierarchy$

bCum/nterfaces specifies the number of interfaces present for this configuration$ ;configuration3alue is used by the Set6onfiguration re=uest to select this configuration$ /configuration is a index to a string descriptor describing the configuration in human readable form$ ;m7ttributes specify power parameters for the configuration$ %f a device is self powered, it sets ?N$ Bit ?U was used in JSB *$M to indicate a bus powered device, but this is now done by b-ax.ower$ %f a device uses any power from the bus, whether it be as a bus powered device or as a self powered device, it must report its power consumption in b-ax.ower$ ?evices can also support remote wakeup which allows the device to wake up the host when the host is in suspend$ ;max>ower defines the maximum power the device will drain from the bus$ &his is in +m' units, thus a maximum of approximately 2MMm' can be specified$ &he specification allows a high powered bus powered device to drain no more than 2MMm' from Obus$ %f a device loses external power, then it must not drain more than indicated in b-ax.ower$ %t should fail any operation it cannot perform without external power$ %nterface ?escriptors &he interface descriptor could be seen as a header or grouping of the endpoints into a functional group performing a single feature of the device$ &he interface descriptor conforms to the following format, >ffset M * + / H 2 N U V 5ield b0ength b?escriptor&ype b%nterfaceAumber b'lternateSetting bAum(ndpoints b%nterface6lass b%nterfaceSub6lass b%nterface.rotocol i%nterface Size * * * * * * * * * Oalue Aumber 6onstant Aumber Aumber Aumber 6lass Sub6lass .rotocol %ndex ?escription Size of ?escriptor in Bytes (T Bytes) %nterface ?escriptor (MxMH) Aumber of %nterface Oalue used to select alternative setting Aumber of (ndpoints used for this interface 6lass 6ode ('ssigned by JSB >rg) Subclass 6ode ('ssigned by JSB >rg) .rotocol 6ode ('ssigned by JSB >rg) %ndex of String ?escriptor ?escribing this interface

;interfaceCumber indicates the index of the interface descriptor$ &his should be zero based, and incremented once for each new interface descriptor$ ?alternati#e*etting can be used to specify alternati-e interfaces0 @hese alternati-e interfaces can be selected with the Set %nterface re(uest0 ;numDndpoints indicates the number of endpoints used by the interface$ &his value should exclude endpoint zero and is used to indicate the number of endpoint descriptors to follow$ b/nterface4lass, b/nterfaceSub4lass and b/nterface>rotocol can be used to specify supported classes (e$g$ 9%?, communications, mass storage etc$) &his allows many devices to use class drivers preventing the need to write specific drivers for your device$ /interface allows for a string description of the interface$ (ndpoint ?escriptors (ndpoint descriptors are used to describe endpoints other than endpoint zero$ (ndpoint zero is always assumed to be a control endpoint and is configured before any descriptors are even re=uested$ &he host will use the information returned from these descriptors to determine the bandwidth re=uirements of the bus$ >ffset M * 5ield b0ength b?escriptor&ype Size * * Oalue Aumber 6onstant ?escription Size of ?escriptor in Bytes (U bytes) (ndpoint ?escriptor (MxM2)



(ndpoint 'ddress Bits M$$/b (ndpoint Aumber$ Bits H$$Nb Keserved$ Set to 1ero Bits U ?irection M ; >ut, * ; %n (%gnored for 6ontrol (ndpoints) Bits M$$* &ransfer &ype MM ; 6ontrol M* ; %sochronous *M ; Bulk ** ; %nterrupt Bits +$$U are reserved$ %f %sochronous endpoint, Bits /$$+ ; Synchronisation &ype (%so -ode) MM ; Ao Synchonisation M* ; 'synchronous *M ; 'daptive ** ; Synchronous Bits 2$$H ; Jsage &ype (%so -ode) MM ; ?ata (ndpoint M* ; 5eedback (ndpoint *M ; (xplicit 5eedback ?ata (ndpoint ** ; Keserved -aximum .acket Size this endpoint is capable of sending or receiving %nterval for polling endpoint data transfers$ Oalue in frame counts$ %gnored for Bulk E 6ontrol (ndpoints$ %sochronous must e=ual * and field may range from * to +22 for interrupt endpoints$




w-ax.acketSize b%nterval

+ *

Aumber Aumber

;endpoint7ddress indicates what endpoint this descriptor is describing$ ?m4ttributes specifies the transfer type0 @his can either be Aontrol, Interrupt, %sochronous or Gul2 @ransfers0 If an Isochronous endpoint is specified, additional attributes can be selected such as the Synchronisation and usage types0 Emax>acketSize indicates the maximum payload size for this endpoint$ ;interval is used to specify the polling interval of certain transfers$ &he units are expressed in frames, thus this e=uates to either *ms for lowCfull speed devices and *+2us for high speed devices$ String ?escriptors String descriptors provide human readable information and are optional$ %f they are not used, any string index fields of descriptors must be set to zero indicating there is no string descriptor available$ &he strings are encoded in the Jnicode format and products can be made to support multiple languages$ String %ndex M should return a list of supported languages$ ' list of JSB 0anguage %?s can be found in Jniversal Serial Bus 0anguage %dentifiers (0'AR%?s) version *$M >ffset M * + H 5ield b0ength b?escriptor&ype w0'AR%?)M, w0'AR%?)*, Size * * + + Oalue Aumber 6onstant number number ?escription Size of ?escriptor in Bytes String ?escriptor (MxM/) Supported 0anguage 6ode 1ero (e$g$ MxMHMT (nglish 7 Jnited States) Supported 0anguage 6ode >ne (e$g$ MxMcMT (nglish 7 'ustralian)



Supported 0anguage 6ode x (e$g$ MxMHMU Rerman 7 Standard)

&he above String ?escriptor shows the format of String ?escriptor 1ero$ &he host should read this descriptor to determine what languages are available$ %f a language is supported, it can then be referenced by sending the language %? in the w%ndex field of a Ret ?escriptor(String) re=uest$ 'll subse=uent strings take on the format below, >ffset M * + 5ield b0ength b?escriptor&ype bString Size * * n Oalue Aumber 6onstant Jnicode ?escription Size of ?escriptor in Bytes String ?escriptor (MxM/) Jnicode (ncoded String

(he *etu Bac'et (very JSB device must respond to setup packets on the default pipe$ &he setup packets are used for detection and configuration of the device and carry out common functions such as setting the JSB device\s address, re=uesting a device descriptor or checking the status of a endpoint$ ' JSB compliant 9ost expects all re=uests to be processed within a maximum period of 2 seconds$ %t also specifies stricter timing for specific re=uests : Standard ?evice re=uests without a data stage must be completed in 2Mms$ Standard ?evice re=uests with a data stage must start to return data 2MMms after the re=uest$ (ach data packet must be sent within 2MMms of the successful transmission of the previous packet$ &he status stage must complete within 2Mms after the transmission of the last data packet$ &he Set'ddress command (which contains a data phase) must process the command and return status within 2Mms$ &he device then has +ms to change address before the next re=uest is sent$ &hese timeout periods are =uite acceptable for even the slowest of devices, but can be a restriction during debugging$ 2MmS doesn#t provide for many debugging characters to be sent at TNMMbps on an asynchronous serial port or for a %n 6ircuit ?ebuggerC(mulator to single step or to break execution to examine the internal Kegisters$ 's a result, JSB re=uires some different debugging methods to that of other microcontroller pro"ects$ 6asually reading through the @. ??L, one may note the 9ost 6ontroller ?river now has a JSBJS(K_>._S(A?_>A(_.'6L(& command which is commented to read 3&his '.% is used to implement the #single step# JSB transaction development tool$3 Ghile such a tool has not been released yet, we can only hope to see one soon$ (ach re=uest starts with a V byte long Setup .acket which has the following format, >ffset M 5ield bmKe=uest&ype Size * Oalue Bit7-ap ?escription @F @ata >hase :ransfer @irection M ; 9ost to ?evice * ; ?evice to 9ost @G$$H :ype M ; Standard * ; 6lass + ; Oendor / ; Keserved @5$$I 6ecipient M ; ?evice * ; %nterface + ; (ndpoint / ; >ther H$$/* ; Keserved

* + H N

bKe=uest wOalue w%ndex w0ength

* + + +

Oalue Oalue %ndex or >ffset 6ount

Ke=uest Oalue %ndex Aumber of bytes to transfer if there is a data phase

&he bm6e.uest:ype field will determine the direction of the re=uest, type of re=uest and designated recipient$ &heb6e.uest field determines the re=uest being made$ &he bmKe=uest&ype is normally parsed and execution is branched to a number of handlers such as a Standard ?evice re=uest handler, a Standard %nterface re=uest handler, a Standard (ndpoint re=uest handler, a 6lass ?evice re=uest handler etc$ 9ow you parse the setup packet is entirely up to your preference$ >thers may choose to parse the bKe=uest first and then determine the type and recipient based on each re=uest$ Standard re=uests are common to all JSB device#s and are detailed in the next coming pages$ 6lass re=uests are common to classes of drivers$ 5or example, all device conforming to the 9%? class will have a common set of class specific re=uests$ &hese will differ to a device conforming to the communications class and differ again to that of a device conforming to the mass storage class$ 'nd last of all are the vendor defined re=uests$ &hese are re=uests which you as the JSB device designer can assign$ &hese are normally different from device to device, but this is all up to your implementation and imagination$ ' common re=uest can be directed to different recipients and based on the recipient perform different functions$ ' RetStatus Standard re=uest for example, can be directed at the device, interface or endpoint$ Ghen directed to a device it returns flags indicating the status of remote wakeup and if the device is self powered$ 9owever if the same re=uest is directed at the interface it always returns zero, or should it be directed at an endpoint will return the halt flag for the endpoint$ &he w3alue and w/ndex fields allow parameters to be passed with the re=uest$ Elength is used the specify the number of bytes to be transferred should there be a data phase$ Standard Ke=uests Section T$H of the JSB specification details the 3Standard ?evice3 re=uests re=uired to be implemented for every JSB device$ &he standard provides a single table grouping items by re=uest$ 6onsidering most firmware will parse the setup packet by recipient we will opt to break up the re=uests based by recipient for easier examination and implementation$ Standard ?evice Ke=uests &here are currently eight Standard ?evice re=uests, all of which are detailed in the table below$ bmKe=uest&ype *MMM MMMMb MMMM MMMMb MMMM MMMMb MMMM MMMMb *MMM MMMMb bKe=uest R(&_S&'&JS (MxMM) 60('K_5('&JK( (MxM*) S(&_5('&JK( (MxM/) S(&_'??K(SS (MxM2) R(&_?(S6K%.&>K (MxMN) S(&_?(S6K%.&>K (MxMU) wOalue 1ero 5eature Selector 5eature Selector ?evice 'ddress ?escriptor &ype E %ndex ?escriptor &ype E %ndex w%ndex 1ero 1ero 1ero 1ero 1ero or 0anguage %? 1ero or 0anguage %? w0ength &wo 1ero 1ero 1ero ?escriptor 0ength ?escriptor 0ength ?ata ?evice Status Aone Aone Aone ?escriptor




R(&_6>A5%RJK'&%> A (MxMV) S(&_6>A5%RJK'&%> A (MxMT)

1ero 6onfiguration Oalue

1ero 1ero

* 1ero

6onfiguration Oalue Aone

&he 2et Status re=uest directed at the device will return two bytes during the data stage with the following format, ?*2 ?*H ?*/ ?*+ ?** ?*M ?T ?V ?U ?N ?2 ?H ?/ ?+ ?* Kemote Gakeup ?M Self .owered


%f ?M is set, then this indicates the device is self powered$ %f clear, the device is bus powered$ %f ?* is set, the device has remote wakeup enabled and can wake the host up during suspend$ &he remote wakeup bit can be by the Set5eature and 6lear5eature re=uests with a feature selector of ?(O%6(_K(->&(_G'L(J. (MxM*) 4lear Jeature and Set Jeature re=uests can be used to set boolean features$ Ghen the designated recipient is the device, the only two feature selectors available are ?(O%6(_K(->&(_G'L(J. and &(S&_->?($ &est mode allows the device to exhibit various conditions$ &hese are further documented in the JSB Specification Kevision +$M$ *et 4ddress is used during enumeration to assign a uni(ue address to the TSG de-ice0 @he address is specified in w3alue and can only be a ma1imum of $">0 @his re(uest is uni(ue in that the de-ice does not set its address until after the completion of the status stage0 (See Aontrol @ransfers0& Hll other re(uests must complete before the status stage0 Set @escriptor02et @escriptor is used to return the specified descriptor in wOalue$ ' re=uest for the configuration descriptor will return the device descriptor and all interface and endpoint descriptors in the one re=uest$ (ndpoint ?escriptors cannot be accessed directly by a Oet escriptorKSet escriptor Re(uest0 %nterface ?escriptors cannot be accessed directly by a Oet escriptorKSet escriptor Re(uest0 String ?escriptors include a <anguage I in wInde1 to allow for multiple language support0 Cet Donfiguration3*et Donfiguration is used to re(uest or set the current de-ice configuration0 In the case of a Oet Aonfiguration re(uest, a byte will be returned during the data stage indicating the de-ices status0 H ,ero -alue means the de-ice is not configured and a non:,ero -alue indicates the de-ice is configured0 Set Aonfiguration is used to enable a de-ice0 It should contain the -alue of bAonfiguration3alue of the desiredconfiguration descriptor in the lower byte of w3alue to select which configuration to enable0 Standard %nterface Ke=uests &he specification currently defines five Standard %nterface re=uests which are detailed in the table below$ %nterestingly enough, only two re=uests do anything intelligible$ bmKe=uest&ype *MMM MMM*b MMMM MMM*b MMMM MMM*b *MMM MMM*b bKe=uest R(&_S&'&JS (MxMM) 60('K_5('&JK( (MxM*) S(&_5('&JK( (MxM/) R(&_%A&(K5'6( wOalue 1ero 5eature Selector 5eature Selector 1ero w%ndex %nterface %nterface %nterface %nterface w0ength &wo 1ero 1ero >ne ?ata %nterface Status Aone Aone 'lternate

(MxM') MMMM MMM*b S(&_%A&(K5'6( (Mx**) 'lternative Setting %nterface 1ero

%nterface Aone

w/ndex is normally used to specify the referring interface for re=uests directed at the interface$ %ts format is shown below$ ?*2 ?*H ?*/ ?*+ ?** ?*M ?T ?V ?U ?N ?2 ?H ?/ ?+ ?* ?M


%nterface Aumber

2et Status is used to return the status of the interface$ Such a re=uest to the interface should return two bytes of MxMM, MxMM$ (Both bytes are reserved for future use) 4lear Jeature and Set Jeature re=uests can be used to set boolean features$ Ghen the designated recipient is the interface, the current JSB Specification Kevision + specifies no interface features$ Cet 2nterface and *et 2nterface set the 'lternative %nterface setting which is described in more detail under theInterface escriptor0 Standard (ndpoint Ke=uests Standard (ndpoint re=uests come in the four varieties listed below$ bmKe=uest&ype *MMM MM*Mb MMMM MM*Mb MMMM MM*Mb *MMM MM*Mb bKe=uest R(&_S&'&JS (MxMM) 60('K_5('&JK( (MxM*) S(&_5('&JK( (MxM/) SSA69_5K'-( (Mx*+) wOalue 1ero 5eature Selector 5eature Selector 1ero Gindex (ndpoint (ndpoint (ndpoint (ndpoint w0ength &wo 1ero 1ero &wo ?ata (ndpoint Status Aone Aone 5rameAumber

&he w/ndex field is normally used to specify the referring endpoint and direction for re=uests directed to an endpoint$ %ts format is shown below$ ?*2 ?*H ?*/ ?*+ ?** ?*M ?T ?V ?U ?ir ?N ?2 ?H ?/ ?+ ?* ?M



(ndpoint Aumber

2et Status returns two bytes indicating the status (9altedCStalled) of a endpoint$ &he format of the two bytes returned is illustrated below$ ?*2 ?*H ?*/ ?*+ ?** ?*M ?T ?V ?U ?N ?2 ?H ?/ ?+ ?* ?M 9alt 4lear Jeature and Set Jeature are used to set (ndpoint 5eatures$ &he standard currently defines one endpoint feature selector, (A?.>%A&_9'0& (MxMM) which allows the host to stall and clear an endpoint$ >nly endpoints other than the default endpoint are recommended to have this functionality$ ' Synch Jrame re=uest is used to report an endpoint synchronisation frame$


Rolling soul

SLQAS H@ H O<HNAQ: "#$% @QS<H MS Q< S (L;7B& GS R @RLQ <HRST@ LS8QRL<HN@ @RHNSMISSISN PSRSQLS8QR @SRVTQ S@QQRINO STSLQNSISN @IRQS 7:door Rear engine, rear wheel dri-e %:phase HA induction motor Single speed reduction gear 5$# bhp U 7###:!>## rpm 55% lb:ft U #:7$## rpm 3ariable:ratio rac2 4 pinion (electric& ouble wishbone front, multilin2 rear, pneumatically ad+ustable height Michelin Lilot Sport L": "57K%7=R"$ front, "!7K%7=R"$ rear $%# mph ("$# 2ph&, software limited ;7 28h lithium ion "!7 miles (5"! 2m& U W%## wPKmile %O (complementary, no cost& 5,!>% lb (",$#; 2g& $$!07 in ("?70? cm& $?70? in (5?>0! cm& 1 >>0% in ($?!0% cm& 1 7!07 in ($5%07 cm& (<8P& X!",5## X$"$,;># ;7 28h Lerformance upgrade, Lerformance Llus pac2age, sil-er metallic paint, all:glass panoramic roof, "$. sil-er turbine wheels, performance leather seats, obeche wood matte trim, carbon fiber spoiler, high:power charging upgrade, technology pac2age, smart air suspension, high:fidelity sound, e1tended Napa leather trim, Hlcantara headliner, rear:facing seats, premium interior lighting, paint armor, and destination and documentation fee



5or those who love cars, 3soul3 evokes the history7drenched cities where great mar=ues were bornX-aranello, Stuttgart, ?etroitXand sepia7toned pictures of soot7covered men in overalls and goggles climbing out of cigar7 shaped race cars$ Soul is the bear7throated howl of a OV working up through the gears, the scream of *+ cylinders at redline that shakes you in your seat at the track, the rushing +MM mile7per7hour wall of wind that smells like oil and rubber$ %t#s tradition and pride$ &imeless cars like the .orsche T** or the 5errari 5HM undoubtedly have soul$ &hey are precise and unforgiving machines, re=uiring skill to drive well even in their modern incarnations, though that skill is rewarded with supernal experiences$ But souls aren#t confined to supercars$ 6ars like Aissan#s iconic S/M 5airlady 1, Oolkswagen#s original Beetle, or Subaru#s ever7mutating, turbocharged %mprezas are each more than the sum of their parts$ But an electric car has no burbling cylinder7filled heart, no throaty exhaust to inspire little kids to mimic engine noise$ 6an an electric car flicker behind your eyelids, holding your thoughts even while you#re not driving itI % feel a thrill when looking at beautiful examples of automotive craftsmanship like a B-G -/ or an 'udi S2 or an 'cura AS@$ But the electrics and hybrids produced by the big players are as exciting as cold oatmeal mixed with three7days7dead road kill$ &hink machines like the execrable crap7box .rius, 9onda#s truly awful %nsight, Aissan#s clock7stoppingly ugly 0eaf, and 6hevy#s Oolt, which has all the personality of a beige carpet sample s=uare$ 't least when ?oc Brown built a time machine out of a ?e0orean, he 0 Similarly, if we6re going to be driving

high7tech electric cars, why can#t they be made with systematic smart smooth symbolic styles$ &hings didn#t have to be this wayXit apparently "ust took (lon -usk, a billionaire with a penchant for launching his own roc2ets into space, to make us all see it$ H 8SR SN RHNOQ &he 3rated range3 of the -odel S doesn#t necessarily have much to do with how far you#ll go on a charge$ &esla offers a calculator to more accurately show how far the car will go under specific conditionsXwith the air or heat on, at varying speeds, etc$ Kange comes down to the watt7hours expended per mileXaccelerating more, especially at a high rate or from a low speed, uses more energy$ 'ccessories use more energy$ Bigger tires have a larger contact patch and need more energy to turn$ ?riving with the windows down disrupts the airflow and re=uires more energy to push the car$ 0ong periods of high7speed cruising are also bad for range$ Gith the air conditioning running at NV, the cruise control set at V2 mph, and this driver making several TM7*MM mph bursts, our car would probably get *2M7 *UM miles from a full V2 kGh battery$ 9ence, driving at N2 or UM mph, though, will yield range much more in line with the rated figure$ ' mixed bout of interstate and surface street driving with the air conditioning running yielded us around +MM miles of range on a full charge, though we never ran the battery down more than halfway$ Bottom line: if you#ve got access to overnight charging and a daily commute of less than +MM miles, the car#s range is long enough to not be a factor$

@he batteryYor batteries &he -odel S# battery occupies most of the car#s floorpan$ &he complete battery pack is as wide as the whole car,

and it stretches from the front wheels nearly to the back wheels$ &hus, the NM or V2 kGh lithium ion battery is encased in an armored enclosure divided into *N internal compartments$ %nside are about U,MMM .anasonic A6K *VN2M lithium ion batteries, each about the size and shape of a standard consumer '' battery$ &he batteries are wired in series in order to produce the more than /MM kG re=uired to drive the +$27ton -odel S forward at speed$ 9ence, the battery pack has been in the news lately due to the much7covered model S fire$ 5urthermore, huge hard electrical potentials are bound up in those batteries, and if the battery pack is punctured, the batteries can indeed catch fireXwhich is what happened$ Should you worryI &hus, according to &esla#s statement, the compartmentalized battery pack did its "ob and the fire didn#t spread into the passenger cabin of the car in =uestion$ 5rom a safety perspective, the battery doesn#t appear to have any negative impacts on the carXin fact, the Aational 9ighway &raffic Safety 'dministration called the -odel S the safest car, which is ever tested$

%n addition to the high voltage system, -odel S has a low voltage system, powered by a traditional *+ volt battery$ &he low voltage system operates the same electrical components found in conventional vehicles, including the supplementary restraint system (SKS), airbags, ignition, touchscreen, and interior, and exterior lights$ &hus, the low voltage system interacts with the high voltage system$ &he ?67?6 converter supplies the *+O battery with power to support low voltage functions, and the *+O battery supplies power to the high voltage contacts to allow power to flow out of the high voltage battery$ 5urthermore, the *+ O system is powered by a simple lead7acid battery located close to the glove box$ &he -odel S remains =uite dependent on that *+ O battery, since it#s responsible for opening the relays that allow the big under7car lithium ion battery to actually power the vehicle$ %f the smaller battery ever goes dead, posts behind the neat nosecone of envisage corresponding car, which can be used to charge it$ &he touchscreen demands attention$ %t#s the first thing anyone comments on when they enter the cabin, usually with some variation on 3Gow, look at that giant screenF3 &he screen in the middle of the -odel S console is a *U7inch glass7fronted capacitive multitouch 06?, and it#s complemented by a second (non7touch) 06? in the dashboard in front of the driver where the standard cabin instrumentation would normally sit$ Both screens are beautifully sharp and clear, and % had no trouble viewing them even while wearing polarized sunglasses$

%n fact, aside from the steering wheel#s stalks, the mirror and window buttons, and one button each for

the hazard lights and the trunk, there are no real physical controls in the cabin$ 'll the car#s functions are accessed through the touchscreen$ &he lack of physical controls at first caused me a bit of anxiety, since without tactile feedback and a bit of muscle memory, ad"usting controls would re=uire you to pull
your eyes off the road and look at what your hands are doing$ (ven simple ad"ustments like the climate control are done via the touchscreen$ 5ortunately, it#s nowhere near as big of an issue as % thought it would be, primarily due to the car#s ability to swap functionality up onto the steering wheel#s controls$ &he wheel contains two rollers and four buttons, and the right roller can be set to control a wide variety of functionsXclimate control, sunroof, display brightness, and several others$ %n practice, % never found that % had to take my eyes off the road to ad"ust the air conditioning$ &he left roller controls the audio volume, with its companion buttons used to track forward and back$ Both rollers are clickableXclicking the left one toggles the music on and off< clicking the right one performs a different function depending on what it#s currently controlling$ &he touchscreen itself is split into halves, with a number of 3apps3 along the very top edge$ Ghen running, each app can take up one vertical half of the screen< some apps like Aavigation can be expanded to take up the entire screen$ 'long the bottom edge of the screen, another strip displays the climate controls and sound system volume$ &he bottom strip is always accessible, even when different apps are up on the screen$

But what\s it like to driveI Sitting down in the -odel S for the first time is an odd experience because the car activates as you approach$ By the time you#ve placed your butt in the driver#s seat, the car has spun up most of its electronics< the air conditioning or heating is on and blowing, and the screens are lit and showing you information$ -y first instinctive reaction was that % had better =uickly start up the engine because % didn#t want to drain the battery while % fiddled with the electronicsXbut, of course, everything drains the battery$ &he ritual of making the -odel S ready to move is simpleXyou sit in it and depress the brake pedal with your foot$ &he image on the dashboard flips around and displays the combined speedometer and energy meter< the car is now 3on$3 Sou click the gear selector up to reverse or down to drive, and you#re ready to move$ &wo big differences between the -odel S and a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle immediately become apparent$

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