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Should Money Be Spent On Space Exploration?

Space exploration which has started since the early 1900s has not only brought in new information about the universe, but has also given mankind many benefits in terms of inventions which could help to save the environment and to improve the health and well-being of human beings !herefore, " am of the opinion that money should be spent on space exploration in order to improve our #uality of life !o save our earth from the continuous onslaught modern technologies which do more harm to our environment, space exploration have led to the development of many useful devices Space-based technologies which are very beneficial to efforts of environmental conservation have been produced !echnologies like the remote sensing devices which are used to monitor and police the vast area of rainforest and wildlife habitat from being destroyed Such space-based technologies can help us to detect any outbreak of forest-fires So, with these space-based technologies, " am sure that we can always find effective measures to conserve our natural resources !echnologies which were originally developed for the purpose of space exploration, like the $%! scans and the &'! machines can now be used to provide early diagnosis of any life-threatening diseases thus saving the lives of many people !he simple radiation blocking sunglasses and the welding glasses for welders help to protect the eyes of users from () radiation *ithout these lenses, people in these industries are then prone to in+uries to their eyes " believe that if money is spent on space exploration, more advanced technologies will be discovered and thus bring more advantages to mankind "n addition, to the field of medical sciences, the miniature automated insulin pumps for the diabetics are developed !his technology was initially used to pump food or drugs into the astronauts which in space !hus, today it can be used to save millions of lives of diabetes patients, as insulin can now be easily +ab into their bodies to keep their sugar levels in the blood under control %n advanced eye-screening system for the ocular health of everyone is now made easy through the invention of space-eyetest device "t cannot be denied that space-based technologies have contributed in the medical field

"n conclusion, there is no doubt that the spin-offs from the space exploration have certainly brought many benefits to mankind !herefore, " feel that money should be spent on space exploration for further advances, providing mankind with better future http://english-tutorial-g15.blogspot.pt/2011/08/writing-task-argumentativeessay.html
Space e ploration has been a huge part o! our history" !rom #eil $rmstrong an% &u'' $l%rin winning the (space race) with *ussia+ to the ,ars *overs. -here are many %i!!erent takes on the matter o! space e ploration an% a lot o! people !eel that the %isa%vantages !ar out weigh the bene!its. .et+ many others believe that space e ploration shoul% be continue% at all costs an% that it has proven to be very bene!icial in the past an% will continue to %o so. ,y opinion on space e ploration woul% probably !all somewhere in the mi%%le. / can un%erstan% all o! the %isa%vantages an% how problems woul% be solve% i! space e ploration was halte%+ but / also believe that it has helpe% our country an% our worl% in countless+ irreplaceable ways. /t is true that there are many %isa%vantages to space e ploration+ but nearly all o! them can solve% or at least partially resolve% with simply a better un%erstan%ing o! space+ better metho%s+ an% better technology. 0ell+ how %o we achieve all o! this1 2 perience. -he more we e plore space an% e periment+ the !aster we can a%vance our technologies an% metho%s an% better un%erstan% our universe an% planet.

3ollution is one o! the main concerns regar%ing both space travel an% space e ploration. ,any people believe that we are %estroying space with all o! the waste now !loating aimlessly aroun% the universe because o! us. -here are ol% satellites+ pieces o! lost or broken e4uipment+ an% even boosters !rom rocket launches. -his is a huge problem. 0e have alrea%y ruine% our 2arth+ an% so !ar+ it has cause% many problems an% has ha% a huge negative impact on nearly everything. 0e can not let the same thing happen to outer space an% our universe. -he answer to the pollution problem is un%erstan%ing gaine% through research an% e perience. /n !act+ it is e actly that that has begun to help clean up our %estroye% planet an% patchy o'one. #ow that we have a better un%erstan%ing o! our 2arth an% what we are %oing wrong+ we are beginning to %evelop new technology 5smart cars+ alternative energy+ etc.6 that is actually goo% !or our planet.

7ther %isa%vantages o! space e ploration inclu%e the cost an% the %anger. 8urrently+ many people are un%er the impression that our missions to space are not very cost e!!ective+ especially consi%ering the current state o! our economy+ an% this is o!ten an imme%iate turn o!! to a most people. /t is true that we coul% spen% less money on our missions an% make them more cost e!!ective+ but usually the 9.S. space program is less than 0.8: 58/106 o! the 9.S. bu%get .*ight now+ our government is very !ocuse% on getting our economy back on track an% anything labele% (not cost e!!ective) is %e!initely not something they are intereste% in. &ut+ in !act+ space e ploration+ research+ an% travel provi%es hun%re%s o! thousan%s o! ;obs in the 9.S.an% even more worl%wi%e. /! unemployment is ba% now+ imagine it without space e ploration<

$s !or the %anger o! space travel an% e ploration+ with more e perience comes a greater un%erstan%ing+ an% with a greater un%erstan%ing comes better+ sa!er+ technology. So+ once again+ continuing to e plore space can solve the problem.

2ven though there are a !ew %isa%vantages to space travel+ there are also many bene!its inclu%ing: the ;obs it provi%es" the me%ical %iscoveries coming !rom #$S$" all o! the new technologies an% innovations" an%+ perhaps the most important o! all+ a greater un%erstan%ing o! the 2arth as well as everything beyon% it. Space e ploration has even ai%e% our military. ,any mo%ern %ay technologies were %iscovere% by #$S$ through their space stu%ies+ so without space e ploration an% research things like =3S an% breast cancer %etection woul%n>t be possible.

Space e ploration plays a big part in our %ay to %ay li!e whether we know it or not. .es+ there are %angers an% %isa%vantages+ but i! we continue to e plore space+ test technologies+ an% take some risks+ / am sure that most o! the problems will be an% can be !i e%. 7! course+ nothing about space e ploration will ever be per!ect+ but nothing is ever completely risk !ree. /n the past+ space e ploration has proven its sel! to be e tremely bene!icial an% will continue to %o so in the !uture ;ust so long as we continue to work har% to make it better.

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