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Design play very important role, in software[1]. Design has many different meanings
and the answer depends on who is asking. It is:
 Process of defining high-level requirements.
 Process of defining detailed requirements and UI screens.
 Informal “How we’re going to do it” technical discussions.
 Establishment of architecture.
 Using a model to shape specific applications to architecture.
“Design is what virtually every engineer wants to do”
It is creativity rule in software development that will specify what are the customer
requirements, business needs and technical consideration, all come together in the
formulation of the product or the system.
Design is broadly categories into two categories: Conceptual Design and Logical Design.

All software systems have limited lifecycle, after a specific time period, according to the
need of the organization obviously software system are changes.
While any software system changes that is either used in Public Sector or Private Sector,
we will used new Methodologies [ 2 ] that is more effective to previous one Methodology.
Methodology tells us, what you have to do, to manage your projects from start to finish.
It describes every step in the project life cycle in depth, so you know exactly which task
to complete, when and how.
As a project manager, you need project management methodologies to steer your project
in a structured, repeatable fashion. That way, you can apply the same approach to every
project you undertake.
Pattern Based Methodologies[ 3 ]
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a
commonly occurring problem in software design.
A design pattern is not finished design that can be transformed directly into code. It is the
description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different
Object Oriented Design Patterns[ 4,7 ] typically shows relationship and interaction between
classes or objects that are involved.
Design pattern deal specifically with the problem at the level of the reengineering module
Pattern based Reengineering[ 5,6 ] can speed up the develop processes by providing tested,
proven development paradigms.
Pattern based reengineering module design help to prevent subtle (delicate (weak)),
issues that can causes major problems and it also improve code readability for the coders
and architect who are familiar with the pattern.
It allows the developer to communicate using well-known, well understood names for the
software interactions. Common design pattern can improved over time, making them
more robust than ad-hoc (in-formal or unplanned) design.

Reengineering is also known as Business Process reengineering.
Reengineering is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business process to
achieve dramatic improvements in the critical, contemporary measure of the
performance, such as cost, quality, service and speed.
Reengineering, community focuses on the legacy software based on the old technologies,
providing for instance modernization techniques. This technique aim to pull the software
from an “old” wave to current one.
BPR [ 10 ]changes processes, not functions, departments, geographies or tasks.
The goal of reengineering is to understand the functionality and implementation of
existing system and re-implement to improve system functionality and performance.
The existing system replacement cost is very much expensive; therefore Reengineering is
often a better choice.
Critical Success Factors in BPR[ 5 ]
1. Clear Vision for Transformation
2. Top management commitment
3. Identification of Core Processes for BPR
4. Ambitious BPR team
5. Knowledge of Reengineering techniques
6. Engaging external consultants
7. Tolerance of “genuine failures"
8. Change Management
Problem to be addressed
Most of software project that are implemented in public sector are used old
methodologies to design and are implemented in old programming language that are not
suitable for new technologies.
And also in some case there are no software project used all work are done manually, i.e.
very time much consuming and also not very effective, because there are lots of problem
arises. Some time work done manually. Some time not validate to the corresponding
records. Due to this some time critical problem arises. E.g.

Land Records created mainly for ‘Land Revenue’

 Based on ‘Presumptive Ownership’ of land parcels
 Managed by multiple departments
 Title
 Survey
 Registration
 Local Government
 Processes & services, mostly manual
 Citizens have to visit several offices & wait for months for title changes
Cannot verify
Registration ownership

Buyer & Complete

Seller Verify Buyer gets
Documents Submit
Buyer &
documents proof of
Appln. Seller
and register transaction
Pay fees

Land Title Office

Submit Buyer gets

Buyer Verify and
Complete Appln for
Buyer ownership
application Mutation.

Land Surveyor

Sub-divide Buyer gets

Complete Submit the parcel Buyer boundary
Buyer appl. Appln for and change info.

Even though, if Land Records created old project, i.e. also create problem such as those
software project not connected online, because those software project are implemented by
using old methodologies and old programming language, i.e. not suitable for available

Research Methodologies
Research Methodologies is mostly to Public Sector, such as Land Records,
Hospital, University, Lower Court, High Court, Supreme Court, Road Maintenance
Service, Prison Management Service, Fire Protection Service etc.
Our missions are to develop tools and methodology for reengineering legacy software
systems so that they can operate in and take full advantage of new technologies and new
Our main work is to reengineer the old or aging system to reduce the maintenance cost
and increase the software life cycle.
Another main issue is to determine the Complexity of each and every module pattern
wise. While measure the complexity of module during design phase, we will measure
complexity level wise, by using software metrics that is used, starting from
Reengineering Transformation(What?), Reengineering Technique(How?), Reengineering
Objectives(Why?), Reengineering Scope(On What?).
Objective Of Research
• We want to expose how designer actually Reengineer the Public Sector by
using Pattern Based Methodology, that will help to designer to design the
module to better understanding the Public Sector during Reengineering.
• We aim to produce a tools that create effective visualization of design that
help to determine the quality of Reengineered Module for maintenance
purpose of module.
• Understanding what causes maintenance costs is an ongoing research
problem in reengineering. Examine existing system to determine, where
the costs are good idea.
• We want to see what effect of design pattern, have in object oriented
software development using design pattern that help speed up the software
development process by providing tested, proven development paradigms.
• We want to see how applicable Pattern Based Methodology is used for the
development of Object Oriented Software.
• We want to determine complexity of each and every module pattern wise,
by using certain metrics from starting point to end point.
Literature Survey [ 8,9,10,11]
In this subject the much literature is viewed. Different author have given different
methods, models and techniques. Adam Smith first established the link between people
and processes when he analyzed the pin factory. Smith’s ideas persist because they
describe how to attain capitalistic goals, and explore individual’s motivation to perform
tasks required reaching these goals (Hetzel 1993). While capitalistic goals and individual
motivation may not have endured radical change, critics like Avishai (1994), argue that
the business environment has changed significantly since Smith’s days.
Hammer/Champy (1993) popular BPR, they define reengineering as a
fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of mission critical business processes. They
define their methodologies i.e. basically focus on Consultant / Academics type of
software projects. Devenport puts Information Technologies at the heart of Business
Reengineering. It play very important role for innovating Business Processes. This
methodology focus on Academic software project.
Manganelli/Klein (1994) Methodology, argue to only concentrate on those Business
Processes, that directly support the strategic goals of the company and customer
requirements. They claim, Business Reengineering to be more successful than
incremental change initiatives, which tend to fail more often. This methodology focuses
on Consultants type software projects.
Kodak (1995), Methodology addresses the people side of Business Reengineering, but
only as far as implementation issues are concerned.

1. Smith, Reid (October 1987). "Panel on design methodology" in OOPSLA '87.

OOPSLA '87 Addendum to the Proceedings. doi:10.1145/62138.62151., "Ward
cautioned against requiring too much programming at, what he termed, 'the high
level of wizards.' He pointed out that a written 'pattern language' can
significantly improve the selection and application of abstractions. He proposed a
'radical shift in the burden of design and implementation' basing the new
methodology on an adaptation of Christopher Alexander's work in pattern
languages and that programming-oriented pattern languages developed at
Tektronix has significantly aided their software development efforts."
2. Harrison, Brian.D., Pratt, Maurice.D., (1993), A methodology for Reengineering Business.,
Planning Review 21 (2), 6-11.
3. Borchers, Jan (2001). A Pattern Approach to Interaction Design. John Wiley &
Sons. ISBN 0-471-49828-9.
4. Coad , P., Yourdon, E.: Object-Oriented Analysis, Yourdon Press, Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey (1991) 5. Crowe, M., Beeby, R., Gammack, J.: Constructing
Systems and Information, A Process View, McGraw-Hill, London (1996)
Curtis,W., Kellner, M.I., Over, J.: Process modelling, Communications of the
ACM, 35, 9, 75-90 (1992)
5. Coplien, James O.; Douglas C. Schmidt (1995). Pattern Languages of Program
Design. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-60734-4.
6. Coplien, James O.; John M. Vlissides, and Norman L. Kerth (1996). Pattern
Languages of Program Design 2. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-89527-7.
7. Gamma, Erich; Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides (1995). Design
Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley.
ISBN 0-201-63361-2.
8. Davenport, T., 1993, Process Innovation, Reengineering Work through
Information Technology.
9. Hammer, M. and Champy, J., 1993, Reengineering The Corporation
10. Davenport, T.H., The New Industrial engineering.
11. Jackson B (1996), Reengineering the sense of self: the manager and the
management guru. Journal of Management studies.
Pre-Registration for Ph.D. in Computer Science &
Applications in the Faculty of Science
Kurukshetra University, kurukshetra

Design of Module For Public Sector

Based on Pattern Based Reengineering
Measurement of Complexity

Supervisor Submitted By
Dr. Ashok Kumar Anil Kumar
Professor Lecturer
Dept. of Computer Sci. & App. Vaish College of Engg.
Kurukshetra University Rohtak

Department of Computer Science and Application

Kurukshetra University

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