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Types of cement
There are many types of cement in the market to suit every need. Some of them which are included in the revised IS : 456-2 are as follows: !"rdinary #ortland $ement %%& 4%& 5% 'rade ("#$)& 5%-S (Sleeper $ement) !#ortland #o**olana $ement (##$)& +oth ,ly -sh and $alcined $lay +ased ! .apid /ardenin' #ortland $ement ! #ortland Sla' $ement (#S$) ! Sulphate .esistin' #ortland $ement (S.$) ! 0ow /eat #ortland $ement ! /ydropho+ic $ement 1ven thou'h only "rdinary #ortland $ement is 'raded accordin' to stren'th& the other cements too have to 'ain a particular stren'th. %%& 4% and 5% 'rade in "#$ indicates the compressive stren'th of cement after 22 days when tested as per IS: 4 %3-3422& e'& %% 5rade means that 22 days of compressive stren'th is not less than %% 67mm2 (8#a) . Similarly for 4% 'rade and 5% 'rade the 22 days compressive stren'th should not +e less than 4% and 5% 8#a respectively. 4% and 5% 'rade are also +ein' introduced in ##$ and #S$ shortly +y the 9ureau of Indian Standards (9IS)

Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)

##$ is manufactured +y inter 'rindin' "#$ clinker with 35-%5: of po**olanic material. #o**olanas are essentially siliceous or aluminous material& which in itself possesses no cementitious properties& which will +e in finely divided form and in the presence of moisture react with calcium hydro;ide& li+erated in the hydration process& at ordinary temperature& to form compounds possessin' cementitious properties. The po**olanic materials 'enerally used are fly ash or calcined clay. ##$ produces less heat of hydration and offers 'reater resistance to attack of a''ressive environment& 'ives lon'-term stren'th and enhances the dura+ility of structures.

Portland Slag Cement (PSC)

#S$ is o+tained +y mi;in' +last furnace sla'& cement clinker and 'ypsum and 'rindin' them to'ether to 'et intimately mi;ed cement. The <uantity of sla' varies from % -= :. The 'ain of stren'th of #S$ is somewhat slower than "#$. 9oth ##$ and #S$ will 'ive more stren'th than that of "#$ at the end of 32 months. ##$ and #S$ can +e used in all situations where "#$ is used& +ut are preferred in mass construction where lower heat of hydration is advanta'eous or in marine situations and structures near seacoast or in 'eneral for any structure where e;tra dura+ility is desired. The other types of cement listed a+ove are for special purpose and their nomenclature indicates the purpose for which they are preferred. The followin' ta+le 'ives the codal re<uirements at a 'lance.

Some important requirements to be met by various types of cement

S Type of no cement Fineness Setting Time Soundness $ompressive Stren'th in m2 !g in minutes 8#a (min) Initial Final $e -uto % days = days 22 days (min") (ma#") C%atelier $lave (mm) (:) "#$ %% 264 : 225 % 6 3 .2 36 22 %% 3424 "#$ 4% 2332 : 225 % 6 3 .2 2% %% 4% 3424 "#$ 5% 32264 : 225 % 6 3 .2 2= %= 5% 342= ##$ (flyash 3424 : % % 6 3 .2 36 22 %% +ased) 3443 (#art 3) #S$ (sla') 455 : 225 % 6 3 .2 36 22 %% 2 2 S.$ 32%% : 225 % 6 3 .2 3 36 %% 3422 >hite 2 42 : 225 % 6 3 .2 34.2 24.= $ement 3424 ./$ (.apid 2 43 : %25 % 6 3 .2 2= 36 ? 3 day /ardenin' 344 $ement) IS Code

3 2 % 4

5 6 = 2

Composition of Portland cement

T%e basic components of cement are&
Si"2 3=-25 : -l2"% 4-2: ,e2"% .5- .6 : $a" 63-6% : 8'" .3-4. : S"% 3.%-%. : 6a2 @ A2" .4-3.% :

$l I.

. 3- .3: .6-3.=5 :

There are four maBor compounds in cement and these are known as $2S& $%S& $%- C $4-,& and their composition varies from cement to cement and plant to plant. In addition to the a+ove& there are other minor compounds such as 8'"& Ti"2& 8n2"%& A2 and 62". They are in small <uantity. "f these A2" and 6a2" are found to react with some a''re'ates and the reaction is known as -lkali Silica .eaction (-S.) and causes disinte'ration in concrete at a later date. The silicates $%S and $2S are the most important compounds and are mainly responsi+le for the stren'th of the cement paste. They constitute the +ulk of the composition. $%- and $4-, do not contri+ute much to the stren'th.& +ut in the manufacturin' process they facilitate com+ination of lime and silica& and act as a flu;. In a typical #ortland cement& the composition of mineralo'ical compounds could +e

Table ' & T%e e#tent of c%emical compounds in cement

S no 3 2 % 4 5 $ompound $%S $2S $%$4-, ,reelime $omposition as : 42-52 : 22-26 : 6-3 : 3%-36 : 3-2 :

.ole of compounds on properties of cement $haracteristic Settin' /ydration /eat 0i+eration ($al7'm) = days 1arly Stren'th $%S Duick .apid /i'her /i'h up to 34 days $2S Slow Slow 0ower 0ow up to 34 days $%.apid .apid /i'her $4-, /i'her

6ot much +eyond 3 Insi'nificant day -

0ater Stren'th

/i'h at later 8oderate at sta'e after later sta'e 34 days

(eat of (ydration
8ost of the reactions occurrin' durin' the hydration of cement are e;othermic in nature (heat is 'enerated). This heat is called heat of hydration. It is desira+le to know the heat producin'

capacity of cement in order to choose the most suita+le cement for a 'iven purpose. ,or "rdinary #ortland $ement& half of the total heat is li+erated +etween 3-% days& a+out Eth in = days and nearly 4 : in 22 days. The rate at which the heat is produced is important for practical purposes. It may lead to cracks if not properly dissipated. The sum total heat produced& if spread over a lon'er period can +e dissipated to a 'reater de'ree with fewer pro+lems. The hydration of $%S produces hi'her heat as compared to the hydration of $2S. ,ineness of cement also affects the rate of heat development. The heat of hydration 'enerated is 'enerally as follows at 22 days.

Comparative table of %eat of %ydration produced at t%e end of )* days

S no$ompound 3 2 % 4 $%S $2S $%$4-, /eat of hydration (calories per 'ram) 3 -33 5 -6 % -%35 45-3 5

It may +e seen that the heat produced +y $%S is twice that of $2S and that +y $%- is still hi'her. It follows that& reducin' the proportions of $%S and $%-& the heat of hydration and its rate can +e reduced. >hat is hydration of cementF >hen water is added to cement& the paste is formed due to chemical reaction& which hardens into rock like mass over a period of time. $ompounds like $%S and $2S react in the presence of moisture and fully hydrated reaction can +e e;pressed as 2$%S @6/ -G $%S2/% @%$a("/)2 2$2S @4/ -G $%S2/% @$a("/)2 $%S2/% ($alcium Silicate /ydrate) +ecomes a hard mass over a period of time and normally called as $-S-/ 'el. >hile $%S contri+utes to most of the stren'th development durin' the first two weeks& $2S influences 'ain of stren'th after two weeks. /owever& in the lon' term (over a year) the contri+ution to stren'th is same for e<ual individual wei'ht.

Selection of cement
The type of cement selected should +e appropriate for the intended use. ,unctional re<uirement of the structure& desi'n parameters& speed of construction& dura+ility characteristics& environmental condition are some of the maBor factors which affect selection of cement for

appropriate application. The su''ested uses of various cements are 'iven in the followin' ta+le. S Type of cement no 3 "#$ %% 1nd Hse Hsed for 'eneral civil construction works under normal7mild environmental conditions. "#$ %% 'rade is normally not used where hi'h 'rade concrete is re<uired due to limitations of its stren'th. 6owadays this variety is not 'enerally produced 6owadays 4% 'rade is +ein' used widely for 'eneral construction work. /owever& 4% 'rade "#$ is 'radually +ein' replaced +y +lended cements. Hsed in .$$ and pre-stressed concrete of hi'her 'rades& cement 'routs& instant plu''in' mortars etc. where initial hi'her stren'th is the criteria #S$ provides +etter protection a'ainst chloride and sulphate attack. #S$ is preferred over "#$ for usa'e in constructions where the structures are suscepti+le to sulphate and chloride attack. e' 8arine structure& structures near the sea& sewa'e disposal treatment works& water treatment plants& etc ##$ makes concrete more impermea+le& denser as compared to "#$. The lon'-term stren'th of ##$ is hi'her compared to "#$. ##$ produces less heat of hydration and offers 'reater resistance to the attack of a''ressive waters than normal "#$. ##$ can +e used for all types of construction. IIn S.$& amount of $%- is restricted to lower than 5: and 2$%- @ $4-, lower than 25:. S.$ can +e used for ,oundation& #iles& 9asements& Hnder'round structures& sewa'e and water treatment plants and coastal works& where Sulphate attack due to water or soil is anticipated

2 "#$ 4%

% "#$ 5%

4 #ortland Sla' $ement (#S$)

5 #ortland #o**olana $ement (##$)

6 Sulphate .esistin' #ortland $ement (S.$)

= 0ow /eat 0ow heat #ortland cement is particularly suita+le for #ortland $ement makin' mass concrete for dams and many other types of water retainin' structures& +rid'e a+utments& massive retainin' walls& piers and sla+s& etc 2 .apid /ardenin' $ement (./$) The .apid hardenin' cement is used for repair and reha+ilitation works and where speed of construction and early completion is re<uired due to limitations of time& space or other reasons

4 /ydropho+ic It is manufactured under special re<uirement for #ortland $ement hi'h rainfall areas to improve the shelf life of cement. The cement particles are 'iven a chemical coatin' durin' manufacturin'& which provides water-repellin' property& and the cement is not affected due to hi'h humidity and can +e stored for lon'er period. Iue to a+undant availa+ility of cement in all parts of the country& this cement is very rarely produced these days. 3 >hite $ement >hite #ortland $ement is made from raw materials containin' very little iron o;ide and man'anese o;ide. 9urnin' in the kiln is done with furnace oil or 'as instead of coal. 0imited <uantities of certain chemicals& which improve whiteness of cement& are added durin' manufacturin'. This type of cement is 'enerally meant for non-structural works. It is used for architectural purposes such as mosaic tiles& wall paintin's& 5.$ and special effects.

Test on cement
The usual tests carried out for cement are for chemical and physical re<uirements. They are 'iven in relevant Indian Standards. IS 4 %3 (different parts) and IS 4 %2. The chemical standards 'ives permissi+le limits for insolu+le residue& loss of i'nition and other compounds and impurities like 8a'nesium ";ide& Sulphate& etc. The physical re<uirements are for fineness& soundness& settin' time and compressive stren'th. These are mostly conducted at a la+oratory. - field en'ineer is advised to purchase a reputed +rand of cement from an authori*ed dealer& and ask for the test certificate. /e can conduct a few field tests at the site itself for ascertainin' the <uality of cement. ! ! ! ! ! ! $heck at random that the packin' +a's are fresh and that the +a's are machine stitched $heck that the +a' displays Indian Standards mark and num+er to which it conforms. $heck the manufacturin' week and the year on the +a' "pen the +a' and take a 'ood look at cement& there should +e no lumps $heck that the colour of cement is uniform $heck for settin'. Take some <uantity of cement& make it to a paste& place it on a plate and 'ive it a s<uare shape. Immerse the same slowly in to a +ucket of water. $heck that it has not lost shape and that it hardens after 24hrs

+anufacture of Cement

#ortland cements are made +y 'rindin' a mi;ture of limestone& clay and other corrective materials& vi*. 0aterite& 9au;ite&etc. 1ssential constituents mainly are 0ime& Silica& -lumina and Iron ";ide. The process of manufacturin' consists of 'rindin' of raw materials into fine powder& mi;in' them intimately and +urnin' in a kiln at a+out 34 de'. $. The resultant product is called $linker. $linker is cooled& 'round to fine powder with 'ypsum. The end product is cement.

Storage of cement
The +indin' property and stren'th of cement depends upon its capacity for chemical reaction& which can take place in the presence of water. $ement tends to a+sor+ moisture& and react with it chemically. 9asic re<uirement is that cement should not come in contact with water or moisture till it is put to use. If it comes in contact& it will react and form lumps. Then it loses its reactivity and this in turn will result in less stren'th. The site en'ineer should +ear in mind that even the atmospheric moisture is sufficient for deterioration of cement. /ence cement should +e stored in such a manner that no moisture or dampness is allowed to reach cement either from the

'round or from the environment. $ement loses stren'th as it a'es. -ppro;imate reduction in stren'th with a'e (in standard water ti'ht stora'e condition) S -'e in months no 3 2 % % 6 32 0oss of stren'th in : 5 to 3 2 -% % -4

,ote& -IS prescribes t%at cement s%ould be used .it%in )* days of its production" In case it is used at a later date t%en it s%ould be tested before use"
5ood a;ioms of proper inventory mana'ement are: ! 9uy only the <uantity re<uired for the week or for the fortni'ht ! #lease see that cement +a' is not torn ! 6o windows7ventilators should +e allowed in 'odown& if unavoida+le& it should +e kept closed all the time ! Io not allow workers to use hooks or sharp tools to lift the +a's ! Io not allow workers to use hooks or sharp tools to lift the +a's ! The cement should +e stored in a 'odown +uilt with minimum % mm plinth hei'ht ! $heck whether the roof of the shed leaks& if so& repair it ! -lways store cement away from the wall ! Io not store cement directly on the floor. Hse wooden planks7pallets or polythene sheets ! #lace cement +a's one layer len'thwise and one layer widthwise (header and stretcher style) for +etter sta+ility of the pile ! -lways adopt first in first out approach (,I," system). ! Sometimes& when the cement +a' is +rou'ht down& it may appear hard (pack lumps) +ecause of the load of the +a's a+ove it. .oll the +a' two to three times +efore openin' it.

Smart /sage

Wastage of Cement at Construction Sites Damp Proof Course (DPC)

Water Proofing Roofs W S! "# $% C#&#'! ! C$'S!R(C!)$' S)!#S

#conomy in use of cement enhances pro*ucti+ity an* sa+ings in the cost of construction. !he cost of cement on most of the ci+il engineering wor,s +aries -etween ./ to 01 2 of the o+erall cost of the pro3ect. ')C& R has stu*ie* 4 housing pro3ects in &um-ai5Pune -elt to fin* out wastage of -uil*ing materials at construction sites. Wastage of cement is gi+en in the following !a-le. %)'D)'"S Wastage of Cement

#roBect Total $ost Total $ost 1stimated -ctual Jariance Jariance $onsumption no. (.s.crores) 9H- per consump.(9a's) $onsump (+a's) : #er s<m (s<m) s<m (9a's) 9H(.s) 1st. -ctual 3 2.= 4% 62=4 2 2 22%25 2325 3 .22 4.64 5.25 2 2.5 45 5556 255 4 26%5= 25% %.%4 4.22 5.66 % 2. 54 34234 22624 2423% 3524 =. 4.35 4.42 4 3.25 62 2=23 242%2 %2433 %3=4 3 .22 4.% 4.== 5 =. 2 2=5 4%25= 5 24 6=6= 35.64 5.4 6.25 6 2. =5 4 264%= 22%52 3423 5.22 %.52 %.=2 = 3.4 46 43% 22 %2 2%%== 3%45 6.3 4.=4 5. 2 2 3.46 23 6452 3 363 334=4 323% 3=.24 4.24 5.=
(6( 7 6uilt (p reas) )t may -e notice* that though the o+er all a+erage of wastage was .1 28 the range of wastage was from 9 to .42 across 4 pro3ects. !he smallest pro3ect ha* the highest wastage. Causes of Wastage : !he stu*y foun* mainly the following causes of wastage : i. ii. iii. i+. +. +i. :ac, of material management system at sites Poor storage con*itions an* house5,eeping )na*e;uate ;uality control #<cess mortar / concrete preparation than re;uire* :ac, of training to super+isory staff an* la-our !hefts an* pilferages at sites

+ii. +iii.

:oss *uring transportation an* han*ling of cement -ags (se of *ry cement for finishing of concrete surfaces to co+er poor concrete Reme*ial &easure : a. Design Specifications : Present norms in the use of cement *o not ta,e into account a+aila-ility of high ;uality cements of superior gra*es. !he concrete mi< *esigns shoul* -e re5e<amine* for optimisation with the use of mo*ern high ;uality cements such as $PC /=/9= gra*es an* premium composite cements. -. &echani>ation : &echani>e* construction pro*uces least wastage. (se of Rea*y &i<e* Concrete (R&C) an* precast -uil*ing components re*uces wastage of cement at site an* their use shoul* -e encourage*. c. **itions8 lterations8 Changes : fter finali>ation of e<ecution *rawings8 a**itions8 alterations an* changes shoul* -e minimi>e* at construction sites. !he cosmetic an* non5essential features shoul* -e curtaile* an* -uil*ing *esign shoul* -e functional an* cost effecti+e.

*. !raining of &an Power : Super+isory staff an* tra*esman especially masons8 concrete mi<er operator an* concreting gang shoul* -e properly traine* in all aspects of masonry8 plastering8 flooring an* concreting. !he cement consumption norms shoul* -e accurately fi<e* an* a*here* at site. e. &onthly Reconcilation Su-mission of material re5conciliation statements with e+ery monthly -ill for payment of contractor woul* -e +ery helpful in controlling wastage. Conclusion : )n )n*ia in most of the ci+il engineering pro3ects8 (especially housing) the materials comprise a-out ?1 2 an* la-our a-out /1 2 of construction cost. !he cement wastage at a-out .1 2 on construction sites is a -ig loss8 which can -e minimi>e* -y following proper construction management techni;ues an* use of R&C an* pre5cast -uil*ing components. Reference : Wastage control of -uil*ing materials in construction of mass housing pro3ects -y Prof. @.'. Aai*ya an* -hi3it !anna a ')C& R pu-lication.

01+P P233F C3/2S4 (0PC) 0ampness Iampness in +uildin's can occur due to various reasons. .isin' of 'round moisture containin' salts in masonry wall +y capillary action is one of the reasons. I#$ is provided to avoid penetration of such moisture in +uildin's.

Symptoms The symptoms of dampness due to risin' moisture may +e one or all of the followin' : #aint does not adhere to the wall #laster flakes away& feels soft and spon'y

>hite powder& +u++les or crystals appear on the wall >all paper lifts and stains appear on the wall Skirtin' and floor +oards rot

I#$ is not found in many old +uildin'. I#$ may also +ecome ineffective due to a'e& +rid'in' with internal concrete floor& e;ternal paths and 'round levels. +et%ods of providing 0PC 4 mm thick cement sand mortar 3:% with water proofin' compound (a+out 2 : +y wei'ht of cement) . -fter hardenin' and dryin' apply two coats of coaltar (or +itumen) on its entire top surface. 4 mm thick 3:3:5:% concrete with 3 mm chips and water proofin' compound

5 mm thick non porous stone sla+ like KShaha+adL or KAotaL across the full width of the wall laid over a +ed of cement mortar. Two courses of $lass 3 +ricks (water a+sorption less than 5 :) laid in cement mortar of 3:4 with two coats of +itumen on top.

Precautions The finished floor and I#$ should +e at the same level. Iifference in levels (hi'her or lower) can lead to +rid'in' of I#$ I#$ should +e properly water cured to avoid any cracks and development of desired stren'th.

I#$ should not +e dama'ed durin' construction due to impact of +ricks or other construction materials. To protect e;ternal face of the wall& there should +e no pathway or filled up earth a+ove the I#$ level.

Provisioning and Strengt%ening of 0PC in e#isting buildings Hpto 34=4& the only method was to saw out one mortar line and to install a new damp course in that mortar line& followed +y repackin' of the mortar Boint. This method is messy and e;pensive with the possi+ility of structural settlement of walls. The other techni<ues such as chemical inBection under pressure had not resulted in wide spread success due to chemical inBection not achievin' complete hori*ontal covera'e.

To overcome the a+ove deficiencies Tech-Iry techni<ue was developed. 8ain features of the techni<ue are : .emove plasterin' 7 skirtin' at the floor level. 1;pose the lowest layer of +rick or +lock

,or each +rick7 +lock two holes are drilled start at mortarin' level at 3 mm spacin' at an an'le of 45 M. 3 mm drill +it with rotary hammer drill machine is prefera+le. Iamp $oursin' ,luid (I$,)& a hi'hly penetratin' silane& silanole silo;ane solution is poured into the holes throu'h drip tu+es. I$, reacts with minerals present to form a dura+le polymer damp course& which permanently stops risin' damp.

,ote& If mortar line is dama'ed or loose& repack mortar line and allow it to set and continue drillin'. 51T42 P233FI,6 233FS ."",S of residential +uildin's need to +e protected from heat and rain. Such a protection is termed as 7541T(42I,6 C3/2S48 and essentially has two functional layers. "ne provides the insulation and the other provides impermea+ility. Several systems are availa+le from which appropriate choice of the two layers can +e made. -ll systems may not +e availa+le in all places. ,i'ures 3 C 2 detail typical systems in practice. $ommon >ater #roofin' Systems Insulation $ayer 9rick-+at $o+a 0i'htwei'ht concrete ,oam concrete (in-situ) ,oam concrete (+locks) ,oamed #lastics Impermeable $ayer Tar-felt #olymer N $ement 0ayers #olymer coatin' #lastic sheetin' 1#I8 .u++er sheetin'

Important IS Specifications & (CP 9 Code of Practice) IS: % %6 -3442 N 0ayin' 0ime concrete for a water proofed roof finish ($#) IS: % %= N 3465 N Specifications for 9itumen mastic for use in >ater proofin' of roofs IS :4%%5-346= N -pplication of 9itumen mastic for waterproofin' roof ($#) IS : % 46 N 3443 N >ater proofin' of roofs with +itumen felts ($#)

IS: =24 N 34=4 N .ecommendations for use of polyethylene film for water proofin' of roofs. In addition to the a+ove& +ased on many recent developments new products and systems are availa+le. The water proofin' of a roof needs a Ksystem conceptL selection of +arrier material is one step. #lacement& consolidation and curin' of concrete are very important. Surface cleanliness& surface preparation& application procedures of the water proofin' layers& and inspection& all need care for satisfactory performance. ,ote & 3. The protection a'ainst water penetration is enhanced +y efficient draina'e of surface water. ,or this& the slope of terrace& when finish is +y tilin'& shall not +e less than 3 in 6 O and when it is plain concrete finish& it shall not +e less than 3 in 5 . 2. ,or every 4 mP of roof area& one 3 provided. mm diameter rainwater pipe outlet shall +e

%. The #olyethylene film for waterproofin' should not have water vapour transmission throu'h the film of more than 5.5% 'm724 hour7mP. 4. 9rick +ats to +e laid in mortar to a slope of at least 3 in 32 . 9etween 2 +ricks there should +e 25 to 4 mm distance. 9rick +ats to +e half em+edded in mortar and half a+ove. The mortar for +eddin' shall +e 3:6 and for finish 3:4 (cement : sand) 5. Terrace door should always open outside and not inside the +uildin'.

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