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Zsuzsa-Ndasi Navracsics Judit


ANGOL gyakorlknyv a m g!"ult #ANNON N$EL%%&Z'GA !" t()us! (rs* li + ladatai,oz -./-0 1s 2l szint

#A3L4' N$EL%&'5OLA 56N$%E5

Forr Zsuzsa - Ndasi Edit - Navracsics Judit

ANGOL gyakorlknyv a m g!"ult #ANNON N$EL%%&Z'GA !" t()us! (rs* li + ladatai,oz -l7 -0 1s 2l szint

#A3L4' 56N$%E5


Forr - Ndasi Navracsics Padls Nyelviskola s Knyvkiad Kkt.

L ktor #ro+7 8o9ard Jackson

Szerkesztett e Dr. Navracsics Judit ec!nikai szerkeszt" #aranyai Katalin

$ knyv e%sznek va%y rszletnek &r'ilyen 'don trtn" 'solsa( sokszoros)tsa a kiad s a szerz"k e%y*ttes )rs&eli !ozz+rulsa nlk*l szerz"i +o%okat srt( )%y trvny&e *tkz" cselekedetnek 'in"s*l.

Kiad+a, Padls Nyelviskola s Knyvkiad Kkt. -.// So0ron( Patak u. 12. el., --34/2-115 Fa6, --34/2-117 888.0adlaskiado.!u 9-'ail, 0adlas.so0ron:t-online.!u ;S#N, -75--2<--5/4-/7-1 ;SSN, 1.1--4<<= Nyo'tatta s kttte a Ka0osvri Nyo'da K>t. - 1///-4 Felel"s vezet", Po%ny ?oltn i%az%at

El:sz A m g!"ult ny lvvizsgrl Knyv*nk a Pannon nyelvvizs%a )rs&eli vizs%a>eladatai kz*l az @+ t)0us@ - olvasott szve%rtst ellen"rz"( vala'int az )rskszs%et 'r" >o%al'azs - >eladatok %yakorlst teszi le!et"v a vizs%ra ksz*l"k sz'ra. $ 'e%@+ult Pannon nyelvvizs%a tov&&i >eladataira Akzvet)ts ide%en nyelvr"l 'a%yarra s 'a%yarrl ide%en nyelvre( levl)rsB val ksz*lst tov&&ra is se%)tik kor&&i kiadvnyaink( 'ivel azok vltozatlanok 'aradtak a szintillesztsi >olya'at utn is. Cro' >eladat ellen"rzi az )rott szve% rtsnek kszs%t a vizs%n. $ !ro' >eladatra #l s #D szinten 4/ 0erc. El szinten 2/ 0erc ll rendelkezsre. 9zeket a >eladatokat sztr nlk*l kell 'e%oldani( clszerF te!t %yakorolni( !o%y 'inl %yorsa&&an siker*l+n a lnye%et kiszFrni a szve%&"l. $ !ro' szve%rtsi >eladat a kvetkez", 1.'zv g1rt1s nyitott k1rd1s kk l; 1/ d& 1 0ontos an%ul nyelvF krds( rvid an%ol nyelvF vlaszokkal A1/ 0ontB. D.-l szint n; 2(m)ros(ts; 1/ rvid k&. <-. soros szve%G a szve%et ssze kell 0ros)tani a cikk3szve% c)'vel va%y >orrsval( >unkci+val( ite'enknt 1 0ont( 1< c)' kz*l kell vlasztani A1/ 0ontB. -0 1s 2l szint n; 'zv gki g1sz(t1s< 1 ssze>*%%"( 15-DD soros szve%G a szve%et ki kell e%sz)teni a 'e%adott 1< 'ondat va%y ta%'ondat kz*l t)zzel( >eladatonknt 1 0ont( 1< 'ondat3ta%'ondat kz*l kell vlasztani A1/ 0ontB. <.2loz -t szt sz*ankkal A4 szval t&& van 'e%advaB. Fogalmazs k1sz(t1s ; Ha%yar nyelven ka0ott in>or'cik A<-4 0ontB ala0+n a vizs%z e%y ide%en nyelvF szve%et alkot. $z rtkels sze'0ont+ai, >eladat'e%olds( szkincs3sz!asznlat. $ >eladat!oz sztr !asznl!at. $ vizs%arsz id"tarta'a, k&. D4 0erc. $z elr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont.

A knyv sz rk z t1r:l $ knyv !ro' na%y szerkezeti e%ys%re oszlik A#l( #D s ElB. Hinde%yik szerkezeti e%ys% ele+n e%y-e%y 'inta>eladatsor tall!at( a'ely&"l a vizs%ra ksz*l"k t+kozd!atnak arrl( !o%y sszess%&en 'ilyen >eladatot kell 'e%oldaniuk. $ tov&&iak&an a D.( <. s .. >e+ezet a #l szintF olvassrtst ellen"rz" >eladatok %yakorlsra ny@+t le!et"s%et 1/-1/ %yakorlattal 'inden >eladatt)0usra. $ szve%rtsi >eladatok utn 1/ >o%al'azs->eladat tall!at. #D szinten s El szinten !asonlk00en( a tel+es >eladatsor utn rendelkezsre &ocstunk a !ro' t)0us@ >eladat&l t)zet-t)zet( %yakorls cl+&l A#D szinten a 7.( 5. s -. >e+ezet( El szinten a 1D.( 1<. s 1..B( 'a+d a >o%al'azst'k kvetkeznek. $ >eladatok!oz 'e%oldkulcsot 'ellkel*nk. Fel!)v+uk kedves leend" vizs%zink >i%yel't( !o%y a tel+es )rs&eli >eladatsor akkor sikeres( !a a 'a6i'lisan elr!et" ssztel+es)t'ny 2/I-t elrik. J%yanakkor 'inden kszs%et 'r" >eladat

ssztel+es)t'nynek ./I-t tel+es)teni kell a!!oz( !o%y a vizs%a sikeres le%yen. $ 'e%oldkulcsok se%)tenek az nellen"rzs sornG a leend" vizs%zk visszai%azolst ka0nak( !o%y adott tel+es)t'ny*k ala0+n sikeres lenne-e a vizs%+uk.

A knyv sz rz:ir:l $ >elksz)t" knyvet a Pannon nyelvvizs%a >eladatkidol%ozi( +av)ttanrai ll)tottk ssze. Hunk+uk sorn sze' el"tt tartottk a Nyelvvizs%t $kkreditl est*let s a K9K AKzs 9ur0ai Ke>erenciakeretB !ivatalosan le>ektetett ala0elveit. $z e%yes >eladatt)0usok >e+ezetei el"tt az " tancsaikat olvas!at+k a vizs%ra ksz*l"k. 9zeket a tancsokat rde'es 'e%>o%adni. Fontos sz'unkra( !o%y knyv*nk 'inl t&& nyelvvizs%z+elltnek ny@+tson se%)ts%et a ksz*ls&en. $ tov&&iak&an +avasol+uk a 'r 'e%lv"( a Padls Nyelviskola s Knyvkiad ltal 'e%+elentetett kiadvnyok !asznlatt azon >eladatokra val ksz*ls&en( a'elyek vltozatlanul 'aradtak a r%i Pannon nyelvvizs%&l, Dr. Navracsics Judit, Lyakorlknyv az an%ol ala0>ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz Dr. Navracsics Judit, Lyakorlknyv az an%ol kz0>ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz Dr. Navracsics Judit, Lyakorlknyv az an%ol >els">ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz Dkus-F&in-Kenesei-Navracsics-Pituk-Si'on, Pannon Nyelvvizs%a. Lyakorlknyv az ala0-s kz0>ok@ an%ol nyelvvizs%!oz Dkus-F&in-Kenesei-Navracsics-Pituk-Si'on, Pannon Nyelvvizs%a. Lyakorlknyv a >els">ok@ an%ol nyelvvizs%!oz $ knyveken k)v*l na0raksz( !asznos in>or'cikat tud!atnak 'e% az rdekl"d"k !onla0unkon, 888.0annon-nyelvvizs%a.!u Hinden kedves vizs%znknak sok sikert k)vnunkM Nesz0r'( D/1/. 'rcius 1D. a szerzk

-l szint #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)o nt

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor -l

= E G O L 3 O L A # l s z i n t

. 7 + l a d a t

D 2. D 7. D 5. D -. < /.

NNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont < 1. < D. < <. < .. < 4.

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor


,;O..(P #>


#ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor

.7 Olvassa l az al**i angol szv g t/ ma"d vlaszol"on sa"t szavaival/ angol ny lv n a k1rd1s kr ? @%laszol"on rvid n/ l g+ l" ** n1,ny sz*an?A 51r"Bk/ vlaszait a m goldla)ra (r"a? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', 1/ 0ont Citanic - C, arti+act D,i*ition Ninety-seven years a>ter it sailed >ro' Qiver0ool( t!e itanic !as >inally reac!ed !er intended destination - Ne8 Rork Eity. $ ne8 e6!i&ition( S itanic, !e $rti>act 96!i&itionS( s!o8cases !undreds o> arti>acts >ro' t!e Sunsinka&leS s!i0( 'any o> t!e' on dis0lay >or t!e >irst ti'e a>ter &ein% recovered >ro' t!e ocean >loor. !e e6!i&ition o>>ers visitors a %li'0se into li>e on &oard t!e itanic( 8it! re0licas o> >irst and t!ird class 0assen%er ca&ins( and t!e %rand staircase. First visitors 'ove t!rou%! %alleries t!at e60lain t!e s!i0Ss construction. !e dis0lay also includes a lar%e &lock o> ice t!at visitors can touc!( to rein>orce +ust !o8 cold it 8as 8!en t!e s!i0 8ent do8n. E!eryl Hure said( T;tSs a very 0ersonal( e'otional +ourney. U!en you enter t!e e6!i&ition you receive a &oardin% 0ass and t!atSs a re0lica ticket >ro' U!ite Star Qine and on t!e &ack o> it is t!e story o> a real itanic 0assen%er. #ut you donSt kno8 your >ate on t!e ni%!t o> t!e sinkin% until t!e >inal %allery in t!e e6!i&ition and t!atSs 8!ere 8e !ave t!e s!i0Ss 'ani>est 0osted on t!e 8all. Rou take your &oardin% 0ass and you look >or your na'e and you >ind out 8 !et!er you survived or 0eris!ed.T http .73 eng lish.cctv.com ANGOL )rs&eli + ladatsor #l

#ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)o nt

Olvassa cl az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz a szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? Az ls: m goldst mintak1nt m gadtuk7 51r"Bk/ vlaszait a m goldla)ra (r"a? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', 1/ 0ont =inta; rains de0art every 14 to D/ 'inutes and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes. = golds; N 1D.0

.. U!et!er you visit #ritain on &usiness or >or 0leasure 8e are at your service 8it! u0to-t!e-'inute in>or'ation and advice on acco''odation( travel and events t!rou%!out 9n%land. Scotland( Uales and Nort!ern ;reland. !ere are &ooks( 'a0s( souvenirs and 'uc! 'ore. 4. Ue !old V0en Days at t!e &e%innin% o> eac! ter' and invite you to co'e alon% and 'eet our sta>>. ;n>or'ation a&out courses( 'aterials 8ill &e >reely availa&le. 2. Ci%!ly re0uted esta&lis!'ent s0ecialisin% in 9n%lis! cuisine. !e &i%%est and &est steaks in to8n. V0en seven days a 8eek. 7. Protect your valua&les &y usin% t!e sa>ety de0osit &o6es located at t!e >ront desk in t!e !all. !ere is no c!ar%e. ;t is our 0leasure to &e o> service to you. S!ould you need any services consult t!e >ront-o>-t!e-!ouse 'ana%er. 5. U!et!er you need ski %o%%les( sno8&oard %o%%les or eye 0rotection >or your 'otorcycle you can >ind !i%! Wuality eye8ear at co'0etitive 0rices. -. #est $'erican Non-KeWuired Keadin% edited &y Dave 9%%ers. ; !avenSt read it( &ut ; 0a%ed t!rou%! it in t!e &ookstore( and 8as crackin% u0 ri%!t t!ere at 8!at ; 8as ski''in%. 1/. !e colour 'ay co'e o>> is a ty0ical c!aracteristic o> t!is >a&ric. Please note t!e care instructions and 8as! t!is article se0arately. 11. ;nsert coin( turn t!e !andle clock8ise as >ar as 0ossi&le a>ter eac! coin. !e dis0lay s!o8s !o8 lon% you can use t!e 0arkin% lot. 1D. Flyin% to Lat8ick or Ceat!ro8X Qo8 cost car !ire >ro' 5/ 0ounds 0er 8eek. Jnli'ited 'ilea%e( N$ ( insurance included. 1<. icket 0rices in t!e ca0ital vary accordin% to t!e distance you travel. !e net8ork is divided into a central zone 8it! a nu'&er o> outer zones. $ standard 0rice is c!ar%ed >or a travel 8it!in a zone &ut as you cross into a second zone t!e 0rice increases. ickets can &e 0urc!ased as you &oard or >ro' t!e conductor.


#ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont 1.. #ook su%%estion 14. #ritis! ravel Eentre 12. #us sto0 17. Ear rental 15. Cotel 1-. ;nstructions inside a 0iece o> clot!in% D/. Qan%ua%e sc!ool

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor 87 &7 J7 57 L7 =7 N7 Huseu' Parkin% Hetre Ke0air'anSs service Kestaurant S!o0 advertise'ent Su''ary o> a >il' i'eta&le


r AEN&NF&N Ny lvvizsgakz)o nt

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor -l 8+

G7 Eg1sz(ts ki az al**i szv g t 1rt l msz rH n a m gadott szavakkal? Egy sz csak gysz r ,asznl,at + l7 Figy l m/ a m gadott 0I sz*l I sz + l sl g s? Az ls: * , ly tt s(t nd: szt mintak1nt m gadtuk7 51r"Bk/ vlaszait a m gold"1ra (r"a? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont A nig,t out at =aDimJs Jenni>er looked at t!e clock on t!e waiting-room 8all. Nearly !al> 0ast ei%!t. !e li%!t AD1BYYYYYYYYstill on in Doctor Li&sonSs roo'. ; ADDB YY %oin% to &e late >ro' Ha6i'Ss( s!e AD<BYYYYYYY to !ersel>. ;n t!e evenin% t!e sur%ery AD.B YYYYYYYYYal8ays &usy on !ursdays &ut toni%!t 8as AD4B t!an usual. S!e Wuickly 0ut t!e ne8s0a0ers AD2BYYYa cu0&oard. !en s!e took o>> !er AD7B YYYYYYYYYcoat and locked it in t!e cu0&oard AD5B . S!e 8as >u'in% o>> t!e li%!ts 8!en AD-BYYYYYYran% t!e >ront door&ell. V! no( not A</BY Y0atient( not at t!is !our. S!e ran A<1BYYY t!e door and o0ened it. ;t 8as A<DB YY outside &ut s!e could see a 'an( A<<BY Y!ands dee0 in !is 0ockets. U!en s!e A<.B YYYYYYYY arrived at Ha6i'Ss( t!e restaurant 8as &usy - A<4B YYYYYYYYY'en and 8o'en >ro' o>>ices( several older A<2B Y Y( a %rou0 o> students( and a >e8 A<7BYYYYYY. Jenni>er looked around >or !er >riend. Elaire A<5B YYYYYYYYYsat near t!e 8indo8 &ut s!e 8as A<-BYYYt!ere toni%!t. So'e&ody 8as !avin% a 0arty A./B YYYYYYY all t!e ta&les on t!at side 8ere >ull. Ear-rings from Frankfurt: OUP. 2000. actors am and anot, r *usi r dark +inally , r ,is in not ot, r out ) o)l said som on to told 14 too usually 9aiting-room 9as 9as 9 r 9,it young

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont


E7 Alkosson ssz +Bgg: angol szv g t @k*7 K>-.>> sz t r" d l m* nA az al**i magyar szv g ala)"n? N sz sz rinti +ord(tsra tr k d" n/ d +igy l" n arra/ ,ogy az al,!zott kulcsszavak - tartalmilag - + lt1tl nBl sz r ) l" n k az 6n szv g1* n? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont 'zilvsvrad Szilvsvrad a #*kk !e%ys% nyu%ati oldaln tall!at <.4 ' ten%erszint >eletti 'a%ass%&an( 9%ert"l </ k' tvols%ra. Kz@ton s vas@ton e%yarnt 'e%kzel)t!et". Kedvez" >ldra+zi el!elyezkedse( a >"vros!oz( t&& vros!oz s a szlovk !atr!oz val viszonyla%os kzels%e vonzv teszi. Qakosainak sz'a kr*l&el*l D/// >". $ kt vas@ti 'e%lltl k&. 14 0erces stval r!et*nk a >alu kz0ont+&a( va%y a Szala+ka-vl%y &e+rat!oz. $ >alun &el*li kzlekeds a kis tvols%ok 'iatt %yalo%osan is knnyF( de le!et kerk0rt klcsnzni s lovaskocsizni is. Hinden v&en sz'talan rdekes ese'ny van a lto%atk sz'ra. $ kedvelt Szala+ka-vl%y&e kirndulknak rde'es az erdei vas@tra >elszllni. $ vl%y&en le>el !aladva kr&estl!atunk az 9rdei Sza&adtri H@zeu'&an ( 'ely az erdei e'&erek lett 'utat+a &e.

.szala!kaU get.hu sza&adtri '@zeu', o0en-air 'useu' #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)o nt ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor -i

.. >eladat,


ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont artalo', Szkincs, Nyelv!elyess%, Szve%ssze>*%%s, 6ssz s n;

.34 0ont .34 0ont .3 4 0ont . 3 4 0ont L 0> )ont


ANGOL Mrs* li + ladatsorA NGOL Mrs* li + ladatsor Bl

I7 Alkosson ssz +Bgg: magyar szv g t @k,7 K>-.>> sz t r" d l m* nA az al**i angol szv g ala)"n? N sz sz rinti +ord(tsra tr k d" n/ d +igy l" n arra/ ,ogy az al,!zott kulcsszavak - tartalmilag - + lt1tl nBl sz r ) l" n k az 6n szv g1* n? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont Jul s % rn and ,is nov ls Jules Nerne 8as a Frenc!'an. Ce 8as &o' in 15D5. Cis >at!er 8anted !i' to &e a la8yer &ut !e 8as only interested in &eco'in% a 8riter. Cis >irst &i% success 8as an e6citin% adventure story called Five "eeks in a #aloon$. Fro' t!en on !e 8rote t8o or t!ree adventure stories every year. Jules Nerne liked to >ind out a&out ne8 inventions and scienti>ic discoveries. Ce also en+oyed readin% travel &ooks and &ooks a&out %eo%ra0!y. Ce s0ent 'any !ours in t!e li&rary( 'akin% notes a&out all t!e t!in%s !e !ad learned. Ce t!en used t!e ideas in !is o8n &ooks. Ce loved to travel too. %roun& the "orl& in Eight' (a's$ 8as !is 'ost 0o0ular &ook. ;t 8as 0u&lis!ed in 157<. ;t is t!e story o> P!ileas Fo%% and !is incredi&le +ourney around t!e 8orld. ;t 8as an e6citin% ti'e to travel( &ecause &rilliant en%ineers !ad invented 8ays to %o >urt!er and >aster t!an ever &e>ore. Suc! inventions included rail8ays( &rid%es( stea's!i0s( tunnels and trains. )elanie *ell'+ 200, PFive "eeks in a #aloon - .t h/t l/gha!0n P%roun& the "orl& in Eight' (a's - 1'olcvan nap alatt a F2l& k2r3l


ANGOL #ANNON (rs* li Ny lvvizsgakz + ladatsor )ont



I7 + ladat;

;n>or'cikzvet)ts, > 1/ 0ont Nyelvi 'e%>or'ls, ? 1/ 0ont 6ssz s n; 77777777777777L 0> )ont


P$NNVN P$NNVN Ny lvvizsgakz)ontANGOI Ny lvvizsgakz)ont (iJs* li + l ida*ui C1

K7 (r"on l v l t @k*7 N>-.0> sz t r" d l m* nA a m gadott sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki mind n m gadott sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? Ogy l" n a l v1l +ormai kv t lm1ny in k * tartsra? @A szszm csak a l v1ltrzsr vonatkozik?A 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont

[n 00en 'ost trt !aza a vsrls&l. $z "szi ru!atr!oz vsrolt e%y @+ !ol'it( a'ir"l Jackie-nek( an%ol levelez"0artnernek( sz'ol &e. He%)r+a( !o%y P 'ilyen az id"+rs 'ostan&an( a'i 'iatt vsrolni knyszer*lt. Col s kivel vsroltX P #e'utat+a( !o%y 'ilyen dara&ot vettG P 'ikor s 'ilyen cl&l szeretn viselni. Ordekl"dik( !o%y Jackie 'ilyen %yakran vsrol ru!ane'Ft. #arat+a neve es ci'e, Jackie Horris 7 #irc! Street 96eter $z [n neve s c)'e, Kovcs L&or3La&riella Nesz0r' K"ris u. 11. #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)o nt #l

7 + ladat;


P$NNVN ANGOI Ny lvvizsgakz)ont

artalo', ............./ 4 0ont Szkincs, .............? 4 0ont Nyelv!elyess%, ...? 4 0ont Szve%ssze>*%%s, 4 5 0ont 6ssz s n; 7777777777760> )ont


ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ontANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont #l

P7 (r"on +ogalmazst @k*7 N>-.0> sz t r" d l m* nA a m gadott sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki mind n m gadott sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont

[n e%y an%liai nyelviskol&an tlt el e%y !na0ot( a!ol a tan>olya' kr*l'nyeivel ka0csolatosan k'ek [nt"l vle'nyt. P Hita s 'elyik cso0ort&an v%ez tanul'nyokatX Hilyennek )tli 'e% a tanrk &eosztstX P Jelle'ezze a kzlekedsi le!et"s%eit az iskola s az ott!ona kzttM P Hutassa &e a csaldot( a'elyik szllst &iztos)t az [n sz'raM P Hilyen vltoztatst >o%adna sz)vesenX ANGOL #ANNON (rs* li + ladatsor Ny lvvizsgakz)o nt -l : 7 mm P7 + ladat;


artalo', Szkincs, Nyelv!elyess%, Szve%ssze>*%%s, 6ssz s n;

3 4 0ont 3 4 0ont .3 4 0ont . 3 4 0ont L 0> )ont


#ANNON #ANNON Ny lvvizsg Ny lvvizsgakz akz)ontA )ont

=EGOL34' O5


-l Qu stions and ans9 rs 51rd1s k - vlaszok

8uestions an& ans ers */r&/sek v9laszok8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek v9laszok

A + ladat l (rsa

$n%ol nyelvF )rott szve% rtse. A + ladat; a szve% ala0os elolvassa s 'e%rtse utn kell vlaszolni a szve%!ez adott an%ol nyelvF krdsekre an%olul. $ krdsek sorrend+e kveti a szve%&en tall!at in>or'cik sorrend+t. $ >eladatla0 !tla0+n tall!at a 'e%olds. $ zr+el&en olyan t&&letin>or'cit adtunk 'e%( a'ely a + 'e%olds!oz ne' >elttlen*l sz*ks%es( nlk*le is +r a 0ont. $ >erde vonallal elvlasztott vlaszok vlasztsi le!et"s%et +elentenek( 'indkt 'e%olds el>o%ad!at. 9zek ne' tartal'i( !ane' stilris sze'0ont&l k*ln&z!etnek e%y'stl. R"donsg; P rvid/ )r szavas vlaszt k ll adni< P angolul k ll vlaszolni< P n m k ll ny lvtanilag t l" s sz rk z t t l (rni< P a + ladat m golds,oz n m sza*ad sztrt ,asznlni?


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

.7 Notting 8ill 2arnival Nottin% Cill Earnival !as &een takin% 0lace in Qondon( on t!e last 8eekend in $u%ust( every year since 1-2.. Nottin% Cill Earnival 8as >irst or%anised &y Eari&&ean i''i%rants 8!o 8ere livin% in Qondon. #ack in t!e 1-4/s t!ese i''i%rants !ad very >e8 +o& o00ortunities and 0oor !ousin% conditions. !ey decided to create a >estival in t!e style so si'ilar to t!e Eari&&ean( to &rin% 0eo0le to%et!er. U!at &e%an as a s'all 0arty no8 !as u0 to t8o 'illion 0artici0ants every $u%ust #ank Coliday 8eekend. !ey c!an%ed 0eo0leSs o0inion o> t!e Nottin% Cill area o> 8est Qondon - 8!at 8as once considered dan%erous is no8 one o> t!e 'ost >as!iona&le districts in Qondon. Porto&ello Koad Harket in Nottin% Cill is one o> t!e 'ost >a'ous street 'arkets in t!e 8orld. !e area is also >a'ous >or &ein% t!e settin% >or t!e >il'( Nottin% Cill. Nottin% Cill Earnival is no8 suc! a !u%e event t!at it takes t!e 8!ole year to 0lan and needs t!ousands o> 0eo0le to &rin% it all to%et!er >or t!e t8o day carnival. .golon&on.a:out.com >7 S,ic, city giv s ,om to t, Notting 8ill 2arnivalT 1. U!en can tourists take 0art in itX D. U!en 8as t!e >irst Earnival or%anisedX <. U!ere 8ere t!e >irst or%anisers >ro'X .. U!at did t!ey >ace i> t!ey 8anted to 8orkX 4. U!at 8as ty0ical o> t!eir !o'esX 2. U!at kind o> >estival did t!ey 8ant to or%aniseX 7. U!y did t!ey decide to or%anise carnivalsX 5. U!at did 0eo0le t!ink o> t!e area in t!e 0astX -. Co8 is t!e area +ud%ed todayX 1/. U!ic! >il' 8as s!ot !ereX London


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.7 =EGOL34' >l U!i0& >SCv iriv0\ Nin'0 tt; t!0 ]nt>inti Cill i arnival S \}. * 111L11 Qilt !< 1 ^ o ;;J;;;Q ;;; ;;;Q . 1UU1U~ 11111 l ai ill vdi i 1 U iPti 0an tniiriPit_ tak0 nart in itPX 1 i TC H8li Qull QQSJlQoQJ QJ=vQ `a>lll 111 1L. 0 U>Ni0n uiiii AT!0 >irct i`arniunl nronnii0d X b1P. CC lltll U do 111C 111 oQ ]Y dl 111 % dl L3l JidllloLQ; .
1 1

1 nndnn -UJ&J&&L& Llll on t!e last 8eekend in $u%ust in 1-2. t!e Varri!ean islands 11 &S %7 Lll1. iy 8an 101U1&FJ very >e8 io& VDVortunities % Sl t 1S C% &%L iy %'! FLiyi &F&FL&%J nnnr !'isino conditions >=;=;=> IJULIOIIICb7 S%LJl%JlSl%CllO si'ilar to t!e Eari&&ean to &rin% 0eo0le to%et!er dan%erous one o> t!e 'ost >as!iona&le districts Nottin% Cill

Uli0r0 iiS0r0 tNi0 >irc,t nrcnni c0rPi >r>i' ` J/ W11C1C UE;E 11 ;8 lllol JladllldElo 11U111J

$ UJvit t&0v&& >a00 t&0u 8nn 0d did tn&WL2 8ork` VC e i> vy+idi FJF nicy nicy 8oiii8ci &LV SL&&&L; =. NN lldQ UaS Q+SJJlQal L8 Jl8ll llQllllEo Z ft U!at kind o> >estival did >!ev 8ant to or%anise` % L7 r% & &&& & &rltl VI ;? l llioll%ul %illi U1W % vX mil ivy vyi 2LF&&&LCS Y 7. U!y did t!ey decide to or%anise carnivalsX 5. U!at did 0eo0le t!ink o> t!e area in t!e 0astX -. Co8 is t!e area +ud%ed todayX 1/. U!ic! >il' 8as s!ot !ereX


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2. Som n-only car )ark $ s!o00in% centre in E!ina !as &uilt a 8o'en-only car 0ark 8it! 8ider s0aces &ecause 8o'en drivers tend to cause t8ice as 'any collisions in 0arkin% lots t!an in ot!er 0laces( accordin% to insurance co'0any data. !e 0arkin% lot 8ill o0en early ne6t year and 8ill &e >ree o> c!ar%e durin% t!e >irst several 'ont!s. !e 8o'en-only car 0ark is 0ainted li%!t 0ur0le to a00eal to >e'ale tastes. !e Llo&al i'es 8e&site says >e'ale 0arkin% attendants !ave &een trained to !el0 %uide 8o'en drivers into t!eir 0arkin% s0aces. $rc!itects are t!inkin% o> installin% e6tra li%!tin% in every 0arkin% s0ace to i'0rove visi&ility >or >e'ale drivers. Drivin% in E!ina is a dan%erous activity( 8it! 'ore t!an D// deat!s in road accidents eac! day last year( $FP re0orts( citin% 0olice statistics. Suc! 0u&lic >acilities >or 8o'en only are no lon%er an e6ce0tional 0!eno'enon 8orld8ide. For e6a'0le( Ja0anese 8o'en en+oy 8o'en only under%round cars 8!ile t!ey travel to t!eir o>>ices. Sa>e and co'>orta&le services 0rovided >or 8o'en only is !i%!ly 8elco'ed &y >e'ale colle%e students( 8!ite-collar e'0loyees( sin%le 'ot!ers and ot!er 8o'en at 0resent( accordin% to t!e re0ort.


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07 =EGOL34' >7 &n 9,ic, country 9as t,is s) cial car )ark *uiltT 1. U!ere can it &e >oundX D. U!o is it >orX <. Co8 is it di>>erent >ro' ot!er car 0arksX .. U!at 'ade it necessaryX 4. Co8 'uc! 8ill it cost 8o'en to 0ark t!ere in t!e &e%innin%X 2. U!at else 'akes it 'ore attractive >or 8o'enX 7. U!ose !el0 can 8o'en drivers rely onX 5. U!at else 8ill !el0 8o'en drivers in t!e >utureX -. U!y is it %oodX 1/. U!at ot!er only >or 8o'en e6a'0le is 'entionedX 2,ina in a s!o00in% centre 8o'en 8ider s0aces 8o'en cause t8ice as 'any collisions in 0arkin% lots t!an in ot!er 0laces not!in%3it 8ill &e >ree li%!t 0ur0le colour >e'ale 0arkin% att ndants e6tra li%!tin% i'0roves visi&ility 8o'en only under%round cars


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G7 2,ann l E )r )ar s +or its +inal 2 l *rity -ig -rot, r ;t 8as once one o> E!annel .Ss 'ost 0o0ular s!o8s( and also its 'ost controversial. No8 t!e &roadcaster is 0re0arin% to say %ood&ye to Eele&rity #i% #rot!er( 8!ic! 8ill co'e to its end 8it! its lon%est run - D7 days - 8!en it launc!es on Sunday. !e >a'ous #i% #rot!er !ouse !as &een %iven 'a+or renovation >or t!e s!o8Ss sevent! and >inal season( 8!ic! 0roducers !o0e 8ill !el0 t!e s!o8 &e a !it. TUe 8anted to si%nal t!at it 8as %oin% to &e a little &it di>>erent(T said Uillia's one o> t!e 0roducers. !e ne8 series 8ill >eature .5 ca'eras includin% - >or t!e >irst ti'e one in t!e 'iddle o> t!e co>>ee ta&le to ca0ture !ouse'atesS conversations in close-u0. For t!e >irst ti'e t!e cele&rities 8ill &e a&le to &rin% as 'uc! lu%%a%e as t!ey like( li>tin% a rule 8!ic! let t!e' take one suitcase eac!. !e 'ain #i% #rot!er s!o8 8ill also air >or t!e last ti'e ne6t su''er a>ter audiences >ell &ut it 'ay still return on anot!er c!annel.


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G7 =EGOL34' >7 S,ic, c,ann l *roadcasts 2 l *rity -ig -rot, r ell t>UJU sno8. 1. U!at is t!e c!annel 0lannin% to doX D. U!y 8ill t!is s!o8 &e s0ecialX <. U!en 8ill it startX .. U!at !as !a00ened to t!e !ouse t!at %ives !o'e to t!e sno8 . 4. U!y did 0roducers t!ink it 8as necessaryX 2. U!ere 8ill a ne8 ca'era &e installedX 7. U!o 8ill live in t!e #i% #rot!er !ouseX 5. Co8 'uc! lu%%a%e 8ill t!ey &e allo8ed to takeX -. U!at 8as t!e rule &e>oreX 1/. U!y does t!e 'ain #i% #rot!er s!o8 also >ace an endX

2,ann l E say %ood &ye to t!e s!_8>>inis! t!e s,o9 lon%est run on Sunday !as &een renovated to &e success>ul?so t!at t!e s!o8 8ill &e a !it in t!e 'iddle o> t!e co>>ee tdVll. cele&rities as 'uc! as t!ey 8ant t!ey could take only one 0iece?one suitcase audiences >ell


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E7 =ark S in* rg rJs ti)s and do9ns #rou%!t u0 in a 8ealt!y Ne8 Rork su&ur&( Uein&er%er 8as educated at t!e Jniversity o> Pennsylvania. Ce later 8orked 8it! one o> E!ica%oSs 'ost kno8n 0lastic sur%eons &e>ore o0enin% !is o8n 0ractice. Ce and !is 8i>e o8ned a !ouse in a 8ealt!y lakeside nei%!&our!ood o> E!ica%o. Hark Uein&er%er travelled to and >ro' !is sur%ery in a c!au>>eur-driven li'ousine. Ce e'0loyed 'aids( cooks and a 0ersonal trainer. 9very 'ont!( !is 8i>e recalled( !e 8ould take 1/ days o>> to en+oy !is see'in%ly !i%! inco'e( o>ten +ettin% o>> to 9uro0e to !ave nice &oat tri0s in t!e Hediterranean. !e >irst !int o> trou&le e'er%ed in Vcto&er D//D 8!en a la8yer actin% >or a 8o'an 8!o !ad died o> t!roat cancer >iled a co'0laint 8it! t!e ;ndiana de0art'ent o> insurance. !e co'0laint clai'ed Uein&er%er >ailed to dia%nose !er cancer and instead carried out an unnecessary o0eration on !er. !e la8yer said !e 8as su&seWuently contacted &y dozens o> t!e doctorSs >or'er 0atients 8!o said t!at t!ey too !ad !ad sur%ery t!ey sus0ected 8as unnecessary.


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E7 =EGOL34' >7 &n 9,ic, city did =r S in* rg r liv as a c,ildT .7 U!ic! 0art o> t!e city did !e s0end !is c!ild!ood inX D. U!at did !e s0ecialise in &e>ore o0enin% !is o8n sur%eryX <. Co8 did !e travel to 8orkX .. U!o 8orked >or !i'X 4. U!at is kno8n a&out !is salaryX 2( U!ere did t!ey o>ten >ly 8!ile on vacationX 7. U!at did t!ey usually do t!ereX 5. U!at did one o> !is 0atients die o>X -. U!at 8as t!e co'0laint a%ainst !i'X ./ U!at kind o> o0eration did t!e lady !aveX Ne8 Rork su&ur& 0lastic sur%ery in a c!au>>eur-driven li'ousine 'aids( cooks and a 0ersonal trainer ;t 8as !i%!3 Ce earned 8ell to 9uro0e !ad nice &oat tri0s t!roat cancer >ailed to dia%nose t!e 8o'anSs cancer unnecessary


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

I7 C, cool r 9ay to D) ri nc t, Grand 2anyon ;n su''er( t!e Lrand Eanyon is all cro8ds &ut in 8inter you can !ave one o> t!e 'ost a8e-ins0irin% 0laces in t!e 8orld to yoursel>. ; !ave to con>ess ; 8as disa00ointed on 'y >irst visit to t!e canyon( 'ore t!an a decade a%o. Vne July( on our 8ay to Qos $n%eles( 'y >a'ily and ; drove o>> t!e !i%!8ay( 'ade t!e 2/-'ile detour to t!e Sout! Ki'( and >ound ourselves cau%!t in a lon% tra>>ic +a'. U!en 8e eventually 'ana%ed to 0ark( and 8alked to t!e ri'( t!e si%!t 8as so >a'iliar >ro' 0ictures t!at it 'i%!t +ust as 8ell !ave &een a 0icture. U!at i'0ressed 'e 'ost 8as t!e nu'&er o> lan%ua%es t!at 8e could !ear a'on% t!e visitors 0ourin% o>> t!e tour &uses( 8it! every continent re0resented. Ue only stayed an !our or t8o. ;t 8asnSt until last 8inter t!at ; returned t!ere. $nd t!e >irst t!in% ; learned is t!at 8it! t!e Lrand Eanyon( 8inter is t!e ti'e to %o. $s a %uide( Jo!n 9vans( told 'e( TRouSll 'ore or less !ave t!e 0lace to yoursel>.T $lt!ou%! t!e canyon is a desert( itSs like an oasis in 8inter - a 0lace o> 0eace( closed >ro' t!e rest o> t!e 8orld. ;n t!ree days o> !ikin% ; sa8 only t8o or t!ree trains( eac! carryin% &a%%a%e( not riders( and 0er!a0s t8o dozen !ikers.


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I7 =EGOL34' >7 S,y isnJt summ r t, * st tim o+ t, y ar to visit t, Airnn>l AunvnnSP 1. Co8 did t!e 8riter >eel 8!en !e >irst visited itX D. U!en did !e >irst visit itX <. U!ere 8ere !e and !is >a'ily %oin%X .. U!at 8as t!e >irst di>>iculty >or t!e'X 4. U!y 8asnSt !e sur0rised at 8!at !e sa8X 2. U!at i'0ressed !i' 'ostX 7. U!ere 8ere t!e tourists >ro'X 5. Co8 'uc! tune did t!ey s0end t!ereX -. U!at does t!e 8riter co'0are t!e Eanyon in 8inter toX 1/. U!at activity did t!e 8riter do t!ere in 8interX it is cro9d d disa00ointed 'ore t!an a decade a%o Qos $n%eles to >ind a 0arkin% 0lace t!e si%!t 8as >a'iliar >ro' ni0tnr0s t!e nu'&er o> lan%ua%es t!at !e could !ear every continent an !our or t8o an oasis !ikin%


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

,. C,i v s sca) 9it, 9atc, s $&out D// lu6ury 8atc!es 8ort! an esti'ated D 'illion 0ounds 8ere stolen >ro' a +e8ellery s!o0 in okyo. Police o>>icers discovered a ./-4/c' !ole in one o> t!e storeSs 8alls t!rou%! 8!ic! t!e 8atc!es are &elieved to !ave &een re'oved. !e 0olice said no 8itnesses !ad co'e >or8ard &y yesterday 'ornin%( &ut e'0loyees at nei%!&ourin% stores 8ere &ein% intervie8ed( &ecause Tt!e noise 'ust !ave &een Wuite loud(T said a s0okes'an >or t!e okyo 'etro0olitan 0olice. Resterday 8as t!e start o> okyoSs ne8 year sale season( 8it! t!ousands o> &ar%ain-!unters rus!in% to s!o0s o>>erin% lar%e discounts on desi%ner &rands. !e s!o0 >ounded in 157-( sells +e8ellery and 8ell-kno8n lu6ury 8atc! &rands. ;t is located in t!e !eart o> okyoSs &usiest !i%!-class s!o00in% district. !e s!o00in% centre no8 is >a'ed >or its f>i cu0s o> co>>ee( Qast Fe&ruary( f<</(/// 8ort! o> +e8ellery 8as stolen >ro' anot!er store t!rou%! a !ole in a concrete 8all. Police said t!at it 8as not yet clear 8!et!er t!e t8o t!e>ts 8ere linked.


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+i7 =EGOL34'

>7 S,at 9as stol n according to t, articl T 1. U!at kind o> 8atc!es 8ere t!eyX D. Co8 'uc! do t!ey cost alto%et!erX <. Co8 could t!e t!ieves enter t!e s!o0X .. U!at are 0olice o>>icers doin% no8X 4. U!y do t!ey t!ink t!ey could see so'et!in% stran%eX 2. U!y 8ere t!ere a lot o> &uyers in t!e stores yesterdayX 7. U!at could &e &ou%!t c!ea0erX 5. $0art >ro' 8atc!es( 8!at else does t!e s!o0 sellX -. U!ere can t!e s!o0 &e >ound in okyo X 1/. U!at is t!e s!o00in% centre >a'ous >orX

9atc, s lu6ury a&out D 'illion 0ounds t!rou%! a A./-4/c'B !ole intervie8in% e'0loyees at nei%!&ourin% stores &ecause o> t!e loud noise t!ey o>>ered lar%e discounts3 t!ere 8ere sales desi%ner &rands +e8ellery in t!e &usiest !i%!-class s!o00in% district a cu0 o> co>>ee costs f2


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P7 'tr t Art - N 9 2ultur o+ t, 2iti s Street $rt is a very 0o0ular >or' o> art t!at is s0readin% Wuickly all over t!e 8orld. Rou can >ind it on &uildin%s( street si%ns and tras! cans >ro' okyo to Paris( >ro' Hosco8 to Ea0e o8n. Street art !as &eco'e a %lo&al culture and even art 'useu's and %alleries are collectin% t!e 8ork o> street artists. Street art started out very secretly &ecause it is ille%al to 0aint 0u&lic and 0rivate 0ro0erty 8it!out 0er'ission. Peo0le o>ten !ave di>>erent o0inions a&out street art. So'e t!ink it is a cri'e and ot!ers t!ink it is a very &eauti>ul ne8 >or' o> culture. !e 'ove'ent &e%an in Ne8 Rork in t!e 1-2/s. Roun% adults s0rayed 8ords and ot!er i'a%es on 8alls and trains( !is color>ul( ener%etic style o> 8ritin% &eca'e kno8n as %ra>>iti. Lra>>iti art s!o8ed t!at youn% 0eo0le 8anted to re&el a%ainst society. ;n 'any cases t!ey !ad trou&le 8it! t!e 0olice and t!e local %overn'ent. !ey c!oose street art &ecause it is closer to t!e 0eo0le. So'e artists try to e60ress t!eir 0olitical o0inion in t!eir 8ork. $dvertisin% co'0anies also use street art in t!eir ads &ecause it %ives you t!e i'0ression o> yout! and ener%y. ;n todaySs 8orld t!e ;nternet !as a &i% in>luence on street art. $rtists can s!o8 t!eir 0ictures to an audience all over t!e 8orld.


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P7 =EGOL34' )o)ular +orm o+ artL n 9 >7 S,at is 'tr t ArtT +orm o+ cultur 1. U!y did it &eco'e a %lo&al cultureX it s0reads Wuickly in art D. $0art >ro' streets( 8!ere else can street artistsS 'useu's and 8ork &e seenX %alleries it N ill)criil tn t=unt .L &' &J&2LLLL& <. U!y 8as it &o' in secretX &% LLilllll 0u&lic and 0rivate 0ro0erty .. U!ere did it >irst a00earX Ne8 Rork 4. Co8 >ar does it %o &ack in ti'eX to t!e 1-2/s t!ey t!ink 2. U!y do so'e 0eo0le dislike itX it is a cri'e s0rayed on 8alls 7. Co8 are 0ieces o> %ra>>iti createdX AtrainsB 5. U!at did 0eo0le 8ant to de'onstrate 8it! t!e'X re&el a%ainst society s!o8 t!eir 0ictures to an audience all -. U!at can artists t!ank t!e ;nternet >orX over t!e 8orld 1/. U!at is t!e do'inant c!aracteristic >eature o> ener%etic street artX


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N7 Z scu cat g ts Em rg nci s =inistry a9ard $ cat( 8!ic! saved t8o 0ensioners >ro' a >ire in Eentral Kussia( !as received a s0ecial a8ard >ro' t!e 9'er%encies Hinistry. !e ani'al received sour crea' and sausa%es >ro' 9'er%encies Hinistry re0resentative Vle% $ki'ov( 8!o a8arded t!e >urry !ero. Vn t!e day 8!en t!e tra%edy nearly !a00ened( Nina 9>i'ova 8as at !o'e alone as !er !us&and 8ent >is!in% early in t!e 'ornin%. !e 8o'an 8as still slee0in%( 8!en s!e 8as 8oken u0 &y t!e cat. THurzikSs cries sounded &ad. ;Sve never !eard !i' &ein% so scared. !atSs 8!y ; 8oke u0. ; o0ened t!e door and t!ere 8as >ire t!ere(T Nina 9>i'ova told KussiaSs E!annel Vne. !e >la'es &locked t!e e6it >or t!e 8o'an and s!e !ad to esca0e t!rou%! t!e 8indo8( takin% t!e cat 8it! !er. !e >ire Wuickly s0read to a near&y !ouse( &ut Nina 9>i'ova 'ana%ed to 8arn !er nei%!&our. Nina said i> Hurzik !adnSt s'elt car&on 'ono6ide s!e .rt. 8ouldSve &urnt alive. com in 2 ntra >7 S, r did t, story tak )lac T l Zussia 1. U!o did t!e cat saveX D. U!y 8as t!eir li>e in dan%erX <. U!at did t!e cat %et as a re8ardX .. U!y 8as Nina 9>i'ova alone at !o'e on t!e day o> t!e tra%edyX 4. U!at 8as s!e doin% 8!en t!e tra%edy !a00enedX 2. U!at did t!e cat doX 7. U!o did Nina tell a&out !er tra%ic day laterX 5. Co8 did t!e lady esca0eX -. U!y did s!e !ave to do soX 1/. U!y did Nina 8ake !er nei%!&our u0X


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N7 =EGOL34' >7 U!ere did t!e story take 0laceX 1. U!o did t!e cat saveX D. U!y 8as t!eir li>e in dan%erX <. U!at did t!e cat %et as a re8ardX .. U!y 8as Nina 9>i'ova alone at !o'e on t!e day o> t!e tra%edyX 4. U!at 8as s!e doin% 8!en t!e tra%edy !a00enedX 2. U!at did t!e cat doX 7. U!o did Nina tell a&out !er tra%ic day laterX 5. Co8 did t!e lady esca0eX -. U!y did s!e !ave to do soX 1/. U!y did Nina 8ake !er nei%!&our u0X in Eentral Kussia t8o 0ensioners &ecause o> a >ire sour crea' and sausanes !er !us&and 8ent >is!in% slee0in% 8oke !er u0 KussiaSs E!annel Vne. t!rou%! t!e 8indo8 >la'es &locked t!e e6it t!e >ire s0read Wuickly


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

[7 -rot, rs di in +roz n lak 8o &rot!ers died and a t!ird survived 8!en t!ey >ell t!rou%! ice on a >rozen lake. !e t!ree 8ere 0ulled >ro' t!e icy 8ater in Uater'ead Eountry 0ark in Qeicester &y youn%sters. $le6 Narley( 15( a student >ro' Qeicester( said !e and !is >riends !ad 8itnessed t!e dra'a un>old at t!e country 0ark. T; 8as sled%in% do8n t!e !ill and ; !eard screa'in%.TUe ran over( t!ere 8as a 'an in t!e 8ater stra%%lin% and >ro' 8!at ; could see t!ere 8ere 8!at looked like t8o +ackets >loatin% in t!e 8ater 8!ic! later turned out to &e t8o ot!er 0eo0le. TVne o> 'y 'ates and t8o ot!er lads 8ent out and 'ana%ed to %et t!e one out 8!o 8as stra%%lin%. #ut t!ey couldnSt %et close enou%! to %et t!e ot!er t8o out. !ey 8erenSt 'ovin% or anyt!in%.T Para'edics and >ire>i%!ters( 8!o arrived later( des0erately tried to revive t!e t8o rescued 'en at t!e scene &ut t!ey died later in !os0ital. $ s0okes8o'an >or Qeicester Koyal ;n>ir'ary said t!at t!e t!ree 'en( t!ou%!t to &e in t!en >orties and >i>ties( 8ere taken to its accident and e'er%ency de0art'ent( 8!ere t8o could not &e revived. !e t!ird 8as initially descri&ed as &ein% in a critical condition( &ut 8as later released.


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

[7 =EGOL34' >7 8o9 many ) o)l di d in t, accid ntT 1. U!at 8as t!e relations!i0 &et8een t!e'X D. Co8 did t!e accident !a00enX <. U!o !el0ed t!e' >irstX .. Co8 did one o> t!e' realise t!at t!ere 8as an accidentX 4. U!at 8as !e doin% at t!at ti'eX 2. U!at 8as t!e surviver doin%X 7. U!at else did t!ey see in t!e 8aterX 5. U!y couldnSt t!ey !el0 all t!e 0eo0le in needX -. U!o else tried to !el0 at t!e sceneX 1/. U!at 8as t!e a%e o> t!e victi'sX t9o t!ey 8ere &rot!ers t!ey >ell t!rou%! ice youn%sters !eard screa'in% 8as sled%in% stru%%lin% t8o +ackets couldnSt %et close enou%! 0ara'edics and >ire>i%!ters !ey 8ere in t!eir ./s and 4/s


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

.>7 Nikica t, ,i))o n"oy s tast o+ +r dom a+t r +loods $ t8o-tonne !i00o0ota'us called Nikica( 8!ic! esca0ed >ro' a >looded 0rivate zoo in Hontene%ro( 8as s8i''in% >ree today. V>>icials disa%reed over 8!et!er to kill t!e 11-year-old !i00o( considered one o> t!e 8orldSs 'ost dan%erous ani'als. $ s0okes'an >or Hontene%roSs 0olice( said t!e la8 reWuired t!ey destroy ani'als t!at can endan%er !u'an lives. #ut state veterinary aut!orities said t!ey 8ere not entitled to kill ani'als. ?oo o8ner Dra%an Pe+ovic insisted Nikica 8as not dan%erous Tunless so'eone attacks !erT. Cer 'ove'ents 8ere &ein% tracked &y t!e zooSs 0rivate security. U!ile t!e zoo in t!e villa%e re'ained >looded s!e 8as &ein% >ed at t!e s8i''in% 0ool o> a restaurant o8ned &y t!e zoo o8ner and !is &rot!er. Ci00os( 0lant eaters native to $>rica( are t!e t!ird-lar%est land ani'als( a>ter ele0!ants and 8!ite r!inos. !ey are intelli%ent and can run >aster t!an t!e avera%e !u'an over s!ort distances( and !ave 0o8er>ul teet! and +a8s.


8uestions an& ans ers */r&/sek v9laszok8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek v9laszok .>7 =EGOL34' >7 S,at is t, ,i))oJs nam T 1. U!at does s!e 8ei%!X D. U!ere did s!e live &e>ore s!e esca0edX <. Co8 did s!e esca0eX .. U!at 'ade !er esca0e 0ossi&leX 4. U!at did so'e o>>icials 8ant to do 8it! !er >or 0eo0leSs sa>etyP` 2. Co8 did !er o8ner descri&e t!e !i00oSs c!aracterX 7. U!en can s!e &eco'e dan%erousX 5. U!ere did s!e eat &e>ore returnin% to t!e zooX -. U!at do !i00os eatX 1/. U!at are t!ey &etter at t!an 0eo0leX Niklca t8o tonnes in a 0rivate zoo s8i''in% a >lood3!eavy rain kill 8as not dan%erous i> so'eone attacks it in a s8i''in% 0ool 0lants s!ort distance runnin%


-l =atc,ing 'zv g - c(m )ros(ts 2(mk1z1s

)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s)atching @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

A + ladat l (rsa 1/ rvid k&. <-. soros szve%G a szve%et ssze kell 0ros)tani a cikk3szve% c)'vel va%y >orrsval( >unkci+val( ite'enknt 1 0ont( 1< c)' kz*l kell vlasztani A1/ 0ontB. $ >eladat 'e%olds!oz sztr !asznlata ne' 'e%en%edett.


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

A. Olvassa l az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? 'ztr n m ,asznl,at?

D1. rains de0art every 14 to D/ 'inutes >ro' er'inal 4 &e>ore travellin% non-sto0 into Qondon and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes to arrive. DD. $s a rule you need a 0rescri0tion to %et Finpecia+ &ut 8it! t!e develo0'ent o> internet 0!ar'acies 0eo0le !ave %ot an o00ortunity to o&tain dru%s stayin% in >ront o> t!e 'onitor. Still( itSs stron%ly reco''ended to consult a doctor &e>ore startin% Finpecia dru% use. D<. Fal'out! is t!e 0er>ect location >or >estivals. !e to8n overlooks t!e t!ird dee0est natural !ar&our in t!e 8orld and !as a ric! 'ariti'e !erita%e 8!ic! can &e e60lored at t!e National Hariti'e Huseu'. D.. $s >ar as evenin% dresses are concerned( one o> t!e 'ost ele%ant ne8 styles to !it t!e cat8alks t!is year is t!e one-s!oulder asy''etric cut. !ese( !o8ever( can &e tricky 8it! di>>erent &ody s!a0es( so try &e>ore you &uy. D4. Rou 8ill need %reen construction 0a0er( 'arkers( %lue and scissors. Fold t!e construction 0a0er in !al> and dra8 t!e outline o> a E!rist'as tree. Qet your c!ild 8rite t!e >a'ily 'e'&ersP na'es on t!e cards. D2. Host 0u00ies are very active and love to run( 0lay( c!e8( and 0otty on t!e >loor. !ese are nor'al &e!aviors >or 0u00ies( so &e 0atient. Kee0 all s!oes and i'0ortant ite's o>> t!e >loor and a8ay >ro' areas 8!ere t!e 0u00y !as access. D7. Lreen!ouse %ro8in% is a %ood o0tion >or 'any 0lants( cucu'&er( lettuce( 0e00ers all t!rive 8!en %ro8n indoors 8it! t!e 0ro0er care and 0re0aration. D5. ;n order to 'aster your 0arkin% skills( itSs i'0ortant t!at you take a lot o> 0ractical e6ercises. $t >irst( 0ractice in a 8ide s0ace 8it! little or no o&stacles at all. !en %radually u0%rade t!e 0arkin% s0ace until you %et con>ident 8!en 0arkin% in ti%!t s0aces. D-. Jsin% t!e D.-!our ticket you can visit t!e 'ost &eauti>ul !istorical &uildin%s( 'useu's and c!urc!es o> t!e city and can see t!e uniWue 0anora'a alon% t!e Danu&e. Rou can interru0t your +ourney at t!e sto0 and continue it 8it! t!e ne6t &usM </. Hi6 t!e dry in%redients &y si>tin% to%et!er. Ku& in t!e &utter. $dd t!e 'ilk till a sti>> dou%! is >or'ed. 1/. Vnce your c!ildrenSs teet! start %ro8in% and &eco'e stron%( you can use a toot!&rus!( even i> youSre not actually &rus!in% t!eir teet!. !is 8ill !el0 &a&ies to learn !ealt!y &rus!in% tec!niWues >or t!e >uture. $ . ravel &roc!ure ;; . #uyin% 'edicine online


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

1 Fil' revie8 1 . A Dental care . f i'otti&lo t F Sli''in% diet . F Drivin% instruction . L Eookin% .


Qan%ua%e sc!ool

. Lardenin% 1. K . Fas!ion

F. Si%!tseein% &y &us H Kee0in% a 0et . N Co'e-'ade . E!rist'as cards


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

2. Olvassa l az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? 'ztr n m ,asznl,at?

>7 rains de0art every 14 to D/ 'inutes >ro' er'inal 4 &e>ore travellin% non-sto0 into Qondon and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes to arrive. Q. 9ac! ne8s0a0er !as an e6tra 0a%e o> learnin% activities and a cross8ord 0uzzle. Rou 8ill &e a&le to 0ractice readin% and understandin% 9n%lis! 8!ile you are learnin% i'0ortant in>or'ation and voca&ulary. <1. ;nstead o> drinkin% co>>ee and crea' 8!ic! are !i%! in calories( %reen tea cannot only save you >ro' takin% in too 'any calories &ut also lets you take in several !ealt!>ul su&stances. <D. Hake no 'istake i> you are an ine60erienced >is!er'an( &lue>in >is!in% can &e dan%erous. ;t is a %ood idea to %o out 8it! an e60erienced ca0tain and cre8. <<. Students i'0rove all 9n%lis! skill areas includin% readin%( 8ritin%( listenin% and s0eakin%( t!rou%! V6>ord Koyale $cade'ySs interactive teac!in% style. <.. !e readin% roo's can &e visited only 8it! a valid reader 0ass or visitor 0ass. !e reader 0ass entitles t!e !older to read &ooks( 0eriodicals( te6t&ooks( lecture notes( 'icro>il's( electronic docu'ents. <4. !e t!ird &i%%est city in Cun%ary 0rovides a re'arka&ly cos'o0olitan li>estyle des0ite its slee0y colle%e to8n >eel. !e 'ost si%ni>icant arts venue !ere is t!e Sze%ed National !eatre. <2. ;> you are !an%in% a collection o> 0!otos or 0rints to%et!er( use si'ilar >ra'es to visually link t!e'. !e >ra'es could &e all o> t!e sa'e style( or 0er!a0s di>>erent s!a0es and sizes( &ut all in t!e sa'e color. <7. Eoarse duck and !azelnut 0gte 8it! a0ricot c!utney E!icken and !a' !ock 0ie 8it! cran&erry +elly and 8atercress salad #eetroot 0an !a%%erty 8it! 0ickled &a&y turni0s and a 0ort reduction <5. !e intercity trains are denoted &y ;E. !e >irst class return ticket >or an intercity train costs a&out D/ JSD. !e +ourney takes t8o !ours. .>7 !is versatile aero&ics class is desi%ned to re+uvenate. 9n+oy stren%t! trainin%( a& 8ork( stretc!in%( yo%a d 'oves to &etter en!ance your li>estyle.


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s)atching - @z2veg - elm p9rosAt9s 87 ravel &roc!ure A; i'eta&le ;. Qan%ua%e sc!ool <-. Kestaurant Henu J. Co'e decoration ./. Qi&rary K. Fis!in% .1. Sli''in% diet Q. Eookery &ook .D. Lardenin% =7 i'eta&le .<. Fitness 0ro%ra''e N. $dvertisin% a ne8s0a0er ... Jo& advertise'ent


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

<. Olvassa l az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? 'ztr n m ,asznl,at?

.4. rains de0art evety 14 to D/ 'inutes >ro' er'inal 4 &e>ore travellin% non-sto0 into Qondon and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes to arrive. .2. ;> you are %oin% to &e cli'&in% u0 any lar%e 0eaks( donSt >or%et your rock cli'&in% eWui0'ent. $ !arness( ro0e( ener%y su00le'ents( 'anuals( and %loves are all +ust a click a8ay. .7. Pro>essional illustrations( %ra0!ic desi%n and 0!oto%ra0!y al8ays en!ance a siteSs look and >eel( &ut not at t!e e60ense o> t!e ot!er co'0onents. Nisual ele'ents s!ould al8ays act as an a00ro0riate en!ance'ent o> 8ritten content and >unctionality. .5. Rou can eit!er do t!is 8it! a se8in% 'ac!ine or you can !and se8 it 8it! t!read or even decorative and color>ul yarn. .-. !e to8n is also 0o0ular 8it! t!ose interested in recreational sailin% and ot!er 8ater s0orts. !e 8aters are 0redo'inantly >airly s!eltered( and o>>er 0ri'e yac!tin% and canoein% o00ortunities u0 t!e Kiver Fal( t!e Cel>ord and around t!e Koseland Peninsula. 4/. Rou can &uild as lar%e a ca%e as you 8ant. !e 0arrot s!ould at least &e a&le to >ly around a little( >la0 8in%s and !o0 &et8een t!e 0erc!es. !ese activities 8ould ensure t!at your 0arrot is !a00y( stress >ree and !ealt!y. 41. Please note t!at c!ildren under 1. are not allo8ed in t!e &ar &ut 8elco'e in t!e restaurant 8!en acco'0anied &y an adult. 4D. !e idea o> t!e 'ovie 8as to !i%!li%!t t!e !u'or and adventure o> t!e ti'es( rat!er t!an s!o8casin% !o8 darkly ille%al and i''oral it 8as. Starrin% Hel Li&son and Ko&ert Do8ney Jr.( t!e >il' s!ared t!e title o> t!e &ook( %ir %merica+ and 8as a 8arti'e road 'ovie co'edy. 4<. $s0irin is no lon%er used to control >lu-like sy'0to's or to treat t!e sy'0to's o> c!icken0o6 due to t!e risk o> KeyeSs syndro'e in c!ildren under t8elve years o> a%e. 4.. y0ical adult service roles include !el0in% old 0eo0le 8it! t!eir !ousin% and &ene>its( lendin% su00ort to t!ose 8it! learnin% disa&ilities or 'ental !ealt! 0ro&le's( and !el0in% o>>enders to re!a&ilitate t!e'selves &ack into society. .>7 $l8ays c!oose >acial cleanser accordin% to your skin ty0e, dry( nor'al( oily( or co'&ination. Co8ever >or dry skin( it isnSt su%%ested to use >ra%rant soa0s at all &ecause it can dry your skin out even 'ore.

$ Jo& descri0tion . 1 9venin% sc!ool 1

C $dvice to cli'&ers . Q Qi&rary


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

. E Cotel . D #o6 o> 'edicine . K ;nstructions, !o8 to 'ake . a dress f i'eta&le t L ;nternet ca> (


Skin care

K ravel &roc!ure . Q ;nstructions, !o8 to 'ake . a &ird ca%e H Ue&site desi%n . N Fil' revie8 .


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

E7 Olvassa l az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? 'ztr n m ,asznl,at?

44. rains de0art every 14 to D/ 'inutes >ro' er'inal 4 &e>ore travellin% non-sto0 into Qondon and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes to arrive. 42. Rou 8ill &e a&le to c!oose &et8een security syste's t!at are connected to a near&y 0olice station( t!e security co'0any or even to your 'o&ile 0!one in order to 'onitor your !o'e 8!ile you are at 8ork. 47. oday t!ere isnSt enou%! ti'e to al8ays s!o0 >or ite's in 0erson. !e &est Wuality c!oices are availa&le via t!e Uorld Uide Ue&. !ese are ite's t!at &reak do8n t!e &orders &et8een countries and !el0 t!e &uyer 'ake t!e &est decisions >or t!eir >a'ilies. 45. Vne o> t!e &est 'usicals around >or t!e 8!ole >a'ily to en+oy ri%!t no8 is !e Qittle Her'aid( 8!ic! &rin%s to li>e all t!e cartoon c!aracters and 8onder>ul son%s t!at 8ere >eatured in t!e no8-classic Disney 'ovie >ro' 1-5-. 4-. Rou can also 'ake a 0rivate dinin% reservation >or our BaptainCs Da:le usin% our Vnline Keservations #ookin% Syste'. Please select t!e BaptainCs Da:le as your 0re>erred seatin% area to 'ake a reservation >or &et8een 5 and 1. %uests. 2/. Hornay-Halle %re8 u0 in t!e s!eltered 8orld o> t!e Hediterranean aristocracy under t!e care>ul tutela%e o> !er stern >at!er. Harried at a%e 15 to a 'uc! older $'erican( Jo!n Cenry P!illi0s( Ka0!aella >ills !er li>e 8it! !is 8is!es and desires. 21. V0enin% ti'es, Ueekdays 2./ a.'. - 5./ 0.'. Ueekends 2./ a.'. - 1./ 0.'. Fro' 1-<2 u0 until D//4 t!e oldest urkis! &at!s 8ere o0en to 'en only. 2D. For a cat8alk look( !ead to s!o0s suc! as CH( Ne8 Qook and ?ara 8!ic! >reWuently take t!eir ins0iration strai%!t o>> cat8alk s!o8s. U!ilst t!e clot!es are desi%ner-ins0ired( t!ey are also a>>orda&le and 8eara&le( translatin% !i%! >as!ion trends to everyday li>e. 2<. 9yes need to slee0 +ust like any ot!er or%an in your &ody. ;> your eyes are !urtin% or are &loods!ot( you 'i%!t need to %et 'ore slee0. $t t!e very least( you can si'0ly lay do8n and S est your eyesT >or a 8!ile. 2.. Si%nal 8!en c!an%in% lanes( turnin%( or 0arkin%. Rour car li%!ts are not t!ere >or decoration. !ey !ave a 0ur0ose and t!at is to li%!t your 0at! and si%nal drivers o> your drivin% intention. Hakin% use o> t!ese li%!ts 8ill surely kee0 you sa>e on t!e road al8ays. 24. !e ne6t ste0 a>ter %ettin% your &oardin% 0ass 8ill &e to 0roceed t!rou%! security c!eck. Follo8 t!e si%ns to your %ate( as t!ere 'ay &e a security c!eck0oint at t!e entrance to several %rou0s o> %ates( too. i'eta&le C Jo& 44

)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s)atching @z2veg - elm p9rosAt9s

l i . E . 1 B . F . F . E .

Vnline s!o00in% Fas!ion s!o0 advertise'ent Hedicine $ir0ort Co'e security !er'al &at!

. ;.

descri0tion Kestaurant &ookin%

( 9ye care 1. K 9ntertain'en . t Q . H . \ . Drivin% instruction ravel &roc!ure Su''ary o> a &ook


)atching - @zciveg - cAm p9rosAt9s

I7 Olvassa l az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? 'ztr n m ,asznl,at?

22. rains de0art every 14 to D/ 'inutes >ro' er'inal 4 &e>ore travellin% non-sto0 into Qondon and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes to arrive. 27. ;> you 8ant to 0!oto%ra0! a 8ide 0anora'ic vie8 in 8!ic! you 8ant everyt!in% in >ocus( use a nu'&er closer to F-l. #ut( i> you 8ant a sin%le 0erson in >ocus 8it! everyt!in% in >ront o> and &e!ind !i' sli%!tly &lurry( set your a0erture to a !i%!er F-sto0 nu'&er. 25. Fro' t!e !i%! culture o> #uda0est( Sze%ed( and Pcs to t!e 8ild &eauty o> t!e national 0arks( Cun%ary o>>ers a >ull ran%e o> activities. 2-. Vur teac!ers co'e >ro' a variety o> di>>erent &ack%rounds( so'e are teac!in% or !ave tau%!t >or t!e Jniversity o> V6>ord and so'e are 8ell-esta&lis!ed local tutors. 7/. Hake sure t!at t!e kids clot!es are 0ut a8ay and >olded in t!eir dra8ers and t!e 0a0ers are 0ut a8ay in t!e desk and not s0ra8led all over t!e desk. 71. Hodeled on t!e in>or'al style o> Ne8 RorkSs %rill restaurants( Haze Lrill o>>ers a 8ide ran%e o> di>>erent &reeds and cuts o> &ee> cooked over coal( as 8ell as starters and 0lates to s!are. 7D. ;t is a 0lace 8!ere you can use a co'0uter 8it! ;nternet access( 'ost >or a >ee( usually 0er !our or 'inuteG so'eti'es you can !ave un'etered access 8it! a 0ass >ur a day or 'ont!( etc. ;t 'ay serve as a re%ular ca> as 8ell( 8it! >ood and drinks &ein% served. 7<. 9ac! and every 'inute o> t!e s!o8 is s0ectacular in t!e ut'ost( t!anks to t!e si%!t( t!e sound( 0yrotec!nic e>>ects( t!e dancers and t!e costu'es. 7.. ;> you are a &i% &iker( t!is is your outlet >or everyt!in% t!at you could 0ossi&ly need. Rou can 0urc!ase &ikes >ro' t!e 8e&site( you can 0urc!ase tires >ro' t!e 8e&site( you can even 0urc!ase 'aintain tools >or your &ike >ro' t!e 8e&site directly. 74. Hake sure you 0ut on a 0ro0e and clean s8i''in% suit. Please 8alk t!rou%! t!e s!o8er &at! and >oot&at! containin% c!lorinated 8ater and rinse your &ody to re'ove dirt. Uear your sli00ers to 8alk t!rou%! t!e >oot&at!. .>7 #ees8a6 can %ive an additional s!ine and %lossy a00earance to your !air and o>>er e6tra 0rotection >or your !air


72. Qive concert 77. Cair care 75. Fil' revie8 7-. Qan%ua%e sc!ool 5/. S8i''in% 0ool 51. Co'e sa>ety 5D. i'eta&le

)atching - @zciveg - cAm p9rosAt9s)atching - @zciveg - cAm p9rosAt9s 87 Kee0in% c!ildrenSs roo' tidy &7 Kestaurant advertise'ent J. Jo& intervie8 57 Vnline s0orts s!o0 Q. ravel &roc!ure =7 ;nternet ca>e N. akin% 0!otos


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

K7 Olvassa l az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? 'ztr n m ,asznl,at?

5<. rains de0art every 14 to D/ 'inutes >ro' er'inal 4 &e>ore travellin% non-sto0 into Qondon and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes to arrive. 5.. U!at a&out co''andsX !is is also so'et!in% to t!ink a&out 8!en it co'es to do% o&edience trainin%. !ere are 'any TtricksT you can teac! your do% suc! as sit( stay( s0eak( lie do8n( etc. 54. Live !er a nice 8ar' &at! &e>ore 0uttin% !er to &ed. ;t is a %ood 8ay >or t!e &a&y to un8ind and rela6. Lentle rockin%( %radually turnin% t!e li%!ts do8n( or even 0layin% so'e soot!in% 'usic 'ay !el0. 52. ;> you !ave a >or'al >estive occasion to attend t!en you s!ould %o >or a 8onder>ul 8inter >a&ric to cele&rate. Fe8 t!in%s are 'ore %la'orous t!an a lon% velvet dress 8it! a >ur s!ru% 8ra00ed over your s!oulders. 57. !e 'a+ority o> ;nternet clinics o>>er suc! service as a consultation o> a s0ecialist. $>ter suc! consultation youSll &e sent a 0rescri0tion &y 'eans o> e-'ail and t!en you are >ree to 0urc!ase Finpecia 'edicine >ro' t!e 8e&site. 55. #e>ore you 8alk into t!e o>>ice( it is i'0ortant t!at you kno8 everyt!in% 0ossi&le a&out t!e co'0any 8it! 8!ic! you are a00lyin% >or e'0loy'ent. 5-. For a &oySs &edroo'( tile around t!e >ront ed%es o> a &ook s!el> or add 'osaics to t!e. closet door >ra'in%. For a %irl( donSt >or%et to include your ne8 'osaic desi%ns in t!e doll !ouse and around t!e c!ildSs vanity 'irror. -/. Sticky to>>ee 0uddin% 8it! &randy cara'el sauce and clotted crea' $00le and cran&erry c!arlotte 8it! %in%er s0iced ice crea' reacle tart 8it! &lood oran%e syru0 and vanilla ice crea' -1. U!ile t!e 'ystery o> t!e 'alevolent Hary- !eresa kee0s you %uessin%( itSs a satis>yin% love story o> t8o 0eo0le 8!o 8ere cruelly torn a0art &ut 8!o !ave never sto00ed lovin% eac! ot!er. $nd in t!e end( true love >inally 8ins. -D. !is ti'e t!e Cun%arian Huseu' o> rade and ouris' e6!i&its 0osters >ro' t!e 1-.41-5- 0eriod. !e 0osters re>lect t!e various trends t!at c!aracterised t!e decades in t!e era. .>7 E!ildrenSs 0lay roo's are 0rovided in t!e Ne8 erritories >ree o> c!ar%e. !e E!ildrenSs Play Koo' is 'ainly desi%ned >or c!ildren a%ed >ro' . to - 8!ose !ei%!ts are not e6ceedin% 1.Dc'. E!ildren under t!e a%e o> . 'ust &e acco'0anied &y %uardians inside t!e 0lay roo'. $ 96!i&ition . C . ravel in>or'ation


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s)atching @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

; t . L i l l . 9 . F . L .

Co'e decoration i'eta&le Su''ary o> a &ook #uyin% 'edicine online Co'e sa>ety Kee0in% 0ets

&7 J.

Qeisure centre ;nstructions, !o8 to %et a &a&y to slee0

K $dvice on +o& intervie8s . Q Kestaurant Henu . H Uinter >as!ion . N Cair care .


)atching - @z2veg - cim p9rosAt9s

P7 Olvassa l az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? 'ztr n m ,asznl,at?

-<. rains de0art every 14 to D/ 'inutes >ro' er'inal 4 &e>ore travellin% non-sto0 into Qondon and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes to arrive. -.. o &e a&le to !el0 t!e 0eo0le t!at t!ey care >or( a social 8orker !as to >or' relations!i0s 8it! t!e >a'ily and >riends o> t!e 0erson t!at t!ey are dealin% 8it!. !ey also need to 8ork closely 8it! t!e !ealt! service( t!e 0olice( t!e 0ro&ation service( and t!e sc!ools. -4. #at! ti'e can &e a >un activity >or &ot! you and your c!ild. Su0ervision is t!e key to kee0in% t!is ti'e a >un activity and a sa>e activity. E!ildren could easily sli0 and seriously in+ure t!e'selves 8!ile in t!e tu&. !ey can also &e &urned &y too !ot 8ater. -2. Qon%er !air can &e 8orn in &o& styles( and can also &e 8orn in a 0onytail. !e 0onytail is convenient >or active %irls 8!o donSt !ave t!e ti'e to style t!eir !air in co'0licated styles on a daily &asis. -7. !in%s to consider include t!e !all rental( c!urc!( 0astorSs >ee( or%anist( 'usical 0er>or'ers( &rides'aidsS %i>ts( 8eddin% %o8n( &ouWuet( rece0tion 'eal and entertain'ent. -5. Peo0le >ro' 'any 0arts o> t!e 8orld( not +ust $'erica travel to ot!er countries to receive !ealt!care >or various reasons. Peo0le >ro' 9uro0e travel due to lon% 8aitin% lists at !o'e. .$nyone considerin% a >orei%n 'edical care s!ould consult 8it! t!eir doctors >irst. --. !ey o>>er interactive >unctionalities suc! as >ree 0!oto 0ro>iles( audio and video 0ro>ile introductions( 0!oto ratin%( sin%les c!at roo's( instant 'essa%in%( internal e'ail( and 0ersonal &lo%s >or daters( a discussion >oru' and >ree datin% articles. 1//. Uit!out a %ood 0lot a 'ovie >ails to attract and retain t!e vie8ers. Uit!out %ood c!aracters t!ere 8ould &e no story and no 0lot. Ue need %ood actors to 'ake %ood >il's. Scri0t is t!e li>e o> 'ovies so it s!ould &e very stron% and a00ealin%. 1/1. Sto0 your ve!icle. Hake a >irst aid c!eck o> all 0ersons involved in t!e accident. Eall t!e 0olice and( i> necessary( e'er%ency 'edical services. 1/D. !e o8er !as &een a >ortress( 0alace( 0rison and zoo. !e 'ost !istoric 0art( t!e U!ite o8er( 8as &uilt in t!e ti'e o> Uillia' t!e EonWueror and is 'ore t!an -// years old. .>7 Eas' English Dimes &rin%s a 8orld o> in>or'ation to !i%! sc!ool and adult learners. ;tSs a ne8s0a0er 8ritten in easy 9n%lis! >or t!ose in 9n%lis! as a second lan%ua%e A9SQB classes and adult literacy 0ro%ra's. $ Qondon %uide C. Cair style ti0


)atching - @z2veg - cim p9rosAt9s)atching @z2veg - cim p9rosAt9s

. # i E . n . 9 . F . a .

i'eta&le Jo& descri0tion Vnline datin% 8e&sites Drivin% instruction ;nstructions in case o> a car accident Eine'a

Q J. K. Q. H. N.

Cealt! touris' Hedicine $dvertisin% a ne8s0a0er Ueddin% 0re0arations E!ild sa>ety Ho&ile 0!one 'anual


)arching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

V7 Olvassa l az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? 'ztr n m ,asznl,at?

/. rains de0art every 14 to D/ 'inutes >ro' er'inal 4 &e>ore travellin% non-sto0 into Qondon and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes to arrive. Q o &e a&le to !el0 t!e 0eo0le t!at t!ey care >or( a social 8orker !as to >or' relations!i0s 8it! t!e >a'ily and >riends o> t!e 0erson t!at t!ey are dealin% 8it!. !ey also need to 8ork Qosely 8it! t!e !ealt! service( t!e 0olice( t!e 0ro&ation service( and t!e sc!ools. 1/<. #at! ti'e can &e a >un activity >or &ot! you and your c!ild. Su0ervision is t!e key to stee0in% t!is ti'e a >un activity and a sa>e activity. E!ildren could easily sli0 and seriously r.Gure t!e'selves 8!ile in t!e tu&. !ey can also &e &urned &y too !ot 8ater. 1/.. Qon%er !air can &e 8orn in &o& styles( and can also &e 8orn in a 0onytail. !e 0onytail is tenvenient >or active %irls 8!o donSt !ave t!e ti'e to style t!eir !air in co'0licated styles on i daily &asis. 1/4. !in%s to consider include t!e !all rental( c!urc!( 0astorSs >ee( or%anist( 'usical rer>or'ers( &rides'aidsS %i>ts( 8eddin% %o8n( &ouWuet( rece0tion 'eal and entertain'ent. 1/2. Peo0le >ro' 'any 0arts o> t!e 8orld( not +ust $'erica travel to ot!er countries to receive -ealt!care >or various reasons. Peo0le >ro' 9uro0e travel due to lon% 8aitin% lists at !o'e. .$nyone considerin% a >orei%n 'edical care s!ould consult 8it! t!eir doctors >irst. 1/7. !ey o>>er interactive >unctionalities suc! as >ree 0!oto 0ro>iles( audio and video 0ro>ile introductions( 0!oto ratin%( sin%les c!at roo's( instant 'essa%in%( internal e'ail( and 0ersonal &lo%s >or daters( a discussion >oru' and >ree datin% articles. 1/5. Uit!out a %ood 0lot a 'ovie >ails to attract and retain t!e vie8ers. Uit!out %ood c!aracters -.!ere 8ould &e no story and no 0lot. Ue need %ood actors to 'ake %ood >il's. Scri0t is t!e li>e o> 'ovies so it s!ould &e very stron% and a00ealin%. 1/-. Sto0 your ve!icle. Hake a >irst aid c!eck o> all 0ersons involved in t!e accident. Eall t!e 0olice and( i> necessary( e'er%ency 'edical services. 11/. !e o8er !as &een a >ortress( 0alace( 0rison and zoo. !e 'ost !istoric 0art( t!e U!ite o8er( 8as &uilt in t!e ti'e o> Uillia' t!e EonWueror and is 'ore t!an -// years old. 1/. Eas' English Dimes &rin%s a 8orld o> in>or'ation to !i%! sc!ool and adult learners. ;tSs a ne8s0a0er 8ritten in easy 9n%lis! >or t!ose in 9n%lis! as a second lan%ua%e A9SQB classes 'd adult literacy 0ro%ra's. $ Qondon %uide C. Cair style ti0


)arching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s)arching @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

. i'eta&le c Jo& descri0tion . D Vnline datin% 8e&sites . 9 Drivin% instruction . F ;nstructions in case o> a car . accident L Eine'a . ;. J7 K. L7 =7 N. Cealt! touris' Hedicine $dvertisin% a ne8s0a0er Ueddin% 0re0arations E!ild sa>ety Ho&ile 0!one 'anual


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

N7 Olvassa l az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? 'ztr n m ,asznl,at?

111. rains de0art every 14 to D/ 'inutes >ro' er'inal 4 &e>ore travellin% non-sto0 into Qondon and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes to arrive. 11D. Nita'in E is also i'0ortant to t!e i''une syste'. Peo0le need to take t!e ti'e to rela6 and avoid unnecessary stress. Peo0le s!ould eat !ealt!y >oods( take care o> t!eir >itness and !y%iene( and take t!e ti'e to %et 0ro0er a'ounts o> slee0 and rela6ation eac! day. 11<. !e closest air0ort to V6>ord is Qondon Ceat!ro8 8!ic! is 1 !our &y car or &us. Stansted( Quton and Lat8ick are all D-< !ours >ro' V6>ord &y car. 11.. #e>ore you +u'0 into 0urc!asin% and >illin% your salt8ater tank( you 8ill need to do e6tensive researc! re%ardin% t!e ty0es o> >is! you 0lan on kee0in% as 8ell as 8!at ty0e o> !a&itat you !o0e to !ave. 114. U!en t!e alar's %o o>>( t!ey send a si%nal to t!e security co'0any 8!o 8ill c!eck t!e cause o> t!e alar' and act i''ediately &y %oin% to t!e scene and callin% >or 0olice &acku0 8!enever necessary. 112. Parkin% doesnSt only involve turnin% t!e 8!eel to t!e a00ro0riate 'aneuver or ste00in% on t!e &rakes on ti'e to kee0 you >ro' &u'0in% onto t!e 0arked cars. ;t also involves usin% your car 'irror 0arts. 117. Ue are al8ays lookin% >or dedicated and 0assionate individuals 8!o are strivin% to &uild t!eir career in t!e !os0itality industry. ;> you 8ould like to &e 0art o> t!is a8ard 8innin% tea' 0lease click !ere to visit our Current Vacancies 0a%e and a00ly online. 115. $l'ost D/ years a%o director Ko%er S0ottis8oode 0ut to t!e screen an ada0tation o> an incredi&le &ook c!roniclin% so'e o> t!e crazy( un&elieva&le t!in%s our %overn'ent( t!rou%! t!e E;$( did durin% t!e Nietna' Uar. 11-. !ere are >our 0ools( t!e 'edicinal 8ater >or 8!ic! is 0u'0ed in >ro' t!e near&y Qukcs #at!s. Uater te'0eratures, D2( <D( <2( ./hE. Uater 'ineral content, nitrates( calciu'-'a%nesiu'-!ydro%encar&onates and sul0!ate-c!lorides in si%ni>icant Wuantities. 1D/. ;n addition to t!e ric! o>>erin% o> 'usic Aclassical( 'usical( +azzB and !i%! standard dance 0er>or'ances on t!e 0ro%ra'( uniWue e6!i&itions( a &ustlin% >estival at'os0!ere and co'>orta&le !otels a8ait t!e visitors. .>7 $ %ood day colour sc!e'e >or &londes 8ould &e a 0ale 0ink eye s!ado8 8it! a li%!t rose &lus! and 'atc!in% rose li0stick. For eye de>inition( &ro8n 'ascara could &e a00lied. $ $rts >estival . F Q 4/ i'eta&le

)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s)atching @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

# . E . j . 9 . F . L .

!er'al &at! Ea'era 'anual Co'e sa>ety Jo& advertise'ent ravel in>or'ation Cealt! ti0s

i Q #uyin% an aWuariu' J. Hake-u0 ti0s K . Q . H . N . #uyin% 'edicine online Drivin% instructions Fas!ion Fil' revie8


)atching - @z2veg cAm p9rosAt9s

-. Olvassa l az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? 'ztr n m ,asznl,at?

1D1. rains de0art every 14 to D/ 'inutes >ro' er'inal 4 &e>ore travellin% non-sto0 into Qondon and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes to arrive. 1DD. !e &est diet 0ills are t!ose 8!ic! include e6tracts >ro' natural leaves and !er&s. Rou 'i%!t consider a %reen tea 0ill or a natural 0ill to %ive you ener%y t!at 8ill !el0 take a8ay your a00etite. Rour doctor is t!e &est 0erson to consult 8!en it co'es to selectin% diet 0ills. 1D<. Hic!ael Dou%las and Eat!erine ?eta-Jones s0ent t!eir su''ers 8it! t!eir c!ildren on Ha+orca( t!e lar%est island o>> t!e coast o> S0ain( as did Elaudia Sc!i>>er. 1D.. !e >irst t!in% you need to do is stay cal' and leave t!e &uildin% i''ediatelyM Never %o &ack into a &urnin% &uildin%. Eall -11 >ro' a nei%!&ourSs !ouse. Never atte'0t to 0ut out a >ire yoursel>( no 'atter !o8 s'all it isM 1D4. Qadies and %entle'en( 8e !ave a very >ull >li%!t today. Please ste0 out o> t!e aisle and into your ro8 as Wuickly as 0ossi&le so t!at ot!er 0assen%ers are a&le to reac! t!eir seats. 1D2. E!an%in% o> t!e Luard, !is is 0er!a0s QondonSs %reatest s0ectacle and one datin% &ack !undreds o> years. ;t takes 0lace year round outside #uckin%!a' Palace. !e Palace itsel>( t!e _ueenSs o>>icial residence( is o0en eac! year >or t8o 'ont!s in late su''er. 1D7. Vutside o> t!e classroo'( students take 0art in a 8ide ran%e o> cultural( s0ortin%( 'usical and t!eatrical activities( &ot! in t!e %rounds o> t!e Eolle%e and in t!e city. 1D5. !e closest air0orts to Ea'&rid%e are Qondon Stansted( ./ 'inutes &y car and Qondon Quton( 1 !our >ay car. Qondon Ceat!ro8 is 1.4 !ours and Qondon Lat8ick is D !ours &y car >ro' Ea'&rid%e. 1D-. Vly'0us !as introduced t!eir ei%!t 'e%a0i6el di%ital ca'era na'ed T9NVQ T. !is 'o&ile di%ital SQK is desi%ned >or &e%innin%( inter'ediate( and e60ert 0!oto%ra0!y levels. 1</. ;> you s0end !ours starin% at a co'0uter 'onitor or even a television every day( t!en takin% a &reak 8ill de>initely !el0 reduce eye strain. ry to s0end no 'ore t!an one !our 8it!out takin% a &reak. 1/. Ue o>>er Lour'et #ur%undy #ee> 0ies( ve%eta&le s0rin% rolls( &ee> cocktail di' si's( ve%eta&le sa'ousa( 'iniature 0izzas( c!icken &reast >illet &ites( >la'e %rilled &ee> 'eat&alls( cocktails sized nori sus!i rolls and cru'&ed cala'ari.

A Kestaurant advertise'ent 7 # Qondon %uide

11 . ;.

9ye care Kee0in% a 0et


)atching - @z2veg cAm p9rosAt9s)atching @z2veg cAm p9rosAt9s

. E . ; B . Q . F . 2 .

;nstructions, !o8 to c!oose diet 'edicine Co'e decoration i'eta&le ;nstructions in case o> >ire Eele&rity ne8s

.1. Qan%ua%e course &roc!ure K. Ea'era advertise'ent Q. H . N. $ir0lane S8i''in% 0ool ravel in>or'ation


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

.>7 Olvassa l az al**i szv g k t/ ma"d )ros(tsa ssz szv g k t a m gadott + liratokkal? 'ztr n m ,asznl,at?

1<1. rains de0art every 14 to D/ 'inutes >ro' er'inal 4 &e>ore travellin% non-sto0 into Qondon and take a00ro6i'ately </ 'inutes to arrive. 1<D. Di>>erent c!ildren start talkin% at di>>erent a%es. ;tSs 0urely natural. Rou s!ouldnSt >orce your c!ild to talk i> s!eSs not ready to. S!e needs to do it at !er o8n 0ace. #e 0atient and t!e 8ords 8ill co'e out &e>ore you kno8 it. 1<<. #e>ore you &uy a cell 0!one( you s!ould care>ully consider 8!at it is t!at you need in it( and !o8 'uc! you are 8illin% to s0end. Do you really need a 0ersonal or%anizer( co'0uter( ca'era( and 0!one in oneX 1<.. !e dinin% area in Dhe 1arro can &e arran%ed >or 0rivate lunc!es( dinners or cana0 0arties >or <4 to 74 %uests. Please contact our Private Dinin% tea' >or 'ore in>or'ation. 1<4. Ue 0lan to include 'ore t!an 11/ 8orks at t!e e6!i&ition o> ;talian Kenaissance 0aintin%( o> 8!ic! </ 8ould co'e >ro' t!e 'useu'Ss o8n collection 8!ile t!e 'a+ority o> t!e re'ainin% 5/ 8ould &e &orro8ed >ro' ;talian 'useu's. 1<2. Eut eac! &un into lon% stri0s. Qay stri0s on un%reased cookie s!eet. Hi6 all in%redients into 'elted &utter. S0read over stri0s. #ake D !ours. Uonder>ul 8it! s0a%!ettiM 1<7. Cotels in t!e royal state o> Ka+ast!an also o>>er additional services like 'oney e6c!an%e services( valet services( arran%in% o> con>erence roo's >or success>ul &usiness %at!erin%s( car rental services. 1<5. First( 0eo0le s!ould 8as! t!eir !ands re%ularly. Eold and >lu viruses s0read t!rou%! 0!ysical contact. Peo0le s!ould avoid touc!in% t!eir nose and t!eir eyes 8it! t!eir !ands. Drinkin% 0lenty o> >luids is also i'0ortant. 1<-. 9ven i> youSre in a !urry( donSt drive too closely 8it! t!e ve!icle in >ront o> you. $l8ays %ive roo' to &e a&le to sto0 sa>ely. ;> t!e 8eat!er is &ad( itSs es0ecially i'0ortant to 'aintain distance 8it! t!e ot!er 'otorists. 1./. !e i'a%es o> Ko'e in t!e >il' are %lorious and &reat!takin%. !e 0lot kee0s t!e 8atc!er involved and interested till t!e very end o> t!e 'ovie. !e story un>olds 8it! une60ected t8ists and turns t!at leave t!e vie8er t!rilled. .>7 ;> you arrive at t!e air0ort c!eck-in counter 8it! 1D &a%s o> %i>ts >or your ne0!e8s( &e 0re0ared to 0ay a !e>ty 0rice. $irlines allo8 you to c!eck t8o &a%s t!at 'eet t!eir size and 8ei%!t li'its. 1.1. E!ild sa>ety 1.D. 4D Fil'

)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s)atching @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

revie8 Eii i'eta&le 1.<. ;nstruction, !o8 to teac! a c!ild to s0eak 1... $irline re%ulation 1.4. $rts e6!i&ition 1.2. ravel &roc!ure C. Kestaurant reservation

&7 Eookery &ook J. !er'al &at! *. Cealt! ti0s L7 ;nstruction, Co8 to c!oose a 'o&ile 0!one H. Vnline datin% N( Drivin% instructions


)atching - @z2veg - cAm p9rosAt9s

.7 =EGOL34' > . 0 3 8 A 07 =EGOL34' > . 0 A N 3 <. =EGOL34' > F . 8 = 0 \ GE E 5 I L K 2 P N N 3 G A .> J G 5 G 5 E N E & I = I 2 K J K 8 P \N FL P J N G G [ = .> 2 .> F

E7 =EGOL34' > A . F 0 G 5 E & I N K G P c N J [ L .> E

I7 =EGOL34' > G . N 0 L G 3 E 8 I & K = P A N 5 [ E .> -

2. =EGOL34' > c . G 0 7. a = E E I 5 K P L N 3 [ A ?@A &

]7 =EGOL34' > . 2 0 = G 8 E L I & K 3 P G N F [ A .> 5

N7 =EGOL34' > 8 . G 0 F a i E 3 I L , E P N N [ A .> J

[7 =EGOL34' > . 0 E c G .>7 =EGOL34' > . 0 c 3 L a F G 8 E L E F I I & K J K G P N P 5 N 5 N N [ 8 [ .> A .> E


-l 2loz -t st 'zv gki g1sz(t1s

Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

A + ladat l (rsa 9&&en a >eladat&an a vizs%z az )rott szve% %lo&lis rtsr"l ad sz'ot. A + ladat; $z eredeti szve%&"l 'inden nyolcadik( trlt szt kell 0tolni @%y( !o%y a szve% rtel'es( e%sz le%yen. $ szve%&"l 'ec!anikusan( e%yenletes *te'&en trlt*nk szavakat( )%y knnyen el">ordul!at( !o%y ne'csak tartal'as szavakat( !ane' kt"szavakat( 0re0oz)cikat( nvel"ket s nv'sokat is kell 0tolni. 9&&en nincsen se''i k*lns( a cl u%yanis ne' a szkincs( !ane' a %lo&lis szve%rts 'rse. $ szve% alatt tall!at a &etoldand szavak al>a&etikus list+a. $ szlist&an D4 sz szere0el( ez ttel t&&( 'int a'it a szve%&"l trlt*nk. $ >eladat 'e%olds!oz sztr ne' !asznl!at.


Bloze-usi - @z&vegkieg/stAt/sBloze-usi @z&vegkieg/stAt/s

.7 8ost ls in Euro) - 8o9 C, y 8av 2,ang d Costels all over 9uro0e !ave c!an%ed %reatly A/B in t!e 0ast years. Rears a%o !ostels 8ere 'ostly used &y A1B Y Y and 8alkers in t!e countryside( &ut today ADB YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !ostel or%anizations !ave >ound out t!at !ostels A<B. &i% cities attract 0eo0le 8!o donSt 8ant .BYYYYstay at a !otel. Host travellers s0end @IAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYat !ostels &ecause o> t!e lo8 rates. @KAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYroo's 8it! . &eds and a s!ared @PAY >or t!e 8!ole >loor can &e as @NA as 14k a ni%!t. $ sin%le roo' @[A YYYYY a 0rivate &at! costs u0 to 4/k. @.>A ( travellers cannot a>>ord e60ensive inotels. !e 'ana%ers @..A YYYY !ostels say t!at t!e kind o> %uests @.0AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY%et !as also c!an%ed. Student &ack0ackers 'i6 @.GA youn% ur&an 0ro>essionals( >a'ilies 8it! c!ildren on @.EAY( &usiness travellers and even older tourists. ;n @.IAYYYY0ast yout! !ostels 8ere >a'ous >or t!eir @.KA roo's t!at looked like dor'itories. Roun% 0eo0le @.PA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYcare a&out slee0in% 8it! ot!ers in t!e @.NA UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU roo'( &ecause it 8as c!ea0. oday( travellers @.[A lookin% >or sin%le and dou&le roo's. Hode' @0>AY !ave ;nternet ca>s( too. .english-online.at

ar *at, *ig *ig

,ost ls 8& in is

sa m taki ng t, t, y 7.7.

Bloze-usi - @z&vegkieg/stAt/s

didnJt do snJt gu ,ik rs ,olidays

lo9 many nig,ts o+ room

to 9it , 9it , you t,


Bloze-test - @z&vegkiegeszitesBloze-test @z&vegkiegeszites

.7 =EGOL3A'

8ost ls in Euro) - 8o9 C, y 8av 2,ang d Costels all over 9uro0e !ave c!an%ed %reatly A/B in t!e 0ast years. Rears a%o !ostels 8ere 'ostly used &y A1B ,ik rs and 8alkers in t!e countryside( &ut today ADB yout, !ostel or%anizations !ave >ound out t!at !ostels A<B in &i% cities attract 0eo0le 8!o donSt 8ant A.B to stay at a !otel. Host travellers s0end @IA nig,ts at !ostels &ecause o> t!e lo8 rates. @KA -ig roo's 8it! . &eds and a s!ared @PA *at, >or t!e 8!ole >loor can &e as @NA lo9 as 14k a ni%!t. $ sin%le roo' @[A 9it, a 0rivate &at! costs u0 to 4/k. @.>A =any travellers cannot a>>ord e60ensive !otels. !e 'ana%ers @..A o+ !ostels say t!at t!e kind o> %uests @.0A t, y %et !as also c!an%ed. Student &ack0ackers 'i6 @.GA 9it, youn% ur&an 0ro>essionals( >a'ilies 8it! c!ildren on @.EA ,olidays/ &usiness travellers and even older tourists. ;n @.IA t, 0ast yout! !ostels 8ere >a'ous >or t!eir @.KA *ig roo's t!at looked like dor'itories. Roun% 0eo0le @.PA didnJt care a&out slee0in% 8it! ot!ers in t!e @.NA sam roo'( &ecause it 8as c!ea0. oday( travellers @.[A ar lookin% >or sin%le and dou&le roo's. Hode' @0>A ,ost ls !ave ;nternet ca>es( too.


Bloze-iest - @z2vegkAeg/szAt/s 07 C, +irst t l vision Hy 'ot!er 8as tellin% 'e a&out !o8 @>A s!e and !er >a'ily %ot t!eir >irst television @.A YYYYs!e 8as a teena%er. V> course it @0A &lack and 8!ite. S!e said s!e only @GA YYYYit at ni%!t. S!e doesnSt re'e'&er ever @EA it in t!e 'ornin% or a>ternoon. U!en 1IAYYYY8as youn% 8e !ad only a&out < @KA . di>>erent c!annels. ; t!ink t!ey 8ere 1PAUUUU<( .( 2( and -. Hy &rot!ers @NA sisters and ; 8ould so'eti'es >i%!t a&out @[A YYYYc!annel to 8atc!. #ut 8e usually en+oyed @.>A sa'e s!o8s. No8adays 8e can %et !undreds @..A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYc!annels on N. ; canSt &elieve itM @.0AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYare c!annels 8it! only old 'ovies( and @.GA 8it! only cookin%( and c!annels 8it! only ilEAYYYY. ;tSs a'azin%M !ere is a c!annel >or @.IA . ; 8onder !o8 'uc! 'y &rot!ers and @.KAYYYand ; 8ould >i%!t i> 8e !ad @.PA o> c!annels 8!en ; 8as a c!ild. @.NA YYYYcourse 8e !ad only one television set. @.[A days ; notice >a'ilies 8it! < or @0>A YYYYtelevision sets in t!eir !o'es. .@m inuteenglish. com

and *oring c,ann l c,ann ls v ryt,ing +is,ing ,undr ds ; mor

not,ing o+ o+ o++ r or

sist rs t l vision t,

t, r t, s 9as 9atc, 9atc, d 9atc, ing 9, n 9,ic,



C, +irst t l vision Hy 'ot!er 8as tellin% 'e a&out !o8 @>A s, and !er >a'ily %ot t!eir >irst television @.A 9, n s!e 8as a teena%er. V> course it @0A 9as &lack and 8!ite. S!e said s!e only @GA 9atc, d it at ni%!t. S!e doesnSt re'e'&er ever @EA 9atc,ing it in t!e 'ornin% or a>ternoon. U!en @IA & 8as youn% 8e !ad only a&out < @KA or . di>>erent c!annels. ; t!ink t!ey 8ere @PA c,ann l <( .( 2( and -. Hy &rot!ers @NA and sisters and ; 8ould so'eti'es >i%!t a&out @[A 9,ic, c!annel to 8atc!. #ut 8e usually en+oyed @.>A t, sa'e s!o8s. No8adays 8e can %et !undreds @..A o+ c!annels on N. ; canSt &elieve itM @.0A C, r are c!annels 8it! only old 'ovies( and @.GA c,ann ls 8it! only cookin%( and c!annels 8it! only @.EA +is,ing7 ;tSs a'azin%M !ere is a c!annel >or @.IA v ryt,ing7 ; 8onder !o8 'uc! 'y &rot!ers and @.KA sist rs and ; 8ould >i%!t i> 8e !ad @.PA ,undr ds o> c!annels 8!en ; 8as a c!ild. @.NA O+ course 8e !ad only one television set. @.[A C, s days ; notice >a'ilies 8it! < or @0>A mor television sets in t!eir !o'es.


Bloze-test - @zIvegkieg/szit/s

G7 S,at is an m rg ncyT $n e'er%ency is 8!en so'et!in% &ad !a00ens @>A and you need so'e !el0 ri%!t a8ay. So'eti'es @.AYneed a 0olice o>>icer( a >ire>i%!ter( or @0A 0ara'edic to !el0 you. $ 0ara'edic is @GAY0erson 8!o can %ive e'er%ency 'edical !el0 @EA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYa doctor isnSt t!ere. ;n 'any cities( @IAY can call -11 on your 0!one to @KA !el0 in an e'er%ency. ;tSs Gasy to @PAYYYt!at nu'&er( &ut itSs only >or e'er%encies. @NA San Francisco( you ,an call 44<-/1D< i> @[A not an e'er%ency. ;> you !ave a @.>AYaccident( >or e6a'0le( and no one is @..A and t!e da'a%e to t!e cars is @.0AY( you donSt need to toil t!e 0olice. @1<1 call -11. !is is !o8 t!e San @.EA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY-11 o0erator ans8ers t!e 0!one, TSan Francisco @.IAUUUUUUUU7 U!at is t!e e6act location o> your @.KA XT -11 can send 0olice o>>icers( >ire>i%!ters( or 1.PAYYYto !el0 you. !ey !ave to kno8 @.NA location At!e 0laceB o> t!e e'er%ency. !ey @.[AYY'i%!t ask( TU!at is t!e nature o> @0>A e'er%encyXT www fog .ccsf.ee.ca.us

G66 a a also call car di donJt

m rg ncy +org tting Francisco g t got ,urt in itJs )aram dics

r m m * r small t, 9,at 9, n you you your


Bloze-test - @z&vegklegiszitesBloze-test @z&vegklegiszites G7 =EGOL3A'

S,at is an m rg ncyT $n e'er%ency is 8!en so'et!in% &ad !a00ens @>A and you need so'e !el0 ri%!t a8ay. So'eti'es @.A you need a 0olice o>>icer( a >ire>i%!ter( or @0A a 0ara'edic to !el0 you. $ 0ara'edic is @GA a 0erson 8!o can %ive e'er%ency 'edical !el0 @EA 9, n a doctor isnSt t!ere. ;n 'any cities( @IA you can call -11 on your 0!one to @KA g t !el0 in an e'er%ency. ;tSs easy to @PA r m m* r t!at nu'&er( &ut itSs only >or e'er%encies. @NA &n San Francisco( you can call 44<-/1D< i> @[A itJs not an e'er%ency. ;> you !ave a @.>A car accident( >or e6a'0le( and no one is @..A ,urt and t!e da'a%e to t!e cars is @.0A small/ you donSt need to tell t!e 0olice. @.GA 3onJt call -11. !is is !o8 t!e San @.EA Francisco -11 o0erator ans8ers t!e 0!one, TSan Francisco @.IA [..7 U!at is t!e e6act location o> your @.KA m rg ncyT] -11 can send 0olice o>>icers( >ire>i%!ters( or @.PA )aram dics to !el0 you. !ey !ave to kno8 @.NA t, location At!e 0laceB o> t!e e'er%ency. !ey @.[A also 'i%!t ask( TU!at is t!e nature o> @0>A your e'er%encyXT


Bloze-test - @z0vegkieg/szAt/s

E7 = dicin $ 0!ar'acist is a 0erson 8!o studies @>A and kno8s a&out di>>erent kinds o> 'edicine. P!ar'acists @.AYin colle%e and t!en take a state @0A to %et a license. A 0!ar'acy is @GA YYYstore t!at sells 'edicine. ;n t!e Jnited @EA (8e o>ten call t!ose stores dru%stores. Dru%stores @IAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYsell a lot o> ot!er t!in%s( like @KAYYYY( co'&s( 'a%azines( candy( etc. !e 0art o> @PA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYdru%store t!at sells 'edicine is usually under @NAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYsi%n t!at says P!ar'acy. !ere are t8o A-BYo> 'edications in t!e Jnited States. Vne A1/B o> 'edicine is over t!e counter or @..AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Rou can +ust %o into a dru%store @.0AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY&uy it. Co8ever( you !ave to read @.GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYla!e.l care>ully( !e la&el is in s'all @.EAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYand uses a lot o> voca&ulary( &ut @.IAY !as i'0ortant in>or'ation. Host V E 'edicine la&els @.KAUUUUUUUU in>or'ation like directions( and 8arnin%s. !e ot!er @.PAY Yo> 'edication is 0rescri0tion 'edication. ;> you @.NA YYYYYYYYYYYYYto &uy t!is 'edicine( you need a @.[A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY0rescri0tion. Rou take t!e 0rescri0tion to t!e @0>AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU7 !e 0!ar'acist >ills t!e 0rescri0tion. .fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us

a a

it its

s,am )oo 'tat s


Bloze-test - @z0vegkieg/szAt/sBloze-test @z0vegkieg/szAt/s

also Am rica and doctorJs includ including

kind kind kinds m dicin OC2 ),armacy )rint

study t st t, t, 9ant 9,ic ,


Ci .cuC test - Szvegkiegszts

E7 =EGOL34'

= dicin $ 0!ar'acist is a 0erson 8!o studies @>A and kno8s a&out di>>erent kinds o> 'edicine. P!ar'acists @.A study in colle%e and t!en take a state @0A t st to %et a license. $ 0!ar'acy is @GA a store t!at sells 'edicine. ;n t!e Jnited @EA 'tat s/ 8e o>ten call t!ose stores dru%stores. Dru%stores @IA also sell a lot o> ot!er t!in%s( like @KA s,am)oo/ co'&s( 'a%azines( candy( etc. !e 0art o> @PA t, dru%store t!at sells 'edicine is usually under @NA a si%n t!at says P!ar'acy. !ere are t8o @[A kinds o> 'edications in t!e Jnited States. Vne @.>A kind o> 'edicine is over t!e counter or @..A OC27 Rou can +ust %o into a dru%store @.0A and &uy it. Co8ever( you !ave to read @.GA t, la&el care>ully. !e la&el is in s'all @.EA )rint and uses a lot o> voca&ulary( &ut @.IA it !as i'0ortant in>or'ation. Host V E 'edicine la&els @.KA includ in>onnation like directions( and 8arnin%s. !e ot!er @.PA kind o> 'edication is 0rescri0tion 'edication. ;> you @.NA 9ant to &uy t!is 'edicine( you need a @.[A doctorJs 0rescri0tion. Rou take t!e 0rescri0tion to t!e @0>A ),armacy7 !e 0!ar'acist >ills t!e 0rescri0tion.


Blote-test - @zIvegkieg/szJ/sBlote-test @zIvegkieg/szJ/s

I7 -udg t Airlin s - 8o9 C, y O) rat U!en air travel started in t!e D/ @>A c ntury it 8as very e60ensive. Vnly t!e ric! @.AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU could a>>ord ravelin% &y 0lane. $s ti'e @0A on &etter 0lanes 8ere &uilt. !ey 8ere @GA YYYY. Wuieter and could carry 'ore 0eo0le over @EA distances. Flyin% 8as slo8ly &eco'in% a 'eans @IA trans0ortation t!at nor'al 0eo0le could a>>ord. ;nto @KAYYY2/s and 7/s 'any airlines ke0t sellin% @PA tickets to t!eir 0assen%ers. !ey o>>ered a @NAY8ay o> ravelin% 8!ic! included >ree 'eals( @[A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYservice and ot!er lu6uries. ;n t!e 1-5/s @.>A ne8 ty0e o> airline e'er%ed. #ud%et airlines @..A YYYYtickets t!at 8ere 'uc! c!ea0er t!an t!ose @.0A ot!er carriers. !ey 'ana%e t!is &y cuttin% @.GAY8!erever t!ey can. Kunnin% an airline is @.EA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYe60ensive &usiness. !e &i%%est cost is t!e @.IAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYitsel>. $vera%e 0assen%er +ets cost around l4/ @.KA to l1// 'illion( lar%er 0lanes can cost @.PAYYYYto l<// 'illion and 'ore. Pilots cost @.NAY lot o> 'oney too. $ 0ilot 8it! @.[A years o> e60erience 'ay %et a salary @0>AY Yl1//(/// and 'ore.

. english-online. at

a a an any c ntury

+lying +ri ndly go into long r

o++ r d ) o )l )lan s,or t t n


Blote-test - @zIvegkieg/szJ/s

com+orta*l costs D) nsiv +ast r

million o+ o+ o+

t, u) 9 n t


Bloze-test - @zovegkiegiszitesBloze-test @zovegkiegiszites I7 =EGOL3A'

-udg t Airlin s - 8o9 C, y O) rat U!en air travel started in t!e D/ @>A c ntury it 8as very e60ensive. Vnly t!e ric! @.A ) o)l could a>>ord ravelin% &y 0lane. $s ti'e @0A 9 nt on &etter 0lanes 8ere &uilt. !ey 8ere @GA +ast r/ Wuieter and could carry 'ore 0eo0le over @EA long r distances. Flyin% 8as slo8ly &eco'in% a 'eans @IA o+ trans0ortation t!at nor'al 0eo0le could a>>ord. ;nto @KA t, 2/s and 7/s 'any airlines ke0t sellin% @PA D) nsiv tickets to t!eir 0assen%ers. !ey o>>ered a @NA com+orta*l 8ay o> ravelin% 8!ic! included >ree 'eals( @[A +ri ndly service and ot!er lu6uries. ;n t!e 1-5/s @.>A a ne8 ty0e o> airline e'er%ed. #ud%et airlines @..A o++ r d tickets t!at 8ere 'uc! c!ea0er t!an t!ose @.0A o+ ot!er carriers. !ey 'ana%e t!is &y cuttin% @.GA costs 8!erever t!ey can. Kunnin% an airline is @.EA an e60ensive &usiness. !e &i%%est cost is t!e @.IA )lan itsel>. $vera%e 0assen%er +ets cost around l4/ @.KA million to l1// 'illion( lar%er 0lanes can cost @.PA u) to l<// 'illion and 'ore. Pilots cost @.NA a lot o> 'oney too. $ 0ilot 8it! @.[A t n years o> e60erience 'ay %et a salary @0>A o+ l1//(/// and 'ore.


Bloze-test - @z2vegkiegeszlth

K7 Fri nds,i) So'e >riends co'e into our lives >or A/B +ust a s!ort ti'e. Vt!ers co'e and stay A1BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. !ink a&out your closest >riends. Co8 lon% ADB you kno8n eac! ot!erX So'e 0eo0le say A<BYYYt!eir 0artner or >a'ily 'e'&er is t!eir A.B >riend. Vt!ers say t!ey !ave kno8n t!eir A4BY>riends >or 'any years. $nd so'e %reat A2B !avenSt kno8n eac! ot!er all t!at lon%( A7BY kne8 ri%!t a8ay t!at t!ere 8as a A5B ( or &ond( &et8een !e'. Eould it &e A-BY t!ere is a t8in s0irit out t!ere A1/B eac! o> usX "hat turns a stran%er A11B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYacWuaintance into a >riendX Do you kno8 A1DBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYa8ay i> you are %oin% to like A1<BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYX So'e 0eo0le t!ink t!at any stran%er can A1.BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYa >riend i> t!ey s0end enou%! ti'e A14B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. !at 'ay &e true >or so'e 0eo0le. ACiBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY one t!in% 'ost o> us a%ree on A17B t!at true >riends!i0s see' to !a00en 8!en A15B YYYY !ave so'et!in% in co''on. Per!a0s 8e see A1-B 0art o> ourselves in our >riends. Hay&e AD/B t!e %ood in t!e' !el0s us to see t!e %ood in us as 8ell. .essortment.com

a * com * st * st *ut *ut

+or v r +ri nds ,av is "ust m t 57

) rso n rig,t s in g som on t,at t,at

Bloze-test - @z2vegkiegeszlthBloze-test @z2vegkiegeszlth

conn ction do +or

most or ) o)l

t, tog t , r


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

K7 =EGOL34'

Fri nds,i) So'e >riends co'e into our lives >or @>A "ust a s!ort ti'e. Vt!ers co'e and stay @.A +or v r/ !ink a&out your closest >riends. Co8 lon% @0A ,av you kno8n eac! ot!erX So'e 0eo0le say @GA t,at t!eir 0artner or >a'ily 'e'&er is t!eir @EA * st >riend. Vt!ers say t!ey !ave kno8n t!eir @IA * st >riends >or 'any years. $nd so'e %reat @KA +ri nds !avenSt kno8n eac! ot!er all t!at lon%( @PA *ut kne8 ri%!t a8ay t!at t!ere 8as a @NA conn ction/ or &ond( &et8een t!e'. Eould it &e @[A t,at t!ere is a t8in s0irit out t!ere @.>A +or eac! o> usX U!at turns a stran%er @..A or acWuaintance into a >riendX Do you kno8 @.0A rig,t a8ay i> you are %oin% to like @.GA som on T So'e 0eo0le t!ink t!at any stran%er can @.EA * com a >riend i> t!ey s0end enou%! ti'e @.IA tog t, r7 !at 'ay &e true >or so'e 0eo0le. @.KA -ut one t!in% 'ost o> us a%ree on @.PA is t!at true >riends!i0s see' to !a00en 8!en @.NA ) o)l !ave so'et!in% in co''on. Per!a0s 8e see @.[A a 0art o> ourselves in our >riends. Hay&e @0>A s ing t!e %ood in t!e' !el0s us to see t!e %ood in us as 8ell.


Cloze-test - Szovegkiegszits P7 2ooki s Vne day( 8!ile 'y >riend and & A/B 9 r ravelin% t!rou%! Ler'any( 8e 8ere very !un%ry A1B YYYY8e didnSt !ave a lot o> 'oney. ADB YYYYdecided to sto0 at a villa%e 'arket A<BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY %et a >e8 %roceries. ; c!ose so'e A.BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYand 8ent to t!e >ront counter to A4BY Y YNear t!e counter ; sa8 so'e 0acka%ed A2BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYin a lar%e &in. !ey looked %ood A7BY8ere a lot c!ea0er t!an t!e ones A5BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!ad in 'y !and( so ; took A-BYYYYYYYYYYYYinstead. Ue le>t t!e store and looked A1/BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYa 0lace 8!ere 8e could eat. Ue A11BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYa Wuiet 0lace under a tree and A1DBY ate our sand8ic!es >irst( and t!en t!e A1<B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Ue t!ou%!t t!ey 8ere %reat. TQetSs %et A1.BY Ya%ain(T ; said. T !eySre c!ea0 and t!ey A14B taste %ood.T Hy >riend can read so'e A12BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY( &ut ; canSt( so ; %ave !er A17BYYYYYYYYY0acka%e so s!e could look >or t!e A15BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYna'e. S!e looked at it and t!en A1-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYto lau%!. TSU!y are you lau%!in%XT ; AD/B . T#ecause t!eySre do% &iscuitsMT s!e said. .ccsf.cc.ca.us

and ask d *rand *ut *uying cooki s cooki s cooki s

+ound G rman C or )ay r ally start d t,

t, m t, m to 9a s 9 9 9 nt



t, ir


Bloze-test - @z&vegkiegeszitesBloze-test @z&vegkiegeszites P7 =EGOL3A'

2ooki s Vne day( 8!ile 'y >riend and ; @>A 9 r ravelin% t!rou%! Ler'any( 8e 8ere very !un%ry @.A *ut 8e didnSt !ave a lot o> 'oney. @0A S decided to sto0 at a villa%e 'arket @GA to %et a >e8 %roceries. ; c!ose so'e @EA cooki s and 8ent to t!e >ront counter to @IA )ay7 Near t!e counter & sa8 so'e 0acka%ed @KA cooki s in a lar%e &in. !ey looked %ood @PA and 8ere a lot c!ea0er t!an t!e ones @NA ; !ad in 'y !and( so ; took @[A t!e' instead. Ue le>t t!e store and looked @.>A +or a 0lace 8!ere 8e could eat. Ue @..A +ound a Wuiet 0lace under a tree and @.0A 9 ate our sand8ic!es >irst( and t!en t!e @.GA cooki s7 Ue t!ou%!t t!ey 8ere %reat. TQetSs %et @.EA t, m a%ain(T ; said. T !eySre c!ea0 and t!ey @.IA r ally taste %ood.T Hy >riend can read so'e @.KA G rman/ &ut ; canSt( so ; %ave !er @.PA t, 0acka%e so s!e could look >or t!e @.NA *rand na'e. S!e looked at it and t!en @.[A start d to lau%!. TU!y are you lau%!in%XT & @0>A ask d7 T#ecause t!eySre do% &iscuitsMT s!e said.


Bloze-test - @zovegkieg/szAt/s

N7 8o9 to g t a c,ild to r adT ;G is not al8ays easy to %et @>A a c!ild to like to read. So'e love @.A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYnaturally( &ut et!ers 8ill do +ust a&out @0AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYnot to read t!e'. !is can &e @GAYYYYYsad >or &ot! 0arents and teac!ers. Co8ever( @EAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYare t!in%s 8e can all do to @IAYYYYYYYYYYand !el0 eac! youn% 0erson >all in @KA 8it! t!e 8ritten 8ord. !e >irst and @PAYi'0ortant t!in% an adult 'ust do is @NA &e a keen reader. ;> t!e adults @[AY Y Ya c!ildSs li>e do not read and @.>A not allo8 t!e c!ild to see t!e' @..A YYYY( t!e c!ild 8ill !ave di>>iculty 'akin% t!e @.0A &et8een readin% and en+oy'ent. Kead everyt!in%. Novels( @.GA stories( 0oe's( 'a%azines( ne8s0a0ers( t!e &acks o> 1.7.YYY&o6es in t!e 0resence o> your c!ild. 1.5.YYYYit is a >unny story( lau%! and @.KA your c!ild 8!y you en+oyed it. ;> @.PA YYYYY is a sad ne8s re0ort( act sad @.NA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYe60lain 8!y you are sad to your @.[AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU7 Hake it a s0ecial ti'e 8!en you @0>A your c!ild read to%et!er. www.rif.org/parents

a and and anyt,ing *ook *ooks c r al c,ild conn ction

do i+ in it lot lov most not,ing r ad

r ad ing s,or t t ll t, r t,is to try v ry


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/sBloze-test @z2vegkiegeszittts N7 =EGOL34'

8o9 to g t a c,ild to r adT ;t is not al8ays easy to %et @>A a c!ild to like to read. So'e love @.A *ooks naturally( &ut ot!ers 8ill do +ust a&out @0A anyt,ing not to read t!e'. !is can &e A<B v ry sad >or &ot! 0arents and teac!ers. Co8ever( @EA t, r are t!in%s 8e can all do to @IA try and !el0 eac! youn% 0erson >all in @KA lov 8it! t!e 8ritten 8ord. !e >irst and @PA most i'0ortant t!in% an adult 'ust do is @NA to &e a keen reader. ;> t!e adults @[A in a c!ildSs li>e do not read and @.>A do not allo8 t!e c!ild to see t!e' @..A r ading/ t!e c!ild 8ill !ave di>>iculty 'akin% t!e @.0A conn ction &et8een readin% and en+oy'ent. Kead everyt!in%. Novels( A1<B s,ort stories( 0oe's( 'a%azines( ne8s0a0ers( t!e &acks o> @.EA c r al &o6es in t!e 0resence o> your c!ild. @.IA &+ it is a >unny story( lau%! and @.KA t ll your c!ild 8!y you en+oyed it. ;> @.PA it is a sad ne8s re0ort( act sad @.NA and e60lain 8!y you are sad to your @.[A c,ild7 Hake it a s0ecial ti'e 8!en you @0>A and your c!ild read to%et!er.


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

[7 Zo*ot -irds Qiver0ool city council 8ant to clear t!e @>A city o> >at 0i%eons. !ey say t!at 'any @.AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU are >eedin% t!e &irds( 8!ic! 'akes t!e' @0A . !e 0i%eons %et &i%%er &ecause t!eir nor'al @GA YYYYY 8ould consist o> seeds and insects( not @EA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY+unk >ood t!ey are eatin% in t!e A4BY Y Ycentre. !e council 8ant 0eo0le to kno8 @KA everyone 8!o >eeds t!e 0i%eons is res0onsi&le @PA YYYYt!e streets &ein% so cro8ded 8it! t!ese A5B . !ey !o0e to encoura%e t!e &irds to @[AYYYYa8ay >ro' t!e city centre and into @.>A and o0en s0aces. en ro&otic &irds !ave @..A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY&rou%!t into t!e city centre to scare @.0A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY0i%eons a8ay and visitors are asked not @.GA %ive t!e 0i%eons any >ood. !e 'ec!anical @.EA YYYY- kno8n as Sro&o0sS - 8ill sit on t!e A;SB o> &uildin%s. !ey can &e 'oved around @.KAYYdi>>erent locations. !ey look like a s0ecial @.PA o> >alcon( 8!ic! is a &ird t!at @.NAY 0i%eons. !ey even 'ake noises and >la0 @.[A YYYYYYYYYYYYYY8in%s to scare t!e 0i%eons. !ey !o0e @0>A t!e 0i%eons 8ill soon %o a8ay. .usingenglish.com

* n *irds *irds rty city di t door at

+li s +or ,ig,-+at kills kind mov )arks ) o)l

t,at t,at t, t, i r to to 9as 9o man -4

Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s




Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

[7 =EGOL34'

Zo*ot -irds Qiver0ool city council 8ant to clear t!e @>A city o> >at 0i%eons. !ey say t!at 'any @.A ) o)l are >eedin% t!e &irds( 8!ic! 'akes t!e' @0A +at7 !e 0i%eons %et &i%%er &ecause t!eir nor'al @GA di t 8ould consist o> seeds and insects( not @EA ,ig,-+at +unk >ood t!ey are eatin% in t!e @'A city centre. !e council 8ant 0eo0le to kno8 @KA t,at everyone 8!o >eeds t!e 0i%eons is res0onsi&le @PA +or t!e streets &ein% so cro8ded 8it! t!ese @NA *irds7 !ey !o0e to encoura%e t!e &irds to @[A mov a8ay >ro' t!e city centre and into @.>A )arks and o0en s0aces. en ro&otic &irds !ave @..A * n &rou%!t into t!e city centre to scare @.0A t, 0i%eons a8ay and visitors are asked not @.GA to %ive t!e 0i%eons any >ood. !e 'ec!anical @.EA *irds -kno8n as Sro&o0sS - 8ill sit on t!e @&'A roo+s o> &uildin%s. !ey can &e 'oved around @.KA to di>>erent locations. !ey look like a s0ecial @.PA kind o> >alcon( 8!ic! is a &ird t!at @.NA kills 0i%eons. !ey even 'ake noises and >la0 @.[A t, ir 8in%s to scare t!e 0i%eons. !ey !o0e @0>A t,at t!e 0i%eons 8ill soon %o a8ay.


ClOzC-teSt - Sz vegkieg!szit"ClOzC-teSt Sz vegkieg!szit"

.>7 =us,room dinn r Hany 0eo0le like to eat 'us!roo's. !e @>A mus,rooms 8e &uy in t!e store are sa>e 1BYYYYeat. So'e 0eo0le like to 0ick 'us!roo's @0A t!e 8ild( &ut t!ey !ave to &e @GA YY care>ul( &ecause so'e o> t!e' are 0oisonous @EA i> t!ey look sa>e to eat. U!en @'AY Y Y>riend and ; returned to our ca&in @KA &ird !untin%( !e advised to 0ick so'e @PAYYY'us!roo's and >ry t!e'. ; t!ou%!t t!at A5B a %reat idea. !en ; 8ent to @[AYYYdinner. ;t s'elled very %ood( and 8e @.>A to eat. ;S' %lad you kno8 @..A 'us!roo's( Cenry(T ; said. ; t!ou%!t you @.0AY(T !e said( 0uttin% do8n !is >ork. Ue @.GA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYeatin% t!e >ood ri%!t a8ay and %ave @.EA Y.......................................................Y to t!e do% instead. ;t 8alked a8ay. @.IA 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 8e 8ent outside later( t!e do% 8as @.KA mY t!ere dead. Ue 0anicked. Ue !urried to @.PA nearest !os0ital( !ad our sto'ac!s 0u'0ed and A15B YYYY%et &ack until t!e ne6t 'ornin%. !en @.[AYY'an ca'e to our door. Ce said @0>A car !ad !it a do% t!e ni%!t &e>ore. .ccsf.cc.ca.us

d a*out a+t r cook cooking did didnJt di d

ats v n +r s, ,is in lying mus,rooms my

som start d sto) ) d t, to v ry 9as 9, n


ClOzC-teSt - Sz vegkieg!szit"




Bloze-test - @ztivegkiegeszltfaBloze-test @ztivegkiegeszltfa .>7 =EGOL3A'

=us,room dinn r Hany 0eo0le like to eat 'us!roo's. !e @>A mus,rooms 8e &uy in t!e store are sa>e @.A to eat. So'e 0eo0le like to 0ick 'us!roo's @0A in t!e 8ild( &ut t!ey !ave to &e @GA v ry care>ul( &ecause so'e o> t!e' are 0oisonous @EA v n i> t!ey look sa>e to eat. U!en @IA my >riend and ; returned to our ca&in @KA a+t r &ird !untin%( !e advised to 0ick so'e @PA +r s, 'us!roo's and >ry t!e'. ; t!ou%!t t!at @NA 9as a %reat idea. !en ; 8ent to @[A cook dinner. ;t s'elled very %ood( and 8e @.>A start d to eat( T;S' %lad you kno8 @..A a*out 'us!roo's( Cenry(T ; said. T; t!ou%!t you @.0A did/] !e said( 0uttin% do8n !is >ork. Ue @.GA sto)) d eatin% t!e >ood ri%!t a8ay and %ave @.EA som to t!e do% instead. ;t 8alked a8ay. @.IA S, n 8e 8ent outside later( t!e do% 8as @.KA lying t!ere dead. Ue 0anicked. Ue !urried to @.PA t, nearest !os0ital( !ad our sto'ac!s 0u'0ed and @.NA didnJt %et &ack until t!e ne6t 'ornin%. !en @.[A a 'an ca'e to our door. Ce said @0>A ,is car !ad !it a do% t!e ni%!t &e>ore.


-l 2om)ositions Fogalmazst1mk

Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9kBumpositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

A + ladat l (rsa $ >o%al'azs)rsnak nincsenek kttt sza&lyai( de a >eladat elv%zse sorn *%yel+en - a 'e%adott ter+edele' &etartsa 'ellett - a kvetkez"kre, P szve%e 'indenk00en alkosson e%ys%es kerek e%szet( a'elynek van &evezetse( t'aki>e+tse Atr%yalsB s &e>e+ezse P a 'e%adott instrukcik szerint 0)tse >el )rs'*vt( 'elyeknek 'ennyis%i ki>e+tst [n dnt!eti el( azaz a >ontosa&&nak tartottat &"ve&&en( a kevs& >ontosat kise&& 'rtk&en dol%ozza ki P szerencss( !a a +o&& ttekint!et"s% kedvrt >or'aila% %ondolati e%y%ekre( &ekezdsekre ta%ol+a )rs'Fvt $ >eladat elv%zs!ez sztr !asznl!at. $ >eladatok le)rsa utn tall e%y 'inta'e%oldst( 'ely se%)ts%et ny@+t.


Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

6n a kBl+ldi ny lviskol"*an m g,ird t tt +ogalmazsv rs nyr n v z * 7 (r"a m g a +ogalmazst @k*7 N>-.0> sz t r" d l m* nA a m gadott sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki mind n m gadott sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? 'ztr ,asznl,at? Q. P Nan- olyan csaldi ese'ny( a'elyet ttere'&en *nne0elnek 'e%X P Nan-e kedvenc tter'e lak!elynX 9ls"sor&an 'irt kedveliX Ca ne' +r ttere'&e( 'ilyen >o%sokat szol%lnak >el ott!on csaldi *nne0ekenX P Kedveli-e a %yorstter'eket( szendvics&rokatX P Ordekli-e a >"zs( !a ne'( 'e%tanul-e 'a+d e%yszer teleket elksz)teniX D. P Ca nyaralni 'e%y va%y &r'ilyen 's ok&l utazni knyszer*l( 'elyik kzlekedsi eszkzt vlaszt+a( s 'irtX P Cova utazott le%ut&&( 'ilyen cllal( 'ilyen kzlekedsi eszkzzelX P Helyik utazsi >or't tart+a a le%&iztons%osa&&nakX P [n szerint olcs va%y dr%a-e utazni 'ana0s%X Nlaszt 0ldval is 0r&l+a alt'asztaniM P Nyaral-e 'inden v&en( !a i%en( &el>ldn va%y ink&& k*l>ldnX Ca ne'( !o%yan tlti a sza&ads%tX P Col nyaralt le%ut&&( 'ilyen szllsa volt( el%edett volt-e veleX Ca ne' volt nyaralni( !o%yan tlttte le%ut&&i sza&ads%tX P $ tli va%y a nyri 0i!enst szereti-e +o&&anX HirtX P Nan-e 'r vala'ilyen terve a kvetkez" sza&ads%raX P Hutassa &e >o%lalkozst 0r 'ondat&an, 'it dol%ozik( 'ita v%zi ezt a 'unkt( ne!znek va%y knnyFnek tall+a-e. P )r+on n!ny 'ondat&an e%y 'unkana0+rlM P Hutassa &e le%kzele&&i koll%+t3va%y >"nktM P ervezi-e( !o%y 'unka!elyet vltoztatX Ca i%en( 'irtX Ca ne'( 'irt ne'X P Jelle'ezze rviden e%szs%i lla0ott, >ittnek rzi-e 'a%t( va%y n!a &ete%( s ilyenkor orvos!oz kell 'ennieX P Hikor volt utol+ra &ete%( 'i &a+a volt( kellett-e orvoss%ot szednieX P Hivel tlti az ide+t( !a n!ny na0ra &ete%s% 'iatt ott!on kell 'aradniaX 1/<




Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

P Co%yan 0r&l vdekezni a 'e%>zsos &ete%s%ekkel sze'&enX


Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

P Hi +elle'zi a nyarat s a telet ltal&an Ha%yarorsz%on( 'ilyen volt az id"+rs a '@lt nyron3tlenX P Helyik a kedvenc vszaka( 'irt ezt vlasztotta( 'i +elle'zi7 P [n szerint 'ennyi&en vltozott 'e% az id"+rs az el'@lt vek&enX P Hi a vle'nye az id"+rs el"re+elzsek 0ontoss%rl na0+aink&anX 7. P Ctkzna0 kevs sza&adide+e van( csak !tv%n +ut ide+e szrakozni( kika0csoldni. P Fe+tse ki( 'i a kedvenc sza&adid"s tnykedse3!o&&i+a( 'ennyi id"t tud sznni rM P 9%yed*l va%y &artokkal tlti-e sz)vese&&en sza&adide+tX P Klts%esen 0i!en-e( va%y ne' ker*l se''i&eX P Cetente !nyszor 'e%y vsrolni( 'ennyi ide+e 'e%y el r( 'ilyen &oltot szeretX P Hilyen ter'keket vsrol rendszeresen( esetle% 'elyek azok( a'elyeket sz)vesen 'e%venne( de ne' en%ed!eti 'e% 'a%nakX P Hi a vle'nye az rakrlX Sorol+on >el n!ny rut( a'elyek [n szerint dr%k( s n!ny olyat is( a'elyeknek el>o%ad!at ra van. P Ksz0nzzel va%y krtyval >izetX P Col +rt ltalnos iskol&a( 'ilyen tanul volt( 'ik voltak a kedvenc tr%yaiX P Ki volt a kedvenc tanra( 'irt szerette( 'it tan)tott [nnekX P Hekkora volt az osztlyltsz'( 'ilyen volt a >i@k-lnyok arnyaX P Co%yan dnttt az ltalnos iskola &e>e+ezse utnX Hilyen kz0iskol&a +rtX



.>7 P Hit s0ortol Aakr rendszeresen( akr rendszertelen*lB s 'ilyen %yakoris%%alX P Hikor kezdte el ezt a s0ortot( s 'irt ezt vlasztottaX P Hilyen s0ortese'nyeket nz a telev)zi&anX 9setle% ki+r-e 'eccsekreX P Hirt >ontos a s0ort az [n( illetve az e'&erek let&enX


Bompositions - Fogutmaz9st/m9kBompositions - Fogutmaz9st/m9k

=&NCAFELA3AC 6n a kBl+ldi ny lviskol"*an m g,ird t tt +ogalmazsv rs nyr n v z * 7 (r"a m g a +ogalmazst @k*7 N>-.0> sz t r" d l m* nA a m gadott sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki mind n m gadott sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? 'ztr ,asznl,at? P Nan-e olyan csaldi ese'ny( a'elyet ttere'&en *nne0elnek 'e%X P Nan-e kedvenc tter'e lak!elynX 9ls"sor&an 'irt kedveliX Ca ne' +r ttere'&e( 'ilyen >o%sokat szol%lnak >el ott!on csaldi *nne0ekenX P Kedveli-e a %yorstter'eket( szendvics&rokatX P Ordekli-e a >"zs( !a ne'( 'e%tanul-e 'a+d e%yszer teleket elksz)teniX

=&NCA=EGOL34' Hy >a'ily rarely eats out. Ue %o to a restaurant >our or >ive ti'es a year. Ue cele&rate our &irt!days and 'y 0arentsS 8eddin% anniversary at restaurants. !ere is Wuite a %ood restaurant not >ar >ro' our 0lace called Sea%ull. !e sta>> are very kind and 0olite( and also very Wuick. Rou !ave to &ook a ta&le &e>ore you %o t!ere. ; like t!e restaurants 8!ere t!e sta>> are >riendly( t!e 0rices are neit!er !i%! nor lo8( and t!e at'os0!ere is 0leasant. 1 0ersonally do not like >ast >ood restaurants and sand8ic! &ars. !ey are not attractive. ; canSt cook and ; a' not very 'uc! interested in it. Per!a0s later ; 8ill learn !o8 to do it.


-0 szint

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ontANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont

#D =EGOL3OLA# #D szint 1. + ladat


ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont D 2( D 7. D 5. D -. < /.


ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont < 1. < D. < <. < .. < 4. Ny lvvizsgakz)ontANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor


(rs* li + ladatsor P$NN VN ANG OL # ?


(rs* li + ladatsor(rs* li + ladatsor a? .7 Ol vas sa l az al **i an gol sz v g t/ ma "d vl asz ol" on sa" t sza vai val / an gol ny lv n a k1r d1s kr ? @% la szo l"o n rv id n/ l g + l" * * n1 , ny sz *a n?A 51 r"B k/ vl asz ait a m gol dl a) ra (r" 11D11D 9lr!et" 0ontsz'G 1/ 0ont J-lack gold co++ l av s a *itt r tast +or som

8o t!ousa nd >eet u0 in t!e 'ounta ins a&ove Kin%st on( t!e locals call it T&lack %oldT. !e 'ost e60ens ive co>>ee in t!e 8orld %ro8s !ere on t!e 'isty slo0es around t!e Havis #ank co>>ee >actory .

(rs* li + ladatsor Ja'aic an #lue Hount ain co>>ee sells >or a sta%%er in% f22 a kilo%ra ' in #ritain( >our ti'es t!e 0rice o> a %ood es0ress o &lend. ;t is a fD/' a year &usines s in Ja'aic a and its re>ined taste and !int o> natural s8eetn ess is so 0o0ular in Ja0an t!at co>>ee lovers t!ere &uy u0 7/I o> t!e !arvest . #ut not every& ody &ene>it s. Hore t!an D// 8o'en sort t!e &eans >or u0 to 1. !ours a day( o>ten si6 days a 8eek( >or no 'ore t!an f1/ a day. !ey o>ten co'0la in o> &ein% under0 aid. Vne 'ana% er ad'itte d t!ey s!ould


(rs* li + ladatsor(rs* li + ladatsor &e 0aid 'ore( &ut t!e lack o> ot!er o00ort unities kee0s t!e' t!ere. !eir 8ork is one o> 11 Wuality c!ecks on t!ese $ra&ic a ty0ica &eans 8!ic! start 8!en t!e red &erries >ro' t!e co>>ee trees arrive >ro' 2(/// s'all re%ister ed >ar'ers in t!e !i%!lan d area denote d as #lue Hount ain countr y &y t!e Ja'aic an %overn 'ent. #eans >ro' unre%is tered >ar'er s are not allo8e d to &e called #lue Hount ain. .guar&ian.co.uk P$NNVN Ny lvvizsgakz)o nt

;. ?t:Wf l:St|g


Ol va ssa l az al ** i sz v g t/ m a" d ill ssz * a ,i


(rs* li + ladatsor n yz 1/ mo ntl ato t/ ill7 mo nd atr 1sz l t t? Fi gy l m/ < m ga do tt mo nd at? r1s zl tA +l sl g s? Az ls : m gol d st mi nt ak 1nt m ga dt uk7 51 r"B k/ vl asz ait a m gol dl a) ra (r" a? 9lr! et" 114 0onts z', 1/ 0ont 2olla )s in ill gal s,ari ng and *oom in str a ming *ring s music to D cu tiv sJ ars !ey are t!e record co'0a niesS &o%ey 'an, t!e .Iyearold AJB in t!eir &edroo ' ri00in% o>> a starSs latest al&u' and s!arin% it @..AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !as &een &la'ed >or &rin%in % an industr y to its knees. #ut ne8 researc ! s!o8s t!at t!e nu'&e r o>

(rs* li + ladatsor(rs* li + ladatsor

teena%e co'0ar rs ed 8it! ille%all .DI in y Dece' s!arin% &er 'usic D//7. @.0AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ire in researc t!e ! 0ast reveale year. d t!at ire 'any survey teena% o> ers 1(/// A24IB >ans are also strea'i s!o8s n% t!at 'usic 'any re%ular 1. to ly( 8it! 15 year 'ore olds 1. are to 15 no8 year strea'i olds n% A<1IB 'usic listenin re%ular % @.KA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ly every online day usin% co'0ar A1<BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ed 8it! Rou u 'usic &e and >ans S0oti>y overall . A15IB. $t t!e !e sa'e 0icture ti'e 'ay &e less 'ore A1.BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY co'0le o> 6 @.PAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY teena%e >ro' rs are >iles!ar no8 in% to ille%all strea'i y n%( do8nlo 8it! adin% 0eo0le 'usic( s!arin% t!e 'usic survey in ne8 su%%est 8ays s. ;n @.NAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Januar on y t!is &lo%s( year and D2I o> t!rou% 1. to ! 15 year co0yin olds %( also ad'itte kno8n d as >iles!ar ri00in% in% at content @.IA >ro' YYYY >riendsS


(rs* li + ladatsor HP< devices . 9ven t!ou%! @.[AYYYYYYYYYYYYY are not necessa rily &uyin% 'ore 'usic( t!e industr y &ene>it s &y learnin % AD/BYYYYYYY . Steve Purd!a '( E9V and >ounde r o> Ue7( a 'usic strea'i n% service and do8nlo ad store( said, T !ey 'ay not &uy an al&u'( t!ou%! t!ey !ave t!at o00ort unity( &ut you can sell t!e' tour tickets and a -s!irt o> t!eir >avouri te &and.T . guar& ian.c o.uk 1.-. > iles!ari 117 n% 8ill continu e to %ro8 14/. !as >allen dra'at ically 141. least once a 'ont! 14D. 'ore a&out >ansS tastes 14<. 'ore al&u's &e>ore t!ey are availa& le 14.. service s suc! as 144. suc! as via &luetoo t! tec!nol o%y 142. t!an a si'0le s!i>t ;.t!an a t!ird J. t!e 14 year old K. t!e 8ar a%ainst 0iracy Q. to strea' ed 'usic on t!eir co'0ut er H. users o>

(rs* li + ladatsor(rs* li + ladatsor strea'i n% service s N. 8it! t!eir >riends #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)o nt Az ls : * , l y t t s( t n d: sz t mi nta k1 nt m ga dtu k7 51 r"B k/ vl asz ait a m gol dl a)r a (r" a? 9lr! et" 0onts z', D/ 0ont For *usy -rito ns777 t, oran g you can ) l in "ust GI s con ds ;n t!e 115115



Eg1 sz(t s ki az al **i sz v g t 1rt l ms z r H n a m gad ott sza vak kal ? Eg y sz csa k gy sz r ,as zn l,a t + l7 Fig y l m/ a m gad ott 0I sz *l I sz + l sl g s?

(rs* li + ladatsor &usy 'ode' 8orld o> micro wave 'eals and takea8 ays( t!e oran%e !as &eco' e re%arde d &y 'any as si'0ly too 'essy and ti'econsu 'in%. #ut no8 one su0er' arket is >i%!tin % AD1BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 8it! an Seasy 0eelS variety 8!ic! ADDB YYYYYYYY says is ready to eat in AD<BYY <4 second s. Sains& urySs say t!at its AD.BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

variety n 8!ic! is t!e sa'e size AD4BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY s!a0e as a nor'al oran%e - !as AD2B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY skin( 'akin% it si'0le to 0eel. AD7B YYYYYYYY also creates less 'ess &ecaus e it AD5BYYYYY easier to se%'e nt 0er>ect >or o>>ice AD-BYYYYYYYYYYY eatin% lunc! at t!eir desks. $s A</BYYYYYYYYYYY &onus( t!e $ustral ian oran%e is said A<1BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY &e 4/ 0er cent


(rs* li + ladatsor(rs* li + ladatsor s8eeter t!an A<DBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY traditio nal rival. Sains& urySs !o0es t!at t!e A<<BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY o> its ne8 0roduct 8ill te'0t A<.BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY &ack into t!e !a&it o> &uyin% A<4BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY . Qast year( t!e nu'&er eaten in A<2BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY country >ell &y D 0er cent A<7BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY t!ird yearly dro0 in a ro8. A<5BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY analyst s said t!at in t!e 0ast A<-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY oran%e sS s!are o> t!e citrus 'arket

A./BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY >allen >ro' <7 0er cent to +ust D7 0er cent. Dhe )ail on @un& a'+ %ugu st 6L 200M

a ,as small and is so+t r Austra lian it t,at *ack it t, cli nt its t,is com+o rta*l "ust to conv ni nc micro 9av trad custo m rs orang s 9ork rs d cad )ur #ANNON


(rs* li + ladatsor Ny lvvizsgakz)o nt y l " n ar ra/ ,o gy az al , !z ott ku lcs sz av ak ta rt al mi la g + l t1t l nB l sz r ) l" n k az 6 n sz v g 1* n ? 9lr! et" 0onts z', D/ 0ont A .> l gn agy o** kam ua zs(r 1g t 1sr: 1D1


Al ko sso n ss z + Bg g: an gol sz v g t @k *7 .0 >.K > sz t r " d l m * nA az al ** i m ag ya r sz v g ala )" n ? N sz sz rin ti +or d(t s ra tr k d " n/ d +ig

(rs* li + ladatsor(rs* li + ladatsor l $z internet le%n0s zerF&& keres" 0ro%ra '+a </ 'sod 0erc alatt 147 'illi AMB oldalt a+nl a >o%yk @rval ka0csol at&an( Host a le%%ya kori&& >lrert seket le0lezz *k lc. Sokan 0anasz kodnak arra( !o%y &r na%yon keveset esznek( '%is na%yo& & a s@lyuk az tla%os nl. . .Qe!et( !o%y a csont+a i' ne!eze kXTi krdezi k. De!o% yM 9%y tla%os e'&er tests@ly nak t)z szzal kt adia a csontv z. 1DD1DD $z alvs karcs@s )tX $'i &iztos, az alvs!i ny t@ls@ly !oz vezet! et( 'ivel >el&or)t +a az a%y&an az !s%+llako tts% e%yens @lyt. $ le%@+a& & kutats ok szerint( !a csak !at rt alszol. D< szzal kkal na%yo& & valsz) nFs%% el !)zol el. 'int!a !tnyolc rt 0i!enn l +szak nknt. #izony ra te is tallko ztl 'r a zs)r%e t" %y*' lcskk el( zlds %ekkel. $z anans

(rs* li + ladatsor ztl a PJ-9r! tei% s k0oszt i% sz'tal an lel'is zert a+nlan ak a k*ln& z" >o%yk @rk&a n( !o%y a szervez et zs)r%e tst >okozz k. Sa+nos e%yetle n olvan tudo' nyos kutats se' is'ert( a'ely e%y &izony os telr"l &e&izo ny)totta volna( !o%y >okozz a a zs)r%e tst. $z e%yetle n dolo%( a'i %eti a zs)rt - a 'oz%s . Ki ne v%yna olyan lel'is zerre( 'ely 'e%e' szts !ez t&& kalria sz*ks %es( 'int 1D< a'enn yit tartal' az. $ zellert( s0r%t ( %r0)r@ tot s 0etrezs ely'et szokt k a+nlan i e cl&l( de sa+nos ne' olvan !atsos ( 'int v'd. Pedi% 'ilyen tklet es lenne( !a &e>al!a tnl e%y t&la csokit( aztn %yorsa n elr%cs lnl kt cso' 0etrezs ely'et s ne' !)znl e%y dekny it se'... ;lyen !atsa e%yed* l a !ide% v)znek van, a szervez etnek ener%i ra van sz*ks %e( !o%y a test!" 'rsk letre

(rs* li + ladatsor(rs* li + ladatsor >l'ele %)tse. .nana.hu 200G.0M.2L


.. >eladat,

artalo', .............? 4 0ont Szkincs, .............64 0ont Nyelv!elyess%, ...64 0ont Szve%ssze>*%%s, ..............................6 5 0ont [sszesen, ............3 D/ 0ont P$NNVN Ny lvvizsgakz)o

7ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor


7777 7 J JEE(V(



Alkosson ssz +Bgg: magyar szv g t @k*7 .0>-.K> sz t r" d l m* nA az al**i angol szv g ala)"n? N sz sz rinti +ord(tsra tr k d" n/ d +igy l" n arra/ ,ogy az al,!zott kulcsszavak tartalmilag + lt1tl nBl sz r ) l" n k az 6n szv g1* n? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont 8 at,ro9 is my ,om

JaneSs !o'e is Ceat!ro8 er'inal Vne. Vver t!e 0ast year and a !al>( s!e !as lived at t!e air0ort 8it! all !er 0ossessions in a &lue canvas &a%. $s ni%!t >alls( s!e 8ill slee0 on t!e >loor &et8een an $'erican 960ress currency e6c!an%e &oot! and a UallSs ice-crea' vendin% 'ac!ine on a corridor t!at leads to er'inal Vne >ro' t!e under%round. S!e says si'0ly and in a 'iddle-class 9n%lis! accent, SQivin% at Ceat!ro8 is like &ein% in a %ood !otel. ;t is 8ar'( very clean and you donSt %et &ot!ered. ;

t!ink ;S' very lucky to &e !ere. ; slee0 on t!e sa'e s0ot every ni%!t( i> anot!er 0erson !asnSt %ra&&ed it >irst. So'eti'es t!e air0ort 0assen%ers 0eer do8n at 'e as t!ev 8alk &v. !e ni%!t cleaners 'o0 and &rus! around 'e. ; +ust close 'y eyes and 0ut 'y scar> over 'v !ead to &lock t!e' all out.S Jane is one o> an astonis!in% nu'&er o> 0eo0le 8!o( it 8as revealed t!is 8eek( live at Ceat!ro8. ;t is re'iniscent o> Steven S0iel&er%Ss >il'. !e er'inal( 8!ic! starred o' Canks as a stateless 9astern 9uro0ean tourist 8!o sets u0 !o'e at Ne8 RorkSs JFK air0ort a>ter !is o8n country is erased >ro' t!e 'a0 &y 8ar. Co8ever( 8!at is !a00enin% at Ceat!ro8 is not t!e stu>> o> Colly8ood >iction. !e >act is t!e !o'eless are >lockin% to #ritis! air0orts as never &e>ore. Vver t!e 0ast t!ree 'ont!s( it !as &een discovered t!at 111 0eo0le are slee0in% 0er'anently at Ceat!ro8( and t!e nu'&ers are %ro8in% - D/ !o'eless are &elieved to &e livin% at Lat8ick and 'ore are e60ected. $ir0orts are seen as 8ar'( co'>orta&le 0laces and sa>er t!an slee0in% rou%!. Ret c!arity 8orkers say t!e !o'eless !ave to &e care>ul to avoid detection &y 0olice and air0ort security and

&ein% t!ro8n out onto t!e streets. (ail' )ail+ )a' N6+200M

ANGOL #ANNON (rs* li + ladatsor Ny lvvizsgakz)ont


4. >eladat,

;n>or'cikzvet)ts, ? 1/ 0ont Nyelvi 'e%>or'ls, 3 1/ 0ont [sszesen, ...............3 D/ 0ont


ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz) ontANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor

#ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont #D


ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont K7 (r"on l v l t @k*7 .K>-0>> sz t r" d l m* nA a m gadott sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki mind n m gadott sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? Ogy l" n a l v1l +ormai kv t lm1ny in k * tartsra? @A szszm csak a l v1ltrzsr vonatkozik?A 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont

9%y is'er"se a na0ok&an e%y 'e%*resed" llsra !)vta >el a >i%yel't. $z iz%al'as !)rt levelez"trsval( #rian-nel is 'e%oszt+a. Qe)r+a( !o%y P 'i trtntG P 'it tudott 'e% a vllalatrl 3 szervezetr"l 3 irodrl( a!ol e%y lls vr!atan 'e%*resedikG P !o%yan s 'ikor >o%+a >elvenni a ka0csolatot a 'unkaadval. P Kszletezi( !o%y 'ilyen 'unkra v%yik. Ordekl"dik( !o%y #rian 'ennyire van 'e%el%edve +elenle%i 'unk+val. #art+a neve s c)'e, #rian Horris 7 #irc! Street 96eter $z [n neve s c)'e, Kovcs L&or3La&riella Nesz0r' K"ris u. 11.


ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor P$NNVN Nyelvvizs%akz0ontANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor P$NNVN Nyelvvizs%akz0ont


2. >eladat,

artalo', .............? 0ont Szkincs, .............? 0ont Nyelv!elyess%G ...6 4 0ont Szve%ssze>*%%s, ..............................? 0ont [sszesen, ...........3 0ont

4 4

4 D/


#ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont (rs* li + ladatsor ANGOL


P7 (r"on +ogalmazst @k*7 .K>-0>> sz t r" d l m* nA a m gadott sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki rvid n mind n m gadott sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont

[n e%y ne'zetkzi szervezet ltal 'e%!irdetett an%ol nyelvF 0lyzati >el!)vsnak tesz ele%et( a'ely&en a 'a%yarok lak!ely- s ott!onvlasztsval ka0csolat&an ssze>o%lal+a az al&&iakat. Hilyen t)0us@ ott!onok lel!et"k >el az orsz%&anX P Jelle'z"en !ol tall!atkX P Hilyen sze'0ontok ala0+n vlasztanak ott!ont az e'&erekX Hennyire n0szerFek a &relt in%atlanokX P Nle'nye szerint 'ilyen vltozsok vr!atk a +v"&enX


P$NNVN P$NNVN Nyelvvizs% Nyelvvizs%akz0o akz0ontA nt

7. >eladat,

artalo', Szkincs, Nyelv!elyess%, Szve%ssze>*%%s, [sszesen,

.. ? 4 0ont .. ? 4 0ont ..3 4 0ont .. ? 4 0ont 3 D/ 0ont


ANGOL P$NNVN (rs* li Nyelvvizs%akz0o + ladatsor nt

rA&=NFiN Ny lvvizsgakz)o nt Fi-.'. .. ', ; ;...y ^ -% - =EGOL34'O5

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor

#D g\


-0 Qu stions and ans9 rs 51rd1s k - vlaszok

8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

$ + ladat l (rsa

$n%ol nyelvF )rott szve% rtse. $ + ladat; a szve% ala0os elolvassa s 'e%rtse utn kell vlaszolni a szve%!ez adott an%ol nyelvF krdsekre an%olul. $ krdsek sorrend+e kveti a szve%&en tall!at in>or'cik sorrend+t. $ >eladatla0 !tla0+n tall!at a 'e%olds. $ zr+el&en olyan t&&letin>or'cit adtunk 'e%( a'ely a + 'e%olds!oz ne' >elttlen*l sz*ks%es( nlk*le is +r a 0ont. $ >erde vonallal elvlasztott vlaszok vlasztsi le!et"s%et +elentenek( 'indkt 'e%olds el>o%ad!at. 9zek ne' tartal'i( !ane' stilris sze'0ont&l k*ln&z!etnek e%y'stl. R"donsg; P rvid/ )r szavas vlaszt k ll adni< P angolul k ll vlaszolni< P ne' k ll ny lvtanilag t l" s sz rk z t t l (rni< P a + ladat m golds,oz n m sza*ad sztrt ,asznlni?


8uestions an& ans ers */r&/sek v9laszok8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek v9laszok

.7 Amis, ) o)l $ll as0ects o> $'is! li>e are dictated &y a list o> 8ritten or oral rules( kno8n as Vrdnun%. ;t varies >ro' co''unity to co''unity( 8!ic! e60lains 8!y you 8ill see so'e $'is! ridin% in auto'o&iles( 8!ile ot!ers donSt even acce0t t!e use o> &attery-0o8ered li%!ts. !e $'is! dress in a very si'0le style( avoidin% all &ut t!e 'ost &asic orna'entation. !e $'is! are averse to any tec!nolo%y 8!ic! t!ey >eel 8eakens t!e >a'ily structure. !e conveniences t!at t!e rest o> us take >or %ranted suc! as electricity( television and auto'o&iles are considered to &e a te'0tation t!at could cause vanity( create ineWuality and are not encoura%ed or acce0ted in 'ost co''unities. ;t is co''on >or $'is! co''unities to allo8 t!e use o> tele0!ones( &ut not in t!e !o'e. ;nstead( several $'is! >a'ilies 8ill s!are a tele0!one &et8een >ar's. 9lectricity is so'eti'es used in certain situations( suc! as electric >ences >or cattle and !eatin% !o'es. Uind'ills are o>ten used as a source o> naturally %enerated electric 0o8er in suc! instances. !e $'is! &elieve stron%ly in education( &ut only 0rovide >or'al education t!rou%! t!e ei%!t! %rade and only in t!eir o8n 0rivate sc!ools. !e $'is! are e6e'0t >ro' state co'0ulsory attendance &eyond t!e ei%!t! %rade &ased on reli%ious 0rinci0les. $'is! sc!ools are 0rivate institutions( o0erated &y $'is! 0arents. Sc!oolin% concentrates on t!e &asic readin%( 8ritin%( 'at!s and %eo%ra0!y( alon% 8it! vocational trainin% and socialization in $'is! !istory and values.

8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

.7 =EGOL34' /. S,at is Or nangl a list o+ 9ritt n or oral rul s all as0ects o> t!eir li>e are dictated t8 it a$ a t!e Vrdnun% varies >ro' 2FL&llllF7lllL"J %&! CkJI 1 lili Lllll L "Y si'0le

1. U!y is it i'0ortant >or $'is! 0eo0leX D. U!y donSt $'is! 0eo0le live in t!e sa'e 8ay all r9)r t+i) 8nrlCP` UVtl L1LC n Ul 1U . <. U!at is ty0ical o> t!eir clot!esX .. U!at kind o> decoration do t!ey 8ear on t!eir )lnt,)cJT ClULf JCo 4. U!y do t!ey ne%lect any kind o> tec!nolo%y X 2. U!at is t!e only e6ce0tionX 7. Co8 do t!ey use itX 5. U!ere do t!ey %et ener%y >ro'X -. U!at kind o> sc!ool is ty0ical o> t!e'X 1/. Co8 lon% does t!eir education lastX

'ost &asic it 8eakens t!e >a'ily structure tele0!one several $'is! >a'ilies s!are a tele0!one 8ind'ills 0rivate 5 years


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok



8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

07 #ray rs and sil nc mark t, tsunami anniv rsary Five years a>ter a 'assive tsuna'i caused deadly tidal 8aves across $sia( lo8-key cere'onies 'arked t!e sole'n anniversary 8it! 0rayers and 'o'ents o> silence >or t!e D</(/// 0eo0le killed. !e tsuna'i 8as s0arked &y a D-'a%nitude under8ater eart!Wuake o>> Su'atra t!e 'i%!tiest eart!Wuake in ./ years. Survivors 8ere a'on% t!e !undreds o> 0eo0le 8!o returned to t!e 8!ite-sand &eac!es in sout!ern !ailand on Saturday to recall one o> t!e 8orst natural disasters o> 'odern ti'es. Dozens o> #udd!ist 'onks in &ri%!t oran%e ro&es c!anted 0rayers. Vnlookers 8e0t and e'&raced. Lior%io Ea0riccioli( an ;talian 8!o lives on P!uket( carried a &ouWuet o> 8!ite >lo8ers into t!e ocean. Ce 8aded knee-dee0 in 8ater t!at >ive years a%o 8as clo%%ed 8it! cor0ses and cast t!e >lo8ers adri>t to !onour t!e 'e'ory o> t8o >riends. Cis 8i>e o8ns several &eac!->ront s!o0s &ut decided not to %o to 8ork t!e 'ornin% t!e tsuna'i struck. THy 8i>e 8ould &e dead i> it 8erenSt >or t!e >act t!at s!e 8ere 0re%nant and didnSt %o to 8ork t!at day(T !e said at a cere'ony t!at also attracted tourists in ski'0y s8i'suits( as 8ell as !ai residents. !e cere'onies on P!uket 8ere to cul'inate in t!e evenin% 8it! candle-li%!tin% cere'onies and t!e release o> li%!t->illed lanterns into t!e sky.


8uestions an& ans ers */r&/sek v9laszok8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek v9laszok 2. =EGOL34' /. Co8 many y ars ,av )ass d sinc t, tsunami ,it AsiaT +iv 8it! 0rayers and 'o'ents o> 1. Co8 8as t!e anniversary _C; #&C## co''e'oratedX a6Q8QQU& D. U!at caused t!e tidal 8avesX an under8ater eart!Wuake <. U!ic! 0art o> t!e 8orld did t!e tsuna'i o>> Su'atra3 in !itX !ailand .. U!o san% 0rayersX #udd!ist 'onks 4. Co8 8ere t!ey dressedX in &ri%!t oran%e ro&es to !onour t!e 2. U!y did an ;talian 'an t!ro8 >lo8ers 'e'ory o> t8o into t!e oceanX >riends 7. U!ere 8as !e 8!en !e did soX Aknee-dee0B in 8ater 5. U!at saved !is 8i>eSs li>eX s!e didnSt %o to 8ork t!at day -. U!o took 0art in t!e cere'ony a0art >ro' !ai residents t!e touristsX 1/. U!at a00eared in t!e sky in t!e li%!t->illed lanterns evenin%X


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

G7 -ritainJs sno9 `u n s,o9s t,at +ait, can mov mountains Jntil last 8eekend( t!e idea o> a #ritis! 8o'an >inis!in% in t!e to0 1/ o> a Uorld Eu0 do8n!ill ski race see'ed >ar->etc!ed. #ut 'iracles can !a00en. $nd t!ey see'ed to &e !a00enin% a%ain on Sunday 8!en E!e''y $lcott skied do8n t!rou%! t!e 'ist at Eortina dS$'0ezzo. ;n di>>icult conditions( and 8it! a !i%! start nu'&er( $lcott 8ound u0 in nint! 0osition a!ead o> several dozen ot!er co'0etitors >ro' nations 8!ose to0o%ra0!y 'akes t!e' 'ore likely to turn out c!a'0ion skiers. #ritis! ski racers live t!e li>e to 8!ic! all keen recreational skiers as0ire( 8akin% day a>ter day to a 'ountain sunrise( !o0in% >or a >res! >all. !e rest o> t!e 8orld see's a lon% 8ay a8ay. !e surroundin%s in 8!ic! t!ey train and race 'ay see' %la'orous( &ut conditions >or li%!tly >unded #ritis! co'0etitors are 0retty di>>icult. Jnlike t!e 'e'&ers o> 'ore lavis!ly su00orted tea's( #ritis! skiers usually !ave to rely on t!eir 0arents >or years o> su00ort. So it !as &een 8it! $lcott( 8!o &e%an skiin% on a >a'ily !oliday in France at t!e a%e o> 15 'ont!s and 8as racin% &e>ore !er >ourt! &irt!day. Cer 0arents are said to !ave invested so'e8!ere around fD4/(/// over t!e years. T; certainly 8ouldnSt &e !ere 8it!out t!e'T s!e said. T$nd itSs a Wuestion o> e'otional su00ort( too( as 8ell as >inancial su00ort.T #ut no8 s!e !as a 0ersonal s0onsor( Uilton ;nvest'ents( 8!ic! 0ays !er travellin% e60enses and is 0led%ed to see !er t!rou%! to t!e D//2 Uinter Vly'0ics in urin.


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G7 =EGOL34' /. S, n 9as 2, mmy Alcott among t, * sts o+ t, 9orldT 1. U!ic! s0ort is s!e one o> t!e &est atX D. U!at 8as t!e 8eat!er condition likeX <. U!at ot!er o&stacle did s!e >ace at t!e startX .. U!at 'akes skiers >ro' ot!er countries 'ore likely to 8inX 4. U!o usually envies #ritis! skiersS li>estyleX 2. U!at do t!ey lon% >or every 'ornin%X 7. U!at 'akes t!eir trainin%s di>>icultX 5. U!o usually >inances t!e skiersS careerX -. U!en did E!e''y $lcott start takin% 0art in c!a'0ions!i0sX 1/. U!at ot!er >inancial !el0 does s!e %etX last 9 k nd do8n!ill skiin% 'isty !i%! start nu'&er to0o%ra0!y Ao> t!eir countriesB recreational skiers >res! sno8>all li%!t >unds t!eir 0arents &e>ore !er >ourt! &irt!day a co'0any3 Uilton ;nvest'ents 0ays !er travellin% e60enses


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E7 ED) ri nc ; & us d to st al dou*l -d ck rs ;t >irst !a00ened >ive years a%o 8!en ; 8as 8alkin% 0ast 'y local &us de0ot. $s a c!ild( ;Sd 8atc!ed &us drivers in a8e( 8onderin% 8!at it >elt like to &e &e!ind t!e 8!eel. No8 ; 8as a&out to >ind out. Vne 'inute ; 8as starin% at a red dou&le-decker &us( t!e ne6t ; +ust +u'0ed a&oard. ;t 8as as easy as t!at. ; started 0ressin% all t!e &uttons until 1 >ound t!e 'aster s8itc! and %ot t!e en%ine started. ; kne8 it 8as 8ron% &ut it %ave 'e suc! a rus!. $s a teena%er( ; >ell in 8it! t!e 8ron% %an%. !ey tau%!t 'e !o8 to steal( and soon ; 8as !ot8irin% cars 8it! t!e'. ;t >elt &rilliant( and a>ter a 8!ile ;Sd take cars &y 'ysel>( +ust >or t!e >un o> it. ; soon realised t!at t!e idea o> takin% dou&le-decker &uses 8as 'ore c!allen%in%. $ >e8 8eeks later( t!e last ti'e ; took a &us( ; drove to ;0s8ic!. Vn t!e 8ay &ack ; 8as drivin% alon% t!e HD4 'otoi8ay and cras!ed into a lorry. !ank>ully( t!e driver esca0ed un!urt( &ut ; 8asnSt so lucky. ; >ractured 'y ri&s. U!en t!e 0olice arrived( t!ey realised t!e &us !ad &een stolen. ; 8oke u0 >ro' 'y daze in !os0ital and 8as taken into custody. ; 8as sentenced to >our years in 0rison. ; served t8o and a !al> years - t!at 8as a 8ake-u0 call. ; used t!e ti'e to take educational courses and used every o00ortunity to 8ork. ;Sd never drea' o> %oin% &ack to 'y old li>e. ;Sve !ad enou%! o> 0rison and ;S' a di>>erent 0erson. ;Sll al8ays re%ret 8!at 1 did( ; kno8 t!ere are no e6cuses. ;S' D< no8 and 'y li>e is &ack on track. ;S' !a00y to &e livin% in t!e slo8 lane.


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E7 =EGOL34' /. U!en did !e >irst steal a &usX 1. U!ere did it !a00enX D. U!at kind o> 'e'ories a&out &uses does !e !ave >ro' !is c!ild!oodX <. U!at kind o> &us did !e stealX .. Co8 did !e start t!e en%ine o> t!e stolen &usX 4. Co8 did !is ..careerT as a cri'inal &e%inX 2. U!y did !e do soX 7. U!y did !e decide to steal &usesX 5. U!at kind o> accident did !e !aveX -. U!at 0unis!'ent did !e %et >or stealin% t!e &usX 1/. Co8 did !e s0end !is ti'e in 0risonX >ive years a%o at !is local &us de0ot 8atc!ed &us drivers in a8e a dou&le-decker 0ressed all t!e &uttons3 8it! t!e 'aster s8itc! stole cars +ust >or >un3>elt &rilliant it 8as 'ore c!allen%in% cras!ed into a lorry >our years in 0rison took educational courses and 8orked


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

I7 Gordon -ro9n to launc, a.>>*n 9ind n rgy )rogramm Lordon #ro8n( t!e Pri'e Hinister o> t!e JK( 8ill t!is 8eek launc! a f1//&n 0ro%ra''e to &uild t!ousands o> o>>s!ore 8ind tur&ines t!at could 0o8er 'ost o> #ritainSs !ouse!olds durin% stron% 8inds and are crucial to 'eet t!e countrySs rene8a&le tar%ets. !e Ero8n 9state 8ill announce 8!ic! consortia can develo0 t!e nine zones o> t!e 0ro+ect( 8!ic! is t!e 'ost a'&itious o> its kind in t!e 8orld. Possi&le co'0anies( 8!ic! include t!e JKSs si6 &i% ener%y su00liers( are &ein% +ud%ed on t!eir >inancial resources and e60ertise. !e 0ro+ects 8ill &e &i%%er t!an anyt!in% 8!ic! e6ists today in t!e JK or else8!ere. !ey 8ill &e >urt!er a8ay >ro' t!e coast and in dee0er 8aters t!an e6istin% o>>s!ore 0ro+ects( 'akin% t!e' 'ore di>>icult and e60ensive to &uild and o0erate. Hany develo0ers are 0rivately sce0tical a&out 8!et!er all t!e 0ro+ects 8ill &e &uilt &y D/D/ as 0lanned &ecause o> t!e !u%e lo%istical and >inancial c!allen%es involved. $ s0okes8o'an >or t!e Ero8n 9state said t!e %overn'ent &ody( 8!ic! o8ns t!e JKSs sea&ed( 8as !oldin% a su00ly c!ain roads!o8 >or #ritis! 'anu>acturers around t!e country( startin% later t!is 'ont!. Uorkin% 8it! re%ional develo0'ent aut!orities( co'0anies 8ill &e in>or'ed 8!at co'0onents 8ill &e needed &y t!e ener%y co'0anies to !el0 #ritis! industry &ene>it >ro' t!e construction 0ro%ra''e.


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I7 =EGOL34' /. S,o is Gordon -ro9nT 1. U!at is t!e 0ur0ose o> t!e 0ro+ectX D. Co8 e>>ective 8ill t!e tur&ines &eX <. U!at is needed to o0erate t!e'X .. U!y is t!e 0ro+ect e6tre'ely i'0ortantX 4. U!at 'akes t!is 0ro+ect uniWue in t!e 8orldX 2. U!o are t!e 0otential a00licantsX 7. $0art >ro' t!e &uildin% co'0aniesS >inancial situation( 8!at else is i'0ortant >or t!e decision 'akersX 5. $0art >ro' 'oney( 8!at else can &e a 0ro&le'X -. U!at is t!e Ero8n 9state %oin% to or%anise to introduce t!e 0ro+ect to t!e co'0aniesX 1/. U!at can co'0anies learn t!ereX t, #rim =inist r o+ t, F5 &uildin% o>>s!ore 8ind tur&ines could 0o8er 'ost o> #ritainSs !ouse!olds stron% 8inds to 'eet t!e countrySs rene8a&le tar%ets 'ost a'&itious3t!e &i%%est o> its kind in t!e 8orld t!e JKSs si6 &i% ener%y su00liers co'0aniesS e60ertise lo%istics c!ain roads!o8 8!at co'0onents 8ill &e needed &y t!e ener%y co'0anies


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2. Fr zing 9 at, r d lays )ost-2,ristmas r turn to 9ork !e 0ost-E!rist'as return to 8ork( di>>icult enou%! at t!e &est o> ti'es( 8as 'ade even trickier >or t!ousands o> co''uters t!is 'ornin% t!anks to rail delays( icy roads and cars i''o&ilised &y t!e arctic 8eat!er. #ut t!ousands o> c!ildren cele&rated an une60ected day o>> sc!ool and 'uc! o> t!e country looked like an $l0ine ski resort( 8it! &ri%!t suns!ine a&ove t!e sno8. Kail 0assen%ers e60erienced a series o> !oldu0s( nota&ly t!ose %oin% to and >ro' QondonSs Qiver0ool Street station( 8!ere en%ineerin% 8orks caused delays o> u0 to an !our. TLiven t!e 8eat!er( 8e are 8arnin% 'otorists to take care even i> t!ey t!ink a road !as &een treated( and to 0lan t!eir +ourneys 0ro0erly(T a Ci%!8ays $%ency s0okes8o'an said. !ousands o> 'otorists !ad trou&le even %ettin% out onto t!e roads at all as cars le>t idle over E!rist'as re>used to start &ecause o> >lat &atteries( t!e s0okes8o'an said. TJust as 8e e60ected( itSs &een very( very &usy out t!ere( 8it! a&out >our ti'es t!e nu'&er o> calls 8eSd nor'ally %et on a Honday.T 8o councils in Scotland ad'itted t!at t!e lon%est ice-u0 >or t8o decades !ad cut t!eir salt su00lies to T!azardouslyT lo8 levels so Ken>re8s!ire council >or e6a'0le is li'itin% treat'ent to 'a+or roads. !e c!illy conditions are >orecast to re'ain in 0lace >or at least a 8eek( 8it! sno8 e60ected to s0read to Qondon &y Uednesday.


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K7 =EGOL34' /. S,ic, ) riod o+ t, y ar is t,is articl a*outT 1. U!o !as e6tra di>>iculty in %oin% to 8orkX D. U!at 'ade c!ildren !a00yX <. U!at is t!e country si'ilar toX .. Co8 can t!e 8eat!er &e descri&edX 4. U!at do 0assen%ers travellin% &y train >aceX 2. U!at 'akes t!e situation even 8orse at one o> QondonSs rail8ay stationsX 7. U!at s!ould drivers do in suc! 8eat!erX 5. U!at tec!nical 0ro&le's did a lot o> cars !aveX -. U!at do so'e councils need ur%entlyX 1/. U!at are t!ey >orced to do in t!e 0resent situationX )ost-2,ristmas co''uters day o>> sc!ool an $l0ine ski resort t!e sun is s!inin% Aa&ove t!e sno8B delays3!old-u0s en%ineerin% 8orks 0lan t!eir +ourneys 0ro0erly >lat &atteries salt su00lies li'it treat'ent to 'a+or roads


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

P7 Arr st d; C, grand+at, r 9,o Jattack dJ a , lico)t r $ li%!tin% e60ert 8!o !as 8orked >or t!e _ueen !as &een arrested >or s!inin% an f5..4 torc! at an $0ac!e !elico0ter %uns!i0 outside !is !o'e yesterday in t!e early !ours. or&en Herriott( 2<( 8as 8oken &y 8!at >elt and sounded like an eart!Wuake outside !is &edroo' 8indo8 at la'. !e %rand>at!er used t!e torc! to identi>y t!e aircra>t. Ce s0otted one o> t8o %uns!i0s on an e6ercise +ust 1/>t a&ove !is %arden at !is >ar'!ouse( and ri%!t a8ay !e called t!e Hinistry o> De>ence co'0laint line. #ut instead o> receivin% an a0olo%y >or t!e distur&ance( Hr Herriott 8as visited t!ree 8eeks later &y t!e 0olice( 8!o arrested !i' on sus0icion o> endan%erin% an aircra>t &y dazzlin% t!e 0ilot. Hr Herriott 8as taken to #ury St 9d'unds 0olice station 8!ere !e 8as Wuestioned and !eld in a cell >or nine !ours. !e torc! 8as also seized &y o>>icers. Ce is no8 8aitin% to !ear i> !e 8ill &e c!ar%ed. ;n case !e is >ound %uilty( !e >aces a 'a6i'u' t8o year lon% i'0rison'ent. Hr Herriott( 8!o o8ns a t!eatrical li%!tin% >ir'( insists !e did not 0ut t!e aircra>t at risk as !e !as !ad 0ro>essional e60erience o> li%!tin% u0 >lyin% !elico0ters at a #uckin%!a' Palace event !osted &y t!e _ueen.


8uestions an& ans ers */r&/sek v9laszok8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek v9laszok P7 =EGOL34' /. S,o ,as =r = rriott 9ork d +orT 1. U!at is !is +o&X D. U!ere did t!e incident !a00enX <. U!at did !e t!ink !ad 8oken !i' u0X .. U!at tool did !e use to see t!e source o> t!e noiseX 4. U!y 8as t!e !elico0ter t!ereX 2. U!at did !e do ri%!t a8ayX 7. U!y 8as !e visited &y t!e 0olice t!ree 8eeks a>ter t!e incidentX 5. U!at 8as !e accused o>X -. U!at 0enalty can !e e60ectX 1/. Co8 does !e de>end !i'sel>X t!e Qu n li%!tin% e60ert outside !is !o'e an eart!Wuake a torc! ;t 8as on e6ercise called Hinistry o> De>ence co'0laint line to &e arrested endan%erin% an aircra>t 'a6i'u' t8o years in 0rison3 t8o year lon% i'0rison'ent !e did not 0ut t!e aircra>t at risk

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N7 C,

sca) s trav lling t, 9orld 9,il 9orking onlin

Cave you s0ent t!e recent 8eeks >antasisin% a&out esca0in% t!e cold and t!e daily %rindX Heet t!e 'odern-day no'ads 8!o !ave taken t!e 0lun%e. ;tSs not unusual >or disillusioned %raduates to 0ack a &a% and !it t!e road( &ut 8!at distin%uis!es dive ent!usiasts #en and Sara! is t!at t!ey kee0 %oin%. Since 'eetin% in Halaysia( t!e cou0le !ave 8orked as divin% instructors in ;ndonesia( !ailand( Halaysia( and Fi+i( leavin% t!eir res0ective studies - in advertisin% and >as!ion - >ar &e!ind. !e cou0le( 8!o learned to dive 8!ile travellin%( no8 !ave t!eir o8n travel a%ency( 8!ic! is &ased in t!e JK &ut can &e run >ro' 8!erever t!ey are in t!e 8orld. !ey 0ut to%et!er un%uided 0acka%e tri0s A>li%!ts( acco''odation( divin%B >or t!eir clients. T#ein% in $sia >or so 'any 'ont!s o> t!e year allo8s us to discover ne8 destinations and 8e really love it(T says #en. y0ically stationin% t!e'selves in a location >or t8o to >our 'ont!s( t!eir t8o essential reWuire'ents are internet access and Tvery %oodWuality divin%T. #en and Sara! can i'a%ine continuin% t!eir no'adic li>estyle >or anot!er >ive years and t!en 'ay&e settin% u0 a 'ore lon%-ter' &ase( 0er!a0s in $sia. TUeSre not so a%ainst t!e --to-4 li>estyle or t!e JK t!at 8eSll never %o &ack(T says #en. T;n >act( 8e could only do t!is 8it! co'0lete con>idence( and en+oy'ent( kno8in% t!at t!e door is al8ays o0en to return.T

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N7 =EGOL34' /. S,o usually ,its t, road and l av s v ryt,ing * ,indT 1. U!at are Sara! and #en keen onX D. ;n 8!at 8ay is t!eir li>estyle di>>erentX <. U!at did t!ey do &e>oreX .. U!at 8ere t!ey interested inX 4. Co8 do t!ey 'ake ends 'eetX 2. U!at do t!ey o>>er to t!eir custo'ersX 7. U!at do t!ey includeX 5. U!at does stayin% in $sia >or a lon% ti'e 'ake t!e' 0ossi&leX -. U!at tec!nolo%y do t!ey need to &e a&le to run t!eir &usinessX 1/. U!at is t!eir lon%-ti'e 0lanX disillusion d graduat s divin% t!ey kee0 %oin% studied advertisin% and >as!ion run a travel a%ency un%uided 0acka%e tri0s >li%!ts( acco''odation and divin% discover ne8 destinations internet access set u0 a 'ore lon%-ter' &ase

1 1<

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[7 Com 2ruis Js ]%alkyri ] U!ile 'ost kids 8ere drea'in% o> ne8 toys( 0layin% outside 8it! >riends and 8atc!in% t!eir >avorite cartoons( o' Eruise 8as drea'in% a&out killin% dictators. $t t!e Korean 0re'iere o> TNalkyrieT( EruiseSs >il' a&out t!e unsuccess>ul 0lot to assassinate $dol> Citler( t!e actor ad'itted t!at !is disdain >or t!e Nazi leader led to a desire to kill !i' 0ersonally( accordin% to a Keuters re0ort. T; al8ays 8anted to kill Citler( ; !ated !i'(T Eruise( .2( said. T$s a c!ild studyin% !istory and lookin% at docu'ents( ; 8ondered( S8!y didnSt so'eone stand u0 and try to sto0 itXS U!en 1 read t!e scri0t( it 8as entertainin% and in>or'ative to kno8 8!at t!e c!allen%es 8ere and 8!at it 8as like to &e in t!e environ'ent.T #ased on a true story( Eruise 0lays Eolonel Elaus Non Stau>>en&er% in TNalkyrie(T a Ler'an solider 8!o 0lants a &rie>case &o'& under a ta&le at CitlerSs 'ilitary !eadWuarters. !e assassination atte'0t 0roves unsuccess>ul and Stau>>en&er% is later e6ecuted &y !is cocons0irators. Several ske0tical critics 0redicted t!at t!e >il' 8ould &e a &o6-o>>ice &o'& in t!e J.S.( 8!ere it >ared &etter t!an e60ected( reac!in% No. . in t!e Nort! $'erican &o6 o>>ice durin% its o0enin% 8eekend( Keuters said. !e >il' o0ens $sia on Jan. DD in Seoul( Korea.


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

[7 =EGOL34' /. S,at did Com 2ruis dr am to do in ,is c,ild,oodT 1. U!at tri%%ered !is desire to do soX 6. Vn 8!at occassion did o' Eruise 'ake t!is state'entX <. U!at is t!e 'ain to0ic o> !is latest >il'X .. U!at didnSt !e understand 8!en !e 8 as learnin% a&out dictators!i0 in !is c!ild!oodX 4. U!at did !e >ind interestin% 8!en readin% t!e scri0tX 2. U!at served as a source o> t!e >il'X 7. Co8 does Eolonel Non Stau>>en&er% try to kill CitlerX 5. U!at is t!e scene o> t!e 0lotX -. U!at is t!e outco'e o> Non Stau>>en&er% Ps deedX 1/. U!at rece0tion o> t!e >il' did so'e critics >oretellX

to kill dictators !is disdain >or t!e Nazi leader at t!e Korean 0re'iere o> TNalkyrieT unsuccess>ul 0lot to assassinate $dol> Citler 8!y didnSt so'eone stand u0 and try to sto0 it 8!at t!e c!allen%es 8ere in CitlerSs environ'ent 3 8!at it 8as like to &e in t!e en v iron'ent a true story 0lants a &o'& under a ta&le CitlerSs 'ilitary !eadWuarters 0roves unsuccess>ul it 8ould &e a &o6o>>ice &o'&


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

.>7 Four 8ungarian clim* rs missing in 2,ina Kescuers 8ere searc!in% !ursday >or >our Cun%arian cli'&ers 'issin% in t!e 'ountains o> sout!8estern E!ina near 8!ere t8o Kussians 8ere &uried in an avalanc!e ei%!t days a%o( o>>icials said. !e t8o 'en and t8o 8o'en( 8ere due to return to &ase ca'0 in late Vcto&er a>ter cli'&in% t!e 2(/7--'eter !i%! Kenz!on% Hountain in Sic!uan 0rovince. 9'er%ency rescue e>>orts 8ere launc!ed 8!en t!ey >ailed to turn u0. Vn Nove'&er .( t!e rescuers reac!ed .(.// 'eters( &ut t!ey did not >ind t!e 'issin% 0eo0le. !ey sa8 so'e si%ns o> avalanc!es and ice>alls. !is is t!e second ti'e in less t!an a 8eek t!at cli'&ers !ave %one 'issin% in t!e sa'e area. Vn Vcto&er D5( >our Kussians 8ere cau%!t in an avalanc!e on Four Lirls Hountain in $&a county. 8o survived &ut t!e ot!ers( a cou0le( 8ere &uried and are 0resu'ed dead. TUe dis0atc!ed over 1// 0eo0le to searc! >or t!e'( &ut 8e did not >ind t!e'(T Qin Qi( !ead o> t!e Sic!uan Hountaineerin% $ssociation said( addin% t!e Kussian cli'&ers did not o&tain 0er'ission to cli'& t!e 'ountain. T !en t!e t8o survivors asked us to sto0 t!e searc! 0ro%ra'...so t!e rescue 8ork !as &een sus0ended.T T;tSs a dan%erous activity( 8!ic! could easily &e a>>ected &y natural disasters like eart!Wuakes and sno8 slides.T


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

.>7 =EGOL34' /. S,o 9as s arc, d +or *y a r scu t am on C,ursdayT +our 8ungarian clim* rs t8o Kussians 8ere &uried in an avalan>!>P in an a ' uiui f<wiiw t8o 'en and t8o 8o'en return to &ase ca'0 to cli'& t!e A2(/7--'eter !i%!B Kenz!on% Hountain e'er%ency rescue e>>orts so'e si%ns o> avalanc!es and ice>alls t!e cou0le 8it!out 0er'ission t!e t8o survivors asked to sto0 t!e searc! 0ro%ra' 'ore t!an 57(/// 0eo0le dead or 'issin%

1. U!at !a00ened in t!e sa'e area ei%!t days earlierX D. U!o >or's t!e 0arty o> t!e Cun%arian 'ountaineerin% tea'X <. U!at 8ere t!ey su00osed to do in late Vcto&erX .. U!at 8as t!eir %oalX 4. U!at 8as initiated 8!en t!ey did not arrive at t!e &ase k-cll7ll |_J . 2. U!at did t!e rescue tea' >ind 8!en searc!in% >or t!e Cun%arian cli'&ersX 7. U!ic! 'e'&ers o> t!e Kussian tea' lost t!eir lives in t!e avalanc!eX 5. Co8 did t!e Kussian tea' set a&out cli'&in% t!e 'ountainX -. U!y 8as t!e searc! >or t!e Kussian cli'&ers %iven u0X 1/. U!at is t!e toll o> last Hay`s eart!WuakeX


-0 =atc,ing 'zv gki g1sz(t1s

)atching - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s)atching @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

A + ladat l (rsa

$ >eladat az )rott szve% rtst 'ri. A + ladat; $ szve% elolvassa s 'e%rtse utn &e kell illeszteni a !inyz 1/ 'ondatrszletet. $ szve% alatt $-tl N +elzsi% 'e%adtunk 1< 'ondatrszletet. $ &e)rand 'ondatrszletek 'e%>elel" &etF+elt kell a >eladatla0 al+n tall!at t&lzat&a( a sz'nak 'e%>elel"en &e)rni. $ !elyes 'e%oldsok a >e+ezet v%n( a 1<1. oldalon tall!atk. $ >eladat 'e%olds!oz sztr ne' !asznl!at.


)atching - @z:vegkiegeszitis

.7 2,ristmas miracl ;n 8!at is &ein% considered as a E!rist'as T'iracle(T a youn% 'ot!er died @>A 8!ile s!e 8as %ivin% &irt! 8it! a still-&o' &a&y on E!rist'as 9ve &ut &ot! 'o' and &a&y ca'e &ack to li>e +ust 'inutes later( &e>ore t!e eyes o> t!e @.A >at!er. Cal> o> 'y >a'ily 8as lyin% t!ere ri%!t in >ront o> 'e - t!ereSs no ot!er 8ay to say it - dead(T Hike Cer'anstor>er told $#E Ne8sS Eolorado.T; lost all >eelin%. Vnce ADBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY( ; >elt like 'ine did( too.T !ey 8ere %ettin% ready to 0ut a cat!eter in and ; closed 'y eyes and A<BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYa>ter t!at(T racey said. S!e !ad no 0ulse( no !eart&eat( 8as not &reat!in% A.B T%rey(T Dr. Ste0!anie Hartin( director o> t!e !os0ital told E#S Ne8sS Eolorado.TS!e 8as dead.T $>ter tryin% to revive racey A4B 8it!out any success( doctors ordered an e'er%ency o0eration in an A2BY t!e &a&y. !e &a&y A7BY it too 8as not &reat!in%. #ut t!en Hike and t!e doctors 8ere sur0rised 8!en raceySs A5B ( +ust a>ter &irt!. Doctors Wuickly 8!eeled racey into sur%ery to co'0lete t!e o0eration. !en( 8!ile t!e 'o' A-BYYYYon( ot!er doctors 8orked to %et t!e &a&y &reat!in% a%ain as its >at!er !eld !i'. racey and t!e &a&y @.>A Yle>t t!e !os0ital on Honday to +oin raceySs t8o ot!er c!ildren at !o'e. . a:cne s.go.com

147. and 8as turnin% 145. atte'0t to save 14-. &rou%!t !er &ack 12/. donSt re'e'&er anyt!in% 121. >or several 'inutes 12D. !ad su>>ered cardiac 12<. !er !eart&eat sto00ed 12.. nearly !eart&roken( stunned ;.0ulse returned J. recovered nicely and K. 8as &ein% o0erated Q. 8as delivered( &ut H. 8!at caused 121

)atching - @z:vegkiegeszitis)atching @z:vegkiegeszitis

raceySs N. 8!ile s!e 8as %ivin% &irt! . D < . 4 2 7 5 .>


)atching - @zovegkiegeszttes

07 Am ricaJs most 9ant d doctor +ound living in t nt on =ont -lanc Vn D1 Se0te'&er D//.( Hic!elle Uein&er%er 8oke u0 on t!e 7->t 0o8er&oat t!at @>A s!e and !er !us&and( Hark( o8ned as it rocked %ently in t!e @.A on t!e Lreek island o> Hykonos. T; 0ut 'y !and ADBY( and ; re'e'&er >eelin% it e'0ty(T s!e later told t!e JS television c!annel N#E. Hrs Uein&er%er lea0t >ro' &ed in alar' to >ind A<B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYvanis!ed( takin% 8it! !i' !is 0ass0ort and 'oney !e !ad stored secretly on &oard. ;t 8as t!e &e%innin% o> a >ive-year >li%!t @EA t!is 8eek even 'ore stran%ely t!an it &e%an( al'ost 2(/// >eet u0 in t!e ;talian $l0s. 8o o>>icers o> t!e ;talian 0olice( A4B . cli'&ed u0 to t!e sout!ern slo0es o> Hont #lanc to >ind one o> $'ericaSs 'ost 8anted >u%itives A2BY Y Y. Ce 8as survivin% in te'0eratures as lo8 as -15E on dried and tinned >ood and sno8 !e 'elted A7B . Dr Hark Uein&er%er( a .2-year-old ear( nose and t!roat s0ecialist( 8as toni%!t in a secure 8ard at t!e Holinette !os0ital in urin A5B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!e su>>ered 8!en !e tried to take A-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY at t!e 0olice station in Eour'ayeur( &elo8 Hont #lanc. !e JS aut!orities !ave ./ days in 8!ic! to a00ly >or !is e6tradition. Ce @.>AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYcounts o> !ealt!care >raud( !avin% 0reviously &een indicted &y a %rand +ury. .guar&ian.co.uk 124. died o> t!roat cancer 122. >aces trial on DD 127. >ro' +ustice t!at ended 125. !ad >iled a co'0laint 12-. !ad sur%ery t!ey sus0ected 17/. !is o8n li>e 171. led &y a 'ountain %uide 17D. livin% in a tent ;.on a 0orta&le stove J. on !is side o> t!e &ed K. recoverin% >ro' a 8ound Q. s!e and !er !us&and H( t!at !er !us&and !ad N. 8aters o> a 'arina


)atching - @zovegkiegeszttes)atching @zovegkiegeszttes




)atching - @z2vegkieg/sztt/s

G7 ',ould 9 do a ,ous s9a)VT TUeSre t!inkin% o> doin% a S!ouses8a0S A/B >or t!e >irst ti'e( e6c!an%in% 8it! a >a'ily in Nancouver >or our su''er !olidays. UeSre a little 8orried a&out t!in%s A1BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. $re t!ere t!in%s 8e s!ould do &e>ore %oin% a!eadX $ny ti0s >ro' !ouses8a00ers a&out ADBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 8!ole t!in% %o s'oot!lyXT Cide t!e car keys. Ue !ave !ouse s8a00ed 1/ ti'es in t!e JK and a&road and t!ey !ave &een >antastic !olidays. Co8ever >or 0eace o> 'ind 8e A<B your insurance co'0any and !idin% any s'all valua&les. ; do t!ink one o> t!e 'ost i'0ortant t!in%s is to e6c!an%e si'ultaneously( - occu0yin% t!eir !ouse A.B - &ecause( so'e!o8 &ein% in eac! ot!ersS !ouses 'akes you e6tra res0ect>ul. Lood ti0s A4B a 8elco'e 0ack o> >ood and &ottle o> 8ine and also A2BY Yround to say !ello( !el0 out 8it! any Wueries and 'ake sure all is 8ell. Finally avoid s8a00in% cars, a>ter a t8o-8eek e6c!an%e 8it! Eanadians 8e ca'e &ack to >ind .(4//A7BY Y. $ !ouses8a0 de0ends on trust - s0end as 'uc! ti'e as 0ossi&le &uildin% A5BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Let to kno8 t!e 0eo0le youSre s8a00in% 8it!, t!eir likes( dislikes and li>estyle Ai> your !ouse is >ull o> 8!ite car0ets and >ine 0orcelain( donSt s8a0 8it! a >a'ily o> teena%ersB. Ke'e'&er t!ey need to trust you too, t!ink A-B to kno8 a&out t!e' and 'ake sure you 0rovide t!e sa'e in>or'ation to t!e' a&out you. S8a0 0!otos and 'a0 A1/B G co'e to a clear understandin% a&out 8!atSs covered and 8!at isnSt Acleanin% t!e !ouseG >eedin% 0etsB. .guar&ian.co. uk P !ouses8a0, lakscsere 17<. 17.. 174. 172. a%ree'ent a&out da'a%e &e 0leased to !ave >or t!e >irst ti'e %ettin% nei%!&ours to 0o0


)atching - @z2vegkieg/sztt/s)atching @z2vegkieg/sztt/s

177. !o8 to 'ake t!e 175. include leavin% out 17-. it u0 in advance 15/. like insurance and t!e>t ;.'iles on our car J. re>erences o> t!e !ouses K. 8!at you 8ould 8ant Q. 8!ile t!ey are in yours H. 8it! a s'all 0resent N. 8ould reco''end noti>yin% 1 D < .4 1 5 1/


)atching - @z&vegkieg&szites

E7 =o*il ),on s c,ang d soci ty/ not "ust communication Ho&ile 0!ones 8ere ori%inally only availa&le to t!e ric! - no8 t!ere are 'ore 'o&iles @>A t!an 0eo0le in #ritain and a Wuarter century o> 'o&iles !as c!an%ed not +ust t!e 8ay 0eo0le co''unicate &ut @.AU 7 Peo0le tend to !ave a love-!ate relations!i0 8it! t!eir 0!ones( lovin% ADBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYt!ey %ive( or t!e tec!nolo%y itsel>( or t!e status t!ey &elieve A<B . #ut at t!e sa'e ti'e t!ey !ate t!e sense o> &ein% tied to 8ork &y t!e 0!one( never A.B contact. So'e 0eo0le !ate t!e 8ay ot!ers use t!eir 0!ones, >ro' t!e loud &usiness'an s!outin% on t!e train to t!e teena%er 0layin% t!eir tinny 'usic at t!e &ack o> t!e &us. ;n t!eatres( cine'as and restaurants ne8 'les o> etiWuette A4B Y. U!en is it VK to ans8er a 0!one 8!en in t!e co'0any o> ot!ersX Host 0eo0le 8ould a%ree t!at ans8erin% a 0!one durin% a t!eatre 0er>or'ance is A2B ( &ut it still !a00ens. !e e60losion in 'o&ile use !as also A7B ( and not +ust t!e 0!one co'0anies. $s 'o&ile 0!ones &eca'e so'et!in% to custo'ise( consu'ers 8ere A5B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYdo8nloada&le rin% tones( 8all0a0er %ra0!ics and re0lace'ent 0!one covers. !e introduction o> ca'eras on 0!ones A-B a %eneration o> citizen +ournalists( >ro' t!e 0rotesters at t!e LD/ 0rotests in Qondon to t!e >irst 0!otos o> last yearSs 0lane cras! on t!e Cudson Kiver. Ho&ile 0!ones !ave also &een accused o> rainin% our lan%ua%e. e6t 'essa%in%( and t!e need @.>AYYYY( 'eant 8e develo0ed ne8 8ays o> s0ellin%. 888.%uardian.co.uk 151. a&le to &e out o> 15D. an e60ensive 0!one %ives 15<. ans8erin% !is oversized 'o&ile 15.. !a00ened to &e at !o'e 154. !as !el0ed create 152. !ave &een introduced 157. 'ade so'e 0eo0le ric! 155. 'o&ile o8ners!i0 soarin% Q 127

)atching - @z&vegkieg&szites)atching @z&vegkieg&szites

t!an 0eo0le in #ritain J. t!e !ei%!t o> rudeness K. t!e sense o> >reedo' Q. t!e 8ay 0eo0le act H. to 'ake 'essa%es s!ort N. 8illin% to 0ay >or . D< E 4 2 7 5 .>


)atching - @z&vegkiegeszit@s

I7 =y , ro< %inc nt van Gog, U!en ; 8as a c!ild( ; kne8 t!at Nan Lo%! 8as t!e %reatest 0ainter A/B 8!o !ad ever lived. For years !e &linded 'e to ot!er artists. 1 !ave learned A1B ( &ut in old a%e ; a' >ait!>ul to 'y earliest love. U!at Nan Lo%! did is( >or 'e( 8!at 0aintin% is. !e eye sees( @0AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU/ t!e 8orld is recreated and revealed. $s a c!ild( ; kne8 not!in% @GA or !is >ailures in t!e 'arket 0lace. No&ody told 'e. 1 sa8 not!in% 'ad or tra%ic A.B o> t!e natural 8orld. ; sa8 intensity and a 8orld o> %lory. Ue A4BYYY8ork at !o'e. $s a sc!ool%irl ; &ou%!t 0ostcards and 0osters o> irises and starry ni%!ts and a yello8 c!air. #ut !e 8as( ; discovered( 'ore A2B . Ce 8as a !ard-8orkin%( %ood!earted 'an( 8!o tolerated illness and 0u&lic ne%lect @PA ( and s!o8ed a tender %ratitude to t!ose 8!o cared >or !i'. ; !ave &een readin% t!e !andso'ely illustrated @NA o> !is letters( 8!ic! dis0lays !is 8ide readin%( !is 8ar' and %enerous ad'iration >or !is >ello8 artists( !is unWuestionin% dedication to !is 8ork. Ce @[A t!e 8ork o> Hillet and Ke'&randt( and 8rites to !is &rot!er !eo t!at co0yin% Tteac!es( and a&ove all( consolesT. !is is t!e !u'ility o> %reatness. !e 0aintin%s o> t!is 0eriod are e6tre'ely A1/B( &ut t!e co0ies are also 8onder>ul. Ce is( 8it! S!akes0eare( &eyond 0raise. .guar&ian.co.uk 15-. &rou%!t 'e i''easura&le 1-/. !ad 0rints o> !is 1-1. !e atte'0ted to !andle 1-D. in !is vision 1-<. looked into t!e !eart 1-.. o> !is 'adness 1-4. si6-volu'e edition 1-2. sur0risin% in t!eir ori%inality ;.t!an a visionary J. t!e !and o&eys K. to ad'ire ot!er 0ainters Q. took 0leasure in co0yin% 12-

)atching - @z&vegkiegeszit@s)atching @z&vegkiegeszit@s

H. 8!o !ad ever lived N. 8it! stoic 0atience 1 0 G . I K P N [ 1/


(atc"ing - Szovegkiegeszties

2. #ar nts too *usy to , l) c,ildr n l arn to talk/ study sugg sts E!ildren s0end so 'uc! ti'e in >ront o> t!e television @>A and co'0uter %a'es( and so little ti'e 8it! adults t!at one c!ild in si6 @.A to talk( accordin% to an e60ert. Kesearc! 0u&lis!ed today &y Jean Lross( t!e ne8 Tco''unication c!a'0ionT >or c!ildren( >ound t!at t8ice as ADB Y as %irls( and al'ost one in >our o> all c!ildren 8!o !ave 0ro&le's talkin% and understandin% A<B !el0. 9vidence s!o8ed t!at 8it!out any !el0 t!ey risked develo0in% @EA or %ettin% into trou&le 8it! t!e la8 later in li>e. Nearly a Wuarter o> &oys !ave so'e di>>iculties( and 4I e60erience si%ni>icant trou&le( t!e survey o> 1(/// 0arents in 9n%land revealed. For ASB1<I and DI. U!ile 'ost c!ildren s0oke A2B 1/ and 11 'ont!s( 'ore %irls t!an &oys did so &e>ore t!ey reac!ed nine 'ont!s. So'e .I o> c!ildren !ad not said t!eir >irst 8ord A7BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYt!ree. Dada and Daddy 8ere t!e 'ost co''on >irst 8ords( &eatin% Ha'a and Hu''y &y a considera&le distance. $>ter A5B ca'e TcatT( TcarT( TnoT and Tdo%T. T;tSs 'oney - 'ort%a%es(T s!e said. TPeo0le 8ould >eel a&le to s!are c!ildcare or s0end 'ore ti'e at !o'e 8it! t!eir c!ildren A-B 0ay suc! astrono'ically !i%! 'ort%a%es.T TFinancial 0ressures t!rou%! t!e !ousin% 'arket !ave 'ade a &i% di>>erence. !ink a&out 8!at c!ildren need. ;tSs @.>A and &i% !ouses. ;tSs you.T www.guar ian.co.uk 1-7. and co'0uter %a'es 1-5. &y t!e a%e o> 1--. %irls( t!e >i%ures are D//. !as di>>iculty learnin% D/1. !el0in% c!ildren develo0 D/D. i> t!ey didnSt !ave to D/<. 'any &oys stru%%le D/.. 'ental !ealt! 0ro&le's ;.no 'arked di>>erence J. not e60ensive toys K. re>erences to 0arents 171

(atc"ing - Szovegkiegeszties(atc"ing Szovegkiegeszties

Q. social &ack%round 'ade H. s0eec! %et no N. t!eir >irst 8ord &et8een . D < E 4 2 o7 5 .>


)atching - @zovegkiegeszites

P7 Lon lin ss U!en Joyce Ceaton &e%an to >eel restless and lo8 +ust &e>ore E!rist'as last year s!e 8asnSt sure @>A 9,at 9as 9rong 9it, , r7 TSo'et!in% !a00ened last 8inter and it +ust cre0t over 'e(T s!e said. T; couldnSt slee0. ; +ust sat in a c!air 8aitin% A1BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. ; 8as in a terri&le state. ; +ust >elt t!at t!ere 8as ADBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY t!ou%!t canSt %o on like t!isS.T 9ventually Hrs Ceaton( 51( visited !er doctor in Cudders>ield. TCe 8as very &usy(T s!e said( T&ut t!ey asked 'e A<BY ( and s!e said it 8as loneliness.T !e nurse 0ut Hrs Ceaton in touc! 8it! UKNS At!e >or'er Uo'enSs Koyal Noluntary ServiceB and s!e A.BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY>ro' $'anda Call( <-( a local volunteer 8!o is no8 a re%ular visitor. For 'any older 0eo0le t!e 0ro&le' o> loneliness is ASB . ;n >act( loneliness is reac!in% neare0ide'ic 0ro0ortions a'on% t!e over-24s. $ccordin% to researc! &y $%e Eoncern( 'ore t!an A2BYYYt!at t!ey al8ays >eel lonely. $l'ost !al> consider television t!eir A7BYYY and !al> a 'illion s0ent E!rist'as Day alone. !e s!ar0 decline A5B t!e elderly !ard. Hore t!an D(4// 0ost o>>ices !ave closed( 4(/// s'all A-BYYYt!e 0ast si6 years and 0u&s are closin% at t!e rate o> D7 a 8eek. !e di%ital revolution( 8!ic! could o>>er a li>eline to elderly 0eo0le &y @.>AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYtouc! 8it! eac! ot!er( !as le>t 'any o> t!e' &e!ind. .timesonline.co.uk D/4. &e%an to receive visits D/2. s!o0s !ave disa00eared in D/7. 'ain >or' o> co'0any D/5. >or dayli%!t to co'e D/-. did not talk 8it! D1/. 8!at 8as 8ron% 8it! !er D11. !el0in% t!e' to stay in D1D. to see t!e 0ractice nurse ;.0eo0le >ro' t!e sa'e J. one in ten say K. no&ody t!ere and ; Q. in local services !as !it H. at t!e a%e o> N.


)atching - @zovegkiegeszites)atching @zovegkiegeszites

not so easily solved . D < E 4 2 7 5 .>


)atching - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

N7 ',o))ing on t, &nt rn t S!o00in% on t!e ;nternet( or s!o00in% on-line is &eco'in% 'ore and 'ore 0o0ular. Hore and 'ore 0eo0le are usin% t!e internet to &uy t!in%s. U!y do 0eo0le A/B use t!e ;nternet to s!o0X So'e 0eo0le say it is 'ore convenient. !ey donSt !ave to leave t!eir !o'es to order so'et!in%( and t!ey can s!o0 >or A1B any ti'e( day or ni%!t. Vt!er 0eo0le say t!ey can >ind t!in%s >or sale t!at t!ey canSt >ind in t!e stores near t!eir !o'es. Still ot!er 0eo0le say t!ey can >ind &etter ADB . ;> you 8ant to &uy so'et!in% on t!e ;nternet( A<B . Rou !ave to ty0e your credit card nu'&er and in>or'ation on t!e 8e&site and send it to A.B . Rou !ave to &e sure t!at t!e store 8ill not use your in>or'ation in t!e 8ron% 8ay. Rou donSt 8ant so'eone to %et A4B YYYYand c!ar%e so'et!in% to your account. V> course( you al8ays !ave to &e care>ul 8it! your credit card nu'&er( A2B credit card nu'&ers >ro' stores and restaurants too. For 0eo0le 8!o are A7BY on-line( t!e ;nternet is a %ood 0lace to %o 8indo8-s!o00in%. Uindo8-s!o00in% is 8!en you %o to a store and A5B >or sale( &ut donSt 0lan to &uy anyt!in%. Uindo8-s!o00in% is A-B . Rou can see 8!at kinds o> 0roducts are availa&le and !o8 'uc! t!ey cost. Rou can visit stores 8it! &ranc!es near you( or you can visit stores t!at A1/BYYY. So'e stores !ave a 8e&site >or in>or'ation a&out t!eir stores( &ut not >or s!o00in%. .fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us

D1<. you need a credit card D1.. can 0ay &y credit card D14. 0rices on t!e ;nternet D12. uae t!e ;nternet to s!o0 D17. t!e store over t!e ;nternet D15. look at t!e t!in%s D1-. &ecause 0eo0le so'eti'es steal DD/. sells c!ea0 t!in%s ;.your credit card nu'&er J. at a reasona&le 0rice


)atching - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s)atching @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

K. are only on t!e ;nternet Q. too nervous to s!o0 H. easy on t!e ;nternet N. anyt!in% t!ey 8ant at






)atching - @z&vegkiegeszites

[7 2,ild Languag Rour c!ild 8ill learn to talk >ro' you. Fro' t!e >irst >e8 8eeks o> your c!ildSs li>e( you s!ould 8atc! 8!at you say and !o8 you say it. Rour c!ild 8ill learn >ro' you. S!eSs takin% it p11 in. @>A Qistenin% to !o8 you talk and !o8 you say your 8ords... >or one day s!eSll &e talkin% +ust like you do. Rour c!ild 8ill start talkin% around t!e ti'e s!e turns one year old. !ese >irst 8ords @.A YYYYcan truly understand 0er!a0s. #ut t!ey 8ill &e 8ords nonet!eless. U!en your c!ild %ets to &e ADB ( s!e 8ill likely start s!o8in% si%ns t!at so'e 8ords 8ill soon co'e >ro' !er 'out!. !ereSs really no 8ay A<B or son to talk( e6ce0t >or you to continue talkin% to your c!ild. !e 'ore you talk to your c!ild and let !er see your 'out! 'ove 8!en you do it( @EA 'akin% it >or !er to talk. Qet !er see !o8 itSs done. Qet !er see you 'ove your 'out! and !ear your voice. S!eSll start realizin% A4B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYover 8!at noises co'e out o> !er 'out! and !o8 di>>erent sounds are >or'ed. #e>ore you kno8 it( your c!ild 8ill A2BY Y. DonSt &e distrau%!t i> your c!ild doesnSt talk until a>ter !er >irst &irt!day. A7B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Di>>erent c!ildren start talkin% at di>>erent a%es. ;tSs 0urely natural. Rou s!ouldnSt A5BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i> s!eSs not ready to. S!e needs to do it at !er o8n 0ace. #e 0atient and t!e 8ords 8ill co'e out A-BYYY. $ c!ild 8onSt truly &e%in to >o'i sentences and start develo0in% a voca&ulary until s!e @.>A YYYYor kinder%arten years. U!en youSre tryin% to continue your c!ildSs ver&al %ro8t!( readin% to your c!ild !el0s. .essortment.com DD1. DDD. DD<. DD.. DD4. DD2. DD7. DD5. 8onSt &e anyt!in% you t!atSs not a 0ro&le' &y !el0in% !er listen to s0eak !er >irst 8ords do not talk too loudly listenin% to !o8 you talk encoura%e !er to i'itate t!at s!e !as control 177

)atching - @z&vegkiegeszites)atching @z&vegkiegeszites

;. reac!es !er 0resc!ool J. 1/ or 11 'ont!s old K. &e>ore you kno8 it Q. to 0ersuade your dau%!ter H. t!e 'ore easily youSre N. >orce your c!ild to talk . D < E4 2 7 5 .>


)atching -@z&vegkiegeszites

.>7 C, -iogra),y o+ a =ous Hickey House( Ualt DisneySs 'ost >a'ous c!aracter( @>A 'ade !is screen de&ut on Nove'&er 15( 1-D5( Since !is de&ut( Hickey !as &eco'e an international 0ersonality and @.A YYYYsy'&ols o> t!e 8entiet! Eentury. Hickey House 8as &o' ADB early in 1-D5 on a train ride >ro' Ne8 Rork to Qos $n%eles. Ualt 8as returnin% 8it! !is 8i>e A<B at 8!ic! !is cartoon creation( Vs8ald t!e Ka&&it( !ad &een 8restled >ro' A.B &ackers. Vnly D2 at t!e ti'e and 8it! an active cartoon studio in Colly8ood( Ualt !ad A4B >or a ne8 contract and 'ore 'oney to i'0rove t!e Wuality o> !is Vs8ald 0ictures. !e 'oney'en declined( and since t!e c!aracter 8as co0yri%!ted A2B(Y t!ey took control o> it. T...So ; 8as all alone and !ad not!in%(T Ualt recalled later. T Hrs. Disney and ; A7B Ne8 Rork on t!e train and ; !ad to !ave so'et!in% ; could tell t!e'. ;Sve lost Vs8ald so( ; !ad t!is A5B o> 'y !ead &ecause a 'ouse is sort o> a sy'0at!etic c!aracter in s0ite o> t!e >act t!at A-B YYYY a 'ouse includin% 'ysel>T Ualt s0ent t!e return train ride con+urin% u0 a little 'ouse in red velvet 0ants and na'ed !i' T Horti'er(T &ut &y t!e ti'e t!e train screec!ed @.>A in Qos $n%eles( t!e ne8 drea' 'ouse !ad &een rec!ristened. UaltSs 8i>e( Qillian( t!ou%!t t!e na'e T Horti'erT 8as too 0o'0ous and su%%ested T Hickey.T $ star 8as &o'M .uk.ans ers .'ahoo .com DD-. in Ualt DisneySs i'a%ination D</. %one east to arran%e D<1. into t!e ter'inal station D<D. 'ade !is screen de&ut D<<. !i' &y !is >inancial D<.. 'ouse in t!e &ack D<4. one o> t!e 'ost universal D<2. t!is lovely creature ;.every&odySs >ri%!tened o> J7 >ro' a &usiness 'eetin% K. 8ere co'in% &ack >ro' 17-

)atching -@z&vegkiegeszites)atching -@z&vegkiegeszites

Q. liked to alter its H. under t!eir na'e N. couldnSt >ind a &etter . D < . 4 2 7 5 .>


)atvhing - @z2vegkieg/szAtcs

.7 =EGOL34' . 0 G 8 G 3 07 =EGOL34' . 0 G N J = G7 =EGOL34' . 8 0 E G N E L I F K 3 P & N G [ 5 .> J. E A E 2 I F I E K K 8 P L P & N & N 5 [ 5 [ F .> 7. .> -

E7 =EGOL34' . L 0 5 G E A I F K J P G N N [ E .> =

I7 =EGOL34' . 5 0 7. G F E 3 I K & P N N @? [ L .> 8

K7 =EGOL34' . &A 0 G G = E && I 2 K \ P N 5 [ F .> J

P7 =EGOL34' . 3 0 5 G 8 E A I N K J P 2 N L [ .> G

N7 =EGOL34' . N 2 0 G A E E I & K G P L N F [ = .> 5

[7 =EGOL34' . 0 GE A J L= .>7 =EGOL34' . 0 G E E A J E I 8 I K 3 K = P P 5 N N N F [ 5 [ & .> & .> c


-0 2loz t st 'zov gki g szit s

Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szti/s

$ + ladat l (rsa 9&&en a >eladat&an a vizs%z az )rott szve% %lo&lis rtsr"l ad sz'ot. $ + ladat; $z eredeti szve%&"l 'inden !etedik( trlt szt kell 0tolni @%y( !o%y a szve% rtel'es( e%sz le%yen. $ szve%&"l 'ec!anikusan( e%yenletes *te'&en trlt*nk szavakat( )%y knnyen el">ordul!at( !o%y ne'csak tartal'as szavakat( !ane' kt"szavakat( 0re0oz)cikat( nvel"ket s nv'sokat is kell 0tolni. 9&&en nincsen se''i k*lns( a cl u%yanis ne' a szkincs( !ane' a %lo&lis szve%rts 'rse. $ szve% alatt tall!at a &etoldand szavak al>a&etikus list+a. $ szlist&an D4 sz szere0el( ez ttel t&&( 'int a'it a szve%&"l trlt*nk. $ >eladat 'e%olds!oz sztr ne' !asznl!at.


Cloze-test - Sz)vegkiegszftsCloze-test Sz)vegkiegszfts

.7 Art l sson ;> you are lookin% >or a @>A constructiv activity t!at can &e en+oyed &y @.A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY entire >a'ily( 8!y not try an @0AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYlessonX $n art lesson is a @GAYYYYYYYYY8ay to &rin% t!e >a'ily to%et!er @EAY Y Ys0end a >e8 !ours learnin%( creatin% @IA !avin% >un. $n art lesson also @KAYYYone t!e o00ortunity to e60lore t!e 8orld @PA art in a !ands-on 'anner. $n @NA YY lesson usually lasts >ro' one to @[A !ours( and can &e incor0orated easily A1/BYYYYeven t!e &usiest o> sc!edules. !ey @..AYYY&e taken 0rivately( as a %rou0( @.0A even via t!e ;nternet. Rou can @.GAYYYYu0 >or an art lesson at @.EAYYlocal arts and cra>ts store( t!e @.IAU 'useu' and at 'any co''unity centers. @.KA also 'ay !ave t!e o00ortunity to @.PA YYYYan art lesson at any lar%er @.NAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY( and t!ere is usually a very @.[AYYYYYYY>ee >or t!ese art lessons &ecause AD/B are nor'ally >unded &y a re%ional art endo8'ent. www.interestingarticles.net

a++ords and and and any art art can constructiv

go ,ad into li*rary local minimal o+ )aint sign

tak taking t, t, y t,r 9ond r+ul you your


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

.7 =EGOL34'

Art l sson ;> you are lookin% >or a @>A constructiv activity t!at can &e en+oyed &y @.A t, entire >a'ily( 8!y not try an @0A art lessonX $n art lesson is a @GA 9ond r+ul 8ay to &rin% t!e >a'ily to%et!er @EA and s0end a >e8 !ours learnin%( creatin% @IA and !avin% >un. $n art lesson also @KA a++ords one t!e o00ortunity to e60lore t!e 8orld @PA o+ art in a !andson 'anner. $n A5B art lesson usually lasts >ro' one to @[A t,r !ours( and can &e incor0orated easily @.>A into even t!e &usiest o> sc!edules. !ey @..A can &e taken 0rivately( as a %rou0( @.0A and even via t!e ;nternet. Rou can @.GA sign u0 >or an art lesson at @.EA your local arts and cra>ts store( t!e @.IA local 'useu' and at 'any co''unity centers. @.KA $ou also 'ay !ave t!e o00ortunity to @.PA tak an art lesson at any lar%er A15B li*rary/ and t!ere is usually a very @.[A minimal >ee >or t!ese art lessons &ecause @0>A t, y are nor'ally >unded &y a re%ional art endo8'ent.


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

D. !"l#t$ %!l!&#'#on Keality television is a %enre o> @>A television 0ro%ra''in% 8!ic!( it is clai'ed( 0resents @.A YYYYdra'atic or !u'orous situations( docu'ents actual ADB ( and >eatures ordinary 0eo0le rat!er t!an A<BY actors. ;t could &e descri&ed as A.B >or' o> arti>icial or T!ei%!tenedT docu'entary. A4BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYt!e %enre !as e6isted in so'e A2BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYor anot!er since t!e early years @PA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYtelevision( t!e current e60losion o> 0o0ularity @NAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY>ro' around D///. Part o> reality @[A Y Ya00eal is due to its a&ility @.>A Y 0lace ordinary 0eo0le in e6traordinary situations. @..AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYe6a'0le( on t!e $#E s!o8( !e @.0AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY( an eli%i&le 'ale dates a dozen @.GAY si'ultaneously( q ravelin% on e6traordinary dates to @.EA YYYYlocales. Keality television also !as t!e A;SB to turn its 0artici0ants into national @.KAYYYY( out8ardly in talent and 0er>or'ance 0ro%ra's @.PA as Po0 ;dol( t!ou%! >reWuently Survivor @.NA Y Y #i% #rot!er 0artici0ants also reac! so'e @.[A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY o> cele&rity. Producers s0eci>ically select @0>A 0artici0ants and settin%s. .usingenglish.com

a alt,oug, 3d!d _-ac, lor

+orm +rom , ,as

sc nic s)ontan ous suc, I (l)Cll*J "#ll.


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

c l *riti s dat s d gr v nts >ur

lik 'an o+ )ot ntial )ro+ ssional

II I& C IH#l%+(f t l visio nJs 7to t, unscri)t d 9om n


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

07 =EGOL34'

Z ality C l vision Keality television is a %enre o> @>A t l vision 0ro%ra''in% 8!ic!( it is clai'ed( 0resents @.A s)ontan ous dra'atic or !u'orous situations( docu'ents actual @0A v nts/ and >eatures ordinary 0eo0le rat!er t!an @GA )ro+ ssional actors. ;t could &e descri&ed as @EA a >oi' o> arti>icial or T!ei%!tenedT docu'entary. @IA Alt,oug, t!e %enre !as e6isted in so'e @KA +orm or anot!er since t!e early years @PA o+ television( t!e current e60losion o> 0o0ularity @NA dat s >ro' around D///. Part o> reality @[A t l visionJs a00eal is due to its a&ility @.>A to 0lace ordinary 0eo0le in e6traordinary situations. @..A For e6a'0le( on t!e $#E s!o8( !e @.0A -ac, lor/ an eli%i&le 'ale dates a dozen @.GA 9om n si'ultaneously. Lravelin% on e6traordinary dates to @.EA sc nic locales. Keality television also !as t!e @.IA )ot ntial to turn its 0artici0ants into national @.KA c l *riti s/ out8ardly in talent and 0er>or'ance 0ro%ra's @.PA suc, as Po0 ;dol( t!ou%! >reWuently Survivor @.NA and #i% #rot!er 0artici0ants also reac! so'e @.[A d gr o> cele&rity. Producers s0eci>ically select @0>A t, 0artici0ants and settin%s.


Bloze-test - @zIvegkieg/szO/s

3. ,--o..o)"t#on #n /ngl"n) $cco''odation in 9n%land is so'e o> @>A t!e &est in t!e 8orld( and t!at @.AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYt!e trut!M $lt!ou%! acco''odation in 9n%land 021YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY&e on t!e 0ricey side( o8in% 031YYYYYYYt!e current 8eakness o> t!e $'erican 021 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYco'0ared to t!e 9uro( nonet!eless i> 0S1333333333333333333333333 8ant a lu6urious stay( you 8ill 041YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYnot &e disa00ointed. Ue stayed at 051YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY&ed and &reak>ast in Qondon 9n%land( 061 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY8ere 0ositively deli%!ted at t!e service 071333333333333333333 8e received. $ lovely continental &reak>ast @.>A 'ornin%( c!ar'in% and >riendly sta>> to 0111YYYcare o> our every need( and 0121 YYYYYYYYYin t!e a>ternoon( t!e 8ay t!e 0131333333333333333333333 do it. V> course( 8e 8ere 0121YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYtoo &usy seein% t!e sites to 0IS1YYYYYYYuse o> t!is 0articular 0art o> 0141 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!os0itality 'ost days( &ut nonet!eless( 8!en 0151 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY8eat!er ke0t us in( 8e a00reciated 0161 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYacco''odation in 9n%land 'ore t!an at 017133333333333333333333 ot!er ti'e. ;t 8as truly a @0>A e60erience. . in terestin garticles.net

a and any *ad can

gr at is liv mak many 15-

t, at J lu v ir r e t, t, t

Bloze-test - @zIvegkieg/szO/sBloze-test @zIvegkieg/szO/s

cost dollar Englis, v ry

muc, sur ly som tak

a to yo u yo ur


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

G7 =EGOL34'

Accommodation in England $cco''odation in 9n%land is so'e o> @>A t, &est in t!e 8orld( and t!at A1B is t!e trut!M $lt!ou%! acco''odation in 9n%land @0A can &e on t!e 0ricey side( o8in% @GA to t!e current 8eakness o> t!e $'erican @EA dollar co'0ared to t!e 9uro( nonet!eless i> @IA you 8ant a lu6urious stay( you 8ill @KA sur ly not &e disa00ointed. Ue stayed at @PA a &ed and &reak>ast in Qondon 9n%land( @NA and 8ere 0ositively deli%!ted at t!e service @[A t,at 8e received. $ lovely continental &reak>ast @.>A v ry 'ornin%( c!ar'in% and >riendly sta>> to @..A tak care o> our every need( and @.0A t a in t!e a>ternoon( t!e 8ay t!e @.GA Englis, do it. V> course( 8e 8ere @.EA muc, too &usy seein% t!e sites to @.IA mak use o> t!is 0articular 0art o> @.KA t, !os0itality 'ost days( &ut nonet!eless( 8!en @.PA *ad 8eat!er ke0t us in( 8e a00reciated @.NA t, acco''odation in 9n%land 'ore t!an at @.[A any ot!er ti'e. ;t 8as truly a @0>A gr at e60erience.


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

E7 -uying a mo*il ),on !ere is really no 0oint in @>A going out to &uy a 'o&ile 0!one @.A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyour o8n t!ese days( unless you @0AYlike 8astin% your 'oney. Uit! all @GA t!e di>>erent cell 0!one co'0anies viciously @EA 8it! eac! ot!er >or custo'ers( &uyin% @IA cell 0!one is do8nri%!t idiotic. !e @KAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYt!in% to do( is to >ind @PAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY0lan t!at o>>ers a 'o&ile 0!one @NA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY>ree( or at least >or very @[AYYYYYYYYYYYYY( and si%n u0 >or it. ; @.>AUU t!at al'ost any cell 0!one 0lan @..AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY'ake t!is o>>er( so you are @.0AYYYYYYYyoursel> a >avor &y not &uyin% @.GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYoutside o> your 0lan. !ere is @.EAYYYYYno 0oint in it. ; a' @.IAYYYu0 8it! Nerizon( and every ti'e @.KA ; need to &uy a 'o&ile @.PA YYYY( t!ere is al8ays so'e kind o> @.NA YYYYdeal t!at t!ey o>>er. 9it!er t!e @.[AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYis >ree( or at least it @0>A o>>ered 8it! a %reat discount t!at 'akes it cost al'ost not!in%. . interestingarticles. net

a a ar * st c ll),on s c, a) com) ting doing + l

+or going guarant i/' "ust k ) littl o+ o+

),on ),on ),on ing sign d som takin g t,at 9ill


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

E7 =EGOL34'

-uying a mo*il ),on !ere is really no 0oint in A /B going out to &uy a 'o&ile 0!one A1B o+ your o8n t!ese days( unless you ADB + l like 8astin% your 'oney. Uit! all A<B o+ t!e di>>erent cell 0!one co'0anies viciously A.B com) ting 8it! eac! ot!er >or custo'ers( &uyin% A4B a cell 0!one is do8nri%!t idiotic. !e A2B * st t!in% to do( is to >ind A7B a 0lan t!at o>>ers a 'o&ile 0!one A5B +or >ree( or at least >or very A-B littl / and si%n u0 >or it. ; A1/B guarant t!at al'ost any cell 0!one 0lan A11B 9ill 'ake t!is o>>er( so you are A1DB doing yoursel> a >avor &y not &uyin% A1<B c ll),on s outside o> your 0lan. !ere is A1.B "ust no 0oint in it. 1 a' A14B sign d u0 8it! Nerizon( and every ti'e A12B t,at ; need to &uy a 'o&ile A17B ),on / t!ere is al8ays so'e kind o> A15B c, a) deal t!at t!ey o>>er. 9it!er t!e A1-B ),on is >ree( or at least it AD/B is o>>ered 8it! a %reat discount t!at 'akes it cost al'ost not!in%.


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

I7 Sorking in a *ank U!en ; >irst started 8orkin% in A/B a &ank in t!e center o> t!e A1B ( ; 8as al8ays a>raid so'eone 'i%!t ADBY'e. ; 8as &e!ind &ullet0roo> %lass( A<B t!e alar' &uttons al8ays re'inded 'e A.B Yso'eone could ro& 'e. Ue !ad A4B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYsi%nals t!at c!an%ed every day( and A2BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY8as an auto'atic alar' t!at ran% A7BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYt!e last 'oney ca'e out o> A5BY Ydra8er. Sure enou%!( one day a A-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY; t!ou%!t looked sus0icious entered t!e A1/BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Ce 8alked &y t!e ot!er tellers A11BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYco'e to 'e. ; t!ou%!t !e A1DBYYYYYYYY; didnSt !ave 'uc! e60erience. Ce A1<BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!is !and into !is 0ocket( 0ulled A1.BYYa note( and 0ut it under A14BYYYteller 8indo8. ; 8as very scared( A12B do8n under t!e counter( and !it A17BYYYalar' &utton. !e %uards ca'e and A15BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYt!e 'an. !en ; read t!e A1-BYYYYYYYYYYY. ;t said( TUould you !ave lunc! AD/BY Y'eXT www.fog .ccsf.cc.ca.tis

>t any*ody *ank *ut city dro)) d gra** d kn 9

man not not out )ut ro* s cr t tak

t, t, t, t, r to 9, n 9, o 9it ,


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s




Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

I7 =EGOL34'

Sorking in a *ank U!en & >irst started 8orkin% in @>A a &ank in t!e center o> t!e @.A city/ & 8as al8ays a>raid so'eone 'i%!t @0A ro* 'e. & 8as &e!ind &ullet0roo> %lass( @GA *ut t!e alar' &uttons al8ays re'inded 'e @EA t,at so'eone could ro& 'e. Ue !ad @IA s cr t si%nals t!at c!an%ed every day( and @KA t, r 8as an auto'atic alar' t!at ran% @PA 9, n t!e last 'oney ca'e out o> @NA t, dra8er. Sure enou%!( one day a @[A man ; t!ou%!t looked sus0icious entered t!e @.>A *ank7 Ce 8alked &y t!e ot!er tellers @..A to co'e to 'e. ; t!ou%!t !e @.0A kn 9 ; didnSt !ave 'uc! e60erience. Ce @.GA )ut !is !and into !is 0ocket( 0ulled @.EA out a note( and 0ut it under @.IA t, teller 8indo8. & 8as very scared( @.KA dro)) d do8n under t!e counter( and !it @.PA t, alar' &utton. !e %uards ca'e and @.NA gra** d t!e 'an. !en ; read t!e @.[A not 7 ;t said( TUould you !ave lunc! @0>A 9it, 'eXT


Bloze-test - @z&vegkiegeszites

K7 C, Grass,o)) r $ 'an >ro' t!e o>>ice 8as @>A going to %ive 'e a ride !o'e @.A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYday( so 8e 8alked t!rou%! an @0AY Y0ark 8it! !i%! %rass to %et @GA !is car. $ >e8 'inutes later( @EA YYYYY 8ere drivin% alon% a 'a+or @IAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. 8!en ; >elt so'e creature( %oin% @KA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY'y le% under 'y 0ants. Qike @PAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY8o'en( ; !ate 'ost &u%s. Co8ever( @NAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY8as t!ere 8as cli'&in% !i%!er and @[AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. ; couldnSt &ear it any lon%er. @.>AYYYYscrea'ed to t!e driver to sto0 @..AYcar 8!ile ; >rantically started to @.0A do8n 'y 0ants. Ce 8as sur0rised( @.GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!e screec!ed to a sto0 ne6t @.EAYYYYYYYa very &usy side8alk. ; +u'0ed @.IAYYo> t!e car. ; 0ulled do8n @.KA YYYYYYYYYYYY0ants in >ront o> a rat!er @.PAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU %rou0 o> 0edestrians. $ very lar%e @.NAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYca'e out. ; +u'0ed &ack in @.[AYYYYYYYYcar and 8e le>t a%ain. ;t @0>AY e'&arrassin%( &ut ; 8as %lad it 8asnSt a s0ider. .fog.ccsf. cc.ca. us

angry *ut m)ty going grass,o)) r ,ig, ,ig, r & many sur)rising

m my n ar on out )ull str t sur)ris d

t, t, to to u) 9as 9 9,at v r


Bloze-test - @zovegkiegiszitisBloze-test @zovegkiegiszitis K7 =EGOL3A'

C, Grass,o)) r $ 'an >ro' t!e o>>ice 8as @>A going to %ive 'e a ride !o'e @.A on day( so 8e 8alked t!rou%! an @0A m)ty 0ark 8it! !i%! %rass to %et @GA to !is car. $ >e8 'inutes later( @EA 9 8ere drivin% alon% a 'a+or @IA str t 8!en ; >elt so'e creature( %oin% @KA u) 'y le% under 'y 0ants. Qike @PA many 8o'en( ; !ate 'ost &u%s. Co8ever( @NA 9,at v r 8as t!ere 8as cli'&in% !i%!er and @[A ,ig, r7 ; couldnSt &ear it any lon%er. @.>A ; screa'ed to t!e driver to sto0 @..A t, car 8!ile ; >rantically started to @.0A )ull do8n 'y 0ants. Ce 8as sur0rised( @.GA *ut !e screec!ed to a sto0 ne6t @.EA to a very &usy side8alk. ; +u'0ed @.IA out o> t!e car. ; 0ulled do8n @.KA my 0ants in >ront o> a rat!er @.PA sur)ris d %rou0 o> 0edestrians. $ very lar%e @.NA grass,o)) r ca'e out( ; +u'0ed &ack in @.[A t, car and 8e le>t a%ain. ;t @0>A 9as e'&arrassin%( &ut ; 8as %lad it 8asnSt a s0ider.


Bloze-test - @z2vegkiegiszites

P7 -almoral 2astl !e !istory o> #al'oral Eastle starts A/B 9it, _ueen Nictoria and !er !us&and( Prince A1B YYYY. Durin% !oliday visits to t!e Scottis! ADB ( _ueen Nictoria and Prince $l&ert %re8 A<BYYYYlove t!e scenery and 0eo0le and A.B YYYYYYto &uy a 0rivate !o'e t!ere A4BYYY 0rivate !oliday 0eriods. #al'oral Eastle and A2BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYori%inal estate 8ere 0urc!ased >or _ueen A7BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY&y Prince $l&ert in 154D. !e A5BY #al'oral Eastle 8as &uilt in t!e A-B century &ut it 8as considered too A1/BY . $ ne8 castle 8as constructed on A11BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYsite a&out -/ 'etres A1// yardsB A1DBY >ro' t!e old &uildin%. Prince $l&ert A1<BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYt!e %rounds and !el0ed 8it! t!e A1.BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYo> t!e castle itsel>( 8!ic! 8as A14B in 1542. !e castle !as &een A12BY do8n t!rou%! t!eir descendants( and today A17BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYt!e traditional !oliday !o'e >or !e A15B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYand 'e'&ers o> !er >a'ily durin% A1-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY su''er vacation 0eriod. Vver t!e years( AD/B !ave &een 'ade. .ro'al.gov.uk

Al* rt com)l t d d cid d d sign +i+t nt, +or ,and d

im)rov m n ts im)roving is 5ing nort, o) n original

small t, t, t, to %icto ria 9as


Bloze-test - @z2vegkiegiszitesBloze-test @z2vegkiegiszites

8ig,lands ,is

Qu n )lann d


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

P7 =EGOL34'

-almoral 2astl C, !istory o> #al'oral Eastle starts @>A 9it, _ueen Nictoria and !er !us&and( Prince @.A Al* rt7 Durin% !oliday visits to t!e Scottis! @0A 8ig,lands/ _ueen Nictoria and Prince $l&ert %re8 @GA to love t!e scenery and 0eo0le and @EA d cid d to &uy a 0rivate !o'e t!ere A4B +or 0rivate !oliday 0eriods. #al'oral Eastle and @KA t, ori%inal estate 8ere 0urc!ased >or _ueen @PA %ictoria &y Prince $l&eit in 154D( !e @NA original #al'oral Eastle 8as &uilt in t!e @[A +i+t nt, century &ut it 8as considered too @.>A small7 $ ne8 castle 8as constructed on @..A t, site a&out -/ 'etres A1// yardsB @.0A nort, >ro' t!e old &uildin%. Prince $l&ert @.GA )lann d t!e %rounds and !el0ed 8it! t!e @.EA d sign o> t!e castle itsel>( 8!ic! 8as @.IA com)l t d in 1542. !e castle !as &een @.KA ,and d do8n t,roug, t!eir descendants( and today @.PA is t!e traditional !oliday !o'e >or !e @.NA Qu n and 'e'&ers o> !er >a'ily durin% @.[A t, su''er vacation 0eriod. Vver t!e years( @0>A im)rov m nts !ave &een 'ade.


Bloze-test - @z3vegkieg/szAt/sBloze-test @z3vegkieg/szAt/s

N7 Gol+ Scotland is t!e !o'e o> %ol> @>A and t!ere are 0lenty o> >antastic %ol>in% @.AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYin Qo'ond d !e rossac!s National @0AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. !ere are a 8ide variety o> @GAYYYYYYY- >or everyone >ro' &e%inners to t!ose A.B .YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYlike 'ore o> a c!allen%e - &ut A4BYYYYY%uarantee Wuality %ol> and s0ectacular scenery. @KAYYYYt!e 'ost 8ell kno8n o> t!ese @PA YYYYYYYis at t!e Qoc! Qo'ond Lol> @NAU/ !ost to t!e Scottis! V0en since @[AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. !e course is situated in 22/ @.>AYYYYo> t!e Elan EolWu!oun 9state and @..A surrounded &y 'a%ni>icent 'ountains and t!e @.0A YYYYloc!. !is c!allen%in% course in s0ectacular @.GA UUUU0rovides a ric! %ol>in% e60erience >or @.EAY and s0ectators alike. !e rossac!s re%ion @.IAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYt!e National Park is also 8idely @.KAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY>or %reat %ol>( t!anks to t!e @.PA UU at Eallander( $&er>oyle and Killin. Uit! @.NA stunnin% &ackdro0 o> !ills and >orest( @.[AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYnint! !ole at Killin is said to @0>AYYYone o> t!e 'ost &eauti>ul in Scotland. .rampantscotlan&.com

.[[K acr s all

cours s v ryt,ing is its

* * ing 2lu*

o+ o))ortuniti s #ark D/DD/D

r cogn is d to sc n r y s)arkli ng t, t, y 9,ic,

Bloze-test - @z3vegkieg/szAt/s

cours s cours s

) r,a)s )lay rs



Bloze-test - @z&vegkiegeszitesBloze-test @z&vegkiegeszites N7 =EGOL3A'

Gol+ Scotland is t!e !o'e o> %ol> @>A and t!ere are 0lenty o> >antastic %ol>in% @.A o))ortuniti s in Qo'ond d !e rossac!s National @0A #ark7 !ere are a 8ide variety o> @GA cours s - >or everyone >ro' &e%inners to t!ose A.B 9,o like 'ore o> a c!allen%e - &ut @IA all %uarantee Wuality %ol> and s0ectacular scenery. @KA # r,a)s t!e 'ost 8ell kno8n o> t!ese @PA cours s is at t!e Qoc! Qo'ond Lol> @NA 2lu*/ !ost to t!e Scottis! V0en since @[A .[[K7 !e course is situated in 22/ @.>A acr s o> t!e Elan EolWu!oun 9state and @..A is surrounded &y 'a%ni>icent 'ountains and t!e @.0A s)arkling loc!. !is c!allen%in% course in s0ectacular @.GA sc n ry 0rovides a ric! %ol>in% e60erience >or A1.B )lay rs and s0ectators alike. !e rossac!s re%ion @.IA o+ t!e National Park is also 8idely @.KA r cognis d >or %reat %ol>( t!anks to t!e @.PA cours s at Eallander( $&er>oyle and Killin. Uit! @.NA its stunnin% &ackdro0 o> !ills and >orest( @.[A t, nint! !ole at Killin is said to @0>A * one o> t!e 'ost &eauti>ul in Scotland.


Bloze-test - @zIvegkieg/szJ/s

[7 C n dating viol nc ;n Fe&ruary D//-. teen 0o0 star A/B E!ris #ro8n alle%edly &eat and ver&ally t!reatened A1B YYYY cele&rity %irl>riend Ki!anna inside !is car ADB leavin% !er and drivin% o>>. Ki!anna A<BYYD1 years oldG #ro8n is 1-. A.BYYYYstories suc! as t!is donSt usually A4B national !eadlines( #ro8n and Ki!anna !ave A2BYYYa very real issue a'on%st teens. A7B to t!e Eenters >or Disease Eontrol A5BYYYYPrevention teen datin% a&use a>>ects 1 A-B o> every 11 !i%! sc!ool students. A1/BYYYYdatin% violence( as de>ined &y t!e A11B and Niolence Prevention Eenter includes !ittin%( A1DBY( t!reatenin%( na'e callin%( or any ot!er A1<B o> ver&al( se6ual( e'otional( or 0!ysical A1.B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. ;t a>>ects every race( %ender( reli%ion A14BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY socioecono'ic class( and occurs in &ot! A12Band %ay relations!i0s. $lt!ou%! &ot! 'en A17BYYYY8o'en can &e t!e a&user( >e'ales A15B 12-D. are al'ost t!ree ti'es 'ore A1-BYYYY. to &e t!e victi' o> 0artner AD/B t!an t!e national avera%e. .safe'outh.org

a*us a*us according ag s and and and * at * +or

*urnt 2,ris 2rim driv during +orm +rom , t ros Dual ,is

is lik ly mak out s)otlig ,t d t n 9,il y lling


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/sBloze-test @z&vegkieg/szAt/s [7 =EGOL34'

C n dating viol nc ;n Fe&ruary D//-( teen 0o0 star A/B 2,ris #ro8n alle%edly &eat and ver&ally t!reatened A1B ,is cele&rity %irl>riend Ki!anna inside !is car ADB * +or leavin% !er and drivin% o>>. Ki!anna D<7. is D1 years oldG #ro8n is 1-. D<5. S,il stories suc! as t!is donSt usually A4B mak national !eadlines( #ro8n and Ki!anna !ave A2B s)otlig,t d a very real issue a'on%st teens. A7B According to t!e Eenters >or Disease Eontrol A5B and Prevention teen datin% a&use a>>ects 1 A-B out o> every 11 !i%! sc!ool students. A1/B C n datin% violence( as de>ined &y t!e A11B 2rim and Niolence Prevention Eenter includes !ittin%( A1DB y lling/ t!reatenin%( na'e callin%( or any ot!er A1<B +orm o> ver&al( se6ual( e'otional( or 0!ysical A1.B a*us 7 ;t a>>ects every race( %ender( reli%ion A;SB and socioecono'ic class( and occurs in &ot! A12B , t ros Dual and %ay relations!i0s. $lt!ou%! &ot! 'en A17B and 8o'en can &e t!e a&user( >e'ales A15B ag s 12-D. are al'ost t!ree ti'es 'ore A1-B lik ly to &e t!e victi' o> 0artner AD/B a*us t!an t!e national avera%e.


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

.>7 2y* r*ullying $re your c!ildren &ein% &ullied on @>A t!e ;nternet and you donSt kno8 8!at @.AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY do a&out itX Rou are not @0AY. Vne in >our c!ildren in t!e @GA Kin%do' 8as t!e victi' o> online A.B Y YY in D//1. $nd in t!e Jnited A4B Y Y Y a 0o0ular site( 888.sc!oolru'ors.co'. A2BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYto &e closed do8n >or tec!nical A7BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYa>ter receivin% 7/(/// visits in @NAY a >e8 8eeks. Nisitors to t!is @[A could Tclick on a 0articular !i%! @.>A YYYand 0ost t!eir o8n insults o> @..A Y students usin% a >alse na'e.T Ey&er&ullyin% @.0AY yet anot!er 0ro&le' t!at 0arents and @.GA are >acin% in t!is ne8 ;nternet @.EAU7 Ey&er&ullyin% involves t!e use o> in>or'ation A14B tec!nolo%y suc! as e-'ail( instant 'essa%in%( A12B Y Y 0u&lis!in% o> de>a'atory 0ersonal 8e& sites( A17B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY online 0ersonal 0ollin% 8e& sites t!at @.NA used to su00ort conscious( 8ill>ul( deli&erate( @.[A YYYY and !ostile &e!avior &y one or @0>A 0eo0le 8it! t!e intent to !ar' ot!ers.

.netsmartz.orgP ne s

alon and and arc *ullying c,ildr n ra

"ust man mor no*ody on ot, r r al

sc,oo l sit 'tat s t, t, to tog t , r D/7

Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

,ad is

r asons r ) at d

Fnit d


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

.>7 =EGOL34'

2y* r*ullying

$re your c!ildren &ein% &ullied on @>A t, ;nternet and you donSt kno8 8!at @.A to do a&out itX Rou are not @0A alon 7 Vne in >our c!ildren in t!e @GA Fnit d Kin%do' 8as t!e victi' o> online @EA *ullying in D//1. $nd in t!e Jnited @IA 'tat s a 0o0ular site( 888.sc!oolru'ors.co'( @KA ,ad to &e closed do8n >or tec!nical @PA r asons a>ter receivin% 7/(/// visits in @NA "ust a >e8 8eeks. Nisitors to t!is @[A sit could Tclick on a 0articular !i%! @.>A sc,ool and 0ost t!eir o8n insults o> @..A r al students usin% a >alse na'e.T Ey&er&ullyin% @.0A is yet anot!er 0ro&le' t!at 0arents and @.GA c,ildr n are >acin% in t!is ne8 ;nternet @.EA ra7 Ey&er&ullyin% involves t!e use o> in>or'ation @.IA and tec!nolo%y suc! as e-'ail( instant 'essa%in%( @.KA t, 0u&lis!in% o> de>a'atory 0ersonal 8e& sites( @.PA and online 0ersonal 0ollin% 8e& sites t!at @.NA ar used to su00ort conscious( 8ill>ul( deli&erate( @.[A r ) at d/ and !ostile &e!avior &y one or @0>A mor 0eo0le 8it! t!e intent to !ar' ot!ers.


-0 2om)ositions Fogalmazst1mk

Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

A + ladat l (rsa $ >o%al'azs)rsnak nincsenek kttt sza&lyai( de a >eladat elv%zse sorn *%yel+en - a 'e%adott ter+edele' &etartsa 'ellett - a kvetkez"kreG P szve%e 'indenk00en alkosson e%ys%es kerek e%szet( a'elynek van &evezetse( t'aki>e+tse Atr%yalsB s &e>e+ezse P a 'e%adott instrukcik szerint 0)tse >el )rs'Fvt( 'elyeknek 'ennyis%i ki>e+tst [n dnt!eti el( azaz a >ontosa&&nak tartottat &"ve&&en( a kevs& >ontosat kise&& 'rtk&en dol%ozza ki P szerencss( !a a +o&& ttekint!et"s% kedvrt >or'aila% %ondolati e%y%ekre( &ekezdsekre ta%ol+a )rs'Fvt $ >eladat elv%zs!ez sztr !asznl!at. $ >eladatok le)rsa utn tall e%y 'inta'e%oldst( 'ely se%)ts%et ny@+t.


Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

6n gy dikoknak m g,ird t tt )lyzati + l,(vsnak t sz (r"on +ogalmazst @k*7 .K>-0>> sz t r" d l m* nA a m sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki mind n m sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? ,asznl,at? .7

l g t7 gadott gadott 'ztr

P Hirt van sz*ks%3Sz*ks% van-e az iskolai3'unka!elyi tkeztets &iztos)tsraX P Hilyen 'rtk&en kellene( !o%y az lla'3'unka!ely t'o%assa az e'&erek tkeztetstX P a0asztalatai szerint e%szs%es3t0ll trendet ll)tanak-e ssze a 'enzkon3'unka!elyi tkezdk&enX Hilyen lenne [n szerint e%y kt'en*s e&dX P [n szerint !o%yan le!etne a szol%ltats 'in"s%t +av)tani Aszlese&& telvlasztk nklts%es ron st&.BX P a0asztalatai ala0+n 'ilyennek )tli 'e% a 'enzk3tkezdk knyel'i( !an%ulati >okozattX P Helyek a >" okai annak( !o%y annyian knyszer*lnek in%zni na0+aink&anX Nan-e sze'lyes ta0asztalata a krdsr"lX P Helyek az in%zs >" eszkzeiX Helyik kzlekedsi eszkzt tart+a [n a le%%azdas%osa&&nakX P Co%yan +rulnak !ozz ltal&an a 'unka!elyek az in%z klts%ei!ezX P Hire >ord)t+k ltal&an az e'&erek az in%zs&an eltlttt id"tX Co%yan k*ln&zik ez az in%zs eszkznek 'ilyens%t"lX P Hi le!etne a 'e%olds arra nzve( !o%y 'inl kevese&&en in%zzanakX P )r+a le 0r 'ondat&an( 'ilyen turisztikai vonzer"vel &)r az orsz%nak azon t+e%ys%e( a'ely&en lakikM P Co%yan aknzza ki ezt az nkor'nyzat( a szol%ltats&an dol%ozk( a vros3>aluX P [n szerint !o%yan le!etne &"v)teni a >r"!elyek sz't( !o%y azok a kis0nzF s a te!et"se&& nyaralk i%nyeit e%y>or'n kiel%)tskX P Nannak-e '% kiaknzatlan >orrsok( a'elyeket &e le!etne vonni a ltvnyoss%ok kr&e As0ortolsi le!et"s%ek( ter'szet+rs( "si 'esters%ek &e'utatsa st&.BX P [n szerint 'i volna a le%!atsosa&& rekl'ka'0ny a t+e%ys% turisztikai >elvir%oztatsa rdek&enX P Jelle'ezze( 'ilyen >"&&( a >o%lalkoztatotts%%al ka0csolatos D1D




Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k


0ro&l'k akadnak lak!elyn Akevs 'unka( 'unkanlk*lis% arnya( in%zs st&.BM $la0vet"en 'ilyen >" tevkenys%i kr +elle'zi a !elyet( a!ol lakik Akereskedele'( turiz'us( i0ar( szol%ltats st&.BX Nltoztatna a +elenle%i !elyzetenX Hilyen i0ar%ak letele0*lsre lenne relis esly( a'elyek eny!)t!etnnek e 0ro&l'konX Hi lenne a !@z%azatX Co%yan se%)t!etn az nkor'nyzat e >olya'atot Aadkedvez'ny( olcs tele0!ely( in>rastrukt@ra >e+lesztse st&.BX Callott-e vala'ilyen ez irny@ kezde'nyezsr"lX


Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

P Ce%yi t@r+uk sorn e%yik trsuk &alesetet szenvedett. )r+a le( 'it csinltak 00en( 'ikor az eset trtntM P Co%yan trtnt a &aleset( ki volt a !i&sX P Hilyen sr*lseket szenvedett az illet"( !o%yan lttk elX P C)vtak-e se%)ts%et( !o%yan +utottak vissza a kiindulsi 0ont!ozX P Hilyen els"se%lyny@+tsi is'eretekkel rendelkezik [nX Sz*ks% volt-e 'skor is ezekre az is'ereteireX Celyeseln( !a ktelez" tantr%yknt &evezetnk az iskolk&anX

P Col( 'ilyen krnyken( [n szerint S!nyas >okozat@S krnyezeti veszlyzn&an lakikX P Hilyen >"&& szennyezsi 0ro&l'kkal tallkozott eddi%X P Hilyen !ivatalos s e%yni3kzss%i intzkedsek sz*lettek a szennyezs 'e%ll)tsraX P [n sze'ly szerint 'ekkora aktivitssal veszi ki rszt az ilyen 'unkk&lX P Hilyen 'e%el"z" intzkedseket le!etne !ozni a !asonl esetek elker*lse v%ettX

P [n 'ilyen %yakran +r sz)n!z&a( koncertekre( esetle% o0era el"adsokraX Kviden indokol+a 'e% vlasztM P Hi a vle'nye az e'&erek ltzkdsi szoksairl ezen alkal'akkorX ;llik-e ele%ns ru!t lteni( va%y e%yltaln ne' ez a lnye%X [n 'it szokott viselniX P [n szerint dr%a-e az @n. 'a%as kult@raX P Hilyen sz)n!zi l'ny&en volt rsze le%ut&&X P Celyesli-e a vndorsz)n!zak lt+o%osults%tX slla'i t'o%ats&an kellene-e rszes)teni "ket( va%y le%yenek n>enntartkX

P Fe+tse ki( !o%y 'i a vle'nye a rekl'okrl ltal&anM Vlvassa3nzi-e "ket( !asznosnak tart+a-e a r+uk >ord)tott id"tX P Helyik rekl'tevkenys%et tart+a a le%!atkonya&&nak( s 'irt A N( rdi( sa+t( !irdet"t&lkBX P #e>olysol+k-e vsrlsi szoksait a rekl'okX Ca i%en( !o%yanX Ca ne'( !onnan rtes*l az @+ ter'kekr"l( 'e%vltozott rakrlX P Keresi-e a kirus)tsokat( a szezonlis lerazsokatX


Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

P Hilyen tan>olya'okon s iskoln k)v*li oktatson vett rszt eddi%X Ca '% ne' +rt( 'ilyenekre szeretne &eiratkozniX P [n szerint k*ln&zik-e az ott szerzett tuds az iskolAkB&an elsa+t)tottlX P [n szerint 'ilyen sze'0ontokat kell 'rle%elni s >i%yele'&e venni az e'&ernek( 'iel"tt &eiratkozik e%y tan>olya'raX P Connan( 'ilyen >orrsok&l szerez!eti &e a sz*ks%es in>or'cit a k0zst ny@+t intz'nyekr"lX P 9%yre na%yo&& n0szerFs%nek rvend !aznk&an is a li>elon% lea'in% AQQQB. [nnek 'i a vle'nye rlaX .>7 P [n szerint 'ana0s% az e'&erek na%y rsze 'irt ne' Fz se''i>le s0ortot( s az e%szs%vel se' tr"dikX P Hilyen olyan s0ortokat tudna a+nlani nekik( a'elyek ne' t@l id"i%nyesek( s anya%ila% se' 'e%ter!el"kX P Hilyen s0ortolsi le!et"s%eket k)nl az [n lak!elye( s 'ilyen 'rtk&en !asznl+k ki ezeket az ott lakkX P Pnz>*%%"ek-e az e%szs%et 'e%"rz" s0ortok( !a i%en( 'ilyen rtele'&enX P [n szerint r le!etne-e venni orsz%os 'retF ka'0nyokkal az e'&ereket arra( !o%y te%yenek t&&et e%szs%*k 'e%vsa rdek&en( s !etente le%al&& e%yszer 'ozo%+anakX


Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

=&NCAFELA3AC 6n gy dikoknak m g,ird t tt )lyzati + l,(vsnak t sz (r"on +ogalmazst @k*7 .K>-0>> sz t r" d l m* nA a m sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki mind n m sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? ,asznl,at? l g t7 gadott gadott 'ztr

P Hirt van sz*ks%3Sz*ks% van-e az iskolai3'unka!elyi tkeztets &iztos)tsraX P Hilyen 'rtk&en kellene( !o%y az lla'3'unka!ely t'o%assa az e'&erek tkeztetstX P a0asztalatai szerint e%szs%es3t0ll trendet ll)tanak-e ssze a 'enzkon3'unka!elyi tkezdk&enX Hilyen lenne [n szerint e%y kt'en*s e&dX P [n szerint !o%yan le!etne a szol%ltats 'in"s%t +av)taniX Aszlese&& telvlasztk nklts%es ron( st&.B P a0asztalatai ala0+n 'ilyennek )tli 'e% a 'enzk3tkezdk knyel'i( !an%ulati >okozattX

=&NCA=EGOL34' _uite a lot o> c!ildren and adults alike !ave t!eir lunc! in sc!ool canteens or in dinin%-roo's at t!e 0lace t!ey 8ork at. E!ildren 8it! t!eir 0arents at 8ork !ave to &e 0rovided 8it! 8ar' lunc!. Jn>ortunately( t!ere is no %rand'a around in every >a'ily to cook >or t!eir %randc!ildren. ;n 'y o0inion( it is i'0ortant >or t!e state and co'0anies to su00ort 0eo0le 8it! lunc! vouc!ers and 8it! ot!er &ene>its so t!at t!ey can %et t!eir >ood c!ea0er. Say( a >i>ty 0er cent reduction >ro' t!e calculated 0rice 8ould &e >air. Food served in canteens and dinin%-roo's is not al8ays !ealt!y( ; %uess. !ey usually 0rovide t8o sets o> dis!es 8!ic! are so'eti'es very si'ilar. ; t!ink t!ey could 8iden t!e c!oice &y servin% 'ore dis!es at >ull 0rice. !ose 8!o can a>>ord could !ave t!e c!ance to c!oose. Eanteens very o>ten look like >ast >ood restaurants 8it! less co'>orta&le c!airs and ta&les and 8it! no cleanin% sta>> around. ; 8ould i'0rove t!e at'os0!ere o> t!ese 0laces( too.


2l szint P$NNVN Nyelvvizs%akz0on t <. >eladat H9LVQDt Q$P El szint

$NLVQ (rs* li >eladatsor 7 77777 % '77J7


007 D.. D4X

D 2. D 7. D 5. D -. < /.

G.7 <DX <<X <.X X<4X


#ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont

(rs* li ANGOL



#ANNON Ny #ANNON (rs* li + ladatsor Ny lvvizsgakz)ont lvvizsgakz)ontANGOL

.7 Olvassa l az al**i angol szv g t/ ma"d vlaszol"on sa"t szavaival/ angol ny lv n a k1rd1s kr ? @%laszol"on rvid n/ l g+ l" ** n1,ny sz*an?A 51r"Bk/ vlaszait a m goldla)ra (r"a? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', 1/ 0ont Coyota canJt mak noug, *att ri s +or ,y*rid v ,icl s

oyota is stru%%lin% to kee0 u0 8it! &oo'in% de'and >or !y&rid ve!icles &ecause itSs una&le to 'ake enou%! &atteries t!at are key 0arts in t!e !it T%reenT cars( a senior e6ecutive said today. !e crunc! on &attery 0roduction is likely to stay >or t!e rest o> t!e year( as ne8 lines canSt &e added to &oost 0roduction until ne6t year( said oyota Hotor Eor0. 96ecutive Nice President akes!i Jc!iya'ada( 8!o oversees 0roduction at Ja0anSs to0 car'aker. #attery 0roduction is critical in deter'inin% !o8 'any !y&rid ve!icles 0roduce( Jc!iya'ada said at t!e co'0anySs okyo o>>ice. oyota can

Cy&rids( includin% oyotaSs !y&rid to0-seller Prius( o>>er &etter 'ilea%e t!an co'0ara&le re%ular cars &y s8itc!in% &et8een a %as en%ine and an electric 'otor. oyota leads t!e 8orldSs car'akers in !y&rids sold at a&out 1.4 'illion ve!icles since co'in% out 8it! t!e >irst 'ass-0roduced !y&rid Prius a&out a decade a%o. Prius and ot!er !y&rids are soarin% in 0o0ularity around t!e 8orld a'id sur%in% 0etrol 0rices( and ot!er car'akers are also rus!in% to 0roduce !y&rids. Cy&rids also &oast a %reen i'a%e in reducin% e'issions linked to %lo&al 8ar'in%. #ut Jc!iya'ada( 8!o is s0ear!eadin% a 8ides0read e>>ort at oyota to 'ake car 0roduction %reener( ackno8led%ed suc! e>>orts !adnSt yet e6tended to &attery 0roduction &ecause o> t!e s!eer 0ro&le's in kee0in% u0 8it! de'and. .&ail'ma i< com


ANGOL Mrs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont


07 Olvassa l az al**i szv g t/ ma"d ill ssz * a ,inyz .> mondatot/ ill7 mondatr1szl t t? Figy l m/ G m gadott mondat@r1szl tA +lsl g s? Az ls: m goldst mintak1nt m gadtuk7 51r"Bk/ vlaszait a m goldla)ra (r"a? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', 1/ 0ont 8o9 to ,alv c,ild )ov rty !e ne6t year 8ill &e a real test o> t!e %overn'entSs 'ettle, 8ill it stand &y its !istoric 0led%e and +ind t, r sourc s AEB( in a !ostile 0olitical and econo'ic cli'ate( to !alve c!ild 0overty &y D/1/( or 8ill it A11B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYinto 'ore 0o0ular causesX Stran%e t!ou%! A1DBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY( t!e %oal o> endin% c!ild 0overty &y D/D/ !as >ailed to strike a c!ord 8it! t!e electorate. o 'eet t!e D/1/ tar%et( t!e 'et!od is Wuite si'0le. !e %overn'ent 8ill !ave to >ind A1<B YYYYand t!e year a>ter to increase t!e c!ild ta6 credit Aor so'e si'ilarly tar%eted 'easureB. Heetin% t!e ulti'ate D/D/ tar%et 8ill reWuire A1.B . o start 8it!( t!e JK !as t!e A14B YYYY%ro8in% u0 in 8orkless !ouse!olds( so 'ore needs A12B YYYYtackle 8orklessness( !is 8ill A17BY Yto 8el>are re>or'. Co8ever( 'ore t!an !al> o> all 0oor c!ildren live in !ouse!olds 8!ere so'eone is 8orkin%( so 'uc! 'ore needs to &e done to 'ake sure t!at A15B 8!en t!ey 'ove into 8ork. U!ile ta6 credits 8ill continue to !ave A1-B ( t!ere is a li'it to 8!at can &e ac!ieved t!rou%! ta6 credits alone. Heasures are also needed to !el0 !ouse!olds AD/BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY&y !avin% 'ore t!an one 0erson in t!e !ouse!old in 8ork. !is 'eans doin% 'ore to ena&le 'ot!ers and >at!ers to &alance 8ork and care. . guar&ian.co.uk D<-. D./. D.1. D.D. a 'ore so0!isticated strate%y an i'0ortant role in raisin% inco'es and >ind t!e resources around fD.5&n ne6t year DD1

ANGOL Mrs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ontANGOL Mrs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont

D.<. %reater c!allen%e to raise t!eir 8a%es D... !i%!est 0ro0ortion o> c!ildren D.4. it 'ay see' to 'any D.2. necessitate a 'ore radical a00roac! ;.on track to 'eetin% its ulti'ate tar%et J. 0eo0le 'ove out o> 0overty K. reduce t!e risk o> 0overty Q. si%ni>icant e6tra cas! to trans>er H. to &e done to N. 8eaken and 0ut resources #ANNON n# #t' ,811 Ny lvvizsgakz)o Z S ^, $o nt

$NLVQ (rs* li + ladatsor El

G7 Eg1sz(ts ki az al**i szv g t 1rt l msz rH n a m gadott szavakkal? Egy sz csak gysz r ,asznl,at + l7 Figy l m/ a m gadott 0I sz*l I sz + l sl g s? Az ls: * , ly tt s(t nd: szt mintak1nt m gadtuk7 51r"Bk/ vlaszait a m goldla)ra (r"a? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont -in +in s ,ig, r t,an +or t,i v s and drunks Couse!olders 8!o stu>> too 'uc! ru**is" in t!eir &ins 8ill &e treated 'ore severely t!an s!o0li>ters. Eouncils !ave &een ordered to AD1B YYYYY on-t!e-s0ot >ines o> f11/ on ADDB SYYYYYYYYo>>endersS. Ne8 %overn'ent %uidelines ur%e AD<B YYYY o>>icers to t!ro8 t!e &ook AD.B YYYYYYYYanyone 8!o &reaks t!e rules. AD4BYYY>ines 8ill &e i'0osed >or AD2B YYYYYYYY a &in out t!e ni%!t AD7B YYYYYYY collection( leavin% t!e lid a+ar AD5B YYYYYYYYstandin% it in t!e 8ron% AD-BYYY. Hinisters su%%est a standard >i6ed A</BY o> f1//. !at is !i%!er A<1BYYYY t!e f5/ on t!e s0ot A<DB YYYYY %iven out &y t!e 0olice A<<B o>>ences ran%in% >ro' s!o0li>tin% to A<.BYYdrunk and disorderly. !ey are A<4BYYYYYYla8-a&idin% >a'ilies 8it! 'assive >ines. A<2B is clear t!at U!ite!all &ureaucrats A<7BY Y Yinstructin% to8n !alls to tar%et A<5BYY DDDDDD

ANGOL Mrs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont

8it! >ines >or 'inor &reac!es. A<-BYYY8it! t!e slo8 deat! o> A./BYYYYY collections and s!rinkin% &ins( itSs !ard >or >a'ilies to dis0ose o> ru&&is! res0onsi&ly. Dhe @un+ %ugust Q+200M ar at * +or * ing n+orc m nt + +in s +or , avy ,itting ,ous ,olds it or ) nalty )lac )utting ru**is, sla) t nants t,an t,at to usual 9ast 9 kly y t


#ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)on

m .\0%% El


#ANNON (rs* li + ladatsor ANGOL Ny lvvizsgakz)ont

E7 Alkosson ssz +Bgg: angol szv g t @k*7 .E>-.N> sz t r" d l m* nA az al**i magyar szv g ala)"n? N sz sz rinti +ord(tsra tr k d" n/ d Bgy l" n arra/ ,ogy az al,!zott kulcsszavak - tartalmilag - + lt1tl nBl sz r ) l" n k az 6n szv g1* n? 9lr!et" 0ontsz'G D/ 0ont Ko&&an-e a szu0ervulknS.S $z 9%yes*lt slla'ok els" s le%!)rese&& ne'zeti 0ark+a a Fld e%yik le%na%yo&& vulkninak tete+n cs*cs*l. $ tFz!ny nyu%talan)tan eleven '% 'a is. Nannak vulknok( s lteznek szu0ervulknok is. 9z ut&&i ki>e+ezst D///-&en ter+esztette el e%y ##E-doku'entu'>)l'( de a 'e%!atrozs 'i% se' tel+esen sza&atos. 9%yes kutatkYa k*lnsen !eves tFz!nykat nevezik )%y. $z 9%yes*lt slla'ok Leol%iai Szol%lata AJSLSB viszont azokra !asznl+a( a'elyek ezer k&kilo'ternl t&& !a'ut s kvet vetnek >elsz)nre e%yetlen kitrssel - e%y ilyen na%y eru0ci tvenszer 'e%!alad+a a Krakatau !)r!edt( <2 ezer ldozatot kvetel" 155<-as ro&&anstM $ vulknok olykor t&& kilo'teres krzet&en el0uszt)t+k a nvnyeket s az llatokat( a szu0ervulknok viszont e%sz >a+okat irt!atnak ki azzal( !o%y 'e%vltoztat+k &oly%nk %!a+latt. $ vulknok !e%yeket e'elnek( a szu0ervulknok eltrlik azokat. $ trtnel'i korok&an '% ne' voltunk tan@i szu0ervulkn-kitrsnek( a %eol%usok azon&an rekonstrultk( !o%y 'i +tszd!at le e%y ilyen eru0ci sorn. $ le%ut&&i kitrs A'inte%y 2./ ezer esztende+eB ezerszer erse&& le!etett a Hount St. Celens 47 e'&er !allt okoz 1-5/-as eni0ci+nl. Esak!o%y a ride% sz'ok ne' rzkeltetik kell"en a szu0ervulkn ere+t. Nos( a tudsok sz')tsai szerint e yello8stone-i kitrs sorn </ kilo'ter 'a%as !a'uoszlo0 lvellt az % >el( vulkni tr'elkekkel ter)tve &e Oszak-$'erika nyu%ati vidkeit( e%szen a He6iki [&li%. $ vulkni !a'u( k"zetek s %zok 5// >okra !ev*lt( sFrF s v%zetes( %i% r" sz*rke >elle%ei s0rtek v%i% a t+on. 9%sz vl%yeket tlttt >el - olykor szz 'ter vasta%on - a tFz>orr( s@lyos anya%( szilrd &urokkal >dve &e az e%ykor zldell" t+at. s' a Rello8stone '@lt+&an '%se' ez volt a le%!evese&& e0izdM D(1 'illi ve( e%y ktszer erse&& szu0ereru0ci akkora *re%et v%ott a >ld&e( 'int Eson%rd 'e%ye` Os 1(< 'illi esztende+e e%y !ar'adik - kise&&( de szintn 0uszt)t ere+F -kitrs is &ekvetkezett. 1ational Eeographie Online 200G. szeptem:er M.


ANGOL #ANNON (rs* li + ladatsor Ny lvvizsgakz)ont P$NNVN Nyelvvizs%akz0ont ,t T El (. `7 (rs* 7 777 li + ladatsor

.. >eladat,

artalo', .............? 4 0ont Szkincs, .............? 4 0ont Nyelv!elyess%, ...? 4 0ont Szve%ssze>*%%s, 4 5 0ont [sszesen, ...........3 D/ 0ont


#ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont

(rs* li ANGOL



#ANNON Ny #ANNON (rs* li + ladatsor Ny lvvizsgakz)ont lvvizsgakz)ontANGOL

I7 Alkosson ssz +Bgg: magyar szv g t @k*7 .E>-.N> sz t r" d l m* nA az al**i angol szv g ala)"n? N sz sz rinti +ord(tsra tr k d" n/ d +igy l" n arra/ ,ogy az al,!zott kulcsszavak - tartalmilag - + lt1tl nBl sz r ) l" n k az 6n szv g1* n? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont 2om)ulsory cooking class s 9n%lis! teena%ers are to receive co'0ulsory cookin% lessons in sc!ools. !e idea is to encoura%e !ealt!y eatin% to co'&at t!e countrySs s0irallin% o&esity rate. ;tSs >eared t!at &asic cookin% and >ood 0re0aration skills are &ein% lost as 0arents turn to 0re-0re0ared convenience >oods. Eookin% 8as once re%arded as an inte%ral 0art o> education in 9n%land - even i> it 8as 'ainly ai'ed at %irls. ;n recent decades cookin% !as 0ro%ressively &eco'e a 0eri0!eral activity in sc!ools. ;n 'any cases t!e sc!ools t!e'selves !ave %iven u0 cookin% 'eals in kitc!ens on t!e 0re'ises. #ut t!e risin% level o> o&esity( !as led to a ret!ink a&out t!e >ood t!at c!ildren are %iven and t!e skills t!ey s!ould &e tau%!t. 9d #alls( t!e 'inister in c!ar%e o> sc!ools says, TU!at ; 8ant is >or youn% 0eo0le to &e tau%!t !o8 to do &asic( si'0le reci0es like a to'ato sauce( a &olo%naise( a si'0le curry( a stir->ry - 8!ic! t!ey can use t!en at !o'e and in t!eir later li>e( e60eri'ent 8it!( discover t!e +oy o> >ood( !avin% %ot t!e &asics under control.T !e ne8 lessons are due to start in Se0te'&er &ut so'e sc!ools 8it!out kitc!ens 8ill &e %iven lon%er to ada0t. !ere is also likely to &e a s!orta%e o> teac!ers 8it! t!e ri%!t skills( since t!e trend !as &een to teac! >ood tec!nolo%y rat!er t!an 0ractical cookin%. $lso t!e co'0ulsory lessons >or !ands on cookin% 8ill only &e one !our a 8eek >or one ter'. #ut t!e 8ell kno8n cookery 8riter( Pru Qeit!( &elieves it 8ill &e 8ort! it. T;> 8eSd done t!is t!irty years a%o 8e 'i%!t not !ave t!e crisis 8eSve %ot no8 a&out o&esity and lack o> kno8led%e a&out >ood and so on. 9very c!ild s!ould kno8 !o8 to cook( not +ust so t!at t!eySll &e !ealt!y( &ut &ecause itSs a li>e skill 8!ic! is a real 0leasure and 8e deny c!ildren t!at 0leasure.T !e rene8ed interest in cookin% is 0ri'arily a res0onse to t!e level o> o&esity in #ritain 8!ic! is a'on%st t!e !i%!est in 9uro0e( and accordin% to %overn'ent >i%ures !al> o> all #ritons 8ill &e o&ese in D4 years i> current trends are not !alted. 2N =anuar'+ 200M http:llne s.::c.co.uk ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor . c( *

P$NNVN b iJ 7i 7. i1 i 1... i< i L i Li .. &N 2l % %&LOgVlZFZ/)Flll

4. >eladat, DD500N

#ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont (rs* li + ladatsor ANGOL

;n>or'cikzvet)ts, 3 1/ 0ont Nyelvi 'e%>or'ls, 31/ 0ont [sszesen, ...............3 D/ 0ont


ANGOL (rs* li + ladatso #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz )ont


K7 (r"on l v l t @k*7 0>>-0E> sz t r" d l m* nA a m gadott sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki mind n m gadott sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? Ogy l" n a l v1l +ormai kv t lm1ny in k * tartsra? @A szszm csak a l v1ltrzsr vonatkozik? ? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont

$ na0ok&an e%y >iatal >r>it lak!elye kzel&en el*ttt e%y aut( 'ikz&en a ze&rn !aladt t. [nt az eset na%yon >elkavarta. Qevelet )r az eset ka0csn an%ol &art+nak( Ja'esnek( a'ely&en le)r+a( !o%y !o%yan szerzett tudo'st a trtntekr"l s 'it tudott 'e% a &aleset kr*l'nyeir"l. Kszletesen ki>e+ti( !o%y 'i a vle'nye az esetr"l. #e'utat+a( !o%y 'ilyennek lt+a a kzlekedsi 'orlt Ha%yarorsz%on. He%e'l)ti( !o%y 'i&en lt+a a 'e%oldst. Ordekl"dik Ja'es ta0asztalatai >el"l. #art+a neve s c)'e, Ja'es Horris 7 #irc! Street 96eter $z [n neve s c)'eG Kovcs L&or3La&riella Nesz0r' K"ris u. 11. P$NNVN Nyelvvizs%akz0on t

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor ^


2. >eladat,


ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor

artalo', .............? 4 0ont Szkincs, .............3 4 0ont Nyelv!elyess%, ...? 4 0ont Szve%ssze>*%%s, ?4 0ont [sszesen, ...........3 D/ 0ont


#ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)o ntANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor 2l


#ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor

P7 6n gy ingatlanokkal +oglalkoz am rikai tula"don! * + kt t1si trsasg ltal m g,ird t tt )lyzati + l,(vsnak t sz l g t7 (r"on +ogalmazst @k*7 0>>-0E> sz t r" d l m* nA a m gadott sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki mind n m gadott sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? 9lr!et" 0ontsz', D/ 0ont

$z in%atlan !asznos)tsra [n e%y id"sek ott!onnak >el0)tst +avasol+a. 9zzel ka0csolat&an >o%lal+a ssze az al&&iakatM e%yen +avaslatot az in%atlan !asznos)tsraM Jelle'ezze az in%atlan kedvez" el!elyezkedst A>ekvst s 'e%kzel)t!et"s%tBM Hilyen le!et"s%ei vannak +elenle% a rszorul id"s e'&ereknekX Hilyen sze'0ontokat rde'es >i%yele'&e venni a tervezsnlX Nr!atan !o%yan alakul az rdekl"dsX ANGOL P$NNVN (rs* li + ladatsor Nyelvvizs%akz0on t &= c/ ^ 7. >eladat,


ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ontANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)ont

artalo', .............6 5 0ont Szkincs, .............? 4 0ont Nyelv!elyess%, ...6 5 0ont Szve%ssze>*%%s, R 5 0ont [sszesen, ...........3 D/ 0ont #ANNON Ny lvvizsgakz)o nt =EGOL34'O5

ANGOL (rs* li + ladatsor

2. ^


2l Qu stions and ans9 rs 51rd1s k - vlaszok

8uestions an& ans ers */r&/sek v9laszok8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek v9laszok

A + ladat l (rsa

$n%ol nyelvF )rott szve% rtse. A + ladat; a szve% ala0os elolvassa s 'e%rtse utn kell vlaszolni a szve%!ez adott an%ol nyelvF krdsekre an%olul. $ krdsek sorrend+e kveti a szve%&en tall!at in>or'cik sorrend+t. $ >eladatla0 !tla0+n tall!at a 'e%olds. $ zr+el&en olyan t&&letin>or'cit adtunk 'e%( a'ely a + 'e%olds!oz ne' >elttlen*l sz*ks%es( nlk*le is +r a 0ont. $ >erde vonallal elvlasztott vlaszok vlasztsi le!et"s%et +elentenek( 'indkt 'e%olds el>o%ad!at. 9zek ne' tartal'i( !ane' stilris sze'0ont&l k*ln&z!etnek e%y'stl. R"donsg; P rvid/ )r szavas vlaszt k ll adni< P angolul k ll vlaszolni< P n m k ll ny lvtanilag t l" s sz rk z t t l (rni< P a + ladat m golds,oz n m sza*ad sztrt ,asznlni?


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

.7 Organ 3onor Z gist r s s s,ar) ris in m m* rs $ s!ar0 rise in enrol'ents to t!e Vr%an Donor Ke%ister !as 0us!ed t!e total nu'&er o> t!ose volunteerin% to donate &ody 0arts >or li>e-savin% trans0lants to nearly 17 'illion. Hore t!an 11/(/// 0eo0le si%ned u0 to t!e re%ister in Nove'&er >ollo8in% t!e launc! o> a ca'0ai%n to &oost nu'&ers. !e NCS #lood and rans0lant ANCS# B aut!ority is a00ealin% today to 'e'&ers o> t!e 0u&lic 8!o !ave not yet +oined to 'ake t!e 0led%e a ne8 year resolution. Sally Jo!nson( director o> or%an donation and trans0lantation at t!e aut!ority( said, TKat!er t!an 'akin% 8!at can o>ten &e an unac!ieva&le resolution( t!is year 8eSre callin% on everyone to do so'et!in% t!at could 'ake all t!e di>>erence in t!e 8orld and save so'eoneSs li>e. T;> 8e are to !el0 t!e 1/(/// 0atients in need o> a trans0lant and 0revent t!ree 0eo0le needlessly dyin% every day due to a lack o> or%ans( 8e need 'any 'ore 0eo0le to +oin t!e NCS Vr%an Donor Ke%ister and discuss t!eir decision 8it! t!e 0eo0le closest to t!e'.T Ealls to trans>or' t!e current To0t-inT syste' into an To0t-outT sc!e'e - 8!ere consent >or or%an donation 8ould auto'atically &e 0resu'ed unless so'eone !ad 0reviously re%istered t!eir o&+ection !ave >ailed so >ar to 0ersuade t!e %overn'ent to s8itc!. $'on% t!e or%ans 'ost co''only trans0lanted are t!e !eart( kidneys( lun%s( livers( 0ancreas( s'all &o8el and cornea. !e NCS# says t!at a sin%le donor can save u0 to nine lives and t!ere is no a%e &arrier to donatin% an or%an. E!ildren can +oin t!e re%ister 8it! 0arental consent and t!e oldest or%an donor in t!e JK 8as a%ed 5D. Qast year <(41< or%an trans0lants 8ere carried out in t!e JK.


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

.7 =&5MOL34' >7 8o9 many ) o)l ,av nroll d to * organ donorsT 1. Co8 !as t!is nu'&er c!an%ed recentlyX n arly .P million

rose s!ar0ly3&oosted D. U!at is t!is c!an%e due toX launc! o> a ca'0ai%n iC8%### 3;3P ViiCrP _+]ilV)c P KP P; ;PV 1/* CCint) +tV) ;P JJP _E a A P rPP@ArVl) I V imn t8) E P P P at lu iiiatsv7 LIIC tin "7 no8 uo auinuiiocs ciicuuiagc ) o)l LU )icugc aiV a JUUI m sciicnic ai mis ti'e o> t!e yearX ne8 year . Vtrtw il )iumiscs 8) 8i++)r)n+ +rmn i8)IL uc resolution nrnmic)c n)nnl) licimllv Vt7 no9 9uuiu uiii iciu 9nill8 iiuiu mc )cu)i usually ac!ieva&le 'akeX 4. U!at ot!er su00ort 8ould &e neededX %overn'ent trans>or' t!e current To0t-inT syste' into an 2. U!at !as so >ar >ailedX To0t-outT sc!e'e 7. U!at 8ould an o0t-in syste' 0resu'eX consent to &e a donor 5. Co8 8ould o00onents e60ress t!eir re>usalX re%ister t!eir o&+ection -. U!at is t!e u00er a%e li'it to &eco'e a no a%e &arrier donorX 1/. U!at is a 0rereWuisite >or youn%sters to 0arental consent si%n u0 >or t!e sc!e'eX


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

2. Al)in r sorts + ar kill r avalanc, s ason ens o> t!ousands o> #ritons are a'on% t!e skiers and sno8&oarders 8!o are all keen >or a ne8 year adrenaline rus! on t!e slo0es and iceclad rock >aces. #ut( a'id t!e >lurry o> seasonal activity( rescue aut!orities are ur%in% tourists to &e cautious as t!ey !ead o>>. !is 8eekSs increase in sno8slide activity !as sent o'inous ru'&lin%s t!rou%! t!e co''unities o> 9uro0eSs $l0ine resorts. Kesidents live in >ear o> seein% a re0eat o> early 1--- 8!en 74 0eo0le 8ere killed over t!ree 8eeks. ;n an indication o> !o8 t!e destruction 'arked local consciousness( t!at deadly season is re'e'&ered still as t!e T8inter o> terrorT. TUe !avenSt !ad te'0eratures so 'ild and suc! a !i%! level o> rain >or several years(T said a s0okes'an >or t!e 0olice. T !is year it !as rained a lot and t!e rain !as 8ei%!ed do8n t!e &lanket o> sno8. !e e>>ect !as &een to desta&ilise t!e sno8 and t!is !as led to avalanc!es(T !e added. Qast year scientists in Qondon 8arned t!at %lo&al 8ar'in%( in t!e >or' o> risin% te'0eratures and 'eltin% 0er'a>rost( could 'ake avalanc!es 'ore >reWuent. U!ile 'onitorin% t!e 8eat!er conditions is considered vital( t!ere is a sin%le reco''endation u0on 8!ic! all e60erts a%ree, skiin% o>>-0iste( t!e >avoured o0tion o> 'any adrenaline +unkies( is to &e avoided at all costs. ;n S8itzerland controversy eru0ted 8!en a %rou0 o> suc! T>reeridersT tri%%ered a sno8slide t!at ran into an ordinary slo0e 8!ere 0eo0le 8ere skiin%. !is event 0rovoked a ti'ely de&ate a&out t!e res0onsi&ility o> individuals to t!e 8inter s0orts co''unity as a 8!ole. 960erts say anyone >ound to !ave tri%%ered an avalanc!e t!rou%! irres0onsi&le skiin% could( and s!ould( >ace so'e >or' o> civil or cri'inal 0roceedin%s e'0!asizin% t!at resorts( 8!ose 'ission it is to kee0 t!e ski slo0es sa>e and in>or' skiers a&out t!e dan%ers o> avalanc!es( can also &e !eld res0onsi&le.T


8uestions an& ans ers */r&/sek v9laszok8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok 07 =EGOL34' /. S,at do s t, articl dra9 att ntion toT 1. U!at do 8inter s0ott ent!usiasts look >orX D. Co8 s!ould t!ey 0ursue t!eir activity( accordin% to 8arnin%sX <. U!at 'e'ories are t!e locals terri>ied o>X .. U!at do t!ey re>er to it asX 4. Co8 does t!e rain c!an%e t!e sno8 te6tureX 2. U!at is to &e &la'ed >or t!e >reWuent occurrences o> avalanc!esX 7. U!at is its e6tre'ely dan%erous e>>ect !i%! in t!e 'ountainsX 5. U!at can &e re%arded as a secondary cause o> dan%er to skiersX -. U!y is it said to &e 0erilousX 1/. Co8 s!ould >reeriders &e deterred >ro' t!eir activityX dang r o+ avalanc, s adrenaline rus! cautiously re0eat o> early 1--8inter o> terror desta&ilises t!e sno8 %lo&al 8ar'in% 'elts 0er'a>rost skiin% o>>-0iste can tri%%er a sno8slide 8it! civil or cri'inal 0roceedin%s


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

G7 3octor *acks la9 c,ang to , l) t rminally ill di Vne o> t!e JKSs leadin% doctors is callin% >or a c!an%e in t!e la8 to allo8 t!ose 8!o are ter'inally ill to %et 'edical !el0 in t!e JK i> t!ey 8ant to end t!eir li>e. HcP!erson( 8!o 8as a LP in V6>ord >or ./ years and is !ersel> dyin% o> 0ancreatic cancer( says t!at t!ose 8!o are ter'inally ill s!ould &e a&le to turn to t!eir doctor >or !el0 in dyin% in t!e 'anner and 0lace o> t!eir c!oosin%. #ut t!e la8 0resently &ars doctors >ro' !el0in%( 'eanin% t!at 0eo0le 8it! ter'inal illnesses so'eti'es %o to t!e assisted dyin% or%anisation Di%nitas( in S8itzerland( earlier t!an t!ey 8ould like in order to ensure t!ey are still >it enou%! to 'ake t!e +ourney. HcP!erson su00orts assisted dyin% >or t!ose 8!o are ter'inally ill and is very clear t!at s!e is not talkin% a&out 0eo0le 8!o 8ant to end t!eir lives >or any ot!er reason. T;t ou%!t to &e an o0tion(T s!e said. T;t is 0art o> %ood 0alliative care and it s!ouldnSt &e seen as so'et!in% t!at 0eo0le 8ant 8!en 0alliative care >ails. For 'ysel>( ;S' not sure 8!et!er ; 8ill or 8onSt 8ant it( &ut ; 8ould >eel 'uc! !a00ier kno8in% t!at it 8as t!ere( i> t!e ti'e ca'e 8!en ; didnSt 8ant to >ive any 'ore.T HcP!erson !as 'uc! to live >or. 8it! a re8ardin% and very success>ul career( c!ildren and %randc!ildren. #ut s!e kno8s t!ere can co'e a ti'e >or t!e ter'inally ill 8!en t!e 0!ysical or 'ental distress &eco'es too 'uc! to &ear. Durin% !er career s!e !as &een asked to !el0 0atients die. TRou canSt act ille%ally(T s!e said. T !ere is t!e dou&le 8ay in 8!ic! 'or0!ine o&viously !el0s not only to ease 0ain &ut in so'e circu'stances can s!orten li>e( so one is a&le to !el0 to a certain e6tent. #ut one does >eel t!at as a doctor you !ave to 8ork 8it!in t!e la8. Doctors !ave traditionally o00osed assisted dyin% on t!e %rounds t!at t!eir &usiness is t!e 0reservation o> li>e. !e #ritis! Hedical $ssociation !as re%ularly de&ated t!e issue and takes a stand a%ainst it. Polls !ave s!o8n t!at t!e 0u&lic( on t!e ot!er !and( is in >avour.


8uestions an& ans ers */r&/sek v9laszok8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

G7 =EGOL34' /. S,at do s =s =c#, rson 9ant to ac,i v T 1. U!o s!ould &e 0rovided 8it! !el0X D. U!at kind o> assistance does s!e ur%eX <. $0art >ro' &ein% a doctor( !o8 else is s!e involvedX .. U!at solution do ter'inally ill 0eo0le !ave currentlyX 4. U!at 0revents 0atients >ro' turnin% to doctors >or assistanceX 2. U!y is t!is solution controversialX 7. Co8 8ould !er 0ro0osal i'0rove t!e situation o> t!ose concernedX o. unuer 8nai conuiuons WOUIQ 0eo0le e60loit 'e ne8 le%al o0tionX -. Co8 can a doctor currently !el0 t!ose at t!e end o> t!eir livesX 1/( U!at 0rinci0le lies &e!ind doctorsS re+ection o> die sc!e'eX a c,ang in t, la9 t!ose 8!o are ter'inally ill 'edical !el0 to end li>e is dyin% !ersel> %o to t!e dyin% or%anisation Di%nitas Ain S8itzerlandB la8 in t!e JK 0resently &ars doctors >ro' !el0in% 0atients %o t!ere &e>ore t!ey 8ould like >eel 'uc! !a00ier t!at t!e o0tion e6ists 8!en 0!ysical or 'ental distress &eco'es too 'uc! to &ear 'or0!ine can s!orten li>e t!eir &usiness is t!e 0reservation o> li>e


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

E7 Gr n s,i)s in d adly du l 9it, 9,al rs $ deadly %a'e o> 'arine c!ess &e%an in t!e Sout!ern Vcean o>> $ntarctica yesterday a>ter environ'entalists closed in on a Ja0anese >leet t!at !as &een sent to kill 1(/// 8!ales. $>ter a 1/-day searc!( contact 8it! t!e Ja0anese >leet 8as 'ade yesterday 8!en t!e Lreen0eace s!i0( t!e 9s0eranza( 0icked u0 t!e Ja0anese s!i0sS distinctive ec!oes on its radar. SUe are no8 c!asin% t!e >leetSs 'ot!er s!i0(S Lreen0eaceSs Sara Colden told !e V&server >ro' t!e 9s0eranza. !e 8eat!er is clear at 0resent( &ut 8e !ave run into &anks o> >o%( and o> course t!ere are ice&er%s in t!ese 8aters.S !e 9s0eranzaSs cre8 !as 0led%ed to &lock any atte'0ts o> t!e Ja0anese >leet to !ar0oon 8!ales it !as &een sent to catc! >or 8!at t!ey clai' is Sscienti>ic researc!S. !e cat-and-'ouse c!ase !as &een >urt!er con>used &ecause a se0arate %rou0 o> activists( 8!o !ave 0ro'ised to cras! a%ainst s!i0s tryin% to catc! 8!ales( is also closin% in on t!e 8!alers. Lreen0eace !as re>used to co-o0erate 8it! t!e' or %ive a8ay t!e co-ordinates o> t!e Ja0anese >leet( des0ite 0leas. SUe !ave al8ays 0led%ed to take a non-violent a00roac! to savin% t!e 8!ale(S said Colden. SUe are not %oin% to co'0ro'ise on t!ose ideals. Ue are !ere to save t!e 8!ale( not 0ut t!e lives o> 8!alers at risk.S 9s0eranza is carryin% <4 Lreen0eace activists( >our in>lata&le &oats and a lar%e a'ount o> >uel( enou%! to 'aintain its 0ursuit >or several 8eeks( it is clai'ed. T !e Ja0anese cannot !unt 8!ales 8!ile t!ey are runnin% >ro' us( so i> 8e kee0 u0 our 0ursuit 8e can sto0 t!e' killin% 8!ales >or as lon% as our >uel lasts(S added Colden. Ja0anSs 8!alin% >leet is run &y a %overn'ent-&acked researc! institute and o0erates under an ;nternational U!alin% Eo''ission clause. Eritics say t!e 0ro%ra''e is a s!ield >or Ja0an to kee0 its 8!alin% industry alive until it can overturn t!e 1-52 &an.


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

E7 =EGOL34' /. S, r do s t, c,as tak )lac T 1. Co8 did t!e environ'entalists trace t!e 8!erea&outs o> t!e Ja0anese s!i0X D. U!at natural o&stacles do environ'entalists !ave to overco'eX <. U!at is t!e environ'entalistsS ai'X .. U!at e6cuse do t!e Ja0anese co'e u0 8it! in order to +usti>y t!eir activitiesX 4. U!o else 8ants to &lock t!e Ja0anese s!i0X 2. Co8 do t!ey 8ant to sto0 8!alersX 7. U!y are environ'entalists reluctant to coo0erate 8it! t!e'X 5. U!at ot!er concern do t!ey !aveX -. Co8 do environ'entalists intend to 0revent 8!ale!unters >ro' killin% 8!alesX 1/. Jnder 8!at conditions 8ill t!ey &e a&le to continue t!eir 0ursuitX 'out, rn Oc an o++ Antarctica receivin% ec!oes on t!e radar o> t!eir s!i0 >o% and ice&er%s &lock any atte'0ts to !ar0oon 8!ales t!ey are doin% scienti>ic researc! se0arate %rou0 o> activists &y cras!in% a%ainst t!eir s!i0 t!ey are a%ainst violence t!e ot!ers use lives o> 8!alers 8ould &e at risk &y kee0in% u0 t!eir 0ursuit 0rovided t!ey !ave enou%! >uel


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

I7 -udg t to includ aI>>tn s) nding on r ducing car*on missions $listair Darlin%. E!ancellor o> t!e 96c!eWuer( 8ill use t!is 8eekSs &ud%et to announce an e6tra f4//' o> %overn'ent s0endin% on reducin% car&on e'issions( includin% a 0led%e o> f./' to to0 u0 and kee0 o0en a %rants 0ro%ra''e >or rene8a&le-ener%y tec!nolo%ies. !e c!ancellor !as &een co'in% under increasin% 0ressure >ro' #ritainSs >led%lin% rene8a&les industry not to allo8 a key 0art o> t!e controversial lo8 car&on &uildin%s 0ro%ra''e AQE#PB to co'e to an end t!is su''er( nearly a year &e>ore a ne8 su00ort syste' o>>erin% a >eed-in tari>> kicks in. !e industry !as &een 8arnin% t!at 'any s'all co'0anies t!at install solar 0anels( 8ind tur&ines or &io'ass &oilers 8ould %o out o> &usiness i> t!e QE#P 8ere closed. ;n any case( t!e 0ro%ra''eSs &ud%et 8as si%ni>icantly unders0ent and >ir's 8ere 8orried t!at t!e uns0ent 'oney 8ould &e reallocated else8!ere. Darlin% is understood to &e deter'ined to 'ake %ood on t!e %overn'entSs r!etoric t!at it 8ants a T%reen +o&s revolutionT and 8ill 'ake 'oney availa&le on Uednesday des0ite t!e dire state o> 0u&lic >inances. ;ndustry re0resentatives %ave a cautious 8elco'e to t!e ne8s. T !is is %ood ne8s &ut 8e 8ill need to see t!e detail(T said Se& #erry( s0okes'an >or solar 0anel co'0any Solarcentury. TUe look >or8ard to sittin% do8n 8it! t!e %overn'ent to 8ork t!rou%! !o8 t!e 'oney can &e s0ent.T Several co'0anies and ca'0ai%n %rou0s are 0lannin% to deliver a 0etition to Do8nin% Street today de'andin% t!at t!e %overn'ent 0ut %reater su00ort >or rene8a&le ener%y in 0lace. #ritain is t!e second-8orst 0er>or'er in t!e 9uro0ean Jnion in ter's o> t!e a'ount o> ener%y co'in% >ro' rene8a&les( and is a lon% 8ay &e!ind Ler'any( Den'ark( S0ain and Portu%al. .guar&ian.co. uk >7 S,at 9ill Alistair 3arling announc T an Dtra aI>>m o+ gov rnm nt s) nding

1. U!at 8ill t!is su' &e allocated >orX D. U!at s!ould &e develo0ed >ro' a&out t!e tent! o> t!is su'X <. U!at 0ro+ect s!ould stay in >orce accordin% to t!ose 8orkin% >or t!e rene8a&les industryX .. U!at econo'ic conseWuences 8ould t!e >ailure o> t!e 0ro+ect result inX 4. Co8 do s'all endan%ered co'0anies contri&ute to t!e environ'ental 0ro%ra''eX 2. U!at !a00ened to t!e 0ro%ra''eSs &ud%etX 7. U!at are >ir's 8orried a&outX 5. U!at does t!e %overn'ent 0ro'ise t!e'X YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY -. U!at 'akes it di>>icult >or t!e %overn'ent to kee0 t!eir 8ordX o 1/. Co8 does #ritain 0er>or' in t!e 9JX


8uestions an& ans ers */r&/sek v9laszok8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

I7 =EGOL34' an Dtra aI>>m o+ gov rnm nt s) nding reduce car&on e'issions rene8a&le-ener%y tec!nolo%ies / 777 lo8 car&on &uildin%s 0ro%ra''e 'any s'all co'0anies 8ould %o out o> &usiness install solar 0anels( 8ind tur&ines or &io'ass &oilers3 use alternative ener%y 8as unders0ent 'oney not s0ent could &e reallocated t!e %overn'ent 8ill 'ake 'oney availa&le dire state o> 0u&lic >inances second-8orst in 9J

>7 S,at 9ill Alistair 3arling announc T 1. U!at 8ill t!is su' &e allocated >orX D. U!at s!ould &e develo0ed >ro' a&out t!e tent! o> t!is su'X <. U!at 0ro+ect s!ould stay in >orce accordin% to t!ose 8orkin% >or t!e rene8a&les industryX .. U!at econo'ic conseWuences 8ould t!e >ailure o> t!e 0ro+ect result inX 4. Co8 do s'all endan%ered co'0anies contri&ute to t!e environ'ental 0ro%ra''eX 2. U!at !a00ened to t!e 0ro%ra''eSs &ud%etX 7. U!at are >ir's 8orried a&outS,S 5. U!at does t!e %overn'ent 0ro'ise t!e'X -. U!at 'akes it di>>icult >or t!e %overn'ent to kee0 t!eir 8ordX 1/. Co8 does #ritain 0er>or' in t!e 9JX


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

K7 &rrational + ars giv mi c l ar )o9 r a *ad nam / says OD+ord sci ntist !e !ealt! dan%ers >ro' nuclear radiation !ave &een oversold( sto00in% %overn'ents >ro' >ully e60loitin% nuclear 0o8er as a 8ea0on a%ainst cli'ate c!an%e( ar%ues a 0ro>essor o> 0!ysics at V6>ord Jniversity. Uade $llison does not Wuestion t!e dan%ers o> !i%! levels o> radiation &ut says t!at( contrary to scienti>ic 8isdo'( lo8 levels o> radiation can &e easily tolerated &y t!e !u'an &ody. Host scientists 8!o !ave res0onded disa%reed 8it! $llisonSs conclusions( &ut !is co''ents !ave !i%!li%!ted t!e lack o> understandin% o> !o8 t!e &ody deals 8it! lo8 doses o> radiation( a crucial issue %iven it is increasin%ly used in 'ode' 'edical 0rocedures suc! as scannin% and cancer treat'ent. $llisonSs !y0ot!esis assu'es t!at all o> t!e DN$ da'a%e caused &elo8 a t!res!old o> radiation dose can &e >i6ed &y t!e cellsS internal 'ac!inery. U!ere HcKenna scienti>ic s0okes'an >or t!e Cealt! Protection $%ency and ot!er scientists do a%ree 8it! $llison is t!at >ear o> radiation is a 0ro&le'. TPeo0le &eco'e so >ear>ul o> radiation t!at t!ey avoid dia%nostic tests t!at 'i%!t save t!eir lives or avoid radiot!era0y 8!en t!ey !ave cancer t!at is 'uc! 'ore likely to kill t!e' t!an e60osure to radiation. T;n 'ost instances( 8!ere you use radiation certainly in 'edicine and in 'ost ot!er >or's o> industry i t!e &ene>its %reatly out8ei%! t!e risks.T So'e areas o> t!e country !ave naturally !i%! levels o> radiation in t!e rock( and yet t!ey do not !ave !i%! incidence o> cancer. T;t 8ould su%%est to 'e t!at 8e can tolerate relatively !i%!er doses o> radiation( unless you add t!in%s on to0 like s'okin%(T said HcKenna( addin% t!at t!ere 8ere %ood scientists on &ot! sides o> t!e de&ate( T&ut you reac! a 0oint 8!ere you canSt %enerate t!e data you need and ; do t!ink 8e need to &e care>ul not to e6a%%erate t!e risks. T


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

K7 =EGOL34' /. S,at kind o+ radiation is 9ritt n a*out in t, articl T 1. U!at !as 0revented t!e >ull &ene>its o> nuclear ener%y &ein% e60loitedX D. Co8 do scientists react to t!e state'ent a&out t!e e>>ects o> lo8 doses o> radiation on t!e !u'an &odyX <. U!y is it ur%ent to clari>y t!e i'0act o> nuclear radiation on t!e !u'an &odyX .. $t 8!at level does radiation not cause any !ar'( accordin% to $llisonX 4. Co8 does t!e !u'an &ody de>end itsel> a%ainst lo8 level radiationX 2. U!at irrational &e!aviour does t!e >ear o> radiation induceX 7. Co8 can t!e e>>ects o> radiation on t!e &ody &e su''ed u0X 5. U!at contradictory >act does t!e aut!or o> t!e article 0in0ointX -. U!at can en!ance t!e !ar'>ul e>>ects o> radiationX 1/ U!at s!ould scientists on &ot! sides o> t!e de&ate avoidX nucl ar >ears o> !ealt! dan%ers disa%ree it is increasin%ly used in 'ode' 'edical 0rocedures &elo8 a t!res!old >i6es t!e da'a%e in t!e DN$ 0eo0le avoid dia%nostic tests &ene>its %reatly( out8ei%! t!e risks !i%! level radiation and s'all nu'&er o> cancer cases s'okin% e6a%%erate t!e risks.


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

P7 N 9 $ork mayor in driv to r duc cityJs salt intak Hic!ael #loo'&er%Ss ca'0ai%n ai's to cut sodiu' in 0acka%ed and restaurant >ood &y a Wuarter in >ive years 9'&oldened &y success>ul drives to reduce o&esity in Ne8 Rork city( 'ayor Hic!ael #loo'&er% today o0ened a ne8 >ront in !ealt!y livin% >or Ne8 Rorkers &y launc!in% a ca'0ai%n to reduce consu'0tion o> salt. !e ca'0ai%n ai's to cut t!e Wuantities o> sodiu' in 0acka%ed and restaurant >oods &y a Wuarter over >ive years. !e city clai's t!at i> t!e D/1. tar%et is 'et it 8ill !el0 save 'any t!ousands o> 0re'ature deat!s. $'ericans consu'e on avera%e a&out <(.// 'illi%ra's o> salt a day - 8ell a&ove t!e reco''endation o> t!e $'erican Ceart $ssociation o> less t!an D(<// 'illi%ra's. Host o> t!at is out o> t!e individual consu'erSs !ands as al'ost 5/I o> salt intake is already added to 0acka%ed and restaurant >oods and only a&out 11 I added in t!e !o'e. Ci%! salt levels can raise &lood 0ressure( 8!ic! increases t!e risk o> !eart disease and strokes. ;> t!e Ne8 Rork initiative takes o>> it 8ill !ave 0otential nation8ide i'0lications &ecause 'ost >ood 0roducers do not !ave t!e ca0a&ility o> 'akin% lo8-sodiu' >oods +ust >or t!e city. #loo'&er%Ss 0revious e>>orts to turn Ne8 Rork into a leaner and !ealt!ier zone 8ere all 'et 8it! initial %ru'&lin% &ut lon%er-ter' acce0tance and a00reciation. !e di>>erence &et8een t!e salt drive and t!e 0revious initiatives is t!at t!is ne8 'ission 8ill &e 0urely voluntary( as >ood 'anu>acturers and restaurants 8ill &e encoura%ed to 0artici0ate out o> concern >or 0u&lic 8ell-&ein% rat!er t!an &y co'0ulsion. !e Ne8 Rork restaurant association !as %iven its &lessin%( as !ave so'e lar%e >ood 'anu>acturers suc! as Pe0siEo 8!ic! 'akes cris0s. Vt!er &i% >ir's includin% t!e Ea'0&ell Sou0 Eo'0any are re'ainin% aloo> >ro' t!e initiative.


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

P7 =EGOL34' /. S,at do s =ic,a l -loom* rg cam)aign +orT 1. U!at encoura%ed !i' to do soX D. ;n 8!at 8ay does !e intend to c!an%e t!e residentsS eatin% !a&itsX <. U!at result 8ould &e satis>actoryX .. U!atSs t!e 'ost dire outco'e o> too 'uc! salt intakeX 4. U!at conseWuences are likely since >ood co'0aniesS 0roduction canSt &e li'ited to a sin%le to8nX 2. Co8 did Ne8 Rorkers react to t!e 'ayorSs initiative in t!e &e%innin%X 7. Co8 did t!ey c!an%e t!eir 'indsX 5. Co8 are 0artici0ants e60ected to +oinX -. U!at 8ill drive >ood su00liers +oin t!e ca'0ai%nX 1/. U!at is t!e reaction o> >ood 0roducers and sellers to t!e initiativeX , alt,y living/ r duction in salt intak success>ul drives to reduce o&esity reduce t!e consu'0tion o> salt reduce intake &y a Wuarter Aover >ive yearsB 0re'ature deat! nation8ide 0ositive e>>ects %ru'&lin% acce0ted and a00reciat ed voluntarily concern 'i6ed


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

N7 N t scams )ro+it +rom d s) rat "o*s k rs !e 'et!ods to de>raud 0eo0le online !ave &een evolvin% since e-'ail &eca'e t!e D1st centurySs 0re>erred 'et!od o> co''unication. Jnsolicited e-'ails announcin% a lottery 8in or 0!is!in% corres0ondence askin% >or &ankin% details !ave &eco'e co''on. #ut as net users &eco'e savvy( sca's are also &eco'in% 'ore so0!isticated( >or instance &y seekin% to e60loit une'0loyed 0eo0le durin% t!e econo'ic do8nturn. Jnsolicited e-'ails o>>erin% t!e c!ance o> !i%!-0aid e'0loy'ent in >ields suc! as >inancial services ai' to %at!er 0eo0leSs 0ersonal in>or'ation 8!ic! could lead to identity t!e>t. Financial >raud can !ave 0articularly devastatin% conseWuences >or its victi's - one e6a'0le is t!e 'oney 'ule sca' 8!ic! turns un8ittin% users into 'oney launderers >or cri'inal %an%s. !e 0rocess &e%ins 8!en a user a00lies >or a +o& via a le%iti'atelookin%( 0ro>essionally cra>ted recruit'ent 8e&site 8!ic! is actually >ake. ;n certain a%%ravatin% circu'stances a00licants 8ill actually >ace cri'inal 0rosecution and 0otential i'0rison'ent >or actin% as a 'ule. Hs Eoats set u0 !er advice 8e&site a>ter >allin% victi' to a 'oney 'ule sca' 8!ic! resulted in !er losin% f1.(4// and &ein% arrested. $ll c!ar%es 8ere dro00ed 8!en it &eca'e clear s!e 8as victi' rat!er t!an 0er0etrator o> t!e sca'.


8uestions an& ans ers */r&/sek v9laszok8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

N7 =EGOL34' /. S,at is t, n 9 m t,od o+ c, ating ) o)l T 1. U!ic! c!annel o> co''unication do >raudsters useX D. U!at ur%es >raudsters to &eco'e increasin%ly inventiveX <. U!o is t!e ne8 tar%et %rou0 o> >raudstersX .. U!ic! 0art o> t!e la&our 'arket see's 'otivatin% >or t!e'X 4. U!at are t!e >raudsters ea%er to %et !old o>X 2. U!at is t!is cri'e calledX 7. U!at o>>ence are i%norant +o&seekers likely to co''itX 5. Co8 can >raudsters 'islead t!e'X -. U!at 'akes t!ese sites ca0a&le o> 'isleadin% 0eo0leX 1/. U!at can &e t!e 8orst outco'e o> t!e situation >or innocent a00licantsX d +raud ) o)l onlin unsolicited e'ails net users &eco'e savvy une'0loyed 0eo0le >inancial services 0ersonal in>or'ation identity t!e>t 'oney launderin% 8it! le%iti'atelookin% recruit'ent 8e&site t!ey are 0ro>essionally cra>ted cri'inal 0rosecution


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

[7 C,r

-ritis, 9ork rs kidna)) d in Nig ria

!ree #ritis! oil 8orkers 8ere kidna00ed today in t!e oil-ric! Ni%er Delta re%ion. $ Eolo'&ian contractor 8as also seized in t!e 7.</a' attack 8!ic! le>t a Ni%erian security o>>icer and a driver dead. ;n recent years 'ilitants( 8!o say t!ey are >i%!tin% t!e %overn'ent >or a >airer s!are o> Ni%eriaSs vast oil 8ealt!( !ave used kidna0 >or ranso' to raise >unds and a8areness o> t!eir stru%%le. !e >our >orei%n contractors 8ork >or Netco Diets'ann( a +oint venture &et8een Ni%eriaSs state-o8ned National 9n%ineerin% and ec!nical Eo'0any and Dutc! 'aintenance co'0any Diets'ann. $ >orei%n o>>ice s0okes'an in Ni%eriaSs ca0ital said t!at t!e #ritis! %overn'ent 8as Ttreatin% it as a 'atter o> %reat ur%encyT. !e 'en 8ork at t!e S!ell o0erated $>a' %as and 0o8er 0lant. !ey 8ere travellin% t!ere in a &us 8it! a security escort 8!en t!ey 8ere a'&us!ed &y %un'en. Hultinational co'0anies o0erate in t!e Ni%er Delta !el0in% to 'ake Ni%eria one o> $>ricaSs &i%%est oil 0roducers 8it! a daily out0ut o> around D 'illion &arrels. Des0ite t!e countrySs vast oil and %as 8ealt!( reckoned at around f2/ &illion a year( 'any o> its 1./ 'illion 0eo0le re'ain 'ired in 0overty( no8!ere 'ore so t!an in t!e 0olluted creeks and s8a'0s o> t!e Ni%er Delta. V&servers 0oint out t!at so'e 'ilitants are little 'ore t!an &andits usin% ranso' 'oney and >unds >ro' stolen crude to >inance t!eir activities 8!ile doin% little >or t!e 0eo0le t!ey clai' to >i%!t >or. !ere are !undreds o> kidna00in%s in t!e Ni%er Delta every year &ut 'ost are resolved a>ter +ust a >e8 days 8it! ranso's 0aid &y t!e 'ultinational co'0anies t!at o0erate in t!e oil >ields.


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

-. =EGOL34' /. S,at grav o++ nc did t, oil 9ork rs su++ r todayT --------------------t, y 9 r kidna)) d a Eolo'&ian contractor 8as 1. U!o else 8as a&ductedX also seized ---------------D. U!o else su>>ered in t!e attackS.S a Ni%erian security o>>icer and a driver >or a >airer <. U!y do 'ilitants i'0ose 0ressure on t!e s!are o> oil %overn'entX 8ealt! to raise >unds and a8areness .. U!y do t!ey de'and a ranso'X o> t!eir stru%%le a Ni%erian and a Dutc! 4. U!o are t!e s!are!olders o> Netco DietsrnannX co'0any as a 'atter o> 2. Co8 does t!e #ritis! %overn'ent !andle t!e %reat ur%ency a&ductionX o 'ake Ni%eria one o> 7. U!at is t!e 'ultinationalsSai' in t!e areaX t!e &i%%est oil 0roducers vast oil 5. U!at does t!e country a&ound inX and %as 8ealt! -. U!at contradiction is to &e noticed in t!e countryX 'any 0eo0le re'ain in 0overty do little >or t!e 1/. Co8 are t!e 'ilitantsS de'ands and 0ractices 0eo0le t!ey clai' to >i%!t contradictoryX >or


8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

.>7 'tr ss o+ mod rn li+ cuts att ntion s)ans to +iv minut s $ttention s0ans !ave !alved to +ust >ive 'inutes over t!e last decade( 8it! youn% 0eo0le t!e 8orst at 'aintainin% concentration( ne8 researc! clai's !e 0ressures o> 'ode' li>e are a>>ectin% our a&ility to >ocus on t!e task in !and( 8it! 8ork stress cited as t!e 'a+or distraction. Declinin% attention s0ans are causin% !ouse!old accidents suc! as 0ans &ein% le>t to &oil over on t!e !o&( &at!s allo8ed to over>lo8( t!e survey su%%ests. $ Wuarter o> 0eo0le 0olled said t!ey re%ularly >or%et t!e na'es o> close >riends or relatives( and seven 0er cent even ad'itted to 'o'entarily >or%ettin% t!eir o8n &irt!days. !e study &y Qloyds S# insurance s!o8ed t!at t!e avera%e attention s0an !ad >allen to +ust 4 'inutes( do8n >ro' 1D 'inutes 1/ years a%o. #ut t!e over-4/s are a&le to concentrate >or lon%er 0eriods t!an youn% 0eo0le( su%%estin% t!at &usy li>estyles and intrusive 'ode' tec!nolo%y rat!er t!an old a%e are to &la'e >or our 'ental decline. THore t!an ever( researc! is !i%!li%!tin% a trend in reduced attention and concentration s0ans( and as our e60eri'ent su%%ests( t!e youn%er %eneration a00ear to &e t!e 8orst a>>licted(T said sociolo%ist David Ho6on( 8!o led t!e survey o> 1(/// 0eo0le. TQack o> attention !as a serious i'0act on task 0er>or'ance and increases t!e risk o> accidents.T Qast year 'ore t!an f1.2 &illion o> da'a%e 8as caused &y 0eo0le not concentratin% 0ro0erly( t!e researc! >ound.


8uestions an& ans ers */r&/sek v9laszok8uestions an& ans ers - */r&/sek - v9laszok

.>7 =EGOL34' c,ang s in att ntion s)ans !ave !alved youn% 0eo0le a&ility to >ocus on t!e task 8ork stress !ouse!old accidents >or%ettin% t!eir o8n &irt!day over-4/s are a&le to concentrate >or lon%er 0eriods &usy li>estyles and intrusive 'ode' tec!nolo%y $ survey o> 1(/// 0eo0le 'ore t!an f1.2 &illion o> da'a%e

/. S,at did t, n 9 r s arc, +ocus onT 1. Co8 !ave t!ey c!an%ed recentlyX D. U!ic! a%e %rou0 is a>>ected 'ost( accordin% to t!e >indin%s o> t!e researc!X <. U!at does 0ressure +eo0ardizeX .. U!at >actor i'0oses t!e &i%%est risk on t!e Wuality o> one`s 0er>or'anceX 4. U!at can inadeWuate concentration induceX 2. U!at e6a'0le is %iven as a 0roo> o> t!e 8orst 'e'ory lossX 7. Co8 does t!e study contradict t!e stereoty0ical a%e &iasX 5. U!at is t!e underlyin% reason >or reduced attention in t!e case o> t!e youn%er %enerationX

-. U!at 8as t!e study &ased onX 1/. U!at 8as t!e >inancial conseWuence o> 'ental decline last yearX


2& =atc,ing ' zo v gki g szit s

)atching - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s)atching @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

A + ladat l (rsa

$ >eladat az )rott szve% rtst 'ri. A + ladat; $ szve% elolvassa s 'e%rtse utn &e kell illeszteni a !inyz 1/ 'ondatrszletet. $ szve% alatt $-tl N +elzsi% 'e%adtunk 1< 'ondatrszletet. $ &e)rand 'ondatrszletek 'e%>elel" &etF+elt kell a >eladatla0 al+n tall!at t&lzat&a( a sz'nak 'e%>elel"en &e)rni. $ !elyes 'e%oldsok a >e+ezet v%n( a D/-. oldalon tall!atk. $ >eladat 'e%olds!oz sztr ne' !asznl!at.


)atching - @zIvegkieg/szit/s

.7 Egy)t; anci nt art !e Qand o> t!e P!arao!s and 0yra'ids o> Liza !ave A/B +ascinat d g n ration u)on g n ration7 !anks 0ri'arily to art( t!eir le%acy !as not &een lost to t!e rava%es o> ti'e. Huc! o> t!e A1BYtoday is >unerary( &uilt >or to'&s o> t!e 8ealt!y. $lt!ou%! Kin% utank!a'en( 8as really only a 'ediocre 0!arao!( !istorically s0eakin%( !e ac!ieved ADBYY!is to'& 8as discovered intact. ;t 8as >illed 8it! 0riceless art treasures and itSs &elieved 'any 'ore suc! to'&s( >illed 8it! si'ilar art A<B . Vne o> t!e %reatest as0ects o> 9%y0tian art is all A.B and arc!itectural >or's see' to >all into 0lace as i> t!ey o&eyed one la8. #asically( 8e call suc! a la8( an artistic Tstyle.T ;tSs very di>>icult A4B YYYY8!at 'akes a style( &ut it is easy to see( once you vie8 a >e8 e6a'0les. !e rules 8!ic! %overn all 9%y0tian art %ive A2B t!e e>>ect o> 0oise and austere !ar'ony. $rt sc!olars say t!e 9%y0tian style co'0rised a set A7B ( 8!ic! every artist !ad to learn >ro' !is earliest yout!. !e distin%uis!in% c!aracteristics o> 9%y0tian art( t8o-di'ensionality( ri%id >rontality and stron% outlines are e60lained &y 9%y0tian reli%ion and 0olitics. !e ancient 9%y0tians A5B YYYYe6traordinarily reli%ious. !e art 8as sy'&olic( intended to 0reserve t!e i'a%es o> t!in%s and 0eo0le >or t!e a>terli>e. ;t also served to e60lain t!e divinity o> t!e 0!arao! and t!e relations!i0 o> t!e %ods. For t!e ancient 9%y0tians( it 8as 'ore i'0ortant to A-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY( t!an to &e li>elike. !e 9%y0tian artisan 8as a 'aster at realistically 0ortrayin% details. #ut !e A1/BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYonly t!e details 'ost essential to reco%nize t!e su&+ect. .essortment.com D.7. D.5. D.-. D4/. D41. D4D. art 8!ic! still e6ists &e accurate sy'&olically &uilt o> 'ar&le every individual 8ork >ascinated %eneration u0on %eneration %reat >a'e &ecause D4-

)atching - @zIvegkieg/szit/s)atching @z&vegkiegeszites

D4<. not to distur& %ods D4.. o> very strict %uidelines ;. re0resentin% loyalty to J. t!e statues( 0aintin%s K. to e60lain in 8ords Q. 8ait in silence H. 8ere considered to &e N. 8ould 0aint or scul0t 1 D < .4 2 7 5 YYYYYY 1/


)atching - @zIvegkieg/szit/s

07 Anci nts ,ad , art dis as Cardenin% o> t!e arteries !as &een >ound in 9%y0tian 'u''ies su%%estin% t!at t!e risk >actors >or A/B !eart disease 'ay &e ancient( researc!ers say. $ tea' o> JS and 9%y0tian scientists carried out A1B >ro' EairoSs Huseu' o> $ntiWuities. !ey >ound evidence o> !ardened arteries in t!ree o> t!e' and 0ossi&le !eart disease in t!ree 'ore. $ll t!e 'u''ies 8ere o> ADB and 8ould !ave !ad a ric! diet. Details o> t!e study &y t!e Jniversity o> Eali>ornia a00ear A<B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY$'erican Hedical $ssociation. !e tea' said t!e su&+ectsS &odies !ad &een 0reserved &y 'u''i>ication &ecause t!ey 8ere servin% in t!e A.BYor 8ere 0riests or 0riestesses. !e =-rays 8ere c!ecked &y >ive A4B on t!e tea'. !ey s!o8ed t!at 12 o> t!e DD 'u''ies !ad identi>ia&le arteries or !earts le>t in t!eir &odies A2B . Nine o> t!ese !ad calci>ied de0osits in t!e 8all o> trie A7B . So'e 'u''ies !ad calci>ication in u0 to si6 di>>erent arteries. De>inite !ardened arteries( in ot!er 8ords a &uild-u0 A5B and ot!er su&stances in t!e &lood vessels( 8as 0resent in t!ree. V> t!e 'u''ies 8!o !ad died 8!en A-B ( seven out o> ei%!t !ad calci>ication 8!ereas only t8o out o> ei%!t o> t!e youn%er 'u''ies did. A1/BYYYYin calci>ication &et8een 'en and 8o'en. .articie. n.com D44. t!ey ate a lot o> 'eat D42. o> >at( c!olesterol( calciu' D47. !eart disease 'ay &e ancient D45. artery leadin% to t!e !eart D4-. did not die youn% D2/. court o> t!e P!arao! D21. >ound traces o> tu'our D2D. t!ere 8ere no di>>erences ;.in t!e Journal o> t!e J. e60erienced cardiovascular i'a%in% 0!ysicians K. 'edical scans on DD 'u''ies Q. !i%! socio-econo'ic status D21

)atching - @zIvegkieg/szit/s

H. t!ey 8ere older t!an .4 N. a>ter t!e 'u''i>ication 0rocess 1 D< . 4 2 7 5 1/


)atching - @zIvegkieg/szit/s

G7 A+rican sa+ari U!at do you like to do t!at really %ets your +uices >lo8in%X $re you an e6tre'e s0orts +unkie( A/B 8!o lives >or t!e t!rill o> divin% out o> air0lanes( and &un%ee +u'0in% o>> &rid%esX Vr 'ay&e youSre t!e ty0e 8!o loves to race >ast cars( !ittin% A1B 0er !our. U!atever your 0assion is( ;S' sure you do it >or t!e 0lain and si'0le >act t!at it &rin%s you +oy and really 'akes you >eel alive. !is is so'et!in% t!at !u'ans are ADB . Uell( i> you 8ere in searc! o> any ot!er crazy and A<B ( you 'i%!t 8ant to %ive $>rican sa>ari !untin% a s!ot so'eti'e. U!at do you kno8 a&out $>rican sa>ari !untin%X ;Sll &et youSve seen all sorts o> t!in%s on television and >il'. Co8ever( ; canSt %uarantee A.B . E!ances are i> t!ey s!o8ed a corny lookin% &i%-%a'e !unter s!oodn% a sa&er-toot! ti%er( it 8as 0ro&a&ly &o%us. ; say t!at si'0ly A4BYYYYt!is 0articular &reed o> ti%er is e6tinct. $ny8ay( t!e s0ort o> $>rican sa>ari !untin% is a A2B . No8( kee0 in 'ind t!at it 'ay cost you a 0retty 0enny( &ut i> itSs 8!at >loats your &oat( t!en itSs A7B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. U!enever ; t!ink o> $>rican sa>ari !untin%( ; al8ays 0icture a >e8 %uys in a ru%%ed Jee0. V> course t!e one drivin% is a tri&al native ( and t!e one sittin% in t!e &ack is t!e !unter( 8aitin% A5BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Does t!is resonate 8it! anyone elseX Vkay( so 'ay&e itSs >ro' so'e 'ovie ; sa8 8!en ; 8as a kid . !e t!in% a&out $>rican sa>ari !untin% A-B %oin% is t!e 0rey. ;tSs de>initely not like any 0rey you 8ould !unt in $'erica. !ese are s0ecies you A1/B too o>ten. Uell( t!at is unless youSre at t!e local zoo. . interestingarticies.net D2<. D2.. D24. D22. D27. due to t!e >act t!at !o8 accurate t!ey 8ere 8ild ani'als a&ound 8it! !is !i%!-0o8ered ri>le in-!and al8ays strivin% to >eel D2<

)atching - @zIvegkieg/szit/s

D25. reality in conte'0orary ti'es D2-. donSt encounter in t!e States D7/. &izarre conce0ts to try ;.s0eeds o> 154 'iles J. t!at really %ets so'e !unters Ki 8!o lives >or t!e t!rill Q. alt!ou%! t!ey donSt !unt H. only !as ri>les to s!oot N. 0ro&a&ly 8ell 8ort! it 1 D <. 4 2 7 5 1/


)atching - @zIvegkieg/szh/s

.. Dirty #ritain #e>ore t!e %rass !as t!ickened on t!e roadside ver%es and A/B leaves !ave started %ro8in% on t!e trees is a 0er>ect ti'e to look around and see +ust !o8 dirty #ritain !as &eco'e. !e 0ave'ents are stained 8it! c!e8in% %u' A1B and t!e %utters are >ull o> discarded >ast >ood cartons. Rears a%o ; re'e'&er travellin% a&road and &ein% saddened &y t!e 0lastic &a%s( ADBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYat t!e ed%e o> every road. No8adays( #ritain see's to look at least as &ad. U!at !as %one 8ron%X !e 0ro&le' is A<BY&y our increasin%ly 'o&ile lives lasts a lot lon%er t!an &e>ore. ;> it is not cleared u0 and 0ro0erly t!ro8n a8ay( A.B >or yearsG a se'i0er'anent re'inder o> 8!at a tatty little country 8e !ave no8. Firstly( it is esti'ated t!at 1/ &illion 0lastic &a%s A4B . !ese 8ill take anyt!in% >ro' 1// to 1(/// years to rot. Co8ever( it is not as i> t!ere is no solution to t!is. $ >e8 years a%o( t!e ;ris! %overn'ent A2B carrier &a%s and in t!ree 'ont!s reduced t!eir use &y -/I. U!en !e 8as a 'inister( Hic!ael Heac!er atte'0ted to introduce A7B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. !e 0lastics industry 0rotested( o> course. Co8ever( t!ey need not !ave &ot!eredG t!e idea 8as killed &e>ore it could dra8 &reat!( leavin% su0er'arkets >ree to %ive a8ay 0lastic &a%s. U!at is clearly necessary ri%!t no8 is so'e sort o> co'&ined initiative( A5BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY( &e>ore it is too late. !e alternative is to continue slidin% do8n!ill until 8e !ave a country t!at A-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ru&&is! ti0. Ue 'ay 8ell &e at t!e ti00in% 0oint. Ret 8e kno8 t!at 0eo0le res0ond to t!eir environ'ent. ;> t!in%s around t!e' are clean and tidy( A1/B . ;> t!ey are surrounded &y sWualor( t!ey &e!ave sWualidly. No8( 'uc! o> #ritain looks 0retty sWualid. U!at 8ill it look like in >ive yearsX .usingenglish.com D71. D7D. discarded &ottles and soiled na00ies t!e %overn'ent &anned it D24

)atching - @zIvegkieg/szh/s)atching @zIvegkieg/szh/s

D7<. leaves !ave started %ro8in% D7.. !ave &een %iven to s!o00ers D74. a si'ilar arran%e'ent in #ritain D72. &ot! individual and collective D77. t!at !as &een s0at out D75. 8!ic! !as caused a lot o> ;.it stays in t!e under%ro8t! J. 0eo0le &e!ave cleanly and tidily K. introduced a ta6 on non-recycla&le Q. at a rate o> D/ 0er cent H. t!at t!e ru&&is! created N. looks like a vast 'unici0al 1 D < . 4 2 7 o5 1/


)atching - @z&vegkiegeszites

I7 G#' and t,

nvironm nt

o sustain t!e 9art!Ss environ'ent 8!ile @>A *alancing ,uman n ds reWuires &etter decision 'akin% 8it! @.A in>or'ation. Lat!erin% accurate and ti'ely in>or'ation !as &een one o> t!e %reatest c!allen%es ADB and 0rivate or%anizations t!at 'ust 'ake t!ese decisions. !e Llo&al Positionin% Syste' ALPSB !el0s to address t!at need. Data collection syste's A<B 8it! descri0tive in>or'ation and accurate 0ositional data a&out ite's t!at are s0read across @EA . #y connectin% 0osition in>or'ation 8it! ot!er ty0es o> data( it is 0ossi&le to analyze 'any environ'ental 0ro&le's >ro' a ne8 0ers0ective. Position data A4BY Ycan &e i'0orted into %eo%ra0!ic in>or'ation syste' AL;SB so>t8are( allo8in% s0atial as0ects to &e analyzed 8it! ot!er in>or'ation to create A2B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY understandin% o> a 0articular situation t!an 'i%!t &e 0ossi&le t!rou%! conventional 'eans. $erial studies o> so'e o> t!e 8orldSs 'ost i'0enetra&le 8ilderness are conducted A7B YYYYY LPS tec!nolo%y to evaluate an areaSs 8ildli>e( terrain( and !u'an in>rastructure. #y ta%%in% i'a%ery 8it! LPS coordinates it is 0ossi&le A5B _____ e>>orts and assist in strate%y 0lannin%. LPS tec!nolo%y su00orts e>>orts to understand and >orecast c!an%es in t!e environ'ent. #y inte%ratin% LPS 'easure'ents into o0erational 'et!ods used &y 'eteorolo%ists( A-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY content can &e deter'ined( i'0rovin% t!e accuracy o> 8eat!er >orecasts. ;n addition( t!e 0roli>eration o> LPS tidal trackin% sites( and i'0rove'ent in esti'atin% t!e vertical co'0onent o> a siteSs 0osition >ro' LPS 'easure'ents( @.>A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYdirectly o&serve t!e e>>ects o> ocean tides. www.gps.gov D7-. D5/. D51. D5D. D5<. D5.. D54. a >ar 'ore co'0lete and conservation a00lications &alancin% !u'an needs collected t!rou%! LPS en!ance t!e su00ort o> >acin% &ot! %overn'ent is co''itted to i'0le'entin% D27

)atching - @z&vegkiegeszites)atching @z&vegkiegeszites

D52. 'any kilo'etres o> terrain ;.'ore u0-to-date J. 0resent a uniWue o00ortunity to K. 0rovide decision 'akers Q. t!e at'os0!ereSs 8ater H. to evaluate conservation N. 8it! t!e aid o> . D < E4 2 7 5 .>


)atching - @z&vegkiegiszites

K7 C9o y ars on/ 5atin o++ rs muc, to c l *rat - and muc, to + l +rustrat d a*out 9very ti'e ; visit Katine( in nort!-east J%anda( an i'a%e re'ains in 'y 'ind A/B >or 'ont!s a>ter8ards. ;n Hay( it 8as a lon% Wueue o> %irls lau%!in% and c!attin% A1BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYdirty 8ater 0u'0 >or !ours to >ill t!eir +errycans. $'id all t!e statistics ADB - i''unisation rates( nu'&ers o> 'alaria nets distri&uted - it is t!ese encounters t!at &rin% you u0 s!ort and leave A<B . Co8 can one look into t!e eyes o> a 8o'an tryin% to care A.B 8it! no 'edicines and >eed all !er c!ildren 8it! little >oodX Rou cannot conceive o> !er su>>erin% and stru%%le( s!e cannot conceive o> t!e co'>ort and A4BYto 8!ic! you 8ill return. !e contrast &et8een t!e 'ud !uts o> Katine A2B o> J%anda and( a >e8 !ours later( t!e cro8ded duty->ree s!o0s o> Ka'0ala air0orts never %ets easier to e60lain or +usti>y to onesel>. ;tSs &een t8o years since t!e Luardian A7B develo0'ent 0ro+ect 8it! $'re> At!e $>rican Hedical Kesearc! 9ducation FoundationB and t!e D4(/// residents o> Katine( and >or t!e anniversary t!ere is 0lenty to cele&rateG A5B clean 8ater( lo8er levels o> in>ant diarr!ea and 'alaria( &etter enrol'ent >i%ures and e6a' results. !ere is also 0lenty to still A-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, not enou%! access to clean 8aterG t!e sc!ools A1/B task to educate !undreds o> c!ildren 8it! >e8 te6t&ooks( desks( little c!alk or 0a0erG and t!e !ealt! clinicSs su00lies o> 'edicines are erratic. .guar&ian.co.uk D57. as t!ey 8aited at a D55. &etter access to D5-. &etter stora%e >acilities D-/. convenience o> t!e li>e D-1. des0ite so'e e>>ort D-D. >eel >rustrated a&out D-<. >or a disa&led c!ild D-.. >or 'ont!s a>ter8ards ;. increase disease resistance


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J. launc!ed its rural K. stru%%le 8it! an enor'ous Q. t!at develo0'ent 0ro+ects 0roduce H. under t!e vast skies N. you 0ro>oundly s!aken 1 D < . S





)atching - @zovegkiegeszites

P7 Zo* rt 2a)a Vn Hay D4( 1-4.( t!e career o> Ko&ert Ea0a( @>A 8!ose e60loits as a 8ar 0!oto%ra0!er !ad 'ade !i' a le%end A1B Y ( ca'e to an a&ru0t end 8!en !e ste00ed on a ADB YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYan o&scure &attle>ield in ;ndoc!ina. Ko&ert Ea0a 8as so'e8!at careless as a 0!oto%ra0!er &ut 8as care>ully A<B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Ce 0artici0ated 8it! coura%e in al'ost every %reat tra%edy o> !is ti'e( @EA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYnor >ait!. Ce 8as incredi&ly Wuick to %uess t!e trut!. Kno8in% t!e trut!( !e took risks( risks 8!ic! 8ere never calculated A4BY!i'sel>. Qike 'ost !e !ad >aults( &ut !is >aults 8ere invaria&ly c!ar'in% and !is virtues never &orin%. Ce dressed 8ell( ate 8ell( drank >reWuently( &ut never A2BYYYY. Ce 8as at !o'e in any 'a+or city o> t!e 8orld( and sli%!tly A7B YYYYYY. Ce kne8 8ar 8ell( so 8ell !e des0ised it. Ce sou%!t >or 0eace 8it!out e60ectin% it. Ce 8as a A5BYYYYres0ect. Ce 8as 0er!a0s t!e 8orldSs 8orst driver. Ce tau%!t t!e youn% A-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYit. E!ildren loved !i'( as did 'any 8o'en. #ut !e never discussed !is dee0est a>>ections. Ce @.>AYYYY>ro' loneliness( insecurity( !eart&reak. Ce died 8it! a ca'era in !is le>t !and( !is story une60ectedly >inis!ed. Ce le>t &e!ind !is 0ictures( a'on% t!e' so'e o> t!e %reatest recorded 'o'ents o> 'ode' !istory. Ce also leaves a le%end( >or 8!ic! t!ere is no ot!er descri0tion t!an...Ea0a. .photo-seminars.com D-4. a darkroo' a00rentice D-2. and never lost !eart D-7. dedicated as a 'an D-5. in 'odern 0!oto%ra0!y D--. land 'ine on <//. 'enace in only one </1. o> >ree lance +ournalis' </D. su>>ered &e!ind t!e scenes ;. to %et drunk J. to %et esta&lis!ed in K. to !urt anyone &ut Q. unco'>orta&le in t!e country H. 8!ose e60loits as a N. 8it!out t!eir kno8in%


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)atching - @zIvegkieg/szit/s

N7 'ilicon %all y cam)aign s ks startu) visa +or +or ign ntr )r n urs Silicon Nalley veterans are callin% >or ne8 la8s to A/B encoura%e 'ore tec!nolo%y entre0reneurs to 'ove to $'erica( as t!e re%ion atte'0ts to !old on to its cro8n as t!e A1B Ke>or' o> JS i''i%ration la8s is one o> t!e !ot to0ics ADB . !e internet ca'0ai%n( 8!ic! !as t!e su00ort o> a ran%e o> entre0reneurs and investors( is encoura%in% t!e U!ite Couse to &ack a Tstartu0 visaT %ivin% !i-tec! entre0reneurs JS A<B >or startin% a co'0any. !e $'erican tec!nolo%y industry( 0articularly in nort!ern Eali>ornia( A.BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYon &rin%in% in talent >ro' overseas. $ Wuarter o> $'erican tec!nolo%y co'0anies !ave A4BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY( and 'ore t!an !al> o> all Silicon Nalley &usinesses 8ere >ounded &y i''i%rants. !e Founders Nisa ca'0ai%n ar%ues t!at re%ulations sti>le innovation &y >orcin% students to return to t!eir !o'e countries A2B Y( or &y issuin% e'0loy'ent&ased visas t!at lock 0eo0le into 8orkin% >or lar%e co'0anies. !e 0ro0osals 8ould 'odi>y an i''i%rant visa A7B 8!o invest at least l4//(/// in t!e JS and 'ake it easier >or !i-tec! entre0reneurs to set u0 &usinesses. TUe 8ant to 'ake it easier >or entre0reneurs to co'e to t!e JS( start ne8 &usinesses( and A5B YYYY'ore +o&s(T says t!e %rou0 on its 8e&site. ;''i%ration re>or' is &eco'in% a !ot to0ic a%ain in JS 0olitics( A-B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYto over!aul t!e syste' under Leor%e #us!. Hore t!an -/ con%ressional re0resentatives !ave already 0ut t!eir na'es to an i''i%ration re>or' A1/BYYt!e 0ro0osed 'odi>ications. .guar&ian.co. uk </<. </.. </4. </2. </7. a>ter co'0letin% t!eir studies a>ter >ailed atte'0ts &ill t!at includes encoura%e 'ore tec!nolo%y >acin% t!e ad'inistration


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</5. >orei%n-&o' >ounders </-. !as lon% relied <1/. 'ost i'0ortantly create ;. 0ro%ress !ad &een 'ade J. 0ro0osal !ad to co'0ete K. rene8ed 0us! >or +o& Q. residency in return H. t!at is reserved >or 0eo0le N. 8orldSs !i-tec! !ots0ot 1 D < . 4 2 7 5 1/


)atching - @z&vegkiegeszites

[7 =ot, r ins)ir d to 9rit *y disa*l d daug,t r !e de&ut novel &y a 'ot!er A/B 8!o turned to >iction a>ter stru%%lin% to >ind literature t!at s0oke to !er disa&led dau%!ter A1B >or t!e UaterstoneSs c!ildrenSs &ook 0rize. Qaura Su''ers decided to 8rite Des0erate Heasures 8!en s!e realised t!at very >e8 c!ildrenSs &ooks ADBY learnin% disa&ilities. T;Sve %ot a dau%!ter 8it! a learnin% disa&ility and ; >elt t!ere 8erenSt A<BY Y >or c!ildren 8it! disa&ilities and t!eir si&lin%s(T said Su''ers( a #a>ta-no'inated scri0t8riter >or c!ildrenSs television. T#ut ; didnSt 8ant to 8rite a story 8!ic! 8as +ust a&out disa&ility - ; 8anted an adventure story too( 8!ic! 8as e6citin%( so A.BYYYas 'any c!ildren as 0ossi&le.T Des0erate Heasures stars a 0air o> t8ins( one o> 8!o' 8as A4B ( and >ollo8s t!eir lives a>ter t!ey are told t!eir >oster 0arents canSt co0e and t!e >a'ily 8ill !ave A2B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. UaterstoneSs called it Ta>>ectin%( !onest( and totally %ri00in%T. Su''ers 8rote t!e &ook in t!e >irst 0erson( A7B o> t!e t8o %irls( so readers T8ould &e a&le to 0ut t!eir >eet in t!e c!aractersS s!oes and realise 8!at it >elt likeT. !e f4(/// UaterstoneSs 0rize is voted >or &y t!e c!ainSs &ooksellers( 8it! nine titles A5B YYYYYa8ard. ;t intends to cele&rate ne8 and e'er%in% c!ildrenSs aut!ors. TCorror and t!e su0ernatural o>ten do'inate c!ildrenSs >iction &ut t!is year- 8eSre seein% t!at A-B YYYY( &elieva&le stories( 0rovin% t!at so'eti'es real-li>e dra'a !its closest to !o'e(T said UaterstoneSs c!ildrenSs &uyin% 'ana%er Sara! Elarke( A1/B a Treally stron% s!ortlistT. UaterstoneSs &ooksellers are currently votin% >or t!e 8inner( 8!o 8ill &e revealed on 1/ Fe&ruary. .guar&ian.co.uk <11. <1D. <1<. <1.. <14. <12. alternatin% &et8een t!e voices and e'0at!ise 8it! any role 'odels &alanced 8it! serious &rain-da'a%ed at &irt! callin% t!e line-u0 D74

)atching - @z&vegkiegeszites)atching @z&vegkiegeszites

<17. cannot >ace t!e >act <15. >eatured 0rota%onists 8it! ;.!as &een s!ortlisted J. it 8ould a00eal to K. o> a ter'inally sick Q. s!ortlisted >or t!is yearSs H. to &e s0lit u0 Ni 8!o turned to >iction 1 D < . 4 2 7 5 1/


)atching - @zovegkiegeszites

.>7 =o*il ),on s t,at ar most )o)ular 9it, 9om n $ closer look at t!e recent trends 8it!in t!e @>A 'o&ile 0!one industry reveals t!e concentrated e>>orts o> 'anu>acturers and content 0roviders alike to consistently @.AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYto s0eci>ically cater to t!e >e'ale se%'ent. HotorolaSs 'ost stylis! o>>erin% t!e HotoKazr and t!e su&seWuent ot!ers in ADB Y 0acka%ed and 0ro'oted in a 'anner t!at 8ould undou&tedly attract A<BY . Candset casin%s o> colours suc! as 'etallic 0ink( and dee0 0ur0le Ain t!e case o> Sony 9ricssonBG clearly 'ake A.B audience t!ey are tryin% to reac! out to. ;t is also 8ort! A4B are 0ro'oted as li'ited edition 0ieces( and 'ade availa&le only in certain 'arkets across t!e 8orld t!at are kno8n to !ave e6tre'ely >as!ion conscious 8o'en consu'ers. !is &rin%s us A2BYin 0oint o> 8o'en consu'ersS 0re>erences 8!en it co'es to 'o&ile 0!one !andsets and t!eir need >or t!e sa'e. $lt!ou%! a recent A7B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYin t!e Jnited Kin%do' reveals t!at close to 2/ 0er cent o> 8o'en clai' A5B live 8it!out t!eir 'o&ile 0!onesG in s0ite o> t!e re0eated a%%ressive e>>orts o> 'arketers t!eir usa%e o> t!e 'o&ile 0!onesS value added services is very lo8. U!at is it t!en t!at 8o'en use t!eir 'o&ile 0!ones so >reWuently >orX !e ans8er see's to A-B 8o'en are &elieved to( contrary to 0o0ular &elie>( use t!eir !andsets 'ainly >or t!e 'ost &asic and @.>A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYsuc! as 'akin% and receivin% calls( and te6t 'essa%in%. ;t !as &een revealed &y t!e recent re0orts( t!at a00ro6i'ately 2/ 0er cent o> 8o'en are likely to send 0icture 'essa%es( and a >air 0ro0ortionate o> 8o'en rou%!ly &ein% around 4/ 0er cent( do8nload 'o&ile 0!one rin% tones o>ten. .interesting-articles.com <1-. <D/. <D1. <DD. <D<. <D.. accessories 8!ic! a00eal a state'ent o> t!e develo0 0roducts and services do8nloadin% trendy rin%tones lie in t!e >act t!at 'o&ile 0!ono industry D77

)atching - @zovegkiegeszites)atching @zovegkiegeszites

<D4. 'uc! needed >unctions <D2. notin% t!at suc! !andsets ;. researc! carried out J. t!e >e'ale attention K. t!e series !ave &een Q. to a !and>ul H. to &e una&le to N. to discuss t!e case . D < . 4 , 7 5 .>


)atching - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

.7 =EGOL34' 0 G A F L 07 =EGOL34' . 0 G 5 L & G7 =EGOL34' . .0 &E GE 8I A >i F P N 3 N [ J .> G . E J E & I J I 5 K 3 >i N P 3 P 8 N N = [ [ = .> N .> 8

.. =EGOL34' . G 0 A G = E & I 3 K 5 P E N F [ N .> J

4. =EGOL34' . & 0 F G 5 E 8 I 3 >i A P N N = [ L .> J

2. =EGOL34' . A 0 L G N E G ' 3 K = P J N [ F .> k

P7 =EGOL34' . 3 0 E G 2 E I 5 K & P L N F [ N .> 8

5. =EGOL34' . N 0 E G L E G I F K A P = N && [ .> c

-. =EGOL34' . 0 G & 8 c .>7 =EGOL34' . 0 G 2 5 J E J E I E ' 8 N K = >i P A P & N . N = [ .A .> & F [ .> EG


2& 2loz -t st 'zov gki g szit s

Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

$ + ladat l (rsa 9&&en a >eladat&an a vizs%z az )rott szve% %lo&lis rtsr"l ad sz'ot. $ + ladat; $z eredeti szve%&"l 'inden !atodik( trlt szt kell 0tolni @%y( !o%y a szve% rtel'es( e%sz le%yen. $ szve%&"l 'ec!anikusan( e%yenletes *te'&en trlt*nk szavakat( )%y knnyen el">ordul!at( !o%y ne'csak tartal'as szavakat( !ane' kt"szavakat( 0re0oz)cikat( nvel"ket s nv'sokat is kell 0tolni. 9&&en nincsen se''i k*lns( a cl u%yanis ne' a szkincs( !ane' a %lo&lis szve%rts 'rse. $ szve% alatt tall!at a &etoldand szavak al>a&etikus list+a. $ szlist&an D4 sz szere0el( ez ttel t&&( 'int a'it a szve%&"l trlt*nk. $ >eladat 'e%olds!oz sztr ne' !asznl!at.


Bloze-test - @z2vegktegiszitesBloze-test @z2vegktegiszites

.7 &ndian clot,ing ;ndian clot!in% is kno8n >or A/B its color>ulness and %race. Vut>its >or A1BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYsuc! as t!e SsariS &rin% ADBYY. ;!e essence o> >e'inis'. HenSs A<Bare suita&le >or t!e 8ar' A.B and co'>ort. $lt!ou%! t!ere is A4BY strict uni>or'ity in dress( certain A2B in clot!in% 0revails t!rou%!out t!e A7BY. !e SsariS is t!e 'ost A5B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYout>it >or 8o'en. !is is A-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY rectan%ular 0iece o> clot! >ive A1/BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYsi6 yards in len%t!. !e A11BYYYYYYYYYYYYYcan &e cotton( silk or A1DBYYY. Silk SsarisS are e'&roidered at A1<B &orders( so'eti'es 8it! real %old A1.BYYY. Synt!etic SsarisS are 0rinted in A14B Y desi%ns suc! as >loral( 'ulticolor A12BY Y Yor ani'al 0rints. !e sari A17BYY>it any size and i> A15BY Y0ro0erly can accentuate t!e 8o'anSs A1-B YYYY.. !ere are various 'et!ods o> AD/B t!e SsariS. . essortment.com

a cli'ate clot!es co''on country can curves EV cress

daily its 'aterial 'ore no out s!aded s!a0e synt!etic

t!e t!rea d to trend s vario us 8eari n% 8o' en 8orn


Bloze-test - @z&vegkiegesziles

.7 =EGOL3A'

&ndian clot,ing ;ndian clot!in% is kno8n >or @>A its color>ulness and %race. Vut>its >or @.A 9om n suc! as t!e SsailS &rin% @0A out t!e essence o> >e'inis'. HenSs @GA clot, s are suita&le >or t!e 8ar' @EA climat and co'>ort. $lt!ou%! t!ere is @IA no strict uni>or'ity in dress( certain @KA tr nds in clot!in% 0revails t!rou%!out t!e @PA country7 !e SsariS is t!e 'ost @NA common out>it >or 8o'en. !is is @[A a rectan%ular 0iece o> clot! >ive @.>A to si6 yards in len%t!. !e @..A mat rial can &e cotton( silk or @.0A synt, tic7 Silk SsarisS are e'&roidered at @.GA t, &orders( so'eti'es 8it! real %old @.EA t,r ad7 Synt!etic SsarisS are 0rinted in @.IA various desi%ns suc! as >loral( 'ulticolor @.KA s,ad d or ani'al 0rints. !e sari @.PA can >it any size and i> @.NA 9orn 0ro0erly can accentuate t!e 8o'anSs @.[A curv s7 !ere are various 'et!ods o> @0>A 9 aring t!e SsariS.


Bloze-test - @zIvegkieg/szit/sBloze-test @zIvegkieg/szit/s

07 Cir sa+ ty ire sa>ety is a very A/B im)ortant 0art o> 'aintainin% your car. A1BYYYYyou notice t!at your tires ADBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY8orn or you >eel a A<BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYor 8o&&le in your steerin% A.B YYdo not i%nore it. !ese A4BY'inor 0ro&le's could cause you A2B YYYY!ave a >atal car accident. A7BYYYYyour tires are 8orn( you A5BY care>ully ins0ect t!eir 8ear 0attern A-BYYYY deter'ine i> you !ave nor'al A1/BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYand +ust need to re0lace A11BYYYYYYYYYYtires( or i> t!e 8ear A1DBYYYa&nor'al and reWuires a 'ec!anics A1<B ;> t!e tread 8ears evenly A1.B YYYYt!e sur>ace o> t!e tire A;SBYit is nor'al 8ear. ;> A12BY Yor center a00ears 'ore 8orn A17BYYyou !ave reason to &e A15BYE!eck >or even tread 8ear A1-B YYYY&y stickin% a 0enny into AD/B tread %rooves. .essortment.com

across artatt ntion &y conc rn d dg +lat ,as i+

i+ im)ortant is s mingly s,ak s,ould t,an t, t,

t, n t, n to to 9 ar 9, l 9o rn yo u


Bloze-test - @zovegkiegeszites

07 =EGOL3A'

Cir sa+ ty ire sa>ety is a very @>A im)ortant 0art o> 'aintainin% your car. @.A &+ you notice t!at your tires @0A ar 8orn or you >eel a @GA s,ak or 8o&&le in your steerin% @EA 9, l do not i%nore it. !ese @IA s mingly 'inor 0ro&le's could cause you @KA to !ave a >atal car accident @PA &+ your tires are 8orn( you @NA s,ould care>ully ins0ect t!eir 8ear 0attern @[A to deter'ine i> you !ave nor'al @.>A 9 ar and +ust need to re0lace @..A t, tires( or i> t!e 8ear @.0A is a&nor'al and reWuires a 'ec!anics @.GA att ntion7 ;> t!e tread 8ears evenly @.EA across t!e sur>ace o> t!e tire @.IA t, n it is nor'al 8ear. ;> @.KA dg or center a00ears 'ore 8orn @.PA t, n you !ave reason to &e @.NA conc rn d7 E!eck >or even tread 8ear @.[A *y stickin% a 0enny into @0>A t, tread %rooves.


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/sBloze-test @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

G7 -io+u ls and t, Environm nt Qeadin% investors !ave +oined t!e @>A %ro8in% c!o's o> concern a&out %overn'ents @.A YYYYco'0anies rus!in% into 0roducin% &io>uels @0A a solution >or %lo&al 8ar'in%( A<BYYYYt!at 'any involved in t!e A.B YY could &e +eo0ardisin% >uture 0ro>its A4BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY t!ey do not consider t!e @KA U U U i'0act o> 8!at t!ey are @PA Y YY care>ully. ;t is essential to @NAYsustaina&ility criteria into t!e su00ly @[A o> any %reen >uel 0ro+ect @.>AYYorder to ensure t!at t!ere @..A YYYYYYYYYYYYno adverse e>>ect on t!e @.0AU environ'ent and social structures. !e @.GA 0roduced &y t!e investors e60resses @.EA YYYYt!at 'any co'0anies 'ay not @.IAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY>ully a8are o> t!e 0otential @.KAYYYYYYYYYin t!e &io>uel sector. Production @.PAY co' and soya &eans !as @.NA dra'atically in t!e last years @.[A YYYYan eco->riendly alternative to @0>A >uels. .usingengiish.com

and as as * * n *uild c,ain conc rn doing

+ossil gro9ing ,as i+ in incr as incr as d is long-t rm

o+ )it+alls r )ort saying s ctor sur surroun ding to


Bloze-test - @zIvegkieg/szJ/s

G7 =EGOL34'

-io+u ls and t, Environm nt Qeadin% investors !ave +oined t!e A/B gro9ing c!orus o> concern a&out %overn'ents A1B and co'0anies rus!in% into 0roducin% &io>uels ADB as a solution >or %lo&al 8ar'in%( A<B saying t!at 'any involved in t!e A.B s ctor could &e +eo0ardisin% >uture 0ro>its A4B i+ t!ey do not consider t!e A2B long-t rm i'0act o> 8!at t!ey are A7B doing care>ully. ;t is essential to A5B *uild sustaina&ility criteria into t!e su00ly A-B c,ain o> any %reen >uel 0ro+ect A1/B in order to ensure t!at t!ere A11B is no adverse e>>ect on t!e A1DB surrounding environ'ent and social structures. !e A1<B r )ort 0roduced &y t!e investors e60resses A1.B conc rn t!at 'any co'0anies 'ay not A;SB * >ully a8are o> t!e 0otential A12B )it+alls in t!e &io>uel sector. Production A17B o+ co' and soya &eans !as A15B incr as d dra'atically in t!e last years A1-B as an eco->riendly alternative to AD/B +ossil >uels.


Bloze-test - @zIvegkieg/szJ/sBloze-test @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

E7 ]Gr n 2ollar] Jo* Craining 2om s to 'i rra 2oll g U!ile t!e overall J.S. econo'y A/B 'ay &e e60eriencin% so'e !ard ti'es( A1B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY o>>icials say one &ri%!t s0ot ADB Yto &e t!e solar industry A<B Yits increasin% need >or 8orkers A.BYY>ill so-called T%reen collarT +o&s. TA4B YYYY t!e !ousin% 'arket !as declined( A2B need >or traditional electrician( 0lu'&er-ty0e A7B Y !as dro00ed o>>( 8!ile t!e A5B Yener%y 'arket !as &een %ro8in%(T A-BY YKirk J!ler o> Solar Po8er( A1/B . Huc! o> t!at %ro8t! is A11BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYto co'e >ro' state 0ro%ra's A1DBY Yas t!e Eali>ornia Solar ;nitiative( A1<BY seeks to 0ut solar 0anels A1.B 1 'illion Eali>ornia roo>s. No8( A14BY Y Y%rant o> l.7/(/// 8ill ena&le A12B Eolle%e to develo0 a 0ro%ra' A17B YYYYstudents to train as solar A15BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY( ready to %o to 8ork A1-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY%raduation. TUe are !ere to AD/BY o00ortunities >or our citizens(T said Sierra Eolle%e President. .ne si O.net

a as *ind continu s +or &nc "o*s kee0 may

on )rovid r n 9a*l said said say 'i rra solar sun

suc, t c,nicians t,at t, to u)on 9it, 9ork d


Bloze-test - @zIvegkieg/szJ/s

E7 =EGOL34'

]Gr n 2ollar] Jo* Craining 2om s to 'i rra 2oll g U!ile t!e overall J.S. econo'y @>A may &e e60eriencin% so'e !ard ti'es( @.A solar o>>icials say one &ri%!t s0ot @0A continu s to &e t!e solar industry @GA 9it, its increasin% need >or 8orkers @EA to >ill socalled T%reen collarT +o&s. ]@IA As t!e !ousin% 'arket !as declined( @KA t, need >or traditional electrician( 0lu'&er-ty0e @PA "o*s !as dro00ed o>>( 8!ile t!e @NA r n 9a*l ener%y 'arket !as &een %ro8in%(T @[A said Kirk J!ler o> Solar Po8er( @.>A &nc7 Huc! o> t!at %ro8t! is @..A said to co'e >ro' state 0ro%ra's @.0A suc, as t!e Eali>ornia Solar ;nitiative( @.GA t,at seeks to 0ut solar 0anels @.EA on 1 'illion Eali>ornia roo>s. No8( A;SB a %rant o> l.7/(/// 8ill ena&le @.KA 'i rra Eolle%e to develo0 a 0ro%ra' @.PA +or students to train as solar @.NA t c,nicians/ ready to %o to 8ork @.[A u)on %raduation. TUe are !ere to @0>A )rovid o00ortunities >or our citizens(T said Sierra Eolle%e President.


I7 Loc, Lomond and C, Crossac,s U!et!er youSre en+oyin% a %entle A/B country stroll t!rou%! 8oodland or a A1B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY coastal 8alk( trekkin% lon% distance ADBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYor scra'&lin% a'idst t!e 'a+estic A<BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY( Qoc! Qo'ond d !e rossac!sS A.Blandsca0es 0rovide t!e 0er>ect &ackdro0. A4B YYYY 9liza&et! and $r%yll Forest Parks A2B >antastic outdoor resources and 0rovide A7BYYaccess to &eauti>ul( natural s0aces A5B year round. !ey are %reat A-B YYYYto e6ercise( 8it! 'any e6cellent A1/B trails >or 8alkin%( runnin%( cyclin% A11B YYYY!orse ridin%. For 'ore in>or'ation A1DBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYu0 a co0y o> t!e A1<BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYUoodland Ualks in t!e National A1.BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEentres. Discover t!e &eauti>ul and A14B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYcountryside o> t!e Park &y A12BYone o> t!e 'any 8alkin% A17B t!at take 0lace t!rou%!out t!e A15BYYYY. Luided 8alks are a %ood A1-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYto %et e6ercise and learn AD/BYYYYYYYYYYt!e 8onder>ul >lora and >auna o> t!e Park. .lochlomon&-irossachs.org

a*out all and ar att nding *ook *oring *r at,taking *r zy

call country v ry + stivals +r is l a+l t mountains #ark

)ick )lac s Qu n r mot rout s 9ay 9oodl and y ar


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s I7 =EGOL34' Loc, Lomond and C, Crossac,s U!et!er youSre en+oyin% a %entle @>A country stroll t!rou%! 8oodland or a @.A *r zy coastal 8alk( trekkin% lon% distance @0A rout s or scra'&lin% a'idst t!e 'a+estic @GA mountains/ Qoc! Qo'ond d !e rossac!sS @EA *r at,taking landsca0es 0rovide t!e 0er>ect &ackdro0. @IA Qu n 9liza&et! and $r%yll Forest Parks @KA ar >antastic outdoor resources and 0rovide @PA +r access to &eauti>ul( natural s0aces @NA all year round. !ey are %reat @[A )lac s to e6ercise( 8it! 'any e6cellent @.>A 9oodland trails >or 8alkin%( runnin%( cyclin% @..A and !orse ridin%. For 'ore in>or'ation @.0A )ick u0 a co0y o> t!e @.GA l a+l t Uoodland Ualks in t!e National @.EA #ark Eentres. Discover t!e &eauti>ul and @.IA r mot countryside o> t!e Park &y @.KA att nding one o> t!e 'any 8alkin% @.PA + stivals t!at take 0lace t!rou%!out t!e @.NA y ar7 Luided 8alks are a %ood @.[A 9ay to %et e6ercise and leant @0>A a*out t!e 8onder>ul >lora and >auna o> t!e Park.


Bloze-test - @zovegkiegesz)sBloze-test @zovegkiegesz)s

K7 2,ild La*our E!ild 8orkers( so'e as youn% A/B as 1/( !ave &een >ound 8orkin% A1B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYa te6tile >actory in conditions ADBY Yas close to slavery to A<BYclot!es t!at a00ear destined >or A.B YYYYo> t!e 'a+or !i%! street A4B . S0eakin% to a #ritis! ne8s0a0er( A2B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYc!ildren descri&ed lon% !ours o> A7B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY8ork and t!reats and &eatin%s. A5BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYco'0any said it 8as una8are A-BYYYYYYYclot!in% intended >or its stores A1/BY&een i'0ro0erly outsourced to a ACB t!at used c!ild la&our. ;t A1DBYYYYannounced it !ad 8it!dra8n t!e A1<B involved until it !ad investi%ated A1.B YYYYalle%ed &reac!es o> t!e et!ical A14B it i'0osed on 'anu>acturers t!ree A12B YYYY. a%o. !e discovery o> t!ese A17BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY8orkin% in a00allin% conditions in A15BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYS!a!0ur Jat area o> Del!i A1-BYYrene8ed concerns a&out t!e outsourcin% AD/B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYso'e lar%e retail c!ains o> t!eir %ar'ent 0roduction to ;ndia. . usingenglish. com

as *y c,ild c,ildr n cod d scri* d d scri*ing +urt, r garm nts

,as in ,ad o+ on )aym nt )roductr tail rs s

s9 ats ,o) t,at t, t, t, t, un)ai d y ars


Bloze-test - @z&vegkiegeszites


2,ild La*our E!ild 8orkers( so'e as youn% @>A as 1/( !ave &een >ound 8orkin% @.A in a te6tile >actory in conditions @0A d scri* d as close to slavery to @GA )roduc clot!es t!at a00ear destined >or @EA on o> t!e 'a+or !i%! street @IA r tail rs7 S0eakin% to a #ritis! ne8s0a0er( @KA t, c!ildren descri&ed lon% !ours o> @PA un)aid 8ork and t!reats and &eatin%s. @NA C, co'0any said it 8as una8are @[A t,at clot!in% intended >or its stores @.>A ,ad &een i'0ro0erly outsourced to a @..A s9 ats,o) t!at used c!ild la&our. ;t @.0A +urt, r announced it !ad 8it!dra8n t!e @.GA garm nts involved until it !ad investi%ated @.EA t, alle%ed &reac!es o> t!e et!ical @.IA cod it i'0osed on 'anu>acturers t!ree @.KA y ars a%o. !e discovery o> t!ese @.PA c,ildr n 8orkin% in a00allin% conditions in @.NA t, S!a!0ur Jat area o> Del!i @.[A ,as rene8ed concerns a&out t!e outsourcin% @0>A *y so'e lar%e retail c!ains o> t!eir %ar'ent 0roduction to ;ndia.


Bloze-test - @zIvegkieg/szJ/sBloze-test @zIvegkieg/szJ/s

P7 C, +ast st dinosaur $ccordin% to co'0uter 'odels t!at A/B 8ere used to esti'ate t!e runnin% A1BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYo> dinosaurs( t!e yrannosaurus Ke6 ADBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!ave &een a&le to outrun A<BYYYYYYYYYY>oot&aller. !e study s!o8s t!at A.BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYcould reac! a to0 s0eed A4BYYYYYYYYYYYYY5 'etres a second( 8!ic! A2BYYYY >ractionally >aster t!an t!e avera%e A7B YYYYYY>oot&aller. !ere !as &een a A5BYYY o> controversy a&out 8!et!er t!e A-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYKe6 8as a 0redator or A1/BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYscaven%erG so'e &elieve t!at its A11B Y develo0ed sense o> s'ell indicates A1DB YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYit 8as a scaven%er( 8!ile A1<B(YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYsay t!at its keen eyesi%!t A1.BYYYYYYYYt!at it 8as a !unter. A;SB YYYYlatter %rou0 8ill a00reciate t!e A12BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYstudy( as a !unter is A17BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYlikely to reWuire suc! s0eed. A15B YYYYJniversity o> Hanc!ester study used A1-B taken directly >ro' dinosaur >ossils( AD/BYYt!an re>errin% to 0revious 8ork on 'ode' ani'als. .usingenglish.com

a a at * tt r data dinosaurs ,ig,ly is lot

mor o+ ot, r ot, rs )ro+ ssional )rovid s rat, r r c nt s,o9s

slig,t s) ds t,at t, t, tyrannosa urus 9ould


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

P7 =EGOL34'

C, +ast st dinosaur $ccordin% to co'0uter 'odels t!at @>A 9 r used to esti'ate t!e runnin% @.A s) ds o> dinosaurs( t!e yrannosaurus Ke6 @0A 9ould !ave &een a&le to outrun @GA a >oot&aller. !e study s!o8s t!at @EA dinosaurs could reac! a to0 s0eed @IA o+ 5 'etres a second( 8!ic! @KA is >ractionally >aster t!an t!e avera%e @PA )ro+ ssional >oot&aller. !ere !as &een a @NA lot o> controversy a&out 8!et!er t!e A-B Cyrannosaurus Ke6 8as a 0redator or @.>A a scaven%erG so'e &elieve t!at its @..A ,ig,ly develo0ed sense o> s'ell indicates @.0A t,at it 8as a scaven%er( 8!ile @.GA ot, rs say t!at its keen eyesi%!t @.EA s,o9s t!at it 8as a !unter. @&'A C, latter %rou0 8ill a00reciate t!e @.KA r c nt study( as a !unter is @.PA mor likely to reWuire suc! s0eed. @.NA C, Jniversity o> Hanc!ester study used @.[A data taken directly >ro' dinosaur >ossils( @0>A rat, r t!an re>errin% to 0revious 8ork on 'ode' ani'als.


Bloze-test - @zIvegkieg/szit/sBloze-test @zIvegkieg/szit/s

N7 5idsJ ),on $'id 8orries over se6tin% Ase6ually-oriented A/B te6t 'essa%es a'on% or to youn% A1BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 8!o use 'o&ile 0!onesB and ADB YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYrevelation today t!at one-t!ird o> A<B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYteens !ave used cell 0!ones A.BYc!eat on tests( 'any 0arents A4Ba tou%! decision o> 8!en A2B YYY %et a kid a 'o&ile A7B . ;n #ritain( a toy-like 0!one A5BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYat kids as youn% as A-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY8ill soon &e launc!ed. !e A1/BYYYFire>ly !andsel !as +ust >ive A11B - includin% t8o 8!ic! call 'u' A1DB YYYYdad directly. Vn t!e Ue& A1<BYYo> Fire>ly( t!e T'o&ile 0!one A1.B 'o&ile kids(T t!e stock 0!otos A14BY Y Ykids o> a&out 5 years A12BY . $i'ed at t!e J.S. 'arket( A17BYYYYYYYY Fire>ly site touts its TPay-$s-Rou-Lo A15B YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY0lans desi%ned to %ive 0arents A1-BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY control.T $ny 0arent kno8s 8!y AD/Battractive. .current.com

ag aim aim d and *rig,tlycolour d *uttons conomically +ac +inancial

+or +our old ) o)l ),on )ut rat ring s,o9

s, t D t t,a tJs t, t, to to J. S.


Bloze-test - @z2vegkieg/szAt/s

N7 =EGOL34'

5idsJ ),on $'id 8orries over se6tin% Ase6ually-oriented @>A t Dt 'essa%es a'on% or to youn% @.A ) o)l 8!o use 'o&ile 0!onesB and @0A t, revelation today t!at one-t!ird o> @GA J.S. teens !ave used cell 0!ones @EA to c!eat on tests( 'any 0arents @IA +ac a tou%! decision o> 8!en @KA to %et a kid a 'o&ile @PA ),on 7 ;n #ritain( a toy-like 0!one @NA aim d at kids as youn% as @[A +our 8ill soon &e launc!ed. !e @.>A *rig,tly-colour d Fire>ly !andset !as +ust >ive @..A *uttons - includin% t8o 8!ic! call 'u' @.0A and dad directly. Vn t!e Ue& @.GA sit o> Fire>ly( t!e T'o&ile 0!one @.EA +or 'o&ile kids(T t!e stock 0!otos @.IA s,o9 kids o> a&out 5 years @.KA old7 $i'ed at t!e J.S. 'arket( @.PA t, Fire>ly site touts its TPay-$s-RouLo @.NA rat 0lans desi%ned to %ive 0arents @.[A +inancial control.T $ny 0arent kno8s 8!y @0>A t,atJs attractive.


Bloze-test - @z&vegkiegtszitesBloze-test @z&vegkiegtszites

-. 5oalas/ ) nguins at risk o+ Dtinction Eli'ate c!an%e t!reatens t!e survival @>A o+ dozens o> ani'al s0ecies >ro' @.A e'0eror 0en%uin to $ustralian koalas( ADB YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to a re0ort released Honday A<B YYYY t!e JN cli'ate su''it. Kisin% @EAY Y Ylevels( ocean acidi>ication and s!rinkin% @IA ice are takin% a !eavy @KA YYYYon s0ecies already stru%%lin% to @PA 8it! 0ollution and s!rinkin% !a&itats( @NA YYYYt!e study >ro' t!e ;JEN( @[A inter%overn'ental %rou0. TCu'ans are not @.>AY only ones 8!ose >ate is @..A stake !ere in Eo0en!a%en so'e @.0AYYYour >avourite s0ecies are also @.GA YYYYYYYYYYYt!e >all >or our E/D @.EAUUUUUUU/] said Uendy Foden( an ;JEN A;SB and co-aut!or o> t!e study. @.KAYYYYre0ort details !o8 cli'ate c!an%e @.PA t!e via&ility o> 1/ s0ecies. @.NAYYYYiconic &ear-like koala >aces 'alnutrition @.[A ulti'ate starvation as t!e nutritional @0>AY o> eucaly0tus leaves !as declined. .ph'sorg. com

according an and at at AustraliaJs co) cost missions

mit into o+ o+ )olar `uality r s arc, r s arc, r said

s a surviv taking t, t, t, toll und rm in s


Bloze-test - @z&vegkiegeszites

[7 =EGOL3A'

5oalas/ ) nguins at risk o+ Dtinction Eli'ate c!an%e t!reatens t!e survival @>A o+ dozens o> ani'al s0ecies >ro' @.A t, e'0eror 0en%uin to $ustralian koalas( @0A according to a re0ort released Honday @GA at t!e JN cli'ate su''it. Kisin% @EA s a levels( ocean acidi>ication and s!rinkin% @IA )olar ice are takin% a !eavy @KA toll on s0ecies already stru%%lin% to @PA co) 8it! 0ollution and s!rinkin% !a&itats( @NA said t!e study >ro' t!e ;JEN( @[A an inter%overn'ental %rou0. TCu'ans are not @.>A t, only ones 8!ose >ate is @..A at stake !ere in Eo0en!a%en - so'e @.0A o+ our >avourite s0ecies are also @.GA taking t!e >all >or our E/D @.EA missions/] said Uendy Foden( an ;JEN @.IA r s arc, r and co-aut!or o> t!e study. @.KA C, re0ort details !o8 cli'ate c!an%e @.PA und rmin s t!e via&ility o> 1/ s0ecies. @.NA AustraliaJs iconic &ear-like koala >aces 'alnutrition @.[A and ulti'ate starvation as t!e nutritional @0>A `uality o> eucaly0tus leaves !as declined.


Bloze-test - @zIvegkieg/szit/sBloze-test @zIvegkieg/szit/s

.>7 C, =an -ook r #riz !e Han #ooker Prize >or @>A Fiction is a8arded every year >or @.A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYnovel 8ritten &y a 8riter @0A t!e Ke0u&lic o> ;reland. Pu&lis!ers @GAY Ysu&'it &ooks >or consideration >or @EA 0rize( &ut t!e +ud%es can @IAYYYYask >or &ooks to &e @KAU 7 Lreat e>>orts are 'ade to @PAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYt!at t!e +ud%in% 0anel is @NAYYYYYYYYYYYYYin ter's o> %ender and @[AYYYY8it!in t!e industry( so t!at @.>AY 8riter( a critic( an editor @..AYan acade'ic are c!osen alon% @.0A UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUa 8ell-kno8n 0erson >ro' 8ider @.GA U 7 Co8ever( 8!en t!e 0anel o> @.EA !as &een >inalized( t!ey are @.IA to 'ake t!eir o8n decisions @.KAY Yany >urt!er involve'ent or inter>erence @.PA t!e 0rize s0onsor. !e +ud%es @.NAY Yacade'ics( critics and 8riters to @.[A t!e consistent Wuality o> t!e @0>AYYY. f4/(/// co'es 8it! t!e 0rize. . usingenglish. com

a a also and *alanc d can ++ort nsur Fiction

+rom +rom ,as includ "udg s l +t limit d maintain )riz

)ro+ ss ions soci ty su*mit t d sur t, 9it, 9it,ou t 9ork


Bloze-test - @zovegkiegeszites

.>7 =EGOL3A'

C, =an -ook r #riz !e Han #ooker Prize >or @>A Fiction is a8arded every year >or @.A a novel 8ritten &y a 8riter @0A +rom t!e Ke0u&lic o> ;reland. Pu&lis!ers @GA can su&'it &ooks >or consideration >or @EA t, 0rize( &ut t!e +ud%es can @IA also ask >or &ooks to &e @KA su*mitt d7 Lreat e>>orts are 'ade to @PA nsur t!at t!e +ud%in% 0anel is @NA *alanc d in ter's o> %ender and @[A )ro+ ssions 8it!in die industry( so t!at @.>A a 8riter( a critic( an editor @..A and an acade'ic are c!osen alon% @.0A 9it, a 8ell-kno8n 0erson >ro' 8ider @.GA soci ty7 Co8ever( 8!en t!e 0anel o> @.EA "udg s !as &een >inalized( t!ey are @.IA l +t to 'ake t!eir o8n decisions @.KA 9it,out any >urt!er involve'ent or inter>erence @.PA +rom t!e 0rize s0onsor. !e +ud%es @.NA includ acade'ics( critics and 8riters to @.[A maintain t!e consistent Wuality o> t!e @0>A )riz 7 f4/./// co'es 8it! t!e 0rize.


2l 2om)ositions Fogalmazst1mk

Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

A + ladat l (rsa $ >o%al'azs)rsnak nincsenek kttt sza&lyai( de a >eladat elv%zse sorn *%yel+en - a 'e%adott ter+edele' &etartsa 'ellett a kvetkez"kre, P szve%e 'indenk00en alkosson e%ys%es kerek e%szet( a'elynek van &evezetse( t'aki>e+tse Atr%yalsB s &e>e+ezse a 'e%adott instrukcik szerint 0)tse >el )rs'Fvt( 'elyeknek 'ennyis%i ki>e+tst [n dnt!eti el( azaz a >ontosa&&nak tartottat &"ve&&en( a kevs& >ontosat kise&& 'rtk&en dol%ozza ki P szerencss( !a a +o&& ttekint!et"s% kedvrt >or'aila% %ondolati e%y%ekre( &ekezdsekre ta%ol+a )rs'Fvt $ >eladat elv%zs!ez sztr !asznl!at. $ >eladatok le)rsa utn tall e%y 'inta'e%oldst( 'ely se%)ts%et ny@+t.


Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

6n gy civil sz rv z t ltal m g,ird t tt )lyzati + l,(vsnak t sz l g t7 (r"on +ogalmazst @k*7 0>>-0E> sz t r" d l m* nA a m gadott sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki mind n m gadott sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? 'ztr ,asznl,at? L

P Sok &)rlat !an%zik el a %yorstter'ekkel sze'&en( '%is tretlen a n0szerFs%*k. [n szerint 'irtX P He%>elel" versenytrsak-e a szendvics&rok( %yros s*t"k va%y e%y& ki>"zdkX Ca ne'( 'irt ne'X P Co%yan le!etne n0szerFs)teni azokat a !elyeket( a'elyek !azai ter'keket3)zeket k)nlnakX Callott-e 'r ilyen kezde'nyezsr"lX P K*l>ldi @t+a3nyaralsa sorn tallkozott-e 'a%yaros telekkel3)zekkelX [n szerint 'ely ne'zetek vezetnek teleik e60ortlsa tern( s !o%yan rik el sikereiketX P Helyek azok a !azai telek( a'elyeket [n szerint sikerrel le!etne &evezetni a k*l>ldi >o%yaszti 0iacraX P $ le!ets%es kzlekedsi 'dozatok kz*l Akz@t( vas@tB vlassza ki azt( a'elyik [n szerint a le%&iztons%osa&&( s rszletesen indokol+a vlasztstM P Hilyen >e+lesztseket kellene tenni annak rdek&en( !o%y 'inden tren +avul+anak a kzlekeds >eltteleiX P Jelle'ezze !tkzna0i ta0asztalatai ala0+n a !azai aut0ark lla0ott( k*lns tekintettel a &iztons%raM P He%oldan-e a vas@t rszle%es va%y tel+es 0rivatizlsa a vas@ti kzlekeds %ond+aitX Pontosa&& s &iztons%osa&& lenne-e ett"l a vas@ti kzlekedsX P [n szerint( krnyezetvdel'i 'e%>ontolsokat is >i%yele'&e vve( van +v"+e a tvols%i &usz!lzat >e+lesztsnekX P $ turiz'ust sokan az e%yik le%dina'ikusa&&an >e+l"d" i0ar%nak tart+k. 9%yetrt-e ezzel a 'e%>o%al'azssalX Fe+tse ki rveit( 0ro s kontraM P 9%yes eur0ai kor'nyok arra 0r&l+k rvenni 0ol%raikat( !o%y ott!on tltsk el sza&ads%ukat( >e+lesztve ezzel a &el>ldi turiz'ust( s nvelve az lla'i &evteleket. Callott-e !asonl kezde'nyezsr"l Ha%yarorsz%onX [n a &el>ldi va%y a k*l>ldi nyarals !)veX P Co%yan( 'ilyen intzkedsekkel s kedvez'nyekkel vals)t!at 'e% e%y ilyen orsz%os 0ro+ektX P Hely i0ar%ak ltnk a krt annak( !a ezt az elk0zelst az e'&erek na%y rsze kvetnX Hilyen e%y& !trnyok szr'aznnak &el"leX P udna-e k*l>ldi 0ldt e'l)teni a >enti krds illusztrlsraX




Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

P $ kelet-eur0ai orsz%ok unis csatlakozsval 'e%indult a 'unkaer" vndorls nyu%at >el. Jelent"s sz'@ di0lo's 'unkaer" !a%y+a el az anyaorsz%okat a +o&& >izets s a +o&& 'unkakr*l'nyek re'ny&en. [n e%yetrt-e ezzel a >olya'attalX ;ndokol+a vlasztM P Hilyen el"nyei s !trnyai le!etnek annak az e%ynre s az orsz%ra nzve( !a e%y >iatal szake'&er t&& vi% is k*l>ldn dol%ozikX P $z esetle%es nyelvi korltokon t@l 'ilyen ne!zs%ekkel kell '% 'e%k*zdenie Aeltr" kulturlis krnyezet( eltr" trad)cik( szoksok st&.BX P Londol3Londo;t-e [n arra( !o%y n!ny vi% k*l>ldn dol%ozzon3tanul+onX P Nan-e tudo'sa arrl( !o%y !aznk is 'unkaer"&e>o%ad orsz%X Hilyen >o%lalkoztatsi %azatok&an van 'unkaer"!iny Ha%yarorsz%onX P )r+a le( 'it !allott ill. olvasott a 0lasztikai s sz0szeti 'Fttekkel ka0csolat&an( illetve vannak-e els" kz&"l szr'az is'ereteiX P [n 'ilyen lls0ontot k0visel a krds&enX P Celyesli( !o%y e%yes sztrok id"s koruk&an is 'e%0r&lnak >iatalosan kinzniX Hely tnyez"k 'otivl!at+k "ketX P [n szerint tov&&>e+leszt!et-e a 'ai tec!nika( s 0r vtized '@lva val&an csodkra lesz k0esX P udna e'l)teni olyan esetet( a'ikor az ilyen 'Fttek kzss%i 'e%)tlse e%yrtel'Fen 0ozit)vX P )r+on e%y( a kzel'@lt&an kitrt tennszeti katasztr>rl( vzol+a a kr na%ys%t( a 0uszt)ts 'rtktM P Hilyen se%)ts%et ny@+tott a vil%( 'ilyen >or'&an( 'ilyen !atkonys%%alX P )r+a le( !o%y [n szerint !o%yan le!etne '% !atkonya&& tenni az ado'nyozs rendszertM P [n szerint 'ilyen !i&k( 'ilyen visszalsek >ordul!atnak el" e%y-e%y se%lyakci 'e%szervezse( kivitelezse sornX P Na%yo&& anya%i r>ord)tssal rsz&en 'e%el"z!et"k lennnek-e a ter'szeti katasztr>kX P [n szerint 'i az oka annak( !o%y na0+aink&an az e'&erek t&&s%nek e%yre kevese&& ne'csak a szrakozsra( !ane' a 0i!ensre( kika0csoldsra sznt ide+e isX P $z e'&erek a rendelkezs*kre ll kevs sza&adid"t i%yekeznek 'inl intenz)ve&&en ki!asznlni. Hennyire i%az ez az [n eset&enX </4

Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

P Hi a vle'nye az olyan lu6usnak tekint!et" sza&adid"s tevkenys%ekr"l( 'int 0ldul a vitorlzs( &@vrkods( tere0+rs ralik st&.X P sltal&an 'ilyen !atssal van a 0nz( az anya%i +lt a sza&adid" eltltsreX P Helyik az a sza&adid"s tevkenys%( a'elynek sorn a le%ink&& >el tud >riss*lni( ener%it %yF+teniX


Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

P Fe+tse ki 0r 'ondat&an( 'i az oka annak( !o%y a vsrlk 'r 'ind+rt a nyits na0+n 'e%ro!an+k a na%y !i0er'arketeketM P Hinek kszn!etik ltal&an a !i0er'arketek a kis&oltok >eletti >lny*ketX P Hilyen eslyt lt a kis&oltok t@llsreX Pozit)v va%y ne%at)v tendencinak tart+a-e azt a !elyzetet( a'i az e%sz vil%on kialakultX P He%'ent!et"k lennnek-e a kis&oltok lla'i3nkor'nyzati &eavatkozssalX P Hi a vle'nye a 'a%yarorsz%i *zletek !tv%i nyitva tartsrlX -. P #evezet"+&en )r+a le( tudo'sa szerint 'ennyire elter+edt Ha%yarorsz%on a tvoktats rendszere( 'e%van-e !ozz a sz*ks%es eszkztr( a szervezeti >el0)tsM P [n szerint 'ilyen tudo'ny%ak tan)t!atk-tanul!atk ily 'don( s 'elyek azok( a'elyek valsz)nFle% ne'X P 9%yenrtkFnek tekinti-e az itt szerzett oklevelet a na00ali ta%ozatos !all%atk oklevelvelX P [n szerint van-e +v"+e az ilyen +elle%F oktatsnakX P Ki0r&ln-e [n is( !a az let @%y !oznX

1/. P Helyik az a s0ort%( a'ely&en a le%ink&& ott!on vanX Ca nincs ilyen( 'ilyen !)reket !allott arrl( 'ennyit keresnek az tla%!oz k0est az is'ert 0ro>i s0ortolk. P [n !elyesnek tart+a-e( !o%y e%y is'ert s sikeres s0ortol olyan sokat keresX P Hi a vle'nye a sztrs0ortolk rekl'!ordoz szere0vllalsrlX P udo'sa szerint 'ilyen +szol%lati 'e%'ozdulsokon l0nek >el !)res s0ortolk a + *%y rdek&enX P Nllaln-e az let*ketX


Bompositions - Fogalmaz9st/m9k

=&NCAFELA3AC 6n gy civil sz rv z t ltal m g,ird t tt )lyzati + l,(vsnak t sz l g t7 (r"on +ogalmazst @k*7 0>>-0E> sz t r" d l m* nA a m gadott sz m)ontok + l,asznlsval? C1r" n ki mind n m gadott sz m)ontra 1s alkosson gys1g s/ ssz +Bgg: szv g t? 'ztr ,asznl,at? P Sok &)rlat !an%zik el a %yorstter'ekkel sze'&en( '%is tretlen a n0szerFs%*k. [n szerint 'irtX P He%>elel" versenytrsak-e a szendvics&rok( %yros s*t"k va%y e%y& ki>"zdkX Ca ne'( 'irt ne'X P Co%yan le!etne n0szerFs)teni azokat a !elyeket( a'elyek !azai ter'keket3)zeket k)nlnakX Callott-e 'r ilyen kezde'nyezsr"lX P K*l>ldi @t+a3nyaralsa sorn tallkozott-e 'a%yaros telekkel3)zekkelX [n szerint 'ely ne'zetek vezetnek teleik e60ortlsa tern( s !o%yan rik el sikereiketX P Helyek azok a !azai telek( a'elyeket [n szerint sikerrel le!etne &evezetni a k*l>ldi >o%yaszti 0iacraX

=&NCA=EGOL34' Fast >ood restaurants !ave &eco'e 'ore and 'ore 0o0ular ever since t!e >irst one 8as esta&lis!ed. U!at is t!is 0o0ularity due toX Firstly( t!ey are really >ast( 8!ic! is an i'0ortant >actor to a lot o> 0eo0le. Secondly( t!ey !old a s0ecial at'os0!ere es0ecially >or c!ildren. !irdly( t!ey !ave introduced suc! a di>>erent kind o> cuisine( i> t!is is t!e ri%!t 8ord !ere( t!at !as ca0tured 0eo0leSs attention and desire. Co8ever( t!ere are co'0etitors on t!e 'arket suc! as sand8ic! &ars and &u>>ets t!at try to attract as 'any custo'ers as t!ey can. !eir 0o0ularity lies in national >oods and >lavours. Still( t!ey canSt o>>er suc! 8ide services as a >ast >ood 0lace can. $s >ar as ; a' concerned( ; 8ould launc! a ca'0ai%n to 'ake national >ood and dis!es 'ore availa&le >or local citizens and tourists alike. Just t!ink o> t!e e6a'0le o> t!e 0o0ular Lreek dis!( t!e %yros or t!e urkis! >ood( t!e ke&a&. !ey are 8ell-kno8n all over 9uro0e. rue( 8e already !ave national dis!es >a'ous in ot!er countries like %oulas! and ste8( &ut t!ey are not t!at 8ell-kno8n. Hakin% souces 8it! 'eat and du'0lin%s 0o0ular unkno8n in al'ost t!e 8!ole 9uro0e could &e a success>ul venture. Vn t!e ot!er !and( ; donSt t!ink 8e !ave a %ood 'arketin% 0olicy to 0o0ularize t!ese dis!es as 8ell as t!e Lreeks or t!e urkis! do. Ue need to acWuire a ne8 attitude to t!e issue.



9l"sz...................................................................................................... < <D7. 'z rk z ti gys1g - #l #l Hinta>eladatsor............................................................................... #1 _uestions and ans8ers - Krdsek - vlaszok .............................. #l Hatc!in% - Szve% - c)' 0ros)ts................................................. #1 Eloze-test - Szve%kie%sz)ts...................................................... #1 Eo'0ositions - Fo%al'azst'k ................................................

2 D/ .D 42 75

<D5. 'z rk z ti gys1g - #D #D Hinta>eladatsor.............................................................................. 5. #D _uestions and ans8ers - Krdsek - vlaszok .............................. -5 #D Hatc!in% - Szve%kie%sz)ts ............................................................................................................. 1D/ #D Eloze-test - Szve%kie%sz)ts ............................................................................................................. 1<. #D Eo'0ositions - Fo%al'azst'k ............................................................................................................. 142 <D-. 'z rk z ti gys1g - El El Hinta>eladatsor ............................................................................................................. 12D El _uestions and ans8ers - Krdsek - vlaszok ............................................................................................................. 172 El Hatc!in% - Szve%kie%sz)ts ............................................................................................................. 1-5 El Eloze-test - Szve%kie%sz)ts ............................................................................................................. D1D El Eo'0ositions - Fo%al'azst'k ............................................................................................................. D<.


0I>> Ft Eddig m g" l nt kiadvnyaink; Angol; <</. $n%ol tesztek( >ord)tsok... a kz0>ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <<1. Nyelvtan kz0ont@ tesztek s >ord)tsok az urs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <<D. 8enty &ut Vne. rsal%si t'akrk a sz&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <<<. Feladat%yF+te'ny az an%ol kz0>ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <<.. Study ri0s to t!e 9n%lis!-S0eakin% Uorld. Eivilizcis tanknyv <<4. !at Lodda' Lra''arM Nyelvtani %yakorlknyv <<2. $n%ol tesztek s 'ondatsorok. Felksz*ls a kz0>ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%ra <<7. $n%ol nyelvtan tncl0sek&en. Lyakorlati nyelvtanknyv <<5. Qearn a&out t!e countries in t!e 9uro0ean Jnion. esztknyv az uni orsz%airl <<-. en 'ore countries in t!e 9uro0ean Jnion. esztknyv az uni orsz%airl ;;. <./. Lyakorlknyv az an%ol ala0>ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <.1. Lyakorlknyv az an%ol kz0>ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <.D. Lyakorlknyv az an%ol >elsS>ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <.<. Pannon nyelvvizs%a %yakorlknyv az ala0- s kz0>ok@ an%ol nyelvvizs%!oz F ED <... Pannon nyelvvizs%a %yakorlknyv a >els">ok@ an%ol nyelvvizs%!oz v ED <.4. $not!er Ste0 For8ard - rsal%si t'akrk az an%ol >elsS>ok@ nyelvvizs%!oz F ED <.2. #rid%e t!e La0 ;. - Knyv F Hunka>*zet kezd"knek F ED <.7. #rid%e t!e La0 ;;. - Knyv F Hunka>*zet !aladknak F ED N1m t; <.5. N'et tesztek( >ord)tsok... a kz0>ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <.-. Nyelvtan kz0ont@ tesztek s >ord)tsok az )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <4/. ?8anzi% 8eni%er eins. rsal%si t'akrk a sz&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <41. N'et nyelvtan - el'let s %yakorlat <4D. 9ntdeckun%sreise durc! die deutsc!0rac!i%en Qwnder. Vrsz%is'ereti tanknyv <4<. 9inen Sc!ritt 8eiter. rsal%si t'akrk a >elsS>ok@ nyelvvizs%ra <4.. Die ver>li6te Lra''atik. Nyelvtani %yakorlknyv kezd"knek s !aladknak <44. Lyakorlknyv a n'et kz0>ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <42. Lyakorlknyv a n'et >els">ok@ )rs&eli nyelvvizs%k!oz <47. Pannon nyelvvizs%a %yakorlknyv az ala0- s kz0>ok@ n'et nyelvvizs%!oz F ED <45. Pannon nyelvvizs%a %yakorlknyv a >elsS>ok@ n'et nyelvvizs%!oz F ED <4-. Ha%net Deutsc! ;. - Knyv F Hunka>*zet kezd"knek F ED ]``1<. Ha%net Deutsc! ;;. - Knyv F Hunka>*zet !aladknak F ED

Padls Nyelviskola s Knyvkiad ;S#N -75--2<--5/4-/7-1 -.// So0ron( Patak 9. 12. el., --34/2-115 Fa6, --34/2-117 888.0adlaskiado.:9 9-'ail, 0adlas.so0ron:t-online.:9

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