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MIXED TENSES TEST A 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. A variety of tenses will be needed.

. For be able use can/could where possible. Dear Sir, I _______(be interested in the furnished cotta!e near Dedha" which you __________ (advertise in yesterday#s $ele!raph, for "y husband and I _____________ (co"e to %n!land ne&t "onth and ___________ (re'uire acco""odation for three "onths. _________ you please _________ (tell "e e&actly where it ________ (be and !ive "e details of bus and train services in the area. I ___________ (also like to know about the local shops. ________ I __________ (be able to shop without a car( )y husband ____________ (hope to hire a car, but I _____________ (not drive and he _____________ (not be free very often to take "e shoppin!, so we __________ (need a cotta!e on a bus route. ________ the local shops still ___________ (deliver ( I __________ (know they ________(do ten years a!o. I ___________ (be !rateful also if you ___________ (tell "e whether you supply sheets etc. and whether a laundry __________ (call at the house. $he rent you ___________ (ask ___________(sound reasonable for the si*e of the cotta!e. +ow _______ you _______ (like it paid( ,eekly, "onthly or in advance( )y husband and I ____________ (be abroad for ten years, but before that we _____________ (live near Dedha", which is why we __________(want to spend our holidays there. )y husband __________________ (also write a book about -onstable and _____________ (like to finish it in the area where he, -onstable, ___________ (paint "ost of his pictures. )r +ones, the bank "ana!er, __________ (know us since we ____________ (live in the area and I __________ (be certain he _____________(reco""end us as suitable tenants. I of course ________________(be willin! to send a deposit. I _________(be !rateful for an early reply and I ______________(enclose a sta"ped addressed envelope. .ours faithfully, Pa"ela S"ith ( __ / 01

2. run a!ree 3. polite

$urn the followin! verbs into nouns2 e&pand sweat breathe respond speak in3ect know fail

Add a prefix to "ake the followin! words "ean the opposite2 conscious close (v. le!al ordinary happy personal understand believable

re!ular 4.

-o"plete the sentences with the correct preposition.

4. I5ve put a lot of work into this essay, and I5" really proud _____ it. 6. I a" really an!ry _____ Daisy. She took "y dress without per"ission. 0. ,e5re very e&cited _____ !oin! to %!ypt, we5ve always wanted to see the Pyra"ids. 1. I think it was 7an 8o!h who was fa"ous _____ paintin! sunflowers, wasn5t it( 9. ,ho5s that wo"an over there dressed _____ black( :. $hank you so "uch, I5ll never for!et how kind you5ve been _____ "e. ;. I don5t know where the post office is, I5" not fa"iliar _____ this area. <. I5d like to speak to the person responsible _____ recruit"ent, please. =. ,hat5s the difference _____ lend and borrow( 4>. $here5s been a bi! chan!e _____ the weather recently. 44. I think you need to i"prove your attitude _____ work. ?ust be "ore positive@ 46. +ow "uch do you spend on food every week _____ avera!e( 40. $he trouble _____ you is that you don5t listen to anybody. 41. Sally didn5t break your ca"era _____ purpose. It was an accident. 49. I think you5re wron!. I don5t a!ree ____ you at all. 4:. .ou look worried. ,hat are you thinkin! _____( 4;. Aook _____ that picture@ Isn#t it beautiful( 4<. If you have a proble", talk _____ the teacher. 4=. ,hat were you and Ale& talkin! ______( 6>. +enry works _____ a ta&i driver.

-o"plete the sentences usin! the !or" in #A$ITA%S in the correct for&.

4. _______________ have a lot of responsibility about finance. %)PAB. 6. $he _______________ rate in the CD is about 9E. %)PAB. 0. I5" selfF_____________. I don5t work for anyone else. %)PAB. '. -o"plete the sentences with been or gone.

4. ,here5s )u"( FShe5s _____ to the post office. 6. ,here have you _____( .ou5re ho"e so late@ 0. ,hat happened to your nei!hbours( F$hey5ve _____ to live in the south of France. (. -o"plete the )uestion with a preposition *t the en"2

4. I think ?a"es is in love. F,ho _______ in love ____( 6. I had a !reat chat with Gertie the other day. F,hat _______ talk _____( 0. )ary !ot "arried last weekend. F,ho ______ !et "arried _____( 1. -an I have your car toni!ht( F,hat _______ do you want it _____( 9. I was really an!ry. F,hat ______ so an!ry _____( +. #orrect the &ist*,es in these sentences.

4. ,hat have you done last ni!ht at around < p.".( 6. Stress at work associates with the risk of heart disease. 0. +ow lon! you been workin! here( 1. $he ,orld -up has won by Gra*il five ti"es. 9. BpenFplan offices dislike by 1>E of workers. :. I5" seein! what you "ean, but I don5t a!ree. -. .e!rite the sentence usin! for, since/ and ago.

+e last saw his friend Sally in 6>46. a FBH ____________________________________ b SII-% __________________________________ 0 A8B ____________________________________

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