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"#$%&'()##*+ ,-+ .*/*01*% 2+ 3452 - Callchla PosplLal Croup (CPC), a naLlonal healLhcare developmenL flrm,
has Laken over managemenL of Lhe kenLucklana Medlcal CenLer (kMC). 1he announcemenL ls made by CPC's
Chalrman & CLC !oseph . Callchla, M.u., l.A.C.C., who says: Cur group's flrsL order of buslness ls Lhe launch
of a new sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL Lmergency ueparLmenL aL Lhe medlcal cenLer, followed by an lncrease ln paLlenL
rooms from 34 Lo 46, of whlch 12 wlll lnclude LelemeLry-monlLorlng."
1he Callchla organlzaLlon has relocaLed Mlchael hllllps from lLs WlchlLa, kansas, headquarLers Lo Clarksvllle Lo
serve as kMC's CLC and lead Lhe medlcal cenLer's expanslon efforLs golng forward. revlously, Mr. hllllps
served as Lhe CLC for Callchla Medlcal Croup, a large and growlng mulLl-speclalLy physlclan group LhaL
provldes comprehenslve medlcal servlces Lo all of WlchlLa's hosplLals, and LhroughouL Lhe SLaLe of kansas. Mr.
hllllps served as a key member of Lhe Leam LhaL recenLly negoLlaLed Lhe sale of Callchla PearL PosplLal Lo
PCA, whlch closed lebruary 2012.
lurLher, aL Lhe requesL of local physlclans, kMC ls also lnsLalllng a large scope of new equlpmenL aL Lhe faclllLy.
ur. Callchla explalns: "We asked local physlclans whaL Lools Lhey needed aL kenLucklana Lo provlde Lhe besL
posslble care Lo paLlenLs, and we've purchased exacLly whaL Lhey requesLed. We had Lhe physlclans speak
dlrecLly Lo vendors, so Lhe physlclans could offer lnpuL aL every sLep of Lhe process.
Llke kMC, our group's Callchla PearL PosplLal ln kansas also had lLs rooLs ln cardlac and surglcal care. lurLher,
our Leam has had exLenslve hands-on experlence addlng an Lmergency ueparLmenL Lo Lhe mlx aL a hosplLal
much llke kMC, and proven our ablllLy Lo successfully reduce paLlenL walL Llmes for Lhose needlng emergency
care. 1o puL lL slmply, Lhe opporLunlLy Lo provlde leadershlp aL kenLucklana was a flL ln many ways for our
organlzaLlon. We're Lhrllled Lo now be parL of Lhe Clarksvllle communlLy."
CPC's phllosophy ls Lo glve physlclans Lhe Lools Lhey need Lo provlde Lhe hlghesL quallLy care for Lhelr
paLlenLs. "Cur Lhlnklng ls, who knows beLLer Lhan physlclans how Lo care for paLlenLs, so we glve Lhem whaL
Lhey need," ur. Callchla says, ln facL, for Lhose area physlclans readlng Lhls announcemenL who are looking
for a 'hyslclan CenLrlc" envlronmenL Lo care for paLlenLs, we encourage Lhem Lo conLacL Lhe kMC
managemenL Leam for deLalls regardlng prlvlleges aL 812-284-6100.

61789 :*;98/&)$;$ <*=)/$# "*;9*%

kMC employs close Lo 200 people and ls locaLed [usL off u.S. 31 ln Clarksvllle, ln, whlch ls parL of Lhe greaLer
Loulsvllle MeLropollLan area. kMC recenLly recelved approval (as of !uly 30, 2013) for lLs ChapLer 11 lan of
age 2
kMC has been servlng Lhe communlLy of SouLhern lndlana and kenLucky slnce 2009, whlle worklng Lo
overcome slgnlflcanL flnanclal dlsLress durlng Lhe 2008-2009 recesslon. Selller WaLerman, LLC, has excluslvely
represenLed Lhe lnLeresLs of kMC LhroughouL Lhe ChapLer 11 process and successfully negoLlaLed agreemenLs
wlLh all of Lhe affecLed credlLors of Lhe lan. 1he successful conflrmaLlon of Lhe lan ln !uly was a crlLlcal
Lurnlng polnL for kMC and Lhe subsequenL release of paymenL Lo credlLors on november 7, 2013. 1he
seLLlemenL agreemenL wlll allow kMC, Lhe physlclans, and lLs new managemenL Leam Lo move forward. lor
more lnformaLlon abouL kenLucklana Medlcal CenLer, vlslL hLLp://www.kenLucklanamedcen.com.
61789 >$#)/?)$ @7'A)9$# >%78A

Culded by ur. !oseph Callchla, CPC's mlsslon ls Lo provlde lnLegraLed healLhcare sysLems LhaL provlde Lhe
hlghesL quallLy care posslble. 1he Croup's model ls Lo provlde efflclenL, cosL-effecLlve healLh care servlces LhaL
meeL Lhe needs of Lhe communlLy whlle embraclng Lhe concepL LhaL paLlenL care comes flrsL. 1hls vlslon ls
based on ur. Callchla's experlence provldlng medlcal care ln many lnLernaLlonal locales and varlous healLhcare
sysLems. lor more lnformaLlon, vlslL: hLLp://www.gallchlahosplLalgroup.com.

Maggle Chamberlln Polben, A8, AbsoluLely ubllc 8elaLlons - hLLp://www.absoluLelypr.com, 303-984-9801
or 303-669-3338 (cell), maggle[absoluLelypr.com

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