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Preferred Citation: Ramanujan, A. K. A Flowering Tree and Other Oral Tales from India.

Berkeley London: University of California Press, c1 ! 1 !. "tt#:$$ark.cdli%.or&$ark:$1'('($ft()!n *t$

A Flowering Tree And Other Oral Tales from India

A. K. Ramanujan Edited with a preface by tuart !lac"burn and Alan #undes

Berkeley Los Angeles London

+ ,--. The Regents of the $ni/ersity of (alifornia

Preferred Citation: Ramanujan, A. K. A Flowering Tree and Other Oral Tales from India. Berkeley London: University of California Press, c1 ! 1 !. "tt#:$$ark.cdli%.or&$ark:$1'('($ft()!n *t$

Editors0 *reface
+tuart Black%urn and Alan ,undes -."is is my oldest #roject,/ *rote A. K. Ramanujan in "is unfinis"ed introduction to t"is collection of oral tales from Kannada, a sout" 0ndian lan&ua&e. -0n my t*enties,/ "e e1#lained -0 collected tales from anyone *"o *ould tell me one: my mot"er, servants, aunts, men and *omen in villa&e families *it" *"om 0 stayed *"en 0 *as invited to lecture in local sc"ools, sc"oolteac"ers and sc"oolc"ildren, car#enters, tailors. 0 *rote t"em do*n %y "and and, years later, *"en 0 could afford a ta#e recorder, recorded t"em. 0 "ad no idea *"at to do *it" t"em. 0 "ad no t"ou&"t of *ritin& %ooks. 0 *as just entranced %y oral tales. 0 "ad read 2rimm, Aeso#, Pacatantra, Boccaccio, t"e Ocean of Story, and devoured any tale t"at a##eared in any c"ildren3s ma&a4ine. 0 "ad no idea 0 *as doin& *"at *as called folklore./ A. K. Ramanujan %e&an collectin& t"e tales in t"is %ook in t"e 1 5(s and continued to collect t"em until a%out 1 !(, %y *"ic" time "e felt "e "ad a re#resentative sam#le. 6"en "e died in 1 ', t"e translations of t"e tales *ere com#lete and "e "ad *ritten notes for many of t"em7 "e "ad also #lanned to *rite a %rief introduction and a lon&, inter#retive after*ord, %ut neit"er *as com#leted. Ramanujan3s translations and notes a##ear in t"e form and se8uence in *"ic" "e left t"em7 "is #artial list of tellers and collectors and "is essay in #ro&ress, -A 9lo*erin& .ree,/ are included. As editors *e "ave corrected a fe* inconsistencies and miss#ellin&s in "is translations, made minor revisions to "is notes :#rovidin& full references and addin& ot"ers *"ere useful;, and identified tale ty#es and major motifs. 6e "ave also #rovided t"e %i%lio&ra#"y, &lossary, and list of tale ty#es. 9inally, t"e s#arin& use of diacritical marks is Ramanujan3s.

As %ot" "is first #roject and "is final #u%lication, t"is %ook s#ans t"e sc"olarly life of A. K. Ramanujan. <e *as %orn in 1 = in >ysore, in t"e Kannada?s#eakin& state of Karnataka, *"ere "e attended sc"ool and received "is B.A. and >.A. in @n&lis" literature from t"e University of >ysore, in 1 A and 1 5( res#ectively. ,urin& t"e 1 5(s, as a youn& colle&e lecturer in several to*ns across sout" 0ndia, es#ecially in Bel&aum, Ramanujan %e&an to collect t"e tales t"at a##ear in t"is volume. 0n 1 5) in Bom%ay "e met @d*in Kirkland of t"e University of 9lorida, *"o encoura&ed "im to send "is translations of Kannada tales for #u%lication in t"e United +tates :Ramanujan 1 5)a, 1 5)%;. A fe* years later, Ramanujan *ent to 0ndiana University to study folklore and lin&uistics. <e received "is doctorate in 1 )', "avin& already joined t"e faculty at t"e University of C"ica&o, *"ere "e tau&"t for t"irty years in t"e ,e#artment of +out" Asian Lan&ua&es and Civili4ations and *as a mem%er of t"e Committee on +ocial ."ou&"t. 0n t"ose t"ree decades "e ins#ired a &eneration of sc"olars in 0ndian literature, folklore, and lin&uistics, *"ile as a #oet, translator, and "umanist "e reac"ed even *ider audiences. <e is t"e aut"or of ei&"teen %ooks and many influential essays :see Ramanujan 1 );, alt"ou&" "is #u%lic lectures and informal conversations must also %e counted amon& "is many means of #ersuasion7 one could not s#eak *it" "im for five minutes *it"out comin& a*ay *it" five ne* ideas. Bo ot"er sc"olar in t"e t*entiet" century "as fostered suc" a %road understandin& of 0ndian culture amon& so many. <is stature *as reco&ni4ed %ot" at "ome and a%road. 0n 1 !) "e received t"e Padma +ri, t"e #resti&ious cultural a*ard from t"e 2overnment of 0ndia, and in 1 C' "e received a >acArt"ur 9ello*s"i#. 0n 1 ( "e *as elected to t"e American Academy of Arts and +ciences. .o*ard t"e end of "is life, Ramanujan returned to "is -oldest #roject,/ t"e folktale, *"ic" in fact "e "ad never #ut aside. <e *as interested in all forms of folklore, %ut as a miniaturist and a student of literature, "e *as es#ecially dra*n to t"e tale. <e read *idely and dee#ly in folktale sc"olars"i#, as "is essays on an 0ndian Cinderella :Ramanujan 1 C=a; and on 0ndian versions of t"e Dedi#us story :Ramanujan 1 C'; demonstrate. <is &ras# of t"e immense cor#us of 0ndian folktales, in t"eir diverse lan&ua&es, is s"o*n in "is masterful fore*ord to Folktales of India :1 C!; and in "is o*n com#ilation, Folktales from India :1 1a;. A Flowering Tree, offerin& t"ose tales first collected in t"e 1 5(s to&et"er *it" t"e insi&"ts develo#ed over t"ree decades of sc"olarly in8uiry, re#resents a uni8ue contri%ution to t"e study of t"e folktale in 0ndia. 0ndian folktales #layed an influential role in t"e "istory of folklore sc"olars"i#, su##lyin& nineteent"? century #ioneers in t"e disci#line *it" t"eories of ori&ins, %ot" Benfey3s Budd"ist and >Eller3s myt"o? #oetic :see ,orson 1 )C;. ."is -0ndian +c"ool,/ so?called %ecause it traced t"e ori&ins of many folklore items to 0ndia, arose in #art %ecause +anskrit literature contains t"e earliest references to some of t"e %est?kno*n stories in t"e *orld. ."e 0ndian sc"ool of folkloristics e1tended its influence *ell into t"e t*entiet" century %ecause, as one of t"e mi1ed %lessin&s of Britis" colonialism, folktales *ere avidly collected %y colonial administrators, missionaries, and t"eir *ives. ."ese t*o strands in t"e 0ndian folktale record, +anskrit story literature and colonial collections, *ere com#ared %y 6. B. Bro*n in 1 1 , *"ic" mi&"t stand as t"e %e&innin& of t"e modern study of 0ndian folktales :Bro*n 1 1 ;. ."rou&"out t"e t*entiet" century, tales continued to %e collected and analy4ed %y a similar com%ination of 0ndolo&ists and Britis" civil servants, *it" considera%le contri%utions %y 0ndian and forei&n sc"olars :e.&., 2os*ami 1 )(7 0slam 1 C=7 Barayan 1 C . 9or %i%lio&ra#"ies, see Kirkland 1 ))7 Black%urn and Ramanujan 1 C);. Researc" on 0ndian folktales "as also %een "andsomely assisted %y an inde1 of animal tales :BFdker 1 5!;, a motif inde1 :."om#son and Balys 1 5C;, and a tale ty#e inde1 :."om#son and Ro%erts 1 )(7 see also Gason 1 C ;. ,es#ite t"is im#ressive "istory of sc"olars"i# on 0ndian folktalesHt"e early t"eories, later collections, analyses, and indicesHseveral s"ortcomin&s are evident. 9irst, t"e oral #erformance and social conte1t of 0ndian folktales are not *ell researc"ed7 second, very fe* studies analy4e multi#le versions of a

sin&le tale :.ro&er 1 ))7 Ramanujan 1 C'7 Black%urn 1 5;7 t"ird, careful com#arison *it" international #arallels is often ne&lected7 fourt", t"e em#"asis is ty#ically on collection at t"e e1#ense of meanin&7 and, fift", t"e current tale ty#e and motif inde1es are inade8uate. Recent and continuin& *ork in 0ndian lan&ua&es and @uro#ean lan&ua&es "as %e&un to redress t"ese #ro%lems, and Ramanujan3s sc"olars"i# "as su%stantially influenced t"ese efforts *"atever t"e lan&ua&e or continent involved7 not only are "is %ooks *idely read in 0ndia, %ut "e #ersonally trained many youn& folklorists in sout" 0ndia from 1 CC to 1 1. Alt"ou&" "is *ork did not e1tend to t"e first #ro%lem listed a%ove, it "as contri%uted to im#rovin& t"e situation in eac" of t"e ot"ers. Dnly t"e *ork of Ierrier @l*in :1 (=J 1 )A;, *"o collected tri%al tales in central 0ndia from a%out 1 '( to 1 )(, %ears com#arison *it" t"at of Ramanujan in t"at "e, too, read *idely in folktale sc"olars"i# and #ursued cultural meanin&s in t"e tales7 %ut t"en @l*in did not kno* 0ndian lan&ua&es as Ramanujan did. 6ritin& a &eneration later, *it" t"e %enefit of im#roved collections and ne* t"eory, Ramanujan set a "i&" standard in "is sc"olars"i# on 0ndian folktales and stands as a model for ot"ers to follo* :see Ramanujan 1 );. ."e &enius of "is *ritin&s on 0ndian folktales cannot %e descri%ed in t"is #reface, %ut a fe* o%servations are in order. <is kno*led&e of 0ndian lan&ua&es and culture is central, of course, %ut rarer still is "is inventive use of t"eory :structural, #syc"oanalytic, and literary;. ."ematically, one mi&"t say t"at "is t*in interests *ere t"e emotional drama and t"e cultural #atternin& of t"e tale, for t"ese are t"e focal #oints of "is t*o sustained analyses :Ramanujan 1 C=a, 1 C';. <e "ad a keen interest in t"e folktale as a &enre, yet "e al*ays #ositioned it *it"in *ider systems of meanin&, suc" as 0ndia3s classical literature and devotional #oetry. 2uidin& everyt"in&, "o*ever, is *"at *e mi&"t call Ramanujan3s res#onse to t"e folktale as an aest"etic form. Beyond t"e motifs and :Pro##ian; moves, t"ou&" "e attended to t"ese as *ell, "e sa* t"e folktale as a *"ole, as a fully formed unit. ."is co"erence "e *ould t"en %reak do*n into formal elements and #atterns, suc" as t"e multi#le meanin&s of a sin&le *ord or t"e "idden structures of re#etition or irony. Bo one readin& t"is %ook or "is ot"er *orks, for e1am#le, *ill fail to notice "is eye for detail, *"ic" ena%led "im, in "is o*n *ords, to -reanimate/ t"e tale ty#e a%straction. Alt"ou&" motifs mi&"t a##ear to %e interc"an&ea%le %ecause t"ey occu#y t"e same slot in a #lot, t"ey are not identical. ."e clay mask, *"ic" su%stitutes for t"e clot"es dis&uise in @uro#ean Cinderellas, for instance, carries s#ecial cultural valences in t"e Kannada tellin&. Dr, as Ramanujan comments in "is essay -A 9lo*erin& .ree/ :t"is %ook;, t"e snake in a male? centered tale is not t"e same snake as t"at in a female?centered tale. Concern for t"e concrete also c"aracteri4es "is use of t"eory. <e *as not interested in &rand desi&ns and never reduced a sin&le tale to one conclusion, %ut "e deftly a##lied t"eoretical ideas *"en t"ey actually e1#lained a s#ecific detail in t"e tale. 0n t"is "e *as like a &ood storyteller *"o kno*s t"at t"e ima&ination loves #recision. Per"a#s "e could %e s#arin& *it" t"eories %ecause "e understood t"em so *ell. Ramanujan3s aest"etic em%raced t"e social as *ell as t"e formal7 alt"ou&" *e #ointed out earlier t"at Ramanujan did not study t"e social conte1t of tales, t"is does not mean t"at "e *as unconcerned *it" t"eir social im#act. +urely, one of t"e endurin& contri%utions of "is sc"olars"i# *ill %e t"at, *it" ot"ers, "e dre* attention to t"e im#ortance of *omen3s tales in 0ndian folklore and culture &enerally. Point of vie*, "e said, could so alter t"e meanin& of a tale t"at t"e -same/ story told %y a man and %y a *oman *ould %e very different. 0n a *idely 8uoted essay, "e s"o*ed t"at *omen3s tales are sometimes -counter?tales,/ revealin& alternative understandin&s of suc" key 0ndic conce#ts as karma and c"astity :Ramanujan 1 1%;. But one feels t"at "is dee#est insi&"ts tended to*ard t"e #ersonal rat"er t"an t"e cultural, as revealed in t"e unfinis"ed essay -A 9lo*erin& .ree/ included "ere, in *"ic" "e listens to female voices and leads us into t"e delicate #ain of a youn& *oman3s maturation. ."e #ersonal de#t" of -A 9lo*erin& .ree/ %ot" c"aracteri4es t"is %ook and se#arates it from Ramanujan3s 1 1 collection, *"ic" #resented -a selection of oral tales from t*enty?t*o lan&ua&es/ in 0ndia. >ost of t"ose tales *ere c"osen from #rinted sources, some from t"e nineteent" century, and

from translations of ot"er collectors #ast and #resent. 0n t"is volume, Ramanujan is more com#letely in control of t"e stories %ecause t"ey are all collected from one lan&ua&e, Kannada. Dne of t"e four major ,ravidian lan&ua&es of sout" 0ndia, Kannada is s#oken %y a%out '5 million s#eakers, most of *"om live in t"e state of Karnataka. Alt"ou&" less *ell kno*n t"an its classical nei&"%or, .amil, Kannada "as a ric" *ritten literature, datin& from t"e nint" century, of myt"olo&y, e#ics :es#ecially Gaina te1ts;, reli&ious #oetry, and, more recently, so#"isticated novels and #lays. 0ts folk traditions feature a remarka%le variety of #u##etry, includin& t"e life?si4e s"ado* #u##ets in t"e nort", t"e lively drama of Kaks"a&ana, &rou#s of oral e#ic sin&ers, and tales. 9olktales in Kannada, curiously, "ave %een collected and studied more e1tensively t"an tales in any ot"er 0ndian lan&ua&e :for an overvie*, see Reddy 1 1;7 do4ens of doctoral dissertations "ave %een com#leted :many #u%lis"ed as %ooks; and several t"ousand tales are no* on record, #rimarily as a result of folklore #ro&rams at several universities, t"e most im#ortant %ein& t"e University of >ysore. 0t cannot %e coincidental t"at t"e aut"or of t"is %ook *as %orn in t"at very city. +trictly s#eakin&, Kannada *as not Ramanujan3s mot"er ton&ue :.amil *as;, %ut "e kne* t"e lan&ua&e intimately7 "e *as %orn and educated in a Kannada?s#eakin& area, and "e used Kannada every day outside "is "ome. Bor did Ramanujan directly collect all of t"e seventy?seven tales in t"is %ook. But "e kne* t"em *ell7 "e "ad "eard many of t"em as a %oy, "ad collected many as a youn& man, and, as a sc"olar, "ad discussed many *it" friends and fello* collectors. <e also kne* many of t"ese stories on anot"er level %ecause "e *as a skillful storyteller "imself and often recounted t"em in lectures and conversations. ."ese are Kannada tales, %ut t"ey are not only Kannada tales, since many are also told in ot"er 0ndian lan&ua&es and in ot"er countries. +e#aratin& t"e Kannada from t"e 0ndian from t"e international content of t"ese tales is %eyond t"e sco#e of t"is #reface, and *e refer t"e reader to Ramanujan3s notes, *"ere "e occasionally comments on t"eir overla##in& #rovenances. Undou%tedly t"e aut"or *ould *ant to 8ualify any claim t"at t"is %ook re#resents Karnataka or Kannada tales %y #ointin& out t"at nearly all t"e seventy?seven stories *ere collected in t"e nort"ern and sout"ern districts of Karnataka7 only a fe* tales come from t"e *estern coastal districts, *"ere .ulu and Konkani are s#oken, or t"e mountainous district, *"ere Koda&u is s#oken. ."e tellers, one s"ould add, are dis#ro#ortionately Bra"min and u##er caste. A fe* of t"ese tales mi&"t %e c"aracteristic of Kannada :-."e Lam#stand 6oman,/ for e1am#le;, %ut most are kno*n %eyond Karnataka. 0ndeed, t"ese tales mi&"t re#resent 0ndian tales as *ell as t"ose collected in any state, since Karnataka, alt"ou&" a -sout"ern state,/ is 8uite central7 its nort"ern districts are in contact *it" <indi and >arat"i, *"ile its sout"ern and eastern areas interact *it" .amil, .elu&u, and >alayalam. Ramanujan *ould surely #oint out, too, t"at *"ile many of t"ese seventy?seven tales are kno*n around t"e *orld, no fe*er t"an t"irty?t*o are unrecorded in t"e international indices. Com#are t"is *it" Beck3s calculation :1 C):C(; t"at only ' #ercent of t"e tales in t"e inde1 of +out" Asian tales are solely +out" Asian. Commentin& on t"e inade8uate re#resentation of 0ndian tales in t"e indices, Ramanujan *rote :in t"e note to tale Bo. 1(; t"at -t"e deficiency of our #resent tale?ty#e inde1es is clearly seen in t"e a%sence of all references to mot"er?in? la* tales, a *ides#read 0ndian &enre. >any of t"e tales need to %e reclassified in 0ndian terms./ 0n #osin& t"ese #ro%lems concernin& t"e lin&uistic %oundaries of tales, t"eir cultural s#ecificity, and t"eir inade8uate classification, t"e aut"or *ould surely *is" t"is %ook to stimulate furt"er researc". 0nterested t"ou&" "e *as in t"ese issues, Ramanujan3s aest"etic vision of t"e folktale al*ays illuminated t"e tale itself. <e often commented, for e1am#le, t"at many 0ndian tales are -stories a%out stories./ ."is *as not just a clever conce#t for "im, for "e included a section of t"ese dou%le tales in eac" c"a#ter of "is 1 1 %ook, and "e c"ose %ot" to %e&in and to conclude t"e #resent *ork *it" one of t"ese stories. Rat"er it reflects "is %elief t"at tales affect t"ose *"o tell t"em as muc" as t"ose *"o "ear t"em. As mentioned a%ove, Ramanujan did not seek t"e :notoriously elusive; #erformance conte1t of

tales and *orked almost e1clusively on a te1tual level. Dn t"e ot"er "and, %ecause "e listened closely to Kannada tales, lettin& t"em tell t"eir o*n story, "e kne* "o* t"ey lived in t"eir tellin&s, *"ic" is *"y "e so loved t"e tales a%out tales. As t"e first story in t"is volume su&&ests, tale tellin& is a form of self?e1#ression so vital t"at its denial can %reak u# a marria&e. 0n retellin& t"ese Kannada tales, A. K. Ramanujan leaves us a self?#ortrait. ."e unsentimental sym#at"y, t"e eye for detail, and t"e lau&"ter in "is translations make t"is a fittin& final %ook from a %rilliant and &enerous man.

,. A tory and a ong

A "ouse*ife kne* a story. +"e also kne* a son&. But s"e ke#t t"em to "erself, never told anyone t"e story or san& t"e son&. 0m#risoned *it"in "er, t"e story and t"e son& *ere feelin& c"oked. ."ey *anted release, *anted to run a*ay. Dne day, *"en s"e *as slee#in& *it" "er mout" o#en, t"e story esca#ed, fell out of "er, took t"e s"a#e of a #air of s"oes and sat outside t"e "ouse. ."e son& also esca#ed, took t"e s"a#e of somet"in& like a man3s coat, and "un& on a #e&. ."e *oman3s "us%and came "ome, looked at t"e coat and s"oes, and asked "er, -6"o is visitin&L/ -Bo one,/ s"e said. -But *"ose coat and s"oes are t"eseL/ -0 don3t kno*,/ s"e re#lied. <e *asn3t satisfied *it" "er ans*er. <e *as sus#icious. ."eir conversation *as un#leasant. ."e un#leasantness led to a 8uarrel. ."e "us%and fle* into a ra&e, #icked u# "is %lanket, and *ent to t"e >onkey 2od3s tem#le to slee#. ."e *oman didn3t understand *"at *as "a##enin&. +"e lay do*n alone t"at ni&"t. +"e asked t"e same 8uestion over and over: -6"ose coat and s"oes are t"eseL/ Baffled and un"a##y, s"e #ut out t"e lam# and *ent to slee#. All t"e lam# flames of t"e to*n, once t"ey *ere #ut out, used to come to t"e >onkey 2od3s tem#le and s#end t"e ni&"t t"ere, &ossi#in&. Dn t"is ni&"t, all t"e lam#s of all t"e "ouses *ere re#resented t"ereH all e1ce#t one, *"ic" came late. ."e ot"ers asked t"e latecomer, -6"y are you so late toni&"tL/ -At our "ouse, t"e cou#le 8uarreled late into t"e ni&"t,/ said t"e flame. -6"y did t"ey 8uarrelL/ -6"en t"e "us%and *asn3t "ome, a #air of s"oes came onto t"e veranda", and a man3s coat some"o* &ot onto a #e&. ."e "us%and asked "er *"ose t"ey *ere. ."e *ife said s"e didn3t kno*. +o t"ey 8uarreled./ -6"ere did t"e coat and s"oes come fromL/ -."e lady of our "ouse kno*s a story and a son&. +"e never tells t"e story, and "as never sun& t"e son& to anyone. ."e story and t"e son& &ot suffocated inside7 so t"ey &ot out and "ave turned into a coat and a #air of s"oes. ."ey took reven&e. ."e *oman doesn3t even kno*./ ."e "us%and, lyin& under "is %lanket in t"e tem#le, "eard t"e lam#3s e1#lanation. <is sus#icions *ere cleared. 6"en "e *ent "ome, it *as da*n. <e asked "is *ife a%out "er story and "er son&. But s"e "ad for&otten %ot" of t"em. -6"at story, *"at son&L/ s"e said.

Types and 1otifs

6e need a s#ecial name and inde1 num%er for stories a%out stories like t"is one. 0 *ould su&&est a ne* set of motifs under M ' (, Punis"ment for not tellin& stories. ."e tale ty#es could %e listed under a ne* division added at t"e end of t"e international inde1 as =5((, +tories A%out +tories. ."ey may "ave to %e cross?listed under num%ers like 51), as suc" metastories enlist or com%ine *it" ot"er ty#es. 9or instance, in anot"er Kannada tale, four stories t"at a man kee#s to "imself seek to reven&e t"emselves %y t"ro*in& do*n a %oulder, %reakin& a %ranc" over "is "ead, %ecomin& fis""ooks in "is food, and a snake in "is %edc"am%er. A friend *"o "ears t"em talk *"ile "e is aslee# saves t"e man from t"ese #erils, e1actly as in A. 51), 9ait"ful Go"n.

9or o%vious reasons 0 "ave #laced t"is story a%out t"e #erils of not tellin& t"e stories you kno* at t"e %e&innin& of t"e %ook. ."is story is a story a%out *"y stories s"ould %e told. ."ey are told %ecause t"ey cry out to %e told. 0f t"ey are not, t"ey rankle and take reven&e. <ere t"e story and t"e son& transform t"emselves into material o%jects. 9or fut"er comments on t"is &enre, see Ramanujan 1 C . 0n t"is *orldvie* not"in& is ever lost, only transformed. Untold stories and unsun& son&s %ecome s"oes and coats, and take reven&e a&ainst t"e ni&&ardly nontellers. >aterial and nonmaterial t"in&s are all made of one su%stance, accordin& to a familiar <indu #oint of vie*7 some are sthula, -&ross,/ ot"ers are suksma, -su%tle./ Bot"in& is truly destroyedHt"in&s are dis#laced, converted, transformed, accordin& to a %elief in t"e -conservation of matter./ ."e flames of lam#s don3t &et e1tin&uis"ed at ni&"t: *"en t"ey are #ut out, t"ey sim#ly move from "ome to tem#le, and return to t"e *icks *"en t"e lam#s are lit a&ain ne1t evenin&. +uc" a %elief is #art of a more e1tensive folklore a%out lam#s. ."e flame is #ersonified as Gyotiyamma :+anskrit jyoti, -flame, li&"t/ N Kannada amma, -mot"er, lady/;, t"e lam# as mot"er and &oddess. .oday, some #eo#le *ors"i# even t"e electric li&"t s*itc"es *it" turmeric and vermilion. 0n a family "ouse"old, lam#s must %e lit at sunset and s"ould not %e e1tin&uis"ed %y %lo*in& on t"em :it3s like s#ittin& on t"em;7 one s#eaks eu#"emistically of -fillin& a lam#/ :d !a tum"u;, not of -#uttin& out a lam#./ Dne s"ould remem%er and fold one3s "ands *ors"i#fully to one3s &ods, es#ecially to Laks"mi, t"e &oddess of &ood fortune, as a lam# is litHfor s"e comes in at t"at aus#icious "our %y t"e front door and *ill leave %y t"e %ack door if it is o#en. +o every evenin&, at lam#?li&"tin& time, t"e front door is ke#t o#en and t"e %ack door s"ut. Anytime one *is"es fervently for somet"in& or *"en one "ears &ood ne*s, one li&"ts a floor lam# for t"e family &ods. 6eddin&s, tem#le services, all kinds of aus#icious rituals "ave lam#s as #art of t"em. Lam#s are lit at inau&ural ceremonies, dramatic or dance #erformances, arrayed in ro*s in t"e mont" of Kartika :corres#ondin& to Bovem%er$,ecem%er; and +ravana :Guly$Au&ust;. ,ivali or ,i#avali is an annual festival of lam#s. 2reat tem#les "ave s#ecial calendrical festivals in *"ic" "undreds are lit. 0n every tem#le, as *ell as in t"e &ods3 room in a "ouse, s"rine lam#s must %urn ceaselessly. 0f a lam# &oes out suddenly, it3s an ill omen. ."us lam#s and flames are sym%ols of life, *ealt", family "a##iness. ."e %elief t"at t"ey never truly &o out, only move out tem#orarily, is #art of a *is"ful need for t"eir unremittin& aus#icious #resence. OBo kno*n tale ty#e :"encefort" a%%reviated BK..;, %ut it a##ears to %e >otif B A5A.=, Kin& over"ears conversations of lam#s :0ndia only, "encefort" a%%reviated 0D;.P

2. Acacia Trees
."e villa&e c"ief :gowda; "ad four sons and a dau&"ter. ."e dau&"ter *as t"e youn&est c"ild and "er name *as Putta :-Little Dne/;. All day, everyone lovin&ly called "er, -PuttaQ PuttaQ/

."ree of t"e sons *ere married. ."e fourt" one *as still a %ac"elor. <e didn3t like any of t"e &irls "e sa*7 t"ey looked at many in fara*ay #laces. 9inally, one day, "e said, -03ll marry my sister *"o3s ri&"t "ere at "ome,/ and "e *as 8uite o%stinate a%out it. Peo#le said, -Kou can3t do t"at. ,on3t try./ But "e *ould not listen to anyone. -0f 0 "ave to marry, 03ll marry only my sister. Dt"er*ise, 0 *on3t marry at all,/ "e said. ."e family t"ou&"t, -Let3s &o alon& *it" it and arran&e a *eddin&. >ean*"ile, *e3ll find anot"er &irl and make "er "is %ride on t"e *eddin& day./ ."ey set t"e date on an aus#icious day, collected &roceries and t"in&s, and #re#ared t"emselves for t"e *eddin&. But t"ey didn3t tell Putta anyt"in& a%out it. Relatives started arrivin&. ."ere *as no *ater in t"e "ouse, not a dro#. @veryone *as %usy *it" t"eir tasks. Bo one "ad a minute to s#are. +o Putta "erself 8uickly #icked u# t*o %rass #itc"ers and *ent to t"e canal to fetc" *ater. ."ere, s"e sa* a *oman named D%amma, %at"in& in t"e mout" of t"e canal, sittin& in t"e "ollo*. 6"en s"e sa* Putta, s"e called "er, -Puttavva, Puttavva, my %ack is itc"in&. 6ill you scratc" it a littleL/ Putta *as in a "urry. +"e said, -Relatives "ave arrived. ."e "ouse is full of #eo#le, and t"ere3s not a dro# of *ater to drink. <o* can 0 sto# no* and scratc" your %ackL/ +"e "ad filled "er #itc"ers and started %ack *"en D%amma mocked "er: ->arryin& your o*n %rot"er, "aQ And you3re mincin& a%out already. 2reat *ay to marryQ/ Putta didn3t "ear "er clearly. +"e asked, -6"at, *"at did you sayL 0 didn3t "ear it ri&"t. 03ll ru% your %ack, #lease tell me./ And s"e scratc"ed D%amma3s itc"in& %ack. D%amma told "er, -."e elders in your family "ave decided to &et you married to your o*n elder %rot"er. ."at3s t"e trut"./ Putta carried t"e full #itc"ers of *ater %ack to "er "ome, #ut t"em on t"e rim of a *ell, and looked around. ."ere *ere t*o acacia trees &ro*in& t"ere on eit"er side of t"e *ell. +"e clim%ed u# one of t"em, and never *ent into t"e "ouse. 0t *as &ettin& late and "er #arents came lookin& for "er. 6"en t"ey sa* "er #erc"ed on t"e tree, t"ey called out: All t"e areca nuts are &ettin& "ard. All t"e %etel leaves are &ettin& dry. All t"e relatives are &ettin& u# and &oin& "ome. Come do*n, dau&"ter. Putta ans*ered: ."is mout" calls you >ot"er. ."is mout" calls you 9at"er. ,o you *ant t"is mout" to call you >ot"er?in?la* and 9at"er?in?la*L 03ll clim%, clim%, "i&"er, "i&"er, on t"is acacia tree. And s"e clim%ed "i&"er. -6"at s"all *e doL 6e asked "er to &et do*n, and s"e clim%ed "i&"er,/ t"ey said, and *ent "ome un"a##ily. <er t"ree elder %rot"ers came and called out:

."e areca nuts are &ettin& "ard. ."e %etel leaves are &ettin& dry. ."e relatives are &ettin& u# and &oin& "ome. Come do*n, sister dear. +"e re#lied: ."is mout" calls you Brot"er. ,o you *ant t"is mout" to call you Brot"er?in?la*L And s"e clim%ed "i&"er. ."ey *ent "ome and "er t"ree sisters?in?la* came to t"e tree and called out: All t"e areca nuts are "ard. All t"e %etel leaves are dry. All t"e relatives are &oin& "ome. Come do*n, dear +ister?in?la*. +"e ans*ered: ."is mout" calls you +ister?in?la*, ,o you *ant t"is mout" to call you Co?*ifeL 03ll clim%, 03ll clim%. All t"e relatives, some close, some distant, came to t"e tree and called to "er. +"e &ave t"em all similar re#lies. 9inally, t"e %rot"er *"o *as &oin& to marry "er came t"ere and called out in an&er: All t"e areca nuts are "ard. All t"e %etel leaves are dry. All t"e relatives are &oin& "ome. Come do*n, youQ +"e re#lied: ."is mout" calls you Brot"er. ,o you *ant t"is mout" to call you <us%andL 03ll clim%, 03ll clim%. And s"e clim%ed "i&"er. ."en "e t"ou&"t "e *ould &o after "er and %rin& "er do*n7 so "e too clim%ed t"e acacia tree. +"e jum#ed to t"e ot"er acacia t"at *as ne1t to it. <e jum#ed after "er, and s"e lea#t %ack. ."us t"ey lea#t %ack and fort" from one tree to anot"erHt"e %rot"er #ursuin&, t"e sister dod&in& "is #ursuit. After several lea#s %ack and fort", s"e feared s"e *ould &et cau&"t. +"e looked do*n, sa* t"e *ell %et*een t"e trees. +"e t"ou&"t it *ould %e %etter to dro*n and die, and jum#ed strai&"t into t"e *ell. ."e %rot"er also jum#ed in and tried to dra& "er out of t"e *ater. ."e "arder "e tried, t"e more s"e resisted. After "ours of stru&&le, t"ey %ot" dro*ned, and died in t"e *ell. ."e #eo#le in t"e "ouse took t"e %odies out of t"e *ell. ."e relatives said, -6e came for t"e *eddin&, and look at t"is irony, *e "ave to stay for t"e funeralQ/ ."ey didn3t %ury t"e dead ri&"t a*ay, %ut decided to *ait till da*n. ."e dau&"ter a##eared in t"e mot"er3s dream t"at ni&"t and %e&&ed of "er, ->ot"er, #lease don3t %ury %ot" of us to&et"er. Bury "im in t"e mound. Bury me in t"e field. Please./

Accordin&ly, t"e family %uried t"e son in t"e mound and t"e dau&"ter in t"e field. 0n time, a s"ar# s#iny %us" of t"orn &re* over t"e %rot"er3s %urial #lace. Dver "ers &re* a &reat tree of s*eet fruit called Bullock3s <eart. Dne of Putta3s sisters?in?la* *alked t"at *ay and sa* t"e tree covered *it" lar&e fruit. +"e *anted to eat one. But t"ey *ere only "alf?ri#e. Any*ay, s"e #lucked a fine?lookin& %i& fruit, took it "ome, and left it to ri#en in an eart"en vessel full of ragi &rain. ,ays later, *"en s"e #ut "er "and in t"e vessel to take out some ragi to &rind, s"e found t"e fruit, t"e Bullock3s <eart. 0t *as &ood and ri#e. +"e laid it aside *"ile s"e &round t"e &rain. But as s"e &round t"e ragi into fine flour, "er eyes returned to t"e fruit many times. -."e fruit is so lovely, lovely as a &irl. <o* 0 *is" it *ere a &irl./ Bo sooner "ad s"e said t"is t"an t"e fruit %ecame a &irl, sat in "er la#, and told "er t"e *"ole story. ."e fruit?turned?&irl said, -Look "o* t"in&s are. >y %rot"er did evil :karma;, so a s#iny %us" &ro*s on "is %urial &round. 0 ke#t my virtue :dharma;, and a fruit tree &re* out of mine. And 03m "ere./

Types and 1otifs

.ale ty#e A. !== 0nd. 6e need a ne* num%er for tales like -Acacia .rees,/ an incest tale. 0 *ould su&&est !== 0nd., Brot"er 6is"es to >arry +ister, or A51B 0nd., %ecause it e1#resses an e1treme or #at"olo&ical form of t"e %rot"er?sister %ond. .ale ty#es A. A5(JA55 are tales a%out %rot"ers and sisters, mostly e1#ressin& love for eac" ot"er, sister seekin& and rescuin& %rot"ers :or vice versa; *"o are in dan&er or under a s#ell, transformed into monkeys, co*s, or %irds. Aarne?."om#son classifies suc" incest tales under A. !==, *"ic" %e&ins *it" a %rot"er *antin& to marry "is sister, *"o flees from "im, and lists t"em only for Russian. ."om#sonRo%erts :1 )(; does not re#ort t"em at all for 0ndia. 6e "ave many e1am#les of .y#e A. !== in Kannada and ot"er 0ndian lan&ua&es.

0n ot"er Kannada tellin&s, a; t"e %rot"er and sister fall into a #ond and are transformed into fis". Later, a t"orn tree &ro*s out of t"e %ones of t"e %rot"er?fis", and a fruit tree from t"e %ones of t"e sister?fis"7 %; *"en t"e sister jum#s into t"e *ater, t"e moon takes "er a*ay into "is moon?*orld, marries "er, and &ives "er c"ildren.

Amon& t"e many %rot"er?sister relations detailed %y Kannada tales, *e "ave c"osen only t"ree: incest, %rot"erly$sisterly love, si%lin& rivalry. -Acacia .rees/ is t"e most e1#licit treatment of a %rot"er3s incestuous *is" for "is sister. 0n -<anc"i,/ t"e -Kannada Cinderella/ story, t"e "eroine is forced to flee *"en "er %rot"er falls in love *it" "er. ."e motif of t"e youn& *oman fleein& from a fat"er3s or %rot"er3s incest a##ears often in t"ese tales. +ee Aarne?."om#son on 51(B for @uro#ean e1am#les. O+ee Ramanujan 1 C'.P 0n many 0ndian communities, %rot"ers take ritual #led&es to love and #rotect t"eir sisters. ."ese #led&es em#"asi4e a *oman3s social and economic need for #rotection %y a male in "er natal family *"en s"e "as no *ay of #rotectin& "erself. ."e ritual #led&e #rotects t"e *oman from t"e %rot"er3s o*n desires as *ell. ."e traditional enmity %et*een t"e "us%and3s sister and "is *ife may %e traced to t"is #led&e and to t"e lifelon& %ond %et*een %rot"er and sister t"at is t"reatened %y t"e alien *oman *"o marries t"e %rot"er.

O>otif R ==A, 2irl flees to esca#e incestuous %rot"er N A. !C(, ."e +in&in& Bone.P

3. The Ad/entures of a #isobedient *rince

A kin& "ad four *ives and four sons, one son %y eac" *ife. <e "ad no care in t"e *orld, and enjoyed every lu1ury and #leasure. <e "ad many lon& titles7 t*enty?four ot"er kin&s #aid "im tri%ute and "is kin&dom *as truly vast. Dne day, as "e sat on t"e s*in& under t"e full moon #layin& love &ames *it" "is 8ueens, "e *as struck %y a fancy. <e summoned "is four sons to "is #resence, and asked t"e eldest of t"em, -+on, you are my eldest, t"e future kin& of t"is country. 6"at are your #lansL/ <e o%ediently ans*ered, -9at"er, 03ll follo* in your illustrious footste#s. 03ll try to %e a &reat kin& like you./ <e asked t"e second son t"e same 8uestion. -+on, *"at are your #lansL/ -9at"er, 03ll %e a statesman and "el# my %rot"er rule t"e kin&dom./ 6"en t"e t"ird one *as asked, "e ans*ered, -03ll %e a &reat commander and "el# my %rot"er rule in #eace./ 6"en t"e fourt" son3s turn came, "e ans*ered differently. -9at"er, you are t"e kin& of kin&s. .*enty? four kin&s #ay you tri%ute. 0 *ant to %e %etter t"an you. 03ll con8uer kin&doms, marry four celestial *ives, and %uild my o*n city./ -6"atQ/ e1#loded t"e kin&. -,o %etter t"an meL Kou %east on t*o feetQ Kou3ll marry celestial *ivesL And do %etter t"an meL/ 0n "is ra&e, "e called "is servants and screamed, -."ro* "im outQ Banis" "im to t"e jun&le at onceQ/ <is mot"er tried to #acify t"e old man, %ut "e *ould not listen to "er. +o s"e *ent in and #re#ared a %undle of rice for "er %anis"ed son, and tearfully %ade "im &ood%ye. ."e youn&est son #rom#tly left t"e #alace, *ent out of t"e city, and *alked strai&"t till "e found "imself in a forest, *"ere "e "eard not"in& %ut t"e roar of ti&ers and lions on one side and t"e trum#etin&s of *ild ele#"ants and t"e &runts of *ild #i&s on t"e ot"er. <e cautiously clim%ed a tall tree and s#ent t"e ni&"t amon& its %ranc"es. At da*n, in t"e li&"t of day, "e came do*n, %at"ed in a near%y lake and #rayed to t"e Bull, "is family &od, to #rotect "im. <e t"en ate from t"e %undle of rice "is mot"er "ad &iven "im, and started *alkin& a&ain t"rou&" t"e *ilderness till ni&"t fell. 0t *as dark. <e sa* a small lam# flickerin& in t"e distance, and "e made for it, like a %ee to a flo*er. +oon "e *as standin& at t"e door of a "ut. 6"en "e called, -Any%ody "omeL/ a very old *oman came out and took "im in. +"e said, -Kou must %e tired. 6as" your feet and rest "ere toni&"t./ 6"en s"e asked "im *"y "e *as in t"is jun&le, "e %riefly told "er "is story, and asked "er in turn "o* s"e "a##ened to live alone in t"is forest. +"e said ->y name is +ickle 2ranny. >y story is a lon& one. Rest no*. 03ll tell you some ot"er time./ But t"e youn& #rince *as curious and insisted on "earin& t"e story ri&"t a*ay. +o s"e told "im "er story. -0 may not look like it, %ut 03m t"e dau&"ter of a &reat sa&e. ."ou&" "e *as a sa&e famous for "is austere *ay of life, one day "e *ent mad *it" lust and %ot"ered my mot"er no end. +"e didn3t *ant to &ive in to "is lust, for t"at *ould "ave cancelled at once all "is #ast "istory as a sa&e. +"e tried to save "im from "imself. But "e *ouldn3t listen. <e took "er %y force, "ad "is *ill of "er, and satisfied "imself. +o 0 *as %orn, u&ly as sin. +oon after 0 *as %orn, "e *ent into t"at same jun&le you just came

t"rou&", and *"ile "e *as &at"erin& fruit a ti&er attacked "im and tore "im to #ieces, lim% from lim%. >y mot"er died soon after, and 0 *as or#"aned. Because 0 kne* 0 *as very u&ly, 0 stayed on in t"e forest and never *ent into to*n. 0 just #rayed and *ors"i#ed every day, and 0 attained t"e #o*ers one &ets only %y suc" #enance :ta!as;. >any marvels "ave 0 seen since t"en. 0 can tell you more, %ut it can *ait. 0t3s late and you must slee#./ ."e #rince stayed *it" "er and "el#ed &ra4e "er co*s. ."e old *oman "ad only one rule for "im. -6"en you take t"e co*s out to #asture, never &o to*ards t"e nort",/ s"e "ad said. <e "ad said, -Kes, 03ll remem%er t"at,/ %ut one day "is natural curiosity made "im *ant to see *"at t"ere *as in t"e nort" t"at "e s"ouldn3t see. +o "e drove t"e "erd in t"at direction. <e came u#on *onderful si&"ts. <e *as #articularly taken *it" a %eautiful %at"in& *ell, %uilt *it" &old %ricks and t"e ste#s set in crystal. 2reen, red, #ink, %lue, and yello* fis" s#orted in t"e *ater. <e "ad "ardly sat do*n under t"e s"ade of t"e jam"u tree t"at s#read its %ranc"es over one side of it *"en four celestial *omen a##eared, as if from t"e sky. <e "id "imself %e"ind t"e tree and *atc"ed t"em take off t"eir yello* silk !itam"ara saris, jum# noisily into t"e *ell, and s#las" eac" ot"er *it" t"e crystalline *ater, "avin& a &reat time. Dn an im#ulse, t"e #rince #icked u# one of t"e saris and fled. ."e sari %elon&ed to none ot"er t"an 0ndra3s o*n dau&"ter. +"e sa* "im run off *it" "er sari, so s"e 8uickly &ot out of t"e *ater and ran after "im, cryin& out, -D youn& man, you look like a "ero. 03ll marry you and no one else. +to#, turn around, and look at me./ Astonis"ed, "e sto##ed, and t"e celestial *oman at once snatc"ed t"e sari from "is "ands, c"an&ed "im into cold stone, and vanis"ed. 6"en t"e #rince did not return "ome as usual %y evenin&, t"e old *oman %ecame an1ious. 6and and lantern in "and, s"e set out in searc" of "im to t"e sout", t"e east, and t"e *est, %ut s"e found no trace of "im. +"e &uessed t"at "e must "ave &one to t"e for%idden nort", and *"en s"e *ent in searc" of "im t"ere s"e found "im lyin& on t"e &round, a #iece of rock. +"e struck it *it" "er *and, and "e returned to life, standin& u# in "is o*n %ody. ."ey "urried "ome to safety and s"e scolded "im. -,idn3t 0 tell you never to &o nort"L By RneverS 0 meant Rnever.S / -Kes, 2ranny, you did tell me. But 0 kne* some"o* t"at3s *"ere my life *ould %e fulfilled. +o 0 couldn3t resist it, 0 *ent. 0n fact, 0 *ant to &o t"ere a&ain./ -All ri&"t, &o if you must. But take some #recautions. ,on3t take t"e co*s *it" you. And don3t %e %e&uiled %y t"ose celestial *enc"es, t"eir looks and s*eet *ords. ."is time, *"en you #ick u# t"e sari, run strai&"t "ome. 03ll %e *aitin& for you, and 03ll take care of t"e rest./ <e follo*ed "er instructions. Be1t day, "e ate "is mornin& meal early and *ent %ack to t"e #lace of t"e %eautiful *ell and "id "imself under t"e jam"u tree. ."is day, too, t"e *omen arrived and un*ra##ed t"eir saris %efore "is un%elievin& eyes. <e &a4ed on t"em, "is eyes movin& from "ead to toe. 6"at s"a#es, *"at com#le1ionsQ Ko"l?streaked eyes, faces like t"e moon, cascades of %lack "air flo*in& do*n to t"eir %uttocks, round %reasts like #erfect melons, and all of t"em youn& and vir&inal. ."ey dived into t"e *ater, leavin& t"eir saris and #earls on t"e dry &round. ."e #rince lea#t out of "is "idin& #lace, 8uickly snatc"ed t"e same sari "e "ad taken t"e #revious day, and ran. 0ts celestial o*ner ran out of t"e *ater and follo*ed "im, *ee#in& and callin& to "im. But "e *as not deceived. <e ran strai&"t to t"e "ut and "anded t"e "eavenly sari to t"e old *oman, *"o c"an&ed "im at once into a small %a%y and #ut "im in a cradle. +"e #retended to rock "im to slee# and lull "im *it" lulla%ies. 6it" "er ma&ic, s"e "ad also #laced t"e sari inside t"e %a%y3s t"i&" and se*n it u# *it"out a seam s"o*in&. A fe* moments later, t"e celestial *oman arrived at "er door, #antin&, and asked "er, -,id anyone come t"is *ayL A youn& manL/ -A youn& manL Bo, no one "as come t"is *ay. 03ve %een "ere for "ours,/ said t"e old *oman.

-<e may %e "idin& "ere some*"ere./ -Before you do anyt"in&, dear, you must "ide your s"ame. 0t3s not a &ood idea to &o around naked. .ake t"is cotton #iece. ."is is no *ay to %e./ After a fe* minutes of t"is #retense and teasin&, t"e old *oman said to "er, -0 kno* *"ere your sari is. Kou can "ave it %ack if you a&ree to marry "im./ ."e celestial *oman a&reed. ."e old *oman c"an&ed t"e #rince %ack to "is ori&inal form. ."ey *ere married ri&"t t"ere, in t"at "ut, *it" t"e old *oman as t"e *eddin& #riest. ."ey lived t"ere for a fe* days and one day took leave of t"e old *oman and moved on. <e "ad yet to *in t"ree more *ives for "imself, "adn3t "eL."e #rince and "is celestial %ride talked to eac" ot"er endlessly on t"eir journey and soon found t"emselves at t"e &ates of a city. ."e to*ns#eo#le *ere struck %y t"eir %eauty7 t"ey t"ou&"t "e *as like Lord Kris"na and s"e like "is consort Rukmini, t"e very d*ellin&?#lace of all t"at is lovely. A %oy in t"e street *"o *as eatin& a #iece of ja&&ery *as so entranced *atc"in& t"em t"at "e %e&an to %ite into "is fist. A *oodcutter missed "is stroke and a1ed "is o*n le&. Peo#le for&ot t"emselves in lookin& at t"ese s#lendid ne*comers. ."e #rince rented a small "ouse and found a jo% *it" t"e local kin&. A fe* days later, *"en t"e #rince and "is *ife *ere sittin& on a s*in&, &ently s*ayin&, t*o of t"e kin&3s servants came t"ere to &ive "im "is mont"3s #ay. ."ey *ere so dum%struck %y "is *ife3s %eauty t"at t"ey ran %ack to t"e kin& and, as soon as t"ey found t"e *ords, stammered: -Kour <i&"ness, *e3ve found you a most fittin& #ri4e in t"at ne* man3s "ouse. 0t3s "is *ife. +"e looks so fantastic t"at s"e doesn3t seem to %e a mortal *oman./ ."e kin& lost "is reason and fell into a fantasy. ."e more vividly t"ey descri%ed "er t"e more "e *anted "er all for "imself. 6"en t"e youn& man *ent to t"e court t"e ne1t day as usual, "e found t"at t"e kin& *as a%sent. <e in8uired *"ere "e *as, and *as told t"at t"e kin& *as sick *it" a #ain in t"e stomac". +o "e "urried to t"e kin&3s 8uarters in t"e #alace and &reeted "im, -Iictory to t"e kin&Q/ ."e kin&3s voice *as fee%le. -03m &lad to see you. Kou3re like a lon&?lost %rot"er. 03m dyin& of an ulcer in t"e stomac". ."e only cure, my doctors tell me, is t"e #oison of t"e snake Karkotaka. 6"o can &et it for meL/ ."e #rince did not see t"rou&" t"e old man3s &uile. <e volunteered and #romised to &et it if it *ould save t"e kin&3s life. <e *ent "ome, t"inkin& of "o* "e s"ould &o a%out &ettin& t"e #oison of Karkotaka, t"e most deadly of ser#ents. <e sat do*n lost in t"ou&"t, for&ettin& even to eat. <is *ife roused "im from "is dee# reverie %y askin& "im *"at *as trou%lin& "im. <e told "er a%out t"e kin&3s illness and t"e remedy. +"e "ad a *ay. -2o to t"e nort" %eyond Gam%u Peak, and you3ll reac" t"e +es"adri "ills in a fe* miles. Dn t"ose "ills, under a tamala tree, you3ll find a snake mound. 03ll &ive you a letter7 t"ro* it in its "ole and *ait,/ s"e said, and &ave "im a letter to take. <e ate "is dinner and sle#t "a##ily, *oke u# early ne1t mornin&, and set out on "is 8uest. Dn "is *ay, "e noticed a "harani *orm *rit"in& misera%ly in a s#ider3s *e% on t"e t*i&s of a tree. <e carefully released t"e *orm from t"e filaments and saved its life. ."en "e *alked on till "e reac"ed t"e snake mound and sli##ed "is *ife3s letter in t"e "ole. +oon "e "eard noises from *it"in. +everal ser#ents came out to carry "im ma&ically into t"e net"er*orld, and set "im %efore t"e Kin& of +nakes, *"o *as intently readin& t"e letter, *"ic" said: D +nake Kin& of t"e Bet"er*orld, t"is is a letter from 0ndra3s dau&"ter, *"o is like one of your o*n dau&"ters. ."e %earer of t"is letter is my "us%and. As 0 am rat"er lonely in t"e eart"?*orld, #lease &et your dau&"ter married to t"is fine man, and send "er *it" "im. ."e

t*o of us *ill %e "a##y to&et"er, 0 assure you. Please &rant "is re8uest, a%out *"ic" "e *ill tell you. Kours, etc. ."e +nake Kin& liked "is looks and #roceeded to arran&e a *eddin& *it" "is dau&"ter ri&"t a*ay. ."en "e arran&ed for t"e ne*ly*eds3 journey. <is #ersonal retinue *ent *it" t"em to ensure t"eir safe conduct till t"ey "ad crossed Gam%u >ountain. ."e #rince *as also &iven a sealed vial of Karkotaka3s venom. 6"en t"ey reac"ed "is "ome %y evenin&, t"e t*o *omen, *"o *ere old friends, *ere ecstatic to see eac" ot"er and &ave eac" ot"er many "u&s. ."e ne1t day t"e #rince took t"e vial of deadly venom to t"e kin&, *"o asked "is servants to o#en it carefully in t"e #alace courtyard. @ven as t"ey o#ened it a little, t"e tamarind tree in t"e yard %e&an to smolder, cau&"t fire, and %ecame a "ea# of as"es. ."e kin& asked t"em to take it far a*ay and %ury it dee#. +o t"e kin&3s first ruse didn3t succeed. ."e youn& man didn3t &et killed or lost7 "e mana&ed to &et t"e deadliest venom of all. ."e kin& *as no* even a little afraid of t"e youn& man. A mont" later, on a "oliday, t"e kin&3s servants %rou&"t "im "is mont"ly #ay at "ome as t"ey "ad done %efore. ."is time t"ey sa* t*o %eautiful *omen instead of one s#ortin& *it" "im, and t"ey "urried %ack to t"e kin& *it" t"eir droolin& descri#tions. ."e kin& *as %eside "imself *it" desire for t"e youn& man3s fa%ulous *ives. <e sent for t"e #rince a&ain and said "e "ad anot"er of "is terri%le "eadac"es, for *"ic" t"e cure *ould %e a crocodile3s %ile. 6ould t"e %rave youn& man %rin& it for "imL."e #rince *ent "ome, lost in t"ou&"t. Bot" "is *ives asked "im in unison, -Lord and "us%and of our souls, *"at is ailin& youL/ And "e told t"em *"at "is kin& *anted from "im. 6"ere could "e &o for a crocodile3s %ileL 9or "is *ives, t"at seemed like not"in& e1traordinary. ."ey %ot" sat do*n at once, *rote letters, and asked "im to t"ro* t"em in t"e &reat ocean. <e felt confident a&ain, ate and sle#t *ell t"at ni&"t, and set out early t"e ne1t mornin& in t"e direction "is *ives told "im to &o. Dn t"e *ay, a youn& crocodile *as stranded on dry land and *as &ro*in& fee%ler %y t"e "our. <e carried it tenderly to t"e river, *"ere it revived at once, findin& its element. ."e &rateful animal said, -D mortal, you saved my life. 0f you are ever in need, t"ink of me,/ and &lided into t"e de#t"s. <e reac"ed t"e seas"ore and as soon as "e t"re* t"e letters into t"e *aves, four crocodiles a##eared and carried "im safely to t"e #resence of t"e Kin& of All ."e +eas, *"o, after readin& t"e letters, ea&erly offered "is dau&"ter to "im *it" a do*er of t"e ocean3s %est diamonds and, of course, a su##ly of t"e %est crocodile %ile. 6"en "e returned "ome, t"e t"ree uneart"ly %eauties *ere "a##y to&et"er. Be1t day, *"en "e %rou&"t t"e kin& t"e crocodile %ile "e "ad asked for, t"e kin&3s "eart sank. <e kne* "is #lans "ad failed a&ain. ."e ne1t mont" *"en t"e servants %rou&"t "im "is #ay, t"ey *ere da44led %y t"e si&"t of t"ree celestial damsels lau&"in& misc"ievously *it" t"e #rince on t"e s*in& after a sum#tuous meal to&et"er. ."ey rus"ed %ack to t"e kin& as t"ey "ad done %efore and told "im *"at t"ey "ad seenHt"ree *omen *"o *ere out of t"is *orld, %eautiful %eyond com#are. ."e *omen3s c"arms "ad made t"em elo8uent. ."e kin& *ent almost mad *it" desire. +o "e summoned t"e youn& #rince a&ain ne1t day and #raised "im: -Kou are really a "ero. Kou o%viously can do anyt"in&. ,o you t"ink you can &o to 0ndra3s "eaven and find out "o* my fat"er, mot"er, and %rot"ers are doin&L Dnly you can %rin& me suc" ne*s./ -As you *is", my kin&,/ said t"e #rince, *"o t"en *ent "ome to consult "is *ives.

All t"ree of t"em sat u# all ni&"t and *rote lettersHfive "undred of t"em. <e took t"e *"ole sackful of t"em, *ent to t"e kin&, and asked "im to &et ready a dee# #it of fire for "im. 6"en t"e #it *as filled *it" fire*ood and lit, "e lea#t into t"e flames. At once, t"e &od of fire, *"o *as *aitin& for "im, trans#orted "im to "is *orld, read t"e celestial *omen3s letters addressed to "im and ot"er &ods, and offered "is o*n s"inin& dau&"ter in marria&e to "im. ."en "e sent "im %ack to t"e eart". Dn "is *ay %ack "ome, t"e #rince "ad casually noticed a stream of *ater runnin& to*ards an ant"ill, and "e "ad sto##ed to divert t"e stream a*ay from t"e ants. <e sle#t *ell t"at ni&"t surrounded %y four lovin& *omen. Be1t mornin&, "e took a letter to "is kin& and anot"er to t"e minister *"o *as &ivin& "im advice. ."e letter to t"e kin& read as follo*s: ,ear son, Kour messen&er %rou&"t us all t"e ne*s a%out you and made us very "a##y. 6e are comforta%le "ere *it"out a care. 6e eat, drink, and dress like &ods. 6"y don3t you come and see us "ereL Kou can stay *it" us forever. Kou can come t"e same *ay your messen&er came. Really, t"ere is no ot"er *ay. Come soon. 6e *ill %e *aitin& ea&erly for your visit. Kours, etc. ."e kin& and "is *icked minister *ere e1cited %y t"ese letters. ."ey *ere filled *it" t"e desire to &o %odily to "eaven. ."e kin& ordered a &reat fire %uilt %efore sunrise. ."e ne*s s#read and t"e *"ole to*n *as ready to jum# in. @veryone *anted to &o to "eaven and see t"eir dead relatives. But t"e #rince said, -2ood #eo#le, %e #atient. Let Dur Royal <i&"ness and t"e <onora%le >inister &o first./ ."e kin& and t"e minister, res#lendently dressed, entered t"e fire *it" t"eir entire family and entoura&e, and *ere %urned to as"es %efore everyone3s eyes. ."e #rince sent t"e to*ns#eo#le "ome *it" t"e *ords, -Look, t"e *icked kin& and "is villainous minister are dead, as you can see. ."is fire *on3t take you to "eaven. 0t *ill only %urn you. 2o "ome no*, and live your lives *ell./ 6"en "e *ent into t"e kin&3s #alace, in t"e kin&3s c"am%er "e found t"e name of a %ra"min on a #iece of #a#er. <e at once searc"ed for t"e %ra"min, found "im in a little "ut, and cro*ned "im kin&, t"ou&" t"e %ra"min #rotested. -03m a #oor man and 0 like it t"at *ay. 6"at do 0 need a kin&dom forL Kou rule it yourself./ But t"e #rince #ersuaded "im. -Bo, t"is is all yours. Kou can &ive me s"elter *"en 0 come "ere ne1t./ ."en "e left to*n *it" "is four *ives for t"e forest, *"ere, *it" t"eir "el#, "e cleared a lar&e s#ace, %uilt a &reat ne* city, and lived t"ere "a##ily for a *"ile. >ean*"ile, "is fat"er "ad fallen on %ad times, lost "is kin&dom and *ealt". <e "ad %ecome so #oor t"at "e *as cuttin& and sellin& *ood for a livin&. ."e *"ole royal family roamed from #lace to #lace in searc" of a #ittance and, one day, arrived in t"e ne* city. ."e #rince sa* t"em from "is %alcony as t"ey *ere *alkin& in t"e street do*n %elo*. <e %rou&"t t"em "ome and &ave t"em every comfort and lu1ury. Dne day soon after, %efore &oin& on a "unt *it" "is t"ree elder %rot"ers, "e &ave "is first *ife3s sari to "is mot"er for safekee#in&, *it" strict *arnin&s not to let it out of "er si&"t and not to &ive it to anyone. At t"at time, t"e dau&"ters?in?la* *ere %at"in&. ."e first *ife some"o* found out a%out t"e sari and asked "er mot"er?in?la*, most s*eetly, ->ot"er, let me see t"at ne* yello* silk !itam"ara sari. 0t3s %eautiful. 2ive it to me. Let me *ear it today./ ."e mot"er?in?la* re#lied, -Bo, no, 0 can3t. >y son "as asked me not to &ive it to anyone./ -6"at, not even to meL/ said t"e first *ife in a "urt tone. ."en s"e used "er *iles, s#oke %e&uilin&ly,

and *on over t"e some*"at sim#le old *oman. +"e *"eedled t"e sari out of "er, and %efore anyone could say a *ord, t"e four celestial *omen 8uickly *ra##ed t"emselves in it and fle* strai&"t to "eaven. ."at very moment, t"e &reat ne* city t"at *as t"eir creation also vanis"ed, and not"in& *as left %ut t"e #rimeval jun&le in its #lace. ."e old mot"er %e&an to cry "el#lessly. ."e #rince and "is %rot"ers, *"o *ere out "untin&, seemed suddenly cau&"t in an unkno*n fastness in t"e jun&le, as if it "ad t"ickened around t"em %efore t"ey kne* it. ."e %rot"ers asked "im, -6"at3s "a##enin&L/ <e kne*. -0t3s all our mot"er3s doin&,/ "e said. ."ey slas"ed all a%out t"em *it" t"eir s*ords, some"o* e1tricated t"emselves from t"e tan&le of %us"es and cree#ers, and came to *"ere t"e mot"er *as sittin& distrau&"t and in tears. ."e youn& #rince %rou&"t t"em all to t"e kin&dom no* ruled %y t"e %ra"min, *"o *as very "a##y to receive t"em. ."en "e *ent in searc" of "is errant *ives. ."e celestial *ives s#ent a *"ile in t"e *orld of t"e &ods, %ut soon %e&an to miss t"eir "us%and. ."ey remem%ered "is #ranks *it" lon&in&. +o t"ey decided to come do*n to t"e eart", found "im *anderin& aimlessly, and offered to take "im *it" t"em to t"eir *orld. ->eet my fat"er,/ said t"e first *ife, 0ndra3s dau&"ter, -and you *ill %e a%le to %rin& us all %ack *it" "is #ermission. Kou kidna##ed me t"en and didn3t &et "is #ermission./ -6"y notL 0 *ill come and meet your fat"er and &et "is #ermission. Let3s &o,/ "e said, and t"ey trans#orted "im at once to t"e *orld of t"e &ods %y c"an&in& "im into a fis" in a vessel of *ater for t"e duration of t"e journey. And once t"ey *ere in t"e u##er *orld, t"ey vanis"ed, a%andonin& "im in a stran&e #lace. -6omenQ/ "e muttered to "imself, and started askin& around for 0ndra3s ca#ital. <e *as soon taken t"ere. @veryone *as ama4ed at t"e #resence of a live eart"lin&. 0t *as not lon& %efore "e *as in t"e #resence of 0ndra, *"o "eard "is tale and said, #layfully, -0f you *ant t"ese &irls, you3ll "ave to #rove yourself *ort"y of t"em. Kou must #erform four tasks t"at 0 s"all set you. 0f you succeed, 03ll marry t"em all to you once more./ 0ndra scattered a %asket of tiny sesame seeds in a vast field and said, -."ereQ Pick t"em all in t"ree "ours and you can "ave t"e 9ire 2od3s dau&"ter %ack./ ."e #rince *as %affled at first and t"ou&"t "ard. +uddenly "e remem%ered t"e ants "e "ad saved from %ein& *as"ed a*ay. As soon as "e remem%ered t"em, a *"ole s*arm of t"em a##eared and, accordin& to "is *is", #icked out every sesame seed scattered in t"e field and left t"em in a neat "ea#. ."us "e *on %ack one *ife, "is youn&est. 0ndra t"en t"re* "is si&net rin& into a dee# *ell t"at looked %ottomless, and asked "im to retrieve it. 0n a flas", t"e #rince remem%ered t"e fro&, *"ic" darted into t"e *ell at "is %iddin&. O."e "ero3s #revious encounter *it" t"is fro& *as a##arently omitted %y t"e storyteller.H@ds.P But "e returned almost at once, lookin& mortally afraid %ecause t"ere *as a coil of snakes &uardin& t"e %ottom. <e t"en summoned "is youn& tad#ole son and took "im do*n into t"e *ell, *"ere "e t"re* "im to t"e snakes, *"ic" came u# to eat t"e tad#ole. ."e old fro& dived in and lea#t u# *it" 0ndra3s rin&. ."us t"e #rince *on %ack t"e #rincess of t"e *ater *orld. -Bo*,/ said 0ndra, takin& t"e #rince to a #lantain tree, -0 *ant you to cut t"is tree in t"ree #ieces *it" one stroke. Kou3ll t"en &et %ack t"e +nake Princess./ ."e youn& #rince at once t"ou&"t of t"e crocodile "e "ad saved on "is *ay to t"e sea. ."e re#tile a##eared even as "e t"ou&"t of it, saluted "im, and asked *"at "e *anted done. -,o you see t"is #lantain treeL 0 *ant it cut in t"ree #ieces *it" one stroke of your s"ar# tail./

Before "e "ad even finis"ed sayin& t"is, t"e tree lay %efore "im in t"ree neat #ieces. <e "ad *on t"e snake #rincess as *ell. Bo* 0ndra set "im "is last test. 6it" "is ma&ic, "e made "is dau&"ter3s t"ree friends look e1actly like "is o*n dau&"ter, and said, -.ell me *"o is your first *ife./ ."e #rince *as com#letely at a loss. <e *as faced *it" four look?alikes. <e could not tell t"em a#art, t"ou&" "e looked at t"em closely. +uddenly "e remem%ered t"e "harani *orm, *"ic" arrived from no*"ere, no* a *in&ed insect, touc"ed t"e sari?end of 0ndra3s dau&"ter, and fle* in circles around "er "ead. At once, t"e #rince said, -."ere, t"at3s my first *ifeQ/ and sei4ed "er "and. <e "ad *on "er, too. ."e &ods *ere ama4ed at t"e *ay t"e "um%le animals of t"e eart"?*orld "ad come to t"e "el# of t"is mortal man. 0ndra, *"o "ad "u&ely enjoyed t"e fun of it all, arran&ed a "eavenly *eddin& ceremony for t"e youn& #eo#le and &ot t"em married accordin& to celestial customs. ."e #rince descended to t"e eart" *it" all four *ives and *ent strai&"t to "is fat"er3s kin&dom and ori&inal ca#ital, *"ic" *ere no* in t"e "ands of forei&n kin&s. <e con8uered t"em and all t"e minor kin&s around t"em, %ecame kin& of t"e old kin&dom, and %rou&"t %ack "is #arents and %rot"ers to t"e ca#ital. Dne day, under t"e li&"t of t"e full moon, as "e sat on t"e #alace s*in& *it" "is four 8ueens, "e remem%ered anot"er suc" day. <e asked for "is fat"er, and *"en "e arrived, t"e son said to "im, -9at"er, did 0 do *"at 0 said 0 once *ould doL/ .o *"ic", t"e fat"er re#lied, -Kes, son, you did. 0f one "as sons, one must "ave sons like you./

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. =', Love Like +alt N A. A1', >arria&e %y +tealin& Clot"in& N A. A)5A, ."e >an Persecuted Because of "is Beautiful 6ife N A. 55A, ."e 2rateful Animals. As indicated a%ove, t"is com#le1 romantic tale "as several sections, *"ic" often occur as inde#endent se&ments or tales: :1; ."e "ero is %anis"ed %y "is fat"er, *"o *is"es to "ear #raise of "imself. ."is action #ro#els t"e "ero out of "is "ome into t"e *ide *orld. ."is is a variant of =', Love Like +alt, %etter kno*n in t"e 6est for its use in t"e Kin& Lear story. C"aracteristically, in t"is 0ndian tale, not dau&"ters %ut sons are 8uestioned and tested %y t"e old fat"er. 0n t"e traditional 0ndian familial #attern, t"e sons stay in t"e #aternal "ome, *"ile dau&"ters are e1#ected to leave, %ecome #art of anot"er family, love :and o%ey; t"e men t"ey marry. A Kannada #rover% says, kotta hennu kulakke horage, -A dau&"ter &iven a*ay Oin marria&eP is outside t"e family./ Bote "o* t"e Ga#anese ada#tation of Lear in t"e film #an also c"an&ed t"e dau&"ters into sons. Ket ='B, ."e Princess 6"o 6as Res#onsi%le for <er D*n 9ortune, in *"ic" an unmarried dau&"ter defies "er fat"er, marries a #oor, *eird, or diseased man and makes "im ric" t"rou&" "er *it, is also told *idely in 0ndia. :=; >arria&e %y stealin& clot"in& :A1' 0nd.;: ."e "ero meets an old *oman :>otif B C=5; *"o asks "im not to &o in a certain direction, %ut "e does :T =11; and sees celestial maidens %at"in&. <e steals t"e sari of one of t"e %at"in& *omen :< 1''5; and runs, %ut "e looks %ack and is turned to stone. ."e old *oman restores "im :T 1=1.'; and "e succeeds a second time. ."e celestial *oman lives *it" "im as "is *ife as lon& as "e kee#s "er sari, *"ic" is stitc"ed into "is t"i&". ."is se8uence of events occurs in many classic 0ndian collections of novellas like t"e +anskrit $a%akum&racarita or t"e .amil '()(*(+,-(.,/(01 :'; ."e kin& covets t"e "ero3s *ife :A. A)5A; and, on t"e advice of *icked counselors, assi&ns "im dan&erous tasks, *"ic" "e #erforms *it" t"e aid of "is celestial *ife or *ives. @ac" 8uest takes "im to a different *orld :t"e su%terranean *orld of ser#ents, t"e undersea *orld, etc.;7 in eac", "e marries

anot"er celestial #rincess. ."e final task sends t"e "ero to &et ne*s of t"e kin&3s ancestors. Dn "is *ife3s advice, "e jum#s into a crater of fire, enters t"e net"er*orld, is "el#ed %y t"e &od of fire, and returns radiant *it" t"e dau&"ter of t"e 9ire 2od as "is %ride. <e #ersuades t"e kin& and "is *icked counselors to like*ise enter t"e fire so t"at t"ey too can visit "eaven. ."ey #lun&e to t"eir deat"s. :A; <e is reconciled to "is fat"er, *"o is %y no* im#overis"ed :like Lear;. <e entrusts "is mot"er *it" t"e safekee#in& of t"e celestial3s sari, %ut s"e naively lets t"e celestial *ives take it, *"ic" at once allo*s t"em to fly %ack to "eaven, leavin& "im destitute. ."is action starts t"e "ero on "is last set of adventures. <e &oes to "eaven in 8uest of "is *ives. 0ndra, t"e kin& of "eaven, im#oses four tasks on "im :A. 5!!;, *"ic" "e accom#lis"es and t"ere%y *ins "is four *ives le&itimately, *it" 0ndra3s %lessin&. <e accom#lis"es t"ese t"rou&" &rateful animals :A. 55A;Hants, a crocodile, a %ee, and a %"arani %u&, all of *"om "e "as "el#ed in "is #revious journeys. +ections of t"is tale, like t"e last one, are told %ot" in Asia and in @uro#e, retold in famous collections like t"e 2ath&sarits&gara and t"e Ara%ian Bi&"ts, as *ell as in @uro#ean collections like t"e 2rimms3 in 2erman and Afanas3ev3s in Russian. ."e story is kno*n to 0ndonesia, central Africa, and t"e 9renc" in >issouri.

."is ty#e of tale carries a #aradi&m, a scenario, for t"e initiation of a youn& man: "e is %anis"ed from t"e #arental "ome, meets u# *it" an old *oman or man *"o serves as a mentor, sees celestial *omen naked, and %rin&s one of t"em "ome %y stealin& *"at covers "er naked %eauty7 "e t"en fi&"ts a&ainst a fat"er$kin& *"o covets "is *ives and *"o sets "im tasks, sends "im on dan&erous 8uests to different realms :like eart", air, fire, and *ater;, *"ere "e marries t"e #rincess of eac"7 finally, "e loses "is *ife, *"om "e "ad ori&inally *on %y dece#tion, and "as to *in "er a&ain %y le&itimate accom#lis"ments, %y doin& tasks set %y "is %ride3s fat"erHanot"er fat"er?fi&ure *"o is loat" to let "is dau&"ters &o. <e accom#lis"es t"em *it" t"e "el# of animals *"om "e "as "el#ed earlier, creatures t"at re#resent different realms, like eart", air, and *ater in t"is tale. <is last task is t"at of distin&uis"in& "is true s#ouse from amon& illusory look?alikes. A mere redescri#tion of t"ese motifs su&&ests t"at t"ey could %e read in #syc"olo&ical terms as ste#s in a novice3s #ro&ress to*ards mastery and adult self"ood: conflict *it" different kinds of fat"er?fi&ures, enlistin& t"e "el# of various feminine fi&ures, *innin& t"rou&" kindness t"e su##ort of t"e animal *orld. ."e very last scene of t"e story com#letes t"e drama *"en "e demonstrates to "is o*n fat"er "is married %liss *it" "is four *ives :from four realms;, t"ere%y reali4in& "is ori&inal *is" to rival and sur#ass "is fat"er, for *"ic" "e "ad %een %anis"ed in t"e first #lace. ."e aest"etic intricacy and finis", t"e smoot" #ro&ression from task to task, and t"e roundin& out of t"e frame tale :fat"er %anis"es son, son rescues fat"er, finally son #roves "imself to fat"er, t"e last scene fulfillin& t"e very first; are very muc" a #art of t"e "ero3s reac"in& maturity. An accom#lis"ed tale em%odies t"e accom#lis"ed "ero7 t"e aest"etic form enacts t"e et"os. O>otif < 5(C.1, Kin& #ro#ounds 8uestions to "is sons to determine successor N A. A1', >arria&e %y +tealin& Clot"in&7 A. A)5, ."e >an Persecuted Because of "is Beautiful 6ife7 A. 55A, ."e 2rateful Animals.P

4. !ride for a #ead 1an

A kin& and "is 8ueen "ad no c"ildren, t"ou&" t"ey *ere &ettin& on in years. <alf t"eir life *as already over. +o t"e kin& decided "e *ould #ray to &et an "eir for "is kin&dom. <e %e&an "is #enances %y standin& in t"e middle of a tank on a t*elve?yard stone, *it" anot"er suc" stone on "is "ead. <e stood t"ere like t"at for t*elve *"ole years and #rayed to +iva.

+iva said, -03m %urdened %y t"is man3s devotion. <is t*elve years *ei&" on me. ."e stone on "is "ead *ei&"s on me. +o 03ll &o do*n and &ive "im t"e c"ild "e *ants./ <e came do*n from Kailasa, "is mountain, to *"ere t"e kin& stood steadfastly in t"e *ater. -Come out of t"e tank,/ +iva said. -03ll &ive you a c"ild./ -03ll come out only *"en you &rant me t"e %oon. Bot till t"en./ -All ri&"t, 0 &ive you my *ord,/ said +iva, -%ut 03ll not &ive you t"e %oon "ere. 03ll come to your "ouse and &rant your *is"./ And "e #romised to visit t"e kin&, and sealed "is #romise %y #uttin& "is "and in t"e kin&3s "and. -2o "ome no* and 03ll come tomorro*,/ +iva said, and t"e kin& ended "is #enance, came out of t"e *ater, and *ent "ome to tell "is *ife. -+iva "as &iven me "is *ord. <e3ll come "ere tomorro* and &ive us c"ildren. 6as" and *i#e t"e *"ole #alace, %at"e, and offer *ors"i#. Kou must %e ready tomorro* mornin&. Also, &et five uttatti fruit./ But "is *ife *ouldn3t %elieve "im. <e insisted, -Bo, no, it3s true. +iva *ill come "ere "imself. Kou3ll see./ Be1t mornin& came very fast, and +iva did descend from t"e sky. As "e *alked to*ards t"e #alace, "e looked at "imself, alms?%a& on "is s"oulder, a cane in "is fist, a trident slun& on "is %ack. -<o* can 0 &o into t"e *orld lookin& like t"isL/ "e t"ou&"t, c"an&ed into a "oly man, and *ent %e&&in& from s"o# to s"o# %efore "e reac"ed t"e #alace. ."e s"o#kee#ers *ere devout and &ave t"e "oly man diamonds and #earls as &ifts, %ut "e *ouldn3t touc" t"em. <e said, -6"at s"all 0 do *it" t"ese stonesL 0f you *is", &ive me t"e fat of a flea and t"e fat of a %ed%u&. 03d like t"at./ -6"ere s"all *e &o for t"e fat of fleas and %ed%u&sL/ t"e %e*ildered s"o#kee#ers asked. >ean*"ile, +iva *as dancin&, lea#in& into t"e sky. <e s*ayed like a #eacock. But "e *ould take not"in& and asked only for t"e fat of fleas and %ed%u&s, *"ic" t"ey couldn3t &et. +o "e *ent "o##in& t"rou&" t"e market all t"e *ay to t"e #alace. ."e kin& and 8ueen *ere *aitin&. ."ey *as"ed "is feet and fell at "is feet. <e &ave t"e 8ueen t*o %etelnuts from "is *aist %and and said, -."is is for you. 0 kno* you *ant a c"ild. 6"at *ould you likeL A smart son *"o3ll live only t*elve years or an idiot *"o3ll live to %e a "undredL/ +"e said, -6"at s"all 0 do *it" an idiot sonL <e "as to rule t"is kin&dom. 2ive me a smart son for t*elve years./ -."ink *ell. <e3ll live only for t*elve years, not a day lon&er. Dnce you3ve c"osen, not"in& can c"an&e it later. ."ink a&ain./ -0 kno* *"at 0 *ant,/ s"e said. -A smart son. 2ive "im to me. 0 can3t *ait./ +o +iva &ranted "er a smart son *"o *ould live only for t*elve years. ."e 8ueen3s #eriods sto##ed, "er #re&nancy made "er fuller %y t"e day, and, e1actly nine mont"s and nine days later, s"e &ave %irt" to a %oy. +iva "ad decreed t"at a ti&er *ould %rin& "im "is deat" on "is t*elft" %irt"day. ."e astrolo&ers *"o could read suc" t"in&s also said so and *arned "is #arents. As a &ro*in& %oy, "e *ent out to #lay %all in to*n. ."e &irls *"o *ere &oin& to t"e river to fetc" *ater said, -Kou3re t"e kin&3s son. 6"at3s t"e matter *it" youL Playin& %all *it" t"e ordinary to*n %oysQ As t"e #rince of t"e kin&dom, you3ve &ot to &o to t"e forest and "unt lions, ti&ers, and suc". ."en you3ll %e a real #rince./ +o "e *ent strai&"t "ome, t"re* a*ay t"e %all, and said to "is mot"er, -6"y didn3t any%ody tell me

*"at #rinces doL 03m &oin& to "unt lions and ti&ers in t"e forest./ ."e mot"er *as #anic?stricken. +"e remem%ered t"e #ro#"ecy. ->y %oy, you3re only t*elve. ,on3t t"ink of "untin& and *ild animals. ,on3t you "ave #laymatesL 6e3ll find you some./ But "e *as o%stinate and *ouldn3t listen. <e called for t"e servants, t"e sta%le %oys, and #re#ared "imself for a "unt. ."e mot"er said, -At least *ait till 0 look at t"e omens./ +"e *ent out to look for &ood omens, %ut all s"e sa* *ere oil sellers, #eo#le carryin& #icka1es and s#adesH%ad omens. +"e came "ome and tried to sto# t"e %oy. -0 see only %ad omens every*"ere. ,on3t &o, my son. Kou can &o tomorro*,/ s"e #leaded. +"e *e#t, s"e even fell at "is feet and "eld on to t"em. But "e *ouldn3t "ear any of it. <e "ad already taken a ste# outside t"e t"res"old. -+ee, >ot"er, 03ve already ste##ed outside. Bo real #rince *ill take %ack "is ste# and retreat inside. By your %lessin&s, 03ll come "ome safely. Kou3ll see,/ "e said, touc"ed "er feet, and left for t"e forest, t"is t*elve?year?old %oy. <is mot"er3s %rot"er, "is uncle, follo*ed and joined "im in t"e "unt. ."e "unt *as a fierce success. ."ey %rou&"t do*n many ti&ers, lions, and &ry#"ons, stood #roudly on t"eir carcasses, and loaded t"em in cart after cart to send t"em "ome. 6"en t"e distrau&"t mot"er sa* t"ese carts comin& into t"e #alace yard, filled *it" *ild animals ri##ed a#art %y "er son3s arro*s, "er "eart revived. ."e cartmen said, -."e #rince "as sent all t"ese so t"at Kour <i&"ness may see and sto# *orryin& a%out "im. >ore are comin&./ -D +iva,/ s"e said, relieved and "a##y. -."at3s truly my son. <e "as killed so many ti&ers and lions in one "unt, "is very first. ."ey said a ti&er *ould kill "im. ."ey *ere afraid even of a ti&er in a #icture, and removed all ti&er #ictures from t"e #alace. <o* ridiculousQ/ 6"ile s"e *as e1claimin& like t"is ecstatically, t"e #rince "ad finis"ed "is "unt and *as returnin& "ome. Dn t"e *ay, it occurred to "im to sto# at t"eir family &od3s tem#le and offer *ors"i# after "is first adventure. As soon as "e s#oke of t"is #lan, "is uncle "urried %efore "im. ."ere *ere many #ictures of ti&ers on t"e tem#le *alls, and "e kne* t"at "e could never sto# "is ras" ne#"e* from doin& *"at "e *anted. +o "e s#attered t"e #ictures *it" mud, and asked servants to "old curtains on eit"er side of t"e #rince as "e entered t"e tem#le. -,on3t look around and dillydally. 2o strai&"t to t"e &od3s ima&e, %o* %efore it, and t"en let3s &o "ome. 0t3s late,/ said t"e uncle. But did "e listenL <e #rostrated "imself %efore t"e &od and as "e turned %ack "e sa* t"e curtains. 0m#atiently, "e tore t"em do*n, sayin&, -6"at3s all t"is curtain?"oldin&L Are you afraid 03ll dieL 03ve killed seven ti&ers today, remem%erL/ As "e tore do*n t"e curtains, "e sa* ti&ers, ti&ers, ti&ers all around. ."ey o#ened t"eir mout"s *ide and rose from t"e #ictures on t"e *alls. 6"en "e sa* t"eir red ton&ues comin& to*ards "im, "e %ecame di44y, fell into a s*oon, and died on t"e s#ot. <is uncle cried and cried all t"e *ay, as "e %rou&"t t"e %ody "ome. -D +iva, 0 %rou&"t "im safely till t"is #oint and yet couldn3t save "im. >y sister %ore "im in "er old a&e, after so muc" trou%le. Bo* "e3s dead. 6"at s"all 0 doL/ ."e mot"er "eard it all and ran out *ee#in&. -D +iva, you still took "im as you said you *ould. After killin& real ti&ers, "e *as killed %y a ti&er in a #icture, just as t"ey said. 0 *anted to see "im married. @ven no*, 0 *ill. 6e3ll not %ury "im till *e find a %ride for "im,/ s"e said in "er &rief.

And even as t"ey *ere #re#arin& t"e %ier and t"e c"ariot for t"e last #rocession of t"e dead %oy, s"e sent a cartload of &old "itc"ed to a camel *it" messen&ers: t"ey "ad to find a %ride, *"atever t"e #rice. ."e cartload *ent from street to street and from to*n to nei&"%orin& to*n, loudly announcin& t"e searc" for a %ride for t"e dead #rince. ."e messen&ers finally met *it" a %ra"min *"o "ad a t*elve? year?old dau&"ter named C"ennavva. ."e #overty of t"e family *as "ars" %eyond *ords. ."ey said to t"e #oor man, -2ive us your dau&"ter. 6e3ll unload t"e &old "ere./ <e a&reed and &ave t"em "is dau&"ter. At once "er mot"er %e&an to *ee#. +"e %rou&"t out a little oil in a cu#, some turmeric, took "er dau&"ter in and &ave "er a ritual oil?%at", cryin& all t"e *"ile, -D ,au&"ter, *ido*"ood is not for you. <o* can it %eL Kou3re only t*elve years old./ ."en s"e dressed "er u# in fres" clot"es, #ut aus#icious marks of turmeric and vermilion on "er fore"ead, and %lessed "er, sayin&, ->ay you %e like +avitri. >ay you kee# your "us%and./ And s"e sent "er *it" t"e royal messen&ers. 2allo#in&, t"ey took "er to t"e #alace, *"ere s"e *as married in a #ro#er ceremony to t"e dead %oy. As in any *eddin&, t"ey #ut aus#icious marks of turmeric and vermilion on t"e %ride3s face, t"re* &rains of rice, and tied t"e *eddin& t"read round "er neck. 6"en it *as time to lift t"e dead %ody and take it a*ay, t"ey *anted "er to stay %e"ind. But s"e refused to stay %e"ind. 9irmly, s"e said, -03m &oin& *it" my "us%and. Bury me *it" "im. 6"at3s t"e #oint of livin& *it"out "imL/ +o s"e sat ne1t to t"e %ody and *as carried *it" it. As t"ey reac"ed t"e %urial &rounds, a &reat rainstorm descended on t"em. 0t seemed as if more *ater fell t"an t"e eart" could "old. @veryone ran and found s"elter from t"e *ind and t"e rain. ."e dead %ody *as left alone, and C"ennavva "eld on to it. ."e ni&"t *as dark, t"e #lace *as a dismal %urial &round, and s"e *as alone *it" t"e %ody. -6"at s"all 0 doL ."is is my lot,/ s"e said. +"e "ad s*eated and "er %ody *as caked *it" mud. +"e sat do*n and scra#ed it, added more mud to it, t"en molded t"e ima&e of +iva3s Bull *it" it. +"e installed it in front of "er, san& son&s, and *ors"i#ed t"e ima&e *it" flo*ers s"e #icked off t"e dead %ody. As s"e san& and *ors"i#ed, t"e mud ima&e of t"e Bull *as filled *it" life. <e &ot u#, snorted, and *alked a%out. <e said, -C"ennavva, your devotion is &reat. 03d like to do somet"in& for you./ And "e *ent to "eaven and #leaded *it" +iva, -Lord, you must &ive %ack C"ennavva3s "us%and "is life. Kou must &ive %ack "er marria&e to "er. Kou must./ -,ear Bull,/ said +iva, -you3re 8uite taken *it" t"at C"ennavva, aren3t youL 6e can3t &ive %ack life like t"at. 6ait, let3s send "er a ti&er and let3s see *"at s"e does./ +o "e sent a ti&er to C"ennavva. +"e at once stood *it" "er %ack to "er "us%and3s %ier and, stretc"in& out %ot" "er "ands, #rayed to t"e ti&er, -,on3t eat "im. @at me./ 6"ic" #leased t"e ti&er too. <e said, -6e3ll send you +iva "imself. Kou3re too &ood for us./ ."e ti&er *ent to +iva and #leaded: -D +iva, you must &ive %ack C"ennavva3s "us%and "is life./ ."en "e sent lions, &ry#"ons7 "e even sent s"e?demons, %ut s"e *asn3t afraid of any of t"em. +"e &uarded "er "us%and3s %ody and offered "er o*n. 6"en t"ey all came %ack #leadin& "er cause, +iva decided "e *ould &o do*n "imself and see *"at s"e *as like. <e #icked u# "is alms?%a& and "is cane and stood %efore "er askin& for alms. -6"at can 0 &ive t"is %e&&ar, sittin& "ere in t"e %urial &roundL/ s"e t"ou&"t, t"en took do*n t"e only #recious t"in& s"e "ad on "er, "er *eddin& t"read *it" its &olden #endant :tali;, and #ut it in "is alms?%a&. -6"at3s t"is, you3ve &iven me your *eddin& tali3 ,on3t you "ave anyt"in& else to &iveL/ said +iva, astonis"ed.

+"e said, -Bo, +ir. ."at3s all 0 "ave. 6"at else can 0 "ave, sittin& "ere in t"e %urial &roundL/ +iva *as touc"ed. <e tied t"e tali %ack on "er neck, %reat"ed life into "er "us%and3s %ody, and *ent %ack to "eaven. ."e youn& #rince *oke u# as if from a lon& slee#. ."e "a##y cou#le talked all ni&"t till it da*ned silver in t"e mornin&. ."ey "ad muc" to talk a%out. ."e #eo#le from t"e #alace *ere *orried all ni&"t a%out t"e %ody and t"e t*elve?year?old &irl t"ey "ad left *it" it in t"e rainstorm. ."ey came runnin& as soon as t"e storm #assed and it *as li&"t. ."ey found t"e t*o of t"em talkin&. 6"en t"ey "eard *"at "ad "a##ened, t"ey marveled at C"ennavva, t"e #o*er of "er virtue, and "o* s"e "ad %rou&"t a dead man to life. <is #arents, summoned t"ere %y t"en, #laced a coconut in t"e &rave t"at "ad %een du& and closed it u#. ."e %ride and %ride&room *ere carried %ack in #alan8uins to t"e #alace and a *"ole ne* *eddin& *as arran&ed. 6"en t"e time came for t"e %ride to &ive t"e ritual offerin&s of "agina to "er relatives, C"ennavva said, -Bo one took my "agina earlier. 03m not &oin& to &ive it to anyone no*. 03ll &ive it to t"e river &oddess, 2an&es,/ and took it to t"e river. 6"en t"e *eddin& took #lace t"e first time, no one "ad received "er or "er %ridal &ifts as t"ey s"ould "ave. @veryone in t"e to*n "ad s"ut t"eir doors on "er. 6"y s"ould s"e &ive it no* to anyoneL -0 married a dead "us%and and no one t"ou&"t of me t"en. Bo* 03m married to a live one, 03ll &ive "agina to t"e &oddess and take &ifts from "er,/ s"e said, and offered t"em to t"e river &oddess. ."en s"e came %ack, com#leted t"e *eddin& ceremony, and lived "a##ily *it" "er "us%and and "er in?la*s.

OA. 'AB, ."e Kout" to ,ie on "is 6eddin& ,ay :%ut cf. ."om#son and Ro%erts, Ty!es of Indic Oral Tales, ty#e ''), ."e Bride&room and t"e Picture of t"e .i&er7 and Gason, Su!!lement, ty#e 'AB?UA, @sca#e from ,eat". Cf. also >otif @ 1=1.1, Resuscitation %y a &od.; ."is tale includes elements of %ot" t"e >arkandeya story and t"e +avitri story, *"ic" are told *idely in 0ndia.P

5. A !rother6 a ister6 and a na"e

A raja "ad a son and a dau&"ter. <is 8ueen died %efore "er time and t"e raja married anot"er *oman. ."e second *oman didn3t like "er ste#c"ildren. +"e even *anted to kill t"em. +o s"e #ut a %a%y snake in a s#outed cu# :gindi; studded *it" #earls, filled it *it" *ater, and &ave it to t"e &irl to drink. ."e innocent &irl drank it all u#. ."e %a%y snake entered "er stomac" and &re* inside "er as s"e "erself &re* u#. 6"en "er %elly %e&an to s*ell noticea%ly, t"e 8ueen &ot t"e ear of t"e kin&, accused t"e youn& &irl of %ein& #re&nant, slandered t"e c"ildren, and "ad t"em cast into t"e jun&le. 6"ile t"e youn& %oy and &irl *ere *anderin& in t"e forest, eatin& leaves and fruit, a kindly o&re3s eye fell on t"em. <e took t"em "ome and settled t"em t"ere. <e turned over t"e mana&ement of "is entire "ouse"old to t"em. Kears #assed. <e "ad %uffaloes in "is yard. Dne day t"e sister milked a %uffalo, #ut t"e milk #ot on t"e "ot stove, and *ent to slee#. 6"en t"e milk %oiled over and t"e *"ole "ouse *as filled *it" t"e s*eet smell of scalded milk, t"e snake in "er stomac" *as enticed %y it. 0t came out, *ent strai&"t to t"e %oilin& milk, drank it and died. Bo* t"at t"e snake "ad come out, t"e sister sle#t even %etter. ."e %rot"er sa* t"e snake and cut it to #ieces, t"re* it in t"e ne1t room, and locked t"e door. <e for%ade "is sister to o#en t"e door of t"at room. Dne day, *"en "er %rot"er *as not around, s"e &ot in8uisitive and o#ened t"e door. .o "er astonis"ment, s"e sa* a %i& &reen jasmine %us" in full %lossom. +"e &at"ered t"e flo*ers and made a

lovely &arland. 6"en "er %rot"er came "ome, s"e affectionately tried to #ut it around "is neck. 6"en t"e %rot"er sa* t"e flo*ers "e kne* at once *"at "ad "a##ened. <e %e&&ed "er not to #ut t"e &arland round "is neck. But s"e *ouldn3t listen7 s"e *as stu%%orn. ."en, seein& no *ay out, "e &ave "er t"ree #e%%les and said to "er, -0f you must t"ro* t"at &arland around my neck, take t"ese t"ree #e%%les first. 0f somet"in& terri%le "a##ens to me, t"ro* t"ose #e%%les on me./ +"e said, -All ri&"t, 03ll do as you say, %ut 0 must #ut t"is &arland round your neck. 0 made it for you,/ and #ut t"e &arland around "is neck. At once, "e turned into a snake, and %e&an to slit"er a*ay. +"e *as s"ocked at t"e result of "er action, and follo*ed it every*"ere, till it &lided into a snake "ole in t"e forest floor. +"e sat t"ere *aitin& for "im to come out. <er fat"er, t"e raja, came t"ere on one of "is "untin& tri#s. <e sa* t"is %eautiful &irl, didn3t reco&ni4e "er, fell in love *it" "er, and asked "er to &o "ome *it" "im. +"e told "im of "er %rot"er3s #li&"t. ."e kin& at once called "is snake c"armer, *"o #layed "is flute, enticed t"e snake out of t"e "ole, and cau&"t it. ."ey all *ent to t"e kin&3s #alace, *it" t"e snake in a %asket. 0n t"e #alace, s"e remem%ered *"at "er %rot"er "ad said a%out t"e t"ree #e%%les and t"re* t"em on t"e snake. ."e snake vanis"ed, and in its stead stood "er %rot"er. ."e kin& no* insisted t"at s"e marry "im. +"e and "er %rot"er kne* %y no* t"at "e *as t"eir o*n fat"er. +"e said t"at t"ey s"ould decide on t"eir marria&e in t"e o#en court. ."en s"e asked for a #earl? studded s#outed cu# :gindi;, and &ot one. 0n t"e assem%led court, t"e youn& *oman #laced t"e #earl?studded gindi in front of "er and %e&an "er story. As s"e %e&an, -Dnce t"ere *as a kin&V,/ and *ent on, t"e gindi listened and nodded. +"e told it everyt"in&, all a%out "er ste#mot"er *"o &ave "er t"e %a%y snake to s*allo*, "o* t"ey *ere %anis"ed to t"e forest, "o* "er %rot"er "ad c"an&ed into a snake, and all t"e rest. ."e gindi nodded at every #ause. 0t didn3t take lon& for t"e kin& to see t"at t"e youn& man and *oman *ere "is o*n lost c"ildren. <e t"re* out "is *icked 8ueen and lived "a##ily *it" "is c"ildren.

OA. A5(A, ."e Brot"er .ransformed to a +nake.P

7. A !uffalo 8ithout !ones

0n a certain to*n, t"ere *ere t"ree %rot"ers. ."ey "ad a sister *"o "ad %een &iven in marria&e to a man from anot"er to*n. ."e %rot"ers *ere also married and eac" "ad a son. ."eir sister "ad a dau&"ter. 0n t"e course of time, t"e eldest %rot"er &re* old and *as a%out to die. <is son, *"o *as %y no* a youn& man, came to "im and asked, - A!!a, *"at did you do for meL/ ."e fat"er said, -6"at "ave 0 not done for youL 03m leavin& you lands, orc"ards, fields, *ealt", s"ee# and cattle. ."e "ouse is full of &old and silver. 6"at else do you *antL/ ."e son re#lied, -03m not askin& for *ealt" and #ro#erty. Kou didn3t &et me married *"ile you *ere still a%le to do so./ ."e fat"er s"ook "is "ead in a&reement. -D"o, t"at3s true, t"at3s true. But never mind. >y sister "as a dau&"ter *"om you can marry accordin& to our custom. +"e is a fine &irl and very %eautiful. 6ait for a fe* days and &o talk to your aunt. Ask "er to &ive you "er dau&"ter in marria&e. .ell "er 0 said so./ <avin& said t"is, "e %reat"ed "is last. ."e son %uried "im in t"e #ro#er manner and mourned "im for a lon& time. ."e second %rot"er also &re* old and it *as time for "im to die. <is son too came and asked "im,

-9at"er, *"at did you do for meL/ ."e fat"er said, -6"at "aven3t 0 done for youL 03m leavin& you #lentyQ/ -."at3s not *"at 03m talkin& a%out. Kou didn3t &et me married *"ile you *ere still stron& and a%le./ -."at3s 8uite true. 0 s"ould "ave and 0 didn3t. But no matter. Kour aunt3s dau&"ter is a fine &irl and very %eautiful. 6"en you3re ready, &o and ask your aunt3s #ermission and marry "er dau&"ter./ <ardly "ad "e finis"ed sayin& *"at "e did *"en "is life left "im. ."e son dutifully %uried "im accordin& to t"e #ro#er rites and mourned "im for a lon& time. 6"en it *as time for t"e t"ird %rot"er to die, "e too told "is son t"at "e s"ould marry "is aunt3s dau&"ter, and t"en died. Dne fine day, t"e t"ree sons of t"e t"ree %rot"ers dressed t"emselves u# in t"eir %est clot"es, #ut on t"eir %est je*elry, and arrived at t"eir aunt3s "ouse. +"e &ave t"em *ater for t"eir "ands and feet, asked t"em to sit on t"e cot, and in8uired *"y t"ey "ad come and *"at t"ey *ould like. ."en t"e eldest ne#"e* said, -6"en my fat"er died, "e told me t"at 0 s"ould marry your dau&"ter. +o 03ve come to ask for "er "and./ ."e ot"er t*o %rot"ers3 sons also said t"e same t"in&. ."e aunt *as 8uite %e*ildered. -6"at s"all 0 doL/ s"e cried in distress. +"e even sat for a *"ile *it" "er "ead in "er "ands. <er "us%and came t"ere and soon found out *"at t"e matter *as. -By &od, t"is is difficult. 6e "ave only one dau&"ter and "ere you are, t"ree eli&i%le youn& men ready to marry "er. 6"om s"all *e &ive "er toL/ "e said, and t"ou&"t of a *ay out. <e called eac" of t"em and &ave eac" a "undred ru#ees :*"ic" *as a lot of money in t"ose days;, and said, -,ear %oys, use t"is money to %uy *"at you consider t"e %est t"in& t"is money can %uy. ."e #erson *"o %rin&s t"e very %est t"in& *ill &et my dau&"ter, for "e *ould %e t"e smartest of t"e t"ree. Let3s see *"at you %rin&. 2o no*./ Dff t"e t"ree cousins *ent *it" t"e money, lookin& for t"e %est t"in& it could %uy. ."ey traveled "undreds of miles t"rou&" many re&ions and arrived in a stran&e city. ."ere, in t"e market#lace, a man *as offerin& a mirror for sale. ."e eldest of t"e t"ree cousins *as taken *it" t"e mirror and asked for t"e #rice. ."e man said, -A "undred ru#ees./ -6"y a "undred ru#ees for t"is mirrorL 6"at3s so s#ecial a%out itL/ asked t"e cousin. ."e man re#lied, -."is is no ordinary lookin& &lass in *"ic" you look at your face. 0f you stand in a "i&" #lace, utter a s#ell :mantra;, and look into t"is mirror, you can see everyt"in& t"at3s "a##enin& in t"e *orld./ -A"a, t"is indeed is t"e %est t"in& in t"e *orld,/ said t"e cousin, and %ou&"t it at once for a "undred ru#ees. ."e second cousin *as also *anderin& in t"e same to*n, *onderin& *"at "e s"ould %uy, *"en "e sa* a merc"ant *it" a *eird?lookin& c"ariot. ."e cousin asked "im t"e #rice and *as told it *ould cost "im a "undred ru#ees. -6"y a "undred ru#ees for t"is old #iece of junkL/ -Because it is no ordinary c"ariot. 0f you sit in it and utter a s#ell, it *ill carry you any*"ere in t"e *orld, t"is c"ariot *ill./ -0f t"at3s so, 03ll %uy it,/ said t"e second cousin, and %ou&"t it at once. ."e t"ird cousin t"ou&"t, ->y cousins "ave already %ou&"t t"eir t"in&s7 one "as a mirror, anot"er a

c"ariot. 6"at s"all 0 %uy t"at3s %etter t"an t"eirsL/ As "e roamed t"e streets, "e came across a man *it" a stick in "is "and. ."e stick looked unusual. 0t too cost a "undred ru#ees. ."e youn& man asked "im, -6"y s"ould a mere stick cost a "undredL 0t isn3t made of &oldQ/ ."e man e1#lained: -."is is %etter t"an &old. 0f a man dies of snake%ite, scor#ion%ite, or even #la&ue, t"is stick can %rin& "im %ack to life. Ru% some kasturi?musk into asses3 milk, di# t"is stick in it, and #ut it in t"e dead man3s mout", and "e *ill sit u# alive./ +o t"e youn&est of t"e t"ree cousins %ou&"t t"e stick. 6"en t"e t"ree of t"em *ere returnin& "ome, eac" t"ou&"t "e alone "ad made t"e %est #urc"ase. Dn t"e *ay, t"e eldest said, -0t3s more t"an a year since *e left our aunt and uncle. 6"o kno*s *"at "as "a##ened durin& t"is yearL 6ell, 03ve t"is mirror in *"ic" you can see everyt"in& t"at3s &oin& on in t"e *orld. Let3s look and see./ ."en "e *ent u# a "ill, uttered a s#ell, and looked into t"e mirror. <is aunt and uncle *ere all ri&"t, %ut t"eir dau&"ter *"om all t"ree "ad *anted to marry *as dead. A %lack scor#ion "ad %itten "er to deat". Relatives "ad &at"ered, #laced "er dead %ody on a %am%oo stretc"er, and *ere a%out to take it to t"e &raveyard to %ury it. 6"en t"e t"ree cousins *ere *orryin& a%out *"at to do and "o* to &et t"ere, t"e second cousin said, -6"y do you *orryL 03ve t"is c"ariot. 2et into it./ All t"ree of t"em clim%ed into it and "e uttered a s#ell. 0t carried t"em "undreds of miles in no time and landed t"em in t"eir aunt3s #lace. Gust as relatives *ere liftin& t"e dead &irl on to t"eir s"oulders to take "er to t"e %urial &rounds, t"e t"ird cousin sto##ed t"em, asked for some kasturi and some asses3 milk, ru%%ed t"e kasturi in t"e milk, di##ed t"e stick in it and let a fe* dro#s fall on t"e dead &irl3s li#s. At once, s"e sat u#, stretc"in& and ya*nin&, askin& everyone "o* lon& s"e "ad %een aslee# and *"at t"e cro*d *as all a%out. Bo* t"e youn&est cousin told "is aunt, -0 %rou&"t "er to life. +o you s"ould let me marry "er./ ."e second cousin said, -6e *ere "undreds of miles a*ay. But for my c"ariot, "o* could *e "ave come "ere in timeL +o 0 deserve t"e %ride./ ."e eldest one said an&rily, -A"a, so *"at if t"is fello* "ad a ma&ic stick *"ic" %rou&"t "er to life, and so *"at if t"is ot"er fello* "ad a c"ariot to %rin& us "ereL 6"at *ould *e "ave done if *e "adn3t kno*n our dear aunt3s dau&"ter *as already deadL ."at3s *"y my mirror is t"e %est. 03m t"e one *"o3s &oin& to marry "er. Arran&e t"e *eddin&./ +o t"e t"ree of t"em fou&"t *it" eac" ot"er, eac" t"inkin& t"at "e *as t"e ri&"tful suitor for t"e dead &irl no* come alive. ."e case *ent to t"e villa&e councils and to court after court of a##eal, %ut no one could decide *"o *as ri&"t. At one of t"ese #laces *"ere t"ey *ere ar&uin& *it" eac" ot"er, a *ise old man "eld t"eir "ands and asked t"em to tell "im *"at t"e dis#ute *as. All t"ree s"o*ed "im t"eir ma&ic o%jects and told "im a%out t"e aunt3s dau&"ter. ."e old man listened to t"em carefully and asked t"em to *ait *"ile "e *ent and talked to t"eir aunt and "er dau&"ter. 6"en "e came to t"eir "ouse, "e found t"e t*o *omen *rin&in& t"eir "ands in &reat distress over t"e t"ree suitors. -<o* can 0 marry t"ree menL/ cried t"e &irl. ."e old man 8uieted t"em and told t"e youn& *oman, -."ink a%out *"at 03m &oin& to say. ."ere3s a %uffalo *it" no %ones: one *it"out "ands milks it, and one *it"out a mout" drinks t"e milk. ."ink a%out t"is./ ."en "e left as "e "ad come. 0t *as evenin&. ."e t"ree 8uarrelin& cousins came t"ere, still ar&uin&. ."e dau&"ter #oured some *arm milk in a %o*l and asked all t"ree to drink it. All t"ree of t"em asked, almost in c"orus, -<o* can *e drink milk from t"e same %o*lL/ +"e said, -Kou are like fat"ers to me, all t"ree of you. <ave you ever "eard of fat"ers marryin&

dau&"tersL Kou &ave me life. +o 0 can3t marry you. @ac" of you *ill "ave to find someone else to marry./ +o t"ey *ent t"eir *ays, and married suita%ly else*"ere, and found "a##iness. 6"at3s t"e meanin& of t"e old man3s sayin&L -A %uffalo *it"out %ones7 one *it"out "ands milks it, and one *it"out a mout" drinks it/: t"e rain cloud is a %uffalo *it"out %ones, t"e *ind is t"e one *it"out "ands t"at milks it, and t"e eart" is t"e one *it"out a mout" t"at drinks t"e milk of t"e cloud. ."e rain, t"e *ind, t"e eart", t"e t"ree to&et"er &ive us life7 t"ey are like #arents. ."ese t"ree cousins to&et"er &ave t"e &irl life and so *ere like "er #arents. ."at3s *"y s"e *ouldn3t marry t"em. +"e married someone else, a nice "andsome man, and found "a##iness.

OA. )5'B, ."e +uitors Restore t"e >aiden to Life :0D;.P

.. (annibal ister
An oil seller3s *ife "ad several c"ildren. <er sevent" one turned out to %e a monster. At %irt" it looked "ideous, terrifyin&. 0ts eyes *ere set in t"e cro*n of its "ead. All day, it *ould #lay and cry like ot"er %a%ies. But at dead of ni&"t it *ould c"an&e into a "orri%le demon. 0t *ould roam in t"e dark, eat t"e to*ns#eo#le one %y one, come %ack at da*n, and slee# in t"e cradle like a %a%y. 0n a fe* days, t"e to*n *as full of t"e ne*s of a son &one, a fat"er3s %loody remains in t"e alley, a dau&"ter *"o "ad disa##eared. Bo%ody kne* *"at "ad "a##ened to t"e missin& #ersons. Dne day a %rot"er of t"e demon *oke u# at ni&"t for some reason and "e sa* t"e %a%y c"an&e into a monster ri&"t %efore "is eyes. ."en, *"en it *ent out "e follo*ed it and sa* it eat a cou#le of #eo#le and return 8uietly to t"e cradle as a %a%y. Be1t day, "e talked to "is #arents and relatives in secret. -."is is no %a%y. 0t3s an o&ress. 03ve seen it eat #eo#le, *it" my o*n eyes. Let3s leave t"e "ouse and &o far a*ay,/ "e said. But t"ey didn3t %elieve *"at "e said. -Look at it,/ t"ey said, -t"at3s a "armless %a%y. Kou s"ould &et your "ead e1amined./ <e re#lied, -0f you don3t *ant to &o, 0 *ill,/ and mounted "is "orse and left to*n. 0n a fe* days, t"e demoness "ad devoured t"e to*ns#eo#le and t"en *ent after t"e family. <avin& finis"ed t"em, it *aited to snare and eat anyone *"o visited t"e to*n. ."e %rot"er mean*"ile *ent &allo#in& t"rou&" stran&e cities till "e came to one *"ere "e "eard of a contest. ."ere *as a crater outside t"e to*n and any one *"o *as a%le to lea# across it on a "orse *ould receive a re*ard and a %ride. As soon as "e "eard t"is, "e e&&ed "is "orse on and, in one jum#, cleared t"e crater. +o "e *on t"e re*ard and married into t"at to*n. <e settled do*n t"ere and #re#ared "imself for *"at "e "ad to do. 9irst, "e ca#tured a ti&er cu% and a lion cu% and reared t"em carefully. <e tau&"t t"em various tricks7 "e even tau&"t t"em to understand "uman lan&ua&e. +oon t"ey &re* into %i& #o*erful animals, and "e *as ready to &o %ack to "is "ometo*n. Before "e left, "e told "is *ife, -0 "ave to &o visit my #arents and %rot"ers. ,on3t *orry a%out me. 0f t"ese #ets of mine, t"is ti&er and t"is lion, cry and make un"a##y &ro*lin& noises, t"at means 03m in dan&er. Untie t"em at once and set t"em free./ 6"en "e rode "is "orse into "is "ometo*n, "e couldn3t %elieve "is eyes: it *as a &"ost to*n. <e couldn3t reco&ni4e it. ."e demoness sat on t"e t"res"old of t"eir old "ouse in t"e form of a *oman. +"e

called to "im s*eetly, -D Brot"er, 0 *as *aitin& for you. .ie your "orse in t"e sta%le. Come in and eat./ ."ou&" "e *as terrified and s"ook in "is %ones, "e mana&ed to say, -All ri&"t,/ and *ent into t"e kitc"en. +"e sat "im do*n and &ave "im somet"in& to eat. 6"ile "e *as eatin&, s"e *ent out, %ecame a demon, %roke "is "orse3s le& and ate it. +"e called out, -Brot"er, Brot"er, do "orses in your #art of t"e country "ave only t"ree le&sL/ <e "ad seen it all from t"e kitc"en *indo*. -Kes, yes, +ister. Dnly t"ree le&s,/ "e ans*ered, not kno*in& *"at else to say. +"e ate anot"er le& and asked, -Brot"er, Brot"er, do "orses in your country "ave only t*o le&sL/ <e ans*ered, -Kes, yes, only t*o le&s./ ."en s"e finis"ed t"e fourt" le& and asked, -Brot"er, Brot"er do "orses in your #art of t"e country "ave no le&s at allL/ <e ans*ered, -Bo, not even one./ 6"en s"e *as eatin& t"e "orse3s c"in, "e jum#ed out of t"e *indo* and started to run. By t"is time, s"e "ad eaten t"e *"ole "orse. +"e came in lookin& for "im, found "e *as &one, sa* t"e o#en *indo*, and jum#ed out to #ursue "im. <e ran u# a tree. +"e %e&an to clim% after "im, &ro*lin& at t"e %ranc"es. >ean*"ile, at "ome, "is ti&er and lion "ad %ecome restless and t"ey *ere strainin& at t"e leas". ."ey "o*led and &ro*led. <is *ife 8uickly untied t"em and let t"em &o free. ."ey came &allo#in& to *"ere t"eir master *as. ."ey attacked t"e monster as s"e *as &ettin& close to "er %rot"er and tore "er lim% from lim%. Bo* "e could &o "ome in #eace and live *it" "is *ife and #ets. ."ey are t"ere and *e are "ere.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. '15A, ."e Canni%al +ister, is a s#ecial 0ndian variant of .y#e A. '15, ."e 9ait"less +ister. 0n ot"er 0ndian variants, t"e canni%al is a fat"er$kin&, an older sister :fou&"t %y t"e youn&er;, or a sister? in?la*. 0n eac" case, t"e #syc"olo&ical nuance *ould %e different: for instance, t"e canni%al fat"er *ould e1#ress fear of an all?devourin& fat"er, %ut a canni%al sister?in?la* *ould indicate sus#icion of and rivalry *it" a female outsider *"o usur#s one3s %rot"er.

0n t"is tale, an as#ect of %rot"er$sister relations is e1#loredHt"e reverse of t"e lovin& ones, as in A. A5( or A5(A :see Bo. 5, A Brot"er, a +ister, and a +nake;, *"ere %rot"er and sister save and #rotect one anot"er. <ere t"e youn&er si%lin&, t"e ne*comer to t"e family, is seen as a #redator, a destroyer of t"e very family s"e is %orn into, and t"erefore fit only to %e destroyed. As in all suc" cases, #rojection of t"e older c"ild3s o*n murderous feelin&s is never a%sent. 9urt"ermore, t"e tale e1#lores t"e fear of t"e evil c"ild, t"e -%ad seed/ :a favorite motif of "orror movies;, or of t"e #syc"otic or &ras#in& relative *"o devours and sava&es an entire e1tended familyH*"ic" de#ends for its e1istence on t"e limits #laced on any one #erson3s use of ot"ers3 attention and resources. +uc" tales also more t"an "int at t"e fear and "atred of t"e stran&e ne* c"ild *"o su##lants t"e older c"ild in t"e affection of t"e #arents. ."e tale, of course, is told from t"e #oint of vie* of t"e trium#"ant savior, t"e older c"ild, t"e survivor.

9. (hain Tale
A man &ave u# t"e *orld and %ecame a sanyasi. All "e "ad *as a t"in loinclot" to "ide "is s"ame and to control "is se1ual desire. But every ni&"t "is slee# *as distur%ed %y a mouse *"o &na*ed at "is loinclot". +o "e ac8uired a cat and %rou&"t it u#. ."e cat needed milk. +o "e found a &enerous man *"o &ave "im a co*. After all, someone "ad to milk t"e co* and take care of it. +o "e needed a *oman. Dnce "e found t"e *oman, "e felt like marryin& "er, and did. +o "e didn3t need t"e loinclot" anymore.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. =(A5A. +ee t"e note on t"e ne1t c"ain tale, *"ic" is a full?%lo*n e1am#le.

Dur first c"ain tale is an ancient one, first recorded in t"e 2ath&sarits&gara :elevent" century;. 0t is a satire on *orld?renouncers, *"o %e&in %y tryin& to reject se1, #ro#erty, and desire in order to &et out of t"e *"eel of ordinary "uman life :samsara;. But t"ey &et cau&"t u# %y one tiny desire, *"ic" leads to anot"er, *"ic" leads to still anot"er desire, startin& an endless series. ."ey are cau&"t in t"e *"eel, and t"ey are "ouse"olders a&ain. 0t all "an&s %y a 2?strin&, a loinclot", one re#ression. Dne isn3t sure *"et"er it3s a real mouse outside or t"e mouse *it"in t"e loinclot" t"at &na*s at it. O9or anot"er #u%lis"ed version of t"is tale, see Barayan 1 C :11AJ115.P

-. Another (hain Tale: 8hat an Ant (an #o

An ant lived on a small "illock *it" its youn&, in a "ole close to a tank. Dne day, a %a%y ant *as #layin& outside *"en it sli##ed and fell #lunkQ into t"e *ater. 0t called for its mot"er, -Ayyo, Amma4 Amma45 ."e mot"er ant came out of t"e "ole and sa* its youn& one stru&&lin& in t"e *ater. +"e looked t"is *ay and t"at, cryin&, -6"o3ll save my %a%yL/ A fro& *as "o##in& a%out close %y. ."e ant *ent to "im and asked "im to "el#. -Brot"er 9ro&, Brot"er 9ro&, my %a%y "as fallen into t"e *ater. .ake "im out and save "im, #lease. 6on3t you, #leaseL/ ."e fro& *ouldn3t do anyt"in& of t"e kind. -6"at do 0 care if your %a%y falls in t"e *aterL/ "e said. -0s t"at all you can sayL 6ait till 0 &et you. Kou3ll %e sorry,/ said t"e ant, and ran till s"e found a snake in a snake "ole. ."e mot"er ant *ent to t"e mout" of t"e snake "ole and called out, -Brot"er +nake, Brot"er +nakeQ/ ."e snake #eeked out of t"e "ole and said, -6"o3s t"ereL/ -0t3s >ot"er Ant. >y %a%y is dro*nin& and t"at fro& refuses to "el# me. Gust &o and eat u# t"at fro& in one &ul#Q/ -6"at do 0 care if t"e fro& doesn3t "el# youL 03m not "un&ry just no*,/ said t"e snake slee#ily. -0s t"at *"at you sayL 6ait till 0 &et you. Kou3ll %e sorry,/ said t"e ant and ran fart"er till s"e found t"e snake c"armer3s "ut.

."e ant talked to t"e snake c"armer. -Brot"er +nake C"armer, t"ere3s a %ad snake in t"e snake "ole. <e *on3t "el# me. 2o and catc" "im, #ull out "is fan&s, and #ut "im in your %asket./ But t"e snake c"armer *as in no mood to &et u#. -6"at do 0 care if a snake doesn3t "el# youL 0 don3t need any snakes no*. 0 *on3t #ick u# even a *orm,/ "e said. -0s t"at all you can sayL/ said t"e an&ry ant. -6ait till 0 &et you. Kou3ll %e sorry./ As s"e ran, "er eye fell on a rat "ole in a *all. +"e called out to t"e rat. -Brot"er Rat, Brot"er RatQ ."at snake c"armer refuses to "el# me. 6ill you &o and &na* a "ole in "is %asket and let "is snake esca#eL/ -6"at do 0 care if t"e snake c"armer *on3t "el# youL 0 can3t do anyt"in& no*,/ said t"e rat. -0s t"at *"at you sayL 6ait till 0 &et you. Kou3ll %e sorry,/ said t"e ant and ran on till s"e sa* a cat sittin& outside a "ouse. -Brot"er Cat, Brot"er Cat, t"at rat out t"ere refuses to "el# me. 6ill you &o catc" "im, eat "im, and crunc" "is %onesL/ ."e cat *as restin& after a meal, lickin& "is *"iskers. -6"at do 0 care if a rat *on3t "el# youL 03m not "un&ry no*. ,on3t %ot"er me,/ "e said. -0s t"at *"at you sayL 6ait till 0 &et you. Kou3ll %e sorry,/ said t"e ant and ran till s"e found a do&. -Brot"er ,o&, Brot"er ,o&, t"at la4y cat refuses to "el# me. 6ill you c"ase "im out of to*nL/ -6"at do 0 care if a cat *on3t "el# youL 0 can3t do anyt"in& a%out it,/ said t"e do&. -0s t"at all you can sayL 6ait till 0 &et you. Kou3ll %e sorry,/ said t"e ant. 0n one corner of t"e veranda" of t"at "ouse stood a stick. ."e ant *ent u# to it and called softly, -Brot"er +tick, Brot"er +tickQ/ As "e soon as "e "eard t"is, t"e stick said, -6"om s"all 0 %eatL 6"om s"all 0 %eatL/ -."at do& *on3t "el# me. Beat "im,/ said t"e ant. ."e stick said, -.ake "old of me at one end and t"ro* me at t"e do&./ But "o* could a little ant lift t"e stickL +o s"e *ent to t"e little %oy Putta *"o *as readin& a little %ook and asked "im, -Brot"er Putta, Brot"er Putta, *ill you #lease take t"at stick and %eat t"at do&L/ -D, 0 can3t. 2o a*ay. 0 "ave to study,/ said Putta. ."e mot"er ant *as very an&ry %y no*. -."at %old stick *"o doesn3t even "ave "ands and le&s is *illin& to "el#. But all of you fello*s *"o "ave "ands and le&s are un*illin& to "el# me. Kou too, Putta, don3t *ant to "el#. 0s t"is *"at t"e *orld is comin& toL 6ait till 0 &et you. Kou3ll %e sorry,/ s"e said and clim%ed on to "is t"i&" and stun& "im "ard. Putta cried, - Ayyo, let me &o, let me &o. 03ll "el# youQ/ -."en #ick u# t"at stick and t"ro* it at t"e do&Q/ Putta &ot u# and t"re* t"e stick at t"e do&. ."e do& *"ined in fear and &roveled. -,on3t "it meQ 6"at do you *ant me to doL/ ."e ant &ave orders: -C"ase t"at catQ/ ."e do& %arked and ran after t"e cat. ."e scared cat me*ed and me*ed, ->eo*, >eo*, *"at do you *ant me to doL/

."e ant said, -2o &et t"e ratQ/ As t"e cat *ent after "im, t"e rat s8uealed, - 6hie7, 6hie7, *"at do you *ant me to doL/ -2o make a "ole in t"e snake c"armer3s %asket./ ."e snake c"armer *as fast aslee#. ."e rat &na*ed a "ole in t"e %asket *it" "is teet". ."e snake inside came cra*lin& out, "a##y t"at "e *as suddenly free. ."e ant stood in "is *ay. -Brot"er +nake, 03m t"e one *"o freed you from t"at %asket. Kou3ll "ave to "el# me, or else 03ll stin& t"e snake c"armer and *ake "im u#. <e3ll catc" you and #ut you in t"e %asket a&ain./ -6"at do you *ant me to doL/ asked t"e snake. -0 *ant you to &o%%le u# a fro& near t"at tank. 03ll s"o* you./ ."e "un&ry snake ea&erly moved to*ards t"e fro&. ."e fro& sa* t"e snake comin& and cried, -6"at s"all 0 do, *"at s"all 0 doL/ ."e ant *as ready *it" "er orders: -Gum# into t"e *ater and %rin& my %a%y safely to t"e s"ore./ ."e fro& dived &lunkQ into t"e *ater, asked t"e %a%y ant to clim% on "is %ack, and %rou&"t it %ack to its mot"er, *"o *as very "a##y no*. +"e sent t"e fro& and t"e snake t"eir se#arate *ays, and took "er youn& %a%y safely to t"e "ole. ."ere *as a snake in t"e snake "ole, *asn3t t"ereL A snake *"o *ouldn3t "el# t"e antL ."e ant "adn3t for&otten "im. +"e "ad a #lot *orked out to #unis" "im. ."e snake c"armer *as 8uite un"a##y *"en "e *oke u# from "is na# to find t"at t"ere *as a "ole in "is %asket and "is snake "ad esca#ed t"rou&" it. ."e ant *ent to "im and said, -0 kno* you3re *orryin& a%out "o* to &et a ne* snake. 03ll s"o* you one near%y. 0t3s slee#in& in a snake "ole. Brin& your &ourd flute :!ungi; and you can catc" it./ ."e snake c"armer *ent *it" t"e ant to t"e "ole and #layed "is !ungi flute. ."e snake *as c"armed %y t"e music, for&ot "imself, and came out s*ayin& "is "ood. ."e snake c"armer ca#tured "im, #ulled out "is fan&s, and s"ut "im u# in a stron& ne* %asket. And "e *as very &rateful to t"e mot"er ant. A mere ant did all t"ese t"in&s.

C"ain tales, cumulative tales, and formula tales are closely related &enres. ."eir audience tends to %e small c"ildren under five, *"o love t"e &ames of re#etition and t"e lin&uistic #lay c"aracteristic of t"eir sta&e of develo#ment. Cumulative tales :like -."e <ouse ."at Gack Built/ in @n&lis"; are desi&ned like a &ame. As ."om#son :1 A), #. ='(; says, -since t"e accumulatin& re#etitions must %e recited e1actly, Vmany of t"ese tales maintain t"eir form unc"an&ed over lon& #eriods Vand in very diverse environments.VA sim#le #"rase or clause is re#eated over and over a&ain, al*ays *it" ne* additions, *orkin& u# to a lon& final routine containin& t"e entire se8uence./ ."is final sentence is in t"e nature of a formula, often in verseHso suc" tales are often called -formula tales./ C"ain tales are cumulative tales *it" a stricter narrative lo&ic: every additional e#isode is de#endent on t"e #revious one. >any of t"em are centered on animal actors, usually small animalsHants, #arrots, monkeysHand t"eir in&enuity or folly. .old as t"ey are to small c"ildren, stories a%out t"e cleverness of a "el#less little t"in& like an ant and its final victory over lar&er arro&ant animals are a##ealin&. +uc" tales are usually structured to*ards a %ilateral symmetry: t"e first #art is a series of rejections, in t"is tale %y fro&, snake, snake c"armer, rat, cat, do&, stick, and %oy. Dnce t"e ant stin&s t"e %oy and "e

a&rees to do t"e ant3s %iddin&, t"e series unfolds in reverse order until t"e ant3s ori&inal desire :to save its youn& %a%y; is accom#lis"ed. 0f t"e first #art is AW BW CW , Vt"e second is V,W CW BW A. OBK.., %ut cf. A. =('A@, ."e Bird +eeks a >ason to 9ree 0ts Koun& :0D;.P

,;. The (le/er #aughter<in<law

A mot"er?in?la* *as a terri%le tyrant. +"e &ave "er dau&"ter?in?la* no freedom. +"e sa* to it t"at t"e youn& *oman did all t"e "ouse*ork, cleaned t"e co* s"ed, and carried *ater from t"e *ell. By t"is time it *ould already %e evenin&. >ot"er and son *ould t"en eat %y t"emselves, and &ive t"e dau&"ter? in?la* leftovers and stale rice. 0f t"e youn& *oman so muc" as %reat"ed a com#laint, t"e mot"er?in?la* *ould #ick u# t"e %roomstick and rain %lo*s on "er "ead. 0f s"e *e#t, t"e old *oman *ould let loose a %arra&e of a%use: -Kou slut, you "ussy, you *ant to *as" a*ay our "ouse in your tears and %rin& %ad luck, you dau&"ter of a *"ore,/ and so on. ."e son *as meek and ke#t "is mout" s"ut. 0n t"eir %ackyard, a snake &ourd #lant &re* and t"rived7 lon& &ourds s*un& from it. @veryone3s mout" *atered *"en t"ey sa* t"e &ourds. 0n season, t"e mot"er?in?la* *ould make a %i& #otful of delicious snake &ourd talada. +"e and "er son *ould eat most of it and &ive t"e dau&"ter?in?la* some leavin&s. Dnce, after several days of t"is semistarvation, t"e youn& *oman *as sei4ed *it" a cravin& to eat a full meal of t"e delicious snake &ourd talada. Dne day, t"e dau&"ter?in?la* came "ome *it" "er &ar%a&e %asket and called "er mot"er?in?la* in a "urry. -6"y are you "o*lin& like a vi1enL 6"at3s t"e matter *it" youL/ s"rieked t"e mot"er?in?la*. -0 ran into Bi& Auntie3s "us%and. <e says Auntie isn3t *ell and *ants to see you. +"e is seriously ill and "oldin& on to "er life only to see you, "e said. <e *anted me to tell you t"at./ - Ayyo, my sister is dyin&. D +ister, *"at "a##ened to youL/ cried t"e mot"er?in?la*, %eatin& "er %reast. -Come in no*, 03m sautXein& t"e talada. Kou take care of it. 03ll &o and see my sister,/ s"e said, and left t"e "ouse. ."e dau&"ter?in?la* *as 8uite e1cited. +"e made some more talada. +"e cooked all sorts of ot"er dis"es and served "er "us%and a %i& meal. ."en s"e #oured all t"e talada into a %i& vessel, carried it on "er *aist, and *ent out as if s"e *ere &oin& to &et *ater for t"e "ouse. +"e *ent strai&"t to 2oddess Kali3s tem#le, entered it, and closed t"e door %e"ind "er. ."ere *as no one t"ere. +"e sat t"ere and ate an entire #otful of talada. ."e 2oddess, *"o *as lookin& at all t"is, *as astonis"ed %y t"e s#eed of "er eatin& and t"e 8uantity s"e consumed. 0n "er ama4ement, s"e #ut "er ri&"t "and on "er mout". ."e dau&"ter?in?la* didn3t notice any of t"is %ut continued to eat to "er "eart3s content. 6"en s"e *as done, s"e %elc"ed a %i& %elc" of utter satisfaction, #icked u# t"e em#ty vessel, and *ent to t"e #ond to *as" it. 6"en s"e came "ome *it" a #ot of *ater, t"e main door of "er "ouse *as closed. <er mot"er?in?la* "ad returned. +"e ta##ed on t"e door, *"ic" *as soon o#ened %y "er an&ry mot"er?in?la*. +#arks *ere flyin& from "er eyes. +"e "ad a stick in "er "and, and %lo*s fell on t"e youn& *oman3s %ack and *aist till s"e fell to t"e &round cryin& #itifully. -Kou dau&"ter of a *"ore, "o* lon& "ave you *aited to c"eat me like t"isL Kou3ve &o%%led u# a #ot full of talada like a %uffalo, you dirty slutQ/ screamed t"e *oman and rained some more %lo*s. 6"en t"e "us%and came "ome, "e too joined in t"e #unis"ment. >ean*"ile, t"e *"ole to*n *as %u44in& *it" t"e ne*s t"at t"e Kali ima&e in t"e tem#le no* "ad its "and on its mout". Peo#le from ot"er to*ns also came to see t"is miracle, and everyone "ad t"eir o*n inter#retation. @veryone *as scared t"at t"is *as a %ad si&n. +omet"in& terri%le *as &oin& to "a##en to t"e villa&e, t"ey t"ou&"t, and s"uddered. 6ors"i# and rituals *ere #erformed all over t"e villa&e.

-+omeone "as #olluted t"e 2oddess. ."at3s *"y s"e "as s"ut "er mout" *it" "er "and. +"e is an&ry. ."ere *on3t %e any rain. Bo c"ildren *ill %e %orn in t"is villa&e anymore,/ t"ey said and *ere terror? stricken. ."ey arran&ed festivals and sacrificed &oats. But not"in& seemed to #lease t"e 2oddess. +o t"e villa&e elders sent t"e to*n crier t"rou&" t"e area to announce a %i& re*ard to anyone *"o *ould make t"e 2oddess remove "er "and from "er mout". Bo one came for*ard. ."e dau&"ter?in?la* *atc"ed all t"is and came to "er mot"er?in?la* one day and said, ->ot"er?in?la*, tell t"e elders *e3ll &et t"e 2oddess to remove "er "and from "er mout". 0 kno* "o* to do it./ ."e mot"er?in?la* *as furious at first. -Look at your mu&Q +"e *ants me to lose face in t"e villa&e. +"e *ants to act %i& as if s"e is a "oly *oman. 6"at no one could do, s"e says s"e3ll do. 9at c"anceQ/ s"e sneered. But t"e dau&"ter?in?la* #ersisted and finally convinced "er t"at s"e kne* somet"in& no one else kne*. Dn t"e a##ointed day, s"e took *it" "er t"e %roomstick and t"e &ar%a&e %asket full of ru%%is" and *ent to t"e tem#le. +"e s"ut everyone out and closed t"e door %e"ind "er. +"e #ut do*n t"e %asket in front of t"e Black 2oddess and, %randis"in& "er %roomstick, c"allen&ed Kali: -Kou jealous femaleQ 6"at3s it to you if 0 ate my snake &ourd talada3 6"y do your eyes %urnL 0f you3d only asked me, 03d "ave &iven you some. >ay your face %urn, may your c"eeks s*ell and e1#lode, may your eyes sink and &o %lindQ 6ill you take your "and off your mout" no* or s"all 0 %eat you *it" my tamarind %roomstickQ Bo*Q/ ."ere *as no ans*er. ."e dau&"ter?in?la* *as no* furious and looked like Kali t"e Black 2oddess "erself. +"e *ent u# to t"e ima&e and &ave Kali3s face several *"acks *it" "er %roomstick. Kali *"im#ered and cried, - Ayyo4 / +"e removed "er "and from "er mout" and t"e ima&e no* looked as it "ad al*ays looked. -."at3s %etterQ/ muttered t"e dau&"ter?in?la*, #icked u# "er %asket and %room, and came "ome *it" t"e ne*s t"at s"e "ad mana&ed to &et Kali to remove "er "and from "er mout". ."e *"ole villa&e *as a&o& *it" t"e ne*s. @veryone ran to t"e tem#le to see for t"emselves and t"ey couldn3t %elieve t"eir o*n eyes. ."ey #raised t"e dau&"ter?in?la* as t"e &reatest of c"aste *ives :!ati7rata; *"ose virtue "ad &iven "er miraculous #o*ers. ."ey &ave "er a %i& re*ard and many &ifts. Bo* t"e mot"er?in?la* *as terrified %y t"is incident. +"e felt t"at "er dau&"ter?in?la* "ad stran&e #o*ers and *ould take reven&e a&ainst "er for all t"e terri%le t"in&s s"e "ad done all t"ese years. ."e youn& *oman kne* some kind of ma&ic, and *"o kno*s *"at s"e *ill doL Dn a dark Be* >oon day, in t"e dead of ni&"t, mot"er and son *"is#ered to eac" ot"er. +"e said to "im, -+on, t"is one fri&"tened even Kali t"e >ot"er 2oddess and made "er take "er "and off "er mout". +"e *on3t let us &o un"armed. 6e "ave %eaten "er, starved "er, &iven "er every kind of trou%le. +"e3ll take reven&e. +"e3ll finis" us off. 6"at s"all *e doL/ -0 can3t t"ink of anyt"in&. Kou tell me,/ said t"e co*ardly son. +"e said, -+"e3s no* aslee#. 6e3ll &at"er "er u# in "er mat, take "er to t"e fields, and %urn "er in t"e #it t"ere. 03ll &et you a %eautiful ne* %ride./ -All ri&"t, let3s do it ri&"t no*,/ said "e, and t"ey %ot" &a&&ed "er 8uickly and rolled "er in "er %edclot"es and mat. +"e kne* t"at t"ey *ere &oin& to do somet"in& a*ful to "er %ut s"e mustered coura&e and lay still. ."ey carried "er to t"e #it in t"e field outside t"e villa&e and "id "er %e"ind t"e %us" *"ile t"ey *ent lookin& for t*i&s and fire*ood. As soon as t"ey left, s"e rolled around and loosened t"e mat around "er. +"e slid out of it, #ulled at t"e strin& around "er "ands and tore it, took t"e &a& from "er mout", and found a lo& near%y, *"ic" s"e *ra##ed in "er %edclot"es and mat. ."en s"e *alked a little distance, clim%ed a %anyan tree, and "id "erself in its %ranc"es. >ot"er and son came "urryin& %ack, s#read t*i&s and %ranc"es all around t"e %undle in t"e mat, #ut lo&s over it, and li&"ted it. ."ey covered it *it" dry stra*. 0t %urned *it" lea#in& flames as t"ey

*atc"ed it %urn and %urn. 6"en t"e knots in t"e fuel crackled and %urst, t"ey said, -."e %ones, t"e %ones are s#littin&./ 6"en t"e lo& inside cau&"t fire, its knot cracked in t"e flames and *ent off like a &uns"ot. ."ey *ere satisfied t"at t"e skull "ad no* e1#loded as it does in a cremation. 0t *as da*n and t"ey *ent "ome. ."e dau&"ter?in?la* crouc"ed in t"e %ranc"es. ."at ni&"t, four ro%%ers came t"ere to sit under t"e tree, to divide u# t"e loot amon& t"emselves. ."ey "ad just %roken into a ric" man3s mansion and #lundered je*elry, &old, and cas". As t"ey sat do*n, t"ey sa* a fire %urnin& at some distance. +o one of t"em clim%ed t"e tree to see if anyone *as near t"e fire. <e came ri&"t u# to t"e %ranc" *"ere t"e dau&"ter? in?la* *as #erc"ed. 6"en "e sa* someone sittin& t"ere, "e said softly, -6"o3s t"ereL/ +"e %oldly #ut out "er "and, &ently s"ut "is mout", and *"is#ered, -+s", not so loud. 03m a celestial. 03m lookin& for a &ood "andsome man. 03ll marry you and make you ric" %eyond your dreams. Gust %e 8uietQ/ ."e ro%%er couldn3t %elieve *"at *as "a##enin& to "im. <e t"ou&"t "e "ad reac"ed "eaven and seen t"e 2reat 6"ite @le#"ant descend from t"e sky. <e "eld "er "and and said, -Are you for realL/ +"e said, -<mm./ ."en s"e slo*ly #ulled out "er little satc"el of %etel leaf and %etel nut, &ave "im some, and #ut some into "er o*n mout". <e came closer to kiss "er. +"e turned a*ay, sayin&, -Look, *e3re not married yet. But you can #ut your %etel leaf into my mout" *it" your ton&ue. 6"en 03ve eaten from your mout", 03ll %e as &ood as your *edded *ife. All ri&"tL/ <e *as %eside "imself *it" joy. <e #ut out "is ton&ue *it" t"e c"e*ed %etel leaf on it and %rou&"t it close to "er mout". +"e at once closed "er teet" on "is ton&ue #o*erfully and %it it off. +creamin& *it" un%eara%le #ain, "e lost "is &ri# and fell do*n. ."e ro%%ers %elo* ran "elter?skelter in #anic. ."e man *"o "ad fallen "ad lost "is ton&ue and could only %a%%le and %la%%er and s#it %lood, makin& noises like - $a da dadadadaV/ as "e too ran after "is com#anions. <is noises scared t"em even more and t"ey fled faster, *it" "im s8uealin& %e"ind t"em. 6"en da*n came, t"e dau&"ter?in?la* cautiously clim%ed do*n t"e tree and sa* to "er ama4ement lots of &old, je*elry, and moneyQ +"e 8uickly %undled t"em all u# and *ent strai&"t "ome. 6"en s"e ta##ed on t"e door, callin& out, ->ot"er?in?la*, >ot"er?in?la*, #lease o#en t"e doorQ/ t"e mot"er?in? la* o#ened t"e door "esitantly, "er face %lanc"ed *it" fear. ."ere, in front of "er, *as "er smilin& dau&"ter?in?la*. ."e mot"er?in?la* fainted at t"e si&"t. ."e dau&"ter?in?la* carried "er into t"e "all, s#rinkled cool *ater on "er face, and revived "er. <er son just stood t"ere, not kno*in& *"at to t"ink. 6"en s"e came to and o#ened "er eyes, t"e mot"er?in?la* asked "er, -<o* did youVL <o* is it you are VL/ ."e dau&"ter?in?la* %riskly re#lied, -After you cremated me, messen&ers from Kama, t"e &od of deat", took me to <im. <is eyes *ere s"ootin& flames like our Kali, our villa&e &oddess. As soon as <e sa* me, <e said, R+end t"is one %ack. <er mot"er?in?la* is a sinner. Brin& her "ere and #ut t"e 0ron Cro* to *ork on "er, to tear "er to #ieces *it" its %eak. ,i# "er in cauldrons of %oilin& oil.S <e ranted on like t"at a%out you. 0 fell at <is feet and %e&&ed <im, R,on3t do t"is to my mot"er?in?la*. +"e is really a very fine *oman. 2ive me *"atever #unis"ment you *is". Please s#are my mot"er?in?la*.S <e *as #leased, even smiled and said, RKou can &o no*. 6e3ll do as you say. But if your mot"er?in?la* ever &ives you any trou%le, *e3ll dra& "er "ere. >y messen&ers *ill al*ays %e *atc"in&.3 ."en <e &ave me all t"is &old and je*elry and money and sent me "ome. Peo#le say %ad t"in&s a%out t"e &od of deat". But <e *as so &ood to me./ ."e mot"er?in?la* em%raced "er dau&"ter?in?la* *it" fear and trem%lin& in "er "eart. - Ayyo, you3re really t"e an&el of t"is "ouse. Kou3ve saved me from t"e ja*s of deat"3s messen&ers. 9rom no* on, 03ll do as you say. Gust for&ive everyt"in& 03ve done to you. 6ill you, my darlin& dau&"ter?in?la*L/ s"e said, touc"in& t"e dau&"ter?in?la*3s c"in tenderly.

."e dau&"ter?in?la* *as no* t"e %oss in t"e "ouse. <er mot"er?in?la* and "er "us%and follo*ed "er *is"es and everyone *as "a##y.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. 15'5 0nd., >ot"ers?in?la* and ,au&"tersin?la*. >any of t"e incidents of .y#e 15'5, ."e Ric" and ."e Poor Peasant, are trans#osed to mot"er?in?la* and dau&"ter?in?la* stories in sout" 0ndia. ."e clever dau&"ter?in?la* is #ersecuted7 often t"e mot"er?in?la* even tries to murder "er :+ 51.1;, %ut t"e youn& *oman survives all and finally trium#"s. 0n some tales, t"e dau&"ter?in?la* tricks t"e mot"er?in?la* into takin& "er #lace in t"e sack t"at *ill %e t"ro*n into t"e river :>otif K CA=; or, as in t"is tale, comes %ack from t"e forest *it" t"e ro%%ers3 loot :A. 1)5'; and terrifies t"e mot"er?in?la* into su%mission.

0n t"e #resent tale, t*o ot"er inde#endent tales are *oven in: A. 5)B, ."e Clever >aiden at <ome Alone Kills t"e Ro%%er:s;, *"ere s"e %ites off "is ton&ue, and a tale a%out a clever *oman *"o su%dues t"e &od:dess;. 0n t"e latter comic tale, told all over sout" 0ndia, t"e #ersecuted dau&"ter?in?la* takes a favorite dis" to t"e >onkey 2od3s :or 2oddess3s; tem#le, *"ic" is usually outside t"e villa&e and often deserted, eats it all *it" relis" *"ile t"e &od:dess; looks on lon&in&ly and #uts "is "and on "is mout" or nose as a &esture of astonis"ment. ."e c"an&e in #osture of t"e &od3s stone ima&e causes a commotion, and t"e dau&"ter?in?la* undertakes :for a re*ard; to set it ri&"t. +"e eit"er t"reatens to %eat t"e &od :or &oddess; *it" a %roomstick or, *orse still, t"reatens to fart in "is face. As s"e #roceeds to make &ood "er t"reat, t"e &od sets "imself ri&"t. +uc" mot"er?in?la*$dau&"ter?in?la* tales seem to %e endemic to 0ndia, t"ou&" t"ey use motifs and e#isodes from *ell?kno*n ty#es *it" a ne* t*ist. ."ese tales come in t*o forms de#ictin& different #o*er relations: 1; *"ere t"e mot"er?in?la* is #o*erful and cruel, and =; *"ere t"e dau&"ter?in?la* is cruel :>otif + 5A; and tortures t"e older *oman, as in -Bin&a on >y Palm/ OBo. AA in t"is volumeP. .o my kno*led&e, in no mot"er?in?la* tale do *e find a fat"er?in?la* alive or a stron& son. :+ee *"at "a##ens in t"e rare instance *"en a stron& son is #resent, as in -Bin&a on >y Palm/;. ."e tales #resu##ose a rivalry %et*een t"e *omen for t"e favor of a sin&le male fi&ure on *"om t"ey are de#endent. .raditionally, all *omen *ere su##osed to %e de#endent on one male or anot"er. >anu, t"e ancient la*&iver, decrees in a notorious sentence: -A *oman is not 8ualified for inde#endence. 0n c"ild"ood, s"e s"ould %e de#endent on a fat"er, in marria&e on a "us%and, in old a&e on a son./ 6"ere only one male :t"e son; is #resent in t"e "ouse"old, t"e scene is set for rivalry %et*een mot"er and *ife. Atte, t"e Kannada *ord for mot"er?in?la*, also means -fat"er3s sister, aunt,/ indicatin& t"at t"e t*o are often t"e same in ,ravidian kins"i# systems: a *oman can marry "er atte3s, fat"er3s sister3s, son. +uc" a situation makes for &reater continuity and intimacy %et*een t"e mot"er3s "ouse of one3s c"ild"ood and t"e mot"er?in?la*3s. 0n nort" 0ndian "ouse"olds :*it" 0ndo?Aryan kins"i# systems;, *"ere suc" marria&e alliances are not #referred, t"e discontinuity is &reat and dau&"ters?in?la* are initally aliens. Ket, in %ot" t"e nort" and t"e sout", family #olitics, *omen3s de#endency, and t"e &at"erin& of #o*er in t"e "ands of a&in& mot"ers, es#ecially mot"ers *it" sons, make t"e mot"er?in?la*$dau&"ter?in?la* situation one of rivalry, %itterness, and violence. ."e ne*s in contem#orary 0ndian ne*s#a#ers re&ardin& %ride %urnin&s and t"e #ersecution of dau&"ters?in?la*, as *ell as t"e t"ousands of nostal&ic folk son&s sun& %y *omen a%out t"eir mot"er3s "ouses :ta7arumane;, are *itness to t"is #attern. >any of t"e @uro#ean tales a%out cruel ste#mot"ers tend to a##ear in 0ndia as mot"er?in?la* tales.

."ere are no ste#fat"er tales in <indu 0ndia, as *ido*s are traditionally for%idden to marry a&ain. ."e deficiency of our #resent tale ty#e indices is clearly seen in t"e a%sence of all references to mot"er? in?la* tales, a *ides#read 0ndian &enre. >any of t"e tales need to %e reclassified in 0ndian terms. O>otif + 51.1, Cruel mot"er?in?la* #lans deat" of dau&"ter?in?la* :0D; N A. 1)5', ."e Ro%%ers under t"e .ree. +ee AKR3s notes on t"is tale in Ramanujan 1 1a:'=C.P

,,. A (ouple of 1isers

A miserly man married a miserly *oman and t"ey "ad a little son. ."ey *ere suc" misers t"at t"ey *ouldn3t eat a %etel nut7 t"ey *ould carefully suck on one and *i#e it and #ut it a*ay. ."ey ate meals only %ecause t"ey needed to eat to kee# alive. +till t"ey com#lained and asked 2od *"y "e "ad to make a stomac" t"at t"ey "ad to fill every day so many times. ."ey "ad a secret &rain #it in t"e &ods3 room, and t"eir life3s am%ition *as to fill it *it" money %y t"e time t"eir little son &re* u#. ."e *ife %itc"ed a%out t"e si4e of t"e cucum%ers in t"eir %ackyard: if only t"ey could "ave %een t*ice t"e si4e, t"e family could "ave dined on t"em for t*o more days. 6"en "er "us%and asked "er to *ear t"e one or t*o #ieces of je*elry s"e "ad received at "er *eddin&, s"e *ould say, -Are you cra4yL 0f 0 *ear t"em, 03ll *ear t"em out. 6"o3s t"e loser t"enL Kou and meQ/ ."e "us%and *ould %eam at "is *ife3s *isdom. 9or years, no &uest "ad ever entered t"eir "ouse for a drink of *ater or a morsel of food. Dne rainy season, t"e cou#le "ad s"ut all t"e doors *"en suddenly t"ey "eard someone %an&in& on t"eir door. ."e "us%and o#ened it and in came a "oly man, &rum%lin&, -6"at a terri%le rain, *"at a terri%le rainQ/ As soon as "e came in, "e s"ut t"e door %e"ind "im and #raised t"em. -Kou are suc" &ood #eo#le. 03d "ave cau&"t cold in t"at rain and died. Kou took me in and saved my life./ As "e "ad come in like a *et do&, "e *et t"e *"ole "ouse *it" "is dri##in&s. ."e *ife said, -."at3s all very *ell. Kou3ve dri##ed *ater all over t"e "ouse./ ."e "us%and c"imed in, -6"at s"all *e do if t"e "ouse &ets too dam# and t"e *alls crum%leL/ ."e "oly man *as not *orried. <e said, -Bo suc" t"in& *ill "a##en. After all, a "oly man like me is in t"is "ouse. 6"y don3t you %rin& some co* dun& and *i#e t"e floor *it" all t"is *ater and make it clean and niceL/ ."e "us%and couldn3t %ear t"is man3s intrusion. -6e don3t yet kno* *"y Kour <oliness is "ere,/ "e said, 8uite %luntly. ."e man said, -6"at does a "oly man do in "is devotees3 "ouseL 0t3s very "ard t"ese days to find real devotees like yourselves. Kou3re t*o in a t"ousand. Because of t"e likes of you, "oly men survive in t"is *orld. 6ell, any*ay it3s time for dinner. Kou could &ive me some dinner. ."en, you can s#read a mat. 03ll lie on it and %e &one in t"e mornin&. Any*ay, &ood &enerous #eo#le like you are very rare. 03d rat"er &et a &lim#se of your s*eet faces t"an &o on a #il&rima&e to Kas"i./ <e didn3t seem to *ait for any yes or no from t"em. ."e cou#le stood t"ere *it" t"eir mout"s o#en. <e didn3t notice t"em at all. <e took off most of "is *et clot"es, *run& t"em out t"en and t"ere, and "un& t"em u# to dry on t"e #e&. <e even took t"e dry s"irt and d"oti of t"e "ost from t"e clot"esline, #ut t"em on, and sat on a c"air *it"out a *ord of a#olo&y. <e asked t"e %e*ildered "ost to sit do*n on t"e ot"er c"air, and asked t"e *oman, -6ill you finis" cookin& soonL/ ."e "us%and sat do*n *"ere "e stood, "is mout" still o#en. <is *ife *ent in to cook.

+"e "ad some leftover rice from t"e afternoon. +"e felt t"at *ouldn3t %e enou&" and made some more. +"e meant to serve t"e leftovers to t"e &uest and t"e fres" "ot rice to "er "us%and. But s"e *as too flustered to do so, and actually served "er "us%and t"e leftovers and t"e &uest t"e fres" rice. ."e "oly man relis"ed everyt"in& "e ate and asked for more c"utney and more &"ee and more everyt"in&. +"e couldn3t "el# servin& "im *"atever "e asked for, to t"e &reat astonis"ment of "er "us%and, *"o kne* "er very *ell. ."e &uest talked ceaselessly t"rou&" t"e meal and even after*ards as "e rela1ed in "is c"air and #raised "er cookin& fulsomely. -6"at a *onderful cook you areQ 0t *as like am%rosia. ."e s#ices, t"e #ro#ortionsQ Dt"ers may %rin& t"e *"ole s#ice %a4aar to t"e kitc"en %ut can3t cook one &ood curry./ ."e *ife ate t"e small scra#s of food left over from t"is "earty meal, and came out of t"e kitc"en, some*"at e1"austed. ."e "oly man addressed t"em %ot" *it" &reat satisfaction. -Look, as 0 said, *e don3t &et devotees like you every day. 03m very #leased *it" your "os#itality. 03ll &ive you t"ree *is"es. Ask *"at you *ant./ Bo* t"e faces of t"e miser and "is *ife %lossomed. ."e man came and fell at t"e &uest3s feet and said, -+ir, #lease, may *"atever 0 touc" turn into a "ea# of silver ru#ees./ ."e "oly man asked "im first to let &o of "is le&s, and *"en "e "ad done so, said, -,one./ ."e "us%and #ut "is "ands out and touc"ed a cou#le of t"in&s around "im, and t"ey fell do*n in a clan&in& "ea# of ru#ees. <is joy kne* no %ounds. <e jum#ed u# and do*n, touc"in& everyt"in& "e could see, turnin& t"in&s into "ea#s of ru#ees. ."e *ife no* fell at t"e "oly man3s feet, and t"inkin& of t"e cucum%ers in "er %ackyard, said, - Swami, may *"atever 0 touc" &ro* as lon& as a yard./ ."e "oly man 8uickly said, -Let &o of t"e le&s first,/ released "imself, and t"en said, -+o %e it./ 6"atever s"e touc"ed &re* at once as lon& as a yard. +"e *ent into t"e kitc"en and touc"ed t"e "ot c"ilies. ."ey %ecame a yard lon&. +"e touc"ed t"e cucum%ers. ."ey too &re* a yard lon&. +"e touc"ed *"atever s"e fancied and made t"em all lon&. Ri&"t at t"at moment, "er little son *as *akened %y all t"is noise and %e&an to cry. ."e mot"er ran in "a##ily and touc"ed "is nose, sayin&, ->y raja"Q/ And "is nose at once &re* lon&, a yard lon&. +"e screamed, "orrified %y "er son3s %i4arre looks. 6"en t"e "us%and ran in, t"e c"ild *as "o*lin&, una%le to %ear t"e *ei&"t of "is nose on "is face. -D my #oor son,/ said t"e man and #icked u# t"e c"ild, *"o at once crum%led into a "ea# of ru#ees. ."en t"e "us%and and *ife reali4ed t"eir %lunder. ."ey ran *ee#in& to t"e "oly man, *"o carefully ke#t "is distance, and t"ey %e&&ed of "im, -Please, &ive us t"e t"ird *is" at once./ -.ell me *"at you *ant./ -6e *ant everyt"in& to %e as it *as. Please see to it t"at our first t*o *is"es are cancelled./ ."e "oly man said, -+o %e it./ ."e c"ild %e&an to #lay in t"e cradle as %efore. ."e c"ilies and cucum%ers s"rank %ack to t"eir normal si4e. ."e "ea#s of ru#ees vanis"ed, and t"in&s returned to t"eir ori&inal s"a#es. 6"en t"e man and t"e *oman turned around, t"e "oly man *as no*"ere to %e seen. ."ey said, -Look, t"at *as 2od "imself, come do*n to teac" us a lesson./ 9rom t"at day on, t"ey &ave u# t"eir miserly *ays and lived "a##ily.

Types and 1otifs

A. !5(A, ."e 6is"es. .old from 9inland to 0ndonesia, t"is #o#ular tale e1em#lifies t"e sayin& -6"en 2od *is"es to #unis", "e ans*ers one3s #rayers./ 0n @uro#e, t"e &od?fi&ure is re#resented %y C"rist and$or Peter.

."e limited num%er of *is"es is crucial to t"e #oint of t"e storyHt*o to make mistakes *it", a t"ird *is" to undo t"em. ."e t"ird *is" returns t"e &reedy c"aracters to *"ere t"ey *ere at t"e outset, c"astened %y t"e terrifyin& e1#erience of t"eir *is"es comin& true. ."is kind of tale is anot"er *arnin& a&ainst &reed, and a&ainst tryin& to c"an&e your station or t"e status 8uo. ."e %est?kno*n @uro#ean variant is, of course, >idas and t"e 2olden .ouc". OCf. A. !!5, >idas3 +"ort?si&"ted 6is"P

,2. The #ead *rince and the Tal"ing #oll

."e kin& "ad a dau&"ter. Dne dau&"ter, %ut no sons. Bo* and t"en a %e&&ar *ould come to t"e #alace. <e *as stran&e, for every time "e %e&&ed, "e *ould say, -Kou3ll &et a dead man for a "us%and. 2ive me some alms./ ."e &irl used to *onder: -6"y does "e say suc" *eird t"in&s to meL/ And s"e *ould silently &ive "im alms and &o in. ."e "oly man :"a7a;, t"is %e&&ar man, came to t"e door every day for t*elve years. And "e said every day, -Kou3ll &et a dead man for a "us%and./ Dne day t"e kin& *as standin& on t"e %alcony and "eard "im say, -Kou3ll &et a dead man for a "us%and, &ive me some alms./ ."e kin& came do*n and asked "is dau&"ter, -6"at3s t"is talk, dau&"terL/ +"e re#lied, -."is "a7a comes every day and says, RKou3ll &et a dead man for a "us%and. 2ive me some alms.S ."en 0 &ive "im somet"in&. <e "as %een sayin& it for t*elve years, ever since 0 *as a little &irl./ ."e kin& *as distur%ed *"en "e "eard t"is. <e *as afraid t"e #ro#"ecy *ould come true. <e didn3t *is" "is only dau&"ter to "ave a dead man for a "us%and. <e said, un"a##ily, -0t3s no &ood stayin& in t"is kin&dom. Let3s leave and s#end our time in travels./ And "e &ot "is servants to #ack everyt"in&, and left t"e #lace *it" "is entire family. Around t"at time, t"e #rince of t"e nei&"%orin& kin&dom fell mysteriously ill and died. But "is %ody looked as if "e "ad only fallen aslee#. Astrolo&ers said "e *ould return to life after t*elve years. +o, t"ey didn3t %ury "im7 instead of %uryin& "im, "is fat"er t"e kin& %uilt a %un&alo* outside t"e to*n, laid "is son3s %ody in it, mortared and *"ite*as"ed t"e "ouse on all sides, and left t"e %ody t"ere, fully clot"ed and adorned. ."e fat"er locked t"e main door and left a *ritten messa&e on it. ."e messa&e said, -Dne day a c"aste *oman *"o "as made offerin&s to t"e &ods for "er "us%and *ill come "ere. Dnly s"e can enter t"e #lace. 6"en s"e touc"es t"e door, it *ill o#en. 0t *ill o#en to no one else./ 0t *as soon after t"is sad event t"at t"e first kin& arrived t"ere *it" "is *ife and dau&"ter and "is entoura&e. ."ey *ere all "un&ry and %e&an to cook a meal for t"emselves. ."e kin&3s dau&"ter *ent for a *alk and sa* t"e locked door. ."e lock *as of e18uisite desi&n and &leamed from a distance. +"e *ent near and "eld it in "er "and. As soon as s"e touc"ed it, it s#ran& o#en, and t"e door o#ened. +"e *ent in. ."e door closed and locked itself %e"ind "er. A"ead of "er *ere t*elve doors, one %e"ind anot"er7 t"ey all o#ened at "er touc", and eac" closed %e"ind "er as s"e *ent t"rou&" t"em. Ri&"t in t"e "eart of t"e "ouse s"e found a dead man on a cot. <e looked as if "e *as fast aslee#. Before s"e could *onder a%out *"at *as "a##enin& to "er, "o* doors o#ened %efore "er and s"ut

%e"ind "er, s"e *as in t"e #resence of t"e dead man. <is family "ad left #rovisions for t*elve years in t"e "ouse: vessels, dis"es, clot"es, &rains, s#ices. ."e #rincess sa* all t"ese t"in&s around "er. +"e remem%ered t"e "oly %e&&ar3s *ords, and t"ou&"t, -0 didn3t esca#e it: "is *ords are comin& true./ +"e unveiled t"e face of t"e %ody. 0t *as dead as dead could %e, %ut calm as a face in dee# slum%er. -6ell, *"at3s to %e doneL 0t looks as if 0 am im#risoned "ere *it" t"is dead man. Let3s do somet"in&,/ s"e said, and started massa&in& "is le&s. 9or almost t*elve years s"e tended and massa&ed "is %ody. +"e *ould *ake u# in t"e mornin& in t"e locked "ouse *it" t*elve locked doors, and *"ere could s"e &oL +"e %at"ed and cooked, ke#t "ouse and looked after t"e dead %ody, and t"ou&"t a%out all t"e t"in&s t"at "ad "a##ened to "er. Y Y Y >ean*"ile, in t"e forest, t"e mot"er "ad said, -."e food is all ready, *"ere3s our &irl &oneL/ <er fat"er "ad *alked outside and called "er. +"e *as no*"ere to %e seen. But t"ey could "ear "er cries from inside t"e "ouse. ."ey "ad called out, -,au&"ter, *"y are you in t"ereL Come outQ/ +"e "ad ans*ered from *it"in, and told "er fat"er *"at "ad "a##ened. -0 touc"ed t"e locks, and t"ey fell o#en. As soon as 0 came in, t"ey locked t"emselves s"ut. 0 am alone "ere./ -6"at is in t"ereL/ -A dead man is lyin& "ere. Bot"in& else./ ->y &irl, your luck "as cau&"t u# *it" you. 6"at t"e "a7a said is comin& true. ."e locks can3t %e o#ened./ ."ey "ad tried to enter t"e "ouse from t"e sides and from %e"ind, %ut it *as as if it *as sealed. ."ey "ad tried and tried and finally said, -6"at else can *e doL 6e3ll &o, and leave you to *ork out your fate./ ."ey left sorro*fully. .ime #assed, and t"ey &re* old. 0nside t"e locked "ouse, ni&"t and day t"e #rincess massa&ed t"e dead man3s le&s, took ritual %at"s and *ors"i#ed t"e &ods at t"e ri&"t times, made offerin&s for "er "us%and. Around t"e tent" year, an acro%at3s dau&"ter came t"at *ay. +"e looked all around t"e "ouse, tried t"e doors, and at last clim%ed onto t"e roof. ."e #rincess *as lonely. +"e *as dyin& to see anot"er "uman face. -0f t"ere3s a c"ink in t"e "ouse, 0 could #ull in at least a c"ild. 0f only 0 could "ave a &irl for a com#anionQ/ s"e t"ou&"t. Gust t"en, s"e sa* a youn& *oman lookin& t"rou&" a *indo*. -<ey, &irlQ 6ill you come insideL/ -Kes,/ said t"e acro%at &irl. -,o you "ave any fat"er or mot"erL 0f you do, don3t try to come in. Kou can3t &et out. 0f you don3t "ave #arents, come inside./ -D" no, 03ve no%ody./ +"e #ulled t"e &irl in t"rou&" t"e *indo*. ."e acro%at &irl *as a&ile. +"e t*isted and contorted "er %ody and &ot in. ."e #rincess *as "a##y7 s"e "ad com#any no*. 6it" a com#anion inside, time *ent fast. .*o more years rolled %y. ."e #rince3s t*elve years *ere comin& to an end. ."e time for "is life to stir a&ain *as near.

Dne day, *"en t"e kin&3s dau&"ter *as takin& "er %at", s"e "eard t"e omen?%ird s#eak from t"e %ranc" in t"e *indo*. 0t said, -."e t*elve years are comin& to an end. 0f someone *ould #luck t"e leaves of t"is tree, &rind t"em and #ress t"em in a silver cu#, and #our t"e juice into t"e man3s mout", "e *ill come to life a&ain./ ."e kin&3s dau&"ter "eard it. At once s"e #lucked some leaves and #ressed t"e juice out into a silver cu#. Gust *"en s"e *as a%out to take it to t"e dead man3s li#s, it occurred to "er t"at s"e "ad not %at"ed yet. +"e s"ould finis" "er %at", #urify "erself, offer *ors"i# to t"e Lord +iva #ro#erly and t"en &ive t"e juice to t"e #rince. +o s"e #ut do*n t"e cu# and *ent %ack to %at"e and offer *ors"i#. ."e acro%at &irl asked "er, -6"at3s t"is stuff in t"e cu#L 6"y is it "ereL/ ."e #rincess told "er a%out t"e %ird3s messa&e and *"at t"e cu# contained. As soon as s"e "eard all t"is, t"e acro%at &irl t"ou&"t t"is *as "er c"ance. 6"ile t"e #rincess sat in *ors"i#, t"e acro%at &irl #arted t"e dead #rince3s li#s and #oured t"e juice from t"e silver cu#. As t"e li8uid *ent in, "e *oke u# as if "e "ad only %een aslee#. @1claimin&, -+iva, +iva,/ "e sat u# strai&"t. <e sa* t"e *oman ne1t to "im and asked, -6"o are youL/ +"e said, -Kour *ife./ <e *as &rateful to "er. ."ey %ecame "us%and and *ife *"ile t"e #rincess sat inside, lon& a%sor%ed in #rayer, t"e *oman *"o "ad served "im for t*elve lon& years. 6"en s"e came out, s"e "eard t"e t*o of t"em *"is#erin& intimacies to eac" ot"er. -D +iva, 0 did #enance for t*elve years, and it "as turned out like t"is. D%viously, "a##iness is not my lot,/ s"e t"ou&"t. +"e %e&an to *ork as t"eir servant *"ile t"e #rince and t"e acro%at *oman sat %ack and enjoyed t"emselves. Ket, after all, s"e *as a #rincess, %orn to a 8ueen. ."e ot"er &irl *as only an acro%at3s dau&"ter. ."e #rince %e&an to see t"e difference %et*een t"em in manners and s#eec". <e %e&an to sus#ect somet"in& *as *ron&. +o later t"at day, "e said to %ot" of t"em, -03m &oin& out for a "unt and t"en 03ll &o to t"e city. .ell me *"at you *ant./ ."e acro%at &irl, *"o "ad %een lon&in& for "er kind of &y#sy food, asked for all sorts of &reens and dry flat %read to eat. <e *as dis&usted. A *oman s"ould ask for saris and silk and %louses, %ut t"is one asks for *retc"ed dry %readQ ."en "e told t"e acro%at &irl to ask t"e ot"er *oman in t"e "ouse *"at s"e *ould like. ."e #rincess ans*ered, -0 don3t *ant anyt"in& muc". Gust tell t"e master *"at 03d really like is a talkin& doll./ -."is one is stran&e, too. All s"e *ants is a talkin& doll,/ "e t"ou&"t. After a &ood "unt in t"e jun&le, "e %rou&"t t"e acro%at &irl t"e evil?smellin& &reens and leaves and dry %read from some &y#sies, and for t"e #rincess a talkin& doll. ."e acro%at &irl *as overjoyed at t"e si&"t of t"e rou&" food7 no* s"e %e&an to t"rive and &et color in "er c"eeks. ."at ni&"t, after everyone "ad eaten and &one to %ed, t"e talkin& doll suddenly %e&an to s#eak and said, -.ell me a story./ ."e #rincess asked, -6"at story can 0 tell youL >y o*n life "as %ecome 8uite a story./ -."en tell me your life3s story,/ insisted t"e doll. +o t"e #rincess told t"e doll "er entire story, as 03ve told you so far. Gust like t"at. ."e doll nodded and said, -<mm, "mm,/ as t"e #rincess told "er tale. ."e #rince lyin& a*ake in t"e ot"er room "eard it all. 9inally s"e said, -0 left t"e silver cu# t"ere, on t"at led&e, and t"at *oman &ave t"e juice to t"e #rince %efore 0 &ot %ack from my #rayers. Bo* s"e3s t"e *ife, 03m t"e servant. ."at3s t"e

*ay it turned out./ And s"e ended t"e story. As "e "eard t"e story from *"ere "e lay in t"e ne1t room, t"e #rince felt "is an&er mountin&. 6"en t"e story came to an end, "e took a s*itc" and las"ed at t"e acro%at &irl slee#in& ne1t to "im, and drove "er out of t"e "ouse. -Kou3re not my *ife, you3re an acro%at *enc"Q 2et out of my si&"tQ/ "e screamed. ."en "e *ent in and consoled t"e #rincess *"o "ad served "im lovin&ly for t*elve years7 and t"ey talked "a##ily to eac" ot"er all ni&"t. Y Y Y 0n t"e *orld outside, "is fat"er and mot"er "ad counted u# t"e days and years. ."ey kne* t"e t*elve years *ere over and *ere an1ious to see *"at "ad "a##ened to t"eir son. ."ey came, and all t"e to*n came *it" t"em. ."ey found t"e doors unlocked, and found in t"e "eart of t"e "ouse t"e cou#le, #rince and #rincess, *"is#erin& lovin& *ords to eac" ot"er. 2ratefully, t"e fat"er?in?la* and mot"er?in?la* fell at t"e feet of t"eir youn& dau&"ter?in?la* and said, -By your &ood *ork in many #ast lives, and your #rayers in t"is one, our son came %ack to life. <e looks as fres" as if "e "ad just *oken u# from a lon& ni&"t3s slee#. 0t3s all your doin&./ ."ey took t"em to t"eir #alace and cele%rated t"e *eddin& *it" &reat #om# and many #rocessions. 9or t"e &rand occasion, t"ey sent for t"e %ride3s #arents, *"o "ad &ro*n *eak and old. ."eir eyes "ad %ecome like cottonseed, and t"ey *ere ready to lie do*n in t"e eart". But t"eir s#irits revived at t"e &ood ne*s, and t"ey too "urried to t"e reunion at t"eir dau&"ter3s *eddin&.

Types and 1otifs

A. A'!, ."e +u##lanted Bride :."e Beedle Prince;. Anot"er story like Bo. A, in *"ic" a fait"ful *ife is fated to marry a dead man %ut restores "im to life. 0n @uro#e it is often called ."e Beedle Prince %ecause s"e -finds a seemin&ly dead #rince *"ose %ody is covered *it" #ins or needles and %e&ins to remove t"em. 6"en s"e "as finally removed all %ut a fe*, s"e leaves t"e side of t"e #rince for a moment, or falls aslee#. A servant &irl, etc., takes "er #lace, removes t"e last fe* needles, and marries t"e restored #rince. ."e mistake is after*ards e1#lained/ :."om#son and Ro%erts, #. )A;. 0n one 0ndo? 0ranian tellin&, s"e "as to fan t"e cor#se for seven years, %ut s"e is su##lanted at t"e last moment. ."e story is often com%ined *it" t"e s#ecial 0ndian Lear?ty#e of A. ='B, ."e Princess 6"o 6as Res#onsi%le for <er D*n 9ortune :>otif < 5 =;, re#orted in t*enty?five 0ndian versions.

."e central motif of t"e virtuous *oman %ein& su##lanted, after s"e "as devoted years to a "us%and, %y a rival, a lo*?class false %ride, is *ell kno*n in @uro#ean tellin&s as *ell as in 0ndian ones. ."ese stories dramati4e t"e dee# fear of t"e com#etin& vi&or, sensuality, and &uile of a lo*er class, as ima&ined %y ot"er classes. 0t also dramati4es t"e #syc"olo&ical s#lit %et*een t"e Black and 6"ite Bride :A. A(';, t*o alternatin& as#ects of t"e female seen from t"e #oint of vie* of t"e marryin& male. ."e 0ndian tale em#"asi4es %ot" t"e ma&ical life?&ivin& ca#acity of a devoted *ife and t"e loneliness of a ne* %ride in an eerie "ouse"old, locked u# *it"in fourteen doors *it" a dead "us%and, as com#ared to t"e comforts of a full?scale e1tended family. As in ot"er suc" *omen?centred stories, t"e denouement and t"e reversal of fortunes are effected %y t"e recountin& of t"e entire story. OA. A'!, ."e +u##lanted Bride N A. C!(, ."e Princess Confined in t"e >ound.P

,3. A #og0s #aughters

A kin& "ad many *ives %ut no c"ildren. +o "e *ent to a sa&e and asked for "el#. ."e sa&e &ave "im a ma&ic man&o and asked "im to &ive it to "is 8ueens, *"ic" "e did. ."e 8ueens "a##ily sat on t"e %alcony, cut u# t"e man&o, s"ared t"e s*eet fles" amon& t"emselves, and t"re* a*ay t"e seed and t"e #eel. A #oor do& t"at lived under t"e %alcony ate t"e #eel and t"e seed. All t"e 8ueens soon &ot #re&nant, and so did t"e do&. ."e *"ole #alace looked after t"e 8ueens and fussed over t"em till t"ey &ave %irt". 6"en t"ey *ent into la%or and actually &ave %irt", alas, t"ey &ave %irt" to #u##ies, every one of t"em. But t"e #oor do& *"om no%ody cared for some"o* took lon&er t"an usual, and &ave %irt" to t*o %eautiful &irls. 6"en t"e 8ueens and t"eir servants tried to take a*ay t"e %a%ies, t"e do& #icked t"em u# and ran a*ay into t"e near%y forest. +"e "id t"em in a stone cave and %rou&"t t"em u#. +"e *ould &o into to*n, and *"en t"e "ouse*ives *eren3t lookin&, *ould steal food and clot"in& for "er %a%ies. ."ey &re* u# to %e t*o lovely youn& *omen. Dne day, t*o youn& men *ent "untin& in t"e forest and "a##ened to sit outside t"e cave to rest. ."ey "eard somet"in& stirrin& in t"e cave, looked in, and found t*o lovely youn& *omen. ."e do& "ad &one some*"ere. ."ey fell in love *it" t"e *omen at once and *anted to take t"em "ome and marry t"em. ."ey and t"eir servants carried t"em a*ay on "orses. ."e older sister, *"o *as no* called Bi& <onni, *as 8uite "a##y to &et a*ay from t"e forest. ."e youn&er sister, *"o *as no* called Little <onni, *as 8uite un"a##y to leave "er mot"er %e"ind and to &o a*ay *it"out tellin& "er. +o s"e tore #ieces of "er sari and left a trail %e"ind "er. ."e do& *as frantic *"en s"e came %ack to t"e cave and found t"at "er c"ildren *ere &one. +"e looked every*"ere till s"e found t"e trail and t"e smell of "er dau&"ter3s sari, follo*ed it till s"e reac"ed t"e "ouse of Little <onni, *"o *as deli&"ted to see "er mot"er, took "er in, &ave "er a *arm %at", and looked after "er. But s"e told no one *"o t"e do& really *as. A fe* days later, t"e do& *anted to see Bi& <onni, t"e older sister, and *ent to "er "ouse. Bi& <onni didn3t *ant anyone to kno* s"e *as %orn to a do&. +"e muttered to "erself, -Look at t"is %itc", s"e "as come all t"is *ay to ruin my life. @very%ody *ill say, Bi& <onni is a do&3s dau&"ter, t"e %itc"Q/ ."en s"e took a stick and %eat t"e do& till it died. +"e asked t"e servants to t"ro* t"e carcass in t"e &ar%a&e "ea#. ."ree days later, Little <onni came to Bi& <onni3s "ouse and asked "er, ->ot"er came to see you. 6"ere is s"eL/ Bi& <onni re#lied, -+"e came "ere to ruin our lives. @veryone *ill kno* *e are a do&3s dau&"ters. +o 0 %eat "er and t"re* "er in t"e &ar%a&e "ea#./ Little <onni ran to t"e &ar%a&e "ea#, #icked u# t"e do&3s %ody, carried it "ome, *as"ed it and *i#ed it clean, #ut it in a %o1 and ke#t it in "er %edroom *it"out tellin& anyone a%out it. After a fe* days, "er "us%and, *"o *as *atc"in& "er takin& e1tra care a%out a %o1, asked "er *"at *as in it. +"e said, -+omet"in& my mot"er sent me./ <e *as curious. <e *anted it o#ened at once. +"e made e1cuses. +"e kne* "er secret *ould %e out. 9inally, "er "eart %eatin& violently *it" t"e fear of discovery, s"e o#ened t"e %o1. +"e *as astonis"ed, and so *as everyone else, *"en s"e found t"ere not a do&3s rottin& %ody %ut a %ar of #ure &old. ."e "us%and *as intri&ued. -Kou3ve made suc" a secret of your family. Kou3ve never taken me to meet t"em. ."ey must %e fa%ulously ric" to send you a %ar of &old as a &ift. 0 *ant to meet t"em, and ri&"t a*ay,/ "e said.

As "e *ould take no e1cuses from "er, s"e "ad to o%ey and set out on a journey. +"e didn3t kno* *"ere to &o. ."ey all *ent to t"e forest *"ere t"e cou#le "ad ori&inally met. +"e led t"e #arty a lon& *ay, aimlessly, t"rou&" trees and %us"es. 6"at could s"e doL @veryone *as *earied %y t"e journey and didn3t 8uite kno* *"at *as "a##enin& or *"ere t"ey *ere &oin&. Dne day, in "er des#air, s"e said to "er "us%and, -03m &oin& out to do Bum%er Dne,/ and took a *alk, lookin& for some *ay to kill "erself. +"e found a snake "ole and #lun&ed "er "and dee# into it, #rayin& t"at t"e snake inside it *ould %ite "er. But t"e snake did not %ite "er. 0nstead, *"en s"e took "er "and out, it came out and said to "er, -03m &rateful to you. Kou3ve done me a &ood turn./ +"e didn3t understand. +"e said, -6"at &ood turnL 0 #ut my "and in so t"at you could %ite me and #ut an end to my trou%les./ -6"en you #ut your "and into my "ole, it touc"ed t"is ri#e %oil on my "ead and %roke it. 0t #ut an end to my #ain. 03ve %een sufferin& from it for mont"s. But t"en *"y did you #ut your "and in itL 6"at3s your sorro*L/ asked t"e snake. Little <onni told "im "er story. ."e snake s"ook its "ead and said, -0t3s my turn. 03ll "el# you. 2o nort" from "ere for a mile or so. Kou3ll see a %i& "ouse. Kou3ll find every kind of comfort and lu1ury t"ere. ."at *ill %e your mot"er3s "ouse. 6"en you leave after a *eek, on your return journey make sure to turn %ack and look. ."en everyt"in& *ill %e all ri&"t./ +"e *as very "a##y. +"e roused "er #arty and t"ey all rode nort" till t"ey found a %eautiful #alatial "ouse, *it" &ardens, servants, and every kind of lu1ury. ."e snake *as *aitin& for t"em in t"e form of a ric" man and introduced "imself as Little <onni3s maternal uncle. <er mot"er *as t"ere too in "uman form. Little <onni3s "us%and *as overjoyed and &reatly im#ressed %y "is *ife3s aristocratic -family./ After a fe* days, t"ey took leave of t"e mot"er and t"e uncle, *"o loaded t"em *it" &old and &ifts. A fe* miles into t"eir return journey, s"e remem%ered to look %ack. +"e and "er entire #arty *ere a&"ast at *"at t"ey sa*. ."e #alatial "ouse t"ey "ad left %e"ind *as &oin& u# in flames, and as t"ey *atc"ed it, it %urned and %urned till it *as a "ea# of smokin& as"es. ."ey *ent "ome in utter %e*ilderment and &rief. But Little <onni *as secretly "a##y t"at s"e *ould never "ave to &o t"rou&" t"e ordeal of takin& "er "us%and to "er -mot"er3s "ouse/ a&ain. 6"en t"ey &ot "ome, Bi& <onni *anted to kno* *"ere t"ey "ad %een and "o* "er little sister &ot all t"e &ifts. Little <onni told "er everyt"in&, %e&innin& *it" t"e deat" of t"e do&, t"e %ar of &old, "er "us%and insistin& on seein& "er mot"er3s "ouse, t"e snake in t"e forest, t"e #alace "e created for "er, everyt"in& do*n to t"e last detail. Bi& <onni *ent "ome in a "urry. +"e found a street do&, &ot it killed, and #ut t"e carcass in a %o1. 0n a fe* days it %e&an to rot and stink. <er "us%and asked "er *"at it *as and *"y s"e ke#t it in "er %edroom. +"e said, -0t3s a &ift from my mot"er3s "ouse./ -Kour mot"er3s "ouseL 6"ere is itL Kou3ve al*ays %een secretive a%out it. 6"ere3s your mot"erL Let3s &o visit "er. 0 understand your sister just visited "er and came %ack *it" a lot of &old. Let3s &o,/ said "er "us%and. ."ey too set out on a journey. 6"en t"ey "ad ridden a lon& *ay into t"e forest, s"e too said, -0 *ant to &o do Bum%er Dne,/ and *ent in searc" of a snake "ole. 6"en s"e found it, s"e t"rust "er "and into it. ."ere *as an an&ry snake in t"e "ole, and it stun& "er to deat".

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif . 511.1.A, Conce#tion from eatin& man&o :0D;7 >otif B A 1.1, <el#ful ser#ents7 >otif M =, Kind and unkind.P

,4. A #og0s tory

A kin& "ad t*o sons named Alakanna and >alakanna. 6"en Alakanna, t"e older %rot"er, &re* u# to %e a "andsome stron& youn& man, t"e family looked for a %eautiful youn& %ride for "im and arran&ed a &ala *eddin&. A fe* years #assed and Alakanna "ad to &o to a distant #lace to fi&"t a *ar. <e %ade tearful &ood%yes to "is fat"er, mot"er, and *ife. <e called "is youn&er %rot"er s#ecially, and said to "im, -Look, 0 "ave to &o to *ar. 03ll %e %ack as soon as 0 can. Look after t"in&s "ere *"ile 03m &one./ And t"en "e *ent. But "e couldn3t &et %ack soon. <is *ife, %eautiful, youn&, and alone, &re* restless *"en "er "us%and didn3t come %ack for mont"s. >ean*"ile, >alakanna, t"e youn&er %rot"er, *as &ro*in& u# stron& and tall. <is #arents *anted to &et "im married too, %ut t"ey decided to *ait till t"e elder %rot"er &ot %ack "ome. >alakanna *as a *restler, *orked out t*ice a day, and drank ten #ots of milk a day. <is sister?in?la*3s eye fell on t"is "andsome youn& fello*, *"o seemed to &ro* "andsomer %y t"e day. +"e %e&an to t"ink, -<o* s"all 0 &ra% "imL 6"at kind of net *ill tra# "im inL/ +"e sent "er maids a fe* times to &et "im to come and see "er, %ut "e didn3t res#ond. Dne day "e and "is friends *ere #layin& %all in t"e yard. ,urin& t"e &ame, "e kicked t"e %all rat"er "ard and it rose in t"e air and landed in "is sister?in?la*3s %ackyard. Dne of t"e %oys ran u# to "er door and asked "er for t"e %all. +"e said, -+end me t"e fello* *"o kicked t"e %all "ere, and 03ll &ive it to "im./ +o >alakanna ran u# to "er door and asked "is sister?in?la* to &ive "im t"e %all. +"e asked "im to come in and, *it"out any *arnin&, #roceeded to kiss "im and "u& "im. -D +ister?in?la*, +ister?in?la*, *"at are you doin&L/ "e cried, tryin& to *ard off "er advances. +"e said, -Bot"in& really. 0 *ant you, t"at3s all. Come in and satisfy me, or else V/ -6"at kind of talk is t"isL A sister?in?la* is like a mot"er. +lee#in& *it" you *ould %e like slee#in& *it" my mot"er. <o* can you t"ink suc" dirty t"ou&"tsL/ -0 don3t care *"at you say. 6ill you do as 0 say, or s"all 0 call everyone in and tell t"em t"at you tried to seduce meL/ s"e said. <e sa* *"at s"e *as like and kne* "e couldn3t stay t"ere one minute lon&er. <e left t"e %all *"ere it lay, and %efore s"e could raise "er voice "e jum#ed over t"e %ack *all and ran from t"e #lace. +"e said to "erself, -<o* far can "e &o, *"ere *ill "e esca#eL Let3s see,/ and sent for t"e local ma&ician. ."e maid *ent into to*n and %rou&"t t"e ma&ician :"awa; to "er room. -Look "ere, 8awa, take as muc" money as you *ant, a cartload if you *ant. +ee to it t"at >alakanna surrenders to me,/ s"e %e&&ed of "im. A cartload of cas" *as no small tem#tation for t"e ma&ician. 6"at did "e careL <e asked t"e maid to %rin& "im a %unc" of jasmine flo*ers and a t"orn. <e #laced a s#ell on %ot" of t"em and said to t"e sister?in?la*, -6ear t"is %unc" of jasmine in your "air. Before t"e flo*er fades, t"e youn& fello* *ill %e in your "ands. 6"en "e comes, everyt"in& *ill %e fine if "e yields to you7 if "e does not, &ra% "im and stick t"is t"orn dee# into "is fore"ead. <e *ill c"an&e into a do& and lick your feet. .ake t"ese,/ "e said, and *ent on "is *ay. ."e *oman "ad no reason to *ait anymore. +"e *ent in, took a %at", a##lied talcum and attar to "er face, *ra##ed "erself in "er %est sari, com%ed "er "air do*n, and *ore t"e %unc" of jasmine in "er %raid, and *aited for "im. -<e3ll come no*, "e3ll come no*,/ s"e muttered to "erself, and looked at t"e door every ot"er minute. >ean*"ile, as >alakanna *alked *it" "is friends, "is nose #icked u# t"e scent of jasmine. Bone of "is friends could smell it, %ut it "it "is nostrils like somet"in& not of t"is eart". After all, "e *as a full? %looded youn& man, and as it "it "im, t"e scent of jasmine *ent to "is "ead. -6"at *oman could %e

*earin& suc" fantastic jasmineL/ "e t"ou&"t. -0f t"e scent itself is so *onderful, "o* muc" more *onderful s"ould t"e *oman *earin& suc" flo*ers %eL/ <is "ead *as in a s*irl. 6"erever t"e scent *afted, "e follo*ed. <e didn3t "ave any idea *"ere "e *as &oin&. Cau&"t in t"e "a4e of t"at fra&rance, "e came strai&"t to "is sister?in?la*3s "ouse. -2ot you, youn& fello*Q/ t"ou&"t t"e *oman, and, as soon as "e came in, asked t"e maid to %olt t"e doors. <e *as a*are of not"in& t"at *as "a##enin& around "im. <e *ent strai&"t to "er %edroom, *"ere s"e sat *aitin&, *it" t"e jasmine in "er "air. But "e took one look at "er face and sa* t"at it *as "is sister?in?la*Q ."at *oke "im u# from "is trance at once. -6"at am 0 doin&L/ "e cried, and tried to flee t"e #lace. But "o* could "e esca#eL ."e doors *ere %olted. -Come "ere, my love,/ said t"e *oman, *it" "er arms o#en, as "e started ste##in& %ack*ards. -Come no*, you3ve no c"oice. 0f you don3t do as 0 say, 03m not res#onsi%le for *"at "a##ens ne1t,/ s"e t"reatened. -Come *"at may, 0 *on3t &o to %ed *it" you,/ "e said firmly. -,o you mean itL 0s t"at your last *ordL/ -Kes./ -."ink carefully. 0t3s not easy to kno* t"e nature of a *oman, a "orse, or a river. ."ink a%out it./ <e didn3t yield an inc". +"e cajoled, cooed, and t"reatened, %ut "e *ouldn3t "ave anyt"in& to do *it" "er. ."en s"e and "er maid &ra%%ed "im and stuck t"e t"orn dee# into "is fore"ead. At once t"e youn& man ceased to %e a man and %ecame a *"im#erin& do&, *a&&in& "is tail, lickin& "er feet. +"e lau&"ed at "im as "e &roveled and licked "er "ands and feet, may%e in t"e "o#e t"at s"e *ould turn "im %ack into a "uman %ein&. But s"e *asn3t &oin& to do anyt"in& of t"e sort. +"e #ointed to t"e do& a&ain and a&ain and s"ook *it" lau&"ter. ."e maid fi1ed a collar around t"e do&3s neck and tied "im u# in a corner. After all, t"e %rot"er *"o "ad &one to *ar "ad to return one day, and Alakanna did return. <is army "ad *on and "e *as a victor. As soon as "e entered t"e "ouse, "e fell at t"e feet of "is fat"er and mot"er and received t"eir %lessin&s. <is ne1t 8uestion *as a%out "is %rot"er: -6"ere is >alakanna, *"ere "as "e &one on t"e day of my returnL/ Peo#le around "im said, -Bo%ody kno*s *"ere "e3s &one. <e "as a *ay of &oin& off like t"at for days. 6e "aven3t seen "im for ei&"t or ten days./ -@i&"t or ten daysL/ ."e %rot"er *as *orried. >ay%e "e "as &one "untin&, "e e1#lained to "imself. +till "e continued askin& 8uestions. <e asked >alakanna3s friends *"ere "e mi&"t %e. ."ey didn3t kno*. ."ey too "ad %e&un to *onder. 6"en "e came "ome to see "is *ife, "e *as still dee# in t"ou&"t. +"e &ave "im *ater for "is "ands and feet, talked to "im s*eetly. But "e *as trou%led. +"e s"o*ed dis#leasure. -Kou3ve come %ack a victor. Kou3re seein& me after so lon&. 6"y are you lookin& so misera%leL/ -03m trou%led a%out >alakanna. 6"ere could "e "ave &oneL/ By t"is time, t"e do& in t"e corner *as strainin& at t"e leas", *"inin& and %arkin&. <e kne* "is %rot"er "ad come %ack, %ut "o* could Alakanna kno* a%out itL <e said, -6"at3s t"e matter *it" t"at do&L Any*ay, *"ere did you &et itL/ -D, t"at do&. >y mot"er3s family sent it to me. 9or&et a%out t"e do&. Come in, let3s eat,/ s"e ur&ed "im. ."en s"e served "im a %i& meal and slo*ly said to "im as "e *as eatin&, -."at %rot"er of yours, "e *as after me t"e moment you left. <e tried to seduce me. 0 *as safe only %ecause my maid *as "ere./ And so on, s"e told "im a story, addin& lurid colors to it. ."e %rot"er couldn3t %ut %elieve "er. -."at3s *"y "e3s &one out of to*n. <e *as afraid 03d %eat "im u#. 2od, *"om can you trust if you can3t trust

your o*n kid %rot"erL/ "e t"ou&"t, and felt very "urt and an&ry. 6"en t"e meal *as over, "e came out of t"e room and sat outside. Accordin& to custom, "is *ife t"en *ent to eat "er dinner. ."e do&, *"ic" "ad no* %een tied outside t"e "ouse, %e&an to &et very a&itated, #ulled at t"e c"ain, %arked, and *"im#ered. -0 don3t kno* *"et"er t"ey "ave fed "im or not, #oor t"in&,/ "e said, and *ent u# to t"e do&, un"ooked "im from t"e c"ain, and carried "im to *"ere "e *as sittin&. <e #ut "im on "is la#, teased "im, and #layed *it" "im. ."e do& *as %eside "imself, licked "im, and sniffed "im all over, *a&&in& "is tail violently to and fro. Alakanna also loved t"e do& and #etted "im a lot. As "e ru%%ed "im and massa&ed "is %ody #layfully, "is "and *ent to t"e do&3s "ead and felt t"e t"orn in t"e middle of "is fore"ead. 0t *as dee#ly em%edded. -Poor t"in&, t"at3s *"y it "as %een cryin& like t"isQ/ "e said to "imself, and #ulled t"e t"orn out of t"e do&3s fore"ead. 6"at can 0 tell youL At once, t"e do& turned into >alakannaQ And "e em%raced "is %rot"er ti&"tly, callin& "im -Anna, Anna.5 Alakanna didn3t understand *"at *as "a##enin& to "im. >alakanna told "im t"e real story a%out "is sister?in?la* *it" tears in "is eyes. -0s t"at *"at "a##enedL 6ait,/ said t"e older %rot"er, and called "is *ife and "er maid, as "e took out "is *"i#. ."ey came and sa* no do& %ut >alakanna, alive and *ell, standin& tall. Alakanna %randis"ed t"e *"i# in "is "and. -6ill you no* tell me t"e trut" or s"all 0 *"i# you all t"e *ay to t"e market#laceL/ "e s"outed. ."e t*o *omen fell at "is feet and *"ined and *"im#ered and %e&&ed for&iveness. <e las"ed out *it" "is *"i# and raised *eals on t"eir %acks. <e called t"em *"ores and %itc"es and ot"er suc" names, slas"ed t"eir %reasts and %uttocks, and t"re* t"em out of t"e "ouse. ."en "e found "imself a ne* %ride and found anot"er for "is %rot"er, married a&ain, and lived "a##ily.

OA. '(', ."e .*ins or Blood?Brot"ers7 includes >otif K =111, Poti#"ar3s 6ife, and >otif , !)5.1.=, ,isenc"antment %y removal of enc"antin& #in :t"orn;7 cf. also A. AA , ."e .sar3s ,o&.P

,5. #olls
0n a certain to*n t"ere lived a cou#le. ."e "us%and *ould %rin& "ome a %us"el of fis" every day. <is *ife *ould eat u# all t"e middles of t"e fis" and leave "im only fis" "eads and fis" tails. +"e did t"is every day. 6"at did "e doL <e "ad a sister in to*n. <e *ent to "er "ouse one day and said, -+ister, every day 0 %rin& "ome a %us"el of fis". 6"en 0 come to eat, t"e fis" "ave only "eads and tails, no middles. 6"at s"all 0 doL/ <is sister told "im, -0f t"at3s t"e case, Brot"er, &o to t"e car#enter, and ask "im to make t"ree dolls for you. Place one doll ne1t to t"e cookin& fire. Place anot"er *it" t"e #ots and #ans. Put t"e t"ird one in t"e nic"e in t"e *all. After you3ve done t"at, %rin& "ome as usual your %us"el of fis" and t"en leave. Let3s see *"at "a##ens./ <e did e1actly *"at "is sister told "im to do. <e *ent to t"e car#enter and &ot t"ree dolls made. <e #laced one near t"e cookin& fire, a second one amon& t"e #ots, and anot"er in t"e *all nic"e. And "e %rou&"t in "is daily %us"el of fis", &ave it to "is *ife, and *ent out as usual. +"e cooked t"e fis" in a "urry, and *as &oin& to #ick u# a #latter *"en t"e doll amon& t"e #ots #i#ed u# and asked, -6"y a #latterL/ ."e doll in t"e *all ans*ered, -.o eat like a t"ief./

."e doll near t"e cookin& fire added, -6it"out "er "us%andQ/ +"e &as#ed, -."ey talk, and like t"atQ/ +"e *as scared of t"e dolls and rus"ed out of t"e "ouse, and didn3t &et %ack till "er "us%and came "ome. 6"en "e came "ome, s"e fed "im, and t"en ate "er o*n dinner. ."e fis" *ere *"ole, as *"ole as *"en t"ey *ere %rou&"t. <er "us%and said not"in&. <e finis"ed "is meal, and *ent to "is sister3s "ouse. <e said to "er, -+ister, 0 did as you told me to. .oday, all t"e fis" *ere *"ole./

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. 1'!'.

."is ty#e seems to me to re#resent t"e &ro*t" of conscience in a #erson *"o "as none. ."is &ro*t" is accom#lis"ed %y #lantin& t"ree dolls *"o s#eak u# *"en t"e *ife in Bo. 15 is a%out to do somet"in& *ron&. ."ey o%jectify "er o*n conscience, or su#ere&o, if you *ill, *"en s"e &reedily sets a%out eatin& t"e %est #arts of t"e fis". +uc" tales seem to e1#ress an understandin& of t"e #"enomenon of -#rojection,/ in *"ic" a rejected inner voice or im#ulse is attri%uted to an e1ternal o%ject or #erson. OBK.., %ut cf. >otif 6 1=5.=, 2luttonous *ife eats all t"e meal *"ile cookin& it :0D;.P

,7. #ouble #ouble

A very #oor cou#le lived in a small "ut. ."ey lived %y &at"erin& fire*ood and sellin& it. Dne day, t"e "us%and felt like eatin& millet dos9s :#ancakes;. But "e "ad no millet at "ome. +o "e t"ou&"t "e *ould &o to t"e "ills, #ray to 2od, and ask "im for a small measure of millet. +o "e *ent to t"e "ills, #erformed #enances, and 2od *as very #leased. <e a##eared to t"e man and asked, -6"at do you *antL/ -0 *ant just a small measure of millet. 0 don3t *ant anyt"in& else./ -+ure, &o "ome and you3ll find a measure of millet./ Gust t"en, t"e man t"ou&"t "e could ask for more. -2od, 2od, could you #lease dou%le it for meL/ -+ure, &o "ome and your millet *ill dou%le itself./ 6"en "e *ent "ome, "e found "is measurin& vessel full of millet. <e &ave it to "is *ife and said, -2rind it and make a dos9 for me./ +"e took it and #oured it into a *inno*in& fan. ."e millet dou%led itself. +"e #ut it in t"e mout" of t"e &rindin& stone. As s"e &round it, t"e millet dou%led itself. 6"en s"e &at"ered t"e flour in t"e *inno*in& fan, t"e flour dou%led itself. +"e mi1ed it in %utter and started fryin& t"e dos9 in a fryin& #an. 6"en s"e finis"ed makin& one, s"e found s"e "ad made t*o. +"e could never sto#. +"e "ad many many dos9s on "er #latter. ."e "us%and *as %eside "imself *it" joy and took one #ancake in "is "and. <e found "e really "ad t*o. 6"en "e #ut one in "is mout", "e found "e "ad still anot"er. As "e c"e*ed on t"em, "e "ad anot"er in "is mout", even as "e "ad one in "is "and. <e ate and ate till "e s*elled and %urst.

9our men came to carry "is dead %ody on t"eir s"oulders to t"e %urial &round. As soon as t"ey %uried "im, t"ey found t"ey "ad anot"er %ody on t"eir s"oulders. 6"en t"ey #assed it on to anot"er four men, t"ey "ad still anot"er %ody a##ear on t"eir s"oulders. ."e more %odies t"ey %uried, t"e more t"ey "ad, till every foursome in to*n "ad a %ody to carry. 2od sa* t"e confusion. <e saved t"em %y takin& %ack "is %oon and makin& everyt"in& as it *as %efore.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif G =(!=, +"ort?si&"ted *is".P

,.. #umma and #ummi

A d*arf cou#le named ,umma and ,ummi lived in a to*n. <e loved holigi, a s*eet #ancake *it" &oodies for fillin&. +o "e asked "is *ife, -,ummi, ,ummi, 0 feel like eatin& holigis, *ill you make someL/ ,ummi said, - Ayyo, it3s not"in&. 2et me lentils and ja&&ery. 03ll make it in a trice./ +o ,umma %rou&"t lentils, ja&&ery, and *"eat. ,ummi said to "im, -Look, you %rou&"t everyt"in& e1ce#t fire*ood for t"e stove./ +o ,umma *ent to t"e "illside and started cuttin& *ood. A ti&er came out of t"e "ill and said to "im, -6"y are you cuttin& my *oodL 03ll %reak your %ones and eat you u#./ ,umma said, ->ister, don3t eat me. 03ll &ive you a holigi too./ ."e ti&er said, -All ri&"t t"en./ ,umma came "ome *it" t"e fire*ood and ,ummi started makin& holigis. @ven as s"e made t"em "e ate t"em and ate t"em. ,ummi &ot only *"at *as left in "er "and at t"e end. Gust as s"e #ut t"e last #iece in "er mout", t"e ti&er came to t"eir door and said, -,umma, ,umma, you didn3t &ive me a holigi, / and stood on t"e t"res"old. ,umma %e&an to s"ake *it" fear. ,ummi said to "im, - Ayyo, you3re a man. 6"y are you s"akin& so muc"L >ake a "ole in t"at #um#kin and *e can %ot" "ide in it./ +o t"ey %ot" "id in t"e #um#kin and found it very snu&. But ,umma "ad eaten many many holigis. <is tummy *as full of &as and "e "ad to fart. -,ummi, ,ummi 03ve &ot to fart. 6"at s"all 0 doL/ "e asked "el#lessly. -9art t"en, fartQ/ s"e said. ,umma let &o and farted a %i& one. ."e #um#kin e1#loded *it" a terrifyin& ,UBBQ sound. ."e ti&er *as terrified and fled for "is life, cryin& Ayyo4 Ayyoo4

Types and 1otifs:

A. 11A 0nd., D&re :or .i&er; 9ri&"tened %y C"ildren. A *"ole &rou# of tales :A. 11A5J115A; concerns itself *it" t"e o&re :or *ild animal; fri&"tened or overa*ed %y a *oman, a %ar%er, or a c"ild.

."is tale a%out little #eo#le scarin& off a %i& ti&er is a tale told to very small c"ildren. @atin& too muc" and %reakin& *ind in a %i& *ay, even e1#lodin& a #um#kin *it" t"e fart, es#ecially a##eals to t"e

scatolo&ical fancies of small c"ildren. As >art"a 6olfenstein #oints out in "er 1 5A %ook, 6hildren:s ;umor, c"ildren of five or si1 love to make :and "ear; jokes a%out #eein&, s"ittin&, fartin&, etc. +ee also Bo. )(, -."e +#arro* 6"o 6ouldn3t ,ie,/ and Bo. 5C, -+ister Cro* and +ister +#arro*./ OBK.., %ut cf. >otif 9 A51.'.1'.', ,*arf %reaks *ind so "ard "e ca#si4es canoes, and K 1!=!, .i&er fri&"tened at "earin& unkno*n *ind :0D;.P

,9. #warfs
A "e?d*arf and a s"e?d*arf lived to&et"er. 6"en t"e d*arf *ent to di& "oles in a field, t"e s"e?d*arf %rou&"t "im food. +"e lo*ered "er %asket and called "im, ->id&et, mid&et, come eatQ/ 6"en "e "eard "er call "im mid&et, t"e d*arf *ent after "er to cut "er to #ieces. +"e ran. But "e follo*ed till "e cau&"t "er and cut "er to #ieces. <e %uried t"e #ieces in t"e eart", and a %lack &ram :togari; #lant s#routed t"ere. ."e togari #lant &re* tall7 its #ods dried and rattled in t"e *ind. Dne day, *"en t"e d*arf *as *alkin& t"at *ay, "e "eard t"e togari #lant rattle its #ods and say, ->id&et, mid&et, gulak gulak4 / +o "e cut t"e #lant and &ave it, leaf, #ods, and all, to t"e %uffalo. ."e %uffalo ate it and mooed, ->id&et, mid&et, "ooynk"ooynk4 / <e killed t"e %uffalo and &ave its meat to t"e do&, *"ic" %e&an to %ark, ->id&et, mid&et, owk owk4 / 0n a fury, "e cut u# t"e do& and t"re* it in t"e river. ."e river said, as it flo*ed over t"e stones, ->id&et, mid&et, dadak dadak4 / +o "e took "is lon& knife and *ent into t"e river to cut it to #ieces and dro*ned in it. ."us t"e "e?d*arf and t"e s"e?d*arf came to a %ad end. But you are "ere and alive. +lee# no*.

<ulak gulak, owk owk are onomato#oetic *ords t"at are su##osed to imitate t"e sounds made %y #ods rattlin&, do&s %arkin&, etc. @n&lis"?s#eakin& do&s &o %o*?*o* and Kannada do&s &o owk owk. O9or one of t"e early inventories of suc" sounds, see Antti Aarne, =arianten7er>eichnis der Finnischen $eutungen 7on Tierstimmen und Anderen ?aturlauten :1 1=;, <amina: +uomalaisen .iedakatemian Kustantama.P

Types and 1otifs

A. 1=11, ."e Peasant :6oman; ."inks t"e Co* C"e*in& <er Cud is >imickin& <er. .old in many lan&ua&esH9innis", 0ris", Russian, 2reek, .urkis", and in different re&ional lan&ua&es of 0ndiaHt"is tale of a d*arf3s ra&e at %ein& called insultin& names "as several Kannada variants: e.&., a man *it" t"ick li#s is touc"y a%out %ein& called Tutiya :-Li##y/ or -Li#?man/;, "ears t"e *ord in a do&3s %ark and kicks t"e do& to deat". A #lant &ro*s in its %urial #lace. <e "ears #ods rattle and say, - Tutiya, Tutiya4 / +o "e cuts t"em do*n and makes sou# *it" t"em. ."e sou# %oils, makin& - Tutiya, Tutiya / noises. +o "e #ours it into t"e river, *"ic" also calls "im - Tutiya, Tutiya, / so "e attacks it and finally dro*ns in t"e river. 0n anot"er tale, a fool kicks &oats and co*s %ecause "e t"inks t"ey mimic "im *"en t"ey c"e* t"eir cuds.

0n t"is tale on t"e #"enomenon of #aranoid #rojection, it is si&nificant t"at it %e&ins *it" t"e d*arf3s

*ife callin& "im a mid&et first. ."en "e "ears it every*"ere. <e cannot %ury or silence t"e *ord, t"e s"amin& voiceHit comes alive, transferred from *ife to #lant to %uffalo to do& to %a%%lin& river. 0t is ori&inally a toddler tale. .oddlers are just %e&innin& to make t"e distinction %et*een self and nonself. ."e tale #lays on t"e confusion %et*een t"e t*o, %et*een "uman, animal, and inanimate o%jects, and %et*een "uman *ords and non"uman cries and noises. Kids lau&" a &reat deal at t"e fool for not makin& t"e distinction t"at3s %e&innin& to seem so o%vious to t"em. +uc" tales also reinforce t"e distinction. OBK.., %ut it is a cumulative tale involvin& a c"ain *it" interde#endent mem%ers :>otif T A(;.P

,-. A Flowering Tree

0n a certain to*n, t"e kin& "ad t*o dau&"ters and a son. ."e older dau&"ter *as married. 0n t"e same to*n, t"ere lived an old *oman *it" "er t*o dau&"ters. +"e did menial jo%s to feed and clot"e and %rin& u# "er c"ildren. 6"en t"e &irls reac"ed #u%erty, t"e youn&er sister said one day, -+ister, 03ve %een t"inkin& of somet"in&. 0t3s "ard on mot"er to *ork all day for our sakes. 0 *ant to "el# "er. 0 *ill turn myself into a flo*erin& tree. Kou can take t"e flo*ers and sell t"em for &ood money./ Ama4ed, t"e older sister asked, -<o* *ill you turn into a flo*erin& treeL/ -03ll e1#lain later. Kou first s*ee# and *as" t"e entire "ouse. ."en take a %at", &o to t"e *ell, and %rin& t*o #itc"ers full of *ater,/ said t"e youn&er sister. ."e older sister listened to "er carefully, s*e#t and *i#ed and cleaned, took a %at", and %rou&"t t*o #itc"ers of *ater *it"out touc"in& t"em *it" "er fin&ernails. Ri&"t in front of t"eir "ouse stood a tall tree. ."e sister s*e#t and *i#ed t"e &round under it too. Bot" &irls t"en *ent t"ere, and t"e youn&er one said, -+ister, 03ll sit under t"is tree and meditate. ."en you #our t"e *ater from t"is #itc"er all over my %ody. 03ll turn into a flo*erin& tree. ."en you #luck as many flo*ers as you *ant, %ut do it *it"out %reakin& a s#rout or tearin& a leaf. 6"en you3re done, #our t"e *ater from t"e ot"er #itc"er over me, and 03ll %ecome a #erson a&ain./ ."e youn&er sister sat do*n and t"ou&"t of t"e Lord. ."e older one #oured *ater from t"e first #itc"er all over "er sister. At once, "er sister c"an&ed into a %eautiful tree t"at seemed to "ave a flo*er ne1t to every leaf. ."e older sister #lucked t"e flo*ers carefully, *it"out "urtin& a stalk or s#rout or leaf. After s"e "ad enou&" to fill a %asket or t*o, s"e em#tied t"e second #itc"er of *ater over t"e treeHand t"e tree %ecame a "uman %ein& a&ain, and t"e youn&er sister stood in its #lace. +"e s"ook t"e *ater from "er "air and stood u#. ."ey %ot" &at"ered t"e flo*ers in %askets and %rou&"t t"em "ome. ."e flo*ers "ad a *onderful fra&rance. ."ey *ove t"em into &arlands. -6"ere s"all 0 sell t"emL/ asked t"e elder sister. -+ister, *"y not take all of t"em to t"e kin&3s #alaceL ."ey *ill #ay *ell. >ot"er is al*ays doin& suc" a*ful jo%s for our sake. Let3s #ile u# some money and sur#rise "er,/ said t"e youn&er one. +o t"e older sister took t"e %asketful of &arlands %efore t"e kin&3s #alace and "a*ked "er *ares, cryin&, -9lo*ers, flo*ers, *"o *ants flo*ersL/ ."e #rincess looked out and said, ->ot"er, >ot"er, t"e flo*ers smell *onderful. Buy me some/. -All ri&"t, call t"e flo*er &irl,/ said t"e 8ueen. ."ey %ot" looked at t"e flo*ers, and t"ey *ere lovely. ."e 8ueen asked, -<o* muc" do you *ant for t"eseL/ -6e are #oor #eo#le, &ive us *"atever you *is",/ said t"e older sister. ."ey &ave "er a "andful of

coins and %ou&"t all t"e &arlands. 6"en t"e older sister came "ome *it" t"e money, t"e youn&er one said, -+ister, +ister, don3t tell mot"er. <ide it. ,on3t tell anyone./ ."ey sold flo*ers like t"is for five days, and t"ey "ad five "andfuls of coins. -+"all *e s"o* t"ese to >ot"erL/ asked one. -Bo, no, s"e3ll &et an&ry and %eat us,/ said t"e ot"er. ."e t*o &irls *ere ea&er to make money. Dne day t"e kin&3s son sa* t"e flo*ers. ."ey smelled *onderful. <e "ad never seen suc" flo*ers any*"ere. -6"at flo*ers are t"eseL 6"ere do t"ey &ro*, on *"at kind of treeL 6"o %rin&s t"em to t"e #alaceL/ "e *ondered. <e *atc"ed t"e &irl *"o %rou&"t t"e flo*ers7 one day "e follo*ed "er "ome to t"e old *oman3s "ouse, %ut "e couldn3t find a sin&le flo*erin& tree any*"ere. <e *as 8uite intri&ued. Dn "is *ay "ome "e tired "imself out t"inkin&, -6"ere on eart" do t"ey &et suc" flo*ersL/ @arly t"e ne1t mornin&, *"ile it *as still dark, t"e kin&3s son *ent and "id "imself in t"e tall tree in front of t"e old *oman3s "ouse. ."at day too, t"e &irls s*e#t and *as"ed t"e s#ace under t"e tree. As usual, t"e youn&er &irl %ecame t"e flo*erin& tree, and after t"e older one "ad &ently #lucked all t"e flo*ers, t"e tree %ecame t"e youn& *oman a&ain. ."e #rince sa* all t"is "a##en %efore "is very eyes. <e came strai&"t "ome, and lay on "is %ed, face do*n. <is fat"er and mot"er came to find out *"at t"e matter *as. <e didn3t s#eak a *ord. ."e minister3s son, "is friend, came and asked "im, -6"at "a##enedL ,id anyone say anyt"in& t"at "urt youL 6"at do you *antL Kou can tell me./ ."en t"e #rince told "im, %it %y %it, a%out t"e &irl turnin& into a flo*erin& tree. -0s t"at allL/ asked t"e minister3s son, and re#orted it all to t"e kin&. ."e kin& called t"e minister, and sent for t"e old *oman. +"e arrived, s"akin& *it" fear. +"e *as dressed in old clot"es and stood near t"e door. After muc" #ersuasion, s"e sat do*n. ."e kin& calmed "er, and softly asked "er, -Kou "ave t*o &irls at your #lace. 6ill you &ive us oneL/ ."e old *oman3s fear &ot *orse. -<o* does t"e kin& kno* a%out my dau&"tersL/ s"e t"ou&"t. +"e found "er voice *it" difficulty and stammered: -All ri&"t, master. 9or a #oor *oman like me, &ivin& a dau&"ter is not as &reat a t"in& as your askin& for one, is itL/ ."e kin& at once offered "er %etel leaf and %etel nut :tam"ula; ceremonially on a silver #latter, as a sym%olic offer of %etrot"al. +"e *as afraid to touc" it. But t"e kin& forced it on "er and sent "er "ome. Back "ome, s"e #icked u# a %room and %eat "er dau&"ters. +"e scolded t"em: -Kou %itc"es, *"ere "ave you %eenL ."e kin& is askin& after you. 6"ere did you &oL/ ."e #oor &irls didn3t understand *"at *as "a##enin&. ."ey stood t"ere cryin&, - Amma, *"y are you %eatin& usL 6"y are you scoldin& usL/ -6"o else can 0 %eatL 6"ere did you &oL <o* did t"e kin& "ear a%out youL/ ."e old *oman ra&ed on. ."e terrified &irls slo*ly confessed to *"at t"ey "ad %een doin&Htold "er "o* t"e youn&er &irl *ould turn into a flo*erin& tree, "o* t"ey *ould sell t"e flo*ers, and "oard t"e money, "o#in& to sur#rise t"eir mot"er. ."ey s"o*ed "er t"eir five "andfuls of coins. -<o* can you do suc" t"in&s, *it" an elder like me sittin& in t"e "ouseL 6"at3s all t"is talk a%out "uman %ein&s %ecomin& treesL 6"o3s ever "eard of itL .ellin& lies, too. +"o* me "o* you %ecome a tree./ +"e screamed and %eat t"em some more. 9inally, to #acify "er, t"e youn&er sister "ad to demonstrate it all. +"e %ecame a tree and t"en returned to "er normal "uman self, ri&"t %efore "er mot"er3s eyes.

Be1t day, t"e kin&3s men came to t"e old *oman3s "ouse and asked "er to a##ear %efore t"e kin&. ."e old *oman *ent and said, -Kour <i&"ness, *"at do you *ant of meL/ ."e kin& ans*ered, -.ell us *"en *e s"ould set t"e date for t"e *eddin&./ -6"at can 0 say, Kour <i&"nessL 6e3ll do as you *is",/ t"e old *oman said, secretly &lad %y no*. ."e *eddin& arran&ements %e&an. ."e family made ritual desi&ns on t"e *eddin& floor as lar&e as t"e sky, and %uilt a cano#ied ceremonial tent :!andal; as lar&e as t"e eart". All t"e relatives arrived. At an aus#icious moment, t"e &irl *"o kne* "o* to %ecome a flo*erin& tree *as &iven in marria&e to t"e #rince. After t"e nu#tial ceremony, t"e families left t"e cou#le alone to&et"er in a se#arate "ouse. But "e *as aloof, and so *as s"e. .*o ni&"ts #assed. -Let "im talk to me,/ t"ou&"t s"e. -Let "er %e&in,/ t"ou&"t "e. +o %ot" &room and %ride *ere silent. Dn t"e t"ird ni&"t, t"e &irl *ondered, -<e "asn3t uttered a *ord, *"y did "e marry meL/ +"e asked "im aloud, -0s it for t"is %liss you married meL/ <e ans*ered rou&"ly, -03ll talk to you only if you do *"at 0 ask./ -6on3t 0 do as my "us%and %ids meL .ell me *"at you *ant./ -Kou kno* "o* to turn into a flo*erin& tree, don3t youL Let me see you do it. 6e can t"en slee# on flo*ers and cover ourselves *it" t"em. ."at *ould %e lovely,/ "e said. ->y lord, 03m not a demon, 03m not a &oddess. 03m an ordinary mortal like everyone else. Can a "uman %ein& ever %ecome a treeL/ s"e said very "um%ly. -0 don3t like all t"is lyin& and c"eatin&. 0 sa* you t"e ot"er day %ecomin& a %eautiful tree. 0 sa* you *it" my o*n eyes. 0f you don3t %ecome a tree for me, for *"om *ill you do t"atL/ "e c"ided "er. ."e %ride *i#ed a tear from "er eyes *it" t"e end of "er sari, and said, -,on3t %e an&ry *it" me. 0f you insist so muc", 03ll do as you say. Brin& t*o #itc"ers of *ater./ <e %rou&"t t"em. +"e uttered c"ants over t"em. >ean*"ile, "e s"ut all t"e doors and all t"e *indo*s. +"e said, -Remem%er, #luck all t"e flo*ers you *ant, %ut take care not to %reak a t*i& or tear a leaf./ ."en s"e instructed "im on "o* and *"en to #our t"e *ater, *"ile s"e sat in t"e middle of t"e room, meditatin& on 2od. ."e #rince #oured one #itc"erful of *ater over "er. +"e turned into a flo*erin& tree. ."e fra&rance of t"e flo*ers filled t"e "ouse. <e #lucked all t"e flo*ers "e *anted and t"en s#rinkled *ater from t"e second #itc"er all over t"e tree. 0t %ecame "is %ride a&ain. +"e s"ook "er tresses and stood u# smilin&. ."ey s#read t"e flo*ers, covered t"emselves *it" t"em, and *ent to %ed. ."ey did t"is a&ain and a&ain for several days. @very mornin& t"e cou#le t"re* out all t"e *it"ered flo*ers from t"eir *indo*. ."e "ea# of flo*ers lay t"ere like a "ill. ."e kin&3s youn&er dau&"ter sa* t"e "ea# of *it"ered flo*ers one day and said to t"e 8ueen, -Look, >ot"er, Brot"er and +ister?in?la* *ear and t"ro* a*ay a *"ole lot of flo*ers. ."e flo*ers t"ey3ve t"ro*n a*ay are #iled u# like a "ill. And t"ey "aven3t &iven me even one./ ."e 8ueen consoled "er: -,on3t %e u#set. 6e3ll &et t"em to &ive you some./ Dne day t"e #rince "ad &one out some*"ere. ."en t"e kin&3s dau&"ter :*"o "ad mean*"ile s#ied and discovered t"e secret of t"e flo*ers; called all "er friends and said, -Let3s &o to t"e s*in&s in t"e surahonne orc"ard. 6e3ll take my sister?in?la*7 s"e3ll turn into a flo*erin& tree. 0f you all come, 03ll &ive you flo*ers t"at smell *onderful./

."en s"e asked "er mot"er3s #ermission. ."e 8ueen said, -Df course, do &o. 6"o *ill say no to suc" t"in&sL/ ."e dau&"ter t"en said, -But 0 can3t &o alone. +end +ister?in?la*./ -."en &et your %rot"er3s #ermission and take "er./ ."e #rince came t"ere just t"en and "is sister asked "im, -Brot"er, Brot"erQ 6e3re all &oin& to t"e surahonne orc"ard to #lay on t"e s*in&s. +end +ister?in?la*./ -0t3s not my *is" t"at3s im#ortant. @veryt"in& de#ends on >ot"er,/ "e ans*ered. +o s"e *ent %ack to t"e 8ueen and com#lained, ->ot"er, if 0 ask Brot"er, "e sends me to you. But you don3t really *ant to send "er. +o you are &ivin& me e1cuses. 0s your dau&"ter?in?la* more im#ortant t"an your dau&"terL/ ."e 8ueen re%uked "er, sayin&, -,on3t %e rude. All ri&"t, take your sister?in?la* *it" you. .ake care of "er and %rin& "er %ack safely %y evenin&./ Reluctantly, t"e 8ueen sent "er dau&"ter?in?la* *it" t"e &irls. @veryone *ent to t"e surahonne orc"ard. ."ey tied t"eir s*in&s to a %i& tree. @veryone *as #layin& on t"e s*in&s merrily. A%ru#tly, t"e kin&3s dau&"ter sto##ed all t"e &ames, %rou&"t everyone do*n from t"e s*in&s, and accosted "er %rot"er3s *ife. -+ister?in?la*, you can %ecome a flo*erin& tree, can3t youL Look, no one "ere "as any flo*ers for t"eir "air./ ."e sister?in?la* re#lied an&rily, -6"o told you suc" nonsenseL Am 0 not anot"er "uman %ein& like youL ,on3t talk suc" cra4y stuff./ ."e kin&3s dau&"ter taunted "er, -D"o, 0 kno* all a%out you. >y friends "ave no flo*ers to *ear. 0 ask my sister?in?la* to %ecome a tree and &ive us some flo*ers, and look "o* coy s"e acts. Kou don3t *ant to %ecome a tree for us. ,o you do t"at only for your loversL/ - 6he, you3re a*ful. >y comin& "ere *as a mistake,/ said t"e sister?in?la* sadly, and s"e a&reed to %ecome a tree. +"e sent for t*o #itc"ers of *ater, uttered c"ants over t"em, instructed t"e &irls on "o* and *"en to #our t"e *ater, and sat do*n to meditate. ."e silly &irls didn3t listen carefully. ."ey #oured t"e *ater on "er indifferently, "ere and t"ere. +"e turned into a tree, %ut only "alf a tree. 0t *as already evenin&, and it %e&an to rain, *it" t"under and li&"tnin&. 0n t"eir &reed to &et t"e flo*ers, t"ey tore u# t"e s#routs and %roke t"e %ranc"es. ."ey *ere in a "urry to &et "ome. +o t"ey #oured t"e second #itc"er of *ater at random and ran a*ay. 6"en t"e #rincess c"an&ed from a tree to a #erson a&ain, s"e "ad no "ands and feet. +"e "ad only "alf a %ody. +"e *as a *ounded carcass. +ome"o* in t"at flurry of rain*ater, s"e cra*led and floated into a &utter. ."ere s"e &ot stuck in a turnin&, a lon& *ay off from "ome. Be1t mornin&, seven or ei&"t cotton *a&ons *ere comin& t"at *ay and a driver s#otted a "alf?"uman t"in& &roanin& in t"e &utter. ."e first cart driver said, -+ee *"at t"at noise is a%out./ ."e second one said, -<ey, let3s &et &oin&. 0t may %e t"e *ind, or it may %e some &"ost, *"o kno*sL/ But t"e last cart driver sto##ed "is cart and took a look. ."ere lay a s"a#eless mass, a %ody. Dnly t"e face *as a %eautiful *oman3s face. +"e *asn3t *earin& a t"in&. - Ayyo, some #oor *oman,/ "e said in sorro*, and t"re* "is tur%an clot" over "er, and carried "er to

"is cart, #ayin& no "eed to t"e dirty %anter of "is fello*s. +oon t"ey came to a to*n. ."ey sto##ed t"eir carts t"ere and lo*ered t"is -t"in&/ onto a ruined #avilion. Before t"ey drove on, t"e cart driver said, -+ome%ody may find you and feed you. Kou *ill survive./ ."en t"ey drove on. Y Y Y 6"en t"e kin&3s dau&"ter came "ome alone, t"e 8ueen asked "er, -6"ere3s your sister?in?la*L 6"at *ill your %rot"er sayL/ ."e &irl ans*ered casually, -6"o kno*sL ,idn3t *e all find our o*n *ay "omeL 6"o kno*s *"ere s"e *entL/ ."e 8ueen #anicked and tried to &et t"e facts out of t"e &irl. - Ayyo4 Kou can3t say suc" t"in&s. Kour %rot"er *ill %e an&ry. .ell me *"at "a##ened./ ."e &irl said *"atever came to "er "ead. ."e 8ueen found out not"in&. +"e "ad a sus#icion t"at "er dau&"ter "ad done somet"in& foolis". After *aitin& several "ours, t"e #rince talked to "is mot"er. - Amma, Amma./ -6"at is it, sonL/ -6"at "as "a##ened to my *ifeL +"e *ent to t"e orc"ard to #lay on t"e s*in&s, and never came %ack./ -D Rama, 0 t"ou&"t s"e *as in your %edroom all t"is time. Bo* you3re askin& meQ/ -D", somet"in& terri%le "as "a##ened to "er,/ t"ou&"t t"e #rince. <e *ent and lay do*n in &rief. 9ive days #assed, si1 days #assed, fifteen days #assed, %ut t"ere *as no ne*s of "is *ife. ."ey couldn3t find "er any*"ere. -,id t"e stu#id &irls #us" "er into a tankL ,id t"ey t"ro* "er into a *ellL >y sister never liked "er. 6"at did t"e foolis" &irls doL/ <e asked "is #arents, also t"e servants. 6"at could t"ey sayL ."ey, too, *ere *orried and full of fear. 0n dis&ust and des#air, "e c"an&ed into an ascetic3s lon& ro%e and *ent out into t"e *orld. <e just *alked and *alked, not carin& *"ere "e *ent. Y Y Y >ean*"ile, t"e &irl *"o *as no* a -t"in&/ some"o* reac"ed t"e to*n into *"ic" "er "us%and3s elder sister "ad %een &iven in marria&e. @very time t"e #alace servants and maids #assed t"at *ay to fetc" *ater, t"ey used to see "er. ."ey *ould say to eac" ot"er, -+"e &lo*s like a kin&3s dau&"ter./ ."en one of t"em couldn3t stand it any lon&er and decided to tell t"e 8ueen. - Amma, Amma, s"e looks very muc" like your youn&er %rot"er3s *ife. Look t"rou&" t"e seein&?&lass and see for yourself./ ."e 8ueen looked and t"e face did seem stran&ely familiar. Dne of t"e maids su&&ested, - Amma, can 0 %rin& "er to t"e #alace. +"all 0L/ ."e 8ueen #oo"?#oo"ed t"e idea: -6e3ll "ave to serve "er and feed "er. 9or&et it./ A&ain t"e ne1t day t"e maids mum%led and moaned, -+"e3s very lovely. +"e3ll %e like a lam# in t"e #alace. Can3t *e %rin& "er "ereL/ -All ri&"t, all ri&"t, %rin& "er if you *is". But you3ll "ave to take care of "er *it"out ne&lectin& #alace *ork,/ ordered t"e 8ueen. ."ey a&reed and %rou&"t t"e -t"in&/ to t"e #alace. ."ey %at"ed "er in oils, dressed "er *ell, and sat "er do*n at t"e #alace door. @very day t"ey a##lied medicines to "er *ounds and made "er *ell. But t"ey could not make "er *"ole. +"e "ad only "alf a %ody.

Bo* t"e #rince *andered t"rou&" many lands and ended u# outside t"e &ate of "is sister3s #alace. <e looked like a cra4y man. <is %eard and *"iskers *ere *ild. 6"en t"e maids *ere fetc"in& and carryin& *ater t"ey sa* "im, t"en *ent %ack to t"e 8ueen in t"e #alace and said, - Amma, someone is sittin& outside t"e &ate, and "e looks very muc" like your %rot"er. Look t"rou&" t"e seein&?&lass and see./ 2rum%lin& indifferently, t"e 8ueen *ent to t"e terrace and looked t"rou&" t"e seein&?&lass. +"e *as sur#rised. -Kes, "e does look remarka%ly like my %rot"er. 6"at3s "a##ened to "imL <as "e %ecome a *anderin& asceticL 0m#ossi%le,/ s"e t"ou&"t. +"e sent "er maids do*n to %rin& "im in. ."ey said to "im, -."e 8ueen *ants to see you./ <e %rus"ed t"em aside. -6"y *ould s"e *ant to see meL/ "e &ro*led. -Bo, sir, s"e really *ants to see you, #lease come,/ t"ey insisted and finally #ersuaded "im to come in. ."e 8ueen took a &ood look at "im and kne* it *as really "er %rot"er. +"e ordered t"e #alace servants to "eat u# *"ole vats of oil and &reat vessels of steamin& *ater for "is %at"s. +"e served "im and nursed "im, for s"e kne* "e *as "er %rot"er. +"e served ne* kinds of dinner eac" day, and %rou&"t "im ne* styles of clot"in&. But *"atever s"e did, "e didn3t s#eak a *ord to "is elder sister. <e didn3t even ask, -6"o are youL 6"ere am 0L/ By t"is time, t"ey %ot" kne* t"ey *ere %rot"er and sister. ."e 8ueen *ondered, -6"y doesn3t "e talk to me t"ou&" 0 treat "im so royallyL 6"at could %e t"e reasonL Could it %e some *itc"3s or demon3s ma&icL/ After some days, s"e started sendin& one or anot"er of "er %eautiful maids into "is %edroom every ni&"t. +"e sent seven maids in seven days. ."e maids "eld "is "ands and caressed "is %ody and tried to rouse "im from "is stu#or. But "e didn3t say a *ord or do a t"in&. 9inally t"e servant maids &ot to&et"er and dressed u# t"e -t"in&/ t"at sat at t"e #alace door. 6it" t"e #ermission of t"e dis&usted 8ueen, t"ey left -0t/ on "is %ed. <e neit"er looked u# nor said anyt"in&. But t"is ni&"t, -0t/ #ressed and massa&ed "is le&s *it" its stum# of an arm. -0t/ moaned stran&ely. <e &ot u# once and looked at -0t./ -0t/ *as sittin& at "is feet. <e stared at -0t/ for a fe* moments and t"en reali4ed -0t/ *as really "is lost *ife. ."en "e asked "er *"at "ad "a##ened. +"e *"o "ad "ad no lan&ua&e all t"ese mont"s suddenly %roke into *ords. +"e told "im *"ose dau&"ter s"e *as, *"ose *ife, and *"at "ad "a##ened to "er. -6"at s"all *e do no*L/ "e asked. -Bot"in& muc". 6e can only try. Brin& t*o #itc"ers of *ater, *it"out touc"in& t"em *it" your fin&ernails,/ s"e re#lied. ."at ni&"t "e %rou&"t "er t*o #itc"ers of *ater *it"out anyone3s kno*led&e. +"e uttered c"ants over t"em and instructed "im: -Pour t"e *ater from t"is #itc"er over me, 03ll %ecome a tree. 6"erever t"ere is a %roken %ranc", set it ri&"t. 6"erever a leaf is torn, #ut it to&et"er. ."en #our t"e *ater of t"e second #itc"er./ ."en s"e sat do*n and meditated. <e #oured t"e *ater on "er from t"e first #itc"er. +"e %ecame a tree. But t"e %ranc"es "ad %een %roken, t"e leaves "ad %een torn. <e carefully set eac" one ri&"t and %ound t"em u# and &ently #oured *ater from t"e second #itc"er all over t"e tree. Bo* s"e %ecame a *"ole "uman %ein& a&ain. +"e stood u#, s"akin& t"e *ater from "er "air, and fell at "er "us%and3s feet.

."en s"e *ent and *oke u# t"e 8ueen, "er sister?in?la*, and touc"ed "er feet also. +"e told t"e astonis"ed 8ueen t"e *"ole story. ."e 8ueen *e#t and em%raced "er. ."en s"e treated t"e cou#le to all kinds of #rincely food and service, and "ad t"em sit in t"e "all like %ride and %ride&room for a ritual cele%ration called has9. +"e ke#t t"em in "er #alace for several *eeks and t"en sent t"em "ome to "er fat"er3s #alace *it" cartloads of &ifts. ."e kin& *as overjoyed at t"e return of "is lon&?lost son and dau&"ter?in?la*. <e met t"em at t"e city &ates, t"en took t"em "ome on an ele#"ant "o*da" in a &rand ceremonial #rocession t"rou&" t"e city streets. 0n t"e #alace, t"ey told t"e kin& and t"e 8ueen everyt"in& t"at "ad "a##ened. ."en t"e kin& "ad seven %arrels of %urnin& lime #oured into a &reat #it and t"re* "is youn&est dau&"ter into it. All t"e #eo#le *"o sa* it said to t"emselves, -After all, every *ron& "as its #unis"ment./

Types and 1otifs

Iarious tale ty#es seem to %e enmes"ed in t"e fa%ric of t"is movin& tale7 t"e latter #art is a version of .y#e A. !(), ."e >aiden 6it"out <ands. +"e %ecomes t"e *ife of a kin&, loses "ands and feet, is driven fort", &ets "ands and feet %ack, and is finally restored to "er "us%and. ."is tale is seamlessly joined to t"e first #art, *"ic" centers on t"e "eroine3s a%ility to %ecome a flo*erin& tree :>otif , =15; in order to #rovide flo*ers. 6"ile ot"er tales :see .y#e A. A(C, -."e Pome&ranate Mueen,/ Bo. A ; feature a tree %ecomin& a &irl, t"is one reverses t"e usual motif. OA. A)!, ."e Muest for t"e 6onderful 9lo*er :0D;. +ee also AKR3s comments in Ramanujan 1 1a:'''7 and es#ecially "is e1tended discussion of t"is tale included in t"is %ook.P

2;. Flute of =oy6 Flute of orrow

A lovin& cou#le "ad a son after many years. But %efore t"e %oy reac"ed t"e a&e of t"ree or four years, "is mot"er died. ."e fat"er didn3t kno* *"at to do. +"ould "e marry a&ainL 0f "e didn3t, *"o *ould look after t"e %oyL <e t"ou&"t a lot a%out it, and t"en married a second *ife, *"o did look after "is son very *ell for a *"ileHtill s"e &ot #re&nant and &ave %irt" to a son of "er o*n. As "er o*n son &re* %i&&er, s"e %e&an to send "er ste#son to t"e fields to &ra4e t"eir cattle. ."ey "ad seven co*s, and t"e %oy used to "erd all seven to t"e &rassy fields. ."e ste#mot"er *ould send "im *it" t"e #revious evenin&3s cold rice, s#iced u# a little. <e *ould take it *it" "im to t"e fields, eat some of it, and &ive some to t"e co*s. 6"en "e felt lonely, "e cried %y "imself. At "ome, "is ste#mot"er *ould fondly feed "er o*n son cream of *"eat and su&ar and melted %utter. But some"o* "e never &re* stron&, looked t"in as a fin&er, *"ereas t"e ot"er %oy *"o *ent cryin& every day to t"e fields *it" t"e seven co*s seemed to t"rive on "is "ards"i#s. ."is *as %ecause t"e co*s *ere #leased t"at t"e %oy s"ared "is food *it" t"em, stale t"ou&" it *as. ."ey talked amon& t"emselves and %e&an to &ive "im milk, all seven of t"em. As a result, t"ey "ad little milk left in t"eir udders *"en t"ey came "ome in t"e evenin&. ."e *oman *atc"ed t"em and t"e %oy sus#iciously for many days. +"e t"ou&"t, -0 feed my o*n son not"in& %ut cream of *"eat, su&ar, and melted %utter, %ut "e looks t"in as a fin&er. But t"is fello* is &ettin& fat on stale rice and "ot #e##er./ +"e resented "er ste#son, didn3t *ant "im around. +"e even t"ou&"t s"e s"ould &et "im killed. +o, one day, s"e tied a %lack clot" around "er "ead, covered "erself *it" a s"eet, and took to %ed. 6"en t"e "us%and came "ome t"at evenin&, "e tried to &et "er u#, %ut s"e *ouldn3t &et out of %ed. -6"at3s t"e matterL/ "e asked. -.ell me,/ "e #leaded. -03ll stay in t"is "ouse only if you do as 0 ask you. Dt"er*ise 03ll leave and &o to my mot"er3s,/ s"e said.

-All ri&"t, tell me *"at you *ant./ -Kill t"at son of yours and %rin& me "is %lood. 0f you #ut "is %lood on my %ro*, 03ll &et u#,/ s"e said. +"ocked t"ou&" "e *as, not kno*in& *"at else to do, "e #icked u# "is a1e and *ent to t"e field in searc" of t"e %oy. 9rom a &reat distance, t"e seven co*s sa* t"e man comin& to*ards t"e field, a1e in "and. ."ey surrounded t"e %oy and %e&an &ra4in& all around "im. 6"en t"e man came close and &ot ready to a1e t"e %oy, all seven co*s attacked "im and tossed "im into t"e air *it" t"eir "orns. Dne co* took t"e %oy on "er %ack, made "im sit %et*een "er &reat %i& "orns, and carried "im to a fara*ay "ill. ."e ot"er si1 follo*ed. ."e man kne* "e "ad to take %lood to "is *ife. Dr else s"e *ouldn3t &et u# from "er %ed. +o "e killed a s#arro*, took its %lood, and smeared "er fore"ead *it" it. ."en s"e &ot u#. ."e co*s nursed t"e %oy as if "e *ere t"eir o*n c"ild. ."ey &ave "im a flute of joy and a flute of sorro*, and said to "im, -0f you are in any trou%le, if you are "un&ry, if you need anyt"in&, #lay on t"e flute of sorro*. 6e *ill come at once, &ive you milk, and take care of your needs. But if you are "a##y, #lay on t"e flute of joy. ."en *e *ill kno* our son is *ell./ ."en t"ey left "im seated amon& t"e %ranc"es of a lar&e s"ady %anyan tree. 6"enever "e *as "un&ry, "e *ould #lay on t"e flute of sorro* and all seven co*s *ould a##ear at once, feed "im milk from t"eir udders, and disa##ear. 6"en "e *as "a##y, "e #layed t"e flute of joy. ."ey *ould "ear t"e joyous notes and kno* t"eir son *as "a##y and t"ey *ould %e content. ,ays and mont"s *ent %y like t"is. Dne day, t"e nei&"%orin& kin&3s dau&"ter came to t"e "ill to ans*er nature3s call. ."inkin& to *as" t"e little %rass *ater #ot s"e carried, s"e came to t"e *ell under t"e %anyan tree. As t"e #rincess scru%%ed t"e #ot, t"e %oy "a##ened to scratc" "is "ead, sittin& "i&" amon& t"e %ranc"es. <is "air s"one, like filaments of &old. A &olden "air fell on t"e #rincess3s "and. +"e looked around to see *"ere it "ad come from. +"e sa* not"in& around "er. ."en s"e looked u# and sa* "im, *ild and "andsome, amon& t"e %ranc"es. +"e decided at once t"at s"e *ould marry "im. As soon as s"e *ent "ome, s"e tied a #iece of clot" round "er neck and took to %ed. <er fat"er tried to &et "er out of %ed, %ut s"e *ouldn3t &et u#. +"e *as "is only dau&"ter. <e "ad no sons. <e "ad %rou&"t "er u# tenderly. -03ll %rin& you *"atever you *ant. 6"y are you lyin& like t"isL Please &et u#. .ell me no* *"at you *ant,/ "e #leaded. +"e said, -Dutside t"is to*n, t"ere3s a %i& %anyan tree. A youn& man is sittin& on it. Brin& "im and &et me married to "im. 0f you #romise to do so, 03ll &et u#./ -0s t"at allL/ asked t"e kin&, and sent five or si1 of "is #alace servants to %rin& t"e youn& fello* do*n. ."e kin&3s men came to t"e tree and asked "im to come do*n. <e didn3t. +o t"ey started clim%in& t"e tree. <e took u# t"e flute of sorro* and #layed on it. At once, all seven co*s &ave u# t"eir &ra4in&. ."ey said, -Dur son is in trou%le./ ."ey came lea#in& and runnin& from no*"ere, #itc"forked t"e kin&3s servants, and scattered t"em "elter?skelter. ."ey *ere "a##y to see t"at t"eir son *"o "ad %een fri&"tened at first *as no* amused. ."ey &ave "im some milk and *ent %ack to *"ere t"ey came from. ."e servants fled to t"e kin& and told "im *"at "ad "a##ened. -."at3s *eird,/ "e said, and *ent t"ere "imself *it" t*enty or t"irty men. ."e youn& man sa* "im comin& from a distance and sounded "is flute of sorro*. ."e co*s kne* t"at t"eir son *as in trou%le a&ain and came runnin&. ."ey found 8uite a little army of men at t"e foot of t"e tree. All seven co*s assaulted and sta%%ed t"em *it" t"eir "orns, tossed t"em aside, and dis#ersed t"em. ."e kin&3s men ran for t"eir lives. ."e #rincess *as disa##ointed. +"e refused to &et u#.

0n t"at #lace, t"ere *as a cro* called Bron4e Beak Cro*. <e *as a very clever cro*. ."ey called in t"e cro* and told "im t"eir #ro%lem. -6"enever t"at #retty %oy is in trou%le or "un&ry, "e #lays a flute and summons "is &uardians, t"e co*s. ."ey are fierce. Kou must sur#rise "im t"en, &ra% it from "im, and %rin& it "ere,/ t"ey instructed. But just *"en t"e cro* fle* over to t"e %anyan tree, "e *as #layin& t"e flute of joy. ."inkin& t"at t"is *as t"e flute t"ey *anted, t"e cro* s*oo#ed do*n, #lucked it from "is "ands, and fle* a*ay. <e t"en #layed on t"e flute of sorro*. ."e co*s came, &ave "im anot"er flute of joy, and left "im "a##y. Bron4e Beak Cro* came a&ain and sat a%ove "im on t"e tree. ."e youn& fello* looked u# once and sa* t"e *ily cro*, ready to ro% "im a&ain of a flute. As "e 8uickly reac"ed for t"e flute of sorro*, t"e cro* s*oo#ed do*n and snatc"ed it a*ay from "is "ands. Bo* "e "ad only one flute. @ven *"en "e *as in distress, all "e could #lay *as t"e flute of joy, %ecause t"at *as all "e "ad. ."e co*s *ould "ear t"e "a##y notes all day and t"ink, -Dur son is *ell./ ."e kin& came *it" "is retinue soon after, %rou&"t "im do*n from "is #erc", took "im "ome in a #rocession, and &ot "im married to "is dau&"ter. And s"e *as "a##y. But "e *as sad. <is t"ou&"ts *ere *it" "is seven co*s. <e *anted to %rin& t"em "ome, %ut t"e #eo#le at t"e #alace *ere afraid "e *ould sli# a*ay, and *ouldn3t let "im out of t"eir si&"t. >any days #assed. ."e seven co*s *ondered *"y t"eir son "ad not #layed eit"er of "is flutes. -6e "ave not "eard from "im. +omet"in& "as "a##ened to "im. Let3s &o and see,/ t"ey said and *ent to t"e %anyan tree. <e *as missin&, and no*"ere to %e found. ."ey mooed and mooed, cried -Baa, %aa/ over and over, and died t"ere, %roken?"earted. After a lon& time and many attem#ts, t"e sad youn& man *as a%le to talk to t"e #rincess and to t"e kin& and #ersuade t"em to &o *it" "im to t"e forest. 6"en "e came to "is %anyan tree, "e sa* at once t"at t"e co*s "ad died. ."at *as so lon& a&o, only t"eir %ones lay t"ere. <e #icked seven #e%%les, c"anted a #rayer, and t"re* a #e%%le at t"e le& %one of eac" co*. <ardly "ad t"e #e%%les struck t"em t"an t"ey rose a&ain as full?%odied co*s. ."ey scram%led u#, cryin& -Baa, %aa,/ and licked "im all over as if "e *ere a lon&?lost calf. ."en "e "erded t"em "ome as "e "ad done many times %efore, in times lon& &one. 0n t"e #alace, t"e co*s *ere looked after royally as if t"ey *ere seven 8ueens. 0n time, "e and t"e #rincess in"erited t"e kin&dom and rei&ned "a##ily.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. 5'A 0nd. Dt"er versions "ave *ild %uffaloes or a %ull instead of a co*. 0n one, t"e "ero #ours milk into a snake "ole7 t"e &rateful snake %lesses "im *it" a &olden %ody. ."e flutes are stolen %y a #arrot or an old *oman instead of %y a cro*. ."is story is told all over 0ndia :t*enty?four versions recorded so far; and "as not %een re#orted for ot"er #arts of t"e *orld. 0ts first #art "as an affinity *it" 51(B, *"ic" makes it a kind of male Cinderella tale, *it" a cruel ste#mot"er and #rotective &odmot"ers. Co*s are e1#licitly maternal fi&ures in <indu 0ndia, and are *ors"i#ed as gomata, -Co* >ot"ers./ ."e &olden "air motif :. 11.A.1; is as in @&y#tian myt"olo&y.

0n folktales of t"is kind, t"e mot"er :and fat"er; fi&ures are s#lit into t*o c"aracters, one &ood, one evil. <ere t"e -%ad %reast,/ t"e ste#mot"er *"o feeds "im leftovers and sets "er "us%and t"e task of killin& "im, is contrasted *it" -t"e &ood %reast/ of t"e seven co*s t"at &ive "im milk and #rotection.

."e motif of t"e flutes of joy and of sorro* :B 5(1.1; "as a sur#risin& develo#ment "ere. ."e "ero, %ein& left only *it" t"e flute of joy, can e1#ress and communicate no sorro*. All "is feelin&s come out soundin& "a##y on t"e flute of joy. 0t reminds one of t"e #assa&e in Kierke&aard on t"e *ay t"e artist is fated to turn sufferin& into notes of music. OA. 5'A, ."e Kout" 6"o .ends t"e Buffalo <erd :0D;.P

2,. Fools
0n a certain to*n lived a fool and "is *ife *"o *as also a fool. ."ey "ad &ro*n *orse in t"eir folly %y fi&"tin& daily a%out t"e 8uestion of *"o *as t"e %etter fool. ."eir nei&"%ors *ere 8uite tired of t"eir noisy fi&"ts. Dne day, *"en t"eir fi&"t *as at its noisiest, a clever man arrived in to*n, and it didn3t take "im lon& to discover t"e cause of t"eir fi&"ts. <e kne* ri&"t a*ay t"at advice *ould not %e of any use. +o "e cornered t"e fool and told "im, -2o and see t"e *orld. +ee "o* many kinds of fools t"ere are in t"e *orld. 6"at3s t"e #oint of fi&"tin& like t"isL/ And "e sent "im out to see t"e variety of folly in t"e *orld. +o t"e fool *andered lon& and far till "e came to a to*n *"ere everyone *as an idiot. ."e "ouses *ere filled *it" darkness even at midday. +o t"ey *ere tryin& to &at"er sunli&"t in %askets and carry it into t"e "ouses. ."e fool *atc"ed t"em and lau&"in&ly asked t"em, -6"at are you doin&L/ ."ey said, -,on3t you seeL 6e3re tryin& to %rin& li&"t into our "ouses. +o *e3re fillin& u# t"ese %askets *it" sunli&"t. But our "ouses are still dark./ -D, t"at3s easy. 0f you #ay me a fee, 03ll fill your "ouses *it" li&"t./ ."ey *ere deli&"ted and &ave "im a "efty fee. <e *ent into eac" "ouse and o#ened all t"e *indo*s and skyli&"ts. 6"ere t"ey didn3t "ave any, "e a1ed t"e *alls and made %i& "oles. Li&"t #oured into t"e rooms. ."e #eo#le of t"e to*n *ere ama4ed. ."en "e *andered on till "e sa* a "ouse *"ere &rass &re* on t"e terraced roof *"ere a little sand "ad collected. ."e *oman of t"e "ouse *anted "er %uffalo to eat t"e &rass. +o s"e *as tryin& to &et t"e %uffalo to clim% to t"e to# of t"e "ouse. ."e fool asked "er, -6"at are you tryin& to doL/ -D, my son3s %uffalo is "un&ry. 0 *ant to let it &ra4e on t"e terrace. But t"e %uffalo is stu#id. @ven t"ou&" 0 %eat "im, "e *on3t clim% onto t"e roof. 6"at s"all 0 doL/ -9or a fee, 03d %e "a##y to &ra4e "im,/ "e offered. -.ake it, "ere,/ said t"e *oman, &ivin& "im some money. <e at once asked for a ladder, clim%ed onto t"e terrace, cut some of t"e &rass, and t"re* it in front of t"e %uffalo, *"o "a##ily %e&an to c"e* on it. Ri&"t t"en, "e "eard #eo#le makin& a rum#us in anot"er lane. ."e fool *ent t"ere to see *"at *as "a##enin&. +everal *restlers and *ei&"t lifters *ere en&a&ed in t"e task of takin& a "u&e #iece of tim%er into a "ouse. ."e door *as too narro* for it and t"ey couldn3t &et t"e #iece #ast it. 6"en t"e fool arrived t"ere, t"e %i& fello*s *ere &ettin& ready to %reak do*n t"e door and t"e surroundin& *all. <e offered to "el#, for a decent fee, of course. ."ey *ere "a##y to &et any "el#. <e made t"em cut t"e #iece of tim%er in 8uarters and carry it in. 6"en "e looked at all t"ese fools *"o *ere muc" *orse t"an "e, &ood sense da*ned on "im. ->y *ife and 0 are suc" smart #eo#leHnot like t"ese doltsQ/ "e t"ou&"t. +o "e returned "ome and %e&an to live like ot"er #eo#le.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. 1=1(, ."e Co* 0s .aken to t"e Roof to 2ra4e. .y#e A. 1=A5, +unli&"t Carried in a Ba& into a 6indo*less <ouse. <undreds of numskull stories :.y#es A. 1=((J1'A ; are told all over 0ndia, as else*"ere. +ometimes t"ey are or&ani4ed into a series, as in t"e #resent tale or as in A. 1''=, 6"ic" 0s t"e 2reatest 9ool, or t"ey are strun& ela%orately into *"ole foolto*ns, as in t"e Britis" tales of t"e men of 2ot"am or t"e ,anis" tales of t"e fools of >ol%o. ."e %est?kno*n of t"ese in sout"ern 0ndia are t"e adventures of Paramart"a 2uru and <is ,isci#les, first told in *ritten form %y 9at"er Besc"i, an 0talian Gesuit *"o lived in .amilnadu and *rote in .amil in t"e ei&"teent" century. Dne is not sure *"et"er "e re#orted t"ese from @uro#e or "eard t"em locally. Ket t"ey "ave certainly %ecome #art of t"e .amil, .elu&u, and Kannada oral traditions. O9or a translation of Costantino 2. Besc"i3s collection, see Benjamin Ba%in&ton, The Ad7entures of the <ooroo Paramartan :London: G. >. Ric"ardson, 1C==;.P Bumskull tales, as in @uro#e, are very old, told and retold in t"e earliest collections like t"e @&takas and t"e Pacatantra. Lar&e num%ers of t"em #unctuate t"e lon&er romances in t"e Ocean of Story.

Bumskull tales are often t"e o##osite of riddles, *it" *"ic" t"ey s"are a #reoccu#ation *it" t"e #lay of lo&ical o#erations and t"e defiance of *"at one *ould call common sense. A riddle %e&ins *it" a 8uestion t"at seems illo&ical and sorts out t"e lo&ic in t"e ans*er: e.&., Muestion: A *"ite "ouse *it"out a *indo* or a door. 6"at is itL Ans*er: An e&&. Bumskulls %e&in *it" a lo&ical #ractical 8uestion and end *it" a foolis" illo&ical ans*er: e.&., M: <o* s"all *e %rin& li&"t into a dark "ouseL A: 0n %askets. As *e can see in t"e a%ove e1am#le, t"e numskull takes a #"rase like -%rin& li&"t/ literally. Bot" riddles and numskull tales #lay at crossin& a culture3s cate&ories :t"at seem lo&ical and self? evident *it"in a s#ecific culture;: e.&., animate$inanimate, natural$man?made :as in t"e a%ove riddle a%out t"e e&& %ein& likened to a "ouse;, literal$meta#"oric, material$immaterial, etc. 9or instance, in t"e #resent tale, sunli&"t is treated as a material o%ject t"at can %e carried from one #lace to anot"er. Riddles fre8uently de#end on meta#"ors7 numskull tales, on undoin& t"e meta#"ors. ."e latter literali4e meta#"ors. -2uard t"e door,/ says a man to t"e fool. ."e fool #ulls out t"e door and &uards it OA. 1(( , 2uardin& t"e +tore?room ,oorP. ."ey undo t"e am%i&uity of idioms in a lan&ua&e. -."is rice is for t"e road,/ says t"e *oman to t"e fool, *"o casts t"e rice alon& t"e *ay on t"e road. ."e s"ock, t"e sur#rises, and t"e fun of t"ese tales are in t"e lively #lay across t"ese cate&ories. 9or ot"er uses of literali4ation, see Bo. A', -A Be3er?do?*ell,/ in *"ic" a con man #lays t"e literal fool. Literali4ation is a muc" *ider device: it can %e used %y canny jesters to make a #oint. .enali Rama once offends "is royal master, and t"e kin& an&rily asks t"e jester never to s"o* "is face, so t"e jester *alks a%out *it" a #ot over "is "ead. :9or an insi&"tful discussion of t"is t"eme, see ,avid +"ulman 1 C5;. 0t can %e a creative device in myt", ma&ic, ritual, and folk medicine: to soften a lover3s "eart, a *oman mi&"t c"e* a "ard nut7 love is su##osed to %e %lind, so t"e love &od is #ictured as %lind. 0n all t"ese cases, lan&ua&e is #rimary and ot"er forms are modeled on it. O."e frame story mi&"t %e related to A. 1'CA, ."e <us%and <unts ."ree Persons as +tu#id as "is 6ife.P

22. A =ac"al King

A jackal roamed in t"e rain all day lookin& for food. <e didn3t find any, and it &ot dark. <e sneaked into to*n and entered a *as"erman3s "ouse. <e ate *"atever "e could #ut "is snout to, and as "e ran in a "urry "e fell into t"e *as"erman3s indi&o vat. <e tried to &et out of it, %ut "e couldn3t. <e stru&&led till

mornin&, *"en a clever idea occurred to "im. <e lay in t"e vat motionless, "is le&s stiff, as if dead. ."e *as"erman came to di# "is clot"es in t"e vat and found *"at looked like a dead animal in it. -,idn3t 2od &ive t"is *retc"ed animal any eyes to see *"ere "e *as &oin&L/ "e &rum%led, and "e #icked u# t"e jackal in dis&ust and t"re* it on t"e rocks outside to*n. ."e jackal *aited till "e disa##eared and t"en &ot u# and ran. Dnce "e found "imself in a safe #lace, "e looked at "imself only to find t"at "e *as stained a stran&e %lue all over. <e couldn3t reco&ni4e "imself. <o* *ould ot"er animals reco&ni4e "imL >ay%e "e could *ork t"is to "is advanta&e and %ecome t"e kin& of t"e forest, "e t"ou&"t. <e *as after all a jackal. Bo%ody "ad to teac" "im tricks. <e called a meetin& of all t"e jackals and addressed t"em: -D jackals all, t"e &oddess of t"is forest a##eared to me yesterday and #oured am%rosia all over me and %lessed me. +"e said, R9rom no* on, my son, you are t"e kin& of t"is forest Sand s"e a##ointed me kin&. 0f you don3t %elieve me, just look at my %ody. +o, from today on, you are my su%jects and 0 am your kin&. ,on3t you ever for&et itQ/ ."ey looked at "im in ama4ement. <is %ody *as indeed colored an astonis"in& %lue. ."e jackals t"ou&"t, ->ay%e t"is is all true. 6"y else *ould "e %e %lessed *it" t"is uneart"ly colorL/ ."ey asked "im, -Kour <i&"ness, *"at3s your nameL/ <o* could "e say just -Gackal/L 6as "e an idiotL <e said instead, -Gackal .ackal Lackal Raja./ ."ey, #oor t"in&s, couldn3t remem%er suc" a lon& name. ."ey sim#ly "urra"ed: -Lon& live our rajaQ Iictory to our ma"arajaQ @ai4 / 9rom t"at day, t"e jackal made t"e ot"er jackals serve "im. +oon t"e ot"er animals also s"outed @ai4 and %ecame "is su%jects. @ven #o*erful animals like lions and ti&ers su%mitted to "is rule, im#ressed %y t"e color of "is %ody. 6"enever "e *ent any*"ere, "e "ad to ride t"e ele#"ant. <e "ad to "ave t"e lion to "is ri&"t, t"e ti&er to t"e left, and #acks of jackals %e"ind "im and in front of "im. 6"o *ouldn3t &ro* vain *it" suc" #o*er and royaltyL <e no lon&er cared for "is o*n kind. <e *ouldn3t let a fello*? jackal any*"ere near "im. All t"e des#ised jackals slunk a*ay from "im. Dne day, a *ise old jackal said to t"em, -,on3t *orry a%out "im, fello*s. <is time is u#. 0f "e *as %orn one of us and no* acts too %i& to %e friends *it" us, it means "is do*nfall is near. ."e ti&er and t"e lion fear "im only %ecause t"ey don3t kno* "e3s a jackal. 0f t"ey find out *"o "e is, t"ey *on3t *ait a minute. ."ey3ll tear "im to #ieces. All t"ese days, 0 t"ou&"t, RAfter all, "e3s one of us. <e is risin& in life. Let "im enjoy it.S But no* "e "as turned a&ainst us, *"at does it matter if "e lives or diesL 6"en "e comes to t"is evenin&3s assem%ly, surround "im and set u# a %i& "o*l. <o*l for all you are *ort". ."e rest is 2od3s *ill./ ."e jackals a&reed. ."e court assem%led t"at evenin&. Kin& Gackal .ackal Lackal arrived in style *it" "is retinue and sat on "is t"rone. As if in &reat ju%ilation, all t"e jackals raised t"eir voices and "o*led and "o*led. Kin& Gackal for&ot "imself and joined t"em in t"eir "o*ls. <e *as in "is elementH"e "o*led louder t"an t"e rest. ."e ti&er and t"e lion, at first taken a%ack, soon reali4ed t"at t"is *as only a common jackal *"o "ad %ecome kin& %y deceivin& t"em, t"e im#osterQ ."ey #ounced on "im at once and tore "im to #ieces. ."at3s *"y *ise #eo#le say: -Kou can3t c"an&e *"at you are %orn *it". A do& is a do& even *"en it sits in a #alan8uin./

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif G 51=.1', Gackal accidentally made kin& %ut joins ot"er jackals in "o*lin& at ni&"t. Killed :0D;.P

23. For )o/e of Kadabu

A man *ent to "is mot"er?in?la*3s, in a near%y villa&e, to enjoy t"e royal treatment a son?in?la* usually &ets. ."e mot"er?in?la* lovin&ly made kada"u :s*eet #uffs; for "im. <e loved t"em, %ut "e felt too s"y to eat as many as "e *ould "ave liked. <is mot"er?in?la* #laced a #latter full of t"em in front of "im, %ut all "e could mana&e to do *as s"yly ni%%le on one or t*o. But "e *as t"inkin& all t"rou&" t"e meal t"at "e *ould "urry "ome, ask "is *ife to make a lot of t"ese delicious t"in&s, and eat t"em and eat t"em to "is "eart3s content. <e didn3t kno* *"at t"ey *ere called, %ut %y careful in8uiries "e found out t"at kada"u *as t"e name of t"e delicacy, and "e memori4ed it. 2ada"u, kada"u, kada"u, "e muttered to "imself all t"e *ay "ome. Unfortunately, on "is *ay, may%e %ecause "is attention *as not on t"e road, "e sli##ed and fell. 0n t"e s"ock of t"e fall, "e for&ot to say kada"u, and %e&an to say "adaku, "adaku. 6"en "e reac"ed "ome, "e 8uickly *as"ed "is "ands and feet, and called "is *ife in a "urry. -Look "ere, you must make some "adakus for me./ -6"at3s "adaku3 0 "ave never "eard of it./ -,on3t you kno* *"at "adaku isL @veryone kno*s *"at it is./ -Bo, 0 don3t. 8adaku sounds funny. 8adaku, "adaku4 / s"e teased "im. <e *as %alked, ve1ed, and soon "e &ot very an&ry. <e &ra%%ed a stick t"at lay in a corner and %eat "er. ."en "e sla##ed "er c"eeks and %o1ed "er ears. <is *ife, *"o "ad never seen "im like t"is %efore, ran out of t"e "ouse *ee#in& aloud and sou&"t t"e "el# of a nei&"%or, an elderly lady, *"o said to "er, -<e "as no %usiness %eatin& you. 03ll come and talk to "im. >ay%e "e3s drunk or somet"in&./ ."e lady %rou&"t t"e youn& *oman %ack to "er "ouse and re%uked t"e "us%and roundly. -<ave you any sense in your "eadL Kou3ve %eaten u# t"e #oor &irl so %adly. Look at "er, "er c"eeks "ave #uffed u# like a kada"u4 / -D, D,/ "e cried in reco&nition, jum#in& u#. -."at3s it, t"at3s it. 2ada"u, kada"u, t"at3s *"at 0 *ant./ 0t *as t"en t"at it da*ned on "is *ife t"at all t"is fuss *as for a kada"u. -6"y didn3t you tell me so in t"e first #laceL 8adaku, "adaku4 / s"e screamed at "im, and *ent to *ork on makin& kada"us. +"e made t"ree %i& luscious kada"us. +"e liked t"em too, as muc" as "e did. +o t"ey fou&"t over *"o s"ould "ave t*o. Beit"er *anted one and a "alf, so t"ey made a #act. ."ey *ould %ot" &o lie do*n in t"e front room, *it"out makin& a sound. @ven if a mos8uito %it t"em or a fly sat on t"eir nose, t"ey *ould not move a muscle or make any noise. 6"oever moved or s#oke first *ould %e t"e loser and &et only one kada"uA t"e silent one *ould &et t"e ot"er t*o. +o t"ey %ot" left t"e #recious kada"us %e"ind in t"e kitc"en and lay do*n silently in t"e front room. @venin& came, ni&"t fell, and soon it *as t"e ne1t day. 0n t"e mornin&, t"e nosy nei&"%ors noticed no movement in t"e "ouse. ."ey *orried a%out t"e cou#le not *akin& u# as usual. ."ey *ondered *"at "ad "a##ened to t"em. ."ey *aited a *"ile, t"en cautiously #us"ed t"e front door o#en. ."ey found t"e cou#le on t"e floor, t"eir eyes closed, unmovin&, lyin& t"ere as if dead. +omeone said, -."ey are dead, #oor t"in&s./ -."e %odies are "ardly cold,/ said anot"er. But t"e "us%and and *ife moved not a muscle. +o t"e nei&"%ors #roceeded to carry t"em out to t"e cremation &rounds. ."ere t"ey #iled dry co* dun& cakes on t"e %odies and li&"ted t"e funeral #yre. ."e fire touc"ed t"e *ife3s "air first, and s"e screamed, - Ayyo, 0 don3t *ant to %urnQ/ At once t"e "us%and started u# in trium#", s"outin&, -."ereQ Kou lost. 03m t"e *inner. Dne for you and

t*o for meQ/ ."e nei&"%ors *ere scared out of t"eir *its to see t"e dead come alive, and t"ey fled t"e #lace. ."e cou#le s"ook t"emselves loose, *ent "ome ar&uin& all t"e *ay, and ate t"e kada"us, *"ic" "ad &one 8uite cold %y no*.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. 1)C!, ."e 9or&otten 6ord A. N 1'51, ."e +ilence 6a&er. .old *idely %ot" in 0ndia :fifteen versions recorded so far; and else*"ere, literally from C"ina to Peru, t"is tale "as %een *ell studied. +ee Bro*n 1 ==7 Clouston 1CC!, vol. =:='J=5.

24. A >irl in a *icture

0n +im"ala country, one Iikrama *as t"e kin&Hyoun&, unmarried, a smart ruler of "is #eo#le. Dne day a diamond merc"ant came to "im and re#orted: -Kour >ajesty, every full?moon day a flo*erin& tree rises out of t"e ocean. A %eautiful *oman lies lu1uriously on a &olden cot under t"at tree. +"e enjoys t"e ocean %ree4e for a "alf "our or so, and t"en t"e tree, t"e cot, and t"e *oman sink and &o under t"e surface. 6"at could %e t"e meanin& of itL/ ."at full?moon day, "e *ent *it" t"e merc"ant to t"e center of t"e ocean. By midni&"t, as "e *atc"ed t"e moonlit *aters, a tree in full flo*er rose from t"e sea, just as t"e merc"ant "ad said. Under it *as a &olden cot. Dn it a celestial %eauty lay lu1uriously, served %y maids. ."e %eauty of it all *ent to t"e kin&3s "ead. <e felt "e *as &oin& cra4y. <e stood t"ere &a#in& at t"e scene. A%out "alf an "our later, t"e tree %e&an to sink in t"e ocean. ."e youn& kin& *as no co*ard. <e loved adventure. +o "e jum#ed into t"e *aves and &ra%%ed a %ranc" of t"e disa##earin& tree, *"ic" took "im at once into a net"er *orld of Ba&as. ."e &irl "e "ad seen earlier *as t"ere, still on "er couc", served %y "er maids. 6"en t"eir eyes met, t"ey *ere %ot" t"rilled. ."e &irl sent a maid to %rin& "im closer to "er. As t"e maid took "im %y t"e "and, "e asked "er *"o t"is celestial %eauty *as. +"e e1#lained, -+"e is a &od3s dau&"ter. +"e "as taken a vo* t"at s"e *ould marry only someone *"o "ad t"e coura&e to risk "is life and come "ere all %y "imself. <ere, you3ve arrived. +"e3s yours to marry./ <e married "er and lived in ecstasy *it" t"at divine female. A *is"?fulfillin& tree &ave t"em *"atever t"ey desired. <e "ad a &oddess for *ife. 6"at else did "e needL Dne day s"e came to "im and s"o*ed "im a &irl3s #icture and said, ->y kin&, my love, enjoy *"atever you *ant in t"is *orld of mine, %ut don3t ever covet t"e &irl in t"is #icture. ."at3s t"e only t"in& you3ve &ot to do *it"out./ ."e kin& said, -."at3s easy. 03ve everyt"in&./ Dne day *"en "e *as alone in "is #alace, "is eye fell on t"e #icture. <e *as curious. <e #assed "is fin&ers over t"e &irl in t"e #icture. At once s"e came alive and kicked "im "ard on t"e c"est. Before "e could even %link "is eyes, "e *as in "is #alace in +im"ala country. 9rom t"at moment on, "e could find no #leasure in anyt"in& in "is #alace or "is kin&dom, and renounced it all to %ecome a *anderin& sanyasi.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif 9 A=(.!.1, Iisit to 6ater?&oddess3s under*ater "ome7 and >otif . 11.=, Love t"rou&" si&"t of #icture.P

25. The >lass *illar

0t *as t"e %usiness of a sin&er of "oly and moral tales to recite &ood stories and make #eo#le moral. Dnce "e #roclaimed, -2ood men all, listen. A%ove all, do not &o after *omen, do not fornicate. ,o you kno* *"at "a##ens to fornicatorsL ."ere3s a %i& &lass #illar in "ell. ."ey "eat it till it3s red?"ot and t"ey make t"e sinners &o t"rou&" a "ole no %i&&er t"an a needle. Be*areQ/ ."e audience *as very im#ressed and said, -.rue, true,/ s"ook t"eir "eads, admired "is skill *it" *ords, and &ave "im ten !ice instead of t"e usual one !ice. <is favorite "arlot *as also in t"e audience. +"e found t"e talk a%out t"e &lass #illar in "ell 8uite terrifyin&. ."e sin&er finis"ed "is day3s recitation and, after "e "ad made sure everyone *as safely "ome in %ed, *ent secretly to t"e "arlot3s "ouse. <e knocked on t"e door. 6it"out o#enin& t"e door, t"e "arlot said, Ayyo, *"y did you comeL Kou yourself said: t"ere is a red?"ot #illar in "ell, and sinners *ill %e sent t"rou&" a "ole no %i&&er t"an a needle. Aren3t you scaredL/ -D, you innocent, don3t fear. >illions of #eo#le "ave &one t"rou&" t"at "ole. +o it3s %ecome enlar&ed, so lar&e indeed t"at even ele#"ants and camels can #ass t"rou&" it *it"out any "arm. Come, o#en t"e doorQ/ "e said.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif M =A1, Adultery #unis"ed7 >otif M A1A.(.', Burnin& as #unis"ment for adultery7 and >otif K ==C5, Iillain dis&uised as ascetic nun.P

27. A >olden parrow

Dne mornin&, a #oor old *oman *as *as"in& t"e small yard in front of "er door so t"at s"e could dra* a rangoli desi&n on it. 6"ile s"e *as smearin& t"e floor *it" co* dun& #aste to #re#are t"e &round for t"e desi&n, a t"orn entered "er #alm. ."e "and %e&an to s*ell. +"e s"o*ed it to everyone. -Look "o* it3s s*ollenQ/ s"e said to everyone s"e met. +ome #eo#le said, -9oment it./ +ome ot"ers said, -Prick it *it" anot"er t"orn./ Dt"ers su&&ested medicines, "er%s. @ac" #erson "ad "is or "er o*n remedy. But t"e old *oman did not"in&. ."e "and &ot *orse. +"e felt a t"ro%%in&, a movement, a cracklin& like chutu chutu. 6"en s"e looked at "er "and, t"e #ainful s*ellin& %roke. 0t %urst *it" a %i& sound, and out came a s#arro*. Before s"e could say, - Ayyo, a s#arro*Q/ it c"ir#ed and "o##ed all over t"e "ouse, layin& &olden e&&s *"erever it #erc"ed. ."e old *oman *as deli&"ted. +"e #ut t"em a*ay carefully, and sold an e&& at a time and lived on t"e money. +oon, s"e #ulled do*n "er rams"ackle "ut and %uilt a fine &old?#lated "ouse in its #lace. +"e %e&an to *ear &ood clot"es, %ou&"t nice knickknacks, and &ot ne* #ots and #ans. ."e *oman ne1t door asked "er one day, -Dld *oman, you didn3t "ave a t"in&. <o* did you suddenly &et all t"isL/ -<o* can 0 tell youL 0 *as smearin& co* dun& in t"e yard one day and a t"orn *ent into my "and. >y "and &ot s*ollen. @veryone told me *"at to do. @veryone "ad a different remedy. 0 did not"in&. 9inally, it %urst and, do you kno*L a s#arro* came out of it. 0t c"ir#ed and "o##ed all over t"e "ouse and laid real &olden e&&s,/ s"e said. ."e nei&"%or t"ou&"t s"e could do t"e same t"in&. +o s"e &at"ered some co* dun&. +"e made sure it "ad a t"orn in it. +"e sa* to it t"at a t"orn *ent into "er #alm. -<a, 03ve a t"orn in t"e ri&"t #lace. 0t3ll s*ell %y tomorro*,/ s"e said, and *aited "a##ily. But it didn3t.

+"e &ot *orried. +everal days later it did %ecome #ainful and s*ollen. +"e too s"o*ed it to everyone, like t"e old *oman, and t"ey all advised "er t"e same *ay. All s"e *as *orried a%out *as t"e s#arro* t"at *ould come out of it. But t"ere *as no si&n of any s#arro*. 0n a *eek, it &ot *orse. ."e *"ole "and *as s*ollen. +"e *rit"ed in a&ony. 9inally it %urst. +"e e1#ected a s#arro*. But all s"e sa* *as %lood and #us. +"e *aited anot"er day for t"e s#arro*. ."en anot"er. 0n a fe* days t"e "and %e&an to rot *it" &an&rene. 6"en s"e s"o*ed it to t"e doctor, "e said t"e "and *ould "ave to %e cut off.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif B 1('.=.1, .reasure?layin& %ird7 >otif M =!=, Avarice #unis"ed7 and >otif G =A15, 9oolis" imitation of lucky man.P

2.. The >reatest Thing

A devotee s#ent all "is time t"inkin& of 2od. Bot a day #assed t"at "e didn3t %at"e and offer *ors"i# to "is family &ods. Dne day a mendicant &ave "im a doll and asked "im to *ors"i# it. ."e man asked "im, -0s t"is t"e &reatest t"in& in t"e *orldL/ ."e mendicant said, -0 t"ink so. But if you find anyt"in& &reater, *ors"i# that. / +o "e %rou&"t t"e doll "ome and started offerin& it *ors"i#. As #art of "is offerin&, "e *ould #lace a %anana, #eeled and sliced, in front of t"e doll. @very day a mouse *ould come and eat t"e %anana. <e *as very "a##y to see t"at t"e %anana *as &one every mornin& and t"ou&"t t"at &od *as #ersonally eatin& "is offerin&s. +o "e continued to offer %ananas. Dne day "e cau&"t si&"t of t"e mouse eatin& t"e %anana. -A", 0 didn3t reali4e it. ."is mouse is &reater t"an t"at &od. <e3s t"e real &od,/ "e said, and started *ors"i#in& t"e mouse. Dne day a cat stalked t"e mouse, killed it, and ate it. -D, so a cat is &reater t"an a mouse,/ "e said, and started to *ors"i# t"e cat. <e li&"ted oil lam#s and "ad %eautiful ceremonies for t"e cat. ."is *ent on for a *"ile. >eantime "is little son ac8uired a do&, *"ic" jum#ed on t"e cat one day. ."e scared cat fled for dear life. -A", t"e do& is so muc" &reater,/ "e said and transferred "is *ors"i# to t"e do&. Dne day t"e do& *ent into t"e kitc"en and #ut its snout into a fres" #ot of cooked rice and lentils and ate it u#. <is *ife cau&"t it in t"e act and t"ras"ed it *it" a stick till its %ack %roke. Bo* "e kne* t"at "is *ife *as &reater t"an even t"e do&. +o "e started *ors"i#in& "er. Ket "e *anted "is meals on time every day. 6"en, one day, s"e *as late *it" t"em, "e &ot very an&ry. As s"e *as %rin&in& "is #late, "e &ra%%ed a stick and %eat "er. <e sto##ed smack in t"e middle of t"is incident, for "e reali4ed t"at "e "imself *as &reater t"an "is *ife. And *"ile "e *as #re#arin& "imself to *ors"i# "imself, "e reali4ed t"at "is stomac" *as *"at "e truly *orked for. @veryt"in& "e ate *ent into "is stomac", and so "e %e&an to *ors"i# it. 6"at "e did ne1t, *e don3t kno*.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. =('1B, ."e >ost Po*erful 0dol. 0n t"e Gudaic and 0slamic traditions, t"is story is kno*n as -A%ra"am Learns to 6ors"i# 2od,/ in *"ic" A%ra"am first *ors"i#s a star at ni&"tfall, t"en t"e moon *"ic" o%scures t"e star, t"en t"e sun, and finally &ives u# idolatry.

Anot"er cumulative tale *it" a "uman actor, *"ic" satiri4es "uman desireH"ere t"e desire to searc" for t"e &reatest t"in& to *ors"i#. +uc" tales tend to "ave a circular, self?defeatin& structure. ."is one ends u# une1#ectedly *it" a man *ors"i#in& "is o*n %elly. ."e classic tale of t"is kind in 0ndia is ."e >an 6"o +eeks t"e 2reatest Bein& as a <us%and for "is ,au&"ter, .y#e A. =('1C, told all over 0ndia, and told in our earliest collectionsHt"e @&takas, t"e Pacatantra, and t"e 2ath&sarits&gara. 0t &oes like t"is: A sa&e catc"es a mouse, *"ic" c"an&es into a &irl. <e treats "er as "is dau&"ter and *ants to marry "er to t"e &reatest %ein& in t"e *orld. <e %e&ins *it" t"e sun, t"en &oes to t"e cloud t"at covers t"e sun, t"e *ind t"at moves t"e cloud, t"e mountain t"at sto#s t"e *ind, and finally to a mouse t"at di&s "oles in t"e mountain. <e c"an&es "is dau&"ter %ack to a mouse and marries "er to a mouse, t"ere%y returnin& everyt"in& to t"e status 8uo. +uc" tales are ar&uments for t"e status 8uo, a&ainst someone *is"in& to live %eyond t"e station to *"ic" "e *as %orn, and are so used in conversation.

29. ?anchi
An old *oman "ad t*o c"ildren, a son and a dau&"ter. ."e &irl "ad &olden "air, %ut t"e %rot"er "ad not %een struck %y it till, one day, *"en %ot" of t"em *ere &ro*n u# and t"e &irl *as a lovely youn& *oman *it" "air of &old, "e "a##ened to see it as if for t"e first time and at once fell in love *it" "er. <e *ent to "is mot"er and %e&&ed "er to &ive "is sister in marria&e to "im. ."e #oor old *oman *as s"ocked and kne* at once t"at disaster *as a"ead. But s"e "id "er feelin&s and sent "im to t"e near%y to*n to %rin& rice and flour and lentils for t"e *eddin&. As soon as "e left t"e "ouse, s"e *ent to "er dau&"ter and said to "er, -,au&"ter, t"e time "as come for you to leave me. Kou3re as &ood as dead to me after t"is day. Kou3re too %eautiful to live "ere in safety. Kou "ave "air of &old7 no one can look at it *it"out desire. +o 0 s"all &et a mask made for you7 it *ill "ide your face and save you from future dan&er./ ."en s"e ran to t"e #otter and &ave "im a &old vessel and %ou&"t a clay mask to fit "er dau&"ter3s face. ."at very ni&"t s"e sent a*ay "er dau&"ter *it" t"e #artin& *ords, -Bever remove t"e mask from your face till your situation is %etter./ 6"en "er dau&"ter *as &one, t"e #oor *oman #oisoned "erself in "er &rief. ."e son came "ome ne1t day, found "is sister &one, and "is mot"er dead. +earc"in& for t"em every*"ere, "e *ent mad, and %ecame a *anderin& madman. ."e &irl *it" t"e clay mask *andered from #lace to #lace as lon& as "er mot"er3s %undle of %read and rice lasted. +"e c"an&ed "er name to <anc"i :hanchu means a clay tile;. +"e *ould sto# %y *ayside %rooks, untie "er %undle of %read, and eat at noon and %y moonli&"t. At last s"e came to a #lace very far from "er "ometo*n and struck u# ac8uaintance *it" an old *oman *"o &ave "er food and s"elter. Dne day t"e old *oman came "ome and said t"at a near%y saukar :ric" man; needed a servantmaid, and t"at s"e "ad arran&ed to send <anc"i to "is #lace. <anc"i a&reed and *ent to t"e %i& "ouse to *ork t"ere as a servantmaid. +"e *as an e1#ert cook, and no one could e8ual "er in makin& dis"es of s*eet rice. Dne day, t"e saukar *is"ed to arran&e a %an8uet in "is orc"ard and ordered <anc"i to make "er s#ecial dis"es of s*eet rice. ."at day, everyone in t"e "ouse"old *ent to t"e orc"ard for a &rand mealH everyone, t"at is, e1ce#t <anc"i and a youn&er son of t"e saukar, *"o "ad &one out some*"ere. <anc"i t"ou&"t s"e *as alone, so s"e "eated *ater for an oil?%at". +"e *is"ed to finis" "er %at" %efore t"ey all returned. +"e took off "er mask, undid "er s#lendid &olden "air, a##lied oil all over "er #arc"ed %ody, and started %at"in&. >ean*"ile t"e youn& man *"o "ad &one out came %ack "ome, and s"outed for t"e maid. <anc"i did not "ear "im in t"e %at""ouse. 0m#atiently, "e *ent in searc" of "er, "eard

noises, and #ee#ed in t"e %at""ouse, and sa* "er in all "er %eauty. <e *as still youn&. <e sneaked a*ay %efore s"e sa* "im7 %ut "e fell dee#ly in love *it" t"e &lo*in& %eauty of "er %ody and t"e &lory t"at *as "er "air and decided at once to make "er "is *ife. As soon as "is mot"er returned from t"e orc"ard "e took "er aside and told "er of "is desire. +"e *as 8uite #u44led %y "er son3s fascination *it" a %lack?faced servantmaid. +"e asked "im not to make a fool of "imself over a dark lo*%orn *enc", and #romised to &et "im a really &ood?lookin& %ride from a ric" family if "e *ould *ait a little. But "e *ould not "ear of it. <e *as stu%%orn and t"ey "ad a "eated ar&ument at t"e end of *"ic" "e dra&&ed "is mot"er to <anc"i, #ut "is "and to t"e &irl3s face, snatc"ed off "er mask, and das"ed it to t"e &round. ."ere stood <anc"i in all "er natural loveliness, cro*ned %y "er s#lendid tresses of &old. ."e mot"er *as struck dum% %y t"is e1traordinary %eauty, and found "er son3s infatuation 8uite understanda%le. >oreover, s"e "ad al*ays liked t"e modest &ood?natured <anc"i. +"e took t"e %as"ful <anc"i *it" "er to an inner c"am%er and asked t"e youn& *oman a fe* 8uestions, listened to "er stran&e story, and liked "er all t"e %etter for it. At t"e first aus#icious moment, <anc"i *as married to t"e youn& man. Y Y Y ."e ne*ly*eds *ere "a##y as doves, %ut t"eir "a##iness didn3t last lon&. 9or t"ere *as a "oly man *"om everyone called 2urus*ami in t"e saukar3s "ouse. <e *as t"e ric" man3s c"ief counselor. <e "ad a re#utation for secret lore and %lack arts of many kinds. ."is man "ad %een castin& lec"erous &lances at <anc"i and *anted "er for "imself. 6"en <anc"i3s mot"er?in?la* told "im one day of "er ea&erness to see a &randson %y <anc"i, "e "ad "is #lan ready. <e told "er t"at "e could make <anc"i conceive *it" t"e "el# of "is ma&ic arts, and asked "er to send <anc"i to "im *it" some #lantains, almonds, %etel leaves, and nuts, *"ic" "e *ould use in "is ma&ical rites. Dn an aus#icious day, 2urus*ami summoned <anc"i. <e "ad %efore "im all t"e fruits and nuts over *"ic" "e "ad c"anted "is ma&ical formulae. 0f s"e ate t"em, "is love ma&ic *ould *ork on "er, and s"e *ould %e irresisti%ly dra*n to "im. 6"en s"e visited "im, "e *as c"antin& secret s#ells and #rayin& t"at <anc"i s"ould %ecome "is. <anc"i *as a clever &irl and kne* all a%out t"ese *icked ma&icians. 6"en "e &ave "er a #lantain, s"e secretly dro##ed t"e enc"anted fruit into a trou&" and ate anot"er t"at s"e "ad %rou&"t *it" "er. 2urus*ami *ent to "is room, trustin& t"at "is ma&ic *ould dra* "er to "im and %rin& "er into "is *aitin& arms. 6"ile "e lay *aitin& for "er, a s"e?%uffalo ate t"e enc"anted #lantain in t"e trou&" and fell in love *it" 2urus*ami. +"e *as in "eat and came runnin& to 2urus*ami3s c"am%er and %utted at "is door *it" "er "orns. ."inkin& t"at <anc"i "ad come, "e "astily o#ened t"e door and *as %adly mauled %y t"e amorous %uffalo. But "e did not &ive u#. Dn several days "e asked <anc"i3s &ulli%le mot"er?in?la* to send <anc"i to "im for certain rites. 6"en s"e came, "e &ave "er enc"anted almonds, %etel leaves, and nuts. But clever <anc"i #layed t"e same old trick on "im and ate t"e "armless almonds, leaves, and nuts, *"ic" s"e "ad carefully %rou&"t *it" "er. +"e #almed a*ay 2urus*ami3s &ifts and #ut t"em into measures and %o*ls on "er *ay %ack to "er 8uarters. As 2urus*ami lay *aitin& for "er in "is %edroom t"at ni&"t, t"e measures and vessels came rollin& to*ards "is room and knocked on "is door. <e "astily o#ened "is door for t"e lon&?a*aited <anc"i, %ut, instead of "er caresses, received "ard %lo*s from inanimate vessels t"at *ere irresisti%ly dra*n to "im. After t"e t"ird visit, s"e t"re* t"e ma&ic nuts at a %roomstick t"at stood in a corner. 6"en 2urus*ami o#ened t"e door and received a t"orny %roomstick into "is &reedy arms, "e acce#ted failure. <e c"an&ed "is tactics. <e *ent to "is old friend, <anc"i3s fat"er?in?la*, and su&&ested t"at t"ey s"ould "ave anot"er of "is famous #icnics in t"e &arden. ."e old man a&reed. As %efore, <anc"i #re#ared "er fine dis"es of s*eet rice and, like a &ood dau&"ter?in?la*, stayed %ack to look after t"e "ouse *"ile everyone *as a*ay. 6"en everyone *as at t"e orc"ard #icnic, 2urus*ami found an e1cuse to &o %ack "ome. <e told

everyone "e "ad left somet"in& %e"ind, and "urried "ome. Dn t"e *ay, "e collected #ieces of men3s clot"in& like coats and tur%ans. ."en, *"ile <anc"i *as in t"e kitc"en, "e stole into "er room and #lanted a man3s coat and tur%an t"ere and t"re* %its of c"e*ed %etel and smoked stu%s of c"eroot under t"e %ed and on t"e floor. After #lantin& all t"is false evidence in <anc"i3s room, "e ran %reat"lessly to t"e &arden *"ere t"e family *as enjoyin& itself and cried, -Kour dau&"ter?in?la* is a *"oreQ 0 sur#rised "er *it" a lover. +"e "as for&otten t"e di&nity of "er family, "er *oman"ood. ."is is sinful. 0t *ill %rin& misfortune to t"e *"ole clanQ ."e slutQ/ At t"ese s"ockin& *ords from t"eir trusted family friend, all of t"em ran to t"e "ouse. 6it" ri&"teous indi&nation, 2urus*ami s"o*ed t"em t"e "idden clot"in& and t"e telltale c"eroot stu%s and %etel #ieces as un8uestiona%le evidence of <anc"i3s adultery. <anc"i *as as sur#rised as t"e rest of t"em, %ut "er #rotests *ere just not "eard. +"e accused 2urus*ami "imself of %ein& a %ad man, and told t"em of "is %lack ma&ic, %ut t"ey all &ot so an&ry t"at t"ey %eat "er till s"e "ad %lue *elts. 6"en s"e found t"at everyone *as a&ainst "er, s"e %ecame silent and &ave "erself over to "er fate. ."ey s"ut "er u# in a room and starved "er for t"ree days, %ut t"ey &ot no confession out of "er. <er stu%%orn silence #ut "er "us%and and "is fat"er into fits of ra&e. ."en 2urus*ami, findin& t"at "is #lot *as #ros#erin&, su&&ested, -All t"is *ill not *ork *it" t"is *retc"ed *oman. 6e must #unis" "er #ro#erly for "er sin. Put "er into a %i& %o1 and &ive t"e %o1 to me. 0 *ill "ave it t"ro*n into t"e river. Kou are too &ood to t"is sinner. 6e must #unis" "er as s"e deservesQ/ An&er and s"ame "ad made t"em %lind. ."ey listened to "im. +"e *as dra&&ed out, s"ut u# in a %o1, and "anded over to 2urus*ami. <e "ad it carried out of t"e "ouse, "a##y t"at "is #lot "ad succeeded. ."en "e "ad to t"ink of a *ay to &et rid of t"e servants. <e asked t"em to carry t"e %o1 to an old *oman3s "ouse outside to*n and to leave it t"ere till mornin&, as t"e river *as still a lon& *ay off. ."e old *oman *as no ot"er t"an <anc"i3s &ood friend *"o "ad "el#ed "er to &et a jo% and settle in t"e to*n. 2urus*ami told t"e old *oman t"at t"ere *ere ferocious mad do&s in t"e %o17 "e *as takin& t"em to t"e river to dro*n t"em ne1t day. <e asked "er to %e very very careful *it" it, not to meddle *it" it or o#en it lest t"e do&s s"ould %e let loose. 6"en "e left "er, "e "ad scared "er more t"an "e intended to. <e #romised t"at "e *ould soon come %ack to take t"e dan&erous do&s a*ay. After "e left, t"e old *oman "eard #eculiar noises comin& from t"e %o1. At first, s"e t"ou&"t it *as t"e do&s. But t"en s"e "eard "er o*n name %ein& called out. <anc"i in t"e %o1 "ad reco&ni4ed "er old friend3s voice and *as callin& for "el#. ."e old *oman cautiously #ried o#en t"e lid and found, to "er &reat astonis"ment, <anc"i crouc"in& inside t"e %o1Q +"e "el#ed t"e misera%le &irl out of "er #rison and &ave "er food and drink. <anc"i "ad eaten not"in& for days and s"e *as ravenous. <anc"i told "er all a%out "er misfortunes and t"e villain 2urus*ami3s #lot to &et "er. ."e old *oman listened carefully, and "er mot"er *it soon found a *ay out. +"e "id <anc"i in an inner room, *ent into to*n, and found someone *"o *as a%out to &et rid of a mad do&. +"e "ad it mu44led, %rou&"t "ome, and locked u# in t"e %o1. +"e "ad taken care to loosen t"e mu44le %efore s"e locked u# t"e do&. 2urus*ami *as %ack very soon. <e *as ea&er to taste "is ne* #o*er over <anc"i. <e came #erfumed and sin&in&. 6"en "e e1amined t"e locks, t"e old *oman assured "im in a fri&"tened voice t"at s"e *as too scared even to touc" t"e %o1. <e asked "er no* to leave "im alone in t"e room for "is evenin& #rayers. <e closed t"e door carefully and %olted it from t"e inside. And callin& <anc"i3s name lovin&ly, "e t"re* o#en t"e lid of t"e %o1. <is "eart lea#ed to "is mout" *"en "e sa* a "ideous do&, foamin& at t"e mout", *"ic" s#ran& u#on "im and man&led "im "orri%ly *it" its %ites. <e cursed "is o*n *ickedness and cried t"at "e *as served ri&"t %y all?seein& 2od, *"o "ad transformed a *oman into a do&. 9ull of remorse, "e called for mercy as "e sank do*n under t"e do&3s teet". Bei&"%ors, dra*n %y t"e cries of

t"e *retc"ed man, soon &at"ered and killed t"e do&. But t"ey could not save 2urus*ami. <e "ad %een fatally %itten %y t"e do& and infected *it" ra%ies. Y Y Y <anc"i3s "us%and and "is family *ere s"ocked %y *"at "a##ened to t"eir friend 2urus*ami. >ont"s later, t"e old *oman invited t"em to "er "ouse. ."e &ood *oman could not rest until s"e "ad seen justice done to <anc"i. 6"en <anc"i3s in?la*s came, t"e old *oman served t"em a scrum#tious meal, *onderful dis"es of s*eet rice, *"ic" no one %ut <anc"i could "ave #re#ared. @veryone *"o tasted it *as reminded of "er and felt sad. ."ey naturally asked *"o t"is e1cellent cook, *"o "ad e8ualed <anc"i, *as. 0nstead of a re#ly, t"e old *oman #resented <anc"i "erself in fles" and %lood. ."ey *ere ama4ed and could not %elieve t"eir o*n eyes. ."ey "ad %elieved <anc"i *as dead and &one, dro*ned %eyond return in t"e river. 2urus*ami "ad &ot rid of "er for t"em, and t"e #oor fello* "ad &one mysteriously mad soon after. ."e old *oman cleared u# t"e mystery of <anc"i3s rea##earance %y tellin& t"em t"e true story a%out "er and t"e villain 2urus*ami. ."ey *ere full of remorse for *"at t"ey "ad done to <anc"i and *ere as"amed t"at t"ey "ad %een taken in %y suc" a vi#er as 2urus*ami. ."ey cursed "im at len&t" and asked <anc"i to #ardon t"em. <anc"i3s &ood days "ad %e&un. <er luck "ad turned and %rou&"t "er every kind of "a##iness from t"at day.

Types and 1otifs

A. 51(B, Ca# D3Rus"es N A. C ), Lec"erous <oly >an and t"e >aiden in t"e Bo1.

0t is not sur#risin& t"at in t"is 0ndian variant of a Cinderella tale t"e "eroine is identified %y t"e food s"e makes, not %y a sli##er. <indus are intensely conscious of *"at to eat and *"en and of t"e moral and #syc"olo&ical conse8uences of eatin& certain foods :e.&., co*3s fles";. Rules enjoin and for%id various kinds of food transactions: eatin& and fastin&, t"e &ivin& and t"e takin& of food as a marker of caste and status. 9ood is classified accordin& to #rinci#les like t"e t"ree 8ualities :gunas;H2oodness, Passion, ,arkness :satt7a, rajas, tamas;Hand accordin& to medical or folk ta1onomies of "ot and cold. +e1, else*"ere considered t"e #rimary source of sym%olism, yields #lace to food. 0ntercourse is descri%ed in terms of eatin& and feedin&. ."e +anskrit *ord for se1ual and ot"er #leasure or enjoyment is "hoga, from t"e root "huj, -to eat./ O9or furt"er discussion, see Ramanujan 1 C=a7 also Ramanujan, 1 5)%. A. 51(B, ."e ,ress of 2old, of +ilver, and of +tars.P

2-. The ?orse >ram 1an

A farmer *as s"ort of money. +o "e *ent to t"e fair in t"e near%y to*n to sell a load of "orse &ram. <e sat at t"e fair till evenin&, %ut no one %ou&"t "is &ram. 6"en "e started "ome *it" "is load, ni&"t fell. +o "e sto##ed in a tem#le outside a villa&e and lay do*n. <e "ad eaten not"in& since mornin& and "e *as un"a##y t"at "e couldn3t sell "is "orse &ram. +o "e tossed a%out slee#lessly. Bo* t"e local gowda and "is lover used to kee# a tryst every ni&"t at t"e deserted tem#le. As usual, s"e came t"ere in a #retty sari, *it" fres"?cooked food for "er gowda. ."e "orse &ram man *as lyin& t"ere. 0t *as dark. +"e t"ou&"t "e *as t"e gowda, *oke "im u#, asked "im to make no noise, and 8uietly fed "im t"e *onderful meal s"e "ad %rou&"t. ."en silently s"e joined "im and t"ey made love. 6"en it

*as all over, s"e 8uickly &ot u# and left. ."e "orse &ram man no* "ad "is %elly full and also "ad "ad "is #leasure. <e fell aslee# "a##ily. ."e gowda came a %it later and &ro#ed around. 6"en t"e "orse &ram man s#oke u#, t"e gowda reali4ed t"at t"is *as not a *oman %ut a stran&er. +o "e asked t"e man to &et u# and &o slee# on t"e veranda". ."en "e *aited for "is *oman, *"o never turned u#. <e *alked u# and do*n restlessly and "e too *ent to t"e veranda". 6"en "e sa* t"e man slee#in& t"ere, "e felt like slee#in& *it" t"e man. +o "e &ently *oke u# t"e man and told "im *"at "e *anted. ."e "orse &ram man said, -All ri&"t, %ut you must &o first./ 6"at could t"e gowda doL <is need *as &reat. -All ri&"t, you do it first,/ "e said, %ent do*n, and %ared "is %ottom to t"e "orse &ram man, *"o did it to "im. Bo* it *as t"e gowda3s turn. But t"e "orse &ram man raised "is voice and said, -Bo, no, t"is *on3t do. 0f you insist, 03ll call out and make a scene. 0 "aven3t sold a &rain of "orse &ram all day, and t"ere3s all t"is %ot"er at ni&"t./ ."e gowda *as a villa&e elder, an im#ortant man, a muc"?res#ected man. 0f #eo#le "eard a%out t"is, "e *ould lose face. +o "e #acified t"e "orse &ram man and said, -All ri&"t, t"en, for&et t"is ever "a##ened. 2o and slee# in our "ouse. ,on3t make a scene, #lease./ ."en "e called a servant *"o *as fast aslee# on a stone #latform near%y and sent t"e "orse &ram man *it" "im. ."e "orse &ram man came to t"e gowda3s "ouse and lay do*n comforta%ly in a front room on t"e gowda3s %ed. <e couldn3t slee#. <e moved "is "ands around and found t"ree %ells tied to ro#es near t"e %ed. Curious, "e ran& one. Bo* t"e gowda "ad t"ree *ives. <e used to summon t"em %y rin&in& one of t"ese t"ree %ells. As t"e "orse &ram man "ad run& t"e %i&&est %ell of t"e t"ree, t"e gowda3s eldest *ife came to "is %ed. +"e massa&ed "is "ands and feet, sle#t *it" "im, and *"en s"e *as ready to leave, s"e *"is#ered, <owda, &et me a nice ne* yello* silk sari./ ."e "orse &ram man said &ruffly, -2o a*ay. 03ve not sold a &rain of "orse &ram all day and you *ant a yello* silk sari. 6ould a measure of "orse &ram %uy you a silk sariL Kello* silk sariQ 2o, &o no*Q/ +"e kne* at once t"at t"is *as not "er gowda. 0n s"ock, s"e 8uietly returned to "er %ed. ."e man ran& t"e second %ell. ."e gowda3s second *ife came, sle#t *it" "im, and %e&&ed "im, <owda, &et me a nice nose rin&./ -<ey, &o no*Q/ said t"e "orse &ram man. -0 "aven3t sold a &rain of "orse &ram all day. 6ould a measure of "orse &ram %uy you a nose rin&L 2o, &o./ +"e kne* t"is *as not "er "us%and. 0f s"e made any noise, ot"ers *ould kno* *"at s"e "ad done. +o s"e sli##ed a*ay 8uietly. ."en "e ran& t"e t"ird %ell, a small one. ."e gowda3s youn&est *ife came to "is %ed, sle#t *it" "im, and insisted, - <owda, &et me some je*elry./ <e said, -2o a*ay. 0 "aven3t sold a &rain of "orse &ram all day. 6ould a measure of "orse &ram %uy you a je*elL 2o no*Q/ +"e too kne* no* t"at s"e "ad made a terri%le mistake and 8uietly left t"e room. ."e "orse &ram man &ot u# 8uite early, #icked u# "is "orse &ram, and left for "is villa&e, leavin& no trace %e"ind "im. ."e gowda returned "ome in t"e mornin&. 6"en "e *ent for "is %at", all t"ree *ives attended to "im. Dne massa&ed "is "ead, anot"er scru%%ed "is %ack, t"e t"ird #oured *arm *ater. Gust t"en, "e "ad to fart. <e said, -,amn it, it3s all t"at "orse &ram man3s doin&Q/ <is *ives t"ou&"t, - Ayyo, t"e gowda kno*s *"at *e did last ni&"tQ/ ."ey %e&an to 8uarrel and said, -Bot me, Akka t"e eldest *ent firstQ/ -Bo, not me, s"e t"e junior one *ent firstQ/ -Bo, not me, "erQ/ ."e gowda no* reali4ed *"at "ad "a##ened. ."e "orse &ram man "ad "ad everyone, "im and all "is *omen. >arvelin& at t"e man3s #o*ers, "e &ot out of t"e %at""ouse.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif K 1'1!.!, 6oman mistakes #asser?%y for lover. +u%stitution in t"e dark7 >otif K 1'11, +eduction %y maskin& as *oman3s "us%and7 and >otif B =!5, Criminal confesses %ecause "e t"inks "imself accused.P

3;. ?ucca
<ucca :-Cra4y/; *as t"e last of t"ree %rot"ers. 6"atever "is real name, t"e nickname <ucca stuck to "im %ecause "e was cra4y. <e didn3t mind %ein& called t"at. <e *as a sim#leton and didn3t kno* "o* to kee# secrets or tell lies. Actually, certain misc"ievous #eo#le in to*n *ould tell "im scandalous t"in&s *"en t"ey *anted t"e *"ole to*n to kno*. ."ey *ould tell "im in &reat secrecy, -<ucca, don3t tell t"is to anyone. Remem%erL/ And <ucca *ould tell everyone and "is %rot"er t"e very secret in a loud *"is#er, endin& *it", -Remem%er, don3t tell t"is to anyone./ <is #arents died and left %e"ind a &reat deal of *ealt". ."e t*o elder %rot"ers, *"o *ere married, divided u# t"e #ro#erty %et*een t"em and t"ou&"t <ucca *ouldn3t mind livin& *it" one of t"em. But "e made a ro*. -03m also my fat"er3s son. 2ive me a #ortion of t"e #ro#ertyQ/ "e screamed. ."e %rot"ers said, -All ri&"t, t"en, *"at do you *antL/ ,ecisions *ere a #ro%lem for <ucca. After muc" s"illy?s"allyin& "e said, -2ive me a %ull./ ."e %rot"ers "ad an old &ood?for?not"in& %ull. ."ey "a##ily &ave it to "im. Bo* <ucca %elieved "e *as on "is o*n, even t"ou&" "e lived and ate *it" "is %rot"ers. <e %e&an to s#end time *it" "is %eloved %ull in a %ackyard s"ed. <e *ould massa&e it, &room it, &ra4e it, *alk it to t"e river, and *as" it. <e *ould nurse it and tend it like a %a%y. <e *ould talk to it all day. 0f t"e %ull s"ook its "ead, fla##ed its ears to *ard off flies, or s"ook its tail, "e *ould read meanin&s into it and talk a%out it. 0f it *as "un&ry and licked "is face, "e *ould %eam and tell every #asser%y, -A je*el, t"is %ull. Look "o* lovin& it isQ/ <e named it Prince of Bulls. <e *ould *orry a%out it like a mot"er and say all day, -Dur Prince didn3t drink enou&" *ater today.V<e didn3t move "is tail at all.V<e didn3t %ello* like every day.V +omet"in&3s *ron&, 03m sure./ ."e old %ull didn3t understand a *ord "e said. Dnce <ucca "eld its tail and t*isted it, sayin&, ->y #rince, *"y aren3t you movin& your tailL/ And t"e %ull kicked "im for all it *as *ort". <ucca lost interest in t"e animal at once. 6"en, one day, "e "eard t"at "is %rot"ers "ad sold t*o of t"eir co*s %ecause t"ey needed money, <ucca t"ou&"t t"at "e could sell "is %ull too. <e set out at once for t"e to*n near%y. 0t *as not even t"e day of t"e fair. <is %ull *as a dodderin& old animal. 6"o *ould *ant itL 9or days, "e *ould stand in t"e sun *it" "is %ull till evenin& and t"en dra& it "ome. Dn one of t"ese tri#s, "e "eard a dry summer tree creak and rustle in t"e *ind. 2rkQ 2rkQ it seemed to say. <ucca listened attentively. -D tree sir, are you talkin& to meL/ -2rkQ 2rkQ/ -Kou *ant to kno* "o* muc" 0 *ant for my %ullL/

-2rkQ 2rkQ/ said t"e tree. -Look, it3s a fine %ull. 0 can3t sell it for less t"an t*enty?five ru#ees./ -2rkQ 2rkQ/ -Kou *ant itL All ri&"t, you can "ave it, if you &ive me t"e money./ -2rkQ 2rkQ/ -.omorro*L Kou3ll "ave t"e money tomorro*L/ -2rkQ 2rkQ/ -All ri&"t. 6"o3s %orn *it" money in "andL 03ll come and collect it tomorro*,/ said <ucca, *"o tied t"e %ull to t"e tree and *ent "ome. As t"ey sat do*n to dinner, t"e %rot"ers asked "im, -6"at "a##ened to your %ull, <uccaL/ -0 sold it./ -9or "o* muc"L/ -.*enty?five ru#ees./ Dur %rot"er is smart, t"ey t"ou&"t, "e "as sold t"e old &ood?for?not"in& for t*enty?five. -6"ere3s t"e moneyL/ -<e said "e3d &ive it to me tomorro*,/ said <ucca. ."ey t"ou&"t, ->ay%e "e "as really sold it./ Be1t mornin&, <ucca *ent %ack to t"e tree. ."e %ull *asn3t t"ere. +ome %utc"ers "ad found it unattended and driven it "ome. <ucca said to t"e tree, -.ree, .ree, &ive me my money./ .oday too t"e old tree made its -2rkQ 2rkQ/ sounds. -6"atL 6"at did you sayL .omorro*L Kou mustn3t let me do*n tomorro*. Kou s"ouldn3t say, R.omorro* and t"e day after.S 0t isn3t &ood %usiness, seeL 0t3s all ri&"t t"is once. 0 *on3t stand for it tomorro*,/ said <ucca firmly and *ent "ome. 6"en t"e %rot"ers asked "im a&ain a%out t"e money, "e said, -<e didn3t "ave it in "and today. .omorro*, "e said. Positive./ -But tell us to *"om you sold it,/ insisted t"e %rot"ers. -Remem%er t"e old tree on t"e roadL 0 sold t"e %ull to t"at tree./ -6"en *ill you learnL/ des#aired t"e %rot"ers. But <ucca e1#lained. -Poor fello*, "e *anted t"e %ull very muc". <e #leaded and #leaded till my "eart melted. +o 0 &ave it to "im. But if "e doesn3t &ive me t"e money tomorro*, 03ll teac" "im a lesson. Gust *ait and see./ ."ey didn3t #ursue t"e matter. ."ey *ere saved t"e trou%le of %uryin& an old decre#it %ull. 2ood riddance, t"ey said to t"emselves. Be1t day <ucca *ent to t"e tree, a1e in "and. -6ill you &ive me my t*enty?five ru#ees todayL/ -2rkQ 2rkQ/ *ent t"e tree. -0 *on3t "ave your 2rkQ 2rkQ anymore. Kou &ive me my t*enty?five or you3ll "ave to &et t*enty?five strokes of my a1e. 6"at do you sayL/

-2rkQ 2rkQ/ <ucca *as furious. <e %e&an to s*in& "is a1e into t"e trunk of t"e tree, countin& -Dne, t*o, t"ree.V/ 0t *as a dry old tree. Before "e a1ed it ei&"t or ten times, it %roke and fell *it" a &reat cras". +ome ro%%ers "ad used t"e %ole of t"e old tree to "ide t"eir loot of silver and &old. 6"en it cras"ed, all of it s#illed out of t"e old tree3s %elly. -."at3s my %oyQ/ said <ucca and %undled u# as muc" of it as "e could and ran "ome to "is %rot"ers, *"o "ad just sat do*n to a meal. <e #oured it all onto t"eir dinner #lates. ."e %rot"ers *ere ama4ed and t"rilled at t"e same time at t"e si&"t of suc" da44lin& treasure. -<ucca, *"ere, *"ere did you &et t"isL/ t"ey stammered. -0 told you, didn3t 0, t"at 0 sold my %ull to t"at tree. 0t didn3t &ive me ru#ees, %ut it &ave me &old and silver instead. 0t still "as a lot more in its stomac",/ said <ucca. -."en let3s &oQ/ said t"ey, and ran *it" "im to t"e #lace. +ure enou&", just as <ucca "ad said, t"ere *as a "ea# of silver and &old, vessels, coins, and je*elry. ."ey scra#ed it clean, tied it in %undles, and &ave a small one to <ucca to carry. -<ucca, you must kee# t"is a secret. ,on3t tell #eo#le a%out our findin& &old and silver, do you "earL/ t"ey *arned <ucca, *"o said, -Bo, 0 *on3t./ But, as t"e t"ree %rot"ers *ere "urryin& "ome, t"ey ran into t"e villa&e #riest, *"o *as returnin& from out of to*n. <e, of course, asked t"e %rot"ers, -6"at are you carryin& on your "eadsL +eems "eavy./ ."e eldest %rot"er said, -D not"in&, really. ."e usual millet and t"in&s./ <ucca corrected "im at once. -Brot"er, "o* can you lie even to our #riestL Look, sir, *e are carryin& real &old and silver. Lots and lots of it. Kou can see if you *is"./ And "e untied a %undle and s"o*ed "im t"e fa%ulous treasure. ."e #riest slo%%ered at t"e mout" at *"at "e sa*. -Kes, yes, real &old, real silverQ/ "e s#luttered as "e %e&an to transfer "andfuls into "is o*n satc"el. <ucca *ouldn3t stand for t"is li%erty and fle* into a ra&e. Cryin& - 8ha!!are4 you &reedy Bra"minQ/ "e struck t"e cro*n of t"e #oor man3s s"aven "ead *it" t"e staff in "is "and. ."e #riest colla#sed and died on t"e s#ot, *it" t"e name of Lord <ari on "is li#s. ."e %rot"ers felt *retc"ed at t"is turn of events, scolded <ucca, and "astily t"re* t"e dead %ody in a near%y #it %efore t"ey left. But t"ey took care to return t"at very ni&"t *it"out <ucca3s kno*led&e, removed t"e %ody, and %uried it else*"ere. ."ey also t"re* a dead "e?&oat in t"e #it. After a cou#le of days, t"e villa&ers started &ossi#in& and in8uirin& a%out t"e missin& #riest. 6"en <ucca "eard of it, "e said, -D yes. 0 kno*. 0 "it "im *it" t"is staff. <e died on t"e s#ot, #oor fello*, and *e t"re* "im into a #it. 0 can s"o* you./ ."e villa&ers said, -6"ereL 6"ere is t"e %odyL/ -03ll s"o* you,/ said <ucca, and took t"em to t"e #it %y t"e roadside and &ot do*n into it "imself. <e s"outed from %elo*, -,idn3t our #riest "ave a %eardL/ -Kes, "e did,/ t"ey said. -,idn3t our #riest "ave t*o curved "orns on "is "eadL/ ."e #eo#le *ere #u44led. +o t"ey *ent into t"e #it to e1amine t"e %ody, only to find a dead &oat3s carcass. -."is <ucca is a moron and *e are even &reater morons for follo*in& "im "ere,/ t"ey muttered to t"emselves and left, feelin& utterly foolis".

9rom t"en on, *"enever <ucca told #eo#le t"at t"e old tree &ave "im and "is %rot"ers &old and silver, no one %elieved "im. ."ey only lau&"ed at "im.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. 1)A' 0nd., 9ools 6"o +ell D%jects to 9ind .reasure N A. 1)((, ."e 9ool as >urderer. Anot"er numskull tale, #an?0ndian, *"ic" com%ines t*o tales in a series. 0n t"e first, t"e fool3s naivetX allo*s "im une1#ectedly to come into a fortune. 0n t"e second, "is clever %rot"ers discredit "im %y a trick. +imilar tales are told a%out foolis" *ives *"o cannot kee# secrets, as in A. 1'C1, ."e .alkative 6ife and t"e ,iscovered .reasure.

0n t"is &enre, a #erson :t"e fool; confounds t"e "uman and t"e non"uman, treats t"e %ull as a %a%y and undertakes to %ar&ain *it" a tree. 0n anot"er &enre of tales, say t"e mBrchen tales of ma&ic, it *ould %e #erfectly #ro#er to do so. 0n Bo. =(, -9lute of Goy, 9lute of +orro*,/ seven co*s suckle and #rotect a %oy. 0n Bo. 51, -."e Princess of +even Gasmines,/ a snake "as a mi&raine and asks t"e "ero to &o in 8uest of a remedy. D%viously, t"e &enre determines *"at is common sense and *"at is not. 6"at is folly in one &enre is ma&ic in anot"er. ."e *illin& sus#ension of dis%elief is called fort" %y some &enres and dis#elled %y ot"ers. 0n one, t"e same motif makes you lau&"7 in anot"er, it t"rills you. 2enres s#eciali4e in certain aest"etic effects and emotions. OA. 1)A', ."e Broken 0ma&e N A. 1)((, ."e 9ool as >urderer.P

3,. The ?usband0s hadow

A merc"ant "ad a #retty *ife. Dne day, s"e *as standin& at "er doorste# %raidin& "er "air, and t"e kin& "a##ened to see "er. <is mind *as filled *it" desire for "er. <e asked "is servants *"o s"e *as and found t"at s"e *as t"e merc"ant3s *ife. <e *ent %ack to "is #alace, secretly summoned a crone *"o *as an e1#ert &o?%et*een, &ave "er a "undred ru#ees in a closed fist, and #romised "er more if s"e *ould entice t"e merc"ant3s *ife to slee# *it" "im. +"e soon made friends *it" t"e merc"ant3s *ife and *on "er "eart. +"e came %ack to t"e kin& and told "im, -+"e3s *aitin& for you. +"e *ants you to &o to "er "ouse ri&"t no*./ ."e kin& *as ecstatic. <e #erfumed "imself all over *it" attar and fra&rant oils, dressed "imself u#, entered "er %ackyard, and a##eared at "er *indo*s. Gust as s"e *as a%out to unlatc" t"e %ack door for "im, "er "us%and a##eared at t"e front door and called out to "er. +"e turned around and o#ened t"e door for "er "us%and. <er "us%and *as no* in t"e "ouse, and "er #aramour *as *aitin& in t"e %ackyard. +"e *ondered "o* s"e could tell "er #aramour t"at t"is *as not a &ood time, and t"ou&"t of a *ay. +"e filled a *inno*in& fan *it" *"eat and started &rindin& it in "er 8uern, sin&in& a son&: Round and round you circle me. +omeone is *aitin& ready to &et you. 0f you come in, you3ll die for me. And 03m already dyin& for you. ."e kin& "eard t"e son&, understood t"e situation, and returned to "is #alace. But t"e merc"ant at "ome *as sus#icious. <e said, -Look "ere, *oman. Kou seem to %e fornicatin& in my a%sence. 6as a lover *aitin& outsideL 6ere you sin&in& to *arn "im t"at your "us%and *as "omeL/ And, in "is jealous an&er, "e kicked "er.

+"e said, - Ayyo, *"y *ould 0 c"eat on youL Kou3re my man made of &old. .alk to me after you3ve understood t"e meanin& of my son&./ -."en tell me, *"at does it meanL/ -A fis"erman *ent to t"e #ond to catc" fis". <e "ad %aited "is "ook *it" an eart"*orm and t"ro*n "is line in t"e *ater. A fis" came around to s*allo* t"e %ait *"en t"e *orm said to t"e fis" t"e follo*in&: Kou s*im round and round to eat me. But t"ere3s a man *aitin& to eat you. 0f you eat me, you3ll die. 03m already "alf?dead for fear you3ll eat me. ."at3s *"at t"e *orm said to t"e fis". 0 san& it to see *"et"er you *ould &et it. ,o you &et it no*L/ ."e merc"ant admired "is *ife3s intelli&ence and *as very #leased *it" "er. <e #raised "er all day and *as "a##y. ."e kin& *aited in t"e #alace *onderin& *"en s"e *ould send *ord to "im. ."e day did come *"en t"e merc"ant "ad to &o out of to*n on %usiness. Bein& still sus#icious, "e a##ointed a man to &uard over "is *ife, %ut t"e man *as a nit*it. As soon as "er "us%and *as safely out of si&"t, s"e sent for t"e kin&. <e came to "er in a "urry and s#ent time *it" "er. After "e left, t"e nit*it asked "er, -6"o is t"at man *"o came and *ent just no*L/ +"e said, -D", t"at is my "us%and3s s"ado*./ -6"at is a s"ado*L/ "e asked. -A s"ado* is *"at you see in a mirror. Look for yourself,/ s"e said. <e looked into a mirror and said, -D", t"at, 0 kno* t"at./ Dn anot"er day, *"en t"e kin& and t"e merc"ant3s *ife *ere slee#in& to&et"er, t"e merc"ant returned from "is travels and %an&ed on t"e door. ."e kin& &ot u# in a "urry, jum#ed t"e %ackyard fence, and vanis"ed. 6"en s"e t"en o#ened t"e door for "im, "er "us%and *as full of sus#icions. <e called t"e nit*it and 8uestioned "im. -,id anyone come "ere *"en 0 *as &oneL/ -Bo, sir. Dnly your s"ado* came and sle#t *it" t"e mistress. Bo one else./ ->y s"ado*L 6"at do you mean %y Rs"ado*SL/ -Come "ere, sir,/ said t"e nit*it, and took "im to t"e mirror. <e s"o*ed "is master "is s"ado* and said, -Look t"ere, t"at3s t"e s"ado* 0 mean./ ."e merc"ant lau&"ed. <is dou%ts a%out "is *ife *ere cleared. -D", t"at s"ado*L 0t3s all ri&"t if t"at s"ado* comes to see my *ife. Kou don3t "ave to sto# "im,/ "e said. Bo* "is *ife could slee# *it" "er lover *"enever t"e merc"ant *as a*ay. ."e nit*it didn3t ever re#ort it a&ain.

OA. 1A1 <, 6oman 6arns Lover of <us%and %y +in&in& +on&.P

32. In the Kingdom of Foolishness

0n t"e kin&dom of foolis"ness, %ot" t"e kin& and t"e minister *ere idiots. ."ey didn3t *ant to run t"in&s like ot"er kin&s. +o t"ey decided to c"an&e ni&"t into day and day into ni&"t. ."ey ordered t"at everyone s"ould %e a*ake at ni&"t, till t"eir fields and run t"eir %usinesses only after dark7 and t"ey

s"ould all &o to %ed as soon as t"e sun came u#. 0f anyone diso%eyed, t"ey *ould %e #unis"ed *it" deat". ."e #eo#le did as t"ey *ere told for fear of deat". ."e kin& and t"e minister *ere deli&"ted at t"e success of t"eir #roject. Dnce a &uru and a disci#le arrived in t"e city. 0t *as a %eautiful city, it *as %road dayli&"t, %ut t"ere *as no one a%out. @veryone *as aslee#, not a mouse stirrin&. @ven t"e cattle "ad %een tau&"t to slee#. ."e t*o stran&ers *ere ama4ed %y *"at t"ey sa* around t"em, *andered a%out to*n till evenin&, *"en suddenly t"e *"ole to*n *oke u# and *ent a%out its daily %usiness. ."e t*o men *ere "un&ry. Bo* t"e s"o#s *ere o#en, t"ey *ent to %uy some &roceries. .o t"eir astonis"ment, t"ey found t"at everyt"in& cost t"e same, a sin&le dudduH*"et"er t"ey %ou&"t a measure of rice or a %unc" of %ananas, it cost a duddu. ."e &uru and "is disci#le *ere deli&"ted. ."ey "ad never "eard of anyt"in& like t"is. ."ey could %uy all t"e food t"ey *anted for a ru#ee. 6"en t"ey "ad cooked and eaten, t"e &uru reali4ed t"at t"is *as a kin&dom of fools and it *ouldn3t %e a &ood idea for t"em to stay t"ere. -."is is no #lace for us. Let3s &o,/ "e said to "is disci#le. But t"e disci#le didn3t *ant to leave t"e #lace. @veryt"in& *as c"ea# "ere. All "e *anted *as &ood c"ea# food. ."e &uru said, -."ey are all fools. ."is *on3t last very lon& and one can3t tell *"at t"ey3ll do to you ne1t./ But t"e disci#le *ouldn3t listen to t"e &uru3s *isdom. <e *anted to stay. ."e &uru finally &ave u# and said, -,o *"at you *ant. 03m &oin&,/ and left. ."e disci#le stayed on, ate "is fill every day, %ananas and &"ee and rice and *"eat, and &re* fat as a streetside sacred %ull. Dne %ri&"t day, a t"ief %roke into a ric" merc"ant3s "ouse. <e "ad made a "ole in t"e *all, sneaked in, and as "e *as carryin& out "is loot, t"e *all of t"e old "ouse colla#sed on "is "ead and killed "im on t"e s#ot. <is %rot"er ran to t"e kin& and com#lained: -Kour <i&"ness, *"en my %rot"er *as #ursuin& "is ancient trade, a *all fell on "im and killed "im. ."is merc"ant is to %lame. <e s"ould "ave %uilt a &ood stron& *all. Kou must #unis" t"e *ron&doer and com#ensate t"e family for t"is injustice./ ."e kin& said, -Gustice *ill %e done. ,on3t *orry,/ and at once summoned t"e o*ner of t"e "ouse. 6"en t"e merc"ant arrived, t"e kin& asked "im 8uestions. -6"at3s your nameL/ -+uc" and suc", Kour <i&"ness./ -6ere you at "ome *"en t"e dead man %ur&led your "ouseL/ -Kes, my lord. <e %roke in and t"e *all *as *eak. 0t fell on "im./ -."e accused #leads &uilty. Kour *all killed t"is man3s %rot"er. Kou "ave murdered a man. 6e "ave to #unis" you./ -Lord,/ said t"e "el#less merc"ant. -0 didn3t #ut u# t"e *all. 0t3s really t"e fault of t"e man *"o %uilt t"e *all. <e didn3t %uild it ri&"t. Kou s"ould #unis" "im./ -6"o is t"atL/ ->y lord, t"is *all *as %uilt in my fat"er3s time. 0 kno* t"e man. <e3s an old man no*. <e lives near%y./ ."e kin& sent out messen&ers to %rin& in t"e %ricklayer *"o "ad %uilt t"e *all. ."ey %rou&"t "im tied "and and foot. -Kou t"ere, did you %uild t"is man3s *all in "is fat"er3s timeL/ -Kes, my lord, 0 did./ -6"at kind of a *all is t"is t"at you %uiltL 0t "as fallen on a #oor man and killed "im. Kou3ve murdered

"im. 6e "ave to #unis" you %y deat"./ Before t"e kin& could order t"e e1ecution, t"e #oor %ricklayer #leaded, -Please listen to me %efore you &ive your orders. 0t3s true 0 %uilt t"is *all and it *as no &ood. But t"at *as %ecause my mind *as not on it. 0 remem%er very *ell a "arlot *"o *as &oin& u# and do*n t"at street all day *it" "er anklets jin&lin& and 0 couldn3t kee# my eyes or my mind on t"e *all 0 *as %uildin&. Kou must &et t"at "arlot. 0 kno* *"ere s"e lives./ -Kou3re ri&"t. ."e case dee#ens. 6e must look into it. 0t is not easy to jud&e suc" com#licated cases. Let3s &et t"at "arlot *"erever s"e is./ ."e "arlot, no* an old *oman, came trem%lin& to t"e court. -,id you *alk u# and do*n t"at street many years a&o *"ile t"is #oor man *as %uildin& a *allL ,id you see t"emL/ -Kes, my lord. 0 remem%er it very *ell./ -+o you did *alk u# and do*n, *it" your anklets jin&lin&. Kou *ere youn& and you tem#ted "im. +o "e %uilt a %ad *all. 0t "as fallen on a #oor %ur&lar and killed "im. Kou3ve killed an innocent man. Kou3ll "ave to %e #unis"ed./ +"e t"ou&"t for a minute and said, ->y lord, *ait. 0 kno* no* *"y 0 *as *alkin& u# and do*n t"at street. 0 "ad &iven some &old to t"e &oldsmit" to make some je*elry for me. <e *as a la4y scoundrel. <e made so many e1cuses, said "e *ould &ive it no* and "e *ould &ive it t"en and so on all day. <e made me *alk u# and do*n to "is "ouse a do4en times. ."at *as *"en t"is %ricklayer fello* sa* me. 0t3s not my fault, my lord, it3s t"at damned &oldsmit"3s./ -Poor t"in&, s"e3s a%solutely ri&"t,/ t"ou&"t t"e kin&, *ei&"in& t"e evidence. -6e3ve &ot t"e real cul#rit at last. 2et t"e &oldsmit" *"erever "e is "idin&. At onceQ/ ."e kin&3s %ailiffs searc"ed for t"e &oldsmit", *"o *as "idin& in a corner of "is s"o#. 6"en "e "eard t"e accusation a&ainst "im, "e "ad "is o*n story to tell. ->y lord,/ "e said, -03m a #oor &oldsmit". 0t3s true 0 made t"is "arlot *oman come many times to my door. 0 &ave "er e1cuses %ecause 0 couldn3t finis" makin& "er je*elry %efore 0 finis"ed t"e ric" merc"ant3s orders. ."ey "ad a *eddin& comin&, and t"ey *ouldn3t *ait. Kou kno* "o* im#atient ric" men areQ/ -6"o is t"is ric" merc"ant *"o ke#t you from finis"in& t"is #oor *oman3s je*elry, made "er *alk u# and do*n, *"ic" distracted t"is %ricklayer, *"ic" made a mess of "is *all, *"ic" "as no* fallen on an innocent man and killed "imL Can you name "imL/ ."e &oldsmit" named t"e merc"ant and "e *as none ot"er t"an t"e ori&inal o*ner of t"e "ouse *"ere t"e *all "ad fallen. Bo* justice "ad come full circle, t"ou&"t t"e kin&, %ack to t"e merc"ant. 6"en "e *as rudely summoned %ack to t"e court, "e arrived cryin&, -0t3s not me %ut my fat"er *"o ordered t"e je*elryQ <e3s deadQ 03m innocentQ/ But t"e kin& consulted "is minister and ruled decisively: -0t3s true your fat"er is t"e true murderer. <e3s dead, %ut some%ody must %e #unis"ed in "is #lace. Kou3ve in"erited everyt"in& from t"at criminal fat"er of yours, "is ric"es as *ell as "is sins. 0 kne* at once, even *"en 0 first set eyes on you, t"at you *ere at t"e root of t"is "orri%le crime. Kou must die./ And "e ordered a ne* stake to %e made ready for t"e e1ecution. As t"e servants s"ar#ened t"e stake and &ot it ready for t"e final im#alin& of t"e criminal, it occurred to t"e minister t"at t"e ric" merc"ant *as some"o* too t"in to %e #ro#erly e1ecuted %y t"e stake. <e a##ealed to t"e kin&3s common sense. ."e kin& too *orried a%out it.

-6"at s"all *e doL/ "e said, *"en suddenly it struck "im t"at all t"ey needed to do *as to &et a man fat enou&" to fit t"e stake. ."e servants *ere immediately all over to*n lookin& for a man *"o *ould fit t"e stake, and t"eir eyes fell on t"e disci#le *"o "ad fattened "imself for mont"s on %ananas and rice and *"eat and &"ee. -6"at "ave 0 done *ron&L 03m innocent. 03m a sanyasi4 / "e cried. -."at may %e true. But it3s t"e royal decree t"at *e s"ould find a man fat enou&" to fit t"e stake,/ t"ey said, and carried "im to t"e #lace of e1ecution. ."e disci#le remem%ered "is *ise &uru3s *ords: -."is is a city of fools. Kou don3t kno* *"at t"ey *ill do ne1t./ 6"ile "e *as *aitin& for deat", "e #rayed to "is &uru in "is "eart, askin& "im to "ear "is cry *"erever "e *as. ."e &uru sa* everyt"in& in a vision7 "e "ad ma&ic #o*ers, "e could see far, and "e could see t"e future as "e could see t"e #resent and t"e #ast. <e arrived at once to save "is disci#le, *"o "ad &ot "imself into a scra#e a&ain t"rou&" love of food. As soon as "e arrived, "e scolded t"e disci#le, told "im somet"in& in a *"is#er, t"en *ent to t"e kin& and addressed "im: -D *isest of kin&s, *"o is &reaterL ."e &uru or t"e disci#leL/ -Df course t"e &uru. Bo dou%t a%out it. 6"y do you askL/ -."en #ut me to t"e stake first. Put my disci#le to deat" after me./ 6"en t"e disci#le "eard t"is, "e cau&"t on and %e&an to clamor: ->e firstQ Kou %rou&"t me "ere firstQ Put me to deat" first, not "imQ/ ."e &uru and t"e disci#le no* &ot into a fi&"t a%out *"o s"ould &o first. ."e kin& *as #u44led %y t"is %e"avior. <e asked t"e &uru, -6"y do you *ant to dieL 6e c"ose "im %ecause *e needed a fat man for t"e stake./ -Kou s"ouldn3t ask me suc" 8uestions. Put me to deat" first./ -6"yL ."ere3s some mystery "ere. As a *ise man you must make me understand./ -6ill you #romise to #ut me to deat" if 0 tell youL/ asked t"e &uru. ."e kin& &ave "im "is solemn *ord. ."e &uru took "im aside, out of t"e servants3 ears"ot, and *"is#ered to "im, -,o you kno* *"y *e *ant to die ri&"t no*, t"e t*o of usL 6e3ve %een all over t"e *orld, %ut *e3ve never found a city like t"is or a kin& like you. ."at stake is t"e stake of t"e &od of justice. 0t3s ne*, it "as never "ad a criminal on it. 6"oever dies on it first *ill %e re%orn as t"e kin& of t"is country. And *"oever &oes ne1t *ill %e t"e future minister of t"is country. 6e3re sick of livin& t"e ascetic life. 0t *ould %e nice to enjoy ourselves as kin& and minister for a *"ile. Bo* kee# your *ord, my lord, and #ut us to deat". >e first, remem%er./ ."e kin& *as no* t"ro*n into dee# t"ou&"t. <e didn3t *ant to lose t"e kin&dom to someone else in t"e ne1t round of life. <e needed time. +o "e ordered t"e e1ecution #ost#oned to t"e ne1t day and talked in secret *it" "is minister. -0t3s not ri&"t for us to &ive over t"e kin&dom to ot"ers in t"e ne1t life. Let3s &o u# t"e stake ourselves and *e3ll %e re%orn as kin& and minister a&ain. <oly men do not tell lies,/ "e said, and t"e minister a&reed. +o "e told t"e e1ecutioners, -6e3ll send t"e criminals toni&"t. 6"en t"e first man comes to you, #ut "im to deat" first. ."en do t"e same to t"e second man. ."ose are orders. ,on3t make any mistakes./ ."at ni&"t, t"ey *ent secretly to t"e #rison, released t"e &uru and disci#le, dis&uised t"emselves as t"e t*o, and, as arran&ed %efore"and *it" t"eir loyal servants, *ere taken to t"e stake and #rom#tly e1ecuted. 6"en t"e %odies *ere taken do*n to %e t"ro*n to cro*s and vultures, t"e #eo#le #anicked. ."ey sa*

%efore t"em t"e dead %odies of t"e kin& and t"e minister. ."e city *as in confusion. All ni&"t t"ey mourned and discussed t"e future of t"e kin&dom. +ome #eo#le suddenly t"ou&"t of t"e &uru and t"e disci#le and cau&"t u# *it" t"em as t"ey *ere #re#arin& to leave to*n unnoticed. -6e #eo#le need a kin& and a minister,/ said someone. Dt"ers a&reed. ."ey %e&&ed of t"e &uru and t"e disci#le to %e t"eir kin& and t"eir minister. 0t didn3t take many ar&uments to #ersuade t"e disci#le, %ut it took lon& to #ersuade t"e &uru. ."ey finally a&reed to rule t"e kin&dom of t"e foolis" kin& and t"e silly minister on t"e condition t"at t"ey *ould c"an&e all t"e old la*s. 9rom t"en on, ni&"t *ould a&ain %e ni&"t and day *ould a&ain %e day, and you could &et not"in& for a duddu. 0t %ecame like any ot"er #lace.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. 15'AA, ."e 0nnocent >an C"osen to 9it t"e +take :Boose;. Re#orted t*enty?one times so far only from 0ndia, t"is tale usually "as t"ree #arts: 1; t"e "oly man and "is disci#le7 =; t"e colla#sed *all7 '; t"e man c"osen to fit t"e stake. ."e second section is often told as a se#arate tale :A. =('1A;. ."is #o#ular tale, descri%in& a to#sy?turvy land, *it" its %itin& #olitical satire and let"al ironies, "as ins#ired #lays in many 0ndian lan&ua&es and &iven rise to #rover%s like t"e follo*in& Urdu?<indi one: (*)CD.E*(F(.GEH(IJ(KE.,/, K(+DELD.EMC,/GEK(+DELD.E+C,/, A city of misrule, a ruinous kin&: a #enny :for; a ser of ve&eta%les, a #enny :for; a ser of s*eets. :A ser is a measure.; 0n Kannada, t"e #rover%ial #"rase duddige !anceru, -five measures :of anyt"in&; for a #enny,/ derives from t"is story.

."e lo&ic of t"is story, like t"e lo&ic of many ot"er numskull tales and foolto*ns, comments on values revered in t"e culture. <ere t"e folktale takes on t"e *ell?kno*n <indu lo&ic of et"ical res#onsi%ility in t"eories of karma :action and conse8uence;. Dne is reminded of stories like t"e one in t"e Nah&"h&rata :-Anusasana Parva/; in *"ic" a snake %ites an old *oman3s son to deat". A "unter catc"es t"e ser#ent and *ants to #unis" it, %ut t"e *ise mot"er asks "im not to #ut it to deat", as t"at *ould not %rin& "er son %ack to life. An ar&ument ensues, at t"e end of *"ic" t"e snake s#eaks u#: -D foolis" "unter, 0 didn3t %ite t"is c"ild out of an&er or c"oice. 0 *as sent %y ,eat" on t"is errand. 0f t"ere is any sin in t"is, it is "is./ ."e "unter is not convinced. ."e ser#ent #"iloso#"i4es: -."e #otter3s *"eel, rod, and ot"er t"in&s are not inde#endent causes for t"e #ot. ."ey are causes *orkin& in union. +o one must dou%t any sim#le relations"i# of cause and effect./ And so on. ,eat" t"en a##ears and ar&ues, -D ser#ent, 0 *as &uided %y .ime to send you on t"is errand. 03m like a cloud tossed %y t"e *ind. All creatures in "eaven and eart" are influenced %y time. 6"y do you %lame meL/ ."e "unter, still an&ry, s"outs, -."en %ot" you and t"e ser#ent are to %lame. 0 s"all kill you %ot"./ ."en .ime :k&la; arrives and says, -Beit"er t"e ser#ent nor ,eat" is &uilty, nor am 0. 6e are only t"e immediate e1citin& causes of t"is deat". D "unter, t"e #ast karma of t"is c"ild is t"e true cause of t"is deat". Beit"er t"e snake nor ,eat", neit"er you nor t"e mot"er, is t"e cause. ."e c"ild3s deat" is t"e result of its o*n karma./ B"is"ma, lyin& on "is deat"%ed of arro*s on t"e %attlefield, tells t"is story to Kud"is"tira, *"o is &rief? stricken and &uilt?ridden over "is #art in t"e deadly *ar. ."e #resent folktale uses t"e same lo&ic :of #assin& t"e %uck; and reduces it to a%surdityHone more commentary on a classical #osition.

33. In earch of a #ream

A kin& "ad t"ree sons, t*o of *"om *ere idiots. ."e youn&est son *as a smart fello* and t"e kin& *as very fond of "im. <e "ad even decided to #ass t"e kin&dom on to "im. Dne ni&"t, t"e kin& "ad a *eird dream. 0n it, "e sa* a %eautiful &arden and, in t"e middle of it, a silver tree *it" emerald leaves and a ru%y fruit. 9rom its %ranc"es "un& a &olden s*in&. Dn it #erc"ed an emerald #arrot, sin&in& and s*in&in& &ently. 0n t"e dream, t"e kin& "ad a ser#ent?je*el in "is "and *it" *"ic" "e struck t"e %ird, and t"e *"ole &arden vanis"ed at once. ."e kin& *anted to see in real *akin& life *"at "e "ad seen in "is dream. +o "e called "is t"ree sons, descri%ed t"e dream to t"em, and said, -0f any of you can s"o* me *"at 0 sa* in t"at dream, t"is kin&dom *ill %e "is./ All t"ree a&reed to try, and t"e kin& made all t"e necessary arran&ements for t"eir journeys. ."e t*o older %rot"ers "eaded in one direction and t"e youn&est took t"e o##osite direction. ."e t*o older %rot"ers journeyed for five days and &ot %ored. ."e road *as rocky, t"e forests scary, t"e to*ns tem#tin&. +o t"ey sto##ed in a nice #lace, s#ent time t"ere enjoyin& t"emselves till all t"eir money *as &one, and *ent "ome to tell t"eir fat"er t"ey couldn3t find t"e &arden or t"e %ird of "is dream. >ean*"ile, t"e youn&est son found an old *oman *"o asked "im to stay *it" "er. <e %e"aved "imself and *as a &ood %oy for t"ree days. 6"en "e *as sure t"at t"e old *oman liked "im a lot, "e told "er *"at "e *as after. +"e kne* all a%out it already, and told "im, -0f you *alk to t"e nort" of t"is to*n, you3ll find a mar%le fortress. 0nside its *alls is a &arden. 0t3s very "ard to &et to it. But 03ll tell you "o* to &et in. 9irst, look for a lar&e #ee#ul tree. Kou3ll see a snake "ole under it. A &iant ser#ent lives t"ere. @very ni&"t it comes out of its "ole, takes out t"e divine ser#ent?je*el from its fore"ead, #uts it do*n under t"e tree, and looks for food %y t"e li&"t of t"e je*el. 0f you can some"o* &et t"at je*el, its li&"t *ill s"o* you t"e *ay into t"e &arden, *"ere you3ll find four #rincesses. At ni&"t one of t"em %ecomes t"e silver tree, anot"er %ecomes t"e emerald leaves, t"e t"ird t"e ru%y fruit. ."e fourt" c"an&es into a &olden s*in&. 0f you s"o* t"em t"e je*el in your "and, t"ey *ill all %ecome yours. Kou s#oke of an emerald #arrot. 0 kno* not"in& a%out it. But 03ve an elder sister in t"e ne1t to*n. 2o and ask "er. +"e may kno* somet"in& a%out it./ ."e youn& #rince saluted "er &ratefully and traveled nort"*ards for t"ree *"ole days till "e found t"e mar%le fortress. 0ts &ates *ere s"ut. <e *aited till ni&"t fell and t"e &ates o#ened %y t"emselves. <e *ent in and *as soon in front of an enormous #ee#ul tree. +ure enou&", t"ere *as a snake "ole under it. <e clim%ed t"e tree, "id amon& t"e %ranc"es, and *aited for t"e snake. 0t *as a lon& fearsome creature *"en it came out. 0t c"ose a s#ot, s"ook out t"e je*el from its fore"ead, *"ic" li&"ted u# t"e &round all around it. 6"ile it fora&ed for food in t"at circle of li&"t, t"e #rince came do*n *it" "andfuls of leaves "e "ad #lucked and deftly covered t"e je*el *it" t"em. ."e li&"t *as &one and t"e snake looked all over in t"e dark for its je*el for a lon& time, &ettin& more and more frustrated. 9inally, in utter ra&e, it struck its "ood a&ain and a&ain on a rock near%y and died a %loody mess. ."e #rince 8uickly #icked u# t"e je*el and %y its li&"t "e could no* see a %eautiful &arden in front of "im. As "e entered it, "e could see t"e silver tree, t"e emerald leaves, t"e ru%y fruit, and t"e &olden s*in&. As soon as "e #ointed t"e je*el to*ards t"em, all of t"em vanis"ed and in t"eir #lace stood four #rincesses, eac" one lovelier t"an t"e ot"er. @ac" said to t"e ot"er t"at s"e *ould marry t"is youn& man. But "e asked t"em to stay *"ere t"ey *ere till "e "ad finis"ed t"e ne1t task, and #romised to come %ack for t"em in a fe* days. ."e #rince no* *ent in searc" of t"e emerald %ird. <e *ent to t"e ne1t to*n, *"ere a&ain "e earned t"e &ood*ill of an old *oman %y %ein& a very &ood %oy for t"ree days. Dnce "e *as sure t"at t"e old *oman liked "im enou&", "e asked "er if s"e "ad any sisters and %rot"ers. +"e said, -Kes, 03ve a

youn&er sister in anot"er to*n./ ."en "e told "er "o* "e "ad met "er sister, and "o* s"e "ad "el#ed "im, and "o* "e *as no* lookin& for t"e emerald #arrot. ."e old *oman kne* all a%out it and told "im: -Dn t"e ot"er s"ore of t"e seven seas, you3ll find a lake. A lar&e lotus &ro*s in it. A #rincess #lays on t"e lotus leaf all day and c"an&es into an emerald #arrot %y ni&"t./ -<o* do 0 &et t"ereL/ asked t"e #rince. -Kou already "ave t"e means. 6ors"i# t"e snake?je*el *it" real devotion, and a garuda?%ird *ill a##ear. 0t *ill take you %eyond t"e seven seas./ ."e #rince did as "e *as told, and a &iant garuda #rom#tly a##eared, took "im on "is %ack, fle* over t"e seven seas, and landed "im near a lake. <e looked for a lar&e lotus and t"ere it *as, in front of "im. Under it *as an even lar&er lotus #ad, on *"ic" t"e s*eetest?lookin& #rincess of all *as fast aslee#. 6"en "e #ointed t"e s"inin& ser#ent?je*el at "er face, s"e *oke u# *it" a start, looked lon& at t"e #rince standin& in front of "er, and suddenly %ent "er "ead, overcome *it" s"yness. <e asked "er, *it"out any ceremony *"atever, -6ill you marry meL/ +"e moved "er "ead in consent. ."en t"e t*o of t"em sat on t"e garuda and fle* over t"e seven seas. ."e &iant %ird left t"em safely in t"e second old *oman3s "ouse and took leave. ."e old *oman %lessed t"em and s"o*ed t"em t"e *ay %ack. ."en t"ey entered t"e mar%le fortress, and t"e four #rincesses "e "ad left %e"ind *ere deli&"ted to see t"e fift" one. <e told t"em "is fat"er3s dream, and t"ey said, -All five of us are sisters. A *icked demon kidna##ed our eldest sister and ke#t "er in a lake %eyond t"e seven seas. At ni&"t, "e sle#t under *ater in t"e lake. <e *as sure no mortal *ould ever come t"ere, %ut you are %raver t"an all: you *ent and released our sister from t"at %onda&e. 6e3ll never leave you. >arry us./ -But *"at s"all 0 do if my fat"er asks me to make "is dream come trueL <e *ants to see a&ain in %road dayli&"t *"atever "e sa* at ni&"t in "is dream,/ "e said. ."ey "ad an ans*er. -+tand all five of us in a ro* and *it" one stroke cut off our "eads. 6e3ll c"an&e into all t"e t"in&s your fat"er sa* in "is dream. 0f you strike t"e #arrot *it" t"e snake?je*el, *e3ll return to our "uman forms. ."at3s all./ ,eli&"ted t"at "is task "ad %een accom#lis"ed, "e took t"em to t"e first old *oman, *"o %lessed t"em all. But s"e "ad one *is". +"e *anted to live *it" "er elder sister. ."e #rince at once took out t"e je*el and offered *ors"i# to it. At once, t"e garuda arrived and took t"e old *oman to "er sister. ."e #rince no* traveled on *it" "is %evy of #rincesses and reac"ed "ome. <is fat"er said, -0 asked you to make my dream come true. 0nstead you3ve &one and &ot yourself all t"ese *omen./ ."e #rince asked t"e five #rincesses to stand in a ro* and, to everyone3s "orror, took out "is s*ord and *it" one stroke cut off all t"eir "eads. At once, miraculously, t"e kin&3s dream *as reenacted ri&"t %efore "is eyes: t"e silver tree, t"e emerald leaves, t"e ru%y fruit, t"e &olden s*in&, and t"e emerald #arrot. ."e #rince no* struck t"e #arrot *it" t"e je*el, and t"e #rincesses rea##eared in t"eir ori&inal forms. ."e kin& *as ecstatic. <e arran&ed a s#lendid *eddin& *it" t"e five #rincesses for "is youn&est son and &ave "im t"e kin&dom. ."e youn& man *as a &ood ruler and made everyone "a##y, includin& "is t*o dim?*itted %rot"ers.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. 55(, +earc" for t"e 2olden Bird, is kno*n to t"e tellers of The Thousand and One ?ights and is told in %ot" t"e >iddle @ast and @uro#e. 0t "as %een collected in many re&ions of 0ndia :t*enty? seven kno*n variants;.

0n t"e #resent tellin&, a s#ecial em#"asis is #laced on t"e dream. ."e story is e1#licitly a%out a searc" for a dreamHt"e 8uest is not for a ma&ic %ird or a #rincess :t"ou&" *e "ave t"em too; %ut to make a ni&"t3s dream come true %y day. +o t"e usual dreamlike folktale motifs of transformation :#rincesses into tree, fruit, %ird, and t*i&; are literally s"o*n to %e com#onents of a dream. ."e kin&3s dream, on t"e ot"er "and, "as s"o*n "im somet"in& real %ut not yet actual. ."e dreamer dreams of *"at3s already real some*"ere else, *"ic" is *"y it can %e searc"ed for and made #resent. >ean*"ile t*o sets of sisters :t"e t*o old *omen and t"e five #rincesses; are reunited. ."e usual motifs of t"e dim?*itted elder %rot"er:s; %etrayin& t"e youn&er and usur#in& t"e %ride, 8uite common in ot"er tellin&s of A. 55(, are a%sent "ere %ecause t"e em#"asis is on makin& a dream actual, not on si%lin& rivalry. ."e youn&est %rot"er naturally *ins #rincesses and a kin&dom, #ursuin& anot"er dream, t"at is, a youn& man3s dream. ."e old kin&3s ca#rice turns out to %e a test of "is son3s a%ility to make an im#ossi%le dream come true, a *ise test for leaders"i#. +uc" a tale %e&ins in ca#rice and ends in *isdom. Be"eadin& t"e #rincesses to transform t"em is a dramatic lesson: every dream "as its #rice. ,arin&, an a##ro#riate use of violence, and a trust in t"e ultimate return to normalcy are #art of a "ero3s e8ui#ment. O9or a +antali tellin& of A. 55(, see Ramanujan 1 1a:1C1J1C).P

34. King and *easant

A #easant and "is *ife *ere very #oor. ."ey "ad little to eat and very little to *ear. ."ey la%ored some*"ere or ot"er every day so t"at t"ey could "ave some &ruel. +uc" *as t"eir misera%le life. Dne day t"e kin& and t"e 8ueen *ere travelin& t"rou&" t"e countryside in t"eir t*o?"orse coac" *"en t"ey sa* t"e #oor #easant cou#le la%orin& in t"e "ot sun *it"out even a #iece of clot" on t"eir %acks. ."e kin& said to t"e 8ueen, -Look at t"ose #oor #eo#le. ."eir life is suc" a stru&&le, it3s "ard to *atc" t"em. 2od seems to %e %lind to t"eir misery./ ."e 8ueen re#lied, -2od "as not"in& to do *it" t"ese #eo#le3s #li&"t. ."e *oman of t"e "ouse is no &ood. +o all t"eir la%or is *asted. @ven if t"ey *ork day and ni&"t, t"ey *on3t esca#e #overty./ -<o* comeL/ asked t"e kin&. ."e 8ueen said, -03ll *a&er *it" you. Let me mana&e t"is #easant3s "ouse for si1 mont"s. Let t"e #easant3s *ife &o and live in t"e #alace in my #lace and mana&e it for si1 mont"s. Kou3ll see t"e difference for yourself./ And so t"ey e1c"an&ed #laces. ."e kin& took t"e #easant3s *ife to t"e #alace *it" "im, called all "is servants and ordered t"at t"ey s"ould treat "er *it" res#ect, do everyt"in& s"e asked t"em to do, and serve "er just as t"ey did t"e 8ueen. >ean*"ile, t"e 8ueen entered t"e #easant3s "ouse. 0t *as so dirty t"at s"e &a&&ed lookin& at it. 2ar%a&e, sticks and stones, un*as"ed #ots, uns*e#t floors, and a #ile of as"es in t"e stove. ."e 8ueen set a%out at once to clean u# t"e #lace. +"e s*e#t it, *as"ed it, dre* rangoli desi&ns on t"e floor, cleaned all t"e #ots, %urned incense for t"e &ods, insisted t"at t"e #easant %at"e and *ear a fres" loinclot" every day, and said to "im, - A!!a, look "ere. Kou must &o into to*n every day and *ork t"ere. Kou must %rin& "ome *"atever you earn and &ive it to me. Kou must never come "ome *it" an em#ty "and. 0f you can3t &et *ork on some days, you must still #ick u# somet"in&, at least a stick from t"e road, and %rin& it "ome./ Accordin&ly, "e *ould &o out every day and *ork for daily *a&es some*"ere or ot"er and %rin& "ome

*"atever "e earned to t"e 8ueen. After t"e day3s e1#enses, s"e *ould save t"e #ennies, #ut t"em a*ay in a secret #ot, and *it" t"at money s"e %e&an to furnis" t"e #lace in modest *ays. ."e #easant ate *ell and soon %e&an to look rounded and *ell?cared?for. 0n t"e #alace, t"e #easant *oman 8uarreled *it" all t"e servants, scolded t"em any *ay s"e #leased, and t"re* a%out je*elry and clot"es every*"ere till *"atever *as t"ere today *asn3t t"ere tomorro*. Precious t"in&s *ere lost every day. ."e 8ueen3s 8uarters *ere no* covered *it" dust, &ar%a&e *et and dry, and dirty linen. ."e kin& sa* t"at t"e #alace *as in a s"am%les and &ettin& *orse %y t"e "our. <e *aited an1iously for t"e end of t"e si1?mont" #eriod. Dne day, t"e #easant couldn3t find any *ork t"ou&" "e tried every*"ere. 9rustrated, "e turned to*ards "ome in t"e late afternoon. A dead snake lay on t"e road. <e remem%ered at once t"e 8ueen3s *ords t"at "e s"ould never come "ome em#ty?"anded %ut %rin& *"atever "e found %y t"e roadside. +o "e #icked u# t"e lim# cold snake and took it to t"e 8ueen. +"e consoled "im, sayin&, -Bo matter. Kou did *ell,/ and s"e t"re* t"e dead snake on t"e t"atc"ed roof. ."en s"e &ave t"e #easant *ater for "is "ands and feet and served "im food. >ean*"ile, a garuda?%ird *as flyin& over"ead *it" a fa%ulous necklace of ru%ies and #earls in its %eak7 it "ad #icked u# t"e necklace in t"e #alace, may%e out of t"e &ar%a&e. But, no*, *"en its ea&le eyes fell on t"e snake on t"e #easant3s roof, it s*oo#ed do*n to snatc" it u#, dro##ed t"e necklace *"ile doin& so, and *"irled a*ay into t"e sky. ."e 8ueen "eard t"e clatter, *ent out, and sa* t"e necklace. +"e called out to t"e #easant, *"o clam%ered onto t"e roof and %rou&"t do*n t"e necklace. +"e asked "im to take it at once to t"e market street and sell it at t"e je*eler3s for a &ood #rice. <e did as "e *as told, received a fa%ulous #rice, and %rou&"t %ack a %a&ful of money. +"e used it to %uy "im a ne* "ouse and some land, furnis"in&s, cattle and %uffaloes, and arran&ed it all so t"at "e *ould never *ant for anyt"in&. By t"is time, si1 mont"s "ad come to an end. ."e kin& couldn3t *ait to &et t"e 8ueen %ack. <e rode to t"e #easant3s villa&e and #leaded *it" "is 8ueen, -Kou must "urry %ack. 6e live in c"aos. 6e "ave lost so muc" already. 0 can3t %ear it anymore./ <e *as ama4ed at t"e #ros#erity of t"e #easant. ."e 8ueen e1#lained, -Bo* you kno*. ."e *oman in t"e "ouse is like Laks"mi, t"e &oddess of &ood fortune. @ven in t"e #oorest "ouse"old, if s"e is tidy and mana&es *it" care and looks after t"e *elfare of t"e man *"o *orks, Laks"mi *ill seek out t"at "ouse and d*ell in it. Dt"er*ise, you kno* very *ell *"at misery follo*s./ 6it" t"ese *ords, s"e installed t"e #easant3s *ife %ack in "er #lace, &ave "er lots of advice, and *ent "ome to "er #alace to clear t"e &ar%a&e t"ere and set it u# for t"e &ood life a&ain.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif P A11.1.1, Peasant and "is *ife in "ut near castle as contrasts to kin& and 8ueen.P

35. Kutla//a
0n a to*n just like ours, t"ere lived a %ra"min cou#le. ."ey "ad #lenty of money, %ut t"ey "ad no c"ildren. ."ey made lon& #il&rima&es, made vo*s to many &ods, and finally one of t"e &ods *as #leased *it" t"em. +o t"ey "ad a dau&"ter. ."ey distri%uted su&ar to t"e *"ole to*n and named "er Kutlavva. ."ey doted on "er and #roudly sa* "er &ro* u# to %e a #retty youn& *oman. ."en t"ey %ou&"t "er s#lendid saris and costly je*elry and &ot "er married. >ay%e t"e &ods didn3t like anyone to %e loved so muc". Kutlavva suddenly took to %ed and died one day. ."e *"ole to*n mourned "er deat" *it" "er #arents. ."ey took t"e %ody to t"e %urnin& &"at and cremated "er. Gust as t"ey *ere slo*ly &ettin& reconciled to t"eir loss, a stran&er came one day to to*n *it" a %undle of fire*ood for sale. <e "a*ked it all t"rou&" t"e "ot afternoon, %ut no one *ould %uy it from "im.

Muite dis&usted *it" "is lot, "e set do*n "is load and sat leanin& a&ainst t"e %ra"min3s "ouse. ."e %ra"min3s *ife came out, sa* "im sittin& t"ere, and asked "im, -6"ere do you come fromL/ -D, don3t ask me, lady. 0 come strai&"t from t"e %urnin& &"at and 03m &oin& %ack t"ere,/ "e said, *eary of life. ."e #oor *oman remem%ered t"at t"ey "ad taken "er dau&"ter to t"e %urnin& &"at *"en s"e died. +o s"e asked "im, -D, you come from t"e %urnin& &"atL ."at3s Kutlavva3s #lace. ,o you see our Kutlavva t"ereL <o* is s"e doin&L/ -+"e3s doin& very *ell. >y "ouse and "er "ouse are ri&"t ne1t to eac" ot"er./ ."e %ra"min3s *ife *as filled *it" joy. +"e looked for "er "us%and to &ive "im t"e &ood ne*s, %ut "e *asn3t "ome. +"e %ustled a%out, *ent into "er room, &at"ered to&et"er all t"e je*els s"e "ad ke#t for Kutlavva, #ut t"em into a %o1, and %rou&"t it to t"e stran&er. -Look "ere, &ood man, *e "ad &ot a lot of je*elry made for our dau&"ter at t"e time of "er *eddin&. <ere it is. Can you take it and &ive it to "erL/ -2ladly,/ said t"e man. <e took t"e je*elry %o1 and *alked a*ay, leavin& %e"ind "is %undle of fire*ood. +oon after, "er "us%and came "ome ridin& "is "orse. <is *ife couldn3t *ait to tell "im t"e "a##y ne*s: -,o you kno*, a man came from t"e %urnin& &"at today. 0 asked "im "o* Kutlavva *as and "e said s"e *as fine. +o 0 &ave "im all "er je*elry and asked "im to &ive it to "er./ ."e %ra"min struck "is fore"ead in des#air at *"at "is sim#le *ife "ad done. <e mounted "is "orse a&ain, asked *"ic" *ay t"e stran&er "ad &one, and follo*ed "im. <e rode out of to*n and t"rou&" t"e fields. >ean*"ile, t"e man "ad "idden t"e %o1 some*"ere and *as standin& on a mound, #retendin& to s"oo some s#arro*s off a tree. ."e %ra"min sto##ed in front of "im and asked "im, -,id you see a man &o t"is *ay *it" a %o1 in "is "andsL/ ."e man said, -Kes, yes, "e *ent ri&"t into t"at su&arcane field. 0f you &o 8uickly, you can catc" "im./ <o* can a "orse &o t"rou&" a su&arcane fieldL +o t"e %ra"min said, -,o me a favor. Please look after t"is "orse *"ile 0 &o c"ase after t"at t"ief./ ."en "e left t"e "orse in t"e stran&er3s "ands and ran into t"e su&arcane field. ."e %lades of t"e su&arcane &rass slas"ed "is face and "ands and dre* %lood. <e searc"ed every*"ere in t"e field %ut couldn3t find t"e t"ief. 6"en "e came out, "is "orse too "ad vanis"ed. +o "ad t"e man *"o *as c"asin& s#arro*s. ."en t"e %ra"min kne* "e too "ad %een taken. ."e t"ief "ad taken t"e je*elry from "is *ife and t"e "orse from "im. 6"en "e came "ome do*ncast, "is *ife asked "im, -6"ere3s your "orseL/ ."e %ra"min re#lied, -6ell, 0 sent t"e "orse also to Kutlavva./

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. 15A(, ."e +tudent from Paradise :or Paris;, #o#ular in Renaissance collections, an oral tale related from @n&land to 0ndonesia. Accordin& to Antti Aarne, *"o studied '(( versions of it, @uro#ean versions usually #lay on t"e *ords -Paris/ and -#aradise/: a student says "e is from Paris, and a %ereaved *ife "ears it as Paradise. ."en s"e sends money and &ifts to "er dead "us%and t"rou&" t"e

student from Paradise. Kaarle Kro"n t"ou&"t t"at t"e story :*it"out t"e Paris$Paradise #un; ori&inated in 0ndia :see ."om#son 1 A):1) ;.

37. The )ampstand 8oman

A kin& "ad an only dau&"ter. <e "ad %rou&"t "er u# lovin&ly. <e "ad s#read t"ree &reat loads of flo*ers for "er to lie on and covered "er in t"ree more, as t"ey say. <e *as lookin& for a #ro#er %ride&room for "er. 0n anot"er city, anot"er kin& "ad a son and a dau&"ter. <e *as lookin& for a #ro#er %ride for "is son. A &room for t"e #rincess. A %ride for t"e #rince. ."e searc" *as on. Bot" t"e kin&s3 #arties set out, #ictures in "and. Dn t"e *ay, t"ey came to a river, *"ic" *as flo*in& rat"er full and fast, and it *as evenin& already. -Let t"e river calm do*n a %it. 6e can &o on at sunrise,/ t"ey said, and #itc"ed tents on eit"er side of t"e river for t"e ni&"t. 0t *as mornin&. 6"en t"ey came to t"e river to *as" t"eir faces, %ot" #arties met. ."is one said, -6e need a %ride&room./ ."at one said, -6e need a %ride./ ."ey e1c"an&ed #ictures, looked t"em over, and %ot" #arties liked t"em. ."e %ride3s #arty said, -6e s#read t"ree &reat %i& measures of flo*ers for our &irl to lie on and cover "er in t"ree more. ."at s"o*s "o* tenderly *e3ve %rou&"t u# our &irl. 0f any%ody #romises us t"at t"ey3ll look after "er %etter t"an t"at, *e3ll &ive t"e &irl to t"at "ouse./ .o t"at, t"e %oy3s #arty re#lied, -0f you s#read t"ree &reat measures of flo*ers for "er, *e3ll s#read si1./ ."ey made an a&reement ri&"t t"ere. 6"en t"ey *ere &ettin& t"e to*n ready for t"e *eddin&, t"e rain &od &ave t"em a s#rinkle, t"e *ind &od dusted and s*e#t t"e floors. ."ey #ut u# *eddin& cano#ies lar&e as t"e sky, dre* sacred desi&ns on t"e *eddin& floor as *ide as t"e eart", and cele%rated t"e *eddin&. 0t *as ric", it *as s#lendid. And soon after, t"e #rincess came to "er "us%and3s #alace. ."e cou#le *ere "a##y. ."ey s#ent t"eir time "a##ilyH%et*een a s#read of si1 &reat measures of flo*ers and a cover of si1 more. Gust *"en everyt"in& *as fine, >ot"er 9ate a##eared in t"e #rincess3s dream, and said, -Kou3ve all t"is *ealt". Bo one "as as muc". But *"o3s &oin& to eat t"e t"ree &reat measures of %ran and "uskL/ +o sayin&, s"e took a*ay all t"e jasmine, and s#read &reen t"orn instead. ."e &irl, *"o used to slee# on jasmines, no* "ad to slee# on t"orns. @very day >ot"er 9ate *ould come, c"an&e t"e flo*ers, make "er %ed a %ed of t"orns, and disa##ear. Bo one could see t"is e1ce#t t"e #rincess. ."e #rincess suffered daily. +"e suffered and suffered, &ot t"inner and t"inner till s"e *as as t"in as a little fin&er. +"e didn3t tell anyone a%out >ot"er 9ate3s comin&s and &oin&s or a%out t"e %ed of t"orns s"e s#read every ni&"t. ->y fate *ritten on my %ro* is like t"is. Bo%ody can understand *"at3s "a##enin& to me,/ s"e said to "erself, and #ined a*ay. ."e "us%and *ondered *"y "is *ife *as &ettin& t"inner %y t"e day. Dnce "e asked: -Kou eat very *ell. 6e look after you "ere %etter t"an t"ey do at your mot"er3s "ouse. Ket you3re #inin& a*ay, you3re &ettin& t"in as a reed. 6"at3s t"e matterL/ ."e fat"er?in?la*, t"e mot"er?in?la*, and t"e servantmaids all asked "er t"e same 8uestion. -6"en >ot"er 9ate "erself is &ivin& me t"e kind of trou%le t"at no one s"ould ever suffer, *"at3s t"e use of tellin& it to ordinary "umansL 0t3s %etter to die,/ s"e t"ou&"t, and asked for a crater of fire. +"e insisted on it. +"e *as stu%%orn. 6"at could t"ey doL ."ey did *"at s"e asked. ."ey ro%ed "er in a ne* sari. ."ey #ut turmeric and vermilion on "er face. ."ey decked "er "air in jasmine. ."ey #iled u# sandal*ood lo&s for t"e #yre, sat "er do*n in t"e middle of it, and set fire to it. ."en a most astonis"in& t"in& "a##ened. Dut of no*"ere, a &reat *ind s#ran& u#, #icked "er out of t"e %urnin& lo& fire, raised "er

unseen %y ot"ers3 eyes into t"e sky, and left "er in a forest. -D &od, 0 *anted to die in t"e crater of fire, and even t"at *asn3t #ossi%le,/ s"e said, in utter sorro*. 6"en t"e *ind died do*n, s"e looked around. +"e *as in a forest. ."ere *as a cave near%y. -Let a lion or ti&er eat me, 0 can die at least t"at *ay,/ s"e t"ou&"t, and entered t"e cave. But t"ere *as no lion or ti&er in t"ere. ."ere *ere t"ree &reat measures of %ran and "usk "ea#ed u#, and on t"e &round *ere a #estle and a #ot. +"e *ondered if t"is *as *"at >ot"er 9ate meant *"en s"e "ad asked in "er dream: -6"o3s &oin& to eat t"ree &reat measures of %ran and "uskL/ 6"at could s"e doL +"e #ounded t"e %ran eac" day, made it into a kind of flour, and lived on it. ."ree or four years *ent %y t"is *ay. All t"e stock of %ran and "usk disa##eared. Dne day s"e said to "erself, -Look "ere, it3s t"ree or four years since 03ve seen a "uman face. Let3s at least &o and look./ +"e came out of t"e cave, and clim%ed t"e "ill. ,o*n %elo*, *oodcutters *ere s#littin& *ood. +"e t"ou&"t, -0f 0 follo* t"ese #eo#le, 0 can &et to a to*n some*"ere,/ and came do*n. ."e *oodcutters %undled t"eir fire*ood and started *alkin& to*ards a near%y market to*n like Ban&alore. As t"ey *alked on, s"e *alked %e"ind t"em, *it"out %ein& seen. As t"e men *alked, t"e sun set in t"e *oods. ."ey stayed t"e ni&"t under a tree. +"e "id "erself %e"ind a %us". ."en s"e sa* a ti&er comin& to*ards "er. -At least t"is ti&er *ill eat me u#7 let it,/ s"e t"ou&"t, and lay still. ."e ti&er came near. But "e just sniffed at "er and moved on. +"e felt misera%le, and s"e moaned aloud, -@ven ti&ers don3t *ant to eat me./ ."e *oodcutters "eard "er *ords. ."ey &ot u# and looked around. ."ey sa* a ti&er *alkin& a*ay from *"ere s"e *as. ."ey *ere stunned, terrified. 6"en t"ey could find *ords, t"ey came close and talked to "er. ."ey said, -Kou must %e a *oman of &reat virtue. Because of you, t"e ti&er s#ared us too. But you are cryin&Q 6"at3s your trou%leL 6"y do you cryL/ +"e %e&&ed of t"em: -03ve no trou%les. Gust &et me to some%ody3s "ouse. 03ll *ork t"ere. 0t3s enou&" if t"ey &ive me a mout"ful of food and a t*ist of clot". Please do t"at muc", and earn merit for yourself./ ."ey said, -All ri&"t,/ and took "er *it" t"em. Bear%y *as a to*n, like Ban&alore. ."e *oodcutters *ent to t"e %i& "ouse *"ere t"ey re&ularly delivered fire*ood, and talked to t"e mistress t"ere. -Please take in t"is #oor *oman as a servant "ere,/ t"ey said. +"e said, -All ri&"t,/ and took "er in. ."e *oodcutters *ent t"eir *ay. +"e started *ork in t"e %i& "ouse, doin& *"atever t"ey asked "er to do. Dne day t"e mistress3s little son t"re* a tantrum. ."e mistress said to "er, -.ake t"is c"ild out. +"o* "im t"e #alace. Muiet "im do*n./ +o s"e carried "im out, and as s"e *as s"o*in& "im t"is and t"at to distract "im, a #eacock #ecked at t"e c"ild3s necklace, took it in its %eak, and s*allo*ed it. +"e came runnin& to t"e mistress and told "er *"at "ad "a##ened. ."e mistress didn3t %elieve "er. +"e screamed at "er, -Kou t"ief, you s"aven *ido*, you3re lyin&Q Kou3ve "idden it some*"ere. 2o, %rin& it at once, or else 03ll make youQ/ ."e #oor *oman didn3t kno* *"at to do. +"e cried #iteously. -Bo, no, 0 s*ear %y &od. 0t3s t"at %ird, t"at #eacock, it s*allo*ed t"e necklace,/ s"e said. ."ey didn3t listen to "er. ."e mistress said, -."is is a tou&" customer. +"e *on3t %ud&e for small #unis"ments. 6e3ll "ave to &ive "er t"e %i& one./ And s"e #roceeded to #unis" "er most cruelly. +"e "ad "er %eaten first, t"en "ad "er "ead s"aved clean and naked7 asked t"e servants to #lace a #atty of co* dun& on it, and #ut an oil lam# on it7 and "erself li&"ted t"e *ick.

+"e *as &iven "ouse"old c"ores all day. At ni&"t s"e "ad to carry t"e lam# on "er "ead and &o *"erever t"ey asked "er to &o. @veryone called "er Lam# 6oman, Lam# 6oman. .ime #assed t"is *ay. Dne day, t"e mistress3s elder %rot"er came t"ere. <e *as t"e Lam# 6oman3s "us%and. But "e didn3t kno* anyt"in&. <e came to "is youn&er sister3s "ouse, dined t"ere, and sat do*n to c"e* %etel leaf and %etel nut. ."e mistress sent t"e Lam# 6oman to li&"t t"e #lace *"ere "e *as sittin&, enjoyin& "is 8uid of %etel leaf. +"e kne* at once t"at t"is man *as "er "us%and. +"e s*allo*ed "er sorro* and stood t"ere, *it" t"e lam# on "er "ead. ."ou&" "e looked at t"e Lam# 6oman, "e didn3t reco&ni4e "er. +"e "ad c"an&ed so muc". <e %elieved t"at "is *ife "ad #eris"ed in t"e fire. <e t"ou&"t t"is *as some s"aven?"eaded servant*oman &ettin& #unis"ed for some *ron& s"e "ad done. 6it"out even lookin& at "er, "e asked "er, -Lam# 6oman, tell me a story./ -6"at story do 0 kno*, masterL 0 don3t kno* any story./ -Kou must tell me some story. Any kind *ill do./ ->aster, s"all 0 tell you one a%out *"at3s to come yet or *"at3s &one %eforeL/ -6"o can see *"at3s to comeL .ell us a%out *"at3s &one %efore./ -0t3s a story of terri%le "ards"i#s./ -2o a"ead./ ."e Lam# 6oman told "im a%out t"e #alace *"ere s"e *as %orn, "o* s"e &ot married, sle#t %et*een cartloads of flo*ers, "o* >ot"er 9ate a##eared every ni&"t in "er dream and tormented "er on a %ed of t"orns, "o* s"e t"ou&"t s"e could esca#e it all %y dyin& on a #yre of sandal*ood, "o* t"e *ind miraculously carried "er to a forest, and "o* s"e lived t"ere on a meal of %ran and "usk7 "o* s"e came *it" t"e *oodcutters to t"is #lace and entered domestic service7 "o* t"e #eacock s*allo*ed t"e necklace *"en s"e *as consolin& t"e c"ild7 "o* s"e *as called a t"ief and made to look like a s"aven *ido*7 and "o* s"e *as condemned no* to *alk a%out as a Lam#stand 6oman. All t"is s"e told t"e #rince, in utter sorro*. As "e "eard t"e story, "e listened to "er voice and %e&an to see *"o s"e *as. <e reco&ni4ed t"at t"is *as "is lon&?lost *ife. <e took do*n t"e lam# from "er "ead and lovin&ly "u&&ed and caressed "er. <e scolded "is youn&er sister and %rot"er?in?la* for #unis"in& "is *ife so cruelly. ."ey fell at "is feet and asked for&ivenessH%ut "e #ut "is *ife on "is "orse and left at once for "is o*n to*n. @veryone *as very "a##y to see t"at t"e #rincess "adn3t really #eris"ed in t"e fire.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. '(, ."e Pro#"ecy. 0n t"e Aarne?."om#son inde1, ty#es '(J A5 are tales of fate. Dt"er tales of fate, #ro#"ecy, etc. in t"is collection are ->uddanna/ :Bo. A1;, -6"at t"e >ilk Bird +aid/ :Bo. !';, -."e >ot"er 6"o >arried <er D*n +on/ :Bo. A(;, and -A +a&e3s 6ord/ :Bo. 55;. >ot"er 9ate Z 7idhiyamma. 9ate is female in t"ese folktales. OBK.., %ut cf. >otif > '(=.=, >an3s fate *ritten on "is skull7 >otif < 11.1, Reco&nition %y tellin& life "istory. +ee also AKR3s comments in Ramanujan 1 1%.P

3.. The 1agician and ?is #isciple

A c"ildless kin& did #enance :ta!as; and #rayed to +iva. By <is &race, "e "ad t*o sons. ."e kin& and

8ueen fondly doted on t"ese c"ildren of t"eir late years. @nemy kin&s took advanta&e of "is %ein& very old and "is c"ildren %ein& very youn&. ."ey laid sie&e to "is kin&dom. ."e kin& could not *it"stand t"e attack. Ian8uis"ed, "e left t"e #alace *it" "is *ife and c"ildren *"ile it *as still "onora%le to do so. <e *ent to a fara*ay kin&dom and lived t"ere as a %e&&ar. ."e "ards"i#s of "is life did not %ot"er "im, %ut "e did *orry a%out "is c"ildren. ."ey *ere already seven and ei&"t, and "e *as an1ious a%out t"eir education. Dne day "e *ent to a learned &uru and #leaded *it" "im: -Kou must take my c"ildren under your *in& and &ive t"em a #ro#er education. 0 am #oor. 0 cannot offer you money. But 0 can &ive you one of my c"ildren as re#ayment./ ."e &uru a&reed and ke#t t"e c"ildren *it" "im. ."e old kin& returned to "is %e&&ar3s life. ."e &uru *as &ood to t"e %oys. <e sent t"e older %oy to &ra4e co*s and tau&"t "im little skills like countin&. ."e youn&er %oy *as very smart. 6"en t"e &uru s"o*ed "im one t"in&, "e learned ten t"in&s. <e learned t"e ei&"teen myt"olo&ies, t"e si1 sciences, and t"e four Iedas. Besides, "e %ecame e1#ert in t"e arts of ma&icHsorcery, le&erdemain, es#ecially in metem#syc"osis, t"e su%tle art of enterin& ot"er %odies. Iery soon "e *as %etter t"an "is &uru. Dne day t"e youn&er son sat in a corner and looked into t"e far distance *it" "is inner eye to see *"at "is #arents *ere doin&. <e *as &rieved %y t"eir "ards"i#s. <is "eart melted for t"em. ."ey "ad not one %ut t*o sons. Ket t"eir old a&e *as em#ty7 t"ey "ad not"in& %ut trou%le. <e also learned a%out "is fat"er3s #romise. As re#ayment for "is sons3 education, "is fat"er *as &oin& to &ive a*ay one of t"em. But t"e clever &uru "ad tau&"t "is elder %rot"er only to %e a co*"erd, and "ad educated only "im, t"e youn&er of t"e t*o. ."ere must %e some trick, some treac"ery in t"is arran&ement. ."e youn& man &ot u#, t"inkin&, -0f 0 don3t do somet"in& a%out t"is ri&"t no*, my #arents *ill lose me and die in #overty./ <e c"an&ed at once into a %ird, fle* to "is #arents3 #lace, and c"an&ed %ack into "imself %efore "e entered t"eir "ut. As t"eir son touc"ed t"eir feet res#ectfully, t"e old kin& and 8ueen *ere full of joy. ."ey touc"ed "is "air, fondled "is face, "eld "is "and, and %lessed "im. -+on, *"at %rou&"t you "ereL 0s everyt"in& *ellL .ell us,/ t"ey asked. ."e son said, -9at"er, ever since you left us in t"e care of our &uru, my %rot"er and 0 "ave done everyt"in& to #lease "im. ."e &uru "as tau&"t me everyt"in&, %ut "e "as ne&lected my %rot"er. <e sends "im out everyday *it" t"e co*s. 0 kno* you3ve #romised to &ive one of us to "im. 6"en t"e time comes, offer to &ive t"e &uru my %rot"er and ask for me. <e *ill tell you all sorts of t"in&sH"o* *onderful my %rot"er is, "o* muc" smarter and %etter educated "e is. But you must %e stu%%orn, insist t"at you *ant only t"e youn&er %oy. 03ll take care of t"e rest. 0 came "ere only to tell you t"is./ ."en "e touc"ed t"eir feet a&ain, c"an&ed into a %ird, and fle* a*ay. <is old fat"er *aited for t"e ri&"t day, c"ose an aus#icious "our, and *ent to t"e &uru. 6"en t"e &uru learned of t"e fat"er3s visit, "e dressed t"e older %rot"er in silk, %rou&"t "im to t"e sc"ool room, made "im sit in front as if "e *ere a to#?rankin& Bum%er Dne student, and s#read %i& %ooks in front of "im. 0n "is conversation, "e named "im several times. As for t"e youn&er %rot"er, "e *as dressed in ra&s and made to sit *it" t"e stu#idest #u#ils. 6"en t"e old fat"er arrived, t"e &uru s"o*ed "im %ot" "is sons and said, -Look, of your t*o sons, t"e older %oy is %rilliant. <e learns everyt"in& %efore you even mention it. <e "as %ecome a &reat sc"olar. But t"e youn&er fello* listens to not"in& 0 say. Bot"in& enters "is "ead. <e doesn3t *ant to do anyt"in&. <e &ra4es cattle. Kou can "ave one of t"ese t*o. .ell me *"ic" one you *ant./ ."e old kin& remem%ered *"at "is youn& son "ad told "im *"en "e came as a %ird. <e re#lied, -6ise sir, you3ve tau&"t at least one of t"em some &ood sense. Kou3ve taken a lot of trou%le over t"em. ."at3s a &reat t"in&. 6"atever "a##ens to me no*, you s"ouldn3t %e "armed or c"eated. +o 03ll &ive you t"e smart fello*, t"e older %rot"er. Kou kee# "im. 03ll take t"e stu#id one. ."e older fello* is too smart for

us7 *"en "e sees "o* #oor *e are, "e3ll leave us one day in searc" of %etter t"in&s. ."e youn&er fello* *ill adjust to our #overty %etter./ ."e &uru t"ou&"t, -0 &ave "im a fin&er. <e took t"e *"ole "and./ 0n s#ite of all "is #ersuasions, t"e old kin& insisted on takin& t"e youn&er son, and finally did so. 6"en t"ey reac"ed "ome, t"e son *as "un&ry and *anted food. As t"e fat"er "ad s#ent all day in travel, "e "ad not &one out t"at day to %e&. +o t"ere *as no food at "ome. ."e #arents told "im "o* t"ey lived, s"o*ed "im "o* little t"ey "ad. ."at ni&"t t"ey all drank *ater and *ent to %ed. @arly ne1t mornin&, t"e son "eard a to*n crier %eat "is tom?tom and make an announcement: -A re*ard, a re*ard for anyone *"o *ill %rin& a rooster to fi&"t t"e #alace roosterQ/ ."e youn& man *oke u# "is fat"er at once and said, -9at"er, let3s make some money. 03ll %ecome a rooster. .ake me to t"e #alace and sell me for a t"ousand ru#ees./ And "e c"an&ed into a %i& fat rooster. +ome*"at fearfully, t"e fat"er "eld t"e rooster under "is arm and took it to t"e #alace. ."e local kin& *as t"rilled *it" it. <e &ave t"e old man a t"ousand ru#ees as a re*ard and also a ne* tur%an as a s#ecial &ift. ."e servants %rou&"t an iron coo# and covered t"e rooster *it" it. As soon as t"ey disa##eared, t"e rooster turned into a %andicoot, %urro*ed a "ole in t"e &round, and returned to "is #arents as t"eir %eloved #rince. ."at evenin& t"e #alace *as ready for t"e cockfi&"t. 6"en t"ey #icked u# t"e iron coo#, t"e cock *as &one. ."ere *as only a %i& rat "ole in t"e &round. ."e servants ran to t"e kin& and told "im t"at a %andicoot "ad eaten u# t"e rooster. <e couldn3t %elieve it, so "e too came and looked. 0n "is dismay, "e said: -0t3s a s"ame t"at in suc" a solid #alace as ours t"ere are %andicoots and rats t"at make %urro*s. 03m as"amed to live in suc" a #alace. Break it do*n and %uild a stron&er #alaceQ/ 6ork %e&an t"at very day. ."e t"ousand ru#ees t"e #arents &ot for t"e rooster didn3t last very lon&. -6"at ne1tL/ asked t"e old man. ."e son said, -9at"er, in t"is to*n t"ere3s a merc"ant named Ratnakara. <e fancies "orses. 03ll c"an&e into a rare %reed of "orse. Kou can sell it to "im for a t"ousand ru#ees./ ."en "e c"an&ed into a rare %reed of "orse called Pancakalyani, -t"e %reed of five virtues./ ."e old kin& took t"e "orse to t"e merc"ant Ratnakara. ."e merc"ant looked at it and kne* at once *"at a s#lendid "orse it *as. <e said, -."is looks like a valua%le "orse. But *e must &et its 8uality, t"e condition of its teet" and t"e *"orls on its %ody, e1amined %y e1#erts./ ."en "e sent for t"e &uru *"o "ad tau&"t "im muc" a%out "orses. ."e &uru came do*n and carefully e1amined t"e "orse3s mout" and teet" and every inc" of its %ody all t"e *ay do*n to t"e ti# of its tail. 0t didn3t take "im lon& to discover t"at t"e "orse *as no ot"er t"an "is o*n #u#il, *"o *as no* #layin& tricks on #eo#le. <e *as still "urtin& from "avin& to &ive "im u#. <e kne* "e "ad %een out*itted t"en %y "is o*n #ri4e #u#il. <e felt "e couldn3t let it "a##en a&ain. <e couldn3t let t"e youn& fello* &et too stron& and do "is master in. +o "e made #lans to destroy "im. <e told t"e merc"ant, -D surely, t"is is a rare %reed. Bo dou%t a%out it. But t"ere are t"in&s *ron& *it" its 8uality, t"e *"orls aren3t ri&"t. ."e science of "orses says t"at only a sanyasi can ride it safely. +o 03ll %uy it. 6"y don3t you &ive me a &ift of a t"ousand ru#eesL 2ivin& a %ra"min suc" a &ift *ill earn you merit./ ."e merc"ant Ratnakara &ave "im t"e money. ."e &uru &ave t"e %e*ildered old kin& t"e t"ousand ru#ees and %ou&"t t"e "orse. ."en t"e &uru mounted t"e "orse and rode it rou&"s"od. <e rode it into #its and craters, onto %oulders and cra&&y #laces, till t"e "orse *as dyin& of fati&ue and t"irst, and t"en "e took it to a creek *it" a tiny trickle of *ater. ."e #u#il *"o *as t"e "orse kne* "is &uru3s treac"erous #lans and made "is o*n

calculations. As soon as "e touc"ed *ater, "e c"an&ed into a fis" and &lided a*ay in t"e *ater. ."e &uru sa* *"at *as "a##enin& and at once called "is disci#les. <e asked t"em to #our #oison into t"e *ater. ."ey ran to t"e "ermita&e to &et t"e #oison. ."e #rince, *"o *as no* a fis", kne* "e *ould %e killed if "e stayed in t"e *ater. <e looked around. <e sa* an untouc"a%le *"ettin& "is knife, &ettin& ready to cut u# a dead %uffalo. ."e #rince 8uickly left "is fis" form and entered t"e carcass of t"e dead %uffalo. 6"en t"e untouc"a%le turned around, "e sa* t"e dead %uffalo &et u# and *alk a*ay. <e started runnin&, #anic?stricken, screamin& t"at a demon "ad entered t"e dead %east. ."e *atc"ful &uru kne* at once t"at t"is *as anot"er of "is star #u#il3s tricks. <e sto##ed t"e untouc"a%le and told "im, -Look "ere. 0f you run like t"is, t"is demon %uffalo *ill destroy you. Kou must kill it no*. 03ll "el# you./ ."ey 8uickly ca#tured t"e fleein& animal and forci%ly tied it to a tree. ."e &uru told t"e untouc"a%le, -+trike no* *it" your knife./ ."e #rince didn3t kno* *"at to do and *as a%out to &ive u# *"en "e sa* a many?colored #arrot lyin& dead in t"e %ole of t"at very tree. Gust as t"e untouc"a%le *as s*in&in& "is knife at "im, t"e #rince entered t"e #arrot3s %ody and fle* u# into t"e sky. ."e &uru took t"e form of a %ra"many?kite and &ave "im c"ase. But after all, t"e #u#il *as youn&, t"e &uru *as old. ."ou&" t"e kite "ad lar&e *in&s, "e couldn3t move t"em fast enou&". ."e #arrot fle* fart"er and fart"er a*ay. As "e fle* over a #alace, "e sa* a #rincess on t"e terrace, s"akin& out and dryin& "er lon& "air in t"e suns"ine after a %at". +"e *as e18uisitely %eautiful. ."e #arrot fle* do*n and #erc"ed ri&"t on t"e %ack of "er "and. +"e *as ama4ed. 6"o *ouldn3t %e &lad if a lovely #arrot came all on its o*n and #erc"ed on one3s "andL +"e caressed it, kissed it, talked to it. +"e *as %eside "erself *it" deli&"t *"en s"e found t"at t"e #arrot could also talk. 6"en t"e kite sa* "er take t"e %ird in, "e kne* "is enemy "ad eluded "im. <e *as do*ncast, %ut "e fle* on, "atc"in& ne* #lots. ."e #rincess loved t"e many?colored #arrot and took &reat care of it, never lettin& it out of "er si&"t. +"e *ould %at"e, eat, and slee# in t"e com#any of t"e #arrot in t"e ca&e. After several days, t"e #rince *"o *as no* a #arrot *aited one ni&"t till t"e #rincess *as aslee# and came out of t"e ca&e. <e c"an&ed into "is "uman form, &ently undressed t"e #rincess, fondled "er all over, and returned to t"e ca&e as a #arrot. 0n t"e mornin&, *"en t"e #rincess *oke u#, "er sari *as in disarray. <er %ody still remem%ered t"e touc" of a man. 6as it a dream, or "ad someone come into "er %edroomL All t"e doors of "er c"am%er *ere s"ut. ."e sentinels outside *ere still t"ere. Bot even a fly could "ave come in #ast t"e *akeful sentinels and t"e %ustlin& maids. 6"o could "ave entered "er %edroom and done t"ese t"in&s to "erL 0f "e :s"e *as sure it *as a man; came once, "e *ould come a&ain. +"e *ould catc" "im ne1t time, s"e decided, and settled "er dis"eveled clot"es. ."at ni&"t s"e didn3t #lay lon& *it" t"e #arrot. +"e *ent to %ed early and lay t"ere #retendin& to %e aslee#. At midni&"t, t"e #arrot came out of t"e ca&e and turned into a #rince. <e came to "er %ed and started doin& *"at "e "ad done t"e #revious ni&"t. ."e #rincess &ot u# suddenly, cau&"t "is "ands, and asked "im, -6"o t"e devil are youL <o* did you &et "ereL Kou *ere a #arrot. <o* did you %ecome a manL/ ."e #rince, cau&"t in t"e act, "ad to tell "er t"e trut". <e told "er "is *"ole life. <e confessed: -0t3s true *"at 0 did *as *ron&. But 0 couldn3t control myself *"en 0 sa* you lyin& t"ere in all your %eauty. Kou must %ecome mine. Dr else, 03ll %e "eart%roken./ As "e %lurted out "is love, t"e #rincess too loved "im.

-6"o in t"e *orld "as your looks, your ma&ical #o*ersL Kou are my "us%and from t"is moment. 03ll "el# you in any *ay 0 can,/ s"e #romised. ."e #rince used "is ma&ical inner eye a&ain and learned of "is &uru3s #lots even as "e sat t"ere on "er %ed. ."en "e said to "er, -Princess, tomorro* my &uru *ill come to t"is #alace in t"e &uise of an acro%at. <e *ants to kill me. <e *ill #lease your fat"er *it" "is marvelous acro%atic feats and ask for a re*ard. 6"en your fat"er offers "im &old and silver, "e3ll refuse it and ask for t"e #arrot in t"e #rincess3s %edroom. Kour fat"er *ill send maids to &et t"e #arrot. Kou must refuse. <e *ill send maids a&ain and a&ain, many times. ."en you &et into a ra&e and %reak t"e neck of t"e #arrot in front of t"em all. But my &uru *ill not sto# t"ere. <e3ll ask for t"e necklace of #earls round your neck. At t"at #oint, you tear off t"e #earl necklace and t"ro* it do*n. 03ll do t"e rest./ After t"is talk, "e made love to t"e #rincess most tenderly, and *ent %ack to t"e ca&e as a #arrot. Be1t day, just as t"e #rince "ad foretold, t"e &uru did come in t"e &uise of an acro%at. <e s"o*ed t"e kin& and t"e court various kinds of fa%ulous tricks. ."ey all s"outed "a##ily, -2reatQ .errificQ/ ."e deli&"ted kin& "eld out to "im a "andful of &old coins. But t"e acro%at *ould "ave none of it. <e said, -Kour <i&"ness, your dau&"ter "as a many?colored #arrot. ."at3s *"at 03d like to "ave. 2ive it to me if you *is". 0 *ant not"in& else./ ."e kin& sent maids to t"e %alcony, *"ere t"e #rincess sat *atc"in&. +"e refused to yield t"e #arrot t*o or t"ree times. 6"en t"e kin& insisted, s"e came do*n, t"re* a tantrum, and t*isted t"e #arrot3s neck, killin& it t"en and t"ere. ."e acro%at no* asked for t"e #earl necklace t"at "ad a##eared ma&ically around "er neck. 0n "er ra&e, s"e #ulled it off and s#illed t"e #earls on t"e court floor. ."e #earls turned into little *orms. ."e acro%at ran to*ards t"em, 8uickly c"an&ed into a "en, and %e&an to #eck at t"em and devour t"em. At once t"e #rince, *"o *as no* t"e *orms on t"e floor, a%ru#tly c"an&ed into a tomcat, lea#ed on t"e "en, and "eld it %y its neck. ."e &uru cried out from *it"in t"e "en, - Ayyo, 03m defeated. 0 surrender. Let me &o no*. Remem%er, you *ere once my disci#le./ ."e disci#le screamed from *it"in t"e cat, -Bo, you3re full of lies. 03m &oin& to kill you t"is time, so t"at you *on3t %ot"er me or anyone else a&ain./ All t"e #eo#le *"o *ere standin& around *ere astonis"ed at t"e turn of events. Cats and "ens talkin& like "uman %ein&sQ Can suc" t"in&s %eL."e kin&, *"o "ad recovered "is #oise sooner t"an ot"ers, raised "is voice: -6"o are youL 6"at3s *it" all t"ese s"a#esL/ "e asked. ."e "en s8ueaked, -Ask t"e cat./ ."e cat e1#lained, %e&innin& *it", -."is is my &uru. 0 *as "is disci#le,/ and *ent on to tell t"e *"ole story: "o* "is fat"er "ad lost "is kin&dom, "o* "e "ad sent "is t*o sons to t"e &uru, "o* t"e &uru "ad tried to c"eat "is fat"er, "o* "e "ad "imself esca#ed all t"e villainous #lots, ri&"t u# to t"e #resent moment. ."e kin& "eard t"e story and said, -A &uru s"ouldn3t %e killed. Let "im &o. <e *ill not %ot"er you anymore./ ."e #rince *as no* confident of "is #o*ers. <e could counter *"atever t"e &uru did, esca#e every snare. +o "e s"o*ed mercy and let t"e &uru &o. Bot" of t"em &ave u# t"eir animal forms, as cat and "en, and %ecame "uman a&ain. ."e kin& married "is dau&"ter to t"e youn& #rince and &ave "im "alf "is kin&dom as do*ry. ."e #rince %rou&"t "ome to t"e #alace "is elder %rot"er from t"e &uru3s #lace, and sent #alan8uins to "is #arents, *"o "ad seen life at its *orst, a kin& and a 8ueen *"o "ad lived as %e&&ars. <e *a&ed *ar a&ainst "is

fat"er3s old enemies and *on %ack "is fat"er3s kin&dom for "im. @veryone *as "a##y. @ven t"e &uru.

Types and 1otifs

.y#e A. '=5, ."e >a&ician and "is Pu#il. 6ell?kno*n in many #arts of 0ndia and also t"rou&"out @uro#e, t"is tale *as used as a test case in a nineteent"?century controversy over t"e 0ndian ori&in of @uro#ean folktales. ."eodor Benfey, in t"e Prole&omena to "is Pantschatantra :1C5 ;, used it to illustrate t"e *ay in *"ic" tales from 0ndia are taken over into >on&olian literature and t"rou&" t"is intermediary carried to @uro#e. +ome fifty years later, "is disci#le, @mmanuel Cos8uin, used t"e same tale to dis#ute t"e >on&olian connection and to confirm t"e 0ndian ori&in of t"e tales. -Amon& t"e most #o#ular of oral stories/ in @uro#e :."om#son 1 A):) ;, it is told in t"e si1teent" century %y +tra#arola, a##ears in collections of t"e Bear @ast and sout"ern +i%eria, and is told in t"e ,utc" @ast 0ndies, t"e P"ili##ines, and Bort" Africa, and *as %rou&"t to >issouri %y t"e 9renc" and to >assac"usetts %y Portu&uese?s#eakin& Ca#e Ierde 0sland Be&roes :see ."om#son, i%id, for details;. ."e #lot is remarka%ly constant in all t"ese tellin&s. >inor variations occur in t"e .ransformation 9li&"t :>otif , )!1;, in *"ic" t"e "ero transforms "imself into o%jects, animals, or ot"er #ersons to deceive t"e #ursuer. 0n some tellin&s, *e "ave an D%stacle 9li&"t :, )!=;, in *"ic" t"e fleein& "ero t"ro*s %e"ind "im ma&ic o%jects t"at %ecome o%stacles in t"e #ursuer3s #at" :e.&., com% %ecomes forest, #e%%le %ecomes "ill;.

0n 0ndia t"is tale of rivalry %et*een an older and a youn&er man t"ro*s li&"t on 0ndian -Dedi#al #atterns./ As 03ve *ritten else*"ere, t"e 0ndian Dedi#us?fi&ure is #ursued, e1iled, or ot"er*ise over*"elmed %y t"e fat"er?fi&ure. Unlike t"e 2reek :and @uro#ean; Dedi#us, "e almost never kills "is fat"er, %ut su%mits to "im. But t"e overt rivalry %et*een t"e &enerations is most often seen in &uru$disci#le stories. 2uru and disci#le are traditionally e8uated *it" fat"er and son. ."e classic, and classical, case is t"at of Iasista and Iisvamitra in t"e Nah&"h&rata, *"ic" also involves t"e Bra"min$Ks"atriya rivalry and "ierarc"y :see Ramanujan 1 C';. 0t is c"aracteristic, 0 t"ink, of 0ndian folklore #atterns t"at in t"is tale t"e disci#le$son van8uis"es and almost :%ut not 8uite; kills t"e &uru$fat"er. 0n t"e classical instances :e.&., Iasista and Iisvamitra;, t"e youn&er man never *ins. 0n t"e folktale, "e does *in, %ut t"e rivalry sto#s s"ort of #arricide :&uru?cide;. 0n @uro#ean tellin&s, t"e disci#le :as cat, etc.; %ites off t"e "ead of "is master :as a rooster;. ."e a%ove is a sim#lified discussion of a com#le1 issue. ."e motif , )==.1, animal %y day, man %y ni&"t, in *"ic" a *oman or a man takes into "er$"is %edroom a %ird in a ca&e or an animal t"at turns into a "uman %ein& at ni&"t, is a common motif. +ee .ale Bo. !1, -."e .urtle Prince./

39. A 1inister0s 8ord

A kin& "ad a fine minister *"o "ad t"e "a%it of sayin&, -."at3s &ood, very &ood. 2od did *ell./ <e *ould say t"is in t"e %est of times and in t"e *orst of times. ."e kin&dom *as attacked once %y its nei&"%ors, and so t"e kin& "ad to &o to *ar. <e fou&"t *ell and *on t"e *ar, %ut in t"e fray an enemy s*ord slas"ed at "im and "e lost "is little fin&er. <e felt a little sorry for "imself and s"o*ed it to t"e minister, sayin&, -Look *"at "a##ened. 0 lost my little fin&er in %attle./

."e minister #rom#tly re#lied, as usual, -2ood, very &ood. 2od did very *ell./ ."e kin& *as furious at t"is insensitive re#ly and %anis"ed t"e minister as unfit to "el# "im &overn t"e country. ."e minister said, -2ood, very &ood. 2od did *ell,/ and acce#ted e1ile as if "e *ere &oin& "ome. A fe* *eeks later, t"e kin& *ent to t"e "ills on a "untin& tri#. <e #ursued a deer dee# into t"e *oods, leavin& "is soldiers far %e"ind. Bi&"t fell and it &re* dark. +o "e tied "is "orse to a tree and sle#t in t"e fork of its %i& %ranc"es. Bo* %andits lived in t"e forest of t"e foot"ills. ."ey "eard t"e nei&"in& of a "orse, came to t"e tree, found and ca#tured t"e kin& in t"e %ranc"es. +"outin& &reat "urra"s, t"ey %rou&"t "im do*n. All t"rou&" t"at season t"ey "ad %een lookin& for a man of royal %lood to sacrifice to t"eir &oddess, and as luck *ould "ave it, "ere *as one *"o fell into t"eir "ands. ."ey tied "im u#, covered "im *it" flo*ers, and carried "im to t"e tem#le. ."e kin& *as alone amon& a *"ole "ost of t"em. 6"en t"e day da*ned, and t"e ri&"t "our came, t"e sacrificer raised "is lon& s*ord to cut off "is "ead and offer it to t"e ,ark 2oddess, Kali: a kin&3s "ead, t"e rarest of offerin&s. 0n t"at %reat"less moment, t"e c"ief %andit cried out, -+to#, sto#. ."is sacrifice is no &ood. Look, t"is man may %e a kin&, %ut "e is im#erfect. <e "as lost "is little fin&er. 6"at *e need is a man *it" all "is lim%s intact./ ."e cro*d *as &reatly disa##ointed. ."ey carried "im a*ay in dis&ust and t"re* "im near t"e "ut of a sa&e in t"e *oods, *"o "a##ened to %e no ot"er t"an t"e %anis"ed minister "imself. 0n t"e mornin& li&"t, t"e kin& and t"e minister reco&ni4ed eac" ot"er. ."e kin& &ratefully em%raced "im and said, -6"at you said *as ri&"t, t"ou&" 0 didn3t see it t"en. >y little fin&er saved me. 0t *as &ood. 2od did *ell. But 03ve one 8uestion. ,id 2od do *ell %y youL Kou *ere unjustly %anis"ed and you "ad to suffer "ards"i#s in t"ese *oods./ -."at too *as &ood, very &ood. 2od did *ell %y me too. 0f 03d %een your minister, 03d "ave %een "untin& *it" you. ."ose %andits *ould "ave let you &o and sacrificed me instead. Remem%er, 0 "a##en to "ave all my lim%s intact,/ said t"e minister, *i&&lin& "is little fin&er.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif C A 5.=.=.1, -Kes/H-Bo/H-Iery 6ell/ :0D;. 9or anot"er tellin& of t"is tale, see Barayan 1 C :==J=5.P

3-. 1on"ey !usiness

A monkey lived in a forest. Dnce, as "e lea#t from tree to tree, a s#linter %roke in "is tail. <e *as sittin& on a %ranc" "o*lin& in #ain and nursin& "is tail *"en "e sa* a %ar%er *alkin& t"at *ay. <e called t"e man closer and %e&&ed of "im: -Brot"er Bar%er, Brot"er Bar%er, a t"orn or somet"in& is "urtin& my tail. Please take it out *it" your ra4or, %less you./ 6"en t"e %ar%er *as takin& out t"e s#linter, *"ic" *as in a tricky #lace, t"e *"ole tail %roke off *it" a sna#. ."e monkey %e&an to cry in a loud voice, -2ive me my tail %ackQ >y tail, my tailQ/ ."e %ar%er didn3t kno* *"at to do. +o "e said, -.ake my ra4or instead of your tail./ ."e monkey took t"e %ar%er3s ra4or and %e&an to *alk. Dn "is *ay, "e sa* a #otter #attin& clay and turnin& a #ot. ."e monkey said, -.ake t"is ra4or,/ and &ave it to "im. ."e #otter took it and #ut it to one of t"e #ots to cut an ed&e, %ut t"e ra4or %roke in "is "and. ."e monkey set u# a "o*l: -Kou %roke my ra4orQ >y ra4or, my ra4orQ/ +o t"e #otter &ave "im a #ot in e1c"an&e for t"e ra4or.

."e monkey *as *alkin& alon& *it" t"e #ot *"en "e sa* a farmer *aterin& cucum%er #lants *it" "is %are "ands. +o t"e monkey &ave t"e #ot to t"e farmer. Before "e could *ater t*o cucum%ers *it" it, t"e #ot sli##ed from "is "ands and s"attered. ."e monkey *ailed a&ain, -2ive me %ack my #otQ >y #ot, my #otQ/ ."e farmer &ave "im a cucum%er in e1c"an&e. Be1t t"e monkey met a #easant *"o *as eatin& dry %read. +o t"e monkey &ave "im t"e cucum%er. But as soon as "e finis"ed eatin& it *it" "is %read, t"e monkey "o*led, ->y cucum%erQ 2ive me %ack my cucum%erQ/ ."e #easant, t"e &ood man, didn3t *ant any trou%le. +o "e &ave t"e monkey "is old o1. ."e monkey no* rode t"e o1 till "e sa* some acro%ats carryin& %am%oo #oles and drums and t"in&s on t"eir "eads. ."e monkey said to t"em, -6"y do you *ant to carry all t"at stuff on your "eadsL Put it all on t"is o13s %ack./ ."e acro%ats *ere &lad to load t"e o1 *it" everyt"in& t"ey "ad and *alk ne1t to it s*in&in& t"eir "ands. ."e o1 *as very old and could not really %ear t"e %urden. <e soon sank to t"e &round and fell do*n dead. ."e monkey jum#ed u# and do*n and cried, ->y o1, my o1Q 2ive me %ack my o1Q/ ."e acro%ats couldn3t stand t"is monkey %usiness and &ave "im "is %i& drum. ."e monkey %eat "is drum and %e&an to sin&: Dut *ent t"e tail, in came t"e ra4or, dum dum4 Dut *ent t"e ra4or, in came t"e #ot, dum dum4 Dut *ent t"e #ot, in came t"e cuke, dum dum4 Dut *ent t"e cuke, in came t"e o1, dum dum4 Dut *ent t"e o1, in came t"e drum, dum dum4 Dut *ent t"e tail, in came t"e drum, t"e drum, t"e drum, dum dum dum4 dum dum dum4

OA. =('!AU, +eries of .rick @1c"an&es: ra4or?#ot?%ride?drum %y tricky fo1 :0D;.P

4;. The 1other 8ho 1arried ?er Own on

Bra"ma "ad a dau&"ter. +"e came of a&e and stayed at "ome. Bra"ma and "is *ife used to &o out every day to create t"e *orld and all t"e t"in&s in it. Dne day t"e dau&"ter asked: - A!!a, *"ere do you &o every dayL/ -,au&"ter dear, 0 &o out to create t"e *orld and #eo#le. ."en 0 *rite t"eir future on t"eir fore"eads./ -6"at do you *rite, A!!a3 / -C"ild, you *on3t understand if 0 tell you. 0 *rite *"atever is t"eir fate./ -."en *"at is my fateL/ Bra"ma t"ou&"t for a *"ile. +"ould "e tell "er, or s"ouldn3t "eL But t"e dau&"ter *as insistent. +"e asked "im t"e same 8uestion a&ain and a&ain. Bra"ma yielded at last. <e looked at "er fore"ead and said, -,au&"ter dear, 03ve *ritten t"at you *ill marry your o*n son, t"e son of your *om%./ ."en "e

*ent out to *ork. Bra"ma3s dau&"ter *as "orrified, an&ry. -Can t"ere %e suc" injusticeL/ s"e t"ou&"t. -0f 03m "ere, *"at A!!a "as *ritten *ill come true,/ s"e ar&ued *it" "erself. ."en, *it"out tellin& anyone, s"e left "ome and came do*n to eart". +"e *ent to t"e seven "ills and s"ut "erself u# in a deserted cave. ."ere s"e lived in e1ile, on fruit and ve&eta%les. Dne day s"e *as t"irsty. +"e *ent do*n t"e slo#e of t"e "ill and looked for *ater. A %ull "ad urinated in a rock #ool. Bra"ma3s dau&"ter didn3t reali4e *"at it *as. ."inkin& it *as ordinary *ater, s"e drank it, found it a %it salty, and came %ack to t"e cave. Because s"e "ad drunk a %ull3s urine, s"e %ecame #re&nant. >ont"s later, s"e &ave %irt" to a male c"ild. +"e *as #anic?stricken. <er fat"er3s *ord "ad come true. 0n "er an&er, s"e t"re* "er %a%y son on a rock, closed "er eyes, and #ounded "im *it" anot"er rock. +"e tore off t"e end #iece of "er sari, *ra##ed t"e %a%y in it, and t"re* "im do*n t"e "illside. A c"ildless co*"erd *as &ra4in& "is co*s in t"e valley. <is eyes li&"ted on a %a%y *ra##ed in a #iece of clot". ."e %a%y *as %adly %ruised and crus"ed in #laces. ."e "ead *as %loody. But "e *as still alive. ."e co*"erd took "im "ome, nursed "im, and looked after "im. <e and "is *ife, lon& c"ildless, loved t"e foundlin& c"ild and %rou&"t "im u#. <e &re* u# to %e a ro%ust youn& fello*. Livin& in t"e "ills for years, Bra"ma3s dau&"ter %e&an to &et %ored. 9ruits and nuts *ere &ettin& scarce. +"e came do*n t"e "ill slo#es. +"e *as "un&ry. +"e sa* a "ouse and *ent into it for food. ."e family asked *"o s"e *as and *"ere s"e came from. <earin& t"at s"e "ad no one in t"e *orld and no*"ere to &o, t"ey asked "er, -6ould you like to stay *it" usL/ +"e felt t"at it *ould %e nicer to stay in one #lace *it" #eo#le t"an to roam "ere and t"ere. +o s"e a&reed to stay. ."e cou#le in t"e "ouse "ad once found a son at t"e foot of t"e "ill7 no* t"ey *ere deli&"ted to find a &irl at t"eir door. ."ey t"ou&"t, -<ere *e "ave a dau&"ter,/ and treated "er as one. ."e %oy and &irl lived *ell to&et"er as sister and %rot"er. Un*ittin&ly, Bra"ma3s dau&"ter "ad joined "er o*n son. ."e foster?son came of a&e. <is #arents t"ou&"t of &ettin& "im married. ."ey asked "im *"at "is *is"es *ere. <e said, - A!!a, my marria&e can *ait. 2et +ister married first./ ."e #arents "ad reared t"em %ot" lovin&ly, and *anted &ood marria&es for %ot". ."ey said, -0t doesn3t matter *"o &ets married first. 6"oever &ets a &ood matc" s"ould marry first. ,on3t you a&reeL/ ."e youn& man a&reed, and so did t"e youn& *oman. ."e #arents *ent to t"e elders and t"e astrolo&ers. 6"erever t"ey *ent t"ey "ad trou%le *it" t"eir son3s "orosco#e. ."ey could find no suita%le %rides for "im. Astrolo&ers said, -."e "orosco#e says t"at "e is destined to marry a &irl *"o lives in "is o*n "ouse./ 6"at could t"ey doL ."ey came "ome and told t"e son a%out *"at t"e astrolo&ers said. <e *as furious. -03ve called "er R+ister, +ister,S all my life. 03ve &ro*n u# *it" "er. <o* can 0 marry "erL 03ll &o to some ot"er to*n and ask ot"er e1#erts. 2ive me fifty ru#ees,/ "e said. <e took t"e money and *ent *it" an older man to t"e %i& to*n to consult astrolo&ers. ."ere too t"ey &ave "im t"e same messa&e as %efore. ,o*ncast, "is face dra*n, t"e son came "ome. -03ll never marry,/ "e said, and sat do*n, dejected. ."e fat"er and mot"er *ere full of *orries no*. -6e "ave one son. @ven t"is son, *e "eard "im cryin& in t"e *oods and *e found "im. 6e *ant to see "im married %efore deat" s"uts our eyelids. But "e says "e3ll never &et married. 6"at s"all *e doL/ ."en t"ey %rou&"t a council of elders from seven villa&es to talk to t"eir son. ."e elders counseled: -Look "ere, you *ere found in t"e *oods. Kour #oor #arents #icked you u# %ecause t"ey "ad no

c"ildren of t"eir o*n. ."is &irl too, like you, came from some*"ere else and joined t"is family. <o* can t"e t*o of you %e %rot"er and sisterL ,id you come out of t"e same *om%, or *"atL 6e *ould "ave a&reed t"at you *ere %rot"er and sister if you "ad t"e same mot"er. ."at isn3t t"e case, is itL ."e astrolo&ers and all t"e si&ns say t"at you t*o s"ould marry. 6ould 2od acce#t it if *e *ent a&ainst t"e si&nsL Come no*, &ive your consent to t"e marria&e. Acce#t t"is &irl, marry "er, %e "a##y. >ake your #arents "a##y./ ."e youn& man %o*ed to t"e elders3 *is"es. ."e &irl too, *"o "ad %een sayin& -BoQ BeverQ/ all t"is *"ile, *as #ersuaded %y all sorts of ruses. ."en t"e *eddin& took #lace. 6it"out t"eir kno*led&e, mot"er and son "ad married eac" ot"er. And it *as a &ood matc". ."ey *ere "armonious and "a##y as "us%and and *ife. +"e soon &ave %irt" to a son. Dne day, Bra"ma3s dau&"ter *as com%in& "er "us%and3s "air, and lookin& for lice. +"e noticed t"at "is scal# *as full of scars and sca%s of old *ounds. +"e t"ou&"t dimly of somet"in&. +"e asked "im, -6"y is your "ead like t"isL/ -0 don3t kno*. 0t3s al*ays %een t"at *ay,/ "e said. Gust t"en, t"eir foster?fat"er "a##ened to come in and "ear t"eir conversation. <e told t"em t"e *"ole story of "o* "e "ad found t"e %a%y in t"e valley. <e even *ent in and %rou&"t out t"e #iece of sari t"at t"e %a%y "ad %een *ra##ed in. As soon as s"e sa* t"e end #iece of t"e sari, Bra"ma3s dau&"ter remem%ered everyt"in&. +"e reco&ni4ed t"e sari as "er o*n. +"e *as convinced t"at "er "us%and *as no ot"er t"an "er son. - A!!a3s *ord came true at lastQ/ s"e cried, %eatin& "er %reasts in des#air. -0 married my o*n son, a son %orn from my o*n *om%Q <o* could 0L <o* could 0L/ s"e said over and over, and "an&ed "erself *it" "er o*n sari t*isted into a ro#e, and died.

OA. '1, Dedi#us. +ee also Ramanujan 1 C'.P

4,. 1uddanna
0n a certain to*n t"ere lived a ric" man named >uddanna *it" "is *ife and "is only son. 9or one reason or anot"er, t"ey *ent t"rou&" a %ad time, all t"eir ric"es sli##ed a*ay, and t"ey %ecame #oor. ."e *ife "ad to &o %e&&in& from door to door and %rin& "ome some food every day. Dne day s"e &ot tired of it and said to "er "us%and and "er son, -03ve %een %e&&in& food for you t*o *"ile you sit at "ome and eat. 6"y don3t t"e t*o of you "arness our t*o %ullocks and till t"e little %it of land *e still "aveL/ >uddanna t"ou&"t it *as a &ood idea, "arnessed "is t*o %ullocks named Rama and Laks"mana, and *ent to till t"e field. <e *orked till noon, *"en 2od came do*n to see "im in t"e &uise of an old %e&&ar *it" a %e&&in& %o*l and a stick and asked for alms. >uddanna looked at "im and t"ou&"t to "imself sadly, -6"at can 0 &iveL >y &arden is dried u#. 0f 03d tilled last year and &ro*n somet"in&, 0 could "ave &iven t"is %e&&ar somet"in& no*. 0 must at least %e& and &et somet"in& for "im./ Gust as "e *as leavin& t"e field, "is *ife met "im *it" t"ree %alls of cooked flour t"at s"e "ad collected from %e&&in& in to*n. +"e asked t"em all to sit under t"e s"ady tree, *"ic" t"ey did. Gust *"en "is *ife *as a%out to distri%ute t"e food s"e "ad %rou&"t, >uddanna said, -Kou take "alf a %all, 03ll take t"e ot"er "alf. Let our son and t"is swami take one eac"./ 6"en t"ey finis"ed eatin&, t"e swami said, - A77a, 0 need some *ater./

."e *ife said, -."is #lace is dry. ."ere3s not a dro# of *ater any*"ere near%y. 6"at s"all *e doL/ ."e swami said, -03ll tell you *"ere to &o. 2o a little distance in t"is direction till you find a #atc" of sand. ,i& in it a little. Kou3ll find a fres"*ater s#rin&./ 6"ile >uddanna3s *ife and son *ent to fetc" *ater, t"e man said to >uddanna 8uietly, -Kour trou%les are only %e&innin&. >ore is on t"e *ay./ -6"at trou%lesL/ asked >uddanna in alarm. -6"en you &o "ome and tie u# t"e %ullocks, your *ife *ill fall do*n dead. By t"e time you finis" "er funeral rites, your son *ill die. By t"e time you carry your son3s %ody to t"e cemetery and come %ack after %uryin& "im, you3ll find your t*o %ullocks cold on t"e &round./ >uddanna said not"in&. <e just looked do*n at t"e eart" under "is feet. 6"en "e came "ome, tied u# "is %ullocks in t"e s"ed, and came into "is "ut, "e found "is *ife dead. <e took t"e %ody to t"e cemetery and %uried "er #ro#erly. >ean*"ile, t"e son died in &rief and des#air at t"e deat" of "is mot"er, *"o "ad fed "im all "is life, even %e&&in& for food for "is sake. >uddanna carried "im also to t"e cemetery and &ave "im a #ro#er %urial. <e returned "ome t"inkin& fondly of "is t*o %ullocks. But, *"en "e looked for t"em, "e found t"e %ullock named Rama and t"e ot"er one named Laks"mana lyin& dead near t"e %ack door, one on t"e left, t"e ot"er on t"e ri&"t. <e &ot t"em carried to a field and %uried t"em *it" "is o*n "ands. Bo* "e t"ou&"t life *as not *ort" livin& and *ent to t"e forest. <e clim%ed a "ill and t"re* "imself do*n into a *"irl#ool. But not"in& "a##ened to "im, not a "air *as "urt, not even t"e #oint of a t"orn touc"ed "im. <e t"ou&"t, -A", it looks as if 03ve a lot of karma to live t"rou&". 03ve &ot to suffer it till it3s finis"ed./ As "e *alked on, "e sa* a ste#?*ell *it" t*elve ste#s under a &uava tree t"at "ad #lenty of fruit on its %ranc"es. U&ranarasim"a, t"e 9ierce Lord 6"o 6as <alf?Lion and <alf?>an, "ad coveted t"e fruit of t"at tree, clim%ed on it, sli##ed, and fallen into t"e dee# *ell. +imilarly, a seven?foot ti&er, a seven? "eaded snake, and even t"e >onkey 2od "ad clim%ed t"e tree for t"e fruit, sli##ed, and fallen into t"e *ell. Gust as >uddanna *as #re#arin& to jum# into it "imself, t"e 9ierce Lord called out to "im in a #iteous voice, - A!!a, you look like a &ood man. <el# me &et out of t"is sli##ery *ell and 03ll "el# you in time of need./ >uddanna said, -0f you *ill &ive me t"e &ift of deat", 03ll "el# you./ But t"e 9ierce Lord said, -<o* can 0 kill someone like you and earn myself a stint in "ellL ,on3t des#air. ."ink of me *"enever you need me7 03ll a##ear and "el# you. Come no*, &et me out of "ere./ >uddanna "el#ed "im out and "e vanis"ed. ."e seven?foot ti&er also %e&&ed "im to "el# "im out of t"e *ell, sayin&, -Kou *ant to die, don3t youL ,on3t you kno*, 0 live %y killin& #eo#le like youL <el# me out of "ere and 03ll "el# you die./ >uddanna t"ou&"t, -Dne can certainly trust a ti&er to kill. ."e time to die is at last near. 03ve come to t"e end of my karma./ 6it" all "is mi&"t, "e lifted t"e "eavy seven?foot ti&er out of t"e *ell. But t"e ti&er, as "e s"ook t"e *ater off "is coat, "ad c"an&ed "is mind. -<o* can 0 kill someone *"o "as saved my lifeL ."ink of me *"en you are in trou%le7 03ll a##ear and "el# you,/ "e said and *ent on "is *ay. ."inkin& t"at at least t"e seven?"eaded snake *ould %ite "im and &ive "im t"e deat" "e lon&ed for, "e lifted out t"e snake and set "im on dry &round. 0t too refused to %ite "im and asked "im to t"ink of it *"enever "e *as in trou%le. ."en it too *ent on its *ay, leavin& >uddanna *"ere "e *as.

After a *"ile, des#airin& of ever dyin&, "e t"ou&"t of visitin& t"e ti&er in "is cave. ."e ti&er *ondered to "imself *"at "e could offer to one *"o "ad saved "is life, and s#lit "is skull o#en. Dut of it fell a lar&e diamond. >uddanna #icked it u#, and *ent to visit t"e 9ierce Lord, U&ranarasim"a, *"o *as so #leased to see "is rescuer t"at "e ordered "im a &rand dinner. <e even sent "is o*n son to t"e market to %rin& some fres" %anana leaves for "is &uest3s dinner. >uddanna "ad just &iven t"e %oy t"e #recious ti&er?"ead diamond to look at7 turnin& it over in "is "and, t"e %oy "ad come to t"e market. ."e #rincess of t"at city "ad just announced t"rou&" t"e to*n crier t"at s"e *ould marry anyone *"o *ould %rin& "er t"e je*el in t"e ti&er3s "ead. Peo#le "ad mean*"ile re#orted seein& just suc" a je*el in t"e %oy3s "and. ."e #alace &uards *ent t"ere *it" naked s*ords and took "im at once to t"e #rincess. ."e %oy confessed t"at t"e je*el *as not "is %ut >uddanna3s. +o t"ey *ent after >uddanna, found "im, and dra&&ed "im to t"e #alace. <e looked like an ordinary man, not at all like a "ero. +o t"ey concluded "e must "ave stolen it, and t"e #rincess ordered "im t"ro*n into jail. +ittin& on t"e floor of t"e jail, >uddanna remem%ered t"e seven?"eaded ser#ent, *"ic" a##eared at once, makin& a "issin& noise. 0t consoled >uddanna: -Look, don3t %e afraid. 03ll &o no* and %ite t"e 8ueen. 6"en t"e &uards come *it" t"e ne*s, tell t"em you kno* "o* to %rin& "er %ack to life. Leave t"e rest to me./ 0t *ent at once to t"e 8ueen3s 8uarters and %it t"e 8ueen. 0n no time, t"e ne*s of t"e 8ueen3s sudden deat" %y snake%ite s#read all over t"e city and made everyone s"udder. >uddanna told "is jailers, -0 kno* "o* to %rin& "er %ack to life. .ry me./ ."ey only mocked at "im. -Kou *"oreson %astard, you3re tryin& tricks on us. Kou t"ink you3ll &et out of jail t"at *ayL 6"o can %rin& a dead *oman to lifeL/ <e said, -0 can. .ry me. .ake me t"ere in "andcuffs and le&?irons and all. +ee *"at 0 can do./ -All ri&"t, let3s see *"at you can do,/ t"ey said, and dra&&ed "im to t"e 8ueen3s 8uarters, *"ere "er %ody lay. <e remem%ered t"e seven?"eaded snake, *"o arrived at once and sucked t"e #oison from t"e 8ueen3s *ound. +"e sat u# at once as if s"e "ad just *oken u# from a lon& slee#. ."e kin& t"ou&"t t"is *as truly a ma&ician. <e even t"ou&"t t"at suc" a clever man *ould make a #ro#er %ride&room for "is dau&"ter. But "is dau&"ter, t"e #rincess, "ad ot"er ideas. +"e *ould marry "im only on one condition. -Kou did %rin& my mot"er %ack to life. But s"e and my fat"er are no* ei&"ty years old. 0f, %y your ma&ic, you can make t"em youn& a&ain, 03ll "a##ily marry you,/ s"e said. ."en >uddanna t"ou&"t of t"e >onkey 2od, *"o lea#t at once into "is si&"t from no*"ere. >uddanna said, -0 "ave to &o to t"e *orld of Bra"ma. Can you take me to "imL 0 "ave to ask <im somet"in&./ ."e >onkey 2od sat "im on "is tail and made it &ro* and &ro* and &ro* till it reac"ed all t"e *ay to t"e *orld of Bra"ma, and landed >uddanna t"ere. <e asked Bra"ma t"e Creator, -D Bra"ma, &ive me a fruit or somet"in& t"at *ill make #eo#le youn&./ Bra"ma smiled and said not"in&. <e took out a %unc" of keys from "is *aist, &ave it to a servant, and asked "im to o#en t"e door of a room near%y. 6"en t"e door o#ened, *"at did >uddanna see %ut "is *ife sittin& t"ere, com%in& "er lon& "airQ As soon as s"e sa* "im, s"e ran to "im and fell at "is feet, cryin&, ->y "us%and, my "us%and./ 6"en Bra"ma asked "is servants to o#en t"e door of anot"er room, t"eir son came out of it, cryin&, -D 9at"er, 0 "aven3t seen you for so lon&Q/ 6"en t"e door of t"e ne1t room *as o#ened, t"e t*o %ullocks named Rama and Laks"mana *ere standin& t"ere, c"e*in& t"eir cuds. Bo*"ere could t"ey find t"e fruit t"at *ould make men and *omen youn& a&ain. ."en Bra"ma t"e Creator asked >uddanna, -.ell me *"at you *ant: do you *ant t"e fruit t"at *ill make

#eo#le youn&, or do you *ant your family, your samsara, %ackL/ >uddanna re#lied *it"out any "esitation, -Lord, *"at are you sayin&L 0 don3t *ant anyt"in& to do *it" t"at kin&, or t"at 8ueen, or t"at #rincess, or t"at kin&dom. ."e taste of t"e first morsel is %est. 0 *ant my *ife, my son, my %ullocks. Let me take t"em "ome. Please./ Bra"ma sent t"em all "ome *it" "im. All "is trou%les "ad come to an end as suddenly as t"ey "ad %e&un and "e lived "a##ily t"ereafter.

OA. 1)(, 2rateful Animals, Un&rateful >an. Cf. BFdker, ty#e 11=(.P

42. %agarani @A erpent BueenCD

A kin& "ad no c"ildren. <e and "is 8ueen did everyt"in& #ossi%le, made vo*s and offerin&s, said "undreds of #rayers, undertook #il&rima&es, did anyt"in& anyone su&&ested. 9inally, on someone3s advice, t"e 8ueen devoted "erself to *ors"i#in& snake?stones. +"e circumam%ulated every snake?stone s"e sa* on t"e roadside. +"e #rayed ceaselessly. Dne day, *"ile s"e circumam%ulated a snake?stone and offered milk to t"e ima&e, a real co%ra a##eared and si##ed t"e milk in t"e saucer. -D Lord of +nakes, take #ity on me,/ s"e #leaded. ."e co%ra said, -Kes, my dau&"ter. 0 kno* *"at you *ant. Kou3ll "ave a c"ild. But you3ll "ave to &ive t"e c"ild to me, *"et"er it is a son or dau&"ter. Promise no*./ +"e *anted to esca#e t"e %rand of %arrenness. +"e *anted no one to call "er -Barren Mueen/ anymore. +o s"e #romised at once. +"e *as soon %i& *it" c"ild. After a term of nine days and nine mont"s, s"e &ave %irt" to a &irl. ."e little one *as a %eauty. ."e kin& and 8ueen doted on "er, couldn3t take t"eir eyes off "er all day. 0n "er joy, t"e 8ueen for&ot "er #romise to t"e Lord of +nakes. <e *as an&ry, came to "er %edside one day and stun& t"e 8ueen, *"o foamed in "er mout" and died in minutes. <e didn3t touc" t"e kin&, %ecause "e "adn3t &iven "is *ord, %ut t"e co%ra3s an&er smoldered. ."e little &irl &re* u# and %ecame a youn& *oman. Dne day t"e kin& and "is dau&"ter *ent for a *alk to t"e flo*er &arden outside to*n. ."ere an old "a& *as feedin& e&&s to a %a%y snake. ."e si&"t dis&usted t"e kin&. +o "e scolded t"e old "a&, -Kou crone, *"at t"e "ell are you doin&L/ +"e flared at "im and cursed "im. -Look *"o3s talkin&L Kou &ot a dau&"ter %y #romisin& "er to t"e Lord of +nakes. But you don3t reco&ni4e "im *"en you see "imQ Kou too *ill c"an&e into a snakeQ/ ."e #rincess *as a%out to #lead *it" "er and say, -Please, #lease, &rannyQ 6ait a secondQ/ But %efore s"e could utter a *ord, t"e "a& "ad flouris"ed a ma&ic *and and t"ro*n it at t"e kin&, *"o c"an&ed into a snake t"at instant and %e&an to cree# a%out. <e "issed and circled round and round "is dau&"ter, una%le to leave "er. ."e #rincess *as furious. +"e called t"e servants to arrest t"e old *oman and take "er to #rison. ."e old *oman &ave "er a venomous look. -0f anyt"in& "a##ens to me, you too *ill %ecome a snake like your fat"er,/ s"e t"reatened. ."e #rincess *as in a #anic no*. +"e sank to "er knees, s"ivered uncontrolla%ly, and couldn3t sto# "er stream of tears. ."e old *oman3s "eart melted. +"e tried to console t"e youn& t"in& %y sayin&, -,on3t %e afraid, not"in& *ill "a##en to you./ ."e #rincess fell at "er feet and %e&&ed, -2ive me %ack my fat"er. C"an&e "im %ack into a manQ/

."e old *oman said, -Princess, your mot"er &ot you %y #romisin& you to t"e co%ra. But after you *ere %orn, s"e *as so #roud of your %eauty, s"e for&ot "er #romise and i&nored "im. ."at3s *"y "e killed your mot"er, and "as no* made your fat"er like "imself. But no*, make a &old rin& and #ut it around your fat"er. 6"en it sli#s off %y itself "e *ill %ecome "imself a&ain. 0f anyone kee#s t"at rin& in t"eir "ouse, t"e "ouse *ill not *ant for &rain. ."eir co*s *ill not &et sick. +ilver and &old *ill #our into t"eir la#s./ +o sayin&, s"e vanis"ed. ."e #rincess returned to t"e #alace and &ot t"e &oldsmit"s to make a &old rin& to fit t"e snake3s %ody. ."e snake slit"ered a*ay *it" t"e rin& around it. +ome time after t"at, a farmer *as returnin& "ome, tired after a day3s *ork. <e *as t"irsty. +o "e clim%ed do*n a *ell to drink *ater. ."ere "e sa* t"at a "u&e co%ra "ad left a &old rin& on a rock, and *as #layin& in t"e *ater. ."e farmer made no noise and ti#toed to t"e rock, #icked u# t"e rin&, and ran *it" it. ."e co%ra c"ased "im. <issin&, "e *as at "is "eels till t"e farmer ran u# a tree. As t"e co%ra *as a%out to &o u# t"e tree, an old "a& a##eared from no*"ere. ."e co%ra turned to "er, %ecame mild, and %e&an to #lay *it" "er. ."e farmer o%served t"is c"an&e from t"e tree and s#oke to t"e old *oman. -Kou3re like my mot"er. At "ome *e "ave no elders. Come and live *it" us. 03ll look after you in your old a&e. Gust send t"is co%ra a*ay, and come *it" me./ ."e old *oman seemed #leased *it" t"e farmer3s *ords. +o s"e #ut a s#ell on t"e co%ra, sent it a*ay, and *ent *it" "im. ."e rin& %rou&"t t"e farmer "oards of &old and silver. @ven "is rice fields "ad silver and &old #e%%les. <e %ecame a millionaire. But "e didn3t sus#ect t"at t"e old *itc" too *as after t"e &old rin&, t"ou&" s"e fei&ned indifference. Dne day, *"en t"e farmer *as not "ome, s"e searc"ed for it all over "is "ouse and found it. +"e &ra%%ed it and left t"e "ouse in a "urry. ."e farmer came "ome, searc"ed for t"e old *oman every*"ere, %ut s"e *as no*"ere to %e found. ."e old *oman sle#t in a mid*ife3s "ouse one ni&"t. 6"en everyone *as aslee#, t"e &lo* of t"e rin& filled t"e "ouse *it" a stran&e li&"t. ."e mid*ife, *"o &ot u# in t"e middle of t"e ni&"t for somet"in&, sa* t"e &lo*in& rin& and stole it at once. 0n t"e mornin&, t"e old *oman looked for it in "er clot"es. 0t *as missin&. +"e screamed at t"e mid*ife. -Kou3ve taken my rin&. Return it, or elseQ/ ."e mid*ife "ad "idden it in a &rain %in. -0 don3t kno* *"at you are talkin& a%out. Kou can searc" for it, if you *is",/ said s"e. ."e old *oman looked for it every*"ere, in corners, %e"ind %o1es, in cracks and in tiles, %ut s"e couldn3t find it. +"e left t"e "ouse do*nscast and %affled. As soon as s"e left, t"e mid*ife looked in "er &rain %in and found t"at all t"e &rain "ad turned to #ure &old. 0n "er joy, s"e %e&an to dance, for&ettin& even "er sli##in& clot"es. >ean*"ile, t"e co%ra t"at "ad lost its rin& came t"ere, lookin& for it. 6"en t"e mid*ife sa* it, s"e s"rieked in terror, dro##ed t"e rin&, and ran out of t"e "ouse "alf?naked. At once t"e co%ra sli##ed into t"e rin& and *ent cree#in& to*ards t"e #alace. 0t took a lon& time, a *"ole t"ree mont"s, to reac" t"e #alace. ."e time for t"e snake3s moltin& *as near. 0t "urried into t"e #alace, cre#t strai&"t to t"e #rincess3s room, and %e&an moltin&. As "e s"ed "is skin, t"e rin& sli##ed out %y itself. At once, t"e snake vanis"ed and t"e kin& sat u# in its #lace. ."e #rincess *as ecstatic. ."e kin& renamed "is dau&"ter Ba&arani :-Mueen of +nakes/; and &ot "er married to a suita%le #rince. As s"e treasured t"e snake3s rin&, s"e didn3t lack for a t"in& all "er life.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif + =15, C"ild #romised to animal7 >otif M =)), Punis"ment for %reakin& #romise7 >otif , 1 1, .ransformation: man to ser#ent :snake;7 and >otif , 1(!), >a&ic Rin&.P

43. A %e0er<do<well
A merc"ant and a ne3er?do?*ell :let3s call "im Beka%itti; lived in t"e same to*n. ."e merc"ant *on "is customers *it" sli##ery *ords and c"eated t"em out of "ouse and "ome. A miser, "e never &ave a #enny to anyone. 6"en #eo#le *ent to "im for c"arity and contri%utions to renovate t"e tem#le, "e *ould #retend "e didn3t understand *"at -contri%utions/ meant. <e *ould ask t"em for endless e1#lanations of *"at and "o* and *"y, *"ic" tired out t"e visitors and drove t"em a*ay. ."e ne3er?do? *ell, *"o *as *atc"in& all t"is from t"e sidelines, *anted to teac" t"e merc"ant a lesson. <e *ent to t"e merc"ant one day and said, -+ir, you kno* 03m Beka%itti, t"e ne3er?do?*ell. 0 don3t "ave anyt"in& to eat. 03d like to *ork for you./ ."e merc"ant t"ou&"t "e *as &ettin& "im for free. +o "e said to Beka%itti, -0f you3re "ere today and &one tomorro*, it *on3t do for me. 0f you #romise to *ork for me #ermanently, till 0 ask you to &o, 03ll &ive you a jo%. Dt"er*ise, 03ll &ive you not"in&./ -."at suits me very *ell. 03ll *ork for you #ermanently. But if you t"ro* me out, *ill you #ay me a t"ousand ru#eesL/ -0 t"ro* you outL BeverQ/ said t"e merc"ant, 8uite #leased. +o t"ey si&ned a contract accordin&ly. Beka%itti moved in t"e ne1t day and stayed *it" t"e merc"ant, accordin& to t"e contract. 0n t"e mornin&, "e asked t"e master, -6"at are my tasksL .ell me *"at to do./ ."e master said, -Look at t"is "orse. @very mornin&, *et some "orse &ram and #ut it %efore "im. ."en take "im to t"e tank for a *as". Brin& "im some &rass. ."en tie "im u#. ."at3s a%out all for no*./ -0s t"at allL ."at3s easy,/ said Beka%itti. <e *oke u# ne1t mornin&, *et some "orse &ram and #ut it in front of t"e "orse, %ut at an arm3s len&t". <e *aited a *"ile and t"re* a*ay t"e "orse &ram. ."en "e took t"e animal to t"e tank %ut never into t"e *ater. -Come, "ave a *as",/ "e said to it, and *aited. ."en "e cut a "andful of &rass and %rou&"t it to t"e "orse, %ut never close enou&" for "im to eat it. ."en "e t"re* it a*ay. After a fe* days of t"is treatment, t"e "orse *as famis"ed and fee%le. ."e #oor %east could "ardly *alk. 6"en t"e merc"ant came to t"e sta%le, t"e "orse looked "ardly alive, "is eyes *ere "alf?dead. ."e merc"ant *as furious. -6"at3s t"is, Beka%ittiL ,o you %rin& "im any "orse &ram, or notL/ -Kes, master. 0 do. .*ice a day./ -,o you *et t"e &rainL/ -Kes, master. Kou can see for yourself./ ."en "e s"o*ed "is master t"e "ea# of &rain "e "ad t"ro*n to&et"er, after %rin&in& it to t"e "ouse every day. ."e master couldn3t understand *"at t"e matter *as. -6"y do you kee# it "ereL ,on3t you make "im eatL/ -Bo, master. 0 do only *"at you tell me. Kou asked me to *et t"e "orse &ram and #lace it %efore "im. ."at3s *"at 0 do. Kou never told me 0 s"ould make "im eat it./

."e merc"ant struck "is fore"ead several times in dismay. -6"at a%out *ater for t"e "orseL/ -0 take "im to t"e tank and %rin& "im %ack./ -Kou don3t make "im drinkL/ -Bo. ,id you tell me toL/ -Bo*, do you %rin& "im &rassL/ -+urely, t"ere is t"e &rass, as muc" as a "aystack./ ."e merc"ant *as 8uite u#set. 6"y did 0 ever &et suc" a man for a servantL "e t"ou&"t. But if "e sent "im a*ay, "e3d "ave to #ay "im a #enalty of a t"ousand ru#ees. -Look "ere, Beka%itti,/ "e said, after some t"ou&"t. -9rom today on, make t"e "orse eat t"e *etted &rain. >ake "im drink t"e *ater. >ake "im eat t"e &rass. UnderstandL/ Beka%itti did *"at "e *as told. ."e "orse %e&an to revive. A fe* days later, t"e merc"ant "ad to visit "is mot"er?in?la*. <e told Beka%itti to %e ready for t"e journey in t"e mornin&. <is *ife *as deli&"ted t"at "er "us%and *as visitin& "er family. +"e made #ackets of curried rice and yo&urt rice and snacks like holigi and cakkali. +"e #acked t"em in a %o1 and locked it. +"e &ave Beka%itti a se#arate #acket of rice and dis" of roasted flour :hurihittu; and said, -.ake t"ese. ."ese are for t"e road. ,on3t o#en t"at %o1. 0f you o#en it, scor#ions *ill stin& you, %e*are. 0f my mot"er &ives anyt"in& for me, %rin& it %ack carefully./ ."e master and "is servant left to*n at an aus#icious moment. Beka%itti s#illed "is rice and t"e roasted flour all alon& t"e road *"ile t"e merc"ant rode on in front of "im. 6"en t"ey *ere "alf*ay in t"eir journey, t"ey found a stream and a man&o &rove, *"ere t"e merc"ant tied u# t"e "orse. <e said to "is servant, -Beka%itti, kee# a cou#le of s#oons of rice for me and you &o a"ead and eat. 0t *ill take me a *"ile to %at"e and say my #rayers. >ean*"ile, *as" my d"oti and s#read it on t"e %us"es to dry./ 6"en "e *ent for "is %at"e in t"e stream, Beka%itti *as"ed "is master3s d"oti, tore it into stri#s, and "un& t"em all over t"e %us"es. <e ate all t"e rice, savin& e1actly t*o s#oons of it for "is master. <e o#ened t"e %o1, ate all t"e cakkali and holige "e could, t"re* a*ay t"e rest, and #ut a cou#le of scor#ions in t"e %o1. ."e merc"ant came %ack after "is %at" and #rayers and asked Beka%itti to %rin& "im a fres"ly *as"ed d"oti to *ear. Beka%itti said, ->aster, accordin& to your orders 03ve s#read your d"oti on t"e %us"es. ."e #ieces *ere not enou&" for all of t"e %us"es, *"at 0 s"all 0 doL/ ."e master looked at t"e fate of "is d"oti and said, - Ayyo4 6"y did you do t"isL 6"at s"all 0 *ear to my mot"er?in?la*3s "ouseL 2et me at least one of your o*n d"otis./ Beka%itti "ad deli%erately %rou&"t a dirty d"oti, colored and streaked %y <oli festivities. 6"en t"e merc"ant found "e "ad not"in& else to *ear, "e *ra##ed it around "is *aist and looked like a stri#ed ti&er. -All ri&"t, serve me some food./ ->aster, 03ve saved t*o s#oons of rice for you, just as you ordered. 0 ate t"e rest./ ."e merc"ant felt misera%le. <e scolded Beka%itti, usin& every %ad *ord "e kne*. ."en "e said, -At least, &et me t"e %o1Q/ Beka%itti %rou&"t t"e %o1 and #ut it %efore "is master, *"o o#ened it and #ut "is "and in it only to %e

stun& %y scor#ions. 6ild *it" #ain, "e cried, -6"y t"e "ell did you do t"isL/ -+ir, t"e mistress "ad said t"ere *ere scor#ions in t"e %o1. 6"en 0 o#ened it, t"ey *eren3t t"ere. 0 t"ou&"t s"e must "ave for&otten to #ut t"em in, so 0 #ut a cou#le of t"em in it. 0 didn3t *ant my mistress3s *ords to %e false./ ."e merc"ant called "im a %astard and ot"er suc" names, and asked "im to %rin& at least t"e hurihittu. 6"ere *as t"at to %e foundL Beka%itti told "im, -."e mistress "ad said, R."e rice and hurihittu are for t"e road.S +o 0 scattered t"em carefully on t"e road as *e came. 0t didn3t last all t"e *ay. 0f you don3t %elieve me, you can &o %ack and see for yourself./ ."e merc"ant kicked "is "eels like a madman and cried in "un&er and dismay. ."en "e #ulled "imself to&et"er and said, -6ell, *"at3s done is done. >y mot"er?in?la* lives in t"e ne1t to*n. 2o and tell "er t"at 03m on my *ay. ."en s"e *ill "ave cooked a dinner for me %y t"e time 0 arrive./ Beka%itti *ent a"ead and looked for "er "ouse. <e found "er sittin& on a veranda" and told "er "e *as "er son?in?la*3s servant. <e "ad %een sent a"ead to &ive t"em t"e ne*s of "is arrival. ."e mot"er?in? la* *as deli&"ted. +"e said, -.ell me "o* our son?in?la* is./ -D, "e is on "is *ay. <e must %e just outside to*n %y no*. <e3s not very *ell t"ese days and is on a strict diet. <e "as sent *ord to say t"at "e3d visit you only if you &ive "im *"at "e *ants. Dt"er*ise "e3ll "ave to stay some*"ere else./ - Ayyo, "e3s our family3s only son?in?la*. <o* can "e &o else*"ereL 6e3ll &ive "im *"atever "e *ants. Kou3d %etter tell us everyt"in& "e needs./ -Bot"in& muc",/ said Beka%itti. -Kou must serve %alls of flour, fry everyt"in& in %itter castor oil, and serve it *it" t"ree "ot &reen #e##ers. <is drinkin& *ater must %e %oilin& "ot, *it" a lot of salt. <e can slee# only in a small dark room on %are #almyra mats, surrounded %y "ea#s of dry red c"ilies. All t"is is #art of "is re&imen. ."at3s *"at "e "as asked me to tell you./ ."e mot"er?in?la* *as alarmed. +"e *ondered *"at stran&e and terri%le diseases "er son?in?la* *as sufferin& from. But s"e *ent in to make all t"e re8uired arran&ements. +"e didn3t *ant anyt"in& to &o *ron&. 6"en t"e merc"ant arrived at "is mot"er?in?la*3s, "e *as famis"ed. +"e &ave "im *ater to *as" "is "ands and feet *it", and invited "im to eat. <e ea&erly *ent to t"e kitc"en, *"ere "e *as lovin&ly served %alls of flour, "ot &reen #e##ers, and a tum%ler full of %oilin& salt *ater. <e could neit"er eat t"is nor leave it. 6"at "ad come over "is lovin& mot"er?in?la* t"at s"e s"ould serve "im t"is kind of stran&e fareL >ay%e t"ey3d &one #oor and %ankru#t, "e t"ou&"t. Courtesy ke#t "im from s#eakin& out. <e closed "is eyes and s*allo*ed t"e %alls of flour. 6"en "e %it into t"e "ot #e##er, "is mout" %urned. +o "e drank t"e *ater t"at *as all salt. <is stomac" *as on fire. 9or courtesy3s sake, "e 8uickly asked "is in?la*s "o* t"ey *ere and t"en came out of t"e kitc"en. A %ed *as ready for "im in a se#arate room to *"ic" "e *as led %y "is mot"er?in?la*. ."e fire in "is stomac" and "is %e*ilderment at *"at *as "a##enin& *as added to t"e reek of dry red c"ilies in t"e sacks all around "is t"orny #almyra %ed. <e *as *retc"ed and *ondered *"y "e "ad ever come to visit "is in?la*s. Beka%itti enjoyed "imself. <e ate all t"e s#ecial dis"es t"at "ad %een ori&inally made for a son?in?la*. ."en "e latc"ed "is master3s door from t"e outside and lay do*n near%y. 0n a little *"ile, t"e merc"ant3s stomac" *as rum%lin& in distressH"e "ad diarr"ea and "ad to &o out. <is need *as ur&ent, %ut t"e door *as latc"ed. ."ou&" "e called Beka%itti many times, t"ere *as no ans*er. <e didn3t *ant to %e t"ou&"t a nuisance. +o, finally, "e relieved "imself in an em#ty &ourd sittin& in a corner and *aited for mornin&. At da*n, Beka%itti unlatc"ed t"e door. At once, t"e merc"ant ran out *it" t"e &ourd to em#ty it outside t"e villa&e %efore anyone sa* "im. Beka%itti *oke u# all t"e in?la*s and said

to t"em, -Kour son?in?la* is an&ry. <e is leavin& t"e "ouse in a "urry. <e asked me to tell you./ ."e *"ole "ouse"old ran after "im, cryin&, -+on?in?la*, don3t %e made at us. +to#, sto#, and talk to us./ 0n s"ame, t"e merc"ant ran faster and faster, tryin& to "ide t"e &ourd of s"it "e *as carryin&. ."e "un&er of t"e #revious day, loose %o*els, a slee#less ni&"t *it" red c"ili sacks all around "imHt"ey all over*"elmed "im. <e could run no more. <e t"re* t"e &ourd to one side and sank to t"e &round in a dead faint. <is in?la*s carried "im "ome and nursed "im. 6"ile t"ey *ere %usy, Beka%itti "o*led and *e#t in t"e street, cryin&, ->y #oor masterQ <is o*n fat"er?in?la* and mot"er?in?la* are tryin& to murder "imQ <el#Q <el#Q/ <e *ent cryin& to t"e #olice, *"o came at once, arrested all of t"em, and took t"e merc"ant *"o *as still in a s*oon. ."ere Beka%itti lod&ed a com#laint. ->y master *as runnin& from t"e "ouse *it" a &ourd in "is "and. <is in?la*s ran after "im, cau&"t "im, and tried to kill "im,/ "e said. A #oliceman ran out and %rou&"t %ack t"e &ourd full of s"it. By t"is time, t"e merc"ant *as comin& to. <e "ardly kne* *"ere "e *as or *"at "ad "it "im. <e stammered and asked *"at *as "a##enin&. <is mot"er?in?la* told "im everyt"in&. ."e #olice told "im *"at Beka%itti "ad said to t"em. At once, t"e merc"ant took out a t"ousand ru#ees from "is satc"el and &ave t"em to Beka%itti, admittin& defeat. -@nou&", enou&"Q/ "e cried. -03ve "ad enou&" of you. 03m defeated, done forQ/ <e folded "is "ands and saluted Beka%itti in a &esture of &ood%ye. Beka%itti 8uit t"e merc"ant3s service ric"er %y a t"ousand ru#ees, and left "im alone after t"at day.

OA. 1(((, Bar&ain Bot to Become An&ry.P

44. %inga on 1y *alm

A mot"er?in?la* and a dau&"ter?in?la* *ere al*ays at lo&&er"eads *it" eac" ot"er. ."ey 8uarreled all day, and t"e son *as sick of listenin& to t"eir com#laints. +o "e %uilt a se#arate "ouse for "is mot"er and settled "er in it. @very day, "e *ould &ive "is mot"er some old %lackened rice t"at "is *ife sent *it" "im. ."e mot"er lost *ei&"t and &re* t"in. Dne day t"e son noticed it and asked, -6"at3s "a##ened to youL ,on3t you eat #ro#erlyL Are you un"a##y or *"atL/ <e also said, ->ay%e you need some %uttermilk for your rice. Come to our "ouse and take some./ Dne day t"e mot"er t"ou&"t s"e *ould try and &et some %uttermilk from "er son3s "ouse. +"e *ent t"ere *"en "e *asn3t in. +"e *as as"amed of %e&&in& from "er son, %ut s"e *as des#erate for some %uttermilk. 6"en s"e asked for some, "er dau&"ter?in?la* said, -Kou didn3t *ant anyt"in& from us *"en you left. Bo* you *ant some %uttermilk, do youL 0f you *ant it, you3ll "ave to do as 0 say./ -.ell me *"at it is you *ant me to do. Let me at least "ear it,/ said t"e mot"er?in?la*. ."e dau&"ter?in?la* told "er, -Kou must take off your sari and everyt"in& you3re *earin&, and dance

naked, c"antin& RBin&a on my #alm, look look at my s"ameQS ,o you t"ink you can do t"atL/ ."e mot"er?in?la* cursed under "er %reat", -Kou *retc", *"y did you "ave to marry my sonL/ ."at day, t"e dau&"ter?in?la* relented and didn3t insist on "er condition. +"e &ave "er some %uttermilk, &reatly diluted *it" *ater. ."e ne1t day, t"e mot"er?in?la* couldn3t eat t"e #lain rice. -Let3s see if t"e *retc" *ill &ive me some %uttermilk,/ s"e muttered to "erself, and *ent to "er son3s "ouse. ."e dau&"ter?in?la* reminded "er of *"at s"e "ad to do. -0sn3t it enou&" to tell you onceL ,o 0 "ave to tell you every time you come "ereL/ s"e asked. ."e mot"er?in?la* took off "er sari, #ut it on "er "ead, and danced naked, c"antin&, -Bin&a on my #alm, look look at my s"ameQ/ ."e dau&"ter?in?la* *atc"ed "er *it" satisfaction and &ave "er some %uttermilk. 6"en s"e *ent "ome, t"e mot"er?in?la* *as dis&usted and couldn3t touc" t"e %uttermilk. -+"e "umiliates me and t"en s"e &ives it to me. 6"o needs itL/ s"e t"ou&"t, and stayed "ome. 0n "er misery, s"e &re* even t"inner. <er son asked "er t"e ne1t time "e sa* "er, -6"y, *"at3s t"e matterL ,oesn3t my *ife &ive you any %uttermilkL/ +"e told "im "o* s"e "ad to dance naked for it. <e "eard it all and sim#ly said, -Come tomorro*. 03ll %e t"ere./ 6"en "e *ent "ome, "e asked "is *ife, -,on3t you &ive my mot"er any %uttermilkL +"e3s &ettin& t"inner %y t"e day./ -6"y, of course, 0 &ive it to "er *"enever s"e comes "ere. +"ould 0 %e deliverin& it to "er "ouse *"en s"e refuses to come "ereL 6"at3s s"e sayin&L/ s"e asked. -Gust &ive it to "er. +"e3ll come "ere today,/ "e said. But "is mot"er didn3t come all day. <e "ad to &o some*"ere. <e instructed "is *ife, -@ven if 03m not "ere, &ive "er t"e %uttermilk./ ."en "e left t"rou&" t"e front door and sneaked %ack t"rou&" t"e side door, and "id "imself in t"e atta. <is mot"er arrived soon after, sayin&, -0 couldn3t come all day. 2ive me a dro# of %uttermilk./ -0t3s &ood you came no*,/ said t"e dau&"ter?in?la*. -But you kno* *"at you must do./ ."e mot"er?in?la* took off "er clot"es, made it into a %undle, #ut it on "er "ead, and danced naked, c"antin&, -Bin&a on my #alm, look look at my s"ameQ/ 6"en s"e *as &one, t"e son silently &ot do*n from t"e atta. <e no* kne* *"y "is mot"er looked so misera%le and t"in. Pretendin& to come in from t"e outside, "e called "is *ife and said, -6e must arran&e a ceremony for our "ouse"old &ods./ ."en "e *ent out and invited everyone "e met. <e sent a to*n crier around to near%y villa&es and letters to villa&es t"at *ere fart"er a*ay. ."en "e *ent to "is *ife3s #arents3 #lace to invite t"em #ersonally for t"e occasion. <e told "is #arents?in?la*, -9at"er?in?la*, >ot"er?in?la*, your dau&"ter is deat"ly sick. 0f you *ant to see "er %efore somet"in& "a##ens to "er, come soon. 6e3ve consulted #riests and astrolo&ers a%out "er disease. Bo one could &ive us a remedy. .oday *e *ent to a &uru, *"o asked us to undertake a vo*. <e said t"at you, "er #arents, must a&ree to come, naked as you *ere %orn, *it"out a t"read on your %odies. 0f you can do t"at and take #art in a ceremony at our #lace tomorro*, *e can "ave some "o#e for your dau&"ter. .omorro*, at t*o o3clock. Please./ ."en "e *ent "ome and decorated t"e doors of "is "ouse *it" festoons of man&o leaves. <e removed all t"e clot"in& in "is "ouse from "is *ife3s reac" and locked it u# in "is room. ."e ne1t day "e &ave all t"e &uests a &rand dinner and distri%uted %etel leaves and nuts. <e re8uested

t"em all to sit do*n, sayin&, -+it do*n for a *"ile, if you #lease. 03ve a small s#eec" to make./ <is *ife *as un"a##y t"rou&"out t"e dinner t"at "er #arents "ad not %een invited to t"e ceremony. <e consoled "er %y assurin& "er t"at t"ey "ad %een invited. -."ey *ill %e "ere in a fe* minutes. Gust %e #atient till t*o o3clock,/ "e said. >ean*"ile, "e "ad arran&ed for "is mot"er to %at"e, eat, and %e comforta%le. At t*o, "is *ife3s mot"er came in stark naked, runnin& an1iously into t"e "ouse, cryin& out, -D my dau&"ter, my dau&"ter, *"at3s "a##ened to youL/ <er fat"er cried, -.ell us, *"at3s "a##ened to youL/ <e too *as naked. <is dau&"ter nearly died of s"ame. +"e %eat "er fore"ead, looked around for some clot", any clot", cryin&, -D &od, if only 0 could lay my "ands on a #iece of clot" to cover t"emQ/ As t"e assem%led &uests *ere *onderin& if "er #arents "ad &one mad, "er "us%and %e&an "is s#eec". -Listen. 0n our "ouse, *e *ere t"ree once. >y mot"er and my *ife didn3t &et alon&. +o 0 arran&ed for my mot"er to live in a se#arate "ouse. +"e "as %een &ro*in& t"inner %y t"e day. All "er life, s"e "as %een used to milk and %uttermilk. +o 0 "ad said to "er, RCome to our "ouse and &et some %uttermilk. ,on3t eat t"e dry rice.S 6"enever my mot"er came "ere to ask for a little %uttermilk, my *ife made "er do s"ameful t"in&s. >y mot"er "ad to stri# "erself naked, #ut "er clot"es on "er "ead, and dance, c"antin&, RBin&a on my #alm, look look at my s"ameQS Dnly t"en *ould s"e &et a little %uttermilk to take "ome. .oday, 0 *anted to teac" my *ife a lesson. +o 0 tricked "er #arents and asked t"em to come %efore you as t"ey did./ ."en "e &ave "is *ife t"e key to "is room and said, -2o, o#en t"e door and %rin& your #arents some clot"es./ +"e silently took t"e key and %rou&"t t"em clot"es to cover t"eir s"ame. 9rom t"at day on, t"e mot"er, t"e son, and "is *ife lived in #eace in t"e same "ouse.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif P =)=.1, Bad relations %et*een mot"er?in?la* and dau&"ter?in?la*7 and >otif + 5A, Cruel dau&"ter?in?la*.P

45. Ogress Bueen

.*o %rot"ers lived on a "ill. ."ey *orked as car#enters. An o&ress came to t"e "illside and %e&an to eat co*s and calves every day *it"out t"eir kno*led&e. -6"at3s "a##enin& to t"e co*sL/ t"ey *ondered, and looked for t"e missin& ones and couldn3t find t"em any*"ere. Dne day t"e o&ress &o%%led u# t"e older %rot"er. ."e youn&er one *as scared %y "is %rot"er3s sudden disa##earance and ran from t"e #lace, fearin& for "is life. ."e o&ress at once took t"e form of a #retty *oman in distress and follo*ed "im, cryin& aloud, ->y "us%and, my "us%andQ <e3s runnin& a*ay, leavin& me aloneQ/ 6"ile "e ran and s"e follo*ed cryin& %e"ind "im, a kin&, *"o *as out on a "unt, met t"em. <e re%uked t"e man. -6"y are you runnin& a*ay from your *ifeL 0f you3re suc" a co*ard, *"y did you marry "erL/ -Kour <i&"ness, you don3t kno* "er. +"e3s a man?eater, s"e "as &iven me endless trou%le,/ *"ined t"e #oor man. -."en let me take "er off your "ands. +"e3s %eautiful. 03ll &ive you some money. 2ive "er to me./ And t"e kin& &ave "im a t"ousand ru#ees and took t"e o&ress %ack *it" "im to "is kin&dom. <e %uilt a se#arate #alace for "er and lived *it" "er e1clusively, infatuated *it" "er, i&norin& "is t*o *ives.

@very ni&"t, *"en everyone *as aslee#, t"e o&ress *ould *ake u#, &o into to*n, devour co*s and calves, and come %ack to "er %ed %efore da*n. Peo#le com#lained to t"e kin& and "is officers of t"e mysterious *ay t"eir cattle *ere disa##earin&. ."e kin& ti&"tened security and a##ointed *atc"men to &uard every 8uarter of t"e to*n. Bo* t"e o&ress found it "ard to sli# out at ni&"t and eat "er fill. +"e %e&an to starve eatin& ordinary food. ."e kin&3s youn&est *ife *as #re&nant. <er #arents came to t"e #alace to take "er for t"e ku"usa, or Blouse Ceremony. ."e o&ress and t"e ot"er 8ueen *anted to &o *it" "er and take #art in t"e ceremony. ."e kin& said, -9ine, *"y don3t youL/ -03ve &ot to take a %louse and a sari as #resents. <o* can 0 &o em#ty?"andedL/ asked t"e o&ress. ."e kin& sent "er *it" saris and %louses. ."e youn& 8ueen3s #arents arran&ed t"e ceremony accordin& to t"e customs of t"eir land. ."e o&ress s#oke in t"e middle of it all and asked t"em, -6"at, don3t you "ave t"e custom of #uttin& ko"l in t"e youn& *oman3s eyesL/ ."ey said, -Bo, *e don3t. Bever "eard of it./ +"e s"ook "er "ead and insisted, -Kou must #ut ko"l in "er eyes. Bo ku"usa ceremony is com#lete *it"out it./ After t"e ceremony, s"e #ut #oisoned ko"l in t"e eyes of %ot" 8ueens. +"e smeared it in %ot" t"e eyes of t"e #re&nant youn&er 8ueen and just in one eye of t"e ot"er 8ueen. By t"e time t"ey came "ome, t"e #re&nant 8ueen "ad lost %ot" "er eyes7 t"e older 8ueen "ad only one &ood eye. ."e o&ress *ent to t"e kin& and mocked "im: -Kou *ant to live *it" t*o %lind *omen &ro#in& aroundL 0t3s %eneat" your royal status. +end t"em a*ay./ ."e &ulli%le kin& %anis"ed t"em to t"e forest, *"ere t"ey survived on leaves and %erries and travelers3 leftovers. ."e #re&nant 8ueen &ave %irt" to a %oy, under t"e trees. An old man, *"o like *anderin& in forests, "a##ened u#on t"em and asked t"em *"o t"ey *ere. ."ey told "im. -."en come and live *it" me as my c"ildren,/ "e said, and took t"em "ome. ."e %oy &re* u# t"ere. ."e old man tau&"t "im everyt"in& "e kne*. 6"en t"e %oy *ent into to*n, t"e o&ress 8ueen kne* at once t"at "e *as "er ste#son. +"e kne* s"e "ad to &et rid of "im or else "e *ould destroy "er. +o s"e lay do*n *it" a ti&"t %and round "er "ead and &roaned, -<eadac"e. >y "ead is s#littin&./ 6"en t"e kin& asked "er *"at t"e matter *as, s"e said, ->y "ead. >y "ead./ -6"at s"all *e do to cure itL +"all 0 call t"e doctorL/ -Bo, t"at *on3t do. >y mot"er lives in t"e ."ree?<eaded >ountain. 0f someone &oes t"ere and %rin&s "eadac"e #ills from "er, 03ll live. Dt"er*ise, t"is *ill kill me./ -6"om s"ould 0 sendL/ -+end anyone *"o3s *illin&./ ."e kin& sent t"e to*n crier all over to*n *it" "is tom?tom to announce a re*ard for anyone %rave enou&" to %rin& t"e medicine from t"e mountain for t"e 8ueen3s "eadac"e. ."e %oy "eard it and said, -03ll &o./ ."ou&" "is mot"er *arned "im a%out t"e o&ress 8ueen3s tricks and %e&&ed "im not to &o, "e *ent to t"e kin&3s #alace for instruction. ."e o&ress 8ueen *rote a note for "im to take to "er mot"er: -."is is my co?*ife3s son. Kill "im./ +"e #ut t"e sealed letter in "is #ocket and "e set out on "is journey.

<e *alked far and dee# into t"e jun&le. 6"en "e &ot tired, "e lay do*n under a %anyan tree and fell aslee#. Gust t"en, +iva and "is *ife Parvati *ere takin& a *alk. Parvati3s eyes fell on t"e %oy first and s"e %rou&"t +iva to see *"o "e *as. ."ey sa* t"e letter in "is #ocket, &ently unsealed it, and read it. 0t said, -."is is my co?*ife3s son. Kill "im./ ."ey tore it u# and *rote anot"er, *"ic" said, -."is is your dau&"ter3s son, your &randson. Love "im and take care of "im./ ."ey sli##ed t"e ne* letter in "is #ocket and *oke "im u#. -6"ere do you *ant to &oL/ -03m on my *ay to t"e ."ree?<eaded >ountain./ -6"at forL/ -.o &et "eadac"e #ills for our 8ueen./ -."en take t"ese t"ree #e%%les. +ay, RCo*s and calves, Co*s and calves, Co*s and calvesQS An an&ry demon *ill a##ear. ."ro* a #e%%le at "im. <e *ill lose "alf "is an&er. ."ro* anot"er #e%%le. <e *ill lose all "is an&er. ."ro* t"e t"ird #e%%le and "e3ll carry you *"ere you *ant to &o./ ."en t"ey tau&"t "im t"e art of flyin& t"rou&" t"e air. <e fle* to t"e nort" and s"outed, -Co*s and calvesQ Co*s and calvesQ Co*s and calvesQ/ ."e an&ry demon a##eared. ."e %oy t"re* a #e%%le at "im. ."e demon *as no* only "alf as an&ry. <e t"re* anot"er. ."e demon lost all "is an&er. 6"en "e t"re* t"e t"ird #e%%le, t"e demon lifted "im on "is s"oulder and *"i44ed to t"e ."ree?<eaded >ountain. ."e old o&ress read t"e letter. +"e &rum%led, ->y dau&"ter "as no sense in "er "ead. +"e "as sent t"is lovely son of "ers all alone, all t"e *ayQ ."e idiotQ/ And s"e "u&&ed "im and kissed "im and &ave "im fruits and s*eets. <e enjoyed it all, %ut "e *as in a "urry. -2ranny, &ranny, my mot"er is dyin&. 0 must "urry. +"e3ll die./ -D, don3t %e silly. Kour mot"er cannot die like t"at. <er life is safe in t"is #arrot "ere,/ t"e old *oman said. +"e also s"o*ed "im "er ointments. Amon& t"em *as one for %lindin& t"e eyes, anot"er for restorin& eyesi&"t. 6"en "e sa* t"ese, "e seemed "a##ier and #romised "e3d #lay t"ere in t"e "ills for a cou#le of days. <e *aited around only till t"e old o&ress *ent out to find food for "erself. ."en "e #icked u# "er t*o eye ointments, one for %lindness, one for si&"t, and snatc"ed u# t"e #arrot and left t"e mountain t"e *ay "e "ad come. <e *ent strai&"t to "is o*n mot"er and #ut t"e ointment in "er %lind eyes. +"e %e&an to see a&ain. <e also restored si&"t to t"e %lind eye of "is ste#mot"er. Gust t"en, t"e kin&3s servants came lookin& for "im. <e sent *ord: -Ask t"e kin& to come to t"is "ut./ ."e kin& *as furious at t"e youn& fello*3s im#ertinence, and *anted to teac" "im a lesson. +o "e came on "is royal ele#"ant, "is 8ueen in t"e "o*da" %eside "im, a small army %e"ind "im. ."e %oy ama4ed t"em %y standin& "i&" in t"e sky. As "e "eld out t"e #arrot in "is ti&"tenin& "ands, t"e o&ress let out a %lood?curdlin& cry, - A y y a y y a y y a y y o o o 4 / and s"e *"o "ad %een %eautiful all t"is *"ile c"an&ed into a "airy, u&ly, re#ulsive form. <e %roke t"e #arrot3s le& and t"re* t"e %ird on t"e &round. ."e o&ress fell from t"e ele#"ant and *rit"ed on t"e &round. <e %roke t"e #arrot3s neck, and t"e o&ress lay t*isted and dead on t"e &round. ."e %oy descended from t"e sky and told "is fat"er all t"e cruel mean t"in&s "e, t"e kin&, "ad done to

"is mot"er. ."e kin& re#ented, %urned "is o&ress 8ueen on a %ier of dry *ood and co* dun& cakes, and lived "a##ily *it" "is *ives and "is son.

OA. A)=, ."e Dutcast Mueens and t"e D&ress Mueen :0D;. +ee Ramanujan 1 version of t"is tale.P 1a: !'J! for a Kas"miri

47. An Old (ouple

A kin& used to *ander t"e streets of "is city in dis&uise at ni&"t to find out t"e *ay "is su%jects lived and *"at t"ey t"ou&"t of "is rule. Iery late one ni&"t, "e sa* a li&"t in a "ouse. <e *as curious to kno* *"y t"e "ouse *as lit so late. +o "e *ent near, found a *indo* o#en, and sa* a very old cou#le, almost at deat"3s door, makin& furious love. ."ey *ere ra#t in it. ."e kin& t"ou&"t t"is *as dreadful7 "e feared for "is land. <e even sat do*n *it" "is "ead in "is "ands for a *"ile. <e couldn3t t"ink of anyt"in& else till da*n. <e noted do*n t"e location of t"e "ouse and *ent %ack to "is #alace. Be1t mornin&, t"e kin&3s servants knocked loudly on t"e old cou#le3s door and summoned t"em to court. ."ey *ere non#lussed till t"ey "eard *"y t"e kin& "ad sent for t"em. ."ey *ere, after all, an e1#erienced cou#le. ."e old man &ra%%ed a "andful of salt and tamarind and c"ilies7 t"e old *oman, a "andful of as"es. ."ey *ent to t"e #alace. ."e kin& sat t"ere utterly dejected. 6"en t"ey %o*ed to "im, t"e kin& asked, -<o* are you t*o relatedL/ -6e3re "us%and and *ife./ -0s t"at trueL/ -Kes, it is true./ -All ri&"t. Kou3re ancient. Kou3ve one foot in t"is *orld, t"e ot"er foot in t"e &rave. +till your desire for se1 is stron&. 6"oever looks at you measures a &rave. <o* come you3re still at itL 6"at is our land comin& toL/ ."e old man and old *oman looked at eac" ot"er and smiled. 0n ans*er to t"e kin&3s 8uestion, t"e old man #oured "is "andful of salt and tamarind and c"ilies on t"e &round. ."e *oman #oured a "andful of as"es. But t"ey said not"in&. ."e kin& *as %affled. <e scratc"ed "is face len&t"*ise. <e scratc"ed "is face %readt"*ise. ."en "e seemed to count t"e "airs on "is "ead. <e didn3t understand. -6"at3s t"is riddleL .ell me t"e ans*er,/ "e said at last. -D kin&, a man may %e youn&, "e may %e old. As lon& as "e eats salt and tamarind and c"ilies, as lon& as "e "as red %lood, "e *ould *ant se1,/ said t"e old man. ."e *oman added, -.ill t"e %ody %ecomes as", it *ill not &ive u# se1ual desire./ ."e kin& t"ou&"t t"at t"is *as true. <e filled t"e la#s of t"e old cou#le *it" &ifts, %ut asked t"em not to for&et to s"ut t"e *indo*s t"e ne1t time t"ey *ere at it.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif C 11(, .a%u: se1ual intercourse7 and >otif P 15.1.1, ,is&uised kin& tau&"t courtesy %y #easant.P

4.. The *ast %e/er *asses

A kin& *as unmarried for a lon& time. <e *anted to marry only t"e most %eautiful *oman of "is kin&dom. +o "e *aited. Dnce a %eautiful &y#sy *oman came *alkin& t"rou&" t"e streets of "is ca#ital, tellin& fortunes. ."e kin& "ad never seen so muc" %eauty in one #erson. ."e only t"in& t"at *as *ron& *it" "er in t"e kin&3s eyes *as t"at s"e *as slim, even t"in. <e t"ou&"t, #oor t"in&, s"e "as lived a *anderin& %e&&ar3s life and s"e "asn3t "ad enou&" food to eat. 0f s"e married "im and lived in a #alace, and &ot fed %y t"e %est cooks, s"e *ould fill out and flouris". ."en t"ere *ould %e no one e8ual to "er in %eauty, not even in t"e *orld of &ods, "e t"ou&"t. <e sent for "er. ."rou&" "is ministers, "e #ro#osed marria&e to "er, and married "er in a s#lendid ceremony. But t"e &y#sy 8ueen didn3t #ut on *ei&"t and round out "er an&les as t"e kin& e1#ected "er to. 0nstead, s"e lost *ei&"t day %y day and seemed to #ine a*ay. A mont" after t"e *eddin&, s"e *as t"in as a reed. 0n t*o mont"s, s"e *as t"inner t"an a reed. ."e t"ird mont", everyone *ondered if s"e *ould live. ."e kin&, in "is an1iety, called in t"e doctors, *"o e1amined "er and said t"ere *as not"in& *ron& *it" "er. 6"en "e *as makin& "imself sick *it" *orry, t"e minister said, -0f you *on3t &et an&ry *it" me, 03ll tell you somet"in& t"at mi&"t "el#./ -6"at3s t"atL/ -<er >ajesty, if you3ll remem%er, %e&&ed for food and ate leftovers till s"e came to t"e #alace. +o 0 su&&est t"at you c"an&e "er food. ,on3t serve "er royal dinners. Leave food, t"e kind s"e likes, in various #laces in t"e #alace, in cu#%oards and *indo*sills and led&es. Leave %roken %read, rice, and fried ve&eta%les. Let "er find it on "er o*n. +"e3ll eat %etter and *ill flouris". +"e "as to &et used to a #alace./ ."e kin& *as *illin& to try anyt"in&, even t"is unusual remedy, for t"e 8ueen3s illness. Arran&ements *ere made accordin& to t"e minister3s advice. ."e 8ueen %e&an to find a #iece of %read in a "ole, a "andful of ve&eta%les on a *indo*led&e. +o s"e ate #iecemeal as s"e "ad al*ays done. 0n a *eek, "er %ody rounded out and seemed even to emit rays of li&"t. ."e kin& *as "a##y and said, -."e #astHits smells are never lost, are t"eyL/

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif , 551, .ransformation %y eatin&.P

49. A *eg and a Keg

A s"e#"erd made a livin& %y &ra4in& ot"er #eo#le3s s"ee#. Dne day, on "is *ay to t"e field, "e sa* somet"in& under a tree. 0t *as a *oman fast aslee# on "er %ack. ."e %lo*in& *ind "ad moved u# "er sari, and everyt"in& %elo* "er *aist *as visi%le. ."e s"e#"erd *ent near "er and looked closely. <e t"ou&"t t"ere *as a crack and a "ole %et*een "er t"i&"s. - Ayyayyo, / "e said, -Poor t"in&, s"e "as a %i& "ole t"ere. 9lies are s*armin& to it. 6"at s"all 0 doL/ <e looked around, found some clay, and %e&an to fill u# t"e "ole *it" it. <e du& u# 8uite a %it of clay and tried to sto# u# t"e "ole in t"e *oman, *"o *as still fast aslee#. 6"ile "e *as %usy *it" t"is, a kin& *"o came t"ere on a "unt sa* "im. -."e foolQ <e3s fillin& "er u# *it" clay. <e doesn3t kno* anyt"in&. But "e *ould make a very &ood servant for my 8ueen,/ "e

t"ou&"t, and asked "im, -6"at are you u# toL/ ."e s"e#"erd said, -D", t"is #oor *oman "as a *ound %et*een "er le&s. 9lies are s*armin& all over it. 0 didn3t *ant t"em to lay e&&s and make a nest t"ere. +o 03m #atc"in& it u# *it" clay. ."at3s all./ ."e kin& lau&"ed and said, -Come *it" me. 03ll look after you,/ and took "im to "is 8ueen. <e said to "er, -<ere, 03ve a ne* servant for you. <e is innocent and kno*s not"in&./ 9rom t"at day, t"e s"e#"erd did *"atever t"e 8ueen asked "im to do. +"e used to &et "im to #our *ater for "er %at", scru% "er %ack, *i#e "er dry, and so on. Dne day, s"e sat do*n in t"e %at"in& "ouse ready for a %at" and asked t"e s"e#"erd, -Come, *"y don3t you also take off your clot"es and join meL 6e3ll %at"e to&et"er./ <e o%eyed, sat do*n naked o##osite "er, and t"ey %ot" #oured *arm *ater on t"emselves, scru%%ed eac" ot"er, and %at"ed. ."e 8ueen looked at t"e s"e#"erd3s %ody a&ain and a&ain, and asked "im, -6"at3s t"atL/ <e ans*ered, -D", t"at, t"at3s a #e&./ ."e 8ueen #ointed %et*een "er o*n le&s and asked, -,o you kno* *"at t"is isL/ <e s"ook "is "ead, meanin& to say, -0 don3t./ +"e said, -."at3s a ke&./ ."en s"e "eld "is #e& *it" "er "and and said, -Come, #ut your #e& into t"is ke&./ <e o%eyed and did so. 9rom t"at day on, a ne* routine %e&an. @very day t"ey *ould undress in t"e %at""ouse, #ut t"e #e& in t"e ke&, and t"en take %at"s. After a *"ile, t"e 8ueen3s attention *as no lon&er on t"e kin&. <e *ondered *"y s"e "ad &ro*n indifferent to "im. 6"at "ad "a##enedL <e *atc"ed t"em %ot" one day from %e"ind a *indo* in t"e %at""ouse. ."e 8ueen "ad taken off "er clot"es and *as sayin& to t"e naked s"e#"erd, -Come no*, #ut t"e #e& in t"e ke&. 6e3ll %at"e after*ards./ ."e kin& could not %ear to see t"e si&"t. <e *alked ri&"t in and cut t"em %ot" do*n *it" "is scimitar, ri&"t t"ere in t"e %at""ouse.

OA. 15A5B, ."e Boy 6"o Kne* Bot"in& of 6omen.P

4-. The *omegranate Bueen

A certain gowda "ad t*o dau&"ters. <e "ad arran&ed a &ood marria&e for "is elder dau&"ter, %ut "e couldn3t do t"at for t"e youn&er one. +"e *as o%stinate. +"e refused to marry any of t"e youn& men *"o *ere %rou&"t as #ossi%le %ride&rooms. 6"en s"e "ad t"us refused many, many offers of marria&e, t"e gowda could not take it any lon&er. <e *as an an&ry man and, one day, *"en "is *ife "ad &one to visit "er elder dau&"ter, "e cut u# "is youn&er dau&"ter into #ieces and %uried "er in t"e %ackyard. ."en "e sent *ord to "is *ife t"at "er dau&"ter "ad suddenly taken ill and died, and t"at "e "ad to %ury "er %efore s"e came "ome. ."e mot"er mourned for a lon& time. But a #ome&ranate tree s#routed and &re* in t"e #lace *"ere t"e dau&"ter3s remains *ere %uried. 0t &re* tall and &reen, and it %ore a sin&le lar&e flo*er t"at o#ened its #etals only at ni&"t %ut at sunrise folded into a %ud. ."e gowda3s youn&er dau&"ter lived in it as t"e Pome&ranate Mueen7 s"e #layed tunes on a 7ina every ni&"t. @very ni&"t t"e gowda and "is *ife *ould "ear soft uneart"ly music, %ut t"ey never found out *"ere it came from. 0ndra, t"e kin& of t"e &ods *"o lived in t"e sky, "ad a son. Dne day, t"e youn& man *as travelin& t"rou&" t"e "eavens *"en "e too "eard lovely music *afted from t"e eart". <e *as astonis"ed and

*ondered *"et"er anyone on eart" could #lay suc" %eautiful music. 0t seemed to sur#ass t"e music of celestial minstrels :gandhar7as;. <e traced t"e direction of t"e music and "overed over t"e #ome&ranate tree till "e si&"ted t"e one lar&e flo*er in it. <e fell in a faint. 6"en "e came to, "e sa* t"e Pome&ranate Mueen #layin& t"e 7ina in t"e flo*er. <er %eauty *as more entrancin& t"an t"e %eauty of celestial :a!sara; *omen. 0ndra3s son fell in love *it" "er at once. 6"en s"e finis"ed #layin&, s"e came out of t"e flo*er, and s"e too sa* "im and "er "eart %e&an to %eat fast. <e asked "er to marry "im, and s"e said, *it"out a moment3s t"ou&"t, t"at s"e *ould. But "e said, -6e3ll "ave to *ait a little. 03ll &o %ack to "eaven and &et my #arents3 #ermission,/ and s#ed %ack to "is "eavenly #alace. And t"ere, "e *ent to "is room and lay in "is %ed covered in %lankets. <is mot"er came to ask "im to &et u# and eat "is dinner, %ut "e refused. -6"y, *"at3s t"e matterL/ s"e asked "im. <e said, -0 must &et married./ +"e lau&"ed and said, -Df course, *e3ll look for a %ride at once. Bo* &et u# and eat./ <e interru#ted "er. -Bo, no, t"at3s not *"at 0 mean. 0 don3t *ant you to look for a %ride. 03ve already found one, in t"e eart"?*orld./ -But you are not eart"?%orn. 6"y do you need t"ose mortalsL ."ey3re not our kind. 03ll &et t"e most %eautiful of a!sara *omen for you. Gust *ait and see,/ said "is mot"er. But "e *as stu%%orn. -Bo, 0 *ant no *oman from our *orld. Bo one is as %eautiful in all t"ree *orlds as t"e Pome&ranate Mueen. And s"e #lays %etter t"an any of our gandhar7a minstrels./ -0f s"e is as &ood as you say, let me also &o and see "er,/ said s"e, and in no time mot"er and son arrived at t"e #ome&ranate tree in t"e gowda3s %ackyard. 0t *as not dark yet. ."e sun "ad not set. +o t"e #ome&ranate flo*er *as not yet o#en. ."e mot"er asked im#atiently, -6"ere is your Pome&ranate MueenL/ -6ait, >ot"er, *ait. ,on3t %e in suc" a "urry. +"e is inside t"at flo*er. 0n a fe* moments it *ill o#en and you can see "er,/ said 0ndra3s son in a *"is#er. +"e lau&"ed at "im. ->y dear son, are you cra4y or *"atL ,o mortal *omen ever come out of flo*ersL Come, let3s &o "ome,/ s"e said. <e asked "er to *ait and *atc", and told "er t"at t"is #ome&ranate flo*er o#ened only at ni&"t and *as s"ut all day. @ven as t"ey *atc"ed, t"e flo*er slo*ly o#ened and t"ey %e&an to "ear t"e strains of 7ina music. <is mot"er looked at "er %eauty and s"e too fell in a faint. ."e *oman in t"e flo*er looked like a %la4e of li&"t. +"e s"one like t"e sun and t"e moon to&et"er. +"e *as indeed more %eautiful t"an any a!sara *oman in "eaven. ."e mot"er re&ained "er senses very soon and said to "er son, -Kou3re a%solutely ri&"t. 03ve never seen anyone as %eautiful,/ and *ent to t"e Pome&ranate Mueen, talked to "er, and took "er *it" t"em into t"e sky?*orld, *"ere t"e t*o *ere married in &reat style. ."e #ome&ranate tree in t"e %ackyard no* %e&an to *it"er. Dne day it crum%led to t"e &round, a %undle of dry sticks. ."e gowda3s *ife *atc"ed t"e flouris"in& tree suddenly dry u# and die, and s"e couldn3t understand *"y suc" t"in&s *ere "a##enin&. Dne day, *"ile s"e *as starin& at t"e dry sticks, t"e Pome&ranate Mueen came do*n from "eaven *it" "er "us%and. As soon as s"e set foot in t"e yard, t"e dry sticks came to life, stood u# strai&"t, and s#routed &reen leaves. ."e gowda3s *ife *as ama4ed. +"e also noticed t"at t"e tree "ad a&ain #ut out one lar&e flo*er. 0n it, s"e sa* "er youn& dau&"ter. +"e ran out, una%le to contain "er "a##iness, and asked "er dau&"ter, -D ,au&"ter, are you "ereL Kour fat"er said you3d taken ill and died suddenly. ."at isn3t trueQ Kou are aliveQ/ -Bo, *"at 9at"er said *as true. 0n "is an&er, "e cut me to #ieces and %uried me "ere. 0 %ecame t"is

#ome&ranate tree and lived in t"is flo*er as t"e Pome&ranate Mueen all t"ese mont"s. But no* 03m married to 0ndra3s son and live *it" "im in t"e "eaven?*orld. 6"en 0 left, t"is tree dried u#. 6"en 0 came %ack visitin& to see "o* t"in&s *ere, it s#routed a&ain and re&ained life./ <er mot"er said "a##ily, -03m &lad you3re "a##ily married, *"erever you are. All t"ese days, your deat" *as my only &rief. 0 see no* t"at you3re *ell and "a##y. ."at3s all 03ve ever asked for./ ."en "er dau&"ter and son?in?la* saluted "er, received "er %lessin&s, and *ent %ack to t"eir "eaven? *orld. ."e gowda3s *ife *as #eaceful and "a##y from t"at day on.

OA. !C(A, ."e Canni%alistic Brot"ers :0D;.P

5;. A *oor 1an

A #oor man lived a sim#le #ious life, t"inkin& of Lord +iva, *orkin& for daily *a&es, and carin& for "is *ife and c"ildren. Ket "e *as misera%ly #oor, and as "e &re* old "e &re* fee%le. <e needed money, %ut "e couldn3t %ear to t"ink of #rayin& to 2od for money. 6ouldn3t 2od, *"o kno*s everyt"in&, kno* t"at "is devotee is #oorL 0f <e *ants to, <e *ill &ive it all <imself, reasoned t"e #oor man. Dne day, +iva and Parvati *ere travelin& t"rou&" t"e *orld. Bein& fat"er and mot"er to t"e *orld, t"ey needed to kno* *"at *as "a##enin& to *"om. As t"ey #assed over t"e #oor man3s "ut, Parvati said to +iva, -Kou kno*, don3t you, t"at you "ave a &reat devotee "ere and t"at "e is utterly #oorL Aren3t you &oin& to do somet"in& for "imL/ +iva said, -Kes, *e must do somet"in& for "im./ Ri&"t outside t"at villa&e *as t"e tem#le of t"eir son, t"e ele#"ant?faced &od, 2ana#ati. ."ey *ent to t"at tem#le and called on 2ana#ati. -2ana#ati, t"ere3s a fine man "ere in t"is #lace and "e3s very #oor. 6e *ant you to &ive "im five t"ousand ru#ees./ -."at3s allL ."at3s easily done,/ said 2ana#ati. -6e *ant you to do it ri&"t a*ay. ,on3t dillydally./ -Bo, 0 *on3t,/ said 2ana#ati, -But 0 can3t &ive it to "im today. 03ll surely &et t"e money to "im tomorro*./ -,o t"at. ,on3t for&et,/ said +iva and Parvati, and mounted t"eir %ull?ve"icle and *ent t"eir "eavenly *ay. A silk merc"ant *as "idin& in t"e tem#le, #lannin& to steal t"e je*elry on t"e 2ana#ati idol. <e over"eard t"e conversation %et*een t"e &ods, and "e c"an&ed "is #lans. <e t"ou&"t to "imself, -+tolen je*elry is no &ood. 0t3s "ard to &et rid of./ ."en "e *ent strai&"t to t"e #oor man3s "ut and said, -0 "ear you3re in need of money. +u##ose 0 &ive you t"ree t"ousand ru#ees today. 6ill you &ive me *"atever money you &et tomorro*L/ ."e #oor fello* t"ou&"t t"is *as a stran&e %ar&ain and said, -Kes,/ not kno*in& *"at to make of it. <e told t"e merc"ant t"at "e *as e1#ectin& to &et not"in& t"e ne1t day or any ot"er day. ."e *ily merc"ant kne* %etter, and said, -."at doesn3t matter. 2ive me *"atever you &et tomorro*./ 6"y s"ould a #oor man refuse suc" a &ood %ar&ain *"en "e *as so des#erately in needL ."e merc"ant &ave "im t"ree t"ousand ru#ees on t"e s#ot.

Be1t day, t"e merc"ant *ent early in t"e mornin& to t"e #oor man3s "ut, and sat outside *aitin& for 2ana#ati. <e e1#ected t"e ele#"ant?faced &od to arrive any "our and &ive t"e #oor man "is five t"ousand. But 2ana#ati didn3t come t"at afternoon, didn3t come t"at evenin&, and *asn3t to %e seen even at ni&"tfall. ."e merc"ant *as frettin& and fumin&, mutterin& t"at even &ods don3t kee# t"eir #romises *"en it comes to money. By ni&"t, "e *as really an&ry. <e *ent strai&"t to 2ana#ati3s tem#le. ."e door *as s"ut. 0t *as an old %roken door. <e kicked it and it fell o#en, %ut "is foot &ot stuck in it. <e tried to &et "is le& free, %ut "e couldn3t. <e *ri&&led, "e stru&&led, "e jum#ed u# and do*n, "e #ulled and #us"ed, %ut "e couldn3t *ork "is le& loose. As "e stood t"ere frettin&, +iva and Parvati sto##ed a&ain at t"e tem#le on t"eir *ay "ome and asked 2ana#ati, -,id you &ive t"e five t"ousand to t"e #oor manL/ -D, yes. 03ve &iven "im t"ree t"ousand today. And 03ll &et "im t"e ot"er t*o t"ousand toni&"t,/ said 2ana#ati. -,o t"at. ."at3s very nice of you,/ said +iva and Parvati, and left. ."e merc"ant, *"o *as listenin& to all t"is, called 2ana#ati. -D 2ana#ati, listen to me. Release me from t"is crack in t"e door, and 03ll &ive you t*o t"ousand ru#ees./ 2ana#ati released "is le& from t"e vice in t"e door and *arned "im, -,on3t &ive it to me. 2ive it to t"e #oor man. 0f you don3t &ive it as #romised, your le&s *ill &et stuck *"ere you stand. Be*are./ All t"at t"e merc"ant *anted *as "is le& %ack. <e ran to t"e #oor man3s "ut and &ave "im t"e t*o t"ousand ru#ees. ."at3s "o* a #oor man &ot five t"ousand.

OBK... Cf. >otif K ='', .rickster esca#es *it"out #ayin&.P

5,. The *rincess of e/en =asmines

A kin& "ad an only son. Dnce, for reasons t"ey couldn3t fat"om, snakes increased in t"e kin&dom and caused a lot of "avoc. ."e youn& #rince decided to look into t"e matter "imself and fi&"t t"e snakes. Dne day, after "untin& and killin& "undreds of snakes in t"e near%y forest, "e rested under a tree and fell aslee#. <is servants *ere all around "im. Gust t"en, a &reat %i& snake, a seven?"ooded snake, %e&an to descend from t"e %ranc"es of t"e tree under *"ic" t"e #rince *as slee#in&. ."e servants cau&"t si&"t of it, dre* t"eir s*ords, and *ere a%out to cut it to #ieces *"en t"e #rince *oke u# and "is eye fell on t"e seven?"ooded snake a%ove "im. ."e snake looked at "im, eye to eye, and t"ere *as a look of &reat #ain in its eyes. ."e #rince asked "is servants to do not"in&, %ut to ste# %ack. <e addressed t"e snake directly. -D kin& of snakes, *"at do you *antL/ "e asked &ently. 0t re#lied in a "uman voice *it" "uman *ords. - A!!a, for seven lon& years 03ve "ad a terri%le "eadac"e. 0 "aven3t %een a%le to attend to my duties as a kin& and 0 "aven3t %een a%le to disci#line my su%jects. ."ey are runnin& amok and creatin& "avoc *"erever t"ey &o./ -Can *e do somet"in& a%out your "eadac"eL 6"at3s t"e cureL/ ."e snake said, -0f you &o seven yojanas sout" of your kin&dom, you3ll come to a kin&dom. ."e #rincess is an only dau&"ter of t"e kin& t"ere, and s"e is %eautiful and delicateHs"e *ei&"s only as muc" as seven %lossoms of jasmine. +"e "as never lau&"ed, and *"en s"e does, t"ree jasmine flo*ers

*ill fall from "er mout". 0f you can %rin& t"e middle one of t"e t"ree to me, and if 0 can smell its fra&rance, my "eadac"e *ill vanis". ."en, 0 #romise you, 03ll see to it your kin&dom *ill never more %e trou%led %y my snakes./ ."e #rince said, -+o it s"all %e,/ and set out t"at very day to*ards t"e sout"ern re&ions. <e sent *ord to "is #arents t"at "e *as &oin& for suc" and suc" a jo% and asked t"em not to *orry a%out "im. As "e traveled on, "e came to a tank of clear *ater. <e knelt %y its %ank to 8uenc" "is t"irst and "is eye fell on a *"ole nest of ants t"at "ad fallen into t"e *ater. @ven as t"ey *ere stru&&lin& and dro*nin&, "e said, -Poor t"in&sQ/ and *it" "is "andkerc"ief "e #icked u# t"e *"ole nest of ants and set t"em on dry &round. All of t"em survived. ."e kin& of ants *as very #leased and &rateful. <e said to t"e #rince, in t"e tiniest of voices, -Kou did us a &ood turn. 6e3ll never for&et it. 0f you ever need us, t"ink of us, and *e3ll %e t"ere to "el# you./ -."at3s &reat,/ said t"e #rince, and %ade t"em &ood%ye. As "e moved on, "e "eard a fearful, stran&e cry in t"e forest. <e *ent in searc" of its source, and soon found "imself in front of an enormous &iant %ody lyin& in t"e middle of t"e road. A##arently, some time a&o, t"is &iant rakshasa "ad eaten "is fill, almost to %urstin&, and "ad fallen aslee#, snorin& *it" "is mout" o#en, *"en a cro* flyin& in t"e sky *it" a tamarind fruit "ad dro##ed a seed ri&"t into "is *ide?o#en mout". ."e tamarind seed "ad taken root and &ro*n into a "u&e tree *"ile "e *as still fast aslee#. By t"e time t"e #rince arrived on t"e scene, t"e &iant "ad *oken u#, %ut "e couldn3t &et u# or move "is mout" even, #inned under t"e *ei&"t of t"e tree t"at "ad &ro*n u# t"ere. <e *as makin& stran&e cryin& and &ur&lin& noises. ."e com#assionate #rince cut do*n t"e tree, and t"e &iant *as a%le to #ull off t"e roots and t"e rest of it from "is mout". ."e &iant felt "e *as saved from a "orri%le deat", and in "is joy and &ratitude "e said to t"e #rince, -0f you ever need "el# in anyt"in&, just t"ink of me./ ."e #rince said, -."at3s &ood, 0 certainly *ill,/ and moved on. <e soon reac"ed t"e very kin&dom t"e seven?"ooded snake "ad s#oken a%out. ."ere "e sent *ord to t"e kin& t"at suc" and suc" a #rince from suc" and suc" a kin&dom "ad come to visit "im and t"at "e "ad come s#ecially to marry t"e #rincess *"o *ei&"ed no more t"an seven jasmines. ."e kin& summoned "im to "is #resence and *as very #leased *it" t"e looks and manner of t"e visitin& #rince. <e said, -Bo one so far "as "ad t"e coura&e to make t"is lon& journey and visit our kin&dom. Kou look like someone s#ecial. But, if you really *is" to marry my dau&"ter, you3ll "ave to succeed in t"ree tasks 03ll set./ -.ell me *"at t"ey are,/ said t"e #rince. -6e3ll #our and mi1 to&et"er a "undred sacks of rice and a "undred sacks of %lack &ram :uddu; and &ive t"e mi1ture to you. Kou must se#arate t"em %y da*n./ ."e #rince a&reed to try, and t"e kin&3s servants led "im to a lar&e room *"ere a "u&e "ea# of rice and %lack &ram lay all mi1ed to&et"er, and t"ey left "im t"ere for t"e ni&"t. 9or a *"ile "e *ondered *"at "e could do, *"en "e suddenly remem%ered t"e kin& of ants, *"o arrived *it" t"e s#eed of t"ou&"t *it" "is entire %ustlin& entoura&e. Before t"e #rince "ad told t"em *"at t"e task *as, t"ey "ad %e&un to *ork, and %y mornin& t"ey "ad se#arated t"e rice from t"e %lack &ram and arran&ed t"em in t*o "ea#s. ."e kin& came to ins#ect t"e *ork of t"e #rince in t"e mornin&, and said, -BravoQ ."at3s a man after my "eart. ."e ne1t t"in& you "ave to do is to eat. 6e3ll &ive you a "undred and one !allas of cooked rice and a "undred and one lar&e measures of %uttermilk. Kou3ll "ave to mi1 t"em and eat all of it %y mornin&./ As soon as t"ey left "im alone *it" t"e rice and t"e %uttermilk, "e t"ou&"t of t"e &iant, *"o arrived at once from no*"ere, mi1ed t"e %uttermilk and t"e rice, and ate it all u# in just t"ree mout"fuls. 6"en t"e kin& came to see "im in t"e mornin&, "e *as astonis"ed. -.errificQ Kou did t"at too. Bo* for t"e t"ird task. .oday our kin&dom cele%rates and *ors"i#s +iva. ."ere3s a "ill on t"e nort"ern %order

and on it t"ere3s a %i& &olden %ell. Kou must &o and rin& t"at %ell. 0t can %e "eard in all t"e seven kin&doms around "ere,/ said t"e kin&, and t"e #rince re#lied, -+ure, 03m leavin& for t"e "ill of t"e &olden %ell t"is minute,/ and set out on "is task. 6"en "e &ot t"ere and clim%ed t"e "ill, "e found a &olden %ell t"at *as so lar&e it looked like anot"er "ill on to# of t"e first one. Drdinary mortals could not t"ink of movin& it. ."e #rince t"ou&"t a&ain of t"e &iant, *"o a##eared at once and asked, -6"at3s t"e matterL Kou called me a&ain./ -Kou must "el# me one more time, &iant. Gust #ick u# t"is %ell and rin& it just once. ."en you can &o./ -0s t"at allL/ said t"e &iant, #ickin& u# t"e &olden %ell and rin&in& it &leefully *it" all "is mi&"t, till t"e seven kin&doms all around ran& and s"ook *it" t"e sound of it. ."e #rince returned and *as received *it" "onors %y t"e "a##y kin&, *"o *as deli&"ted at findin& suc" a valiant son?in?la*. <e arran&ed a festive *eddin& at once and &ave "is dau&"ter in marria&e to "im, loaded t"e ne*ly*eds *it" "undreds of &ifts, and &ave t"em a s#lendid send?off *it" lon& #rocessions of "orses and ele#"ants and all t"at. As t"e #rince *as comin& "ome *it" "is ne* %ride, t"e #rincess *"o *ei&"ed no more t"an seven jasmines, t"ey ran into acro%ats *"o *ere s"o*in& monkey?tricks *it" t"eir trained monkeys. ."e #rincess, *"o "ad never left t"e four *alls of "er #alace and *as innocent of all e1#erience and "ad never lau&"ed even once, asked t"e #rince *"at t"ey *ere doin&. -D t"at, t"at3s a monkey s"o*. Let3s &o see it,/ said t"e #rince. -6"at3s a monkeyL/ s"e asked in "er innocence. -+ee it for yourself,/ said t"e #rince, and took "er %y t"e "and and led "er to t"e monkey s"o*. +"e "ad never seen anyt"in& like it: monkeys t"at looked and acted like little men, somersaulted and *alked and %e&&ed and #layed tricks on t"e audience. +"e %e&an to lau&", and as s"e lau&"ed, t"ree divine jasmine flo*ers fell from "er mout". ."e #rince #icked u# t"e middle one and #ut it safely in "is #ocket. Dn t"eir *ay "ome, t"ey sto##ed at t"e tree *"ere "e kne* t"e seven?"ooded ser#ent kin& *ould %e *aitin& for "im. As soon as t"e ser#ent kin& smelled t"e jasmine, "is seven?year "eadac"e disa##eared. <e *as very "a##y and, as a token of "is a##reciation, "e &ave t"e #rince a snake?je*el and said, -0f you s"ould ever need me, look into t"is je*el and t"ink of me. 03ll "el# you overcome any o%stacle./ ."e #rince saluted t"e ser#ent kin& and took "is leave. By t"e time "e came %ack to "is kin&dom, snakes no lon&er infested it. ."ey *ere all &one, as if %y miracle. ."e kin&, "is fat"er, *as deli&"ted to "ear of "is son3s many adventures, and "e arran&ed anot"er &or&eous *eddin& in "is ca#ital for "is son and "is %ride, t"e #rincess *"o *ei&"ed no more t"an seven jasmines.

OA. 55A, ."e 2rateful Animals.P

52. The *rince 8ho 1arried ?is Own )eft ?alf

."e kin& "ad a son. 6"en t"e #rince came of a&e, t"e kin& *is"ed to &et "im married, %ut t"e youn& man didn3t *ant to &et married. <e listened to no one3s advice, not even to t"e elders3. ."e fat"er %ecame rat"er des#erate and t"reatened to "an& "imself if t"e #rince didn3t &et married. ."e son t"en said, -All ri&"t. +#lit my %ody in t*o and %ury my left "alf in flo*ers. A *oman *ill %e %orn out of it. 03ll marry "er. 0 *on3t marry anyone else./

."e kin& *as terrified t"at "is son *ould die durin& t"e o#eration of cuttin& "im in "alf. <e asked t"e #rince, -0s t"ere no ot"er *ay, a sim#ler *ayL/ ."e #rince said, -."ere3s no ot"er *ay. Dt"er *omen are uncontrolla%le. 0t3s "ard to kee# t"em in line./ ."e kin& finally a&reed. An e1#ert cleaved t"e #rince3s %ody into t*o "alves and %uried t"e left "alf in flo*ers. 0n a fe* days, a lovely *oman came out of t"e flo*ers. ."e ri&"t "alf &re* *"ole, and it *as as if t"e #rince "ad never %een cut in "alf. ."e kin& &ot "er married to "is son accordin& to t"e #ro#er rites. ."e #rince "ad a *onderful #alace %uilt in a deserted #lace for "is *ife, and visited "er t"ere. ."e kin& also *as very fond of "is dau&"ter?in?la*. <e too *ould visit "er no* and t"en and see t"at everyt"in& *as ri&"t for "er. Dne day a *i4ard came to t"at #lace. Dn "is *ay to some far?off country, "e sa* t"is *onderful #alace in a deserted area and "e started *alkin& around it. ."e kin&3s dau&"ter?in?la*, *"o *as standin& at "er *indo*, sa* "im and smiled at "im. ."e *i4ard took s"elter in an old *oman3s "ouse in t"e near%y villa&e. ."e old *oman used to make &arlands for t"e kin&3s dau&"ter?in?la* every day. ."e *i4ard made a fantastic &arland one day, &ave it to t"e old *oman, and said, -.ake t"is to t"e kin&3s dau&"ter?in?la* and tell me *"at s"e says./ ."e old *oman took t"e &arland to t"e kin&3s dau&"ter?in?la*, *"o unfurled it and &ot t"e messa&e. ."ou&" s"e felt "a##y inside, s"e #retended to %e an&ry7 s"e #ressed "er "and in vermilion, sla##ed t"e old *oman3s c"eek, and sent "er "ome. ."e old *oman came "ome *ee#in&, and *"en s"e s"o*ed t"e man "er c"eek, "e consoled "er %y sayin&, -,on3t *orry a%out it. 0t3s not"in&. +"e just *ants to let me kno* t"at s"e is "avin& "er #eriod./ A fe* days later, "e made anot"er &arland for t"e #alace and &ave it to t"e old *oman. ."is time, *"en s"e received t"e &arland, t"e kin&3s dau&"ter?in?la* di##ed "er "and in *"ite lime and sla##ed t"e old *oman3s %reasts. ."e old *oman came "ome *ee#in&. 6"en t"e man sa* t"e *"ite marks, "e said, -,on3t *orry. +"e *ants to tell me t"at it3s full?moon time./ 0n a fe* days, "e sent t"e #alace a t"ird &arland. ."is time t"e kin&3s dau&"ter?in?la* di##ed "er "and in %lack ink and "it t"e old *oman on "er %ackside. +"e came "ome cryin& and told "im *"at "ad "a##ened. ."e man said, -Kou must read t"ese t"in&s ri&"t, old *oman. +"e *ants me to &o to t"e %ack of t"e #alace on a dark ne*?moon ni&"t./ 6"en "e *ent t"ere on t"e dark ne*?moon ni&"t, a ro#e *as "an&in& from t"e %ack *indo* of t"e #alace. <e &ri##ed it and "auled "imself u#, and *ent in t"rou&" a *indo*. ."e kin&3s dau&"ter?in?la* *as *aitin& for "im. +"e *as "a##y and t"ey made love. +"e said to "im tenderly, -0f you come like t"is in your natural s"a#e, t"e &uards at t"e &ate *ill not let you in. +o dis&uise yourself, and you can come "ere often./ ."e youn& man said, -."at3s easy,/ and used to visit "er in t"e &uise of a snake. <e *ould enter t"e #alace t"rou&" t"e drain#i#es. As soon as "e came into "er room "e *ould c"an&e into a man, and t"ey *ould make love. >any days #assed in t"is *ay. Dne day, *"en t"e #rince came to see "is *ife, "e sa* a snake slit"erin& out of t"e drain#i#e. <e at once called "is servants and &ot it killed t"en and t"ere. <e asked t"em to t"ro* t"e dead snake outside t"e #alace, and *ent to "is *ife3s c"am%ers. 6"en "e said, -Kou kno*, 0 sa* a snake comin& into t"e "ouse. Kour luck *as &ood. 0 sa* it, &ot it killed and t"ro*n outside,/ "is *ife "o*led and cried out, Ayyo4 6"at a terri%le t"in&Q/ ."en s"e fainted. 6"en s"e came to, after muc" first aid, s"e *as &rief?stricken inside t"at "er lover "ad %een cau&"t and

killed. But out*ardly s"e #retended to %e terrified of t"e snake and %y "er narro* esca#e. Before "e left, t"e #rince tried to comfort "er %y sayin&, -6"y are you scaredL ."e snake is really dead and &one./ 9rom t"at day on, s"e *as in mournin&. +"e &ave u# food and slee#. Dne day a dasayya, a "oly mendicant, came to "er door askin& for alms. +"e called "im in and asked "im a favor. -Look "ere, dasayya, 03ll &ive you a ru#ee. 0t seems t"ere3s a dead snake lyin& outside. 6ill you &o c"eck if it3s t"ereL/ <e *ent out, c"ecked and found it t"ere, and came %ack to re#ort t"at it *as still t"ere. +"e said to "im, -2o take t"e dead snake to t"e cremation &rounds, cremate it, and %rin& me t"e as"es. 03ll &ive you t*o ru#ees for your trou%le./ ."e dasayya a&reed, took it to t"e cremation &rounds, cremated it accordin& to #ro#er funeral rites, and %rou&"t "er %ack t"e as"es. +"e &ave "im t*o ru#ees first, t"en added t"ree more. -2o no* to a &oldsmit" and &et a talisman,/ s"e ordered. ."e dasayya *ent out a&ain and came %ack *it" a talisman. +"e #laced "er dead lover3s as" in t"e talisman and tied it around "er s"oulder. >ournin& "er dead lover3s deat" all day, s"e &re* t"inner. ."e #rince "eard a%out "er emaciated state and t"ou&"t, ->y *ife "as some secret sorro*. 0 must &o to "er and console "er. +"e3s &ro*in& t"inner eac" day./ <e came to t"e #alace and asked "er *"y s"e looked so t"in and sick. <e talked to "er in any num%er of *ays. <e asked "er to tell "im *"atever *as "a##enin&. But s"e didn3t #art "er li#s once. +"e didn3t tell "im a t"in&. <e made "er sit on "is la# and used all t"e arts "e kne*, and #ersuaded "er. 9inally s"e said, -6"at else can 0 doL Kou3ve ke#t me "ere in a jail. 0 &et to see your face "ere once on full?moon day and once on ne*?moon day. <o* can my "eart %e "a##y or contentL/ ."e kin&3s son felt very contrite *"en "e "eard a%out "er sorro*. -."en 03ll stay "ere all t"e time, every day,/ "e said, to console "er. ."at *as not *"at s"e *anted. +"e said, -03m &oin& to tell you a riddle. 0f you ans*er it, 03ll t"ro* myself in t"e fire and die. 0f you can3t ans*er it, you must t"ro* yourself in t"e fire and die. 0f anyone asks after*ards *"y t"is "a##ened, neit"er of us s"ould tell t"em *"y. 0f you a&ree to t"ese conditions, 03ll tell you t"e riddle. Dt"er*ise, let3s 8uit./ ."e cra4y #rince a&reed. <e #laced "is "and in "ers and &ave "er "is *ord. ."en s"e said, -One for seeing, Two for "urning, Three for wearing it on the shoulderO A hus"and on the thigh, A lo7er on the shoulder4 .ell me *"at it means./ ."e #rince stru&&led and &roaned for days to &et t"e ans*er to t"e riddle. <e could not, for t"e life of "im, find any ans*er. +o, accordin& to "is *ord, "e fell into a fire and killed "imself. <is *ife *"o *as "is o*n left "alf took anot"er lover and lived "a##ily.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif 9 5=5.=, >an s#lits in t*o #arts7 >otif < )(!.', Princess declares "er love t"rou&" si&n lan&ua&e7 not understood7 >otif < )11.=, +i&n messa&e sent %y &irl to enamored #rince: inter#reted %y #rince3s friend7 and >otif < 5A1.1, Riddle #ro#ounded on #ain of deat". +ee also AKR3s comments in Ramanujan 1 1a.P

53. The Rain King0s 8ife

A kin&3s only dau&"ter &ot %ored *it" "er studies one day and called "er &irlfriends for a #icnic in t"e orc"ard. ."e #alace kitc"en made all t"e *onderful dis"es t"ey *anted to take, and t"ey *ent to t"e orc"ard. ."ey ate t"eir dinner, *"ic" tasted like am%rosia. ."ey even c"e*ed t"eir after?dinner %etel leaf and %etel nut like adults. ."e rain &od t"undered and sent do*n %olts of li&"tnin&. ."e #rincess looked u# and said, -D Rain Kin&, *e3re "avin& our #icnic ri&"t no*. 6e3ve just "ad our dinner. 0nstead of no*, couldn3t you come at ni&"tL/ ."e rain sto##ed at once. +o t"ey also ate t"eir evenin& meal in t"e orc"ard and *ent "ome. ."e #rincess *ent to %ed u#stairs. ."at ni&"t t"e rain &od removed a fe* tiles and let "imself into "er %edc"am%er. +"e *oke u# *it" a start and asked "im, - Ayyo, *"o are youL/ <e said, - Arre, didn3t you say Rdon3t come no*, come at ni&"tLS +o 03m "ere./ -All ri&"t, 03m &lad you did,/ s"e said. +"e made "im tea, and *armed *ater for "is %at". ."ey "ad a nice lon& talk, at t"e end of *"ic" t"e rain &od said, -Kou3ve treated me very *ell. 6"at s"all 0 &ive you in returnL/ -0 don3t *ant anyt"in&./ -<o* comeL Kou must ask for somet"in& you like./ -0f you insist. Kou can %rin& me a nice silk %louse./ -."at3s easily done. 03ll &et you a %louse./ And t"e rain &od *ent t"e *ay "e "ad come. Dn "is *ay "ome, "e %ou&"t a %louse for eac" of "is t*o *ives, 2an&akka and 2aurakka, and a t"ird one for t"e #rincess. <e folded t"e t"ird one and "id it in t"e #ocket of "is s"irt, and &ave 2an&akka and 2aurakka t"eir %louses. 6"ile one of "is *ives *as servin& "im food, t"e ot"er one rifled "is #ockets and found t"e t"ird %louse. -.o *"om is "e takin& t"isL/ s"e t"ou&"t jealously, took it to t"e %ackyard, %eat t"e %louse *it" leaves of #oison ivy, and #ut it %ack in t"e #ocket. ."e rain &od kne* not"in& a%out any of t"is. <e tied a note to a cro*3s neck, tied t"e %louse #iece to its talons, and sent it to t"e #rincess t"at ni&"t. ."e cro* #erc"ed on "er roof and ca*ed: -KaQ KaQ/ +"e "eard t"e cry of t"e cro* and came out. +"e found a note in its %eak, *"ic" s"e read, and acce#ted t"e %louse t"e cro* "ad %rou&"t. Be1t mornin&, *"en s"e #ut on t"e %louse after "er mornin& %at", s"e %e&an to itc" all over. +"e *ent %ack to t"e %at""ouse and %at"ed a&ain. Bat"s didn3t "el#. +"e *as misera%le. 0n dis&ust, s"e tore off t"e %louse from "er c"est and t"re* it on t"e &ar%a&e "ea#. ."en s"e %at"ed in very cold *ater, and *ore cool clot"es and *ent to slee#. ."e rain &od came a&ain. -6"y are you lyin& do*nL/ "e asked. -03m "ere./

+"e didn3t so muc" as stir. +"e said not"in&, didn3t say -<a,/ didn3t say -<u,/ didn3t so muc" as say -#ickle,/ not a t"in&. <e tried to talk to "er and make "er talk. <e tried all "is tricks. ."en "e &ot tired and an&ry. <e said, -Look "ere, t"ink carefully. 0f you do t"is to me, you3ll *ander like a %e&&ar and eat ot"er #eo#le3s leftovers for food. ."ink a%out it./ +"e said not a *ord. +"e *as furious. -Kou *on3t talk to me, is t"at itL 03ll come as an untouc"a%leHif you lay eyes on me, t"at *ould %e like talkin& to me. 0f you eat t"e fruit 0 %rin&, t"at *ould %e talkin& to me. 0f 0 come as a donkey and #iss, and you smell t"e stink, t"at *ould %e like talkin& to me. Kou3ll see./ <e t"reatened. <e raved and ranted. But s"e said not"in&. ."e trees dried u#. ."e #onds *ent dry. ."e rain &od %rou&"t #overty to "er #arents. ."e drou&"t in t"e kin&dom forced t"em all to leave and *ander t"rou&" t"e land. ."ey *alked and *alked in t"e "ot sun. ."eir feet seemed to %e on fire. Dn t"e road, t"ere stood a lar&e %anyan tree. 6"en t"ey took s"elter in its s"ade, t"eir dau&"ter refused t"e s"ade and stood in t"e "orrid sun. ."en t"ey came to a melon #atc". <u&e ri#e *atermelons lay rollin& all over t"e field. ."e fat"er *ent over and %rou&"t one. ."ey all ate from it, %ut s"e refused to touc" it. 9art"er on, t"e rain &od came as a >adi&a :untouc"a%le; co%%ler and %rou&"t t"em t"ree ne* #airs of sandals for t"eir feet. -6"y do you *alk %arefoot in t"e "ot sunL .ake t"ese sandals,/ "e offered. <er #arents took t"em and #ut t"em on. +"e *ouldn3t touc" t"em. 0n t"e ne1t villa&e, t"ere *as a *ise old *oman. ."e #rincess3s fat"er and mot"er s"ared t"eir trou%les *it" "er. +"e said, -Poverty may strike anyone. Please stay *it" me,/ and &ave t"em room in "er "ut. ."ey stayed t"ere t*o days and on t"e t"ird day found *ork in t"e fields. ."ey %rou&"t some millet. ."e mot"er said to "er dau&"ter, -+#read t"is &rain on t"e &round and let it dry. 03ll come %ack and &rind it in t"e evenin&. 6atc" it./ 6"ile s"e sat *atc"in& t"e &rain dry, a donkey came and started eatin&. 0t even #issed on t"e &rain. +"e did not"in&. +"e didn3t s"oo it, %eat it, or c"ase it a*ay. ."e old *oman of t"e "ouse said, -6"at a lout you areQ +ittin& t"ere, lookin& on *"en a donkey is eatin& and foulin& your milletQ/ ."e dis&usted old *oman &at"ered t"e millet "erself and took it inside. Be1t day t"e rain &od came to t"e door as a %an&le?seller, cryin&, -Ban&les, %an&lesQ/ +"e "ad no %an&les on "er *rist. +"e sat t"ere *it"out movin& a muscle. ."e nei&"%or *oman invited "er: -Come "ere, a77a. Kou don3t "ave a %an&le on your *rist. Come, *ear some, "ere./ But s"e didn3t move. +o t"e nei&"%or forced "er to sit in front of t"e %an&le?seller and *ent in to attend to "er cookin&. ."e #rincess and t"e %an&le?seller *ere left alone. <e *as *aitin& for t"is moment. <e &ra%%ed "er and vanis"ed *it" "er. <e arrived in anot"er villa&e at anot"er #oor old *oman3s "ouse, asked "er to cook for t"em and feed t"em for t"ree or four days. +"e *as deli&"ted. -+urely,/ s"e said. -Kou are like a son. +"e is like a dau&"ter?in?la*./ ."ey stayed t"ere. After four days, t"e old *oman found t"e cou#le stran&e. +"e asked in some dismay, -6"at3s t"e matter *it" you #eo#leL Kou look like "us%and and *ife. Kou don3t talk to eac" ot"er. Kou don3t say a t"in& to eac" ot"er. 6"at3s t"e matterL 0 *orry a%out you./ ."e rain &od took "er aside and confided in "er. -Ask "er *"y s"e is silent. Listen to *"atever comes out of "er li#s. 03ll %e u#stairs./ ."e old *oman asked t"e #rincess t"at evenin&, -6"y, *"at3s "a##ened %et*een you t"at you are silentL 0s t"ere anyt"in& t"at you cannot tell meL/ - A77a, can 0 tell you anyt"in& *it"out any fearL/

-.ell me everyt"in& *it"out a fear./ - A77a, my &irlfriends and 0 *ent to t"e orc"ard for a #icnic. ."e sky *as overcast, and rain darkened t"e sky. +o 0 said, RD Rain 2od, instead of comin& no*, couldn3t you come toni&"tLS And "e came to my room t"at ni&"t. <e asked me *"at 0 *anted. 0 said, R2et me a %louse.S <e &ot one se*n, and sent it to me *it" a cro*. 0 #ut it on. 0t &ave me t"e most terri%le itc". >y %ody itc"ed all day all over. <e #layed a cruel trick on me. +o 0 *on3t talk to "im. 0 don3t *ant to "ave anyt"in& to do *it" "im./ <e over"eard t"e conversation. <e came do*n, &ave t"e old *oman a t"ousand ru#ees, and took t"e youn& *oman "ome. <e called "is *ives, 2an&akka and 2aurakka. -6"o touc"ed t"e %louse in t"e #ocket of my coatL/ "e roared. -Bot me, not me,/ t"ey said. -.ell me t"e trut". 6"o took itL/ -Bot meQ Bot meQ Ask 2aurakka,/ said one. -Bot meQ Ask 2an&akka,/ said t"e ot"er. ."ey %e&an to accuse eac" ot"er. ."e trut" came out in t"eir 8uarrel. -0 don3t *ant eit"er of you in my "ouse. 6"at you did no* you3ll do a&ain,/ said t"e rain &od. <e "ad t"em tied to an ele#"ant3s le&s and dra&&ed t"rou&" t"e streets. ."en "e returned t"eir *ealt" and #om# to "is ne* love3s #arents, and t"ey "ad a &reat *eddin& at t"eir #alace. ."ey are "a##y t"ere, *"ile *e are sittin& "ere.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif , =1A'.1.(.1, Rain caused to fall in certain #lace %y rain &od :0D;7 and >otif K ====, .reac"erous co?*ife.P

54. Rich 1an6 *oor 1an

."e #riest of t"e >onkey 2od tem#le *as a #oor man. <e *as very devoted to t"e &od, *ors"i#ed t"e &od every day, and ke#t t"e tem#le in order. But "e *as very #oor. Dne day "e t"ou&"t of se*in& u# "is torn s"irt. But "e "ad neit"er needle nor t"read. +o "e sent "is *ife to t"e *eaver3s "ouse to &et a yard of t"read. ."en "e *ent #ersonally to t"e ric" gowda3s "ouse to %orro* a needle. Before lendin& "im t"e needle, t"e gowda said, -Look "ere, you may %orro* our needle if you *is". But if you lose it, 03ll take a*ay your %uffalo./ ."e #oor man a&reed and came "ome *it" t"e needle. >ean*"ile, "is *ife "ad %rou&"t t"e t"read. But t"e #riest suddenly remem%ered it *as time to offer *ors"i# to t"e &od. +o "e said to "is *ife, -0t3s *ors"i# time. 03ve &ot to &o. .ake t"is needle,/ and t"re* "er t"e needle %efore "e left for t"e tem#le. +"e *as careless and lost it. 6"en s"e s*e#t t"e floor, it *ent out *it" t"e &ar%a&e. Be1t day, t"e gowda sent "is servant to collect "is needle. 6"en "e "eard t"at t"e needle *as lost and couldn3t %e found, t"e gowda drove t"e #oor man3s %uffalo to "is o*n "ouse and tied it in "is s"ed. But t"e %uffalo *as sickly and &ot sicker %y t"e day. +o t"e gowda ordered t"e %uffalo to %e driven to t"e untouc"a%le colony, *"ere t"ey *ould kill it and skin it. ."e #riest, *"en "e "eard t"is, came runnin& to t"e gowda3s "ouse, %e&&in& for t"e "ide of t"e dead %uffalo. ."e gowda told t"e untouc"a%les t"at

t"ey could kill t"e %uffalo and eat t"e meat, %ut t"ey s"ould &ive t"e "ide to t"e #oor #riest. +o, *"en t"ey slau&"tered t"e %uffalo, t"ey &ave "im t"e "ide. <e dried it and t"ou&"t of sellin& it at t"e market. <e *alked all day. <e *as tired, and it *as evenin&. <e found a &reat %i& tree in t"e *oods and t"ou&"t of restin& t"ere. <e clim%ed it, #ut t"e %uffalo "ide on a %ranc", and fell aslee# on anot"er ne1t to it. Bo*, it so "a##ened t"at a &an& of ro%%ers used to %rin& t"eir day3s ill?&otten loot t"ere every evenin& and divide it u# amon& t"emselves under t"at tree. ."at day, t"ey "ad %roken into a ric" man3s "ouse and stolen a lot of &old, silver, and cas". Late t"at ni&"t, as t"ey sat under t"e tree countin& t"eir day3s #lunder, a *ind s#ran& u# and s"ook t"e %ranc"es. ."e violence of t"e *ind dislod&ed t"e %uffalo "ide from t"e %ranc" and it fell from %ranc" to %ranc" makin& a loud dadal4 dadal4 sound. ."e ro%%ers sa* it comin& do*n at t"em and fled in #anic, callin& out to eac" ot"er, -0t must %e some &"ost or &o%linQ Run, B"imyaQ Run, KariyaQ Kamanya, don3t leave me %e"indQ/ ."eir noisy e1it *oke u# t"e #riest, *"o came do*n t"e tree, found to "is deli&"t a &reat treasure lyin& %efore "im, *aitin& for "im to &at"er itH*"ic" "e did, scoo#in& u# every last coin and je*el. 6"en "e came "ome and *anted to measure "is &ood fortune, "e *ent a&ain to t"e gowda to &et a rice measure. ."e gowda *as sus#icious and &ave "im t"e measurin& vessel *it" a little %ees*a1 stuck to its %ottom. ."e #riest didn3t notice it. <e measured all "is &old and silver and returned t"e vessel. A silver coin "ad stuck to t"e *a1. ."e gowda looked at it and asked t"e man, -<ey, *"ere did you &et t"ese coinsL/ ."e #riest re#lied, -0 sold my %uffalo "ide in t"e market and t"ey &ave me a lot of money./ ."e gowda said to "imself, -0f a sin&le sickly %uffalo3s "ide can fetc" so muc" money, "o* muc" more *ill my cattle fetc"L Dur "ouse is full of cattle and 0 *ill %e even ric"er t"an 0 am no*./ +o t"inkin&, "e sent all "is cattle to t"e untouc"a%le colony and asked t"em to slau&"ter t"em all and %rin& "im t"e "ides. ,reamin& of %i& money, "e carted t"e "ides from market to market. 6"o *ould &ive "im %i& money for t"emL <e "ardly &ot a cou#le of "undred ru#ees for all t"e "ides. A fe* *eeks later, t"e #riest, no lon&er #oor no*, *ent to t"e gowda and asked "im, - <owdaPre, &ive me t"e coconut s"ells you3ve t"ro*n in your %ackyard./ And "e %urned t"em, collected t"e as" in a lar&e %a&, loaded it on a %ullock, and took to t"e road. <e crossed t*o or t"ree to*ns and decided to cam# in a Bullock 2od3s tem#le outside t"e fourt" to*n. At t"at time, anot"er man, a merc"ant, came to t"e same tem#le to rest for t"e ni&"t. <e *as carryin& a %a&ful of #earls and diamonds. 6"en t"ey fell into a friendly conversation, t"e merc"ant asked "im, -6"at do you trade inL/ -D, mostly &old dust,/ ans*ered t"e #riest casually. ."en t"ey *ent to slee#. 6"en t"e #riest *as fast aslee#, t"e merc"ant #lanned to e1c"an&e "is %a& for t"e #riest3s and leave to*n. +o "e sneaked out in t"e middle of t"e ni&"t, took t"e #riest3s %a& from "is %ullock, #laced "is o*n on it, and left. <e didn3t even c"eck t"e contents of t"e %a& "e took. 0n t"e mornin&, t"e #riest found t"at t"e %a& looked different and "eavier. <e o#ened it and *as deli&"ted %y t"e #earls and diamonds in it. A&ain "e *ent to t"e gowda3s to %orro* t"e rice measure. A&ain, t"e gowda stuck a #iece of %ees*a1 on it and &ave it to "im. ."e #riest measured "is #earls and diamonds, and t"is time a #earl and a diamond stuck to its %ottom. ."e gowda looked at t"em, and asked "im in astonis"ment, -6"ere did you &et t"emL/ -0 sold a %a& of as"es,/ said t"e #riest. ."e gowda *as furious. <e screamed, -Kou took t"e coconut s"ells from my %ackyard and &ot t"e

as"es, didn3t youL 03ll %urn your "ouse and &et my as"esQ/ And "e ordered "is men to %urn do*n t"e #riest3s "ouse and &at"er t"e as" in %a&s. 6"en "e took t"e as" to t"e market, no%ody *ould %uy it. At t"e end of t"e day, a #otter %ou&"t t"e as" for a 8uarter of a ru#ee. Dn "is *ay %ack, t"e frustrated gowda %adly needed a cu# of tea. <e *ent to t"e tea s"o#, drank "is tea, and looked for t"e 8uarter to #ay for it, %ut "e "ad lost it some*"ere in "is an1iety over t"e as"es. <e almost &ot %eaten *it" s"oes over t"e #rice of a cu# of tea. >ean*"ile, t"e merc"ant *"o "ad stolen t"e #riest3s %a& of as" fared no %etter. <e "ad taken it into "is to*n market and #oured it out, %ra&&in& t"at it *as all &old dust. 6"en mere as" #oured out of t"e %a& and fle* into everyone3s eyes, #eo#le %eat "im u# *it" t"eir s"oes. ."e gowda *as no* an&ry. <e decided to t"ro* t"e #riest into t"e river. <e and all "is #eo#le s"ut u# t"e #riest in a trunk and took it to t"e river%ank. Gust as t"ey *ere &ettin& ready to t"ro* it into t"e *ater, t*o %eautiful deer a##eared. ."e #arty &ot e1cited and everyone *anted to "unt t"em. 6"ile t"e "unt *as on, t"e trunk *it" t"e #riest in it sat on t"e river%ank unattended. A s"e#"erd drivin& a "erd of t"ree "undred s"ee# "a##ened to come t"at *ay. <is eye fell on t"e trunk. 6"en "e o#ened it, "e found t"e #riest crouc"in& in it. -6"y are you lyin& in a %o1 like t"atL/ "e asked. ."e #riest said, -."ey3re takin& me to my *eddin&./ -ReallyL/ said t"e s"e#"erd, *"o "ad never found a *oman to marry "im. -0f t"at3s so, take all my s"ee# and let me take your #lace. 0 *ant so muc" to &et married. 03ll %e so &rateful./ ."e #riest %e&an to fei&n reluctance. -6"at do you t"inkL ,on3t 0 *ant to &et marriedL/ "e #rotested. But after makin& t"e s"e#"erd %e& and cry and insist, t"e #riest clim%ed out of t"e %o1 *it" "is "el#, &ot "im to si&n t"e s"ee# over to "im, and #ut t"e s"e#"erd in t"e %o1, askin& "im to make no sound. ."en "e drove t"e "erd of t"ree "undred s"ee# to some distance. ."e gowda and "is #arty "urried %ack after a futile "unt and t"re* t"e trunk into t"e river *it"out a t"ou&"t. A little *"ile later, lo and %e"old, t"ere *as t"e #riest "a##ily comin& to*ards t"em, makin& drivin& noises like - chigaa4 chigaa4 / at a "erd of t"ree "undred fat s"ee#. ."ey *ere astonis"ed, and t"e gowda asked "im *"ere "e "ad &otten t"e s"ee# and "o* "e "ad &otten out of t"e trunk at t"e %ottom of t"e river. <e said, -D gowdaPre, "o* can 0 tell you "o* *onderful it *asL 0 am &rateful to you. But you dro##ed me in s"allo* *ater. +o 0 &ot only t"ree "undred s"ee#. 0f you "ad t"ro*n me in dee#er *aters, and in a trunk t"at "ad "eavier stones, 03d "ave %rou&"t %ack many more s"ee#. 0 *ould %e even more &rateful to you if you *ould t"ro* me into t"e river a&ain. 6ill you #leaseL/ ."e gowda lau&"ed at "im. -Are you cra4yL ,on3t you t"ink *e *ant s"ee# tooL 6e3ll also %rin& some %ack from t"e river. Kou t"ro* us into t"e river. 0f you don3t s"o* us t"e ri&"t #lace, *e3ll kill you,/ "e said. ."en t"e #riest asked t"em to &et some trunks. ."ey %rou&"t ten or fifteen. ."e *"ole #arty *as in a "urry and &ot into t"em, ur&in& "im to *ei&" t"em do*n *it" %i& rocks. ."e #riest #ut locks on t"em and &ot t"em t"ro*n into t"e river, one %y one, slo*ly, and *it" &reat satisfaction. ."en "e came %ack to t"e villa&e and %e&an to live in a mansion as %i& as t"e gowda3s o*n. +oon "e %ecame t"e gowda "imself and %e&an to rule t"e villa&e.

<e is t"ere and *e are "ere.

OA. 15'5, ."e Ric" and t"e Poor Peasant7 A. 1)5', ."e Ro%%ers under t"e .ree.P

55. A age0s 8ord

A kin& "ad a &ro*n?u# dau&"ter. <e *as tryin& to &et "er married, so "e s"o*ed "er t"e #ictures of many #rinces. But s"e didn3t care for any of t"em. 9inally, s"e said one day: -,on3t *orry, fat"er. 03ll &o find a %ride&room for myself./ +o s"e *ent, *it" a retinue of servants. +"e *ent far. +"e reac"ed a forest in t"e "eat of day. As s"e *as %y no* dyin& of t"irst, s"e sent off "er #eo#le in all directions in searc" of *ater. Bo one could find any river or *ell or tank any*"ere. A cook3s son *as #art of t"e retinue. <e too *ent lookin& for *ater. At some distance, "e sa* a %i& "ill. A &litterin& stream *as flo*in& from its side. As "e came to t"e foot of t"e "ill, "e sa* a rishi :a sa&e; mutterin& and c"antin& under a tree. <e *as also #ourin& *ater from one "and to anot"er. ."e %oy a##roac"ed "im and asked, -6"at are you doin&, old manL/ -Bot"in& muc",/ "e ans*ered. -03ve mastered a ma&ic s#ell. 6"en t"e *ater in t"is "and joins t"e *ater in t"is ot"er "and, #eo#le *"o don3t *ant to &et married &et married. Like t"e joinin& of *ater to *ater./ -."en, can 0 ask you somet"in&L/ -2o a"ead. Ask./ -Dur #rincess is out on t"e road searc"in& for a suita%le %ride&room. Please find "er one./ -Look, "o* a%out &ettin& you to marry "erL/ -Dld man, don3t talk like t"at. +"e3s a #rincess. 03m a cook3s son./ -Koun& fello*, see *"at a rishi can do. .ell me your name./ -Karre##a/ :-Black fello*/;. -6"at3s t"e #rincess3s nameL/ -+"akuntala./ -2ood. <ere, Karre##a and +"akuntala are a cou#le no*,/ "e said, #ourin& t"e *ater of one "and into anot"er. ."e cook3s son *as %e*ildered. <e filled "is #itc"er *it" *ater and *ent %ack. ."e #rincess *as dyin& of t"irst. 6"en "e &ave "er *ater, s"e drank lots of it. 0t tasted s*eet, divine. <a##y in "er satisfaction, s"e asked, -6"o are youL/ -03m your cook3s son, madam./ -6"ere did you find t"is *aterL/ -+ome distance from "ere. 0 *alked till 0 came to a %i& "ill. A stream flo*s on t"at "illside. ."ere 0 sa* an old man. <e *as #ourin& *ater from one "and to anot"er. 0 asked t"e old man *"at "e *as doin&. <e said, R+ome #eo#le refuse to marry anyone. By addin& t"is "and3s *ater to t"at, 0 can &et t"em to marry.S ."en 0 said, RDld man, our #rincess is one suc". 6"ere is a %ride&room for "erLS RRi&"t "ere,S "e said. <e t"en #oured t"e *ater from one "and to anot"er, and said t"at you and 0 *ill marry./

."e #rincess *as furious. -."is lad is talkin& nonsense *it"out any res#ect for rank,/ s"e said, and called "er servants. -<an& "im u# from t"at tree and &ive "im las"es till "e is %lue,/ s"e ordered. ."ey did as t"ey *ere told and left "im t"ere. <e "un& t"ere, %lack and %lue, &roanin& till ni&"t fell. ."at re&ion "ad a kin&. <e "ad no c"ildren. <e used to #ray to 2oddess Kali every day for a c"ild. ."at ni&"t, t"e &oddess a##eared in "is dream and told "im, -.omorro* at da*n, &o "untin& in t"e forest. Kou3ll "ear sounds of cryin&. Kou3ll find a %oy t"ere. ,o not in8uire into "is reli&ion, "is %irt", or "is family. Pick "im u# and make "im your son./ Accordin&ly, t"e kin& *ent "untin& in t"e forest. <e looked every*"ere, kee#in& "is ears o#en for "uman sounds. <e "eard &roans. 6"en "e *ent near, "e found a youn& man of si1teen or t*enty "an&in& from a tree, "is "ands and feet tied *it" ro#es. <is %ody *as all %loody. ."e kin& %rou&"t "im do*n &ently, &ot "im untied, and took "im "ome. 9or si1 mont"s, t"ey &ave "im every kind of attention. ."e youn& man t"rived on it. ."e kin& &ot "im tutors and educated "im. 0n five or si1 years, "e made "im "is "eir. >ean*"ile t"e #rincess *andered t"rou&" many lands and came "ome *it"out a "us%and. <er fat"er *as disa##ointed. <e talked to "er in &reat sorro*: -6"at3s t"e matter *it" you, my &irlL All your &irlfriends are mot"ers of four and five c"ildren. 0f t"e kin&3s dau&"ter is like t"is, *"at *ill ordinary #eo#le doL 0 "ave to listen to a %arra&e of %ad *ords from my #eo#le. Gust make u# your mind, and marry someone. Please./ ."at sounded ri&"t to "er t"is time. +"e even felt "er "air *as %e&innin& to s"o* si&ns of &ray. +o s"e told "im decisively, -All ri&"t t"en. 2et me #ictures. 03ll c"oose one #icture and name t"e man. Kou can arran&e t"e *eddin& t"en./ ."e kin&, "er fat"er, at once &ot %usy and %rou&"t "er "undreds of #rinces3 #ictures, as %efore. +"e looked and looked, #ut aside "undreds, and c"ose one of t"em. <e *as none ot"er t"an t"e cook3s son, *"o "ad ne*ly %ecome a #rince, &iven to a kin& %y t"e &oddess. As soon as "er eyes fell on t"e #icture, t"e sa&e3s #o*er "ad %e&un to *ork on "er. +"e couldn3t take "er eyes off t"e #icture. +"e acce#ted "im. ."e kin&, "er fat"er, *rote letters, made journeys, ordered all sorts of arran&ements, and t"ey "ad a &ala *eddin&. Accordin& to custom, t"e %ride&room3s #arty took t"e %ride to t"eir #lace. ."ere, *"en t"e cou#le *ere alone in t"e %edc"am%er, t"e #rincess *anted to touc" "er "us%and3s feet. <e sto##ed "er. <e said, -6ait. 03ve somet"in& to say./ -6"at is itL/ s"e asked. <e ans*ered, -0 %ecame a #rince %y your &ood deeds./ <e told "er a%out t"e day "e *as "un& u# %y t"e tree and *as %eaten, and "o* "is luck "ad turned t"at day, "o* it "ad led to t"is "a##y *eddin&. ."ey talked for a lon& time and *ere deli&"ted *it" eac" ot"er.

OA. '(A, ."e Predestined 6ife.P

57. The erpent )o/er

A youn& *oman, let3s call "er Kamaks"i, *as married to a "us%and *"o *as no &ood. <e *ent after a

concu%ine. +"e *as #atientHs"e t"ou&"t t"at t"e man *ould mend "is *ays and return to "er tomorro*, if not today. But "e &ot more and more dee#ly infatuated *it" "is "arlot and took to stayin& *it" "er ni&"t and day. <is *ife t"ou&"t, -."is is 2od3s *ill, it3s <is &ame,/ and "eld "er ton&ue. .*o or t"ree years #assed. Dne day, an old *oman *"o lived ne1t door talked to "er. -6"at is t"is, my dearL <o* can you take it, *"en your "us%and never talks to you and lies in t"e #i&sty of a "arlot3s "ouseL 6e must do somet"in& a%out it. 03ll &ive you some love medicine. >i1 it *it" "is food and serve it to "im. ."en your man *ill %e your slave. <e3ll live at your feet, do *"atever you *is". Gust *atc"./ ."e des#airin& youn& *ife t"ou&"t, -6"y notL/ +"e %rou&"t "ome t"e old *oman3s #otion and mi1ed it *it" s*eet #orrid&e. But, to "er "orror, t"e #orrid&e turned %lood?red. +"e said to "erself, -."is stuff, *"atever it is, instead of makin& "im love me, may make my "us%and cra4y. 0t may even kill "im. Let "im %e "a##y *it" anyone "e *ants. 0f "e is alive, %y 2od3s &race, "e3ll come %ack to me some day./ And s"e #oured t"e %lood?red #orrid&e into a snake "ole %e"ind "er "ouse. 0t so "a##ened t"at t"ere *as a snake in t"at "ole, and it drank u# t"e s*eet #orrid&e. ."e love #otion acted on it and t"e snake fell madly in love *it" "er. ."at ni&"t, it took t"e s"a#e of "er "us%and and knocked on "er door. <er "us%and, as usual, *as out. +"e *as startled %y t"e knock. 6"o could it %eL +"ould s"e let t"e #erson inL 6"en s"e #ee#ed t"rou&" t"e c"ink in t"e door, t"ere *as a man outside *"o looked e1actly like "er "us%and. 6"en s"e talked to "im, "e talked e1actly like "er "us%and. <e "ad t"e same voice and manner. +"e took "im in *it"out askin& too many 8uestions and "e made "er very "a##y t"at ni&"t. <e came to "er ni&"t after ni&"t, and in a fe* days s"e *as #re&nant. 6"en t"e snake came to kno* of it, "e *anted to tell "er t"e trut". <e said, -Kamaks"i, *"o do you t"ink 0 amL Kour "us%andL Bo, 03m t"e kin& of snakes. 0 fell in love *it" you and came to you in "is s"a#e./ ."en "e s"ed "er "us%and3s form and %ecame a five?"eaded ser#ent. +"e *as terrified and s"ut "er eyes. <e c"an&ed %ack into "er "us%and3s form a&ain. -Kou kno* no* 03m t"e kin& of snakes. 0 live in t"at snake "ole %e"ind your "ouse. 0 drank your #orrid&e, and 0 don3t kno* *"at you #ut in it, %ut 0 fell in love *it" you. 0 couldn3t "el# comin& to see you and makin& love to you. Kou3re #re&nant no*, %ut t"ere3s no need to #anic a%out it. 03ll see to it t"at everyt"in& &oes *ell. Kour "us%and *ill come %ack to you and live "a##ily *it" you. 03ll also arran&e for t"at "arlot of "is to come and %e your servant,/ "e said, and *ent %ack to "is "ole in t"e &round as a snake. ."e #lace %u44ed *it" t"e ne*s of t"e *oman3s #re&nancy, and t"e errant "us%and "eard a%out it too. <e fle* into a ra&e. -<o* could s"e do t"is to meL/ "e screamed. <e *ent strai&"t to "is fat"er?in?la* and #rotested, -9at"er?in?la*, 0 "aven3t sle#t in t"e same %ed *it" your dau&"ter for t"ree years no*. +"e "as taken a lover, t"e *"ore. <o* else did s"e &et #re&nantL/ ."e fat"er?in?la* summoned "is dau&"ter and asked "er, -Kour "us%and is sayin& t"ese slanderous t"in&s. 6"at do you sayL/ +"e re#lied, -<e "as never %een &ood to me. But 03ve done not"in& *ron&./ <er fat"er *asn3t convinced. ."at ni&"t s"e talked to t"e kin& of snakes, *"o said, -<a, t"at3s very &ood. ,on3t you *orry a%out it. .omorro* t"e kin&3s court *ill %e in session. 2o t"ere %ravely, and say, R."e c"ild in my *om% is my "us%and3s, no one else3s.S 0f t"ey don3t %elieve you, say t"en, R03ll #rove it to you %y takin& t"e test of

trut". 0n t"e +iva tem#le, t"ere is a kin& co%ra. 03ll "old it in my "and and #rove to you t"e trut" of *"at 0 say. 0f 03m false, 03ll die.S / Be1t day, t"e raja3s court assem%led. ."e raja said to t"e "us%and, *"o *as t"ere *it" "is com#laint, -.ell us *"at your sus#icions are. ."e elders can clear t"e dou%ts./ ."e "us%and &ot u# and said, -@lders, 0 "ave not sle#t in t"e same %ed *it" my *ife for t"ree years no*. <o* did s"e &et #re&nantL Kou tell me *"at you t"ink./ +"e rose and e1#ressed utter sur#rise. -D @lders, if my "us%and is not *it" me in t"is, *"ere can 0 &o for *itnessesL <e comes to me every ni&"t. ."at3s "o* 0 &ot #re&nant. 0f you don3t %elieve me, 03ll &o "andle t"e co%ra in +iva3s tem#le. 0f 03ve done any *ron&, may it %ite me and kill me./ ."e elders a&reed to t"e c"astity test. ."e *"ole court adjourned to t"e +iva tem#le. ."ere *as an a*esome five?"eaded snake coiled round t"e +iva?lin&a. Kamaks"i concentrated all "er mind and senses, and #rayed aloud so t"at everyone could "ear, -D Lord, t"e c"ild in my *om% is my "us%and3s. All ot"er men are like %rot"ers to me. 0f *"at 0 say is false, may you stin& me to deat"./ ."en s"e #ut out "er "and and took t"e co%ra, *"o *as none ot"er t"an "er lover, t"e kin& of snakes. <e "un& around "er neck like a &arland, o#ened "is "oods, and s*ayed &ently. ."e onlookers *ere a*estruck. ."ey said, - 6he, che, t"ere "as never %een suc" a c"aste *ife. ."ere never *ill %e anot"er %etter t"an "er,/ and saluted Kamaks"i. ."ey *ere ready to *ors"i# "er as a #ara&on of *ives, a !ati7rata. ."e "us%and *as %e*ildered and felt like a fool. Bine mont"s #assed. +"e &ave %irt" to a divine?lookin& son. <e &lo*ed and *as %eautiful. <er "us%and for&ot all "is dou%ts *"en "e sa* "is son. <e took to #layin& *it" t"e c"ild every day for a lon& time after dinner. ."e concu%ine %ecame an1ious a%out "is comin& later and later eac" day, and so asked a maid to investi&ate t"e matter. ."e maid re#orted, -<e "as a lovely son. Kour man #lays *it" "im a lot after dinner. ."at3s *"y "e comes late./ ."e concu%ine too *anted to see t"e c"ild. ."rou&" a discreet maid s"e sent a messa&e to Kamaks"i t"at s"e *ould love to see t"e c"ild of t"e man t"ey %ot" loved. 6ould s"e kindly send "im *it" "er maid for a s"ort timeLKamaks"i, coac"ed %y "er ser#ent kin&, said s"e *ould send t"e c"ild on one condition. -03ve #ut a lot of je*elry on my son. 03ll *ei&" "im *"en 0 send "im to you, and 03ll *ei&" "im a&ain *"en "e is returned. 0f anyt"in& is missin&, t"at concu%ine *ill "ave to %ecome my servant and "aul #itc"ers of *ater to my "ouse./ ."e confident concu%ine a&reed and said, -6"o *ants "er je*elryL +"e can *ei&" "im all s"e *ants./ Before Kamaks"i sent t"e c"ild, s"e took "im to t"e kin& and *ei&"ed t"e c"ild *it" all "is ornaments in t"e kin&3s #resence. ."e concu%ine *as very taken *it" t"e c"ild, took "im "ome, #layed *it" "im for "alf an "our, and sent "im %ack carefully *it"out tam#erin& *it" any of "is ornaments. Dn "is return, Kamaks"i and "er maids *ei&"ed t"e c"ild a&ain in front of t"e kin&. ."e kin& of snakes "ad done "is %it mean*"ile. +everal ornaments *ere missin& and t"e *ei&"t came u# s"ort. ."e kin& at once summoned t"e astonis"ed concu%ine and ordered "er to "aul *ater to Kamaks"i3s "ouse. <er "us%and &ave u# t"e concu%ine3s com#any, favored "is *ife in all t"in&s, and *as su#remely "a##y *it" "er. 0n t"e "a##iness of re&ainin& "er "us%and, Kamaks"i for&ot t"e kin& of snakes. +"e *as *"olly a%sor%ed in "er "us%and and son no*. Dne ni&"t, t"e kin& of snakes came to see "o* Kamaks"i *as doin&. <e sa* "er lyin& ne1t to "er "us%and and c"ild, fast aslee#, contentment *ritten on "er face. <e couldn3t %ear t"is c"an&e. 0n a fit of

jealous ra&e, "e t*isted "imself into Kamaks"i3s loose tresses, *"ic" "un& do*n from t"e ed&e of t"e cot, and "an&ed "imself *it" t"em. 0n t"e mornin&, on *akin&, s"e felt t"at "er "air *as "eavy. 6onderin& *"at *as *ron& *it" it, s"e s"ook it, and t"e dead snake fell to t"e floor. +"e *as &rief? stricken. <er "us%and asked, -6"y do you *ee# over t"e carcass of a snakeL <o* did a snake &et into our %edroom any*ayL/ +"e re#lied, -."is is no ordinary snake. 0 "ad made offerin&s to "im so t"at 0 mi&"t &et my lost "us%and %ack. 0t3s %ecause of "im you3re *it" me no*. <e3s like a fat"er to my son. As you kno*, a snake is like a %ra"min, t*ice?%orn. ."erefore, *e s"ould "ave #ro#er funeral rites done for t"is &ood snake, and our son s"ould do it./ ."e "us%and a&reed, and t"e son #erformed all t"e #ro#er funeral rites, as a son s"ould for a fat"er. Kamaks"i felt s"e "ad re#aid "er de%t and lived "a##ily *it" "er "us%and and "er son.

OA. A''C, ."e +er#ent <us%and and t"e Gealous 2irl :0D;. +ee also AKR3s comments in Ramanujan 1 1%.P

5.. A hepherd0s *ilgrimage

A %ra"min once started out on a #il&rima&e to Kas"i. A s"e#"erd *"o *as &ra4in& "is s"ee# on t"e mound asked "im, - Swami, *"ere are you &oin&L/ -03ll &o *"ere 0 *ant to. Kou stay *it" your s"ee#,/ said t"e %ra"min. -D %ra"min sir, #lease tell me *"ere you are &oin&,/ %e&&ed t"e s"e#"erd. ."e %ra"min re#lied, -03m &oin& to Kas"i./ -0f you3re &oin& to Kas"i, 03ll come *it" you,/ said t"e s"e#"erd. -6"at *ill you do *it" t"e s"ee#L/ -D, not"in&. ."ey3ll &ra4e t"eir fill and t"en t"ey3ll &o "ome. Peo#le t"ere *ill look after t"em. Let me &o *it" you./ -All ri&"t, you can come *it" me,/ said t"e %ra"min. +o t"ey *alked to*ards Kas"i to&et"er. After a little *"ile, t"e s"e#"erd asked, - Swami, *"ere is Kas"iL/ -Kou3ll see it, you3ll see it. ,on3t %e in suc" a stu#id "urry./ - Ayyo, t"en s"o* it to me. 6"ere is itL/ -,on3t %e"ave like an im#atient demon. Gust come *it" me. Kou are a s"e#"erd. Kou *on3t %e a%le to see t"e &oddess of t"e 2an&es any*ay./ -Kou said you3ll s"o* me Kas"i. 6"ere is itL/ asked t"e s"e#"erd. -0t3s not too far. Come and see t"e %ank of t"e 2an&es,/ said t"e %ra"min, s"o*in& "im t"e "oly river. -."en *"ere is Kas"iL/ -<ere, you idiot, ri&"t in front of you. ."is is Kas"i. And t"is is t"e River 2an&es. And don3t you talk to me no*. 0 "ave to take my %at",/ said t"e %ra"min.

- Ayyo, *"y are you doin& t"is to meL 0 *as &ra4in& my s"ee# and you said you *ould s"o* me Kas"i. <ere you s"o* me t"is river, t"is *ater. Kou are a #"ony %ra"min. ,o *e "ave to come t"is far to see a %it of *aterL ,on3t *e "ave *ater in our villa&e tankL/ scolded t"e s"e#"erd. ."e &oddess 2an&es "eard t"is and found it terri%ly amusin&. @veryone *as overa*ed %y "er river, t"e 2an&es, "oliest of rivers. <ere *as someone *"o *asn3t even im#ressed %y it. +o s"e lau&"ed aloud, and came strai&"t u# out of t"e river. +"e "eld "im %y t"e c"in affectionately, asked "im to o#en "is mout" and s"o* "er "is ton&ue. 6"en "e #ut out "is ton&ue, s"e called "im a #oor dear fool and *rote ma&ic letters on "is ton&ue and %lessed "im: ->ay you understand t"e lan&ua&e of all ei&"teen million %ein&s. And you3ll %e cro*ned kin& in t"ree days. But if you tell anyone a%out t"is, may your "ead %reak into a t"ousand #iecesQ/ And t"en s"e vanis"ed. ."e %ra"min mean*"ile di##ed and di##ed in t"e "oly *ater of t"e 2an&es and didn3t &et even one &lim#se of t"e &oddess. But t"e idiot s"e#"erd "ad understood everyt"in& in a flas", in t"at one moment. <e left t"e %ra"min %e"ind and *alked on %y "imself. <e listened to t"e %irds and understood *"at t"ey said. <e listened to t"e ants and understood *"at t"e ants said. <e soon *alked into a city *"ere t"e rei&nin& kin& "ad just died. Accordin& to custom, t"ey "ad sent out t"e royal ele#"ant *it" a &arland. 6"ile t"e #eo#le of t"e city stood in t"e streets an1iously *aitin& for t"e ele#"ant to #ick t"e ne1t kin& and &arland "im, it *andered to*ards t"e s"e#"erd, *"o *as standin& t"ere *atc"in& t"e fun, t"re* t"e &arland round "is neck, #icked "im u#, and #laced "im on its %ack. ."e #eo#le c"eered and led "im to t"e #alace to cro*n "im kin&. ."ey even found a #rincess for "im and asked "im to rule t"e kin&dom. Dne day, "e asked "is 8ueen to #lay !achisi on t"e terrace. As t"e t*o of t"em sat do*n to #lay and started rollin& t"e dice, a line of ants *as formin& close to *"ere t"ey sat. ."e ant at t"e "ead of t"e line sa* t"e cou#le #layin& dice, and turned around. ."e *"ole line scattered at once and %e&an to move a*ay. ."e ant?in?c"ief asked t"e one in front *"y t"e line *as movin& a*ay. 0t re#lied, -D, look, t"e kin& is sittin& t"ere. 0 felt a %it s"y./ ."e c"ief ant re#lied, -6"y do you "ave to %e s"yL Let3s marc" ri&"t in front of "im. 6"at can "e do to usL/ ."e kin& "eard it all. <e understood every *ord of it and %urst out lau&"in&. ."e 8ueen asked "im *"y. <e said evasively, -Because 03m &oin& to *in and you3re &oin& to lose./ +"e said, -0 kno* t"at3s not *"y you lau&"ed. .ell me t"e trut"./ <e said, -6ell, 0 could tell you. But if 0 did, my "ead *ould s#lit into a t"ousand #ieces./ -@ven if your "ead s"ould s#lit into a t"ousand #ieces, you s"ould tell me. Kes, you must,/ said t"e 8ueen, #outin&. -,o 0 really "ave to tell youL ,on3t you *ant me to stay aliveL/ -Live or die, %ut you must tell me *"y you lau&"ed t"e *ay you did./ -."en 03d rat"er die. >ake arran&ements for t"e funeral. Drder seven cartloads of sandal*ood for t"e cremation fire,/ said t"e kin&. And at once s"e ordered seven cartloads of sandal*ood and made a fire in a #it. Before "e t"re* "imself in t"e fire "e t"ou&"t "e s"ould circumam%ulate "is ca#ital city. As "e *alked t"rou&" t"e city in a ritual #rocession, "is eyes fell on a "e?&oat and a s"e?&oat &ra4in& on an old fort *all. ."e "e?&oat said, -2et me t"ose leaves t"at "ave fallen t"ere. 0 can3t reac" t"em./ ."e s"e?&oat re#lied, -0 can3t. 0t3s too close to t"e ed&e. 0 may fall and die./

."e "e?&oat said, -0f you die, 0 *on3t %ecome a *ido*er. 03ll &et anot"er s"e?&oat. 03m not like t"e foolis" kin& of t"is country *"o is ready to fall into t"e fire %ecause "e can3t tell "is *ife *"at3s on "is mind. 6"y can3t "e t"ro* "er into t"e fire and &et "imself anot"er 8ueenL/ ."e kin& sto##ed t"ere for a minute and "eard *"at t"e "e?&oat "ad said. <e turned to "is *ife and asked "er, -,o you really *ant to "ear *"y 0 lau&"edL/ -Kes, *"at elseL/ s"e said. -0f 0 tell you, 03ll dieQ/ -."en die if you must. .ell me first and t"en die,/ said s"e. By t"is time t"ey "ad come to t"e #it of fire. 6"en t"ey reac"ed t"e ed&e, instead of jum#in& into it "imself, "e sei4ed "er and t"re* "er into t"e %la4in& fire. ."en "e &ot "imself anot"er 8ueen and lived for a lon& time.

OA. )!(, ."e Animal Lan&ua&es.P

59. ister (row and ister parrow

."e cro* and t"e s#arro* *ere once &reat friends. 6"en t"ey *ent on a #icnic one day, t"ey *ere cau&"t in a rainstorm. ."e cro* "ad a "ouse made of co* dun&, t"e s#arro* a "ouse of stone. 6"en t"e rain %e&an to #itter?#atter, t"e s#arro* 8uickly finis"ed "er meal and fle* "ome. ."e cro* t"ou&"t s"e could *ait a little lon&er. +"e *as too la4y to fly. +"e sat on a lame donkey stro##in& its %eak for 8uite a *"ile, and *"en s"e *ent "ome s"e *as 8uite *et. <er "ouse made of co* dun& "ad all melted a*ay. +"e t"ou&"t s"e mi&"t as *ell &o t"e s#arro*3s "ouse and s#end t"e ni&"t t"ere. ."e s#arro* *as snu& and *arm in "er stone "ouse, all "er doors secure and %olted s"ut. ."e cro* knocked on t"e %olted door and said: +ister +#arro*, +ister +#arro*, 03ll die in t"e cold, 03ll die in t"e rain, if you don3t o#en t"e door, if you don3t o#en t"e doorQ ."e s#arro* said, -6ait a minute. 03m feedin& my c"ildren./ After a *"ile, t"e cro* knocked a&ain and said, +ister +#arro*, +ister +#arro*, 03ll die in t"e cold, 03ll die in t"e rain, if you don3t o#en t"e door, if you don3t o#en t"e doorQ -6ait, *ait,/ said t"e s#arro*. -03m feedin& my "us%and./ ."e cro* *aited in t"e rain some more, knocked a&ain and said, +ister +#arro*, +ister +#arro*, 03ll die in t"e cold, 03ll die in t"e rain,

if you don3t o#en t"e door, if you don3t o#en t"e doorQ -6ait, *ait, 03m makin& %eds for my "us%and and my c"ildren,/ said t"e s#arro* from inside. ."e #oor cro* *aited some more in t"e rain, and cried, +ister +#arro*, +ister +#arro*, 03ll die in t"e cold, 03ll die in t"e rain, if you don3t o#en t"e door, if you don3t o#en t"e doorQ At last t"e s#arro* o#ened t"e door, %ut sayin& im#atiently, -Kou3re al*ays in a "urry, aren3t youL/ ."e cro* *as *et and s"iverin&. ."e s#arro* asked "er after a *"ile, -+ister Cro*, *"ere *ould you like to slee#L 6ill you slee# on t"e c"ick#ea sack or t"e lentil sackL/ -D, 03ll %e "a##y to slee# on t"e c"ick#eas./ -All ri&"t t"en, t"ere it is./ As t"e cro* *as still s"iverin& *it" t"e cold, s"e asked for a little *arm stove. And as s"e *as "un&ry, s"e also asked for a #iece of %etel nut to c"e* on, and t"en sat *armly on t"e c"ick#ea sack. 6"en everyone *as aslee#, s"ouldn3t t"e cro* %e 8uietL Bo, s"e couldn3t do t"at. +"e took t"e c"ick#eas out of t"e sack one %y one, #ut t"em on t"e stove, *armed t"em, and %e&an to crunc" on t"em noisily. 6"enever t"e s#arro* asked, -6"at3s t"at noiseL/ t"e cro* *ould ans*er, -Bot"in& really, +ister +#arro*, 03m just c"e*in& on t"e %etel nut you &ave me./ ."e katumPkatum sound of crunc"in& c"ick#eas *as "eard all ni&"t. And %y mornin&, t"e cro* "ad eaten more t"an "er fill, and couldn3t "old "er %o*els. +"e s"at co#iously and filled t"e no*?em#ty c"ick#ea sack. After s"e "ad done so, s"e kne* at once s"e couldn3t stay t"ere any lon&er. +"e kne* s"e *ould %e scolded and #er"a#s even %eaten *"en found out. +o, as soon as t"e door *as o#ened early in t"e mornin&, s"e fle* out in a "urry, *it" a flurry of *in&s. +ister +#arro* *as taken a%ack and said to no one in #articular, -6"at3s t"e matter *it" +ister Cro*L +"e didn3t even stay for a cu# of tea. +"e left *it"out even sayin& &ood%ye./ ."en s"e made some tea and drank it *it" "er family, *"en t"e c"ildren %e&an to #ester "er. - Amma, it3s cold. 6arm us some c"ick#eas./ And t"ey *ent to t"e c"ick#ea sack, #ut t"eir "ands in, and screamed, - A y y a y y o o4 / -6"at3s t"e matter, c"ildrenL/ -Auntie Cro* "as dirtied t"e *"ole sackQ/ cried t"e s#arro*3s c"ildren. ."e s#arro* *as 8uite an&ry no*. +"e called "er c"ildren to&et"er and told t"em to *atc" for t"e cro* *"en t"ey *ere #layin& outside. -0f you see "er, call "er. .ell "er, R>ummy is makin& s*eet s*eet #orrid&e. +"e *ants you to come in and "ave some.S / +ure enou&", *"en t"e c"ildren *ere at #lay, t"e cro* did fly a%ove t"em. ."ey at once called out to "er, -Auntie Cro*, Auntie Cro*, >ummy is lookin& for you. +"e3s made s*eet s*eet #orrid&e and s"e *ants you to come in and "ave some./ ."e cro* came in "a##ily, cro*in& as s"e entered, -+ister +#arro*, 0 "ear you3ve cooked some s*eet #orrid&e. 0t3s al*ays delicious./

-D yes, do come in. 03d asked t"e c"ildren to invite you./ ."e s#arro* mean*"ile "ad "eated a tile till it *as very "ot and "ad ke#t it ready in a corner. 6"en t"e cro* asked "er, -6"ere s"all 0 sitL/ s"e said at once, -."ere, on t"at tileQ/ As soon as t"e cro* sat do*n, s"e *as %urned all over, and s"e fle* out ca*in& loudly in #ain. ."e s#arro* mocked "er: -+ister Cro*, +ister Cro*, you3re t"e #erfect &uest. Kou stay in our "ouse, you eat our c"ick#eas, and you leave us a sack of your s"itQ/ ."e s#arro* c"ildren jum#ed u# and do*n in s"eer joy at t"eir mot"er3s act of reven&e. ."e cro* never came t"at *ay a&ain. ."e s#arro* *as"ed everyt"in& clean and &ave "er c"ildren fres" c"ick#eas.

OA. 1=', ."e 6olf and t"e Kids.P

5-. i/a *lays #ouble

A saukar :ric" man; *as very vain. Ric"es &o to ric" #eo#le3s "eads. <e even t"ou&"t t"at "e *as e8ual to Lord +iva. +o "e "ad t"e to*n crier announce t"rou&" t"e villa&e t"at "e s"ould %e *ors"i#ed in all t"e tem#les instead of +iva and t"at s#ecial son&s of #raise s"ould %e sun& a%out "im. <is servants %eat u# anyone *"o diso%eyed "is orders. <e *as a terror. ."e terrified to*nsmen sto##ed *ors"i#in& +iva. ."ey &ave u# *earin& "oly as" on t"eir %ro*s. ."ey re#eated t"e saukar3s name as if it *ere +iva3s and told #rayer %eads. +iva, of course, came to kno* a%out t"is scandal. <e decided to teac" t"e ric" man a lesson and came to t"e to*n one mornin& in t"e &uise of a "oly man. <e roamed t"e streets loudly recitin& #raises of +iva. ."is *as strictly a&ainst t"e saukar3s orders. +o "is servants %eat u# t"is "oly man and softened "im u#. ."ey didn3t listen to "is cries and ar&uments. ."e saukar s"outed, - 8admash4 Kou talk of +ivaL 6"at "as "e doneL 03m t"e one *"o #ays t"e *orkers in t"is to*n, 0 &ive t"em &rain. ."ink of me, not +iva./ ."e "oly man *ent %ack to t"e tem#le yard *"ere "e sle#t, "is %ody %ruised and %lackened. ."en t"e saukar "ad to &o out. <e called "is *ife and said, -0 "ave to ins#ect *ork in t"e fields. 0 may %e late, don3t *ait u# for me. Let everyone eat./ <ardly "ad "e left "is "ouse and turned t"e corner *"en +iva took on "is a##earance and arrived t"ere. As an e1act look?alike, "e "ad t"e saukar3s face, manner, and voice. <e *ent into t"e "ouse and called t"e servants. -Look "ere, Rama, B"ima,/ "e *arned t"em. -03ve just "eard t"at some *ily ma&icians "ave come into to*n. ."ey may come "ere in my s"a#e and deceive you. ."ese ro%%ers are #lannin& to deceive us and take our #ro#erty. +o, %e careful. ."ro* out anyone *"o looks like me. 0f t"ey make trou%le, let me kno*./ ."e servants sat at t"e door, ready *it" cud&els. <e *ent in and said to "is *ife, -03ve a %ad "eadac"e. +o 0 came "ome./ ."en "e %at"ed for a lon& time and ate dinner and talked to "er. By t"is time it *as noon. ."e real saukar, tired after a mornin&3s su#ervision and *ork in t"e fields, came "ome. <is servants, Rama and B"ima, sat at "is &ate *it" cud&els. ."ey didn3t even &et u#. 6"en t"ey laid eyes on "im, t"ey *ere startled. But t"ey didn3t &ive "im a c"ance. ."ey cau&"t "im, cud&eled "im, and mocked "im: -A", you t"ink you3ll "ood*ink us %y dressin& like our master. Kou scoundrel, take t"is, and t"is, and t"isQ/

."e saukar *as non#lussed. <e %e&an scoldin& t"em as usual: -Bastards, you3ve %e&un to &et drunk even at noon. ,on3t you reco&ni4e meL/ ."ey didn3t. ."ey only %o1ed "is ears. ."en "e t"ou&"t it mi&"t %e %etter to return %y evenin& *"en t"ey mi&"t "ave so%ered u#. <e *as "un&ry and sore. 6"en "e came %ack in t"e evenin&, "e received t"e same treatment. <e &ot an&ry at first, t"en #leaded, t"en %e&&ed. 0t *as all in vain. Gust t"en "e "eard +iva3s voice from inside, soundin& e1actly like "is o*n. ."e servants res#onded, ->aster, someone is "ere, #retendin& to %e youQ/ Drders came from *it"in t"e "ouse. -6"at are you *aitin& forL Beat "im and send "im a%out "is %usinessQ/ +o t"ey did. <e *as sore and tender in every lim%, "e "ad %ruises all over, and %lood flo*ed from "is "ead as "is o*n servants ran "im out of to*n. -2od, *"at did 0 doL 6"y are t"ey doin& t"is to meL +ome #retender must "ave taken my #lace,/ "e t"ou&"t. -0 *ill take t"e case to t"e elders tomorro*,/ "e decided, as "e sle#t on t"e "ard un#aved stones of t"e tem#le yard. Be1t mornin&, "e *ent to t"e villa&e elder3s "ouse even %efore t"e old man *as fully a*ake. <e #resented "is case, #leaded *it" t"e elder, asked t"e villa&e council to save "im. ."e elder reco&ni4ed "im, listened to "is story, and t"en sent a messen&er to t"e saukar3s "ouse. But "e and "is fello*?elders *ere %affled %y t"e ne*s t"at t"ere *as anot"er saukar t"ere *"o looked e1actly like t"is one. ."e elder decided to &et to t"e %ottom of t"is mystery and called t"e to*ns#eo#le to t"e tem#le. 6"en summoned, +iva came to see t"em, lookin& and actin& e1actly like t"e saukar. ."e un"a##y saukar *as already t"ere. ."e #eo#le looked at %ot" of t"em: t"is one *as like t"at one, t"at one *as like t"is one. ,ou%les, t*ins. Bo one could tell *"o *as t"e real saukar. Baffled, t"ey *ere at t"eir *its3 end *"en an e1#erienced old man su&&ested a test. -."e real master of t"e "ouse *ould kno* all t"e details of t"e "ouse. Let3s ask t"em,/ "e su&&ested. +o t"ey asked, -<o* many co*s are t"ere in t"e s"edL <o* many s"ee#L <o* muc" money is in t"e money %o1L/ 6"en t"e elder asked t"ese 8uestions, %ot" t"e saukars &ave "im t"e same ans*ers. @i&"teen co*s, t"irty s"ee#. 9inally "e asked, -<o* muc" cas" do you "ave in t"e money %o1L/ ."e real saukar said, -A%out five t"ousand./ +iva said, -9ive t"ousand five "undred fifty?five ru#ees, t*o annas./ <ere at last *as a difference. +o t"ey sent messen&ers and "ad t"e money %o1 %rou&"t to t"e tem#le. ."e elder counted t"e money in everyone3s #resence and it *as e1actly five t"ousand five "undred fifty?five ru#ees and t*o annas, not a ru#ee more, not an anna less, e1actly as +iva "ad said. +o t"ey t"ou&"t t"at t"e real saukar *as t"e false one and &ave "im a "undred las"es till "e felt ri#e and tender all over. C"ased out of to*n %y little %oys, "e sta&&ered to t"e +iva tem#le outside t"e ram#arts. <e t"ou&"t of 2od t"en. -D +iva, save me,/ "e cried. -6"y is t"is "a##enin& to meL/ 6"en you3re do*n, you t"ink of 2od, don3t youL."e Lord, sittin& at "ome, "eard "im cryin&. -At last, "e t"ou&"t of me,/ "e said, and came into t"e tem#le at once, in t"e &uise of t"e "oly man. <e asked innocently, -6"y are you cryin&L/ - Swami, *"at s"all 0 doL 0 kno* no* *"at 0 did *ron&. .*o days a&o, you came to my door and 0 asked my servants to %eat you. .oday someone *"o looks like me "as taken my #lace. 03ve no #lace to &o. 0 took t"e case to court and t"at ot"er fello* *on it. 6"at s"all 0 doL/ -2o "ome no*. 0t3s all 2od3s s#ort. Kou *ere a ric" man %ecause 2od &ave you ric"es. 0f <e doesn3t &ive, *"ere *ill you %eL 6ors"i# <im. 2o "ome no* and you3ll find everyt"in& as it *as %efore,/ said

+iva, and "ealed all "is %ruises. 6"en "e came "ome, t"ey looked after "im and served "im and, to "is sur#rise, asked no 8uestions. ."ey only *ondered *"y "e looked stran&ely su%dued. <e %ecame a devotee of +iva.

OA. !5!, ."e Kin&3s <au&"tiness Punis"ed.P

7;. The parrow 8ho 8ouldn0t #ie

A ric" gowda and "is men *ere so*in& #eas. As t"ey *ere so*in&, a s#arro* fluttered do*n from a jali %us" and started eatin& t"e #eas. As s"e *as eatin& t"e #eas, t"e #easant cau&"t t"e s#arro*, tied "er le&s, and "un& "er u# on t"e %us". As s"e *as "an&in& t"ere, "e asked, -Are you dead, +#arro* dearL/ 6"en "e asked "er t"at, s"e ans*ered, Bot dead, not deadQ 03ve eaten t"e ric" gowda3s #eas, Bo* 03m s*in&in& on a s*in&Q 6"en s"e ans*ered t"us, "e #icked "er u# and t"re* "er into %oilin& *ater. ."ro*in& "er into t"e %oilin& *ater, "e asked "er, -Are you dead, +#arro* dearQ/ 6"en "e asked "er t"at, s"e ans*ered, Bot dead, not deadQ 0 ate t"e gowda3s #eas, 0 s*un& on "is s*in&, Bo* 03m %at"in& in "is *arm *aterQ 6"en s"e ans*ered t"us, "e #ut "er in t"e flour mill and &round "er to #o*der. <avin& &round "er to #o*der, "e asked "er, -,id you die no*, +#arro* dearL/ 6"en "e asked "er t"at, s"e ans*ered, 0 didn3t die, 0 didn3t dieQ0 ate t"e gowda3s #eas, 0 s*un& on "is s*in&, 0 %at"ed in "is *ater, Bo* 0 slee# in "is turnin& millQ 6"en s"e ans*ered t"us, "e took out t"e flour in t"e mill and made it into %atter, cooked it into a savory :jhanaka; #aste, and ate it all u#. <avin& eaten t"e jhanaka, "e *ent out at da*n to s"it. As "e s8uatted do*n, out fle* t"e s#arro* from "is ass"ole. And as s"e fle*, s"e said to "im, - <owda, <owda, see "o* 0 tricked youQ/ Y +"e is t"ere and *e are "ere. +lee# no*, my &randson, slee# no*. Y Y

OA. =(A1, ."e Bird 0ndifferent to Pain.P

7,. A parrow 8ith a ingle *ea

A s#arro* fle* all over t"e villa&e and %rou&"t %ack a sin&le #ea. As s"e *as a%out to eat it, sittin& on a fence, t"e #ea sli##ed from "er %eak and fell to t"e &round. ."e s#arro* fle* do*n and started searc"in& for it *"en a t"orn #ricked "er fore"ead. Blood flo*ed from t"e *ound and t"e s#arro* said, -Look, look, my vermilion markQ/ Be1t day, t"e *ound festered and t"ere *as #us. ."e s#arro* said, -Look, look, sandal#aste on my %ro*Q/ 0n anot"er day, t"ere *ere ma&&ots in "er %ro*. -Look, look,/ said t"e s#arro*, ->y little onesQ/ Be1t day, as s"e died, t"e s#arro* said, -Look "o* 0 slee#Q/

OBK.., %ut #ossi%ly a fra&mentary or a%rid&ed version of A. =('A,, Bird3s Pea &ets stuck in socket of >ill?"andle :0D;.P

72. Tales for a *rincess

A kin& "ad an only dau&"ter. 6"en s"e turned si1teen, "e *as an1ious to see "er married. <e called "er one day and said, -,au&"ter, 03ve decided to find you a "us%and./ +"e "ad o%viously t"ou&"t a%out it. +"e said, -0 *ant to find my o*n "us%and, fat"er. Build me a seven?storeyed "ouse./ -+urely, 03ll %uild you one. But "o* *ill t"at "el#L 0f you sit in a seven?storey mansion, *ill t"at #roduce a %ride&roomL/ -03ll marry t"e man *"o can make me s#eak to "im t"ree times. Build t"e "ouse for me and "an& a necklace on t"e first &ate. 2et a live %lack kin& co%ra for t"e second &ate, a %ear for t"e t"ird, and a ti&er for t"e fourt"./ ."e %e*ildered kin& ordered t"e seven?storey #alace %uilt, and arran&ed for t"e necklace, t"e co%ra, t"e %ear, and t"e ti&er at t"e four &ates. <e sent t"e to*n crier *it" "is tom?tom around "is kin&dom announcin& "is dau&"ter3s *is"es: anyone *"o can make "er s#eak t"ree times *ill *in "er "and in marria&e. +cores of candidates came into to*n, %ut t"ey "adn3t reckoned *it" live %lack co%ras and %ears and ti&ers. ."ey could "ardly &o any*"ere near t"e #alace. Dne day, t*o friends, %ot" "andsome men, *ere #assin& t"rou&" t"e city and "a##ened to *alk outside t"e %y?no* notorious #alace. ."e #rincess sa* t"em from "er *indo* and liked t"eir looks. +o s"e sent t"em a note in "er o*n "and. ."e note said: Bo one in t"e *orld "as succeeded so far, %ut one of you may. 9rankly, 03m sick of *aitin&. 6"y doesn3t one of you tryL ."e friends read it, looked at eac" ot"er, and lau&"ed out loud. As t"ey lau&"ed, t"ey also "eard t"e lau&"ter of t"e maids *"o "ad %rou&"t t"e note. ."e t*o friends sto##ed lau&"in& and asked t"em, -6"y do you lau&"L/ -D, no reason./

-Come no*, you must tell us. 6e are stran&ers "ere, and *e3ll tell no one. 6e #romise./ ."e maids liked t"em. ."ey said, -."e kin& mustn3t kno*. 0f "e learns t"at *e3ve talked to you, "e3ll c"o# off our "eads./ -6e *on3t tell "im. 6e don3t even kno* "im. .ell us./ ."e &irls &i&&led some more and said, -6e #lanned t"is seven?storey #alace and "el#ed %uild it. 6e kno* all a%out it. Dn t"e first &ate "an&s a %eautiful necklace. 0t *ill scintillate in t"e sun and it *ill distract you. ,on3t stand t"ere &a#in& at it. 2o to t"e ne1t &ate and &ive an e&& to t"e %lack co%ra. <e3ll love it, and you can sli# t"rou&". At t"e t"ird &ate, &ive t"e %ear some "oney. At t"e fourt", feed t"e ti&er a #iece of meat. 6"en t"ey eat t"ese, t"ey3ll let you #ass. Kou can &et all t"ese t"in&s in t"e s"o#s near%y./ ."e t*o friends lost no time in %uyin& an e&&, some "oney, and a #iece of meat for t"e animals &uardin& t"e &ates. 6"en t"ey came to t"e &ate, one of t"em *as fascinated %y t"e necklace and stood t"ere lost in admiration *"ile "is friend moved on. <e fed t"e e&& to t"e snake, t"e "oney to t"e %ear, t"e meat to t"e ti&er, and soon stood %efore t"e #rincess. Bo*, "o* s"ould "e talk to "er and make "er talk to "imL <e t"ou&"t for a minute and %e&an a story. -A kin& "ad a dau&"ter ready for marria&e. +o "e c"ose a youn& man and said, R03d like to &ive my dau&"ter to you.S But t"e elder %rot"er of t"e #rincess "ad &iven "is *ord to one of "is friends. <e "ad also said, R03ll &ive my sister in marria&e to you.S 6it"out tellin& eac" ot"er, t"ey "ad even arran&ed marria&es for t"e &irl. ."e fat"er "ad said, R0t3ll %e on >onday.S ."e %rot"er too "ad said, R>onday.S 6"en >onday came, t"e t*o %ride&rooms and t"eir #arties arrived, all dressed u#, from t*o different directions. ."e %ride *as so em%arrassed %y t"is confusion t"at s"e jum#ed into a *ell. Dne of t"e %ride&rooms *as so affected t"at "e too jum#ed into t"e *ell to join t"e %ride. ."e ot"er %ride&room *as so affected t"at "e left t"e #lace and *ent on a lon& #il&rima&e. Bo*, 0 can3t tell for t"e life of me, *"o is t"e ri&"t "us%and for "er. Could it %e t"e man *"o *ent on a #il&rima&eL Dr t"e man *"o joined "er in t"e *ellL/ ."e clever #rincess, *"o "ad "eld "er ton&ue so far, couldn3t "el# %reakin& "er silence, and ans*ered #ertly, -Df course, t"e man *"o jum#ed into t"e *ell *it" "erQ Bot t"at fello* *"o ran a*ay./ -A", t"at seems ri&"t,/ said t"e man, and %e&an anot"er story. -."ree friends set out on a journey to a distant city. ."ey *ent to t"e #ier to catc" a %oat, %ut t"ey *ere too late. 0t "ad just left. +o t"ey decided to slee# t"ere till mornin&. ."e #lace *as infested *it" ro%%ers, and t"ese men *ere carryin& a lot of money. +o t"ey a&reed t"at t"ey s"ould take turns and one #erson s"ould stay a*ake7 eac" *ould kee# *atc" for four "ours. ."e first man, *"o *as a car#enter, found a #iece of *ood and carved a female fi&ure to *"ile a*ay "is time. 9our "ours *ent %y and it *as time for t"e ne1t man to kee# *atc". <e *as a #ainter, so "e colored and #ainted t"e doll. At t"e ne1t *atc", t"e t"ird man, a &oldsmit", #ut je*elry on t"e doll3s %ody. Bo*, if it came to life, *"ose *ife s"ould t"e doll %eL ."e car#enter3sL ."e #ainter3sL ."e &oldsmit"3sL 03ve never %een a%le to decide./ ."e youn& man didn3t "ave lon& to *ait. ."e #rincess s#oke u# and told "im, -Kou must %e dum%. <o* can s"e %e anyone3s e1ce#t t"e &oldsmit"3sL/ -A", t"at seems ri&"t,/ said t"e man, and immediately %e&an "is t"ird story. -0n a certain to*n, a %ra"min lived *it" "is dau&"ter, *"o *ent to t"e villa&e sc"ool. ."ere, a teac"er used to %eat "er every day, even t"ou&" s"e did not"in& *ron& and *as actually very &ood at "er class *ork. +"e asked "im one day, R0 do all my lessons ri&"t and on time. 6"y do you %eat meLS/

-."e teac"er, *"o *as a %it of a lec"er, said, RPromise me one t"in& and 0 *on3t %eat you anymore. 6"en you &et married, #romise t"at you3ll come to me first %efore you &o to your "us%and3s %ed.S/ ."e &irl, tired of %ein& t"ras"ed every day for not"in& at all, a&reed. >ay%e s"e *as very youn&, and didn3t kno* *"at s"e *as really #romisin&. Any*ay, t"e t"ras"in& sto##ed from t"at day on. ."e &irl &re* u#, came of a&e, and &ot married. Dn "er *eddin& ni&"t, as s"e came to "er "us%and3s %ed, s"e said to "im, R0 must do somet"in& first. 0 #romised my teac"er t"at 0 *ould &o to "im first on my *eddin& ni&"t.S -."e "us%and said, RKou must &o t"en. A #romise is a #romise.S R03ll %e %ack soon,S s"e said and left, takin& *it" "er a %it of &old as a &ift for "er old teac"er. Dn t"e *ay, in t"e darkness of t"e ni&"t, four ro%%ers *aylaid "er./ - R2ive us all t"at je*elry on your %ody and t"at &old #iece, or else *e3ll kill you,S t"ey said./ -But s"e *as not scared. +"e re#lied, RBrot"ers, 03m &oin& some*"ere to kee# an old #romise. After 03ve done t"at, 03ll come "ere on my *ay %ack. ."en you can "ave all t"e je*elry 03m *earin&. Kou can trust me.SAnd t"ey trusted "er and let "er &o. Before lon&, a ti&er sto##ed "er./ - R03m very "un&ry,S it &ro*led. R03m &oin& to eat you.S -+"e said to t"e ti&er, RCan you *ait a littleL 03ve &ot to &o see my old teac"er. 0 #romised "im 0 *ould. Gust let me &o no* and 03ll come %ack. Kou can eat me t"en. 0 #romise.S -."e ti&er too couldn3t "el# trustin& "er and so "e let "er &o. +"e *alked and *alked for a lon& time and arrived at "er teac"er3s "ouse. +"e knocked on "is door, and *"en "e o#ened it "e *as astonis"ed to see "er, "is old #u#il, tired %ut #retty, and all decked out in "er %ridal dress and je*elry. <e asked "er, R6"at3s t"e matterL 6"y did you come "ere in t"e dead of ni&"tLS -+"e ans*ered, R0 &ave you my *ord t"at 0 *ould come and see you on my *eddin& ni&"t. +o 0 came.S -."e old sc"oolmaster said, R<o* silly of youQ 0 must "ave %een teasin& you *"en you *ere a little &irl. 03m sur#rised you took it seriously, after all t"ese years. Kou are an innocent, a very rare one.S -And "e took "er in, &ave "er fruit and s*eets to eat, and %lessed "er. +"e ni%%led on a s*eet, %ut s"e *as in a "urry to &o %ack./ - RBo* t"at t"is is done, 0 s"ould &o %ack. ."ere are #eo#le *aitin& for me.S/ R0n t"e middle of t"e ni&"tL Rest "ere and &o in t"e mornin&,S "e ur&ed./ - RBo, 0 must &o no*,S s"e insisted./ -."en "e offered to send a servant *it" "er. But s"e refused all suc" escort, t"ou&" t"e sc"oolmaster, "is *ife, and c"ildren :*"o *ere all u# %y no*; s"o*ed muc" concern. +"e %ade t"em all a 8uick &ood%ye, asked t"em not to *orry on "er account, and "urried %ack. ."e &irl3s &oodness and merit :!unya; mean*"ile "ad %rou&"t t"e #oor starved ti&er a run of luck. +oon after s"e left, "e "ad found a fat "e?%uffalo and *as "a##ily finis"in& off a &reat meal *"en t"e &irl a##eared./ - RKou can eat me no*,S s"e said./ -."e ti&er said, softly, RKou are my sister. Kou are my mot"er. Because of your !unya, 0 &ot t"is fine meal, t"is juicy %uffalo. 0 can eat t"is for days. 2o no*, *it" my %lessin&s.S-9art"er on, s"e met t"e four ro%%ers and offered t"em all "er je*elry and t"e &old t"at t"e teac"er didn3t *ant to acce#t. But s"e "ad %rou&"t t"em &ood luck tooHa &reat %i& cart loaded *it" cas" and silver "ad come t"eir *ay soon after s"e "ad left. ."ey *ere just sittin& do*n to divide t"e loot amon& t"emselves./ -."ey said, R+ister, %ecause of your !unya *e are ric" no*. 6e *ill &ive you a do*ry and take you

"ome.S RBo, 0 don3t *ant any of t"at,S s"e said, and "urried "ome to "er "us%and./ -Bo*, 03m 8uite lost,/ said t"e storyteller. -0 can3t, for t"e life of me, decide *"o did t"e &reater deed. 6as it t"e "us%and *"o let "er &o to anot"er man on "is *eddin& ni&"tL ."e teac"er *"o didn3t take advanta&e of "erL Dr t"e ro%%ers *"o trusted "erL Dr t"e ti&er *"o #ut aside "is animal "un&er and took "er at "er *ordL 0 can3t tell./ ."e #rincess didn3t even let "im finis", and s#oke: -Df course, t"e ro%%ers3 lettin& "er &o *asn3t muc". ."e ti&er lettin& "er &o *as a %it %etter, %ut not so &reat. But t"e "us%and lettin& "er &o *as t"e &reatest t"in&./ Before s"e "ad even finis"ed s#eakin&, s"e reali4ed s"e "ad already s#oken t"ree times to t"e youn& manH%ut s"e *asn3t un"a##y a%out it. +"e "a##ily told "er fat"er, - A!!a, "ere at last is my "us%andQ/ ."e kin&, *"o *as *aitin& for t"is moment, ordered "u&e colorful cano#ies to %e #ut u# all over t"e city, asked t"e to*n crier to announce at once t"e &ala event in every street and lane, &ot every nook and corner *as"ed and decorated, and arran&ed a fa%ulous *eddin&. ."e %ride and &room *ere "a##y and so *as everyone else.

OA. A5, Luck and 0ntelli&ence.P

73. The Tal"ing !ed

A gowda "ad seven sons. <e "ad &ot si1 of t"em married. ."e sevent" son "ad not liked any of t"e &irls *"o *ere offered in marria&e to "im. 9inally "e found one to "is likin& in a nei&"%orin& villa&e. <er fat"er "ad five sons and a dau&"ter. ."e youn& man said "e *ould marry only on t"e condition t"at "is fat"er?in?la* *ould feed "im rice and &"ee for t*elve years. ."e fat"er?in?la* a&reed and t"e *eddin& took #lace. ."e youn& man didn3t %rin& "is *ife "ome %ut *ent instead to "is in?la*s and stayed *it" t"em. All t"rou&" t"e first year t"ey served "im rice and &"ee, a full measure of cooked rice and a full measure of &"ee. <e *ould eat it all u# and &o %ack to %ed. <e didn3t do a s#ot of *ork. <is five %rot"ers?in?la* and t"eir *ives &rum%led and com#lained. 6"en t"ey couldn3t take it any lon&er, t"e five %rot"ers?in?la* asked t"eir fat"er for t"eir s"are of t"e ancestral #ro#erty, and t"e old man divided u# all "e "ad and &ave t"em t"eir s"ares. >ean*"ile, t"e youn& man never even s#oke to "is *ife. <e just ate "is meals and *ent to %ed. <is fat"er? and mot"er?in?la* fed "im and served "im fait"fully and tired t"emselves out. ."eir #ro#erty melted a*ay and disa##eared day %y day. ."ey %e&an to &rind c"ea# ragi in t"eir &rindin& stone, and ate it *"ile feedin& t"eir son?in?la* rice and &"ee accordin& to t"eir #romise. @leven years #assed t"is *ay. Dn t"e first day of t"e t*elft" year, t"e youn& man talked to "is *ife: -@leven years "ave #assed. Ask your #eo#le to cut t"e coral :hali7ana; tree in t"e %ackyard and fill my room *it" t"e tim%er./ ."ey did so. Be1t day, "e asked "is *ife to %rin& "im a c"isel and a "ammer and leave t"em in "is room. +"e did so. <e ate "is midday meal and started *orkin& on t"e *ood. <e *orked all day and all ni&"t, for mont"s. <e carved a %edstead in a style no one "ad ever ima&ined. 0t took "im a *"ole year to finis" it. ."en "e told "is *ife, -Ask four men to come "ere tomorro*./ ."e old fat"er?in?la* %rou&"t four stron& men t"e ne1t day. 6"en t"ey came, t"e youn& man asked t"em to lift t"e %edstead on t"eir %acks, and led t"em to t"e city of >ysore, *"ere "e asked t"em to #lace it on a "i&" mound. ."e *"ole city came to

see it. .*o eyes *ere not enou&" to look at it. Peo#le said, -."is %edstead is ma&nificent. Dnly a raja" can slee# on it./ -6e must &et t"is as a #resent for our raja",/ t"ey said to eac" ot"er. 6"en t"ey asked t"e man t"e #rice, "e said, -."e %edstead *ill tell you. Ask it./ ."ey *ondered "o* a #iece of furniture could s#eak. >ore cro*ds came to see t"e *onder. ."ey asked t"e men to carry it to t"e #alace yard. ."e %edstead "ad four #laces *"ere t"ey could li&"t lam#s, four dolls carved on t"e four le&s, and on all four sides t"ere *ere statuettes of men and do&s. ."ey %rou&"t it to t"e #alace. ."e 8ueen offered it *ors"i#. 0t *as evenin&. ."e raja" announced t"rou&" t"e to*n crier3s drum, -."e kin& *ill ascend t"e %edstead./ After a feast, "e "ad t"e %edstead carried to "is room and "e lay on it alone. As "e finis"ed a na#, t"e smallest of t"e carved dolls said, -Brot"er, 03ll &o and see t"e si&"ts of >ysore city./ ."e raja" "ad told "is minister to stand &uard *it" "is naked s*ord, and "e "ad come to t"e #alace t"at ni&"t *it" "is s*ord uns"eat"ed. >ean*"ile, t"e minister3s *ife "ad a "oly mendicant :gosa7i; for a lover. 6"en s"e "eard t"e to*n crier3s announcement, s"e "ad sent *ord to "er gosa7iQ -0f t"e raja" is &oin& to ascend "is ne* %ed, every%ody *ill %e at t"e #alace *atc"in& t"e s#ectacle. Let3s &o off %y ourselves./ <e "ad said, -Let3s do t"at./ +"e *ent to "is #lace *it" a %undle of food and all "er &old and saris, ready to elo#e. But t"e gosa7i said to "er, ->eetin& like t"is is no &ood. 6"erever *e &o, your "us%and *ill come after us. Kou must kill "im and %rin& me "is "ead./ +"e *ent "ome, cooked some rice on t"e stove, and *ent "erself to t"e #alace to fetc" "er "us%and "ome to eat "is dinner. +"e insisted t"at "e s"ould come "ome at once. <e came "ome, ate "is dinner, and *ent to slee#. +"e cut off "is "ead and #laced it on a &olden #latter and covered it in a flo*er? #atterned #iece of clot". But *"en s"e *ent %ack to t"e gosa7i to tell "im s"e "ad done *"at "e "ad asked "er to do, "e scolded "er, -Kou *"ore, today you cut off your "us%and3s "ead %ecause 0 asked you to. .omorro*, someone else *ill ask you to cut off my "ead and you *ill do t"at too. <o* can anyone trust youL/ <e t"re* "er out. +"e ran "ome in des#air, joined t"e "ead to "er "us%and3s %ody, and %e&an to cry %itterly over "er folly. ."e doll sa* all t"is and came %ack to t"e #alace and said, -Brot"er, 0 sa* everyt"in&. ."is raja" is a sinner. +#it on "im./ 0t told t"e ot"er dolls t"e *"ole story. ."e raja" no* kne* t"at "is minister "ad died and *"y. After a little *"ile, anot"er doll *ent out. ."e c"ieftain and t"e #riest of t"at to*n used to offer a "uman sacrifice every year to Kali, t"e Black 2oddess, in "er tem#le. ."ey al*ays c"ose a youn& %oy for t"e #ur#ose, and t"is year too t"ey "ad ca#tured a youn& %oy. ."e %oy &roaned and cried. ."e doll *ent u# to "im and talked to "im. -03m an or#"an and t"ey are &oin& to sacrifice me,/ t"e %oy cried. ."e doll released "im and asked "im to tie it u# in "is #lace. ."e %oy did as "e *as told and esca#ed. ."e *ors"i#ers came to t"e tem#le, offered ritual *ors"i# to t"e &oddess, and one of t"em lifted "is s*ord to cut t"e sacrificial victim to #ieces %efore t"e &oddess. ."e doll #ulled out t"e sla% of stone on *"ic" it *as lyin& and ran a*ay, makin& a %i& noise. 0n t"e confusion, t"e u#lifted s*ord sli##ed and fell on t"e neck of t"e &oddess3s ima&e and %e"eaded it, to everyone3s "orror. C"aos follo*ed and t"e *ors"i#ers %e&an to %lame eac" ot"er and 8uarrel amon& t"emselves. -6"at s"all *e tell t"e ma"araja" if "e in8uires into *"at "a##enedL/ t"ey asked eac" ot"er an1iously as t"ey scattered and *ent "ome. ."e doll *ent %ack to t"e #alace and told its %rot"ers t"e *"ole story and said, -."is fello* is no raja". >en are %ein& sacrificed in "is kin&dom. +#it on "im,/ it said. After a little *"ile, t"e t"ird doll *ent out. ."e raja"3s consort "ad a %ra"min lover. As t"e raja" *as slee#in& t"at ni&"t alone in "is ne* %ed, s"e sat alone at "er *indo*. ."e %ra"min lover came to "er room and o#ened t"e door. ."e doll *atc"ed t"em sittin& and eatin& to&et"er. ."e doll *ra##ed "imself

in a #iece of clot" like t"e %ra"min3s servant and said, ->aster, >istress, 03m "un&ry, &ive me somet"in&./ ."e 8ueen &ave "im cakli, 7ade, and ot"er snacks. ."e doll %rou&"t t"em out and "id t"em all under a rock outside t"e #alace. ."en t"e fourt" doll *ent out to see *"at *as "a##enin& in to*n. 0t *andered t"rou&" t"e market#lace and *ent to t"e Kali tem#le. Under t"e ima&e of t"e &oddess *as %uried a crate of &old. 9our to*nsmen *ere di&&in& under t"e ima&e to &et at t"e &old. ."e doll *ent to a corner and cro*ed like a rooster. ."ey didn3t kno* *"at it *as, *ere scared %y t"e noise, and ran a*ay. ."e doll came %ack to t"e %edstead and told t"e ot"er dolls, -6"at sort of a kin& is t"is oneL <e "as &iven "is *ife to a lover. Besides, "is su%jects are di&&in& under t"e very ima&e of t"e &oddess. +#it on "im./ ."e raja" "eard everyt"in& and lay t"ere terror?stricken, makin& not a sound. Be1t mornin&, "e came out of t"e %edroom and "eld court. <e invited everyone to attend. <e called t"e #riest of t"e tem#le and asked "im *"at *as "a##enin& in t"e tem#le. ."e #riest *as too scared to o#en "is mout". -,on3t %e scared. .ell me t"e trut",/ ordered t"e kin&. ."e #riest confessed, -6e *ere offerin& a youn& %oy as a sacrifice to t"e &oddess *"en t"e %oy esca#ed, t"e stone came loose, and in t"e confusion t"e s*ord fell on t"e ima&e and %e"eaded it./ ."en t"e raja" called for t"e minister and soon found "e "ad really died. <e summoned t"e minister3s *ife, *"o told "im lies: -<e ate somet"in& t"at didn3t a&ree *it" "im, and "e died vomitin& "orri%ly./ 6"en "e called "is 8ueen to "is #resence and asked "er a%out "er lover, s"e said, -03m innocent. 03ve never ste##ed out of my room and 0 love no one %ut you./ 6"en t"e raja" asked "is servants to searc" under t"e rock outside t"e #alace, t"ey found t"e cakli and t"e 7ade s"e "ad &iven t"e doll. ."e 8ueen *as struck dum%. <e #unis"ed t"e c"ieftain, t"e #riest, t"e minister3s *ife, and "is o*nH"e "ad t"em 8uartered and "un& u# on t"e city &ates. ."en "e &ot t"e treasure from under t"e &oddess3s ima&e and &ave it all to t"e man *"o "ad made t"e %edstead. ."e man *"o made t"e %edstead took t"e treasure "ome to "is *ife, made a lovely s*in& for "is fat"er? and mot"er?in?la*, *"o "ad fait"fully cared for "im for t*elve years, and made t"em s*in& "a##ily on it. ."en everyone *as "a##y.

OA. )==, ."e .alkin& Bed?Le&s :0D;.P

74. A Thief6 a Ram6 a !ear6 and a ?orse

A t"ief "ad a *ife *"o suited "im very *ell, and t"e t*o of t"em lived %y c"eatin& ot"ers in various *ays. Dnce, "e set out on "is usual rounds and %ou&"t a ram from a &oat"erd. As "e drove it %efore "im on "is *ay to t"e ne1t villa&e, it *as evenin& and it also %e&an to rain. <e ran and took s"elter in t"e veranda" of a "ouse. 0t continued to rain. +o "e t"ou&"t "e *ould dry "is clot"es and slee# t"e ni&"t t"ere, and &o a%out "is %usiness in t"e mornin&. <e took off "is clot"es, *run& t"em dry, and "un& t"em out. ."en "e tied t"e ram to a #illar at "is feet and sle#t *it" almost no clot"es on "is %ody. 0n t"e small "ours of t"e ni&"t, t"e man of t"e "ouse came out to ans*er a call of nature and sa* t"is man lyin& on "is veranda" fast aslee#, *it" no %lanket or cover, almost naked. <e s"ook "im a*ake and asked *"o "e *as and *"y "e *as lyin& in t"e cold *it" not"in& *arm around "im. -Aren3t you coldL/ "e asked, *it" concern. ."e t"ief said, -0 come from suc" and suc" a villa&e. 0 don3t feel t"e cold, even if 0 *ear no clot"es. ."at ram at my feet eats u# all t"e cold around me./

."e man of t"e "ouse *as astonis"ed. -03ve an old mot"er in my "ouse. +"e is al*ays cold and com#lains ni&"t and day in t"is season. ."e *armest *oolen %lankets are not *arm enou&" for "er. +"e &ives me no #eace and *e &et no slee#. 6"y don3t you sell me your ram t"at eats u# t"e coldL/ "e offered. - 6he, che4 ."is ram is a rare creature. 03ll never %e a%le to &et anot"er like it. <o* can 0 #art *it" itL/ -6"atever t"e cost, 03ll #ay it. Kou must &ive it to me. 0 *ant my mot"er3s last days to %e comforta%le, *arm, and "a##y,/ ur&ed t"e man. After muc" "esitation, t"e t"ief said at last, -After talkin& to you, 0 feel your mot"er and my mot"er are really t"e same. All ri&"t, 03ll &ive it to you. But if 0 #art *it" it, 03ll "ave to %uy anot"er like it. 0 don3t even kno* *"ere to look for one. ."is one cost me five "undred ru#ees./ ."e man of t"e "ouse didn3t *ant to *ait a minute lon&er lest t"e stran&er s"ould c"an&e "is mind. <e *ent into t"e "ouse and "urried out *it" five "undred ru#ees. ."e t"ief took t"e money, led t"e ram into t"e "ouse to t"e old *oman3s %edside, *"ere "e tied it to "er %ed#ost at "er feet, and left %efore it even da*ned. ."at ni&"t, t"e man of t"e "ouse sle#t t"e slee# of t"e contented man. @arly in t"e mornin&, "is old mot"er felt terri%ly cold, and %e&an to make noises like -<aQ/ and -<uQ/ ."e ram, tied to "er %ed#ost, t"ou&"t t"at anot"er ram *as in t"e room, makin& %attle noises. <e, too, s#oiled for a fi&"t and %utted t"e old *oman t"rice. ."e old *oman died on t"e s#ot and made no furt"er noise. .ill mornin&, t"e son "eard no more <aQ3s and <uQ3s. ."e sun rose and *as t*o yards "i&", %ut t"e old mot"er *as silent. -A"a, t"e ram "as eaten u# all t"e cold in "er room. +o s"e3s at last slee#in& "a##ily,/ t"ou&"t everyone in t"e "ouse"old. But s"e didn3t even &et u# for mealtimes. 6"en t"ey *ent in to *ake "er u#, t"ey found "er &one to t"e land of +iva. ."ey could see t"at t"e ram "ad %utted t"e old *oman *it" its "orns and killed "er. ."e man of t"e "ouse %lamed "imself for "er deat". -0 &ot "er killed for not"in&,/ "e said, and "it "is fore"ead in remorse as "e moved "er %ody to t"e %urial &round. ."en "e vo*ed reven&e a&ainst t"e t"ief *"o "ad made a fool of "im. ."e t"ief *as "urryin& *it" t"e money to t"e ne1t villa&e *"en "e found "imself in a forest. As "e made "is *ay t"rou&" a narro* #at", a %ear jum#ed on "im from some*"ere and attacked "im. <e *restled *it" t"e %ear3s fore#a*s and tried to &et out of its deadly %ear "u&. ."e %ear *as scared too and dro##ed dun&. ."e silver ru#ees in t"e t"ief3s #ocket also fell to t"e &round. 0n t"e stru&&le, t"e ru#ees *ere mi1ed *it" t"e dun&. Beit"er t"e %ear nor t"e t"ief could let &o of eac" ot"er3s &ri#. Ri&"t t"en, a soldier came ridin& "is "orse t"at *ay and sa* t"e man and t"e %ear in "and?to?"and com%at. <e also sa* %ear dun& *it" silver ru#ees in it. <e *as 8uite ama4ed %y t"e si&"t. +o "e dismounted and came u# to t"em, askin&, -6"at are you doin& *it" t"at %earL/ -D, not"in&,/ &as#ed t"e t"ief. -."is #et %ear of mine dro#s dun& full of ru#ees. +o 03m makin& "im do it. Kesterday, "e dro##ed a t"ousand ru#ees. .oday, for some reason, "e3s dro##ed only five "undred. +o 03m forcin& "im to dro# some more./ ."e soldier3s mind raced at t"e t"ou&"t of ru#ees. 6"at3s t"e #oint of makin& *ar and courtin& deat"L 0f "e "ad only one suc" #et %ear, "e could live like a kin&, "e t"ou&"t, ca#tured %y a fantasy. +o "e said to t"e t"ief, -Gust &ive me t"at #et %ear and 03ll %less you all my life./ All t"is *"ile t"e t"ief *as stru&&lin& *it" t"e %ear. - 6he, che, "o* can 0 &ive a*ay suc" a #recious animalL 0 &et money everytime it takes a cra#. 2ive it a*ayL Gust for&et a%out itQ 0m#ossi%leQ/ said t"e t"ief. -D, don3t say t"at. 03ve t"ree t"ousand ru#ees on me. 0 also "ave t"is "orse. .ake %ot" and &ive me your %ear,/ %e&&ed t"e soldier. After many suc" #leas, t"e t"ief reluctantly a&reed.

-All ri&"t, &ive me t"e money "ere. Come %e"ind t"e %ear like t"is and "old "im. <e *ill dro# anot"er five "undred any minute. After "e "as done t"at, you can take "im "ome. Look after "im carefully, like your o*n son,/ said t"e t"ief. ."e soldier &ave "im t"e money, &ave "im t"e "orse, and stood %e"ind t"e %ear "oldin& it. ."e t"ief released "imself from t"e %ear3s &ri#, mounted t"e "orse, and rode a*ay. <o* lon& can a man "old a %earL +oon t"e soldier3s &ri# *eakened, t"e %ear sli##ed loose, scratc"ed "is face and mauled "im, and ran a*ay. 0t da*ned on t"e soldier t"at "e "ad %een c"eated. <e, too, vo*ed ven&eance, decided t"at "e *ould &et "is t"ree t"ousand %ack some"o*, and *ent in searc" of t"e scoundrel. By t"e time t"e t"ief reac"ed t"e ne1t villa&e on "is "orse it *as ni&"t. <e t"ou&"t it *ould %e a &ood idea to rest t"at ni&"t t"ere and &o %ack to "is "ometo*n t"e ne1t day. But "e "ad t"ree t"ousand on "im and needed to %e safe some*"ere. <e looked around and found t"e "ouse of a "arlot. +"e *as t"e kin&3s o*n "arlot. <e *ent to "er and asked for s"elter. <e offered "er t*enty, even t"irty, ru#ees for a #lace to slee# in. +"e a&reed and &ave "im a #lace on t"e veranda". <e tied u# "is "orse and *ent to slee#. But "e *oke u# %efore da*n, removed t"e "orse dun& t"e animal "ad dro##ed in t"e ni&"t, and arran&ed t"ree or four "ea#s of ru#ees under t"e "orse. ."en "e *ent %ack to %ed. 6"en t"e "arlot came t"ere in t"e mornin& to *ake "im u#, s"e sa* t"e "orse and noticed t"e "ea#s of ru#ees near t"e "orse3s "ind le&s. -Look, ru#eesQ Ru#eesQ <o* did t"ey &et "ereLV6"o cares "o* t"ey &ot "ereL Let me &et t"em %efore "e *akes u#,/ s"e said to "erself, and #ut "er "and to t"e dun&, *"en t"e t"ief sat u#. <e said, -Lady, t"at dun& is mine, not yours. ,on3t touc" it./ ."at *asn3t just dun&. ."ere *as money in it. -6"at did you sayL/ s"e asked, not %elievin& "er o*n eyes and ears. -D, really not"in&. >y "orse dro#s ten t"ousand ru#ees a day *it" its dun&. 0t3s mornin& no*, isn3t itL 0t s"ould "ave dro##ed at least a t"ousand,/ "e said casually. +"e *ent %ack and counted. ."ere *ere a t"ousand ru#ees. +"e %e&an to fancy t"e "orse. 0f it &ives ten t"ousand a day, "o* muc" does it add u# to in a mont"L <o* muc" can even a kin& &iveL 0f only s"e "ad t"is one "orse, s"e could live *it"out de#endin& on any kin&, s"e t"ou&"t, and said, -Kou look like a &ood man. 6"y don3t you &ive me t"at "orseL/ - 6he, che, *"at *ill 0 do if 0 &ive you t"at "orseL 0 can3t &et anot"er one like t"at for a "undred t"ousand./ -All ri&"t t"en, 03ll &ive you a "undred t"ousand and %uy it from you,/ said t"e "arlot. <e didn3t a&ree. <e made it clear "e *ouldn3t #art *it" it for love or money. At last, s"e t"reatened to tell t"e kin&, *"o *ould certainly like to "ave suc" a "orse "imself and *ould sei4e it %y force. ."e t"ief fei&ned &reat fear at t"e mention of t"e kin& and said *eakly, -All ri&"t, &ive me at least a "undred t"ousand. 03ll leave my "orse and &o. 6"at else can 0 doL/ +"e at once &ot %usy, #a*ned all t"e je*elry t"e kin& "ad &iven "er, raised a "undred t"ousand, and &ave it to t"e t"ief. <e tied t"e "orse to a tree in "er yard and left t"e #lace. ."e "orse dro##ed ordinary "orse dun& all day till evenin&, as *as its *ont. ."e "arlot %e&an to sus#ect somet"in& *as *ron& %ut decided to *ait till t"e ne1t day. ."e "orse dro##ed ordinary dun& as usual. +"e no* kne* s"e "ad %een c"eated, felt 8uite ill, and took to %ed. ."at very evenin&, t"e man *"o "ad %ou&"t t"e ram from t"e t"ief and t"e soldier *"o "ad %ou&"t t"e %ear arrived at "er "ouse lookin& for t"e scoundrel. ."ey stayed t"ere and t"e "arlot over"eard t"em talkin& a%out "o* t"ey "ad %een c"eated. +o s"e joined t"em and told t"em "er story. Be1t mornin&, all t"ree *ent in searc" of t"e con man.

>ean*"ile, t"e t"ief *ent "ome directly after "e took t"e "arlot3s "undred t"ousand. <e kne* t"ey *ould come after "im. +o "e called "is *ife and instructed "er t"us: -.omorro*, 0 *ant you to dress u# as Laks"mi, t"e &oddess of *ealt", and *ait in t"e attic. 6"en 0 call you, just come do*n, and leave a trail of ru#ees %e"ind you as you *alk./ Be1t day, "e arran&ed a "u&e %an8uet and invited t"e *"ole to*n. <undreds of &uests arrived, and t"ey *ere fed in lon& ro*s. ."e man *"o "ad %ou&"t t"e ram, t"e soldier *"o "ad %ou&"t t"e %ear, and t"e "arlot *"o "ad %ou&"t t"e "orseHall t"ree of t"em also arrived at "is doorste#, lookin& for "im. ."e t"ief courteously offered seats to t"em as to everyone else. ."ey #lanned to *ait till all t"e &uests "ad left and t"en corner "im. After a *"ile, t"e t"ief %rou&"t out a round &rindin& stone, #laced it under t"e attic, and %e&an to offer it *ors"i#, c"antin& various s#ells in a loud voice. ."e &uests cro*ded around "im to *atc" *"at "e *as doin&. After c"antin& for a lon& time, "e looked u# at t"e attic, and %e&&ed, -D >ot"er, Laks"mi, 2oddess, come do*n, come do*nQ/ <is *ife, as arran&ed %efore"and, descended from t"e attic dressed as t"e &oddess and %e&an to #our do*n a stream of ru#ees from t"e la# of "er sari. ."e t"ief said, -@nou&", enou&"Q PleaseQ/ and %e&&ed "er to sto#. +"e sto##ed and vanis"ed into t"e attic. ."e t"ree victims *atc"ed all t"is *it" t"eir mout"s o#en, t"eir "earts filled *it" fres" &reed. ."ey no* *anted t"e round &rindin& stone for t"emselves. As soon as all t"e &uests left t"e "ouse, t"e t"ree cau&"t "old of "im and said, -Kou "ave deceived us and made fools of us. Unless you do as *e tell you no*, *e3ll take our case to t"e kin&./ -6"at do you *antL/ "e asked. -2ive us t"at &rindin& stone and *e3ll for&ive you,/ t"ey said in one voice. ."e t"ief refused #oint?%lank at first, %ut soon softened a %it, and finally "is *ife #ersuaded "im to yield to t"eir demands. Un*illin&ly, "e #arted *it" t"e &rindin& stone. ."ey carried it out, and even %efore t"ey reac"ed t"e to*n3s outskirts t"ey "ad %e&un to 8uarrel a%out *"o s"ould "ave it first. +ome #eo#le say t"ey came to %lo*s and even killed eac" ot"er. ."e t"ief, of course, lived "a##ily *it" "is *ife.

OA. 15' , Cleverness and 2ulli%ility.P

75. Three !louses

A certain sim#le?minded %ra"min *as married early, %efore "e "ad finis"ed "is education. <e learned all "e could in "is villa&e, *ent to t"e near%y villa&es to learn more, and finally *ent to Benares to learn all "e could. <is education never came to an end. After many years, "o*ever, "e returned "ome to live *it" "is *ife. <is *ife, mean*"ile, "ad %ecome a &ro*n *oman and &one astray. Bein& e1#erienced, s"e did not lack for lovers. But s"e "ad one o%stacle: a cra4y "us%and sittin& all day on t"e #orc" of "er "ouse, *it" "is nose in "is %ooks. Unless s"e found a *ay of &ettin& rid of "im, s"e couldn3t easily do *"at s"e most *anted to do. +o, one day, s"e t"ou&"t u# a ruse. +"e &ave "im an old torn %louse of "ers and asked "im to sell it and &et "er a ne* one. After all, "e *as a sim#leton, a %ra"min %ook*orm. <e took t"e %louse and *ent around to*n *it" it, askin& #eo#le to %uy it. Peo#le only lau&"ed at "im. Bo one *ould &ive "im a ne* %louse. Be1t day, "e *ent to anot"er villa&e. <e "a*ked t"rou&" t"e streets *"erever "e sa* *omen: -6"o *ill take t"is %louse and &ive me a ne* oneL Anyone, anyoneL/ ."e *omen lau&"ed at "im and *ent t"eir *ay. <e roamed t"rou&" fourteen villa&es t"is *ay and *ent to a %i& to*n like Bel&aum, "a*kin&

"is %louse at t"e +aturday fairs. ."e to*nsmen teased "im, %ut "e *asn3t discoura&ed. 9inally, t"ree *omen *"o "ad come to t"e fair *anted to teac" "im a t"in& or t*o and "ave some fun as *ell. ."ey came u# to "im and said, -6e3ll &et you a ne* %louse. Come *it" us./ Dne of t"em took "im aside, *ra##ed "im in one of t"e saris s"e "ad just %ou&"t, and took "im "ome. +"e told "er "us%and, -."e seamstress is "ere. 03ll "ave to &ive "er my measurements for my %louse. 03ll %e %ack./ 6"ile "er "us%and *aited outside, s"e took t"e %ra"min into "er %edroom and made love to "im. ."en s"e &ave "im a ne* %louse and sent "im a*ay, askin& "im to come %ack t"e ne1t day. +"e t"en *ent to see "er t*o friends and %ra&&ed a%out *"at s"e "ad just done. Dne of t"em said, -0s t"at allL ."at3s not"in& to %ra& a%out. 6ait and see *"at 0 do./ ."e ne1t day, t"e second *oman took t"e sim#le %ra"min to "er "ouse. ."is time "e *as not even dis&uised. +"e "id "im under "er %ed t"at ni&"t. 6"en "er "us%and fell aslee# ne1t to "er, s"e leaned a&ainst "im. <e *as fast aslee# and %e&an to snore. ."en s"e silently made a si&n to t"e %ra"min under "er %ed to join "er. +"e sle#t *it" "im ri&"t t"ere in "er %ed and, *"en t"ey *ere done, sent "im a*ay soon after *it" a ne* %louse. 6"en s"e %ra&&ed ne1t day to "er t*o friends a%out *"at s"e "ad done, t"e t"ird *oman #oo"?#oo"ed "er, sayin&, -6"at3s so &reat a%out t"atL 6ait till you see *"at 0 do./ ."at evenin&, t"e t"ird *oman took t"e %ra"min secretly to "er "ouse and "id "im under a flo*erin& sky?jasmine :mugilamallige; tree in "er %ackyard. After t"eir ni&"t meal, s"e su&&ested to "er "us%and t"at it *ould %e nice to slee# outdoors in t"e moonli&"t. +"e s#read "er %edroll under t"e mugilamallige tree, took "er "us%and %y t"e "and, and said, seductively, -<ave you ever clim%ed t"is tree and seen t"e funL 0t3s 8uite somet"in&./ -Bo, 0 "aven3t. 6"at *ill 0 see from t"e treeL/ -2o u# and see for yourself. Kou3ll see a vision: as if a man and a *oman are doin& it ri&"t "ere. ."ey %ecome one and t"en %ecome t*o. 03ve seen t"at myself,/ s"e said. ."e foolis" "us%and said, -ReallyL 0s t"at soL Let me see,/ and clim%ed u# t"e tree all t"e *ay to t"e to# %ranc". As "e *as %usy clim%in&, s"e %rou&"t out "er %ra"min from "is "idin& #lace and made love to "im under t"e tree. ."e "us%and in t"e tree looked at *"at t"ey *ere doin&, felt di44y, couldn3t %elieve "is eyes. 0n a kind of #anic, "e started clam%erin& do*n. +"e "ad mean*"ile #ressed a %louse into t"e %ra"min3s "and and asked "im to make "imself scarce, *"ic" "e did. ."e "us%and clim%ed do*n, reac"ed t"e &round, and said, -Let3s &et into t"e "ouse. ."is tree is %e*itc"ed %y some demon or somet"in&. Let3s &et out of "ere./ +"e 8uickly rolled u# t"e %ed and *ent in *it" "im. ."e ne1t day, all t"ree met t"e %ra"min and told "im, -Kour *ife is no different from us. +"e "as sent you out *it" an old %louse just to &et you out of "er *ay./ 6"en "e came "ome *it" "er old torn %louse and t"ree %rand?ne* %louses in "is "and, "is *ife kne* at once *"at "ad "a##ened. +"e also kne* t"at "e no* kne* all "er secrets. +"e &ave u# "er lovers, and "e *as more *ary of "er *ays. ."ey made eac" ot"er "a##y.

O>otif K 15A5, 6ives *a&er as to *"o can %est fool "er "us%and7 and A. 1A=', ."e @nc"anted Pear .ree.P

77. Three 1agic Objects

."ree %rot"ers lived in utter #overty. Dne day, it &ot so %ad t"at t"ey couldn3t find anyt"in& to eat. +o t"ey sat in a ro* on t"e river%ank, t"eir "eads in t"eir "ands, t"ree #ictures of utter des#air. 2od took #ity on t"em, a##eared to t"em, and asked *"y t"ey *ere so misera%le. ."ey told "im t"at t"ey *ere #oor and "un&ry. 2od &ave eac" of t"em a &ift: "e &ave one a &un, anot"er a ca#, and t"e t"ird a *"eel. ->ake use of t"ese and try to make a livin&,/ "e said, %efore "e vanis"ed. ."e %rot"er *it" t"e &un and t"e one *it" t"e *"eel found *ays of makin& a livin&. But t"e %rot"er *it" t"e ca# didn3t kno* *"at to do *it" it. An idea occurred to "im. 6"y not marry t"e kin&3s dau&"terL+o "e #ut on "is ca# and found to "is sur#rise t"at it made "im invisi%le. <e *ent to t"e #alace and made love to all t"e servantmaids. 6"en t"ey *ondered *"o or *"at t"is *as t"at &ave t"em so muc" #leasure, "e suddenly took off "is ca# and made "imself visi%le. Gust as "e *as s"o*in& off, t"e kin&3s men cau&"t "im, snatc"ed t"e ca# from "im, %eat "im u#, and t"re* "im out. <e came cryin& to "is %rot"er *"o "ad t"e &un. ."e %rot"er &ave "im "is &un. ."en "e sneaked %ack into t"e #alace *it" it and started #ointin& it at t"e servants, %ut t"ey &an&ed u# on "im, over#o*ered "im, took "is &un a*ay from "im, and t"re* "im out a&ain. ."is time "e *ent to t"e second %rot"er, *"o &ave "im "is ma&ic *"eel. <e dis&uised "imself as a %an&le?seller and came to t"e #alace sittin& on "is *"eel. <a*kin& "is *ares, "e s"outed, -Ban&les, %an&les, does any one *ant t"e *orld3s very %est %an&lesL/ ."e 8ueen and "er attendants called "im in and tried t"e %an&les on, very #leased *it" t"eir colors and s"a#es. ."e #rincess too *anted t"em. +o s"e came to t"e cart and clim%ed into it. As "e sli##ed t"e %an&les on "er *rist, "e said to "is ma&ic *"eel, -.ake us "omeQ/ and t"e *"eel at once fle* into t"e sky. ."e #rincess *as 8uiet till t"ey *ere "alf*ay t"ere and t"en s"e said to "im, -03m very t"irsty. Could *e sto# some*"ereL/ <e t"ou&"t t"at s"e *ould run a*ay if "e let "er &o any*"ere. +o "e "imself clim%ed do*n t"e *"eel and *ent to fetc" *ater. But s"e *as very clever. As soon as "e turned "is %ack, s"e said to t"e *"eel, -.ake me "omeQ/ and it took "er %ack to "er #alace. As "e came %ack *it" t"e *ater, %ot" *"eel and #rincess *ere &one. <e felt "el#less. <e %roke do*n and cried. A "oly man *"o *as #assin& %y asked "im *"at t"e matter *as. ."e man told "im "is story and said, -0 cry %ecause 03ve not"in& in t"e *orld. 03ve lost my %rot"ers3 &un and *"eel and my o*n ma&ic ca#. 03ve no*"ere to &o./ ."e "oly man asked t"e #oor fello* to stay *it" "im in "is %anana &rove. After a fe* days, "e %e&an to trust t"e stran&er. Dne day, t"e "oly man called out to "im and said, -Kou can eat t"e fruit of all t"ese trees e1ce#t one,/ #ointin& to one #articular tree. <e *as 8uite &ood for a fe* days and did as "e *as told. But one day "e stood under t"e for%idden tree and t"ou&"t, -6"y did "e say 0 s"ouldn3t eat t"e fruit of t"is treeL/ and #lucked a %anana and ate it. 0t *as delicious, %ut as soon as "e "ad finis"ed eatin& it, "orns &re* on "is "ead. .errified, "e ran to t"e "oly man, *"o screamed, -Kou didn3t listen to meQ Kou ate t"e fruitQ ."at3s *"at "a##ens to #eo#le *"o eat from t"at treeQ/ But soon "e relented. <e *ent into t"e yard, %rou&"t %ack some "er%s, and #oured t"eir juice into "is &uest3s ear. At once, t"e "orns dro##ed off. Bo* t"e youn& man kne* "o* to &et rid of t"e "orns. At t"e first o##ortunity, "e #lucked a %asketful of t"e %ananas from t"e for%idden tree, made "is *ay %ack to t"e #alace, and sold t"em all. ."e fruit looked lovely and everyone %ou&"t some. After "e "ad sold t"em, "e 8uickly sli##ed a*ay and *ent "ome. Bo* everyone *"o ate t"e fruit "ad "orns &ro*in& on t"eir "eadsHmen, *omen, and c"ildren. ."ey "ad no* only one t"ou&"t, one *orry: "o* to &et rid of t"e "orns.

."e kin& "ad to cancel all en&a&ements %ecause "e couldn3t a##ear in #u%lic *it" "is "orns. A fe* days later, t"e youn& man *ent around "a*kin&, -Antidote for "orns, antidote for "ornsQ/ @veryone in t"e #alace flocked to "im. ."e kin& "urriedly called "im to "is #resence and %e&&ed of "im, -6e3ll &ive you anyt"in&. 2et rid of my "orns./ ."e youn& man said, -2ive me %ack my &un, my *"eel, and my ca#. And &ive me your dau&"ter in marria&e./ ."e kin& ordered all t"e ma&ic o%jects to %e returned to "im at once. ."e youn& man #oured t"e juice of t"e "oly man3s "er%s into everyone3s ears and t"e "orns clattered to t"e floor. ."ere *as a &ala *eddin& and "e came "ome *it" "is %ride to "is %rot"ers in t"e aerial cart %uilt around "is *"eel. <e %ecame a ric" man and lived *it" "is *ife a "a##y life.

OA. 5)), ."e >a&ic D%jects and t"e 6onderful 9ruits.P

7.. Three isters %amed #eath6 !irth6 and #ream

0n a little to*n like t"is one, t"ere lived a #oor, #oor %oy. Call "im Rac"a, if you need a name. Rac"a "ad no fat"er, no mot"er, no kit" and kin *"atever. <e *as utterly alone. <e made a livin& %y &oin& every day to t"e forest, cuttin& *ood, and sellin& %undles of it in to*n. ."e to*n "ad its annual fair. All t"e %oys of "is a&e #ut on ne* s"irts, *ore ne* tur%ans, and strutted a%out like cocks?of?t"e?*alk. Rac"a *as too #oor to %uy anyt"in& ne* or old. <e felt sorry for "imself. <e *alked far out of t"e to*n, sat on t"e %ank of t"e river, and cried into "is knees, remem%erin& "is fat"er and mot"er. <e cried and cried till "e dro##ed off to slee#. 6"en "e *oke u# at sunset, "e sa* &olden fis" #layin& in t"e *ater. 9ascinated, "e &a4ed at t"em. -<o* marvelousQ/ "e e1claimed. -0f 0 could catc" just one of t"ose &olden fis" and sell it, 0 *ould never %e #oor a&ain,/ "e t"ou&"t, and stalked around to catc" one. 6"en one of t"e fis" lea#ed out of t"e *ater, "e dived into t"e river *it" %ot" eyes o#en. Gust as "e *as losin& %reat" and tryin& to surface, someone #ulled "im do*n, far do*n. <e *as suddenly in front of a door. <e #us"ed it o#en. ."ere *as no one inside. 6"oever it *as t"at "ad dra&&ed "im do*n *asn3t any*"ere around. Cautiously, "e ti#toed in. A &reat fa%ulous #alace. 2reat %i& sofas and c"airs *it" #illo*s. .a%les and soft do*ny %eds. 6onderin& *"ere "e *as, "e sank into one of t"e %eds and fell aslee# at once. 6"en "e o#ened "is eyes, t"e "ouse *as lit *it" electric lam#s of many colors. ."ree %eautiful *omen came to*ards "im, eac" more %eautiful t"an t"e ne1t. ."ey #ointed at "im and eac" said, -<e is mine,/ -<e3s mine,/ -<e3s mine./ After muc" "a&&lin&, t"ey a&reed t"at "e s"ould %e "us%and to all t"ree %y turns. 0t *asn3t difficult for "im to a&ree. <e soon found t"at t"ey *ere t"ree sisters. ."e eldest *as +ister ,eat", t"e youn&est *as +ister Birt", and t"e middle one *as +ister ,ream. <e also sa* t"ree lar&e locked rooms in t"e #alace. ."e first one "ad a &olden lock on its door, t"e second one a silver lock, and t"e t"ird an iron lock. <e *as to s#end eac" ni&"t *it" a different sister. At da*n all t"ree *ould vanis". But %efore t"ey vanis"ed, t"ey took care to *arn "im: -,on3t even look into t"ese t"ree rooms. ."e rest is yours./ And t"ey *ould leave t"e keys *it" "im %efore t"ey left. <e ke#t "is *ord, and many days #assed. Bein& alone all day %e&an to %ore "im. Dne day, una%le to %ear t"e %oredom, "e o#ened t"e door *it" t"e &olden lock. 0nside it, t"ere stood a "eavenly &olden ele#"ant, an ele#"ant *it" seven &olden trunks. 0t even s#oke like a "uman %ein&.

-Brot"er Rac"anna, 03m &lad you came. Clim% onto my %ack. Let3s roam t"rou&" t"ree *orlds, all in t"ree minutes. Come,/ it said. <e said -Dkay,/ and clam%ered onto t"e ele#"ant3s %ack. 0n t"ree minutes it s#ed t"rou&" t"ree *orlds and returned to t"e #alace room. ."at ni&"t, *"en t"e t"ree sisters named ,eat", Birt", and ,ream came "ome, t"ey found ele#"ant tracks, and asked "im, -6"y did you do t"isL/ <e told t"em t"e trut". ."ey liked "is trut"fulness and told "im not to o#en t"e doors of t"e ot"er t*o rooms. Be1t day, *"en t"ey *ere &one, "is curiosity &ot t"e %etter of "im. <e o#ened t"e second door *it" t"e silver lock. ."ere stood a silver stallion. 0t too s#oke like a "uman %ein& and invited "im to ride on "is %ackH*"ic" Rac"a did. 0t too s"o*ed "im si&"ts of t"e t"ree *orlds in t"ree minutes and returned "im to t"e #alace. ."at ni&"t a&ain, t"e t"ree %eautiful sisters found tracksHt"is time, t"e "oof #rints of a "orse. ."ey asked "im, -6"y did you do t"isL/ <e told t"em t"e trut". ."ey liked "is trut"fulness %ut *arned "im strictly never, never to o#en t"e t"ird room. Bever, t"ey said, *"atever "a##ens. But on t"e t"ird day, "is curiosity *as un%eara%le. -03ve seen t*o. 6"y not t"e t"irdL Let3s see *"at "a##ens,/ "e said to "imself, and o#ened t"e door *it" t"e iron lock on it. 0n t"ere stood a mule. 0t too s#oke to "im like a "uman %ein&, invitin& "im to ride on its %ack. As soon as "e clim%ed onto it, it fle* to "is "ometo*n, a #lace like t"is to*n, t"re* "im do*n, &ave "im a kick *it" "is %ack le&, and left "im t"ere. Rac"a lon&ed for "is %eautiful *ives. -6"y didn3t 0 listen to t"emL/ "e cried in des#air. <e dived into t"e river over and over and searc"ed for t"e ma&ic #alace door. +uc" is man3s life.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif B 1(=.A, 2olden 9is"7 >otif C )11, 9or%idden C"am%er, or >otif C )11.1, 9or%idden ,oor7 and >otif C 5=, 0mmediate return to ot"er *orld %ecause of %roken ta%u.P

79. The Three<Thousand<Rupee ari

A youn& man lived *it" "is *ife and mot"er. ."e *ife *as very %eautiful. 9or some time, t"e man *as 8uite a &ood "us%and and even follo*ed "er a%out, 8uite infatuated *it" "er %eauty. But "e c"an&ed to*ards "er. <is fancy %e&an to roam, "e *ent after a "arlot in to*n and ne&lected "is *ife. Bo*, every day t"e dau&"ter?in?la* *ould &o a%out "er "ouse"old c"ores as usual, cookin& and cleanin& till t"e sun *ent do*n. 6"en it *as time for t"e fat"er?in?la* and mot"er?in?la* to &o to %ed, s"e *ould ask "er mot"er?in?la*, -6"ere s"all 0 slee# todayL/ 6"at could t"e mot"er?in?la* sayL Dne day s"e said, -+lee# any*"ere. +lee# on t"e veranda"./ Anot"er day, s"e asked "er to slee# in t"e kitc"en. ."e ne1t day, it *as t"e attic. Iery soon, t"e dau&"ter?in?la* "ad sle#t in every #ossi%le #art of t"e "ouse. +till s"e ke#t askin& "er mot"er?in?la* every ni&"t, -.ell me, *"ere s"all 0 slee# toni&"tL/ Dne day, t"e older *oman lost "er #atience. +"e screamed, -03ve "ad enou&" of t"is. >y son "as &one astray, and you %ot"er me every ni&"t like t"is. 2o slee# in t"e cremation &roundsQ 6"o caresL 03m sick of you./ ."e o%edient dau&"ter?in?la* took "er at "er *ord. And *"en "er in?la*s fell aslee#, s"e tucked "er %edroll under "er arm and *ent strai&"t to t"e cremation &rounds outside to*n and sle#t t"ere. +"e too

*as sick of t"in&s. +"e &ave u# askin& "er mot"er?in?la* and took to slee#in& every ni&"t in t"e cremation &rounds. -Cremations &rounds, says my mot"er?in?la*. And cremation &rounds it *ill %e,/ s"e muttered to "erself. +"e *ent t"ere every ni&"t, and returned "ome in t"e mornin& to %e&in t"e c"ores of t"e "ouse. Bo*, a sadhu, a "oly man, used to live t"ere in an old *ell in t"e center of t"e cremation &rounds. Dne day, "e asked "imself, -6"at3s t"is female smell "ere, in t"is #lace of deat"L 6"ic" des#erate *oman could "ave come to t"is fri&"tful #laceL/ And "e clam%ered out of t"e *ell onto level &round and looked around. <e sa* t"e dau&"ter?in?la* curled on t"e &round, and asked "er *"at s"e *as doin& t"ere. +"e told "im "o* "er "us%and "ad left "er for a "arlot in to*n and "o* "er mot"er?in?la* "ad asked "er to slee# in t"e cremation &rounds. -0f t"at3s t"e *ay it is, do slee# "ere,/ "e said. +oon t"ey %e&an seein& a lot of eac" ot"er, t"is sadhu and t"is dau&"ter?in?la*. ."ey %ecame lovers. >ean*"ile, one day, t"e "us%and *ent to t"e market to %uy a sari for "is "arlot *oman. Bein& a #oor man, "e %ou&"t a sari for ten ru#ees. But t"e sadhu "ad also come t"ere to %uy a sari for "is %eloved. <e "ad asked "er, -.ell me *"at kind of sari you fancy. 03d like to %uy you one./ ."e *oman "ad said, -0 *ant a sari t"at costs a t"ousand ru#ees for t"e *ar#, a t"ousand for t"e *oof, and anot"er t"ousand for t"e %order. ."at3s t"e only kind 0 *ant./ <e "ad said, -Consider it done./ ."e sadhu "ad a %undle of money set aside from years of %e&&in&. <e no* took all of it in a little &lass jar and *ent to t"e sari s"o#. ."ey "ad a sari t"at really cost only a t"ousand ru#ees. 6"en t"e s"o#kee#ers "eard "im mention t"ree t"ousand, t"ey *ere deli&"ted. ."ey could make a #rofit of a *"ole t*o t"ousand. +o t"ey s"o*ed "im t"e t"ousand?ru#ee sari and said it cost t"ree t"ousand. <e counted out t"e money "e "ad and t"ey let "im take t"e sari. 6"en "e took it in "is "and, t"e *eave *as so fine "e could fold it and fit it neatly into t"e &lass jar "e "ad %rou&"t t"e money in. 6"ile t"e sadhu *as %uyin& t"is e1#ensive sari, *"at *as t"e "us%and doin& %ut &a#in& in *onder and sayin& to "imself, -Look, "ere 0 am %uyin& a c"ea# ten?ru#ee sari for my *oman. And t"is sadhu in ra&s %ou&"t one for t"ree t"ousand. 9or *"om is "e %uyin& t"isL 6"at kind of *oman could s"e %e *"o *ould *ear a t"ree?t"ousand?ru#ee sariL 0 must look into t"is./ +ome"o*, a faint sus#icion also crossed "is mind: -03ve %een ne&lectin& my *ife and &oin& into t"e %ack streets. >y *ife is a %eauty. 6"at could s"e %e doin& ri&"t no*L/ +o t"at ni&"t "e didn3t visit "is concu%ine %ut sle#t at "ome. <e #retended to %e slee#y just *"en it *as time for "is *ife to &o to t"e cremation &rounds. +"e *as %ot"ered. +"e *as restless. 0t *as time for "er tryst, and s"e "ad even asked for a sari. But "ere *as "er "us%and askin& "er to do t"is and t"at and make "is %ed for t"e ni&"t, all of *"ic" s"e didHsur#rised t"ou&" s"e *as %y "is un*onted %e"avior. <e lay do*n on t"e %ed s"e "ad made and soon #retended to fall aslee#. <e even snored 8uite noisily. +"e *as taken in. +"e *aited a *"ile and, *"en s"e felt sure "e *as really fast aslee#, s"e *ent out *it" a small co##er *ater #ot :as if s"e *ere ans*erin& a call of nature in t"e fields;. +"e arrived at t"e cremation &rounds, co##er #ot in "and. +"e didn3t kno* t"at as soon as s"e "ad left "ome, "er "us%and "ad 8uickly &otten u#, *ra##ed "imself in a %lanket from "ead to foot, and follo*ed. At t"e cremation &rounds, s"e clim%ed do*n into t"e lo* *ell *"ere t"e sadhu lived. ."e "us%and "id "imself and *atc"ed. <is *ife and "er lover did *"atever t"ey usually did to&et"er. ."en s"e #ut on t"e t"ree?t"ousand?ru#ee sari "e "ad %rou&"t for "er. After a fe* moments, s"e suddenly said, -6"at am 0 &oin& to do *it" t"is sariL <o* can 0 take it "ome or *ear it any*"ere e1ce#t in t"e cremation &roundsL/

And s"e 8uickly took it off, "eld it to t"e flame of t"e lam# t"at *as %urnin& close %y, and %urned t"e entire t"ree?t"ousand?ru#ee sari to a "ea# of as"es. +"e di##ed a fin&er in t"e as" and *ore a dot of as" as a mark on "er fore"ead. ."en s"e left. <er "us%and 8uickly "urried "ome %efore "er and lay do*n in %ed as if "e "ad %een aslee# all t"is time. +"e came "ome soon after and s"e too *ent to %ed. At da*n "e *oke u# and asked "er for a #ot of *ater for "is mornin&3s a%lutions. 0n t"e field, as "e ans*ered "is calls of nature, "e sa* in t"e %us"es around "im some %i& round %all?like flo*ers :cendu hu7u;, some as %i& as "is "and. <e #lucked a fe*. 6"en "e came "ome, s"e dutifully &ave "im *ater to *as" "is "ands *it". <e asked "er to %rin& a li&"ted lam# for "im. 6"en s"e %rou&"t it, "e #roceeded to %urn t"e fres"?#etaled %all?like flo*ers in t"e flame. As s"e *atc"ed "im, "er *oman3s "eart couldn3t %ear to see a flo*er %ein& %urned mercilessly. +o s"e #rotested: -6"at are you doin&L ."ey are suc" lovely round flo*ers. 6e could make &arlands, offer t"em to t"e &ods, or *ear t"em in our "air. 6ould anyone %urn flo*ers like t"isL/ <e re#lied at once, - 6he, che4 ."ese are just #lain *ildflo*ers. ."ey cost not"in&, not a #enny. 0 just #lucked t"em from t"e %us"es in t"e fields. 0 kno* #eo#le *"o don3t mind %urnin& *"ole saris *ort" t"ree t"ousand ru#ees, and just *ear a %it of t"e as" on t"eir fore"eads. Com#ared to t"at, *"at3s so &reat a%out %urnin& t"is *ort"less flo*erL/ +"e *as cut to t"e 8uick. +"e at once understood *"at "e meant. -."is "us%and of mine kno*s all a%out me. 0 can3t live anymore,/ s"e t"ou&"t. +"e *aited im#atiently for t"e ni&"t. ."at ni&"t too t"e "us%and sle#t at "ome, t"ou&" t"e *retc" didn3t so muc" as touc" "er or utter "er name. As soon as s"e *as sure "e *as fast slee#, s"e 8uietly &ot u#. +"e un%ound "er lon& "air and stran&led "erself *it" it *it"out a sound. <er mot"er?in?la* missed "er early in t"e mornin&. @very day, t"e dau&"ter?in?la* *as t"e first to *ake u# and %e&in "ouse"old *ork at t"e crack of da*n. 6"en s"e didn3t stir as usual, t"e mot"er?in? la* %e&an to %e an1ious. <er fool of a son "ad &one astray and taken to #rostitutes7 did "e kill "is *ife or somet"in&L 6"en s"e didn3t find "er dau&"ter?in?la* any*"ere in t"e "ouse, s"e stood at "er son3s door and screamed at "im: -6"ere is s"eL ,id you kill "er, did you stran&le "er *it" your dirty "andsL/ <e *as *akened %y t"is noise. <e &ot u# and o#ened t"e door. <is mot"er rus"ed in and sa* t"e dau&"ter?in?la* dead in a corner, "er lon& "air noosed round "er neck. +"e %e&an to %eat "er %reast and cry, -Kou killed "er, you killed "erQ 6"y did you do itL/ <e tried to calm "er do*n and say to "er, -,on3t make suc" a rum#us. 0 didn3t kill "er. 0 "aven3t touc"ed "er./ But "is mot"er *as distrau&"t. +"e *ouldn3t listen to anyt"in& "e said. +"e called nei&"%ors and relatives to "el# "er %rin& t"e dead *oman out of t"e "ouse and #re#are t"e %ody for a #ro#er cremation. As t"ey carried t"e %ody to t"e %urnin& &rounds, t"e "us%and *alked in front and t"e mot"er?in?la* *alked %e"ind, cryin& all t"e *ay, sayin&, -0 "ave only one son and "e3s no &ood. And 0 "ad one &em of a dau&"ter?in?la*. D +iva, look *"at3s "a##ened./ ."ey #laced t"e %ody on a %ier of fire*ood, and t"e "us%and touc"ed it *it" a torc" of fire. ."e %ody %e&an to %urn. ."e smell of %urnin& fles" %rou&"t out t"e sadhu from "is *ell. <e came to t"e %ier and sa* t"e face of t"e dead *oman no* %urnin&. <e stood t"ere and stared till t"e fire took "old, and "e suddenly let out a s"riek. -D my doll, my %eauty, even in deat" "o* %eautifully you %urnQ/ 6it" t"ese *ords, "e t"re* "imself into t"e lea#in& flames.

."e "us%and *as stricken in "is "eart *"en "e sa* t"e stran&e sadhu lea# into t"e fire. -."is man *as *it" "er for some t"ree days, and "e "as no* lea#ed into t"e fire after "er. 6"at a%out meL 0 married "er in a #u%lic #lace7 s"e *as my *ife for so lon&. And 03m still alive,/ "e t"ou&"t, and t"re* "imself into t"e fire. ."e old mot"er?in?la* *as %eside "erself *it" &rief and s"ock. +"e said, -6"at am 0 doin& "ereL >y dau&"ter?in?la* is dead. >y son is dead. 0 too must &o. 6"at is t"ere at "ome to return toL/ And, %efore anyone could sto# "er, s"e too fell in and #eris"ed in t"e fire of "er dau&"ter?in?la*3s %ier. ."us four #eo#le died in one fire, and it smoked for a lon& time.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif C !'5.=.5, .a%u: slee#in& in cemetery7 >otif < 1'55.=, Muest for %eautiful saree for t"e 8ueen7 and >otif . =A .1, Adulterous *ife convicted, commits suicide.P

7-. Thug and 1aster<Thug

0n a certain to*n lived t*o rival t"ieves, called ."u& and >aster?."u&. ."u& *as a stron& man, a *restler. >aster?."u& *as very clever. ."u& couldn3t %ear t"e fact t"at t"e ot"er fello*, t"in as a reed, s"ould %e kno*n as >aster?."u&. Dne %lo* and t"is fello* *ould reel seven reels and fall to t"e floor H%ut "e "as t"is titleQ Dnce t"ey %ot" *ent to a to*n like Bel&aum to ro% "ouses. >aster?."u& %roke into a ric" man3s "ouse and stole ten t"ousand ru#ees. Dn t"e *ay, "e met ."u&, *"o kne* ri&"t a*ay %y t"e looks of "is #ockets t"at t"e ot"er t"ief "ad a lot of money. +o ."u& decided to ro% >aster?."u&. <e stuck to "im like a leec" and en&a&ed "im in casual conversation. Bi&"t fell and t"ey %ot" *ent to a #u%lic "ostel, found a #lace to slee#, and s#read t"eir %lankets for t"e ni&"t. >aster?."u& soon fell aslee#. ."u& &ot u# silently and searc"ed t"e slee#in& man3s #ockets, "is %a&, and even "is %edclot"es. But "e couldn3t find a trace of t"e ten t"ousand ru#ees. ,isa##ointed, "e too fell aslee#, *onderin& *"ere t"e ot"er man could "ave "idden it. But *"en "e *oke u# in t"e mornin&, >aster?."u& *as u# already, "is #ockets %ul&in& o%viously *it" t"e money. A&ain, t"ey talked of t"is and t"at, and resumed t"eir journey. 0t *as evenin& a&ain and t"ey found a "ostel in anot"er to*n, found a #lace to s#read t"eir %lankets, and *ent to %ed. >aster?."u&, as %efore, *as t"e first to fall aslee#. ."u& ke#t a*ake and deftly, silently, searc"ed "is rival3s %elon&in&s for t"e money. <e didn3t find any trace of it. <e even searc"ed t"e corners and cracks of t"e room. <e didn3t find it. <e slid "is "and into t"e rafters and #oked in t"e %us"es outside. ."e money *asn3t any*"ere to %e found. <e too fell aslee#, 8uite non#lussed. Be1t mornin&, >aster?."u& em#loyed t*o muscular men as "is %ody&uards and started out *it" t"em. ."u& joined t"em. 6"en t"ey reac"ed t"e outskirts of t"eir "ometo*n, ."u& sto##ed and asked "is rival, -6"ere did you kee# your money t"e last t*o ni&"tsL 03m curious./ -A",/ said >aster?."u& *it" a lau&". -."at3s *"ere t"e art of t"u&&ery lies. 0 kno* *"y you "ave %een follo*in& me. +o, every ni&"t, 0 "id t"e money ri&"t under your %ed. <o* *ould you find it %y lookin& into my clot"es, my #illo*, my %edL/ ."u& saluted "im and said, -Bo *onder you3re called >aster?."u&,/ and *ent "ome.

OBK.., %ut cf. A. 15=5, ."e >aster ."ief.P

.;. Tree Trun" for a !oat

A %oatman made a livin& %y ferryin& #assen&ers across a river. Dnce "e ferried a &rou# from one %ank to t"e ot"er. <e *aited for #assen&ers for t"e return tri#, %ut no one turned u#. After a lon& *ait, "e &ot into "is %oat and *as #addlin& %ack alone *"en "e ran into a flood t"at came at "im from u#stream. Before "e could say -<aQ/ %ot" %anks overflo*ed. <e could not "old t"e %oat to its course. ."e current carried t"e %oat *it" it. <e mana&ed to save "is life %y jum#in& off and s*immin& to t"e %ank. +o "e lost "is %oat to t"e flood, and from t"at day on "e "ad no *ay of feedin& "is family. Bein& an active man, "e #lanned on makin& anot"er %oat and *ent to t"e forest lookin& for a %i& tree *it" a lar&e trunk. ."ou&" "e looked for a lon& time, "e could not find a trunk t"at *as suita%le for a %oat. +ome *ere t"in, some "ad knots. <e searc"ed all day and all evenin& till ni&"t fell and it *as dark. Clouds &at"ered, and it looked like rain. <e *alked to*ards "ome *it" lon& strides, %ut it &ot darker and "e *as cau&"t in a %i& rain. <e couldn3t see "is *ay. <e &ot drenc"ed. 6et and "un&ry, "avin& eaten not"in& since mornin&, "e ste##ed sus#iciously t"rou&" t"e under%rus" till at last "e sa* a li&"t in a "ouse. <e *alked to*ards it. 0t *as a "ut. <e knocked on t"e door. A *rinkled old man o#ened t"e door. ."e %oatman said, -2rand#a, 0 came to t"e forest lookin& for a tree to make a %oat *it". 0t &ot dark and 0 &ot cau&"t in t"e rain. Can 0 stay t"e ni&"t and &o "ome in t"e mornin&L/ ."e old man nodded. -Come in. 6e dyin& men don3t carry our "ouses on our %acks. ,o come in and stay./ <e *ent in. ."e old man "ad an old *oman *it" "im. ."ere *as not"in& else in t"e "ut. ."ey didn3t seem to "ave co*s or calves, do&s or c"ildren. ."e %oatman *as a %it sur#rised. -."ese t*o stay alone in t"is forest. 0t takes &uts,/ "e t"ou&"t. <is stomac" *as drummin& for food. ."e old cou#le didn3t offer "im any. -6"y not askL/ "e t"ou&"t, and asked, -2rand#a, *ould you "ave a #iece of %readL 03m very "un&ry./ ."e old man said, -Gust slee# for a *"ile. 6e3ll *ake you u# *"en food is ready./ +o t"e %oatman lay do*n. But, *it" "un&er drummin& in "is %elly, "o* could "e slee#L A fe* minutes later, "e "eard movements. ."en "e sa* t"e old man o#en t"e lid of a %o1, take a leat"er ca# from it, #ut it on "is "ead, and say, -2o, &oQ/ At once, t"e old man disa##eared. ."e old *oman *as ri&"t %e"ind "im and #ut on anot"er leat"er ca#. +"e too said, -2o, &oQ/ and s"e too disa##eared. ."e %oatman3s mout" *ent dry. -0s t"is real, or is it a dreamL/ "e asked "imself and #inc"ed "imself. <e sat u#, %affled. ."en, slo*ly recoverin& from "is astonis"ment, "e &ot u# and *ent close to t"e %o1. <e sa* t*o more leat"er ca#s in it. <e #ut one on and said, -2o, &o./ ."ere *as a s*is"in& noise and "e felt "e *as flyin& t"rou&" t"e air. Before "e could %link, "e "ad descended and arrived in t"e kitc"en of a kin&3s #alace. All t"e dis"es for a &rand dinner *ere ready in lar&e vessels. ."e cooks and servants "ad &one out of t"e kitc"en after cookin& and *as"in& u#. +uddenly, in t"e middle of it all, "e sa* t"e old man and old *oman "e "ad seen in t"e "ut. ."ey *ere &o%%lin& u# *"atever t"ey fancied and stuffin& t"e &old #lates and dis"es into t"eir satc"els. 6"en t"ey sa* t"e %oatman enter, t"ey "urriedly #ut on t"eir ca#s and said, -Back to t"e "ut, %ackQ/ And t"ey *ere &one in a trice. ."e %oatman said to "imself, -<a, no* 0 kno* *"y t"ey don3t cook at "omeQ/ and %e&an to eat t"e food #re#ared for t"e kin&3s dinner. <e feasted on t"e kin&3s meat and s*illed t"e kin&3s *ine, many cu#s of it, till "e &ot drunk. <e for&ot "is leat"er ca# and lay "a##ily %esotted on t"e floor, "is le&s stretc"ed *ide. 6"en it *as t"e kin&3s dinnertime, t"e cooks and servants came in and sa* t"e mess in t"e kitc"en. ."e dis"es *ere "alf?eaten, s#illed on t"e floor, #lates *ere missin&, #ots *ere em#ty. ."e %oatman lay in a corner. ."ey "auled "im u# and t"ras"ed "im. ."e %lo*s *oke "im from "is drunken stu#or. ."ey tied "im u# and took "im to t"e kin&.

-Kour >ajesty, "ere, *e3ve cau&"t "im. ."is is t"e fello* *"o "as %een stealin& &old and silver and food from t"e kitc"en t"ese many ni&"ts,/ t"ey said. ."e kin& *as furious. -Kou scoundrel, you son of a *"oreQ/ "e screamed. -.ie "im to a tree and set fire to "im. Cremate "im aliveQ/ "e ordered. ."e servants *alked "im to a "u&e dried?u# tree and tied "im to its trunk. ."ey #iled fire*ood all around "im. ."e %oatman looked around and a t"ou&"t occurred to "im: -0f 0 "ad only found t"is tree trunk earlier, all t"is *ouldn3t "ave "a##ened. 6"at s"all 0 do no*L/ Before t"ey lit t"e fire, t"ey asked "im t"e customary 8uestion, -6"at3s your last *is"L/ ."e %oatman3s allotted life s#an *asn3t yet at an end, o%viously. <e suddenly remem%ered t"e leat"er ca#. ->asters, masters, 0 left my leat"er ca# in t"e #alace kitc"en. >y last *is" is just to *ear it. 03d like to die in it. Please./ A lackey ran in and %rou&"t "im t"e ca#. Before "e #ut it on "is "ead, "e said to t"em, -Li&"t your firesQ/ ."ey lit t"e fire*ood and "e #ut on t"e ca# and said, -Back "ome, %ack "omeQ/ <e vanis"ed into t"e air at once. @veryone t"ere cried out in one voice, ->a&ic, *"at ma&icQ/ ."e %oatman descended outside "is o*n "ut *it" t"e tree tied to "is %ack. ."e tree *as u#ri&"t, t"e ro#es *ere intact. <is *ife ran out, untied t"e knots, and released "im, and asked, -6"at3s all t"isL/ <e said, -Bot"in& muc". Kou remem%er *e needed a #ro#er tree trunk for our %oat. 2od "imself tied me to t"is tree and sent me "ere./ <e carved a %eautiful stron& %oat out of t"e tree trunk and lived "a##ily *it" "is *ife, #lyin& "is %oat as %efore.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif 9 CA1.1.11, Boat made of tree trunk7 and >otif , 1()!.=, >a&ic ca#.P

.,. The Turtle *rince

0n a certain kin&dom, t"e kin& "ad no c"ildren for many years. Beit"er did t"e minister. +o t"ey *ent to consult sa&es and "oly men. ."ey all said t"at cou#les *ill &et c"ildren if t"ey *ors"i# +iva. Accordin&ly, t"ey %ot" *ors"i#ed +iva *it" &reat devotion, and, sure enou&", t"eir *ives %ecame #re&nant. ."en t"e kin& and t"e minister said to eac" ot"er: -0f *e %ot" "ave %oys, let t"em al*ays %e to&et"er as kin& and minister. 0f one of us "as a %oy and t"e ot"er a &irl, t"e &irl s"ould %e &iven in marria&e to t"e %oy./ ."ey a&reed "a##ily7 eac" #ut "is #alm in t"e ot"er3s and e1c"an&ed #romises. Bine mont"s later, t"e 8ueen &ave %irt" to a %a%y turtle. ."e minister3s *ife &ave %irt" to a lovely &irl. ."e kin& *as at first dis&usted. But t"en, as t"e sayin& &oes, even if you %e&et a %andicoot you3ll learn to love it. +o t"e kin& and 8ueen loved t"e turtle as if it *ere a son. ."e minister and "is *ife "ad no trou%le dotin& on t"eir lovely dau&"ter. As t"e turtle #rince and t"e minister3s dau&"ter &re* u#, t"e kin& %e&an to *orry. <e confided in t"e 8ueen, reminded "er of t"e e1c"an&e of #romises %et*een "im and t"e minister. ."e 8ueen said, -."at is all very *ell. 0f our c"ild "ad %een a %oy, a "uman %ein&, your a&reement *ould "ave *orked fine. Bo* t"is one is a turtle. <o* can you &o ask for a %rideL/ But t"e turtle, *"o *as listenin& to t"eir conversation, lyin& in anot"er %ed, suddenly s#oke u# and

said, -6"y are you *orriedL Am 0 not your sonL 9at"er, &o and ask. Let3s see *"at t"e minister says./ ."ey *ere astonis"ed to "ear t"e turtle s#eak in a man3s voice, for "e "ad never s#oken a *ord %efore t"at moment. ."ey *ere also deli&"ted t"at t"ey "ad a lan&ua&e in common *it" t"eir a%normal son. ."e kin& even t"ou&"t t"at t"is turtle *as no ordinary turtle %ut must really %e some enc"anted #rince under a curse to *ear a turtle3s form. <o* else *ould "e %e a%le to s#eak no* like a manL ."inkin& suc" t"ou&"ts, "e *ent to t"e minister3s "ouse in a #alan8uin, and said, -,ear friend, *e s"ould arran&e t"e *eddin& %et*een your dau&"ter and my son, just as *e a&reed years a&o./ 6"ile t"e minister *as "esitatin& to re#ly, and lookin& for t"e ri&"t t"in& to say, "is dau&"ter s#oke: -9at"er, *"y do you *ant to %reak your *ord for my sakeL 6"oever "e is, #rince or #au#er, an&el or animal, 03ll marry anyone *"o3ll %rin& me t"e celestial !arijata flo*er./ ."e kin& *ent "ome and re#orted to t"e turtle *"at t"e minister3s dau&"ter said. ."e turtle said, -9at"er, don3t &ive it a second t"ou&"t. .ake me to t"e sea and leave me in t"e *ater. 03ll take care of t"e rest./ +o t"ey sat "im in a #alan8uin and took "im to t"e seas"ore. ."e turtle s*am "a##ily in "is element and *ent to t"e Udaya mountain. ."ere "e did #enance and #rayed to t"e +un 2od. ."e +un *as #leased *it" "is #enances and a##eared to "im in all "is da44lin& s#lendor. ->y son, you *ere really a #rince in your #revious life. But you *ere arro&ant and once t"re* a turtle on a sa&e out of s"eer misc"ief. +o "e #ut a curse on you t"at you s"ould %e %orn as a turtle. ."en you came to your senses. Kou "um%ly %e&&ed "im to relent and take %ack "is curse. <e took #ity on you and said, R6"en you &o to t"e Udaya mountain and #lease t"e +un 2od, you3ll s"ed t"e turtle form and %ecome a #rince a&ain. Be #atient till t"en.S Kour moment "as come,/ said t"e +un 2od, %lessed "im, and vanis"ed. ."e turtle disa##eared, too, and in "is #lace stood a &lo*in& #rince. <e saluted t"e +un &ratefully and started "is 8uest for t"e !arijata flo*er. Dn "is *ay "e met a sa&e *"o #racticed #enance for only one minute eac" day. ."e #rince &reeted "im res#ectfully and asked, ->aster, *"ere *ill 0 find t"e celestial !arijata3 / -0 don3t kno*, my %oy. 2o on for a mile or so. >y &uru lives t"ere. Ask "im./ <e *alked t"e distance of a mile, and met a sa&e *"o #racticed #enance for only t*o minutes eac" day. <e &reeted t"e t*o?minute sa&e and asked "im, ->aster, *"ere can 0 find t"e celestial !arijata flo*erL/ -0 don3t really kno*. 0f you *alk anot"er mile or so, you3ll find my &uru. Ask "im./ 6"en, after *alkin& a mile, "e found a sa&e *"o #racticed #enance for t"ree minutes eac" day, "e asked t"e same 8uestion. -6"ere, master, can 0 find t"e celestial flo*er, !arijata3 / ."e sa&e looked at "im and t"ou&"t, -0f any%ody can %rin& it, t"is youn& man can./ +o "e ans*ered "is 8uestion. -Look "ere, to t"e nort" of "ere, t"ere3s a tem#le of t"e ele#"ant?faced &od. Beyond it, t"ere3s a lake. Celestial *omen come to t"e lake every day to %at"e in it. 6"en t"ey take off t"eir saris and enter t"e *ater, you s"ould &o and steal a sari, any sari, and run a*ay *it" it. ,on3t ever look %ack. 0f you do, you3ll die like ot"er #rinces %efore you. Run to t"e tem#le of t"e ele#"ant?faced &od and take refu&e in it. Kou3ll find t"e !arijata flo*er./ ."e #rince *ent to t"e lake and *aited for t"e celestial *omen. As soon as t"ey came, t"ey took off

t"eir saris and entered t"e *ater. <e &ra%%ed a sari, ran *it"out lookin& %ack till "e reac"ed t"e tem#le, and locked "imself in it. Dne of t"e *omen came after "im. +"e sto##ed %efore t"e locked tem#le door, and #leaded, -Please, D #rince, return my sari. 0 %e& of you *it" folded "ands./ After s"e "ad assured "im t"at "e *ould come to no "arm, "e o#ened t"e door and &ave t"e naked celestial "er sari, *"ic" s"e 8uickly *ra##ed around "erself. ."en "e came out and t"ey met, and s"e liked t"e #rince. 6"en s"e "eard *"at "e *as after, s"e #romised to %rin& "im t"e !arijata flo*ers "e *anted, and *ent %ack to "er *orld, t"e *orld of t"e &ods. By midni&"t, s"e returned to t"e tem#le, &ave "im t"e celestial flo*ers and sle#t *it" "im. @arly ne1t mornin&, %efore s"e left, s"e &ave "im a flute and told "im s"e *ould a##ear *"enever "e #layed on it. Dn "is return journey, t"e t"ree?minute sa&e asked "im, -Prince, did you &et *"at you *antedL/ -Kes, master, %y your %lessin&s./ -,id you meet t"e celestial *omanL/ -Certainly. 03ll s"o* you, if you *ait a minute,/ said t"e #rince, and #layed on "is flute. At once, s"e a##eared. @ven t"e sa&e &a#ed at "er %eauty. ."e t"ree?minute sa&e said, -Prince, listen. 03ve a yo&ic *and t"at *ill %eat u# anyone you *ant it to. All you "ave to say is, R2et so?and?so,S and it *ill &et "im. Kou3re of t"e *arrior caste, you3ll find it "andy. .ake it and &ive me t"e flute./ ."e #rince e1c"an&ed t"e flute for t"e *and, and, after *alkin& a fe* ste#s, turned around and s"outed orders to t"e *and, -2et t"at sa&e and %rin& %ack t"e fluteQ/ ."e yo&ic *and %eat t"e sa&e till "e *as %lack and %lue. <e couldn3t %ear it anymore. +o "e returned t"e flute and sat do*n dejected like a monkey. ."e #rince *alked a mile *it" t"e *and, t"e flute, and t"e !arijata. ."e t*o?minute sa&e also fell for t"e %eauty of t"e #rince3s celestial com#anion and offered to e1c"an&e a sack "e "ad for t"e #rince3s flute. ."e sack *as no ordinary sack7 it could &ive t"e o*ner *"atever "e *is"ed. ."e #rince took t"e ma&ic sack, #retended to *alk a*ay, and ordered "is yo&ic *and to &et t"e *ily sa&e. ."e *and #unis"ed t"e sa&e and %rou&"t %ack t"e flute. ."e old man sat do*ncast, "is %ody in #ain and "is mind filled *it" dismay. ."e #rince moved on *it" t"e flute, t"e sack, t"e *and, and t"e !arijata flo*er. ."e one?minute sa&e *as also infatuated *it" t"e celestial %eauty *"en t"e #rince s"o*ed "er off, and offered "im "is sandals for "is flute. ."ose sandals too *ere no ordinary sandalsHt"ey could carry you *"erever you *is"ed to &o. ."e #rince made t"e e1c"an&e, #retended to take a fe* ste#s, and &ave orders to t"e yo&ic *and, *"ic" %eat u# t"e sa&e and recovered t"e flute. ."is sa&e too sat t"ere, "el#less and mad. ."e #rince reac"ed t"e #alace secretly t"at ni&"t *it" all "is #recious o%jects, and "id t"em a*ay. ."en "e #rayed to t"e +un, %ecame a turtle a&ain, and took only t"e !arijata flo*ers to "is #arents. <e fell at t"eir feet and said, -03ve %rou&"t t"e flo*ers from "eaven. Kou must arran&e t"e marria&e./ ."e minister too "eard a%out it. ."e turtle *ent to "is "ouse and &ave "is dau&"ter t"e flo*ers. 6"at could t"e minister doL 6it"out anot"er *ord, *illy?nilly "e "ad to arran&e t"e *eddin& %et*een t"e turtle and "is dau&"ter. As t"e minister "ad t*o youn&er dau&"ters, "e arran&ed t"eir *eddin&s as *ell, *it" t*o ot"er #rinces. <e "oused all t"e sons?in?la* in "is o*n mansion. ."e minister3s youn&er dau&"ters *ent "a##ily to %ed *it" t"eir "us%ands. But "o* could t"e minister3s eldest dau&"ter, %etrot"ed %efore %irt" to a turtle, "o* could s"e do anyt"in& *it" a turtleL -."is is my lot,/ s"e said to "erself, and sle#t 8uietly ne1t to t"e turtle. ."e sisters and t"eir "us%ands lau&"ed at t"e eldest sister and called "er a turtle3s darlin&Q ."ey *anted

to mock "er furt"er and so t"e t*o men decided to &o "untin&. ."e turtle also *anted to &o. <is *ife, t"e minister3s dau&"ter, #leaded *it" "im not to &o, %ut "e *as adamant. After an ar&ument, s"e *ent to "er fat"er and said, -9at"er, your eldest son?in?la* *ants to &o "untin&. 2ive "im a c"ariot too./ @veryone in t"e "ouse"old "eard "er and lau&"ed aloud and cla##ed t"eir "ands. ."ey found "im a lame na& for a "orse and a %lunt s*ord for a *ea#on. +"e "ad to %ear t"e insults silently. ."e turtle consoled "is *ife and *ent *it" t"e ot"ers on t"e "unt. ."e servants "ad to lift "im and make "im #erc" on t"e saddle. But, as soon as "e *as alone, "e c"an&ed into a #rince and *ent into t"e forest, &allo#in& a"ead of everyone. ."e ot"er t*o sons?in?la* sa* t*o "u&e ti&ers in t"e forest. Before t"ey could "ide, t"e ti&ers si&"ted t"em and roared, and t"e t*o #rinces ran for t"eir lives. ."e soldiers *ere in one #lace, t"e c"ariots in anot"er, and t"e youn& men in still anot"er #lace. 0t *as c"aos. -6"o needs to "untL/ said one to t"e ot"er. -Let3s &o %ack and tell t"em *e didn3t find any &ame today./ ."e ot"er said, -<o* can *e do t"atL 6e made fun of t"at turtle. 0t *ould %e %etter if *e took somet"in& to s"o*./ Ket %ot" of t"em *ere co*ards. Dne more roar, and t"ey %ot" fled t"e forest. Dn t"eir *ay "ome, t"ey sa* t"e turtle. ."ey *ere astonis"ed %y *"at t"ey sa*. <e "ad killed %ot" ti&ers, s#read t"e dead animals ne1t to "im, and *as restin& under a tree, c"e*in& %etel nut and %etel leaves. ."ey *ent u# to "im, and "e offered t"em some %etel leaves and nuts. ."ey asked "im to do t"em a favor. -2ive us t"ese ti&ers. 6e3ll &ive you *"atever you ask./ -."en &ive me t"e left "alf of your mustac"es./ ."ey t"ou&"t t"is *as easy. 6"at3d %e lost if t"ey &ave a #art of t"eir mustac"esL <andsome men *ill %e "andsome any*ay, *"et"er t"ey &ro* a mustac"e or s"ave it off or kee# only a "alf of one. 0f *e take t"ese ti&ers from t"e "unt, *e3ll &et re*ards, may%e even a #art of t"e kin&dom. >ustac"es, like &rass, *ill &ro* in no time. +o t"ey &ave "im "alf t"eir mustac"es. ."e #eo#le of t"e ca#ital *elcomed t"em and took t"em *it" t"eir dead ti&ers to t"e #alace in a #rocession. ."e #rinces "astily made u# stories a%out *"y t"ey "ad "alf a mustac"e eac". 6"atever ric" #rinces do is %eautiful, isn3t itL."e turtle #rince *as t"ere too, lim#in& %e"ind t"e #rocession *it" "is lame "orse. Bo one talked to "im. +treet urc"ins follo*ed "im all t"e *ay to t"e #alace, tauntin& and teasin& "im. ."at ni&"t, t"e minister3s first dau&"ter *ent to %ed very sad t"at "er life "ad %ecome a lau&"in&stock. Be1t to "er *as a sorry?lookin& turtle, fast aslee#. 6"en s"e fell aslee#, t"e turtle, *"o *asn3t aslee# at all, c"an&ed into a #rince, undressed "er, and caressed "er all over. ."en "e c"an&ed %ack into t"e turtle. 6"en s"e *oke u# in t"e mornin&, "er clot"es *ere dis"eveled. 6"o could "ave come into t"e %edroomL +"e looked at t"e turtle. 0t lay like a #iece of stone. +"e decided to find out *"at "ad really "a##ened t"at ni&"t, and said not"in& to anyone. ."en s"e *ent to %ed early t"e ne1t ni&"t and #retended to %e fast aslee#. ."e turtle *aited for a *"ile and c"an&ed into t"e #rince and came to*ards "er. +"e cau&"t "old of "is outstretc"ed "and and sat u#. +"e kne* no* t"at "er "us%and *as no turtle %ut a &lo*in& #rince. +"e fell at "is feet and %e&&ed "im, ->y lord, you must &ive u# t"is dis&uise at once./ <e said, -6ait till tomorro*. Ask everyone to come to court. 6e3ll s"o* t"em some fun./ Be1t day, t"e court *as full. @veryone *as t"ereHt"e t"ree sons?in?la*, t"e t"ree dau&"ters, t"e kin&, t"e minister, t"eir *ives. ."e t*o youn&er sons?in?la* came to t"e court, struttin& and s"o*in& off

t"eir ti&ers. @veryone a##lauded. +uddenly, t"e turtle interru#ted t"em and asked in a commandin& "uman voice *"at "ad "a##ened to t"eir mustac"es. ."ey %a%%led. At t"at moment, t"e turtle s"ed "is s"ell and %ecame a #rince %efore everyone3s eyes. A li&"t &lo*ed from "is %ody. <e took t"e mustac"es of t"e sons?in?la* from "is #ocket and told t"e assem%ly t"e true story. ."e sons?in?la* slunk a*ay in s"ame. ."e kin& made t"e turtle #rince "is "eir, #laced a cro*n on "is "ead, and lived "a##ily.

OCf. A. A''B, Kin& Lindorm7 A. A)5A, ."e Muest for t"e Unkno*n7 and A. 5) , ."e Kna#sack, t"e <at, and t"e <orn. 9or a study of t"is tale, see Black%urn 1 5.P

.2. A 8ager
A kin& "ad an only son. @very day t"e kin& *ould finis" "is mornin& %at" and devotions, "ave somet"in& to eat, t"en saddle "is "orse, &o on "is rounds in t"e city, come "ome %y noon, and call "is son to eat t"e midday meal *it" "im. <e "ad tau&"t "is son every kind of art t"at a #rince s"ould kno*. Dne day, after t"e usual rounds on "is "orse, "e came "ome, "ad a *as", sat do*n for "is midday meal, and called "is son to join "im. But t"at mornin& t"e son "ad t"ou&"t: ->y fat"er takes "is "orse out every day. 6"en am 0 &oin& to do t"e sameL Let me take my "orse out today, ride t*enty?five miles, and return %y t"e time "e finis"es "is meal. Let me sur#rise "im./ +o "e untied "is "orse, sat on it, s#urred it, and *"i##ed it li&"tly. ."e "orse &allo#ed so fast it *as like flyin& in t"e air. 0t didn3t even leave a *"iff of dust %e"ind it. 0n no time, "e came to a ne* villa&e. As "e cantered t"rou&" t"e streets, t"e #rince sa* t"e local ric" man3s dau&"ter s*ee#in& t"eir dooryard. +"e *as utterly %eautiful and "e sto##ed in front of "er to #ose "er a riddle: D Idiga man3s dau&"ter, tell me, of all sesames *"ic" is t"e smallest sesameL +"e re#lied at once: Df all t"e flo*ers, tell me no*, *"at3s t"e #rice of jasmineL ."e #rince fle* into a ra&e. <e said to "er, -D Idiga man3s dau&"ter, you don3t kno* *"o you3re talkin& to. Kou talked %ack to me. +o 03ll marry you and s"ut you u# in my %asement. 0f 0 don3t, 0 *ouldn3t %e my fat"er3s son./ +"e countered at once, -D kin&3s son, 03ll marry you t"en, and 03ll &et your o*n son to tie you u# to t"e #ost in t"e market#lace. 0f 0 don3t, my %reast is no %reast %ut a nut of t"e ekke tree./ ."e #rince rode %ack to "is #alace "ome, tied u# "is "orse, and *ent to "is room, and lay t"ere face do*n on "is %ed. ."e kin& came out and looked at t"e "orse, *"ic" *as foamin& at t"e mout", #antin& after a lon& "ard ride. <e asked t"e &rooms, -6"o "as %een ridin& t"is "orseL/ ."ey ans*ered, -Bo one else %ut t"e #rince, sire./ +o "e *ent to "is son3s room and found "im lyin& face do*n on "is %ed. -Come, eat *it" me,/ "e said. ."e son *anted no food. ."e kin& asked, -6"at3s *ron&L ,id 0 do somet"in&L/ ."e son said, -Bo, fat"er, not you,/ and told "im "o* "e "ad taken a ride into t"e ne1t to*n and "o* t"e Idiga &irl "ad insulted "im, %andied *a&er for *a&er. -+o,/ "e said, -0 must marry "er and teac" "er a lesson. 0 *ant you to &et "er "ere and arran&e my marria&e./

."e fat"er tried to reason *it" "im. -."at3s no &ood reason to marry anyone. 9urt"ermore, t"ey are of t"e Idiga caste, and *e are 2shatriyas. 6e are different kinds of #eo#le *it" different customs./ But t"e #rince *ouldn3t listen. <e *ould touc" no food till t"ey a&reed to "is *is"es. ."e kin& finally yielded to "is son3s stu%%ornness, and said "e *ould try. ."en "e asked t"e &room to saddle "is "orse, and rode into t"e ne1t to*n and talked to t"e Idiga &irl3s fat"er. ."e Idiga &entleman *as 8uite overcome *it" a*e *"en "is servants announced t"at t"e rei&nin& kin& "imself "ad come to visit "im. <e *ent into a #anic. ."e kin& 8uelled "is fears and said, -Please don3t %e afraid. Kou3ve done not"in& *ron&. 6e *ould like to make a marria&e alliance *it" your family. >y son likes your dau&"ter./ ."e Idigas *ere deli&"ted. ."e marria&e *as arran&ed. ."e *eddin& *as to take #lace t"ree or four mont"s later. ."e #rince, mean*"ile, ordered an under&round %asement "ouse to %e %uilt t"ree miles out of to*n and &ot it furnis"ed and ready for "is %ride. 9our mont"s later, t"e marria&e took #lace. 6"en it *as time for t"e %ride to &o to "er fat"er?in?la*3s #lace, s"e called "er fat"er aside and told "im, *it" tears in "er eyes, - A!!a, you must no* for&et any "o#es you may "ave for your dau&"ter3s future. 0t3s finis"ed./ -6"at are you talkin& a%outL/ asked t"e fat"er. -Kou "ave a *"ole kin&dom at your feet. Kou3re a #rince3s *ife, t"e future 8ueen. <e3s not lame, "e3s not %lind. <e looks *onderful. 6"at3s *ron&L 6"y are you cryin&L/ -A!!a, t"is #rince came "ere a fe* mont"s a&o. And "e said to me, D ric" man3s dau&"ter, of all sesames *"ic" is t"e smallest sesameL And 0 re#lied: D &reat kin&3s son, of all t"e flo*ers, *"at is t"e #rice of jasmineL <e t"ou&"t 0 *as talkin& %ack to "im and mockin& "im. <e made a vo* at once t"at "e *ould marry me and s"ut me u# in a %asement. +o 0 too made a *a&er t"at 0 *ould marry "im, %e&et a son %y "im, and &et "is o*n son to tie "im to t"e #ost in t"e market#lace. ."at3s *"y "e3s married me no*. 03ve "eard "e3s &ot a %asement "ouse all ready for me. 0t looks as if "e3ll *in "is *a&er. <o* do 0 *in mineL ."en t"e fat"er said, -,au&"ter, if you3d told me all t"is, *e *ould never "ave a&reed to t"is marria&e./ -Bo* it3s done. A *a&er is a *a&er. Promise to "el# me and 03ll tell you *"at to do,/ said t"e dau&"ter. +"e "ad "er o*n #lans. 6"en t"e fat"er #romised "er "is "el#, s"e asked "im to di& and %uild a secret #assa&e, a tunnel, %et*een t"e %asement "ouse and "is o*n mansion. ."en s"e left for t"e #alace. ."e #rince didn3t even look at "er. <e sent "er to t"e %asement "ouse and s"ut "er u# in it. ."en "e *ent to anot"er country in searc" of a ne* %ride, married a&ain, and lived *it" "is ne* *ife 8uite "a##ily. >ean*"ile, t"e fat"er finis"ed makin& a secret #assa&e %et*een "is dau&"ter3s %asement "ouse and "is o*n. 6"en "e visited "er, s"e said to "im, -9at"er, 03ve &ot to *in my *a&er. +o 0 *ant you to find me an e1#ert teac"er of acro%atics and several *omen acro%ats, in fact, a *"ole trou#e. 6ill you %rin& t"em "ere as soon as you canL/ <e found t"e teac"er and t"e trou#e for "er in no time and %rou&"t t"em secretly t"rou&" t"e tunnel into t"e %asement "ouse. ."e teac"er *as an e1#erienced old man. +"e &ave "im a "i&" seat and said to

"im, -2randfat"er, tell me all t"e different kinds of dances and acro%atic feats you kno*./ -0 kno* any num%er of t"in&s, not only acro%atics, %ut t"e arts of ma&ic, %lack and *"ite, t"at can call u# demons and s#irits, and 03ve t"e as" t"at can #ut #eo#le to slee#./ -D yesL/ said t"e youn& *oman, and #roceeded to take lessons from "im every day, and learned all "is arts. ."en s"e came out one dark ni&"t *it" "er fat"er to t"e field outside "er "us%and3s #alace and #itc"ed an acro%ats3 tent t"ere. Be1t mornin&, t"e to*n crier *as en&a&ed to make announcements t"rou&" t"e to*n t"at t"ere *ould %e a fantastic ne* s"o* outside t"e #alace. ."e #rince too came to *atc" t"e s"o*. >ore t"an anyt"in&, "e *as da44led %y t"e saukar3s dau&"ter and "er incredi%le skill in dance and acro%atic feats. <e *as stricken %y "er %eauty. <e sent for t"e old acro%at, and asked "im *"o t"e lovely acro%at *as. ."e old man told "im s"e *as "is o*n dau&"ter. ."e #rince told "im, -0 *ould like to visit "er toni&"t./ ."e old man *as dis&usted %y t"is #ro#osition and told t"e saukar3s dau&"ter a%out it. - Amma, t"e kin&3s son "as cast "is eyes on you. 6"at s"all 0 doL/ <e *as 8uite non#lussed *"en "e "eard "er say, -."at3s all ri&"t. Ask "im to come toni&"t./ 6ell, t"at ni&"t, t"e #rince dined and *ined "a##ily, and came to t"e tent *it" many costly &ifts. ."e saukar3s dau&"ter came do*n from "er cot and asked "im to sit on it. ->y lord, *"at3s your *is"L/ s"e asked, as if s"e didn3t kno*. <e re#lied, -0 like you a lot. Can3t take my mind off you, ever since 0 sa* you dance t"is evenin&./ +o t"ey %at"ed and ate to&et"er, and &ave eac" ot"er muc" #leasure. -03ve never seen anyone so %eautiful and artful as you. Ask *"at you *ant and 03ll &ive it to you,/ said t"e #rince, sated *it" #leasure. -D, 0 *ant very little,/ s"e said. -2ive me t"e rin& on your fin&er, as a memento./ -.ake it,/ "e said, and &ave it to "er, #romisin& to visit "er a&ain t"e ne1t ni&"t. And "e s#ent t"e ne1t ni&"t *it" "er, and &ave "er t"e necklace "e *as *earin&. Dn t"e t"ird ni&"t, s"e took from "im t"e da&&er at "is *aist. ."e ne1t day, t"e acro%ats left t"e #alace outskirts. +"e *ent %ack to "er fat"er3s "ouse *it" t"e old acro%at and "is trou#e, &ave t"em money and many &ifts, and returned to "er under&round %asement "ouse. +"e *as "a##y to see t"at s"e *as #re&nant. Bine mont"s and nine days later, s"e &ave %irt" to a %a%y %oy. As "e &re* u#, s"e tau&"t "im all t"e arts s"e "ad learned from t"e old man. <e &re* u# to %e a very clever, a very accom#lis"ed youn& man. Dne day, mot"er and son *ere "avin& t"eir dinner and c"attin&, *"en t"e mot"er asked "im, -03ve a *a&er and 0 can3t *in it *it"out you. 6ill you #romise to *in it for meL/ -Df course,/ said t"e son, t"inkin& t"at not"in& could %e more #recious t"an one3s mot"er. -.ell me *"at it is, and 03ll do it./ -Listen carefully, my son. Before you *ere %orn, 0 *as s*ee#in& our dooryard. ."e kin&3s son came ridin& and asked me out of t"e %lue,/ RD saukar3s dau&"ter, tell me: of all t"e sesames, *"ic" is t"e smallest sesameLS -And 0 re#lied, RD kin&3s son, of all t"e flo*ers *"at3s t"e #rice of jasmineLS

-0f my fat"er never came "ere, "o* did 0 come a%outL/ asked t"e son, all eyes and ears %y no*. ."en s"e told "im a%out t"e acro%ats and t"e t"ree ni&"ts s"e s#ent *it" t"e #rince. ."en s"e s"o*ed "im t"e tunnel. ."e youn& man "astened to "is &randfat"er3s mansion t"rou&" t"e tunnel and asked "im for an old s"irt, some old "alf?#ants, and a dirty %lanket. ."e &randfat"er, *"o kne* somet"in& *as afoot, arran&ed to &et t"em. ."e youn& man *ore t"em and *ent to*ards "is fat"er3s city. A%out a mile a*ay from t"e #alace, "e sa* a "ut and a##roac"ed it. ."e old *oman of t"e "ut in8uired, -6"ere do you come fromL 6"o are youL <ave you eaten or *ould you like somet"in& to eatL/ <e ans*ered -0 don3t "ave a "ome to call my o*n. 0 *ander "ere and t"ere in searc" of *ork and *a&es./ +"e said, -0 too am alone. 03ve no%ody to call my o*n. +tay "ere *it" me. 0 live %y sellin& milk and %uttermilk./ <e acce#ted "er invitation, and stayed *it" "er, &ra4in& "er co*s all day. <e made friends *it" ot"er youn& co*"erd %oys, #layed villa&e &ames *it" t"em, and learned t"e *ays of t"e %a4aar near%y. Dne day t"ey *ere roamin& t"e streets and came to t"e #alace. <e said, #layin& t"e innocent, -Look, *"at a %eautiful and stran&e?lookin& "ouseQ/ <is friends enli&"tened "im and &ave "im t"e &ossi#. -D t"at, t"at is t"e #alace. ."e kin&3s story is 8uite somet"in&. <e married a *oman from t"e villa&e and "as s"ut "er u# in a %asement "ouse. After s"uttin& u# "is first *ife, "e *ent and married a second *ife. ."ey say "e is 8uite "a##y *it" t"e ne* one and "as several c"ildren. U# t"ere in t"e t"ird storey is t"eir %edroom. 0n t"e middle of it stands a &olden cot *it" silver le&s on *"ic" t"ey slee#. ."ey "ave servantmaids at t"eir %eck and call all "ours of t"e day to %rin& t"em t"eir sli&"test *is" and to &ive t"em %at"s and massa&es./ And so on, t"ey told "im everyt"in& t"ey "ad "eard, addin& s#ice and salt to it. ."at evenin&, "e tied u# t"e co*s in t"e s"ed, *aited for t"e ni&"t, and *ent to t"e #alace. ,eftly, "e t"re* t"e as" t"at makes #eo#le fall aslee# into t"e eyes of t"e &uards, and t"ey sank do*n in slee# in t"e very #laces t"ey stood. <e entered t"e #alace %edroom and, sure enou&", t"e kin& and 8ueen *ere slee#in& on t"e le&endary %eds#read on a &olden cot *it" silver le&s. <e removed t"e silver le&s one %y one, re#lacin& t"em *it" %anana trunks cut to t"e ri&"t len&t"s7 "e removed, *it" t"e li&"test of fin&ers, every #iece of je*elry t"e 8ueen *as *earin& from all over "er %ody7 t"en "e came out on silent feet, as "e "ad &one in. <e "id t"e je*elry in a "ole %e"ind t"e "ut and *ent to %ed. ."e kin& and "is 8ueen stirred in t"eir slee#. ."e %anana trunks on *"ic" t"e cot *as #recariously #erc"ed sli##ed from under t"em, and t"ey rolled to t"e &round, s"ocked a*ake. 6"en t"ey lit t"e lam#s, t"ey found to t"eir ama4ement t"at all t"e je*elry *as &one. @ven t"e silver le&s of t"e cot *ere &one. ."ey s"outed for all t"e servants and t"e &uards, %ut no one kne* a t"in&. ."e kin& #unis"ed t"em all. <e called t"e %ailiff and &ave orders t"at t"e t"ief %e cau&"t at once. 6"oever it *as, "e seemed to %e no ordinary t"ief. <e seemed *ell?versed in all t"e %lack arts. Be1t day, *"en t"e youn& man *as drivin& "is "erd of co*s, "e met t"e %ailiff makin& "is rounds in %road dayli&"t. <e asked "im, -Bailiff sir, you seem to "ave started *ork early today. 6"at3s t"e matterL/ ."e %ailiff re#lied, -2o your *ays. +ome clever t"ief "as ro%%ed t"e kin&3s %edroom, and t"e kin& is #unis"in& us all. 6e "ave to catc" "im ri&"t a*ay or else *e *ill lose our "eads. ,on3t ask too many 8uestions. Gust &o a%out your %usiness./ ."e youn& man said "e could #er"a#s "el# in %rin&in& t"e t"ief to justice. ."e %ailiff said, -0f only my

son?in?la* *ere "ereQ <e *ould "ave cau&"t t"is t"ief in t*o minutesQ/ -0sn3t "e in to*nL 6"ere did "e &o, sir %ailiffL Can 0 &o &et "imL/ said t"e youn& man, s"o*in& concern. -D, "o* can youL <e left to*n t"e day after "e married my dau&"ter. <is skin *as t"e color of oil, a %it on t"e %ro*n side. <e al*ays *ore *"ite clot"es. <e *as a%out your "ei&"t and *ei&"t.V/ ."e %ailiff *ent on to &ive "im a full descri#tion of "is a%sent son?in?la*. ."e youn& man listened to everyt"in& carefully, made sym#at"etic noises to t"e %ailiff, and drove t"e co*s "ome early t"at day. <e *arned t"e old *oman, -2randma, t"ere are ro%%ers in to*n. ."ey3ve even ro%%ed t"e kin&3s #alace. Kou3d %etter %e careful. Bolt all doors %efore you slee#. 03ll slee# in t"e s"ed *it" t"e co*s and &uard t"em./ But "e didn3t slee# t"ere t"at ni&"t. <e dressed "imself u# as t"e %ailiff3s son?in?la* and *ent to t"e city &ates, *"ere t"e %ailiff *as kee#in& *atc" in t"e dark. <e addressed "im as fat"er?in?la*, and said, -9at"er?in?la*, *"y are you sittin& "ere alone like t"isL/ ."e %ailiff *as taken a%ack %ut *as also "a##y to see "is a%sent relative. -0 *as just talkin& a%out you to someone today. 6"ere "ave you %een all t"ese daysL ."e kin& &ot ro%%ed yesterday, so "e "as #ut me on day?and?ni&"t duty at t"e city &ates./ -."at3s *"at 0 "eard and so 0 "urried %ack,/ said t"e youn& man. -."at3s my %oyQ 03m so &lad you3re %ack. Kou can "el# us catc" t"is t"ief. But first &o "ome and see your *ife. +"e *ould %e so #leased,/ said t"e %ailiff. ."e youn& man took "is leave and *ent to t"e %ailiff3s "ouse and said to t"e %ailiff3s *ife: ->ot"er?in? la*, 03m em#loyed in t"e sout", far a*ay. ."e *eat"er t"ere "as com#letely c"an&ed my skin color and looks, as you can see. 0 t"ou&"t 0 s"ould come "ome, %e *it" my *ife for a cou#le of days, and &o %ack. 03ll soon arran&e to take "er t"ere./ +"e and "er dau&"ter *elcomed "im and &ave "im a fine dinner. ."en "e joined t"e dau&"ter in %ed, sle#t *it" "er, and left 8uietly %efore da*n. 6"en, ne1t day, t"e kin& asked t"e %ailiff, -,id you catc" t"e t"iefL/ all "e could say *as, ->aster, *"at s"all 0 sayL Kesterday "e came in t"e &uise of my lon&?lost son?in?la*, sle#t *it" my dau&"ter, and disa##eared. <e is no ordinary t"ief, %elieve me./ ."e kin& a&reed. -<e does look like a su#ert"ief. 03ll make t"e rounds myself toni&"t and catc" "im,/ "e said, and sent out *arnin&s to t"e entire city t"rou&" t"e to*n crier. ."e youn& co*"erd came "ome early a&ain and *arned t"e old *oman, -0t looks as if t"e kin& "imself *ill make t"e rounds of t"e city today and try to catc" t"e t"ief. Kou3d %etter %e careful lest t"e t"ief come into t"is "ouse. C"eck t"e doors %efore you slee#./ ."en "e *ent out and %ou&"t #uffed rice, #eanuts, fried "ondas, and ot"er snacks, as *ell as ci&arettes and matc"es. By midni&"t, "e "ad %uilt a little %oot" and set u# s"o# on a street corner. <e ke#t it o#en, *it" a little oil lam# flickerin& all ni&"t, and sat at t"e till. ."e kin& came t"ere on "is rounds and asked "im, -6"at are you doin&, kee#in& a snack s"o# o#en at t"is midni&"t "ourL 6"o3ll come and %uy from you at t"is timeL/ ."e youn& man *inked and said, -D, t"ere are al*ays ni&"t #eo#le. @very ni&"t ten men come from t"is side and ten from t"at. .rade is 8uite %risk at t"is time./ ."e kin& t"ou&"t t"at it must %e t"e t"ieves *"o came at ni&"t to t"e s"o# for a %ite to eat, and said, -Look "ere, 0 "ave to catc" a t"ief in t"at &an&. 03m no ot"er t"an t"e kin&. 03ve decided to catc" "im

myself./ ."e youn& man #retended to %e all a&o&, and *"is#ered to "im res#ectfully, - Swami, master, of course, of course. 03ll %e at your service. Anyt"in& you say. But t"ose fello*s "ave come and &one already toni&"t. 0f only 03d kno*n.VBut tomorro* 03ll arran&e to catc" t"em, %ind t"em u#, and deliver t"em to you. 0 #romise./ Be1t day, "e drove t"e co*s to #asture as usual, returned as usual, and *arned t"e old *oman a&ain, -Ro%%ers are ram#ant in to*n. ,ou%le?lock t"e doors %efore you slee#. 03ll slee# in t"e s"ed./ ."en "e *ent to a laundryman, &ave "im a costly je*el, and %ou&"t from "im a lar&e %undle of dirty linen. <e also #icked u# a lar&e %urla# %a& and some ro#e. <e *ent to t"e tank, dis&uised as a laundryman, and started *as"in& t"e clot"es. ."e kin& came t"ere late t"at ni&"t on "is rounds, "is face "ooded in a cloak. <e asked t"e fake laundryman, -6"at are you doin& at t"is "our *as"in& clot"esL/ ."e man re#lied, -D sir, 03m t"e same fello* *"o runs t"e %oot" at ni&"t. Bo* 0 "ave to *as" t"ese clot"es. ."ese %elon& to t"e ro%%ers. ."ey *ant t"e dry ones ri&"t a*ay. ."ey3ll come "ere to c"an&e into dis&uises and t"ey *ill &ive me more clot"es./ ."e kin& *as all fired u# and said, -."en 03ll *ait "ere and catc" "im./ -03ll "el# you, sir. But t"en, if you stand "ere like t"at, stron& and tall, t"ey *ill see you and vanis". Kou must "ide in t"is %undle of clot"es and make no noise,/ said t"e youn& ro&ue, smot"erin& t"e kin& in t"e dirty linen and tyin& a %ed s"eet all around "im, makin& a firm knot at t"e to#. At t"e crack of da*n, #eo#le %e&an to come to*ards t"e tank for *ater. <e called t"em all and said, #ointin& to t"e %undle of clot"es, -<ere, t"is is t"e t"ief. .ake "im in t"is %undle and tie it u# to t"e #ost in t"e market#lace. ,on3t listen to anyt"in& "e says. <e3s muc" too clever for all of us, as you kno*./ ."e #eo#le carried t"e %undle, *it" t"e kin& screamin& and s"outin& inside, and tied it u# to t"e #ost. By t"e time t"ey &ot t"ere, t"e youn& man *as already sittin& t"ere, dressed like a lord, in a "i&" c"air, t*irlin& "is mustac"e. <e "ad mean*"ile sent for t"e kin&3s old fat"er. 6"en "e arrived, "e asked t"e #eo#le to untie t"e %undle. -At lon& last. Let3s see t"e face of t"is su#ert"ief. Untie it,/ "e ordered. Dut of t"e %undle scram%led a %e*ildered and dis"eveled kin&. 6"en "e looked at "is ca#tor, "e *as ama4ed, for t"e youn& man looked like "imself. <is second 8ueen also "urried to t"e #lace and sa* t"e t*o of t"em, look?alikesH "er "us%and tied to a #ost in t"e market#lace, and a youn& man standin& stylis"ly in front of "im *it" a *"i# in "is "and. Kin& and t"ief, t"ief and kin&, "andy?dandy, it *as "ard to tell *"o *as *"ic". Dnly t"eir a&es &ave t"em a*ay. ."en t"e youn& man addressed t"e cro*d and told t"em t"at "e *as really t"e #risoner3s son. <e also sent for "is mot"er in t"e %asement "ouse. +"e "urried to t"e market#lace and 8uickly asked t"e servants to untie t"e kin&. +"e told t"e assem%ly a%out "er *a&er, *"y and "o* s"e *as married, and "o* "er son no* "ad "el#ed "er *in t"e *a&er. +"e s"o*ed t"em t"e da&&er, t"e necklace, and t"e si&net rin& t"at "ad once %elon&ed to t"e kin&. ."ey *ent *it" "er to ins#ect t"e under&round tunnel "er fat"er "ad %uilt for "er. ."en t"e kin& said, -Kou are truly my first *ife. Mueen, you3ve *on your *a&er./ ."en "e called "is son to "is side and em%raced "im. @veryone, needless to say, *as "a##y.

OCf. A. C!(, ."e Princess Confined in t"e >ound7 and A. 15=52, ."e ."ief Assumes ,is&uises.P

.3. 8hat the 1il" !ird aid

0n t"ose days, snakes, %ears, ti&ers, and suc" ot"er *ild animals could talk, just like you and me. Dne day t"e villa&e c"ieftain3s dau&"ter, *"o *as very #re&nant, *ent to &et kindlin& in t"e *oods. A milk %ird *as sin&in&: 6ome, father:s daughter, father:s wife, ji ji4 6ome this way, come, father:s daughterPinPlaw and son:s own wife, ji ji4 +"e &at"ered dry t*i&s and %ranc"es, %ut s"e *as trou%led %y t"e son&. -6"y is t"e milk %ird sin&in& suc" a *eird son&L D mot"erQ/ s"e &rum%led to "erself. By noon, s"e "ad filled "er %asket *it" kindlin&. +"e could not lift it and set it on "er "ead all %y "erself. +"e looked around for someone *"o mi&"t "el#. ."e "ot sun *as merciless, and under "er feet t"e eart" *as as "ot as a s"eet of metal. +"e *ilted in t"e "eat, and stood t"ere restless, findin& everyt"in& un%eara%le. Gust t"en, a co%ra came t"at *ay. +"e said to t"e co%ra, -Brot"er Co%ra, come "el# me *it" t"is %asket./ ."e co%ra said, -0f 0 "el#, *"at *ill 0 &etL/ -6"at can 0 &ive youL 03m &oin& to "ave a %a%y. 0f 0 &et a son, 03ll name "im after you. 0f 0 &et a dau&"ter, 03ll marry "er to you,/ s"e said. ."e co%ra said, -."at3s a deal,/ and lifted t"e %asket onto "er "ead and *atc"ed "er carry it "ome. +even mont"s #assed, ei&"t mont"s #assed. 6"en it *as nine mont"s and nine days, s"e &ave %irt" to a dau&"ter. ."at %itc", 2oddess +etivi, came and *rote "er future and fortune on t"e %a%y3s fore"ead, as s"e does on every ne*%orn %a%y3s. Gust *"en +etivi *as leavin&, t"e mot"er of t"e ne*%orn *oke u# and sa* "er, 8uickly &ra%%ed t"e end of t"e &oddess3s sari, and sto##ed "er. -6"at did you *rite on my %a%y3s fore"eadL/ s"e asked. -03ve *ritten *"at t"e milk %ird said. 03ve *ritten t"at s"e3ll marry "er o*n son,/ said +etivi, %efore s"e sli##ed t"rou&" t"e door. -0f *"at you *rite is true, may you %ecome a *ido*, you %itc"Q/ cursed t"e mot"er. :."at3s *"y t"e &oddess is a *ido*.;."ree mont"s #assed, and t"e co%ra came "issin& to t"e villa&e &ate and lay across it. Peo#le tried to scare it and c"ase it a*ay, %ut it didn3t move. 0t didn3t let anyone &o into t"e villa&e or come out. ."e elders sat in council. ."ey decided someone "ad made a vo* and #romised somet"in&. ."at must %e *"y t"e Co%ra 2od lay full?len&t" across t"eir &ate. ."ey announced t"rou&" t"e to*n crier t"at *"oever "ad made a vo* s"ould fulfill it. ."e villa&e c"ieftain3s dau&"ter kne* at once *"y t"e co%ra "ad come. <e *as askin& "er to make &ood "er *ord. +o s"e &ot u# and dressed "er %a%y dau&"ter in ne* clot"es, #ut a ne* %onnet on t"e little one3s "ead, #ainted eye?%lack in "er little eyes, and &ave "er t"e %reast. ."en s"e took t"e %a%y in a %asket, #laced it %efore t"e co%ra, saluted "im, and came a*ay. ."e co%ra s#read its "ood and carried t"e %a%y into t"e *oods. Kears later, t"e c"ieftain3s dau&"ter %ore a son. <e &re* u# and started #layin& cinniPdandu *it" a c"i# and a stick. Dne day "e sent a c"i# flyin& and "it a &irl *"o *as carryin& a #itc"er of *ater "ome. 0n "er an&er, t"e &irl scolded "im: -6e all kno* *"at makes you so %ad, you rascal. A snake took your sister. 6"at do you e1#ectL/ <e came strai&"t "ome and #estered "is mot"er to tell "im *"at "ad "a##ened to "is sister. +"e "esitated at first and t"en told "im, -Kes, t"at3s true, t"at3s *"at "a##ened./ And s"e told "im t"e entire story. -0f t"at3s *"at "a##ened, 03ll &o and &et "er %ack,/ "e said, and *ould not *ait even a day. <e didn3t listen to "is mot"er3s #leadin&s and ar&uments. <e left *it" a small %undle of food.

<e *ent and *ent and *ent, far into t"e t"ick of t"e *oods, t"rou&" t"e t"orny jun&le. <e tired "imself out and fell aslee# under a %anyan tree. 6"en "e *oke u#, "e smelled somet"in&, looked around, and sa* a *is# of smoke risin& from t"e %anyan3s u##er %ranc"es. -6"at kind of smoke is t"isL/ "e asked "imself and clim%ed t"e tree. 0n its to# %ranc"es, amon& t"e leaves, t"ere *as a "ouse. ."e door *as s"ut. <e knocked on it. -Anyone insideL 03m t"irsty, can you o#en t"e door and &ive me some *aterL/ "e s"outed. A *oman o#ened t"e door. <er eyes and nose and e1#ression *ere all just like "is mot"er3s. <e told "er *"o "e *as, named "is mot"er3s name and family. +"e suddenly reali4ed *"o "e *as and cried out -Brot"erQ/ +"e t"re* "er arms around "im and s"e *e#t. +"e told "im "er entire life3s story, "o* t"e co%ra "ad %rou&"t "er u#, tau&"t "er everyt"in&, and finally married "er. -+ister, let3s &o "omeQ/ "e said. -D, noQ <o* can *e esca#e my "us%andL <e is a terror. 0f "e even sees you "e3ll kill you,/ s"e said. But "e told "er *"at to do. +o s"e "id "im carefully and %oiled milk on t"e stove. ."e co%ra came "ome and "issed, -+ome ne* smell, somet"in& ne*Q/ +uddenly "e reco&ni4ed t"e smell. -D t"e milkQ/ "e cried, and ea&erly drank t"e s*eet?smellin& scaldin& milk, *"ic" "e couldn3t resist, and died on t"e s#ot. ."en %rot"er and sister made t"eir *ay to*ards t"eir villa&e. ."e sister *as fully #re&nant. Dn t"e *ay, s"e "ad to &ive %irt". +"e laid one e&& after anot"er every fe* ste#s. <er %rot"er follo*ed "er, %roke t"e e&&s one %y one, and smeared t"em on t"e stones. <e crus"ed and crunc"ed scores of t"em. But one little e&& rolled into a crack in t"e &round and "e couldn3t reac" it "o*ever "ard "e tried. <e and "is sister t"ou&"t, -6"at can a little e&& doL 0t *ill die in t"e "eat./ And t"ey moved on. ."ey *ere "ardly *it"in ears"ot of t"eir villa&e *"en t"e e&& in t"e crack "atc"ed into a %a%y snake. 0t cra*led out and moved fast. 0t soon overtook t"em and *aylaid t"em. -0 *on3t let "er &o. Kou3d %etter &o "ome alone. Dr else 03ll %ite you,/ it said to t"e %rot"er, raisin& its "ood. Bot kno*in& *"at to do, "e left "is sister %e"ind and *ent on alone. ."e %a%y snake forced "er to return to t"e %anyan tree, married "er, and t"ey lived for a lon& time in t"e "ouse in t"e tree.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif + =15, C"ild #romised to animal7 >otif B )(A.1, >arria&e to snake7 R 111.1.5, Rescue of *oman from snake?"us%and7 and 0 A1=, >ot"er?son incest.P

.4. 8ho Is the >reatestE

Dnce t"ere *ere t*o kin&s. Dne of t"em "ad seven sons and t"e ot"er "ad seven dau&"ters. ."ou&" t"ey *ere in different kin&doms and didn3t kno* eac" ot"er, t"ey %ot" decided it *as time to &et t"eir offs#rin& married. ."e kin& *"o "ad sons called "is servants, &ave t"em seven #ictures of "is seven sons, and asked t"em to searc" for #ro#er *ell?%orn %rides for eac" of t"em. ."e kin& *"o "ad seven dau&"ters also called "is servants, &ave t"em #ictures of "is seven dau&"ters, and sent t"em fort" *it" orders to find suita%le royal %ride&rooms for t"em. ."e servants of %ot" kin&s *andered t"rou&" t"e land in searc" of #ro#er mates for t"eir #rinces and #rincesses. 6ord traveled from one ear to anot"er, and everyone in t"e land "eard a%out t"is searc". 0n a villa&e lived a gowda *"o also "eard a%out it, and "e decided to invite %ot" #arties to "is #lace. 6it" "im as a mediator, t"e #arties met, e1c"an&ed eac" ot"er3s #ictures, and found t"at t"e matc"es *ere #erfect. ."ey *ent %ack to t"eir res#ective kin&s, *"o *ere overjoyed to "ear t"e &ood ne*s. ."e

*"ole ca#ital set a%out makin& &rand #re#arations for t"e sevenfold *eddin&. But, *"en t"ey &ot to&et"er soon after for t"e marria&e ne&otiations, t"e gowda *as also #resent. <e said to t"em, -,on3t arran&e t"e *eddin& ceremony in t"is "ouse or in t"at one. Arran&e it in my villa&e. 6e *ould %e deli&"ted to make t"e arran&ements. Please let us./ ."e kin&s acce#ted "is invitation and finis"ed t"e %etrot"al ceremonies t"at day. @ac" kin& %rou&"t seven cartloads of #eo#le and t"in&s for t"e *eddin& to t"e gowda3s villa&e. 6"en t"ey asked t"e gowda, "e asked "is men, -6"ere s"all *e "old t"e *eddin&L/ ."en "e ans*ered "is o*n 8uestion. -2o to my fields. 2et a magi &ourd t"at is neit"er at t"e to# nor at t"e %ottom of t"e cree#er %ut in t"e middle. Pluck it and %rin& it "ere./ <is men *ent to t"e fields and %rou&"t "im t"e &ourd. <e made a "ole in it and #ut all fourteen cartloads of #eo#le and t"eir t"in&s in t"e &ourd and said, -2o a"ead and "ave t"e *eddin& in "ere./ ."e gowda3s dau&"ter "ad &one to t"e *ell to &et a #itc"er of *ater and came %ack to "er fat"er3s "ouse. +"e felt t"e need to make *ater. +"e *ent near t"e magi &ourd, *"ic" *as lyin& outside. +"e didn3t kno* *"at *as in it. +"e made *ater all around it. ."e force of t"at flood carried t"e &ourd far a*ay and finally to t"e sea. A fis" in t"e sea &o%%led it u# in no time. ."en a "overin& sea crane s*oo#ed do*n, cau&"t t"e fis", and s*allo*ed it. A fis"erman cau&"t t"e %ird *it" "is net and took it to t"e farmers3 market on 9riday. Bo* an old *oman in anot"er villa&e called "er dau&"ter, &ave "er four or five ru#ees, and said, -2o to t"e farmers3 market and %uy me a c"icken or a &oose. 6it" t"e rest of t"e money, %uy some &roceries. ,on3t dillydally. Come %ack soon./ Dn "er *ay to t"e market, t"e old *oman3s dau&"ter met t"e fis"erman. +"e %ou&"t t"e sea crane from "im, tied it round "er *aist, *ent to t"e market, %ou&"t some t"in&s t"ere, and "urried "ome. <er mot"er asked "er, -,id you %rin& t"e %irdL/ -Kes, 0 did. A nice sea crane,/ s"e said, and loosened t"e clot" around "er la#, %ut t"ere *as no crane. 0t "ad vanis"ed. A louse in "er sari "ad s*allo*ed t"e sea crane. <er mot"er t"ou&"t s"e *as tellin& lies and &ot into a ra&e. +o s"e #ulled out a stick and &ave "er dau&"ter a &ood %eatin&. ."e dau&"ter couldn3t %ear it, and s"e %e&an to menstruate. ."e mot"er, dis&usted, called t"e *as"erman and &ave "im t"e dau&"ter3s soiled clot"es to launder. ."e *as"erman took t"em to t"e river and %e&an to soak t"em and %eat t"em on t"e stone. ."en t"e louse s#lit o#en and out came t"e sea crane. ."e astonis"ed *as"erman took out t"e %ird, #ulled off t"e feat"ers, and cut it *it" a knife. 0n its cro#, "e found a fis", and inside t"e fis" "e found a &ourd, *"ic" seemed to %e "ollo*. <e t"ou&"t t"at t"e "ollo* &ourd could %e used as a lam# and so "e #laced it on to# of a #ole outside "is "ouse. ."ere *as a %i& *ind soon after, and t"e &ourd *as %lo*n do*n. 0t fell and %roke. At a%out t"is time, inside t"e &ourd, t"e *eddin& of t"e seven #rinces and t"e seven #rincesses *as finis"in& u#. ."ey, t"eir clan, and all t"eir &uests came out one %y one and %e&an to find t"eir *ay "ome. Bo*, tell me: 6"ic" is t"e %i&&est of t"em allL 0s it t"e &ourd t"at can "old fourteen cartloads, or is it t"e gowda3s dau&"ter, *"o sent t"e &ourd rus"in& to t"e sea %y makin& *ater on itL Dr is it t"e fis" t"at &o%%led u# t"e &ourdL 0s it t"e sea crane t"at s*allo*ed t"at fis" t"at "ad &o%%led u# t"e &ourdL 0s t"e louse t"at devoured t"e sea crane %i&&er t"an all t"ese, or is it t"e &irl *"o tied t"e crane in t"e sari round "er *aistL 6"o is %i&&erL 0s t"e *as"erman *"o %undled it all u# and took it to t"e river t"e &reatest of t"eseL AB+6@R: 0t3s 8uite #ossi%le t"at t"e gowda kne* "o* to &ro* a &ourd as %i& as t"at one. 0t3s also

#ossi%le t"at "is dau&"ter sent it rus"in& to t"e sea *it" t"e *ater s"e made. A fis" could "ave eaten it, a crane could "ave eaten t"e fis", and certainly a fis"erman could "ave cau&"t t"e crane. But t"e old *oman3s dau&"ter *"o "ad a louse t"at ate t"e crane t"at ate t"e fis" t"at s*allo*ed t"e &ourd t"at "ad fourteen cartloads of men and t"in&s in it, t"at &irl is t"e &reatest. But *"at a%out t"e *as"erman *"o took "er sari to t"e river *it" all t"ese in itL ."at3s not"in& unusual. 6as"ermen lu& to t"e river %i&&er %undles of clot"es t"an t"at.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif T ''.A.1, Louse and Cro* make covenant of friends"i# :1D;.P

.5. 8hy the "y 8ent $p

Dnce u#on a time, t"e sky and t"e sun *ere 8uite close to t"e eart". ."e sun3s "eat *as un%eara%le. Peo#le died of sunstroke. Dne day an old farmer *"o "ad just s"aved off all "is "air *ent to *ork in t"e fields. ."e sun3s "eat *as so fierce t"at "is s"aven "ead cracked in t*o, and "e died at once. <is dau&"ter *as #oundin& rice in t"e yard. ."e lon& #estle t"at s"e used for #oundin& *ent "i&"er and "i&"er as s"e &at"ered s#eed. 9inally, it struck t"e sky and re%ounded %ack on "er "ead. +"e too died of a cracked skull. <er mot"er *as &rief?stricken t"at "er "us%and "ad died in t"e fields and "er dau&"ter at "ome. +o s"e cursed t"e sky. -Kou %astard sky, you %astard sun, *"y don3t you &o u# and &ive us some s#aceL/ ."e sun and t"e sky "eard t"e curse and %e&an to move u#*ards. At a%out t"at time, a *as"erman *as movin& "is load of laundry to t"e river on t"e %ack of a donkey. ."e #oor animal *as totterin& under t"e "eavy load and couldn3t *alk strai&"t. +o "e &ave it a cou#le of kicks, *"en it dro##ed t"e load of dirty clot"es and %e&an to run. 0n a #anic, "e s"outed, -<o, "o, sto#Q +to#Q/ ."e sky and t"e sun t"ou&"t t"at someone *as askin& t"em to sto# &oin& u# any furt"er. +o t"ey sto##ed *"ere t"ey are no*. 0f t"at *as"erman "ad not cried -<o, "o, sto#Q/ at t"at time, t"e sky and t"e sun *ould "ave &one u# and u#, and t"ey *ould "ave &one so "i&" *e *ould "ave "ad no suns"ine or rainfall, and *e *ouldn3t "ave %een a%le to live at all. +o *e must really remem%er t"at *as"erman *it" &ratitude.

OBK.., %ut cf. L '51.1, +un is cursed %y man for its %urnin& rays :0D;7 and A )=5.=.=, 6"y t"e sky receded u#*ard :it *as struck %y a *oman3s #estle; :0D;.P

.7. The 8orship of a ?ousehold >od

An old *oman and a youn& &irl *ere #ullin& out *eeds and &rass in a field *"en a t*i& from a togari #lant #ricked t"e &irl3s ass. +"e lea#ed u# at once and screamed, - Ayyo a!!a, ayyo amma4 / ."e old *oman #anicked, t"inkin& t"at some snake mi&"t "ave %itten t"e &irl. -6"at, *"at "a##enedL/ s"e asked in fear. -."is *retc"ed t*i& #ricked me. 0t #ricked me so "ard t"at 03ve %lood t"ere and it "urts %ad./ - Ayyo, you fool. 0 *as afraid a snake or somet"in& "ad %itten you. Kou cry no* for a t*i&. 6"at *ill

you do *"en your "us%and3s #rick is t"rust in t"ereL Kou3ll cry loud enou&" for t"e *"ole to*n to "ear, 03m sure./ ."ese *ords stuck in t"e youn& &irl3s mind. +"e &ot married. Dn t"e first ni&"t, t"e family left "er and "er %ride&room alone in t"e %edroom. +"e talked and lau&"ed for a *"ile, %ut *"enever t"e "us%and came near "er s"e sli##ed a*ay from "is &ras#. +"e *ouldn3t let "im touc" "er. +"e *as runnin& from corner to corner as "e came close. <e tried all sorts of tricks, %ut s"e never &ave "im "er %ody. ."e *"ole ni&"t #assed t"is *ay, and t"e "us%and left in t"e mornin&. <e came %ack and tried a&ain t"e ne1t day and t"e ne1t and t"e ne1t. But s"e never let "im &et any*"ere near "er. <e %e&an to *orry a%out it. ."en "e t"ou&"t it mi&"t &et %etter if "e took "er to "is "ouse. But s"e just *ouldn3t lie ne1t to "im any*"ere. <e felt dejected. <e couldn3t eat or slee# #ro#erly. 6"atever "e did, "is t"ou&"ts circled around "is *ife3s refusal to slee# *it" "im. <e *as full of sus#icions a%out "er as *ell. 6"en "e stood in t"e field t"inkin& t"ese t"ou&"ts, a s"e#"erd came t"ere drivin& "is "erd. <e sa* t"is fello* standin& t"ere da4ed, and asked, -6"at are you so full of t"ou&"ts forL A ne*ly married man like you s"ould %e lau&"in& all day, &ivin& friends "idis and %etel leaves. Kou3ve %arely %een married for t"ree days. Kour "ead is already %et*een your le&s. 6"at3s *ron&L/ <e felt too s"y to tell t"e s"e#"erd "is #ro%lem. <e stuttered a%out t"is and t"at. ."e s"e#"erd finally &ot it out of "im. ->y *ife is very nice, s"e lau&"s and talks to me. But s"e runs a*ay *"en 0 try to lie do*n *it" "er. +"e is scared or somet"in&. 0 don3t understand it. 6"at s"all 0 doL/ ."e s"e#"erd lau&"ed and said, -D, is t"at allL ,on3t *orry too muc" a%out it. 03ll tell you *"at to do./ ."en "e *"is#ered somet"in& in "is ear and said, -,o as 0 tell you. +"e3ll "an& around your neck all day and s"e3ll "ate to %e a*ay from you even for a minute./ ."e man came "ome, ate "is meal, and said to "is *ife, -.omorro* *e s"all cele%rate t"e festival of our "ouse"old &od. 6e fast till midday, *i#e and clean t"e *"ole "ouse, and t"en offer *ors"i# to our &od. Bot"in& s"ould %e #olluted. Kou understandL/ ."en "e *ent to slee# on t"e veranda". +"e *oke u# early t"e ne1t mornin&, *as"ed and *i#ed t"e floors, %at"ed "erself, and also "el#ed "er "us%and to %at"e. ."en s"e cooked a festive meal and offered it to t"e &od3s ima&e on a %anana leaf, as *as t"e custom. Gust t"en t"e man said, -."at3s not t"e *ay *e do it. Kou must take your clot"es off./ And "e took off all "is o*n clot"es. Baked, t"ey %ot" lit incense and #rostrated t"emselves %efore t"e &od. ."en "e asked "er to %rin& some %utter. 6"en s"e %rou&"t it, "e asked "er to #ut some on "er va&ina. 6"en s"e did t"at, "e saluted t"e &od a&ain and stood in front of "er. -Gust kee# lookin& at me,/ "e said. As s"e stared at "im, "er eyes traveled %elo* "is *aist. +"e said, -Look, look, t"at t"in& of yours is noddin& like a c"ameleonQ/ <e said, #ointin& to "er, -0t *ants to eat t"at %utter do*n t"ere. ."at3s *"y it3s noddin& its "ead, sayin& R0 *ant it, 0 *ant it.S / -2o a"ead, feed it,/ s"e said. ."en "e came close and fed it t"e %utter in "er va&ina. +"e said, -2o on, let "im eat as muc" as "e *ants. 2ive "im more, some more./ ."e "us%and fed it all t"e *ay. 9rom t"at day on, s"e didn3t remem%er t"e t*i& t"at #ricked "er once or t"e old *oman3s *ords. +"e

t"ou&"t only of t"e festival of t"e "ouse"old &od. +"e %e&an to ur&e "er "us%and every day, -Let3s make offerin&s to t"e "ouse"old &od. Let3s do it a&ain./ ."en s"e *ould #ut %utter on "erself and ur&e "er "us%and, -Come, feed your t"in&, feed it more %utter./ ."at3s all s"e cared a%out.

OBK.., %ut cf. >otif G 1!AA, 0&norance of marria&e relations7 and K 1'15.!, +eduction %y #osin& as teac"er or instructor.P

... A tory to End All tories

A certain kin& *as enormously learned. <e kne* all t"e arts. Dnce, on a *"im, "e sent *ord t"rou&" "is #rovinces t"at "e *ould &ive a re*ard of a t"ousand ru#ees to anyone *"o could tire "im out *it" a story7 if "e ever &ot %ored and sto##ed sayin& -<mm, "mm/ to t"e story, "e *ould admit defeat and #ay u#. Learned #undits came to "is court from over a "undred #laces, told "im story after story till they &ot tired and sick. <e continued to say -<mm, "mm/ every sentence of t"eir tellin&. <e never tired of it. 9inally a #undit came from t"e nort". <e told t"e clever kin& many lon& and involved stories. ."e kin& enjoyed t"em all and never once s"o*ed any si&n of fati&ue. ."e #undit e1"austed "imself and felt defeated. <is face fell. Dne day, as "e *as *alkin& a*ay from t"e #alace, utterly dejected, "e met an old friend *"o asked "im, -6"y do you look so de#ressedL/ ."e #undit *as "a##y to see "im and un%urdened "imself of t"e *"ole story. ."e friend said, -0s t"at allL C"eer u#. .ake me *it" you tomorro* and 03ll defeat "im./ 0n s#ite of all t"e #undit3s #rotests, t"e friend *ent *it" "im to see t"e kin&, *"o &ave "im #ermission to %e&in a ne* story, and so "e %e&an one. -Dnce u#on a time, in a certain to*n, t"ere lived a kin&. Bear t"e to*n *as a %i& #ond. Dn its %ank *as a "u&e %anyan tree. Ri&"t under it, a farmer "ad stored all "is ragi &rain in several kanajas :&rain containers; after "arvestin& and t"res"in& t"e ragi. ."ousands of s#arro*s lived in t"e %anyan tree. @very s#arro* *ould eat a &rain, take a small drink of *ater in t"e #ond, and fly %ack to #erc" on t"e tree. ."ere *ere t*enty enormous kanajas filled *it" &rain. @ac" day, a s#arro* *ould fly do*n, eat a &rain, take a small drink of *ater, and fly %ack to t"e tree. ."en t"e ne1t s#arro* *ould fly do*n, eat a &rain, take a small drink of *ater, and fly %ack to t"e tree,/ and so on. And "e *ent on like t"is for "ours. ."e kin& %e&an to &et tired of sayin& -<mm, "mm, "mm/ to every sentence of t"e story. @very day, after t"e mornin& %at" and food, t"ey *ould &at"er for t"e story, *"ic" never seemed to end. A&ain t"e storyteller resumed: -."e &rains of ragi *ere not e1"austed. ."e s#arro*s continued to eat. Dne of t"em *ould eat a &rain, drink t"e *ater, and &o %ack to t"e tree. ."en t"e ne1t one *ould eat a &rain, take a drink V,/ and so on. ."e kin& *as dis&usted. - Thu, t"is fello* is re#eatin& "imself over and over. <o* can 0 kee# on sayin& R<mm, "mmS to "imL/ "e *ondered *earily. 9inally "e asked t"e storyteller, -9or days you3ve %een tellin& me t"e story. .ell me, %y no*, "o* many kanajas of &rain &ot em#tyL/ - Ayyo, my lord, in all t"at 03ve told you t"ese many days, not even one 8uarter of a kanaja *as eaten %y t"e s#arro*s. ."ere3s so muc" more left for t"e s#arro*s to eat and for me to tell. +o one of t"em ate a &rain, drank t"e *ater, and *ent %ack to t"e tree. And t"en t"e ne1t one V,/ and so on.

."e kin&3s "eart sank. 9or days, "e "ad "ardly %een a%le to attend to any of "is "ouse"old or state affairs. -6"en *ill all t"e t*enty kanajas &et overL Ayyo, ayyo, "o* many more days *ill it takeL <o* lon&, D lordQ/ "e cried *it"in "imself. <e *as afraid "e *ould %e stuck *it" sayin& -<mm, "mm/ for mont"s. +o "e said to t"e storyteller, -Kou *in. Kou3re a &reat storyteller. 6it" your story, you3ve %rou&"t me t"e %i&&est "eadac"e of my life. Kou3ve ac"ieved somet"in& t"at none of t"e &reat #undits could ac"ieve *it" t"eir %eautiful stories. Kou3re &reater t"an all./ ."en "e &ave t"e man "is re*ard of a t"ousand ru#ees and *as "a##y to see t"e #air of t"em &o. As soon as t"ey *ere outside, t"e t*o friends ski##ed *it" joy t"at t"ey "ad tau&"t a foolis" kin& a lesson. -6e3ve done it,/ t"ey said. -Bever more *ill "e trou%le a learned man or a storyteller./

OA. ='(1A, >akin& t"e Kin& Lose Patience.P

A Flowering Tree
A 8oman0s Tale
OBote: AKR *rote t"is essay to %e #resented as a lecture in 1 1 at a conference on lan&ua&e and &ender at t"e University of >innesota. 0n t"is unrevised #a#er, *e "ave left t"e oral style intact. Dur intention *as to indicate t"e ty#e of in?de#t" analysis t"at eac" of t"e tales in t"is volume ric"ly deserves %ut t"at unfortunately AKR did not live to com#lete. H@ds.P Y Y Y 0n t"is s"ort #a#er, 0 s"all #resent a story a%out a *oman, told %y *omen in t"e Kannada?s#eakin& areas of sout" 0ndia, "o#in& t"at you *ill "ear even t"rou&" my translation t"e voice of t"e *oman teller7 t"en offer a readin& of it for discussion7 and su&&est, in #assin&, certain c"aracteristics of t"e &enre of *omen?centered tales. 0ndian folktales told around t"e "ouse usually "ave animals, men, *omen, and cou#les as central c"aracters. ."ere may %e ot"er secondary c"aracters like su#ernatural %ein&s, %ot" divine and demonic, %ut t"ey are not t"e focus of domestic oral tales. 0f t"e tales are comic, t"ey invert and #arody t"e values of t"e serious ones. 0n t"em kin&s, ti&ers, and demons, even &ods and &oddesses can %e fi&ures of fun and act as morons, as t"ey do not in t"e serious ones. Kin& and clo*n c"an&e #laces. ."us t"e folktales of a culture "ave a num%er of contrastin& &enres t"at are in dialo&ue *it" eac" ot"er. @ac" kind of tale "as s#ecial c"aracteristics, its o*n -c"ronoto#e,/ if one *is"es to invoke Bak"tin. 9or instance, animal tales tend to %e #olitical: a%out "o* t"e #o*erless, t"e small, and t"e cunnin& sideste# or out*it t"e #o*erful. 0t is not sur#risin& t"erefore t"at t"e Pacatantra, a %ook of tales meant to educate #rinces on t"e *ays of t"e *orld, s"ould consist mostly of animal tales. 6"ere men are t"e #rota&onists, es#ecially in tales of 8uest, *omen are secondary: t"ey are usually #art of t"e #ri4e, alon& *it" "alf a kin&dom7 sometimes t"ey "el# t"e "ero in "is 8uest for t"e ma&ic flo*er or do "is derrin&?do :&et t"e milk of a ti&ress or *"atever; and slay t"e o&re, t"ere%y 8ualifyin& "im to marry "er and receive "is "alf of t"e kin&dom. ."ese stories end in marria&eHfor t"ey s#eak of t"e emanci#ation of t"e "ero from t"e #arental yoke and t"e settin& u# of a ne* family, as "e comes into "is o*n. 0n *omen?centered tales, %y contrast, t"e "eroine is eit"er already married or s"e is married early in t"e tale, and t"en t"e *oman3s trou%les %e&in. 0n a tale called -."e Cra% Prince/ or -."e 9is" Prince/

:edikum&ra, m nakum&ra;, t"e youn& *oman is often sold or married to a *ild, murderous animal %ride&room, and t"e rest of t"e story tells you "o* s"e made "im "uman, "andsome, and &entle. 0n anot"er, s"e marries a man fated to die soon, as +avitri does in t"e classic tale, and vies *it" Kama, t"e 2od of ,eat", trickin& "im into &ivin& "er "us%and a lon& life, amon& ot"er t"in&s. 0n -."e ,ead Prince and t"e .alkin& ,oll/ tale :Bo. 1=;, "e3s already dead, astrolo&ers "avin& #redicted t"at "e *ould lie as a dead man till a &ood *oman served "im for t*elve years :or #ulled out t"e t"ousands of needles from "is %ody;, after *"ic" "e comes to life. 0n suc" tales, not only is t"e #attern of t"e tale different :not easily accommodated %y Pro##3s sc"emes, *"ic" *ork *ell for male?centered tales;, %ut t"e same sym%ols t"at occur else*"ere may take on different meanin&s. 9or instance, a snake in a male?centered tale is usually somet"in& to %e killed, a rival #"allus, if you *ill. 0n *omen?centered tales, t"at is, *"ere *omen are t"e #rota&onists and also usually t"e tellers, snakes are lovers, "us%ands, uncles, donors, and "el#ersO1P. ."us, t"e meanin& of t"e elements, t"e inter#retation of t"e sym%olism, de#ends on *"at kind of tale it is: a snake in an animal tale, in a male?centered tale, and in a *omen?centered tale is not t"e same animal. +ym%ols, far from %ein& universal, do not even mean t"e same t"in& as you move from &enre to &enre. +o t"e &ender of t"e &enre, if one may s#eak of suc"Hand surely t"e &ender of t"e teller, t"e listener, and t"e inter#reterH%ecomes im#ortant in inter#retation. A *oman3s culturally constructed life?forms, "er meanin&?universe, is different from a man3s in suc" tales. ."is sim#le?minded essay is meant to furt"er t"e e1#loration of t"is universe of *omen3s discourse.O=P Dt"er kinds of *omen3s tales counter various constructs and stereoty#es :"eld %y %ot" men and *omen;, like t"e #assive female victim, conce#tions of karma, or even c"astity. As 03ve s#oken of t"ese else*"ere, 03d like to talk today of a tale t"at s#eaks of a *oman3s creativity, "er a&ency, and of t"e *ay it is %ound u# *it" "er ca#acity for s#eec". ."e rest of t"is #a#er *ill s#eak in some detail of one story, -A 9lo*erin& .ree/ :Bo. 1 ;, collected in several versions in Karnataka over t"e #ast t*enty years %y me and fello*?folklorists. OAKR3s translation of t"e tale "ere is omitted.P Dne could say many t"in&s a%out t"is story. 9or instance, one of its t"emes resonates *it" our #resent concerns *it" ecolo&y and conservation. @ac" time t"e "eroine %ecomes a tree, s"e %e&s t"e #erson *"o is *it" "er to treat it$"er &ently, not to #luck anyt"in& more t"an t"e flo*ers. 0ndeed, *e *ere told %y our mot"ers *"en *e *ere c"ildren not to #oint to &ro*in& #lants in t"e &arden *it" our s"ar# fin&ernails, %ut only *it" our knuckles7 our fin&ernails mi&"t scratc" t"e &ro*in& ends. Poems like t"e follo*in& in classical .amil s#eak of t"e sister"ood %et*een a *oman and a tree: 8hat ?er >irl Friend aid

to him @on her behalfD when he came by daylight

Playin& *it" friends one time *e #ressed a ri#e seed into t"e *"ite sand and for&ot a%out it till it s#routed and *"en *e nursed it tenderly #ourin& s*eet milk *it" melted %utter, >ot"er said,

-0t 8ualifies as a sister to you, and it3s muc" %etter t"an you, #raisin& t"is laurel tree./ +o *e3re em%arrassed to lau&" *it" you "ere D man of t"e seas"ore *it" &litterin& *aters *"ere *"ite conc" s"ells, t"eir s#irals turnin& ri&"t, sound like t"e soft music of %ards at a feast. Ket, if you *is", t"ere3s #lenty of s"ade else*"ere. [\]\^_`abccdebd`fgh`ijbkb\lmb\_`Poems of Ro7e and Sar :1 C5;, #. ''.P Dr t"e Iirasaiva #oem t"at connects t"e &entle treatment of #lants *it" ot"er kinds of love, %y ,asares*ara, a saint *"o *ouldn3t even #luck flo*ers for "is &od %ut only #ick u# t"e ones t"at "ad dro##ed to t"e &round %y t"emselves: Kno*in& one3s lo*liness in every *ord7 t"e s#ray of insects in t"e air in every &esture of t"e "and7 t"in&s livin&, t"in&s movin& come s#run& from t"e eart" under every footfall7 and *"en "oldin& a #lant or joinin& it to anot"er or in t"e lettin& it &o to %e all mercy

to %e li&"t as a dustin& %rus" of #eacock feat"ers: suc" movin&, suc" a*areness is love t"at makes us one *it" t"e Lord ,asarno*ara. ,asarno*ara ORamanujan, S!eaking of Ti7a :1 !';, ##. 5AJ 55P 6"en a *oman is %eautiful, t"ey say in Kannada, -Dne must *as" one3s "ands to touc" "er/ :kai tolakondu mutta"eku;. ."ere is also t"e su&&estion t"at a tree is vulnera%le to careless "andlin& like a *oman. A tree t"at "as come to flo*er or fruit *ill not %e cut do*n7 it is treated as a mot"er, a *oman *"o "as &iven %irt". ."us t"e meta#"oric connections %et*een a tree and a *oman are many and varied in t"e culture. A relevant one "ere is t"at t"e *ords for -flo*erin&/ and -menstruation/ are t"e same in lan&ua&es like +anskrit and .amil. 0n +anskrit, a menstruatin& *oman is called a !us!a7ati, -a *oman in flo*er,/ and in .amil, !Uttal :-flo*erin&/; means -menstruation./ >enstruation itself is a form and a meta#"or for a *oman3s s#ecial creativity. ."us a *oman3s %iolo&ical and ot"er kinds of creativity are sym%oli4ed %y flo*erin&. 0n t"is tale, as in a dream, t"e meta#"or is literali4ed and e1tended. ."e "eroine literally %ecomes a tree, #roducin& flo*ers *it"out num%er over and over a&ain, as t"e occasion re8uires. 0t is "er s#ecial &ift, *"ic" s"e doesn3t *is" to s8uander or even dis#lay. +"e makes "er secret kno*n to "er sister first only %ecause t"ey "ave no money, %ecause s"e *is"es to save "er mot"er from some of t"e ri&ors of #overty. After t"at, "er &ift %ecomes kno*n to ot"ers and s"e "as to dis#lay it at t"eir %iddin&. As descri%ed in t"e tale, of t"e five times s"e %ecomes a tree, s"e does it voluntarily only t"e first and t"e last times. ."e second time, "er mot"er orders "er to s"o* "er "o* s"e "as earned "er money, %ecause s"e sus#ects "er of sellin& "er %ody. ."en t"e #rince eavesdro#s on one of t"ese transformations and *ants to "ave suc" a *oman for "imself. Dnce "e &ets "er, "e com#els "er to %ecome a tree in "is %edc"am%er on "is *eddin& ni&"t, and on every ni&"t t"ereafter. 0t %ecomes almost a se1ual ritual, a dis#lay of "er s#ectacular talent to turn "im on, so t"at t"ey can slee# to&et"er on t"e flo*ers from "er %ody. @ven %efore s"e &ets used to it, t"anks to t"e flo*ers t"at #ile u# outside "er %edroom *indo*, "er youn& adolescent sister?in?la* %ecomes curious, #uts "er eye to a c"ink in t"eir door, and *ants to s"o* "er off to "er com#anions. +"e uses "er clout as an in?la* :and "er mot"er3s; to coerce "er to &o *it" "er alone to t"e orc"ard7 s"e and "er #u%escent teena&e &irlfriends tease "er :-6ill you do it only for your loversL/;, #lay on t"e se1ual nature of "er talent, and force "er to %ecome a tree. And, des#ite "er a%ject re8uests not to "urt "er, t"ey rava&e t"e tree7 *"en s"e is returned to "er "uman state, s"e too is left rava&ed, mutilated. 0t is a #ro&ressive series of violations till s"e finally ends u# %ein& a -t"in&./ 0n a *ay, #eo#le "ave %e&un to treat "er as a t"in&, askin& "er -to make a s#ectacle of "erself/ %y dis#layin& "er secret &ift. Dne mi&"t say t"at even t"e first time s"e "erself %ecomes a tree to sell "er flo*ers s"e makes of "erself a commodity. ."e fift" and last time s"e %ecomes a tree s"e "as to *ait for t"e ri&"t #erson and t"e safe occasion, anot"er %edc"am%er, in an older, married sister?in?la*3s "ouse"old, *it" a "us%and *"o "as missed "er and searc"ed for "er and t"ere%y c"an&ed. ."ese five occasions seem #ointedly to ask t"e 8uestion: *"en is a *oman safe in suc" a societyL +"e

is safe *it" "er o*n sister,O'P may%e *it" "er mot"er, %ut not 8uite *it" a ne*ly *edded "us%and *"o cares more for a dis#lay of "er talent t"an for "er safety, and most certainly not *it" "er teena&e sister? in?la* or "er mot"er?in?la*. +"e is safe only *it" a married sister?in?la* :*"o is #ro%a%ly not t"reatened or envious; and, lastly, *it" a "us%and *"o, t"rou&" an e1#erience of loss, "as matured enou&" to care for "er as a #erson. As 0 said earlier, s"e is most vulnera%le *"en s"e is a tree. +"e can neit"er s#eak nor move. +"e is most o#en to injury *"en s"e is most attractive, *"en s"e is e1ercisin& "er &ift of flo*erin&. @ac" time s"e %ecomes a tree, s"e %e&s t"e one *"o is #ourin& t"e *ater to %e careful not to "urt "er. Ket, #arado1ically, *"en s"e is mutilated, s"e cannot %e "ealed directly. +"e can %e made *"ole only %y %ecomin& t"e tree a&ain, %ecomin& vulnera%le a&ain, and trustin& "er "us%and to &raft and "eal "er %roken %ranc"es. ."e recurrent unit of t"e story is -&irl %ecomin& tree %ecomin& &irl./ ."is is also t"e *"ole story7 t"e recurrent unit enca#sulates t"e career of t"is *oman in t"e story. 6"at are t"e differences %et*een a *oman and a treeL A *oman can s#eak, can move, can %e an a&ent in "er o*n %e"alf in *ays t"at a tree cannot. Ket sym%olically s#eakin&, t"e tree isolates and &ives form to "er ca#acity to #ut fort" flo*ers and fra&rance from *it"in, a &ift in *"ic" s"e could &lory, as *ell as to t"e vulnera%ility t"at &oes *it" it. 0t e1#resses a youn& *oman3s desire to flo*er se1ually, and ot"er*ise, as *ell as t"e dread of %ein& rava&ed t"at t"e very &ift %rin&s *it" it. 0n tellin& suc" a tale, older *omen could %e relivin& t"ese early, com#le1, and am%ivalent feelin&s to*ards t"eir o*n %odiesHand #rojectin& t"em for youn&er female listeners.OAP 0f %oys are #art of t"e audience, as t"ey often are, t"e male could ima&inatively #artici#ate in t"em, *"ic" mi&"t c"an&e "is sensitiveness to*ards *omen. ."e re#etition of t"e unit, &irl %ecomes tree %ecomes &irl, marks t"e divisions of t"e story, &ives it its narrative time, t"e c"ronos of t"e -c"ronoto#e./ 0n a ty#ical male?centered story, it is marked %y t"e adventures of t"e #rince, "is failures and final success, often measured in t"rees. ."e s#aces in t"e *omen?centered story are marked %y alternations of interior and e1terior :t"e akam and JIV(- of classical .amil #oetics;, %y alternations of domestic and #u%lic s#ace in *"ic" t"e action takes #lace. 0n t"is story, t"e five instances of t"e transformations move from "er o*n yard to t"e #rince3s %edc"am%er, t"en to t"e orc"ard, *"ere it is most dan&erous, and %ack to a second %edc"am%er. 0ndeed one of t"e o##ositions %et*een a *oman and a tree is t"at t"e former is an interior :akam; %ein&, livin& %ot" indoors and "avin& an interior s#ace, a "eart, all of *"ic" are meant %y t"e +out" ,ravidian term akam, *"ile t"e latter lives outdoors, in #u%lic s#ace :JIV(-;. 0t is one of t"e ironies of t"is story t"at s"e is forced to %ecome a tree in t"e *ron& s#ace, in t"e %edc"am%er. And *"en s"e %ecomes a tree in t"e orc"ard, t"e &reatest "arm comes to "er. ."ese em#"asi4e t"e s#ecial sym%olic c"ar&e of t"e tree: it3s not any old tree, %ut a #"ase in a "uman career7 its #ast and future are "uman and female, ca#a%le of livin& %ot" *it"in and *it"out. +uc" is t"e time?s#ace, t"e c"ronoto#e, of t"is *oman3s tale. Dt"er *omen3s tales also #lay *it" t"is %alance and alternation %et*een interiors and e1teriors. 0n t"e orc"ard, *it" t"e *ild #u%escent &irls, s"e %ecomes a tree, full of fears t"at are all too real, and s"e is una%le to return to "er *"ole "uman female %ein&: s"e %ecomes a -t"in&,/ somet"in& t"at "as t"e face of a *oman %ut t"e "el#lessness of t"e tree. +"e is neit"er *oman nor tree %ut %ot", %et*i1t and %et*een. ."e -t"in&/ cannot move %y itself and does not s#eak. +"e lives in t"e servants3 8uarters, %ot" *it"in and *it"out. 0t is only *"en s"e s#eaks to a -si&nificant ot"er,/ "er "us%and in t"is tale, and tells "im "er story t"at s"e is a%le to return to "er ori&inal female %ody. +"e *aits for reco&nition %y "im. +"e *aits to tell "er story in its entirety and &ive "im instructions on "o* to "eal "er: #our *ater on "er, and, *"en s"e %ecomes a tree, to lovin&ly #ut %ack t"e %roken leaves and %ranc"es in t"eir #lace, and #our t"e *ater on t"emHand s"e *ill %e *"ole a&ain. ."is is also t"e time *"en s"e voluntarily and for "er o*n &ood under&oes t"e transformation. +"e "as recovered "er a&ency. 0 *ould su&&est t"at a&ency in t"ese *omen3s tales is connected *it" t"eir %ein& a%le to tell t"eir o*n

story and *it" its %ein& "eard.O5P After t"e first time, every time s"e #rotests t"at s"e doesn3t *is" to %ecome a tree s"e is not "eard7 s"e is forced to do so a&ainst "er *ill. >any *omen3s tales end *it" t"is kind of self?story %ein& told and %ein& "eard. Iery often, as in t"e story of -."e ,ead Prince and t"e .alkin& ,oll/ :Bo. 1=;, it is told in t"e ne1t room to a lam# or a talkin& doll, *"ic" says <mm <mmQ as a "uman listener *ould *"en "e "ears a story. And t"e "us%and over"ears it and learns t"e trut" a%out "is *ife. 0t moves "er from %ein& a silent or un"eard *oman to a s#eakin& #erson *it" a story to tell. 0ndeed, t"e *"ole tale tells t"e story of "o* t"is *oman ac8uires a story t"rou&" e1#erience, mostly sufferin&7 till t"en s"e "as "ad no story to tell. 0n some tales, as in -."e Lam#stand 6oman/ :Bo. ');, t"is is e1#licit: s"e is usually a #rincess *"ose life is a %lank at t"e %e&innin&7 s"e marries and "er trou%les %e&in. +"e %ecomes a servant, usually in "er o*n sister?in?la*3s "ouse, is accused of stealin& a c"ild3s necklace, and is #unis"ed. <er "ead is s"aved and a lam# is #laced on a co* dun& #atty and sla##ed on "er s"aved "ead. +"e %ecomes a livin& lam#stand and "as to li&"t t"e #at" of visitors. But s"e "ardly s#eaks till "er sufferin& reac"es its nadir, and "er "us%and from *"om s"e is se#arated arrives, and s"e "as to li&"t "is #at" to "is %ed. <e doesn3t reco&ni4e "er, asks for a story7 s"e tells "er o*n story, and as t"e story #roceeds it da*ns on t"e "us%and t"at "e is in t"e #resence of "is o*n *ife, *"o is no* a Lam#stand 6oman, to *"om all t"ese "orri%le t"in&s "ave "a##ened un%ekno*nst to "im. 6"en t"e *"ole story is reca#itulated in "er o*n voice, "e reco&ni4es "er, and t"e tale ends in reunion. Dne may add t"at s#eec" not only means a&ency for t"e *oman %ut also se1uality. 0n many Kannada tales, t"e #"rase for se1ual intimacy %et*een a *oman and a man is -t"ey talked to eac" ot"er./ 0n a tale a%out a "us%and *"o is not slee#in& *it" "is *ife, t"e forlorn *ife is asked %y a carin& old *oman, -0sn3t your "us%and talkin& to youL/ 6"en s"e "ears "e is not, s"e #roceeds to find *ays of makin& t"e "us%and first talk to t"e *ife even an&rily: s"e asks t"e youn& *oman to #ut #e%%les in "is yo&urt or rice, or to #ack salt into "is curry so t"at "e *ill &et an&ry *it" "er and t"ey can "ave *ords. At t"e end of -."e ,ead Prince/ story, t"e #rince and t"e youn& *oman are found -talkin& to eac" ot"er all ni&"t./ +ince *ritin& t"e a%ove re&ardin& t"e transformation of t"e -dum%/ *oman to a s#eakin& #erson, and t"e relation of s#eec" to a *oman3s a&ency, 0 came across Rut" Botti&"eimer3s #a&es on s#eec" in t"e 2rimms3 "ouse"old tales, es#ecially in t"eir -Cinderella/ :Botti&"eimer 1 C!:c". );. +"e #oints out "o* s#eec" is an indication of #o*er. >any recent sociolin&uistic *orks "ave %een concerned *it" t"e 8uestion of *"o s#eaks *"en, for discourse is a form of domination, and s#eec" use is -an inde1 of social values and t"e distri%ution of #o*er *it"in a society/ :Botti&"eimer 1 C!:51. 9or an e1tensive %i%lio&ra#"y on t"e su%ject, see ."orne, Kramarae, and <enley 1 C';. 0n @n&lis", one s#eaks of -"avin& a voice, "avin& a say/7 in 2erman, mundig :from t"e *ord for -mout"/; means le&al majority, le&al #erson"ood. ."e #oor do not "ave it7 t"ey are silent. 6omen, like c"ildren, s"ould %e seen, not "eard. ."e &ood *oman "as a soft lo* voice and says little: Cordelia in 2ing Rear is #raised for it. @ve3s sin %e&ins *it" "er s#eakin& to +atan. -+ince t"e early days of t"e C"urc", *omen "ad %een %arred from s#eakin& in t"e "ouse of &od, as *ell as #reac"in&, teac"in&, or s#eakin& in #u%lic,/ says Gudit" Bro*n in "er Immodest Acts, The Rife of a Res"ian ?un in #enaissance Italy :Bro*n 1 C):5 J)(;. ."ere are many jokes a%out &arrulous *omen: *omen, &enerally s#eakin&, are &enerally s#eakin&. 0n t"e folktales t"at 6il"elm 2rimm re*rote in "is later editions, as a male re*ritin& *omen3s tales, "e &ives *omen little direct s#eec"7 "e also su%stitutes sagen :-said/; for s!rechen :-s#oke/;, as t"e latter is more fort"ri&"t. S!rechen em#"asi4es t"e act of s#eakin&, and sagen t"e content of an utterance :Botti&"eimer 1 C!:55;. 0n 6. 2rimm3s last version of -Cinderella/ :1C5!;, Cinderella, t"e &ood &irl, s#eaks only once in direct s#eec"7 t"e %ad *omen, t"e ste#sisters and t"e ste#mot"er, five and seven times7 t"e #rince in aut"ority "as ei&"t direct s#eec"es, and t"e ineffectual fat"er only t"reeHand t*o

of t"em are mere t"ou&"ts. <o*ever, t"is feature may %e different in different cultures: in ,anis" variants, *"ere *omen "ave &reater freedom and #o*er, Cinderella is not &a&&ed as in t"e 2erman ones. 0t *ould %e interestin& to ask similar 8uestions in t"e 0ndian conte1t, es#ecially of tales t"at are told %y %ot" men and *omen. 0t *ould also %e im#ortant to see "o* men like myself inter#ret t"ese tales and *"at %iases t"ey %rin& to t"em. ."at3s one of t"e reasons for #resentin& t"is #a#er to t"is audience. ."e fact t"at *omen "ave eit"er %een silent or *ritten for t"e dra*er, as @mily ,ickinson did, or *ritten under male dis&uises and #seudonyms is related to t"is ta%oo on *omen3s s#eec". ."e many *omen *riters and artists in all t"ree *orlds directly address suc" ta%oos, %ot" &ross and su%tle, t"at still e1ist across many cultures.

1. +ee A. K. Ramanujan 1 1%7 and +ud"ir Kakar. =. ."is essay is #art of a series *"ic" may %e called 6omen3s .ales: ."ey .ell a ,ifferent +tory. +ee Ramanujan 1 C , 1 1%, 1 ', 1 C=%, 1 C=a. As su&&ested in t"ese #a#ers, different kinds of *omen3s materials are relevant in constructin& #rover%s and riddles used %y *omen, *omen saints3 lives and #oems, tales and 7ratakathas told %y *omen in *omen?only conte1ts, *eddin& son&s, retellin&s of myt"s and e#ics %y *omen, and so on. 9olktales are a #art of t"is -female tradition/ yet to %e e1#lored and seen as a *"ole vis?p?vis ot"er #arts of t"e culture. ."e folktale universe itself :%ot" men3s and *omen3s tales; is in a dialo&ic relation to t"e more official myt"olo&ies of t"e culture. '. 0n *omen3s tales, t"e true anta&onist as *ell as t"e "el#er for a *oman is anot"er *oman, just as in t"e men3s tales t"e "ero %attles al*ays *it" an older male, a fat"er?fi&ure, often *it" %rot"ers. +te#mot"ers, ste#sisters, mot"ers?in?la*, sisters?in?la*, rival *omen *"o usur# t"e "eroine3s #lace a%ound in t"ese tales. 0n t"e tale of -."e Lam#stand 6oman/ :Bo. ');, even 9ate is >ot"er 9ate. :0n a man3s tale, Dut*ittin& 9ate, 9ate is Bra"ma, a male.; >en in *omen3s tales are usually *im#s, under t"e t"um%s of t"eir mot"ers or ot"er *ives7 mostly t"ey are a%sent. +ometimes t"ey are even dead, *aitin& to %e revived %y t"eir *ives3 ministrations. >ot"er?in?la* tales in sout" 0ndia "ave no fat"ers? in?la*. ."e *ife and t"e mot"er s"are a sin&le male fi&ure :*"o is %ot" son and "us%and;7 t"e older and youn&er *oman are rivals for #o*er over "im. 0n ot"er tales, *"ere t"e central fi&ure is an active "eroine, s"e may %attle *it" a man, usually a "us%andHsometimes s"e "as to rescue "im from "is scra#es, often from %onda&e to anot"er *oman. 0n a tale called A 6a&er :an 0ndian oral tale, found also in t"e elevent"?century 2athasarits&garaA it is also t"e story of +"akes#eare3s All:s Sell That Wnds Sell, *"ic" "e &ets from 0talian novella *riters, *"o #ro%a%ly &ot it from 0ndia;, s"e talks %ack or outriddles an arro&ant s#oiled #rince, *"o vo*s t"at "e *ill #unis" "er for outtalkin& "im. 0n a num%er of tales *it" active "eroines, as in ."e Peasant3s Clever ,au&"ter, s"e ans*ers every riddle t"at t"e kin& #oses, and *ins %y out*ittin& "is #lans to seduce "er7 s"e "as t"e full #o*er of s#eec" and uses it to "er and "er family3s, often to t"e *"ole kin&dom3s, advanta&e. A. 0 am inde%ted to a discussion *it" +ud"ir Kakar for t"is formulation. 5. 0n ot"er tales t"ere are ot"er *ays of %ein& an a&ent in "er o*n %e"alf: for instance, in tales of a%andoned *ives *"o "ave to travel, often to rescue t"eir o*n dastardly "us%ands, t"ey travel in male dis&uiseHas *omen *riters like 2eor&e @liot and C"arlotte Brontq often *rote under male #seudonyms. 0n some tales, t"ey are not safe *it" t"eir %rot"ers or fat"ers *"o "ave incestuous desi&ns on t"em, t"ou&" t"e folktale universe, as it e1#lores many different emotions and attitudes to t"e same situation, also #resents #rotective %rot"ers, t"ou&" rarely #rotective fat"ers.

%otes on the Tales

O0t *as clearly t"e intention of A. K. Ramanujan :"ereafter AKR; to #rovide com#lete notes for eac" and every folktale included in t"is collection. Unfortunately, "e did not live lon& enou&" to finis" t"at task. 6e decided to include t"e t*o do4en or so sketc"es of suc" notes and to leave t"em unedited :e1ce#t for o%vious miss#ellin&s and incom#lete references to sources; *it" t"e full a*areness t"at t"ey *ould "ave %een revised and am#lified %y AKR. Bote t"at *"en AKR #laces -0nd./ after a tale ty#e num%er :e.&., A55 0nd.;, "e is su&&estin& t"at t"e tale in 8uestion is an 0ndic variant of t"e Aarne? ."om#son :"ereafter A.; tale ty#e7 see also AKR3s incom#lete notes on tellers and collectors, *"ic" are #rinted "ere as an a##endi1. 6e "ave added tale ty#e and motif identifications *"erever AKR "ad not #rovided t"em or *"ere *e %elieve anot"er identification is #ossi%le. All suc" editorial additions are contained in %rackets. 0n t"ose instances *"ere *e could find no tale ty#e identifier, *e "ave noted -Bo kno*n tale ty#e/ :BK..;. ."is does not mean t"at t"e tale in 8uestion is not a %ona fide tale ty#e %ut only t"at it is not to %e found in t"e standard tale ty#e indices: Aarne, Antti, and +tit" ."om#son. The Ty!es of the Folktale. =nd revision. 99 Communications Bo. 1CA. <elsinki: Academia +cientiarum 9ennica, 1 )1. BFdker, Laurits. Indian Animal TalesQ A Preliminary Sur7ey. 99 Communications 1!(. <elsinki: Academia +cientiarum 9ennica, 1 5!. Gason, <eda. Ty!es of Indic Oral Tales Su!!lement. 99 Communications Bo. =A=. <elsinki: Academia +cientiarum 9ennica, 1 C . ."om#son, +tit", and 6arren @. Ro%erts. Ty!es of Indic Oral TalesQ India, Pakistan, and 6eylon. 99 Communications 1C(. <elsinki: Academia +cientiarum 9ennica, 1 )(. 9or tales not to %e found in t"e a%ove standard reference sources, *e consulted t"e relevant motif indices: ."om#son, +tit". NotifPIndeX of FolkPRiterature. ) vols. Bloomin&ton: 0ndiana University Press, 1 55J 1 5C. ."om#son, +tit", and Gonas Balys. The Oral Tales of India. 0ndiana University Pu%lications 9olklore +eries Bo. 1(. Bloomin&ton: 0ndiana University Press, 1 5C. ."e fact t"at more t"an a t"ird of t"is ric" Kannada cor#us of traditional folktales is not identifia%le %y tale ty#e num%er su&&ests t"at t"e task of tale?ty#in& 0ndic folktales is %y no means yet com#lete. 6"en a revision of t"e Aarne?."om#son inde1 is undertaken, *e trust t"at all t"e tales contained in t"is ant"olo&y *ill %e included.H@ds.P

OBote: Kins"i# terms may refer to any #erson of t"e a##ro#riate &ender and a&e.P akka older sister$*oman amma mot"er anna :older; %rot"er a##a fat"er arre

-6"atQ/ -<eyQ/ atta attic avva mot"er, *oman :res#ectful; ayyo a cry of distress, #ain, sur#rise, an1iety, etc. %admas" used to scold men or %oys :%orro*ed from <indi$Urdu; %ava "oly man %"a##are can mean eit"er -6ell doneQ/ or -.erri%leQ/ Bra"ma <indu &od, es#ecially of creation %urnin& &"at cremation &round on a river%ank c"e, c"e e1#ression of rejection or disa##roval :cf. -Bo, no/ or -tsk, tsk/; dasayya *anderin& "oly man d"oti man3s saron&?like lo*er &arment duddu &eneric term for money, coins &aruda %ird, u#on *"ic" t"e &od Iisnu rides &osavi *anderin& "oly man &o*da villa&e "eadman :NreZ"onorific; 0di&a: lo* caste, toddy?ta##ers 0ndra kin& of t"e &ods, &od of rain and clouds Kas"i "oly city of Benares Ks"atriya *arrior caste lak" 1((,((( Laks"mana e#ic "ero, %rot"er of Rama Laks"mi &oddess of *ealt", *ife of Iisnu na&a snake nin&a a variant of linga, t"e #"allic ima&e of +iva

#alla unit of measurement Parvati &oddess, *ife of +iva #ativrata a fait"ful *ife #unya reli&ious merit ra&i a kind of &rain raks"asa malevolent %ein&, enemy of &ood, -demon/ Rama e#ic "ero ran&oli &eometric desi&ns made on t"e &round *it" #o*der7 #art of a *oman3s "ousekee#in& ris"i a sa&e, "oly man sad"u *anderin& "oly man samsara cycle of %irt" and deat"7 *orldly life sanyasi *anderin& "oly man saukar ric" man +avitri myt"olo&ical e1em#lar of t"e devoted *ife +iva <indu &od s*ami "oly man, &od, master ta#as reli&ious austerities vina musical instrument yojana unit of measurement :cf. lea&ue;

Beck, B. @. 9. 1 C). -+ocial dyads in 0ndic folktales./ 0n +tuart Black%urn and A. K.Ramanujan, eds., Another ;armonyQ ?ew Wssays on the Folklore of India, ##. !)J1(=. Berkeley: University of California Press. Beck, B. @. 9., et al., eds. 1 C!. Folktales of India. C"ica&o: University of C"ica&o Press. Benfey, ."eodor. 1C5 . Pantschatantra FYnf 8Ycher indischer Fa"eln, NBrchen und Wr>Bhlungen. = vols. Lei#4i&: 9. A. Brock"aus.

Besc"i, 9r. C. 2. 1C==. Z(.(-,.[[(E\I.I]^0E\([(^_E`CDEa)]D*[I.DLEbcE[CDEdbb.bbEZ(.(-(.[(*1 .rans. Benjamin 2uy Ba%in&ton. London: G. >. Ric"ardson. Black%urn, +tuart. 1 5. -Comin& out of "is s"ell: Animal?"us%and tales from 0ndia./ 0n ,avid +"ulman, ed., Sylla"les of SkyQ Studies in South Indian 6i7ili>ation, . ##. A'J!5. Be* ,el"i: D1ford University Press. Black%urn, +tuart, and A. K. Ramanujan, eds. 1 C). Another ;armonyQ ?ew Wssays on the Folklore of India. Berkeley: University of California Press. Botti&"eimer, Rut" B. 1 C!. <rimms: 8ad <irls and 8old 8oysQ The Noral and Social =ision of the Tales. Be* <aven: Kale University Press. Bro*n, Gudit" R. 1 C). Immodest ActsQ The Rife of a Res"ian ?un in #enaissance Italy. Be* Kork: D1ford University Press. Bro*n, 6illiam Borman. 1 1 . -."e Pacatantra in modern 0ndian folklore./ @ournal of the American Oriental Society ' :1J5A. Bro*n, 6illiam Borman. 1 ==. -."e silence *a&er stories: ."eir ori&in and t"eir diffusion./ American @ournal of Philology A':=C J'1!. Clouston, 6illiam Ale1ander. 1CC!. Po!ular Tales and FictionsQ Their Nigrations and Transformations. = vols. @din%ur&": Black*ood. ,orson, Ric"ard >. 1 C). The 8ritish FolkloristsQ A ;istory. C"ica&o: University of C"ica&o Press. 2os*ami, Pra#"ulladatta. 1 )(. 8allads and Tales of AssamQ A Story of the Folklore of Assam. 2au"ati :0ndia;: ,e#artment of Pu%lication. 0slam, >a4"arul. 1 C=. A ;istory of Folktale 6ollections in India, 8angladesh and Pakistan. rev. ed. Calcutta: Panc"ali Prakasan. Kakar, +ud"ir. 1 C . Intimate #elationsQ WX!loring Indian SeXuality. Be* ,el"i: Iikin&. Kirkland, @d*in Ca#ers. 1 )). A 8i"liogra!hy of South Asian Folklore. 0ndiana University Pu%lications, 9olklore +eries no. =1. Bloomin&ton: 0ndiana University Press. Barayan, Kirin. 1 C . Storytellers, Saints and ScoundrelsQ Folk ?arrati7e in ;indu #eligious Teaching. P"iladel#"ia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Ramanujan, A. K. 1 5)a -."e clay mot"er?in?la*/ . Southern Folklore euarterly =(:1'(J1'5. HHHHHH. 1 5)% -+ome folktales from 0ndia/ . Southern Folklore euarterly. =(:15AJ1)'. HHHHHH. 1 !'. S!eaking of Si7a. <armonds*ort", UK: Pen&uin. HHHHHH. 1 C=a -<anc"i: A Kannada Cinderella./ 0n 6inderellaQ A Folklore 6ase"ook, ed. Alan ,undes, ##. =5 J=!5. Be* Kork: 2arland. HHHHHH. 1 C=% -Dn *omen saints./ 0n Go"n +tratton <a*ley and ,onna >arie 6ulff, eds. The $i7ine 6onsortQ #&dh& and the <oddesses of India, ##. '1)J'=A. Berkeley: 2raduate ."eolo&ical Union. HHHHHH. 1 C' -."e 0ndian Dedi#us./ 0n Oedi!usQ A Folklore 6ase"ook, ed. Lo*ell @dmunds and Alan ,undes, ##. ='AJ=)=. Be* Kork: 2arland. HHHHHH. 1 C5. Poems of Ro7e and Sar. Be* Kork: Colum%ia University Press. HHHHHH. 1 C!. -9ore*ord./ 0n B. @. 9. Beck et al., eds., Folktales of India. C"ica&o: University of C"ica&o Press.

HHHHHH. 1 C . -.ellin& tales/ . $aedalus. 11C.A:=' J=)1. HHHHHH. 1 (. Sho ?eeds Folklore3 The #ele7ance of Oral Traditions to South Asian Studies. +out" Asia Dccasional Pa#er +eries no. 1. <onolulu: University of <a*aii, Center for +out" Asia +tudies. HHHHHH. 1 1a Folktales from IndiaQ A Selection of Oral Tales from TwentyPTwo Ranguages. Be* Kork: Pant"eon. HHHHHH. 1 1% -.o*ard a counter?system: 6omen3s tales./ 0n <ender, <enre, and Power in South Asian WX!ressi7e Systems, ed. A. A##adurai, 9. Korom, and >. >ills, ##. ''J55. P"iladel#"ia: University of Pennsylvania Press. HHHHHH. 1 '. -Dn folk myt"olo&ies and folk #uranas./ 0n 6endy ,oni&er, ed., ZI.,f(E PerennisQ #eci!rocity and Transformation in ;indu and @aina TeXts, ##. 1(1J1=(. Al%any: +tate University of Be* Kork Press. HHHHHH. 9ort"comin&. A. 2. #amanujanQ 6ollected Wssays, ed. Iinay ,*ar*adker. Be* ,el"i: D1ford University Press. +and"ya Reddy, K. R. 1 =. -9olktales./ 0n Kris"namurt"y <anur, ed., Wncyclo!aedia of the Folk 6ulture of 2arnataka, Iol 0: 0ntroductory Articles, ##. =55J=)'. >adras: 0nstitute of Asian +tudies. +"ulman, ,avid. 1 C5. 2ing and 6lown in South Indian Nyth and Poetry. Princeton, B.G.: Princeton University Press. ."om#son, +tit". 1 A). The Folktale. Be* Kork: ."e ,ryden Press. ."orne, Barrie, C. Kramarae, and B. <enley, eds. 1 C'. Ranguage, <ender, and Society. Ro*ley, >ass.: Be*%ury <ouse. .ro&er, Ral#". 1 )). A 6om!arati7e Study of a 8engali FolktaleQ gnderworld ;el!ers. An Analysis of the 8engali Folktale Ty!eQ The Pursuit of 6otton, APT hij. .ranslated from t"e 2erman %y <erman >ode. Calcutta: 0ndian Pu%lications. 6olfenstein, >art"a. 1 5A. 6hildren:s ;umorQ A Psychological Analysis. 2lencoe, 0ll.: 9ree Press.

)ist of Tellers and (ollectors

OBote: 6"en kno*n or inferred from t"e name, t"e &ender of t"e teller "as %een indicated as m. or f. H @ds.P Title 1. A +tory and a +on& Teller Bo data +iddalin&amma, f., A5, Iiraoaiva caste7 Kris"narajana&ar, 1 != Kuru%a&atti7 Kittur, 1 5) C"ennavva >ari"ala, f.7 +"a"a#ur, 1 )C C"ennavva >ari"ala, f.7 Collector rdksd`td\ubeeb^`gttara 2arn&takada k(*(J()(E\([CDF(lIm 1 !=. Be* ,el"i: +a"itya Akademi K. K. +ivakumar 1 !=:'!JA( B. .. Patil A. K. R. A. K. R.

=. Acacia .rees '. ."e Adventures of a D%edient Prince A. Bride for a ,ead >an 5. A Brot"er, a +ister, and a

Title +nake ). A Buffalo 6it"out Bones !. Canni%al +ister C. C"ain .ale . Anot"er C"ain .ale: 6"at an Ant Can ,o 1(. ."e Clever ,au&"ter?in? la* 11. A Cou#le of >isers 1=. ."e ,ead Prince and t"e .alkin& ,oll 1'. A ,o&3s ,au&"ters 1A. A ,o&3s +tory 15. ,olls 1). ,ou%le ,ou%le 1!. ,umma and ,ummi 1C. ,*arfs 1 . A 9lo*erin& .ree =(. 9lute of Goy, 9lute of +orro* =1. 9ools ==. A Gackal Kin& ='. 9or Love of Kada%u =A. A 2irl in a Picture =5. ."e 2lass Pillar =). A 2olden +#arro* =!. ."e 2reatest ."in& =C. <anc"i = . ."e <orse 2ram >an '(. <ucca '1. ."e <us%and3s +"ado* '=. 0n t"e Kin&dom of

Teller +"a"a#ur, 1 )C C"itradur&a district :L; Bo data +"ankara >un&ara*adi, m.7 2okak, 1 )C Bo data Bo data Bo data Bo data Bo data Ulive##a, m., '=, ,om%a caste7 ,"ar*ar Ra&au, 2arnataka @ana!ada 2athegaluA >ysore, 1 ) Bo data Bel&aum, 1 5) Bel&aum, 1 5) :L; +iddamma, f.7 .umkur >. B. Kur%etti7 Bel&aum, 1 5) Bel&aum >s. Bo data Primary sc"ool teac"ers7 Bel&aum, 1 5) +"ankara >an&ara*adi, m.7 2okak :Kam%ar >s.;, 1 )C Bo data +us"ila%ai 2. Kulkarni, f.7 ,"ar*ar Bo data C"ennamma, f., )5, Iiraoaiva caste7 Kittur, 1 55 Bo data @lla##a Kam%ara, m.7 2"oda&eri, 1 )C Bo data Bo data

Collector Kris"namurt"y >s. Bo data A. K. R. Bo data <. G. Lakka##a 2o*da. @ana!ada 2atha7ali, 1 !1. Ban&alore: Karnataka Co?D# Pu%lis"in& Kam%ar >s. Bo data Bo data Kam%ar >s. A. K. R. :L; Bo data Kur%etti >s. Kur%etti >s. ,"avalasri, in @ana!ada 2athamrta, vol. ' :1 )C;, ##. '=JA= Kur%etti >s. A. K. R. :L; Bo data A. K. R. :L; A. K. R. A. K. R. :L; A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. A. K. R.7 Kur%etti >s. A. K. R. Bo data A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. Bo data Bo data

Title 9oolis"ness ''. 0n +earc" of a ,ream 'A. Kin& and Peasant '5. Kutlavva '). ."e Lam#stand 6oman '!. ."e >a&ician and <is ,isci#le 'C. A >inister3s 6ord ' . >onkey Business A(. ."e >ot"er 6"o >arried <er D*n +on A1. >uddanna A=. Ba&arani :-+er#ent Mueen/; A'. A Be3er?do?*ell AA. Bin&a on >y Palm A5. D&ress Mueen A). An Dld Cou#le A!. ."e Past Bever Passes AC. A Pe& and a Ke& A . ."e Pome&ranate Mueen 5(. A Poor >an 51. ."e Princess of +even Gasmines 5=. ."e Prince *"o >arried <is D*n Left <alf 5'. ."e Rain Kin&3s 6ife 5A. Ric" >an, Poor >an 55. A +a&e3s 6ord 5). ."e +er#ent Lover 5!. A +"e#"erd3s Pil&rima&e 5C. +ister Cro* and +ister +#arro* 5 . +iva Plays ,ou%le )(. ."e +#arro* 6"o

Teller Bo data Bo data Bo data Bo data Arera Bala##a, m.7 Akkatan&era"ala, 1 )C +. +"ankar Ba&ars"etti, m.7 Kittur, 1 55 +. .. ,esai7 ,"ar*ar Bo data Bo data Bo data Bo data Bo data +mt. 2o*ravva, f.7 ,"ar*ar, 1 )C Bo data Bo data Bo data Bo data Basavani Ka%adi&i, 'C, Lin&ayat caste7 +iva#ura Bo data @lla##a Kam%ara, m.7 2"oda&eri >s. +"anta, f.7 ,"ar*ar, 1 )C Bo data C"enna##a 6alikara, m.7 Raic"ur, 1 )C >rs. Ba&avva +idrama##a, f.7 Badi&era Akkatan&era"ala Bo data Bo data C"ennanna 6alikara, m.7 Raic"ur Bo data

Collector A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. Bo data A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. ,. Lin&ayya. Z()^*Dl(nIm 1 !1, ##. 1)J =(. +idla&"atta: Kannada Kala +an&"a A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. A. K. R. :L; A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. Bo data A. K. R.7 Kris"namurt"y >s. Bo data A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. Bo data A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. Bo data Bo data Bo data Bo data A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. .a#ed %y C. Kam%ar A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. A. K. R.7 Bel&aum >s. A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. A. K. R. :L; Bo data Bo data A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. A. K. R. :L;7 Kur%etti >s.

Title 6ouldn3t ,ie )1. A +#arro* 6it" a +in&le Pea )=. .ales for a Princess )'. ."e .alkin& Bed )A. A ."ief, a Ram, a Bear, and a <orse )5. ."ree Blouses )). ."ree >a&ic D%jects )!. ."ree +isters Bamed ,eat", Birt", and ,ream )C. ."e ."ree."ousand? Ru#ee +ari ) . ."u& and >aster?."u& !(. .ree .runk for a Boat !1. ."e .urtle Prince !=. A 6a&er !'. 6"at t"e >ilk Bird +aid !A. 6"o 0s t"e 2reatestL

Teller Bo data R. +. Baik, m., from "is &randmot"er in Kumta, 1 5) Bo data >s. +us"ila%ai Kulkarni, f.7 ,"ar*ar Bo data Bo data Bo data C"ennavva >aryala, f.7 +"a#ura, 1 )' Bo data Bo data Bo data Bo data +mt. B"a&irat"i +idrama##a, f.7 Badi&era Akkatan&era"ala +ivajirao, m., 55, Budu%udike caste Bo data

Collector Bo data Baik or AKRL C. >urt"y3s >s. A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. Bo data A. K. R.7 Bel&aum >s. A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. A. K. R. A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. Bo data A. K. R.7 Kam%ar >s. A. K. R.7 Kris"namurt"y >s. A. K. R. :L; K. Barayana, C. 0. 0. L. A. K. R.7 Bel&aum >s. Bo data B. Bel"sara, in o(+p^*(E\(.*([(+()(E k(*(J()(E\([CDF(lIm 1 ! , #. =A). Be* ,el"i: +a"itya Akademi

!5. 6"y t"e +ky 6ent U# !). ."e 6ors"i# of a Bo data <ouse"old 2od !!. A +tory to @nd All +tories Lakkajji, )(, Iiraoaiva caste7 Bel"sara, +"ivamo&&a ,t.

)ist of Tale Types

OBote: .ale ty#e num%ers refer to t"e standard inde1: Antti Aarne and +tit" ."om#son, The Ty!es of the FolktaleQ A 6lassification and 8i"liogra!hy, =nd Revision, 99 Communications Bo. 1CA :<elsinki: Academia +cientiarum 9ennica, 1 )1;. ."e list is desi&ned to assist com#arative folklorists *"o may *is" to discover *"et"er t"is volume does or does not contain a version of a #articular folktale %ein& investi&ated. 0D is our a%%reviation for 0ndia Dnly, meanin& t"at t"e tale in 8uestion is re#orted only in 0ndia. 9or a fuller discussion of t"e tale ty#e identification num%ers on t"is list, see t"e -Botes on t"e .ales/ section. H@ds.P A. 1=' A. 1)( A. '(' A. '15A tale 5C tale A1 tale 1A tale !

A. '=5 A. A1' N A. A)5 N A. 55A A. A''B :L; A. A''C A. A'! N A. C!( A. A5(A A. A)= :0D; A. A)! :0D; A. 51(B A. 5'A :0D; A. 55( A. 55A A. 5)) A. )== A. )5'B :0D; A. )!( A. !5(A A. !5! A. !C( A. !C(A A. '(A A. '1 A. 'AB A. A5 A. 1((( A. 1=A5 N A. 1=1( A. 1A1 < A. 1A=' A. 15'AA :0D; A. 15'5, A. 1)5' A. 15' A. 15A( A. 15A5B A. 1)A' N A. 1)(( A. 1)5' A. 1)C!, A. 1'51 A. =('1A A. =('1BU:0D; A. =('!A :0D; A. =(A1

tale '! tale ' tale !1 tale 5) tale 1= tale 5 tale A5 tale 1 tale =C tale =( tale '' tale 51 tale )) tale )' tale ) tale 5! tale 11 tale 5 tale = tale A tale 55 tale A( tale A tale )= tale A' tale =1 tale '1 tale )5 tale '= tale 5A tale )A tale '5 tale AC tale '( tale 1( tale =' tale !! tale =! tale ' tale )(

A. =(A5AU

tale C

Preferred Citation: Ramanujan, A. K. A Flowering Tree and Other Oral Tales from India. Berkeley London: University of California Press, c1 ! 1 !. "tt#:$$ark.cdli%.or&$ark:$1'('($ft()!n *t$

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