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Christmas Online Study Guide Part 1: Here are the rest of the terms that you need to complete

your Literary Terms Chart: Term

Foreshadowing Flash!ac&

Definition/How it is used YouTube Example

The author gives hints or warnings of a future event. It is often used to add suspense to the story. , scene in the story that is set in an earlier time. It is often used to help clarify something a!out the story character. ,n e-treme e-aggeration. It is often used to indicate sarcasm or e-citement. 2omething is represented as less than it is. It is often used to indicate sarcasm. ,n indirect reference to something or someone. It is often used in reference to pop culture3 and used to deepen one4s understanding of the topic. , statement that seems self/ contradictory or a!surd !ut in reality might !e true.
http: www.youtu!e.com watch" v#$se%&'(d)*+

Hyper!ole 1nderstatement ,llusion

http: www.youtu!e.com watch" v#),t.*/)0HI)


http: www.youtu!e.com watch" v#5oao67hT8f5 9ichael 8ordan and Larry 'ird :$riginal Commercial; Le!ron 8ames and (wight Howard :,lludes to 98 and L' commercial; )-ample: 9y advice to you3 is to never listen to other people<s advice. )-ample: In =eorge $rwell<s ,nimal Farm3 the words >,ll animals are e0ual3 !ut some are more e0ual than others> are part of the cardinal rules. Clearly this statement does not ma&e logical sense. However3 the point of a parado- is to point out a truth3 even if the statements contradict each other. $rwell is trying to ma&e some sort of political statement here. Perhaps it is that the government claims that everyone is e0ual when that is clearly false3 or perhaps it is that individuals have s&ewed perceptions of what it means to !e e0ual. The interpretation is up to

the reader to decide.


The repetition of same !eginning sound. It is used to capture the eye of the reader to draw attention to important significant words. Aords that represent a sound. Characters or events in a literary3 visual3 or musical art form represent or sym!oliBe ideas and concepts. It is often used to indirectly show the author4s point of view or !eliefs.

$nomatopoeia ,llegory

http: www.youtu!e.com watch" v#ffe?1%/(gl@ 'etter than the 'est Luc&y ?ust to Linger in your arms http: www.youtu!e.com watch" v#CL&ln9Al*.& 'uBB3 hiss3 !am3 etc. http: www.youtu!e.com watch" v#CF8+yL%&(7, http: www.!uBBle.com articles e-a mples/of/allegory/in/literature.html

Here4s a fun3 little video: http: www.youtu!e.com watch" v#1Dp-fif'*Co Here4s a video on idioms/ he e-plains the !ac&ground and meaning of 5E idioms HI=HL+ F)C$99)G( TH,T +$1 A,TCH THI2 $G): http: www.youtu!e.com watch"v#AA%F(hsH&1g ///////////////////////// Part E: Complete the following online sites during the holidays Type the following phrases into Google! "these are little #ower#oint $ui%%es& ' re(ommend doing ) number per day* otherwise+ you may ,(ram- too mu(h into your brain at on(e .hen you finish+ email me the number"s& that ga/e you the most trouble and a brief dis(ussion as to what ' (an do to help you ) 0uia Gree1 2 3atin 4oots ")5 0uestions& 6 0uia Suffixes 7 ful 8less 7 ly "(hoi(es9drop down menu&: "66 0uestions& ; 0uia 3atin 4oots <eopardy88 65 boxes w/$uestions

= 0uia Context Clues >illionaire Game '' ")6 0uestions& 5 0uia Comprehension:?a(t or Opinion Game 699 ;@ 0uestions A 0uia Comprehension:?a(t or Opinion Game ) $ui% 9 Bot a/ailable when ' tried to use it Che(1 it out Cust in (ase & D 0uia 'nferen(e ) 0ui% " = 0uestions& E 0uia 'nferen(e .hat (an you 'nfer F6 G 0uia Cause8 Effe(t test " )@ 0uestions& )@ 0uia >ood and Tone synonym pra(ti(e ")5 0uestions& )) 0uia >ood and Tone pra(ti(e rags to ri(hes ")5 0uestions& )6 0uia HuthorIs #urpose rags to ri(hes ")5 0uestions& ); 0uia ?igurati/e 3anguage $ui% ";@ 0uestions& )= 0uia simile+ metaphor+ personifi(ation+ hyperbole+ idiom+ et( Bote! F )= simply offers examples of ea(h type of figurati/e language ?or students who are struggling to gi/e examples+ the last 0uia site may be /ery helpful 88888888888888888888888 Part .: ?or extra (redit+ you may find a feature news arti(le "at least D paragraphs long& and write a synopsis of it! 8 Tell me what you (an infer about the people or person in the arti(le Tell me how/why you (an infer su(h 8 Dis(uss the uni/ersal theme and or (ultural ar(hetype if you (an pull one out 8 Dis(uss Jo(abulary words that you didnIt 1now the meaning of+ and dis(uss the (ontext (lues that helped you learn the meaning 'f there is a prefix/suffix/3atin/Gree1 root on the word+ underline or tell me 8 Dis(uss any idioms that you may ha/e found and how they are used in the arti(le 8 Dis(uss your opinion of the arti(leIs (ontent Dis(uss the authorIs purpose in writing the arti(le "4emember! to inform+ to persuade+ to entertain+ to explain+ et( &

8 Dis(uss the type of writing! Expository"explain/inform&+ #ersuasi/e"persuade&+ Des(ripti/e"des(ribe&+ Barrati/e"tell story&+ Compare/Contrast+ Cause/Effe(t+ #roblem/Solution 8 Dis(uss 1eywords that you (ould type into Google to dis(o/er more information on the topi( 8 Choose two 1eywords to type in and tell me what results you find Dis(uss one of the results! 8 's it reliableK 's it rele/antK .hy or why notK 8 Does the information help you understand the material betterK .hy or why notK 8 3ist the title of the arti(le or page+ title of the website+ the author+ and the date itIs published/updated "4emember+ being able to lo(ate this information will help determine whether itIs reliable/rele/ant&

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