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Prof.Arunabha Majumder E i it Fellow Emiritus F ll SchoolofWaterResourcesEngineering Jadavpur University ExDirectorProfessor AllIndiaInstituteofHygiene&PublicHealth Govt.ofIndia

In India cities and towns generate 38000KL waste water daily. Sewage treatment facilities are limited in our country and many of the treatment facilities are not functioning properly. The organic pollutant (measured as BOD/COD/SS) removal performances of conventional technologies employed in a majority of STPS under GAP/NRAP have been extensively studied and reported. p But microbial pollutants(measured as MPN of Total and faecal coliforms ) removal performances are not getting monitored properly. l

Totalurbanwastewatergeneration:38255mld STPsCapacity:11788mld STPs S number b wise i :38%ASP, S 28%WSP, S 20% UASB,14%others STPscapacitywise:60%ASP,26%UASB,6% WSP,8%others CPCBandSPCBsaretheregulatoryagencies forwaterq quality ymonitoring g

MinistryofEnvironment&Forest R Recommendations d i
Ministry yofEnvironment andForest,GovtofIndia constitutedacommitteein 1999torecommend coliformstandardsfor treatedsewagedischarged intotheriversandlakes.
Parameter BOD(mg/l) BOD(mg/l) TSS(mg/l) TSS(mg/l) Notto exceed 30 100 50 200 Discharge into/on Waterbody Landfor irrigation Waterbody Landfor irrigation g Waterbody orfor agriculture and aquaculture

Faecal Coliform(MP N/100ml)

1000 desirable 10000max permissible

MinistryofUrbanDevelopment R Recommendation d i
MinistryofUrbanDevelopment andPovertyalleviation constitutedintheyear2004a committeetodeterminethe normsfor f coliform lf level l linthe h treatedwastewaterspecificto thestretchoftheriverYamunain Delhi Delhi. TheCommitteemadethe followingrecommendations whichhavebeenmentionedin theadjacenttable:
Parameter Value Remarks

Faecal Coliform (MPN/100ml) Faecal Coliform (MPN/100ml) BOD




Maximum Permissible

3mg/l /lorl less

Standardfordischargeoftreatedsewageintothestretchof Ri Yamuna River Y in i Delhi D lhi

Parameter Notto exceed 10mg/l Remarks


Immediate goal l

Faecal Coliform

2500 See MPN/100ml adjacent note

Note TertiaryTreatmentafter conventionaltreatmentprocesses likeASPorTFisrequiredto achievetherecommended standards d d for f BODand dFC. TertiaryTreatmentoptions includechemicalsaided flocculation sedimentationwith flocculation, orwithoutpostgranularmedia filtrationandorchlorination.


SewageTreatmentProcessSelection TreatedSewageQuality:MeetStd. Std PowerRequirement:Minimize LandRequirement:Minimize CapitalCost:OptimumUtilization O&MCost:LowerRunningCost

PerformanceoftheUnit Can C reliably li bl produce d high hi hquality li effluentwithlowBOD,SS,Faecal coliform andhighD.O.levels. BODreductionoftheorderof90% orso. Suspendedsolidsreductionis somewhatlowduetopossible overflowofalgae. Coliformreductioncanbeupto6 units. TotalNitrogenremovalbetween 7090%. TotalPhosphorusremovalbetween 3045%. Detentiontime:6to8days

Retentionperiod721days Shallowdepthofwaterfrom 1.252.0mts. ForsettledwastewatersBOD andSSremovalupto 30mg/lis achievable Highmineralandnutrient removalrateduetouptakeof duckweeds. Capitalcostofthesameorder ofWSPwithadditionalcostof floating gcellmaterial.

Noprimaryorsecondary settlingrequiredwithno sludgerecirculation. Anaerobicbottomlayerand aerobictoplayer. Simultaneousdegradation ofsludgeinthebottom layerandorganicsinthetop layer. BODremoval7090% Suspendedsolidsremoval 7080% Coliformremoval6099%

Proven100yearoldtechnology Lessmonitoringrequiredthan ASP Ruggedsystemwithsimpleand p silentoperation. Consistenteffluentquality Standalonetreatmentprocess forsewageifoperatedatlow rates. rates Tobeusedincombinationwith ASPforefficientpeformance. pathogen g removal Lowp Bacteria,2090% Viruses5090% Giardia cysts7090%

ActivatedSludgeProcess (ASP)
Provenandtestedmethodology allovertheworldforthelast78 decades. Severalmodificationsavailable forspecificrequirements. Uninterruptedpowersupply requiredforaerationandsludge recirculation. Reactorsludgelevelstobe carefullymonitoredandsludgeis tobewithdrawnfromthesystem. 8090%removalofbacteria. 9099%removalofviruses.

BIOFORTechnology(BiologicalFiltrationand O Oxygenated d R Reactor) )

Enhancedprimarytreatmentwith addition dd of fchemicals h l and d coagulants. Highrateprimarytubesettlers andintegratedthickeningoffering spaceeconomy. SuspendedsolidsandBOD removaloftheorderof90%and 70%respectivelyintheprimary clarifier. Lowturbiditywithsuspended solids lid under d 15mg/l /land dtotal l systemefficiencyof98%. Pathogenremovalof2onthelog scale. scale

HighRateActivatedSludgeBIOFORF T h l Technology
Compactlayoutasaresultof high g ratep processes. Higheraerationefficiency throughdiffusedandtapered aerationsystem. y Spacesavingasprimary sedimentationisdispensed. Compliancewithstrict dischargestandards. Absenceofaerosolandodor nuisanceintheworkingarea area. Selfsufficientinenergy requirementduetogasengine basedcogenerationsysytem.

Twostagebiologicaloxidation. Treatmentschemewithout primarysedimentationand sludgedigestion. Reactorsuptodepth5mensures lowlandrequirement. High g BODremovalwitheffluent concentrationlessthan10mg/l HighSuspendedsolidsremoval witheffluentconcentrationless than20mg/l Faecalcoliformsremovalofthe orderof23onlog gscale.

SubmergedAerationFixedFilmTechnology (SAFFTechnology) T h l )
Essentiallyatricklingfilterwith enhanced h doxygensupply l through h h submergedaeration. Unconventionalplasticmedia withhighvoidratioandspecific surfacearea. HighBODremovalwith98% ywitheffluentBOD efficiency concentrationlessthan10mg/l. HighSuspendedsolidsremoval witheffluentconcentrationof20 mg/l. /l Faecal coliforms removalofthe orderof23onlogscaleatSAFF2 Stage. Stage

Essentially activated sludge process operated d in i batches b h through h h auto control. Aeration and settling in one tank leading to lower plant foot print. print Uninterrupted power supply is a must as the whole process is auto controlled. HighBODremovalwitheffluent concentrationlessthan10mg/l HighSuspendedsolidsremoval with itheffluent ffl tconcentration t ti less l than20mg/l Faecal coliforms removalofthe orderof23onlogscale.

UpflowAnaerobicSludgeBlanketProcess (UASB)
Processnotvulnerabletopower cuts. Recoveryofgaswithhighcalorific value. Lowsludgeproduction. Noprimarytreatment,suspended solidsinthewastewateractsas carrier i material i lfor f microbial i bi l attachment. Recoveryofgaswithhighcalorific value. value Lowsludgeproduction. PosttreatmentofUASBis invariablyrequired required.

Sl. No No. STP Process Land Area Area, hectare /MLD 0.80to 1.5 Advantage Disadvantages Applicability

Waste Stabilisati onPond System (WSPS)

i) ii) iii)

The inherent simplicity of construction offers low cost technology option High quality effluent at least operating costs. costs Low skill requirement for operation of the plant. Iv) Fish yield from aquaculture ponds around 4 7 MT/ha/year

i)Largelandrequirement i) ii)Highcostoflining iii)Riskofodournuisance andmosquitobreedingiv ii) Riskofgroundwater contaminationinporous iii) andfracturedstrata

Duckwee dPond System (DPS)

1.5to i) 2.0 ii) iii)

Less sensitive to low temperature, high nutrient levels, pH fluctuations, pests and diseases compared to other aquatic plants Simultaneous significant nutrient removal Yield of highly protein containing vegetative material (35 45%) as animal feed Duckweed as an excellent feed for poultry Realization of tangible economic returns from sale of raw or processed weed or fish

iv) v)

Suitableunderwarm Indianclimatic conditions Forareaswitheasy availabilityofland Inareaswithsocial preferencefor aquaculture iv) Inareaswithlow, unreliableorexpensive powersupply. i)Lowpathogenremoval i) Lowstrengthdomestic duetoreducedlight wastewaterorafter penetration primarysedimentation withinfluentBOD< ii)Duckweeddieoffincold 80mg/L weatherconditions ii) Incombinationwith existing e st gWSP S iii) Ruralandsemiurban settlementswitheasy landavailability iv)Asapolishingpondforan existing gactivatedsludge g plantorother technologybasedSTPs

Sl. No. STPProcess Land Advantage Area, hectare /MLD 0.27to i)Simpleoperationoftheplantrequiringlower 0.4 skilledmanpowerii) Minimumcivil,electricalandmechanical installation iii)Lowerenergycostscomparedtoother aerobicprocessesiv) LowerO&Mcost 0.25to i)Simpleoperationoftheplantrequiringlower 0.50 skilledmanpowerii) Ruggedsystem,lesspronetohydraulicand organicoverloading iii)Reducedrequirementforprocessmonitoring iv)Sludgewithbettersettlingcharacteristics 0.15to 0.25 i)Performanceisnotsignificantlyaffecteddue tonormalvariationsinwastewater characteristicsandseasonalchanges Disadvantages Applicability

Facultative Aerated Lagoon(FAL)

i)Possibilityof groundwater contaminationinporous andfracturedstrata ii)Highcostoflining

i)Standalonesystemfor sewagetreatment ii)Asanupgradation option foroverloadWSPs

Trickling Filter(TF)

i)Blockageofportsin i)IncombinationwithASPfor distributionarm. goodandconsistent performance ii)Blockageofbio filter duetoexcessbiomass growthorfloatingmatter iii)Riskofodour and filterfly i)Performanceis adverselyaffecteddueto interruptioninpower supplyevenforashort period ii)Foamingproblemmay occuriii)Requires elaboratesludge digestion/drying/disposal arrangement Themostwidelyusedoption fortreatmentofdomestic wastewaterformediumto largetownswherelandis scarce

Activated Sludge Process(ASP)

Sl. No. STP Process Land Area, hectare /MLD 0.08 Advantage Disadvantages Applicability

BIOFOR Technology (Biological Filtration and Oxygenated Reactor)

i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) i) ii) iii)

High Rate Activated Sludge Biofor -F Technology Fluidized Aerated Bed (FAB)



i) ii) iii) iv)

Higher aeration efficiency through co - current diffused aeration system Able to withstand fluctuations in flow rate and organic loads Compliance with stricter discharge standards Effluent suitable for UV disinfection without filtration Absence of aerosol and odour nuisance in the working area Absence of corrosive gases in the area Higher aeration efficiency through diffused and tapered aeration system Compliance with stricter discharge standards Stable digester performance and consistent gas production Deep reactors enabling small space requirements Elimination of the need for sludge recirculation and monitoring of MLSS in the reactor Capacity to handle shock loads Low & stabilised sludge production eliminating the need for sludge digestion

i) Continuous and high chemical dosing in primary clarification ii) Undigested sludge from primary clarification requiring post treatment

None, except high high cost

Reliance on patented filter media ii) Reliance on flocculants, polyelectrolyte and chemical disinfectant ( i l) (optional) iii) Requires skilled manpower


The FAB technology based system is particularly applicable for: i) small to medium flows in congested locations ii) Sensitive locations iii) decentralised d li d approach iv) Reliving existing overloaded STPs

Sl. No. 9 STPProcess Submerged AerationFixed Film(SAFF) Technology LandArea, hectare/MLD 0.05 Advantage i) Deepreactors enablingsmall space requirements Abilityto effectivelytreat dilutedomestic wastewaters Low&stabilized sludgeproduction eliminatingthe needforsludge di digestion i i) ii) iii) iv) Disadvantages Cloggingofreactorduetoabsenceof primarysedimentation Relianceonproprietaryfiltermedia Highrelianceonexternalenergyinput Requiresskilledmanpower Applicability TheSAFFtechnologybased systemisparticularlyapplicable for: i)Small tomediumflowsincongested locationsii)Sensitive locationsiii) Decentralizedapproach iv)Relivingexistingoverloaded tricklingfilters




Cyclic Activated Sludge Process (CASP)


i)Canbedesignedto removeNandPalong withcarbonremoval

i) ii) iii) iv)

Noprovisionforsludgemanagement Noprovisionofprimarytreatment Highrelianceonexternalenergyinput Requiresskilledmanpower


Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Process

0.2 0.3

i)Sludgehandlingis minimized ii)Powersupply interruptionshave minimaleffectonplant performance iii)Canabsorbhydraulic andorganicshock loading

i)Ingeneralcannotmeetthedesiredeffluent dischargestandardunlessproperposttreatment isadopted,whichinturnmaymakethetreatment schemeenergyintensiveormayrequirelargeland area ii)Effluentisanoxicandinvariablyexerts substantialinitial/instantaneousoxygendemand whichmayhaveadverseimpactonreceiving inlandwaterbodiesorwhenusedforirrigation

TheCyclicActivatedSludge Process(CASP)maybeapplicable for: i)smalltomediumflowsin congestedlocations ii)Sensitivelocations iii)decentralised approach iv)relivingexistingoverloaded tricklingfilters Thesuitabilityofthistechnology maybedoubtfulasastand alone secondarytreatmentoption

Sl. STPProcess No. o 1 WasteStabilisation PondSystem (WSPS) 2 DuckweedPondSystem(DPS) Energy Requirement equ e e Negligible. CapitalCost,Rs.Million/MLD O&MCost,million/year/MLD


Rs.2.5 5.0 Million/MLD Rs.0.090.15million/ year/MLD Rs.0.250.41/m3 Rs.2.5 5.0Million/MLD Rs.0.25million/MLD/year. Rs.0.68/m3 Rs.2.2to3.0 Million/MLD 0.15to0.2million/MLD/yr. Rs.0.41to0.55/m3 Rs.4to5Million/MLD Rs.0.5million/MLD/year. Rs.1.40/m3 Rs.5to6 Million/MLD Rs.0.5to0.7 million/MLD/Year Rs.1.40to1.92/m3 Rs.10to12 Million/MLD RS1.2million/mld/Year Rs.3.30/m3 Rs.7.5 Million/MLD Rs.0.80million/MLD/Year Rs.2.20/m3 Rs6to8 Million/MLD Rs.0.9to1.0million/MLD/ year Rs.2.47to2.74/m3 Rs.9 Million/MLD Rs.1.4million/MLD/year Rs.3.84/m3 Rs.11 Million/MLD Rs.1.4million/MLD/year Rs.3.0to4.0 Million/MLD Rs.0.12to0.17 million/MLD/Year Rs.0.33to0.47m3

3 4 5

FacultativeAeratedLagoon(FAL) TricklingFilter(TF) ActivatedSludgeProcess(ASP)

18KWh/ML 180KWh/ML 180 225 KWh/ML 220 335 kWh/ML 180kWh/ML 99to170 kWh/ML 390kWh/ML 150 200 kWh/ML 10 15KWh/ML

6 7 8

BIOFORTechnology(Biological FiltrationandOxygenatedReactor) HighRateActivatedSludgeBiofor F Technology FluidizedAeratedBed(FAB)

9 10 11

SubmergedAerationFixedFilm(SAFF) Technology CyclicActivatedSludgeProcess(CASP) UpflowAnaerobicSludgeBlanket (UASB)Process

Land( (ha/MLD) / )areafordifferentSTPs


LandArea(ha/MLD) 2 2




1 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.25 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.15 0.06 9 0.05 10 11 12 0.3 0.5





12 11 CapitalCost(Rs. Million/MLD)

CapitalCost(MillionRs./ /MLD)

10 9 8 7.5 6 5 4 3 2 5 5 4 6 8

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sl No Sl. No.

1.6 1.4 1.4 1.4 O&MCost (Rs.Million/Year/MLD)



O&MC Cost(Rs.Millio on/Year/MLD)

0.8 0.7 06 0.6 0.5 0.4 0 25 0.25 0.2 0.15 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.2









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