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jointly noti i!" to t#! Co$%t on &' S!(t!)*!% +,&-


noti i3 4onjoint!)!nt 5 l6 Co$% l! &' 7!(t!)*%! +,&-


The Hague, 17 September 2013

On behalf of the State of Amalea (the Applicant an! the "epublic of "itania (the "e#pon!ent , in accor!ance $ith Article %0(1 of the Statute of the &nternational 'ourt of (u#tice, $e ha)e the honor to tran#mit to *ou an original of the Special Agreement for #ubmi##ion to the &nternational 'ourt of (u#tice of the +ifference# bet$een the Applicant an! the "e#pon!ent concerning 'ertain Acti)itie# $ithin the ,alachi -ap, #igne! in The Hague, The .etherlan!#, on the 17th !a* of September in the *ear t$o thou#an! thirteen/

Amba##a!or of the State of Amalea to the 0ing!om of The .etherlan!#

Amba##a!or of the "epublic of "itania to the 0ing!om of The .etherlan!#

SPECIAL AGREEMENT SUBMITTED TO THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE B9 THE STATE OF AMALEA AND THE REPUBLIC OF RITANIA ON THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEM CONCERNING CERTAIN ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE MALACHI GAP The State of Amalea and the Republic of Ritania, Considering that !ifference# ha)e ari#en bet$een them concerning the certain acti)itie# $ithin the ,alachi -ap1 Recognizing that the 2artie# concerne! ha)e been unable to #ettle the#e !ifference# b* negotiation1 Desiring further to !efine the i##ue# to be #ubmitte! to the &nternational 'ourt of (u#tice (hereinafter the 'ourt for #ettling thi# !i#pute1 In furtherance thereof the 2artie# ha)e conclu!e! the follo$ing Special Agreement3 Article 1 The 2artie# #ubmit the 4ue#tion# containe! in the Special Agreement (together $ith 'orrection# an! 'larification# to follo$ to the 'ourt pur#uant to Article %0(1 of the 'ourt5# Statute/ Article 2 &t i# agree! b* the 2artie# that Amalea #hall act a# Applicant an! the "epublic of "itania a# "e#pon!ent, but #uch agreement i# $ithout pre6u!ice to an* 4ue#tion of the bur!en of proof/ Article 3 (a (b The 'ourt i# re4ue#te! to !eci!e the 'a#e on the ba#i# of the rule# an! principle# of international la$, inclu!ing an* applicable treatie#/ The 'ourt i# al#o re4ue#te! to !etermine the legal con#e4uence#, inclu!ing the right# an! obligation# of the 2artie#, ari#ing from it# (u!gment on the 4ue#tion# pre#ente! in the 'a#e/ Article 4 (a (b 2roce!ure# #hall be regulate! in accor!ance $ith the applicable pro)i#ion# of the Official "ule# of the 201% 2hilip '/ (e##up &nternational 7a$ ,oot 'ourt 'ompetition/ The 2artie# re4ue#t the 'ourt to or!er that the $ritten procee!ing# #houl! con#i#t of ,emorial# pre#ente! b* each of the 2artie# not later than the !ate #et forth in the Official Sche!ule of the 201% 2hilip '/ (e##up &nternational 7a$ ,oot 'ourt 'ompetition/

Article 5 (a (b The 2artie# #hall accept an* (u!gment of the 'ourt a# final an! bin!ing upon them an! #hall e8ecute it in it# entiret* an! in goo! faith/ &mme!iatel* after the tran#mi##ion of an* (u!gment, the 2artie# #hall enter into negotiation# on the mo!alitie# for it# e8ecution/

&n $itne## $hereof, the un!er#igne!, being !ul* authori9e!, ha)e #igne! the pre#ent 'ompromi# an! ha)e affi8e! thereto their re#pecti)e #eal# of office/ +one in The Hague, The .etherlan!#, thi# 17 th !a* of September in the *ear t$o thou#an! thirteen, in triplicate in the :ngli#h language/

Amba##a!or of the State of Amalea to the 0ing!om of the .etherlan!#

Amba##a!or of the "epublic of "itania to the 0ing!om of The .etherlan!#

T#! +,&: P#ili( C; J!77$( Int!%n6tion6l L6< Moot Co$%t Co)(!tition ==S(!4i6l A>%!!)!nt== T#! St6t! o A)6l!6 ?; t#! R!($*li4 o Rit6ni6 T#! C67! Con4!%nin> C!%t6in A4ti?iti!7 <it#in t#! M6l64#i G6(


Amalea, a !e)eloping, ne$l* in!u#triali9e! i#lan! #tate, an! the "epublic of "itania, a

!e)elope!, in!u#triali9e! penin#ular #tate, are #eparate! b* the Strait of ,alachi, a channel connecting the +orian Sea (to the .orth an! the Occitan Ocean (to the South / 2/ The Strait of ,alachi range# from 217 nautical mile# (at it# narro$e#t to 3;< nautical

mile# (at it# $i!e#t / At it# !eepe#t point, in an area =no$n a# the Amalean Trench, the Strait reache# a !epth of o)er >,000 meter#/ ?ithin appro8imatel* 100 nautical mile# of the coa#t of "itania, the Strait al#o contain# #e)eral oceanic ri!ge# an! plateau#, $here the $ater !epth i# at place# a# little a# 20 meter#/ A ma6or international #ea lane tra)er#e# #ome of the !eeper area# of the Strait of ,alachi/ A map of the ,alachi -ap an! it# neighboring lan! ma##e# i# attache! a# Appen!i8 A hereto/ 3/ The Strait of ,alachi it#elf contain# abun!ant fi#h an! #hellfi#h #toc=#, an! Amalean

fi#hing )e##el# ha)e hi#toricall* plie! almo#t e)er* part of the Strait, regularl* coming $ithin le## than %0 nautical mile# of the "itanian coa#t/ @i#h account# for roughl* %0A of the protein content of the Amalean !iet/ Amalea5# fi#hing in!u#tr* #upplie# the !ome#tic mar=et an! i# al#o re#pon#ible for e8port# generating more than >A of the countr*5# BS+ %> billion -+2/ The in!u#tr* !irectl* emplo*# o)er 2>0,000 people/ %/ "itania, b* contra#t, ha# ne)er !e)elope! a commerciall* #ignificant fi#hing in!u#tr*

an! it# people !o not con#ume #ignificant 4uantitie# of #eafoo!/ "itanian fi#hing in the Strait of ,alachi i# limite! to #e!entar* fi#h #pecie# foun! $ithin fi)e nautical mile# of the coa#tline/ >/ &n the 1C%0#, "itanian geologi#t# !i#co)ere! #ignificant re#er)e# of petroleum an!

natural ga# beneath the #eabe! in the Strait of ,alachi, though at the time it $a# not technologicall* fea#ible to e8ploit the#e !epo#it#/


&n earl* 1C%<, Amalea an! "itania began !i#cu##ion# regar!ing appropriate control

an! regulation b* each of them of the re#ource# $ithin an! beneath the high #ea# be*on! their re#pecti)e territorial $ater#/ The#e !i#cu##ion# continue! for o)er a !eca!e, but negotiation# #talle! o)er the Strait of ,alachi/ On 1C September 1C><, the 2re#i!ent of "itania i##ue! a proclamation claiming all right# to the natural re#ource# of the #ub#oil an! #ea be! of the continental #helf contiguou# to the coa#t# of "itania/ The proclamation al#o #tate! that $here the continental #helf e8ten!# to the #hore# of another State, the boun!ar* of the #helf i# to be !etermine! in accor!ance $ith e4uitable principle#/ 7/ On 2C October 1C>7, Amalea e#tabli#he! boun!e! con#er)ation 9one# in tho#e area#

of the #ea# contiguou# to it# coa#t# (inclu!ing large portion# of the Strait of ,alachi $here fi#hing acti)itie# ha! been !e)elope! an! maintaine! #olel* b* Amalea, an! !eclare! that fi#hing acti)itie# in tho#e area# $ere #ub6ect to the regulation an! control of Amalea/ ;/ &n the Bnite! .ation# -eneral A##embl*, both Amalea an! "itania )ote! in fa)or of

B.-A "e#olution .o/ 110> (D& con)ening the @ir#t Bnite! .ation# 'onference on the 7a$ of the Sea/ &n 1C>;, both countrie# #igne! the four -ene)a 'on)ention# on the 7a$ of the Sea, but not the Optional 2rotocol on the 'ompul#or* Settlement of +i#pute#/ "itania ratifie! all four 'on)ention# in @ebruar* 1C<1, $hile Amalea ratifie! them in September 1C<2/ C/ @or the ne8t 11 *ear#, Amalea an! "itania manage! their re#pecti)e intere#t# in the

re#ource# $ithin an! beneath the Strait of ,alachi $ithout further attempt# at negotiating bilateral arrangement#/ Eoth participate! in the Thir! Bnite! .ation# 'onference on the 7a$ of the Sea from 1C73 to 1C;2/ 10/ &n April 1C;3, "itania #igne! an! ratifie! the 1C;2 'on)ention on the 7a$ of the Sea

(B.'7OS , an! claime! a 200 nautical mile e8clu#i)e economic 9one (::F the #ame *ear/ &n rele)ant part, "itania5# !eclaration #tate!3 in ca#e# $here the maritime boun!ar* $ith a neighboring #tate ha# not been !efiniti)el* fi8e!, or $here "itania an! another #tate ha)e a##erte! potentiall* conflicting or o)erlapping claim# to ::F#, the#e matter# #hall be !etermine! b* "itania an! the other #tate in accor!ance $ith international la$/


Amalea #igne! B.'7OS in (une 1C;3, but ha# ne)er ratifie! it/ Ho$e)er, on 13 (une

1C;%, the 2re#i!ent of Amalea, b* proclamation, a##erte! hi# countr*5# claim to a 200 nautical mile ::F/ Among other thing#, the 2roclamation al#o claime! the right to control energ* pro!uction, a# $ell a# the e#tabli#hment an! u#e of artificial i#lan!#, in#tallation#, an! #tructure# ha)ing economic purpo#e#, $ithin the ::F/ ?ith re#pect to the Strait of ,alachi, the proclamation !eclare! that the boun!ar* bet$een Amalea5# an! "itania5# e8clu#i)e economic 9one# $a# to be !etermine! b* the t$o countrie# in accor!ance $ith e4uitable principle#, gi)ing !ue con#i!eration to Amalea5# hi#torical !epen!ence on fi#hing re#ource#/ 12/ Amalea $a# among the fir#t nation# in the $orl! to !e)elop an! implement

#u#tainable fi#hing practice#/ &n 1C;<, it# legi#lature enacte! the 'oa#tal @i#herie# 2rotection Act, $hich #tate! that it applie!, inter alia, to the ::F/ The Act e#tabli#he! a licen#ing #cheme for all fi#hing acti)itie#, granting authorit* to the Amalean :n)ironmental 2rotection Agenc* to regulate an* acti)itie# that po#e! ri#=# to fi#h #toc=#/ 13/ Through a .ote Gerbale i##ue! four !a*# after the promulgation of the 'oa#tal

@i#herie# 2rotection Act, "itania ob6ecte! to an* potential interpretation of the Act a# appl*ing to an* part of the Strait of ,alachi, on the groun!# that the potentiall* conflicting ::F claim# of the t$o #tate# ha! ne)er been re#ol)e!/ 1%/ &n 1C;;, a "itanian e8ploration )e##el !i#co)ere! the :rebu# ga# fiel!, a ma##i)e

natural ga# !epo#it locate! in !eep $ater# $ithin the Strait of ,alachi, appro8imatel* 1>0 nautical mile# from the coa#t of "itania/ E* then, a!)ance# in oil an! ga# e8traction technolog* $ere #uch that "itania belie)e! the e8ploitation of the :rebu# fiel! coul! become commerciall* fea#ible $ithin the ne8t !eca!e/ 1>/ Eet$een 1C;; an! 1CC2, Amalea an! "itania engage! in e8ten#i)e negotiation# about

the !emarcation of their ::F claim# in the Strait of ,alachi, re#ulting in a treat* !ate! 30 ,arch 1CC2/ ?ith re#pect to an area of appro8imatel* 1,200 #4uare nautical mile#, =no$n a# the ,alachi -ap, the partie# agree! to apportion their re#pecti)e right# a# #et out in the e8tract# of the ,alachi -ap Treat* at Appen!i8 E hereto/ The area# pre)iou#l* claime! b* each #tate a# it# :8clu#i)e :conomic Fone out#i!e of the ,alachi -ap $ere #tipulate! to con#titute that #tate5# unconte#te! ::F/


The ,alachi -ap Treat* $a# haile! b* both #i!e# a# an hi#toric achie)ement, $hich

allo$e! Amalea to protect )ital fi#herie# re#ource# $ithin the Strait of ,alachi $hile allo$ing "itania to !e)elop #ub#ea re#ource# #uch a# the :rebu# ga# fiel!/ .either the Treat* nor an* of it# travaux prparatoires ma=e# an* #pecific reference to militar* acti)it* in the area or pre#cribe# or pro#cribe# an* #pecific commercial or en)ironmental acti)itie#/ The $herea# clau#e# of the Treat* !o pro)i!e, ho$e)er, that a =e* #hare! ob6ecti)e of the partie# to the Treat* $a# to balance, an! in#ofar a# po##ible to promote, the intere#t# of the State# 2artie# in re#pect of e8ploration, e8ploitation, an! protection of thi# maritime area of great importance to them both/ Eoth partie# ratifie! the ,alachi -ap Treat* in (anuar* 1CC3/ 17/ 7ater in 1CC3, Amalea amen!e! it# 'oa#tal @i#herie# 2rotection Act in t$o rele)ant

re#pect#3 (a clarif*ing that, $ithin the Strait of ,alachi, the la$ applie! to $ater# $ithin Amalea5# unconte#te! e8clu#i)e economic 9one an! $ater# $ithin the ,alachi -ap area o)er $hich Amalea ha# 6uri#!iction, a# #et out in the ,alachi -ap Treat* of 1CC2, an! (b re4uiring en)ironmental impact a##e##ment# for all acti)itie# un!erta=en $ithin the Strait of ,alachi $hich coul! a!)er#el* affect Amalea5# #o)ereign right# un!er international la$/ 1;/ @or mo#t of recor!e! hi#tor*, the people of Amalea ha)e pri9e! the fle#h of the

+orian $ra##e (Labridae doriensis , a brightl* colore! marine fi#h =no$n to bree! onl* in a #mall area of the Strait of ,alachi/ The +orian $ra##e i# t*picall* con#ume! on important holi!a*# or fea#t !a*#, an! tra!ition re4uire# that it be eaten at #uch ma6or e)ent# a# comingH ofHage ceremonie#, $e!!ing#, an! funeral#/ ?hile other #pecie# of the $ra##e famil* are regularl* claime! b* e8pert# to be interchangeable $ith the +orian $ra##e in term# of nutritional an! coo=ing characteri#tic#, man* Amalean# in#i#t that the ta#te# are !ifferent/ Eecau#e of the#e #trong tra!ition#, numerou# effort# to import an! mar=et #ub#titute# ha)e been un#ucce##ful/ O)er the la#t #e)eral !eca!e#, the Amalean fi#hing in!u#tr* ha# !e)elope! an e8port mar=et for the fi#h a# $ell, initiall* aime! at Amalean e8patriate#/ ,ore recentl*, preparation# of the +orian $ra##e ha)e been feature! to great acclaim in ,ichelinH#tarre! re#taurant# in 2ari#, .e$ Ior=, To=*o, ,ilan, an! +oha/ The Amalean ,ini#tr* of Tra!e ha# reporte! that !ome#tic an! foreign #ale# of the fi#h generate! #ome BS+ 1<0 million annuall* b* the *ear 2000/ :8porter# ha)e regularl* pro6ecte! higher return# o)er the ne8t !eca!e#/


The bree!ing groun! of the +orian $ra##e occupie# le## than >0 #4uare =ilometer#

$ithin the #hallo$ $ater# of the Siriu# 2lateau, an area of the continental cru#t in the ,alachi -ap appro8imatel* %0 nautical mile# from the "itanian coa#t an! appro8imatel* 1;0 nautical mile# from the coa#t of Amalea (see Appen!i8 A / The Siriu# 2lateau i# geomorphologicall* an! geologicall* relate! to the "itanian lan!ma##, $here the $ater# are on a)erage le## than 20 meter# !eep/ 20/ &n late 200<, at the annual #harehol!er#5 meeting of one of her companie#, "itanian

billionaire :#meral!a 0ali announce! her intention to finance the con#truction of :8cel#ior &#lan! on the Siriu# 2lateau/ The plan# contemplate! the creation of a large, !onutH#hape! artificial i#lan! ma!e of oceanic #an! an! roc= !re!ge! from the ,alachi -ap area/ Accor!ing to the !etaile! engineering plan# for :8cel#ior &#lan!, the reclaime! lan! area it#elf $oul! be locate! 6u#t out#i!e the ,alachi -ap, entirel* $ithin "itania5# unconte#te! ::F/ 0ali, through her $holl*Ho$ne! pro6ect compan*, :8cel#ior &#lan! -a# J 2o$er 7imite! (:&-2 , planne! to u#e :8cel#ior &#lan! a# a facilit* for the pro!uction of #e)en million metric ton# per annum of li4uefie! natural ga# (7.- from the :rebu# fiel!/ The 7.- facilit* $oul! be po$ere! b* an ;00Hmega$att combine! $in! farm an! h*!roelectric plant, to be built 6u#t off the coa#t of :8cel#ior &#lan!, $holl* $ithin "itania5# unconte#te! ::F/ 0ali5# engineer# ha! conclu!e! that $hen the $in! i# #trong, e8ce## energ* from the $in! turbine# coul! be u#e! to pump $ater from the hollo$e! center of the i#lan!/ At time# of lo$ $in!, the #tore! $ater coul! be relea#e!, po$ering the h*!roelectric turbine# an! en#uring a con#tant #uppl* of po$er to the 7.- facilit*/ The t$o billion cubic meter# of #an! an! roc= nee!e! for the con#truction of the i#lan! $oul! be !re!ge! entirel* from area# locate! $ithin the ,alachi -ap/ 21/ Bpon learning of the propo#al to buil! :8cel#ior &#lan!, Amalea5# @oreign ,ini#ter

#ummone! the "itanian Amba##a!or, $ho confirme! that the fea#ibilit* of :&-25# plan $a# currentl* un!er re)ie$ b* the "itanian go)ernment/ +uring the meeting, the Amalean @oreign ,ini#ter ma!e clear that #uch a largeH#cale pro6ect cannot be un!erta=en e8cept $ith the con#ent of both Amalea an! "itania, in accor!ance $ith the letter an! #pirit of the ,alachi -ap Treat*/ 22/ The follo$ing !a*, the "itanian Amba##a!or re#pon!e! $ith a note #tating, in

rele)ant part, a# follo$#3

&f it i# appro)e! b* the appropriate "itanian authoritie#, :8cel#ior &#lan! it#elf (con#i#ting of the reclaime! lan!, all a##ociate! #tructure#, an! the off#hore $in! farm $ill be built entirel* out#i!e of the ,alachi -ap an! $ithin "itania5# unconte#te! e8clu#i)e economic 9one/ Therefore, Amalea5# con#ent for the pro6ect i# not re4uire!/ To the e8tent that an* acti)itie# relating to the con#truction of :8cel#ior &#lan! $ill ta=e place $ithin the ,alachi -ap, "itania $ill ta=e appropriate mea#ure# to en#ure that #uch acti)itie# are carrie! out in full compliance $ith "itanian la$, a# $ell a# $ith "itania5# obligation# un!er the ,alachi -ap Treat* an! an* applicable norm# of international la$/ 23/ A# part of the "itanian licen#ing proce##, :&-2 $a# re4uire! to con!uct an

en)ironmental impact a##e##ment (:&A for the :8cel#ior &#lan! pro6ect/ Bn!er "itanian la$, an :&A for a propo#e! marine !e)elopment pro6ect i# re)ie$e! b* "itania5# +epartment of "e#ource ,anagement an! an* other go)ernment agenc* claiming a #pecific intere#t/ &f all re)ie$ing agencie# are #ati#fie! $ith the :&A an! other information relating to the pro6ect, the +epartment of "e#ource ,anagement i##ue# a licen#e authori9ing the !e)eloper to procee!/ Bn!er the#e la$#, :&A re4uirement# appl* to acti)itie# on or in "itanian territor* an! an* other area# o)er $hich "itania ma* e8erci#e #o)ereign right# in accor!ance $ith international la$/ &n earl* 200;, :&-2 #ubmitte! an :&A for the :8cel#ior &#lan! pro6ect/ The :&A !i! not a!!re## the potential impact# of the !re!ging program on the $ater# of the ,alachi -ap, or on fi#h #pecie# li)ing there/ 2%/ Amalea con#i#tentl* maintaine! that "itania ha! no right to engage in or to allo$

!re!ging $ithin the ,alachi -ap, an! that e)en if it !i! ha)e #uch a right, "itania coul! not permit #uch !re!ging to procee! $ithout at lea#t a full :&A #pecificall* co)ering all of it# potential impact#/ Amalea e8pre##e! particular concern regar!ing the fate of the +orian $ra##e, gi)en the pro8imit* of it# onl* =no$n bree!ing groun! to the propo#e! !re!ging in the Siriu# 2lateau/ "itania maintaine! that it# regulator* proce##e# complie! $ith international la$/ 2>/ Shortl* after :&-2 file! it# :&A, the Amalean :n)ironmental 2rotection Agenc*

publi#he! a report prepare! b* the &nternational 7eague for Su#tainable A4uaculture (&7SA , an international nonHgo)ernmental organi9ation $ho#e member# inclu!e prominent marine #cienti#t# from aroun! the $orl!/ The report conclu!e! that an* ma6or !re!ging acti)it* in the ,alachi -ap $oul! li=el* interfere $ith ongoing re#earch an! con#er)ation effort#, an! coul! potentiall* pro)e cata#trophic for nati)e #pecie# an! eco#*#tem#/ &t al#o #ugge#te! that

becau#e of the pre#ence of ga# h*!rate# at the foot of the Siriu# 2lateau, an un!er$ater lan!#li!e coul! threaten particularl* gra)e !amage/ Amalea5# @oreign ,ini#ter for$ar!e! the report to the "itanian Amba##a!or an! urge! her to #ubmit it to the appropriate authoritie# for con#i!eration in the a##e##ment of the pro6ect/ The Amba##a!or re#pon!e! that neither #he nor her #uperior# $ere authori9e! to interfere $ith the in!epen!ent regulator* role of the "itanian +epartment of "e#ource ,anagement/ 2</ Amalea5# @oreign ,ini#ter notifie! "itania of Amalea5# intent to #ee= pro)i#ional

mea#ure# from the &nternational 'ourt of (u#tice if it coul! not be re#ol)e! through negotiation#/ "itania re#pon!e! b* propo#ing bilateral negotiation#, $hich began in mi!H 200;, continue! for a *ear, but reache! a #talemate in late (ul* 200C/ 27/ Ha)ing recei)e! "itanian go)ernment appro)al of it# :&A an! it# other pro6ect

information, an! ha)ing put in place all of the other logi#tical piece# nee!e! to commence the pro6ect, :&-2 $a# grante! a permit to con#truct :8cel#ior &#lan! on 1 Augu#t 200C/ ,#/ 0ali announce! to the international me!ia at a pre## conference that !re!ging $oul! begin a# #oon a# the re4uire! e4uipment coul! be in#talle! at the #ite/ Bpon hearing that the pro6ect $a# to go for$ar! !e#pite Amalea5# ob6ection#, Amalea #ought an or!er from the &nternational 'ourt of (u#tice, re4uiring "itania to halt the pro6ect/ The 'ourt conclu!e! b* eight )ote# to #e)en that the circum#tance#, a# the* no$ pre#ent them#el)e# to the 'ourt, are not #uch a# to re4uire the e8erci#e of it# po$er un!er Article %1 of the Statute to in!icate pro)i#ional mea#ure#/ The re6ection of thi# re4ue#t #hall not pre)ent Applicant from ma=ing a fre#h re4ue#t ba#e! on ne$ fact# at a later !ate/ 2;/ On 10 +ecember 200C, after three month# of !re!ging $ithout inci!ent, #onar buo*#

!etecte! a #ignificant un!er$ater lan!#li!e/ E* all account#, the lan!#li!e $a# the !irect re#ult of the !re!ging, $hich ha! cau#e! an o)erH#teepening of the #lope in a geologicall* $ea= part of the Siriu# 2lateau/ ?hile the lan!#li!e !i! not generate a t#unami, e8tremel* high $ater turbi!it* le)el# per#i#te! for #e)eral $ee=#/ &t al#o cau#e! a !i##ociation of ga# h*!rate# at the foot of the Siriu# 2lateau, re#ulting in a higher concentration of #e)eral !i##ol)e! ga#e#, inclu!ing carbon !io8i!e an! methane, in #hallo$ $ater# throughout the Siriu# 2lateau/


@ollo$ing the lan!#li!e, Amalean authoritie# in#titute! an emergenc* monitoring

program !e)elope! an! implemente! b* &7SA for #e)eral #pecie# li)ing on the Siriu# 2lateau $ithin the ,alachi -ap, inclu!ing the +orian $ra##e/ :arl* re#ult# of the program, relea#e! in @ebruar* 2010 re)eale! that the lan!#li!e ha! an imme!iate an! #ignificant negati)e impact on the =no$n +orian $ra##e population/ Amalea5# @oreign ,ini#ter contacte! her counterpart in "itania to a!)i#e him of thi# !e)elopment, #tating that Amalea $oul! hol! "itania re#pon#ible for economic lo##e# cau#e! b* harm to the fi#hing #toc=# once it# preci#e impact ha! been !etermine!/ 30/ The total catch of +orian $ra##e reporte! b* Amalean fi#hing companie# to the

,ini#tr* of @i#herie# b* the en! of 2010 an! 2011 ha! fallen to 2>A an! 1>A, re#pecti)el*, of the le)el# reporte! in 2000/ E* @ebruar* 2012, &7SA !eclare! the +orian $ra##e to be an en!angere! #pecie#, an! recommen!e! that commercial fi#hing be #u#pen!e! in!efinitel* until it# population $a# regenerate!/ At the #ame time, &7SA note! that there $a# !oubt among e8pert# in the fiel! $hether the number of +orian $ra##e in the Siriu# 2lateau $oul! return to preHlan!#li!e le)el# before the en! of the centur*/ 31/ &n (anuar* 2010, a "itanian oil an! ga# e8ploration )e##el con!ucting #onar mapping

operation# in the ,alachi -ap to the $e#t of the Amalean Trench, !i#co)ere! the $rec= of the #chooner Cargast, $ho#e captain $a# Eal!ric Ger!igri#, an Amalean e8plorer an! cartographer/ The $rec= $a# appro8imatel* ;0 nautical mile# from the neare#t point on the Amalean coa#t/ 32/ Hi#torian# ha)e long agree! that Ger!igri# !ie! at #ea on 10 ,arch 1>10, $hen the

Cargast the fir#t of $hat $oul! become a #tan!ar! mo!el of Amalean #chooner# K !i#appeare! in the Strait of ,alachi !uring a #torm/ At the time the Cargast $ent !o$n, Ger!igri# hel! a letter of mar4ue from the 0ing of Amalea, $ho grante! the #hip to him for u#e to bring glor* to the 0ing!om of Amalea/ 'ontemporaneou# recor!# in!icate that the 0ing pro)i!e! an! the "o*al Trea#ur* pai! for a batter* of 20 2%Hpoun!er cannon# a# $ell a# a complement of lighter $eapon#, cau#ing one commentator to ob#er)e upon the #hip5# mai!en )o*age that #he i# the mo#t formi!able )e##el bearing Hi# ,a6e#t*5# e#cutcheon *et to pl* our #ea#/ 7ong ma* #he #ail in Hi# #er)iceL The cre$ of the )e##el appear# to ha)e been recruite!, emplo*e!, an! pro)i#ione! b* Ger!igri# u#ing fun!# pro)i!e! b* pri)ate

financial bac=er#, $ho hope! to reco)er their in)e#tment through #hare# of the foreign trea#ure the* hope! he $oul! bring bac= to Amalea/ 33/ "itanian hi#tor* boo=# !e#cribe Eal!ric Ger!igri# a# a ruthle## Amalean pirate,

re#pon#ible for the plun!er an! !e#truction of the "itanian capital of Helio# !uring the $ee= of % ,arch 1>10/ On their return to Amalea from $hat contemporar* recor!# #ai! $a# a )er* #ucce##ful tra!ing mi##ion to recentl* !i#co)ere! o)er#ea# territorie#, Ger!igri# an! hi# cre$ lai! #iege to Helio#, #etting fire to the to$n, =illing hun!re!# of people, an! #tealing mo#t of the to$n5# pri9e! religiou# an! cultural icon# a# $ell a# all of the preciou# ob6ect# that the* coul! carr*/ Among the ob6ect# #tolen $a# the Sacre! Helian 'oronet, $hich $a# place! on the hea!# of "itanian monarch# !uring their coronation ceremonie#/ &t ha! been =ept in the 'hapel of Saint .icola# in Helio#/ Accor!ing to legen!, the 'oronet K reporte!l* ma!e of gol! an! preciou# #tone# K $a# a gift from the go!# to the fir#t =ing of "itania in the fourth centur* A/+/ O)er the centurie# it ha# ac4uire! m*thical importance in "itanian iconograph*, an! a #t*li9e! image of the 'oronet occupie# the center of the flag of "itania to the pre#ent !a*/ Hi#torian# are unanimou# in their a##umption that the cargo that $ent !o$n $ith the Cargast, an! that la* #ome$here in the !epth# of the Strait of ,alachi, containe! not onl* the 'oronet, but a )a#t arra* of preciou# #tone#, gol! an! other coinage, an! be6e$ele! artifact# obtaine! not onl* !uring the Sac= of Helio# but !uring the tra!ing mi##ion that prece!e! it/ 3%/ Amalean 2rime ,ini#ter Eee#le* re#pon!e! to the !i#co)er*, claiming the Cargast

an! all of the cargo that might be on boar! a# the propert* of Amalea, to be hel! in tru#t for all human=in!/ He note! that the $rec= #houl! be protecte! from tho#e $ho ha)e no right to it/ The 2re#i!ent of "itania imme!iatel* re#pon!e! $ith gratitu!e for our #hare! un!er#tan!ing that the uni4ue propert* on boar! the Cargast, #acre! to the people of "itania, mu#t be treate! $ith !ignit* an! re#pect, but al#o noting our feeling of !eep offen#e that Amalea, or an* other countr*, $oul! claim o$ner#hip or control of our nation5# birthright/ A# an! $hen appropriate, the content# of the #hip #houl! be brought to the #urface for careful re#toration an! pre#er)ation, an! thereafter treate! in a manner con#i#tent $ith international la$/ 3>/ &n an inter)ie$ $ith S)en#=a +agbla!et time! to commemorate the >00th anni)er#ar*

of $hat ha# become =no$n a# the Sac= of Helio# on % ,arch 2010, "itanian ,ini#ter of 'ultural Affair# -loria !e Sou#a !eclare! that if later in)e#tigation# re)eale! the pre#ence of

the Sacre! Helian 'oronet on boar! the #hip, thi# $oul! be the reali9ation of a !ream of generation# of our ance#tor#, in $ho#e honor the entire population of "itania $ill, a# one, $elcome home thi# re)ere! #*mbol of our nation/ She note! that the me!ia ha! in recent !a*# reporte! the arri)al at Amalea5# main airport of a number of internationall* =no$n !i)er# e8perience! in reco)ering trea#ure lo#t at #ea, an! #tate! that "itania $ill not tolerate the pre#ence of looter# K of an* nationalit* K an*$here near the Cargast, an! $e re#er)e the right to #en! na)al patrol )e##el# to the area to pre)ent the !e#ecration of our national heritage/ Ho$e)er, no "itanian #hip# $ere #ent to the $rec= #ite after that #tatement $a# publi#he!/ 3</ &n (anuar* 2011, the Amalean 'ultural Affair# ,ini#tr* announce! that it ha!

ac4uire! fi)e ob6ect# reco)ere! in an e8plorator* !i)e to the $rec= b* ,ilo Eelle99a, a $ellH =no$n !eep #ea trea#ure hunter of S$i## nationalit*/ The#e inclu!e! an item that appeare! to be the Sacre! Helian 'oronet/ +etaile! information pro)i!e! b* Eelle99a follo$ing hi# e8plorator* !i)e ha! per#ua!e! Amalea that the hull #tructure of the Cargast $a# at ri#= of cata#trophic collap#e/ Amalea, therefore, contracte! $ith Eelle99a to e8plore the $rec= an! reco)er item# therefrom/ 37/ The "itanian go)ernment, through it# emba##* in Amalea, #trongl* ob6ecte! to $hat it

calle! the #*#tematic looting of the $rec= of the Cargast, an! announce! that it $a# again con#i!ering the !eplo*ment of na)al )e##el# to patrol the area/ .o #uch #hip# $ere in fact ob#er)e! in the )icinit* of the $rec= !uring 2011/ "itania al#o !eman!e! that Amalea imme!iatel* han! o)er the item# plun!ere! b* the mo!ernH!a* pirate ,ilo Eelle99a, $ho propo#e# to con#ummate the theft of our national i!entit* begun b* hi# comra!e an! roleH mo!el Eal!ric Ger!egri# half a millennium ago/ 3;/ Amalea5# 'ultural Affair# ,ini#tr* re#pon!e! that the $rec= an! all other item#,

inclu!ing the 'oronet, $ere reco)ere! in goo! faith, an! in an* e)ent Amalea remain# in fact an! at la$ the o$ner of the $rec= of the Cargast an! it# cargo/ &n (une 2011, the ,ini#tr* grante! ,ilo Eelle99a, acting a# agent for an! on behalf of the "epublic of Amalea, the #tatu# of #al)or of the $rec= of the Cargast/ 3C/ "itanian 2re#i!ent 7ipman imme!iatel* i##ue! a public #tatement, !enouncing

Amalea5# granting of a licen#e to Eelle99a a# a )iolation of the letter an! #pirit of the

,alachi -ap Treat* a# $ell a# cu#tomar* international la$/ The licen#e, the 2re#i!ent #tate!, #houl! be !eclare! null an! )oi!, an! of no legal effect/ On behalf of all "itanian#, $e inten! to #ee= the return of the item# alrea!* in Amalea5# po##e##ion, inclu!ing the 'oronet, $hich are the #acre! propert* of our people/ %0/ Shortl* after the "itanian 2re#i!ent5# public #tatement, "itania5# .a)* began to patrol

the area of the $rec= ($hich patrol# continue to the !ate of thi# Special Agreement / Although there ha)e been no report# of )iolent confrontation#, Amalea ha# )ehementl* ob6ecte! through !iplomatic channel# to $hat it# 2rime ,ini#ter calle! thi# unla$ful incur#ion /M "itania ha# gone be*on! the lamentable creeping 6uri#!iction e8erci#e! b* #ome #tate# un!er the gui#e of protecting un!er$ater cultural heritage, to full blo$n unla$ful a##ertion of po$er be*on! it# o$n territor*/ %1/ On 13 @ebruar* 2011, at appro8imatel* 1>00 hour# local time, the Rosehill, an

AmaleanHregi#tere! crui#e #hip carr*ing >>< pa##enger#, 70A of $hom $ere Amalean#, an! 21> cre$ member# of )ariou# nationalitie#, !eparte! from Amalea an! hea!e! to$ar!# "itania/ Helio# $a# to be the Rosehill5# fir#t port of call on it# regular 20H!a* )o*age aroun! the region/ Eecau#e con#truction of :8cel#ior &#lan!5# h*!roelectric plant $a# complete an! final #tep# $ere being ta=en to !e)elop the $in! farm, in re#pon#e to cu#tomer#5 re4ue#t# the Rosehill5# o$ner# ha! obtaine! permi##ion for the )e##el to na)igate clo#e to the &#lan!/ %2/ A# the Rosehill approache! :8cel#ior &#lan!, the Daedalus, a #tolen "itanianHflagge!

*acht un!er the control of O#car !e 7u9, a "itanian citi9en, carr*ing a cre$ of 10 an! $ith an un!etermine! number of other# on boar!, $a# #pee!ing to$ar!# the &#lan!/ The captain of the Rosehill, #a$ that hi# #hip $a# on a colli#ion cour#e $ith the fa#tHapproaching Daedalus, an! trie! to maneu)er the Rosehill a$a*/ He $a# force! to )eer to$ar! the &#lan! an! to accelerate in or!er to a)oi! $hat #eeme! an imminent colli#ion/ +e#pite $hat later in)e#tigation# !e#cribe! a# the heroic effort# of the captain an! cre$ of the Rosehill, the #hip #truc= the &#lan! $ith #ignificant force/ The Rosehill5# captain imme!iatel* ra!ioe! the Amalean authoritie# about the inci!ent/ %3/ The impact cau#e! rupture# to three o8*Hfuel #torage tan=# on the i#lan!, in turn

lea!ing to a #erie# of e8plo#ion# that =ille! fi)e of the "itanian national# $or=ing on :8cel#ior &#lan!/ The e8plo#ion# al#o tore large hole# in the hull of the Rosehill an! cau#e!

fire# that #prea! through part# of the #hip, $hich began to #in=/ Eefore nightfall, 127 pa##enger# an! cre$ of the Rosehill ha! !ie! from the e8plo#ion#, burn#, #mo=e inhalation, or !ro$ning, an! 1>0 other# $ere in6ure!/ ;C of the !ea! $ere Amalean national#/ %%/ 7u9 #teere! the Daedalus a$a* from the &#lan! to the north$e#t/ ?ithin minute# of

the Rosehill!s !i#tre## call, the Amalean 'oa#tal 2rotection Ser)ice (A'2S i##ue! an alert !e#cribing the Rosehill colli#ion a# apparentl* cau#e! b* a *acht that ha! hurrie!l* left the #cene/ The alert note! that the *acht ha! been #een #pee!ing a$a* bearing $e#t north$e#t, creating a !anger for other )e##el#/ %>/ A# the Daedalus !re$ $ithin about 23 nautical mile# of Amalea5# coa#tline, it $a#

pic=e! up on ra!ar b* the Icarus, an Amalean .a)* @a#t "e#pon#e 'utter, un!er the comman! of 'aptain ?alter Ha!!oc=/ 'aptain Ha!!oc=, $ho ha! follo$e! the A'2S alert#, #et out at full #pee! to intercept the Daedalus/ ?hen the Icarus $a# $ithin )i#ual range, 'aptain Ha!!oc= i##ue! an or!er o)er #e)eral !ifferent ra!io fre4uencie# commonl* u#e! b* )e##el# in the Strait of ,alachi, or!ering the Daedalus to #top/ %</ &n#tea!, 7u9 turne! the Daedalus an! #pe! !ue ea#t, to$ar!# "itania/ Ha!!oc=

pur#ue! the Daedalus, cro##ing into "itania5# unconte#te! ::F north of the :rebu# -a# @iel!/ &n an attempt to get the Icarus to )eer a$a*, 7u9 #u!!enl* #teere! the Daedalus #traight to$ar!# the Icarus/ 'aptain Ha!!oc= =ept hi# )e##el on cour#e, e8pecting that the Daedalus $oul! turn at the la#t moment, but it !i! not/ The #hip# colli!e! at high #pee!/ The Icarus #uffere! #ome minor !amage, but the Daedalus began to #in= rapi!l*/ 7u9 leapt o)erboar! into a !ingh*/ 'aptain Ha!!oc=5# cre$ capture! 7u9 in the !ingh*, $here the* !eclare! him un!er arre#t, then brought him on boar! the Icarus/ The cre$ an! pa##enger# of the Daedalus $ere al#o ta=en on boar!, but it $a# 4uic=l* !etermine! that the* ha! committe! no criminal act#, an! the* $ere relea#e! $hen the Icarus reache! port/


Since 1CC>, Amalea5# 2enal 'o!e ha# #pecificall* inclu!e! offen#e# committe! in

Amalea5# unconte#te! ::F an! the ,alachi -ap/ Amalea5# Attorne* -eneral conclu!e! that un!er that 'o!e her countr*5# court# ha! 6uri#!iction to tr* 7u9 for )iolation# of Amalean criminal la$#, an! he $a# charge! $ith 127 count# of mur!er, a# $ell a# rec=le## en!angerment, negligent operation of a #eagoing )e##el, an! )ariou# propert* crime#/


"itania imme!iatel* file! a formal prote#t $ith the Amalean :mba##*, claiming that

the arre#t an! pro#ecution of 7u9, a "itanian citi9en, $ere illegal un!er international la$/ "itania argue! that it ha! e8clu#i)e 6uri#!iction o)er the allege! offen#e#, an! !eman!e! that 7u9 imme!iatel* be returne! to "itania for in)e#tigation into $hether there $a# a ba#i# to pro#ecute him for the Rosehill acci!ent/ "itania al#o note! that it e8pecte! the full cooperation of Amalea, a# a #ignator* to B.'7OS, in re#ol)ing the #ituation regar!ing O#car !e 7u9/ %C/ Amalea !ecline! to repatriate 7u9, noting that "itanian criminal la$ !i! not e8pre##l*

pro)i!e for pro#ecution of offen#e# committe! out#i!e the countr*5# territorial $ater#, an! therefore 7u9 might ne)er be re4uire! to an#$er for hi# crime#/ &n#tea!, Amalea put him on trial/ 7u9 $a# ultimatel* con)icte! of nearl* all of the charge# again#t him, an! hi# con)iction# $ere affirme! b* the 'ourt of 'riminal Appeal# in (une 2012, an! b* Amalea5# Supreme 'ourt in (anuar* 2013/ 7u9 i# currentl* #er)ing a life #entence in a me!iumH#ecurit* pri#on in Amalea, an! $ill not be eligible for parole until 2032/ >0/ &n @ebruar* 2013, Amalea5# ,ini#tr* of @i#herie# publi#he! a report conclu!ing that

pro6ecte! commercial e8ploitation of the +orian $ra##e $oul! ha)e amounte! to no le## than BS+ 2>0 million annuall* o)er the ne8t fi)e *ear#/ Eeing unable to fi#h the +orian $ra##e for the fore#eeable future, Amalea !eman!e! reparation# from "itania for the lo## of thi# re)enue/ >1/ After #e)eral month# of un#ucce##ful negotiation#, the partie# !eci!e! to refer the

matter in)ol)ing the lo## of the +orian $ra##e, along $ith the unre#ol)e! !i#pute# in)ol)ing the Cargast an! the Rosehill, to the &nternational 'ourt of (u#tice, an! for thi# purpo#e ha)e agree! to the term# of thi# Special Agreement/ &n a!!ition, Amalea ha# agree! to place all ob6ect# remo)e! from the Cargast, an! an* other# that might be brought to the #urface !uring the pen!enc* of thi# ca#e b* ,ilo Eelle99a, in e#cro$ hel! b* the ,ini#tr* of 'ulture of the -o)ernment of 'ana!a, $hich ta=e# no po#ition on an* of the i##ue# in !i#pute/


Amalea an! "itania are both member# of the Bnite! .ation# #ince 1C%>, an! each ha#

#igne! an! ratifie! the Gienna 'on)ention on the 7a$ of Treatie#/ Eoth ha)e been member#

of the &nternational ,aritime Organi9ation #ince 1C<;, an! ha)e ratifie! the 1C;C &nternational 'on)ention on Sal)age/ Amalea i# a part* to the 2001 B.:S'O 'on)ention on the 2rotection of Bn!er$ater 'ultural Heritage, $hich "itania ha# #igne! but not ratifie!/ "itania i# al#o a part* to the 1C10 Eru##el# 'on)ention for the Bnification of 'ertain "ule# $ith "e#pect to A##i#tance an! Sal)age at Sea1 Amalea i# not a part* to that 'on)ention/ There i# no e8tra!ition or mutual legal a##i#tance treat* bet$een the t$o #tate#/


Amalea re4ue#t# the 'ourt to a!6u!ge an! !eclare that3 (a "itania5# act# an! omi##ion# $ith re#pect to the !e)elopment of :8cel#ior &#lan! )iolate! international la$, an! Amalea i# therefore entitle! to #ee= compen#ation from "itania for economic lo##e# cau#e! b* the lan!#li!e/ (b Amalea ha# e8clu#i)e o$ner#hip of the $rec= of the Cargast an! all artifact# reco)ere! from it, an! "itania5# !eplo*ment of patrol )e##el# to the #ite of the Cargast )iolate! international la$/ (c (! The Amalean .a)*5# pur#uit of O#car !e 7u9 into "itania5# ::F, an! hi# #ub#e4uent arre#t, $ere in compliance $ith international la$/ Amalea ha! 6uri#!iction to tr* an! con)ict 7u9 for criminal action# relate! to the Rosehill inci!ent, an! ha# no obligation to return him to "itania/


"itania re4ue#t# the 'ourt to a!6u!ge an! !eclare that3 (a "itania5# con!uct $ith re#pect to the :8cel#ior &#lan! pro6ect complie! in all re#pect# $ith it# obligation# un!er international la$ an! the term# of the ,alachi -ap Treat*, an! "itania ha# no obligation to compen#ate Amalea for an* lo## or !amage allege!l* cau#e! b* the 200C lan!#li!e/ (b ,ilo Eelle99a5# #al)age of the Cargast i# unla$ful, an! the cargo an! artifact# reco)ere! from the $rec= properl* belong to "itania, $hich ha# the right to protect them/ (c The Amalean .a)*5# pur#uit of O#car !e 7u9 into "itania5# ::F, an! hi# #ub#e4uent arre#t, $ere illegal/


Amalea $a# $ithout 6uri#!iction to tr* 7u9 in connection $ith the Rosehill colli#ion, an! mu#t return him to "itania imme!iatel*/

A((!n"i@ A M6( (not to 746l!)

A((!n"i@ B E@4!%(t7 %o) t#! -, M6%4# &AA+ M6l64#i G6( T%!6ty *!t<!!n A)6l!6 6n" Rit6ni6

Article 12 +elineation of 6uri#!iction/ &n the area !efine! b* the li#t of geographic coor!inate point# #et out in the :8hibit to thi# Treat* (hereafter referre! to a# the ,alachi -ap 3 (a the @ir#t 2art* NAmaleaO ma* e8plore, e8ploit, an! protect the natural re#ource# of the $ater# #uper6acent to the #eabe!1 (b the Secon! 2art* N"itaniaO ma* e8plore, e8ploit, an! protect the natural re#ource# of the #eabe! an! #ub#oil1 (c neither 2art* #hall e8erci#e it# right# hereun!er in a manner $hich un!ul* inhibit# the e8erci#e of the right# of the other 2art* an! nothing in thi# Treat* #hall be interprete! to ren!er the ,alachi -ap or an* portion thereof the #o)ereign territor* of either 2art*1 an! (! the 2artie# #hall cooperate $ith each other in relation to the e8erci#e of their re#pecti)e right# gi)ing !ue regar! to each 2art*5# uni4ue intere#t# in the ,alachi -ap, inclu!ing, but not limite! to, in the ca#e of Amalea the protection of fi#herie#, an! in the ca#e of "itania it# !e#ire to !e)elop re#ource# l*ing beneath the $ater/

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