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Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind

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Chapters From "Our Ultimate Reality"
Absolutely Free On The Subjects of:

Psychics, Astral Projection, Out Of Body
Experiences, The Eternal Now, Law Of
Attraction, Healing, Dreams?

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Thursday, November 30, 2006.
Dear Friend,
It would be a very simple matter indeed to provide to you a very long page of information detailing the ways Our
Ultimate Reality will make a tremendously positive change for the better in your life and the life of those close
to you in many different and profoundly positive ways, just as it already has for numerous other happy readers,
as I am delighted to see every day in the messages I receive.
Instead I will simply present you with the facts you need to know about this unique book.
Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of mankind is a 614 page book resulting from my own
40 years of seeking, finding and receiving the truth, and from my own many life experiences, including applying
The Law of Attraction to attract considerable wealth, a near death experience, and many profound "Higher" or
"Inner" experiences that eventually led me to writing this book for you.
Here are just a few of the valuable abilities you will learn from Our Ultimate Reality:
G How to heal any disease, illness or ailment, however serious it might seem
G How to attract anything at all that you need, wish for or desire into your life
G How to achieve Astral Projection and OBE's; learn the 3 best methods for each
G How to visit where you will go to after "death" and visit "deceased" people
G How to contact your Inner-Self to find the true answers to important questions
Our Ultimate Reality truly is the single reference guide for everything you need to know to enjoy a happy,
healthy and fulfilling life while understanding your own reality and true reason for being here. Find out why
many other readers of this book have experienced such profoundly positive benefits

Here is what you will discover the 614 pages and 114 chapters of Our Ultimate Reality:
Our Ultimate Reality Part 1: Our Infinite Universe
Chapter 1, The Nature of the Universe: In this chapter you will discover the true nature of the Universe in
which we live. This is absolutely nothing to do with the so called "big bang theory"!
Chapter 2, Definition of God: This is the true definition of God, as opposed to the religious one
Chapter 3, Hinduism: This is the first in a series of chapters that compare, contrast and analyse the major non-
dogmatic belief systems of the world and how they agree with our ultimate Universal reality
Chapter 4, Taoism: Another of the great and ancient traditions encompassing great wisdom
Chapter 5, Buddhism: Buddhism enjoys a considerable number of followers around the world and not without
reason. Discover the "paths" forming the basis of this ancient culture

I scanned through the various chapters and couldnt believe just how much detailed information
there is, which is written in an intelligent, articulate and very easy to understand manner just as
though you are speaking directly to the person who is reading this.

You have covered everything. I am truly blown away with the sheer magnitude of this and I fully
resonate with everything you have written about because much of what you talk about I have
experienced myself.

The subject matter is awesome and exhilarating.

Margaret Hill, Paisley, Scotland

Chapter 6, The Wisdom of the West: Aside from the popular dogmatic Western religions, there are also great
wisdoms of the Western hemisphere that everyone should understand

In The Next Few Chapters You Will Discover The Great Universal Laws And Principles That
Maintain Balance, Harmony and Stability In The Universe And How They Profoundly Affect
Your Life. This is Absolutely Vital Information!

Chapter 7, The Principle of Mentalism: This is one of the great Universal Laws always present within our
lives. Discover how it is responsible for many so called "psychic phenomena"
Chapter 8, The Principle of Correspondence: Another extremely important Universal principle, teaching the
truth that there is direct correspondence between all of the great planes of reality
Chapter 9, The Principle of Vibration: Learn the important truth about Vibration and its relationship to the
Energy which constitutes all things in the Universe
Chapter 10, The Principle of Polarity: Find out how Polarity manifests in the Universe

This is a book that can change your life, no doubt about it. It's a goldmine of information that would
be a bargain at many times the price. The book takes you by the hand and walks you through the
world of spiritual knowledge, from ancient history through to present day.

The book is extensive, it runs to nearly 700 pages in all, but the layout is very easy to follow and a
web-forum is available if additional help is needed. For those wishing for a wide-ranging overview
of spiritual knowledge AND some highly effective modern-day methods and techniques, together
with all manner of hints, tips and pointers to help you set off on your very own spiritual journey,
then I would highly recommend this book.

Frank J. Kepple, Consultant Engineer (retired)
Nice, France

Chapter 11, The Principle of Rhythm: Discover how Rhythm affects everything in the Universe including you
and everyone and everything around you
Chapter 12, The Principle of Cause and Effect: The Law of Cause and Effect is one of the most important
Universal Laws; discover why this is so and how it affects you
Chapter 13, The Principle of Gender: Discover how everything in the Universe, not just humans, flora and
fauna has both masculine and feminine aspects
Chapter 14, The Emerald Tablet of Hermes: Discover the meaning and symbolism behind a very important
and ancient text found inscribed on a green tablet, symbolically documenting the nature of the Universe and how
the Universe itself came into being
Chapter 15, The Kaballah: A philosophy and tradition originating in ancient Judaism and an important Western
source of Universal wisdom and principles based upon age-old knowledge
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Chapter 16, The Wisdom of Quantum Physics: Quantum Physics has emerged over the last century or so as
an extremely important source of understanding of the nature of the Universe. This really is extremely important
knowledge that everyone needs to know and understand
Chapter 17, The Wisdom of the Ages: Learn all about how, despite the many different religions, traditions and
culture of the world, there is only one truth of the World and ages
Chapter 18, The Wisdom of the Inner Planes: Discover how Astral Projection and Out of Body
Experiences are so very fundamental and valuable in discovering your own inner truths and reality
Chapter 19, The Universe of Vibration: Learn more about Vibration, which, together with Energy is absolutely
fundamental to the entire Universe and everything within the Universe
Chapter 20, The Law of Cause and Effect: Find out more about the most exalted of the Universal Laws,
Causation, and how this knowledge is extremely important to you

I have just completed my first read of "Our Ultimate Reality". If the Universe had given us all a
manual for living when we arrived here I am sure "Our Ultimate Reality" would have been the

Thank you for writing this material and making it available.

Graham, London, United Kingdom.

Chapter 21, The Elements: Learn the importance of the Universal Elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth; these
are nothing whatever to do with the familiar Earth substances of the same name
Chapter 22, Vital Energy: The entire Universe in all planes of life is conscious, intelligent Energy, known by
many names. Discover more about this Energy and Its importance to all life
Chapter 23, Psychic Phenomena: In recent years so called psychic phenomena have become increasingly
more high profile. Discover the reality behind these so called "phenomena"
Chapter 24, Remote Viewing: Remote Viewing has become famous due to its covert use by major
governments for monitoring the actions and secrets of other governments. Find out more
Chapter 25, Telepathy: Learn about the reality of telepathy, communicating only with the mind
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Chapter 26, Karma: Find out the truth about karma and how it affects everyone and everything
Chapter 27, The True Nature of God: Discover the true nature of God as opposed to the personified deity
called "God" of the various major dogmatic religions of the world
Our Ultimate Reality Part 2: The Inner Realities

During The The Following Chapters You Will Discover What Happens During After The
Process Known As "Death" Which Comes To Everyone Eventually. This Is Absolutely
Crucial Information That You Really Do Need To Know

Chapter 28, What Happens after "Death?": This is without doubt one of the most important chapters in the
book. Everyone needs to know where you will go after "death" and what will happen to you after your "life"
in the physical world comes to an end
Chapter 29, Animals After Passing: Many people and religions of the world believe that humans hold a
privileged status during and at the end of "life". Discover the truth about animals after passing
Chapter 30, Ghosts: Find out the facts about the departed humans often known as "ghosts"

Our Ultimate Reality does a compelling job of putting all the pieces together into a cohesive
narrative. If you're just starting to look for answers or if you've been exploring for some time, you
can find something valuable in this book. Our Ultimate Reality succeeds in offering perspective to
the world without by offering a glimpse of the world within. Highly recommended!

Brian Mercer, Author of Mastering Astral Projection

Chapter 31, Reincarnation: Discover the important truth about reincarnation. This is also absolutely vital
information that everyone should know and understand
Chapter 32, Suicide: Learn what really happens to those unfortunate people that feel compelled to take their
own physical life
Chapter 33, The Inner Bodies: Find out about the "invisible inner bodies" that we all have in addition to the
familiar physical body, and what they mean to you
Chapter 34, The Astral Body, The Soul: Discover the nature of the Astral Body, the "Soul"
Chapter 35, The Mental Body, The Immortal Spirit: Learn all about the real "You", who you really "are" and
the importance of your Spiritual "body"
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Chapter 36, The Higher Self: Find out about the Higher-Self and Its importance to you on your path and in your
individual life
Chapter 37, The Physical Universe of Matter: The physical Universe of matter in which we are focussed for
now is not all it seems; find out the secret of what the physical Universe really is
Chapter 38, The Planes of The Non-Human Mind: In addition to the levels of consciousness that constitute
the levels of the Human mind, there also exists many other levels of consciousness that include everything in
existence including animal, vegetable and mineral. Find out about these planes
Chapter 39, The Planes of The Human Mind: These are the levels of consciousness currently occupied by the
various levels of the human mind depending on individual levels of Spiritual evolution. Discover the range of
levels of consciousness, where humans are now and where we are going

In Next Few Chapters You Will Find Out All About The Various Worlds And Life Forms
Existing Beyond Earth, And What You Will Find When Your Own Time Comes To Make The
Transition After "Death". This Is Must Read Information!

Chapter 40, The Astral Worlds: This is crucial information about "the afterlife" where you will go after the
"death" of your physical body. Learn the truth about "the afterlife", what to expect, and what really influences
where you go after your physical "death"

I wanted to tell you that your e-book, Our Ultimate Reality, is exceptionally well written. It has a
nice even fluidity and ease of entry.
YOU ARE AN IMPECCABLE WRITER! This is one of the most SANE books ever witnessed, highly
comprehensive, that I would not be surprised if Merriam Webster or others shall borrow your text.
What an organized and deep mind you have. I am supposed to be doing other chores but I WANT
Charles Wildbank, Long Island, New York

Chapter 41, The Lower Astral Planes: Discover the darker characteristics of the lower Astral Planes and what
sort of people find themselves there after passing over from the physical world
Chapter 42, The Belief System Territories: This is absolutely vital information for anyone who holds any
sort of religious belief. Most non-religiously inclined people will transition to the harmony of the mid-Astral
worlds, but this is not true for those with strong religious beliefs
Chapter 43, Lower Level Astral Entities: Learn all about the lower level Astral entities, how many of them
come into being, and how they can adversely affect people living in the physical world
Chapter 44, The Mid-Astral Worlds: Once again this is absolutely crucial information for everyone without
exception. This is where most "decent" people will find themselves after "death". Make a huge difference to
your own afterlife situation by knowing this before you "pass on"
Chapter 45, The Inner Astral Worlds: often erroneously knows as the "upper Astral Planes"; discover the
realities of these idyllic worlds and the nature of humans who have evolved to there
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Chapter 46, Fairytale Creatures: Most people have heard of the children's favorites "Fairies", "mermaids",
"gnomes" and other "fairy tale creatures"; learn all about them and their true nature
Chapter 47, The Mental Planes: Also known as the Spiritual planes. Discover the glories of the spheres of life
that people will transition to after completing their experiences in the Astral worlds
Chapter 48, The Celestial and Cosmic Planes: The Celestial and Cosmic planes include the most exalted
spheres of life, the highest levels of the Mental planes. Learn about the Spirits who, having transcended the
Astral and lower Mental Planes, now reside within these glorious spheres
Chapter 49, The Angelic Hierarchy: Almost everyone will have heard of Angels, often depicted with wings and
known by such well known names as Raphael, Michael, Gabriel and Auriel. Learn all about these beings and
what they really are and what they represent
Chapter 50, The Holy Guardian Angel: Most people have heard of the "Holy Guardian Angel" and that
everyone might actually have one. Discover the true reality of these "beings"

Hey, my name is Ryan and I am from Grand Rapids Michigan, and I just wanted to let you know
that this is by far the best book I have ever read and I am not even half way through it yet. All my
life I was searching for the bigger picture of what life is and I am just glad that your book
fundamentally teaches all there is about the actual universe and how you can even visit that
universe while still living in your physical body.

Ryan, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Chapter 51, Spirit Guides: While we live out our lives on Earth it is often said that we have Beings known as
"guides" watching over us from the inner worlds; discover the real truth about Spirit guides

In The Following Chapters You Will Find Out About The Many Ways Of Communicating With
The Beings Of The Inner Spheres Including The So Called "Deceased". Also Discover The
Shocking Truth About "Psychic Hotlines"!

Chapter 52, Communications With The Inner Spheres: We are not alone! Spirits of the inner spheres are
endeavouring to contact us in many different ways; find out all about the methods used
Chapter 53, Psychics: A search on the Internet today will reveal numerous so called psychic services,
frequently being offered by means of premium rate telephone services charging several dollars per minute.
Discover the real truth behind many of these so called "psychic hotlines"
Chapter 54, Psychic Mediums: Find out what "psychic mediums" really are, what they can genuinely offer,
whether you should use such a service and what to watch out for if you decide to do so
Chapter 55, Genuine Psychic Services: Find out what to look out for if you do decide to use any sort of
"psychic service". Important: Do not use any "psychic service" before reading this! Reading this chapter
alone could easily save you many times the small cost of this book!
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Chapter 56, The Ouija Board: Discover the truth behind the Ouija board. Warning; Do not use a Ouija board
again until you have read this chapter; even if you dare use one again afterwards!
Chapter 57, Trance Mediums: Many mediums place themselves into a state of trance before "channeling"
information from inner sources. Learn all about trance mediums and their abilities
Chapter 58, Materialisation Mediums: Materialisation is a much less common than other forms of
mediumship but much more "spectacular". Find out about this type of Spirit communication
Chapter 59, The Direct Voice: of all types of mediumship with Materialisation, The Direct Voice is the most
compelling and, from the point of view of proof of the continuity of life after the death of the physical body the
most valuable. Find out about communications by The Direct Voice in this chapter
Chapter 60, Electronic Voice Phenomena: In recent years considerable progress has been made in the use of
electronic instruments in order to record Spirit voices. This is something that anyone at all can do with the right
equipment. Learn all about how EVP works

Our Ultimate Reality by Adrian P. Cooper is destined to be the Ultimate reference for taking
control of ones life, understanding its purpose, and enjoying the abundance, joy, and fulfilment
God intended for everyone of us to have.

At times I felt myself giggling at the profound truths presented in the material. Much of the mystery
surrounding many spiritual topics from ancient to current times is exposed in a highly articulate
manner so that the modern day reader can apply them into their daily lives. Im certain that many
years of karma will be dissolved by applying the information here.

The range and completeness of this material has the potential to change mankinds entire
existence in magnanimous proportions. I am truly grateful and certainly feel blessed that Ive had
the opportunity to read this book. Thank you Mr. Cooper.

Ray Ludwig, Marion, Iowa

Chapter 61, Instrumental Transcommunication: ITC is a particularly advanced form of EVP whereby instead
of using existing electronic devices to record Spirit voices, specially designed equipment is being used to
communicate with Spirits. Learn all about these latest developments
Chapter 62, Channeling Conclusion: In this chapter we review the entire subject of channeling and what it
means to us today, particularly in terms of its true value for communicating with Spirits
Chapter 63, Contact With The Inner Spheres: This is the first in a series of chapters discussing this most
important subject. The future of Spiritual communication and acquiring valuable information is direct contact with
the higher spheres. Discover how and why in this chapter
Chapter 64, Clairvoyance: Clairvoyance means "clear seeing" and refers to viewing the Astral Worlds. Find out
all about clairvoyance and how you can develop the ability of clairvoyance as well
Chapter 65, The Akashic Record: Much as been said about the Akashic Record or Akashic Library as the
"Library" of the Universe where all knowledge from all planes is perpetually stored. Find out more about this
great Universal information source and how it can be accessed
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In The Next Few Chapters You Will Learn About How T0 Visit The Astral Planes, The
"Afterlife", And Know Beyond Doubt Where You Will Go After "Death", How To Visit
"Deceased" Relatives, Collect Information And More

Chapter 66, Astral Projection: Astral Projection is by far one of the most important abilities you can learn.
Discover the profound benefits of learning Astral projection in this chapter
Chapter 67, Three Astral Projection Methods: Learn the three best methods for Astral Projection so you
too can enjoy the considerable benefits of this very valuable ability
Chapter 68, The Out of Body Experience: Together with Astral Projection to which it is related, The Out of
Body Experience is also a very valuable ability. Learn all about the characteristics, importance and value of Out
of Body Experiences
Chapter 69, Three OBE Methods: Learn the three best methods for achieving Out of Body
Experiences. Once learned you will most certainly want to go "out of body" as often as possible
Chapter 70, The Near Death Experience: In addition to the self-induced methods of leaving the body, the Near
Death Experience is a very similar experience but happens involuntarily in situations of "temporary physical
death". Learn all about what is experienced in these "near death" situations

I said i was going to get your book in my last letter, and i eventually got it. I've been reading it a lot,
and i just wanted to say its a great book. It's one of those books that could really change
someone's life around. It has for me already. I have now realized that your book is in fact so much
more than i understood at first. I thought the book was simply about astral projection, when indeed
it is about our ULTIMATE REALITY, which is the title of your book. Well i just wanted to say its
great, and i LOVE reading it. Its entertaining and very informative. Thanks again....

-Erik B.- Colorado

Our Ultimate Reality Part 3: Managing Your Destiny
Chapter 71, Progression Through Life: Discover the truth of how people generally progress through each
physical life and what it actually means. This is crucial information

In The Following Chapters You Will Learn Most Valuable Abilities That Will Help You
Through Everyday Life, To Discover Your Own True Purpose And Happiness and How To
Attract All of Your Needs, Wishes and Desires

Chapter 72, Deep Physical Relaxation: Learn Deep Physical Relaxation, one of the most important and
fundamental abilities for a wide range of valuable experiences
Chapter 73, Concentration: Discover the profound benefits of concentration. With deep physical
relaxation, concentration is also a very fundamental ability for a wide range of experiences
Chapter 74, The Practice of Concentration: Learn the ability of deep concentration, another of the
fundamentals for a wide range of valuable abilities
Chapter 75, Meditation: Meditation is another profoundly valuable, fundamental and life-changing ability.
Discover the value and benefits of meditation and what can be achieved during meditation
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Chapter 76, The Practice of Meditation: Learn the practice of meditation for yourself and enjoy the
considerable benefits that meditation will bring
Chapter 77, Twin-Hearts Meditation: The Twin-Hearts is a special meditation that will bring with it various
specific and valuable benefits. Learn all about the Twin-Hearts Meditation
Chapter 78, The Human Paradox: This is an extremely important chapter that everyone should fully
understand. Discover the truth of your own reality and "existence" and how to finally free yourself.
"And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"!
Chapter 79, The Eternal Now: Discover the persistent illusion of "time" and the truth of "Now"
Chapter 80, The Law of Attraction: The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful and important of the
Universal Laws. Everyone without exception needs to understand this important Law!
Chapter 81, The Truth About Money: Most of humanity remains a slave to the concept of "money". Discover
the real truth about money and you will never look at money in the same way again!
Chapter 82, The Power of Positive Thinking: Learn the true power of positive thinking
Chapter 83, Affirmations: Many people have already discovered the profound impact that affirmations can
have on their life. Learn and utilise the great power of affirmations in your life
Chapter 84, Powers of The Imagination: Imagination is the major creative force in the Universe. Learn how
you can harness your own powers of imagination for your considerable benefit
Chapter 85, Creative Visualisation: Creative Visualisation is an aspect of the imagination which, once learned,
will enable you to attract anything you wish for need or desire. Discover why this is
Click Here To Purchase Our Ultimate Reality Now
Chapter 86, Practice of Creative Visualisation: In this chapter you will learn how to do creative visualisation to
attract anything you wish for into your life
Chapter 87, Other Senses of The Imagination: In addition to visualisation, learn about the other powers of
the imagination that can be used to further enhance the attraction process
Chapter 88, The Power of Emotions: Discover the importance of emotions in creating what you experience
in your reality.
Chapter 89, Creating Your Own Reality: This is one of the most important chapters for those wishing to
change your life for the better by creating your own reality. To change your life for the better, and attract
everything you wish for need or desire, you must read this chapter!
Chapter 90, Harmonising Your Desires: This is another very extremely important chapter which teaches
another extremely important aspect of attracting your wishes, needs and desires

I could not stop reading your book. It is truly a masterpiece! Over the past 4 and one half years I
have read many metaphysical books and experimented with various techniques. I am amazed at
what you have done. I have come across aspects of some of your material, but it took a lot of
reading to locate it and as I have said, several years. I can't wait to get into some of the exercises
that I know are forthcoming. At this point I believe that I will be able to accomplish things that up
until this time seemed like a fairy tale.

Charles Humphrey, St. Louis, Missouri

During The Course Of The Following Chapters You Will Discover The Secrets Of How To
Live Your Life In Total Happiness, Joy And Harmony And How To Make True Spiritual
Progress. Absolutely Crucial Reading!

Chapter 91, Let Go and Let God: Learn the importance of "Let Go and Let God" in your ongoing life. Without
understanding and practicing this you cannot enjoy complete success
Chapter 92, The Joy and Power of Giving: Discover the power of giving, not only to help others, but also to
attract more into your own life
Chapter 93, The Joy and Power of Healing: Discover the immense healing powers that we all potentially enjoy
Chapter 94, Pranic Healing: Pranic Healing is one of the most powerful forms of Energy based healing. Learn
more about Pranic Healing
Chapter 95, Reiki Healing: Reiki is probably the best known of Energy healing methods. Find out more about
Reiki in this chapter
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Chapter 96, Healing Yourself and Others: Discover the joy and benefits on healing others
Chapter 97, The Principles of Healing: Learn the principles for healing yourself and others
Chapter 98, The Practice of Healing: In this chapter you will learn how to use Energy to heal yourself and
others of any ailment over any distance. This is vital, must know information
Chapter 99, Living Your Own Reality: Discover the profound benefits of living your own reality instead of living
your own life in accordance with the controlling influence of others!
Chapter 100, Our Ultimate Destiny: Find out about our ultimate destiny as Spiritual human beings. This is a
chapter that everyone must read

I found Our Ultimate Reality to be a down-to-earth, easy to read book, written in a straightforward
language, explaining the true nature of reality.

It is a fascinating read and I would highly recommend it to anyone with even a passing interest in
these matters.

Sarah Garratty, Kent, UK

Chapter 101, Know Thyself: Learn the importance of truly knowing who you are
Chapter 102, Transcending the Ego: Extremely important information! Discover the great importance of
transcending the demands of the ego. True progress cannot be made without this
Chapter 103, Practice of Transcending the Ego: In this chapter you will learn the vital knowledge of exactly
how to transcend the demands of the ego. Again, true progress is just not possible without transcending the ego
and therefore this chapter is absolutely vital reading for everyone!
Chapter 104, Equilibrium of the Soul: This is also an extremely important aspect of true evolution. In order to
progress you need to balance the attributes of your Soul. Discover how
Chapter 105, Autosuggestion: Autosuggestion is related to, but not the same as affirmation. Learn how you
can use autosuggestion to make big, positive changes in your life
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Chapter 106, Dreams: This is another extremely important chapter! Your dreams are potentially an extremely
important indicator of your life experiences as well as past, present and future situations.
Learn all about the importance of dreams in this chapter
Chapter 107, The Dream Journal: To maximise the benefit of your dreams a dream journal is very important.
Discover why this is and how you can start to remember and record your dreams
Chapter 108, The Inner Voice: Another extremely important chapter! Learning how to hear and heed the inner
voice is extremely important your life and to your progression. Learn why this is so and what you can do and
learn how to hear the inner voice to profoundly influence your life
Chapter 109, The Flow of Life: Learn about the perfect flow of life in the Universe, how it affects you and
where everything fits into the Divine order of the Universe
Chapter 110, Respect For All Life: Discover the importance of always having respect for all life. Your attitude
towards life and how you think of and treat other creatures, plants and other forms of life, will have a profound
impact on your own life. This chapter is very important reading!

It is rare indeed, when a book of this monumental importance comes along. For contained within
its covers, are answers to all manner of questions spiritual seekers will certainly ask along the
path. It appears that every possible topic has been covered in this book. Just a few examples
include: healing, meditation, dreams, quantum physics, universal laws, descriptions of the non-
physical realms and much more. Reading Our Ultimate Reality has left a profoundly deep
impression on me, as I have been a seeker for most of my 56 years. The brilliance of this book, is
both that the author details all the subjects so clearly, and that these details all ring true for this
reader. My advice to anyone interested learning what their ultimate destiny is, and the true nature
of this multi-dimensional universe, would be to read this book.

Nick Falcone,
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA ,
Retired criminal law attorney.

Chapter 111, Selfless Service: This is one of the most important chapters in the book. You cannot truly
progress without learning and applying these important principles in your life
Chapter 112, The Lessons of Life: It would be pointless to simply go through the motions of each lifetime
without learning the valuable lessons that you came here to learn in the beginning. Discover the importance of
these lessons in your own personal evolution
Chapter 113, Pure Unconditional Love: Discover the real truth behind the most powerful force in the Universe,
what it really is and what it means to you and your own evolution
Chapter 114, Our Ultimate Reality: And finally discover our true purpose, Our Ultimate Reality!
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"The greatest discovery of the 19th century was not in the realm of the physical
sciences, but the power of the subconscious mind touched by faith. Any individual
can tap into an eternal reservoir of power that will enable them to overcome any
problem that may arise.
"All weaknesses can be overcome, bodily healing, financial independence, spiritual
awakening, prosperity beyond your wildest dreams.
This is the superstructure of happiness."
William James, Harvard Psychologist,
Known as " the Father of American Psychology"


Our Ultimate Reality
I am sure that by now that you will know that
Our Ultimate Reality will make a very
profound difference in your life just as it has
for many others since its publication just a
few months ago
Whether for yourself and those close to you
are seeking Health, Wealth, Happiness or
quite simply and most importantly the real
truth of your existence, this is the book for
Here are just a few of the valuable abilities you will learn from Our Ultimate Reality:
G How to heal any disease, illness or ailment, however serious it might seem
G How to attract anything at all that you need, wish for or desire into your life
G How to achieve Astral Projection and OBE's; learn the 3 best methods for each
G How to visit where you will go to after "death" and visit "deceased" people
G How to contact your Inner-Self to find the true answers to important questions
And above all to to live a happy and fulfilling life while pursuing your own true purpose in life

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Finally I would like to wish you and your loved ones every possible success, abundance and happiness
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Yours in Truth, Light and Peace,

Adrian Cooper

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