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Mulroney destroyed the Democracy by stealing the RCMP He escaped as will Harper though the RCMP investigating self

a Conflict of Interest Prime Minister appoints Attorney General and Minister of Public afety Minister of Public afety accountable to the people for the actions of the RCMP see toc!well Day "pg #$ %ac! Commissioner RCMP gets the boot &he Attorney General does not' however' direct or cause charges to be laid( )hile the Attorney General and the Attorney General*s agents may provide legal advice to the police' the ultimate decision whether or not to lay charges is for the police( +nce the charge is laid the decision as to whether the prosecution should proceed' and in what manner' is for the Attorney General and the Crown Attorney( Mulroney escapes court and manner Attorney General chose to proceed set admitted ta, evader of bribery money from armaments dealer free for they all live in glass houses you see and chreiber eventually goes to -ail in Germany I believe Mulroney had stolen the RCMP ma!ing the Commissioner a Deputy Minister www(DamageControl./(com 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 These principles are reflected in all citizens being equal before the law and having equal access to legislative processes. For example, in a representative democracy, every vote has equal weight, no unreasonable restrictions can apply to anyone seeking to become a representative, and the freedom of its citizens is secured by legitimized rights and liberties which are generally protected by a constitution.[8][9] There are several varieties of democracy, some of which provide better representation and more freedom for their citizens than others.[10][11] However, if any democracy is not structured so as to prohibit the government from excluding the people from the legislative process, or any branch of government

from altering the separation of powers in its own

favor, then a branch of the system and

can accumulate too much power

destroy the democracy.


Representative Democracy, Consensus Democracy' and Deliberative Democracy are all major examples of attempts at a form of government

that is both practical and responsive to the needs and desires of citizens.
The United Nations currently only requires that a sovereign state has an effective and independent government within a defined territory.

According to current international law norms, states are only required to have an effective and independent system of government pursuant to a community within a defined territory.[2]1or centuries past' the idea that a state could be

sovereign was always connected to its ability to guarantee the best interests of its own citizens. &hus' if a state could not act in the best interests of its own citi2ens' it could not be thought of as a sovereign state.[3] 3,cerpts from www(GallagherChronicles(com http455www(scribd(com5doc5/67#86#85 toc!well9Day9:ovember9/ http455www(scribd(com5doc5/67#86#75 toc!well9Day9:ovember9;9<8 December 10 2009 http://www.vivelecanada.ca/article/235930717-paul-kennedy-and-robert-dziejanski--the-rcmp-s-williamelliott-and-more +n :ovember 7 #<<8 I filed with the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP for refusing to investigate government organi2ed crime that immediately forwarded to the RCMP to investigate themselves( +n eptember / #<<7 RCMP District Commander of the G&A uperintendent Robert Davis signed the RCMP 1inal =etter of Disposition stating although I had provided hundreds of pages of documents chose not to loo! at them ta!ing a diversionary out the bac! door path finding the RCMP innocent of refusing to investigate government organi2ed crime corruption and conspiracy while he himself admitted he refused to loo! at the evidence( eptember #/' #; #<<7 I filed with the Commission for a review and on or about December #6 chair Paul >ennedy articulated a fine bundle of crap agreeing with the RCMP uperintended ma!ing note they with same boss are independent of the RCMP %ac! no Political Patsy ? %ac! has got to go http455www(scribd(com5doc5/67#7/8@5&his9Column9)as9Published9in9the9:orth9 hore9:ews9on9 ept ./ #<<< http455www(scribd(com5doc5/67#7/685=eo9>night9December9#79#<<8 http455www(scribd(com5doc5/6A<;#</5Commission9RCMP9Complaints9Dec9#89#<<8

http455www(scribd(com5doc5.<;@A6<A/5RCMP9 arge9 tates9Apparently9I9&hought9)ere9Actually9 Going9to9Investigate9Government9Corruption9as9Per9Complaint http455-ustice./(com5about/(html elf Policing is a conflict of Interest

http4558.(.7(.6;(#75aboutA(html Mc1rauds Any more help from them and I will be dead ma!ing the

enator that threatened me a prophet

maintaining their e,ploited profit e,ponentially secure #

www(1ran!./(com http455www(scribd(com5doc5.@@;/.;<@5Done9)hat9I9Can9to9 ave9)orld9Ball9:ow9in9Cour9Court http455www(scribd(com5doc5.7#7<;8.;5R3:+9./ http455www(scribd(com5doc5../77#A885 pirit9Intent9Precedence9de9Dure9Constitution9or9Romans9./9 Gaming9the9 ystem9de91acto Proclaim God De -ure Rule of =aw administer De facto Diablo Rule of =aw elusivity Rule of =aw http455en(wi!ipedia(org5wi!i5RuleEofElaw &he Rule of law in its most basic form is no one is above the law( Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately e,ercised only in accordance with' publicly disclosed laws' adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps that are referred to as due process( &he rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy( According to modern Anglo9American thin!ing' hallmar!s of adherence to the rule of law commonly include

a clear separation of powers,

legal certainty,
the principle of legitimate e,pectation and eFuality of all before the law( /

&he concept is not without controversy' and it has been said that Gthe phrase the rule of law has become meaningless than!s to ideological abuse and general over9 useG G+ P+3 General +ver9use Proclamations +nly 3lusivity publicly disclosed laws ;#( ".$ &he Constitution of Canada is

the supreme law of Canada,

and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is' to the e,tent of the inconsistency'

of no force or effect.
As chief law officer' the Attorney General has

a special responsibility
to be the guardian of

that most elusive concept

9 the rule of law( &he rule of law is a well established legal principle'

but hard to easily define(

It is the rule of law that protects individuals' and society as a whole' from arbitrary measures and safeguards personal liberties( &he entire purported to be legal system the De facto antithesis of that conducive to guaranteed Charter rights http455www(scribd(com5doc5.77#AA@/75Ra9the9Mulroney9Media9Connection

A !ey component of the Attorney General*s responsibilities to ensure the administration of -ustice in the province is the administration of the courts and as a result the responsibility for maintaining liaison with the -udiciary( Given the fundamental importance of the independence of the -udiciary' the responsibility for courts administration is often a very sensitive and delicate issue( Great care and respect for the principles of -udicial independence must be e,ercised in this area(

http455www(scribd(com5doc5.7A678#/85Populace9Against9=aw9 ociety9Coherent9People9Resurrection Clear eparation of PowersH



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