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Certified Mail Article Number: Common-Law Trust Emergency Limitations And Restrictions On Business Of Members Of ederal Reser!

e "ystem #efined $ublic Notice%$ublic Record &'ereas defined (ursuant to: )* +"C , -. - Emergency limitations and restrictions on business of members of ederal Reser!e "ystem/ designation of legal 'oliday for national ban0ing associations/ e1ce(tions/ 2"tate3 defined: Current t'roug' $ub4 L4 ))5-56 7"ee $ublic Laws for t'e current Congress8 7a8 9n order to (ro!ide for t'e safer and more effecti!e o(eration of t'e National Ban0ing "ystem and t'e ederal Reser!e "ystem: to (reser!e for t'e (eo(le t'e full benefits of t'e currency (ro!ided for by t'e Congress t'roug' t'e National Ban0ing "ystem and t'e ederal Reser!e "ystem: and to relie!e interstate commerce of t'e burdens and obstructions resulting from t'e recei(t on an unsound or unsafe basis of de(osits sub;ect to wit'drawal by c'ec0: during suc' emergency (eriod as t'e $resident of t'e +nited "tates by (roclamation may (rescribe: no member ban0 of t'e ederal Reser!e "ystem s'all transact any ban0ing business e1ce(t to suc' e1tent and sub;ect to suc' regulations: limitations and restrictions as may be (rescribed by t'e "ecretary of t'e Treasury: wit' t'e a((ro!al of t'e $resident4 Any indi!idual: (artners'i(: cor(oration: or association: or any director: officer or em(loyee t'ereof: !iolating any of t'e (ro!isions of t'is section s'all be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and: u(on con!iction t'ereof: s'all be fined not more t'an <)=:=== or: if a natural (erson: may: in addition to suc' fine: be im(risoned for a term not e1ceeding ten years4 Eac' day t'at any suc' !iolation continues s'all be deemed a se(arate offense4 7*8 or t'e (ur(ose of t'is subsection: t'e term 2"tate3 means any of t'e se!eral "tates: t'e #istrict of Columbia: t'e Commonwealt' of $uerto Rico: t'e Nort'ern Mariana 9slands: >uam: t'e ?irgin 9slands: American "amoa: t'e Trust Territory of t'e $acific 9slands: or any ot'er territory or (ossession of t'e +nited "tates4 BAN@ AOL9#AB O )-55 Ban0 Aoliday of )-55 defined: $residential $roclamations No4 *=5- issued Marc' 6: )-55 and No4 *=C=: issued Marc' -: )-55: tem(orarily sus(ended ban0ing transactions by member ban0s of t'e ederal Reser!e "ystem4 Normal ban0ing functions were resumed on Marc' )5: sub;ect to certain restrictions4 T'e first (roclamation: it was 'eld: 'ad no aut'ority in law until (assage on Marc' -: )-55: of a ratifying act 7)* +4"4C4A4 , -.b84 t'e (resent law forbids member ban0s of t'e ederal Reser!e "ystem to transact ban0ing business e1ce(t under regulations of t'e "ecretary of t'e Treasury: during an emergency (roclaimed by t'e $resident4 )* +4"4C4A4 , -.4 Blac0Ds Law #ictionary "i1t' Edition 7(age )C68 "ee: 'tt(:%%www4scribd4com%doc%)E-.CF=65%Common-Law-Trust-Ban0-Aoliday-of)-55-#efined-$ublic-Notice-$ublic-Record "ui Guris: 0nown as: Go'n: of t'e genealogy of #oe freeborn s(iritual being on t'e land state t'e facts contained 'erein are true: correct: com(lete: and not misleading: to t'e best of my (ersonal first 'and 0nowledge and belief4 Being of sound mind: com(etent: o!er t'e age of )F4 T'is my free will: !oluntary act and deed to ma0e: e1ecute: seal: ac0nowledge and deli!er under my 'and and seal wit' e1(licit reser!ation of all my un-a-lien-able rig'ts and my s(ecific common law rig't not to be bound by any contract or obligation w'ic' 9 'a!e not entered into 0nowingly: willingly: !oluntarily: and wit'out misre(resentation: duress: or coercion: w'ereby 9 did not sign nor consent4 9 am not now nor 'a!e e!er been a +4"4 CitiHen or a ourteent' Amendment ederal CitiHen or Em(loyee: 9 am not bound by sworn oat' or oat' of office4 &'ereas 9 'ereby disclaim Clauses One and Two of "ection One to t'e ourteent' Amendment: toget'er wit' Article our "ection T'ree Clause Two4 9 do 'ereby certify: !erify: state: claim and declare fore!er wit'out abandonment/ Real $ro(erty 7on Eart'8/ $ersonal $ro(erty 7body8/ and Ecclesiastical $ro(erty 7soul8 toget'er wit' all trusts: (robate: rig'ts: titles: interests droit: droit bot' absolute and contingent: 2&it'out t'e +4"43 "afe $assage: "afe-Conduct4 "'ould t'is not be true t'en let t'e record be corrected or it will stand as trut'4 Time is of t'e essence4 ?eracity/ 9n my $ri!ate Ca(acity as >eneral E1ecutor%Eecutri1 of said Cestui Iue Trust Legal Estate account #roit: #roit: T'is ser!es Notice t'at your offer 'as been Acce(ted as ?aluable Consideration and Returned for ?alue4 T'is (ro(erty is E1em(t from Le!y4 $lease Ad;ust t'is Account for t'e $roceeds: $roducts: Accounts and i1tures and Release T'e Order7s8 of T'e Court to Me 9mmediately4 Ma0e ad;ustment and close t'is account immediately: wit' (re;udice4 9 acce(t your Oat': Oat' of Office "ecurity Agreement: Constitutions as by-laws: and Malfeasance Bond and (lace you in t'e $ri!ate commencing t'is

Certified Mail Article Number: self-e1ecuting binding contract between you and 94 urt'er: 9 a((oint you trustee 2 ully $ersonally Liable Now3 on your 'onor and solemn Oat' to (erform your obligations and duties to $rotect My un-a-lien-able Rig'ts in your iduciary Ca(acity against any and all claims: legal actions: orders: warrants: ;udgments: demands: liabilities: losses: foreclosure: de(ositions: summonses: lawsuits: costs: fines: liens: le!ies: (enalties: ta1es: damages: interests: e1(enses: and claims u(on w'ic' relief can not be granted: w'atsoe!er: bot' absolute and contingent: as are due and as mig't become due: now e1isting and as mig't 'ereafter arise: and as mig't be suffered by: im(osed on: and incurred by #ebtor for any and e!ery reason: (ur(ose: and cause w'atsoe!er4 $lease 'onor Obligation of >ood ait' in $erformance of your #uties4 Iuid $ro Iuos: an eJual e1c'ange or substitution4

T'is my free will: !oluntary act and deed true and lawful attorney-in-fact to ma0e: e1ecute: seal: ac0nowledge and deli!er under my 'and and seal: e1(licitly reser!ing all rig'ts wit'out (re;udice/ By:KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK "ui Guris 0nown as/ Go'n of t'e genealogy of #oe Bailor for GOAN #OE Bailee KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Rand: Roe T'ird $arty &itness L"ealed and deli!ered in t'e (resence of us4L $robatio (lena KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Ric'ard: Roe T'ird $arty &itness L"ealed and deli!ered in t'e (resence of us4L $robatio (lena "TATE O 9LL9NO9" 8 8 "": CO+NTB O COO@ 8 CERT9 9CATE O AC@NO&LE#>MENT On t'is date t'e indi!idual named abo!e: in 'is%'er stated ca(acity: (ersonally a((eared before me to e1ecute t'is ac0nowledgement t'at t'is instrument was signed: sealed: and deli!ered as t'eir free will: !oluntary act and deed to ma0e: e1ecute: seal: ac0nowledge and deli!er under t'eir 'and and seal !erified and aut'enticated for t'e uses and (ur(oses t'erein mentioned4 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #ATE A 9M NOTARB "EAL 9 REI+9RE# KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK "ignature of NOTARB $+BL9C #ate Commission E1(ires KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

NOT9CE: $ublic acts defined: are t'ose w'ic' 'a!e a (ublic aut'ority: and w'ic' 'a!e been made before (ublic officers: are aut'oriHed by a (ublic seal: 'a!e been made (ublic by t'e aut'ority of a magistrate: or w'ic' 'a!e been e1tracted and been (ro(erly aut'enticated from (ublic records4 Blac0Ds Law #ictionary "i1t' Edition 7(age *68

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