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Source – or why I abstain from egg

the kabbala springs from the times before the history, from the dimness of the legends, the magic
and the folklore. The sources they were united on a manner while the world's big myths were not
Aryan and khaldeus doctrines they filtered through into him. They compared it with the sun-god's
and the moon goddess's, Osiris and Ísis riddles in Egypt. May not say thank you for little to Assírian
and Babilonian, many of his parts can be leaded back onto Véda, Upanishads and the Bhagavad-
Gita, concerned the practical one kabbala his good part onto the tantricisms.
The kabbalists compulsive plagiarizing; they never hesitate to increase their knowledge by exterior
knowledge. Their doctrines, with what secret, duly attractive; they feed on the bosom of an all kinds
of riddle, and the acquired informations are poured into universal forms. From this the not only
value, but you find folly, the mix of wisdom and a folly, that not to split into his easy elements
The unambiguous benefit of plagiarism, that provides something for everybody; succession the
kabbala grew into a philosophy embracing the world, which one adjusts a folk was dispersed in the
world his ideals. Can be found in him the Hindu ISM, the Taoism, the Buddhism, the zarathustrism,
the Christianity, the theism, the deism, the dualism, the agnosticism, the pantheism, the Satanism,
the spiritualism, and the atheism.
It is not allowed to leave this unusual universality out of consideration. The kabbala a world
religion, or – it offers a cult for humanity. The prevailing riddle of the vitality is his doctrine on a
secret and quiet manner.

Aim: the world's refund into a god's clear ghost.

The shell, the protein and the yellow forms the perfect egg. The shell defends the protein and the
yellow forms, the yellow feeds on his white though. When his white runs out though, the yellow a
full-grown bird breaks out from the shell in his form, and flies off into the sky. Will be from the
structural engineer so dynamic, from the material one intellectual.

highlight: A god created a highlight, which was the divine thought, firstly. Our consciousness the
mirror, which stops it up, this thought his beams, because of this next all thoughts the image of a
god's thought, and at what our consciousness turns into more intellectual one, it more perfect these
images, which are not illusions, but the symbols of the reality.


all that what exists in the upper world, merely the light of the thought, the endless one. lift up the
curtain and everything for immaterial one is disappearing. Lift up a curtain yet, and the immaterial
one turns more intellectual one, high-minded rather yet. You get to the increasingly taller plane of
the loftiness while you do not reach the highest one as you lift up the rest of the curtains.

The curtains are borders between a god's thought above consciousness and the man's conscious
thought. The final curtain is the shell of the egg, the substance. Before you could lift up this last
curtain, a row of intellectual curtain – the white of the egg – is needed with a transformation
intellectual energy to split. The intellectual passing, you are an acquisition, so creation.
Not god, the universe the principal riddle, but himself the hook between the man, the god and the

what there is above like that what there is below. The underwear and a top affect each other

notice it, that from among these little ones do not conceive a dislike for one (eat); because I tell you
that their angels see my heavenly father's cheek at all times in the heavens


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