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IGF-1 DES-1 Influences of IGF-1 Levels in Circulation

Published on 30 May, 2013, by ic!ar" #lanc!ar"$

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IGF-1 DES-1 is one of the primary mediators some hormone types in the animal body. When this chemical is activated, it can affect the bone, cartilage, m scle, !idneys, s!in, nerves, hematopiotic cells and l ngs. It creates effects that mimic ins lin "hile reg lating cell development and gro"th#and managing cell lar D$% synthesis. %nimals that have a deficiency of these nat ral hormones or the nat ral version of IGF-1 can have a diminished stat re. %nimals s ch as cattle are often treated "ith a synthetic version of this chemical to help manage conditions s ch as &aron syndrome that stems from the deficiency of this chemical "ithin the body. Influences of IGF-1 Levels in Circulation 'here are a n mber of factors that "ill impact the nat ral levels of these hormones orIGF-1 in an animal(s body "hich can lead to gro"th deficiencies. Factors incl ding the e)ercise stat s, time of day, se), age, n trition level, body mass inde) *+,I-, stress levels, estrogen stat s, disease state or )enobiotic inta!e may affect the level of IGF-1 in the body in a nat ral setting. .enobiotic inta!e has been a recent incl sion to this stat s as st dies sho"ed that IGF-1 stat s incl ded an a)is that had potential to disr pt certain endocrine chemicals, therefore labeling this chemical as an endocrine disr ptor. Different animals "ill re/ ire different levels of some hormone types as "ell as IGF1 DES1 thro gho t their life cycle in order to manage the vario s cell stim lation and body development needed thro gho t the animal(s lifestyle. %nimals that are raised in farm settings "ill often receive synthetic versions of IGF1 DES1 to stim late additional m scle gro"th to increase the animal(s val e as a food co rse. Fasting "ill dramatically and / ic!ly red ce the levels of this hormone, "hich can lead to negative effects. Free range animals may be at ris! for this diffic lty0sho ld their food so rce or n trition levels in the body change / ic!ly. e%ro"uctive &erfor'ance of #ulls 'his st dy "as designed to determine the effects of IGF-1

on sperm mobility, scrotal circ mference and percentage of "hat(s termed as normal sperm cells in %ng s beef cattle. +lood samples "ere ta!en to determine the blood ser m concentration of IGF-1 in each animal. 'he data "as obtained from these samples by st dying 111 fall-calving p rebred %ng s b lls. It "as determined that the percentage of mobile sperm cells, the percentage of "hat(s !no"n as normal sperm cells, scrotal circ mference did not vary bet"een animals "ith high or lo" IGF-1 levels. When levels of 23, 42 or 56 concentrations of IGF-1 "ere applied to post"eaning animals, the / adratic regression of the scrotal circ mfrance tended to go negative as did the percentage of mobile sperm cells. 'he coefficient for / adratic regression in the normal sperm cells "as negative for those %ng s b lls that received e)pos re to IGF-1 in 56 concentrations. 'he scrotal circ mference and percentage of normal sperm cells "ere negative and considered impotent on those b lls that received concentrations of .14 and .13. IGF1 DES1 is also applied to animals "hen it is necessary to stim late reprod ctive performance. St dies applying this chemical, to incl de cattle and rats, for this p rpose are ongoing. Sources( http788""".ncbi.nlm.nih.gov8p bmed811923946
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