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Michelle Batista Ortiz

INGL 3236/ Sec.

1. www.scribd.com
Scribd is a document publishing site that enables you to upload documents
as PDF or Plain Text. When you download the documents you can choose the
format you want for them. You can embed a document to any blog or web
page as long the author of the document allows it.

2. www.keepandsharing.com
Securely store your files online. Upload PDFs, video files, documents,
presentations, and spreadsheets any kind of PC file. Share files with anyone.
Create shared folders in your account to securely collaborate with anyone. Or
mark a folder 'Public' for easy public file hosting. Access files from anywhere.
The site is accessible from any web browser, so you can get to your files from
home and work, Mac or PC.

3. www.writeboard.com
Enables you to upload, share, make any change, compare them, and keep
track of documents.

4. www.writely.com
Writely's word processing is much more sophisticated than Writeboard's
simple interface and looks very similar to desktop word processors. A very
neat feature is the ability to upload an HTML or DOC file first, and then begin
editing it online. Writely also can publish your document to your blog. It also
saves a version history of any changes, so you can always revert any

5. www.jotlive.com
This l web application lets you take notes online with a group of people. You
see their notes as they type them, and they see yours. It's an interesting
concept and feels like the combination of a chat client and a word processor.

6. www.zoho.com
This application allows you to share online presentation, documents, chat,
spreadsheets, e-mails, create groups, set security for what you create.

7. www.acrobat.com
three applications from acrobat.
Adobe Buzzword for creating and reviewing documents together.
Adobe ConnectNow for holding full-fledged online web conferences with up
to three people.
The Acrobat.com organizer for sharing 5GB of files with others online,
including the ability to convert 5 documents to PDF and embed your
documents in blogs, wikis or other web pages.
8. www.stixy.com
Is an online whiteboard that allows you to upload photos, add notes,
documents, web clippings, bookmarks and manage tasks in a rather freeform
fashion. Its sole purpose is to allow people to collect, arrange and share
information in the manner in which each individual or group sees fit.

9. www.thinkfree.com
Allows you to share documents but also you can create a project and for free
and people can come and work in it.

10. www.twiddla.com
30 free trial
A team of people can get together on a twiddla page and browse a site while
participating in discussions, adding annotations, sharing files and chatting
along - all in real time.

11. www.centraldesktop.com
Document sharing, web conference, importing files.

12. www.bugzilla.org
free software that offers document sharing, keep track, emails.

13. www.mindmeister.com
Brainstorming by creating a mind map. Anyone can work on it

14. www.contacoffice.com
Allows groups to share documents, calendars, contacts, and files

15. www.apps.live-documents.com
Real time sharing and editing documents

16. www.teamworklive.com
Track tasks, centralize communication, share documents and files, then
collaborate with clients and remote teams.

17. www.solodox.com
Create, Access, Edit documents and projects

18. www.box.net
simple document sharing

19. www.officelive.com
free sharing workspace
20. www.metoshow.com
online document sharing
21. www.twitter.com
social Network

22. www.linkedin.com
Professional Network

23. www.wordpress.com
Blog site

24. www.oovoo.com
video conferencing up to 6 people at the same time

25. www.showdocument.com
sharing, editing, collaborating

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