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m mbientais Mestrad do








Leiacomatenoas sinstrues saseguir: ao desta prova de 04 (quat tro) horas, exceto par ra os candiidatos port tadores de 1. A dura necess sidades esp peciais cuja durao d da prova 05 (cinco) horas (Avis so Circular do MEC 277/96 6ePortaria a1679/99). 2. NO E ESCREVA O SEU NOME E NO BOLET TIM DE QUESTES. Ele e dever se er identificado apenas nafolhaderosto ocomseunmerodein nscrioeCPF. C 3.OBole etimdeQue estes,dest tinadopro ovaescritaedeprofici incia,con nstitudode e: fo olhasdestina adassque estesrelat ivasprova aescrita; fo olhasdestina adassque estesrelat ivasprova adeprofici ncia; du uas folhas (frente e verso) v desti nadas ao rascunho r da prova es crita (useas a se voc as ssimodesej jar),noseroforneci dasfolhasadicionais; a as sfolhasderascunho r n odevero serretirada asdoBoletimdeQuest tes. 4. Verifique se o Boletim B de Questes, destinado prova es scrita e de proficincia, contm algumdefeito.Em mcasoposit tivo,solicite eaoaplicad dorparatro ocloporo utro. 5. As res spostas das s questes devero se r feitas na mesma folha, logo ab baixo do co omando da quest oenoespaodelimitado. 6.Parare esponderas squestes,useapenas scanetaesferogrficade d tintaazu uloupreta. 7.Aoconcluiraprov va,entregue eoBoletim deQueste esaoaplicador. 8. Assine e a lista de presena prova esc crita e de proficincia na linha co orresponden nte ao seu nome, ,domesmo omodocom mofoiassina adonoseudocumento odeidentid dade. 9.Ocand didatosereliminadocasosuapr rova: se ejaredigidanalinhacontrriaaes scolhidanoatodesuainscrio; se ejaescritaalpisoude eformailegvel; co ontenhanom meoumarc caqueaide entifique; co ontenhaqua alquertipodeofensaa aosmembro osdabanca aexaminado oraeaoutr ros. 10.ter rminanteme enteproibid danestapro ova: ac comunica oentreoscandidatos s; a consulta a qualquer tipo de mat terial difere ente do esta abelecido n no Edital do o Processo Se eletivo; a utilizao de d qualquer r aparelho eletrnico, inclusive telefones ce elulares, qu ue devero se erdesligado osduranteoperodode erealizao odaprova.

LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade

1.(2pt.)B Baseadonaabordagem a internaciona alparaaConservaoeDesenvolvim D entoSustentvel,houve e no Brasil (Rio de Janeir ro, 1992) a C Conferncia sobre Meio o Ambiente e Desenvolv vimento das s das, mais con nhecida com mo Encontro o da Terra.Neste event to acontecer ram algumas s Naes Unid convenes: : ordouaconv venosobre eMudanas Climticas? a)oqueabo venosobreaBiodivers sidade? b)oqueabordouaconv oblemasamb bientaisseria amresolvido scomospla anosdeaoestabelecid osnaAgend da21? c)quaispro
LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade

2.(2pt.) Nocontexto oatualdepo olticasambie entaisparaAmaznia, A esperaseque eacriaode d diferentes s tipos de unidades de co onservao ( (UCs) possa contribuir para p atender r os interess ses dos mais s uposexistent tesnaregio o.Consideran ndoalgunsconflitos c exis stentesnesta asUCseque e diversosgru estosendo omostradosconstanteme entenamdia: (a)abordeaeficciadaLegislaoAmbiental. A umentoseco onmicospar raagestoambiental a de estasUCs. (b)cite4(quatro)instru

LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade

3.(2pt.)C Citeedescre eva4(quatro o)impactosa ambientaiscausadospela aproduom ineralnaAmaznia A b brasileira.

LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade

4. (2 pt.) O controle de d insetos, sejam eles no ocivos agri icultura ouvetores v de do oenas, feito, hoje, na a suamaioria a,porprodut tosqumicos s.Quantoaotemaabordado: d utilizaodebiopestic cidas? (a)quaisasvantagensda (b)quaissoosgruposdemicroorganismosutil izadosnoco ontrolebiolgicodeprag gas?

LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade

5. (2 pt.) O meio am mbiente bem m conservado o tem grand de valor econ nmico, est tico e socia al. Mantlo, , significa pr reservar todos os seus c componentes s em boas condies, se ejam eles: ec cossistemas, , comunidad deseespcie es.Oaspecto omaissriodoperigoam mbientala extinodeespcies.
P Primack&Rod drigues,2001. .

Quantoaoa assuntoabordadonotex xto,respond aasseguinte esquestes: versidadebio olgica(extin no)quere esultamdaat tividadehum mana? (a)citeasameaasdiv (b)conceitu ueSuperexpl loraoedexemplosvo oltadospara aaregioam maznica. (c)citeecomentetrscategorias c de eespciesco omVulnerab bilidadeext tino?
LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade

THEAM MAZONIANVEGETATION V NANDPHYS SIOGNOMIC CHARACTER RISTICS The e Amazon reg gion is a phy ysiographic a and biologica al entity which is wellde efined and distinct from mostofthe erestofSout thAmericaby b itsdensef forest,andla argebiomass.Itshouldb beemphasizedthatthis broad physi iognomic vie ew is not bas sed on a sup perficial, orpurely p scenar ric interpreta ation but rat ther on one from the origin and ev volution of the t region a as a single unit. The relief for, exam mple, is very y important because it is related to the divis sion of the region into o older and younger a reas, it has s geological implications s,hydrologic calimplicatio onsandisclo oselyrelatedtotheorigin noftheregio on. The e hydrograph hic basins are e very impor rtant in relat tion to theflora. f Physiog gnomically the forest is uniform,bu ut,whenana alysedin detail, thecomp positionvariesagreatde ealfromplac ce toplaceand a thereis a very evident correlation between n the similar r forest type es and the hydrographic h c basins. Ado olfo Ducke, one of the b botanical experts of theregion, belie eved that the floristic div vision of the e Hylaea is lin nked to the rivers.Theo opinionsofrenowned r zo oologistsand dlimnologistscorroborat tethisfromf faunalevidence. c and vegeta Ano other import tant factor in n the floristic ational diver rsity of the a area is the effect of the oceanlevelwhichhas,in i thepast,caused c erosi onandsedim mentation.Recently R muc chdiscussion nhasarisen climatic varia ation (partic cularly the cllimatic fluctuations of th he Pleistoce ne) which has h affected about the c thevegetat tion. a of Sout th America, nearly 6.000 0.000 Km2, w with more than t half of Amazonia occupies a vast area ry. The enorm mous area o of dense fore est is continu uous around d its perimeter, while in this in Brazilian territor r there can be interrupt tions, or pla aces where small s or rela atively large nonforest formations the interior occur. The forest regio on usually ap ppears physiiognomically y uniform; however, wh hen examine ed in detail, lelocalvariationsofvege etationandf floristiccompositionare encountered d. considerabl e term vege etation refers to the life eforms whic ch are associated, in vario n each area, ous ways, in The or are the result of the adaptations which be etter adjust it to environmental var riations. Eco ological and ntal variation ns always ex xist, even in areas which h are relative ely close to o one another, creating a environmen large number of niches for different species. Th he floristic di ifferentiation n is somewh hat more sub bjective and n the specie es found association wit th one anoth her. The det tailed study of the varia ation which depends on occurs in t the vegetation and flo ora is a com mplex issue. However, in a overv view, major groups of physiognom mic variation patterns can be establis shed. The pr ractical classification whiich is used regionally in Amazonia is s based prim marily on the e relief, and it recognized d two principal types of vegetation: terra firme and inundat ted formatio ons (vrzeaand a igap). A As Amazonia a is basicallya forest regiion, the terra firme and vrzea fore est are of primary impor rtance, the n nonforest ty ypes of vege etation are m more restric cted in area andoflessi importance. Befo lysis of Ama azonian vege etation, it is s necessary to take a general g and ore giving a detail anal superficial l look at the vegetation of o tropics as s a whole. Because B Ama azonia is pa rt of a large er universe, vegetationo dtropics,the erearemany yworldwidephysiognom micandfunct tionalsimilar rities. ofthehumid
(Pire es,J.M.&Pranc ce,G.T.TheVeg getationTypes oftheBrazilian nAmazon.Key environments:AMAZO ONIA,1985.Com madaptaes)

LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade

Combasen notextoacim ma,responda aaspergunta asaseguir,em e Portugus. 1. (2 pt.) Quais so os fatores que q contribu uem para a diversidade florstica e vegetaciona al do Bioma a ? Amaznia?

2.(2pt.)Otextofazre efernciaaotermovege etao.Expliqueo. 3. (2 pt.) Qual a cla assificao que q o autor r utiliza para a separar os tipos prin cipais de ve egetao na a Amaznia?
LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade

A AmazonFo orestMain ntenance asaSour rceofEnvi ironmenta alService es

Amazonian fore est produces environme ental service es such as maintenance e of biodive ersity,water cks.Theseserviceshavea muchgrea atervaluetohumansocie etythan dothetimber, cyclingand carbonstoc beef and ot ther product ts that are obtained by d destroying th he forest. Ye et institution nal mechanis sms are still lacking to transform the value of f the standi ng forest in nto the foun ndation of a an economy y based on g rather than n destroying g this ecosys stem. Forest management for comm modities such h as timber maintaining and nontim mber forest products fa aces severe limitations and inheren nt contradic ctions unless s income is supplement ted based on environme ental service es. Amazon forest is thr reatened by deforestatio on, logging, forest fires and climate e change. Measures M to avoid defore estation incl lude repress sion through h command and control l, creation of protected areas, and r reformulatio on of infrastr ructure decis sions and de evelopment policies. An n economy primarily p bas sed on the v value of env vironmental services is e essential for r longterm maintenanc ce of the for rest. Much progress p has s been made in the dec cades since I first propo osed such a transition, b but many iss sues also rem main unreso lved. These include theo oretical issue es regarding accounting procedures, , improved quantificatio on of the se rvices and of o the benef fits of differe ent policy options, and effectiveus sesofthefun ndsgenerate edinwaysth hatmaintainboththefor restandthe humanpopu ulation.
FEA ARNSIDE, P. M M. Amazon Fore est Maintenanc ce as a Source e of Environme ental Services. AnaisdaAcademiiaBrasileiradeCincias(2008 8)80(1):10111 14.(Comadapta aes).

notextoacim ma,responda aaspergunta asaseguir,em e Portugus. Combasen Quaisasprin ncipaisameaasparaaflo orestaamaznica? 4.(1pt.)Q

LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade


5.(1pt.)Q Quaismedidaspoderiam mseradotada asparaevita arodesmatamentodaAm maznia? Quaismecan nismosasinstituiesest toemprega andoparama anteroecoss sistemaama aznico? 6.(1pt.)Q orsereferequando q afirm ma:Muitoprogressofoifeitonasd cadasdesde equepropus s 7.(1pt.)Aqueoauto u umatransi odestetipo o?

LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade



LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade



LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade



LinhadePesquisa1 1:MeioAmbie enteeSustentabilidade


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