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The Digestive System: Motility 1.

The process by which food is received into the GI tract via the mouth is called _____________________. 2. The esophagus is digestive in function. a. True b. False 3. wallowing has both voluntary and involuntary components a. True b. False !. The function of the epiglottis is to prevent a bolus from entering the _____. ". The first wave of contraction of the esophageal muscles is called ______ ______. #. If a food bolus does not ma$e it all the way to the stomach% _________ peristalsis forces the bolus the remainder of the way. &. 'eristaltic contractions of the stomach occur about _____ times per minute when food ma$es it into the body ( fundus. ). The fre*uency of peristaltic contractions is regulated by ________ cells. +. Gastric emptying would be slowed by which of the following, a. Fats in the duodenum b. -cids in the duodenum c. .ypertonic solutions in the duodenum d. /istention of the duodenum e. -ll of the above 10. ______ regulate gastric 1uice secretion during the cephalic phase. 11. 23ow would be a great time to fill in the interactive table on page & of the 4otility topic. 12. The cephalic phase of digestion is regulated by short refle5es a. True b. False.

13. The _______ nerve carries electrical signals from the brain to the stomach. 1!. The hormone ______ regulates gastric secretion during the gastric phase of digestion. 1". Gastric motility ________ as the stomach begins to receive food. 1#. The hormone ______ released by the duodenum cause gastric motility to decrease when fats are present in the duodenum. 1&. The hormone _______ causes the gall bladder to contract and release bile into the small intestine. 1). The ________ refle5 describes the communication between the intestine and the stomach. 1+. ympathetic nervous system stimulation ________ digestive system activity. 20. The motility process illustrated below is _________.

21. egmentation moves chyme in only one direction. a. True b. False 22. The fre*uency of segmentation contractions is greatest in the _____. 23. _____ refle5es stimulate the ileum to increase activity when food is in the stomach. 2!. The hormone _________ causes the ileocecal sphincter to rela5 during the gastric phase. 2". /uring the inter6digestive period% _______ _______ _______ occur about once every +0 minutes to move undigested materials toward the terminal ileum. 2#. 4igrating motility comple5es are controlled by the central nervous system a. True b. False

2&. 7ist the two ma1or functions of the large intestine. a. _______________________ b. _______________________ 2). 'oc$ets formed by the contractions of the transverse and descending colon musculature are called ___________. 2+. ustained% intense propulsive peristaltic contractions of the large intestine are called __________ ___________. 30. 8hich of the following is under voluntary control9 a. Internal anal sphincter b. :5ternal anal sphincter 31. ;nly about _______ ml of the "00 ml of chyme that entered the colon is voided as feces. 32. 'lace the following labels on the large intestine figure below, Cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, haustra, appendix

33. The ________ refle5 stimulates mass movements of the colon. 3!. 7ist three emotions that may produce constipation a. ______ b. ______ c. ______. 3". The vomiting refle5 is coordinated in the _________. 3#. 8hich of the following is not typically a stimulus for the vomiting refle59 a. 3o5ious chemicals b. -bnormal vestibular stimulation c. d. udden in1ury to the testes leep

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