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Dan Brown

A book report

presented to

Mrs. Lileth L. Cuaresma

EAC – Science High School

In partial fulfillment

of the requirements in



Carl Cesar H. Bibat

January 9, 2006
TITLE: Angels & Demons

AUHTOR: Dan Brown


The tough adventure happened at the heart of Rome, Italy and at the Vatican City

during the conclave or the election for the new Pope.


Physicist Leonardo Vetra is a loving father to her adopted daughter, Vittoria Vetra

though he’s a Catholic priest. And he’s the victim here. The symbologist Robert Langdon

is an intelligent and industrious person and his partner Vittoria is a strong woman of her

kind. The director of CERN, Maximillian Kohler is a type of a secretive and intelligent

person. The chamberlain of Pope, Ventresca, who called himself as Janus is the

intelligent master mind of the killings in the CERN facility and in Vatican. The keen

observant Cardinal Mortati is the devil’s advocate in the conclave. Gunther Glick and

Chinita Macri are the two BBC reporters that are good in shooting the events. In the

story, these two were easily fooled by the killer and they trusted the stranger without

knowing its real identity. The Hassassin her is a member of the Hashish group. He is an

unmerciful killer for his brutal killings. The strict Commander Olivetti is the one who

accompanied Robert and Vittoria in Rome. Though he died in the middle of their

adventure, I can still say that he’s a good leader.


At the break of dawn, a call woke up Robert Langdon asking him to come in the

place of the caller. The caller introduced himself as Maximillian Kohler. He would like

Langdon to come in his facility to investigate the peculiar death of Leonardo Vetra.
Kohler sent him a picture of the body of Vetra and into his astonishment, he saw the

symbol that was said to be gone ages ago – the Illuminati mark.

In his will to solve the case, he went to the CERN facility in Geneva, Switzerland

at an amazing speed. Kohler showed the body of Vetra in his frozen room and in there he

explained everything he knows about the Illuminati. Right after that, Kohler introduced

him to Vittoria Vetra, who is the adopted daughter of Leonardo Vetra. Vittoria is also a

scientist like her father. Vittoria led them to an underground facility in which she and her

father have been working on. She showed them the biggest particle accelerator in the

whole world. Kohler was shocked at this project of Vetra. Vittoria explained everything to

them about the antimatter and all about the storage room for the antimatter. When they

were on the deepest level of the facility, they were all shocked to see the eye of Leonardo

Vetra lying on the floor covered with blood. Then they found out that the quarter-of-a-

ram antimatter has been stolen.

Now that the antimatter is on the loose, they had nothing time to waste. Langdon

decided that the antimatter would be in Vatican City for the Hassassin plans to destroy the

foundation of all Catholic churches so that the Illuminati would come back in power

again and to take revenge.

When they were in the Office of the Swiss Guards, they met Commander Olivetti.

He listened to Vittoria’s explanations and suggestions but he refused because the

conclave must continue. So he locked them up in a room so that they would not cause

troubles. Vittoria called the camerlengo and she’s lucky that camerlengo talked to her.

Olivetti was late. A few moments later, they were in the office of the camerlengo named

Camerlengo Ventresca. Vittoria explained everything to him. A call broke their

conversations and it was the Hassassin. They all argued with the killer and then they
knew the truth. The camerlengo made decisions and ordered Commander Olivetti to

make the necessary moves.

At the Sistine Chapel, Cardinal Mortati sensed that the il preferiti were missing.

He hasn’t seen the four most popular cardinals. He knows that the conclave will start very

soon that’s why he ordered the Swiss Guards to look for them.

After they heard everything, Langdon analyzed the statements left be the killer because

the lives of the cardinals are at stake. Then he found out about the altars of science. Right

after that, he went to the secret archives to look for the markers and fortunately he found

the clue.

After getting the clue, their adventure has started. They went to the different

churches and places but they failed to see the cardinals alive so they went back to the

Church. Aside from these events, two BBC reporters named Gunther Glick and Chinita

Macri had reported to the people all about the bomb and the death of the il preferiti.

There is a time when Langdon came face-to-face with the killer because he kidnapped

Vittoria. But at the end, he saved her.

When they went back to the church, they saw Kohler inside the office of the

camerlengo and he shouted that Kohler was an Illuminati so the guards shot Kohler. After

that incident, camerlengo figured out that where the bomb is. That’s why he, Langdon,

and Vittoria went to the deepest level of the Church.

After getting the bomb, he flew to the air together with Langdon by helicopter and

the bomb exploded in the air. The people saw camerlengo alive but not Langdon. Landon

came back to the church alive carrying the big evidence, the big truth for all.

When he was there, he met Vittoria and pull her to the Sistine Chapel. Inside the

chapel, he showed them the actual event happened inside the office of Camerlengo, and
in there everybody knew the truth that Ventresca did it all. Cardinal Mortati told

Ventresca all about his real identity and because of that he killed himself.


Angels & Demons’ main idea mostly focus in religion and science. More

specifically the explanation that these two are one. According to the book, pure energy is

the Father of creation which we think of as God. But as expected, these two are like oil

and water which could not be combined because they have opposing ideas just like what

happened in the book. It happened to be that the field of science would like to take

revenge to the Roman Catholic because of what they have done to science. And aside

from it, the person that would like to fuse science and religion and died. Does this mean

that the two cannot be joined by anyone else? I think yes. Many people think that the two

are different so its hard to fuse it. That’s what Angels & Demons is all about. It’s all about

the two mortal enemies of all time – science & religion – just like angels & demons of

heaven and hell.


Why do you like/dislike the book?

Well I like the book totally. I like it because it is just like a detective story, solving

a mystery and unfolding the truths. The story is full of twists and shocking events. There

are so many things happened inside the book that are unexpected.

Such a great story, why? Because I thought of it as a blockbuster movie or a high-

rated TV series packed with exciting thrills and twists that would put you in the extremes.

It is truly an adventure because as the characters made their way to the end, you will get

shocking details and events that would blow your minds. And aside from that, there are
some outrageous truths hidden somewhere in the story and your objective is to find it by

reading the book.

The story is full of lessons and questions somehow. Angels and Demons will

leave you questions most especially to science because the story revolved around the

Antimatter. Is science an angel that would bring us to the path of truth and righteousness

or a demon that would bring us to death and sufferings? This is the question that you

would surely think of.

I can say that Brown’s purpose of making this kind of story is a great success. It

influenced many people and even changed their viewpoints. I, somehow, changed my

viewpoints in some things like the life of today since we are now in a modern and hi-tech

world. As a reader, I did not think of it as an Anti-Catholic book although it fought back

against the church. I did not push myself hard on believing on the details in the book

because it is fiction.

I am proud of Dan Brown for making this wonderful novel. I like his writing

styles and the plot of the story. It is truly a remarkable and mind-breaking story that I

would not forget. Therefore, I proudly recommend this book to all those persons who are

interested in mysteries, secrets, adventures, and detective-type of story. But unfortunately,

for me, this novel is not advisable for young children because it contains some violent

situations that are not suitable for them. On the other hand, it is full of facts, knowledge,

and challenges. I assure you that you would not be sorry for this wonderful novel cannot

be regretted. An influential, explosive and thrilling story… Angels and Demons by Dan

Brown… Do not waste and let your adventure begin!

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