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Kobe Collison


December 10, 2013

Modern technology is Good, Not Bad
Technology has both good and bad points. It is a very controversial issue about technology. If there are both good and bad things about technology, is it a good or bad thing. Technology has benefited the human race and done damage to it .Well; I think that there are more good things about technology than there is bad. Modern technology is a good thing and I can prove it too. First we need to examine the history of the issue. Technology is when people use their scientific knowledge to create machines that benefit mankind. Technology has helped us in many different ways. It has helped us make life easier. It has helped us fight against and even cure diseases. It has overall made the human race what it is today. Technology has advanced over time .Technology has done much good things for us, but it would be a lie to say that everything about technology is good. There are both pros and cons of modern technology. Of course, modern technology has pros or this would be a onesided argument. There are many things technology has done to help the human race. For example, Technology has increased education. Children get easier access to a quality education even if they are far away Children can attend school at home where it is free from bullies and ridicule from peers. There is better equipment for students that are easier to access due to technology. Teachers in my school are creating lessons using PowerPoints which I find very cool. They also are using a website called Jupiter Grades to record our grades and show it to us and our parents. The students are really like this too. Our class is working on a

website for technology. Our social studies exit projects require a PowerPoint presentation and we are just fine with it. It might not be that long until we start taking our state tests on the computer. Students and teachers are using technology to help our students get a better education. If it wasnt for technology, children wouldnt be nearly as smart as they are today. Technology also improves communication. Social networks help people meet new people and stay in contact with the people we already know. Things like phone calls, E-mail, and video chatting help friends and family communicate from a distance. This means people who move away or go on vacation do not have to worry about missing friends or family. Technology has Technology contributes to business Businesses that use efficient technology produce faster and with better quality. Machines can make product manufacturing easier and cheaper than hiring a bunch of workers who demand pay. E-mail has also made it much easier to send people documents that are needed for formal reasons. If someone needs to send a resume to an employer or a student sending an essay to a teacher or professor, they would have E-mail to do it. Modern technology has helped us in many ways and is definitely a good thing. As I have sated before, modern technology is very far from perfect. There are cons that spark a controversy for whether technology is good or not. Some cons are very trivial and some are very important will state the important issues unless the small ones show some significance in a way. For example, Technology has created weapons of mass destruction, the cause of millions of deaths and diseases. The most significant of these weapons is the nuclear bomb the nuclear bomb is an explosive that can destroy everything in a 3 kilometer radius and have effects on the environment miles farther than that. For example, one of the first nuclear bombs ever created was used on Hiroshima, Japan during World War II. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city and killed 80,000 people

later. Thousands more would die of radiation .Have you ever heard of Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. Another con is violence in people. Violent content affect the lives of young people. For example violent videogames have tempted children to do rather insane things like using violent People do silly things that they see. Like I said, technology can benefit people a lot, but what about the Earth? Using modern technology has taken a heavy toll on the planet in many different ways. Pollution to our planet Smoke punches holes in the Ozone lair. The Ozone layer is what protects us from the extremely hot rays of the sun. Without it we will get things like more droughts, melting ice caps (global warming), and skin cancer. Not only would pollution be hurting Mother Nature, but it would directly hurt us too. But do not worry; this is modern technology we are talking about. Scientists are currently working on eco-friendly machines that do not have harmful effects on the environment. Yes violence and war is definitely a problem, but can be solved or at least lessened by technology advancing. So as you can see, although modern technology is far from perfect, it is definitely more good than bad. It has many pros that helped the human race become as advanced as it is now. Although there are cons, a lot are small and the important ones are currently being solved by more advanced technology as we speak. Modern technology is the reason the human race is what it is and the only way to help it get better is to let it advance and evolve like we do.

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