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Short Maxims of Imam Hasan Askari (A.S.

Adopted from : Tuhaf al-Uqool 1- Do not dispute (with others) lest you will lose splendor and do not joke (with everyone) lest you will be disrespected. 2- As for those who accept to sit in a place other than the first row of a session, Allah and is an!els will bless the" until they leave that session. #- $"a" asan al-Askari (A.%.) answer the "an who asked hi" a "iracle or a proof of $"a"at& 'he punish"ent will be doubled for those who refuted the "iracle or proof of $"a"at after it had been presented to the" accordin! to their de"and. e who shows patience will be supplied with the support of Allah. (eople are accusto"ed to publici)e false "issives that they the"selves for!e. *e supplicate to Allah for !uidin! us (to the ri!ht). +atters are either sub"ission or destruction. 'he end results of everythin! belon! to Allah. ,- $"a" al-Askari (A.%.) answered the "an who reported to hi" the disa!ree"ent of %hias& Allah has addressed to the intelli!ent e-clusively. (eople are of different classes& so"e are the discernin! on a way of salvation. they are holdin! fast to the ri!ht and clin!in! to the branch of the ori!in. they are neither doubtful not suspicious. they do not consider a shelter other than "e. %o"e are those who have not received the ri!ht fro" its very people. they are like those who e"barked on a ship. they ripple when the sea is wavy and cal" down when the sea is cal". %o"e are those who are do"inated by the %haitan. their one and only job is to refute the people of the ri!ht and substitute the wron! for the ri!ht out of envy. ence, leave those who went astray to the ri!ht and left. *hen a shepherd wants to !ather the hoard, he will not need to e-ert efforts for so. /eware of divul!in! our secrets and seekin! power, for these two thin!s drive into perdition. 0- *ithin the unfor!ivable sins are the sins whose co""itters wish if they would not co""it anythin! else.1 $"a" al-Askari (A.%.) then said& 1(olytheis" of people is "ore hidden that the creepin! of ants on a black piece of cloth in a !loo"y ni!ht. 2- 1/is"illah ar 3ah"an ir 3ahi" -- in the 4a"e of Allah the /eneficent the +erciful-1 is as near to the 5reat 4a"e (of Allah) as the iris to the white of the eye. 6- $n the ti"e of $"a" al- asan Askari(A.%.), so"e of the %hias disa!reed about his $"a"at. therefore the followin! "essa!e was publici)ed carryin! his si!nature& 4o one of "y fathers suffered the (affliction of the) disa!ree"ent of such a !roup like $ did. $f this "atter of $"a"at that you have believed in and e"braced is te"porary, then $ doubt it. $f it is as per"anent as the affairs of Allah, then what is the "eanin! of this doubt7 8- 'he "utual love of the pious. 'he hate of the sinful to the pious is an advanta!e for the pious. 'he hate of the pious to the sinful is debase"ent for the sinful. 9- 'o !reet everyone you pass by and to sit in a place other than the first class of a session are si!ns of "odesty. 1:- 3easonless lau!hter is a si!n of i!norance.

11- *ithin the "isfortunes that deal a death blow is the nei!hbor who overshadows any !ood feature that he notices and propa!andi)es any defect that he notices. 12- $"a" al-Askari (A.%.) said to his adherents (%hias) $ co""and you to fear Allah, show piety to your reli!ion, work hard for Allah;s sake, tell truths only, return the deposits to their owners whether they are pious or sinful, prostrate yourselves before Allah for a lon! ti"e, and treat your nei!hbors courteously. 'hese are the "atters that +uha""ad (%.A.*.) brou!ht. <ffer prayers in the "iddle of your folks, attend their funeral cere"onies, visit their ill ones, and fulfill their ri!hts. $ a" pleased if people point to you and say 1this is %hi;ite1, when you behave piously, tell truths only, return the deposits to their owners, and conduct courteously with people. =ear Allah, be !ood (e-a"ples) and do not be evil. Attract people;s fondness of us and save us fro" every awful character, for we are surely the people of every !ood thin! that is said about us, but we are definitely not the owners of any evil thin! that is i"puted to us. *e enjoy a (distinctive) ri!ht in the /ook of Allah, a relation (of kinship) to the +essen!er of Allah, and a purification whose source is Allah. <nly can the liars; clai" of enjoyin! our distinctive features. 3efer to Allah very "uch, refer to death, recite the >uran, and bless the (rophet (%.A.*.). A sin!le blessin! of the (rophet (%.A.*.) is ten advanta!es. 3etain the "atter of which $ have co""anded you. Allah keeps you under is supervision. (eace be upon you. 1#- ?ery "uch offerin! of prayers and fastin! is not the worship. the very worship is the very "uch ponderin! over the affairs of Allah. 1,- 'he worst servants - of Allah - are those who are two-faced and two-ton!ued. they praise their present friends and backbite the absent. they envy the" for obtainin! !races and disappoint the" when they suffer a "isfortune. 10- An!er is the key to every evil. 12- $n 22: A. . $"a" al-Askari (A.%.) said to his adherents& *e have previously ordered you to put the rin!s in your ri!ht hands when we were a"on! you. 4ow, because you will no lon!er "eet us (nor"ally), we order you to put your rin!s in your left hands until Allah "ake your, as well as our, >uestion prevalent. 'his is surely the best proof throu!h which you can prove your bein! loyal to our leadership. i.e. the leadership of the (rophet;s fa"ily. All the attendants took their rin!s out of their ri!ht hands to put the" in the left. 'he $"a"(A.%.) then ordered& @onvey this co""and"ent to all of our adherents -%hias. 16- 'he least co"fortable of people is the spiteful. 18- 'he "ost pious of people is he who stops at suspicious "atters. 'he best worshipper is he who perfor"s the obli!atory reli!ious affairs duly. 'he "ost abstinent of people is he who abandons the unlawful. 'he "ost hard-workin! of people is he who deserts sins. 19- Aou are plun!in! into decreased deadlines and li"ited days. e who sows !ood will harvest deli!ht and he who sows evil will harvest re!ret. Bach cultivator will !ain only what he has cultivated. 'he slow will not !ain but his own share. 'he acCuisitive will not catch that which is not his. 'he source of every advanta!e is Allah, and the actual protector fro" every evil is Allah, too. 2:- 'he faithful believer is a blessin! for the believers and a clai" a!ainst he disbelievers. 21- 'he heart of the foolish is in his "outh and the "outh of the wise is in his heart. 22- 'he !uaranteed sustenance should not en!a!e you fro" the ordained deed.

2#- 'he e-cessiveness of the (ritual) ablution is as sa"e as defect. 2,- 'he powerful will be definitely hu"iliated if he i!nores the ri!ht and the hu"ble will be definitely valued if he takes in it. 20- =ati!ue is the friend of the i!norant. 22- 4othin! is above two characters& believin! in Allah and benefitin! the friends. 26- 'he babies who dare their fathers will surely treat the" i"piously when they attain "aturity. 28- 'o show happiness before the !rieved is not a si!n of !ood "anneris". 29- Bverythin! that you dislike your life if you lose it is surely preferred to your life, and everythin! that you desire for death if it befalls you is surely eviler than death. #:- 'o educate an i!norant and to prevent a habit are two i"possible actions. #1- +odesty is an unenviable favor. #2- Do not bestow upon anyone with "atters that are difficult for hi". ##- 'hose who advice their friend secretly are respectin! the", and those who advice the" openly are hu"iliatin! the". #,- Allah;s favors enco"pass every "isfortune. #0- $t is so u!ly for a believer to follow a passion that causes hi" hu"iliation.

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