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Proiect Engleza

Hey!.. Do you remember our lovely toad, Warton? Of course you do! Or you should know who he is because our English teacher has read us the story. So I advise you to say : Yes, of course we know who Warton is because thats the way youll leave a very good impression on everybody present , just like you are some obedient pupils who have paid attention to the teacher or who wanted to seem like they have paid attention. I said all this things in order to make the time pass You got it, didnt you? After Warton saved George from the foxs claws, they both have become best friends and George decided to call Warton on. George?! I cant believe! What are you doing here? I was missing you so I decided to pay you a visit. You should let me know! Id have made some Some tea? Dont worry! Here! Ive brought you something. (Ienupar) Juniper? Oh, George, you remembered Thank you! Come on, get in! Warton, where is your brother? Who? Morton? Hes gone. Its his turn to take some beetle brittle to Aunt Toolia. George, Im very happy and surprised to see you! Hmmm But Theres something I dont understand. _ What? How did you get here? I flew. But your wing is still broken. How did you succeed? (Bandaj) I flew by plane. I cant image an owl flying by plane. Id wish to see you with my own eyes. How did you travel? It was pleasant, but all the formalities you have to do for the departure are so boring and so tiring! What do you mean? Ahh When you arrive at the airport, you have to take a trolley to carry your luggage the Check in Counter, but, as you can see, I have nothing but some exchange feathers and my contact lens. Too much trouble! Then, I received a boarding pass which allowed me to get on the plane. After that, I had to show them my passport. Lucky I have a name, otherwise I wouldnt have had a passport. After all this madness, my hand luggage was checked too. While I was waiting in the Departure Lounge, I bought a bag of candied toads and George, I can hear you! Im sorry, but they were delicious! And the mice juice made them slip better And, finally, when my flight was announced, I got through the Gate and I got on the plane. Its too complicate for a simple visit. Yes, but for my best friend Hey, Warton, whats that?

What? I had no idea you like reading.. Mmmm Stonehenge.. It sounds interesting Can I? Of course! Stonehenge is a Neolithic monument situated in England, in Wiltshire country. It is an ensemble of four concentric stone circles. The outer circle ( The Sarsen Circle) is made of thirty huge blocks of stone; today only seventeen of these blocks are standing up. OhIt looks boring.. Why would someone write about some stones? It makes no sense! Oh, dear George! If you are patient and you read it all, you will realize that Stonehenge is fascinating and mysterious. Honestly, I cant see how some stones will fascinate me. I will explain you, but I think that those pieces of information would go better with some juniper tea. George, think about people who lived here a long time ago! Old people? Yes You can call them like that. There were some old people called Celts who built this puzzle of stones. George, think that those stones are very heavy, they Weigh up to 500 pounds and are 6 feet tall. How could some people raise something so heavy? Thats just one of the misteries The most interesting thing is that on the summer solstice, the sun is lighting the middle stone that is considered the Sacrifice Altar Stone. It is impossible for those people to know about the summer solstice! However, Stonehenge exists. You mean its a temple of sun? Exactly! Of course, there are other theories about the appearance of this enigmatic temple. Some legends say that Merlin asked for a giant to build the stone structure for himself or that Merlin moved on the stones by magic from Killaraus Mountains to Ireland in order to use this temple as a graveyard for the princes of Great Britain. Other stories say that the Devil is responsible for this. Brrr.. I can feel my ignorant owl feathers shaking Are you sure it isnt a dream? Yes, absolutely! I forget to mention about the aliens. What about them? There is also a theory which says that the aliens built this temple. Ooo Now it makes sense! The fact is that people living there still celebrate the sun. ( Morton is coming) It smells like tea Warton! You made tea Again? Im sorry! I didnt know we have guests Morton, he is my friend, George. George? The famous owl? Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you too! Warton, dont you think that is time for your friend to go to bed?

But Whats the time? Its time for bed./ Sleeping time! Thank you for the tea and the story. Youre welcome. George do you like mysterious legends? Greatly! My brother knows a few lines of the poem Beowulf. I think listening to him will help you sleep better. Good idea! Morton, come here! What happened? Can you tell us some lines of your favorite poem? Beowulf ? Yes. Before you start, I have a question: Who was Beowulf? Beowulf was a 6th century warrior who fought the monster Grendel which had been ravaging the palace. On his return to his country, Beowulf was triumphantly welcomed by his people. After his uncles death, Beowulf became their king. When he had reigned 50 years, his kingdom was invaded by a fiery dragon which he managed to kill with the aid of a young nobleman called Wiglaf. Nevertheless he received his own death wound in the fight, he brought honor to his people. This is Beowulfs story. Now, listen ( The poem) It was Good night, Warton! Good night, Morton! Good night, George! And thats the way the story of our friends is ending It was a full day and weve learnt a lot of interesting things. The storyteller is going to sleep now with our friend. Good night to you too!

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