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HBS Leadership Fellows gives nonprofit and public-sector organizations the opportunity to maximize their effectiveness by leveraging the

experience, energy, and analytical s ills of graduating !B"s for one year at a salary partially subsidized by HBS# $roposal for %&'(-') Fellowship *ear
Thank you for your interest in the HBS Leadership Fellows program! +he Leadership Fellows program is intended to offer graduates a position with managerial and leadership development activities distinct from other full-time positions# Each year, the program receives more proposals than can e selected to participate in the program! The Leadership Fellows committee will select a limited num er of proposals that est meet the program goals of" "ccess#$eaningful engagement with senior leaders in the organi%ation and in the field ,mpact#& ility to work on and influence pro'ects of key strategic importance to the organi%ation Leadership#& leadership development e(perience that uilds on the $B& skill set

"t a minimum, positions should include the following characteristics )eports to the *E+, or reports to another senior e(ecutive and has regular and meaningful access to the *E+ ,this could include attending selected key meetings with the *E+, esta lishing monthly lunches with the *E+, or creating mentoring opportunities with the *E+Focuses on a discrete, strategic pro'ect or set of responsi ilities critical to the organi%ation.s success /nvolves managerial and leadership development activities distinct from a full0time position and tailored to advancing post0 $B& skill sets for the enefit of oth the Fellow and the organi%ation 1rovides commitment for a one0year position, and designs the position and responsi ilities ased upon a mutual one0year commitment

Support as you develop your proposal

1lease refer to 2Best 1ractices for 3eveloping a 1roposal4 to support your thinking and planning as you consider the Leadership Fellows program 5e encourage organi%ations who have not previously participated in the Leadership Fellows program to contact us so that we may discuss the program in more depth, answer any 6uestions as you consider the opportunity, and provide assistance as you develop a proposal! /f you have 6uestions or would like any guidance as you develop your proposal, please contact the Leadership Fellows program ,tel" 7890:;<07:=8> e0mail" lfp?h s!edu-

Submitting proposal
+o be considered for the %&'(-%&') Leadership Fellows program, please submit a proposal by September (, %&'.# Email the entire proposal as a 5ord 3ocument to lfp/hbs#edu! Su mitting a proposal indicates commitment y the organi%ation to the terms on the last page of this proposal! *onfirmation of receipt" 5ithin one usiness day, the designated )ecruiting $anager for your organi%ation will receive email confirmation of your proposal eing received! /f you do not receive confirmation, please call 7890:;<07:=8 to confirm receipt!

0rganization 0verview
0rganization name Location of head6uarters Founding date +perating udget @um er of employees

$rogram 1oals
Note: Information in this section will only be used for Committee review. Please feel free to repeat key information in the Position and Organi ation !escription" for students to see in the #ob posting. /n what ways will this position address the overarching program goals of access, impact, and leadershipA /f you plan to hire from a usiness school or other graduate school program this year, how would this position e differentiatedA &dditional comments for *ommittee review

$osition and 0rganization 2escription

Note: Information in this section will be in the #ob posting for students if the proposal is selected for the $eadership %ellows program. 2escription of organization Text area will expand as you type; please limit to 2500 characters.

$osition title

(e.g., Director of Business nitiati!es, Director of "trategy and #rgani$ational %rowth, "enior Director& This is !ery important in con!eying the role of the graduate in the organi$ation, and should not include the term '(ellow.)

$osition description *lease include position goals, description, s+ills, experience re,uired, and primary responsi-ilities. Function of position 1lease select one! Location of position Language re3uirements $otential employment status Link to important details on H8B Eisas for international students

Text area will expand as you type; please limit to .500 characters.

B C Deneral $anagement B C Business 3evelopment

B C $arketing B C Finance

B C +perations B C Strategic 1lanning

/ote that (ellow must -e in same location as super!isor. B C no B C yes /f yes, please e(plain"

The program encourages organi$ations to consider all candidates and will carefully consider potential employment status in selecting organi$ations. 4 5 "ll candidates may apply ,*lease note0 !irtually all international students ha!e full 1.". wor+ authori$ation for .22.3 months after graduation.& 4 5 6#S# permanent wor authorization re3uired ,*lease note0 -y selecting this option, you would not reach international students who represent one2third of 4B" 5B6s.& 4 5 Local citizenship 7non-6S8 re3uired# /ndicate which country in 'o description!

0rganization 9ontacts and ,nformation

Fellow:s Supervisor @ame Title, 3epartment Telephone Street &ddress *ity, State, Fip, *ountry /f supervisor is not in head6uarters or is not in the same location as the Fellow, please e(plain! /f supervisor is not *E+, please note" 8- organi%ational structure and supervisorGs reporting relationship to *E+ =- mechanisms for Fellow to have regular access to *E+ ,e!g!, attending selected key meetings with *E+, esta lishing monthly lunches with *E+, or instituting other tangi le means of facilitating a mentoring relationshipEmail

;ecruiting !anager The )ecruiting $anagerGs name and contact information will e included in 'o posting for students! This person will e the primary contact for oth the Leadership Fellows program team and students who have 6uestions during the process! This person should" e availa le to students and a le to address 6uestions a out the organi%ation and position throughout the application process> e availa le and responsive to HBS email, re6uests and directions throughout recruiting process>

serve in a managerial role and e either within the department where the Fellow would e placed or within the Human )esources department! If the organi ation has a current %ellow& while they may be consulted during the process& they should not play this role ! @ame Title, 3epartment Telephone Street &ddress *ity, State, Fip, *ountry /nterview dates Link to $B& )ecruiting calendar for key dates including classHe(am schedule @ame and title of interviewer,sSalary <onprofit organizations- +rgani%ations agree to hire the Fellow as a full0time employee of the organi%ation, and pay a salary of K:<,III! /n most cases, organi%ations will pay Fellows on the regular payment cycle of an employee at the organi%ation, and HBS will pay the Fellow directly on a monthly asis for a Fellowship award of K<I,III ,for a total salary of K;<,III-! /f you are una le to pay using this structure, the Leadership Fellows program will have a more detailed conversation to determine feasi ility! $ublic-sector organizations- +rgani%ations agree to hire the Fellow as a full0time employee of the organi%ation, and pay a salary of K:<,III! /n most cases, organi%ations will pay Fellows on the regular payment cycle of an employee at the organi%ation, and HBS will pay the Fellow an award of K<I,III in one lump sum efore the FellowGs start date at the organi%ation! /f you are una le to pay using this structure, please contact the Leadership Fellows program efore su mitting your proposal! /s your organi%ation a le to pay using B C Les B C @o M please e(plain and contact the Leadership Fellows program" /f your organi%ation is selected as a potential Leadership Fellows organi%ation, during which days are you availa le for interviews at HBSA ,*heck all that apply!B C @ovem er :, =I8J B C @ovem er 7, =I8J Email

one of the structures a oveA

9ommitment of Hiring 0rganization

,f selected as a Leadership Fellows organization, hiring organizations are expected to &dhere to HBS )ecruiting policies and guidelines Enter the Leadership Fellows process to access a large pool of applicants, and in the interview process consider candidates with ackgrounds from many industries regardless of sector! +rgani%ations should not view the program as a way to hire a specific individual with whom they have a pre0e(isting relationship> if the Steering *ommittee learns that such colla oration has occurred with a Leadership Fellows candidate, oth the student and organi%ation will e dis6ualified! /f you are interested in hiring a specific candidate or hiring from a specific ackground, this should e done through standard recruiting! &dhere to deadlines and key dates outlined elow and make a representative availa le during the process! *ontact the Leadership Fellows program with any anticipated changes to position ,including supervisor, location, etc!- that take place during the hiring process or during the Fellowship year! Hire the Fellow as a full0time employee of the organi%ation, and pay a salary of K:<,III! 1rovide office space, employee enefits, administrative support, and work0related travel e(penses!

2eadlines and ey dates September (, %&'." deadline for organi%ations to su mit proposal September '=, %&'." organi%ation selection y HBS 0ctober '>, %&'." student application deadline 0ctober %(, %&'." deadline for organi%ations to su mit their interview lists <ovember ( or ?, %&'." organi%ations interview candidates at Harvard Business School <ovember > - 2ecember =, %&'." timeline for completing second round interviews and making an offer @anuary '&, %&'(" deadline for student decisions February ., %&'(- f first offer is not accepted and a second offer is made 22 final deadline for organi%ation to make offers through Leadership Fellows program Summer %&'( A Summer %&')" one0year Fellowship term

In submitting this proposal& organi ations are agreeing to the criteria and responsibilities outlined in this proposal form. If the $eadership %ellows 'teering Committee determines that the criteria and responsibilities have not been met and maintained& it reserves the right to remove the organi ation from the program. The conditions of the 4B" 7eadership (ellows program are su-8ect to change from year to year.

+o be completed by 9B0 of the organization +rgani%ation name" *E+ name" Title" ha!e re!iewed and agree to fulfill the commitments of the hiring organi$ation as outlined a-o!e. Signature"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 3ate NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

*lease include electronic signature or type name to indicate that the 9:# has re!iewed the proposal and agrees to fulfill the commitments of the hiring organi$ation as outlined a-o!e.

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