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Summer, 19^3

Dear'Christian Friends:

'.Vhen you hear the term "missionary" do you think of such faroff places as Southern Rhodesia, Brazil, Japan, or India? These
names have a romantic sound', V/e can thank God that missionaries from New Testament churches are winning many souls in these lands

to the glory of God.

But do we sometimes forget that there are

mission fields and missionaries right here in our own United States?

One of the most forgotten evangelistic fields in the vjorld is

that of the American Indian. A story is told of how many years ago

a tribe of Indians in the Pacific Northwest heard of a great book of the white man that had wonderful powersthe Book of Heaven.

Two young braves were chosen to Journey to the cities of the white man to get this book for the Indian people. They traveled for many moons over rugged country until they reached Washington, D. C,, where

they told their story and asked for the great book.
comed and shown the sights of the capital. the Book of Heaven.

They were wel

They were given many

gifts to take back to their people, but no one gave them a copy of
So they had to make the long journey back to

tell their people that they had failed in their mission. Because of the story these Indian braves told, two brave missionariesMarcus
and Warcissa '^Vhitmandid eventually go to the Oregon Territory.
needs of the Indian rather than the spiritual needs.


far too many of the white people have worried more about the physical
Some 12 or 13 years ago a Yakima Indian preacher named Ray Zack started a work among the Indian people in the Tacoma, iVashington area.

These were Indian people who had moved from the reservation and they were finding life among the white people bewildering in -iiany respects. Because of the efforts of Ray and two young women missionaries (one
of whom later became Mrs. Ray Zack) an Indian church v/as started in

Tacoma. Today the Tacoma work is the nerve center of a mission work that is touching many parts of '/Jestern V/ashington. In addition, in
the summer time open air caiap meetings are held in berry and hop fields to reach the many migratory Indian workers who come each year from Vancouver Island and other areas of Canada for the '^Vashington


Many of these are being won for the Lord and it is hoped

that soon v/e will have a man to send to Canada to work with, these new

The present Director of the Puget Sound Christian Indian Mission is Donald'Augenstine who had 10 years of experience in working with the McKinley Indian Mission in Eastern VJashington before taking this

post in January 1962.


He and his family now live in Tacoma, but he

travels extensively, reaching Indian people in all of the surrounding

In February 1959 Bill Asseln, then a student at the Puget Sound

College of The Bible, became interested in working with Indian people

in Seattle. Later he worked with the Indian church Ray Zack had started in Tacoma as a youth director and teacher in the Sunday School. -Vhen he

became acquainted with this work he realized that it would take great patience and many years of labor. He decided to serve the Lord among
the American Indians, even though he knew that he might see little of
the results of his work in his lifetime.

'Vhile working his way through bible college at whatever job he could find to fit his school schedule, Bill made use of every possible moment to work with the Puget Sound Christian Indian Mission. He labored first with Jim Smith in Seattle, then with Ray Zack in Tacoma, and finally with the present Director of the Mission, Don Augenstine.

In the summer of 19^0 Joan Bissell began teaching children at

the Mission and helping Bill with his youth activities, and in Decem ber of t^at year tjiey were i;iarried> Both of them continued working for their support and Bill's schoolihg expenses and helping in their spare time at the Mission. Joan worked as a legal secretary, while
"Bill worked at whatever he could find to f i t his school schedule.

Bill graduated in June of 19^3 and was ordained to the Christian

ministry on July 21, 19^3 by the Elders of the 10th & M Church of
Christ in Anacortes, iVashington. At the present time Bill is working ^8 hours a week as a taxicab driver because this job enables him to use* part of his afternoons as well as his evenings for calling and other mission work. While Joan has helped pay debts incurred during Bill's schooling, she is no longer able to help in this way because of the child she is expecting this winter.
Because the Asselns have spent so much of their time earning

money for their living expenses, they have had to ignore many oppor tunities for expanding the work among the Indian people. There simply has not been enough time to do all that needs to be done. For this reason they are for the first time asking -their Christian friends to help them in the mission work among the Indians.
The opportunities are many. In the State of ./ashington alone their are numerous reservations and thousands of Indians living outside of the reservations. On Vancouver Island and in other parts of Canada there are also many reservations and thousands of Indians. From time to time doors are opened for us to enter these areas, but because of lack of time and funds we have been prevented from taking advantage of

these opportunities.

\7e need your prayers and your help.

Joan and Bill Asseln



15, 19o3

Name in full


.Villiam Henry Asseln

Tacoma, ',Vashin.p;ton

Complete address on field

I6IO East .Jri;;ht Street

Seattle, .Washington 9^103

Complete forwarding address

7^1 ^ * 7^th

Name and address of Livinglink church or churches; (See Additional Information sheet)


10th 8f MChurch of Christ

Street, 10th & M Streets Street.

City -Anacortes . 7nnP




Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:

University St. Church of Christ Court St. Christian Church


2880 University Street

Court & 17th Streets

CAty. Eup:ene



City. Salem


RtatP. Oregon .

Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourage other churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow a visiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impos sible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a respon sible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the value

of your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers about your church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3) and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share the credit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share their conviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will help
convince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MKSION SERVICES to spread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recom mendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.

Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of
each letter, thanks.)





State_ <^^^y


Name and address of hometown npwgpflpftr

Anacortes i^merican
Anacortes, .Washington

Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:

Tlnnp Stfltp

7.nn(^ Rtata

Place of TtTRTTT


Day of hirfh ^9
Where baptised?

MonthjIiilL V^nr. ^938

10th &- M Ghriatian Church
Anacorbes RtatP

Dat^. /JAo


On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care to


MflrnVH X


DiV0rced^__ Widnwftd

Date of ma-TTiagrp December 29. I960

Where married? Eugene, Oregon


Who solemnized your wedding? . Leo A. '.Voodruff

List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:

(If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)

day, month, and year


Place of their birth

Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:
Place Service Dates

^onney Lake Community Church

Seattle Indian Church

Youth V/orker

January 1958-January 1959

(Puget Sound Ghr. Indian Mission) Preacher

Feb. 1959 - Sept. 1959

Feb. I960 - Present

(Puget Sound Chr. Indian Mission)

Tacoma Indian Church Youth Leader

SCHOOLING (high school and later):

Name of school
Anacortes High School
Puget Sound College


Number of years

Degrees and date granted


of the, Bible

.^eat^le; i?n.

1957 - 1965

B.R.E. (June I963)

What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hope to accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leading others into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space):
Through the teaching I received in Anacortes and through the influence of other Christians I came to realize that the things of God are the only things eternal. If heaven is so wonderful that we can*t even imagine what

it is like there (and it is) the only reason Christians have for remaining
on earth is that there are others not ready for heaven. '.Vhen I became

acquainted with the work among the Indians I felt that was my calling because my personality seems to fit that field and because of the great
need I saw there.

Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:
Preaching Teaching Calling Counseling

Helping to organize churches among the Indians Putting out Christian publications for Indians

Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
X Bible College TpflnVip-r. Public School Teacher^

Homemaker__^ D o c t o r _ . ^ N u r s e _ _ ^ Social w o r k e r _ ^ Music teacher.

Radio ministry.

Radio followup^_^_^Christian Service f'gynp


Maintenance of mission equipment^-^S_ BenevolenceOffice work^_^^ Name other:

Sunday school teach
Youth v/orker



Father's name and home


William W. Assein
nn. ^

Living^JL Deceased.
nif^r Anacortes ^one State

His nnnTipatinn Electrician Tr he a Christian? yes.

What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?

What Christian service does he now do?

Mother's full maiden name:

St.rPfit 903 - 35th





Hifv Anacortes

RtatP .Washington

Is she a Christian? Yes_iL-.No.

Her occupation if employed outside the hnmp Homemaker

What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local nhnrnh??. Ohoir
Director, Sunday School Teacher, .Voiuen's Groups


(See Additional Information sheet)

Where attend fihiirrTi?.





-Rtat^ _

What duties are performed by the forwarding Does the forwarding agent receive a salary?,. Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?,
In what form should funds be

If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how to do it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.

Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you think might be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:


Name in fu-ll Joan Harie Asseln

Auimst l.*?, 1965

Complete address on field

Complete forwarding address

1610 East ,.'ri-jht Street

Tacouia, ..ashington

74i n. 7St.h
Seattle^ ;ashin.?ton QSiO"^

Name and address of Livingliuk church or churches: (See Additional Information sheet)







Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:

University St. Church of Christ Cni.trt . Chr-i pin Chnrnh ,

i=;t.rppt_ 2880 University St.

Rtrpot Cmirt

'\7th .qhrppt.?^

r.ity Eucrene


RffltP Qreg-on

Pity. 3alet.'i


. StatP


Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourage other churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow a visiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impos sible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a respon sible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the value of your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers about your church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3) and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share the

credit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share their conviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will help convince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES to spread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recom
mendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.

Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of
each letter, thanks.)
NAM-P! Name




Zone_ State.^^^ ^^'^y



Name and address of hometown np-nrapapRr Bup;ene Register L-uard

Eur!:ene, Oregon

Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:
Anacortes American



Hity Anacortes





Place of T^TRTTT Su.n:ene, Oregon

Day of hirtti 18

Mnnf-h Sent. Vpar. 1938 ^ faster 19^8

Rtat^ Oregon

Where haptigpH?First Christian Church

Pity Eugene

On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care to
mention. MARITAL STATUS: Marriftd X

r>i vnrnpH


Date of TnQT-t-iagg December 29 I96O

Who solemnized your wedding?

Where married? Eug:ene, Qreeion

Leo A. .Joodruff

List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:

(If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)

(See Additional Information



Place of their birth

day, month, and year

Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:

Place St.


of Christ

Service Sunday Sch..Teacher Social Committee



Eugene, Oregon
ian Church Jre jnx/ood.,.Christian

1953 - 1958
1959 - i960

^tle, vjasnington

Sunday Sch. Teacher

SCHOOLING (high school and later):

Name of school

Hiiih School

Number of years

19th Avenue

Degrees and date granted

High Sch, Dipionia

^u^ene, Oregon

June, 1956

What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hope to accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leading
others into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space):
The Christian teaching I received in my home when grov/ing up

and in the churches I attended taught me the importance of living for Christ, v'/hen I became older I was not satisfied with my work
as a secretary even though I did well at i t and desired more meaning for my life. vVhen I met Bill and became acquainted with the Indian work and the need for missionaries among the American Indian I found the purpose I had been seeking. My purpose now is to raise my children for Christ and assist my husband in his ?/ork for the Lord among the Indians or wherever the Lord leads.

Describe briefly in outline form the nature of-your daily duties on the field: Handling mission correspondence
Preparing materials for teaching Sunday School class Helping with publications for mission work Bible study Counseling Daily Christian example

Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status? Rvang-plfst.
WnTnAmaifAr X

Bible College Tpanhpr,

nnrvfr^r Radio followup.

Public School TAanTiAr.

Social worker__^ Music teacher.
Christian Service Camp
Office -arrii-ir

Radio ministry,

X Name other:

Maintenance of mission equipment..-J_^ Benevolence.

Bible school teacher

Youth vVorker


Father's name and home aHHrPfia.


M. Ri.qsell

Living^JL^ Deceased.
Hity. Sugene 2:one RtatP Oregon

RtrftPt.McClure Lane

His nnfiiipaHon. /nrkpr

Tc he a Christian? yesUC_.no.
Decicon. i;lder. Board Me:nber

What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?

What Christian service does he now do? .

Elder. Missions Cormaittee

Mother's full maiden name:

Vina Daisy Phelns


Rfrppf 10^ McClure Lane

Is she a Christian? YesJS .No.

City_Si__^ Zone


Her occupation if employed outside the

What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local churchi?.


(See Additional Information sheet)

C itvWhere attend nhurnh?.

z nnft






What duties are performed by the forwarding

Does the forwarding agent receive a salary?^^ Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?,
In what form should funds be

If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how to

do it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.
Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you think might be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:






htssion SeruicQS

Sox. SGd Joliet , Illinois


A \

' - Atr':' 'J--.- '/.'

' t j * I


..It is . diffioult to tell you of all txie .wonderful people we know, -Uie many nm-!
friends we have met and the truly v<on-r

.Wodncsday foimd us. up hcjrth-'.again at- "Lowell, Indiana .vrhere vre met ' ^heir hew;.',
minister, the Virgil Sv7eaney':S.. Ws.returned Don's Dad's ,>ar .and spent' .,the^n0xt, few dayB..with them, . '.On, Friday; ,',_ evening fatty spoke to the. U and I, Class :
at South Side in Harmiond. , .

/derful fellowship-vre
this time, We find

experienced "during
ourselves at a loss

to put into words our thank you to the families' who so graciously took care of
, our school children , so that I could go

v/ith , Don.. V/e pray our God v/ill richly bless them, for we know, that this was a .


unto Him,

this was


Sunday AM Oct. 6 was spent with.,Calumet City Church. The' af teirnoon . waB,;'''



spent celebrating ,Grandpa Augehstine.''^ :

birthday with a fainily dinner, ,


task that the Jud vlharton's,. Bud

They have

Grogan's, Marvesl Dunbar's and Jim Zook's.

le for

I.7. children that Joel


ween theml 1 We also want

to thank Noi^a-

in Tacoma, working



and .seeing


That evening we .presented the work h^re to the Church at South Side in Hamniond;,.;;/' The .next fei; days v;as spent With Patty'sfolks. . On Vv'ednesday Don ' s. brother , H^y,. . .:
car and we drove . to Lans;ing,, f-'iip.higui.v: .


gan's each afternoon. She had; be.eii planning to go back at this time her-.,

whore we spent Thursday with; th(i faculty,.-

.and , students
' lege."

at. Great.Lakes Bible Ool-

As our time v/as quite limited, , Bill oi'^d Joan were in Oregon, v/.e decided. It v;ould
be better for us to go back by train*

'.-Back up -.to northern'' Indiana where, we re

newed old acquaintances at the; ,

life, left Sept. 22nd. and arrived'

in Chica

go.. on .the 24th.' Fatty's folks , met'us,.

after heading Grandpa in the direction
of a bus wp took his oar and Grandma and headed for South Bend. Me arrived just in time to se.fup the 'booth, ..arranged,, for, us by Donathan's of Harris , Prairie

Church and reported ' of ,the work h^re',' ; The next, morning'Patty' c brother Gharl.es ; took Don to-Chicago to pick up. the car
wo-wore'to drive back/ for a..'convoy comv-.../

trouble' before we even; got..golngr po-r...

soon-had - it fixed tho'and'vre 'had a-',very: , uneventful but restful trip-homeU', '

any. ' Then true to- our past, we had' car.

-Church, (Noralee's home) before the even ing session. It was truly a wonderful;
Meek j.n all v?ays, for we W&re not only
^"^-lo to,attend, the Convention .' but' also ,.

kiddes and'get back .to v/ork... Nov. <i6th ,

tho ladieS' here at-the Mission w.ill -moot^ ,.

I.t is good to bo-homo, collect all oUr;,

, stftyod with Patty's sister, 'the R.V/.-'-BUS-^ SELli .fiiraily .in Elkhart,' ^ Sunday Aln was spent vrith, .our home church
at 'Griffith, Indiana. ' At noon we enjoy ed' dinrier. with Patty's family and ' then .'borrowed Grandpa Augonstine's car and drove dovm ,to Rossvile, Illinois, . The . work was presented here and w enjoyed the fellovrship of the Loren Holt's, Don ' drove to Lincoln and spoke at Chapel on Tuesday morning, ,
* Jk SV: vj:-.^c5}-. * sj!*** *

for a study' ard to .make some toys for, ; the' smaller childron-; for;' ChristjH'as'i 'This 'xtG pray, will be a. beginning to oper:
.& door of service for,them.

- Severo.-i have aakcd about , gifts ^Christmas., ' Small" gifts for 'mon;and teen-,,

.agers,'will, bo most wolc-ome.

Cookies ^can '

bo sent as we can'put them ,in.' the. frae.:^' 2or for.Us.e' at tho Christinas '..for' ,ro-:- ' freslimerits after.,, tho : programs; _

. gifts ,neGd -not be'wrapped., but ' -if ,yon


. 'That

evening,we. drove

into Danville

-would ' like

tc inclTido ,,-.the- ^/ralppiiigs;/;/

' '>

' Second Church

of Christ. '

The. ' hospita-

this V7ould' be a big help-.-

. lity here, is very gracious and we tho roughly enjoyod their ;7otjflov.Pn1. Mi{T/tI .->ns

Vfe. pray that you will continue to uphpld-x:';.

fJic work here before; .God, ,. , - , , , /;

/Rally.. ,
'>.-, y,?r V. 'i ,


./ A



Should I go to bible college? should I give to the church?

should I back missions? V/hero

Hovr Hov;

much much

The Lord blesses us msjiy v;ays and v/e

thank Him.

should I

Bill ia putting

in 48 hours

a ifeek

serve? prayer

Many times after spending time in seeking the Lord's guidance, the
at tho time. Yet every

oab-driving and the mission vfork contin ues to grow I raust t&ke care of every

obvious decision seems impossible because

of our situation

detail I to free Bill for his calling and preaching. Although I an nov/ into nry

time v;o go out on faith for the Lord, He sees that v/e come through. V/e had such adecision to make this last month. Not far from Tacoma is a little com-

^th month

of pregnancy, the Lord contin

to eerve Him,

to give Eie the health

I v^as even able to travel almost 1,500 niles in mission vxork this past month. Don and Pat have just come back from their month's tour of the llidwost. Bill and I and. Noralee managed to keep things
going at the Indian Christian Church in

Tacoma. In spite of the extra meetings involved, v/e managed to do calling in Seattle, start our fail youth activities,
and arrange for a move to Alderton.

mimity , callod Alderton, a faming area. Everj' stimmer hundreds , of Indians, come to v/ork through tho harvest .season in. T.lr 3' berries, hops, etc. After seeing hopeless lives that most of these Ir.dj.^-c:;s " live, the people of the community i'. to do something about the problem. -


a building .vdtl. donated l5.bor /-v^'5r'-

Sometimes the Lord asks a great deal of us, but He supplies the means to do His

matcricU-s. This building is usri ar a center to give medical cere, Icgil vico, recreation, clct-hing at lov.' pric>-:"j, and religious instruction.






my home

church (University St. Church of Christ) in Eugene on September 22nd. VJe presen
ted slides and a talk on the work. The

I am particularly interested in their program for religious instruction, since a combined effort of people from
different denominations usually moans

folk responded

v/ith a

generous offering

and many expressions of interest.


v/eekcnd (October
the work



that a watered-do\m Gospel is prcached to avoid conflict. Fortunately, the people of the community have loft the religious part in the hands of tv/e people, one of'
vfhioh is an Indian, These tv;o believe

in Hoses Lake

morning and Thorp in the- evening. We arp grateful for these opporti.initos to ac quaint Christicm friends, vrith the need for evangelism among the Indians.
-Joan Asseln-







v;hich v/e differ or arguing over them that v/e ought to study the scriptures together,

in love, getting

all the

scriptural in
for tho

for us as

v/e search



V/hilo most of the Indians have left the area nov/ that the harvest season is

, In Acts 2:44-47 v;e read: "And all that believed v;ere together, and had all

over, some live

For this reason


the year around.

to ,

they are continuing

things common; And sold their possessions

and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man htid need. And they, continuing daily vrith one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did oat their meat vdth gladness and single
ness of heart, praising God, and having

hold meetings during the vrinter. The auditoriur.\ is the only part of the build-, ing that they ^fil.l use. during tho v/inter. They have asked Joan and me to live in the building and help vrith their v/ork.


presented us
to' make. Some

v/ith a difficul^^
of tho Indians

favor a.dded

vrith all the people. And the Lord to the church daily such as should

be saved,"

living in the area ehov/ qualities of leadership if properly taught. It v/ouldbe a chance to present rlew Testament
Christianity, but there v/ere problems in volved. Since I just , graduated fron Puget Sound College of the Bible la.';^ Spring, I am receiving very little sui>port for the mission v/ork. I have bc^n I

This unity ^/as deeper than just^ charing material things, they had a unity of heart. They v;ere concerned about one another c.<.nd all did everything they could
V. help present Christ to the v/orld.
Joan and I v/ich to have such a fol-

i-fjV/nhip \;ith you.

We are not just


v/orking 6 days a week, Tho v/ork I havo been doing for tho Lord, has to be done
around those activities. I feel that I

ccrnod about getting support for our vrork

emong tho Indiri,ns. V/e are not just concoriiod abovit seeing our v/ork araong the Indians go forv/ard. But vre have a con cern for the progress of the Gospel
ev^ryv;horo. V/on't you \-irite us an'd lot us ioiovf how the Lord is vrorking in the

must continue v/ith the v/ork I am doing v/ith the Indians in Seattle. My time is

completely taken up nov/.

Hov/ can I think

of doing more v/hen, I only

prayer, seeking


about.- 6

hours of sleep a night nov/? Joan and.I have spent much time

heartn of those in your community so that our fellovjship might grovr closor. V/c
vfich to hear from individuals as vfell as

the Lord's guidance.


have dcc.ided that v/e must go on

v/ith the,

congregations tViat we might pray together for the gl'jry of God, -Bi],l AsselnA 1-IE17 OF FAITH

v/ork in Seattle, but \-to v/ill also move to .. Alderton, trusting that the Lord v/ill v/erk things out so that I can reduce my working hours and do the v/ork of , the

At a time like this, prayer

is vory-

As I have lived in Christ, there have been big decixjione to nuike mich af?:



Join us

in prayer.'

-Bill Asselh- -

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