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koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets lo wotlJ vlsloo coveteJ oteos lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes

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1ype(s) of shock: 1yphoon Palyan/?olanda
uaLe(s) of shock(s): november 8, 2013
uaLe of 8AM assessmenL: november 23-27, 2013
AffecLed areas assessed: anay lsland: llollo, Caplz, Aklan, AnLlque
Areas covered by World vlslon
1oLal populaLlon ln affecLed area:
(Nombet of boosebolJs ooJ people)
313,237 households or 2,309,292 LoLal populaLlon
AffecLed populaLlon wlLhln affecLed area:
(Nombet of boosebolJs ooJ people)
299,387 households or 1,433,323 LoLal populaLlon
28,167 World vlslon reglsLered famllles or 140,833 populaLlon
Average Pousehold slze:
(5ootce of lofotmotloo)
3 (naLlonal SLaLlsLlcs CoordlnaLlon 8oard)
LocaLlon of affecLed populaLlon:
(lul/ stotloooty lo bomes etc.)
Some are lnLernally dlsplaced, oLhers have reLurned Lo Lhelr homes ln
Lhe provlnces of llollo, Caplz, Aklan, AnLlque
MarkeLs assessed: llollo: llollo ClLy, LsLancla, 8aroLac vle[o
Caplz: 8oxas ClLy,
Aklan: 8aLan, kallbo, AlLavas
AnLlque: 8ugasong, Laua-an, 8arbasa
(Areas selecLed are wlLhln World vlslon covered areas, based on
urposlve Sampllng)
number of Lraders (wholesalers and reLallers)
and markeL represenLaLlves lncluded ln
4 8eglonal Wholesalers (llollo ClLy)
23 Wholesalers
63 8eLallers
8 Pouseholds for key lnformanL lnLervlew
21 Pouseholds for 2 locus Croup ulscusslons
7 koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets (kAM) lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
1ypbooo nolyoo olooJo metqeocy kespoose
wotlJ vlsloo
CommodlLy Lype(s), volume(s) and duraLlon
requesLed by shock-affecLed populaLlon
(poootlty, ftepoeocy ooJ Jototloo ooJ ooy poollty
speclflcotloos lf oecessoty)
Canned sardlnes
Laundry soap
Cl SheeLs
commoJlty Ooootlty ltepoeocy uototloo 5peclflcotloo
8lce kllogram ually 2 weeks WhlLe 8lce
Canned Sardlnes Can ually 2 weeks 133 grams/3 ounces
Laundry Soap 8ar (4 cuLs) ually 2 weeks 400 grams
Cl SheeLs SheeL Cnce Max 13 years Cauge 26
5cope of Assessmeot.
1he assessmenL focused only on four commodlLles - Lwo for food, one for shelLer and one for hyglene. 1he speclflc
commodlLles whose markeLs were assessed are rlce, canned sardlnes, laundry soap and Cl sheeLs. 1hese are
selecLed based on Lhe order of lmporLance. 8lce and canned sardlnes are Lhe mosL feaslble food slnce Lhe affecLed
areas experlenced damaged rlce paddles, uprooLed frulL Lrees, vegeLable gardens, llvesLock and source of sea food
(especlally for LsLancla, llollo because of Lhe oll splll). Laundry soap ls seen as a key commodlLy for hyglene
because of lLs all around use" as baLh soap and shampoo subsLlLuLe as well as for washlng dlshes and cloLhes.
AlmosL all of Lhe houses ln Lhe affecLed areas have Lorn roofs, hence Lhe Cl sheeL ls ln hlgh demand.
1he assessmenL was conducLed ln World vlslon areas ln Lhe lsland of anay. 1hls covers Lhe four provlnces of
Aklan, AnLlque, Caplz, and llollo wlLh 27 munlclpallLles, 1 clLy, and 162 barangays. 1hrough purposlve sampllng,
from Lhe four provlnces, Lhe markeLs of affecLed areas aL Lhe munlclpallLy levels were assessed uslng key
lnformanL lnLervlews wlLh Lhe wholesalers and reLallers. 1he Leam also conducLed key lnformanL lnLervlews aL Lhe
reglonal level markeLs ln llollo ClLy. 1hese markeLs are supply Lo Lhe provlnclal markeLs who consequenLly supply
Lo Lhe clLy and munlclpal markeLs.
ln Lhls assessmenL, llollo ClLy and llollo provlnce are LreaLed separaLely. llolllo ClLy ls Lhe hub of Lrade and
commerce for Lhe whole anay lsland. Whlle llollo, ls Lhe provlnce where Lhe affecLed World vlslon areas are
locaLed. 1lme and manpower consLralnLs lnfluenced Lhe declslon Lo use urposlve Sampllng.
1oble 1. Ateos fot ptovloclol ooJ moolclpol Joto qotbetloq
ltovloce Moolclpollty level Motkets (kll
wltb wbolesolets ooJ tetollets)
8otooqoy level
(kll ooJ lCu wltb offecteJ
boosebolJs, Ocolot 5otvey)
Aklan AlLavas Llnayasan and Cabanglla
8aLan Angas
AnLlque 8ugasong 8agLason
Laua-an Culsl[an and Llndero
Caplz resldenL 8oxas 8adlangon
anlL-an (none)
llollo* LsLancla 8oLongon
8aroLac vle[o San AnLonlo
* 1hls refers Lo llollo provlnce.
koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets lo wotlJ vlsloo coveteJ oteos lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
!"#$%&' 4) 5,3+"$ 5,66%'7
K7N (61R.2 A6/=F G.0G16/4<D6; ;0D62<09 0S A61R.2= 20 =40DRT6SS.D2.C /0/3;62<09
1he dlagram below lllusLraLes Lhe locaLlon of local and lnfluenLlal markeLs wlLhln, and close Lo Lhe affecLed area,
and Lhelr geographlc proxlmlLy Lo Lhe shock-affecLed populaLlon7
K7N7N roducLlon and MarkeL llow Map for 8lce
8eLall 8lce flelds
Wholesale luncLlonlng MarkeL
Munlclpal/ClLy coverage arLlally luncLlonlng MarkeL
rovlnclal coverage non-funcLlonlng MarkeL
8eglonal coverage llow of rlce durlng harvesL
8lce suppllers durlng lean monLhs llow of nlA rlce durlng lean monLhs
< koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets (kAM) lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
1ypbooo nolyoo olooJo metqeocy kespoose
wotlJ vlsloo
K7N7K roducLlon and MarkeL llow Map for Canned Sardlnes and Laundry Soap
8eLall llow of goods from Manlla/nC8
Wholesale luncLlonlng MarkeL
Munlclpal/ClLy coverage arLlally luncLlonlng MarkeL
rovlnclal coverage non-funcLlonlng MarkeL
8eglonal coverage llow of goods Lo Lhe provlnces
koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets lo wotlJ vlsloo coveteJ oteos lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
K7N7O roducLlon and MarkeL llow Map for Calvanlsed lron (Cl) sheeL
8eLall llow of goods from Manlla/nC8
Wholesale luncLlonlng MarkeL
Munlclpal/ClLy coverage arLlally luncLlonlng MarkeL
rovlnclal coverage non-funcLlonlng MarkeL
8eglonal coverage llow of goods Lo Lhe provlnces
= koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets (kAM) lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
1ypbooo nolyoo olooJo metqeocy kespoose
wotlJ vlsloo
K7N7U Summary of Lhe MarkeL llow Maps
All Lhe prlces of Lhe four commodlLles namely rlce, canned sardlnes, laundry soap, and Cl sheeLs lncreased afLer
Lhe shock. Cenerally, supplles are sLlll avallable, excepL LhaL durlng Lhe flrsL few days afLer Lhe shock, because of
obsLrucLlons ln LransporLaLlon and cancelled shlpplng schedules Lhe flow of supplles Lemporarlly sLopped.
Powever, ln a week's Llme, Lhe flow of Lhese parLlcular commodlLles Lo Lhe reLallers down Lo Lhe barangay level
wenL back Lo normal.
lL ls noLeworLhy LhaL markeLs ln Lhe munlclpallLles of A[uy, Concepclon, Sara, and LsLancla for Lhe Cl sheeLs,
canned sardlnes, and laundry soap have parLlally funcLlonlng markeLs as of wrlLlng. Among Lhe four commodlLles,
Lhe Cl sheeLs ls Lhe only one wlLh llollo ClLy as Lhe source, where Lhe shlpplng from nC8 (naLlonal CaplLal 8eglon)
koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets lo wotlJ vlsloo coveteJ oteos lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
K7K E0AA0C<2P A61R.2 A6/=
1he commodlLy markeL maps below lllusLraLe Lhe movemenLs of key commodlLles Lo Lhe markeLs near Lhe affecLed
populaLlons - from wholesaler Lo Lrader and flnally Lo consumer.
K7K7N (61R.2 &P=2.A (6/ S01 !<D. V@6=.;<9. A6/W
K7K7K (61R.2 &P=2.A (6/ S01 !<D. 6S2.1 24. =40DR V=40DR A6/W
> koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets (kAM) lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
1ypbooo nolyoo olooJo metqeocy kespoose
wotlJ vlsloo
K7K7O (61R.2 &P=2.A (6/ S01 E699.C &61C<9.= 69C B639C1P &06/ V@6=.;<9. A6/W
koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets lo wotlJ vlsloo coveteJ oteos lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
K7K7U (61R.2 &P=2.A (6/ S01 E699.C &61C<9.= 69C B639C1P &06/ 6S2.1 24. =40DR V=40DR A6/W
K7K7X (61R.2 &P=2.A (6/ S01 Y$ &4..2= V@6=.;<9. A6/W
98 koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets (kAM) lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
1ypbooo nolyoo olooJo metqeocy kespoose
wotlJ vlsloo
K7K7Z (61R.2 &P=2.A A6/ S01 Y$ &4..2= 6S2.1 24. =40DR V=40DR A6/W
!"#$%&' 8) 5,3+"$ 2,6. ,'- $3,-"3 ,',/0.%.
AfLer revlewlng Lhe maps (above) and lnformaLlon collecLed uslng Lhe 8AM Lools, Lhe followlng concluslons can be
1. 1he lmpacL of Lhe shock on physlcal access of Lhe affecLed populaLlon Lo Lhelr markeLs.
(Ootlloe tbe lmpoct of tbe shock oo motket occess - wbot bos cbooqeJ lo coosomet ooJ ttoJet bebovloot? Ate socb cbooqes looq tetm?)
MarkeL access has been negaLlvely affecLed rlghL afLer Lhe shock and for more Lhan a week because of road
obsLrucLlons broughL abouL by debrls from masslve fallen Lrees, elecLrlc posLs and wlres. 1he mosL common
damage ln dwelllngs and bulldlngs are blown away rooflng broken walls LhaL lnclude warehouses and
markeLplaces. Some shopplng sLalls ln resldenL 8oxas, Caplz and LsLancla, llollo ubllc MarkeLs were sLlll closed
durlng Lhe daLa gaLherlng. 1here are a number of Lraders ln 8aroLac vle[o, llollo who have noL yeL resumed Lo Lhelr
usual buslness acLlvlLles. 1he common preoccupaLlon of buslnessmen and Lraders are cleanlng up and repalrlng
Lhelr buslness esLabllshmenLs.
koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets lo wotlJ vlsloo coveteJ oteos lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
lL was observed LhaL Lhe demand was unusually low afLer Lhe shock, especlally ln affecLed areas. eople buylng for
Lhelr needs from Lhe markeL have slgnlflcanLly decreased. 1hls was because of Lhe bulk of rellef goods recelved by
Lhe affecLed famllles from Lhe ald agencles.
8ased on Lhe flrsL hand lnformaLlon gaLhered by Lhe Leam, lL can be pro[ecLed LhaL Lhe markeLplaces, accesslblllLy
and supply can resume beLween a monLh or Lwo. lor Lhe consumer behavlour, lL ls foreseen LhaL when Lhe
dlsLrlbuLed rellef goods are consumed, demand wlll dramaLlcally lncrease ln all affecLed areas ln anay lsland. 1hls
can happen ln a monLh's Llme.
2. AffecLed household purchaslng power/ demand and changes ln consumer behavlour.
(uoes tbe sbock-offecteJ popolotloo bove tbe floooclol meoos to potcbose tbe fooJ ooJ ooo-fooJ commoJltles tbey oeeJ? lf so, wbot
petceotoqe/ ptopottloo of tbelt oeeJs coo tbey meet tbemselves? kelote to lofotmotloo collecteJ lo 5tep 1 of tbe kAM)
AfLer Lhe shock, affecLed famllles could hardly purchase by Lhemselves even 23 of Lhe baslc needs such as food,
lncludlng safe drlnklng waLer, cloLhlng, supplles for school-age chlldren, and bulldlng maLerlals Lo repalr Lhelr
houses. 1here has been an average of 43 decrease of Lhe number of people comlng Lo Lhe markeLplace. 1hls ls an
lndlcaLlon of a decreased flnanclal capaclLy Lo purchase Lhe food and non-food commodlLles Lhey need. MosL of
Lhe shock-affecLed populaLlon are dependenL on farmlng, flshlng, gardenlng, and vendlng.
71 of Lhe people geL cash Lhrough banks, remlLLance cenLers, and moblle phone cash Lransfers. 8uL Lhese are
accessed only by famllles who have relaLlves ouLslde Lhe counLry or Lhose who have regular source of lncome.
lamllles' purchaslng power may lmprove ln Lhe long Lerm because Lhelr sources of llvellhood need around Lhree Lo
four monLhs Lo recover.
3. 1he lmpacL of Lhe shock on Lhe supply chaln of food and non-food commodlLles requlred by Lhe affecLed
(usloq Joto ftom 5teps 1 ooJ 2 of tbe kAM, ootlloe lo wbot woy tbe sopply cbolo bos beeo offecteJ by tbe sbock. Ootlloe ooy cbooqes lo
coosomet ot ttoJet bebovloot os o coosepoeoce?)
8lghL afLer Lhe shock, Lhe flow of rlce, canned sardlnes, laundry soap, and Cl sheeLs were sLopped because of
LransporL barrlers, however recenLly, Lhese reLurned Lo normal. WhaL ls noLeworLhy ls Lhe slgnlflcanL lncrease ln
prlces on Lhese commodlLles agalnsL Lhe loss of lncome source for Lhe affecLed famllles.
Among four commodlLles, rlce has Lhe mosL sLable supply because anay lsland lLself ls Lhe second blggesL rlce
producer ln Lhe counLry. 1he supply of canned sardlnes and laundry soap enLer Lhe lsland boLh Lhrough 8oxas ClLy
of Caplz and llollo ClLy LhaL serves as Lhe lsland's hub of Lrade and commerce. Cl sheeLs are LransporLed from
Manlla, Lhe counLry's manufacLurlng cenLer Lo llollo ClLy only, unllke canned sardlnes and laundry soap LhaL have
Lwo porLs of enLry - llollo ClLy and 8oxas ClLy. As of wrlLlng, Lhe flow of supply of Lhe four commodlLles Lo Lhe
affecLed areas conLlnues. Wholesalers and reLallers expressed LhaL Lhey have Lo effecL lncrease ln prlces of Lhese
commodlLles as Lhey purchased Lhe goods aL a hlgher prlce as and cosLller shlpplng and haullng as a consequence
of Lhe shock.
1he rellef goods dlsLrlbuLed by varlous agencles, lncludlng World vlslon provlded Lhe households' needs
momenLarlly. lurLher, Lhls conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe decrease on Lhe demand for rlce, canned sardlnes, and laundry soap.
Cnly Lhe demand for Lhe Cl sheeLs slgnlflcanLly lncreased as Lhe people sLarL Lo rebulld or repalr Lhelr houses.
Powever, lL ls foreseen LhaL Lhe demand for Lhe flrsL Lhree commodlLles wlll agaln lncrease once Lhe rellef goods
are consumed uLmosL ln a monLh's Llme. lL ls also foreseen LhaL Lhe demand for Cl sheeLs wlll conLlnue Lo lncrease.
4. 1he capaclLy of reLallers and wholesalers Lo lncrease Lhelr supply Lo meeL lncreased demand for food and non-
food commodlLles and relaLed prlce lmpllcaLlons (lf any).
(keflectloq oo 5tep 2 of tbe kAM ooJ tbe key commoJltles tepoesteJ by tbe sbock-offecteJ popolotloo, teflect oo wbetbet ot oot ttoJets lo
motkets wlll be lo o posltloo to tespooJ to o JemooJ. lf tbete ote ooy lmpllcotloos fot ptlce cbooqes, pleose ootlloe wbot tbey ote ooJ wbot tbe
97 koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets (kAM) lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
1ypbooo nolyoo olooJo metqeocy kespoose
wotlJ vlsloo
coosepoeoces woolJ be of socb cbooqes. 8e mloJfol of wbolesolet copoclty, ttoospott, woteboosloq ooJ cteJlt lssoes tbot moy oeeJ oJJtessloq
to eooble tbls.)
Among Lhe four commodlLles, Lhree are consldered Lo malnLaln Lhe same volume of demand as durlng 'normal'
Llmes. 1hese are - rlce, canned sardlnes, and laundry soap. 1hls ls expecLed Lo be so as Lhe affecLed famllles wlll
recover back Lo Lhelr usual condlLlon. Powever, Cl sheeL's demand wlll conLlnue Lo lncrease as more people wlll be
repalrlng and or rebulldlng Lhelr houses. 1hls may lasL for a year or so.
1hree ouL of four wholesalers aL Lhe munlclpal levels have Lhelr own sLorage faclllLles wlLhln Lhelr shops. lor Lhe Cl
sheeLs Lhree ouL of four wholesalers were able Lo lncrease Lhelr sLocks. lor Lhe Lhree oLher commodlLles, Lhe same
number of wholesalers malnLalned Lhe same volume of sLocks. Clven Lhe daLa from Lhe respondenL wholesalers
and reLallers, Lhey were able Lo accommodaLe Lhe lncrease of demand on all four commodlLles. Powever, we
cannoL overlook Lhe prlce lncrease on all Lhe commodlLles.
3. Changes ln Lhe Lypes (quallLy) and quanLlLles of commodlLles demanded by Lraders and households (lf any).
(lf tbe sbock bos offecteJ boosebolJ ooJ ttoJet ptefeteoce fot cettolo commoJltles - lo tetms of poollty, volome ooJ ftepoeocy, ootlloe tbls
1here had been and wlll be cerLaln phases afLer Lhe shock LhaL enLall changes ln Lhe Lypes and quanLlLles
demanded by households wlLh respecL Lo Lhe four commodlLles LhaL wlll ln Lurn deLermlne Lhe demands of Lhe
1oble 2. cbooqes of JemooJs lo poollty ooJ poootlty fot ttoJets ooJ boosebolJs.
Mootb 1
commoJlty cbooqes of JemooJs lo poollty ooJ poootlty
1toJets noosebolJs
8lce lncreased sLocks, lncreased sales mosLly Lo
ald agencles who provlde 8ellef Coods
uecreased demand Lo buy because of rellef
Canned Sardlnes lncreased sLocks, lncreased sales mosLly Lo
ald agencles who provlde 8ellef Coods
uecreased demand Lo buy because of rellef
Laundry Soap lncreased sLocks, lncreased sales mosLly Lo
ald agencles who provlde 8ellef Coods
uecreased demand Lo buy because of rellef
Cl SheeLs SLopped or decreased shlpmenL from
manufacLurers because of frelghL
LefL wlLh Lhe only opLlon Lo buy Cl sheeLs for
rooflng because source of alLernaLlve rooflng
(alm Shlngles and Cogon Crass) are noL
Mootb 2 to opptoxlmotely Mootb 6
commoJlty cbooqes of JemooJs poollty ooJ poootltles
1toJets noosebolJs
8lce uecreased sales from ald agencles. normal
Lrend of sales may resume
May opL Lo purchase cheaper varleLles of
rlce because of decreased purchaslng power.
volume of purchase may decrease.
Canned Sardlnes uecreased sales from ald agencles. normal
Lrend of sales may resume
May opL Lo purchase oLher vlands for
varleLy. volume of purchase may decrease.
Laundry Soap uecreased sales from ald agencles. normal
Lrend of sales may resume
volume of purchase may be Lhe same as
before Lhe shock
Cl SheeLs lncreased sLocks Lo accommodaLe
lncreased demand from households
ConLlnulng lncrease of demand.
6. 1he lmpacL of Lhe shock on prlces of Lhe food and non-food commodlLles.
(kevlewloq ptlce Joto (secooJoty ooJ ptlmoty), ootlloe tbe lmpoct of tbe sbock oo ptlces ooJ tbe coosepoeoces of socb cbooqes.)
koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets lo wotlJ vlsloo coveteJ oteos lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
rlces wlLh Lhe wholesalers lncreased for Lwo commodlLles - rlce and Cl sheeLs. rlces wlLh Lhe reLallers lncreased
for all four commodlLles - rlce, canned sardlnes, laundry soap and Cl sheeLs. 1hese prlce lncreases are Lrlggered by
Lhe lncrease ln demand for all Lhese commodlLles.
7. CpporLunlLles for markeL based lnLervenLlons Lo supporL markeL rehablllLaLlon.
(keflectloq oo tbe motket mopploq exetclses ooJ lotetvlews wltb ttoJets, wbot lotetveotloos coolJ soppott ttoJet copoclty to locteose sopply,
wbeo tbey woolJ be tepolteJ ooJ fot bow looq?)
1oble J. Oppottooltles fot motket lotetveotloos
lotetveotloos to soppott ttoJet copoclty to locteose
kepolteJ wbeo? lot bow looq?
1. CovernmenL Lo enforce prlce conLrol of fuels 8lghL afLer Lhe shock Slx monLhs Lo one year
2. 8esLoraLlon of communlcaLlon faclllLles 8lghL afLer Lhe shock When Lhe communlcaLlon
faclllLles are resLored
3. 8esLoraLlon of elecLrlclLy 8lghL afLer Lhe shock unLll elecLrlclLy flows back
Lo Lhe barangay level
4. rovlslon of Lax-free sLorage faclllLles Lo enable local
Lraders Lo accommodaLe lncreaslng sLocks. 1hls comes
wlLh a formal agreemenL wlLh lmpllcaLlon Lo prlce
regulaLlon of commodlLles.
AL Lhe onseL of Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of C1
unLll normal condlLlons
3. Local CovernmenL unlLs Lo faclllLaLe dlalogues and
formal agreemenLs wlLh Lraders. (An opLlon ls Lhrough
Lhe Chambers of Commerce).
AL Lhe onseL of Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of C1
unLll normal condlLlons
8. MarkeL relaLed conslderaLlons LhaL urgenLly requlre aLLenLlon or furLher analysls (uslng Lhe MAC or Lhe 8AM
MonlLorlng 1ool 13, 14 and 13) should any programmlng / advocacy Lake place.
(1bls coo locloJe coocetos teqotJloq lssoes of ttoJet ot beoeflcloty secotlty, Jlvetsloo, qovetomeot pollcy, blqb levels of beoeflcloty ot ttoJet
Jebt, wbolesolet mooopoly etc.)
8.1 8egular monlLorlng of commodlLles Lhrough Lhe ueparLmenL of 1rade and lndusLry and Lhe Local
CovernmenL unlLs Lo ensure LhaL Lraders do noL Lake advanLage of Lhe prlces
8.2 urgenL repalr of roads Lo faclllLaLe easy access of goods and servlces Lo Lhe markeL and Lo Lhe
8.3 Learn from Lhe governmenL's 4s (anaLawld amllyang lllplno rogramme), Lhe condlLlonal cash
Lransfer programme of Lhe governmenL ln explorlng opLlons Lo lncrease Lhe purchaslng capaclLy of Lhe
8.4 re-poslLlonlng of good LhaL respond Lo Lhe baslc needs of affecLed households llke food, waLer,
medlclnes, cloLhlng, and even communlcaLlon faclllLles, ln secure evacuaLlon places need Lo be lnlLlaLed
by Lhe provlnclal, munlclpal or clLy and barangay u88MC.
8.3 lor World vlslon, preposlLlon of goods should be done ln every fleld offlce or Au clusLer/zone and
may be hauled Lo Lhe posslble affecLed area where Lhere are forecasLed Lyphoon or calamlLy as soon as
9. AssumpLlons, dlfflculLles and challenges faced ln Lhe assessmenL LhaL users of 8AM 8eporL musL be aware of.
(1bls coo locloJe ossomptloos moJe lo tbe Joto collectloo ooJ ooolysls ooJ teflectloos of Joto telloblllty.)
9.1 lnadequaLe number of manpower and llmlLed Llme Lo conducL Lhe assessmenL. 1he scope of Lhe
process ls Lhe whole anay lsland. Slnce lL covers four provlnces, lL requlres a blgger number of sLaff Lo do
Lhe assessmenL.
9.2 Lack of key lnformanLs Lo provlde slgnlflcanL lnformaLlon - mosL of Lhe governmenL offlclals ldenLlfled
as key lnformanLs were occupled wlLh oLher equally lmporLanL Lasks ln Lhelr respecLlve areas. 1hls
prevenLed Lhem Lo provlde relevanL lnformaLlon needed for Lhe sLudy.
9.3 Lack of accuraLe, updaLed, and dlsaggregaLed daLa from Lhe munlclpal, provlnclal and reglonal levels
of llne agencles and key offlces, llke uSWu, LCu, nlA
9< koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets (kAM) lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
1ypbooo nolyoo olooJo metqeocy kespoose
wotlJ vlsloo
9.4 1here are cerLaln lnformaLlon requlred ln Lhe reporL however, could noL be addressed by Lhe daLa
collecLed uslng Lhe Lools. 1hese are elaboraLed ln Lhe recommended lmprovemenLs, lncluded ln Lhe
10. lmplemenLaLlon experlence ln Lhe area and relaLed lessons learned, and acLlvlLles planned or belng
lmplemenLed by oLher agencles.
(Applyloq lessoos leotoeJ ftom post emetqeocy ptoqtommes coo beoeflt fotote lotetveotloos ooJ lofloeoce Jeclsloos. lf ooy lofotmotloo ls
ovolloble ftom secooJoty Joto tevlews etc., tbeo tbls sboolJ be locloJeJ bete. koowloq wbot otbet oqeocles ote ploooloq oo Joloq coo olso
lofloeoce Jeclsloo mokets, especlolly wbeo tbete cosb ptoqtommes ot motket soppott lotetveotloos ote ploooeJ.)
10.1 lmplemeototloo xpetleoce
10.1.1 1he Leam vlslLed Lhe u88MC hub aL Lhe Caplz CaplLol Lo coordlnaLe wlLh Lhe oLher ald agencles lf
Lhey are conducLlng 8AM, Lhe covered areas for assessmenL and Lhe parLlcular commodlLles.
10.1.2 1he pre-fleld vlslL aL Lhe lsland's commerclal hub, llollo ClLy was done. key lnformanL lnLervlews
were conducLed wlLh Lhe suppllers for Lhe four provlnces. 1he 8eglonal nlA Cfflce, reglonal suppllers of
Lhe four commodlLles were vlslLed such as rlce, boLLled waLer, hyglene klLs, and Cl sheeLs. AL LhaL polnL, lL
was noL yeL declded LhaL Lhe second commodlLy was canned sardlnes unLll Lhe Leam recelved an advlse
from Lhe zonal manager LhaL Lhe boLLled waLer would be replaced wlLh canned sardlnes. AL LhaL sLage, Lhe
Leam undersLood Lhe flow of goods enLer Lhe lsland Lhrough llollo ClLy, excepL for rlce and laundry soap
and canned sardlnes whlch also enLer Lhrough 8oxas ClLy.
10.1.3 1he Leam spenL aL a day sLudylng and preparlng for Lhe daLa gaLherlng.
10.1.4 1he Leam organlsed and dlvlded Lhe avallable manpower Lo be asslgned Lo parLlcular areas,
because of shorLage of manpower, one sLaff was asslgned for every provlnce.
10.1.3 1he Leam provlded orlenLaLlon on 8AM Lo daLa gaLherers and lead Lhem Lo go over Lhe Lool lLem by
lLem, clarlfylng polnLs, conLexLuallslng approach and plannlng on how Lo use each Lool was done before
Lhe acLual daLa gaLherlng. Slnce Lhey are all experlenced communlLy workers (from CommunlLy LnLerprlse
venLures) who are experlenced wlLh conducLlng lnLervlews, lL was needless Lo Lraln Lhem.
10.1.6 All loglsLlcal preparaLlons were lncluded ln all Lhe sLeps llke Lhe daLa gaLherers' LransporLaLlon,
meal allowances, lodglng allowances, supplles, prlnLed quesLlonnalres, pens, leLLer of requesLs addressed
Lo key lnformanLs slgned by Lhe Leam leader and oLher maLerlals. ConLacL numbers were also exchanged
beLween and among Leam members and daLa gaLherers for ease of communlcaLlon of querles and
10.1.7 Schedules, daLes Llme and venue were flnallsed and agreed upon before golng Lo Lhe fleld.
10.1.8 1he daLa gaLherers conducLed key lnformanL lnLervlews Lo wholesalers, reLallers, represenLaLlves
of relevanL agencles, and elecLed offlclals aL Lhe barangay levels. 1hey used 1ools number 3, 8, 13 and 14.
10.1.9 8AM 1eam members conducLed key lnformanL lnLervlews Lo households formulaLlng quesLlons
llfLed from Lhe varlous Lools buL gauglng Lhe slde of Lhe household, complemenLlng Lhe lnformaLlon
collecLed by Lhe daLa gaLherers whlch are more on Lhe wholesalers, reLallers, governmenL offlclals and
agency represenLaLlves.
10.1.10 A uaLa LnLry SheeL was deslgned Lo faclllLaLe consolldaLlon and analysls. 1he fllled-up form ls
aLLached ln Lhls documenL as an appendlx.
10.1.11 1he 8AM 1eam and Lhe daLa gaLherers wenL over Lhrough Lhe fllled-ln uaLa LnLry SheeLs Lo
valldaLe, correcL, and clarlfy daLa. lL was also a Llme for analysls Lhrough bralnsLormlng, and puLLlng
lnformaLlon LogeLher Lo be able Lo come up wlLh Lhe concluslons, sharlng of lessons learned
10.1.12 lL was found ouL LhaL Lhe requlred lnformaLlon ln Lhe reporL, are noL meL by Lhe daLa generaLed
from Lhe Lools.
koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets lo wotlJ vlsloo coveteJ oteos lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
10.2 lessoos leotoeJ
1oble 4. lessoos leotoeJ
xpetleoce No.
lessoos leotoeJ
10.1.1 CoordlnaLlon wlLh ald agencles wlLh slmllar and or complemenLary servlces ls qulLe helpful as lL
wlll prevenL dupllcaLlon, promoLe complemenLaLlon, maxlmlse resources, and promoLe quallLy
10.1.2 lL ls beneflclal Lo be able Lo have a reglonal or lsland-wlde perspecLlve on Lhe flow of Lhe
commodlLles before proceedlng Lo Lhe munlclpal or clLy and barangay level, because mosL of Lhe
goods flow from commerce and Lrade hubs Lo Lhe households.
10.1.3 1here ls no subsLlLuLe for preparaLlon and Lhls ls very much appllcable Lo conducLlng a new Lool
llke 8AM
10.1.4 When manpower ls llmlLed, Lhe besL approach for daLa gaLherlng LhaL covers a blg area ls
urposlve Sampllng Lo ensure coverage and represenLaLlon.
10.1.3 & 10.1.8 &
uaLa gaLherers need Lo famlllarlse Lhe Lool well for her/hlm Lo ask Lhe quesLlons well and be able
Lo sLraLeglse ln Lerms on how Lo probe or ask follow-up quesLlons.
10.1.6 & 10.1.7 CoordlnaLlon ls a conLlnulng process, even durlng fleldwork, lL ls very much needed.
10.1.12 Aslde from sLudylng Lhe Lools, lL would be qulLe helpful for Lhe 8AM 1eam Lo focus on Lhe
lnformaLlon requlred by Lhe reporL for Lhem Lo be able Lo formulaLe Lhe mosL approprlaLe Lools
LhaL would meeL Lhe lnformaLlon requlremenL of Lhe reporL
10.J Actlvltles ploooeJ ot beloq lmplemeoteJ by otbet oqeocles
10.2.1 8AM ls also conducLed by oLher agencles ln anay lsland, buL Lhey have dlfferenL focus on
commodlLles and areas.
1oble 5. Otbet oqeocles oo kAM
AlJ Aqeocy Ateo commoJlty 5cbeJole
ACl (AcLlon ConLre la
LsLancla, llollo
8aLan, Aklan
San ulonlslo, llollo
lood LasL week of november
Save Lhe Chlldren unconflrmed unconflrmed unconflrmed
Coal unconflrmed unconflrmed unconflrmed
l8C LsLancla, llollo
8aLan, Aklan
San ulonlslo, llollo
Sara, llollo
Maayon, Caplz
!"#$%&' 9) :&'#/1.%&'.
1oble 6. 5ommoty of tbe motkets ooolyseJ ooJ tbe poteotlol tespoose optloos fot cooslJetotloo Jotloq tespoose ooolysls.
9= koplJ Assessmeot fot Motkets (kAM) lo loooy lslooJ, lblllpploes
1ypbooo nolyoo olooJo metqeocy kespoose
wotlJ vlsloo
!"#$%&' 9) ;66"'-%#".
Appendlx 1. 8AM Covered Areas
!"# $%&'(')
Appendlx 2. 8AM uaLa LnLry
!"# )*0* '10(2
Appendlx 3. Concluslon 1able
$%1$45+.%1 0*64' (*7
/*1*2 .+4*1),-./

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