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T e a m D r is k il l M i n i s t ri e s
December 2013 Volume 1, Issue 2

Inside this issue:

Family Update Ministry Updates Niger 2014 Prayer needs Niger facts and fotos Contact information
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Team Driskill Growing and Going in 2014

senior year in High School. He was recently accepted to Alice Lloyd College, where he will be a freshman in the fall. He is growing as a man of God and as a musician. Grace, as you may know, took her first overseas mission trip this year. She is growing as a young lady, a musician, and a woman of faith. Mary has begun working on staff part time in the office at Oakdale and continues to teach a community yoga class, and homeschool John and Grace, in addition to keeping us all going in the right direction. Team Driskill is a family in ministry uniquely gifted to minister across denominations and traditions to evangelize, equip, and encourage. We have been involved in a variety of ministries here in the mountains and around the world. Mark is heading out to Niger next month. Look inside and see what makes this mission such a great opportunity for the Kingdom and for Team Driskill. Its a joy to see each of the team moving out into ministry. Your support helps make that happen. Thank you.

Team Driskill is committed to bringing the gospel to underserved areas. We do this by partnering with ministries using our gifts of preaching, teaching, performance, and leadership training. We have a glocal missions focus, meaning that we are involved both at home and around the world. We see the whole world as our mission field. Come and partner

Growing and going in 2014! That pretty much describes our life and ministry these days. As a family we continue to see Gods gracious hand in each of our lives helping us grow into his purpose. Katie finished her degree at Alice Lloyd College this month and is preparing to launch out into her career as a school teacher and musician. Jackson is about to finish his third year in college as an English major. He continues to lead campus Bible Study and has even preached this year at a campus worship service. John is on the home stretch of his

Get Involved!
Team Driskill is based in Breathitt County, Kentucky. This is the third poorest county in the nation presently, yet it is rich in wonderful people who have a hunger for God. We are involved in three primary local ministries: Each of them is able to provide partial financial support. We are dependent on the faithful prayers and donations of partners from all over the country. We are asking you to consider becoming a partner with us in prayer and giving. Take a look inside and prayerfully consider if you or your church would like to help Team Driskill Ministries fulfill its mission. Donations can be made via paypal or mailed directly. Checks should be made to Bethel Camp for Driskill supoort.

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Kingdom Connections

Bethel Camp Ministry: Getting Prepared

Our camp theme this year is Are you prepared? Considering all the renovations going on I cant think of anything more fitting. Were moving quickly to finish building our new chapel to hold the growing number of teens and children we have been seeing over the last few years. Its an exciting time but also full of challenges. Building projects always bring such things as schedule changes, equipment issues, and financial juggling. Our camp director is working tirelessly to coordinate volunteer teams, contractors, etc. as well as continuing to raise funds. Mary and I have taken on whatever extra duties we can to help make the project go more smoothly. I took care of arranging speakers and Mary will be helping out at the office as she is able. Keep us in prayer as we grow and go at Bethel Camp. Pray for: Volunteer work groups. Fund raising efforts. Spring retreat and summer camp planning. Our building to be ready by June 1.

The new chapel is under roof just in time for winter. Pray for us as building continues.

Emmanuel Fellowship Church: Seeking his face together

At Emmanuel Fellowship our young families are growingspiritually and numerically. What a joy it is to see so many little babies coming up in our congregation. What a sign of life and blessing! But were also growing spiritually. Our theme this year is Seeking his face together. We have begun focusing on the importance of seeking God together in prayer and service. We want to see revival in our community. We are convicted that as we seek God together in prayer and take whatever steps of faith he calls us to we will see him move powerfully in our lives and our community. We are beginning to meet together once a week to simply pray and ask God for his vision for our community and church. This is no ordinary prayer meeting. We enter in without sharing prayer requests or eating dinner. We just seek the Lord. I believe that any significant work of God begins with prayer. I am praying that this EFC partnering with area churches to year will see the fruit of Gods people seeking his face as one body. I hope our next bring food to needy families. On our newsletter will be filled with news of Gods work among us! first Super Saturday this summer.

Oakdale Christian Academy: Beyond ourselves

Beyond ourselves is the theme for our school this year. Our new girls dorm is coming along nicely. We hope to be using it this spring! This year we have our highest enrollment in years! Students from all over the nation and from a host of other nations are coming. Its been my joy to pray with three students to receive Christ! Also Ive begun a ministry discipleship group. It focuses on students who feel called into ministry leadership. I felt God leading me to do this and thought I would have four or five students. But when word got out I had 15 students asking to be involved! Pray for this new ministry as we seek to develop ministers for the future. Imagine a school in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky raising up ministry leaders from Africa, India, and all over the U.S. and sending them back home to bless the families of the earth! That is why we do what we do. Your prayers and financial support are helping send the gospel around the world! Thanks. New girls dorm is under way as well.

Volume 1, Issue 2

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Growing and Going: Partnering with Global Advance

Team Driskill has always had a heart for Blessing all the families of the earth. Mark and Mary individually had a passion for reaching other nations as single young adults. Mary has served in Antigua and Mark has served in England and Kosovo on short term mission trips. But in 2010 Mark experienced a rather dramatic call to begin traveling to developing countries with the gospel. Through a series of events Mark became connected with Global Advance, a ministry dedicated to lifting leaders, changing nations. In 2010 he traveled to Kenya and again in 2012 he joined them on a trip to India. Each of these missions involved leading a three day pastors conference as well as ministering in local churches. It has been life changing to see God saving the lost, lifting up leaders, and strengthening churches in frontline ministries around the world. Mark has a commitment to go overseas every two years to help with these conferences. He dreams of taking each of his children with him at some point. Mary provides support by managing Team Driskill while Mark is gone. What a great opportunity to minister to those who give themselves for the gospel in some of the most difficult places on earth. Global

Ministering at a local church in Ghandinagar, India 2012

Niger Mission 2014: A growing vision for the nations

Its time for another trip across the water. Mark is heading for Niger, Africa January 24-Feb. 8, 2014. But this time the mission is growing. How? Organizationally, its growing. This mission is co-sponsored by global Advance and By the Spirit Minstries, a ministry based in Lexington, Ky. Miles Phelps is the director of this ministry, which seeks to equip and empower leaders in developing nations for the spread of the gospel. Second, this vision is growing in length and purpose. This will be a two week mission. One week will be devoted to training as usual, but in the second week we will be leaving the city and heading out into the villages to facilitate evangelism among the Gourmanche people. Why is this significant? This people group has only been reched witht the gospel within the last five years! Mark has never been involved n missions on this level before. He will have the opportunity to minister alongside local missionaries and national pastors who are bringing the gospel into new territory. Pray for us as we step out in a greater way to bless this wonderful nation. Mark is trying to raise a total of $5000 for expenses related to this mission. God has always provied for this and I know he will again. If you would like to help You can send donations to our address on the back page or to Marks paypal.

Lifting leaders, changing nations!

C o n n e c t w i t h u s.
P.O. Box 1159 Jackson, Ky. 41339 Phone: 606-693-1104 Mobile: 606-568-6477 Email: driskill@hillbilymail.com Find us on Facebook:Team Driskill Ministries

Pray for Niger 2014: - Jan. 24 We leave for Niger. Pray for safe and smooth travel. - Jan. 27-30 Pastors conference and local church ministry. Pray for effective ministry. - Feb. 1-6 Evangelism in the villages. Pray for a harvest. - Feb. 7-8 Return home. Pray for safe travel. - Jan. 24-Feb. 8 Pray for Mary and the rest of the team as they will have to cover my home and church responsibilities in my absence.

Looking for a devotional guide to help you grow spiritually? Order Marks new book Reflections of a Jesus Follower 2nd edition at Amazon.com. Its a story by story walk through the gospel of Luke.

Check out these Links www.bethelcamp.org www.oakdalechristian.org www.efellowshipjackson.blogspot.com www.globaladvance.org


Niger Facts and Fotos

Did you know? Niger is one of the five poorest countries on earth. Niger has a Christian population of less than 1%. Nigers infant mortality rate is among the worlds highest. Nigers life expectancy is around 55 or 56. Niger is the largest country in West Africa. The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad;the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing. Isaiah 35:1

Team Driskill relies heavily on prayers and regular support from people like you. Please consider joining our support team. Thanks, Team Driskill

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