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Passage 1 Functions of power transmission The function of (1) is to send power from power plants to load center or to exchange

power between power networks in order to attain the generation-consumption balance or the supplydemand balance between (2) Power transmission is completed by step-up substations ( ) The transmission line mainly consists of the transmission conductors (cables) poles or towers insulators o!erhead ground wires and grounding de!ices" The (#) can reduce the line loss and the !oltage drop ensure the power $uality% raise the economy of (&) The increase of transmission line !oltage can not only raise the amount of transmitted power% but also reduce the line loss and line !oltage dropand impro!e the !oltage $uality '" step-down substations and connected transmission e$uipment (" power network operation )" power transmission *" transmission at high !oltage +" power networks Passage 2 ,ubstation misoperation and its pre!enting The misopemtion that can lead to (1) mainly are on-load

switching of isolating switch connecting (2) closing the circuit breaker (isolating switch) with ground lines (ground switch) earthed Thefi!e pre!entingsfor ( ) includes pre!enting the wrong opening or closing of circuit breaker pre!enting the on load opening and closing of isolating switch pre!enting (#) pre!enting the closing of circuit breaker with grounding wire connected pre!enting(&) '" pre!enting the misoperation in substation (" the closing of grounding switch with power on )" accidents in the electrical operation of the substation *" the persons from illegal entering the li!ed bay +" the grounding wire (closing the grounding switch) with power on Passage ' brief introduction on the de!elopment of

supercritical boilers and their main ad!antages -n (1) such as .","' /apan and +uropean countries the supercritical boiler has been de!eloped since the 01s of last century -t has been pro!ed by data and experience the supercritical unit has (2) 's for its reliability% because the steam-water flow passages in supercritical boiler is same as that in the ( ) there isn2t anything special" (ut as far as hydraulic

characteristic a symbol of reliability% is concerned in a supercritical boiler% under supercritical condition medium is of single phase which has a (#)" ,o that the problem caused by une!en distribution of steam phase and water phase can be a!oided -t is admitted that% if (&) both supercritical and subcritical units can get an excellent reliability index" '" good homogeni3ation of distribution (" some ad!anced countries )" whole process management is strengthened *" great ad!antages oil economy and en!ironmental protection +" subcritical once-through boiler Passage 4 Steam generation and use ,team is one of man2s dependable ser!ants 4ore and more in the backgroundsteam is doing more and more work for man" -n (1) steam may be seen only at the teakettle% but the electricity used may be generated by burning coal or gas and producing steam to turn the generator rotors in the power plant +!en if (2) by nuclear fission the generation of electricity is still accomplished by ( )" -n the .","'" the demand for electricity doubles e!ery ten years" For the most part water resources suitable for power generation are already in ser!ice% except for emergency standby

and peak-load units5 approximately 617 of (#) utili3es steam" The (&) is expanding in most countries of the world except for the countries where a!ailable water power resources are greater than power needs" '" first generating steam (" an electrically heated home )" use of steam for electric power generation *" the new generating capacity being installed +" the fuel is uranium and the heat is supplied Passage 5 Circuit breaker )ircuit breakers are automatically operated high !oltage (or high current) switches" )ircuit breakers are re$uired (1) by switching circuits on by carrying load and by switching circuits off under manual or automatic super!ision" Their duty is as follows -n closed position the circuit breaker must be a good conductor for the normal load current" -n open position the gap across the contacts shall ha!e foil insulation le!el" 't opening operating the circuit breaker must be able (2) to many thousands of amperesand independently of the characteristics from purely inducti!e to fully capaciti!e" 't closing operation the circuit breaker must close fast and be safe also against full short circuit conditions" They must therefore be effecti!e instantaneously

when are called upon ( ) without mo!ement" 's the circuit breaker is the last link in the chain of protecti!e e$uipment% the circuit breaker reliability is (#) of the total electric power system so the importance (&) cannot be o!er emphasi3ed" '8 to perform any switching operation after long periods (" to control electrical power networks )" of the circuit breaker *" to switch the current which can be from a few amperes +" of the highest importance for high reliability Passage 0 The ratio of distance to height of pumped-storage power plant For pumped-storage power plant% generally the ratio of distance to height (l)% *istance-height ratio (2) to the drop between upper and low reser!oir that is 9:;" The head of simple pumped-storage power plant consists of two parts they are natural topographic ele!ation difference and ele!ation difference formed by dam" <f course% the head deri!ed from topographic ele!ation difference ( )so in selecting plant sitethe condition

that not only a height difference is a!ailable but also no !ery high dam of upper reser!oir is necessary should be considered" ,maller 9:; !alue indicates a shorter water transportation line then the engineering construction cost can be sa!ed" (ut in

many circumstances% topographic condition ( # )%so we can2t say the smallest 9:; !alue ( & )" -n newly constructed three large capacity pumped-storage power plants in our country% the 9:; !alue respecti!ely are ="12 in >uang3hou" #"12 in ,hisanling2"#1 in Tian huangping '" is most economic (" is used to e!aluate topographic condition of power plant )" is not desirable *" is the ratio of hori3ontal distance between upper and low reser!oir +" is the best Passage 7 Fuel cells Fuel cells are de!ices that when a fuel such as hydrogen or hydrogen-rich compounds and oxygen are supplied to materials arranged like the anode and cathode of a con!entional battery% combine to con!ert chemical energy directly into electrical energy" .nlike con!entional batteries" where the con!ersion of chemical to electrical energy re$uires only the closing of a circuit between the cathode and anode to produce and electrical current (1)" These cells re$uire the fuel and oxygen that will produce the chemical reactions that produce an electrical 1utout Fuel cells ha!e been made that will supply power in the

megawatt range and (2) ,uch cells are not yet widely used on power systems but( )to supply fuel cell power to isolated loads 's the !oltage output of a cell is in the order of l to 2"&?% (#) and power output in ranges that are normally re$uired" -n!erters are used to (&) when and ') output is desired" ' " further de!elopment is under way (" there is no storage capacity in a fuel cell )" many cells are operated in series to obtain !oltages *" supply alternating current from fuel cells +" as they are being de!eloped there ha!e been some applications Passage 8 Substations pace into the Digital Age ,ubstations constitute the main part of power transmission and distribution in a power grid" The substations (1)% with the responsibility for the electric power transmission and

distribution in the grid" <!er more than a decade of de!elopment% (2)" -n the rebuilding and constructing of power grid in rural and urban areas automation technology is not only used in low-!oltage substations to reali3e unattended

operation but also in the 221k? and abo!e extra-!oltage substationsthus greatly enhancing the le!el of moderni3ation of power grid construction% strengthening the power transmission

and distribution and the possibility of power grid dispatching and reducing the total cost of substation construction% ( )" ;owe!er% the de!elopment of technology is ne!er-ending and the increasing maturation of technology like intelligent switches photoelectric current and !oltage transformers online condition monitoring of primary e$uipments% (#)% as well as the de!elopment and application of high-speed network in real-time system is bound to ha!e a profound impact upon the existing substation automation technology% and (&) is about to emerge" '" substation automation technology has reached a certain le!el (" simulation training technology for substation operation )" composed of a large number of primary and secondary e$uipments *" a full-digital automation system +" all of which has become an indisputable fact Passage 9 O ercoming the Problem o! "aste 4any large cities are anything but beautiful ,treets are littered with trash" -n this trash% howe!er% (1) -f people want to sol!e the problem of waste% (2) They must work out ways of making use of good things which are @ust thrown away as wasteAhen a car gets too oldit may not rim

any more" (ut if the metal that the car was made of is still good ( )" Ahen a bottle is empty% it goes out in the trash" (ut bottle glass can be ground into sand and used to pa!e streets" (esides% garbage from food can be changed into fertili3er" (ut first you ha!e to pick out all the glass and metal" Furthermore% garbage can also be a good source for making building blocks% which are then co!ered with concrete" Bow% (#) " ,ome day% people will watch films in a great cinema which has been built out of garbage Future buildings roads and cities may be made from garbage" (ut so far% (&)" '" there is no time to be lost (" building beautiful cities out of garbage is only a dream )" there is still something that can be useful *" it can be put to use again +" more and more machines are designed for this purpose Passage #$ %ibernation The weather in winter" )all be !ery cold" ,ome animals sleep during the winter% for itCs difficult for them to find food then" (1) " For example their sleep can last from autumn to spring" (2)" 'nimals need food in winter to keep them warm and ali!e -f they mo!e about more they need eat more" ( )" Their heart

beats slowly" 'nd they breathe slowly" They find a safe place to sleep" (#)" -n warm winter some animals like bears may wake up" -f they see thick snow oil the ground% they will get back to their sleep" (&)" '" ,o they don2t need to worry about bad weather and other dangerous animals (" Ae call this kind of sleep in wintertime Dhibernation22 )" 's it gets warmer and warmer in spring the sleeping animals begin to wake up and look around for food *" ;ibernating animals don2t need to eat much because they don2t mo!e +" They can sleep for a long time Passage ## Satellites The body that is neatest to the +arth is the moon" (1)" This satellite is called natural satellite" 4anEmade spacecraft which circle the +arth are called artificial satellites" Batural as well as artificial satellites circle the planets in a definite path or orbit( )" (2)" 'll the bodies in space like the moon the planets and the stars also exert an attracti!e force on ob@ects" ( )" The moon2s gra!itational force is only one sixth that of the +arth2s" The

+arth2s gra!itational force of pull keeps ns and e!erything else on +arth from floating away to space" (#)" There are many artificial satellites orbiting around the +arth" ,ome artificial satellites ha!e been sent up to orbit the moon and e!en the planet 4ars" (&)" '" The bigger and hea!ier a body is% the greater is its force of gra!ity (" -t circles the +arth and is therefore know as a satellite of the +arth )" To get out into space we ha!e to o!ercome the +arth s gra!itational pull *" ' satellite stays in orbit because the planet gra!itational force keeps pulling it into a circle +" 'rtificial satellite can be used for !arious purposes Passage #& Secondar' e(uipment in po)er s'stem The secondary e$uipments in power system are (1)% measuring regulating controlling primary e$uipments% the e$uipments that supply information working condition for the operator or maintenance persons% and (2)" The electric circuit connected with the secondary winding of )T or PT is called secondary circuit" The secondary e$uipment and secondary circuit belong to secondary system"

The !oltage and ( ) are 111? % 221? *) operating !oltages% 111? rated !oltage of the potential transformer secondary winding and (#)" The related parameter !alues of secondary system after weak electrification are 2#? #F? 01? *) operating !oltages% (&)% 1"&' rated current of )T secondary side" '" &' rated current of the current transformer secondary winding (" the e$uipments that pro!ide protectingmonitoring )" &1? rated !oltage of PT secondary side *" the e$uipments that send the command signals +" current !alues in secondary system Passage 1 ,witching o!er!oltage ' sudden change in the configuration of transmission network caused (1) or by the appearance of a fault can cause a rapid surge known as switching o!er!oltage% which propagates throughout the network" -t is these switching o!er!oltages which in general (2)% 9imitating these o!er!oltages is of extremely importance% because they ha!e an important effect on both ( )" These switching o!er!oltages can occur (#)" -f non-restriking circuit breakers is not used% it is at the instant of closing% and abo!e all re-closing of a line which has held a residual charge% that the strongest o!er!oltages will appear" This switching

o!er!oltage is usually limited (&)" '" determine the insulation re$uirements of transmission lines (" the cost of transmission and 1ine failure rate )" at both opening and closing of circuit breakers *" by means of circuit breaker closing resistor in &11k? system +" by the operation of a circuit breaker Passage #4 *ransmission line and distribution line The high !oltage power line through which power is (1) is called power transmission line" The !oltage classes of &k? and abo!e are generally used" ;igh !oltage distribution line is (2) to distribution transformers" 9ow !oltage distribution line is the line that transmits power from distribution transformer to the users" The normal !oltage of power distribution line is F1?" The special sections of ( ) refer to the sections with large spanning% serious pollution% (#) The o!erhead line section whose span is 1111 m and longer or the height of the pole or tower is l11m and higher is called (&)" '" transmitted from power plant2s step-up substation to stepdown substation (" the o!erhead transmission line )" lightning fre$uently happening and hea!y raining

*" the power line that transmits the power from step-down substation +" 1arge spanning line section Passage #5 *rans!ormer insulation The insulation of a transformer can be categori3ed into internal insulation and external insulation" (1)" The external insulation is the insulation between the upper part of bushings and the ground and the insulation among the bushings" The internal insulation of transformer can be further subdi!ided into main insulation and longitudinal insulation (2)" The longitudinal insulation refers the insulation between different parts of the same winding such as insulation between different sections layers and turns of the same winding" ( )% insulating pressboard% cable paper% corrugated paper% etc" The oil in transformer has two functions% one is insulation% and the other is cooling (#) by the factors such as temperature is called insulation aging" (&)% for e!ery 0o) temperature rise the insulation life time of the paper used in transformer will decrease by half" '" The main insulation materials inside transformer are transformer oil (" The degradation of insulating properties of insulation

materials under long period of influence )" The internal insulation refers to the insulation of !arious parts inside the oil tank * -f the winding temperature is within the scope of F1 1#1

) +" The main insulation refers to the insulation between

windings and grounding parts and the insulation between windings Passage #+ *he electricit' market The aim of introducing market mechanism is to bring !arious parties more economic benefit through e$uitable

competitionthereby promote economic de!elopment" 9ike other markets% it needs (1) where the sellers and buyers (suppliers) can trade electricity% and needs (2) where the suppliers can sell electricity to final customers" 's in other markets the participants need ( )" )ompetition is introduced into generation and retail supplied to customers" )ustomers are free (#)" -f a customer chooses to buy electricity in the retail market% he should be able to choose electricity supply from one of se!eral competing retailers" -f a customer decides to purchase directly from the wholesale market% he will need (&)" Power generation is disaggregated into separate companies to ensure

ade$uate competition" '" to agree on the price and $uantity to be traded (" a wholesale market )" to register as a market customer *" a retail market +" to choose electricity suppliers Passage #7 ,lectric po)er +lectric power is a most con!enient clean safe and useful form of energy which supplies the ma@or portion of energy needs of a modem society 't the present time (1) is newsworthy" +lectric power is so !ital to the li!es of people that (2) causes incon!enience% loss of production% and danger to many indi!iduals who are in operation (such as cardiac operation) in hospital" ' prolonged blackout% which is ine!itable when a growing load is combined with no generation additions% could lead to ( )" Aith the de!eloping of industry and impro!ing in li!ing standard% the electric power demand is growing continuously and (#) is much greater than that of all other forms of energy" Bow (&) has been one of the indications of moderni3ation of a country" '" its growth rate (" its una!ailability

)" the lack of electricity (a blackout) *" social disorder% and e!en national tragedy +" high electric power consumption per capita Passage #8 Cop'right pirac' There are numerous examples of what has become known as copyright piracy" The 'merican chemical giant *u Pont% for example% recently introduced into one 'sian country its famous 9ondax herbicide% which kills weeds in rice fields" The company in!ested millions of dollars in (1) of this product and ploughed another ., G2& million into opening a local production plant" 9ess than one year later% howe!er% !ery cheap bottles of 9ondax were openly on sale" The only difference between (2) -1ther than the price-was that the fake was called Hondex and came in a blue rather than a green bottle" ;owe!er% as it was so much cheaper than the original% it effecti!ely destroyed *u Pont2s in!estment" -t also made the company less willing to in!est in HI* of ( )" Therecipefor 9ondax should ha!e been treated as (#) of *u Pont" <ther companies making illegal use of it are stealing @ust as surely as if they stole *u Pont2s machines or any other (&) of the in!enting company" '" new chemicals (" the research and de!elopment

)" physical property *" the fake and real items +" the intellectual property Passage #9 ,lectrical energ' +lectrical energy is the presence and flow of an electric charge" The energy portion of electricity is found in a !ariety of phenomena such as (1)% electromagnetic fields and lightning" ;umans ha!e found the ability to harness these phenomena and store the (2) for later use" The concept of ( ) is defined using a !ariety of different terminologies such as charge current and potential" +lectrical energy is the result of the interaction of subatomic particles with electromagnetic force" Aithin an atom% electrons and protons create a charge" This charge )an be transferred between bodies using direct contact with a conducti!e material like a wire" The current refers to the mo!ement of the charge" Aith direct current% this occurs when the electricity is stored in a battery and tra!els in one direction out of the battery" (#) occurs when the current changes direction repeatedly within an electrical system" The alternating current form is usually used to power larger ob@ects such as residences and buildings"

(&) is essential to the range and power of electric energy" Ahen an electric charge exists within an ob@ect% a force is exerted from its electrical field" This accelerates the ob@ect in a direction either towards or away from the charge% depending on the electromagnetic polari3ation" >enerally% positi!ely-charged

electricity pushes the ob@ect away% while negati!ely-charged electricity pulls the ob@ect towards the field" '" 'lternating current (" electrical energy )" +lectrical potential *" static electricity +" electrical charge Passage &$ Solar energ' 4any people think of alternati!e solar energy as a new technology% but humans ha!e been using this process to heat homes and baths for thousands of years" 'lternati!e solar energy refers to energy from the sun that can be captured and used @ust like energy created by fossil fuels" The great benefit of solar energy is that its source% the sun is not diminished by use of the energy% therefore making this type of power system(1)" There are se!eral different methods of collecting and using alternati!e solar energy" <ne of (2)% usually seen as solar panels"

,olar panels can be a !ery good means of collecting solar energy% but do ha!e some drawbacks" Ahile panels ha!e the ad!antage of $uickly turning absorbed solar radiation into usable energy% they are extremely ( )" This means that much of the potential power of absorbed light is lost in the transfer process Thermal solar energy is primarily used to create heat% such as for homes% baths% and swimming pools% -n a thermal system% (#)% which then passes through a pipe system where it mixes with water% generating steam" ,team is then passed through a turbine system% which turns it into usable energy" *espite sounding like a more complex process than photo!oltaic systems use% thermal alternati!e solar energy is often far more (&) and is able to retain and use more of the collected energy directly for heating" '" sustainable (" inefficient )" the collected energy is used to heat a fluid *" the best known is photo!oltaic cells +" efficient Passage &# ,lectrical energ' conser ation +lectrical energy conser!ation refers to the process of reducing energy used through !arious means" 4any of these methods for (1) naming down the thermostat% naming off the lights when

lea!ing the room% or switching off power strips when not in use are all examples of this" ;omes% businesses or power companies (2)% such as wind or solar energy% are also examples of electrical energy conser!ation" 4any traditional electrical power plants are coal-fired% which contributes greenhouse gases to the atmosphere% ( ) this is @ust one reason that energy conser!ation is important" For many people% electrical energy conser!ation begins at home" Bot only is this good for the en!ironment% but it can also significantly reduce the amount of a monthly electric bill" ,ome of the simplest steps to energy conser!ation include switching traditional light bulbs to compact fluorescent()F9)bulbs% or (#)" 4aking sure appliances are efficient% and that windows and doors are well sealed against the outdoors% are other examples of energy conser!ation" People (&) should also look for power strips that can be switched off '" turning the thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter (" looking for other opportunities for electrical energy conser!ation in the home )" reducing energy consumption can be undertaken at home *" making use of alternati!e clean energy sources

+" contributing to climate change Passage # Bowadays% scientists are working hard to make deserts into useful land again" They make efforts to bring water to the desert( ) )" .nluckily% more and more land is becoming deserts" This is because people are doing bad things to the earth" ,ome places don2t become deserts( * ),ome green plants are growing there" ( ( )" Plants keep the land away from becoming too dry in the sunshine( + )" Ahen a little bit rain falls% the plants can hold the water" Aithout plants and grass the land will become drier and drier and is more likely to become a desert" ( ' ) '" There is still a long way to go for scientists to turn the desert into good land" (" They are !ery important to dry places )" so that people can li!e and grow food there *" e!en though these places don2t ha!e much rain +" (esides% they won2t let the wind blow the dirt away" Passage & Temperature% pressure% specific !olume% enthalpy and entropy are the most commonly used ( ) ) in the thermodynamics"

;eat expansion refers to the phenomenon that most of the substances will increase in si3e with ( ( ) in the absence of ( + )" There are three basic types of( ' )% namely% conduction% con!ection and radiation" The first law of thermodynamics goes like thisJ the heat input to a thermodynamic system is e$ual to the sum of the increase in( * )of the system and the work done to the outside" '" heat transfer (the rise in temperature )parameters of the medium *internal energy +external forces Passage # ( + ) ;ere are three important rules( ' ) Heduce" ( ( ) (ig cities always consume a lot of water in daily life" To sa!e water% people in some families may first use the same water to wash clothes and then to flush the toilet" Heuse" ( ) )For example% you can pass on the clothes you do not use or those too small for you to your younger sisters or brothers" Hecycle" (ottles% cans and paper can be recycled" -n this way% we can sa!e a lot of money and resources" For example%

used coke cans can be sent to a factory to be smashed flat and melted" ( * ) '" Their key words all begin with the 1etter DHK" (" -f you want to reduce waste" you must use things wisely" )" Lou must always think of reusing things before throwing them out" *" The metal stuff can be made into new coke cans" +" -t2s important to protect our en!ironment" Passage & 'ccording to the mode of energy con!ersion% power plants can be classified into fossil-fired% hydraulic% ( ( )% geothermal% tide power plants% and so on" ' power plant transforms primary energy source into electric power and ( ) )" ' co-generation plant is the power plant that not only generates electricity but also ( ' )" Bormally% in selecting the site of a new power plant% following factors should be fully consideredJ Power net plan fur medium and long term5 ( * )5 Transportation condition5 Aater sources5 9ocal natural condition and en!ironmental protection" 'ccording to the common stipulation for a newly scheduled power plant% the total capacity in a ( + ) is in the

range of 12114A to

0114A% the number of units should not

exceed six and the ranks of capacity should not exceed two" '" supplies steam to the user (" nuclear% wind% solar )" supplies power to users *" Fuel supply and ash disposal +" newly scheduled power plant Passage # The most important pumps in a power plant are feed-water pumps and condensate pumps% etc" The role of feed-water pump in a power plant is that ( ( ) from de-aerator water storage tank to boiler" To meet the demand of parameter design of thermodynamic system and to simplify the system% a part of the feed water is extracted from an intermediate stage of the pump for temperature reduction of superheated steam" Following methods are used popularly for the speed regulation of feed-water pumpJ ( * ) ;ydraulic coupling speed regulation and speed regulation by a small turbine" The principle of disposition for boiler feed-water pumpsJ three sets of feed-water pumps are e$uipped% ( ' )% another one for standby" >enerally% two steam-dri!en pumps and one motor-

dri!en pump are pro!ided% also% ( ) )" Hole of a condensate pump in a power plantJ it pressuri3es the water from the hot well of condenser and transports it to deaerator !ia low pressure heater" The principle of disposition for condensate pumps of steam turbine unitnormally% two sets of !ertical pumps are e$uipped" The demand on the mounting position of condensate pumpJ ( + ) to a!oid !apori3ation inside the condensate pump" '" three sets of motor-dri!en pumps are acceptable (" it must be located at 1"&m-1"Fm below the hot-well )" two of them are fur normal operation *" 4otor fre$uency con!ersion speed regulation +" it pressuri3es and transports the higher temperature deaerated water Passage & 'utomatic regulation of boiler dram water le!el means that by the feed water automatic regulator% ( ) )" The feed-water auto-regulator has three input signalsJ drum le!el% steam now and feed water flow" Ahen the boiler takes a load less than 1 of the rated one% only the dram le!el signal is a!ailable" ( + )" The feed water automatic regulation fur a once-through boiler keep the transition 3one outlet steam temperature less-

superheated within allowable range% and makes the feed-water flow match with the steam flow and keep steady" The steam temperature automatic regulating system of boiler is the automatic regulating de!ice to keep the boiler superheater outlet steam temperature and the reheater outlet steam temperature within allowable fluctuation around the rated !alue" ( ( )" The reheater outlet steam temperature can be regulated by ad@usting the flue gas dampers or by ad@usting the tilting angle of the burners% if necessary% ( ' )" For the oncethrough boiler% we must keep the fuel water ratio of the boiler to control superheater outlet temperature to insure the re$uired stability of mid-point temperature" 'dditionally% ( * )% we can perform the regulation of the superheater outlet temperature" '" a small $uantity of water spraying can be adopted" (" The superheater outlet steam temperature is regulated by the in@ection of desuperheating water" )" the dram le!el is kept within a set range *" by the water spraying +" -t is a one element regulating system at that time

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