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Rasullullah's (SAW) and Quran e Majeed's role in education.

"And, in fact, education in Islam begins with the Quran. The study of its contents combined with that of the traditions of the Prophet gave rise to almost all the branches of Arabian learning. Perhaps, there is no single book which led people to study and which fostered learning and stimulated intellectual activity in the world to the extent that the Quran has done. No book of this bulk has ever been enshrined so faithfully in man's memory as the Quran. A large proportion of one-seventh of the whole human race almost daily reads it or recites it or hears it. It is an extraordinary phenomenon, indeed a great miracle that an 'unlettered' Arabian should have brought about such a revolution in the realm of letters and the domain of human knowledge. And it is indisputable that the Prophet's personality and the Quran made the Muslim master of a large part of the world in a short time."


Source: Pg1 Chapter 1 on Curriculum under the Turks and Afghans in India. Books Name: Al - Minhaj Author: G. M. D. Sufi - M.A., L.T. (Allahabad). D.Litt (Paris). Published: 1st Edition: 1941 Reprint: 1977 The book found in Maktabat al Jamea Surat - is published by Mohammed Ahmad, for idarah-i-adabiyat-i-delli - year 2009.

NOTE: The author has aptly described Quran e Majeed's role in educating Muslims in these modern times. However, it is worth noting how the author has contradicted his own statement regarding the miracle of Quran e Majeed by undermining not only the magnanimity of Rasulullah's (SAW) mission in conveying Allah's words but also Rasulullah's (SAW) status as the finest and most refined intellectual of his time. The author has clearly been influenced by the false notion that aamma (mainstream muslims) and some mufassereen of the Quran convey regarding Rasulullah (SAW) being an "unlettered man". In one Bayaan, Aqa Maula Syenda Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS) has strongly refuted this false notion and duly corrected these misguided mortals who unknowingly or knowingly confine themselves by being taken hostage by their own illiteracy. The bayaan is as follows:

34/012 &* !"#$%&'# ()*)+,-.# 56 7 8#9:# 89;# <9=> ?')@ AB# C6)D'# ?EF#

! "#$% &'!() *+$ ,-! ./0+12$ 3 ! "#$% '45! 6 78 !() #9" .+: +;<= (> ! .?1;- @A B- ! "#$% C D EFG H! I:+$ +- !0#< #JK$ 8 8 ! I I 4K$ 8 ! L%+9 D M(G /(NO5 .D P0+KQ RST #U1V W! "#$%.D XYZ9 [;G

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As the 'brothers' of Rasulullah (SAW), the role of Duat Mutlaqeen (RA) in safe guarding Quran e Majeed and the knowledge that radiates from it, is best illustrated by Aqa Maula (tus) in another bayaan which follows:

34 /01^ &* !"#$%&'# ()*)+,-.# $\b"# - _>%'# ?')@ `!a cM)D'# ?EF#


kSII$ (<+IIb +-lSII$ m8 ! .!%+<lII> nIIo! .pqr /(IIG ?IIs 8 ! (IIG t uIIv! 8 !" w .0lIISG "+ISA x#I$ y XU5zI5 4KI$ +I5 nIo! .R{+I| ?}!0+I~ vlIQ! +II<0 !%+<lII> "SII$- %+II<0 .D &-+II5 +II(#*5 #IIV#Q + . D 7#,lII5 -NII\ 6I>8 ! 7+I5 7UI<! 4KI$ X.JIO5 ./S0} #9 1S5 2 3 #v+5(, 4 +-5#5 .@) [<! D 89G :#$ #V#Q 8 ! ?1;> .?<= (> 6 78 !() ?s #;v8 ! <+<0 !%+<l> =+<0 #9 .D >(IT ?I- +-lSI$ .m8 ! .#IQ#1G 78 !(I) m8 ! @ .+;< 4SG#5 78 !() A+<0 .#-+.JO5 .C#Q#1G DSF- GS5 H 0lvr I!#} J +-5#5 #9 .L- R{+| ?}!0+~ ./lSG %0(IM #IQ#1G 78 !() m8 ! N. D O0SQG R- m8 ! #9 SST U D VWG #V#Q _0 ?1;> "#I$(Q! 7#IX`;v vYIQ! ./08 ! Z Iv 8 !8 ! +I5 [5#I1G 78 !(I) .5#1G 78 !() !(A8 ! .#Q#1G \ 4K$ #V#Q _0 .D ]^+: _~+9 `- ?5! a- "#$% b #V#Q _0 .?55! aUQ! .+1g! h#~ 4K$ #-+.JO5 iA+$ j~ .+: ?5! a- c d- "#$% .D e^+: _~+9 kIv! lSIT m #ISoG p +I;< q+I<0 4KI$ #IV#Q 8 ! .D rItG 4K$ u%+9 .@G! !

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Abde Syedna (tus) Yusuf Shk Zainuddin Burhani Jamea Surat. Date: Saturday 5th Feb 2011

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