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P-1) (a) what is the theoretical minimum system bandwidth needed for a 10-Mbits/s signal using 16-level PAM

without ISI? b) How large can the filter roll-off factor be if the allowable system bandwidth is 1.375 MHz? (a) 16 levels = M = 2k k = 4 bits / symbol Rs = R 4 / = 2.5 M symbols/s Min BW = b) W= 2 ( 1+r) Rs 1.375 M Hz = ( 1+r ) 1.25 M Hz r = 0.1 P-2 ) A binary PCM system using polar NRZ signaling operates just above the error threshold with an average probability of error equal to 10-6. Suppose that the signaling rate is doubled. Find the new value of the average probability of error ? In a binary PCM system, with NRZ signaling, the average probability of error is Pe = 2 erfc(0) The signal energy per bit is Eb = A2 T b Where A is the pulse amplitude and Tb is the bit ( pulse ) duration. If the signaling rate is doubled, the bit duration is reduced by half. Correspondingly, Eb is reduced by half. Let u = / , We may then set
1 2 1 1 2 10 /

= 1.25 MHz

Pe = 10-6 = erfc (u) Solving for u, we get

u= 3.3 When the signaling rate is doubled, the new value of Pe is Pe = 2 erfc ( )
2 1 1

Pe =

1 2

erfc (2.33)

Pe = 10-3 P-3 ) In a binary communication channel, the receiver detects binary pulses with an error probability Pe. What is the probability that out of 100 received digits, no more than three digits are in error? Prob (no more than 3 error) = P(no error)+P(1 error) +P(2 error) +P(3 error), which is P = ( 1- Pe )100 + ( 100 100 100 ) Pe ( 1- Pe )99 + ( ) Pe2 ( 1- Pe )98 + + ( ) Pe2 ( 1- Pe )97 (3.5) 3 1 2 = ( 1- 100Pe ) + 100 Pe ( 1- 99 Pe) + 4950 Pe2 ( 1- 98 Pe) + 161700 Pe3 ( 1- 97Pe)

P-4) Suppose that baseband PCM data is to be sent using Polar NRZ Signaling defined by. { () = + () =

The channel noise is additive, white and Gaussian with spectrum N/2 . a) b) c) d) Design the optimum matched filter receiver? Sketch the impulse response of the optimum matched filter receiver in time domain? Determine the optimum matched filter receiver output in time domain? Design the correlation receiver which is equivalent to optimum matched filter receiver? e) Determine the probability of bit error for the optimum receiver if 0 and 1 are equiprobable? a)

PCM data

Matched Filter h(t) t = nTb


Threshold Device


Additive White Gaussian noisen(t)


decision = 1 , y(nTb) >

decision= 0 , y(nTb) <


q(t) = - p(t) A Tb 0 -A t 0



h(t) = p(Tb - t) A t



y(t) A Tb



y(t) = ()( ) y(t) = ()( + Tb t) y(Tb) = ()( + Tb t) y(Tb) = ()() y(Tb) = A2 = A2 Tb

d) decision = 1 , y(nTb) >

decision= 0 , y(nTb) <

p(t) y(nTb)

PCM data

Threshold Device t = nTb


Additive white gaussian Noise n(t) n(t)



Ep = E q

E p E2 / 2 = 0
Pb = Q (
+2 2

Epq = - p2(t) dt Pb = Q ( Pb = Q (
+2() 2

4) 2

Pb = Q (


1 1

Average energy per bit = Eb = 2 Ep + 2 Eq = Ep Pb = Q (


P-5) In coherent schemes, a small pilot is added for synchronization. Because the pilot does not carry information, it causes degradation in Pb. Consider coherent PSK using the following two pulses of duration Tb each:

() = 1 2 cos + sin () = 1 2 cos + sin

Where sin is the pilot. Show that when the channel noise is white Gaussian,
( ) Pb = Q [ ]

2max = 0 [ () ()]2 dt =

+2 /2

The energy of P(t) is Tb times the power of p(t) Hence, Ep =

2( 12 ) 2 2 2

Tb +( A2m2/2 ) Tb =

2 2

= Eb

Similarly , Eq =

= Eb

Epq = 0 ()() = 0 [2 (1-m2) Cos2wct + A2 m2 Sin2 wct] dt = Hence, 2max = and Pe = Q (max / 2) = Q ( P-6) Find the probability of bit error, PB, for the coherent matched lter detection of the equally likely binary FSK signals s1(t) = 0:5 cos 2000t and s2(t) = 0:5 cos 2020t where the twosided AWGN power spectral density is N0=2 = 0:0001. Assume that the symbol duration is T = 0:01 s? Eb = ST = (0.5)2/2 = 0.00125 Joule 1 = 0 1()2() = 0 0.5 ( 2 1000)0.5 (2 1010) =0.00125 0 0.5 [( 21000) + (2 2010)] = 100 [ 20 + 4020 = [ 0.935 + 0.005 ] = 0.94 Pb = Q (
(1) 0 2 10 2 2010 0.25 2 ( 12) 4 2 ( 12) 2 2

+ A 2 m2 T b

8 (12)

] )

) =Q(

0.00125(0.06) 0.002

= Q ( 0.612 ) = 0.27 The error is much greater than if the tone spacing required for coherent orthogonal 1 signaling, = 50 Hz had been used, instead of 10 Hz specified. 2

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