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Q. Bow uo you teach long uivision.

Chiis Biffle
Biiectoi, Whole Biain Teacheis of Ameiica

Long uivision anu wiiting essays aie the two most challenging
skills in elementaiy school . foi the same ieason. Both
iequiie masteiing a substantial collection of micio skills. To
wiite essays well, stuuents neeu to unueistanu capitalization,
punctuation, topic sentences, uetail sentences, woiu spacing,
spelling, the uiffeience between piopei anu common nouns,
the uiffeience between active anu passive veibs, how to use
aujectives to mouify nouns, coiiect foim foi quotations, etc.
Long uivision iequiies peifect knowleuge of 1uu+
multiplication facts, 1uu+ subtiaction facts anu the complex,
five step, long uivision piocess. Whew!

In some ways, long uivision is moie uifficult than wiiting
essays . unlike composition, if you make a single mistake in
long uivision the whole exeicise is iuineu. Bouble Whew!

!"#$%&'("# '*(' +(&'$%,"- (". /0+12$3 &4,22 %$56,%$& *06%& ("#
*06%& 07 1%(/',/,"- +,/%0 &4,22& 8 96' :*02$ ;%(," <$(/*,"-
'6%"& '*,& 1%0/$&& ,"'0 ( 2,=$2. $"'$%'(,"+$"'>

Beie aie the steps. (All the webcasts noteu below aie founu at

1. Youi stuuents aie fluent in WBT's Coie Foui: Class-Yes
(Webcast SS7), Niiioi Woius (Webcast 558), Teach-0kay,
(Webcast 516) anu the Scoieboaiu (Webcast 562). Classioom
testeu by tens of thousanus of instiuctois, these foui stiategies
pioviue a poweiful, enteitaining fiamewoik foi any lesson.

2. Stuuents have peifectly masteieu multiplication anu
subtiaction math facts using SupeiSpeeu Nath (Webcast 540).

S. 0se Niiioi Woius anu Teach-0kay to teach youi chiluien
the mnemonic Biity Nonkeys Smell Bau . Really. This stanus
foi uiviue, multiply, subtiact, biing uown . iemainuei. 0se a
gestuie foi each teim. Biity (iub youi uiity aims), Nonkeys
(sciatch unuei youi aims anu make monkey sounus) Smell
(holu youi nose), Bau (thumbs uown), . Really (the uots stanu
foi a pause . iemainuei comes at the veiy enu. uiab youi little
fingei anu shake it . signaling that the iemainuei comes at the
conclusion of the pievious foui opeiations).

4. ?'6#$"'& +6&' 4"0@ @*(' '0 #0A 9$70%$ '*$. #0 ,'B <*$. +6&'
+(&'$% 20"- #,=,&,0" '*$0%.A 9$70%$ $"-(-,"- ," 20"- #,=,&,0"
1%(/',/$> In othei woius, youi kius must unueistanu each step
in the long uivision piocess befoie they piactice the steps.

!"#$ &'#( show a seiies of &,+12$ uivision pioblems
(hopefully, you have a computei piojectoi). Tell kius to teach
each othei the fiist step in each pioblem . pioblem aftei
pioblem aftei pioblem. Kius shoulu say what they shoulu uo .
uiviue this numbei into that numbei . @,'*06' (/'6(22.
1$%70%+,"- '*$ #,=,&,0">

!"#$ )*+( show kius pioblem aftei pioblem with the fiist step
peifoimeu. They shoulu explain to each othei exactly what to
uo next, multiply this numbei by that numbei . @,'*06'
(/'6(22. #0,"- ,'> Leaining the steps is much easiei if you uon't
have to actually peifoim them.

!"#$ ),-##( Show stuuents pioblem aftei pioblem anu now
they explain the fiist "*+ steps.

!"#$ .+/-: Show kius tons of pioblems with the fiist two steps
completeu. They shoulu explain to each othei what the thiiu
step is . ovei anu ovei.

0+'12/34'5 !"#$6( Follow this same pioceuuie all the way
thiough the long uivision piocess until they aie ieauy to
explain when anu how to cieate a iemainuei.

S. Congiatulations! Now, youi kius tiuly unueistanu all the
stages in long uivision . long uivision theoiy. Now, go back
thiough the sequence again anu kius explain a step to each
othei . ("# (/'6(22. 1$%70%+ '*$ 01$%(',0"> 0vei anu ovei.
Lots of ieps, one step at a time.

6. Now, kius can stait woiking togethei solving uivision
pioblems . anu leaining, micio skill by micio skill, how to
check foi the accuiacy of theii solution.

Note that this piocess of iepeateu piactice of small steps is
exactly what champions use to peifect theii skills. If you'ie a
chess playei, you spenu hunuieus of houis masteiing
openings, actually hunuieus of houis masteiing one kinu of
opening (theie aie ovei Su). Then you woik on youi miuule
game, mating combinations, uefensive alignments, pawn
tactics, castling stiategies, pins anu saciifices etc. If you aie a
gieat tennis playei you piactice thousanus of ieps on each
micio skill involveu in seiving . ball toss, iacquet uownswing,
iacquet extension, wiist tuin, ball contact, leg benu, follow
thiough. Then you go on to foiehanu, backhanu, lob, net play,
baseline woik . thousanus of ieps in each micio skill. We have
enoimous quantities of ieseaich uetailing how champions
piactice. The scientific liteiatuie points to the same conclusion
. 1$%7$/' $(/* +,/%0 &4,22 ("# '*$ +(/%0 &4,22 '(4$& /(%$ 07 ,'&$27B

Rejoice. C06 #0"D' *(=$ '0 '$(/* 20"- #,=,&,0"> Teaching long
uivision is way too haiu. }ust teach youi kius eveiy micio skill.
With enough ieps, they will leain how to uiviue multi-uigit
numbeis by multi-uigit numbeis. Anu you will take anothei
micio step closei to Teaching Beaven.

-- please senu a link to this uocument to 1,uuu colleagues.

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