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Conference Programme 7-9 June 2013

Saturday, 8th June 2013

09.30-10.00 10.00-11.00 Registration Keynote lecture Irina Culic - Interstitial Transnationalism: Productive and Corrosive Liminality at Economic Class Immigrants to Canada Room 201 Coffee Break Session 1 Room 101 Session 3 Room 201 Session 5 Room 301 Characters in stories of expert Urban bodies, urban Conceptualizing communities knowledge communities and networks Lunch Break Session 4 Room 201 The experience of "home" through time and space (I) Coffee Break Session 4 Room 201 The experience of "home" through time and space (II)

11.00-11.30 11.30-13.30

13.30-15.00 15.00-17.00

Sesiunea 2 Sala 101 Temporaliti multiple i cadre (crono)structurale n procesele de organizare social (I) Sesiunea 2 Sala 101 Temporaliti multiple i cadre (crono)structurale n procesele de organizare social (II)

Sesiunea 6 Sala 301 Sociologia ca privire de la distan: ordine observat, ordine impus? Session 7 Room 301 Managing distance exclusion, marginality, and stigma Sala 301

17.00-17.30 17.30-19.30

Keynote lecture

The presentation discusses the main approach in present international migration scholarship, transnationalism. Mapping the theoretical and empirical contributions Irina Culic to the concept, it highlights the blind spots of this cartography. The critique is Babe-Bolyai University irina.culic@socasis.ubbcluj.ro constructed from empirical material resulted by investigating economic class immigration from Romania to Canada. It comprises data collected through ethnographic fieldwork, memoirs, interviews, narratives and discourses on internet forum, Canadian white and green papers, and reports of organizations working with immigrants in Canada. Countering celebratory accounts of transnationalism, the sobering version it proposes uncovers the interstices and holes of the networks of connections and social relations that define transnational social spaces. Introducing the notion of captivity, which refers to states of liminality or inertness generated by uncertainty about ones future course of action, the paper discusses its conditions of possibility. It first identifies productive and self-making captive ways of liminal living at applicants in waiting to receive the permanent resident visa; then dispossessing and self-corroding captivity taking the form of transnationalism at landed immigrants that struggle between two countries. Unlike the transnational social spaces theorized by most immigration scholars, the crossborder spaces in which captive migrants move are characterized by multi-stranded lack, and require from immigrants deep emotional work, strong mobilization of the imagination, and the routinization of ambivalence.

Session 1: Characters in stories of expert knowledge

8th June, 11.30-13.30, Room 101

Convenor: Cosima Rughini Moderator: Ileana Cinziana Surdu

REPAIR, DIGITALIZATION AND REFLEXIVE EMBODIMENT: MOTORCYCLING CULTURE BEFORE AND AFTER THE ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION Existing studies of moto-mobility are generally focused on the practices and culture Gabriel Jderu motorcycles usage. They tend to ignore the repair and maintenance of motorcycles, as well University of Bucharest, as the sociality that they generate. The present study describes how motorcycle culture has Department of Sociology changed over time as a result of technological development. The early 1990s wave of gjderu@yahoo.com digitalization of auto-mobility heavily transformed the material interaction between motorcyclists and motorcycles. The digitization of engines transformed them into blackboxes. Nowadays motorcycles repair and maintenance rely on and require expert systems, eliminating the active role and agency of pre-fuel-injection and pre-digitalization bikers. The past riders had an active role in relation to repair. Nowadays riders gained autonomy from technological breakdown, but lost the active agency offered by repair and maintenance. Using qualitative interviews with male and female motorcyclists, ethnographic data gathered in a mechanics training course, data gathered from bikers internet forums and participative observation at bikers meetings in Bucharest, Romania, I analyze biker motorcycle interaction from the perspective of reflexive embodiment theory. I will present the implications for motorcycle culture of this shift from carburation to injection based motors. The larger implication of this research is that mobility studies should pay more attention to the growing literature on social studies of repair and maintenance. From this vantage point, a new chronology of moto- and auto-mobility is required. Whereas the vast majority of auto-mobility histories center on the emergence and transformations of mass production and mass consumption, a repair and maintenance centered perspective generates a different picture.

MIHAI POP - DE LA COALA SOCIOLOGIC LA COALA ETNOLOGIC Spre deosebire de celelalte tiine sociale care au fost interzise, etnologia i folclorul au Rucsandra Pop supravieuit n Romnia n perioada comunist, fiind instrumentalizate de ctre regim. Universitatea din Bucureti, Paradoxal, n aceast perioad, etnologia romn s -a sincronizat cu discursul tiinific Facultatea de Litere occidental. Mihai Pop face parte din generaia de intelectuali care s -a afirmat ntre cele dou rucsandra.pop@gmail.com rzboaie mondiale. Cu o formare european la intersecia mai multor discipline (lingvistic, teoria literaturii, sociologie, etnografie i folclor), dup 1949, Pop devine treptat una dintre figurile centrale ale etnologiei romneti. ncepnd cu anii aizeci, revine pe scena tiinific internaional, punndu-se la curent cu noile evoluii n semiotic i antropologie cultural. Fr a avea o oper teoretic vast, Pop a avut o poziie dominant n domeniul etnologiei i antropologiei n Romnia. Traseul profesional al lui Mihai Pop este ilustrativ pentru evoluia disciplinelor n care a activat prin faptul c a acoperit aproape un secol, a traversat trei regimuri politice i a conectat lumea tiinific romneasc la cea internaional.

5 Characters in stories of expert knowledge | 11.30-13.30 | Room 101

RHETORICAL CONSTRUCTION OF LAY PERSONS' PHYSIOGNOMICAL ABILITIES IN CURRENT EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Physiognomy is an ancient field of inquiry and expertise claims, revived and critiqued Cosima Rughini repeatedly throughout the centuries. While parascientific physiognomy is still practiced by Bogdana Huma people claiming expertise, concerns have also persisted among professional psychologists University of Bucharest, regarding the scientific study of lay peoples ability to perceive others personality traits Department of Sociology when seeing their faces. In this article we examine recent experimental research on 'first cosima.rughinis@sas.unibuc.ro impressions of the face', focusing on articles that discuss their accuracy and predictive power bogdana.huma@gmail.com concerning personality traits and their alleged behavioral consequences. We examine the production of plausibility in experimental accounts concerning first impressions formulated on the basis of photos, and the resulting construction of a physiognomical competence belonging to aggregate, statistically formulated characters. PRACTICAL VS. THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE IN SOCIOLOGY Distinguishing and relating primary (practical) and secondary (theoretical) knowledge in Lazr Vlsceanu sociology may bring to the fore certain aspects of validity of social cognition. A question might University of Bucharest, be: how valid is actors practical knowledge? The same question may regard sociologists Department of Sociology expert knowledge. For some, like Bourdieu, practical knowledge is as spontaneous and lazarvlasceanu@gmail.com saturated by taken-for-granted routines as it is highly distanced from the true consciousness. For others, like Coleman, theories about corporate actors rely on a second order type of primary knowledge, and the two should be considered from the perspective of their degree of reflexive consistency. Moreover, actors primary knowledge and sociological knowledge do not take the same shapes in all research projects and societies. Various intermediaries appear for structuring that knowledge. Exploring such intermediaries may contribute to increasing the validity of social cognition. MARKET RESEARCH AS AN ACCOUNTABLE ACTIVITY IN INTERVIEWS BETWEEN ACADEMIC AND MARKET RESEARCH SOCIOLOGISTS In this paper we investigate the "market", as it is assembled and given voice through market Alexandra Deliu research. We rely on interviews with sociologists working in specialized market research Alina-Petra Marinescu agencies and company departments. The voice of the market is maintained in its dialogue with Maria Miruna Rdan-Gorska Clients' questions; at the same time, descriptions of these dialogues are accountable in front Cosima Rughini of us, university-based interviewers. We attempt to understand the constraints faced by Cosmin Toth market researchers in their work of rendering the voice of the market, while taking into University of Bucharest, consideration the double layer of accountability in the descriptions of market research that we Department of Sociology have elicited in interviews.

6 Characters in stories of expert knowledge | 11.30-13.30 | Room 101

Sesiunea 2: Temporaliti multiple i cadre (crono)structurale n procesele de organizare social (I)

8 Iunie, 15.00-17.00, Sala 101 Coordonatori: Marian Preda, tefania Matei Moderator: Ramona Cantaragiu
ON TIME: PREREQUISITE TO WORKING AND LIVING THE SALON EXPERIENCE In an earlier intervention about objects in the everyday life of a body centered facility I wrote Monica Costache about a specific absence-that of the time measuring devices- and its impact on the internal University of Bucharest, classification of the treatments to be performed. I am now shifting my focus from absence Department of Sociology to presence as I begin unraveling yet another object I alluded to in that last section: the costache.monica@gmail.com appointment sheet. Pieces of paper as well as pieces of time, these silent witnesses of my own Skinny Beauty experience, will help spin the tale of salon hierarchies, emerging working communities, clients preferences, their options and objectives, clashes within the general organizing structure, the distribution of knowledge within the organization and, of course, the specific uses of time and its dimensions: periodicity, tempo, timing, duration, and sequence.

MUNCA PE TIMPUL NOPII I TRANSFORMRI ALE SOMNULUI. O CERCETARE CALITATIV N RNDUL ANGAJAILOR UNUI CALL CENTER DIN BUCURETI Care sunt efectele muncii n schimburi asupra somnului? n ce msur schimbrile de somn Ramona Marinache influeneaz viaa oamenilor? Studiul de fa ncearc s descrie transformrile pe care le Universitatea din Bucureti, determin devierea de la norma de somn a societii n cazul celor care lucreaz n timpul Facultatea de Sociologie i nopii, n sectorul de servicii delocalizate. Pentru culegerea datelor am realizat o anchet Asisten Social calitativ pe baz de interviu comprehensiv cu angajaii unui call center din Bucureti. Pe ramona.marinache@gmail.com baza datelor culese n perioada octombrie 2011 octombrie 2012, voi descrie i analiza trei transformri ale pattern-urilor de somn. Acestea sunt desincronizarea de la norma de somn a societii, apoi sincronizarea cu aceia care au un program de lucru similar i n final resincronizarea cu norma societii.

JURNALUL PERSONAL CA FORM NARATIV DE REDARE A SOCIALITII UNEI TIMP ISTORIC Jurnalele personale reprezint o form intim i subiectiv de redare a unor evenimente Ctlin-Mihai Manolache istorice care au marcat, la un anumit nivel, ntreaga umanitate i au influenat decisiv cursul Universitatea din Bucureti, vieii autorilor. Fie c ele conin relatri din viaa de zi cu zi a unei adolescente ce se ascunde Facultatea de Istorie de clii ei sau nsemnri de cltorie aparinnd unei expediii cu sfrit tragic, aceste jurnale reuesc s surprind, ntr-o manier narativ, o serie fapte i evenimente din biografia autorului, care dei prezentate cu o not de dramatism literar, au relevan metodologic n cadrul cercetrii istorice. Scopul lucrrii este de a prezenta logica expozitiv ce caracterizeaz structura narativ a acestor jurnale, reliefnd contribuia acestora la studierea socialitii specifice unei perioade istorice .

7 Temporaliti multiple i cadre (crono)structuale n procesele de organizare social (I) | 15.00-17.00 | Room 101

CONSTRUCIA MEDIATIC A ALERTEI MORALE N COMUNITILE DE TIRI Orice figur de interpelare etic (simpla afectare, sentiment, luare n inim, indignare Nicolae Perpelea mprtit cotidian, denun exprimat public, alertarea moral a organizaiilor civice, Academia Romn, incitarea la boicot, recursul la aciuni supereregatorii etc.) transcede graniele geografice i Institutul de Sociologie culturale n msura n care sunt subliniate deficiene morale i inegaliti universale. n ce perpelea@gmail.com msur este nevoie ca astfel de tiri s fie spectacularizate, se lamenteaz o anume retoric a austeriti mediatice? Acestora li se poate rspunde c o comunicare poate cpta forma minii ntinse i nu doar hainele abstracte ale unei fraterniti universale care va fi rezultat ineluctabil prin globalizarea emoiilor doar dac se ncarneaz ntr-o amiciie singular. Iar spectacolul tirilor poate s conceap o bun exteriorizare a interioritilor mecanism psiho-moral prin care se concepe acea form special de umanitate pe care am numit-o amiciie singular. Din aceast supoziie decurg i ntrebrile de cercetare: a) care sunt dispozitivele specifice diverselor mijloace de comunicare (presa scris, televiziune, genurile deliberativ-informaionale de pe web, facebook i alte reelele de socializare pe internet), prin care se accelereaz difuzarea interpelrilor etice; b) ca re sunt procedurile specifice prin care are loc formatarea informaiei; c) ce se ntmpl n cazul publicurilor amorfe? cum le recunoatem, ce strategii dezvolt media pentru a le oferi iluzia unei receptri active? d) care sunt mecanismele psiho-sociologice prin care se creeaz o comunitate a privirilor - condiie unui ritual al (dez)acordurilor interpretative.

8 Temporaliti multiple i cadre (crono)structuale n procesele de organizare social (I) | 15.00-17.00 | Room 101

Sesiunea 2: Temporaliti multiple i cadre (crono)structurale n procesele de organizare social (II)

8 Iunie, 17.30-19.30, Sala 101 Coordonatori: Marian Preda, tefania Matei Moderator: Alexandra Deliu
(RE)NAMING STREETS IN CONTEMPORARY BUCHAREST: FROM POWER RELATIONS TO SUBJECTIVE BIOGRAPHY The present study concentrates upon the process of naming and renaming streets in Ana Niculescu-Mizil Bucharest. It is grounded on the assumption that streets names are established and modified University of Bucharest, according to principles which reflect the socio-political order of the moment (Azaryahu, Department of Sociology 1996; Light, Nicolae, Suditu, 2002) and are an expression of symbolic authority. Street names ana.mizil@yahoo.com commemorate historical figures and events which consolidate and legitimate the ideological perspective of the ruling political powers by integrating them into the everyday life of the citizens. A first dimension of my research is concerned with power relations as they are reflected by the politics of (re)naming streets in a sector. Complementary to this layer of analysis, a case study of a particular street re-frames the history of the place. A third dimension aims to outline oral histories of the street by conducting interviews with locals. Subjective biographies of the place are expected to reflect the semiotic processes operated by the social actors when investing personal meanings into a collective urban space. TIME USE PATTERNS IN BUCHAREST EMERGING SUBURBS. A TIME BUDGET PERSPECTIVE The study explores the factors and consequences behind internal migration patterns of Oana-Mara Stan middle class families with children from downtown to the Bucharest outskirts, following the University of Bucharest, decentralized metropolis and urban sprawl model. The downshifting trend towards Department of Sociology assuming more family responsibilities and compensating less money with more time oanamara2000@yahoo.ca announces the advent of a post-consumerist middle class, relevant for the slow living movement. A questionnaire applied online, followed by in-depth one-to-one interviews investigates the time use trends, multitasking and a critical reflection on chronic time pressure and busyness. Participants were asked to provide diary-like accounts of their daily activities, quantifying time allocation for contractual, engaged, personal and free time throughout weekdays and weekends. Furthermore, dual-earner families moving to emerging suburban neighborhoods tended to position themselves as belonging to the middle-class, especially through the lens of their educational background and professional status. Implications for work life policies and gender discrepancies reduction are envisioned. BOGAT N TIMP - SRAC N TIMP. O ANALIZ ASUPRA RAPORTULUI DINTRE TIMP LIBER DEZIRABIL I TIMP LIBER REALIZAT, DINTRE LOIALITATE I EFICIEN N TIMPUL CONTRACTAT Carl Honor (2004, 38) vorbete despre sintaxa bogat n timp - srac n timp, Ileana-Cinziana Surdu punnd banii i timpul pe aceeai treapt n ierarhizarea necesitilor umane. Cnd ai mai Universitatea din Bucureti, muli bani poi spune c eti bogat n timp, sau c eti srac n timp? Epoca contemporan Facultatea de Sociologie i este caracterizat de dorina oamenilor de a avea o carier mplinit, de a avea o via de Asisten Social familie, dar i de a dispune de timpul necesar pentru alte activiti individuale. Toate aceste ileana.cinziana.surdu activiti ce ar desemna sintaxa bogat n bani, bogat n timp intr n contradicie cu timpul @gmail.com disponibil, timpul dezirabil versus timpul realizat. Rob Parsons (2002) deschide o nou perspectiv asupra macho-ului de birou i asupra ceretorului de timp, raportndu-se la relaia dintre standardul de via i calitatea vieii. Dac un standard de via ridicat implic o calitate a vieii sczute, care mai este rostul expansiunii unei afaceri? Studiul urmrete relaia dintre loialitate i eficien n timpul contractat, dintre timp liber dezirabil i timp lib er realizat. 9 Temporaliti multiple i cadre (crono)structuale n procesele de organizare social (II) | 17.30 -19.30 | Room 101

TIMES UP! MATERIALITATEA I PERFORMAREA ABSENEI N FORMELE DE SUSINERE A AMINTIRII POSTUME Prin aceast lucrare mi propun s aduc n discuie o perspectiv asupra modului n care tefania Matei experiena absenei unei persoane este integrat instituional n forme socio -culturale de Universitatea din Bucureti, susinere a amintirii postume. Urmnd direcia de analiz a agentitii lipsei iniiat de Facultatea de Sociologie i Mikkel Bille, Frida Hastrup i Tim Flohr Srensen (2010), apoi continuat de Morgan Meyer Asisten Social (2012), i distanndu-m de abordrile care definesc absena n raport cu noiunea de stefania.matei@sas.unibuc.ro corporalitate, mi voi concentra atenia asupra nelegerii sale ca realizare social circumscris artefactelor comemorative i ritualurilor funerare. Voi argumenta faptul c aceste dou mijloace de producere a absenei nglobeaz tipuri de narativitate n redarea evenimentelor din timpul vieii unei persoane decedate, susinnd astfel forme de inteligibilitate biografic situat n instanele de evocare.

10 Temporaliti multiple i cadre (crono)structuale n procesele de organizare social (II) | 17.30 -19.30 | Room 101

Session 3: Urban bodies, urban communities

8th June, 11.30-13.30, Room 201 Convenor: Alexandru Dincovici Moderator: Laura Grnberg
COMBAT SPORTS, MEMORIES IN THE FLESH AND PAIN COMMUNITIES While suffering divides, pain unites. Or, at least, this is what I claim in the following article, Alexandru Dincovici based on an extensive research among combat sports practitioners. Of course, this isnt your NSPAS everyday, negative pain, but a special case of positive pain, a lot more controlled and identity alexdincovici@gmail.com creating than world and language destroying. Combat sports pain often leaves its marks on the bodies of the practitioners, and, even when not doing so, it creates visible bonds among practitioners worldwide. The memories of their similar pain enable their bodies to communicate in a distinct fashion and share the painful but pleasant experience of sports they value above everything else.

HULIGANI I REVOLUII Dinu Guu NSPAS guzzu.dinu@gmail.com Probably the most common and a constant expression of collective violence in Europe hooliganism, or violence in sport, has a distorted social image, based on two important sources that provide information on this phenomenon: the press and the police. The research project is not intended to deal with hooliganism or deviance in sports, because it would be nave to believe that a phenomenon as complex as "the human ability to construct real or symbolic enemies" (Armstrong, 1996) can be "treated" . Whether it comes from the tendency of "ritualization of drama" or uncontrollable energies released for football, violence in sport is much more than aggressive behaviour of various groups of supporters. What this study seeks to reveal is "the unseen iceberg", consisting of a "mix" of antietatism, a strong local patriotism, honor codes and other symbolic and ritual violence. The grand epistemic dilemma remains explaining if football fans are just valves "deporting" social violence or they can become "armies" of contestation with strong revolutionary / insurgent potential.

THE GRAFT THAT BRINGS US CLOSER: SHARED EXPERIENCES OF THE ROMANIAN RECIPIENTS ASSOCIATION`S MEMBERS The subjective experience of the transplant surgery is constructed through a process which Andrei Mihail begins in the early phase of the disease`s diagnosis. Illness, surgery and the embodiment of NSPAS a foreign organ, but also coping with a new identity in everyday interactions are creating a mihail.andreitudor@yahoo.com sense of commonality between organ recipients. Members of the Romanian Recipients Association are able to support one-another as they share simmilar experiences which others are unable to understand. They also need to hold tight together as a poor legislation combined with the others lack of knowledge concerning what being a recipient really means are limiting the promised post-op integration. The NGO becomes a community built on common experiences of its members.

11 Urban bodies, urban communities | 11.30-13.30 | Room 201

COACHING AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SELF IN A COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE IN BUCHAREST Personal development is described as a mean of helping a person become a better version Elena Trifan of his/herself. This process indicates two important aspects. Firstly, that the self becomes a NSPAS project in which you invest in order to achieve the desired form. Secondly and consequently, trifan.elena@gmail.com that there is a desired shape that can be observed in all forms of personal development, especially in coaching, the practice studied in the present paper. In this article, I will analyze the coaching process as a individualizing practices taught in a community of practices. The client of coaching services can be regarded as an apprentice, whereas the coach can be perceived as a master. Using the theories of communities of practice my aim is to present the type of learning that is involved in the process of becoming a coach, and how the transmission of knowledge influences the practice of the activity in order to explain the relation between the individual and the community in the process of coaching.

12 Urban bodies, urban communities | 11.30-13.30 | Room 201

Session 4: The experience of "home" through time and space (I)

8th June, 15.00-17.00, Room 201 Convenor: Andra Larionescu Moderator: Florin Lazr
LOCUINELE DIN PIATR DE LA MATMAIA, TUNISIA VERSUS O LOCUIN DIN SPRING VALLEY, NEW YORK, USA Fiecare dintre noi are nevoie de un ACAS. Oriunde ne-am gsi pe mapamond ne dorim un Ileana-Carmen Berevoescu loc al nostru, unde s ne regsim, la care s ne gndim cu mult drag i dor atunci cnd suntem Universitatea Spiru Haret, plecai i n care s revenim cu bine. ACAS este o parte din noi. ACAS ne reprezint. Facultatea de Arhitectur ACAS este o necesitate vital i indispensabil pentru fiina uman. Lucrarea prezint usharh_berevoescu.carmen semnificaia conceptului de ACAS n timp i spaiu, propunnd o comparaie ntre dou @spiruharet.ro tipologii de locuine amplasate n zone geografice i culturale diferite: Tunisia i Statele Unite ale Americii. Studiul include i o comparaie ntre tipurile de materiale de construcie utilizate de fiina uman de-a lungul timpului: piatr, lemn i beton.

LOCUIREA N CONSTRUCII DIN MATERIALE RECICLATE Arhitectura durabil se bazeaz pe relaia factorilor economic, social i de mediu. Cldirile Daniela Cioponea consum resursele naturale, creaz cantiti mari de deeuri i polueaz mediul danielacioponea@yahoo.com nconjurtor. Se propune reducerea consumului de materii prime pe parcursul ciclului lor de via, n acord cu capacitatea de a oferi a planetei. Acest concept nseamn producerea de mai multe produse cu resurse mai puine i mai puine deeuri. Reciclarea ofer o modalitate de administrare a reziduurilor solide reducnd poluarea, conservnd energia. Durabilitatea este un concept tradiional, redescoperit. Arhitecii rspund nevoii globale de a reduce consumul de energie i a emisiilor de carbon revenind la materiale naturale, ecologice i apelnd la reciclare. Astfel, se realizeaz o ntoarcere n timp, devenind moderen un concept redescoperit. Exist i posibilitatea crearii unei atmosfere aparte, diferit de cea a locuinelor clasice i uneori foarte interesant i unic, realizat din materiale reciclate.

Acas Mariana Croitoru Universitatea Spiru Haret, Facultatea de Arhitectur usharh_croitoru.mariana @spiruharet.ro Piaa Spaniei din Capital este un loc ncrcat de istorie, iar eu am avut norocul s particip la aceast istorie prin consolidarea, restaurarea i amenajarea unui imobil situat n aceast zon a oraului. i pentru c istoria nu trebuie uitat, am decis s o mprtesc aici. Locuina cu demisol, parter, un etaj i pod a fost construit n perioada interbelic, n stil eclectic, de o familie bucuretean nstrit. Odat cu naionalizarea din 1948, familia devine chiria n propria cas alturi de alte dou familii, repartizate s locuiasc mpreun. n anii 1980, fotii proprietari nu mai stteau n cldire, aceasta fiind mprit ntre celelalte dou familii. Dup 1990, fotii chiriai de la parter devin proprietari exclusivi ai imobilului i investesc importante sume de bani n modernizarea acestuia, n vederea transformrii locuinei ntr -una sustenabil, care beneficiaz, printre altele, de nclzire n pardoseal cu pompe de cldur, lumin fotovoltaic i panouri solare.

13 The experience of "home" through time and space (I) | 15.00-17.00 | Room 201

PRIVATE BY EFFORT - PUBLIC BY DEFAULT! Interest in privacy issues has grown lately due to increased levels of pervasive surveillance. Laura Grnberg Nowadays our physical and social distances from others need to be reevaluated. Any University of Bucharest, moment of day or night our personal activities are constantly monitored- our voices, images, Department of Sociology movements and words can be observed, recognized, networked, analyzed, stored and lauragrunberg@yahoo.com shared. Relationships no longer depend on embodied co present persons. Governments gain easy access to details of who lives with whom and this affects voting capacity or welfare entitlements. New medical technologies allow unprecedented intrusion into our bodies. Neuromarketing makes our intimate preferences and consuming desires available for others. The more accurate Google Maps are, the more private information they can collect. Locating and tracking anybody anywhere- our partners, our children or our employees is no more a problem due to performance video cameras or modern GPS systems. Surveillance is part of everyday life routine. Big Brother/Viewer/Dataveillance or Mcveillance society are just few of the metaphorical images used to describe the complex culture of surveillance we are living in. The presentation will briefly map the field of Surveillance Studies in order to bring arguments for the need of a solid sociology of surveillance and open a critical debate on the complex social dimensions of this phenomenon.

14 The experience of "home" through time and space (I) | 15.00-17.00 | Room 201

Session 4: The experience of "home" through time and space (II)

8th June, 17.30-19.30, Room 201 Coordonator: Andra Larionescu Moderator: Alexandru Duu
THE REPRESENTATION OF HOME FOR MIGRANTS OF RURAL ORIGIN The concept of "home" is linked either to the migrants country of origin or the destination Andra Larionescu country, the sense of belonging being determined by the subjects age, gender, education University of Bucharest, level, family ties, migration experience and labor market incentives. For several Romanian Department of Sociology migrants of rural origin, living in the host country is usually considered in terms of andra_leti@yahoo.com profitability (costs / benefits), while building a home in Romania is more a simbolic or emotional benefit than a financial one. Moreover, in the context of global economic crisis of recent years, when more or less prolonged stays in the country of origin alternate (depending on job opportunities) with stays abroad, the perception of ones home may change. Using a fieldwork conducted in the village of Marginea in northern Romania, between 2009 and 2011, the paper discusses the factors that shape and strengthen the representation of home for migrants of rural origin.

TRANSHUMANA URBAN - NOU DIMENSIUNE SPAIAL A LOCUIRII ORAULUI Dup o ndelungat perioada de tranziie urban Bucuretean, nceput n anii 90 i Andreea Matache atenuat de criza mondial recent, fenomenul de periferizare a oraului, generat de politici Universitatea Spiru Haret, imobiliare exhaustive, a determiat noi tipologii de organizre rezidenial care ntorc Facultatea de Arhitectur spatele oraului existent i se regrupeaz ntr-un teritoriu nelimitat din afara lui. Relocarea usharh_matache.andreea spaiului casei s-a dovedit a fi mai degrab o chestiune de status social, dac amintim de @spiruharet.ro zona cea mai prolific n extinderi teritoriale a Bucuretiului spre i peste periferia s nordic, succedat de dorina regsirii unui confort alternativ. Migraia spre zonele periferice determina un grad de mobilitate urban ridicat, oraul pstrndu-i caracterul de reper att funcional ct i simbolic pe care teritoriile rezideniale actuale nu pot s le ofere nc. Sub acest aspect al transhumantei urbane, de revenire constant n ora dar totodat de prsire a lui n favoarea periferiei, vom analiza sensul pe care l are la nivelul mentalului colectiv conceptul de acas. Vom exemplifica relaia dintre ora, ca teritoriu determiat i spaiu rezidenial n trei contexte de organizare spaial a locintei care coincid cu trei faze importante ale evoluiei Bucuretiului i anume: locuirea n parcelrile rezideniale interbelice, locuirea n ansamblurile de locuine colective socialiste i locuirea contemporan n gruprile de tip gated communities.

INDEXUL DE STARE DE BINE I FOLOSIREA SA N PROIECTAREA CLDIRILOR INTELIGENTE/ THE WELL -BEING INDEX AND ITSUSE IN THE DESIGN OF THE INTELLIGENT BUILDINGS Cldirile sunt definite ca fiind formate din structura propriu-zis i instalaiile aferente. La fel Cristian Oancea cum Organizaia Mondial a Sntii clasific condiiile de mediu din cldiri, tot la fel au Technical University of Civil evoluat de-a lungul timpului i temele de proiectare pentru cldiri i instalaiile lor. Cu toate Engineering of Bucharest, c n prezent instalaiile trebuie s asigure un mediu confortabil, eficient i eficace din punct Faculty of Building Services de vedere energetic, cercetarea statistic ntreprins de autor demonstreaz faptul c Engineering, Department of pentru un mediu de lucru productiv, este nevoie de asigurarea strii de bine a ocupanilor. n Electrical Engineering in acest articol autorul va descrie modul cum am aplicat metoda analizei componentelor Constructions and Building principale i apoi metoda regresiei multiple pentru a putea construii un indice ponderat de Services stare de bine folosit pentru a evalua starea de bine a ocupanilor unei cldiri. n final voi oancea84@gmail.com prezenta conceptul de cldire inteligent ca o soluie la nevoile si trendurile actuale ale omenirii. 15 The experience of "home" through time and space (II) | 17.30-19.30 | Room 201

LOCUINELE DESTINATE PERSOANELOR AFLATE N SITUAII PARTICULARE (SINISTRAI, REFUGIAI, EVACUAI) - LOCUINE DE NECESITATE Aceste construcii fac parte din categoria locuinelor sociale provizorii, rolul lor fiind de a asigura adpost pentru persoanele sau gruprile sociale care se afl n situaii dificile sau care Anca Gabriela Stncioiu intenioneaz s treac dintr-o stare material precar n alta mai evoluat sau mai sigur. Universitatea Spiru Haret, Arhitectura tranzitorie sau intermediar nu este dintre cele mai ieftine dar permite Facultatea de Arhitectur, satisfacerea mai rapid a necesitilor de locuire temporar, a diferitelor servicii n locuri sau usharh_stancioiu.anca condiii aparent improprii sau prin deplasri periodice pentru ca de ele s beneficieze i @spiruharet.ro grupurile mici de persoane stabilite la distane relativ mari ntre ele sau fa de alte localiti dezvoltate. Datorit acestui tip de arhitectur tranzitorie se pot economisi importante fonduri utiliznd structuri sau infrastructuri existente, instalaii edilitare, transporturi reduse ale materialelor de construcie, mn de lucru local i semicalificat sau se va realiza rentabilizarea social prin satisfacerea necesitilor comerciale sau a diferitelor servic ii. Din categoria construciilor cu arhitectur tranzitorie fac parte: locuine sau alte dotri construite n cldiri abandonate din punct de vedere funcional (hale industriale, ateliere, rezervoare de ap, foste grajduri, etc.) locuine pe ruine, locuine pentru sinistrai, locuine din lemn (prefabricate sau deeuri), construcii realizate din materiale locale sau deeuri, locuine n rulote, servicii n rulote (magazine, cabinete medicale, etc.), construcii ambulante sau itinerante (pe ap, calea ferat, locuine pentru muncitori sezonieri).

16 The experience of "home" through time and space (II) | 17.30-19.30 | Room 201

Session 5: Conceptualizing communities and networks

8th June, 11.30-13.30, Room 301 Moderator: Roxana Bratu
WHO WORKS IN PROBATION SERVICE? This presentation will describe the findings of the research run in Romania on probation staff Ioan Durnescu skills and characteristics. In the first part, the paper will describe the main staff skills and University of Bucharest characteristics used by probation counselors in the evaluation stage of supervision. Looking at the scores, it can be concluded that probation counselors have a relatively high level of professionalism. The mean score for use of skills is around 3.5 out of 5, which means a a good use of skills and characteristics throughout the session. It seems that probation staff have pretty good organizational skills (e.g. organizing the space for the interview, keeping a good distance to the subjects, having an open and relaxed posture etc.) and very good relationship skills (such as showing respect, showing understanding, honesty, having a positive attitude, good sense of humor etc.). In the same time, probation staff seems to display poor skills in relation to motivational interviewing, expressing empathy, involving the offender in the assessment process and so on. The second part of the paper will focus on a more analytic presentation highlighting the associations between different staff variables (ex. educational background) and different staff skills and characteristics. When analyzing the mean scores of probation counselors with different educational background it is striking to notice that they are close to each other. It seems that despite the major differences in training, probation staff tend to develop a kind of institutional behavior that becomes norm for all personnel. From the interviews done with the probation staff, results that within the organization there is a series of informal learning processes that lead to this reality: imitation, kitchen talk, joint induction training, probation staff rotation etc. The concept of habitus will be introduced to explain the institutional behavior that emerges from the interaction between staff members and between staff and offenders (Bourdieu). The conclusions are based on 40 video recorded sessions coming from 20 probation officers and 18 interviews with probation staff. The research was kindly supported by CNCSIS through contract no. 29/02.08.2010. FRONTIERE SOCIALE N SPAIUL URBAN: PRACTICI I REPREZENTRI Societatea, n mod natural, nu este un spaiu unitar, omogen, ci este delimitat, mprit, o Luminia Miron (Iosif) strad sau un indicator duc la apariia anumitor traiectorii. Aceste linii mai mult sau mai Universitatea Alexandru Ioan puin vizibile, mai mult sau mai puin evidente, reprezint ceea ce numim frontiere sociale. Cuza, Iai Frontierele sociale, fie c iau forma unor elemente naturale, precum fluvii sau muni, despart luminitamiron20@yahoo.com teritoriile grupurilor sociale, n acest context aprnd diferena ntre noi de aici i ei de acolo. Raportndu-ne la lumea urban, la un moment dat fiecare dintre noi traversnd un ora, a trecut de la o zon la alta trind sentimentul c a schimbat n mod radical lume a. Semnele acestei treceri sunt multe, fie c vorbim de starea strzilor, a blocurilor, accesul la mijloacele de transport, existena punctelor comerciale. Totodat, interaciunea cu oamenii poate fi diferit de la o zon la alta. Oraul este format astfel din contraste uor de observat. Scopul acestui articol este de a analiza teoria frontierelor sociale din perspectiva situaiei locuitorilor din cartierele periferice.

17 Conceptualizing communities and networks | 11.30-13.30 | Room 301

COMFORTABLY NUMB. ENVIRONMENTAL DISCOURSES AMONG ADOLESCENTS Previous work on Romanian adults environmental concern suggested a clear split between Laura Nistor environmental attitudes and behaviours, in the sense that citizens environmentally Sapientia Hungarian significant behaviours are neither frequent nor rooted in specific pro-environmental University of Transylvania attitudes. Previous findings contended also that living in a large urban setting significantly a.nistor@gmail.com predisposes citizens towards environmental concern. Rooted in such premises, the present research constituted a qualitative approach (focus-groups) in order to reveal some peculiarities of adolescents environmental concern. The results of the inquiry suggest that in the case of adolescents the type of locality does not make a huge difference in structuring their environmental concern. No matter they live in a small or a large town, adolescents can be characterized by a kind of materialistic environmental concern, by a chaotic environmental belief system and by serious lack in their objective environmental knowledge. It seems that futures environmental citizens do propagate the same patterns as their parents. This kind of togetherness in being numb raises several questions about the role of environmental empowerment.

GOOD CLASS BAD CLASS - A SOCIAL NETWORK APPROACH In my research I am going to compare two 10.th grade high school classes in a in Sfntu Balzs Telegdy Gheorghe theoretical lyceum. According to a previous interview with the school Universitatea din Bucureti, psychologist, one of the two classes is considered to be the any teachers dream, while Facultatea de Istorie the other is considered to be any teachers nightmare. According to my hypothesis, there telegdyb@yahoo.com will be significant differences between the two classes from the perspective of the indicators used in social network analysis, such as degree centrality, closeness and betweenness, while the other indicators such as social, economical, demographical, result in school etc. will show a high level of homogeneity.

18 Conceptualizing communities and networks | 11.30-13.30 | Room 301

Sesiunea 6: Sociologia ca privire de la distan: ordine observat, ordine impus?

8 Iunie, 15.00-17.00, Sala 301 Moderator: Cosima Rughini
NARRATIVES OF ERROR IN QUANTITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS: THE MATTER OF ACQUIESCENT RESPONSE STYLE Comparisons between categories (be they groups of individuals, regions, countries and so on) are among the various scopes of quantitative sociological surveys. The stakes of such Alexandra Deliu comparisons challenge notions of development, tolerance and other attributes that purport University of Bucharest, to discriminate between modern societies and traditional ones. As such, depicting Department of Sociology potential sources of error in dealing with data is a topic of concern for quantitative social alexandradeliu@yahoo.com scientists. Response styles are a type of error that is particularly susceptible of confounding diagnoses of modernity with methodological artifacts. I argue that the scientific discussions of acquiescence as a type of response style introduce a certain normal type of respondent that, further, serves as a reference for and ultimately assessing the accuracy of others answers in regards to items. The objective of this paper is to describe and to analyze this ideal respondent and its functions, as they appear in quantitative studies.

MORE THAN A STORY: SOCIOLOGYS GRIP ON REALITY Pronouncing the bankruptcy of the Enlightenment paradigm of social knowledge, Mihai Rusu alongside embracing the doctrine of cognitive relativism, are the two core themes of rusumihaistelian@yahoo.com postmodern social theory, which has recently reached the status of dominance within contemporary sociological thought. The thesis proclaiming the bankruptcy of the Enlightenment project denounces the idea of progress regarding scientific knowledge, aiming to unmask it as a legitimizing ideology. Cognitive relativism depicts science as a mere narrative, equally valid as other systems of generating truth-claims about reality, depriving science of its halo of authority and epistemic privileges conferred upon it by the philosophy of the Enlightenment. Both postmodernist postulates call into question the epistemic superiority claimed by science (including the claim of sociology as the science of society) over other types of discourses on reality, dethroning science from the pedestal of cognitive authority and thus demoting it to the status of just another available narrative among many others. Without relapsing into the positivist idealization of science in general and sociology in particular, this paper aims to mitigate the postmodernist critique of science, by showing that (i) theoretical progress in sociology is far from illusory, even though it takes a cyclical trajectory rather than a rectilinear one, and that (ii) sociology, insofar as it takes on a scientific outlook, is more than just a story. In fact, a scientifically rooted sociology is the best and most reliable story that can be told about the drama of social life. To the extent that they conform to the protocols of empirical research, to the canons of logical inference, and to the norms of clarity required to academic discourse, sociological narratives gain a much firmer grip on reality than its alternative discourses are capable of providing.

19 Sociologia ca privire de la distan: ordine observat, ordine impus? | 15.00-17.00 | Room 301

RATIONALITY AND IRRATIONALITY IN THE UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR. AN EVALUATION OF THE METHODOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES IMPLIED BY THE CONCEPTUALIZATION OF IRRATIONALITY. Some of the best known and thought-provoking models for understanding human behavior are those assuming human rationality. The way in which the situations where understanding Cosmin Toth human behavior becomes challenging, i.e. irrationality cases, are approached within these University of Bucharest, models is related to specific strategies and methodological consequences. The goal of this Department of Sociology paper is to present and systematize some specific types of theoretical approaches to the paulcosmin@yahoo.com issue of rationality and irrationality, the methodological consequences stemming from these approaches, as well as to caution against the risks that assuming some highly normativeevaluative rationality models can involve. Some important methodological consequences of applying the principle of charity to different degrees of severity are analyzed and a taxonomic description of the ways in which irrationality is approached is presented. WORLDS OF RETIREMENT Daniela Pescaru Urse University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology daniela_pescaru@yahoo.com Based on an extensive literature on risk society and reflexive modernization, this paper explores differences regarding the way people confront the risks associated with retirement and old age. According to the above mentioned literature, uncertainty and reflexivity permeates all life domains, influencing peoples choices and behaviors. Old social structures (e.g. gender, social class) and the taken for granted modes of behavior lose importance. The biographies are individually constructed, becoming fragmented and destandardized. Using data provided by the third wave of the European Social Survey, I analyze the Europeans projections on the ideal retirement age through taking into consideration aspects relevant for both the individual and the country level (i.e. statutory retirement age, old-age pensions models). In the end, the paper documents the structuration of the Europeans perceptions into worlds of retirement, as a result of significant differences between men and women, as well as between countries grouped into pensions models.

THE ROLE OF EDUCATION SIMILARITY WITH THE NEIGHBORS FOR HAPPINESS This paper studies the effect for happiness of discrepancy between own education level and Marian Vasile average education of the region in which one lives while controlling for level of development University of Bucharest, and population density from that region. As main theoretical point of reference we use the Department of Sociology frustrated achiever and happy peasant paradox (Graham and Pettinato 2006; Graham et al. vasile.marian@gmail.com 2010; Graham 2011). Studies suggest that the livability (Veenhoven, 1993) of the living unit area is fundamental for happiness. From a different perspective, the social comparison theory (Michalos, 1985) argues that happiness is relative. Being higher educated than the average in own NUTS2 region decreases wellbeing in a specific context. Interaction effects with the quality of the area mold the relation: the higher the development, the lower the impact of the discrepancy. Multilevel modeling on European comparative survey data provides testing for the hypotheses. I discuss how the findings may affect existing population dynamics and may provide push-pull factors for migration.

20 Sociologia ca privire de la distan: ordine observat, ordine impus? | 15.00-17.00 | Room 301

Session 7: Managing distance: exclusion, marginality, and stigma

8th June, 17.30-19.30, Room 301 Convenors: Sonia Catrina, Emanuela Ignoiu-Sora Moderator: Monica Costache

HOW FAR IS FAR RIGHT? ON THE RISE OF ANTI-IMMIGRATION DISCOURSE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION After the 2nd World War and during the prosperous economic period at the beginning of the Monica Alexandru 21st century migration was a welcomed solution to the economic and demographic changes. University of Bucharest, Multiculturalism gradually emerged as a better approach to immigration than assimilation. Department of Sociology and It endorsed principles opposed to ethnocentrism and intolerance. However, with the 9/11 Social Work events and the current economic crisis, some voices were quick to proclaim the failure of monica.alexandru multiculturalism. Elections had usually provided the context for euroscepticism and the @sas.unibuc.ro rejection of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism was said to strengthen social boundaries while watching over the culture and identity of foreigners at the expense of the host country; it was also criticised for contributing to the unemployment of nationals. This paper will assess how anti-immigration voices have gradually been included in political discourse. While evaluating attitudes to otherness and political developments in EU, it will consider how vulnerable European societies are to extremist ideologies. Previous literature, media archives and international surveys such as the Eurobarometer and the European Value Survey will be used for documentation.

WHICH EDUCATIONAL PATHWAY FOR ROMA CHILDREN FACING DISCRIMINATION, STIGMATIZATION AND EXCLUSION? This study analyses the impact of the social process of differentiation on the Roma childrens Sonia Catrina equal opportunities in education. The three levels of the investigation: the micro-social level Center for Resources, (related to the social actors responsible for reproducing ethno-racial stereotyping Documentation and Research discourses, to Roma children whose social and cultural visibility places them in relations of on Roma issues (CRDR) power and domination as well), the median level (in terms of the role played by schools in National School of Political and reformulating and restoring the stereotyped discourses, the resistance and Administrative Studies empowerment strategies of the Roma children exposed to discrimination, exclusion and soniacatrina@gmail.com stigmatization as well), the macro-social level (the configuration of education policies in multicultural or intercultural states from a global and structural perspective, as a relationship between politics, power and culture) show that Roma children are subjected to racial stereotypes throughout the European Union, which has implications on equal access to education. In addition, the process of cultural differentiation inscribes Roma children in a trajectory of school failure, which profoundly affects their place in society. THE ETHNIC GARDENER: THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE SHAPING OF THE ETHNIC LANDSCAPE EU is considered one of the bodies with most transformative influence on European Emanuela Ignoiu-Sora societies. However little has been researched on its impact on ethnic diversity despite being Center for Resources, detrimental in this area. Indeed, from the 1993 Copenhagen criteria (which included Documentation and Research protection of minorities) to the 2012 European Framework for Roma National Strategy, EU on Roma issues (CRDR) institutions, policies and legislation have been constantly shaping the ethnic landscape. This National School of Political and paper describes and analysis this process. Not only the paper will research on the coping Administrative Studies with ethnic difference at EU level, but it will also show how the EU found a place in regulating emanuela_ignatoiu ethnicity in an area previously dominated by national states and international bodies, such @yahoo.com as the Council of Europe.

21 Managing distance: exclusion, marginality, and stigma | 17.30-19.30 | Room 301

DISCLOSURE OF HIV STATUS AND ITS CONSEQUENCES The progress of medicine turned HIV into a chronic disease, but disclosure of HIV status is Florin Lazr still a matter of public health. Disclosure is favored by social factors/a friendly environment Department of Sociology and (e.g. positive reactions, support, public disclosure by others), psychological factors (e.g. selfSocial Work esteem, self-efficacy) and hampered by fear of and experiences of stigma and discrimination. florin13@yahoo.com Based on a community-based research carried out in 2011 with people living with HIV (PLHIV) from three large cities of Romania (N=300), the paper is presenting some of the challenges of disclosure. Data reveal a high proportion of respondents disclosing their HIV status (75.3%) and, predominantly positive reactions (sympathy 66.8% vs. rejection 21.2%). However at work, in school and in the religious community most PLHIV preferred to keep the secret, those disclosing experiencing discrimination, fueling the internalized stigma. Interventions need to tackle both structural/social and individual/psychological factors to reduce discrimination and internalized stigma, which prevent disclosure.

CHANGEMENT SOCIAL ET MOBILIT PROFESSIONNELLE : NOUVELLES FORMES DE SOCIALISATION ET DE DISTANCIATION Une tude qualitative ralise, pendant deux ans, dans une policlinique mdicale, service Mariana Lecarpentier marginal dun hpital universitaire parisien en cours de modernisation technique et Direction de la Politique organisationnelle, a mis en vidence un lien entre changement, mobilit sociale, nouveaux Mdicale Sige de l processus de socialisation et de distanciation. Lactivit tudie est ralise dans une Assistance Publique Hpitaux Permanence dAccs aux Soins de Sant, PASS, de la policlinique mdicale par des mdecins de Paris, APHP gnralistes en mobilit sociale, venus de lextrieur de lhpital pour accueillir et soigner mariana.lecarpentier des patients pauvres, des immigrs en situation irrgulire, des dviants, des exclus. @gmail.com Lanalyse des donnes sociales, historiques et empiriques, issues des entretiens et de lobservation participante, met en lumire une problmatique de relgation sociale commune aux mdecins et aux patients, traduisant un processus dexclusion sociale et spatiale marqu par la diffrentiation, la mise distance, leur renvoi aux limites de lespace social. Ltayage de lanalyse empirique sur des concepts sociologiques de dlgation du sale boulot (Hughes), de logiques dexclusion (Bourdieu, Elias, Boltanski), de mobilit sociale (Elias, 1965), dingalits et discriminations en sant (Fassin, 2002) rvle la persistance des limites traditionnelles conduisant de nouvelles classifications, de nouvelles limites la socialisation, un traitement ingal et dfavorable aux dplacs sociaux. Ces nouveaux mdecins, relgus en bas de la hirarchie des statuts hospitaliers (Elias, 1965), prennent en charge des tches abandonnes par ceux qui connaissent une ascension professionnelle (Herzlich, 1994) par spcialisation et modernisation des techniques mdicales. Leur mobilit professionnelle leur permet laccs lhpital universitaire mais ne leur garantit pas la russite dans la carrire hospitalire, ni la rsistance au processus imperceptible (Bourdieu, 1993) dexclusion lintrieur de lhpital. La russite, le dpassement social, la socialisation, dans lorganisation hirarchise de lhpital universitaire franais, ncessite de prsenter des caractristiques formelles du statut vis, ncessite de partager le fond des rfrentiels communs, les mmes normes de respectabilit et prsenter les caractristiques accessoires (Becker, 1963) attendues de manire informelle. Ne pas rpondre aux critres de lgitimit subjectivement construits conduit, la fois les patients trangers et les mdecins qui les soignent, lisolement, la marginalisation, la stigmatisation. Mpriss, indsirables , ils son privs de la satisfaction dune appartenance sociale prestigieuse car les forces de la mobilit , lhpital comme dans la socit, produisent des marginaux sur des nouvelles frontires.

22 Managing distance: exclusion, marginality, and stigma | 17.30-19.30 | Room 301

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