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Ackerman, Jen. Trapped: Mental Illness in Americas Prisons. 3 October 2012. Photograph. King, James.

Letters From the Hole: SHU nmate Sa!s Prison Sta"" #on"iscate$ His Son%s &eport #ar$.' The Village Voice. 3 October 2012. (eb. 30 )o*ember 2013. Armstrong *. +a*is. )o. 00,1-132. Unite$ States #o.rt o" Appea/s, )inth #irc.it. 20 )o*ember, 2001. (eb. 0 )o*ember 2013. 1his tria/ s.pp/ie$ in"ormation abo.t the 2$e"en$ants engage$ in s!stematic an$ 3i$esprea$ $iscrimination 3hich *io/ate$ the Americans 3ith +isabi/ities Act an$ the &ehabi/itation Act.2 #ase//a, Jean, an$ &i$ge3a!, James. #ase #/ose$ on S.perma4 Ab.ses at Pe/ican 5a!.' Solitary Watch: e!s "rom a ation in Loc#do!n. 1- 6ebr.ar! 2011. (eb. 17 )o*ember 2013. 1his secon$ar! so.rce pro*i$e$ horri"ic $etai/s abo.t the 3a! prisoners 3ere treate$ at Pe/ican 5a!. An$ 2.n$er the American s!stem o" 8.rispr.$ence, incarceration $oes not mean the s.rren$er o" a// rights an$ an! semb/ance o" h.manit!.2 #ooper, 5r.ce. Alcatra$ Island Lightho%se. 19 J./! 200:. Photograph. 30 )o*ember 2013. 1his photograph o" A/catra; is not $irect/! re/ate$ to o.r topic o" the rights o" prisoners an$ the responsibi/ities o" go*ernment an$ prisons. (e 8.st nee$e$ a backgro.n$ "or o.r 3ebsite an$ a// o" the other options 3ere not <.ite to a speci"ic gro.p member=s /iking. &r%el and 'n%s%al P%nishment. 23 >a! 2011. Photograph. #a/i"ornia Or$ere$ to #.t Prisoner Pop./ation.' Fello!ship o" the Minds. 23 >a! 2011. (eb. 30 )o*ember 2013. 1his pict.re pro*i$e$ a c/ear .n$erstan$ing o" ho3 o*ercro3$e$ the prisons 3ere in #a/i"ornia, an$ 3h! the U.S. S.preme #o.rt $eci$e$ to c.t the pop./ation $.e to s.ch poor /i*ing con$itions that *io/ate$ the ?ighth Amen$ment. +8anse;ian, Ke*ork an$ @ett! mages. Photograph o" prisoners in cage. 20 >arch 2013. Photograph. Sma//, J./ie. State A3aits &./ing on Prison >enta/ Hea/th #are.' &ali"ornia (eport. 20 >arch 2013. (eb. 30 )o*ember 2013. 1his pict.re sho3s inmates 3aiting in crampe$ cages "or me$ica/ an$ menta/ hea/th

appointments. 1his sho3s that e*en 3hi/e 3aiting "or an appointment, inmates are sti// not being pro*i$e$ a$e<.ate accomo$ations. ?ighth Amen$ment.' '.S. )o*ernment Printing +""ice. (eb. 17 )o*ember 2013. 1he ?ighth Amen$ment, being a primar! so.rce, $e*e/ope$ the basis o" o.r arg.ment on cr.e/ an$ .n.s.a/ p.nishments in the co.rt case o" >a$ri$ *. @ome;. 6in$ings an$ P.rposes o" the A+A Amen$ments Act o" 2000.' Americans !ith ,isa-ilities Act o" .//01 as Amended. 1- J.ne 200:. (eb. 17 )o*ember 2013. 1his so.rce pro*i$e$ .s 3ith a 2c/ear an$ comprehensi*e nationa/ man$ate "or the e/imination o" $iscrimination2 an$ 2c/ear, strong, consistent, en"orceab/e stan$ar$s a$$ressing $iscrimination.2 )%ard -eating prisoner. 20 +ecember 2010. Photograph. 5.ko3ski, +iane. 1his bea.ti"./ photo sho3s a g.ar$ beating a he/p/ess prisoner on the gro.n$, 3hen he has s.rren$e$ or /ost the 3i// to "ight. A/tho.gh /a3s "orbi$ the p.nishment, there is no 3a! to ri$ a g.ar$=s min$ o" 3hen eno.gh is eno.gh. .se o" cr.e/ e*en

Prisoners% S.pport #oa/ition >eets 3ith @eorgia +ept. o" #orrections.' Voice o" ,etroit. 20 +ecember 2010. (eb. 30 )o*ember 2013. A/tho.gh prisoners 3ere ab/e to ho/$ a peace"./ strike, +epartment o" #orrections 3ar$ens an$ a$ministrators an$ 1actica/ S<.a$s br.ta//! reta/iate$ striking prisoners. So, 3hi/e prisoners remaine$ 3ithin their rights, o3n han$s an$ act a/most merci/ess/!. 1his 3as an in$epen$ent ne3spaper that a/so against

o""icia/s took matters into their

categori;e$ as a primar! so.rce beca.se it is

inc/.$e$ "irst han$ acco.nt photos.

>a$ri$ *. @ome;. )o. :7,1A2AA. Unite$ States #o.rt o" Appea/s, )inth #irc.it. 30 A.g.st 1:::. (eb. 17 )o*ember 2013. 1his so.rce ga*e $etai/ abo.t the poor prison con$itions "or the $isab/e$, an$ 3ere co.nte$ as a *io/ation o" the ?ighth Amen$ment /ea$ing to a $ecision that impro*e$ /i*ing <.arters.

>a$ri$ *. @ome;.' Uni*ersit! o" >ichigan Ba3 Schoo/. The &i*il (ights Litigation &learingho%se. (eb. 17 )o*ember 2013. 1his case pro*i$es in"ormation abo.t $isabi/it! rights an$ prison con$itions that $isab/e$ prisoners an$ paro/ees "ace$ in #a/i"ornia. 1his so.rce 3as .se$ to e4press ho3 prisons cr.e//! targete$ $isab/e$ prisoners an$ $iscriminate$ on them b! not pro*i$ing reasonab/e accommo$ations. C>a8or #ases an$ Achie*ements.' Prison La! +""ice: Protecting the constit%tional rights o" &ali"ornia prisoners. (eb. 0 )o*ember 2013. 1his secon$ar! so.rce pro*i$es brie" in"ormation abo.t o*ercro3$ing, $isabi/it! rights, an$ e4cessi*e "orce in 3hich prisoners "ace$ in penetentiaries. t a/so he/pe$ .s to .n$erstan$ that no matter ho3 se*ere a persons crime is, the! sho./$ not be $enie$ their basic rights. Photograph o" A+ADSection -09 +esign @.i$e. Photograph. ?n"orcing the A+A Part 1.' 'nited States ,epartment o" 2%stice &i*il (ights ,i*ision. (eb. 30 )o*ember 2013. 1his g.i$e, 3hich 2"oc.ses on the pre*ention o" $iscrimination against inmates 3ith mobi/it! $isabi/ities thro.gh the $esign o" accessib/e ce//s,2 has conce$e$ that the go*ernment has trie$ to accomo$ate "or those 3ith mobi/it! isss.es. Photograph o" prisoner%s han$s. 21 >a! 2013. Photograph. &i$ge3a!, James, an$ #ase//a, Jean. +ea" Prisoners in 6/ori$a 6ace Ab.se an$ So/itar! #on"inement.' Solitary Watch: e!s "rom a ation in Loc#do!n. 21 >a! 2013. (eb. 30 )o*ember 2013. 1his so.rce 3as .se$ "or o.r ga//er!, an$ sho3s a $ea" prisoner comm.nicating in sign /ang.age. 1he artic/e contains a m./tit.$e o" acco.nts 3here $ea", b/in$, e/$er/!, an$ cripp/e$ prisoners 3ere harasse$, beaten, rape$, an$ e*en $enie$ reg./ar sho3ers $.e to the g.ar$s= s.periorit!. Photograph o" thir$,$egree b.rn. Photograph. #omp/ete hea/ing o" e4tensi*e thir$,$egree b.rn 3o./$ thro.gh the .se o" po/!meric membrane $ressings.' W+& Society 34th Ann%al &on"erence.

(eb. 30 )o*ember 2013. 1his photo 3as .se$ to sho3 3hat a thir$ $egree b.rn /ooks /ike. On top o" this, 3e hope$ it 3o./$ create a sense o" empath! in o.r a.$ience 3hen the! tr! to imagine 3hat pain the poor man "ace$ 3hi/e being soake$ in the t.b o" sca/$ing hot 3ater. P/ata *. Sch3ar;enegger. )o. #01,13-1. U.S. +istrict #o.rts "or the ?astern +istrict o" #a/i"ornia an$ the )orthern +istrict o" #a/i"ornia. 0 Apri/ 200:. P+6. 30 )o*ember 2013. #ase against the state 3here prisoners a//ege$ that #a/i"ornia o""icia/s in"/icte$ cr.e/ an$ .n.s.a/ p.nishment b! being $e/iberate/! in$i""erent to serio.s me$ica/ nee$s. 1anner, A$am , an$ &e.ters. Pelican 5ay SH' &ell. 11 Apri/ 2013. Photograph. &o$rig.e;, Sa/. %S!stemic "ai/.res persist% in #a/i"ornia prison menta/ hea/th care, 8.$ge r./es.' 5ayVie!. 11 Apri/ 2013. (eb. 30 )o*ember 2013. 1his photo sho3s ho3 crampe$ prisoners= ce//s 3ere, an$ 3ith their poor ho.sing con$itions, the! $eman$e$ impro*e$ accomo$ations. Eo.r &ights Un$er Section -09 o" the &ehabi/itation Act.' '.S. ,epartment o" Health and H%man Ser*ices. J.ne 2007. P+6. 17 )o*ember 2013. 1his secon$ar! so.rce interprets section -09 o" the rehabi/itation act o" 1:A3, 3hich is a nationa/ /a3 that protects <.a/i"ie$ in$i*i$.a/s "rom $iscrimination base$ on their $isabi/it!.

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