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MiO - So Here's the Story

Water is superb. Except in your glass. The stuff that makes cannonballs and waterfalls loses its mojo when it comes out of the tap. So, help your water get awesome again. Let s shake things up and ha!e a cra"y good time. #i$ li%uid water enhancer lets you change your &'$ into multiple ser!ings of custom drinks where!er you want. So create your dream be!erage anywhere, anytime. Then, sip and repeat. (ou choose the destination, and #i$ will bring the delicious fla!or you cra!e. #i$ only re%uests not to tra!el by fanny pack. )hange your water, and then change your whole day. *et #i$ in nine epic fla!ors, some with extra energy. +or about ,-... a pop.

What's in MiO
Each of #i$/s nine fla!ors is0 )alorie1free per 2 fluid ounce ser!ing )arbohydrate1free and considered a free exchange Sugar1free +ree of artificial fla!ors 3osher *luten1free )ruci!erbalistic Tasty *ood1looking #i$ is sweetened with sucralose, a calorie1free, artificial sweetener that is 455 times sweeter than sugar. To maintain color and freshness, #i$ does use certain preser!ati!es and artificial colorings. Frequently Asked Questions, Honest Mio Answers

#i$ Energy +67

7 What is #i$8 6 #i$ is a re!olutionary li%uid water enhancer. 6!ailable in six fla!ors, #i$ let s discerning consumers make up to '9 2 fl o". drinks exactly as they like. :y adding as little ;or as much<= #i$ as desired, one can enjoy a customi"ed be!erage each and e!ery time. #i$ isn/t just a new drink> it/s a new way to think about drinking altogether. #i$ debuted in #arch '5?? and is now a!ailable in the drink mix aisle of grocers nationwide. 7 &ow do @ use #i$8 6 Flip it. $pen the spill1proof lid. Tip it. Each s%uee"e into water adds more fla!or. Sip it. Ae!el in the joy of customi"ed drinking. 7 @ wish you would come out with B@CSEAT +L6D$A &EAEE< 6 When it comes to cool fla!or ideas, our cup runneth o!er. We are constantly exploring new options and plan to expand upon our initial fla!or lineup in the near future.

7 Foes #i$ contain lots of sugar8 6 #i$ is sweetened with acesulfame potassium and sucralose, a calorie1free, artificial sweetener that is 455 times sweeter than sugar. 7 Sucralose8 6cesulfame potassium8 They sound frightening. 6 Fon/t let the long names scare you. Sucralose is a calorie1free, artificial sweetener that is 455 times sweeter than sugar. :oth sucralose and acesulfame potassium, the sweeteners in #i$, are recogni"ed as safe by the +ood and Frug 6dministration ;+F6= for the general population, including pregnant women and children. +or specific health %uestions, we always recommend checking with your doctor for ad!ice. 7 Foes #i$ contain caffeine8 6 Co. #i$ is a completely caffeine1free product. 6nd that goes for our Tea !arieties as well. 7 @s #i$ safe for diabetics to drink8 6 Geople with diabetes should always consult their physician, Aegistered Fietitian, or )ertified Fiabetes Educator to e!aluate how certain foods can fit into their meal plan. #i$ can be an excellent be!erage option for people li!ing with diabetes because all fla!ors contain 5g of carbohydrate per ser!ing and are considered a free exchange. 7 @s it safe for children to drink #i$8 6 @t/s always wise to check with your children/s pediatrician for medical ad!ice, but the ingredients in #i$ are recogni"ed as safe for the general population. )hildren included. 7 @s it ok to drink straight from the container8 6 #i$ must be diluted. @t is a highly concentrated li%uid for use in fla!oring water. 7 )an you recycle the #i$ bottle8 6 The #i$ bottle is recyclable in communities that recycle HI plastics. $n behalf of the planet, we thank you in ad!ance< 7 @n what countries is #i$ a!ailable8 6 #i$ is currently only a!ailable within the Jnited States. 7 &ow long is #i$ good after it has been opened8 Foes it need refrigeration8 6 #i$ should be used within -5 days after opening or as indicated by an expiration date on the packaging. #i$ does not re%uire refrigeration, so don/t lea!e home without it. 7 )an you free"e #i$8 6 We don/t suggest you free"e #i$ as it may damage the container. #i$1fla!ored ice cubes, on the other hand, are a super idea. 7 What/s up with the : !itamins in #i$8 6 $nly $range Tangerine #i$ has : !itamins. : !itamins are considered essential nutrients meaning they can only be obtained through the diet and can/t be made by your body in ade%uate amounts. 7 &ow much !itamin : is in #i$ $range Tangerine8 6 $ne fluid ounce ser!ing of #i$ $range Tangerine pro!ides ?5K of your Faily Dalue of Ditamins :-, :4, and :?'. 7 )an @ ha!e too much !itamin :8 6 To get all scientific on you, the @nstitutes of #edicine ha!e established tolerable upper intake limits based on your life stage. So you should check with your doctor to find out the appropriate amount of : !itamins for you. L $ur lawyers would like us to clarify that those are 2 o". drinks. $ur lawyers would also like the clouds to part and cufflinks to rain from the sky. LL LL $ur lawyers did not appro!e that last part.

)ontact Js, Gri!acy, Terms of Jse, &ome, Shake Things Jp, 6bout #i$, #eet #i$ Energy &ow to Jse, Where to :uy, #io :u""

We/ll ne!er turn our back on you. Jnless it/s to re!eal our nutritional label. )lick here to see what we/re made of. Cutritional +acts &ome Shake Things Jp 6bout #i$ #eet #i$ Energy &ow to Jse Where to :uy #io :u""

Meet MiO Energy

Cutritional +acts #i$ +67

Water/s great and all, but sometimes it/s like a yawn in a glass. Aeady to change that8 S%uirt some #i$ Energy in your drink, shake things up, and enjoy an ama"ing charge where!er you go. #i$ Energy will ride in your pockets. @t/s ninja1 fast and bacon1delicious. @t might e!en inspire you to learn kung fu or experiment with time tra!el. :oom.

Hold the Phone -- How Does It Work?

Let/s get real. #i$ Energy is made of rollercoasters and trampolines. @t gi!es you the same be!erage freedom as classic #i$, but with a perfect boost from : !itamins and caffeine. @t/s fuel with fla!or. 6 personal, portable alternati!e to straight1off1the1shelf energy drinks. *et it in two immensely non1lame !arieties.

See the energy in action. Then tell us how you channel it. Like this video!

Black Cherry
@t/s so wild it could get you arrested on a plane, but it/s worth the lawyer fees. S%uirt this stealthy li%uid into a glass, mug or hollowed1out gourd of your choice, and help your water li!e a little. Aelated bonus0 :lack )herry #i$ Energy is good at keeping secrets, and it makes you look taller. L LCot true.

Green Thunder
#ore ad!enturous and uninhibited than a naked hiker. *reen Thunder is a total boss in the fla!or community. *reen Thunder will not answer to Mchamp,M MchiefM or Mbro.M 6nd it has small in!isible karate fists.L The mixed1fruit goodness has been known to cause be!erage en!y in those within a ?51foot radius, so consider yourself warned. L6lso not true.

We/ll ne!er turn our back on you. Jnless it/s to re!eal our nutritional label. )lick here to see what we/re made of.

MiO - So Here's the Story

Water is superb. Except in your glass. The stuff that makes cannonballs and waterfalls loses its mojo when it comes out of the tap. So, help your water get awesome again. Let s shake things up and ha!e a cra"y good time. #i$ li%uid water enhancer lets you change your &'$ into multiple ser!ings of custom drinks where!er you want. So create your dream be!erage anywhere, anytime. Then, sip and repeat. (ou choose the destination, and #i$ will bring the delicious fla!or you cra!e. #i$ only re%uests not to tra!el by fanny pack. )hange your water, then change your whole day. *et #i$ in nine epic fla!ors, some with extra energy. +or about ,-... a pop.

What's in MiO
Each of #i$/s nine fla!ors is0 )alorie1free per 2 fluid ounce ser!ing )arbohydrate1free and considered a free exchange Sugar1free +ree of artificial fla!ors 3osher *luten1free )ruci!erbalistic Tasty *ood1looking #i$ is sweetened with sucralose, a calorie1free, artificial sweetener that is 455 times sweeter than sugar. To maintain color and freshness, #i$ does use certain preser!ati!es and artificial colorings. Frequently Asked Questions, Honest Mio Answers

#i$, Energy +67

7 @ just heard about M#i$ Energy.M What is it8 6 We/re so glad you asked< #i$ Energy is a li%uid water enhancer that comes in two fla!ors, *reen Thunder and :lack )herry. 7 Where can @ find #i$ Energy8 6 (ou can find #i$ Energy in the drink mix aisle at the grocery store or at con!enience stores near or on the counter. 7 What/s the difference between regular #i$ and #i$ Energy8 6 #i$ is a li%uid water enhancer that comes in se!en refreshing fla!ors. #i$ Energy is your portable energy source when one s%uirt, about half a teaspoon, is mixed into 2 ounces of water, it creates a delicious drink that contains 45 mg. of caffeine about the same as a 41ounce cup of coffee, as well as : !itamins that help release energy from the food you eat. @t/s a!ailable in *reen Thunder and :lack )herry gi!ing you energy whene!er and where!er you need it< 7 What si"es does #i$ Energy come in8

6 #i$ Energy comes in two si"es 1 ?2 ser!ings per bottle ;?.4' fl o".= or ?' ser!ings per bottle ;?.52 fl o".= +or now you can find the smaller bottle in con!enience stores. 7 )an @ mix #i$ Energy with !odka8 6 We strongly ad!ise against it. #i$ Energy contains caffeine and studies indicate that consuming caffeine with alcohol can lead to unsafe beha!iors. Glease don/t try it. 7 )an @ put #i$ Energy in my )oke8 6 #i$ Energy already has caffeine. 6dding it to a caffeinated drink could result in you drinking higher than recommended le!els of caffeine. We don/t want you to experience unpleasant or unwanted side effects from the combo. 7 )an my little sister ha!e #i$ Energy8 She/s ?5. 6 We don/t recommend gi!ing #i$ Energy, or any caffeinated drink, to kids. :est to not share this time< 7 &ow much caffeine is there in #i$ Energy8 6 The caffeine in one s%uee"e about half a teaspoon 1 of #i$ Energy in 2 fl. o". of water is e%ual to a 41ounce cup of coffee. There are 45 milligrams of caffeine in each s%uee"e of #i$ used to fla!or 2 fl. o". of water. 7 @ just drank #i$ Energy in my water. Why don/t @ feel anything8 6 $ne ser!ing of #i$ Energy half a teaspoon has as much caffeine as what is in a regular 41ounce cup of coffee. @f you prefer a lighter tasting #i$ Energy drink you probably use less than a ser!ing of #i$. 7 &ow much ginseng is in #i$ Energy8 6 That is part of a secret formula for #i$ Energy that we can/t share. :ut we can tell you it/s less than 'K of the weight of #i$ Energy. 7 Why is #i$ Energy and #i$ the same price when one only has ?2 ser!ings and not '98 6 The same amount of li%uid is in #i$ Energy and #i$, but the formulas for each kind of #i$ are different. :ecause of this the cost per ser!ing is different. :L6)3 )&EAA( #i$ Energy

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