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TEXTOS PUBLICADOS NAS COLLECTED WORKS OF ARON GURWITSCH Ano de Nome do texto em Local de publicao (original ou C. publicao ingls secundrio) W. ou composio 1 ! "#enomenolog$ o% Psychologische Forschung& '(( (( t#ematics and o% t#e pure ego 1 )! Critical *tud$ o% -eutsc#e Literatur.eitung& (( +usserl,s Nachwort /ebruar$ !0 1 )1 2#e place o% Revue de Synthse& 3((( (( ps$c#olog$ in t#e s$stem o% sciences 1 )141 )5 2#eme and attitude "ublis#ed as Appendix (( to t#e ( /renc# edition o% t#e 6olume containing t#e original o% An outline of Constitutive Phenomenology (pp. )1)4))7). 2#is is t#e second lecture o% t#e second series entitled 8"s$c#ologie intentionnaliste9 ((ntentional "s$c#olog$) :#ic# A. ;ur:itsc# deli6ered at t#e (nstitut d,+istoire des *ciences o% t#e <ni6ersit$ o% "aris during t#e :inter o% 1 )141 )5. 1 )= *ome aspects and Journal de Psychologie Normale et (( de6elopments o% Pathologique& '''((( ;estalt ps$c#olog$ 1 )> ?not *ome %undamental Also publis#ed in Phenomenology ( publis#ed@ principles o% and the Theory of Science& 1 >1& constituti6e ed. Lester Ambree p#enomenolog$ 1 )> An outline o% *eries o% lectures in "aris ( constituti6e p#enomenolog$ ?1 )>@ 2#e perceptual Briginall$ publis#ed as 8Appendix :orld and t#e 3(9 to t#e /renc# edition o% An rationali.ed uni6erse utline of Constitutive Phenomenology. (ts date o% composition being unCno:n. 1 17 Bn t#e intentionalit$ Philoso!hical essays in memory of (( o% consciousness "dmund #usserl& ed. Dar6in /arber 1 11 A non4egological Philoso!hy and Phenomenological (( conception o% Research& (( consciousness 1 1) William Eames,s Philoso!hy and Phenomenological (( 2#eor$ o% F2ransiti6e Research& ((( "arts, o% t#e *tream o% Consciousness 1 1> Bn t#e obGect o% Philoso!hy and Phenomenological (( t#oug#t Research& 3(( 1 51 "#ilosop#ical Revue de $%ta!hysique et de (( presuppositions o% $orale& L3( H Ieprinted in t#e Logic collection o% essa$s Ph%nom%nologie&"'istence ("aris& 1 5)) 1 1 ;elb4;oldstein,s Philoso!hy and Phenomenological (( concept o% Research& ' FConcrete, and FCategorial, attitude

TEXTOS NO PUBLICADOS NAS COLLECTED WORKS OF ARON GURWITSCH Ano de Nome do texto em Local de publicao Local de publicao ingls ou no idioma original reproduo ou de reproduo composio 1 1! *ome p#ilosop#ical Danuscritos inJditos ( )internet* roots o% Na.ism conser6ados no 8;ur:itsc# Nac#lass9 do 8Arc#i6al Iepositor$& (nc.9& do 8Center %or Ad6anced Iesearc# in "#enomenolog$9 (CAI"). 1 1!41) *obre el ni#ilismo No publicado. Agora + Pa!eles de nuestro tiempo de Filosof,a (*antiago de Compostela& *pain& 6ol. !!& no ! (!77))K 15>41 !) 1 =! Admund +usserl,s 2#is :as originall$ a (nK ADLIAA& Conception o% critical stud$& under Lester (Ad.). "#enomenological t#e same title& Phenomenology "s$c#olog$ publis#ed in Review and the Theory of of $eta!hysics& 3ol. Science. A6anstonK '(' (1 ==)& o% Nort#:estern +usserl,s <ni6ersit$ "ress& Ph-nomenologisch 1 >1. e Psychologie& ed. Walter Liemel& #usserliana (' (2#e +agueK Dartinus NiG#o%%& 1 =!). 1 >7 2#e Li%e4World and Briginall$ appeared (nK ADLIAA& t#e "#enomenolog$ as 8"roblems o% t#e Lester (Ad.). 2#eor$ o% *cience Li%e4World9& in Phenomenology Phenomenology and the Theory of and Social Reality. Science. A6anstonK "ssays in $emory Nort#:estern of Alfred Schut/& ed. <ni6ersit$ "ress& Daurice Natanson 1 >1. (2#e +agueK Dartinus NiG#o%%& 1 >7).

Dais detal#es da 6ida e da obra de ;ur:itsc# podem ser encontrados no siteK #ttpKMM:::.gur:itsc#.net . L& # uma lista mais completa do Nue estaK http://www.gurwitsch.net/publications.htm

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