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Relay co-ordination & testing of protective relays



1. Existing con ig!"#tion o c#$#cito" %#nk&

At present there are 4 x 3 nos of capacitor ban!s each of rating "00 !#Ar $% &" !# at '3"('' !# s)bstation *ne of the 4 )nits of capacitor ban! is connected to the primary of '00 !#A station transformer and the rest 3 )nits are connected separately to '' !# b)s 3 o)tdoor brea!ers have been provided for the 4 )nits of capacitor ban!$ o)t of +hich " brea!ers are connected to '' !# b)s and the other brea!er is connected to the transformer primary ,t is observed that all the 3 brea!ers are o)t of service and the present condition of horn gap f)ses are also not as per the standards -he protection provided for capacitor ban! is fo)nd to be inade.)ate


P"o$os() con ig!"#tion o c#$#cito" %#nk&

,t is proposed to reconfig)re the capacitor ban!s as " )nits of / capacitors each in form of do)ble star )ngro)nded system as sho+n in fig)re ' 0efore config)ration of capacitor ban!s it is important to find o)t the calc)lated val)e of capacitance of each individ)al capacitor as per the given rating and chec! it +ith the meas)red val)e ,f the variation of capacitance is +ithin 1(- &2 then capacitor can be )sed b)t in case the variation is greater than &2 it has to be replaced

C#*c!*#tion o "#t() c#$#cit#nc(& kVR 2 / +R , 1/ -c3333333333333 '

+here !#R 4 #oltage rating of capacitor 5R 4 Reactive po+er rating of capacitor in 6#Ar

7 4 "8f
f 4 Rated fre.)ency c 4 Rated capacitance of individ)al capacitor c 4 0 " ( 9:% &";" x " x 8 x &0< 4 '' "/ x '0-/ =arad 4 '' "/ >=

?o+er Research & @evelopment Aons)ltants ?vt Btd

Relay co-ordination & testing of protective relays


-he rated val)e of capacitance as obtained from calc)lation has to be compared +ith meas)red val)e and then the performance of the capacitor can be determined

=ig)re 'C ?roposed config)ration of capacitor ban!s -he capacitors sho)ld be connected s)ch that individ)al )nits have to be balanced +ith respect to its o+n ne)tral i e :R'4D'40' & R"4D"40"; and the net c)rrent flo+ thro)gh the ne)tral )nbalanced relay :AAE; is ideally Fero $ altho)gh for practical cases there is al+ays some minimal c)rrent flo+ing thro)gh the GA-$hence pic! )p val)e of the relay sho)ld be set at abo)t '0 2 of the A- ratio :&('; of the ne)tral )nbalanced relay ,n order to give over c)rrent and earth fa)lt relay settings it is necessary to determine the yield of capacitance at '' !# and at '0 2 over voltage at '' !# :'" ' !#;

?o+er Research & @evelopment Aons)ltants ?vt Btd

Relay co-ordination & testing of protective relays


R(#cti.( $o/(" 0i(*) #t 11 kV &

+1 , 2 kVB / kVR 32 x +R 33333333333333333333 "

Hhere !#R 4 #oltage rating of capacitor !#0 4 #oltage level at the b)s:phase voltage; 5R 4 Reactive po+er of capacitor in 6#Ar 5 4 Reactive po+er yield at b)s voltage 5 4 9'' ( :% &" x I3;< " x 0 " 4 0 '43 6#Ar -h)s reactive po+er yield at '' !# voltage level d)e to single capacitor 4 0 '43 6#Ar Since there are '" capacitors in the )nit $ therefore total reactive po+er yield 4 '" x 0 '43 4 ' %" 6#Ar Rated c)rrent at '' !# b)s 4 9:' %"0 x '000 ; ( :I3 x ''; < 4 90 " Ampere R(#cti.( $o/(" 0i(*) #t 12'1 kV 415 6 o.(" .o*t#g( #t 11 kV7 & 5 4 9'" ' ( :% &" x I3;< " x 0 " 4 0 '%" 6#Ar -h)s reactive po+er yield at '" ' !# voltage level d)e to single capacitor 4 0 '%" 6#Ar Since there are '" capacitors in the )nit $ therefore total reactive po+er yield 4 '" x 0 '%" 4" 0/ 6#Ar Rated c)rrent at '' !# b)s 4 9:"0/0 x '000 ; ( :I3 x ''; < 4 9J " Ampere So overc)rrent relay pic! )p :,pK; can be set at '00 A i e at &0 2 of the A- ratio:"00('; at a time m)ltiplier setting :tpK; of 0 ' Similarly earth fa)lt pic! )p c)rrent can be set at '0 2 of A- ratio:"00('; i e at "0 Ampere at toK0 ' C8(ck o" 8#"9onic "(son#nc( ?resence of harmonics represents distortion of b)s voltage ,f the capacitance on the b)s happens to be resonant +ith the so)rce reactance at a partic)lar harmonic fre.)ency $ then as a res)lt there is increase in harmonic c)rrent +hich ca)ses severe distortion in b)s voltage and decrease in short circ)it capacity of the so)rce

?o+er Research & @evelopment Aons)ltants ?vt Btd

Relay co-ordination & testing of protective relays


Aalc)lation of harmonic at +hich resonance occ)rs C

n ,

4:VAS'C / :VAC7


n 4 harmonic of resonance 6#AS'C 4 short circ)it 6#A of '' !# b)s 4'J0 6#A :=rom short circ)it st)dy; 6#AC n 4 4 Aapacitive 6#A on the '' !# b)s d)e to capacitor ban! 4 ' %" 6#A 'J0 ( ' %" 4 '0 "" L ''

-herefore at ''th harmonic resonance +ill occ)r$ b)t the magnit)de of ''th harmonic in the system is negligible so system )nder st)dy is safe Since the magnit)de of 3rd and &th harmonic fre.)ency is significantly higher in the po+er system net+or! $ hence it is necessary to chec! that$ resonance doesnt occ)r for these val)es ?o+er transformer of '/ 6#A$'3"('' !# having an impedance of '0 0'2 acts as the so)rce ;S , 24kV2/:VATR7 x ; 33333333333334 Hhere Ms 4 so)rce impedance at transformer secondary M 4 ,mpedance of the transformer on its o+n base !# 4 #oltage level at transformer secondary 6#A-R 4 6#A rating of po+er transformer
Ms 4 9'' ( '/< x 0 '0' 4 0 %/3 N

-ransformer impedance is mostly ind)ctive in nat)re so impedance is nearly e.)al to reactance of the transformer :Ms4 OB ;
Pnder resonant condition follo+ing e.)ation m)st be satisfied

n<= , <c / n33333333333


?o+er Research & @evelopment Aons)ltants ?vt Btd

Relay co-ordination & testing of protective relays


=or the 3rd harmonic$ ind)ctive reactance of transformer +ill be 3 times i e nOB 4 3 x 0 %/3 4" "9 N At '' !#$ capacitive reactance is given by C <c1 , kVB /+1C 33333333 Hhere OcQ 4 -otal capacitive reactance at '' !# !#B 4 #oltage level at '' !# b)s 5C 4 Reactive po+er yield of capacitor ban! connected to '' !# b)s OcQ 4 9''" ( ' %"< 4 %0 N =or the 3rd harmonic$ ind)ctive reactance of transformer +ill be '(3 times i e OcQ( 3 4 "3 33 N As for n43$ nOB R Oc ( n$ hence resonance +ill not occ)r at'' !# b)s for 3rd harmonic fre.)ency

Similarly calc)lation can be done for &th harmonic and it can be observed that even for &th harmonic$ there is no resonance

?o+er Research & @evelopment Aons)ltants ?vt Btd

Relay co-ordination & testing of protective relays


C#*c!*#tion o in)!ct#nc( o s("i(s "(#cto" to %( conn(ct() in s("i(s /it8 c#$#cito" %#nk ,t is proposed to connect series reactor of rating /2 of capacitor ban! rating$ at each of the three phase so as to protect capacitors against inr)sh c)rrent Since series reactor operates in series +ith the capacitor ban!$ it carries the same c)rrent as capacitor ban! As a res)lt the votage drop across it is also a percent of the phase voltage across capacitor ban! Aapacitor ban! c)rrent at '' !#

Ic 4 9:' %" x '000; ( :I3 x '';< 4 90 " Ampere

#oltage drop across the series reactor

V" 4 :''000 ( I3; x 0 0/ 4 3J' & #


< = 4SR7 4 V" / Ic , 3J' & / 90 " 4 4 "3 N

He !no+

< = 4SR7 , 2 x > x x = 4SR7

So ind)ctance per phase is given as

= 4SR7 , < =4SR7 / 42 x > x ?57 , 4 "3 ( : " x 8 x &0; 4 0 0'34 S 4 13'@ 9A
Reactor c)rrent rating

ISR 4 Ic x ' 3 4 11B'2C A9$("(

Sere ,c 4 Rated c)rrent of capacitor ban! per phase at ''!# #" 4 #oltage drop per phase across the series reactor at '' !#

O = 4SR7 4,nd)ctive reactance of series reactor per phase B 4SR7 4 ,nd)ctance of series reactor per phase ,SR 4 Reactor c)rrent rating Not(C A factor of ' 3 has been considered +hile calc)lating the rated reactor c)rrent considering the effect of system overvoltage$ harmonic c)rrents & allo+ance for 1(-

?o+er Research & @evelopment Aons)ltants ?vt Btd

Relay co-ordination & testing of protective relays


latit)de given on capacitor !#AR in capacitor specification

?o+er Research & @evelopment Aons)ltants ?vt Btd

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