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Keberlanjutan Kualitas Lingkungan 1: Limbah & Lingkungan Perkotaan

BI2001 Pe nge tahuan Lingkungan
Risiko lingkungan Risiko biologis, ekotoksikologi: penyakit Risiko kimiawi Atmosfer & pencemaran udara Sumber utama pencemaran udara Perubahan iklim dan penipisan lapisan ozon Solusi berkelanjutan Contoh-contoh kasus di Indonesia

Pustaka Utama : Miller & Spoolman (2012);Botkin & Keller (2011); Status Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia 2012

Menjelaskan resiko lingkungan, resiko biologis, ekotoksikologi: penyakit, dan resiko kimiawi Menjelaskan pemahaman mengenai atmosfer & pencemaran udara, dan sumber utama pencemaran udara Menjelaskan perubahan iklim dan penipisan lapisan ozon menjelaskan alternatif solusi yang berkelanjutan

What Major Health Hazards Do We Face?

Concept 1:We face health hazards from : Biological hazards : bacteria, viruses, etc Chemical hazards : Harmful chemical in air, water, &soil Natural hazards : floods, earthquakes, volcanoic eruptions Cultural hazards : unsafe working conditions, criminal assault, poverty. Lifestyle hazards : smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.

Pathway of infectious disease


Conce pt 2A: Infectious disease are still major health threats

Reduce the Incidence of Infectious Disease


Pathway of Toxic Materials


Concept 2B: There is growing concern about chemicals in the enviroment that can cause cancers and birth defect, and disupt the human immune, nervous, and endocrine system

Concept 3: We can reduce the major risks we face by becoming informed, thinking critically about risks, and making careful choices.

Air pollution

Conce pt 4A: The Nature of Atmosphere: the two innermost layers of the atmosphere are 1) the troposhere which supports life, and 2) the stratosphere, which contain the portective ozone layer.

The major outdoor air pollution problems


Concept 4B: Pollutants mix in the air to form industrial smog, primarily as a result of burning coal, and photochemical smog, caused by emissions from motor vehicle, industrial facilities, and power plant.

Climate disruption

Concept 5A: Considerable scientific evidence indicates that the earth s atmosphere is warming, because of combination of natural effect and human activites, and that this warming is likely to lead to significant climate disruption



Some Possible Effects of a Warmer Atmosphere


Concept 5B: The projected rapid change in the atmosphere s temperature could have severe and longlasting consequence, including increased drought and flooding, rising sea levels, and shifts in the locations of croplands and wildlife habitat.

What can we do to slow projected climate disruption?


Ozone depletion

Concept 6A: Our widespread use of certain chemicals has reduced ozone levels on the stratosphere, which has allowed harmful ultraviolet radiation to reach the earth s surfaces.



Concept 6B: To reverse ozone depletion, we must stop producing ozone-depleting chemicals and adhere to the international treaties that ban such chemicals.




Montreal protocol

In 1987, representatives of 36 nations met and developed the Montreal Protocol. This treaty s goal was to cut emissions of CFCs by about 35% between 1989-2000.

Later, in 1989 after hearing more bad news about seasonal ozone thinning above Antarctica, 93 countries representatives met and adopted Copenhagen Protocol, an amendment that accelerated the phase-out key ozone depleting chemicals.

Contoh Kasus Di Indonesia


Polusi debu akibat aktivitas pabrik semen.

Debu hasil dari produksi semen dapat masuk melalui proses inhalasi yang dapat masuk ke paru-paru jika tidak tersaring sebelumnya di hidung. Debu hasil aktivitas produksi semen mengandung Oksida Silika (SiO2), Oksida Alumina (Al2O3), Magnesium Oksida (MgO), dan Trikalsium Silikat (3CaOSiO2). Yang bisa menyebabkan iritasi kulit dan gangguan fungsi paru-paru, serta gangguan pada organ lain.



Cita Citarum

Infographic video about Cita Citarum http:/ / www.youtube.com/ watch?v=neTc7sZRSd8

How to reduce your carbon footprint


Y ou'll find throughout this site many ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Y ou might do things like: Recycle, reuse, and avoid buying useless purchases Buying energy-efficient appliances Buy local produce Telecommute and teleconference Switching off electronics at the wall Walking, cycling or using public transport Holidaying closer to home. Eat less red meat The Cheeseburger Footprint http:// vimeo.com/ 4709524 or http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPSJ1cky3CA

Your Assignment !!

Calculate your carbon footprint using http:/ / coolclimate.berkeley.edu/ carboncalculator make a list about what things that can help you reduce your carbon footprint and do it! Recalculate Write a journal of your reduce carbon footprint activities for 1 2 weeks period. Submit it.

Daftar Pustaka

Botkin, Daniel B. 2011.Environmental science : earth as a living planet. Chapter 10, 21, & 22. Miller, G Taylor. Spoolman. 2012. Living in the environment. Chapter 17, 18, &19.

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