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As the quest to understand the phenomenon of the Twinflame Love Evolution continues to unfold, I am continually struggling with an idea

that my fellow Twinflame seekers will not like... I don't really think the Twinflame concept e ists as the legend is outlined. !es, the symptoms and e periences definitely e ists, "ut do they only occur with #$L! #$E #T%E& '#(L in this unfathoma"ly vast, unlimited universe.

)hat is a Twinflame* At the "eginning of time, your soul was merged with one other. 'omething like the !in !ang sym"ol. The !in alone is complete in and of itself, as is the !ang. %owever, when merged together, these two whole aspects "ecome a greater whole, a deeper defining entity of life itself. In some ways they are totally alike, cut from the same fa"ric. !et in other ways they are total opposites of each other creating a fully "alanced whole within their union. Throughout time those souls walk the physical earth, operate in spirit, e ist in other dimensions, and not necessarily is the pair manifested in the same plane at the same time.

)hat are the symptoms of a Twinflame relationship*

The Twinflame relationship is truly like none you have ever e perienced. The energy is so intense when the energy of these two entities come together that strange occurances that "order on defying physics and physiological e istance as we know them, "egin to occur. %eightened awareness, psychic connections and psychic communications develop and are intensified "etween the two, empathic a"ilities increase + feeling their energy field and,or emotions when they are not there, an intense magnetism coupled with an intense need to flee or repulsion is also often present.











Typically one or "oth parties are married or unavaila"le, live faraway from each other and,or have a large une plica"le age difference. This is "elieved to occur "ecause the Twinflame relationship requires unusual levels of overcoming hardship, passing of spiritual tests and proving high spiritual levels of growth. Typically Twinflames take years to actually "e together as they slowly and delicately restring the elements of their lives in a way to not "ring harm to those around them. 'ome say that "ecause they are cut from the same fa"ric that they actually look alike. Though I have not found this to "e true across the "oard.

%ow do I find my Twinflame* )ell... %ere lies the pro"lem. .ecause the Twinflame phenomenon centers around the concept that there is reincarnation and the the pair is not likely to "e incarnated in the same plane of e istence at the same time. $ow, coincidentally "ecause we are in a time of great spiritual growth, The Ascension, a 'piritual Evolution, more and more

Twinflames were incarnated to merge during this time to elevate the energies of the planet and help to catapult us through to the ne t dimensional shift. 'o, it is not a /001 guarantee that your Twinflame is even alive in physical form on this planet right now for you to even have the opportunity to find them.

'o why am I conflicted that this phenomenon is real* 2espite spending my life "eing a hopeless romantic, seeking that perfectly matched partner, I am leaning towards a concept that is a little "it different and perhaps offers more hope to those Twinflame seekers out there. )hat I sense to "elieve "egs this question + )hich came first, the Ascension or the a"undance of Twinflames merging* )hat I mean "y this question is simple really, did the Twinflame phenomenon dramatically increase "ecause they are meant to aid in the Ascension* #r, did the Ascension happen, awakening people to their psychic a"ilities, intensifying their relationships, heightening their senses, and causing this phenomenon to occur that is so new and so profound that we have given it a new name and new storyline, the Twinflames, two souls separated at the "eginning of time. !ou see, perhaps I have "ecome 3aded in my 40 years of living, "ut I tend to find the latter more conceiva"le. I tend to "elieve that the Ascension is not only a 'piritual Evolution for humanity, "ut a Love Evolution as well. The product of those who have evolved ahead of the curve are "eing called Twinflames, when I tend to actually "elieve that the Twinflame love is actually the goal for the mainstream, not something reserved for someone special who fell lucky enough to get a 5olden Ticket out of "illions of possi"le chocolate "ars.

'o while, my fellow Twinflamers may not like me saying that I don't really "elieve the Twinflame 6henomenon to "e all that the legend states, I do offer hope for the future, that this phenomenon can happen to any"ody who is willing to "e willing. .e willing to "e open to new ideas, new energies, new spaces in your soul and mind that have laid dormant for centuries awaiting this time of Awakening. .reathe deeply, rela your "ody and mind, and go where no other can go "ut you, within.

I welcome responses and comments. If you are ever in the 5reenville '- area, please 3oin me through my 7eetup http8,,www.meetup.com,Intuitive+Awakening,

#r get the most accurate Tarot &eading and 6sychic 5uidance you've ever had from my 9Twinflame9 http8,,www.magusknows.com,

Love those that cannot love themselves

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