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Thisguidewillgiveyouabriefideaaboutdealingwithanintervieweffectivelyandintelligently. Thereare04sectionsofthisdocument; 1 CVandcoverletter 2 TypesandFormatsofInterview 3 InterviewspecificitiesforPharmacist 4 ClosingandInterviewandFollowup 1 CV&COVERLETTER Letmebegin withhighlighting theimportanceofagoodandcatchyCV.Thisisyourfirstimpressionand mostofusbelieve1stimpressionisthelastimpression.

n. AneffectiveCVshouldbeefficientenoughtodescribeyourprofessionalaspirations,yourqualifications, job experiences, achievements, interests, strengths and a glimpse of your personal information (age, gender,contactnumber,contactaddressetc). The formatting of your CV is as important as the contents in its. A well designed, nicely structured CV with reasonable simple font type and size is easy for reading by the employer and creates a health impression. Extra large fonts, unnecessary bold, colored text, pictograms, logos, Italic fonts are difficult toreadandmorelikelytobotherthereviewerandwillreducethechancesofyourinterviewcall. CoverletterislikethelifelinetoyourCV.AnimpressiveCVplusanicelywrittencustomizedCoverletter foraparticularjobmakesyoustandoutofthecrowdandensuresinterviewcall. It is critical to draft a customized cover letter and to amend your CV for a specific type of job. Sending the same generic CV and cover letter will have no impact and will reduce your chances of getting employment. Spelling errors are venoms for your CV. Try using simplest language and error free typing. Always give a comprehensivereviewtoyourCVbeforesendingitforajob. If you are not sure how to create an impressive CV please ask your seniors. They might be in a better positiontohelpyouinthis.

2 TypesandFormatsofInterview This section will describe different types of Interviews and the tips to tackle each. Experts divide interviewsin8basictypes; Thetextthissectionistakenfromfollowinglink http://www.success.uwo.ca/careers/prepare_for_interviews/types_of_interviews.html InterviewTypes ScreeningInterview TelephoneInterview VideoConferencing OneonOneInterview PanelInterview GroupInterview GeneralGroupInterview/InformationSession Sequential/SerialInterview

InterviewFormats BehaviouralInterview SituationalInterview StructuredInterview UnstructuredInterview SemiStructuredInterview CaseInterview Testing/Assessment

2.1InterviewTypes ScreeningInterview This type of interview is generally conducted by larger companies when there is a large applicant pool andistypicallythefirstphaseofselection.Screeninginterviewsareusedtoensurethatthecandidates meet minimum requirements and are often conducted by a computer or by an interviewer from the human resources department who is skilled at determining whether there is anything that might disqualifyyoufromtheposition. Tips:

Highlight your qualifications and accomplishments using nontechnical language the HR professionalisnotnecessarilyanexpertinyourfield. Answer questions clearly and succinctly personality is not as important at this stage of the process. If asked about salary expectations, use a range make sure youve done your homework in thisarea. Ifconductedbyphone,haveyourresumebesideyoutorefertofordatesandnames.

TelephoneInterview Telephone interviews are often used to screen candidates in order to narrow the pool of applicants who will be invited for inperson interviews and is a good way to minimize travel expenses! They can be challenging because you arent able to rely on nonverbal communication or body language. You should prepare for this type of interview just as you would for a regular interview so, if you are not givenanywarningandarenotreadyforaninterviewwhencalled,politelyrequestthattheinterviewer call back at another mutually convenient time. This will allow you to refresh your memory on the organizationandbebetterprepared. Tips:

Have your resume, organization information, points that you want to highlight, and list of questions you may want to ask in front of you and have a short list of your accomplishmentspreparedtodiscuss. Although youre not required to dress up, you may find that its easier to get into the interviewmindsetandfeelmoreconfidentwhendressedprofessionally. Haveapenandpaperhandytokeepnotesorwritedownanyquestionsthatcomeup;keep aglassofwaterbesideyou. Closethedoororensureyouareinaquietsettingtoeliminateanypotentialdistractions. Speak slowly, enunciate clearly, and vary your voice tone, tempo, and pitch to keep the interviewersattention. Provide short answers that make interchange easier on the phone; do not interrupt the interviewer.

Restatethequestionifyouhavenotfullyheardorunderstoodit. Smileevenonthephoneitwillprojectapositiveimage.

VideoConferencing Video conferencing is typically used to conduct interviews using video technology from a distance. The same interview strategies you would use if you were meeting in person apply clothing, body language,anddialogueareimportant. Tips:

Depending on the sophistication of the technology, you may experience short transmission delayssobesuretotakethatintoaccountwhenyouareinteractingwiththeinterviewer. Makeeyecontactwiththecamera,which,totheemployer,appearsasdirecteyecontact. Checkthemonitorperiodicallytoobservetheinterviewersbodylanguage.

OneonOneInterview The most common interview format is the oneonone (or facetoface). This interview is traditionally conducted by a direct supervisor and if often the last step in a series of interviews. The interviewer may or may not be experienced in conducting interviews and, depending on personality and experience, the interview may be directive following a clear agenda, or nondirective relying on you to leadthediscussionasyouansweropenendedquestions. Tips:

You will likely be asked a variety of interview questions, so be familiar with all of the differenttypesofquestionssothatyoucanadjustyouranswersappropriately. Itisimportanttobethoroughlypreparedknowthejobandknowyourself.

PanelInterview A panel interview is conducted by two or more interviewers and is designed to reduce individual interviewerbias.Itisverycommonforentranceintograduateandprofessionalschools.Onemember ofthepanelmayaskallofthequestionsorindividualpanelmembermaytaketurns. Tips:

Make eye contact with the person asking the questions, but also to give every member on the panel your attention, regardless of if they ask any questions at all treat them all with equalimportance. Be prepared to extend more energy in this setting, as you need to be alert and responding tomorepeople

GroupInterview A group interview occurs when several candidates for a position are interviewed simultaneously. Groupinterviewsofferemployersasenseofyourleadershippotentialandstyle,andprovideaglimpse ofwhatyoumayactuallybelikeasanemployeeandhowyouwouldfitintotheteam.Candidatesmay also be asked to solve a problem together which allows interviewers to assess candidates skills in action(e.g.teamwork).


Be aware of the dynamics established by the interviewer, try to discover the rules of the game. Regardless of how you may feel about any member of the group, treat everyone with respect,andavoidpowerstruggleswhichmakeyouappearuncooperative. Giveeveryoneachancetospeakandnotmonopolizetheconversation. Be aware that all interactions are being observed; dont let down your guard or lose your perspective.

GeneralGroupInterview/InformationSession This approach is intended to save time and ensure applicants understand the basics of the job and organization by providing large amounts of information. This process is usually followed by an individualinterview. Tip:

Tostandoutinagroupsetting,awelltimedandintelligentquestionmayhelptheemployer rememberyoupositively.

Sequential/SerialInterview A sequential interview is conducted by two or more interviewers, separately or in sequence. The candidate either moves from one location to another or stays in one room and while different interviewers join them.Sequential interviews involve a number of first impression opportunities so get aware of how you present yourself each time. At the end of the process, the interviewers meet to evaluateeachapplicantandmaketheirdecision. Tip:

If you have difficulties remembering what you have already said to one person dont be afraidtoask!

2.2InterviewFormats BehaviouralInterview The Interviewer will ask for specific examples from your past experiences to determine if you can provide evidence of your skills in a certain area the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.Althoughtheinterviewerishavingyourecountstoriesfromyourpast,theyarereallytrying toimaginehowyouwouldhandlesimilarsituationsinthefuture. Whendecidingwhatexamplesfromyourpasttouse,considerthefollowing:

Themorerecentthebehaviour,thebetteritspredictivepower. Themorelonglastingthebehaviour,thebetteritspredictivepower.

Prepare yourself for the probable skill areas the employer will be interested in and will, therefore, likely be asked about in the interview. Determine this by reviewing the job description.

SituationalInterview This format is highly structured in that hypothetical situations are described and applicants are asked to explain what they would do in these situations. Interviewers may use a scoring guide consisting of sampleanswerstoevaluateandscoreeachapplicantsanswers. StructuredInterview This format combines the situational interview with a variety of other types of interview questions. Typically, each candidate is asked the same set of questions and their answers are compared to a scoring guide and rated. The goal of this approach is to reduce interviewer bias and to help make an objectivedecisionaboutthebestcandidate. UnstructuredInterview Questions here are based on the individuals application documents such as their rsum and so different variants of a question will be asked to each applicant. Without structured guidelines, the conversation can be freeflowing, thus making this method of interviewing the most prone to bias, but allowing the interviewer to get a more natural and perhaps more realistic sense of who you are. Although this type of interview may seem more casual, and may even occur over lunch or dinner, you must still be wellprepared and maintain a professional demeanor. Be careful not to provide informationyouwouldnothavecommunicatediftheinterviewwasmorestructured. SemiStructuredInterview This format is a blend of structured and unstructured, where the interviewer will ask a small list of similarquestionstoallcandidatesalongwithsomequestionspertainingtoyourresume. CaseInterview The case interview format is popular among consulting firms. It gives the interviewer a good idea of you ability to solve problems on the spot an important skill for any consultant. This interview format is also designed to assess logical thought processes, quantitative skills, business knowledge, generalknowledge,creativity,andcommunicationskills. Testing/Assessment It is common for employers to use standardized tests or work simulation exercises to assess a candidates fit to the position or to test workrelated competencies. Testing is usually done after an initialscreeningprocessandcanbeaverycostlyprocessfortheemployer.

3 INTERVIEWSPECIFICITIESFORPHARMACISTS A Pharmacist interview could merely be specific depending on the nature of the job he/she is applying for.OntheotherhandsthedynamicsofPharmacyfieldmakesitquitedifficulttocoveralltheaspectsof our profession in onetwo sittings. Thus we can expect the interview being taken from a Pharmacist couldbeorcouldntbespecific. Simplifyingthemyths,Idividetheinterviewintothreebasicelements; 3.1 Personalevaluation 3.2 Professionalevaluation 3.3 Careeraspirations 3.1Personalevaluation Many of us start our interview by answering a general question Tell me about you? The simplest the questionisthecomplicatedtheanswercouldbe.Theinterviewerintendstoestimateyourpersonalityin oneanswer(nomatterhowshortorhowlongyoutaketodescribeyourself). TIPS; speak slowly and gently, not being too loud, not being too low. The best point to start is your graduation degree (example, I started my professional Academics from XYZ university in year XXXX and this was a XX years program. I earned XYZ grades and then started looking for the opportunities in the marketforme. You can also give a brief about the healthy extracurricular activities you were involved in. like faculty magazine, sports, national day, volunteer ship etc BE SPECIFIC, PRECISE, and ONLY TELL the BOTTOM LINE. The interviewer might ask any question in between what you have described above or simply he can jumptoanotherquestion.BEPREPAREDFORBOTHSCENARIOS. Expect some more personal questions, like religion, ethnic group, marital status, family structure and lifestyleetc.Prepareyourselfwelltobeaspreciseaspossible. This evaluation (either towards the beginning or the end of the session) will allow your recruiter/employer to analyze how much you fit into the organization in general. This is simple but tricky.Preparewhattosayandwhatnottosay. This session also allows the employer to determine how much you are open for discussion, how bold and confident you are in sharing information and how much easy you are in talking and during conversations.50%ofemployerstakethedecisiontohireyouduringthissessiononly. Effectivecommunicationskillisthekeytogethired.

3.2Professionalevaluation This is the main part of your interview. You will be analyzed how much professionally you fit into the roletheyare This is the real technical part. So prepare very well. Expect the questions related to your field or the fieldsyouhavealreadyworkedfor. PROFESSIONALEVALUATIONHOSPITALPHARMACISTJOB AhospitalPharmacistismostlikelytobeaskedquestionsrelatedtothePharmacypracticesinahospital environment. WhatisthedifferencebetweenHospitalPharmacyandClinicalPharmacy? WhatroleyouexpecttoplayinHospitalPharmacy? HowapharmacysetupworksinHospital? WhatisHospitalFormularyandhowitiscontrolled? WhyitisalwaysseparatecountersforInpatientandoutpatientdealing? Howyouhandleaprescription? Some drugs names and classification and pharmacology. Generally antibiotics are the focus of such questionsbutyoucouldbeaskedanyclass,sopreparealittleextra. Dosecalculation.Thisisthemostimportantpart.Ihopeyouarepreparingitwellforyourinterview. Areyouflexibleinworkinginevening/nightshifts? DrugDrugFoodinteractions&relatedprecautions. Generalprecautionswhiledispensingmedicine. Patientcounseling. PROFESSIONALEVALUATIONINDUSTRIALPHARMACISTJOB Whatisadrugandwhatisamedicine? WhatisHPLCandhowitworks? WhatisSpectrophotometerandhowitworks? Whatisbulkdensityandtruedensity? WhatisanactivePharmaceuticalingredient? Describedissolution,disintegrationtests. Howmanytypesofgranulationprocessesaretherefortabletmanufacturing? SterileproductsandSterileAreaclassification. Autoclaving. Capsuletypesanduses.E.g.HardGelatinCapsule,SoftGelatinCapsuleetc WhatisQualityControlandwhatisQualityAssurance? HandlingofQualityDocumentation,changecontrol,CAPA,deviation,SOPsetc PROFESSIONALEVALUATIONSALESJOB Whatissalesjob?Howitisdifferentthanmarketingone? Howyoudealwithdoctorsandtheirassistants? What is the most effective professional way in your opinion to convince a practitioner to prescribe your medicine?

Howyoudealwithdifficultcostumer? Youmightbeaskedtogrababroacherandtrysellingtheproducttotheinterviewer.Iwasaskedexactly thesame. Howopenareyoutalkingwithstrangers? Whatareyourpresentationskills? PROFESSIONALEVALUATIONMARKETINGJOB Whatisamarket/businessplanandhaveyoueverpreparedone? WhatisSWOTmodel? Whataredifferentapproachestoaccessthemarket? Haveyouevercreatedamarketingmaterial? Whatismarketinsight? Howyousupportsalesteamwithyourmarketingwork? Sharewithusanypresentationyouhavepreparedforyourcurrent/previouscompany. PROFESSIONALEVALUATIONREGULATORYAFFAIRSJOB Howmanyfilesyouhavesubmittedsofar?Howmanyapproved? Whatisyourunderstandingofregulatorylandscapeofthecountry/region/global? ICHguidelines. CTDdossiercompliation. SUPACguidelines. WhatisFDAandEMAandwhatisWHO? What are the regulations for a particular class of products (example Pharmaceutical, medical device, healthcareproduct,cosmetic) StabilitystudiesandICHzonesoftheworld.Whichzoneyourcountry/regionfallsin? Artworksdevelopmentprocessandyourexposure. Authority/Internalauditsandyourparticipation/exposure. Qualitydocumentation. ChangeControl/CAPA/Deviation/SOPetc 3.3.CareerAspirations Most of the times we are asked towards the end of the interview to share our career aspirations. Followingaresomegeneralexamplesforthispart; Wherewewantedtobeafter5years? Whatistheparameterofsuccessinoureyes? Howyougetmotivated? Whenyoufeelyouaredemotivated? Whatpackageandperksyouexpectforthisrole? Howsoonyoucanjoinus?

Whydoyouwantthisjob? Whyareyouthebestpersonforthejob? Whatrelevantexperiencedoyouhave? Whyareyouinterestedinworkingforthiscompany? Whatcanyoucontributetothiscompany? Whatdoyouknowaboutthiscompany? Whatchallengesareyoulookingforinaposition? Whydoyouwanttoworkforthiscompany? Whyshouldwehireyou? 4 CLOSINGANDINTERVIEWANDFOLLOWUP Closing an interview is another point where most of the candidates failed. Trust me this is the last chanceforyoutoensuretheintervieweryoucouldbetherightselectionforthisrole. While finishing interview dont show extra happiness or vice versa. Stay formal and thank the interviewerforhistime.Shakinghandalsocreatesagoodimpression. Follow up/Thank you email will not only give you another lifeline but will also allow you to show the employeraboutyourbusinesswritingskills. A nicely drafted thank you/follow up email will make you stand out of the crowd and thus your CV will reachdirectlytotheinboxoftheinterviewer..onceagainthistimeafteryouhavemethim Try writing something about yourself you didnt tell during the interview. For example a Regulatory affairscandidateinhisfollowupemailcandescribehisPharmacovigilanceexperienceorITskillsetc. ALLTHEBEST MuhammadWaqasSial Dubai UAE


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