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No.2-41/2007-AHT/FF Government of India Ministry of Agri !"t!re #e$artment of Anima" H!

s%andry& #airying ' Fis(eries )ris(i *(avan& Ne+ #e"(i #ated t(e 27t( A$ri" 2010. To ,rin i$a" -e retary& Anima" H!s%andry #e$artment .A"" -tates/ -!%0e t1 Administrative A$$rova" for im$"ementation of 2entra""y -$onsored Fodder and Feed #eve"o$ment - (eme for 2010-11. -ir& I am dire ted to onvey Administrative A$$rova" of Govt. of India for im$"ementation of 2entra""y -$onsored - (eme - Fodder and Feed #eve"o$ment - (eme d!ring 3It( five year $"an +it( tota" o!t"ay of 4s 141.40 rores. Ann!a" o!t"ay of t(e s (eme d!ring 2010-11 +i"" %e 4s 22.20 rore . 4s. T+enty t+o rore and T+enty "a5( on"y/. 2. T(e s (eme +i"" %e im$"emented t(ro!g(o!t India e6 e$t for om$onent given at seria" No. 7. T(e main o%0e tive of t(e s (eme is to ta5e ste$s for im$rovement for en(an ement of $rod! tion of $rotein ri ( feed and fodder for "ive sto 5s and to im$roved 8!a"ity of feed and fodder for "ive sto 5s in t(e o!ntry. 9. - (eme +i"" (ave t(e fo""o+ing s!%- om$onents1 1. :sta%"is(ment of Fodder *"o 5 Ma5ing ;nit 2. Grass"and #eve"o$ment in "!ding Grass 4eserves 9. Fodder -eed ,ro !rement and #istri%!tion 4. -trengt(ening of Feed Testing <a%oratories =. a. Introd! tion of (and driven (aff !tter %. Introd! tion of $o+er driven (aff !tter >. :sta%"is(ment of si"age ma5ing ;nits 7. #emonstration of A?o""a !"tivation and $rod! tion !nits 7. :sta%"is(ment of %y-$ass $rotein $rod! tion !nits @. :sta%"is(ment of Area -$e ifi Minera" Mi6t!re / Feed ,e""eting / Feed man!fa t!ring !nit 4. Im$"ementing Agen ies of - (eme +i"" ens!re t(at 1>A and 7A of f!nds are targeted for -2 and -T farmers/ %enefi iaries res$e tive"y !nder -$e ia" 2om$onent ,"an.-2,/ and Tri%a" -!% ,"an.T-,/ as $er dire tives of ,"anning 2ommission and at "east 90A of %!dget a""o ations are earmar5ed for +omen %enefi iaries/ farmers. 2on erned Im$"ementing Agen ies +i"" %e res$onsi%"e to monitor im$"ementation of t(ese om$onents i.e. a""o ation for -2/-T/Bomen %enefi iaries in res$e t of s (eme. =. 2o$y of g!ide"ines and $res ri%ed format for s!%mission of $ro$osa"s for vario!s om$onents of t(e s (eme are en "osed as Anne6!re .I to 3I/. *enefi iaries s(o!"d s!%mit t(e $ro$osa" in $res ri%ed format t(ro!g( -e retary .Anima" H!s%andry/ of -tate Government d!"y re ommended %y Administrative Head of t(e on erned organi?ation. -tate Forest #e$artment/ Agri !"t!re #e$artment may s!%mit $ro$osa"s to -e retary&

-2Anima" H!s%andry #e$artment of t(e on erned -tate after d!e a$$rova" %y -e retary& Forest #e$artment. Ct(er organi?ations s! ( as -tate Government !nderta5ings and NonGovernment organi?ations s(o!"d s!%mit t(eir $ro$osa"s to #e$artment of Anima" H!s%andry of on erned -tate and #e$artment of Anima" H!s%andry of t(e -tate Government +i"" for+ard t(e $ro$osa" to Government of India +it( t(eir re ommendation. #e$artment / Crgani?ation s(a"" a"so onfirm t(e $rovision of avai"a%i"ity of mat (ing f!nds in t(eir -tate *!dget for 2010-11 to meet -tate s(are for t(e s (eme. >.. -tate Government/Crgani?ations/Instit!tes are re8!ested to f!rnis( 8!arter"y $rogress re$ort .Finan ia" and ,(ysi a"/ in $res ri%ed format for ea ( om$onent. F!nd !ti"i?ation ertifi ate and ,(ysi a" ,rogress 4e$ort s(o!"d %e s!%mitted t(ro!g( -e retary.AH/ of on erned -tate Governments.. 7. ,ro$osa"s +i"" %e onsidered on first ome first serve %asis& om%ined +it( via%i"ity of t(e $ro0e t and avai"a%i"ity of t(e f!nds d!ring t(e finan ia" year. 7. Te (ni a" Monitoring 2ommittee !nder t(e 2(airmans(i$ of ,rin i$a" -e retary/ -e retary of t(e -tate& Anima" H!s%andry& #airying and Fis(eries #e$artment +it( a re$resentative of 2entra" Govt../ ,"anning 2ommission& #ire tor of state Anima" H!s%andry& #airying and Fis(eries #e$artment and t(e 2(ief :6e !tive Cffi er of im$"ementing agen y may %e onstit!ted to monitor im$"ementation of t(e $ro0e t. T(is ommittee s(a"" meet on 8!arter"y %asis to revie+ $rogress of san tioned $ro0e ts. @. :m$o+ered 2ommittee !nder t(e 2(airmans(i$ of -e retary .A#F/ +it( re$resentatives of #e$artment of :6$endit!re and ,"anning 2ommission +i"" %e onstit!ted to revie+ $rogress and onsider (anges /modifi ations of g!ide"ines for t(e om$onents. 10. ,ro$osa"s om$"ete in a"" res$e ts may %e for+arded to #ire tor .2'FF/& Ministry of Agri !"t!re& #e$artment of Anima" H!s%andry& #airying ' Fis(eries& 4oom No.997& )ris(i *(avan& Ne+ #e"(i. T(is iss!es +it( on !rren e of Integrated Finan e #ivision of t(is #e$artment vide #iary No. 917 /A-'FA/2010 dated 27-4-2010. Do!rs fait(f!""y& .4.-. Eaya"/ ;nder -e retary to t(e Government of India 2o$y to1 1. 2. 9. 4. =. >. 7. 7. #ire tor& Anima" H!s%andry ' Feterinary -ervi es of a"" -tates. #G ' -e retary& I2A4& )ris(i *(avan& Ne+ #e"(i. -tate Agri !"t!ra" ;niversities/I24I-AT& Hydera%ad. ,rin i$a" 2onservator of Forest .A"" states/ ,,- to t(e -e retary .AH#F/ A-'FA E- .,'F/. ;nder -e retary .Fin//A.C. *!dget. .4.-. Eaya"/ ;nder -e retary to t(e Government of India

ANNEXURE GUIDELINES OF VARIOUS COMPONENTS OF CENTRALLY SPONSORED FODDER AND FEED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME 1. ASSISTANCE TO FODDER BLOCK MAKING UNITS 1. 2. . Name of the Component When started !"#ecti$es Assistance to Fodder Block Making Units April, 2010 %i& 'romote conser$ation of fodder "( con$erting crop resid)es into fodder "locks thro)gh the )se of modern technologies, "ailing machines etc. into fodder "locks. Central ,o$ernment -ill pro$ide s)"sid( . /s. *2.00 lakhs per )nit or 001 of the cost of stra-2 Bagasse "ased fodder "lock making )nits, -hiche$er is lo-er. +maller models -ill also "e s)pported )nder the scheme. 3his t(pe of feed -ill "e )sef)l d)ring dro)ght2flood etc. -hen the main o"#ecti$e is s)r$i$al2maintenance of li$estock pop)lation. 00 1 Central assistance as one time s)"sid( to the e4tent of /s. *2.00 lakhs per )nit or 001 of the cost of stra- "ased fodder "lock making )nits, -hiche$er is lo-er -ill "e pro$ided 3he assistance -ill "e pro$ided for the items gi$en in Anne4)re 5. 6o-e$er, this assistance -ill "e


+alient Feat)res


'attern of financial assistance


5mplementing agenc(

pro$ided to onl( those )nits ha$ing "anka"le pro#ects appraised for their $ia"ilit( "( an( Nationali7ed Bank2 NABA/8. Fodder "lock making )nits )nder ')"lic or 'ri$ate entreprene)rship. 6o-e$er, f)nds -ill "e released thro)gh state ,o$ts concerned.

Annexure-I -A COST ESTIMATES FOR ASSISTANCE TO FODDER BLOCK MAKING UNITS C ! "#$% &' MT(D % S. N) I$e* +u n$#$% . 1. :8;68 C)tting -ith electric motor starter, panel 1 set "oard, <;"elts, p)lle(s etc. :8;:o- 8ensit( Materials %like padd( stra-s& 2. 68;:8 Mi4er complete -ith =lectric Motor, 68; 1 set 6igh 8ensit( materials %like concentrate 're; mi4es& . 8ensified 3M/ "lock maker -ith electric motors 2 sets starter, h(dra)lic oil, cooling s(stem *. 'latform =lectronic Weigh +cale 2 sets 0. +titching Machine do)"le thread 2 sets 9. Main control panel complete -ith starter 1 lot contractors, rela(s meter, cond)its, and fittings, ca"le tra(s etc. ?. Molasses +torage 3ank %2 M3 capacit(& !6 1 set molasses tank %>0 kgs& capacit( >. ,rinding +ection fitted -ith intake ele$ator motor, 1 set connecting piece -ith magnet. Bin for grinda"les in M.+. handle operated, 6ammer mill half circle capacit( 2 M32hr -ith sie$e and complete -ith fo)ndation fitted -ith motor and dri$e parts. @. Mi4ing +ection fitted -ith gro)nd material lifting 1 set ele$ator -ith discharge -ith motor and connecting piece of magnet, "in a"o$e "atch mi4er -ith discharge control. 'addle t(pe "atch mi4er -ith M+ constr)ction fitted -ith motor. 10. 'o-er +)ppl( %,enerator +et& 1*0 A<A 11. +hed for machiner( 90B400B420B 1 . /s. 2002 sC.ft. 12. +hed for storing ra- materials 90B4100B420B 1 . /s. 2002 sC.ft. T)$ 0 C),$ -R,. #n L ./, *.00 .00

>.?0 0.@0 0.20 *.*0 .20 .00


0.00 9.00 12.00 12.''

Annexure-I -B Pr)3)r* 3)r e,$ 40#,/*en$ )3 F)55er B0)". M .#n6 Un#$ 3)r ,u4*#$$#n6 !r)!), 0

A. B.

C. 8. =. F. ,. 6. 5, E. A. :. M. N. !. '. G. /.

Name of the !rgani7ation28epartment :ocation of the pro#ectD a& Address "& 3elephone No. c& 3elegraphic address 'resent reC)irement of green and dr( fodder in the +tate 'resent a$aila"ilit( of green and dr( fodder in the +tate Fodder a$aila"ilit( in the area -here esta"lishment of Fodder Block Making Unit is to "e esta"lished. 3(pe of fodder a$aila"le ro)nd the (ear in the area.2 so)rce of dr( fodder for p)rchase 3otal reC)irement of fodder thro)gho)t the (ear for r)nning the Fodder Block Making Unit $ia"l(. +torage facilities a$aila"le -ith the Agenc(, esta"lishing the Fodder Block Making Unit. Method of making Fodder Blocks. Constit)ent2ingredients of Fodder Blocks. 3otal digesti"le n)trients %38N& $al)e of each fodder "lock ma( "e gi$en. +cope for disposal of fodder "locks. An( other information pertaining to the pro#ect. Whether +tate ,o$t has recommended the proposal Whether the pro#ect has "een appraised "( an( commercial "ank for economical $ia"ilit( of the pro#ectF ,i$e details. !rgani7ation2 indi$id)al contri")ting to-ards the state share of ?01 of pro#ect proposal. Whether land of the pro#ect is o-ned "( enterprise of the state ,o$t. Name and signat)re of the 8irectorate 2!rgani7ation and Animal 6)s"andr( of the +tate -ith complete address

Annexure-II CENTRALLY SPONSORED FODDER AND FEED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME II-GUIDELINES FOR GRASSLAND DEVELOPMENT INCLUDING GRASS RESERVES 1. Name of ,rasslands 8e$elopment incl)ding ,rass /eser$es. the Componen t When April, 2010 started !"#ecti$es %i& 3he degraded grasslands -ill "e slo-l( impro$ed "( introd)cing s)ita"le grass, leg)mes and fodder trees %"( sil$i;past)re etc&. %ii& 3he e4tensi$e erosion presentl( taking place in these lands -ill "e minimi7ed %iii& 3he "io;mass prod)ced -ill help to minimi7e the gap "et-een a$aila"ilit( and reC)irement of fodder %i$& 3he forage that -ill "e o"tained from these lands -ill "e )tili7ed as reser$es "( esta"lishing fodder "anks depots %$& 3he "io;mass prod)ction from grassland -ill "e cheaper and -ill increase the animal prod)ction %<5& 5ncreased fodder prod)ction thro)gh indi$id)al farmers. *. +alient Feat)res 3he scheme -ill ena"le impro$ement of degraded grassland and also the $egetation co$er of pro"lematic soils like saline, acidic and hea$( soil. Under this programme the specific fodder trees %sil$i; past)re& grasses and leg)mes -ill "e identified for partic)lar t(pe of soil, so that a $egetation co$er ma( "e pro$ided -hich -ill not onl( gi$e additional C)antit( of fodder ")t -ill also protect the land from soil erosion. 5n addition, the fertilit( stat)s of land -ill also "e impro$ed "( introd)cing s)ita"le leg)mes. A 2-1' / . re )3 0 n5 7#00 4e $ .en u! 3)r 5e8e0)!*en$. 3he categori7ation of different t(pes of land has "een done and the rate for one )nit of 10 hectare each gi$en at Annexure-II. +eparate pro#ect proposal for impro$ement of grasslands in remote areas can "e taken )p, in -hich import of fodder seeds as per s)ita"ilit( of their region, seed pelleting, "roadcasting %"( air& etc. 5ndi$id)al farmers can take )p perennial Fodder crops c)lti$ation in their fields. 5ndi$id)al farmer taking )p this programme -ill ha$e to make agreement -ith N,!,

2. .

+6, and other responsi"le organi7ation for c)lti$ation of fodder for fi$e (ears contin)o)sl( on the same land other -ise farmer -ill ha$e to ref)nd the -hole amo)nt to the ,o$ernment.

0. 9. ?. >.

'attern of financial assistance Beneficiari es 5mplemen ting agencies +taff

3he assistance )nder the scheme -ill "e pro$ided as 100 1 Central assistance .3he per )nit on the pattern as indicated in Anne4)re;55. Farmers, +tate 8epartment of Animal 6)s"andr(, Agric)lt)re and Forest, N,!, ,oshalas, +6,, etc. +tate 8epartment of Forest and 8epartment of Animal 6)s"andr( H Agric)lt)re. 3o "e pro$ided "( the concerned +tate ,o$ernments


Cost estimates of ,rassland 8e$elopment 5ncl)ding ,rass /eser$es for one )nit %10 6ectare& Ru!ee, #n L ./

+. No.


C'/, ,ocharC'/, ,ocher land 2com land 2 m)nit( land comm)nit( 2 -aste land land 2 -aste -hich need land -hich treatment does not of soil. need treatment of soil

,o$t. Farm2 ,oshal a land

Forest land 2 ,rassla nd in remo$e area

5ndi$id )al farmer s

C)n$#nu#n6 P r * $er, A. C !#$ 0 In8e,$*en$ %a& 8emarcation of "o)ndar(, fencing2 %trench 2 "r)sh-ood 2 "ar"ed -ire& :and 8e$elopment %10 %"& hectares&.10 lakhs per ha. %incl)ding soil treatment and -eeding& %c& Farm sheds I for eC)ipment, seed, man)re, and office %d& ')rchase of agric)lt)ral implements %e& Creation of irrigation facilitiesD -ells, p)mps, po-er line, -ater tank, p)mp room, pipelines etc.

0.?0 1.00

0.?0 0.?0

0.20 0.00

0.?0 0.00

0.00 0.00

1.00 0.00 .?0

1.00 0.00 .00

0.00 0.00 2.00

0.00 0..20 0.?0

0.00 0.00 0.00

Sub- Total
%a& %"& Re"urr#n6 Ex!en5#$ure Wages of s)per$isor( staff











+eeds, fertili7er2 man)re, 0.*0 0.*0 0.90 0.90 0.90 insecticides %c & C)lti$ation charges 1.00 0.00 0.90 0.90 0.90 %d& 5rrigation electricit( 2 f)el 0. 0 0. 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 charges %e& Maintenance of 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.00 +tore2dead stock %f& Miscellaneo)s and 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 )nforeseen e4penses Su4-T)$ 0 ;.2' ;.'' ;.1' ;.1' 1.2' Gr n5 T)$ 0 1'.'' 1.2' :.2' 2.'' 1.2' NoteD %i& F)nds for impro$ement of grasslands "( reseeding, import of fodder seeds, transportation, la"o)r -ages -ill "e as per rates a$aila"le at that time of s)"mitting the pro#ect proposal.

Annexure-II -B 'roforma for s)"mitting proposal )nder Centrall( +ponsored Fodder 8e$elopment +cheme ; ,rassland 8e$elopment incl)ding ,rass /eser$es. A. Name of the 5mplementing agenc(2!rgani7ation28epartmentD a& AddressD "& 3elephone No.D c& 3elegraphic addressD 'resent stat)s of reC)irement and a$aila"ilit( of green and dr( fodder in the +tate D 'resent statistics of grasslands a$aila"le in theD i& +tate D ii& With 8epartmentD :ocation and addresses of plots alread( de$eloped, if an( )nder the scheme and, proposed to "e de$eloped %+)r$e( No., Ahasra No. etc&. 5n case of indi$id)al forms, details ma( "e pro$ided in the list. 5ndi$id)al formers can take )p at their land near $illage. Whether area is leased %for at least 0 (ears in case of farmer for )sing the land for grass prod)ction& or o-ned "( Agenc( seeking assistance for ,rassland H Fodder 8e$elopmentF What is the distance of the area to "e de$eloped from $illage or cit( "o)ndar(F % area sho)ld "e selected at least one kilometer a-a( from $illage so that e4tension of $illage de$elopment ma( not affect the area de$eloped for ,rassland 8e$elopment & 3(pe of ,rasses and leg)mes to "e so-nD G)antit( of ,rasses and leg)mes reC)ired for de$elopment of grasslandD Whether seeds a$aila"le -ith the organi7ation or so)rce of a$aila"ilit( of grasses and leg)mes seedsD Cost estimate and reC)irement of f)nds for de$elopment of proposed grasslands as per pattern of Anne4)re ;2D Anticipated additional C)antit( of green2dr( fodder to "e prod)ced from the proposed grasslands after de$elopmentD Mode of disposal of fodder prod)ced at this ,rassland to "e de$elopedD An( other rele$ant information related to the proposalD Name and signat)re of 8irector of Animal 6)s"andr( of concerned +tate2!rgani7ation -ith date H 'laceD

B. C. 8.

=. F.

,. 6, 5. E. A. : M N

Annexure-III CENTRALLY SPONSORED FODDER AND FEED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME III-GUIDELINES FOR FODDER SEED PROCUREMENT < DISTRIBUTION 1. 2. . Name of the Component When started !"#ecti$es Fodder +eed 'roc)rement and 8istri")tion April, 2010 'romote c)lti$ation of s)perior $ariet( of fodder for fodder seed %"reeder, fo)ndation and certified seed& prod)ction "( creating ass)red market and distri")tion of seeds among the farmers. 3o create an ass)red market for C)alit( fodder seed, this component has "een modified. No- state ,o$ts. -ill assess the reC)irement of fodder seeds of the state H -ill make an agreement -ith seed s)ppl(ing agenc( for s)ppl( of each fodder seed incl)si$e of transportation cost )pto deli$er( place H time of s)ppl( of seeds. 3he seed s)ppl(ing agencies in t)rn -ill make a ")( "ack arrangement of fodder seeds prod)ced "( the farmers. After proc)rement of fodder seeds, state ,o$t. -ill distri")te these seeds to farmers free of cost. 3here"( passing on Central +tate ,rant to the farmers. For 5st (ear tr)thf)ll( la"eled seeds ma( "e allo-ed ")t from 2011;12 onl( certified seeds -ill "e gi$en preference, for -hich seed certification norms e4ist in the. 3he assistance )nder the scheme -ill "e pro$ided as ?0 1 Central grant -ith share of 201 to "e arranged "( implementing agencies2 state. Farmers, N,!s and the state ,o$ts. Ma( in$ol$e +5As2 Milk Federation. 8epartment of Animal 6)s"andr(, Agric)lt)re of the +tates. +tates ma( in$ol$e N,!, +6,, N+C, Milk Federation for s)ppl( of seeds. F)nds


+alient Feat)res


'attern of financial assistance

9. ?.

Beneficiaries 5mplementing agencies

-ill "e ro)ted thro)gh +5As.

Annexure-III -A 'roforma for s)"mitting proposal )nder Centrall( +ponsored Fodder and Feed 8e$elopment +cheme; Fodder +eed 'roc)rement H 8istri")tion. A. Name of implementing agenc(2!rgani7ation28epartmentD :ocationD a& AddressD "& 3elephone No.D c& Fa4 No. =mailD B. 'resent stat)s of reC)irement and a$aila"ilit( of green and dr( fodder in the +tate D C. /eC)irements of fodder seeds of c)lti$ated crops, grasses and leg)mes in the +tate 8. A$aila"ilit( of fodder seeds of c)lti$ated crops, grasses and leg)mes in the +tate =. Follo-ing details ma( "e pro$idedD 3(pe +o)rce G)antit( /ate of Cost of ?01 cost 201 cost of of of to "e proc)reme seeds of seed seed seed proc)re proc)red nt of seed to "e to "e arranged "( crop2$ ment %in Ctls.& /s per Ctl proc)re proc)red implementing ariet( in the form d %Central agenc(2+tate to "e of fodder %/s. in share & share proc)r minikit lakh& %/s.in %/s. in lakh& e;d lakh& and C)alit( of seed NoteD G)alit( of seed to "e proc)red, -hether it certified on tr)thf)ll( la"eled. For 2010;11tr)thf)ll( la"eled seeds ma( "e allo-ed ")t from 2011;12, onl( certified seed %for -hich certifications norms e4ist in the co)ntr(& -ill "e allo-ed. F. Whether agreement has "een made -ith seed s)ppl(ing agenc(, if (es, the cop( of agreement to "e enclosedD ,. 3ime of deli$er( of fodder seed. 6. Whether state has made the arrangement for distri")tion and these seeds among the farmers, if (es the details ma( "e pro$ided 8istrict -iseD 5. Whether this demand is e4cl)si$e of C)antit( of seeds so)ght )nder Central Minikit 3esting 'rogrammeD E. Whether state ,o$t. has made the arrangement for distri")tion of fodder minikits to the farmers free of cost.

A. :.

An( other rele$ant information related to the proposalD Name and signat)re of 8irector of 8irectorate2!rgani7ation and addressD

Annexure-IV CENTRALLY SPONSORED FODDER AND FEED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME IV-GUIDELINES FOR ASSISTANCE FOR STRENTHENING OF FEED TESTING LABORATORIESD 1. 2. . Name of the Component When started !"#ecti$es Assistance for +trengthening of Feed 3esting :a"oratories April, 2010 G)alit( testing of man)fact)red feed and feed ingredients to promote prod)ction and s)ppl( of C)alit( feed. 3o ens)re the s)ppl( of C)alit( feed to the farmers, 8epartment -ants to strengthen the la"oratories for testing the case Feed. Assisted la"oratories -ill take )p testing of Feed samples recei$ed from $ario)s ,o$t. and pri$ate agencies as per prescri"ed rates. F)nds -ill "e pro$ided for p)rchase of machiner( and eC)ipment related to Feed testing. 001 Central assistance -ill "e pro$ided as one time grant to the e4tent of /s. 100.00 lakhs per )nit or 001 of the cost of the plant and machiner( reC)ired for strengthening of feed testing la"oratories, -hiche$er is lo-er. 6o-e$er, this assistance -ill "e pro$ided to <eterinar( college H Agric)lt)re Uni$ersities. <eterinar( college H Agric)lt)re Uni$ersities. 8epartment of Animal 6)s"andr(


+alient Feat)res


'attern of financial assistance

9. ?.

Beneficiaries 5mplementing agenc(

Annexure-IV -A Pr)3)r* 3)r e,$ 40#,/*en$ )3 S$ren6$/en#n6 )3 Fee5 Te,$#n6 L 4)r $)r#e, 3)r ,u4*#$$#n6 !r)!), 0

A. B.

C. 8. =. F. ,. 6. 5, E. A. :. M.

Name of the !rgani7ation28epartment2 5mplementing agenc( :ocation a& Address "& 3elephone No. c& 3elegraphic address 'resent +tat)s of the la"orator( No of Feed samples tested earlier. No of Feed samples testing can "e increased -ith the Central aid Whether s)ch facilit( is a$aila"le in the state, if (es, please gi$e details. Constit)ent2ingredients of feeds to "e tested. Whether la"orator( -ill )ndertake the testing of feed samples recei$ed from pri$ate parties2 ,o$t. agenc(. What -ill "e rate for testing each constit)ent %'rotein, fat etc.& of feedF An( other information pertaining to the pro#ect. Whether the pro#ect has "een appraised "( an( Committee constit)ted "( the 5CA/, +AU, <C5 etc. ,i$e details. Whether matching state share of /s. 100.00 lakh -ill "e pro$ided "( <C52 +AU from their reso)rces or state ,o$ts. Name and signat)re of !rgani7ation 2 8irector, Animal 6)s"andr( of the +tate -ith complete address

Annexure-V- = CENTRALLY SPONSORED FODDER AND FEED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME V- = - GUIDELINES FOR ASSISTANCE FOR INTRODUCTION OF HAND DRIVEN CHAFFCUTTERD 1. 2. . *. Name of the Component When started !"#ecti$es +alient Feat)res Assistance for 5ntrod)ction of 6and 8ri$en Chaff C)tter April, 2010 %i& /ed)ce -astage of fodder "( chopping and promote "etter )tili7ation of fodder. Mem"ers of Milk Federation, A3MA2 A<As and farmers ha$ing )pto 0 li$estock -ill "e assisted )nder the scheme for p)rchases of the hand dri$en chaff c)tters pro$ided the( ha$e not a$ailed earlier this t(pe of "enefit from Central ,o$t. or +tate ,o$t.2an( other organi7ation formed "( the ,o$t. Assistance )nder the scheme -ill "e pro$ided as ?01 Central ,o$t. as one time grant o)t of the total cost of /s. 0ooo2; per )nit or ?01 cost of the chaff c)tters, -hich e$er is less. Balance 201 f)nds are to "e met "( the "eneficiaries. AdeC)ate n)m"er of -oman, +C2+3 "eneficiaries ma( "e co$ered. Balance 201 share to "e met "( the "eneficiaries. Farmers and Mem"ers of Milk Cooperati$es2 A3MA2 A<As. Milk Federation, 8epartment of Animal 6)s"andr(, A<As2A3MA.


'attern of financial assistance

9. ?.

Beneficiaries 5mplementing agenc(

Annexure-V- =-I Pr)3)r* A. B. 3)r In$r)5u"$#)n )3 H n5 Dr#8en C/ 33 "u$$er, 3)r ,u4*#$$#n6 !r)!), 0 Name of the !rgani7ation28epartment2 implementing agenc( :ocation a& Address "& 3elephone No. c& 3elegraphic address 'resent reC)irement of green and dr( fodder in the +tate 'resent a$aila"ilit( of green and dr( fodder in the +tate 3he details ma( "e pro$ided as per Anne4)re;<. 3(pe of fodder a$aila"le ro)nd the (ear in the area.2 so)rce of dr( fodder for p)rchase Name of the s)pplies of chaff c)tters Whether C)otation collected for s)ppl( of chaffc)tters at farmers door step. 3(pe of chaff c)tter %5+5 mark& to "e p)rchased. No. of chaff c)tters to "e p)rchased. Cost of each chaff c)tter. 3otal cost of the chaff c)tter to "e p)rchased. Central share %/s. in lakh& Beneficiaries share %/s in lakh&. Whether 201 "eneficiaries shares has "een taken as an ad$ance or state ,o$t. -ill arrange. Name and signat)re of !rgani7ation 2 8irector, Animal 6)s"andr( of the +tate -ith complete address

C. 8. =. F. ,. 6. 5. E. A. :. M. N. !. '.

Annexure-V-4= CENTRALLY SPONSORED FODDER AND FEED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME V -4=- GUIDELINES FOR ASSISTANCE FOR INTRODUCTION OF PO>ER DRIVEN CHAFFCUTTERD 1. 2. . Name of the Component When started !"#ecti$es Assistance for 5ntrod)ction of 'o-er 8ri$en Chaff C)tter April, 2010 %i& /ed)ce -astage of fodder "( chopping and promote "etter )tili7ation of fodder. Mem"ers of Milk Federation, A3MA2 A<As and farmers ha$ing )pto 10 or more li$estock -ill "e assisted )nder the scheme for p)rchases of the hand dri$en chaff c)tters pro$ided the( ha$e not a$ailed earlier this t(pe of "enefit from Central ,ot. !r +tate ,o$t.2an( other organi7ation formed "( the ,o$t. Assistance )nder the scheme -ill "e pro$ided as ?01 Central ,o$t. as one time grant o)t of the total cost of /s. 20,0002; per )nit or ?01 cost of the chaff c)tters, -hich e$er is less. Balance 201 f)nds are to "e met "( the "eneficiaries. AdeC)ate n)m"er of -oman, +C2+3 "eneficiaries ma( "e co$ered. Balance 201 share to "e met "( the "eneficiaries. Farmers and Mem"ers of Milk Cooperati$es2 A3MA2 A<As. Milk Federation, 8epartment of Animal 6)s"andr(, A<As2A3MA.


+alient Feat)res


'attern of financial assistance

9. ?.

Beneficiaries 5mplementing agenc(

Annexure-V-4=-I Pr)3)r* A. B. 3)r In$r)5u"$#)n )3 P)7er Dr#8en C/ 33 "u$$er, 3)r ,u4*#$$#n6 !r)!), 0 Name of the !rgani7ation28epartment2 implementing agenc( :ocation a& Address "& 3elephone No. c& 3elegraphic address 'resent reC)irement of green and dr( fodder in the +tate 'resent a$aila"ilit( of green and dr( fodder in the +tate 3he details ma( "e pro$ided as per Anne4)re;< %a&. 3(pe of fodder a$aila"le ro)nd the (ear in the area.2 so)rce of dr( fodder for p)rchase Name of the s)pplies of chaff c)tters Whether C)otation collected for s)ppl( of chaffc)tters at farmers door step. 3(pe of chaff c)tter %5+5 mark& to "e p)rchased. No. of chaff c)tters to "e p)rchased. Cost of each chaff c)tter. 3otal cost of the chaff c)tter to "e p)rchased. Central share %/s. in lakh& Beneficiaries share %/s in lakh&. Whether 201 "eneficiaries shares has "een taken as an ad$ance or state ,o$t. -ill arrange. Name and signat)re of !rgani7ation 2 8irector, Animal 6)s"andr( of the +tate -ith complete address

C. 8. =. F. ,. 6. 5. E. A. :. M. N. !. '.

Annexure-VI CENTRALLY SPONSORED FODDER AND FEED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME VI- GUIDELINES FOR ASSISTANCE FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF SILAGE MAKING UNITSD 1. 2. . Name of the Component When started !"#ecti$es Assistance for =sta"lishment of silage making Units April, 2010 =sta"lish silage;making )nits to preser$e s)rpl)s fodder for feeding d)ring lean periods. 8)ring the period of s)rpl)s s)ppl( of green fodder, farmers are to "e enco)raged to take )p silage making to make the C)alit( fodder a$aila"le d)ring lean %shortage& period of fodder. 1001,rant;in aid "( the Central ,o$ernment -ill "e pro$ided for =sta"lishment of ne- silage making Unit . /s. 1.00 lakhs %/s. ?00002; for constr)ction -ork of trench silo pit and /s. 0,0002; for p)rchase of po-er dri$er chaff c)tter& per )nit or the cost of the silo pit collected, -hiche$er is lo-er. Mem"ers of Milk Federation, Farmers, A3MA2 A<As Milk Cooperati$es, state 8epartment of Animal 6)s"andr(, A3MA2 A<As.


+alient Feat)res


'attern of financial assistance

9. ?.

Beneficiaries 5mplementing agenc(

Annexure-VI -A Pr)3)r* 3)r e,$ 40#,/*en$ )3 E,$ 40#,/*en$ )3 S#0 6e M .#n6 un#$ 3)r ,u4*#$$#n6 !r)!), 0

A. B.

C. 8. =. F. ,. 6. 5. E. A. :.

Name of the !rgani7ation28epartment2 implementing agenc(D :ocation a& Address "& 3elephone No. c& 3elegraphic address 'resent reC)irement of green and dr( fodder in the +tate 'resent a$aila"ilit( of green and dr( fodder in the +tate No of silo pits proposed. 3otal cost of the silo pits. Central share %/s. in lakh&. :ist of the farmers selected -ith complete details as per Anne4)re; <5. Whether estimates for each silo pit H chaff c)tters cost has "een gi$en. An( other information pertaining to the pro#ect. Whether the p)rchase of po-er dri$en chaff c)tters has "een done as per 5+5 mark. Name and signat)re of !rgani7ation 2 8irector, Animal 6)s"andr( of the +tate -ith complete address

Annexure-VII CENTRALLY SPONSORED FODDER AND FEED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME VII- GUIDELINES FOR ASSISTANCE FOR DEMONSTRATION OF A?OLLA CULTIVATION AND PRODUCTION UNITS@ 1. 2. . Name of the Component When started !"#ecti$es Assistance for 8emonstration of A7olla C)lti$ation and 'rod)ction Units April, 2010 %i& =nco)rage prod)ction of A7olla as alternate so)rce of green fodder.



+alient Feat)res

3o train the farmers for prod)ction of a7olla, pro$iding necessar( material to the farmers for esta"lishing of a7olla prod)ction )nit.


'attern of financial assistance

9. ?.

Beneficiaries 5mplementing agenc(

Assistance )nder the scheme -ill "e pro$ided as 001 Central ,o$t as one time grant to the e4tent o)t of total cost of /s. 00.00 lakhs per )nit or 001 cost of the a7olla )nit and training, -hich e$er is lo-er. Balance 001 f)nds are to "e met "( the states2 implementing agencies. +)ita"le n)m"er of -oman, +C2+3 "eneficiaries are to "e co$ered. Farmers, Mem"ers of Milk Cooperati$es A<As, A3MA. Milk Federation, A<As, A3MA.

Annexure-VII -A Pr)3)r* 3)r ,u4*#$$#n6 !r)!), 0 un5er Cen$r 00% S!)n,)re5 F)55er n5 Fee5 De8e0)!*en$ S"/e*e A De*)n,$r $#)n )3 AB)00 "u0$#8 $#)n n5 !r)5u"$#)n un#$, A. Name of the 5mplementing agenc(2!rgani7ation28epartmentD a& AddressD "& 3elephone No.D c& 3elegraphic addressD 'resent stat)s of reC)irement and a$aila"ilit( of green and dr( fodder in the +tate D No of trainings to "e cond)cted. 3otal f)nd reC)irement for the training programme. Central share %/s in lakh& +tate share %/s in lakh& Name and signat)re of !rgani7ation 2 8irector, Animal 6)s"andr( of the +tate -ith complete address

B. C. 8. =. F. ,.

Annexure-VIII CENTRALLY SPONSORED FODDER AND FEED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME VIII- GUIDELINES FOR ASSISTANCE FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF BY-PASS PROTEIN PRODUCTION UNITS@ 1. 2. . Name of the Component When started !"#ecti$es Assistance for =sta"lishment of B(;'ass 'rotein 'rod)ction Units April, 2010 'rod)ction of "(;pass protein for feeding high (ielding dair( animals to make "etter )se of a$aila"le high C)alit( meals and impro$e feed efficienc(. 3o enhance the prod)ction of "(;pass proteins to s)stain the high (ield li$estock pop)lation. 201 s)"sid( is to "e pro$ided for p)rchase of plant and machiner( for esta"lishment B(;'ass 'rotein 'rod)ction )nit. 3he scheme is to "e implemented in the state of West Bengal, Madh(a 'radesh, Uttar 'radesh, ')n#a", 6ar(ana, Aerala, Maharashtra, Andhra 'radesh, Aarnataka and 3amil Nad). ,rant;in aid %s)"sid(& "( the Central ,o$ernment -ill "e pro$ided . /s. 9.20 lakhs per )nit o)t of the total pro#ect cost of /s.1*0.00 lakh as per Anne4)re;<555 or 201 of the cost of the plant and machiner( reC)ired for esta"lishment of B(;'ass 'rotein 'rod)ction )nit, -hich e$er is lo-er. 3his is s)"#ect to $ia"ilit( of pro#ect certified "( an( Commercial2 Nationali7ed Bank2 NABA/8. Milk Federation2 'ri$ate =ntreprene)rs. Milk Federation2 'ri$ate =ntreprene)rs. 6o-e$er, the f)nds -o)ld "e released thro)gh Animal 6)s"andr( 8epartment.


+alient Feat)res


'attern of financial assistance

9. ?.

Beneficiaries 5mplementing agenc(

Annexure- VIIIA Economics of establishment of by-pass protein feed unit A. Summary S.No. 1 2 9 4 = > 7 7 @ 10 ;nit si?e ;nit 2ost . 4s. "a5(/ Margin . 2=A& 4s."a5( / 2a$ita" s!%sidyG .2=A& 4s."a5(/ :ffe tive %an5 "oan. 4s. "a5(/ 4e$ayment $eriod Interest . A $a/ N,B H1=A #F *24 H 1=A#F I44 .A/
G -!%sidy on a$ita" items on"y.

Details *y-$ass $rotein !nit of =0 MT a$a ity $er day 14=.00 9>.2= 9=.00 79.7= 4e$aya%"e in 7 years +it( 9 years gra e. Interest a r!ed in 1st and 2nd year s(a"" %e re overed from 2nd year on+ard. 12A 1>&709&=2> 1.0911 40.29

B. Details of Investment ost S.N o 1 2 9 4 = > 7 7 @ Item 2a$ita" 2ost 2onstr! tion of s(ed and godo+n - 1000 s8.m. H 2700 $er s8.mt. 2ost of $"ant and ma (inery in "!ding insta""ation :"e tri a" and ot(er +or5s Margin on +or5ing a$ita" Tota" Margin .2=A/ 2a$ita" s!%sidy . 2=A on a$ita" items/ :ffe tive %an5 "oan ost!"s# 2&700&000 10&=00&000 700&000 =00&000 14&=00&000 9&>2=&000 9&=00&000 7&97=&000

. $echno economic parameters S.No Item 1 ,rod! tion a$a ity $er s(ift . MT/ 2 N!m%er of +or5ing days 2onstr! tion and tria" r!n in 1 year 9 N!m%er of s(ifts - 2 year - 9 year - 4 year on+ards 4 2a$a ity !ti"i?ation .A/ - 2 year - 9 year - 4 year on+ards = 2ost of !ntreated $rotein mea" . 4s. $er MT/ > Forma"de(yde re8!irement $er MT of feed . "itres/ 7 2ost of forma"de(yde . 4s. ,er "itre/ 7 <a%o!r re8!ired $er s(ift @ Bages $er s(ift $er "a%o!rer .4s/ 10 N!m%er of s!$ervisors $er s(ift 11 -!$ervisor sa"ary . 4s $er mont(/ 12 :"e tri ity re8!irement $er s(ift . )BH/ 19 2ost of e"e tri ity . 4s $er )BH/ 14 N!m%er of %ags re8!ired $er s(ift 1= 2ost $er %ag . 4s/ 1> -e""ing and administrative e6$enses . A of sa"es/ 17 #e$re iation on ivi" +or5s . A/ $er ann!m 17 #e$re iation on $"ant and ma (inery .A/ $er ann!m 1@ Interest on term "oan and +or5ing a$ita" .A/ $er ann!m 20 Treated mea" so"d .A/ of $rod! tion 21 -a"e $ri e of treated $rotein mea" . 4s $er MT/ 22 N!m%er of %ags avai"a%"e for sa"e $er s(ift 29 -a"e $ri e $er %ag .4s/ %arameter 17 900 1 2 9 >0 70 @0 12&000 4.>9 2= 10 120 1 1=&000 >00 = 940 17 1 = 10 12 @7 19&>00 940 10

D. Economics Item & 'ear A Income 1 -a"e of %y-$ass $rotein mea" -a"e of !sed %ags Tota" * Expenditure 1 2ost of !ntreated $rotein mea" 2 9 4 = > 7 7 2ost of forma"de(yde Bages -a"ary :"e tri ity H#,: %ags -e""ing and admn. e6$enses Interest on +or5ing a$ita" $otal (nd 'ear 40&77>&40 0 >12&000 41&9@7&40 0 9>&720&00 0 9=9&719 21>&000 170&000 =40&000 1&101&>00 407&7>4 2>=&200 ),-./*-*. . 1&001&@29 )rd 'ear 107&7=@&20 0 1&>92&000 110&9@1&20 0 @7&@20&000 @49&=00 =7>&000 9>0&000 1&440&000 2&@97&>00 1&077&=@2 70=&>00 012-,.1-(, ( 2&777&@07 *th year on+ards 179&=92&000 2&7=4&000 17>&27>&000

1>=&240&000 1&=@2&1=> @72&000 =40&000 2&490&000 4&@=7&200 1&79=&920 1&17@&200 0./-.22-/.3 4&77>&124

2 Surplus
Note1 2onstr! tion and tria" r!n in 1 year

E- 4or5in6 apital limit availed - one month of +or5in6 capital re7uirements Dear 2nd year 2&210&000 9rd year 4t( year on+ards =&770&000 @&@10&000

8. "epayment Schedule9 :ffe tive *an5 <oan1 4s 79.7= "a5( Interest 1 12A $er ann!m 4e$ayment $eriod1 4e$aya%"e in 7 years +it( 9 years gra e. Interest a r!ed in 1 and 2 year s(a"" %e re overed from 2 year on+ards !in "s#
'ear :ross surplus ;oan <&S Effective loan <&S 7&97=&000 7&97=&000 7&97=&000 7&97=&000 =&97=&000 9&97=&000 1&97=&000 Interest <&S 77=&000 1&770&000 2&1==&000 2&000&000 2&000&000 2&000&000 1&97=&000 =00&000 2&1==&000 77=&000 >4=&000 40=&000 1>=&000 =00&000 2&1==&000 2&77=&000 2&>4=&000 2&40=&000 1&=40&000 =01&@29 >99&@07 1&7@1&124 2&191&124 2&971&124 9&29>&124 "epayment ,rin i$a" 1 2 9 4 = > 7 1&001&@29 2&777&@07 4&77>&124 4&77>&124 4&77>&124 4&77>&124 10&77=&000 10&77=&000 10&77=&000 10&97=&000 7&97=&000 >&97=&000 4&97=&000 Interest $otal out6o Net surplus

C--o!tstanding Note1 2a$ita" s!%sidy of 4s 9&=00&000 +i"" %e ad0!sted at t(e end of 7 years.

Annexure-VIII-B Pr)3)r* 3)r e,$ 40#,/*en$ )3 E,$ 40#,/*en$ )3 B%-P ,, Pr)$e#n Pr)5u"$#)n un#$ 3)r ,u4*#$$#n6 !r)!), 0

A. B.

=. F. ,. 6. 5. E. A. :. M. N. !. '. G.

Name of the !rgani7ation28epartment -ant to esta"lish the pro#ectD :ocation of the 'ro#ectD a& Address "& 3elephone No. c& 3elegraphic address /eC)irement and A$aila"ilit( of concentrate in the stateD 3(pe of concentrate a$aila"le ro)nd the (ear in the areaD 3otal reC)irement of concentrate the (ear for r)nning the $ia"l(. +torage facilities a$aila"le -ith the Agenc(, esta"lishing the B(; 'ass 'rotein 'rod)ction )nit. Method of making B(;'ass 'roteinD Whether 5nternational2 National standards has "een taken care -hile, making pro#ect proposal. 3(pe of concentrate to "e )sed for prod)ction of "(; pass proteinD +cope for disposal of. An( other information pertaining to the pro#ect. Whether the pro#ect has "een appraised "( an( commercial "ank for economical $ia"ilit( of the pro#ectF ,i$e detailsD Whether +tate2!rgani7ation2 indi$id)al contri")ting to-ards the state share of ?01 of pro#ect proposal. Whether land of the pro#ect is o-ned "( =ntreprene)rs or state ,o$t. Name and signat)re of !rgani7ation 2 8irector, Animal 6)s"andr( of the +tate -ith complete address

Annexure-IX CENTRALLY SPONSORED FODDER AND FEED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME IX-GUIDELINES FOR ASSISTANCE FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF AREA SPECIFIC MINERAL MIXTURE ( FEED PELLETING( FEED MANUFACTURING UNIT@ 1. Name of the Component When started !"#ecti$es Assistance for =sta"lishment of Area +pecific Mineral Mi4t)re 2 Feed 'elleting2 Feed Man)fact)ring Unit April, 2010 %i& 3o enhance a$aila"ilit( of feed and area specific mineral mi4t)re for feeding li$estock for impro$ing their prod)cti$it( and health. B( enco)raging prod)ction of feed and area specific mineral mi4t)re, the e4isting gap "et-een a$aila"ilit( of feed and mineral mi4t)re co)ld "e narro-ed do-n. 6o-e$er, this assistance -ill "e pro$ided to onl( those )nits ha$ing "anka"le pro#ects appraised for their $ia"ilit( "( NABA/8 or an( other Nationali7ed Bank. ,rant;in aid %s)"sid(& "( the Central ,o$ernment -ill "e pro$ided . /s. 20.00 lakhs per )nit or 201 of the cost of the plant and machiner( reC)ired for esta"lishment of mineral mi4t)re2 feed pelleting2 feed man)fact)ring )nit2 plant, -hiche$er is lo-er. +maller models -ill also "e s)pported )nder the scheme. Area +pecific Mineral Mi4t)re 2 Feed 'elleting2 Feed Man)fact)ring Unit )nder ')"lic or 'ri$ate entreprene)rship. 6o-e$er, the f)nds -o)ld "e released thro)gh state ,o$t.

2. .


+alient Feat)res


'attern of financial assistance


5mplementing agenc(

Annexure-IX -A 3)r e,$ 40#,/*en$ Cen$r 00% S!)n,)re5 F)55er n5 Fee5 De8e0)!*en$ S"/e*e-)3 Are S!e"#3#" M#ner 0 M#x$ure( Fee5 Pe00e$#n6 ( Fee5 * nu3 "$ur#n6 Un#$ A. B. Name of the !rgani7ation28epartment :ocation a& Address "& 3elephone No. c& 3elegraphic address 'resent reC)irement and a$aila"ilit( of feed2 mineral mi4t)re in the state. A$aila"ilit( of ra- material in the area -here esta"lishment of plant is to "e done. 3otal area a$aila"le for esta"lishment of plant. !-ner of the land -here plant is to "e esta"lished. Whether permission from local "od( is reC)ired for s)ch plants. Whether storage facilities a$aila"le -ith the Agenc(. Method of making area specific Mineral Mi4t)re2 Feed 'elleting2Feed man)fact)ring Unit. Constit)ent2ingredients of Feed, Feed 'elleting )nit or Mineral Mi4t)re to "e prod)ced. +cope for disposal of feed, feed pellets, mineral mi4t)re. An( other information pertaining to the pro#ect. Whether the pro#ect has "een appraised "( an( commercial "ank for economical $ia"ilit( of the pro#ectF ,i$e details. Whether !rgani7ation2 indi$id)al is contri")ting to-ards the state share of ?01 of pro#ect proposal, details ma( "e pro$ided. Name and signat)re of !rgani7ation 2 8irector, Animal 6)s"andr( of the +tate -ith complete address Pr)3)r*

C. 8. =. F. ,. 6. 5, E. A. :. M. N. !.

Annexure-X 8etails of the "eneficiaries for s)ppl( of 6and 8ri$en Chaff C)ttersD Nam e of the farm er No of li$esto ck held "( the farme r G)anti t( of fodder to "e chaffe d dail( Whether )ndertaki ng taken from farmer that he -ill not made an( claim to-ards ph(sical harm d)e to chaff c)tter pro$ided "( the ,o$t. Whether farmers has gi$en )ndertak ing for making 201 pa(ment of cost of chaff c)tter Wheth er farmer has a$ailed this t(pe of assista nce for +tate2 an( other "od( please gi$e details. Wheth er )nder taking taken from the farmer s that hence for the( -ill feed the chapp ed fodder li$esto ck. Whethe r the same farmer has a$ailed the "enefit )nder the other compon ent of the scheme.

Annexure-X - = 8etails of the "eneficiaries for s)ppl( of 'o-er 8ri$en Chaff C)ttersD Nam e of the farm er No of li$esto ck held "( the farme r G)anti t( of fodder to "e chaffe d dail( Whether )ndertaki ng taken from farmer that he -ill not made an( claim to-ards ph(sical harm d)e to chaff c)tter pro$ided "( the ,o$t. Whether farmers has gi$en )ndertak ing for making 201 pa(ment of cost of chaff c)tter Wheth er farmer has a$ailed this t(pe of assista nce for +tate2 an( other "od( please gi$e details. Wheth er )nder taking taken from the farmer s that hence for the( -ill feed the chapp ed fodder li$esto ck. Whethe r the same farmer has a$ailed the "enefit )nder the other compon ent of the scheme.

Annexure-X-B 8etails of the "eneficiaries for esta"lishment of +ilage Making )nitD Name of Whether the "eneficiar farmer ies "elongs to +C2+3 comm)ni t( No of li$estock held "( the farmer 3(pe of silo pit to "e constr)ct ed -ith complete dimensio n G)antit( of fodder to "e ensiled in the silo pit. Whether s)fficient fodder a$aila"le in the area for making silage . 6oman( li$esto ck can "e mainta ined for ensiled fodder H for hom)ch period Cost of constr) ction of silo pit

C t p d c c i g s e


Anne6!re 3II omponents +ise pattern of financial assistance of the scheme S. No Name of =odified omponents& Ne+ omponents %attern of 8inancial Assistance

I 1 :sta%"is(ment of Fodder *"o 5 Ma5ing ;nit 2 Grass"and #eve"o$ment in "!ding Grass 4eserves 9 Fodder -eed ,ro !rement and #istri%!tion 4 -trengt(ening of Feed Testing <a%oratories = a Introd! tion of (and driven (aff !tter % Introd! tion of $o+er driven (aff !tter > :sta%"is(ment of si"age ma5ing ;nits 7 #emonstration of A?o""a !"tivation and $rod! tion !nits 7 :sta%"is(ment of %y-$ass $rotein $rod! tion !nits @ :sta%"is(ment of Area -$e ifi Minera" Mi6t!re / Feed ,e""eting / Feed man!fa t!ring !nit =01=0 100100 7=12= =01=0 7=12= 7=12= 100100 =01=0 2=17= 2=17=

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