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Goals Assignment

Instructions and Guidelines 1. Using the guidelines in Chapter One, create a long-term, mid-term and short-term goal in at least three categories. Categories might be Health & Fitness, Education, Career, Romance, Spirituality, Wealth, Travel, Hobbies etc. 2. Each goal should be only one complete sentence. 3. Your short-term and mid-term goal in each category should be benchmarks towards your long term goal. Your goals in each category should correlate with each other. 4. Your long-term goals should be compatible. The achievement of one of your long-term goals should not prohibit the achievement of one of your other long-term goals. 5. Your goals must follow the SMART guidelines which are: Specific (How much? How Many? To what standard? ) Measurable (Can your success towards the goal be effectively determined?) Achievable (Is the goal something you have control or influence over? Do you have the needed talents, skills and resources to accomplish the goal or can you get them?) Relevant (Will it make a difference in your life?) Time Referenced (by when) Some internet sites that may help are: http://www.goal-setting-guide.com/goal-setting-tutorials/smart-goal-setting http://www.career-intelligence.com/management/SmartGoals.asp http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_87.htm http://sbinfocanada.about.com/od/goalsetting/a/goalsettingtips.htm 6. Your goals should be positive. 7. Your goals should be personal. Some internet sites that will help you with these two criteria are: http://college.cengage.com/masterstudent/toft/master_student_guide/1e/students/success_strategies/article _set_goal_pt_03.html http://prezi.com/x87o6krzuixx/dapps-goal-setting/ 8. Motivational authorities recommend that you write goals as though you have already accomplished them. Use present tense. 9. It is recommended by some that goals be written using action verbs rather than passive verbs (am, be). 10. Complete the following template and submit it.

My Goals

Yaoxin Yang

1st Category:
Long-Term Goal Statement: Transfer back to U of U in 2015 spring semester.

Mid-Term Goal Statement: Get a 3.0 upper GPA in this fall semester.

Short Term Goal Statement: Go to classes every day in this month.

Action Steps: (Identify the concrete things you plan to do to reach your short-term goal in this
category.) 1. Go to bed earlier every day in this month. 2. Get up at 7:00 AM every day in this month. 3. Remember all the classes start time in this month. 4. Do the homework earlier and play less game every day in this month. 5. Try to protect myself so I will not take ill in this month.

Narrative Statement: (How will your life look when you have achieved this long-term goal? This
will help you determine relevance and establish motivation.)

A: When I achieved this long-term goal, I will have higher diploma, so I will have a better job when I graduated from university, and my life will be better if I achieved my long-term goal.

What obstacles will you need to overcome or what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your long-term goal? (This step will help you determine achievability.) A: I need to get 2.5 GPA, pass the class ENG 1010, and get 30 credit in one year. That is hard for me to do that. But I will try my best.

I deserve this goal because: (This step will help you bolster your motivation.) 1. I will have a better life in the future.

2. I really want to transfer back to U of U. I hereby commit to myself to achieve this goal.

My Signature:______Yaoxin Yang______


2nd Category:
Long-Term Goal Statement: Have a car in 2015

Mid-Term Goal Statement: Save $500 in this semester.

Short Term Goal Statement: Save $150 in this month.

Action Steps: (Identify the concrete things you plan to do to reach your short-term goal in this
category.) 1. Spend less money on Daily snacks in this month. 2. Cook food by myself instead of buying outside. 3. Spend less money on computer game. 4. Drank water instead of buying soda. 5. Take bus or ride bike instead of call a taxi.

Narrative Statement: (How will your life look when you have achieved this long-term goal? This
will help you determine relevance and establish motivation.) A: If I buy myself a car in 2015, it will change another 4 years study life in America easier, because if I have a car, I can buy something or go someplace that I cannot before. Also, I can go to school by drive instead of ride bike, that will makes me laborsaving and have more power using on study.

What obstacles will you need to overcome or what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your long-term goal? (This step will help you determine achievability.) A: Because Im 20 years old, I need buy a car buy myself. I need make my own money in those 2 years, and I need save money every day in those 2 years. That is the hardest part of my long-term goal.

I deserve this goal because: (This step will help you bolster your motivation.) 1. It will make my study life in America easier.

2. It will makes me know how to save money.

I hereby commit to myself to achieve this goal.

My Signature:_____Yaoxin Yang_________ Date:______9-11-2013__________

3rd Category:
Long-Term Goal Statement: Pass the China pilot physical examination in 2015.

Mid-Term Goal Statement: Keep the eyesight at 5.0 in 2013 fall semester.

Short Term Goal Statement: Have a healthy life style in this month.

Action Steps: (Identify the concrete things you plan to do to reach your short-term goal in this
category.) 1. Eat break first every day in this month. 2. Cut back on smoking in this month. 3. Exercise 1 hour every day in this month. 4. Eat more vegetables instead of meat every day in this month. 5. Drank water instead of soda in this month.

Narrative Statement: (How will your life look when you have achieved this long-term goal? This
will help you determine relevance and establish motivation.) A: If I achieved this long-term goal, it will make my pilot dream come true. The pilot dream was started when I was a child. It will change my life from ground to sky.

What obstacles will you need to overcome or what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your long-term goal? (This step will help you determine achievability.) A: Because my eyesight now is 4.8, is not enough for the pilot eyesight. Another thing is smoke less than before is hard for me, because I have already smoked about 6 years in China and America. So, that are the difficult things on the way of goal.

I deserve this goal because: (This step will help you bolster your motivation.) 1. I will make my dream come true.

2. It will change my life in the future. I hereby commit to myself to achieve this goal.

My Signature:_____Yaoxin Yang_______


Goals Assignment Evaluation Rubric

Points Possible Specific 3 Measureable 3 Achievable 3 Relevant 3 Time Referenced 3 Positive 3 Do the goals in each category correlate 4 Are goals compatible 3 Total 25

Points Awarded

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