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Lxpandlng ?

our AssessmenL 1oolbox

8rad|ey Iackson, h.D.
1he Chlldren's PosplLal
Aurora, CC
kobert Stado|n|k, Ld.D.
llresych, lnc/8randon School
Medway, MA
May 14, 2009
Annual norLheasL !uvenlle llresemng
lnLervenuon Conference
WorcesLer, MA
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Lvldenced 8ased AssessmenLs
! Avold cllnlcal [udgmenL alone
whlch ls a poor and lnconslsLenL
meLhod. (Mllls, 2003)
! Lncourage frameworks LhaL
promoLe sysLemlzauon and
conslsLency, yeL are exlble
enough Lo adapL Lo lndlvldual
needs. (uoyle and uolan, 2002)
! Allow for lnLegrauon of sclence
and pracuce. (8orum, 2006)
! CollecL, sLrucLure, and usually
quanufy Lhe lmpresslons of chlld,
careglvers, and professlonals.
(PunL and !ohnson, 1990)
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Lvldence 8ased AssessmenL of ConducL roblems
McMahon and lrlck (2003)
L8 AssessmenL requlres use of a muluple meLhods sLraLegy
!"#$%&'$() +,-%$"#. /0'12. 3-4'156
7$0-&'8%-1 9$-):%$)
7$0-&'8%-1 ;<)$%&-=8")
>&-1:-#$ /8?98%<'2 @2A:)#4$"# ,%8<1$4)
+@BCB. @"D'$#5. B$E%$))'8". F8G'-1 H$A$G=8". F:<)#-"G$ @<:)$. I$-%"'"J B')-<'1'#56
lssues 8elevanL Lo AssessmenL
1) Severe C's cover a broad range of anusoclal and aggresslve behavlors.
Cuu vs. Cu, Cu: overL-coverL, desLrucuve-nondesLrucuve
2) ?ouLh's wlLh C's oen have a number of ad[usLmenL problems.
3) 1here are a large number of rlsk facLors LhaL can have addluve or lnLeracuve eecLs.
4) lmpacL of rlsk facLors can dler across subgroups of youLhs wlLh C.
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Lvldenced 8ased AssessmenLs
and llresemng
! revlous auLhors have reporLed on lmporLance of a
comprehenslve dlagnosuc approach. (kolko and kazdln, 1989,
llneman, 1993, Sakhelm and Csborn, 1994, SLadolnlk, 2000, Wllcox, 2006)
! AssessmenL ls Lhe comblnauon of boLh sclenuc
process and arusuc endeavor. (SLadolnlk, 2000)
! LvaluaLor musL embrace a dlverse array of daLa wlLh
lncreased need for collaLeral conLacLs. (Wllcox, 2006)
! LvaluaLor musL collecL and analyze daLa from
muluple domalns. (llneman, 1993, Pumphreys and kopeL, 1996, kolko, 1999,
SLadolnlk, 2000, Wllcox, 2006)
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
ConsLrucung ?our AssessmenL roLocol
1) opulauon Served
2) lundlng/lnsurance, eLc.
3) Servlce uellvery Model
4) rlor 1ralnlng and
3) Supervlslon and
1ralnlng CpporLunlues
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
SLausucs 101
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
SLausucs are our frlend
1he normal curve
SLandard devlauons
SLausucal condence
LsLabllshlng cuLo scores
lalse posluves and false negauves
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
noL dlsLrlbuLed evenly
A few aL Lhe exLremes pull Lhe average/mean so LhaL lL
becomes a confuslng summary score
SLandardlzlng any dlsLrlbuuon helps us Lo compare wlLh more
conslsLency and condence
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
SLandardlzed scores
Mathematically transforming a raw score (or any
score) into a standard score allows us to use what
we know about the normal curve
Here are some more well-known standard scores
IQ scores (mean = 100, std dev = 15)
GRE/SAT score (mean = 500, std dev = 100)
T scores (mean = 50, std dev = 10)
For all of these transformations, equal differences
between people will result in equal differences
between the scores, so now we can actually
compare test scores and know what the
differences mean.
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
The percentile of a score tells
you what proportion of the
population received that score
or lower.
The mean of percentiles is 50%
and the range is 0% to 100%.
The scores do not have to
follow any particular distribution
so be sure to use a program or
chart that standardizes the
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
1 scores help us deLermlne how exLreme a LesL score
acLually ls
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
8eporung LesL resulLs
8aw score
1 score
1oLal score
Scale score
Speclal score
Crlucal lLem
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
llresemng AssessmenL uomalns
SLadolnlk, 8. (2000)
! 8ehavloral luncuonlng
! Soclal/Lmouonal
! arenL/lamlly luncuonlng
! School/Cognluve
! llresemng 8ehavlor
! llre Scene Lvldence
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
8ebovlotol loocuooloq
Assessment racnce
8ecord revlew
Cllnlcal and CollaLeral lnLervlews
Cbservauon reporLs
SLandardlzed measures
uesnons to answer:
Are behavlors acuLe or chronlc?
WhaL ls Lhe raLe of progresslon?
Consensus among reporLers?
ls lmpulslvlLy presenL?
Crlmlnal charges or pollce conLacL?
ulrecL aggresslon Lo people or anlmals?
erlods of lmproved behavlor?
CurrenL behavlor?
8ehav|ora| Measures
@G0$"<-G0 /7/I. KH3. -"2 LFH
8ehavloral AssessmenL SysLem for
Chlldren (8ASC)
Connor's 8aung lorms
Aggress|on Measures
Aggresslon Cuesuonnalre
M8&-G8 @"J$% FG-1$ -"2 ,%8&8G-=8"
CverL Aggresslon Scale
lnLervlew for Anu Soclal 8ehavlor
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Chlld 8ehavlor CheckllsL (Achenbach)
Self 8eporL lormaL
arenL, 1eacher, and
?ouLh verslons
Ages 6 - 18
1akes 13 - 20 mlnuLes Lo
CompuLerlzed scorlng
and reporLs
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
C8CL/Achenbach Subscales
CompeLence Scales (20
lLems, 2 open- ended
Soclal relauons
School performance
(e.g., llsL your chlld's sporLs and
raLe how oen and how well
Lhey do each one compared
Lo oLher same-age chlldren)
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Chlld 8ehavlor CheckllsL
Behavior Problems Scales (118 items, plus 2 open-
ended items)
Parents rate their child for how true each item is now or
within the past 6 months using the following scale:
0 = not true (as far as you know)
1 = somewhat or sometimes true
2 = very true or often true
Lxample lLems - argues a loL, lmpulslve or acLs wlLhouL
Lhlnklng, seLs res, unusually loud, unhappy, sad, or
lnLernallzlng, LxLernallzlng, and 1oLal roblem Scales
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Chlld 8ehavlor CheckllsL
Cross Informant Syndromes:
Somatic Complaints
Social Problems
Thought Problems
Attention Problems
Rule-Breaking Behavior
Aggressive Behavior
DSM-oriented scales:
Affective Problems
Anxiety Problems
Somatic Problems
Attention Deficit/
Hyperactivity Problems
Oppositional Defiant
Conduct Problems
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
novaco Anger Scale and rovocauon lnvenLory
novaco, 8. (2003)
" 1wo-pott, self tepott
meosote wltb 85 totol ltems
" Aqes 9 to 84
" lot ose lo teseotcb,
loJlvlJool ossessmeot, ooJ
ootcome evoloouoo
" ueslqoeJ to ossess ooqet os
o ptoblem of psycboloqlcol
foocuooloq ooJ pbyslcol
" nooJ 5coteJ
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
novaco Anger Scale and rovocauon lnvenLory
NAS-I Scores
Cogn|nve (CCC)-LhoughLs of [usucauon,
susplclon and hosullLy.
Arousa| (A8C)-elevaLed physlologlcal response
Lo anger.
8ehav|or (8LP)-confronLauonal and
anLagonlsuc behavlors or verballzauons.
Anger kegu|anon (8LC)-suggesLs eecuve
regulauon skllls, poLenual sLrengLh.
NAS 1otal-overall levels of angry behavlors
and LhoughLs.
rovocanon Inventory
I 1ota|-an lndex score of anger lnLenslLy
across a range of provocauons: dlsrespecL,
unfalrness, frusLauon, annoyances.
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
1he Aggresslve AdolescenL
Cogn|nve Character|sncs
narrow bands of lmaglnauon (concreLe-operauonal), hablLually rumlnaLe
on vlolenL self percepuons, and appralse all slLuauons ln a hosule manner.
Aecnve Character|sncs
narrow band of emouonal expresslon, frequenLly seen as unhappy or
unwell (dysphorlc), dlchoLomous expresslon of anger from overconLrolled
Lo underconLrolled.
8ehav|ora| Cop|ng Sk|||s
Lack baslc soclal skllls and have low asseruveness skllls. oor
negouaLors and unable Lo delay graucauon. need Lo be LaughL how Lo
avold conlcLs.
uavls, u. (2000). 1be Aqqtesslve AJolesceot. cllolcol ooJ loteoslc lssoes. new
?ork. PaworLh ress.
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Aecnve vs. redatory Modes of V|o|ence
# lnLense ans arousal
# LxLreme experlence of emouons
# 8eacuve and lmmedlaLe
# lnLernal or exLernal LhreaL
# Coal ls LhreaL reducuon
# 8apld dlsplacemenL of LargeL
# 1lme llmlLed behavlor
# receded by publlc posLurlng
# rlmarlly emouonal
# PelghLened and dluse
# Mlnlmal or no ans
# no consclous emouons
# lanned and purposeful
# no or mlnlmal LhreaL
# Many goals
# no LargeL dlsplacemenL
# no ume llmlL
# receded by prlvaLe rlLual
# rlmarlly cognluve
# locused awareness
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Soclal/Lmouonal luncuonlng
Assessment racnce
Cllnlcal lnLervlews
arenL lnLervlews
8evlew of 8ecords
CollaLeral ConLacLs
sychlaLry ConsulLauon
SLandardlzed Measures
uesnons to Answer:
AcuLe or Chronlc?
Level of severlLy/lmpalrmenL?
asL lnLervenuons?
Medlcauon needs?
AecL vs. LhoughL?
uSM lv Classlcauon?
N$)"$)) !"&$"#8%5
9'118" @281$)G$"# /1'"'G-1 !"&$"#8%5
Mlllon re-AdolescenL Cllnlcal lnvenLory
8orschach lnkbloL 1esL
Chlldren's uepresslon lnvenLory
1rauma SympLom CheckllsL for Chlldren
ersonallLy lnvenLory for ?ouLh
Cllnlcal AssessmenL of lnLerpersonal
8elauonshlps (CAl8)
1hemauc Appercepuon 1esL (1esL)
Soclal Skllls 8elauonshlp lnvenLory (SS8l)
1rauma and AuachmenL 8ellef Scale
ro[ecuve urawlngs
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
!esness lnvenLory-
8evlsed (!l-8)
?ouLh self-reporL
160 Lrue/false lLems
Ages 8 yrs and older
CompuLerlzed scorlng, hand-
scorlng LemplaLes, onllne
30 - 43 mlnuLes
uSM-lv Scales
ConducL ulsorder
Cpposluonal ueanL ulsorder
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
!esness lnvenLory-8evlsed
ersonallLy Scales
Soclal Malad[usLmenL
value CrlenLauon
ManlfesL Aggresslon
Soclal AnxleLy
Asoclal lndex
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
!esness SubLype roles
undersoclallzed, Acuve
undersoclallzed, asslve
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
1rauma SympLom CheckllsL (1SCC)
?ouLh self-reporL measure
of posL-Lraumauc dlsLress
34 lLems
Ages 8 - 16
Pand Scored
role lorm
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
valldlLy Scales
Cllnlcal Scales
osuraumauc SLress
ulssoclauon (3)
Sexual Concerns (3)
Crlucal lLems
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Mlllon AdolescenL Cllnlcal lnvenLory (MACl)
Mlllon, 1. (2006)
9@/! 3$-#:%$)
" 160 ltems, 1toe/lolse,
self tepott meosote
" Aqes 1J-19
" 5ommotlzeJ lo
compotet qeoetoteJ
oottouve tepotts
" xomloes tbtee Jlsuoct
coteqotles. ,$%)8"-1'#5
,-O$%"). >DE%$))$2
/8"G$%"), ooJ /1'"'G-1
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Mlllon AdolescenL Cllnlcal lnvenLory
7-)$ H-#$ +7H6 !"#$%E%$#-=8")
" MAcl tow scotes ote ttoosfotmeJ loto 8k scotes
" 8k scotes ote o meosote of tbe tote ot wblcb o
cbotoctetlsuc ls pteseot lo tbe ootm popolouoo.
" lot eocb MAcl scole 8k scotes ote oocboteJ ot 75 ooJ 85.
85= tepteseots oJolesceots fot wbom tbls ttolt ls most ptomloeot
75= tepteseots oJolesceots fot wbom tbe ttolt ls ptomloeot ot pteseot
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Mlllon AdolescenL Cllnlcal lnvenLory
letsooollty louetos
-#%-'#) -"2 P$-#:%$) G84<'"$ #8 P8%4 - E-O$%"
? F#51$ 2$%'&$2 P%84 G84<'"'"J #0%$$ E81-%'=$)Q R6 E-'"?E1$-):%$. S6 -G=&$?E-))'&$T -"2 U6
5cole. Nome.
1 lottovetslve
2o loblblteJ
2b uolefol
J 5obmlsslve
12 utomouzloq
1J qolsuc
6o uotoly
6b lotcefol
19 coofotmloq
8o Opposluoool
8b 5elf ueptecouoq
24 8otJetlloe 1eoJeocy
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Mlllon AdolescenL Cllnlcal lnvenLory
xptesseJ coocetos
-P8G:) ') 8" P$$1'"J) -"2 -V#:2$) -<8:# ')):$) #0-# G8"G$%" #0$ -281$)G$"#
?'"#$")'#5 8P #08)$ P$$1'"J) ') %$W$G#$2 ') )G8%$ $1$&-=8"
? '#X) E$%G$E=8"). "8# 8<A$G=&$15 8<)$%&-<1$ 8% <$0-&'8%-1 G%'#$%'-
FG-1$Q M-4$Q
@ !2$"=#5 B'Y:)'8"
7 F$1P B$&-1:-=8"
/ 7825 B')-EE%8&-1
B F$D:-1 B')G84P8%#
> ,$$% !")$G:%'#5
3 F8G'-1 !")$")'=&'#5
Z 3-4'15 B')G8%2
C /0'120882 @<:)$
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Mlllon AdolescenL Cllnlcal lnvenLory
/1'"'G-1 F5"2%84$)
--))$))$) 2')8%2$%) #0-# 4-"'P$)# #0$4)$1&$) '" )E$G'[G P8%4
?<$)# )$$" -) -" $D#$")'8" 8% 2')#8%=8" 8P #0$ -281$)G$"#X) E$%)8"-1'#5
?-%$ #%-")'$"#. #0$5 (-D -"2 (-"$ 2$E$"2'"J 8" )#%$))8%)
Sca|e: Name:
AA Laung uysfuncuons
88 SubsLance Abuse roneness
CC uellnquenL redlsposluon
uu lmpulslve ropenslLy
LL Anxlous leellngs
ll uepresslve AecL
CC Sulcldal 1endency
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
,-%$"# \3-4'15 3:"G=8"'"J
Assessment racnce:
ulrecL lnLervlew
uaLa from collaLeral reporLers
Pome vlslL
Mllleu observauon reporLs
SLandardlzed measure
uesnons to answer:
Cverall emouonal cllmaLe?
8elauonshlp/auachmenL quallLy?
ulsclpllne pracuces?
lamlly resources?
arenL menLal healLh?
MarlLal sLrengLh?
arenung SLress lndex
lamlly ConlcL Scale
arenL-Chlld 8elauonshlp lnvenLory
3-4'15 @))$))4$"# 9$-):%$ !!!
Alabama arenL Cuesuonnalre
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
lamlly AssessmenL Measure-verslon 3
Sklnner, 8., SLelnhauer, ., and SanLa-8arbara, !. (1993)
3@9 !!! 3$-#:%$)
" 5elf tepott meosote, tokes
J0-40 mlootes to complete
" Aqes 10 ooJ olJet
" ltovlJes o poooutouve
Jesctlpuoo of fomlly
stteoqtbs ooJ weokoesses
" coo be completeJ by oll
membets of tbe fomlly
" J 5coles. Ceoetol 5cole,
uyoJlc kelouoosblp 5cole,
5elf-kouoq 5cole
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
lamlly AssessmenL Measure-verslon 3
lAM lll
3@9 !!! F:<)G-1$)
K-)] @GG84E1')04$"#? <-)'G #-)]) 4$#. W$D'<1$. -1#$%"-=&$ )81:=8") -%$ $DE18%$2
H81$ ,$%P8%4-"G$?P-4'15 :"2$%)#-"2) $DE$G#-=8") 8P %81$). -"2 -J%$$). -2-E# #8 "$(
/844:"'G-=8"? 2'%$G#. G1$-%. 8E$". ):^G'$"#
@Y$G=&$ >DE%$))'8"?P:11 %-"J$ 8P -Y$G# (0$" -EE%8E%'-#$ -"2 ('#0 G8%%$G# '"#$")'#5
!"&81&$4$"#? $4E-#0'G '"&81&$4$"#. G8"G$%" P8% 8#0$%). ":%#:%'"J
/8"#%81? E-O$%") 8P '"W:$"G$. -2-E#-<1$. E%$2'G#-<1$ 5$# W$D'<1$. G8")#%:G=&$
_-1:$) -"2 M8%4)?G8")')#$"# ('#0 P-4'15 ):<J%8:E. $DE1'G'# -"2 '4E1'G'# %:1$) -%$
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
lamlly AssessmenL Measure-verslon 3
lAM lll
!"#$%E%$=&$ Z:'2$1'"$)Q
" >1$&-#$2 )G8%$) +K`ab6 4:)# <$ '"#$%E%$#$2 P8% -1#$%"-=&$
$DE1-"-=8") +>DQ !"&81&$4$"#6
" K0$ 48%$ P-4'15 4$4<$%) (08 '"2'G-#$ -"2 $1$&-#$2 )G8%$ '" -
E-%=G:1-% -%$-. #0$ 48%$ 1']$15 '# ') E%8<1$4-=Gc
" K8#-1 ":4<$% 8P $1$&-#$2 )G8%$) G8%%$1-#$) #8 8&$%-11 P-4'15
" Z%$-#$% 2')G%$E-"G'$) -48"J )E8:)$ E%8[1$) ):JJ$)# 4-%'#-1 2')G8%2
" B'Y$%$"# )G8%$) $1$&-#$2 P8% 2'Y$%$"# 4$4<$%) 8P #0$ P-4'15 ):JJ$)#
E$%G$E=8" 2'Y$%$"G$)c
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
llresemng 8ehavlor PlsLory
Assessment racnce
Fire History Interview-Child
Parent Interview
Structured Interview Tools
Record Review
Collateral Reports
Questions to Answer:
When ? How?
Where? Who?
What? Why?
Structured Interv|ew 1oo|s:
Childrens Firesetting Interview
Firesetting Risk Interview
Graphing Technique
Oregon Screening Tool
FIRE Protocol
Fire Risk Interviews (Child, Parent,
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
use of drawlngs durlng
Lhe assessmenL
lnLervlew can help Lo:
lmmerse Lhe chlld ln Lhe
Lngage Lhe chlld ln
muluple modallues of
sharlng (verbal, vlsual)
1ypes of drawlngs
lamlly dolng
Safe re
unsafe re
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
lndlvldual re graphs
lrom a llsL of all reseLs/replay, Lhe chlld
selecLs a slgnlcanL re lncldenL and deLalls
Lhe sequence of evenLs before, durlng and
aer Lhe re
CarLoon or panel Lechnlque for re drawlngs
Wrluen graph encourages chlld/Leen Lo llnk
LhoughLs and feellngs Lo Lhe sequence of
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.
Wrluen llre Craph
uescrlbe Lhe slLuauon & Lhe sequence of evenLs
usually aware of evenLs occurrlng durlng Lhe
reseL and aer
locus on Lhe evenLs before reseL
Slow down Lhe descrlpuon
Ask clarlfylng quesuons
locus on posslble preclplLaung Lrlggers earller ln
Lhe day/week/monLh
Add correspondlng LhoughLs and feellngs
8. !ackson, h.u. & 8. SLadolnlk, Ld.u.

Achenbach, 1. (2001) Mooool fot tbe Acbeobocb 5ystem fot mpltlcol 8ebovlot Aoolysls. unlverslLy of vermonL. 8urllngLon, v1.
8orum, 8. (2006). Assesslng rlsk for vlolence among [uvenlle oenders. ln loteoslc Meotol neoltb Assessmeot of cbllJteo ooJ AJolesceots
(SparLa, S and koocher, C. Lds.). Cxford unlverslLy ress. London. (pgs190-203).
uoyle, M. and uolan, M.(2002). vlolence rlsk assessmenL: comblnlng acLuarlal and cllnlcal lnformauon Lo sLrucLure cllnlcal [udgmenLs for Lhe
formulauon and managemenL of rlsk. Iootool of lsycblottlc ooJ Meotol neoltb Notsloq. 9. 649-637.
llneman, k. (1993). A model for Lhe quallLauve analysls of chlld and adulL re devlanL behavlor. Ametlcoo Iootool of loteoslc lsycboloqy. 13
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